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tv   Zdorove  1TV  February 4, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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oops, this engine has served its purpose, but now it will be sent to another workshop, where craftsmen will also work on it and put it in order, they will put another, new, fresh, good engine on this car, here come the gears and assemblies that we remove from the cars,
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whoever sees us will immediately gasp. i have seven labradors at home right now, they love everything except hunger strike. i love you, they love to be scratched, and they also love to communicate with swans, don’t jump, our cat has a feature, she can really give a massage, at some point she realized that we like the result, what she does, she likes what she does, and so we connected. hello.
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they can hold the throne with the empress for a long time, there are practically no friends next to the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, god, help me, god, who, wait, you can’t... so, gentlemen, i am your emperor, i am a woman, you don’t need to love, it was all your parsley, with whom you play tricks, i won’t tolerate it, i understand, let’s say that you say, whether you really want to rule, your majesty, or you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, russia has no friends in europe, and never will. where such confidence? do you
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forget where i was born? do you and i still have so much to do? life is not enough. great, golden age, big premiere, tomorrow, after the program time. civilization premiere, film three, the islamic world, on thursday on the first, both professional military and mobilized are working together. and those who came to volunteers. konstantin is the oldest of them, a professional motor mechanic from the belgorod region. previously, he repaired civilian vehicles, now he repairs military ones. he decided to join the army when his home village was shelled by the ukrainian armed forces. i live in shebekina, but they started bombing me, well, i worked at the corn factory. i turned around, the military registration and enlistment office came, called them, i said, the twenty- first, i’ll go to the front, well, they’re bombing. shebekin
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and the twenty-second took me here, got into the car and came here. work on replacing the engine on our tank is also in full swing. on the move. in the crane cabin i notice the mobilized lawyer anton, we met with him at the test run of the repaired tank. here, in rimbata, anton mastered several related professions at once. i’ll wash it away anton, you are a wide-profile specialist, you have to learn everything , you had experience on the crane before, no , you already acquired it here, yes, well , probably such a crane helps out a lot, oh, this is a serious lifesaver, well, how come people don’t work here in general? they are afraid, absolutely not, we take on any work and try to do it, in most cases and it turns out that's it. give it here, come on, guys,
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a little faster, time is running out, now install the engine, tie it down, well, untie it. here we will completely install the mto roof with radiators, fill everything with oil and fluid , and we will weld on the tank a grille and a visor, the tank is leaving for the trawl tomorrow, this is a colossal amount of work, tomorrow we will give them a rest, but we will complete the task, a little lower, a little bit. now i’ll show you how we live, of course, everything is simple, like a soldier, like a soldier, like an army, let’s go in, yeah, oh, so decent, well, yes, everything with our own hands
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we did everything for ourselves, we try to exercise, stay in physical shape, there’s also a work desk over there, my bed is over there, i have everything in my backpack, so you never know what i’ll take right away and go. i’ll put it on after the victory, as soon as we win , i’ll put it on, this is our cat, her name is albina , we found it as a little kitten, so we decided to keep the animals, but how can i have something like that for myself, i don’t know, what’s the correct name for a talisman, a talisman, well yes, i have it, now i
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’ll show you, this is a handwritten prayer, more precisely, which my father participated in the conflict in chechnya, he was there with her all the time. passed it , so he gave it to me, well, before the start of the war, so i keep it in a bag so that nothing gets torn or broken, that is , they are very old, i wrote it, well, also one of my relatives gave it to him , but he wrote over himself, that is, in such a state they are, so i always carry it with me, no matter what happens, and yura went to the front line more than once, before our eyes he took it out...
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i thought about my safety and also went to the front line, since it has no dynamics at all , they welded a breakthrough with the t-90, so dynamic protection, and now we are also planning to put a visor here, like on a tank, the most protected brand and the russian flag is a must, the guys also found that now they will install cloud systems here, that is, during an evacuation, they drive up to the equipment that will be evacuated, they dropped the clouds , so that they are not so noticeable, the same clouds that...
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we're putting the roof on everything and starting up the oil, we've brought what we have, i'm what's there, that's it , now we're putting the roof on, we're filling up the oil with liquid, everything's left, these boxes have arrived the car should be already in position at 6 am, so we accelerate, i understand , now we’re putting up the roof, now the visor - at 6 am we load the car onto the grass, it’s clear, i understand everything, let’s speed up, guys, quickly , now i’ll call the quarrel, let the visors be, from morning until late at night, without smoking breaks and breaks, sometimes forgetting about food and sleep, because you need to do it as quickly as possible. actually, they have already
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brought liquids, this is... roma, how are you doing? well , i see that you have no smoke breaks, no lunches , no anything, it’s really like this, guys came here. in the morning they still don’t get out of here, now that i’ve washed it off they’ve already made serious progress, they ’re tired, it’s fine, it’s normal, they say modestly , but in reality, of course, the guys are tired, what’s left, the nonsense remains, that is, the main volumes have already been done, well, yes, that is ahead of schedule.
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rimbat has its own amazing stories , everyone here calls this dog hatika, because for some reason it is very attached to one of the mechanics, alexander, alexander, i’ll distract you for literally half a minute from the repair, why is the dog yours, or i don’t know how it is to you i got attached, moved from here locally, and so they started feeding me constantly, wherever i went. it’s like she’s constantly following me , that’s it, i’m on the tank, she lies down next to me, if i’m on the tank, she runs around it, well, it happens occasionally, when we’re driving a tank, we take her with us, we’re thinking about sewing a tank top for her so that she always carried the keys with her , they had been here for a long time, and we’ll be here for a year already in september, the military registration and enlistment office came without a summons, we were there , then they took us here, and that is, you and you are a tank commander, yes, well, how did you have to fight? i had to a little bit,
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it’s hard for the crew commander, everything depends, and then i already think that it will be easy for everyone, if we help each other, as it were, then all this can be solved without problems, we left already at night, we were generally tired, but we’re already getting used to it, it’s like taking turns, when someone works there, then you go there. you help, here you help the guys, everywhere a little bit, everyone understands that it’s hard, but what can you do, it would seem that they are not doing anything heroic, at the same time, their feat in this hard work, in 18 hours none of the mechanics even sat down, already and their faces are tired, in fact, really, here are the men before our eyes, not sparing themselves, hour after hour, hour after hour, we at least left, came up. i didn’t even see them leaving here, well, the engine is in place, all that’s left is to actually try it
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, everyone is worried, tired, so men , it’s ready, that’s it, let’s start it, check it, there’s no time, you’re worried about your people, that’s it it was clear, i'm confident in them, hurray, the battery, hurray, the batteries are weak, yes, yes, how is it, what's there? everything is clear, everything, let's check it again, liquid, water, oils are closed for a test run, yur, well, in general , i’m happy with the guys, yes, of course, i’m confident in them, as i said initially, the guys here are not like, well... they already know their business, they know what for they are here, they want to do it themselves, give the tank to the boys. 3:15 minutes, we started on the 13th
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, it turns out they completed it in less than , well, 13 hours, which is a record in my opinion, but this has never happened before, we completed the task , we’ll send it, well done, now check the fluid again, right now in the night he will go to run, yes it will go for a control run, we will already load it onto the trawl, it’s just blossoming, everything will blossom, that is, it’s already. today it will be at the front, of course, it’s leaked, something is wrong, it was, these handsome guys, thank you, that’s it, let’s start, for a run-in, let’s go,
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the dawn of a new day. the tank returns to the front in less than 24 hours. okay, a little here. but for the primate mechanic this is one
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small victory, one of them. many, now they are going back to work, repairing equipment for the front, time is running out, you watched the sentinel program, see you exactly a week later. god bless russia, you and your families, we must
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strive for the best and do everything for the development and benefit of our russian federation as a whole, this is the best. a country that i know and am proud of, family is sacred , even if it may sound a little pretentious, i love my mother very much, i have a farm of rams, i keep sheep, here is free milk, free meat, i have wonderful children, i believe that motherhood is generally a wonderful time, any woman should have two, three or more children, be happy, from life, we love each other, we love to smile and bring happiness and goodness to this world. good morning, dear friends, i start this morning at my work in the medical center, and you know, today we will talk about
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hypertension, about the fact that you are personally responsible for what your blood pressure is, who knows more about that the main consequence of hypertension is a stroke, that if you do not control the pressure yourself, you will inevitably have a stroke, and this does not mean that you will die, it means that for many years you will be paralyzed without the ability to function normally to speak and live normally, this is a terrible fate, but it can be avoided if you control your blood pressure,
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put a pill in your mouth, i would do it, but it is impossible, so the responsibility for the pressure is on you, the responsibility for your fate is on you, so today once again about your
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responsibility and about how to use gadgets that you already have. today we have it in our hands, you can control your blood pressure , god forbid, you won’t live to have a stroke. let me remind you once again why blood pressure is so dangerous: when it rises, a stroke occurs. here they, unfortunate people, are victims of a stroke. they just didn't know that high blood pressure was a disaster. it is important to prevent this from happening. to prevent it means measuring your blood pressure and keeping it normal, and to make it easier for you, today there are excellent applications for smartphones, they will monitor yours for free. pressure to prescribe examination and treatment tailored specifically for you. patients, subscribers of our social networks and
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simply responsible people who are responsible for their blood pressure gathered in our hall. hello, most enlightened people on earth. well, pressure, whose responsibility? who is responsible for yours? pressure, i answer, here, here, if a person is aware of this, his life will be wonderful, he will not have a stroke, because he is responsible for himself. i know that you all have these applications, i have it too, so let's start with the fact that we measure blood pressure. please, we will now take a short break and begin the health program; at the very end of the program there is a full story about how we are at home today without the help of a doctor. control pressure with with the help of artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence always needs your head on your shoulders, and the advice of a doctor, because
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i am a doctor, i don’t cancel doctors, the health program begins while in this harsh life, endless passions are boiling, to wake up healthy in the morning, even if real happiness. and i just want to repeat once again that whether or not you have a stroke depends on many reasons, but you can influence one 100%,
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this is blood pressure, strokes do not happen practically with normal blood pressure, but if your blood pressure is high and you don’t know it, then for the first time in your life you can find out that you have hypertension the minute you have a stroke. so start by taking your blood pressure right now. and take the medicine, control it at normal levels. in the meantime, our program begins, and as always, only one principle works in our program, only the best doctors in russia and the world work here, in the television clinic of the health program. great stagnation! what what to do if the outflow in the lymphatic vessels is impaired? unique technologies to combat lymphostasis. why does the immune system attack healthy cells? what is rheumatoid
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arthritis and can it be cured? the truth lies in the details, why does our body need silicon in what products to look for it? health is with you again, dear friends , our program continues, our topic continues the conversation about our blood cells, whose task is to protect us, these are the same white blood cells that when they leave the blood into the tissues, and they do this all the time, we we call them macrophages, macrophages are leukocytes when they are in the blood, their special part is monocytes, when they come out... into the tissue, we call them macrophages, these are large cells, macro is large, phagos is a devourer, these are the greatest devourers everything that comes into our body, i now want to tell you,
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show an absolutely alive, real picture taken under a microscope, the work of a macrophage, let's see, once again a macrophage is a leukocyte, here it is, this hefty cell is a macrophage, look , he found something, foreign and immediately ate and digested, this is it... it’s chasing, look, now it will catch up, eat, phagocytize and digest, now we’ll show another picture, it’s absolutely amazing, this is also a variant of a macrophage, this is a dendritic cell, the red circles are cancerous cells, this is how it eats them in real time, which we see, on the right - this is also a macrophac that eats cancer cells. devours and causes their death, now imagine that these unique cells have gone crazy, they have gone crazy and
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besides that they ate. so he swims up to our bone in the literal sense of the word and literally eats it. i have this amazing layout here, where these threatened pieces are simply shown. this is what a joint disease called rheumatoid arthritis looks like in real life. arthritis is
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inflammation of the joints. but special when our protective cells have completely gone crazy. i want to invite our guest to us, very often these are young, beautiful women, how to choose, how to choose, where it all started, 3 years ago in a completely unexpected way my shoulder began to hurt to such an extent that i couldn’t just lift it or move it at all, that is, even when i was sleeping, i turned my hand over with my other hand. in order to turn over, then it began to slowly gradually develop into hands, into fingers , that is, i have them all like this, show us your hands like this, well, i don’t have very many in comparison, this is still a good picture, because the girl our beautiful one still lives in the 21st century, this is what we have seen and still see in rheumatoid arthritis, let us give you we’ll show you, you just can’t look at it without words, this is
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a severe deformation. arthritis, what it does, these cells, this is the gold standard for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis that eat everything, it simply suppresses them, it is brute force, it is a cytostatic - this is immunosuppression, suppression is suppression, that is, it suppresses these. cage, and frankly, we warmly welcome this treatment, and today we invited a person who works in the leading institution of our country, this is the famous institute of rheumatology, our guest and expert today, rheumatologist yulia nikolaevna gorbunova. yulia nikolaevna , please come to us, here i want, well, first of all, for
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you to get acquainted, take this... beautiful young woman under your wing, okay, a huge number of people have joint pain when they need to get tested for rheumatoid arthritis, if you get up in the morning or out of bed and you feel tight mobility in your joints, stiffness, stiffness, or in other words, i sometimes tell my patients, it feels as if you are wearing rubber gloves and you cannot fully straighten pens. and i would say this, if you got up , you need some time, i would even say so, it doesn’t matter what time it is, when you can, you need to disperse, yes, disperse, move apart, this is right there, go get tested for autoimmune diseases for rheumatoid arthritis, that's right , that's right, in addition to stiffness, you of course should pay attention to rheumatoid arthritis, of course, it is
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small joints that are most often affected, but not... for us the standard is both the hands and feet, so the patient should pay attention to swollen joints, that is, reddened joints, and some again in women are a sign of a ring, yes, they don’t pass through the bone, it doesn’t wear it anymore, well, i don’t wear it here anymore, but i only wear it on one, that’s also a reason to get tested for rheumatoid arthritis, you need to come to to the doctor, and he already decided on further tactics...
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by the way, we very often talked in our programs about how macrophages eat these pieces, very often, but i could not imagine that i would see the same picture on an mri. literally eaten holes in the bones of the hand, it had an indelible effect on me vpecha, and i want you to say that treatment today is diverse, and if a person is being treated, we no longer see such drama, deformed, terrible bones, what are the stages of treatment, the gold standard is metrixat, a good result, don’t rot, the rexat method applies to essential drugs in the world. it remains the gold standard in order to understand whether it works or not, we also explain to patients at the appointment that they cannot use it once, it is taken once a week, the doctor will evaluate the effect only after 3
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months from taking this drug , at a repeat appointment we can, again, by visual examination, by patient complaints and laboratory tests, we can determine whether this drug works or not, if the drug...
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this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, it’s cold here for 2 months, and the remaining 10, well, very cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see such beautiful, beautiful dark copper, what is the temperature of this entire mass, 1,200°, how do the guys withstand this temperature, strength the spirit of real metallug, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, let's... make an iron man, if this iron man is tired after his shift and hasn't washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh god, cut it , you throw salt and pepper there and start shaking it like this, it’s called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes,
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dolbanina and stroganina, i’m just in shock, because i’m standing there, i’m cold, you should start , you’ll get used to liking it right away, you’re great , let’s i’ll shake your hand, it’s warm, can you imagine, it’s still warm, the life of my own, premiere, today on the first, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, so he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother, i don’t think that i without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter vera to her parents and ex-husband, i said that unfortunately i have very difficult news for... that mother no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, he knows only he, it is a big responsibility, to tell his child that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after
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her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, come what may, to become a star in memory of the famous mom. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, hello, galina konstantinna, hello, how glad i am to see you, and i i’m glad, even more so, it’s true that there are people like that on the screen. create an image of absolute kindness, it’s you, it’s you, of course , absolutely, look, when everyone comes to us, we examine everyone, three basic tests: blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol, you are a person who is actively filming, really,
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how old are you? , you can ask, because about us on wikipedia we are 83, 83 years old, a person with enormous activity professionally, and this year there is a lot, but the most important thing is not even that. galina konstantinovna has a daughter who is a doctor, yes, really, yes, she, well, she's not a practitioner, she teaches, she graduates nurses. that in your family there is now a person
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who can really help, i ’m happy for you, by the way, well, galina konstantinovna, i always run here before during a small commercial break, so now they will take all the tests from you, and you come to me with a report, okay, and greetings to my daughter directly, i’m very happy for yours, thank you, i’m going back to the studio and waiting for you, okay. health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues, our the next topic is lymphatic vessels. but here we actually have three types of vessels that exist in the human body. this vessel here is an artery. the artery is distinguished from all vessels by a powerful muscular wall and a complete absence of valves. the artery has a task. when the heart contracted, blood
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rushed into the arteries, withstand this blow and pump the blood further into the veins, these are the veins, their task is difficult, they need to pump blood from bottom to top, so there are valves in the veins, here they are venous valves, venous valves contract, blood , heart pumped, the blood flew somewhere, the valves were open, closed so that the blood wouldn’t fly back, the heart pumped again, the blood flew up again, the valves closed, veins are more complex than arteries, but there is no muscle wall, so if the valves don’t work, veins expand, unlike arteries , they can no longer narrow. arteries and veins are a closed circulatory system, and next to it, in direct connection with it, there are lymphatic vessels and the lymphatic system. here they are, there are even more valves here, and this
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the only system in the human body that is not closed, why? because when the blood enters the small capillaries, immune cells come out of them to eat cancer cells, microbes, infections, and then they need to be collected, the lymphatic system is involved in the collection, let's see how it works? the only open system, the open vessels from the very bottom begin to collect blood to pump upward, the veins, the lymphatic vessels pump and force our muscles to work, and then all the lymph flows into the superior vena cava through the thoracic lymphatic duct, of course, that is, all this will return to the blood, will return. into the blood and this is very important, because
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lymph will bring into the blood what we cannot live without, it will bring trained lymphocytes that will protect us from infection. where does this happen? this happens in the lymph nodes, here we have a model of a lymph node , you can even palpate the lymph nodes , just like that, put your hands here now, these are our submandibular and...
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the lymphatic system stopped working, i started to have some unusual spots, redness, itching, fever and leg appeared. as if erysipelas began to increase in volume, as people say, which leg began to increase? now the right leg, then periodically began to switch to the left leg, that’s how i suffered from this for several years, i now want to show what a person’s arms or legs look like in those situations when there was a stop in the work
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of the lymphatic system, that is, the lymphatic system various reasons... began to pump lymph from bottom to top, let's let's see, you see, the right hand is lymphostasis or lymphedema, here on the left hand there is lymphedema, now we'll see what the legs look like, here's the left leg with lymphatic edema, that's right, yes, how did you fight it, well, i periodically carried out treatment, like i would have been in the hospital, but it seemed to have no effect, but why were you there, what did they do to you there?
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our guest, this is a wonderful doctor, he is a vascular surgeon. sergei nikolaevich yakushkin, the doctor who eventually began treating our guest today, come in. so, the lymphatic system does not work, the main causes. in fact, lymphedema can be primary or secondary. primary lymphedema is congenital lymphedema. that is, a birth defect.
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prevention and so on with a removed uterus, that is, in oncology we simply face this, we warn you in advance, it happens, now what to do first? bells and whistles won't help matters, right? with lotions it would be too easy, probably, what should i do? well, in fact, there are two principles for treating lymphedema, but 90% is conservative therapy, namely complex physical decongestant therapy, which includes lymphatic drainage massage, manual
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bandaging, bandaging, that is, now we will show you how the massage is done, because the massage therapists are professional. all this is broken, even on the foot, you see what it is, such swelling is the result of a violation of the outflow of lymph, a special lymphatic drainage massage can help, it is done with your hands, without the help of instruments and devices, this is lymph, and the lymph is stagnant, and
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i little by little, little by little with long , with soft longitudinal movements, i begin to drive her out from the periphery to the center, and so on step by step... for each section of this leg, the massage therapist works with his hands for several hours, we see that it has become softer, here somewhere the superficial swelling has already gone away, it has gone away in the knee area, as you can see , and partially it went into the thigh, and now look at what results can be achieved after 2 hours of such a massage, the leg is reduced by half, in order to maintain this result, the massage therapist applies... a bandage wraps the leg. so, we bandaged the leg in this case in this bandage the person will now walk until the next one. massage, well , now, in fact, having finished with this leg, we proceed to this leg, the massage therapist
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works in the same way with the other leg, the patient has a whole course of such procedures ahead of him, they will help him return to normal life, i repeat once again, when we some beauty salons offer lymphatic drainage massage for 40 minutes, this is a joke to the chickens, because they are specialists in lymphatic drainage massage. practically no, this is a very long procedure, each leg takes 2 hours, if the arm, then also 2 hours for each hand, and such specialists are patient, skillful, they are probably just strong, because they physically need to redistribute everything, several hours, this strength is also needed, and endurance, of course, i want you to at least raise us now one trouser leg, they have a special design, we see that but...
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they act according to a special protocol, they are afraid of the fuss, given the level of the victim, they do not want to attract attention. we have a warrant for your arrest, open up or we'll be forced to break down the door. container - final series. watch the time after the program.
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a huge number of press representatives came to every exhibition of his works , it was a resounding success, no one knew him, that’s how quickly popularity came, it’s quite funny to see a pockmarked chicken in paris, it’s so russian, there’s something very rustic and childish, he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river, we don’t get great sensations by accident, let ’s not pass by so that i can remain unbearable. ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premieres on saturday on the first. well, friends, here you go
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such a chemical laboratory is open in our studio, today we will talk about microelements that are contained in our bodies, but we have no idea how this outstanding biochemical works... a wonderful actress, whom you all, of course, know well, was i have one
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skier, he was certainly better. which is better for snowboarders? better than my grandfather, god forgive me, galina konstantinovna stakhanova is the people's grandmother of russian cinema, having survived all the hardships of wartime in childhood, she managed to realize her dream and become actress without ever receiving professional education. why be offended, it would be better if you talked to the guest. yes, he is modest for me. so what, i’m also... modest. stakhanova dreamed of becoming an actress from early childhood. after the war, her mother got a job as a costume designer at the mayakovsky theater. and the matured galya came there as an assistant to the make-up artist. here she met and became friends with other actors. they got her into the legendary picture of girls. the role is tiny, here it is, galina stakhanova on the left. but since then the girl had no idea
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my life without a stage. despite the lack of education, the directors appreciated stakhanova’s talent, noted her unique artistic abilities, her sincerity and inner warmth. she worked with rolan bykov, mark zakharov, roman viktyuk. stakhanova has about 200 roles to her credit. granny! yes, alive, alive! galina stakhanova is 83 years old, and her work schedule is scheduled several months in advance. stakhanova plays in enterprises and appears in films and commercials. galina konstantinovna is a frequent guest on television, she is not afraid of experiments willingly takes part in them. hello
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everyone, hello, welcome. you need to save 83 years, but you also need to save your strength, right to the heart, straight to the heart, little red one, well, look, i’ll repeat it again, galina konstantinovna works, no matter what, she works, she’s filming, but the most amazing thing is... for me, that her daughter is a professional nurse, a nurse with a higher education, who teaches, teaches nurses, sister konstantinovna, first, you must say what you are working on now, where do you play in plays, what movies do you star in, what happens in life in 1983, attention, not in plays now, because it has become a little difficult to run around the stage, in
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movies, yes. the second episode of the second season of the series devil's stone, this is a children's movie, about a vampire, about cladouds, i also starred in a series called mile, now at the moment my project is ending, it will be their last day of filming, it’s called better, here there’s an agency there i want to ask a question, i even ran there. and we were running from vampires, i was chasing the hero with a stick, i don’t know how, there are a lot of takes, a lot of takes, you have to understand, cinema is a lot of takes, we are noble people here, doctors shoot everything in one take, how long is the working day of an actress, well in general, we are supposed to work until 12 o’clock, a 12-hour working day,
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he says it’s supposed to, sometimes it happens... he rattled off, i apologize for such language, i went home, 83 years old, well done, cream, cream is not needed. i’ll tell you one more thing, when i sit at home, i waste away, yes i agree, i miss the communication of people, i i come, there’s a filming or some kind of program , all my ailments go away, my favorite two sashkas were in the christmas trees, i’m saying this, i’m the happiest, i have two sashkas
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filming with me, domagarov and this one are my boys. elements, today we are talking about a microelement called silicium, this is silicon, silicon in sand, hard sand, you understand this, where this cream is found, in very simple products, rice, oatmeal and barley, rice of this silicon is four daily norms in 100 g, that is, 25 g of rice is enough to restore the daily requirement for flint, oats, oats, here it is... three daily norms in 100 g. 30 g per day of oats is enough, barley contains two daily doses, that is, 50 g of barley is enough to restore the need for silicon. now why is silicon
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needed? the first is for the bones, so that they are so strong, and not so fragile, once again, the second is fundamentally important, blood vessels, compare. this vessel, you see, how elastic it is, it has expanded, narrowed, this one, oh, will break, yes, yes, inelastic, without flint there is no elasticity and strength vessels, the last one galina konstantinovna , even 83, this is important, silicon is the skin, you see how stretched it is, it’s not there, now gaps called wrinkles are starting to form, here for... at the bone this year on after filming uh damn no, i
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fell very hard, oh my goodness, my god , here it’s just like an eggplant the color of an eggplant, but nevertheless it didn’t break anything, which means there are still flints. powder flasks, it means they still have it, well, our guests are so wonderful, remember the product made from flint, rice, oatmeal, barley, small doses from 25 g to 50 per day, any of these products, you will have enough flint for bones, for blood vessels and for a beautiful face, i eat cleanly, well done, well, galina konstantinovna, tests, glucose. stop , i should have asked you to try it on when you left, well done,
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to show that i reacted emotionally, of course, to galina konstantinovna, we will help you with everything, that’s why, strictly speaking, my doctors, thank you, be healthy, happy, and so that, you know, for your health. thank you thank you all very much, let's take a break , thank you very much for inviting me, and i will keep you under control, okay, good, uglich is one of the most ancient cities in our country, the corner of the volga gave the name to our city, the city on the corner. the main thing is, of course , the pies, there are very unusual pies with pickled cucumber, i really liked it, your task is to undress and have fun, catch, catch, catch, oops, oops, oops, oops, here
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it is, the fish of my dreams, i want to find local grandmothers and see what they sell from their products at the market, cranberry, blueberry, you can immediately feel that wild berries, cabbage are simply gorgeous, try timochka, darling, try it, dimochka, try it, there will be quail, potatoes, pearl barley, the guys in the city from... they have great goat cheese here, i’ll fill it with cream , i’ll roast beets and make some cool sauce from local berries. well, let's start cooking? premiere, chefs on wheels. today is the first one. a certain madame peschanskaya, a longtime friend of the zelensky family, will head the accounts chamber of ukraine. 40 billion dollars disappeared now they want to silence the auditors. the previous head of the chamber of accounts - it was. man poroshenko, the question of whose hands the accounts are in, will determine who can and who cannot be the president of ukraine, he has come to clear trillions of hryvnias, and there will be even more in the future. her sister is the owner of the company where
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the villa of the zelensky family is decorated. zelensky needs people whom only he trusts. one more of the cogs will be possible instead of the syrsky one. zelensky wants to remain in power because it is a matter of physical survival. the british provide him with a roof. this is not beneficial for the americans. zaluzhny just doesn’t. remove, he will immediately deploy his troops and move to kiev. this confrontation is strictly behind the scenes, so they are trying to resolve these issues more elegantly. she can blame zelensky.
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without the ability to speak or live normally, this is a terrible fate, but it can be avoided if you control your blood pressure. you know, i ’m returning to this topic because at the end of last year, we released a big story in the health program about how important it is to control pressure so as not to have a stroke, then we posted this story on our social networks, on social networks...
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nothing helps, we don’t have any help, she wrote like this: what does this have to do with it? you are told what you need to do to avoid heart attack and stroke, that malysheva should come to every village to put a pill in your mouth if you have hypertension, i swear, if i could physically put a pill into circulation, i would do it, but this is impossible, so the responsibility for the pressure is on you. responsibility for your
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fate is on you, so today once again about your responsibility and how using gadgets, what we already have in our hands today, you can control your blood pressure , god forbid, you don’t live to have a stroke. let me remind you once again why pressure is so dangerous when it rises. there is only one outcome: part of the brain dies, and the person remains paralyzed, very often losing speech for life. here they are, unfortunate people, victims of stroke. they just didn't know that high blood pressure was a disaster. it's not important admit. to prevent it means measuring
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your blood pressure and keeping it normal, and to make it easier for you, today there are excellent applications for smartphones, they will monitor your pressure for free, prescribe examinations and treatment tailored specifically for you. patients, subscribers of our social networks and simply responsible people who are responsible for their blood pressure gathered in our hall. hello, the most enlightened people on earth, well, pressure, whose responsibility, who is responsible for yours pressure, i answer, well, if a person is aware of this, his life will be wonderful, he will not have a stroke, because he is responsible for himself, i know that you all have these applications, i have it there is also, so let's start with the fact that we measure arterial blood. please, well, i
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’ll open the application right now, because the pressure must be measured correctly, so, the free application is my pressure, here it is, first of all, we enter our pressure there, and you will immediately receive a diagnosis, i have pressure 109.83, for many in this room the diagnosis of hypertension was a revelation. 135x97, 129. at 87 112x65 is rather low and the ideal pressure according to all medical standards is lower than 120 and 80 is normal.
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the system tells you: the pressure is 135.97, do you interpret it as low? hypertension of the first stage, and you interpret it as low, you, here we have an ideal person: save, here he is in the green zone, here is the first, normal addition, i will say right away that you need to measure the pressure correctly, and the application will tell you how... will tell you completely free, i want everyone now to say that the pressure is being measured incorrectly, there is a button here on how to measure the pressure correctly, so we press it, the following picture appears:
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do not talk, because if you talk, the pressure rises by 10 mm hg, the cuff should be worn as if on goal. a bare hand, who has a bare hand, one person has a bare hand, everyone else has clothes on, and two, you’re great, you ’re an a, let’s look at this picture together with errors, there are seven mistakes in it when increasing pressure, which overestimate it number, for example, if you are talking, the pressure rises by 10 mmhg, if you put a cuff on some clothing, then the pressure number can be ...
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up to 8 mmhg, feet stand on the floor, resting on the floor, everything is calm, about my neighbor, her blood pressure rises every minute, i’m wrong, no, it can’t be like that, i think, you just talk, you talk, when you talk and measure, the pressure will rise, it’s inevitable , take your blood pressure now, like this. our app has trained patients measure pressure correctly. believe me, no doctor simply has time for this. well , now the most important thing: the system itself will prescribe treatment for you free of charge, without queues, without making an appointment with a doctor, and will do it on a basis.


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