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tv   Velikaya  1TV  February 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:56pm MSK

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here he is hiding under a false name, at first he was seen several times not far from the moscow estate of princess dashkova, and months later in st. petersburg he communicated with guard officers, right before the start of the unrest, find him for me, where should i look for him alexey petrovich? russia is big, well, that’s how big it is, prince, go, write out the travel document, i obey.
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peacefully, your majesty, colonel of the astrakhan regiment alexander vasilievich suvorov. why here? the capital was uneasy. or rather, more precisely, there was a small riot your majesty. i also calmed down the rioters .
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dug in and didn’t have time to meet , as expected, with the ceremony, leave me, i’m tired of these ceremonies, alexey petrovich, well, northern palmyra, i’m glad to see you, and so am i, i’m happy to see you again in the palace, in the good hello, i already know about the joys of the northern palmera, so the report can be omitted, but why, i’m sincerely interested in your opinion about what is happening? i want to understand the reasons for the unrest
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in the guard, let's go inside, your majesty, it’s cool here, you say that the guard is dissatisfied with orlov, she followed him in the most difficult times, how can she be dissatisfied now when everything is calm, perhaps this will surprise you,
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in whose? i’m not ready to share speculation yet, the late empress elizaveta petrovna weaned off gossip once and for all. but now i can say that orlov, although not impeccable, is faithful; there are others who are not so comfortable with loyalty. i want to know who they are, that's what i do, your majesty.
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why are you standing? chicken meat? "hey, my dear, a learned astronomer, a foreigner, stayed with you, well, what is he traveling for scientific needs, and what is this, i must answer the first person i meet, i have a paper, i was sent from st. petersburg , we don’t need your papers, we are illiterate, we don’t understand them, we don’t
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do you understand?" "or no, there was, there was, damn it, we arrived yesterday, had a bite to eat and rested for 2 hours, where we were going, where we were going, he didn’t say, so i asked the price for the weight, it was, he said, yes, to st. petersburg , they went, they didn’t say a lot, don’t weigh his own business, but they gave him a ruble so that he would be silent, and you have already caused 5 rubles worth of damage here, the girl will have to be hired.
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i’m thinking carefully, i also wanted to inform you that from now on i will decide who to retire, who to leave in service? better tell us how the heir feels, pavel petrovich is resting,
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empresses, hurray, too, empresses
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, mother empresses, pew pivat pivat pivat hurray hurray grisha, what is all this for? look how happy they are, katya? i'm tired of all these fireworks back in moscow, you make me feel awkward situation, somewhat different behavior is expected from the empress’s favorite. believe me, the court is full of people who will use any of our money against us, so drive them away, you will disperse everyone who remains, the best will remain. i will ask you, i will fulfill any of your requests , promise me that there will be no more fireworks, i promise, and no entertainment in either the greek or roman style, i promise,
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the mother empresses will kill, hurray, venus started the war again after a long time, have mercy , please, please, i’m not the one who was my gentle wife’s tsenara, you, sweet ones cupids, terrible mother, stop bending me, now without passion, you ascend, noisy. retinue, if you want to light a worthy heart, isn’t it, the count was simply
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magnificent, your majesty, as he recited, everyone was delighted, some ladies cried, yes, grigory grigorievich is talented in everything, anna dear, please bring me a shawl, what- it’s chilly today, but your majesty, with the return of the court to st. petersburg, idleness has returned to my life, nikita ivanovich, what can i do, ekaterina alekseevna, palace etiquette demands of you not only political accomplishments. ivan, bravo, your beloved katya from the french pastry chef, thank you,
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but if everyone decides, what will happen? so the fact of the matter is that the owners decide everything for the men and do not ask them what they want. ekaterina alekseevna, let me steal you, as they say to antern? you’re like a stranger, that’s why, because of the pressure, there’s no
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clearing up, clearing up is trivial, well , people are waiting for me there, really, we said, are you crazy , let me go, let me go, let me go, you fool. you are drunk, grigory grigorievich, go, sleep it off, well, to hell with you. “it seems to me that the empress is bored with the elegraph
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, whether she is bored or not, she is afraid of him, given orlov’s influence in the guard, i believe that soon he will not be near the throne, what do you have to do with this, that you, the count, are exceptionally talented, he does everything himself, remains in time. point this out to her majesty . gentlemen, i am glad that we have finally gathered, within these walls, we can speak freely, but what can we talk about, nikita ivanovich, you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon, don’t you think that for she is a temporary phenomenon too firmly entrenched on the throne, it seems to me that
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it is somewhat premature to talk about the strength of the position, besides... there are some forces that are ready to help us in resolving this issue as quickly as possible. i suggest you raise your glasses, brothers. these letters must be sent today. i made sure that no one disturbs me. yes, books by nedashkov and. should appear. let her in, for everyone else i’m not there, but if count orlov, how can i not let him in, and i don’t want to see count orlov in the first place, i feel that they are opening
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new opportunities. it’s impossible, which means it’s impossible, she’s busy, and what were you doing there, i have to send a letter from the government, send it, ekaterina alekseevna, he’ll break the door, open it! where else would i break the door, your excellency, she is busy , i didn’t tell anyone to be allowed in, who are you, she is a bosorgina, a maid of honor and her majesty, what ’s the matter, count, do you realize who you are talking to, but put the maid of honor in her place, go, open, open, otherwise i will break the door.
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open, you know me, count, stop, he’s looking at you, and let them look, katya, open up, your grigri almost cut the maid of honor who didn’t let him in, maybe. i don’t want to see him today, what is it, is he in apali?
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how, it’s becoming more and more difficult with him , something is happening between us, but he can’t see it, he’s always been like this, but you won’t argue that this is his charm, no, his throat has always been her charm, he’s more alive more interesting than all these pompous palace slugs, well, i understand how difficult it is for you , my soul, your orlov can sometimes be so
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straightforward, simple-minded, and he is so proud this place, next to you, which sometimes even becomes arrogant, you know, they say there is disorder among the guards, we owe it to grigory grigorievich. perhaps, but he has a quality that overcomes any shortcomings, he is faithful to me. and very few in my current environment can boast of this, loyalty to you is inherent not only in the count, katya, we have been friends with you for many years,
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you can always count on my loyalty, little macron, as they call it in france, but... gay , he is dangerous because of his absolute lack of principles and what a chameleon he is. premier the cover came in order to divert attention from what
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the french state was really going to do. one of the goals of this war against russia is the ruin and racketeering of western europe. it's obvious that he's going to stir this up. gabriel ottal, member of the pride. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. it was your first appearance on television that made this model stand out from the crowd of starlets, which made the whole nation, and indeed the whole world, unanimously proclaim her as their goddess, director billy wilder said that she was monstrous, couldn’t remember the text, the takes were terrible, she had to take different parts of the takes to get something valuable.
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what is it? i ask what is this? letters from the sovereign? listen to me carefully, from this
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day on who her majesty is planning to have fun with, you will personally report to me, understand? what kind of entertainment? such as what she and princess dashkova are planning?
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one minute, you are advised to refrain from taking photos of your health.
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the air is cleaner, he, alexey petrovich, was wounded, on a cart, they brought him barely alive, the carriage is alive.
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you are gloomy, alexey petrovich, what is the reason? you remember, prince stolivich, your majesty, he took an active part in the events that brought you to the throne. stolich. yes, of course i remember. the fact is that i asked the prince for a favor in a matter very useful to the fatherland, he fulfilled my order at the cost of his life. the prince is survived by his wife and daughter. i believe it would be right to show special attention to the family of the deceased. i think this would be the best reward for the murdered man for his loyalty
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to you. yes, of course, alexey petrovich, i i'll give orders. i am coming to you on behalf of her imperial majesty. what is this? from this day on, you have been assigned a lifelong monetary allowance. are you elizabeth, do you want to become a maid of honor? my dad taught me fencing, and more than anything in the world i want to continue training with him. by decree of her imperial majesty, princess elizabeth alexandrovna was appointed maid of honor to the person of the empress. a self-running
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vessel, called a watership, moves against the current, but not by barge force, but due to the physical properties of matter, very clearly, nikita ivanovich, and what, sir, is big a ship, say, with a cargo, will also be able to move like this, exactly like that, your majesty, only state participation is required for the construction of a full-size ship.
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ivan, petrov's son. i consider your actions very, very useful for the state. mr. chancellor, please allocate the necessary amount for mr. kulibin. how much do you need? 687. mr. chancellor, please write out 1,000 rubles with gold for mr. inventor, come on again, no need, even a thousand for toys. the russian land is rich in talents. grisha, russia can become the most prosperous power in europe. if you give everyone a thousand, i don’t know why it will flourish. kulibin’s scientific research needs government support, it’s very strange to me that you don’t understand this. i understand that all this is bookish nonsense. and also, if you give everyone thousands, soon there will be nothing
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left from the treasury. 200 rub. enough. leave the treasury in my care.
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aspiration for the future and adaptability to historical eras, this is the real face of islam, civilization premiere, film third islamic world on thursday on the first. can not be, that a person was in your life, now he disappears, even if he dies. the girls almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his most precious thing, his mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories. well, this is my mom. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter,
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vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. it's a big responsibility to say. to his to a child that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, come what may, to become a star in memory of famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. it was claimed that catherine will play for power, stumble and retreat.
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after the death of peter, you also claimed that the throne would pass to paul, which you would govern with our assistance. i once broke my word, mr. chancellor, while we only heard. why did you decide to speak for everyone? excuse me, but did you see or hear something that no one else saw or heard? attention, gentlemen, now we will hear something new. buffoon, completeness, completeness, gentlemen,
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as you deigned to call me, i have heard more than once, excuse me, as everyone around you calls you, perhaps because buffoonery, the only activity to which nature disposes you. wait a second, we will have the opportunity to continue our humorous conversation with you. and here several candidates of interest to us have gathered. they
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are practicing in front of the ladies here, the ladies like it, stop chatting, get to the point, so here is the one on the far left, guards of the semenovsky regiment, andrei timofeevich, distinguished himself in the raid on berlin , very noticeable with his tall height and red hair, not a year old.
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alexey petrovich, may i ask, what is the essence of our conversation? if you please, i want offer you a service. i... am already serving, the sovereign is not the empress, but i am serving russia
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, to which i call you, that’s who the sovereign empress serves, time will tell, let me deviate, why such haste, in your speeches, mr. count, there is no hint for treason. i dare say, in order for the sovereigns to reach their current position, i probably did no less than you, but i must admit, impersonal sympathy guided me, the interests of the state, the rulers of the russian empire come, go, well, russia must remain. sit
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down, there are practically no friends next to the empress now , but there are plenty of enemies, but the most important enemy of the empress, she herself, ekaterina alekseevna , does not always know what to do, and you know, i know, however, let's move from... general to concrete: in europe , innate forces have become active, interested in overthrowing the currently reigning persons, their goal is to enthrone a controlled monarch and thus gain access to the wealth of the russian state. currently located in russia french, which represents the interests of these forces hostile to the empress. do you want me to find this obbat?
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you should begin completing the assignment as soon as possible. but i haven't given my consent yet. you have already agreed, grigoriinovich. there's a big game on the air. in ukraine , stubborn fighting continues, during which the russian armed forces are slowly but surely pushing back. the armed forces of ukraine are liberating more and more territories, slowly but surely. well, in the middle east it is also true, but not very slowly, there is a process of escalation. the united states and great britain are striking
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houthi positions in yemen and pro-iranian units in syria in iraq. general buzhinsky, professor of the higher school of economics, what first of all catches my eye, and this is exactly what i mean, i don’t have hard evidence, but i have a clear feeling that
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as things are going ukraine is getting worse and worse with the western coalition ; negotiation table on russian terms, but i have a strong feeling that
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the decision is that the confrontation with russia will sooner or later develop into something more serious, that anyway, ukraine needs to be helped as much as necessary and cannot be allowed, but this a routine statement, and then a message appears that, with reference to as always nameless sources, that great britain proposes to send an expeditionary force to
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the territory of ukraine. i think that this is some kind of, you know, probing, and you believe that this message, it matches really, you know. it is quite possible, because i think that on the one hand, this is the backdrop of public opinion, on the other hand there are several points, there are not many of them, there are several points that can be regarded as a signal, a certain signal to zelensky, and maybe a certain signal to us , well, in particular, well, there are absolutely such ridiculous proposals again about establishing a no-fly zone on the territory of controlled ukraine. well, what is this, this is a no-fly rule zones over 80 or 75% of the territory of ukraine, it is necessary to suppress the russian air defense system, and not only on the territory of ukraine, but in the surrounding regions of the russian federation, it is necessary to gain air supremacy, that is, it is necessary to land our aircraft, or
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destroy it, or so say, inflict such damage that our, so to speak, our combat aircraft would not fly there. launching strikes there in the north of the russian federation, who will carry out these strikes on elements of critical infrastructure in the north, this is what about the infrastructure of our northern fleet is completely ridiculous, let's say proposals or considerations, that's when i say... from the territory of romania and poland, that is , it is assumed that the romanians and poles will fight with us, well, under the nato flag, of course, if it is an expeditionary a corps
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is needed, here is the construction or creation of a defensive line along the right bank of the dnieper, maybe this, so to speak, is what is now wandering in the minds of our former partners, that let us then divide ukraine, according to the right, everything that is, so to speak, to the west right coast, this is under our control, everything that... eastern, let's, so to speak, work on it, or uh, for example, uh, provoking conflicts in transnistria, that is, striking the forces of romania and moldova on the transnistrian republic, this is quite realistic, it would be a problem for us, because there is no common border on how to carry out transfers, that is, it is necessary to enter into direct confrontation. well, not from moldova, but definitely from romania, that is, even moreover, ideas about creating
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a european army appeared again, well, from my memory, this is already so the third wave of the creation of a european army, the two previous ones ended, so to speak, in complete failure, because not a single european country can afford to bear the costs of... within the framework of a european army, in addition, for example, intelligence potential is nato is 80% american and satellite constellation, ground assets, strategic transfers , also mostly the united states, that is, the europeans cannot do without nato, they reached an agreement at one time, let us rely on nato, but here such a thing arises... you know, a small spoiler, as they say, this is turkey, which says , well, if you rely on nato, well then we
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must take part in planning all your operations, be aware of everything that you do there, what the european union answers , how can this be, you are not members, why on earth would you be, well then the turks say no nato, but this was before erdogan, with erdogan it will be difficult for them in general, moreover... it is growing and acquiring such, in any case, i am absolutely sure that the decision about the revival of the military-industrial complex
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is accepted, and that this is not just hot air, these are real and serious things, no, no, no, these are real serious things, we are already talking about the fact that, so to speak, we need to return to conscription in a number of countries, in germany they already said that it was a mistake when they refused conscription, in the uk they already agreed on what it is... i understand that rhetoric, especially in the united states, on the eve of the elections, any rhetoric, peace-loving and militant, must
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be treated , well, let's just say, carefully, but i i see a lot of concrete actions, ukraine is launching strikes on russian territory, that’s what happened with the il 76, but the fact that ukraine is capable of something like that doesn’t surprise me, i... 100%, but 98-99 we intercept everything,
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therefore, they believe that in this way they keep russia on its toes and... ukraine must create a greater threat and increase attacks on vulnerable russian military installations in crimea, including long -range attacks, as well as special operations against the russian army, military bases and supply lines why the crimean bridge is still has existed for as long as it has remained a mystery. germany should immediately provide taurus missiles to the us army tactical missile system attacks with a firing range of 190 miles. we are not confident that this approach will lead to peace or even a formal
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ceasefire agreement. however , it can create a dead end. the situation, by stabilizing the front and reducing the number of hostilities, this will save lives and give ukraine a break. and you, general, know very well who the authors of this article are, especially steve hadley. steve hadley is not just former national security aide to president bush. this is a man who, all these years, i think you have considered to be justifiably reasonable, pragmatic and, you know, cautious. the second author, he is more problematic, he was an international adviser on international affairs to senator romnik when he ran for president, matthew krelnik, the posts that he held in the administration of bush jr. were not critical, but now he heads the center named after general scowcroft in the atlantic council. i think you knew
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skakrov, he was also very worthy and very reasonable. a very careful person, now the center named after him, steve hadley, is giving their names to calls not only to destroy the creep bridge, they do not understand why it has not yet been destroyed. dmitry, well, first of all , you know, as the classics of marxism and linism said, being is determined by consciousness, since they, so to speak, work in a magazine, or rather not in a magazine at the atlantic council, hadley does not work there, he is there. ok, but i don’t know, well , he probably gets some money there, being honorable, non -honorable, therefore atlantic money, i will tell you honestly , this is where i think we disagree, i believe that these are people who value their reputations, these are people who want to be taken seriously, these are the things that can be done
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now speak calmly in america, without any fear. for your reputation, and things of the opposite order, let's sit down and talk with putin, these are the things that expose you to fierce attack. dmitry, you know, to answer your question, i also don’t really understand why there are bridges on the dnieper, why so to speak, there are tunnels, there are two tunnels in the carpathians through which weapons are supplied, why there are traction substations, which are also possible, but there are many questions. you see, i don’t know, naturally , i can only guess, but i think that some channels of communication, especially between our military, exist, and before making any decision, so to speak, to destroy the crimean bridge, i think that ukrainians, americans, europeans should think 10 times, i understand, something hadley,
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scowcroft, he might be there in...


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