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tv   Segodnya vecherom  1TV  February 3, 2024 9:35pm-11:01pm MSK

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through master brewers we can reveal the gastronomic potential of a product that we have not seen, what did we know about the root , that the root is on the vaga, you can just fry it there, that’s all, when the chefs got involved, they began to get creative, restaurant festival participants literally compete in originality cooking smelt and pollock, for example, in khabarovsk. fish is served from a russian oven, this is one of the ways, we have made several items on the menu, secondly, we make special koliari for it, fry it, that is, deep-fried in a large volume of oil, we decided to choose tartar as one of the options, that is, to show that raw fish can also be eaten. this year , in addition to restaurants, a network of street food cafes also joined the festival for the first time. there was great interest among visitors. original dishes from freshly caught winter fish, residents and...
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continuation of the gastronomic journey across russia on channel one, tomorrow at 11 o'clock the premiere, cooks on wheels, famous culinary specialists go to uglich, right now in aired program tonight. sorry, can you tell me how to get to the library, i need to give the book to tanya bulanova. ask the gardeners over there. looking
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at our artists, musicians and other representatives of show business, it seems that they have always been so famous and famous, but sometimes the path to their calling is very thorny. tonight we will find out what professions our guests mastered on the way to their dreams. 6 million, what about 6 million? i was so crazy that it seemed to me that it was all so easy, lord, you think big. well, i’ll be an engineer, well, dad asked, let’s go to become an engineer, i went to become an engineer, oh, for dessert, males, oops, the first entry in my employment record book, i worked on central television, as a senior accountant, they really didn’t want to hire me, i was 17 years old, spring wuch on a white wall, hello, hello! is it you, is it you who take it? yes,
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can i make owls with you? it’s possible, you said there will be a hedgehog, but what is this? we needed housing, so we never worked in the yard, we were embarrassed that we were young guys in general let's sweep, my favorite profession is a night receptionist, i have the title of slinger, in general i have a lot of professions.
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you, grandfather, lyon, of course , it’s completely unexpected about you, it always seemed to me that you work on tv, how, it’s scary to say, i have 62 years of work experience, it’s so amazing, this is who, this is who, this is me, but this is virgin soil. well, tell me how you started, in 1961, so, since i was kicked out of school, i went to work at the tupolev plant, i came to work as a lathe, and so i worked on a machine called deep 300, let’s catch up and surpass, that’s how old you were, 16, 16, then i moved to the electrical shop and worked there for probably six years, and i rose to the rank of electrician.
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device of the sixth category, then i finally entered the institute, since there was no money, i worked... on long-distance flights, that means moscow-varkuta, moscow-vladivostok, and so on, in between studies i also worked as an instructor in district committee of komsomol, and since there was no such instructor position in the district committee, they signed me up as a cleaner, it’s written in my work book cleaner yakubovich, but then he became and the cleaners couldn’t write. this is a cleaning lady, of course, that means there was such a rate, yes, yes, there was a rate, yes, then i began to be at 50, in my opinion, i graduated from an aviation school for 3 years, i became a third-class commercial aviation pilot, commercial, you
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can even , could, could, now, since the first year of ninety, i’ve been working on the program, how many years does that turn out to be? 33 years old, 33 years old, please tell me, how did you get on television, completely by accident, because after the mechanic and the coach of the counselor, you know, suddenly one day, but i don’t know, there was a wonderful company, they laughed, had fun, i was living on the taganka at the time, and the tovid guys came, vlad and his wife came, yes, they were sitting in the kitchen, he tells me , take the program , i sent him, well, how is it to come from the street to television without experience, without everything, but they could persuade the devil, well, they persuaded me, you’ve been hosting this program for 33 years, look, you see, tell me, here all these professions were useful to you in the future one way or another, even when you were studying at the flight school
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school, after all, to be a mechanic, no , well, first of all, i still fly, although i already moved from a helicopter about six months ago, i asked myself, i wonder if something... a person can land a plane, having set myself this idiotic goal of finding out whether he can or cannot, i went to the boeing 737 simulator and hung out there twice a week for six months, as a result i found out that he can’t , can’t, and a person just, well, five percent, well, 10, well because on the simulator i plant, of course, but psychophysically, i understand perfectly well that it didn’t work out, well, just think, i'll repeat it again. when you have 300 passengers behind you, nerves can play out, no, i won’t get confused in the cockpit, of course, and i’ll drag him to the runway, then further, as god willing, this is a great profession, and you need to study it all your life, so
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, in parallel, it means that i now serve in the theater, still in the theater, and automoto bicycle photo film and radio amateur, you know, from... what lenya said about the cleaning lady, yes, there is a very interesting historical fact, the fact is that on the imperial service was staffed exclusively by men and ballet dancers, imperial theater, it was necessary to register somehow, but they were registered as artists, but they had to pay a pension after 20 years, and for some reason such a thing as a ballet dancer did not exist, in order for them to receive a pension, they were enrolled in before... we studied at the theater institute, it turns out that
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you left, oh, raisvanov, and you also studied, it turns out that you left the stage without the theater institute, that i entered, i went through creative tours. my dad, and then he didn’t study, no, dad said, get it first profession, then do what you want, dad is right, dad didn’t want you to be an artist, but you became one anyway, it happened, a bad example of course for young people, not to study, go on stage, that i know many good names, who never studied from the old actors, the old school, then they still had to get a diploma, it was still required by us. i wanted to start being a ballet dancer at the age of 5-6 , i dreamed of, let’s say, always being an artist, but was it really true that you weren’t an artist right away, but for years and then for some reason i thought that
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somehow, it’s not enough for me to just portray something, i want to speak, so i understood this, dramatic, i understood, well , it just so happened that i didn’t get accepted in the first year. i sobbed for a long, long time, then my mother said, stop crying, i have to go to work, that’s why somewhere anyway i’m still in some school, i still thought they would take me, so i left. in the city of odentsovo, a theater studio, which is still run by a unique woman, she worked on central television, music director, she took me by the hand, brought me to the central television in the personnel department and asked me to take this girl to work, no one wanted me.
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there was a tax for childlessness, and i was on freelance fees, so how can i say, freelance fees just came, we calculated everything that was needed, that is, if i don’t have information about a man, that he has children, he doesn’t have a passport, we calculated it from everyone , and the fees were sometimes good, when sometimes they called or these people asked, tell me how the payment went, i say, you have children, so to me, what and what? well, there is , i say: please come in with your passport, because i deducted a childless tax from you, because your information is not there and... a note
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that i promise that i have children, there will be more children, so in principle he did it, don’t deduct the homeless tax from me, i worked like this from december until the summer, so in the summer i already applied and god decreed that i enrolled in the course of andrei sandovich goncherov , to say that as you asked the question, was it useful? what if further skills? no, with numbers i’m still not friends, when only these cards were introduced, well, to receive a salary , the first thing i did, well, when there were cash registers, yes, then they gave us these cards, and the first thing i did was come to the bank, i inserted the card, typed something in, got the money, left, that’s it, i didn’t need the card anymore, that is, how they then looked for me , so that, in short, it’s funny, it’s good that they were looking for, yes, it’s good that they were looking for, no, everything is fine, that’s why it’s like this, yes, i’m a senior accountant. so, well, your presence is behind this table actually surprises me, because
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my youth, it passed under the absolute, such total sound of your voice from all the cracks, from everywhere, you go to work in the morning , go down to the passage, there you are sure to complain, but you get up, walk among the rows of these kiosks, as long as you get there. to the station again you really ask for something like that, i have a feeling that you always sang, thank you kolya, thank you, no, i sang, maybe i always did, but professionally it all didn’t happen right away, firstly, i all in life i dreamed of being an actress, i know that i have problems with diction, and i found out about this when i entered school, the primesicol studio in st. petersburg, i was sure that i could pronounce all the letters, r there, everything is fine, and evgenia ivanna kirillova came to us. those who studied at the theater school probably know, yes, well, tell yourself , i say, well, i’m there, well, this is a speech
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disability, i think what she said, i’m a speech disability, well, in general, in principle, now you were twenty years old, now, well, you were already an adult, yes, an adult adults no i'm already i'm already i worked for 3 years as a librarian , after that, in general, what kind of history did i have? yes, i always wanted to be an actress, it always seemed to me that it was just like this, i imagined people sitting, people, this is how
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you work, i say, i’m at school i just finished, well, we speak mainly by profession, i say, well, it’s clear, in general, i was crying, i went out to the embankment just sobbing, there are some moms, what happened there, i say , go away, that’s it, i have life is over, that is, my plan has collapsed, everything means everything, nothing it turned out, i came home, of course i was upset, there was no such thing in our family that i didn’t do anything, you’re walking, because your dad is a military man, as if he’s saying, listen, he’s saying, well, you had to go somewhere -
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to work, yes, but here he says, and my dad worked for me at the naval academy, and he says that i saw hanging... a vacancy for a library, i say, lord, in general, i’m an artist, a library, it’s all so boring , okay, well, what should i do, i came, basically, talked to the boss rensana, she hired me, i worked in libraries for 3 years, i i really didn’t like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library after more than 30 years, let’s see, this is the building of the naval academy, where i worked for 3 years as a librarian. tatyana, would you like to try yourself again as a library? you know, i asked an interesting question, it seems to me that i can’t handle it, it’s just that everything is computerized now, but at least get to know each other, get acquainted, why not, hello, oh, hello, it’s
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you, it’s you who’s taking it, yes, kitty, look who it is so on.
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thank you, thank you, goodbye, thank you, well, by the way, there was a foreign department at the academy, and there were these naval officers, it seems to me that they were very old guys, although i think that they were probably all young people, poles, germans, vietnamese, koreans, and we also had - well, they organized - russian language lessons, it was called an open lesson, when they gathered, it means there was some kind of group there and - and there was some evening and i basically sang some song to guitar and two more yugoslavs studied there too, it seems to me they are some kind of kings in general, they were sitting next to me, they were sitting
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, it means that the guy sang, i returned to my place at the table, he said, and you will still sing, i said no, then i went.
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again, one night, the spring of my past is leafing through me. the voice of the night circles in the air, without melting, it sounds in the dark night, a simple song of love, cries and calls, my beloved, my pain, my beloved, i am yours, only heaven knows how i love you, my beloved, my life, my beloved, i am yours, happiness and not the same, i sing.
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the door is closed, where are you now, everything is without you life is empty. but i fly over you with any note, in a quiet voice, this is love, just love, a song of love, bright, crying and calling, my beloved, my pain, my beloved, i am yours, you know the sky, how i love you, my beloved, my life , my beloved, i am yours, happiness and pain are not the same, i sing.
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which of our guests had to earn a living through hard physical labor, we will find out after the advertisement, this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the rest 10, well, it’s very cold, we’re in norilsk, friends. such a beautiful, beautiful, brand new sword, what is the temperature of this entire mass, 1200°, how do the guys withstand such a temperature, the fortitude of a real metallug, ore, iron,
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metal, copper, platinum, let 's make an iron man, if this iron man is still after shift, tired hasn’t washed yet, then it should smell like this, come on, oh my god, you cut it, throw salt in there, you start shaking it like that, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and... i just i'm shocked because i i’m standing, i’m cold, you just have to start , you’ll get used to liking me right away, you’re a great fellow, let me shake your hand, it’s warm, can you imagine, it’s still warm, the life of our own, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, there’s a self-portrait of this artist.
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next saturday on the first. tonight at our table our guests open their work books and tell the whole story. but
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he was registered in the children's room by the police, but why? but i don’t know, it seems to me that there was a time when everyone was registered, that’s not true, some studied honestly, i remember this episode, when we played class by class, what a good, sweet child, how is he? we played snowballs, and accordingly, it was noisy, fun, fervent, we fell asleep in the snow on the girls' necks, but not on us, well, in general, it was fun, but some grandmother who was sitting in the next house saw all this , called the police and said: there was a big fight in the yard, and about 40 people were fighting, so five cars arrived, there were pmgs then. or
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police cars arrived and for some reason began to take us away, push these cars, and we began to fight off our own comrades, and when in this case, we still overturned one police car, so after all, you were naughty, well, you were kind of naughty, yes, for such offenses we were registered in the children's medical rooms, tell your parents who they saw you as, according to their dream, what were you supposed to become, a meat and meat products technologist? a lucrative position, by the way, at that time an astronaut , in the end, seryozha, tell me, this is what you became at first, you became at first, well, first of all, a set assembler, after all, you write to the theater right away, i’m here right away okay, come on let's go according to the work book, selin sergey andreevich, you can help, so, there is no work experience before entering the youth school.
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earn money, since my mother was forced to work there, i was forced to earn a little money, then i considered it my duty to help somehow. tell me, that’s how many years you were enrolled, it turns out, 3 years, these 3 years, you worked on different things, you went through, let’s say, fire, water and copper pipes, you even worked as a tomada at weddings, our dear young people, you also worked as a tomada, well, this closer to the acting profession, this is very it’s a difficult profession, it’s very difficult, i tried it, it didn’t work out very well,
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the first time they punched me in the face, i’m sorry. this is what you do, it seems to me that after that it’s very easy to come and read a poem, sing and dance in front of the commission. nikolai, i entered as a loader at the theater institute , at the fly shop, at the then leningrad state institute, ligit, who chose the song, not the kochugars, we are not carpenters, unfortunately, i caused, i caused wild delight in
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the commission, well, the commission. i didn't get it at first course on a scholarship, so with my friend, yura galtsev, we got a job with the janitors on the same street where the theater institute was, on the fly, yes, and that means we threw coins around, tossed who would go, me or him, to clean , well, in the end, someone walked early in the morning and we got it, this is what time you got up, well, at 4:00 or 5 in the morning , i think, tell me, well, then... when did you finally become artist, did these same professions somehow come in handy in your work? no, just, just when you need to cry, you remember, how you worked with galts are crying, yes, aleksech said correctly, no, actually no, let’s watch an excerpt from the film after which you all woke up famous,
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andrey. tell him, what's the humor here? you said there would be a hedgehog, but what is this? good afternoon i killed, i am 100% sure, how the witness was processed, he even forgot his last name, who processed it, the chopping block, i give you a damn, or
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what grandmothers do to people, but he will dream of pasha for the rest of his life, i i don’t know about dreams, but you punched him right in the face. well after such popularity, you probably became one of the policemen, yes, of course , you remember, they came up to me, for example, they said, a real policeman, that you work in the kirovsky district, come to us on vasilievsky, it was, it was, yes, i stood there and didn’t know what to say to this. before the first episodes , the competition for admission to the police school grew very much, and it became almost like entering a theater institute, that is, the young guys watched this series and began to enroll there, we have a lot of gratitude from real cops - for
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the fact that in general they raised a little the prestige of the profession, the prestige of the profession. alexey, and before this profession, you are like yours and have a work ethic with you. yesterday i went to my father, visited him, he lives with me near st. petersburg, we talked something, i said that i was going to a program about professions that existed, and we started talking, suddenly i realized that i i immediately started working in my profession, that is, at 2.5 years old, when i was 2.5 years old, my father took me on an expedition for the first time in dombay, they were filming - the film was first made by the russians, it was filmed there ivan ivanovich krosko, father uh. vlad zamansky, in general, is such an old guard, and then i, well, there i didn’t play anything at 2 and 2 years old, at 4 and a half years old pavel petrovich kadochnikov filmed the snow maiden in kostroma, and there they even showed me a piece of the
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snow maiden. , where i have been sitting for 4 years since 2 under the porch of uberendey, and there is such a good company and zhenya zharikov is there, his godfather is there too, but i started working right away in my profession from 2 years old, and - in fact, there were a lot of professions, because that my first entry was in book, my favorite, night clerk, what does this mean, where is this, exactly, that something so romantic, i took a loaf, a loaf of bread, a loaf of bread, i came to the bakery at night at 11 pm i came to the bakery, opened it, at the same time i worked as a janitor on nikrasov street, where there is a large puppet theater, i received an increased scholarship and i worked as a casual worker for agmerzyan. in the theater you received an increased stipend of 45,000, i had that oh thousand rubles, 45 rubles. i received a circle in month 8 of the second year for several months somewhere around 300 rub. this is actually a million in the eighth second year, you were very
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much a sea captain, i think you officially received 180 , well, yes, yes, these two professions were at the institute, then i went to a construction brigade there, i received the profession of a second- class slinger. to chernigov, and chernigov is 80 km from chernobyl, i was in military service, chernobyl happened in april and we were there in july or august, i don’t remember, because there were a lot of business trips, oh, he looks like me, yes, yes , it
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was all a secret and now i have first degree liquidator certificate, there was nothing terrible there, i will say this, because no one knew anything, then we asked, we were told, well, look in 30 years, probably. no, this is the amount, before i entered the theater school, i only worked at 2 years of age, and at 4 years of age, of course, so you studied, so , in principle, gitmik ends, then you are invited somewhere to the theaters, it turns out you didn’t go by profession, i didn’t, i was assigned, i was assigned to the city of vologda with my wife anna, so, but when we we arrived in vologda by assignment, we first got a job in the theater. and then anna took off her cloak, she was in her eighth month, and i
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had a summons to join the army, so we apologized and said: forgive me for god’s sake, well, you are paying her maternity leave, and i won’t be able to work for you, i joined the army in november eighty-five , my daughter elizabeth, was born on, well, almost december 12, that is, just about on the 14th, i took the oath, if i had not taken it before the 14th, they would have let me go see my daughter, but so... as i am showed me a telegram, my daughter was born, i ask you to let me go, they told me: no, dear comrade, you haven’t served six months yet, i saw lisa, in my opinion, when she was a year and a half old, for the first time, that’s understandable, these are the memories, yes, it was a black road, i think that’s all it was actually useful, because everything was in a piggy bank, and somewhere we somehow, seryozha, it probably came in handy that they overturned the cop’s car, so it ended up in the cops, well, somehow everything works out, that’s it then it loops.
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it’s beautiful, beautiful, well, that’s where it started to break me, i changed my profession at the age of 27, it all happened like this, i caught myself thinking that i didn’t like my life, i stopped smiling, i stopped dreaming about something, and i realized that the reason for this was something i didn’t like, honestly, if to compare what kind of worker i was there and what kind of worker i later became, even when i...
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at the very beginning, when i showed up this evening, i’ll say more, i worked in
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the studio of special projects of channel one, and i didn’t just work here as an editor, and we launched this program with our team this evening, so i’m especially pleased to be here, and it so happened , and i quit, and for a long time i , it seems to me, fate was testing me, you know, how it happens, so i tell my students: well , everyone has different situations - life situations, and many many all the time when they look at the success of another person, it seems to them that this person had some other conditions, i always say, we are all cowardly, it seems to us that if we take some step to the side somewhere here or there, you leave this comfort zone, then - it seems to us that, well something will be unimaginable, scary, i always say, take this first step, how much i changed something in my life, i always... won in one form or another, that’s why the sharp step that i took at
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27 years, when i quit the gazprom structure, went nowhere, i remember now and think, god, how brave i was, but i am so grateful to you, i really liked it, i liked the topic of your program today, because this is the path to a dream , we create our destiny, and we limit ourselves. our program with desire change something, go for it, don’t be afraid and nothing is impossible, just believe it. yourself, everything is necessary, well, for now we’ll take a break for a little advertising, and after that we’ll find out what professions our guests mastered before they became famous, please come and listen, let’s go flan from the roof, either you get one and a half lamas, or the conversation is over ,
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and this ending will be very bad for you, are you in his apartment, where he did not transport you, with his child, whom he did not give to you, did you have a conflict? drive mirovich, you and i would like somehow agree, they act according to a special protocol, they are afraid of the hype, given the level of the victim, they do not want to attract attention. we have a warrant for your arrest, open up or we 'll be forced to break down the door. container, the final one in the series. tomorrow after the program time. a certain madame peschanskaya. an old friend of the zelensky family will head the accounts chamber of ukraine. 40 billion dollars have disappeared and now they want to shut the auditors’ mouths. the previous head of the accounting chamber was poroshenko’s man. the question is whose abacus in hand, this will determine who can and cannot be president of ukraine. trillions of hryvnias have come to be cleared, and there will be even
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more to come. her sister is the owner of the company where the villa of the zelensky family is decorated. zelensky needs people he only trusts. one more of the screws will be possible instead of cheese cheese. zelensky wants to remain in power because this is the guarantee of his physical survival. the british provide him with a roof. this is not beneficial for the americans. zaluzhny cannot be removed just like that; he will immediately deploy his troops and move to kiev. this confrontation is strictly behind the scenes, so they are trying to resolve these issues more elegantly. she can blame zelensky. madame peschanskaya. buy the greens or zelensky account. dolls of the heir tutti on monday on the first. tonight we are discussing what professions our guests mastered before they became very famous. let's see the plot. the name is radio and i was
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a picker. sports life after all, the second life is the highest morihotka, probably the first song i composed, and poetry too, this is such a it was our first evening in the world, refrigeration mechanics, refrigerators, well, my faculty was like that, let the heavens save the pirates, holy virgin,
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help the sailors, the third life is a scientific life, that is, since the third year i was already writing a dissertation, actually a diploma and dissertation. conductor of carriages of foreign traffic, they were selected taking into account to have as much time as possible to do what they love.
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it’s amazing how life shuffles this deck and how everything happens, rais ivanovna, where did you start, from school, finished eighth grade, yeah, my grandmother had six children , five girls and the last son, my mother was the first, then there was the second, the second worked in ryazan, her son studied at music... school, and that sister said to my mother: so, give her here, why are you, mom, quickly, quickly, and before that i went, when i was still in class at school, to the house of pioneers, and sang. and our accordion player was there, he said: “raechka, if your mother buys you an accordion, i will teach you, do you want it?”
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so my mother buys me a button accordion, here it is, yes, yes, this button accordion, heavy, but not heavy, and that means i went to music school, and there i was smart, i learned some kind of volsok and polka, and i played it, and i turned out well. so that means my mother is calling me, my sister is calling me, she has somewhere to live and says: come on, i have a volso polish girl, they accept me from a music school, yeah, but i don’t have one, and yet, that means my mother she practically pushed me out, gave me some kind of mattress, wrapped a blanket in this mattress, wrapped a blanket, here i am with these belongings on my hump from...
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because well, this is not a women’s instrument, well, the accordion is still here and there, but boyanta and because i don’t love, i
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’m already doing everything quickly, quickly, and my mother was then working in a restaurant carriage as a dishwasher, so she comes back and forth, back and forth, so they leave for 5 days, then she arrives, spends the night at home with another crew , because i had to somehow get me back on my feet, and one day... well, the very first time i come to class, the teacher gives me a task, he gives me some little piece, but i also didn’t know the notes , you don’t know, and it ’s impossible to read it, and there i have what he gave me, well, our soldier in the choir when, he he gave me some familiar song, and i picked it up and played it, he said, oh, what a good guy. and so me, and there are chords, and there are some symbols, where there are pauses , where the notes are different, where they are thicker, where they are
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rounder, and somewhere they should be like that, but you graduated from music school ? no, but they worked, where? well, i graduated from harmony college, i graduated from i entered the conservatory, god. according to bayan’s class, according to bayan’s class, and this, well, this is natural, what city was it in, this is in the city, which means i came to gorky with bayan with notes, so, the first thing i went to, well, of course, i handed in the documents, and there the documents - everything about graduating from a music school, practically, yes, i was given a place in the hostel, a bed, yes, and a building. the dormitory is right next to the conservatory, and it ’s like this, well, a small narrow corridor, on this
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side of the room there’s a rehearsal room, yeah, and i walked along this corridor, from somewhere there were sounds, sounds, sounds, and familiar sounds, i approached one doors, i think, why is he playing, why is he playing so well? so good and the technique is amazing. i listened, i think, to raya, where are you going, with these, with such aces, with your concert, with your, with your equipment, in general, you didn’t go to the conservatory, but, but, but, yes, i took the documents and back, spent the night with this bayan at the station, took a ticket, came home, and i have to tell my mother something, i went, she gave me money for the ticket. what a good fellow,
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she says: well, good, and well done, and well done, you will go to work, and with whom and by whom, and i returned to ryazan and worked as a teacher in bayan's class in the teacher's house, but it was not a music school, but a circle, if you don't know how to play, teach, yes, yes, as usual , absolutely, in general, forgive me for interrupting, such an amazing story, about the accordion, about the accordion, i think, when , where did it come from, how did the film appear , the film appeared, moscow doesn’t believe in slugs, that’s how suddenly from bayan, then i went to the theater, so the first thing i watched was romeo and juliet, i fell in love with romeu, since i went to see romeu as an actor or a character, from where i understood where i was coming from
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understood. i liked everything, i liked everything, i liked how he loved her, how she loved him, how they died on the same day, and a sob story, for me, and i, and i, that’s where i felt, i think, lord, what should i do with my emotions? , because i was taken out of the hall twice, because i cried my eyes out, yes, when they were dying, and most importantly, he was lying there, and she... with his head on his stomach, with his feet towards the viewer, you won’t surprise us with this, yes, yes, yes, but, but, but the stage there was so slightly elevated, so the viewer saw them, their heads and all, and i was sitting in the first row, i, i only got my legs, that’s it, but judging by how my legs were also shaking a little, that’s when they,
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when, when i was sobbing, these legs were shaking, more... her head was also shaking, because that he was laughing, and his head was lying on his stomach, she was like this, and her legs were shaking, they were shaking, and i was sobbing, well, just sobbing, and i walked like this several times, well, they took me out twice, and then i went to the second i sat down in a row so that they wouldn’t take me out, because it was inconvenient, it was tricky too, well, how did you get to moscow? this is the year i worked in ryazania, the school year ended, and i went to moscow with this sculptor, i thought, what could i do, but moscow didn’t believe in slimes, and there’s no need to cry, yes, yes, but it would be so , no, no, yes, in short,
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they took me to shchepkinskoe like a sliver. well, we can’t help but remind you of your triumph, you still need to justify the fact that you used the button accordion in your profession, well, that means the ghoul queen, you said that you wouldn’t forget,
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and then dad heard an announcement on the radio that there was a big children’s the choir is gathering, but it’s in our communal apartment, we’re at the piano i’m sitting, there’s a recruitment process going on and he tells me, let’s go, i’m in tears, i say, all my friends are there in the lena mountains, so i’m not going anywhere , he says let’s do it this way, he says with cunning, let’s go there and audition, well, you won’t like it , you come back, well, naturally , no one returned anywhere, because then we went straight on tour, it was first leningrad back then, then it was
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czechoslovakia and it just rushed all over the world, all over the world. we were touring , i just didn’t have time to study at all, that is, i, come on we'll see your children's work when you're a soloist in popova's choir, yeah, smolensk road, performed by the senior group of the choir soloist.
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deities, i’m watching now, i just have tears in my eyes, because there wasn’t a day when i didn’t remember sergeevich popov, he was a great man, great, he was an absolute genius, yes, he was just a second dad, he adored he was an absolute fan of what he did, he adored children, so he just insistently told me, you must study. conservatory, then conservatory, conservatory, cool , this is the wife of the great richtor, and of course those are fantastic hands, from the priest to darlyat,
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one can only dream, it was fantastic even today, when a museum is opened on malaya bronny, where in the apartments in which we slept on these beds , we ate from these royal plates , practically polvovna, she was from a family there, so to speak, she had bonds, she also knew many languages ​​and, so to speak, a lot of nannies. all this chic dishes stood on the tables, when today it’s all covered with glass, i found myself in this museum, everything there is under glass, i say, guys, silver spoons, that’s all , it became wildly simple for me, because we used it all, it was all on the table, and now it’s a museum and i think, my god, or i i’ve been living for so long and somehow already, that is, no, we were just lucky to communicate with such people, and in general, of course, this is a colossal happiness, then it turned out that after the conservatory everyone had an assignment... i was, and i was in my third year like this it turned out that i married a foreigner, we are in lvov we went to master classes in germany, she took us, and there you got married right away, no, i just met my future husband there,
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and it so happened that some kind of passion flared up completely at first sight, absolutely crazy passion in the face , and me, by the way , but in our country ration cards in general , life is such a very hard one, and they keep pushing me out with kicks, not boers, get married, what are you, a foreigner, we have bread according to ration cards, what are you doing? and i, in general, i’m so dumbfounded , i can’t live abroad at all, that’s how it is it turned out that yes, a man got married, so no matter how bad it was for me , literally, it means that after some time in 1992, they got divorced because my husband tried to build a business in russia, he came to russia, then he said no no no come on after all, in what year did it come in the nineties in the nineties, i just remember that when i came to...
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i had it behind the scenes, you know, he didn’t play any role for me at all, i don’t believe that you were paid for it - ok, well, some of them happened to me there, no, something they when i yes, when i somehow stuttered something there, he said to me, well, tell me there, if you are completely there, and i had
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a scholarship there of 15 rubles, well, that is, there were some, well, i barely made a living there, i lived quite modestly, i ’m basically not a mercantile person in life , i’ll be happy with what i have, they pay me great, they pay me a lot, super, now it’s kind of great, 3 for months they just didn’t do anything, but she said to me: listen, and she lived in the center, the school was in an armenian school, she says to me: listen, says, do you want to earn extra money? but there’s no money, our pensions are generally cheap, oh , that is, pensions, scholarships are cheap, don’t you want it, i say, listen, come on, well, she says, well, you’ll just have to get up early, she says, well periodically you can spend the night with me, because she lived there in the alleys, in pokrovsky lane, but according to the clock you are on kirov street, which is, well, central, that’s all , and we agreed at 7:00 in the morning. we walked
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around and we stamped these letters, it was such a nightmare, they poured bags of bags onto us like this table, we had to sort them by address , we had stamps, we had to put these stamps, we had these hammers with a handle, that is, if it was just like that, well , it’s inconvenient, that is, they invented such hammers for themselves, so then i had this knocking in my ears for just a long time, i couldn’t get rid of it, we told us right straight hit harder, dip it here, that’s where the liquid is for this is blue and for printing and beat it so that the stamp is straight and clear , and we just sat there, hammering, from morning to night we sat for a whole month, hammering away at these letters, we really earned a decent amount there, but at that time, 90 rubles. salaries - it was, my parents received 80, at that time it was good, and i brought it to my mother, put it in, i say, mom, here, she tells me, these are yours, i won’t take them, and i bought myself sandals, like i remember now, these red ones on strings for 15 rubles. i still forced my mom to take everything else, i say, mom, there’s everything for groceries, well, well, i worked, let’s all eat there
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together, that’s why this was the story, there was a story when i worked part-time in the admissions committee already at the conservatory, having also entered the summer there was also nothing to do, he told me, don’t you want the admissions committee and by the way, i must say that i worked there so much that i saw that they were really good there boys, i remember how i manipulated it there , well, i signed it, they were taking exams and i faked it, well, in general, so that the correct answers would be so that he would pass, and he passed , there was only one boy there, so... beriev, but i want take this opportunity to ask you, of course, to sing, yes
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, hundreds of pages, a world, a fairy-tale plitz, strict power, but i hasten to you, mestro, to lay down your service, take away my new hero, you are here next to me, i know, you... eternal affairs, the plot, prevents you from being come with me, forget the pages, i dream about you, bury you, a shaky front, behind a stone wall.
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i'm waiting for change, away, it's time to sleep, there's a lot to do, there's a lot around and the wisdom of book phrases is no longer important to me, where are you my new hero, you're close here, i believe! or a familiar narrow circle, prevents you from being with me, i’m tired of waiting for you, break the locks and doors, a dirty bouquet of stinging frum with a stone wall, where you are my new hero, you are nearby, here i am a great and unusual narrow friend.
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stop being with me, i’m tired of waiting for you, break the locks and doors, the kings will be with their noses behind a stone wall, after the advertisement, we will continue to discuss what other professions our stars mastered before they gained fame. pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country’s olympic biathlon team, why are you stuck singing, but you’re bored, the house is being repaired, you’ll find students,
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a headline-grabbing loser athlete has found a champion in the taiga, you’ll go to a sports school, then, if if you're lucky you'll go to the olympics. everything will be fine than if these fishermen break him, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya, feel sorry for the semolina, you won’t bring your father back anyway, game, let’s do it, training four times a week, three running, one fire , then i'm in, i mean, well, let's kill him together, fakes, thriller...
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somewhere we take a cutlet, then a tomato, how many lettuce leaves are needed, delicious, you have to do this, well, it's just so tasty, better than the pioneer , maybe only a whole choir of pioneers, only wind, only joy ahead, best of all, new season, tomorrow after the evening news. tonight we are discussing what other professions our guests today mastered before they found their calling. boris, tell us now, how,
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how did you become an artist, what was the path? well, let's first talk about the first profession, which i also smelled and tasted, here. leonid yakubovich and alexey said that they worked as a turner, and i worked as a turner, also in the sixth grade, we had an internship, this is the riga carriage works factory, and this is absolutely memorable for the rest of your life, leonid definitely said that this smell, it will just stand there to remind you, yes, this is the first profession, the second job is a lighting worker in... the cultural center of builders on lachplyaša street in the city of riga . this means that at the age of 13 i went to the theater studio of the reader, there to konstantin grigorievich tetov, my teacher. and at the same time we helped with lighting. in short, when i, too
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, was tired of studying in the eighth grade, and i decided to go to school, well, to be honest, then i the school director, nina dmitrievna, is a wonderful director, i loved her very much. she told me: borechka, let’s do this, you are submitting a letter of resignation, this is your voluntary desire, i say, nina dmitrievna, as you say, i love you endlessly without edge, we are lovingly parting, because i got tired of school with my bad behavior, the last chord was, i climbed up the drainpipe to the third floor and wanted to enter my classroom, i mixed up the windows and entered the teacher’s room, nikola. nikolai iosipovich, a geography teacher who loved me very much, i always had a in geography, he says: “oh, borechka, come in,” in general, good things come from bad guys, as we see, this, of course, it was outrageous, because everyone witnessed this terrible act, and nina
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dmitrievna said, he says, i love you very much, well, give me a letter of resignation, that’s what i did, i went to the school of working youth, if you are going to the evening school of working youth. you need a work book, which means you work somewhere, you work, yes, then i officially get a job as a lighting designer to this cultural center, at the same time i worked as a lifeguard at a rescue station, which means that at first i started working for my mother in the baltic states in a rest home, as a gardener, but i was also a janitor, because there it all fell on me, by the way, 70 rubles . per month, so, i work as a sailor at a rescue station, which means i work 2 days in a rest home and 2 days i work at a rescue station for that. time we save three men, well, with my participation, as a rule, they drowned due to
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drunkenness, all three were drunk, but the third, to unfortunately, he was already dead, we him, i was late, love cupid prevented me, then i wrote poetry, was fired for being late and received a 37 ruble 50 kopeck bonus for rescuing a drowned man, how easy it is for you to get into acting, here in all this, right? we, among other things, already had acting programs, but konstantin grigorievich titov didn’t go there, you went to moscow right away, i went to moscow right away, in the same year it already happened, life changed, you know, amazingly life has changed, i wanted to say about it, i have one like this line, do you want to live or touch , do you want...
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some political ones are waiting , most of all i was afraid, now they will say, but her diploma says artist, how can that be, and
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here we are, the faculty of journalism, moscow state university, i had a lot of complexes about this all the time, pretending that i was so smart, that i was standing there, which meant i was discussing something, walking along the corridors, and then i came across this editor, i hope she ’s alive and well, but i don’t remember her very good on the one hand, on the other hand, thank you very much, i mean yes i am.
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in the end, it was also very beautiful , i’m taking away the last issue, so she invites me to the work book, says: svetlana, write a statement of your own free will, i just advise you to do this, this talmut puts it in, i mean i ate them with these people , drank, sat in the dining room, with these people, so...
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so that the truth is that no one is afraid to close the door , no one is afraid to open the door that he wants, so believe in yourself, go forward , everything will work out, good evening, before starting the closed screening program, i want to contact you with news, not so long ago, new.
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i recommend watching it in the cinema. well, now the program is closed screening.
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i wanted to address our experts with one request, i remind you that we are discussing three simple questions here: what was done, how it was done, why it was done, at different times the sequence of these questions is important in different ways, but now we will start with this: what did you see in this film, what is the film about and, as a result, recommendations to watch
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this film for our audience or do by your own affairs? let's start with you. i believe that the movie is about our consciousness and about our life, and about the consequences that, so to speak, in our life arise due to some kind of civil strife, problems, because of, so to speak, a certain need, i i this i saw it like this, if i were your friend, and you, when i asked you to go to the cinema, watch it or not, you would start saying this, i would say, oh, of course, thank you for saying that, but ...
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i am the presenter, which means i determine what is good for this program, what is bad, i agree, if do you agree, then answer my question , if no, no one is holding you, thank you, i can leave, please, yes, because i think it’s unlikely that i’m with you, i won’t find a dialogue with you , honestly, no, my dears good luck, where are the sound artists, the way out is there, thank you, please, see you at my place , well guys, what are you, how good, damn, so brave,
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his complete vulnerability in the face of trouble and crime. i would warn those people who will be watching and ask them
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to pay attention to weak female characters, they are not built on mine. what did you say that you don’t recommend watching now, right? well, why can you watch a film, and then you can discuss it and find its advantages and disadvantages, which we will certainly do. andrey igorevich, if we substantively answer your question about what and what, then in my opinion, it’s about violence, about the nature of violence, about the genealogy of violence, about the circulation of violence , about the category of power that always accompanies violence, here is violence and power, about how it arises, how it is further accepted or not accepted.
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it’s clear, vyacheslav yuryevich , a good word was said here, i watch the film because it corresponds to my worldview, and i would say you should watch the film if it matches your worldview, i really like those films that are not reduced to a plot, this film cannot be told at the level of an annotation that can be read in the catalogue, it begins with one message, this is the message of a thriller, we already roughly understand who the hero is, who the antihero is, but we come to a completely opposite result, like this it’s not paradoxical, most of all, though perhaps at the second show, i sympathized with this vitka cannibal.


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