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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 2, 2024 4:05am-4:58am MSK

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you'll have to cover the trenches with bars like this in order to somehow protect yourself from discharges, because the copters are constantly cruising, they'll put something on top of their heads to send, those conversations on the way, a series of instructions , live like this, here is the shirnov forest, this is the only place, where a thermal imager can see us, in principle there is comparative safety, so what to do. that is, we again put our hands on you and run, well, now we’ll get to the dash, they ran on me, then avoid all sorts of unforeseen situations, we’ll do this very quickly, camera turn off, of course, of course, the turned on camera, especially in night mode , leaves behind a huge thermal trail, literally a beacon for an enemy with a thermal imager, but it’s still possible to film part of the path and get to the point, where here, here... we got there, yes
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, got there, industrial zone, yeah, veteran stormtroopers are holding the industrial zone together with soldiers from the ministry of defense, a number of more volunteers who recently signed a contract with the armed forces are coming to strengthen their positions, a fighter with the call sign aza arrived a few hours ago with the training ground where he was trained, he is now getting accustomed to the front line, well, here they say the war of the future, like damn, it’s mostly drones, drones, drones, they are afraid of them, these are the arrivals and these are the shellings, the war of the future is changing. approaches to the construction of fortifications, dugouts, as they say, in three rolls, are no longer enough, for protection they use all available means, this is the only way to escape from kamikaze drones, piercing everything around , there are bags of earth everywhere, that is, it breaks through the bags, breaks through the rubber, only then here flies in a box, there are stones in the box, i realized, uh-huh, the logs are this thick, everything, that is, goes there, that’s how it turns out, everything was torn out, the armor was pierced, that is, it would gouge it, if...
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most likely it’s 200. hulk, the commander of the machine gun crew means that he could have died, the two hundredth are killed, this has never happened before, it would have flown in, but that’s all, recently he himself was the three hundredth, that is , wounded, he was lying with a severe concussion, a tank shell exploded nearby. we held out for 2 days, probably more than 50 komikazes flew in, a tank fired at us, polka shot, then rp, in that last position it worked. we got a tank, and i just flew away from the wave , i don’t remember anything special, it was when the veterans , together with a united group of troops of the first army corps, stormed the industrial zone, at dawn we finally have a chance to look at it, one of the most difficult areas for passage, as you called it, the path of death, birds can already see you here, the mortar is working here, everything is working here, there are sawmills, yes, there are sawmills, over there, for the armed forces of ukraine the whole industrial zone is like in the palm of your hand, so let's move it.
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almost point-blank, they could no longer direct their artillery, it would hit them, they tried to compensate with copters, the guys took cover behind the collapsed ones, grenades were dropped on me, for example, these birds, that is, i turned the corner, in short, it explodes and doesn’t hurt me, that is, there are a lot of places where horror is straight, if you heard something flying, you can somewhere behind the bricks, attack aircraft together with tankers methodically cleared everything fortified, in the end the enemy defending industrial zone with a whole company, lost about seventy militants, another... a little more than thirty left their positions, the nearest houses retreated into the forest belts, and from there they are knocked out, now the front is leveling out, the boys are moving forward little by little, now everything is gradually leveling out, one might say it begins, that is, you continue press, of course, constantly 24x7 we press, we press , we press, we win, our guys are constantly being planted by the enemy ags, this is a small easel grenade launcher, now... positions will be
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worked out from ttur, that is, anti-tank guided missiles, ags in one of the buildings is located, everything has been restored. let's work , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, down, down, well done, it's burning, so the comedian comes into the traffic jam, let's go inside , the comedian comes in, disguised, everything goes away, let's go down, when they report that the sky is clear again, let's get to work our ags crew is already switched on, targeting new positions of the armed forces of ukraine, even further from the industrial zone. now we will work, pour it. all veterans have a chevron on their shoulder, which is impossible not to pay attention to. pictured there? our leader, the president of the russian federation, is, as it were, our greatness for him, let's go. here, vladimir vladimirovich,
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i’m constantly on the screen. the veterans now say this, there, we are russia, putin is strength, that’s how it is, re-assault, yes, the guys there are shouting, this is our motto, there, yes, it’s veteran. now the industrial zone is completely under control.
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terrain, heights, enemy positions, naturally, the enemy was prepared not for one year, but for 10 years, that is, this was very serious work. and also about the combat work of our defenders in the northern military district zone. russian military assaults took
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militant strongholds near the village of priyutnoye. an example of the coordinated work of all departments. the task was carried out by soldiers in infantry fighting vehicles, reinforced by a tank platoon. they were covered from the air by drones. the enemy's position had previously worked out. artillery and daily report from the ministry of defense, the russian army has improved the situation in the red-reman direction. almost two dozen attacks were repelled along the entire front line. the total enemy losses were more than 700 militants. ukrainian formations lost a significant amount of equipment, including american m-777 howitzers and polish krap self-propelled guns. the radar station of the norwegian anti-aircraft missile system has been disabled. the investigative committee today reported important details of the case of the ukrainian terrorist attack against us. an il-76 transport aircraft, which was carrying ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange and was shot down over the belgorod region. as vladimir putin said the day before, the plane was hit by two missiles from the american patriot air defense system. the well-known point from which the village of leptsy was hit in the kharkov region. in addition, the
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investigative committee reported the identification of all dead. let me remind you that in addition to 65 ukrainians, there were six crew members and three russian military police officers on board. ours has already responded to this news. foreign ministry and state duma. anton vernitsky will tell you more. this is one of 116 fragments of american -made missiles discovered by specialists of the investigative committee at the crash site of an il-76 transport transporting ukrainian prisoners of war for subsequent exchange. the fire on the plane, as the president had said the day before, came from an american patriot anti-aircraft missile system. by according to the conclusion of the examinations carried out during the investigation, the fragments seized from the scene of the incident, according to their constructive nature. features, geometric characteristics and available markings, are elements of the design of an anti-aircraft guided missile (miim104a) of the us patriot complex, developed by the reiteon and huuse corporations, and manufactured in
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reition. on its official website , the investigative committee published data on well-preserved markings applied to the rocket parts. there are even dates: 83. here, of course, one can argue that by transferring old missiles to ukraine, the americans are thus disposing of them, allowing their military industry to earn money by producing new ones, in the end. a heavy transport ship with a previously known route task - transporting prisoners is not such a difficult goal, even for old ammunition. the point is different. it turns out that the us authorities, hiding behind words about protecting ukraine and diligently prolonging military operations, are killing ukrainians. what maria zakharova reminded the americans today. us citizens should know where their money is going. biden and his team made americans complicit in a bloody tragedy. that is why the state duma intends to appeal to the us congress.
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prisoners of war, a humanitarian action, the crew of the attack, the delivery ship was carrying out this task, it was shot down, the leadership of ukraine must bear responsibility, as far as it is concerned. congress and those who are members of it, they must know who they are supplying weapons to, but ukrainian intelligence representatives continue to pretend that there might not have been any ukrainians on the downed plane. what there were our prisoners there - this is a statement from russia, so far we can only analyze from their words, while there is no readiness to transfer bodies from the other side, nevertheless, such work continues on our side. if the worst is confirmed, we will do everything possible to take our defenders, with a score or score. in
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the main intelligence department of ukraine, of course, they know that our special services take not only fingerprints from all ukrainian military personnel who are captured, but if they forgot, the investigative committee again recalled this in his official message. when working with detained ukrainian military personnel, the investigation must take biological material to establish a genetic profile. thus... even without a genetic examination, fragments of bodies found at the crash site are also indicated. for ethical reasons, we cannot show everything, but this can be seen from the characteristic tattoos, the same ones that the nationalists from the azov battle, banned in russia , had captivity in mariupol in may 2022, while ukraine continues to argue that...
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what kind of paper the collective west is demanding is not entirely clear, but once again vladimir putin directly stated the day before that russia insists on conducting an international investigation. anton vernitsky, khristina ivanova, alexey simonov, channel one. today, vladimir putin again came to the russian exhibition at vdnkh, where the achievements of our great country are presented. and it’s just about how to go towards the goal and achieve it. the head of state spoke with participants in the congress of the first movement in the seventy-fifth pavilion,
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thousands of children and teenagers from all regions gathered there. report by anastasia kobozeva. all regions are good, but dagestan is dearer to the soul, aldugalar in tatar means the first. the roll call of regions at vdnh, 89 delegations in total, that is, the movement of the former today covers the entire country. go russia. forward russia, forward, russia, forward, russia, for the first movement, a little over a year ago, it’s time to sum up the first results and make plans for the future, for this purpose they convened a congress. 3,000 people came to the capital, this is only a small part there are almost 5 million movement activists throughout the country. there is a huge army of volunteers, they collect books for the same schoolchildren and send them to our new regions, weave camouflage nets, and write letters to soldiers at the front. “we thank you for your courage, your courage for your courage, take care
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of yourself, return to your loved ones as soon as possible, every such letter definitely reaches the addressee, this is an unusual format of communication in our time, but it really is every word it resonates in the heart , the internal state has a very good effect. the president today thanked activists for their support of the special operation participants and residents of new regions.
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country over the past few years , over the past 10-15-20 years there, we have something to be proud of, but what’s interesting is that what is presented here was once someone’s dream, you know, i remember, postcards, the beginning of the last century in the far east, in vladivostok, there is a picture of a bridge that people dreamed of... they read that it would exist someday, and this was at the very beginning of the last century, today there is this bridge, we it was built, and another one, even larger than the one people dreamed of, and many more achievements that they could not even dream of at one time. i am sure that if you feel confident in purposefully
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moving towards your goal, realizing your dream, we will succeed. even more. activists of the first movement are always on the move. here they are, in their free time from classes, tidying up the monuments. the project was called "keepers of time". and these are already young people, that is, young naturalists. the movement unites 120,000 schoolchildren across throughout the country, from 6 to 17 years old. camilla held a school cleanliness cup at home in kazan with like-minded people. now the eco-project wants to be launched in other regions of the country. and she has every chance. the movement of the first supports the guys with grants. "we live in this country , it is important to take care of it, this shows love for our homeland. by the way, the initiators of the creation of the movement were the children themselves. in 2022 , a schoolgirl from sevastopol approached the president with a proposal. vladimir putin supported the idea; everything turned out as planned . the goal of this large-scale organization is to unite children across the country, create conditions for their self-realization, and make sure that children are not
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afraid to realize their wildest dreams. and , of course, it is very important for children to feel. you know, your mentors, your parents , they are always with you, they have always been and will always be with you, and i really want to say words of gratitude to them, but it will be better, so i just thought, it will be better if you and i do this right here, now together, let's do the count of three, inhale. thank you, one, two, three, thank you, i wish them good luck, this is how the second congress of the first movement ended, together with the president, the children sang the anthem. glory to the country, we follow you. hello,
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hello! kobuzeva, svetlana barkova, dmitry bedorev, alexander dudin, boris kamenov, channel one. vladimir putin had a big day at vdnkh today. there, at the russian exhibition, the head of state took a tour of the pavilions and examined the stand of the russian company vk, where children were waiting for the president, creating various projects on vkontakte sites. and today in the center the russian leader's attention was drawn to the sberbank exposition. vladimir putin visited several. i appreciated the development of technology and the bank itself, which was changing along with our huge country. all the details are in the report by konstantin panyushkin. rounding the fountain of friendship of peoples, the presidential motorcade arrives at pavilion number two. over its seventy-year history, it has never been called anything. the last name before the opening of the exhibition russia is public education, but now for several months it is the sberbank pavilion. hello, we really appreciate you
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we've been waiting, welcome. here vladimir putin joins a tour for young people. hello. the sber exhibition occupies over 2.0 m in ten halls, the first of which is historical. the biography of the bank has been written since 1841, as evidenced by the projection on the ceiling. i want to tell the guys that if somewhere they have to appeal with this figure, then they can safely use the verb that we took this figure out of thin air. actually, this is not a joke. sber believes that its history began when nicholas i ordered the opening of savings cash registers. a monument to nikolai cristofari, the owner of the first one, was even temporarily brought to the pavilion from st. petersburg. savings book in the history of the country, three coins in his hands and the wish will come true, here some visitors put forward the theory that the polished shoes are those who have everything above come true, comes in quality. here the tour
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continues with artificial intelligence created by sberbank. at his command , graphic images flash on the walls, and the platform under his feet begins to move. halfway through telling the berasoiti story it won't work. well this one the hall is furnished like the most modern office space. looks like an ordinary bank, vladimir putin himself drew attention to something that he had never seen in ordinary client offices. here the president was shown one of the smart devices created by sberbank engineers, this is a mini-camera for remote examination of children, ent doctors, ear, throat, nose, that is, this 8 megapixel camera allows you to see even the most minor changes in the nasopharynx, in the ear or in the nose. kandinsky works nearby, this is not a sberbank network at the request of clients from...
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another popular hall here is sber, which teaches children how to mine gold, an attraction called gold miners, here the guys are in the sand, take it, take it, well done, take it all, it’s all great, but at the next stop the guys shared their real dream with vladimir putin, the other day the head the state launched the construction of the nuclear icebreaker leningrad, schoolchildren want to be invited to launch the ship, and also get to know the crew. if such an idea is feasible, it would be very cool, let’s agree, thank you very much, the journey through the sber universe is completed, the aura is moving off, the next stop is vk, this is not only a social network for a long time, more than 25
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million children use the platform for studying , including young people next to vladimir putin, this young man, in particular, is also a winner of the olympiads, who conducts vk. i often hear that russian programmers are the best in the world and i want to become a part. and you, how long has it been, what time, how long? i have been participating in various olympiads for 4 years since i was in seventh grade, but still, first of all, vkontakte is known as the most a popular social network in russia, this is, next to vladimir putin, one of the most popular bloggers on the vk platform. does a young man make videos for his peers in which he talks about the pros and cons of different professions? and the last one was an auto mechanic, you told an interesting story about him, so for sure. many wanted articles, yeah, most of the views are about the teacher, so we probably have a lot of future admirers in our country,
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okay, thank you very much, compared to sberbank, the vk pavilion is very small, vladimir putin leaves an autograph, everything is very interesting, beautiful, and of course, a group photo as a keepsake, konstantin panyushkin, ulga merkulova, sofia yutsko, dmitry skvartsov, alexander kovalev, channel one, hundreds of guests from all over russia are received by tula, a forum has opened there, everything for victory. organized by the popular front, those gathered are united by a great common cause, helping our soldiers who are fighting on the front line. among the participants are employees of defense industry enterprises and state corporations, builders, doctors and volunteers. summarize what has already been done and discuss how to do more bigger and even better. and evgeniy lyamin hands over the chairs. works of turkish gunsmiths: pistols, shotguns, rifles. there is such a copy. in common parlance it’s a photo gun, but in reality it’s a photo reconnaissance device. 1945 it is in the tula museum of weapons that the everything for victory forum takes place. inventors, industrialists, doctors, volunteers came here from all over the country. more than 500 people, two doctors, one
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from ufa, the other from volgograd. we met a year ago in donetsk. alexander spiredonov went to donbass to help volunteers colleagues. alexander vorobyov, professor, works on exoskeletons. we have already talked about his developments about how they help the wounded return to normal life; exoskeletons are necessary for rehabilitation and help train weakened muscles. the person recovers faster. last year, the professor brought one of the developments from volgograd to donetsk. then they talked to doctors about how surgeons needed similar ones so that their hands would get less tired during hours-long operations, and they also made them for doctors. i brought a prototype to the forum. areal hand movement should not be constrained either. anatomical support on the back, and at the same time the back, which is loaded with outstretched arms, begins to rest during the operation. i feel a greater degree of freedom in terms of raised hands, if without an exoskeleton, a person holds his hands in this position for a long time, they begin to tremble, here on the forum we
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met natalya bogdanova, we’ve already talked about her... we’ve already talked about her before, as in our i couldn’t stay at home for 72 years; i went from my native khabarovsk to lugansk, where i helped in the hospital care for the wounded and with deeds, in a kind word , here to the forum, she says, she has already come from the donetsk people's republic, now she is helping doctors there in the hospital, i live the ordinary life of a normal russian person, i need help, i’m going to help, i need to rejoice, we rejoice together, well what is my job, to help the guys communicate. relieve stress, sometimes you just tell a story or an anecdote in a conversation , they come to life, on the forum they share their experiences, best practices, exchange contacts, they are discussing how and what else can be done to help the fighters on the front line, the forum is called the same as a portal where they raise funds for units in special operation zones, everything for victory. the main feature of the forum is, of course, the people, under the motto for victory through the popular front, 3 million people
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are constantly helping. regular assistance, these are the simplest people, i want to tell you, these are very often state employees, these are very often pensioners, teachers, doctors, people who often have this, well, if not their last money, then certainly athletes , artists, journalists don’t raise money in excess, thanks to everyone who cares, our fighters feel the support of the whole country and know that their rear is reliable, i have already completed the second training camp, i recently closed it, it’s gratifying that the amounts are growing, that is, last time - i think in a month we collected about 12.
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we arrived in lugansk and from there we went with the guys to the popasnaya, and they just literally took her, so to speak, and still there were arrivals and everything else was very, of course, very scary, these bulletproof vests and helmets were in general it seemed impossible to walk, we brought products, the first quadcopter, this was the first purchase of a quadcopter, it was just happiness for us, for everyone and... and the guys as well. now that quadcopters have become consumables at the front, they are sent in whole batches, assembled, purchased thanks to the caring residents of russia, and here the popular front, a portal for everything for victory, gives everyone the opportunity to bring victory closer. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kochurin, roman sidorov, ekaterina koryaka, nina khoreva, sergey nashchokin, channel one tula. now let's return to moscow to the russian exhibition, where the president worked today.
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the focus of creating a network is student-centered. world-class towns in our country. during a meeting on this issue, vladimir putin opened new university buildings in four regions at once. and more details about everything in the report by kirill branin. the president held a meeting on the development of campuses immediately after the meeting with participants in the first movement, with all still young people who will soon cross the threshold of higher and special educational institutions. and without any exaggeration, the future of the country depends on what kind of scientific environment they find themselves in there. and of course, we must now, today. working to provide them with broad, high-quality, new conditions for self-realization, for successful career and life growth, so that they become real professionals in their field and receive reliable, value-based, moral guidelines; this is, without any attraction, a strategic task , national level, therefore, together with regions, business
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we are implementing a whole series... the opening of new complexes is part of a large project; four opened their doors right during the meeting, and the famous capital baumanka is just an example of how a university with a long scientific history can be transformed. for several years, with the active participation of the moscow authorities , the construction of new buildings was underway, including a research center, and a palace of technology and an engineering complex, but they also did not forget about the student dormitory. the hostel we are in. sounds like a very utilitarian hostel, but look, this is a truly unique architectural structure that will decorate not only baumanka, but also the city as a whole. 60 thousand square meters, and by the end of the year it will also go into operation. we continue to build buildings, they will be commissioned this year, and by september 1, everyone will accept students, i wanted , together with the students, does not support my pro...
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with the rector , to invite you to baumanka on september 1, to together open these wonderful buildings that will a decoration for baumanka, and for moscow, and for the country. sergevich, thank you very much. we just talked with marazyanovich, of course, it’s very important to do this in moscow, but nevertheless you can do it too, don’t be greedy, there, i mean the adjacent territory, this is very important, because development requires for such large educational institutions, with deputy prime minister morat khusnulin, the president inspected the model of the future campus of the moscow state university of civil engineering; new buildings, sports facilities and dormitories will also appear here. if you look at what has already been built within project, it is obvious that no one was greedy here, this is what is called in stone, more precisely in glass and concrete, the educational center in kogolym is a branch of the perm polytechnic institute or a higher oil school, yes, now there is such a thing on the basis of
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the almetyevsk petroleum institute. the school is also open today. we are solving the task that you have set to ensure the technological sovereignty of our country together with the ministry of science and higher education of russia and...
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specialists in other areas, this is in demand, it is important, and we will certainly continue to do this at a good pace with high quality, it was just said here that the leadership of bashkiri sought to create a reference space for students, graduate students and teachers, this is the goal of creating modern campuses , to create reference ones.
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there is, but this is not the case in all regions, and they will need real help so that they even complete projects on time. as for assistance, this is not only the task of the state; business takes an active part, simply because this is beneficial, because the success of the companies in which graduates
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will come to work depends on the quality of education. and what we see, very interestingly, is that extra-budgetary funding has increased, but business simply, as we understand, will not invest money, if in the first wave of selection it was 90 billion, business is investing. now this is already 115 billion for projects of the second selection, together this entire project has mobilized investments totaling more than half a trillion, almost 510 billion rubles. such large-scale volumes, of course investments in science and education , there has never been such a thing in the entire history of our country within the framework of one program implemented on your instructions. money, of course, loves counting, especially in such large-scale projects; here the theme of a reference educational space sounds from a somewhat utilitarian side. we are with all our colleagues, with all the governors, despite there being federal money, which means either investor money, we look at the quality of technical specifications, find great opportunities for optimization, for example, someone wants to build an underground parking there, but we don’t need it
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underground parking on campuses , but it is very expensive, so we are also now reaching a certain standard, because then we will be able to build more and better facilities for the same money, the implementation of the project has already shown that the development of educational institutions... in advance when planning relevant projects, keep in mind that this would be very useful for the development of a higher educational institution, everything related to a higher educational institution and the functioning of a city settlement in this case, just in advance we need to think about this so that something doesn’t arise next to such a modern and promising space that will interfere with development; on the contrary, we need to... create conditions there for the development of both the city and the higher
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educational institution. at the same time, the president urged not to forget about such a phenomenon as student families. just during a recent trip to kaliningrad, students asked the head of state to help with the development of the family infrastructure of university campuses, so this will also be taken into account in the reconstruction projects, applications for which from more and more regions are coming. kirill brainin, ekaterina koryaka, pavel rudakov and alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. it's pre-election now. we carry out this work together with the public
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chambers of the constituent entities of the russian federation and , in addition, we always actively cooperate with everyone who is interested in ensuring compliance with legislation and the transparency of all these procedures. people who care about our future, who
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want to change something, who make proposals, yes, who are ready to participate in the implementation of these proposals in the future, and well, that means the future is ours and everything will work out. and more news from the presidential campaign: communist party candidate nikolai kharitonov and party leader gennady zyuganov today talked with svo participants and their loved ones. the meeting took place at the lenin state farm in the moscow region, an informal conversation over a cup. all the entire contingent of our troops, our defenders, and we believe and hope that our convoys that are leaving here, and more than 120 thousand tons were sent with cargo, the whole country is helping today, victory on all fronts is inevitable, that’s why today we are here, we are holding a meeting with participants in a special military operation, with parents, wives. the support of our defenders
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was discussed today in united russia, and the party summed up the implementation of the people's program over the past year. helping svo participants and their relatives is a significant area of ​​work. from the very first days of the special military operation, united russia provides assistance to its participants, family members, and members of the northern military district. last year we also took part in the supply of special equipment, drones,
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interaction between russia and kyrgyzstan from this is of particular importance for the defense of illegal sanctions of the collective west. meetings one after another, just ended with the kyrgyz colleague, in the next room everything was already ready for negotiations with the prime minister of kazakhstan. look how these same bilateral meetings look behind the scenes, only there are six delegations on each side at the table. man, but there are still bullets of journalists, assistants in the hall, as they say , there is nowhere for an apple to fall, everyone with cameras, notepads, pens from the minister of economic development reshetnikov, also a blue folder, you were an impressive daddy today, you were always marking something there, well, there are a lot of questions there, bilateral issues were identified that are relevant now, there is a set of, let’s say, closed issues that we are discussing, they
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relate primarily to customs issues administer, we see that the russian production of similar goods is becoming uncompetitive, because there are different approaches to customs administration among countries, and this issue will be hotly discussed tomorrow, one of such serious issues is logistics, transport corridors, and this is the regulation of e-commerce. at the meeting of the prime ministers of russia and kazakhstan, they, of course, also talked about the economy; after all, our country is one of the main trade and economic partners of the republic, but not only about it. russia has been and remains a key strategic partner and reliable friend for kazakhstan; bilateral relations are developing progressively based on principles. educational institutions of russia in kazakhstan, i want to thank you, alekhan askanovich, naturally, the leadership of kazakhstan, colleagues for your attentive attitude to the russian language, it is such an instrument
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of interethnic communication, it helps to strengthen contacts between our peoples. in almaat , the attitude towards russia and the russian language is clearly visible. kazakhstan is the leader in central asia in the number of russian schools, there are more than 3,500 of them, and the teaching of the russian language in kyrgyzstan is expanding in other eac countries. needless to say, at the government level, the prime ministers also communicate with each other in russian, in the same language; they will speak tomorrow, when they gather in full force. russia, belarus, armenia, kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan. anna kurbatova, alexey labushkin, guram razilov, vitaly blagov, olga gerosimenko, alexander gornostaev, channel one. they twisted arms, hit weak points, made threats, and as a result forced hungarian prime minister viktor orban to retreat from his position and vote for allocating another 50 billion euros to ukraine. it turns out that european officials don’t give a damn about the situation of the peoples of the eu countries,
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so fires burned in brussels, farmers went on strike and demanded an improvement in their situation, while the printing press was in full swing was already working to send to... ivan the good saw how the fires flared up around the building of the european parliament, where the european bureaucrats showed their attitude towards their own citizens, burn it with fire. this is definitely brussels, belgium, not ukraine, is this the beautiful garden of europe by josep barrel? use your vote, says an advertisement outside the european parliament. it seems that the farmers voted, the protesters began to burn tires.
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european commission in a document drawn up by eu officials, seen by the financial times, brussels laid out a strategy clearly targeting hungary's economic weaknesses, aiming to jeopardize the country's currency and cause a collapse in investor confidence in an attempt to damage jobs and economic growth if budapest refuses to lift its veto on aid to kiev. orban said he has no doubts about the reality of the plan; he believes that then armageddon would have come to his country, according to german media. hungary today was filmed during breakfast on the eleventh floor of the european council building, a meeting attended by the german chancellor and the french president lasted only 15 minutes. even
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before noon, the head of the european council, charles michel , notified the world via social networks: “we have a deal,” #unity. speaking for such unity, the president of lithuania, russophobe nausėda , unexpectedly spoke in russian. this is our last and decisive battle. a line from the international. well, old school, the current president of lithuania, a former member of the cpsu. however, he bashfully kept silent about this fact when he submitted documents to participate in the elections, and then they surfaced. in the morning, the usually talkative, stone-faced viktor orban walked past the television cameras. he decided not to communicate with journalists, but earlier he spoke with the protesting farmers and posted a video with these words. we can talk a lot about migration, war, ukraine, and anything else, but no one hears the voices of ordinary people on the streets. this is a real democratic deficit. there are european elections due in june, we need a new one.
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able to exist without money from western sponsors. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, evgenia stefanchuk, artyom pekhterev, sergey vaskoboynikov, channel one. today is exactly 15 years since patriarch kirill of moscow in serussia became the primate of the russian orthodox church. vladimir putin congratulated him on the anniversary of his eternalization. the president thanked the patriarch for his many years of work for the benefit of the people of the country. good afternoon. greetings . i cordially and...
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church-state relations, thanks to a very high level of which it was possible to achieve something that in the past was even impossible to imagine, this is the opening of new dioceses, churches, monasteries, but most of all...
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maintaining faith in god in trials of people. he told me this thing: remember, never be afraid of anything in life, fear only god.
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this was said by a man who went through 40. nine prisons, went through a circuit, and how strongly it sounded from his lips, in the fall of 1993, then metropolitan kirill became a negotiator during the bloody events around the white house, and stands, i don’t remember, a lieutenant or a police captain, he says: where are you going, father? i say, i’m there, he says, don’t do this, look at the snipers on the roofs, and no one knows what kind of snipers they are, but maybe someone will kill you i really need it now... i realized that i have to go, because the church gave me obedience, to see, to meet, to talk. archival video from the mid-nineties, smolensk. a group of drug addicts definitely decided to commit violence, the priest seems to them an easy victim, they managed to avoid this by force of persuasion, sold out to the soviet government, made a career for themselves, but i’m a fool.


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