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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 3, 2024 2:35am-3:20am MSK

2:35 am
do you understand that she is disabled? she's not worth it. costs!
2:36 am
i am sorry. lena, anton, i just received your tomogram, you understand what ’s going on, lena, such results don’t happen, you need to walk, breathe fresh air, well, return to normal life, antoine. where are you? anton, come out,
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let's go, let's go, let's go, where are we going, you can order me.
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that i want to learn to fly, and no matter how much they throw me, never fall. well done, you did it, you see, come on!
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lena, lena, lena, nothing will work out for me. you see, i can’t , you will succeed, everything is fine, i don’t hurt, everything is fine, me, please, i won’t succeed, can you hear me or not, please, well, everyone is falling, what am i saying, i i wake up happy every morning. and every
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morning i see your smile. lena, we went through so much together, i was even prepared for the fact that you would never get up. but now i want to ask you something, just smile. you see, everything is working out, it’s bad,
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there is no technology, i’m waiting for tomorrow. 6:45. so, we continue our report, ladies and gentlemen, there is reason for optimism, kruglov is doing well in the distance and all he has to do is get past the norwegian and the russian athlete will become
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the leader of today's race. come on, kolya! gruglov attacks, bypasses his opponent and how is it, look what happened when entering a turn, descending, falling, an offensive fall from. pushes the round one only to fifth place, the question arises about his participation in the estapit, the injury received in a fall could be serious.
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well, it’s a slight sprain, nothing serious, but why was it necessary? take risks, your participation in the relay race on issues, okay? in general, why aren’t you picking up the phone, have you forgotten about your interview, to be honest, there’s no time for that now. okay, don’t be sour here, here’s the interview and then you can stick to big sports, just kidding, joke , joke, that’s all, come on, run, this correspondent is waiting for you, yes, i’m coming, i’m coming,
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hello, nikolai, my name is hekki. “we know your father, we were rivals, yes, exactly, rivals, i won silver at the olympics, and he won a gold medal, it’s a pity, of course, that he had to do that dispose of it, how to dispose of it, well, don’t you know, he sold it, i mean, didn’t you know?” you know, i’ll go, i have urgent business, nikolai, and the interview will come later.
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friends! congratulations, the day after tomorrow on the day of the centenary of hockey we have a final match with the founders of this game, on the eve of the final i am interested in ilya kovalchuk’s chances of getting into the squad. pavel vikovich, what do you think? i wouldn’t bet on kovalchuk, the canadians consider him a key player their team. but yesterday i accidentally came across video on youtube. and pavel viktorovich youtube is a site where they post all sorts of funny videos. what are yubas, okay, well, in the cool section i came across
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a video with kovalchuk, very interesting, let’s see, well, dear tv viewers, of course it’s impossible, six against four, i haven’t corrected it, the main thing is that it doesn’t turn out to be true in it was time for the final match, but no, they just repainted it for him. form, otherwise kovalchuk will play for us, but the final awaits us, and we will see who ilya will play for will kovalchuk be in the lineup at all, mom, hmm, where is our camera, mom, handsome, handsome, forward, great, well done, sanya, 4:0, well done, handsome, great, oh well,
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some kind of crap, listen, ignore, wait, have fun. what is it? congratulations, great game. fedorov remains in our third top five. yes. and there we have danya markov, dima, kalinina, finagenov, tereshchenko fifth. did you call? ilyush, come in, there’s a conversation, but oh well
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, my game isn’t going well, lately, something’s going wrong, i see that no one believes me anymore, no, true, i don’t have to go, victory is more important for the team now, i understand everything. you will be in the lineup, there is no graduate, i will decide during the game. fine.
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stop skating please ice preparation ilyukha or something, keep training don’t worry, i’ll flood you later ilyukha ilyukha! forward, goal, that's it, that's it, that's it, thank you for waiting , yes, you're welcome, the fact that i 've lived in canada for the last 5 years still doesn't mean anything, anyway... for ours, that's right, by the way , you saw the video on youtube, from the form, it’s funny, i
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’m talking about another video, sasha, how are you? seemed, well, like you said, for me to come, i came, i listen, quietly, pom, someone is coming, oh, i see, everything is as usual, so what? let me tell you how you are doing? no way, i can’t overcome myself , it’s important for me to skate well, but if people look at me, then i’ll definitely fall, the coach also says that if there are no medals, he’ll leave the federation completely without money, well, maybe except they’ll give you a medal, well, i already promised him, it’s clear, we need
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to act quickly, that means i have an idea, if you do everything as i tell you, then you might get a medal, only you may hate me after this, i ’m ready, i’m ready, i’m ready, i understand, ilyukhina, so what’s going on here, nothing, i’m getting ready for a press conference, that’s good, i’ve already warmed up for it, the press conference is in 20 minutes , you're ready, i'm ready, okay, don't be late. well, great, so we start with the press conference. we really like the condition of the tracks, the climate is very good, the ice was not easy, it’s okay, i ’ll fix it myself later, but the team is already
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adapting and returning to the good ones we are used to. training conditions, things like this, if anyone has anything, we have a question for etya, this is your first time at competitions of this level, what surprised me most is that it’s very lively here, it doesn’t put pressure on you, it puts pressure, even a lot. but i’m serious about winning, i’ll tear everyone apart, i’m a monster of a snowboard, things like that,
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i’ll kill you, i love you too, look what they wrote after the press conference, that’s funny in russian, but it’s really funny that how was the training? better, but not perfect yet, what do we do next? let's go, we need to change clothes. yes, you 're crazy, i don't know how to sing, so calmly, calm down, no one here can sing, so they came to karooke. listen, it's simple now. trust me, calm down, everything will be fine, come on, sasha, what is this song, your favorite song,
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just tell me, then about the two of us, only... the fires of the airfield we will run away, they will not finish us further from them, further from home, night shake ours with those, behind the clouds, behind the clouds , they won’t find us, they won’t change us, and they won’t reach us, the stars with their hands, they won’t reach us,
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do you remember what you promised me, a medal, with god.
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lyukhina, lyukhina, come here, well done, well, open up on time, once again, if you don’t stand on your feet
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, you won’t see any medals at all, fight to get out, but you think i’m the only one to blame for the fact that nothing works out for us, in this case, yes, you you know, i’m sorry that you began to see not only an athlete, you just need to be more careful. we work, stand still, len, my dear, since you got involved in this fight, there is no other way out. don’t make a clean throw, we’re handing over tickets, we’re not going to the olympics, let others go, whoever can, we’ll watch it on tv,
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there are fans at this time, don’t make a clean throw, we won’t go home from here , we’re working, well, my friends, there are very difficult competitions ahead, we are in salt lake city, the whole of north america is rooting for our main rivals, the canadian pair solie coletier. how to withstand this pressure, because everyone , including the judges, understands what kind of ice we are skating on today, and whose victory awaits a multi-thousand-strong stadium, a multi-million-dollar country, and what have you, the whole continent, but we will still compete, i assure you, because our lena and anton passed very serious tests in order to to be here, we already know the strength of their will.
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so we collected the extra stuff from our heads, threw it away, and with maximum concentration we all went.
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they’re a bit stiff, it’s fine, they’re all good, phew, that means they’re giving in, yes, well done, thank you, thank you, listen, there was such a noise, my ears are still ringing, listen, i once did this support, i had the impression , that i have a third hand, i was so jerked when... the machine is parallel, when, when you have money, that’s enough, okay, well, they’re better, yes, the set of elements is stronger, but in general, well done, skated as best you could, you’re getting ready to retire , you want it so sweetly, you’ll get by, so calmly, the grades are gone, i don’t want
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to see them, my god, they still exist, yes!
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isn’t it, wonderful, yes, would you like to congratulate our champions today, with pleasure, a glass of champagne, thank you, with ice, better offer it to the skaters with ice, they shudder at this word, dear anton and elena, you are the best and on behalf of to all the fans, thank you very much, thank you, congratulations, rest for this you deserve,
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thank you, bravo, thank you, thank you, friends, me it’s a pity, but i must inform you that, unfortunately, the canadians canceled the operation, so now all we can do is wait whether our gold will be returned to us or not, so just say that the canadians filed an appeal, it’s as possible, we were better , champions for the victory, well done, well done, but unfortunately, we can’t do anything, post how we can’t do anything, and why are you going to stand like that and do nothing? just like that, we’ll just stand here, calm down, len, calm down, are you just going to give away our gold, what do you want, create an international scandal, yes, give us back our gold, what are you worth, the second period continues while our
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team is losing with a score of 2:3, morally, it is very difficult to play in the final against the canadians on their field, so the coaches bet on experienced players, we still don’t see kovalchuk on the court. now the canadians in our zone are playing out another combination, transfer to a free partner, danny heatley rolls out one on one with the goalkeeper and leaves no chance for nazokhov, the puck goes into the goal. to unfortunately, the russian team loses in the final match with a score of 2:4, but we continue to believe in our guys; the third decisive period awaits us. so, ours are still losing in the final match, but now i want to talk about something else,
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about the incredible internet appeal to ilya kovalchuk by ten-year-old bora, a young hockey player from kovalchuk’s homeland, the simple words of a boy, about the need to support, believe in each other, found from. in the heart of every russian, and let's see, you're filming, come on son, i'm a hockey player myself and i know how hard it is to play all three periods, just to stay on your feet, and uh...
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and i wanted to tell you, no matter how it ends , i know that you are giving all your strength for the sake of the team , the game against the canadians, thank you for your game, i’m proud, that every day i go out on the ice where you once trained. i will watch the game in this sweater that you once played in, viktor anatolyevich gave me permission, we promise to return it intact, it will be even better, it’s true that the seam came apart somewhere, but my mother promised to sew it up, yes, in general , let's believe in ilya, let's believe in each other and let the canadians be afraid of us, and not we of them, we are russia, after all, we will defeat anyone, well... well, our fans look united and charged, the grief of the appeal has done its job, thousands of people are on the internet began to support each other and forgive. it seems that the boy reminded us of something simple and
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very important. i can't say it better. kovalchuk is in the starting five. they thought, i’m nothing to them, i don’t know what’s wrong, we’re bombing with coats of arms on our flowers , we’ve got red blood inside here, look, count to three by one two three, break it, pee there, i’m fighting, this is my fight, not a lamentation.
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yes, outrun the wind, hunger for victory, eternal hunger for victory, yes, together as one , together as one, together we will win, together we will win, yes, together...
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and lastly, i want you to decide for yourself
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which of you i’ll run fourth tomorrow, i’ll leave the rest on my own, i won’t talk about responsibility, you know, well, i ’ll run, but my leg is small. okay, the second stage, and we are still fourth, but we really hope that today our guys they will still compete for the prize. are you ready soon? yeah, spare cartridges? i’m running, after
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the third stage of this relay our team still has a chance to compete for a medal with the french and swedes, everything will be decided on the fourth, the coaches’ decision to stage the most important fourth stage for the injured nikolai kruglov was very unexpected. well, nikolai, now all our hope is in you, we are rooting for you. look how nikolai starts to run his stage, the main thing is that this congestion lasts him until the finish. kruglov jr., bypasses swede. this is incredible. it’s no use, the frenchman is too experienced, there’s a round injury. the last one will decide everything.
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when you shoot, what you see is snow, targets, trees, flags, but you should see only one target, your goal. just look at how kruglov shot, and his opponent had only one wire, it’s incredible, our guy has nerves of steel, come on, kolya, come on!
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nikolai nikolaich, you just won a gold medal, how do you feel now? this is not my gold. i mean, dad, i gave you your medal back.
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well done! congratulations to the champion! svetlana sergeevna, i understand you, you can do everything, as you do, and about your dream too, quietly, quietly, quietly, i forgot, or something, just light, just light, you’d better tell me how are you doing with your studies? i’ve just been waiting for the math olympiad in 2 weeks. if i pass the institute without exams, great, so do i. the olympics are mine for 2 weeks, so we’ll decide, viktor ivanovich, yes, hello, you fell like you dropped a nail, svetlana
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sergeevna, you will definitely win, i will root for you, i have already won, thank you.
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this is the first time in history that two couples have won gold, but let's not pay attention. to these behind-the-scenes intrigues, we have a gold medal, and that says it all, i told you that we will return our gold and we will do it, this is for you,
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maybe not in front of everyone, thank you.


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