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tv   Pole chudes  1TV  February 2, 2024 7:45pm-9:01pm MSK

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now, like a magician, he swipes his hand and opens magnetic locks at home at work, wants to convert his old car to not only start the engine without a key, but also open and close all doors, and also use a hand with a chip instead of the usual bank card. at first it was scary, well, honestly, that is, you think, damn , i’m about to inject myself with something and so on, but i looked at how it looks, how it happens, plus i had a little experience in my youth of studying at a medical college, yes i was ... understanding, how to do all this with your hand, according to the general rules of hygiene. the microchip is smaller than a grain of rice and is inserted into a fold of skin between the thumb and index finger using a special needle. the time is not far off when, with a wave of one hand , not only the doors to smart homes and cars will open, but also many everyday problems will be solved. if you look around, we are fully connected with every inhabitant of the planet who has access to the network, with everyone simply. if we hold
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the device in our hands. it turns out that the writers' ideas science fiction stories about the appearance of cyborgs are quite realistic. yes, for now, technologies for implanting electronics into our bodies are used to restore lost functions, exclusively for medical reasons, but their list and scope of application will certainly become much larger. these technologies will not allow a person there, who, let’s say, is completely paralyzed, to find himself in a world where he has everything. controls where he retains consciousness, where he - can also walk, communicate, do what he is used to, but it will no longer be a dream, where are you you don’t remember or understand anything. perhaps very little time will pass and completely healthy people will begin to implant electronic devices into themselves in order to have night vision or excellent memory of 1.00 tb. the main thing is that at the same time they still remain human and do not become soulless machines.
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remember the film formula of love and leonid bronevoy in the role of a skeptical doctor, my patients swallowed spoons many times, i won’t hide it, but to have a sharp object like this at dinner is wonderful, for this we express our sincere heartfelt gratitude to you, i can’t condemn, but trepanation of the skull, i personally was also impressed, this is certainly not a fork dessert zhivat, nevertheless, i would like to give our viewers one piece of advice: be a little careful, you never know , the heart is beating, the lung is breathing, and the head of matter is dark, is not subject to examination, this is also from the formula of love, the man of law was on the air, in the studio alexey pimanov, we will see you as usual on channel one on friday in the same studio.
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the girl grew up, the beauty grew up, with her mother and father, and sympathy. intimate and romantic, whoever gets it, but no one, pretty and romantic, who gets it, but no one, and ears in pairs, and geese parmi, and i’m walking alone along the bank, i want love so much, i want my heart, but i can’t love someone, i want love so much. i want
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for my heart, but i can’t love someone, my heart is beating , i can’t breathe, my dear one is laughing, i can’t decide , my little eyes, my eyes, there is nothing to blink, i have to choose with my heart, my heart is beating, i can’t breathe, my dear one is laughing, i can’t decide, my caresses, saska shouldn’t blink, i need my heart to choose, i like kolya and i like misha , and sasha was shooting with his eyes yesterday, well , how can you choose, a boy, you can choose, when ivan hit on me, well, how can you choose, a boy, you choose, when ivan hit on me, in short, girls, in short. dear, i
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need to choose my friend, but i’m cheerful, i’m wayward, i want to love while i’m young. and i ’m cheerful, i’m wayward, i want to love while i ’m young, my heart is beating, i can’t breathe, my dear one is laughing, i can’t decide, my little eyes are little eyes, there’s no need to blink, i need my heart choose, my heart is beating , i can’t breathe, my dear one is laughing, i can’t decide, my sweet eyes, there’s no need to blink, i have to choose with my heart,
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good evening, hello, dear ladies and gentlemen, friday on the air of the capital show field of miracles. thank you, we’ll talk about the song today,
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here’s the task for the first round: as they used to call the chorus in the russian north, chistushka. 600 points on the reel, open the letter a, you 're done, what? i graduated from kabarnobalkar state university with a degree in law, and you work and work, i have the most a wonderful profession, i’m a mother, oh , how long has it been for a person, a year, two, a person, three people, three people, yes, oh, listen, all your points are multiplied by two, letter k, open, leonid arkadyevich, i came with musical greetings, of course, will be performed by my daughter, lana kanukoeva.
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what is such a noble man doing in the city of samara? leonit arkadyevich, i’m a family man, three children, is that all? no, nice job, the wife is here in the hall, svetlana, here, this is the wife. come on,
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this is from him and me, sector plus on drum, you can open any letter in this word, which, of course, is the first one, open the first one. not only my wife came with me, but also my dear daughter, she works in a wonderful creative group, they came to you with a creative gift, let the children's theater sparkle the stage, please.
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thousand points on the reel, letter p, open the letter p, come here, stand up, what's your name? zlata andreevna. it’s very nice, leonid arkadech, tell me, zlata andreevna, who’s
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standing next to you, my dad, tell me about dad, we only know little bits about him , he said something, i didn’t understand anything, dad works, you ask him, how long have you seen him, no, but did he ever say anything, where he works, yes, well, dad during the day? works, yes, that is, he comes home at night, no, how many brothers and sisters do you have, me and two brothers, yeah, strange, yes, what, but a gift to the studio, gifts to the studio, leonida arkadyevich.
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how many times have i been, beauty, i’ve never seen you, hello, you live in the city, yes, in the center, right next to the airborne school, excuse me, are you probably already retired or still working? based on my age, it seems like i ’m being paid veteran’s benefits, but i acquired new professions as a florist, photographer, and printer , in order to understand who i am, where i am, who i’m with, i ’d really like for them to bring gifts to the studio, 1986, when i was
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when the komsomol invited me, they said, in 2 days you are going to head... the young paratrooper camp, that is, i headed the young paratrooper camp for 25 years, so i got applause, i jumped from baskets, i jumped from a tower , there was one jump, that’s because i had to show an example to 120 boys, you jumped with a parachute, once, they didn’t even push me out with a kick, i walked on my own, beautifully, the whole company of 120 boys, led by... with nine officers, cadets met me, that means, here’s a glass with the image, no one except us, this is a young paratrooper, then, a vest, but definitely, i ’m sure that it will come in handy during the summer season on the beach or somewhere when you put it on, when you remember that the hope of izazani
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gave you a vest, tube warmed it up, ate it, it was edible, and of all of what you said, the most sacred thing is this. we must live, taking advantage of the opportunity , since you started talking about it, today in our studio we have guys who returned from the front, from us, from everyone who is sitting in the studio, from our tv viewers, gifts to the studio as souvenirs.
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you know that, despite all the prohibitions, there is no other reason to bring glasses to the studio. for those who are here for those who are there, you know, fate knows what it is doing, the plus sector on the reel, you can open any letter in this word, which one, the second one, open the second letter, 550
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points, letter u. yes , well, excuse me, we were interrupted, but can i, the child, go to the studio, so she was, yes, but she ran away, okay, but i wanted to say that you have already listened to the musical hello, now i also have a question for you there is, what do you think a man’s head is for, a completely meaningless part. body, head for a man in order to wear a papakha on it, so to the studio, popakha, papakha burka, and more candies, candies for the audience, that’s it, you are beautiful, a real caucasian man, a caucasian man, if i’m a man,
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you are a woman, that’s right, you should be silent. okay, now i want to know how you will do this, 800 points, letter, letter , you can’t, be silent, yes, just like that, i put the stick down, you’re a taxi driver, put the stick in the middle of it, in the middle, well, open the letter n, this is a well-known word, 450 points, letter, letter. uh, short, short, where can i get it, lord, where can i stick it in, my fathers, where can i put it in, isn’t there one like that?
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the first three players entered the studio, and those who played did not make it to the finals, these mugs, which no one else has, my beloved mothers, i say hello to you and convey my mood to you, i say greetings to my sons, amin, adam, and also greetings to mine. i remembered my wife artur khuseinovich kanukoev. i am incredibly happy to be on this wonderful program, i am very glad that i reached the finals, thank you very much to everyone who believed in me, thank you to this wonderful program for existing. hooray! imdolf on air capital show field cheles, second three. maksuda khamraeva, kyrgyz republic, city of uzgen, bakhtiyar ismailov, republic dagestan, derbent, elizaveta sergeevna zubko,
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moscow city, let's start blooming for the girls, thank you, thank you, here is the task. for the second round , as at the beginning of the last century in the vyadsk province they called the very beginning of the song, 500 points on the drum, the letter e, you have to start with a man, come on my dear, dagestan, derbent, dagestan, derbent, i work as a locomotive deppond, a locomotive driver for passenger traffic , came with me to... to perform a musical song, call, call,
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i was born on earth, happiness and warmth, i was born into a home. the edge where there is a rumor that the people are rich in soul, courage, sons, wherever i go, i remember one thing, dagestan, dagestan, i am proud of you, dagestan, dagestan, my dear land, glory and prosper, mountainous country, you were born for love, friendship and goodness. from turpentine to kezlyar you are bound by friendship, you are the strongest fifth region in russia, rosa praised you in
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songs and poems, words live on you dagestan, centuries dagestan, dagestan, i am proud with you, dagestan, dagestan, my dear land, glory and glory . china is a mountainous country, you were born for love, friendship and kindness, dagestan, dagestan, i i am proud of you, dagestan, dagestan , my dear land, glory and prosper, mountainous country, you were born for love, friendship and goodness, glory and prosperity, mountainous country, you were born for love, friendship and goodness.
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what else am i, either a brotherhood of stern men, revolutionaries based on love and devotion to whom my soul could finally rest, or i’m looking for a religious sect that preaches love, the love of people for each other, at all costs, love. eddie loved himself very much, it was even sometimes simply charming, because he crossed all sorts of boundaries. i have more a broad outlook than any soviet writer, and this made me wiser and more, for example, a patriot of my own country , as a writer, he is a writer of his own beloved, your autobiographical things, what is the percentage of fact and what is the percentage of literary fiction, everything is true and pulled it out at the same time. limonov is bored walking with everyone else.
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a little bit of lemons, boy, on the contrary. matador, eduard savenko in search of love. today is the first one. this is a fur coat with the eco prefix, but is it so warm, comfortable and durable. fur is two materials at once. so it's essentially plastic? yes, it’s a polymer of plastic that is coated with something called acrylic, which creates a shine. and all the northern frosts that... may be in russia, they withstand absolutely perfectly, we are the only manufacturers of figure skates for mass skating, buds, trekking boots for the ministry of emergency situations, we show people that things can be of high quality, durable, beautiful and it costs the right amount of money, you export shoes abroad, the cis, asia, a little europe, i went straight to home with the first soap, the first soap, and it wasn’t a problem to come home in general in a suit to mix it up, what
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was the next product? with pickled cucumber, i really liked it, your task is to undress and have fun, catch, catch, catch, op, op, op, there it is, this is the fish of my dreams, i want to find local grandmothers and see what they sell from their products on market, cranberry, blueberry, you immediately feel that wild berries, cabbage are simply gorgeous, try it, timochka, darling, try it, timochka , try it, there will be quail, potatoes, pearl barley, the guys in the city here have great goat cheese, i’ll fill it with cream,
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bake beets and... i’ll make some cool sauce from local berries, so what? , we start cooking, the premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday on the first, this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for two months, and the remaining 10, well, very cold, we’re in norilsk, friends, we see such a beautiful beautiful new sword, what the temperature of this whole mass, 1,200°, how can the guys withstand it? temperature strength of spirit of a real metallug, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let 's make an iron man, if this iron man is tired after his shift, hasn't washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh my god, cut it , you throw salt and pepper in there and start shaking it like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina storganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing there, i’m cold, it’s worth starting, get used to being liked
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right away, you’re great, let me... shake your hand, warm, imagine, it’s still warm, life of our own, premiere, on sunday on the first, sector prize, continue the game, yes, 2.0 points, letter, letter i, beauty , get lost, ah, elizaveta sergeevna, tellingly, i always dreamed of spinning the drum, here with you. to look at everyone, to show myself, to come, i represent moscow, but i myself came from kuban, the breadbasket of our russia, a cossack, a cossack, i have cossack roots, well , naturally, to visit not empty-handed, but i want you to choose which gift will be the first for you, i have gifts for you, respectively, gift, surprise, surprise, my precious one came with me.
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together we will begin to dance to the accordion, chipped heels will fly off, even old people will become young, i will leave my little caps in the dance, even old people will become young. i’ll dance my heels, oh, sing more cheerfully, don’t be sorry for the universe , rock out to the accordion, never lose heart, don’t spare your legs , we’ll start dancing, and let our worries fly away from
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us, we’ll walk until the morning, we have no time to sleep, but the drag with sadness can wait, but we walk in the morning, we have no time to sleep, with sadness they can wait, this is a sea of ​​​​more fun, and don’t feel sorry for the herrings, light up to the accordion, never be discouraged, oh hoy, more fun, and don’t feel sorry for the herring, light up to the accordion, never be discouraged, the song will flow like a wide river, so that everyone’s heart will shine, socks will fly away , people and accordionists will leave. plays, and the soul sings, the legs will fly away, the people will leave, the gormanist plays, and the soul sings, oh, my merrier , don’t be sorry for the interyon, rock to the accordion,
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never die. with us today there is no need for you to be sad, we will give you all the mood, if anyone wants, they can keep up so that they can remember the words. we will repeat, if anyone wants , can keep up, so that they can remember the words, we will repeat, oh my more fun , don’t feel sorry for the merry, light up to the accordion, never be discouraged, my more fun and don’t be sorry for the green,
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light up to the accordion, never... lose heart , sing more cheerfully, everyone, don’t feel sorry for the green ones, live to the accordion, never lose heart, rock to the feeder, never lose heart, thank you, thank you very much, tell your soul, act like at home things are going well, oh, it’s good at home, my beloved family , mommy, daddy, hello everyone, brother, my beloved, sister, grandmother, big, big hello to everyone, i love you very much, i miss you and want to come to your home soon, gifts for the studio, 450 points, the letter is a, open, the beginning
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of the song, this is how you start the song, where the song begins, i take a breath, start singing, quietly, calmly, 600 points, the letter, let it be the letter d, open, and what am i saying , where does the song begin, i can’t, i’m nervous, where are you going, arkadvich, wait, come on, come on, the letter z... open, three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes for the studio, so
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that means in one box there is hello and hello, in the other there is a material box, yes a material one, this can be opened, yes we open it . i'll take it, yes, thank you, 450 points, look carefully at the scoreboard, letter p, open. yes, 350 points, the letter o , what is it, gifts to the studio, uzgen, this is the ozh region, and ozh, i was there, yes, yes, we still invite you, leonita arkadyevich, a sweet bouquet, yes, this is the author of this bouquets in our hall, my friend, she grows it herself, she has apples in her garden and... makes such sweet bouquets, raisa begisheva is ours, she
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’s sitting in the hall, the plus sector on the drum, which letter should you open, the fifth, open the fifth letter, well this is the beginning of the song, 800 points, letter letter v, open it, i’ll say hello in... you know, well, my derbensky, yes, well, say,
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salaam alaikum, family, friends, i greet everyone, in russian, i became understand the language, it’s so simple, it turns out, 400 points on the reel, letter n, n, open, i’ll ask for gifts to the studio, 850 points, letter, the letter k, well, soul. today they came to support me in the studio, and these are my loved ones, the bychenny family, alexey and galina, here they are, wave your hand to me, and my young man, andrey, with my close friend tamara, a big hello to you all, this is your young man man, yes, something is unnoticed, well, go. where did you go empty-handed, well, go,
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where did you go empty-handed, thank you very much, oh-oh-oh-oh, when is the wedding, no, when is the wedding, when is the wedding? i'll tell you when the wedding is? well, apparently, after this transfers are a must. and we are all witnesses. 100 points on the reel. letter. letter i. well, open up, i don’t know that you’re all standing there. here are two letters that sound like melodiousness , a thousand points on the drum. letter. letter c. open. and now pay close attention to
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the scoreboard. the word is good, sing-song. with an ear for music, man. she is the letter sh. open it. and before us is the second finalist of the capital show, pole cheles. three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes. two boxes for the studio! that since i was going through an hour of depression, i’ll lie down right here with you, then i’ll lie down next to you, so which box do you choose, this is the box i choose, you guessed it, from the first channel, from our program from the tv company flying, gifts from the second three players to the studio!
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i like it so much, it’s so friendly, so bright, i also kissed lenid arkativich, that’s it, one might say, life is good, thank you very much to everyone for supporting me, i’m very pleased, we’ll continue to play, i hope to win, and i’m on the air in the capital show field miracles, third three, igor egorevich zharkov, yekaterinburg, winner of the television quiz and nadezhda mikhailovna kharkovskaya. the city of donetsk , yes, donetsk, hello, igor, igorevich, begin, according to the good old tradition, i propose to give the ladies flowers, oh please, here’s the task, let’s go to the third round, as in the last century in
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siberia they called the wedding party, 300. 50 points, letter, well, i’ll probably start with a, open it, tell me, i came to you from the city of yekaterinburg, and i would like to ask you to bring the gifts to the studio, i would like you to wait a little, because in general its progress , but i guessed the letter, so i don’t care , he doesn’t care, a man does what he wants, i agree, that means you’re from khimki, yes, from khimki, we live in khimki, but i wanted to, we live - that’s who it is, me, husband, children, husband, children , what are you talking about, she has a husband,
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children, and you grab, you understand, it is unknown what, where the husband is, the husband is getting ready, we are today. with gifts, with creative ones with pies, so i want to give you everything, come on, i work in a kindergarten, so as a friendly team we made a wall newspaper for you, baked pies all night, larisa alexandrovna, thank you, bring it, gifts to the studio, yes, you can try to treat the audience, mom, dad,
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well, are you from yekaterinburg? yes, i came godfather from the city of yekaterinburg. yes. i would like to ask you to bring the gifts to the studio. i would also like to tell you that i work at the trolleybus depot, and there is also a small gift from him. this is a book of poems from drivers, conductors and mechanics. the report is finished. who do you work with? who are you? i am a rolling stock mechanic, i repair trolleybuses. you have a wife. four children, yes, i have a wife, she came with me, she is sitting in the hall today, i want to look at her, you are the wife, decide to give her flowers, give her, thank you, you can take the flowers , ask your wife, you can take the flowers, he
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asks her, a normal guy, can you take them does anyone have flowers, here they give them? gifts to the studio, prize sector on the drum, prize, sure, yes, exactly, exactly, prize to the studio. the republic is one of the smallest regions of russia, only half a million people live in it, but despite this, it is a republic with a huge heart. moscow is the capital of russia is famous for its astansovskaya
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tower. we also have the ancient city of yelets, hospitable zadonsk, and in general a lot of tasty things. friends, if you have not been to the baltic sea, correct that immediately. the kaliningrad region is the amber pearl of our country. in general, we have a wonderful country, which i am proud of, proud that i grew up in it, was born and live in it. be always as beautiful, multifaceted and majestic. thank you! easternmost point.
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i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, you have little pity, you don’t care about your father you won’t return it, game, let’s do it, training
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four times a week, three running, one fire, then i’m in, i mean, well, let’s kill him together, fakes, a thriller built on the collision of two realities, two people, there are crimes and love, and most importantly ethnography, which of them is still a hero, a boy or an adult, is also a big one? and the ritual story could happen to anyone, tomorrow at the initiation that is happening there, this first one, three things to try in bed, we are talking about sleep, lower back pain sex, the program to live healthy, enlightens, in monday, on the first. a prize , because this is a great memory that will last a lifetime, you are sure that this is a memory, well, even if
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it is an onion, your wife will cook it and it will also be a memory of a delicious dinner, yes, your wife knows how to cook onions, yes, she is your needlewoman, yes , what else can she do? she works as a teacher at a college named after kurochkin, she knows how to teach, no, it can just be awkward. i need you to remain in a good mood, you will be in a good mood, of course, no complaints, no, exactly, exactly, and you, that means, assistant of what , i’m a mechanic of a rolling stock, and yes, yes, but i’m not even talking about the fact that you took a bouquet for your wife somewhere, yes, maybe you know what, let me give you 10,000 rubles. and you buy her something good, but no, the prize will surprise her more than 10,000 rubles.
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and what will surprise her, i assure you, you have been living together for a long time, a year, a year, yes, oh, it’s a pity, well, okay, let me give you 20,000, i don’t bargain, i want what’s best, i choose the prize, 30,000, you want , 30, take a look? prize, prize, this is memory, emotions, you can’t buy them for 40,000, yes, yes, that’s my word now
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i threw away my memory, just emotions, and you in general , mm, how can i put it correctly, you allow yourself, yes, i allow you, sometimes, on holidays, and why don’t you ask what emotions, intuition suggest? intuition, yes, but intuition doesn’t tell you that it’s better to take 50,000 , no, it doesn’t, no, but if you think about it, even if you think about it well, the prize still speaks, but the wife, and the wife is the prize, the wife is the prize, that’s understandable , what, what, you yourself think, what are you saying, look at him, he always dreamed about this, he dreamed about this, that means he always dreamed about... about this, it wasn’t me who said it, yes, you decided to give away what you dreamed about all your life, yes, please, you
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dreamed about this all your life, about this, yes, he dreamed about it, still, stop, it’s all yours, take it, come on, my dear, what’s your name, raisa sergeevna, hand. very nice, leonid arkaevich, rais sergeevna, is this your mother? yes, tell us about her, we don’t know anything about her at all, but she works at the mfc, she received a diploma because she is a psychologist. do you live with your mother or does anyone else live with you? my dad and my dad live with us
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older brother, yeah, ah... yours, what does he do? and he works at a construction site, as a manager. oh my goodness, brother? back, first year in medical school, what are you doing? and i do sewing, knitting, my god, i write poetry, can you read us poems that would... wrote, i beg your pardon , my mother wrote, yeah, come on, this is the division of labor , my mother wrote, and you will read, the donetsk rose, striving for the bright horizon, the donetsk rose blooming, our region, growing as a symbol, went traveling to where dreams and desires have become reality, to where there is freedom,
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fields, there, the spirit of triumph, to the field of miracles, where the game is again, and you can shout, hurray, a magic spark reigns, awakening a ray of mischief, the donetsk rose will be greeted with his brilliant smile, leonid will perform miracles, keeps a vigilant eye on the drum, from the prize-surprise sector. give 400 points, letter o, yes , we continue the conversation, we are interrupted all the time because they do not allow us to speak, then applause, then you understand, leonid arkadyevich, and my husband and i came, today we wanted to give you a song to the whole hall, no need to hold back impulses,
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coming from the heart. i’m wandering around the city at night, i can’t find a place for myself, of course, at this... late hour, i’m waiting for a call, as if for the first time, this happens in life, sometimes love comes to us forever, only we are in the flow of things, scattered around the globe, so let's return to those places where you and i had no time to sleep,
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there is eternal spring in our hearts, where we promised to love each other, how many years have passed and how many winters, we were left to the mercy of fate, you are still alone, and you are alone, so why did we break up then, life happens like that, sometimes to us love always comes, only we have lost it in the flow of affairs, around the globe, so let’s return to those places where we couldn’t sleep with you, where there is eternal spring in our hearts, where we promised to love each other.
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as always! i’m standing with a bouquet of roses , i meet you right at the metro, i can’t hold back my tears anymore, does this really happen in life, in life does this happen sometimes, love comes to us forever, only we are in the flow of things, growing around the globe. we lost, so let's go back to those places where you and i were lost, where there is eternal spring in our hearts, where we love each other
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friend, with promises, where there is eternal spring in the heart, where we love each other, we promised, ay, well done, ay, bravo! leonid arkadyevich, these are not all our surprise gifts, i know that you actively play tennis, and we , too, recently with our friends, asmiki artyom, hello, started playing squash, so yes, we brought you a racket and a ball so that you could try yourself in squash too, oh, sector prize on the drum, or 2.0 points, what was the task, but i wrote it down. how did they sing at weddings in siberia in the last century? not really so, or was it called the lead singer of the wedding? sang at the wedding, that is, the person who
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did what? well, he sang, he was the main one in this matter, then what do you choose, a prize or 2.0 points? and we continue to play, points? 2.0 points, that's all you said, think about it, and d . hello again, hello, listen again, what was the name of the person who was a heavy drinker at a wedding, what is a drunk at a wedding, the ringleader, wow, the prize sector on the drum, 2,000 points, let's continue playing, so wait, let's have 5 seconds, what's 5 seconds, yes wait 5 seconds, i have still magical. the word is a prize to the studio, you will first decide gifts to the studio, and you decided to take 2,000 points to play further, 2,000 points we play further, oh, oh, carry, 2.0 points, letter
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c, let's do it again, listen, girls, we just liked to spin drums, where does the wedding begin, the wedding feast, does the drinker come out, which means what he does, washes it down, and what does it mean to sing? well, i started, yeah, 350 points, letter and open it, you ’re singing, right? i sing, the wedding begins, they came in, sat down, then the singer came out, which means, it means that 600 points, the letter n, open up, go crazy, honestly! let's try again, it starts to sound, oh, how uncomfortable it is for me, i can't do it anymore, well, i just don't understand what she should do, besides start singing, and what am i saying, well, she should start singing, then the revelry will begin, oh,
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it’s going to start that i, lord, and you’re right, completely in vain, i’m yelling here, sector plus typing, which letter to open, first, open, well... sat down, sat down, well sat down, toasts toasts, then it came out like this letter h, wait a minute, 600 points, what what, open it, right, now i’ll think, i’ll think, you will think how this is not a habit.
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go crazy with the capital show field of miracles from channel one, gifts from the third three players to the studio! and i would like to convey greetings to my beloved and dear husband, say hello, my dear beloved, i am glad that you are watching us, thank you for sending us here to this program, we are very happy, i also wanted to say, say hello, raisa made this pillow with her own hands, which is a prize, she too, let me come over. well
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, okay, for this pillow i received first place in the santa claus birthday competition, first place, excuse me, but can i ask you to say hi to who? i ask you to convey greetings to my beloved niece lydia stanislavovna, how old is she? she is 8 years old, she simply does not live in russia and we cannot. i often see her once a year, i miss her very much, that’s why, but she really wanted to hear hello from you, she loves your show, lidia stanislavovna, greetings to you from everyone who is sitting in the field of miracles studio today, i want to say hello to elena ivanovna, this is the circle where i sewed this wonderful cat, advanchik called, if anything. oh, yes, hello to all
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of donetsk, i never expected that i would reach the final today, but i’m very pleased, but i don’t know, hello again everyone, cheer for me, keep your fingers crossed, let’s move on, the path to your calling is very circus, what professions did our guests master on their way to...
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seniors, you said there would be a hedgehog, but what is this? my first entry was in the book, my favorite, night receptionist, it was n’t a shame that everyone was listening to you, but no one knew, constantly, i was giving away my voice, one day i was sitting at home having breakfast, on my wall there is a radio beacon hanging, and a girl is singing, and i ’m sitting there appreciating how well the girl sings, such a wonderful voice, and then, oh my, that’s what i’m singing, tomorrow. after the program, time today sergei andreevich , theater for young spectators , scenery matter, welder, the anniversary of the massfilm film studios , the motor has begun, how many acting destinies, dreams, sufferings, hundreds of people, thousands, here comes tarkovsky, shukshin, bandarchuk, mastfilm is generally the place where a lot of humor. always been, he remained the same, this
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is my version of the script, how long have i been you i was looking, i already wrote this, having a card for masfimi was equated to a lottery ticket, there were no mobile phones, the assistant was running around, seryozha quickly into the frame, before the mosfil was shrouded in mystery, we walked around these decorations the way they walk to the armitage, maffilm today. it's not just a movie, it's a film and television studio. mosfilm, the birth of a legend. on sunday on the first. americans have hollywood, we have masfil, such a factory of happiness, a factory of fairy tales. come, please. listen, let's get off the roof, or you get one and a half lyama, or the conversation is over, and this ending will be very bad for you. you are in his apartment, where does he not trust you?
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you are the empress, that’s exactly what i want to be. it seems to me that 50 guards will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for long. there are practically no friends near the empress now, but she has plenty of enemies. i need
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proof that in the event of a coup , i will become the new empress. lord, help me, lord, who?
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the resulting inheritance was further transferred, and then through spain, italy was transferred to europe. what is algebra? from the arabic word aljabr - multiplication. achemistry, alkemia, even alcohol. alcohol is translated as a decrepit person, something that makes a person decrepit. until 1917, the personal guard of the persian shah consisted of russian cossacks. the shah of persia is the most precious thing he has, that is, he trusted himself only to the russians. i have met a lot of people who think that our women should always... wear black, cover their faces, but this is not so, they asked, do you want to add a clause that he does not have the right to marry a second wife, yes, aspiration the future and adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face of islam,
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civilization premiere, film third islamic world on thursday on the first and you... bought capital in the show field of miracles in the final, forward, here is the task for the final round, as in russian in the north they used to call the verse of a song, this is very interesting, by the way, a thousand points on the drum, the letter is forward, yes, yes, but you are a singer, a verse of a song, is it more like some kind of thing? story beginning 600 points letter letter o, open, when you sing the melody, you mean what you are doing, i begin to lead with the voice that you formulate, i begin to lead with the voice, my god, what are you doing when
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you sing, i don’t know, there’s really some kind of deformation, what a deformation, well, i have a higher musical level, what are you saying? yes, yes, so you and your higher musical, you would say, i have a sector. 750 points, letter, letter and, as i knew, come on, my dear, you are also a singer, and not the highest musical one either, therefore, but somehow i need to show off, but for now i can’t, because you are still trying to get into science somewhere - then hit, a thousand points, letter, but get ready, what did i say,
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come on, you know how to sing, absolutely not, no musical education, no hearing, the bear of science is very good, wonderful, now. think about what they do when they start singing with their voice, that means, what are they doing, get ready, e, spin the drum, so, with our voice, we drink every phrase, every note, she has zero, she says, let’s drink, no , we don’t get drunk, what are you doing with every note?
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here you have this verse in your voice, and then immediately after it and the chorus, the letter t, you have no hearing, no, cool, it means when the verse, it means we’re getting ready for the chorus, but it’s clear, you... you can get 750 points, letter, letter d, open it, here’s a man who has neither hearing nor voice, but he understands, 600 points, letter k, and before we are the winner, full word, conclusion, thank you. let my books remain as a souvenir, and let these applause sound for a long, long time, it’s very
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honest that it was you who won this game, not a rumor or a voice, who else, you scored 3,300 points, choose, your wife asks for your son laptop, i really asked for it, a laptop for the studio.
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everyone, i know who i'm talking to now, good luck to you guys, good luck, courage, good luck, i am very happy that today i won this wonderful program, emotions are simply overwhelming, thanks to everyone who believed in me, who waited for me with victory, i am returning to you, hello everyone, hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. our weapons are the best in the world. vladimir putin on the successes of the russian defense industry, on which the course of the special operation depends, statement.


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