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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 6, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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in poland and hungary, they demand that the eu authorities cancel benefits for ukrainian products and grain. farmers from bulgaria, germany, romania, italy and spain also joined the demonstrations. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue with the “time will tell” program. so, yes, we welcome you, dear friends, dear viewers of channel one, this. stream of the popular front, let's go, today we set, you know, before ourselves, before our respected interlocutors, experts, alexey weller, vladimir sergeenko.
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anyway, with the book, let's start, anyway with the book, but no, with david cameron, excuse me, please, yes, something with david cameron, david cameron gave birth to such a very piercing, well, piercing speech about what is not allowed, you can't, you can't, you can't underestimate ukraine , you can't say that everything is bad, you have to say that everything is good, why, that's why, listen, we need to stop talking about the stalemate, about how time is not on
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ukraine's side, our economy is bigger russian in 25 times, and we are more than capable of demonstrating that time is on our side, it’s interesting, in fact, it ’s interesting whose side time is on, we heard these words and decided, well, we began to think about them, somehow try to realize , here fate just threw it at us, look what an interesting, interesting story, now everyone is showing this video, it goes around a lot on telegram, this is such a conflict, as if between the ukrainian military and the police from berkut, remember, berkut, well, remember , maidan, remember berkut, that means this is happening in dnepr, here they are there, it means they are in conflict, they are in conflict in the sense that they are trying to force their berkut members into some kind of assault brigade, they refused to move to the assault brigade, look at what a very revealing, very important dialogue took place between them, please , where the boys died, and you won’t tell them that
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they were not heroes, they stood, who exactly, who had those eighteen-year-old fingers who were killed, right there, who were conscripts and the boys who threw grenades over there, after the verkhovna rada, you remember what unit you came from, and where you came from, where, from where you are a nit from the maidan, yes, a legnida from the maidan anida from, and i... yes, this is the truth here should not be underestimated, as if in fact look what they are like, what they say to each other’s faces, yes yes, i say i know you, i remember you, you’re a nit from the maidan , it’s normal in general, yes, for this one, well, it’s like the maidan is so sacred and holy for them, no, that means where are you from from berkhut? homeland defended, i will generally
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remind you that there were such clashes, where people were killed from remember, here is such a terrible footage, when they are on fire, the police are in grief, these are the berkunovites, it is clear that they nevertheless have a common enemy, so to speak, they have a discussion, so to speak, about what is necessary or there is no need to fight, no, we need to fight, but we just won’t fight against russia with these people , by the way, thank you guys for finding these shots, that’s it for now, but between them - pay attention, between the nits from the maidan and.. .we’ll talk about that now, we also came across one video, this is a video from europe, the first and one more illustration , that’s it for now, there’s this guy, i don’t know what kind of blogger he is, a provocateur, yes, he was wrapped in a russian flag and that means he was catching on himself in general quite, i would consider it quite so, how to say, well, dangerous , yes , such a risky undertaking, but he took a risk and look what came of it, very interesting, please, que je le trouve
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joli, les couleurs sont belles, c'est vrai, très belle, c'est vrai, ouais, tu peux prendre une photo avec toi, russian federation, good afternoon, cheers, cheers, cheers, cheers, yes, i understand that this is, i understand that this is not a representative sample, but nevertheless, i assume that in europe, too , of course, there is a lot of pro-ukrainian stuff there and... so who does time work for, listen, i’m asking myself a question to you, but i’ll try to start briefly,
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in fact, this question is probably today one of the key questions in the general development of the entire society, for whom does it work? time, because in general in the world community, well, we clearly understand, the establishment of a new world order has begun, a new one, we we don’t yet know what it will be like, huh, who will go through this certain time period and come out with success, so david cameron is asking the same question, but only he is trying to carry out a narrative.
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it was based, it is justified by one simple position: ukraine is not russia, they were building their new society, they were building their new society on the position of “being friends against.” as you know, being friends against people in society, as
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a rule, can be easily paid off, but when the time comes to be friends for something, this is where problems arise, this is... ukraine to its own they can’t offer it to the public yet, so time is definitely not in their favor. maybe that’s why they are making an enemy out of russia, so that they don’t have a leader around whom they can rally. there are no leaders in the west, they are trying to create just such a horizontal line, people united by a single impulse, for example, not love for russia, well, let’s say, i agree completely. pass, good pass, in any case, the time to play is not for ukraine, not for ukraine, this is clear, yeah, the history of mankind has known warriors for 30 years, the history of mankind has known for 100 years, it’s not like that fought every day, if we now look at russia’s opposition to the russian spirit, to those who
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are always trying to find, let’s talk honestly, maybe this is a continuation of the first, second, we thought that we won a pause of 70 years at a heavy price, in fact, plans they haven’t changed, they always want to curb it. russia, it makes no difference why, what they see as a threat, or they have a fear that we are really orthodox in character, in fact, in some kind of code that we have inside, imperial, maybe they want our mineral resources there pull out, this can also happen, in this regard, then imagine that the first world war, then a small pause without war, then war again, in principle, again, we are at war with them all the time, so we need to determine who is with them, then an illusion . here there is unification with germany , trade with germany, a center appears in europe , which, in principle, does not care about everyone else, industrially puts its power only on friendship with russia, at this moment, what is happening, again war, again, who is america making money from this war if
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consider time from the point of view of a hundred -year period, and now we have just the first world war nearing the beginning, so we are then in a hundred-year conflict with the west, and the first world war has already passed the beginning and end, then i will say this, it is possible that we have always been, so to speak, an object, so to speak, and a target, and a goal, and so on, this is a fact, yes, and it’s really very symbolic, just like with the first world war there, it’s been centuries already, but regarding, say, the death of lenin, remember, each of events that happened a hundred years ago always have a reason to come back again, again all the time, well here then i have a question, will they be able to unite, unite their society against russia, after all, looking at how he wraps himself in the flag. i think i can
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as well, i just have to follow up on your question, here we are talking about unification , they have there and different positions here and there in ukraine, too, i’m sure there are for russia there are against russia, i’ll just repeat they are forced to keep silent shut up and be afraid of reprisals and so on, but here’s the thing that’s the truth, there was a brilliant information operation, a bloody monstrous hellish , called a butch, unites not only some you know... technology has greatly changed our world in order
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to turn the consciousness of the crowd, you don’t need 10 years of ideological work there, for this enough, as was said, now bochi, in two days people begin to think differently, look at germany, when scholz, the german chancellor says: “we are freed from the historical past, we have no sense of guilt, do you hear, chancellor of germany, maybe at you don’t have it, but we, maybe you don’t have it, but we have co.” we have, i believe that this code is fear on a completely different level, we survive when the germans come with the war and destroy millions people, industrially, we survive, accordingly , i'm afraid when the germans take this position, we will now produce tanks, we will produce missiles, he said, as you say, we no longer feel, we are freed, we are freed from guilt, seriously, he said so, find it, if there is such a story, look, i'll add more.
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see who the time is going for, who is working for? boris pistoris says: 5-8 years of conflict with nato, we must fight, which means we must prepare the barracks, personnel, soldiers, mines, bombs, everything must be prepared, then he does not tell the truth, who told you that if the russians are with the ukrainians they are fighting, this is one type of war, with nato it will be the same, there is this kind of counter-artillery fight going on on the ground, who told you that it will be like this, if the conflict with nato has passed, now i asked for pistoria.
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but we will create new jobs, rain metal endless preparation for the coming war - when kemerin says that time is on their side, it is he who tells the people, yes you will be 7-10.
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now with these prices it turns out, i have to work 18 hours a day, it’s simply unrealistic, at this moment they say to him: listen, yes, not only you have to work 18 hours a day, now our children will go to work, we have everything now will work, because a war awaits us, woman, you think, wow, then this plump and fat europe, which lazyly philosophically examined russia, taught how to live there, what is good, what is not good, suddenly it becomes meaningful for the machine to sharpen shells. let's call them to us, european farmers, please, why not, we need to at least somehow, well, wait, no, let there be some kind of general uprising of collective farmers against, it already exists in europe and there is no way russia will be glued to this during the uprising there, technologists also say that the farmers turn out to be very politically savvy, they said you are russia, the enemies
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like the way they say a normal guy. you invite everyone here to the far eastern hectare, let’s leave someone else there to do political work, so we’ll select some farmers here, and let some still work, yes, now let ’s return to our question, the question means for whom time works, yes, yes, and what is it, we see signs of a split, and we believe that the split has such a natural property, to expand, so
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we think, well, that means, accordingly, that somehow this split , i don’t know, cut it, remove it, and i need some idea. in general means, or a figure, as for the idea , yes, there was a storm, creepy, completely bloody and terrible, i hope that everyone, so to speak, who is supposed to answer for it, is very tough, but effective, and the figure, let’s go let's think, maybe about people, here of course it immediately comes up, excuse this verb, vladimir zelensky until recently, so to speak, the idol of the planet, grammy, we perform, oscar, where is zelensky, and so on and so forth. we had reason to say that it seemed to be leaked, because there were more and more critical publications in the western press and so on, but what do we have, what have we stumbled upon, it means the book has gone on sale in the states, i just ask you now, don’t laugh out loud, hussars, keep silent, but the book is called
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unleashing your inner zelensky or revealing in zelensky is not drowning in his inner zelensky, well, that’s what it means. an accomplished leader, here and there, the book was written by the girl jessie kantzer, and so on, by the way, it’s also no coincidence that she had a small role in one of zelensky’s films, but still starred, so we want to well, to discuss, as it were, the prospects of this project, the zelensky project, if there is a prospect of european-americans discovering the inner zelensky in themselves, we invited, lord, she thinks it out loud to the children , dear mother, well, they went absolutely crazy there, so we have the opportunity to talk. with a political strategist, with natalya andreevna eliseeva, it seems to me that she understands even better than us what kind of technology this is, and what the prospect is, and most importantly, what is the meaning of this book, hello natalya, thank you very much for being with us, yes, hello, have you heard about the book, about this one, and, of course, about zelensky too, but tell me, what do you think, this is still some kind of, well, from your own, so to speak,
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political technology perspective, this is some kind of... it’s a political technology technique, so to speak , a technique and then... some more work will go on and zelensky will be plentiful again, or is this stupid commerce, well, the contract has been signed , where are you waiting for the book, yes, well, let’s speak frankly, any books that come out in light and concern politicians, major politicians, but they are primarily done in order to in order to work on some task, secondly, in order to earn money, well , that is, in this regard, there is nothing so unusual, or i don’t know, something like that is closed. information, here is the next point, if you and i are talking about the assigned tasks, then of course, this is to somewhat change the positioning, yes, the image that is now... of zelensky, that is, it is clear that he is receiving information and media support from all sides escort, regardless of whether he wants it or not, yes, but we
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we see how various media forms are abandoned, yes, that is, sociology, and articles there in the largest media, now books, respectively, yes, this is just normal, too, technology in order to change something, change the image and also change perceptions. or look, the book reveals the inner zelensky, i understand that, so to speak, it is impossible to interpret the west as something single, monolithic, there is a whole, what to look at, the west is merging, the west is drowning there or the west is drowning it
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extols, no, there are probably a lot of wests, and there are millions of people there, and so on and so forth, but nevertheless, there is some kind of general , mainstream attitude, i would like, starting from the publication of this book, to somehow realize that the wests are not so many, yes , that is, now there are two westerners... these are democrats and republicans, that’s all, the question is the customer, yes, who ordered, who paid, that is, again , everything is much more prosaic, if we are talking about general relations, then no general attitude, there is fatigue, there is certainly fatigue among ordinary citizens of society, or fatigue, or well, indifference, yes, we are tired of you and your zelensky, that’s all, well, leave us alone, yes, but there is something that needs to be formed and supported, natalya andrevna, then the question is, if there is fatigue, if everyone.
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in the future there is a conflict in this book , a discussion of positioning in the media, yes, that is, the book begins to discuss, and make quotes, excerpts, challenge, and an order is or is not an order, and commerce is or is not commerce, and so on etc. the third point is that they are starting to talk about this on television or there are bloggers, journalists on youtube, so we’re talking, and then natalya andreevna has another question, why aren’t there more photographs in the book before? all the books were piled up , you go to the stores, there’s this cocaine muzzle, and now there’s a book, but there’s no photograph of zelensky, well, you know, a book without
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a photograph with a certain surname , regardless of, often sells and is perceived better than a book with a surname, in there is intrigue, there is a secret, subconsciously the person wants to buy it, or it is hack work, like they promised zelensky make a book. i read: a book on a display window, it seems to me, does more than a book in the home library, it seems to me that the work of a bookgraphy was more,
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that’s it, i’m a political strategist, you see, here, here one last name is enough, it’s not always necessary for there to be a face, we in the end, we are not collecting it, we are not campaigning material, yes, well, we are doing it from the point of view of electoral support, we are doing it simply so that the surname settles, and there is a name, there is a surname, there is. mr. rekjavik, an absolute clown who came to the election program with slogans for each bear a towel, that is , a friend like this, mr. rake javika, but how
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can you know this? i don’t agree with what your technologist said in many respects, because from the point of view of the publishing house, a book brings money to the publisher, no more, no less, either he has a customer, the customer paid him, or he thinks that the idea is good, it can work , give me about the publishing house, not the author, give me the publisher, i’ll tell you everything.
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let's discover those people within ourselves, who came into politics , i don’t understand anything about it, absolutely irresponsible, they said one thing to do another, and then they know how to stay in power, this is a model of success, how stupid society has become, that they don’t want to teach us, and you remember the other day ashmanov told us, ashmanov said the same thing the other day, look, it’s all coming together, technology is becoming more complicated, and man, excuse me, anna lena, turn down the volume.
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technology is technology, well , listen, if any of us has the strength to read this book, which i strongly i doubt it, i'm not judging.
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in general, they have a lot of weapons, yes, they intend to use them, at least at the level of the declaration, against us, no one has abolished nuclear weapons, no one has abolished hatred of us anywhere, this same thing has not been abolished, it is cherished and so on, so when the whole comical nature of the situation, this is like this , i don’t know, this could turn into a tragic farce, look, it means that nato, nato is now not just holding some kind of exercises, not some huge exercises, hefty ones, but also large-scale work on... aimed at we're talking about it they talked about preparing for a war with russia , the so-called attention has been adopted there, friends, military schengen, by the way, this is a very big, very important thing that simplifies the transfer of an army across borders, in theory, yes, in order to get an army across the border there, you need a whole bunch of agreements, agreements, approvals and so on, by the way, in order to fly, for example, some f16 from romania through moldova to ukraine,
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for example, they would also be needed. some, or you can just sign some kind of agreement and let them fly. this, by the way, is also i didn’t just say that, you’ve probably seen it. so, that means, uh, bridges. railway lines will be built in romania in poland, but it’s really interesting that they all end in lviv, it’s like, it’s kind of hinting, but nevertheless, let’s not deceive ourselves about this, let’s fall into some kind of euphoria, in poland, the minister of defense , look, directly says that the country is waiting for him , so we have an attack from russia, no, then i have a question, when they say be like zelensky, discover zelensky for yourself. to fight with russia, i think, we hardly know the content, we discussed the technology of publishing the book, why and where, about exercises and military schengen, most recently the dutch armored forces were transferred to germany, that is, they
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are repackaged, that is, not just schengen, which they thought through for the transfer of troops, because when poland was reconstructing the infrastructure of the european union roads, overpasses were deepened, bridges were strengthened, for the passage of transport. look, well, really, i’ll just turn the situation around, imagine, 90 thousands of personnel, a thousand armored vehicles, for example, in mexico, all russians, belarusians, maybe a little chinese, just imagine how they would
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react to this, plus planes that are able to carry missiles, you know, this tension is very strong, in this regard, again, the west has created an amazing system, this is when they say one thing, see another, feel a third.
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we have already discussed where the confidence comes from that it will be in this format, they think that fighting is not scary, it’s bad, in fact it’s scary, you know, and maybe the west scares us, but we are not afraid, firstly, we have a genetic memory and we remember what it’s like to fight, now the film air has come out, even about our girls who were not afraid of anything, now there are girls like that, they are not afraid either, so of course we are.
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thank you for your attention, see you soon on the air, little macron, as the new prime minister gabriel athal is called in france. we will not stop at any means or impose any sanctions to stop russia. macron and gabriela are absolutely pro-american characters, it seems you chose them as... a puppy of noble blood comes from the golitsin family. gabriel hautal wants to play napoleon, he goes where he can get this role. he goes to the globalists, he meets schwab. when necessary - a socialist, when necessary -
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a liberal, when necessary - gay. he is dangerous because of his absolute unscrupulousness and what a chameleon he is. the cover prime minister came to take his eyes off what he was really going to do in french state. one of the goals. europe, it is obvious that he is going to inflame all this. gabriel ottal, member of pride. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first , unexpected ways to reduce cholesterol , special poses and food, food chemistry, flavonoids, what are they, you will come to us with pain and leave without pain, our pain service works, the program to live healthy, helps everyone , tomorrow on the first. all decisions were on the verge
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of the impossible, mostly this happened when there were, of course, pasyachikov, there were a lot of skeptical assessments about can we hold such an olympics, and somewhere only on the second or third day the skeptical assessments changed to the exact opposite, it’s unrealistic a super holiday of sports, everything else, which olympic games have i been to, they are not close, this miracle happened and we moment we won the overall standings, we beat everyone. the world shuddered when they saw sochi. how amazing! we want to do even better and we are inspired by this to go further. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, tomorrow is the first one. russia now occupies special political position in the world. i believe that people who are skeptical about russia should make a lot of effort to understand the history of the country, its mentality, its... desire for integration on common grounds. premiere. i love my
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country. on saturday, on the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears. even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing - her mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories. but that's my mom. yulia nachalova died very young. at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that’s what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother i didn't. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i'm somehow very mega-strong, somehow everything was like that for me here. pulled herself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided
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at all costs to become a star, in memory of her famous mother, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. here is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubeinikov, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, we just met here recently, he was beautifully groomed, no, i immediately agreed, lubennikov writes the characters that are around us, that’s why he... is understandable to representatives of the press, it was deafening to a wide audience, every exhibition of his
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works received a huge amount of success, no one knew him, that’s how popularity came quickly , it’s quite funny to see a pockmarked hen in paris, it’s so russian, there’s something very rustic and childish about it, he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river, great sensations, they don’t fall into us so, you can’t pass by now. ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premieres on saturday, on the first. this is news first. hello! in the studio of valery korablev. and at the beginning of the footage from
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the special operation zone, sud-34 fighters destroyed the control center of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky sector. the attack was carried out with high explosive smart bombs. such projectiles can be launched bypassing the enemy air defense system. there, the galbet mstas struck enemy artillery firing positions. seversky direction. our fighters disrupted the rotation of militants. the city was working. buk crews intercepted a missile under the red estuary released by enemies. on the zaporozhye site in the vesyoloye area. the enemy lost a group of infantry. in addition, paratroopers used fpv drones to hit an ukrainian armed forces shelter. unmanned aerial vehicles are indispensable assistants in all directions. special operations aerial reconnaissance in the case of lancets, which are controlled by experienced operators, which means that the enemy does not have the slightest chance, sniper accuracy, after the flight of birds, and also the work of artillery with an advanced report by oleg shishkin. attention, the combat crew of the drone is once again
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sends the bird into the sky, low clouds are not an obstacle to detecting equipment and strengthening the enemy. with the help of such drones , paratroopers conduct aerial reconnaissance . objective control, destruction of detected targets. operating altitude - 1300 m, range - almost 50 km. and here is the footage received from a reconnaissance drone. operators of shock lancets, they are also called x-drivers for the characteristic design of the drone’s wings, smash the enemy day and night. thermal imagers allow you to see enemy equipment in detail. clearly visible on the screen how the barrel of a tank gun burns, red-hot from several salvos. sniper accuracy. the drone hits the most vulnerable spot. between the hull and the turret of the tank, the enemy has lost the initiative in all directions, we have the initiative in our direction, so we are prevailing, from the air it can be seen that the enemy tanks have white crosses, reminiscent of the distinctive insignia on the wehrmacht armored vehicles during the invasion of the soviet union. with their symbols , ukrainian nationalists emphasize whose successors they
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see themselves as, however, just like the fascist tanks burned in these places the great patriotic war, so now the technology of their ideological heirs is blazing. and these are the results of the calculation of the anti-tank guided complex. the operator guides the rocket towards the target, a point glowing in the dark. jewelry work, the enemy tank flies into the air. awards are presented to soldiers of the 83rd separate guards air assault brigade during breaks between combat missions. in one row there were scouts, snipers, anti-aircraft gunners, a driver with the call sign diesel was awarded a medal for courage for evacuating under enemy fire wounded and transported ammunition to the front line. and a fighter with the call sign taipan more than once managed to deceive the enemy komikatsa drones to complete a combat mission. well, you saw a bird, you saw it, it’s looking at you, you’re standing there looking at it. shoot, well, it’s no use, as if she went right, left, well, there’s no point in shooting, you ran up to the first trees there ,
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there were holes in the bushes, bumped, she doesn’t see you anymore, you kept waiting until she flew away, quickly went off to the vegetable gardens, everyone here doesn’t once risked his life, and the award ceremony is another example of combat brotherhood, homeland. will not forget anyone, we continue to beat the brar, victory will be ours , be kind, guys, and this is a long-awaited gift, communication with family via a closed video link, the fighters try to restrain their emotions, but their eyes speak volumes, you ’re there, okay, you you're getting enough sleep, of course i'm getting enough sleep, i'm waiting for you, me too, i love you, as it were... wounded, wounded, i say how everything is fine , we're waiting, we're waiting for you, come on, blow a kiss, we're waiting with victory, we love you very much strongly, many have not seen their relatives for several months, and such communication, the fighters say, gives strength to fight and win, oleg shishkin, vladimir
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grinevich, andrey stoiko, donetsk people's first channel, come home quickly, in donetsk a ukrainian drone dropped ammunition on a bus. the strike is targeted, the operator sees where the projectile is aimed. fortunately, no one was hurt. terrorist attacks using drones, such tactics are often used in the ssu. almost a month ago, a drinking crime occurred in gorlovka. first, the ukrainian military dropped a cluster munition on energy company employees while they were looking for the wounded an ambulance arrived, another blow. the drone flew into the ryanemobile. a paramedic and one of the wounded power engineers were killed. today it became known that in the chernivtsi region. metropolitan longen, the abbot of one of the monasteries of the uoc, was beaten, lost consciousness from the blows, an operation was required, revenge of the schismatics for loyalty to the canonical orthodox church, which the metropolitan managed to preserve, despite the pressure. searches in the monastery, accusations of threats. in early january, radicals burned his house, and the bishop found himself on the street. persecution
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faith in estonia, the head of the estonian orthodox church, metropolitan eugene, is expelled from the country. previously, the authorities refused to renew his residence permit. he allegedly poses a threat to national security. even the clergy of the local protestant church stood up for the orthodox priest, but this did not help. urgent news is coming from istanbul at this moment: shooting at the courthouse, a man and a woman opened fire at a security point. five people were injured, including police officers, and the criminals were eliminated, the head of the turkish ministry of internal affairs said. he puts out the fire gasoline, deliberately exacerbating conflicts in the middle east, these are the words of our permanent representative to the un vasily nebenzi at a meeting of the security council, which was convened by our country after the us strikes on iraq and syria. on the night of february 3, american aircraft attacked targets of supposedly pro-iranian groups in these countries 85 times. at a meeting in new york
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, the us representative called these strikes necessary and proportionate, here is the statement of deputy general vasily nebe. it is obvious that american airstrikes are specifically designed to further inciting conflict. almost without pause , targets have recently been attacked by allegedly pro-iranian groups in iraq and syria. the united states is deliberately trying to drag the largest countries of the middle east into a regional conflict. the united states is not, and has never really been, looking for solutions to problems in the region. the logic of their actions must be sought solely in the desire to maintain their dominant position in the world at any cost. therefore, washington sought and would strive to extinguish the fire with gasoline and aggravate chronic contradictions in the middle east. this afternoon the houthis announced that they had attacked two commercial ones. ships in the red sea, american bulk carrier, british container ship. rebels regularly attack ships in the area. previously
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, they warned that they would attack all ships that, according to them, are somehow connected with israel. this is their response to the operation in the gas sector. farmer protests in europe are spreading to more and more countries. in italy, columns of tractors are gathering near the outskirts of the capital for a major demonstration. resignations the protesters demand the minister of agriculture.
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keeps under constant control, the number of federal programs and projects on the initiative of the president increases every year, major renovations of schools, construction of new schools, bonuses for classroom management, but what have we done at the regional level? at the local level, it is also correct to define for yourself the development of education, improving its quality, as its president has determined for himself, as the main priority, then everything will work out. great sports day at the exhibition russia, an exhibition dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the winter olympic games in sochi appeared on the walk of fame, the opening took place on february 7, 2014, the main exhibits.
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well, in the olympic capital itself, on the landmark date of the tenth anniversary of the winter games, we opened a photo panel , together we have symbolic sizes 2014 on... looking for 24 cm, large-scale construction, world-class facilities, incredible atmosphere, olympic heritage - this is not only about sports. ivan prozurov will confirm. sports facilities, volunteer teams, guests from all over the world, 5.00 photographs, olympic chronicle in an unusual format. at the sochi branch of ruden we decided to put together a mosaic photo panel, together with an image of the president of russia, to celebrate the role of vladimir putin on the eve of the tenth anniversary of our winter games. in the large-scale transformation of sochi, we can only imagine what responsibility fell on him, how difficult it was, to put
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together such a large-scale construction in the city of sochi, it was a national task, volunteers, among whom were students, got involved in solving this problem, teachers, volunteers of the silver age. raisa pomineshna gavrikova helped the costume designers at the opening and closing ceremony, surprising with her energy. in 2014, she... was 77 years old, so they understood that such people could live in russia, they would dissolve such things as the olympics, but how much, but building a city in 7 years, grandiose, enchanting, with such objects, is not only modern, but cool, sports facilities, housing facilities, this is just fantastic, today's students are already the third generation. i moved from novosibirsk immediately after the olympics, my mother and i saw on tv how well the city of sochi had transformed,
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and we were eager to move here and continue our own life. here about the olympic construction, our victories and boundless hospitality, conversations about important things in all sochi schools, in the history of the winter olympic and paralympic games, all ice arenas were within walking distance. on the eve of the anniversary, the resort is summing up 10 years of development. urbanists have calculated that without the olympics in the usual rhythm of sochi , such development would have required no less half a century, the mobilization of all resources to prepare for...
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we worked and share with other regions, at our olympics in general a lot was for the first time, for the first time in history, on the basis of the olympic facilities a support center for talented children appeared, sirius, where they reveal new facets, hockey players they are enthusiastically studying physics, at what speed is the air resistance, the friction of the puck, the air, how it slows down, how it will be necessary to set up a trap, this is all physics. these are the stars of our winter games, the first olympic champion in the history of russian skeleton alexander tretyakov and tatyana ivanova, silver medalist in luge. at the international olympic university they are preparing to become masters of sports administration. previously , we lit up children with our sports results so that their eyes would sparkle, now we can lift the curtain a little for them about what we do, and
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maybe thanks to this they will also sparkle a little. and they will come to our sport, a lot of knowledge has accumulated over the course of how i played sports, and how i study here, here are a lot of thoughts, all sorts of ideas, and i want to spend them all, all on the development of sports in our country, this will be the emphasis, what has been done for the city and the country after the olympics, and what work remains to be done, ivan prozarov, ilya marin, ivan pokhomov, dmitry baranov, tatyana bakulina and evgeny leonov, sochi channel one and federal. sirius territory. but news has just arrived that a fire has been extinguished in the very center of moscow, on nikolskaya street, near gvum and red square. a 16th-century mansion was on fire. three floors were engulfed in fire. area 150 m2. the building is currently under reconstruction, there are no casualties. part of nikolskaya street and bogoevlensky lane are blocked. the structure is currently being watered and the cause
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of the fire is being determined. that's it for now. we are all following the development of the event, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues its work live, time will tell this program, ruslan stashka olesya losyev's studios, in sow they are hitting civilians again, ukrainian drone this morning dropped a shell on a busy square in front of the railway station in donetsk, two cars were damaged. and a shuttle bus, fortunately there were no people on the bus, so no one was hurt, at that time bakeries and gas stations in the lugansk people's republic were hit, two tanks caught fire, the fire was quickly localized, by the way, you will recognize the photographs, my grandmother lived with me right near the railway station, now the railway station in donetsk is not working, but there are retail outlets there, there are a lot of crowded places there, so they
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knew exactly where they were hitting and this is a city, these are not some the outskirts of the city, which... did you understand that modern drones from the drop system fly right here, very far from the line of combat contact. meanwhile, the fighting in the kherson direction does not subside for a minute, the enemy no longer launches such attacks as in the summer, but still does not lose hope of achieving at least local success. our troops, in turn, are using every opportunity here to advance, we learn from war correspondent andrei komyzhikin about what is now happening on this section of the front.
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although he doesn’t take care of his people at all, here are shooting battles, our armored vehicles are working, artillery is working to strengthen the enemy in this village, mainly this is the coastal zone, the western part of the village, where... the enemy manages to continue, continue to replenish his losses and continue to resist our onslaught, the aviation of the russian federation does not attack the village, because our positions are very close to the enemy’s positions, the approximate figure for the ownership of the village is 70% under our control, 30% under the enemy, this is how it works now krynki, yes, yes, yes, yes, this is about krynki specifically, right now... artillery, armored vehicles, light, heavy, mainly fp drones are working against the enemy there, that is, aviation is working mainly on the right bank of the dnieper, here is the enemy - still with complications, but is trying to supply his
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group on the left bank in krynki, uh, our fishers and our observers are constantly monitoring the waters of the dnieper, the tributaries, the dnieper itself, identifying any movement and immediately causing defeat, so the only way... .
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that we are fighting, that’s why they send these, perhaps still unreliable ones, who in general express something, are dissatisfied with something by the scruff of his neck, this is the attitude towards the soldier, not only from, say, sponsors, or zelensky , and from the side of those who directly command them, you can ask your question in the telegram channel stream popular front, as you can see, we are keeping our promises.
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in the city of severo-donetsk, a number of documents from criminal cases were discovered that proved the involvement of the ukrainian authorities in the arson forests in the territory of donbass controlled at that time by kiev in the summer of the twentieth year and september-october of the same twentieth year. a large area of ​​forests that was located in this country was initially cut down in order to hide the facts of illegal logging and its sale abroad; it was necessary to survive as many territories as possible, even at the expense of people. it is worth noting here that just a week ago , a state of emergency was introduced in a number of populated areas of the republic due to the rise melt and groundwater, local residents report that in general this trend appeared
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after 2020, when the ukrainian authorities at that time were still actively cutting down forests; in fact, there was a whole series of forest fires, many assume and not without reason, judging by these documents. military logic that they have been burning forests, cutting down forests since '20, realizing that they will prepare for what we stopped on february 24, '22, you understand, from a military point of view, in general, wooded areas are an opportunity for hidden movement of reserves, these are the possibilities of placing headquarters, these are the opportunities to generally be there, to defend, these are hidden from the eyes of the enemy, but at the same time, if...
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the enemy has a forest, then it’s worse for you, and you understand that he can do the same to hide, so , to be honest, i think that it’s simple here, just a simple manifestation of corruption that was on the ground, an inhumane attitude towards resources, the option that after me, let the house burn, but i want to earn money now, the officials assigned to this region didn't calculate it like that a position that should help, like feeding, and he understood that within the framework of his cadence, which would end soon or... a war would start, they already knew about this in advance, which would write off everything, so they had to steal resources as quickly as possible, or they could in the twentieth year they are preparing for an offensive operation, of course, of course, ukraine has been preparing for a long time, ukraine has been preparing, but again they were on their territory, perhaps they could have plans to make passages in the forests to accommodate personnel, perhaps some warehouses, by the way, the same thing that poland is now doing on the eastern border with belarus, they are cutting down a special one in the forests. space
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, they are making it there, this is how your editors are showing you now, they are making the same proseks, they are placing weapons warehouses there, and advanced american ones, they are placing bases, making markings so that equipment can move, that is, they are preparing some large forest areas in order for them to be mobile and passable as part of a large offensive operation, so i don’t know about what specific area are we talking about in lugansk, donetsk, here you need to look at the map, but of course this always has military significance as well. it’s interesting here, the former secnato general, andres fock rasmusen in the united states, is trying to convince american politicians, well, forget all the differences for the sake of speedy help in ukraine, this is the most important thing, now texas is unimportant and nothing else, but so far ordinary americans have no time for him speeches, rasmuson received a categorical answer to all his questions, which means a refusal to ignore, while there realize that money is almost the only thing. on which all this ukrainian
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belligerence still rests, this is one of the main problems for the armed forces of ukraine, the ideological nazis are slowly ending, and other people simply do not understand why they should die, in due time, when we are together, by the way, with ukrainians, that was the same people, fought against fascism during the great patriotic war, no one had such questions at all, you must agree, then we all understood what was at stake. life is at stake, life is at stake map the entire existence of all of europe, possibly the whole world, and right now in our cinemas there is a large-scale, simple film, military drama by alexei german the younger, just about the great patriotic war. volunteer girls, yesterday's schoolgirls, just instantly turn into real ace pilots. here are the comments from the first viewers. this is ours. the story is true, i shed tears and
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my mother shed tears, it was touching, interesting to watch, this film can really inspire, this is what people go to the cinema for, such vivid emotions, the war was shown through the eyes of a woman, it was very cool, the air is already in the cinema, but we will return it.
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ukraine, it will lose and may simply disappear, we will lose the war. and in such a difficult situation for itself, ukraine decided to improve its image in the west in an unconventional way. sorry, i’ll explain now, here we show you a photograph of this wonderful woman. they decided to send just such a representative to eurovision, and even here, to be honest, this is a rap artist, by the way, so in trend today. here it should be noted that even ukrainian telegram channels, the ukrainian community, are wondering why? well, actually they ask, is this image suitable for convincing europeans to give? even more money and they seem to be actively discussing this topic, you know, this is what shame is and what it looks like, i would say so, in general it’s good, well, listen, after their eurovision and previous ones, well, believe me, we’ve definitely got nothing not scary, well, it just can’t be scary by
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definition, gevorg, well, considering that ukraine is completely dependent on the western financing of weapons, is it worth going to such experiments, are they trying to join the trend or something, no, it’s simple. i don’t like it, starting with the name of the performer , yes alena, her name is alena, who suddenly doesn’t know, these are not anderthals, cro-magnons, that is , this is a long, long time human history , when people did not know the plural...
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we will lose if it’s urgent don't give money to ukraine, we will lose, america will lose, how can you afford it, you bad republicans, trumpists in the house of representatives, how can you afford it, so that america loses the war, so urgently get it out of karma.
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is not going to vote for the allocation of 60 billion, and i have already said it, i will repeat it again, and ukraine is now experiencing what we experienced in the sixteenth year, if you remember, in the sixteenth year russia became a bargaining chip in internal american games, just in the election campaign campaign, now ukraine is becoming it, trump no longer cares about ukraine, trump, in general, doesn’t really care about us, he just wants to use the ukrainian factor in order to sink biden, that's why?
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in a thong, remember , he danced like this in a tight suit with heels and said: you see, everything is for the people, everything is for the people, i’m thin for a westerner, for our westerners it’s better to take out the piano then, with a piano it will be more interesting, but if you want them talk, i’ll say yes, we don’t want to, we just opened the internet today and to be honest, but this was one of the main news that is being discussed in ukraine, and the ukrainians themselves condemn it and do not understand, that’s nonsense, this is a technological project kyiv
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the whole world, which means it’s hard, she ’s at the stage of war, you know, she ’s thinking about such competitions, who to send, but it’s simply unthinkable, in fact, but only the story of the museum director’s muse.
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with missiles with a range from 300 to 500 km. jessom missiles are the most likely, but not the only option when it comes to such missiles. this is precisely the conclusion one can come to if one reads sergei naev’s article in the publication of the joint forces command of the armed forces of ukraine. in further military aid packages, ukraine awaits f-16 aircraft and missiles with a target engagement range of 3,500 km, which will allow the ukrainian defense forces to achieve even greater success on the field. here you have f-16s and long-range missiles, we give you alena alena, while western
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allies and comrades-in-arms of kiev understand perfectly well that combat stability in the ssu rests not only on western weapons, but on mass mobilization, here certain details are hidden, what exactly western advisers advise zelensky in ukraine as a whole to mobilize even more people, as many as possible, this is what he said about this to journalists, bundeswehr general christian. ukraine will certainly have to mobilize more soldiers simply because of the number of casualties we see. well, it’s interesting that against this background, even the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, dmitry kuleb, stopped promising the western masters a quick victory. if earlier he promised to defeat the russians in just a couple of months, now the tone of his speeches has changed. you talk about winning, do you believe you can win in 2024? "you know, i don't set any deadlines because i think they can introduce
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misconception, but 2024 will definitely be a year of important achievements, if we can win by the end of the year, i will be more than happy, but if it turns out that we have to continue in 2025, we will continue, how to explain such a transformation kuleba, yes i really i don’t see any special transformation , mr. kuleba doesn’t understand, like so many others.” ukrainian politicians don’t understand what will happen next, they don’t know what will happen next, they live there a month in advance, 2 months in advance, this is the maximum and planning horizon , including because it is unclear two two variables on which the future fate of ukraine will directly depend , firstly, the state of affairs on the battlefield, where, how, when we will go and what we will liberate in which direction, one and two, how the political upheavals in the united states will end states, with political upheavals, i mean like...
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changes that i forgot about, of course, what will happen in may of twenty-four, when zelensky will have a crisis of legitimacy, with whom he will have to share power, who to appoint as prime minister -minister, that is, who will be control financial flows and so on , so everyone is very careful, they settle whole bundles of straw in advance, here is the chief gardener of the european union, jose borel came to kiev, andrei frantsivich, now it turns out there is a lot of politics in ukraine, there has always been a lot of it, but there is more of it, than in the military.
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how many? you know, i think they will give them a little, because this is an advanced american weapon, it is called
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a combined air-to-surface bomb, that is, for both strategic aviation and fighters, another question is what is there a lot of. modification, the latest modification hits at 1,300 km, 1,300, yes, so this is becoming a very critical situation for us , moreover, there is a special concrete-piercing warhead, this is the footage you can see now, its task is to break through reinforced concrete ceilings and blow up protected command posts, therefore, in their understanding, they will hit the rear, our points, warehouses, communications, command and everything else, depriving us of maneuver and, let’s say, our command staff. let them try to overcome ours first air defense system, and how can we react to this, except for the air defense system, in which we of course believe, again, i was in crimea during these new year holidays, the air defense works great there, but how else can we create unbearable conditions for sleek aircraft f-16, i’m exaggerating this way, because they are very demanding in terms of the surface of the runway, in terms
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of everything else, while our soviet planes can take off from curved concrete slabs and so on, they can withstand it, then american planes are not designed for this, therefore continuation striking the airfields that we are doing, in particular stara konstantinov , which is constantly preparing to receive f-16s, this is one of the elements to push back their use, but here a fork in the road arises, if they suddenly unexpectedly want to place these aircraft on the territory, no, they can deploy in moldova and romania, where the jump shoulder is closer, so we may have to make such unpopular, rather serious decisions, what? such as to strike at the bases of these aircraft, we immediately indicated that if they took off from there, strike at us and return there, and we will see it through our long-range radar detection aircraft, then i do not rule out that we will strike there in depth, as the americans do everywhere around the world, saying: you are participants in the conflict, we we have the right to inflict,
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perhaps we will use the precedent, the americans believe that what they can do is not allowed to others, a short advertisement and we will return. are you an empress, katya? that 's it, and that's what i want to be. it seems to me that 50 guards will not be able to hold the throne for long with empress. there are practically no friends near the empress now, but she has plenty of enemies. i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, god help me, god, who, wait, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i am your emperor, i am a woman, you don’t need to love, this is
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all your parsley. golden age. big premiere. watch the time after the program. all decisions were on the verge of the impossible. and mostly it worked out, although there were, of course, a couple of missteps. there were a lot of skepticism about the can we hold such an olympics? and somewhere only on the second or third day, skeptical assessments changed to the exact
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opposite. an unrealistic super holiday of sports. everything else at which olympic games. i was there, they are not standing next to each other, this miracle happened, and at that moment we won the overall classification, we defeated everyone, the world shook when they saw sochi, how amazing it is, we want to do even better, and we are inspired by this to go further. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, tomorrow is the first one. russia now occupies special political position in the world. i believe that people who are skeptical about...
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when you get married, miss mandro, sometime between now and a future movie. motador, goodby normazhin on friday on the first. we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterna music.
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some kind of spanish shame podcast lab on friday on the first airveder, junior lieutenant ignatia
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vladimir ivanovich, what is his name? abrek, this is a robber in chechen? hello! doomed, i want you to lead doomed to battle, from where you have it, they gave it to you instead of a debt , i won’t participate in this, they say your wife is sick, where can you get the money, rita, what do you think, i’m a good person, why are you asking, something happened, i love you, and i'll tell you, come back, owl ugor.
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famous traveler andrei urzhumtsev, the main travel route, which is the liberated territory of moscow. this time andrey brought a generator to the perevalskaya boarding school. in general, how do children live in a boarding school after reunification with russia, why is it for their sake that the former traveler, you can already say, andrey, changed his activities to volunteer. watch it now.
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how we got there -15 snowstorm, then it was on the way out of moscow, yes +2.
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for an orphanage, plus we had to buy a crane that would pull it out, you can’t pull it out by hand, well, yes, we probably went, so that we still need to install everything, mount it, yes. andrey, well , you are a famous traveler, this is open information, everyone knows, but now they changed the route like this, didn’t make it to australia, my daughter was born, that is, as soon as... my daughter was born, i finished all my test rides right away, when she began to climb onto my motorcycle, i sold her the motorcycle, now there’s only one way, moscow, lugansk, moscow, donetsk, moscow, kherson, and so on and so forth, and how did it happen, well, i’m a soviet person, i was taught from childhood that boys protect girls, men protect
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theirs. family and friends and i somehow got together in two cars and went there, it was such an educational first experience, we had enough, but you yourself didn’t have the impulse to sign up as a volunteer, twice , the last time the battalion commander attacked me, the political officer said: you help us as much as you can, there is a benefit to it, to have another attack aircraft who sneezes, coughs and whose bones hurt, well, this... is unacceptable for us luxurious, therefore, as experience shows , i’m more useful if i bring something, something necessary, we might even stand here now , because tatarstan has just arrived, it’s all your team, well, like ours, this is it parallel, parallel command.
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yes, well, today you were brought in to unload, yes, yes, but they found out that there is such a thing, well, if there is something to help, why not, the guys, by the way, are unique, they feed lisichansk, i mean they feed, 15 months ago , we arrived in lesechansk with field kitchens, food for special purposes, yes, yes, yes, everything is correct, well, that’s how it is, yes, a special project, uh, of our republic, the city of naberezhnye chelny, and personally the mayor and... and my team, field kitchen, we got together, expressed a desire to go, how it all began, to the north military district zone, 500 servings per day we have been preparing for 15 months, our project does not end, today it continues to work, my team and i go to lesichansk every day, feed, deliver this food, and everything else.
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“hello, i haven’t seen anything like this, we have such small generators, they don’t work at all, you often have problems with the light, we have problems with the light, on saturday we had no light, we have it all the time, the children are small, i have three-year-olds in diapers, disabled people, 50 disabled people, 160 children;
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in 1915, 260 refugees made fires and 200 children, we made fires in 50 liter pots and cooked food, now we take pots, go to someone’s gas, cook there and come, well, now at least there will be enough for the stove, of course, now i will have this generator completely in my kitchen, they can cook, kostina or what?
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it was scary, i lost a lot, and two brothers are serving, one brother. now he’s in combat, but i don’t know where exactly , we haven’t seen each other for a long time, yes, well, we haven’t seen each other for about two months, with my old brother, well, he comes home every month, yeah, well, somehow,
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you feel at home here, yes, what else do you do besides studying, i like to run, and so on the horizontal bar i like to do pull-ups, yeah, how many times do you do pull-ups, well, i can do three times, that’s it for now. so far, nothing, this, this all comes with time, well, yes, i wish you to study well and do 20 pull-ups, thank you, 110th brigade, donetsk dpr, i gave them two for the new year, two consoles, 110th brigade, military, thank you very much, the children are playing, they gave us a tv and consoles, a red cross she asked us for tables, now i also want them a computer chair. i need two here , this is what i need, this is our computer class,
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what he came there, this is an orphan child, his whole childhood passed here before my eyes, you see, here they are all his album, look how good it is, this is the one the guy to tell that this is one of your sons. yes, sasha barannik, here is his photograph, the heroic one died in the first months of the northern military district, this is very difficult, so it is very difficult to talk about this when you raise them and then lose them, this is probably the worst thing may be in the work of a teacher. this is our home , they even call it, you know, like a house where hearts are warmed, i wouldn’t say, you know, a boarding school, that’s the opinion about
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orphanages, for some reason it’s bad, but when children get here, they don’t they want to leave, because they really feel at home here , i feel sorry for giving them up for adoption , we have a lot of children this year, especially when we joined... in the russian federation, the program, every child has a family, it works very well , we gave many children to families in the city of moscow, and tyumen, and st. petersburg, and many children were taken from our family, and you know how you tear yourself away from yourself, i keep in touch with them all, and i am glad that they are in the family and god grant them that they found, but those children who stayed, well, this is also a family for us, and we are parents for them, and we will be until... until you look how they live with us, like in a family,
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this is an apartment for boys, on the ground floor there are girls the boys live with us, on the second floor, i like that you call them apartments, an apartment, of course, an apartment, they have their own apartments, each has their own wardrobe, that is, they teach. live with your family, tell me, well, again, an apartment - it works out, you iron your clothes and wash everything like that, yes, but iron your trousers, you can iron your shirt, of course, you speak confidently about this, well, that’s right, but what i’m embarrassed, but many grow up to my age and don’t know how to ask for wives, but you’re already ready, what are your plans, as soon as i graduate from school, i’d like to take my brothers kolya and valera, uh, they’re in first and second grade now, you... are here now, yes, well, for now, well, yes, we are together, my first goal is to achieve my own computer, that is , i want to assemble it myself, the second goal is a car, the third is a family, everything is as it should be in life,
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children, well, that goes without saying. andrei, you know how many people think , why help if everything should be done by the state, but you are still here in a boarding school, in my opinion, every person should have meaning in life, here i am somewhere in some... then, in some part i found such a meaning for myself, well, i see how the children react, that is, when i arrive, this it’s expensive, i’ve been living for a long time, my beard is gray. i haven’t seen such a reaction very often , sincerely, this is life, don’t come to a party on your butt, attach a cobblestone to yourself and brag about how much it costs, this is life , there are so many more than a hundred uh children here, let’s
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make sure that they have a childhood it was, well, at least in some part similar to the childhood of children who live in russia, they need to feel not only some material things, but also some spiritual or, if you like, metaphysical, that they are not alone in this world. this is the understanding they then someday very will help.
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difficult times truly unite our people, many people probably noticed that a lot of soviet symbols are used at the front, while there are imperial symbols, and clergy come. channel with you andrey ukharev. and we begin
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the message from the lugansk people's republic: ukrainian terrorists struck a new blow , the american hymers were again used to attack exclusively civilian targets. in the village of butovo, bakery buildings and a gas station were damaged. after the arrival , a fire started, the fire was managed quickly localize. according to preliminary data , no victims. zelensky’s terrorists struck another blow in donetsk. a ukrainian drone dropped a projectile on a busy square in front of. a route bus and two civilian cars were damaged at the road station; there were no people in them at the time of the explosion, no one was injured. now about how special operations and personnel from our ministry of defense are going. the kupinsky direction in the aviation business, the crew of the su-34 fighter-bomber received the coordinates of the enemy control center discovered by reconnaissance. airstrike was struck by fap-500 bombs with a universal planning and correction module. after the arrival of such a projectile, chances. no survivors. in the krasnoliman direction
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, artillery destroyed 120 areas where enemy manpower and equipment were concentrated. the total enemy losses here alone are more than 260 militants. further , footage from istanbul, armed people opened fire in front of the courthouse, you can see how, first, probably one of the attackers falls on the asphalt, he has a pistol in his hands, and then the policeman eliminates his accomplice, who shoots to kill. in the very the building can be heard at this moment. a series of shots , people are hiding from bullets on the floor, someone is in a hurry to leave , five people were reportedly injured, among them three policemen, the attackers were killed as a result of the shootout, as the ministry of internal affairs said, these were members of the left-wing group, their exact motives it turns out that law enforcement agencies have already called what happened a terrorist attack. the eighty-one-year-old head of the white house once again doubts his mental abilities, a new, as they say in
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america, bidenism from old joe. us leader biden said he recently spoke with french president francois miterand, who died nearly 30 years ago. immediately after my election, i went to what they call the g7, with all the nato leaders. this was in the south of england. i sat down and said: america... returned and the meteran from germany, i mean from france, looked at me and asked, you know why, how long have you been back? this is not the first such embarrassment for biden. 2 years ago , during a conference in washington, he publicly addressed the deceased congresswoman jackie walorski. the oldest president in us history, dozens of times made the public freeze in bewilderment, he communicated with invisible people and shook hands with emptiness. sometimes he fell out of the blue and spent a painfully long time looking for
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a way out of the stage, laughed at the queen’s funeral, confused ukraine with iraq, and even forgot the cause of death of his own son. meanwhile... meanwhile, the struggle between republicans and democrats is intensifying in the states; a scandalous bill that biden cannot pass through congress has added fuel to the fire. document on national security provides for 60 billion dollars for ukraine, three times less funds for the protection of its own borders. this is despite the fact that in texas, which borders mexico, the situation is so tense that the authorities are switching to literally wartime measures; they are supported by all republican states. about the politics of discord, report by giorgi alisashvili. footage from the us-mexico border suggests that reports by texas authorities about restoring order are, to put it mildly, exaggerated; the bank of the rio grande river separating the two countries is lined with trails illegal immigrants, from the water itself to the numerous holes in the fence. these fences are completely useless, completely. despite washington's ban, border states decided
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to continue construction of the wall, unfinished under trump. in arizona, work will begin in march, receiving reinforcements from other republican states, texas. sets up a second line of defense along the border at the cowboy ranches adjacent to the rio grande, that is , the national guardsmen will take positions on private property, this is literally a wartime measure . texas is called the lonely state stars, and this star symbolizes independence from mexico. texas became part of the united states only in the middle of the 19th century, and before that it was the texas republic, a fully established state, and this is still remembered in osten, the state capital. previously, there was talk about te
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stopped following orders from washington, he allows it, everything is so, but having become a national star, governor of texas ebat not only talks about secession, but the constitution does not seem ready to challenge the very legitimacy of the decisions of the white house. joe biden in full removed from decision-making and has lost his responsibility to enforce the laws of the united states. biden responds by blaming the republicans for the fact that the emergency law, which the democratic party presented as the final solution to the problem, has not yet been adopted. at the border we don't have enough agents , we don't have enough guys, we don't have enough judges, we need help, why won't they give me help, and as always they say the border is out of control, but you know what, this bill doesn't give control , gives us control prepared by a narrow circle senators from both parties, the draft law
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immediately after its publication caused a scandal, although the laws are called about additional funds for national security, the document begins with ukraine, which... they want to allocate $60 billion, three times less is expected to be spent on protecting american borders, at the same time, the border is not closed, only limits are introduced on illegal immigrants, no more than 8,500 people can be allowed through per day, it turns out that the law on the protection of national interests leads to the potential legalization of up to 3 million migrants every year. the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, considers such measures a strategy to turn the united states into a country of one party. all emigrants almost always vote for democrats. in addition, money is allocated to simplify the logistics of receiving and accommodating illegal immigrants, rather than deporting them. trumpist congressmen called the law unpassable. this bill will arrive in the house of representatives initially dead under any circumstances. at the border there were up to
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10 thousand migrants per day. democrats say we have a great deal, for the sake of the benefits of all americans. we will reduce the number of migrants to 5,000 per day. with us, when he talks about what is happening in ukraine, why he sends money there , we think that this is a bad idea, but maybe it’s all out of the kindness of his heart, as in new york they decided, in a test mode for now, to distribute prepaid credit cards to migrants cards for buying groceries, it seems like it’s cheaper for the city than buying food for everyone from the budget, but new york is already a center of attraction
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for illegal immigrants in a variety of ways. investigators say that there are entire gangs of illegal immigrants, who rob in new york, then go to florida. spend money and then come back to steal, i asked why they don’t steal in florida, because they go to prison there for it. florida, by the way, is the closest ally of texas, which is symbolic; in an election year, the traditional party... state in terms of the balance of power is no-no, and it throws up parallels with the historical conflict between the north and south. georgy elsashvili, pavel nesterov, irina chuchuy, boris kamenov, channel one usa. farmer protests in europe have flared up with renewed vigor and are growing geography. outraged farmers blocked the border between belgium and the netherlands. they drive out onto the highways on tractors, light fires and set off fireworks. in france , another road near lyon was blocked. trucks. with foreign license plates are being deployed there, farmers are unhappy that production is becoming more expensive every day, and purchase prices not only are not rising, but are falling due to cheap food imports
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from ukraine. protesters in poland and hungary promise to block all crossings with this country; they demand that the eu authorities cancel benefits for ukrainian grain products. farmers from bulgaria, germany, romania, italy are also joining the demonstration , the situation has already sharply worsened in spain, where protesters... the first batch has already been delivered, the second is expected by the end of the month, and further volumes will only increase, rosselkhoznadzor said. the day before, let me remind you, the department limited the supply of bananas from ecuador, dangerous pests were found in the latest batches from this country, ecuadorian cloves will also be banned, possibly and pineapples, them too. should check that as for india, in addition to bananas, in the export of which it is now a world leader, the country is ready to supply the same pineapples,
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mangoes, papaya and guava to russia. dedication to the master, today an exhibition opened in moscow to mark the eighty-fifth anniversary of the birth of vladimir volk, a member of the creative union of artists of russia and the international federation of artists. he passed away in 2015. the author's paintings are in the largest museum collections in the country, including the tretyakov gallery. he is well known.
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today in moscow, on the walk of fame of innovation , an exhibition dedicated to the olympic games in sochi was opened . tomorrow, february 7, is exactly 10 years since its opening. the exhibition is dedicated to our famous athletes and their achievements on the world stage. brief portraits of heroes.
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the olympics are very nervous, for athletes, very responsible, that’s what i remember for sure, and of course the podium that happened, it’s impossible. i believe that this is a truly unique project in the world, when you simply take from scratch in 7 years to build the entire infrastructure for holding the olympics and for this infrastructure to work now for the benefit of russian sports, everything to function, this makes me proud and respectful, and for young athletes this is such a springboard, and even more so such projects as the walk of fame, that... take a walk, look, study cultural, sports the legacy of your country, charge yourself with this energy forward to sochi at the stadium,
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to train. central russia is again in the grip of a powerful snow cyclone; weather forecasters promise us record precipitation. according to the forecast, the snowdrifts may grow by another 10 cm and reached half a meter in height. in the first half of the day, dense snow fell in moscow , apparently, it has noticeably decreased, now there is a lull, it will freeze a little at night, and in the morning the snowfall will resume and... even a strong wind will rise, in general, a real snowstorm awaits us, while the atmospheric pressure will collapse to anomalous 717 mm of mercury, which weather-dependent people will feel. over time, sochi is gradually coming to its senses after the rampant disaster, the city airport has begun accepting flights, railway workers and rescue workers continue to clear the rubble after the collapse landslide, about 2,500 cubic meters of soil and stones remain to be removed, as reported by russian railways, the path from the sea side has been completely cleared, and replacement of the damaged roadbed will begin in the near future. the saransk airport has resumed operations after an incident with a passenger superjet,
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the airliner itself has already been towed to the parking lot, the night before... a plane from moscow rolled off the runway, about 10 m, plowing through a snowdrift. fortunately, no one was injured except the crew members; there were 87 passengers inside, among them a famous figure skating coach. skating tatyana tarasova. she called the landing harsh, and the pilot -in-command complained about the poor condition of the runway. investigators began an investigation; passengers of the return flight, saransk-moscow, who had to be delayed due to the incident, flew to the capital from foam. where they were taken by bus. and that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, “big game” is on air. today , foreign minister sergei lavrov held meeting of the business council it includes representatives of the largest russian companies and business associations and named one of
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the main reasons for the failure of western attempts to undermine the russian economy. let's. let's listen, anti-russian steps do not find support from the overwhelming majority of the states of the global south, from all those countries in asia, africa, latin america that pursue an independent foreign policy course and are guided primarily by national interests, the use of the united states and its satellites neocolonial practices have seriously undermined trust in globalization along the american model, it is strengthening, i can do this...
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on the russian il-76 plane, on board which were, among other things, 65 ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange. at the same time, the united states clearly condones this terrorist policy of kiev. just listen to what official representative of the state department vedand patel said today in response to questions about the shooting of the il-76 plane and pecharny in lesichansk, and
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in the first case. russia has already provided evidence that they fired from the american patriate system, so patel was asked about this, and let's listen to what he answered. i would prefer that our partners in ukraine speak out themselves about the incident you mentioned. information from russian sources is difficult to trust because they have been spreading disinformation not only in the region, but in the world for a long time. today, the un secretary general condemned another ukrainian attack, as a result of which.
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states, the most important part of the combat strategy for the kiev regime for this year, in addition to the overall defense strategy, so one should not be surprised that vedand patel and other representatives of the united states are mumbling. well, now let’s listen to how the situation is developing on the fronts, and our traditional military observer yuri ivanovich podalyaka will tell us about it. yuri ivanovich, good afternoon. over to you, good afternoon, well, the situation for the opponents is critical, and ukrainian sources admit this, our troops have been there for the third day already they are storming the city from the north-east, and at the very first... they tried to hold the front line along the railway line, in fact this is the last convenient line of defense for
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the enemy before cutting the umbilical cord , the last road, the so-called road of life, yesterday our troops stopped from it at 800 m. today the fighting began here , they continued more firmly and our troops are now storming this railway line, there is information that they broke through it about ... is not trying desperately to counterattack, while the situation here is not completely clear, but if we succeed in doing this, then the huge group of southern avdelka is central, well, if it is not completely surrounded, then it will already be such a dense ring of fire that you can only get out of it along country roads through the fields and to the south -southwest of avdelka, naturally it was is associated with large losses, very important battles are now taking place in the next few days, everything i hope will be resolved fundamentally, other directions:
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the city of donetsk committed terrorist acts in this way, because for a long time time they shot, they always shoot , by and large, at civilians, for us this is a natural victory, this is the liberation of another of our cities, and denislavich pushelin always says that it is necessary to liberate the constitutional borders of our donetsk people's republic, of course this is what we are about we are approaching, and this will open further paths for even faster liberation. that avdeevka is a powerful fortified area, which the ssu has been strengthening since 2014, and another ideological fort of ukraine is collapsing, the fort of artyomovskaya, avdeevka. well
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in the west they also constantly write that the russian armed forces have a quantitative superiority in people, weapons, military equipment, and so on, the ukrainian armed forces have a deficit in everything, against this background, against the background of this yaroslavna’s cry, honestly. speaking, i found it interesting the article by former australian major general mick ryan, which he published just yesterday in foreign affairs magazine, that russia has not only quantitative, but also qualitative superiority over the armed forces of ukraine, and he calls this qualitative russia’s superiority in strategic adaptability and writes in particular that if ukraine supposedly creates innovations faster, it is not able to scale these innovations. they seem to remain at the level of individual units, and russia, writes mick ryan, learns more slowly, but if it learns, it will accurately scale it up - these achievements for all
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armed forces, due to this it achieves victory, so let's listen in more detail to what the former writes australian major general. ukraine is better at tactical adaptation, it learns and improves on the battlefield, russia surpasses it in strategic adaptation, that is, and... its adaptation affects the national military policy as a whole, for example, how the state uses its resources. both forms of adaptation are important, but it is the latter type that is decisive for winning the war. the longer this conflict lasts, the better russia will learn, adapt, and create more effective and modern armed forces. slowly but surely, moscow will learn new lessons from battlefield and adjusts its tactics accordingly. its strategic adaptation has already helped russian troops repel a ukrainian counteroffensive. in addition, over the past few months they have managed to recapture even more territory from kiev, ultimately, if russia's advantage in strategic adaptation remains without a corresponding response from the west, the worst that can happen in... in this war is not a stalemate, and
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the defeat of ukraine. well, as successful examples of such strategic adaptation micrine brings drones. at the beginning , the kiev regime had an advantage there, now it is on our side. secondly, russia’s ability to adapt to the precision weapons supplied to the kiev regime by the west, and accordingly, reduce the effectiveness of these precision strikes. and third is electronic warfare. yes, the list, of course, can be continued. igor vladimirovich, is that you? like no one else, you simply know first-hand how the nature of war is changing, the nature of the russian armed forces is changing, do you agree with this with this thesis about strategic adaptation and what can you say about these changes for the better? you have already correctly said that we have begun to dominate the enemy in some areas, firstly, this is complete dominance in aviation, something that they said that we cannot produce.
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calibers, calibers today are produced in four shifts, that is, from the point of view of high-precision weapons, we, as we were, are still in a dominant position as an enemy, if we take drones, then today they are created various classes, and lantorov said that in the near future, over 3 years , more than 100 billion rubles will be allocated in order to, let’s say, strengthen this area and will be created, the main thing is that the money also includes scientific and production production capacities.. .he very quickly switches to different frequencies, but as he shows near donetsk, over the last 4 days more than 100 enemy drones have been landed, but nevertheless he is still finding it, because it is clear that the air defense field that we are covering is still does it have any holes or...
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sometimes they overload this field in some place, they shoot, for example, there are hail , in another place at this time some kind of drone flies, only in this they can outplay us tactically somewhere, but our arer is improving every day, i literally just recently was at the production base within the framework of our first army corps, you understand, that is, our guys are creating it right there, that’s all, that is, the new thing that the guys are creating is rising today to the ministry of defense. very strongly, let's say, on this the ministry of defense, our industry reacts and immediately adapts this new equipment to the troops, but in terms of armor and artillery, we already dominate on the front line, today our only main task is to cope with their transitions to frequencies within the framework of the use of unmanned systems , we still dominate everything else, well, in fact , the conclusion that arises from what you say, from what the major general writes.
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to look away from what the french state is actually going to do. one of the goals of this war against russia is the ruin and racketeering of western europe, it is obvious that he is going to incite all this. gabriel ottal, member of the pride. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. golden age. i'm not the emperor's widow. and i am not a regent for a minor emperor, i am an empress, and i am in legal right. big premiere, watch after the program time. we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterno music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task: to take the public out of a state of comfort, this is not comfort, then what? we are looking for, how can you be
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comfortable when you always want to create new, new and new and new, in general, mortier is not the one who creates brilliant performances, what he...
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only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to say to my child, that his mother had nothing at that moment, that evening he went through, became, how yulia’s only daughter survived this loss, what path she went through after her mother’s death, i was somehow very, somehow mega strong, i felt like that's how i pulled myself together. that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother, when you appeared in the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov,
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premiere on saturday on the first. here is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennik himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students you give them tasks, we just recently introduced him here, he looked after him beautifully, no, i immediately agreed lubeinikov writes the characters that are around us, so he is understandable. a wide audience , a huge number of press representatives came to every exhibition of his works , it was a resounding success, no one knew him, that’s how quickly popularity came, it’s quite funny to see a pockmarked chicken in paris, it’s so russian, there’s something about it very rustic and childish, he was like
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a river, a happy, sparkling river, great sensations, they don’t come into our minds, it’s important not to pass by so that... ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premiere in saturday on first. the big game is on air. in the united states , the election struggle is gaining momentum, which , six months ahead, has actually entered its final stage, because... biden and trump are fighting with each other. and it is already quite obvious that one of the victims of this election struggle was the adoption of a new budget to support ukraine by the united states for the twenty-fourth year. today, four house republican leaders, including speaker mike
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johnson, released a so-called letter four, and a letter from four prominent republicans, in which they wrote that they would never vote in their lives. the house, imagine , will not vote for the so-called. compromise, precisely the so-called compromise version of the bill that was agreed upon in the senate, i say so-called, because just compare the numbers of the initial proposal of the biden administration and the final so-called compromise bill, you will not see any big differences there, it’s practically a carbon copy, but aid to ukraine increased by 1.5 billion dollars, aid to the southern border has been increased by almost seven. billions of dollars, which is not many times, in fact, but insignificant, all other parameters are at the same level, yes, so what is there to compromise is not clear, yes, the same thing, so, let’s listen to what the prominent people actually wrote republicans in this letter of four: the house of representatives opposes the immigration
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bill because it is a failure in every area of ​​regulation needed to secure our border will actually further increase illegality. migration, he is dead on arrival in the ward. we call on the senate to reject it . naturally donald trump spoke against it, let's listen to his statement. only a fool or a radical left democrat will vote. chuck schumer is scaring the american public with the fact that if this so-called compromise bill is not passed, then ukraine may simply disappear, but as the prominent british journalist rahman writes, for the republicans. the disappearance of ukraine is an acceptable price to pay for defeating biden in the election. let's
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let's listen to gidovan rahman. at trump's direction , congressional republicans are blocking military aid to ukraine. it is increasingly unlikely that congress will approve a new package in the coming months or even this year. the consequences can be catastrophic. trump and his republican supporters don't seem to care. they appear to be willing to risk a possible russian victory if it even slightly increases trump's chances of defeating the presidency. trump simply doesn't want to give biden anything that looks like a win before the presidential election. trump apparently wants to exploit the idea that the biden presidency is turning into chaos and failure from the southern us border to kabul and kiev.
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and his independent steps led to chaos , so you can say, trump did everything well, so you took your steps, a disaster, and look, the middle east is a disaster, ukraine is a disaster, iraq is a disaster, syria is a disaster, and you can list there are still a lot of disasters that biden brought to families, so ordinary ordinary americans say, listen, why we are a disaster man, a man who doesn’t know where he is, who...
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only a russian victory will make trump a real president. and very important words were spoken to british journalists: the defeat of biden is not a victory, now trump is fighting for defeat, not for victory, because the fact that a victory in two votes can be falsified does not suit him, it does not suit him. the first victory of 500 thousand votes, as it was in its time when there was al gore and bush, he needs
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a real defeat, defeat means the complete destruction of ukraine, well, public polls opinions show that in even swing states, trump is ahead of biden by 3 to 7%, the gap is very large, well, biden himself , meanwhile, is demonstrating progressive dementia, he held a pre-election rally at which he stated that at the beginning of his presidency, that is, at 20... immediately after i was elected president, i went to the g7 summit with all the nato leaders, it was in the south of england, i sat down and said: “america is back, and miteran is from germany, that is, i wanted to say, from france, looked at me , said, said: “you know why, for a long time you
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are back." european leaders cannot count on a friendly united states; they must prepare for the fact that in a year the united states will again be led by donald trump. during his election campaign, he said that if re-elected in november 2024, he would
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negotiate with the russian president vladimir putin, to end the war in ukraine in 24 hours, will require europe to reimburse the us for the cost of ammunition used by ukraine, will withdraw from the paris climate agreement, will shock the world economy by introducing a ten percent duty on all imports. well , this is really obvious, but it’s not just about trump. and the most interesting and most important thing in this article is the following. let's listen. even if trump doesn't win in november, europe has work to do. that it can no longer count on the united states to be a consistent partner, no matter who is in charge. the united states is already taking foreign policy steps without coordination with europe, especially in the economic sphere, such as those taken by president joe biden the law to reduce inflation in 2022 was also a law of protectionism. lawmakers, both republican and democratic, have made
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it clear that the indo-pacific region will be their priority going forward. circumstances could pull u.s. military power toward the middle east and asia, partisan squabbles tearing congress apart are likely to become an increasingly difficult obstacle to a thriving transatlantic relationship, and concerns about the state of american democracy are likely to take more of a toll. political energy than european priorities such as combating climate change. ivan alekseevich, this is the situation, yes, the europeans simply sacrificed everything, they submitted to the united states now in a way that they had never submitted, they sacrificed their economic development, their own... i regard it as follows: we had some illusion about that , what is europe, because at the end of the 20th century they really talked a lot about some kind of european dream, a united europe, about some
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new philosophical and practical political experience, and in this sense , some kind of image of europe was created, which is completely wrong, the correct image of europe is the one that is in ancient stories, this is a certain girl, a girl, yes, who is kidnapped by the bull, this is it and there is europe, yes, which the bull is limply taking somewhere, this is the cross-cutting plot of ancient, ancient art, this is europe, a weak-willed creature, which means that it would be dragging somewhere, well , let’s not say why it’s dragging. this means that this is europe. and the most amazing thing about the fact that it is the beginning of the 21st century, everywhere we see the growth of sovereignty on the planet, india, china, civilizations are emerging, taking their destiny into their own hands. it would seem that america is going, so to speak, to somehow get rid of europe, even if cruelly, by robbing it with
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these protectionist measures, but it would seem, well, here is europe, take your destiny into your own hands, they are throwing you, yes, well, for . one among strangers, a stranger among one's own, there is a phrase that says that you scold the lords, you yourself want to become a lord, but it turns out that this is not the worst thing, because in relation to europe, this means that you scold the lords, you yourself want to continue to be a slave, a satellite, a vassal, it’s surprising that europe... they complain and don’t even consider the option of leaving their satellite, they only complain about what conditions will i be under this under this soviet, but there is even more , it seems to me that there is another layer, this is a terrible terrible layer - this is that in europe historically, for example in the 20th century, we see that there is only one force that is ready for
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independence, this is fascism and unfortunately, at the end of last year twenty-third. we saw, remember, when in france in germany, there were protests related to migrants and so on, who immediately poured out into the streets as an organized force, those who began to rage, those who began to go with these terrible nazis, nazi things, so it’s scary that in our neighborhood with russia there is either a vassal who is hugging an american boot, and the rest are all... the forces of the american transatlantic elite in europe have been destroyed, the only thing left is, unfortunately, bacteria of fascism, which can also develop due to anti-americanism, therefore.
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jr., and a prominent american neoconservative expert, matthew kronick, they wrote an article precisely about, not about how to achieve victory in ukraine, this is impossible,
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they are already writing, this is actually quite important, but about how not to suffer a catastrophic defeat , for this they propose a strategy of five components, let's listen to what these components are: firstly, ukraine needs to focus on defense, secondly, it should reduce it. in depending on foreign aid, washington should promote the creation of joint u.s.-ukrainian defense enterprises by lifting legislative restrictions, including on technology transfers in accordance with the rules of the international arms trade. third, the united states and other countries should help ukraine create a more powerful air and missile defense system. to do this, it is necessary to transfer patriot batteries from europe to ukraine and cooperate with kiev in the development of cheap, simplified means of protection against drones and other types of weapons. fourth, ukraine needs to focus on attacks on russian military infrastructure in eastern ukraine and western russia. the united states and europe must allow ukraine to use
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the weapons they supply to attack troops stationed on russian territory. the same should apply to russian communications and logistics. fifth, ukraine should intensify strikes against vulnerable russian military targets in crimea, including long-range attacks, as well as special operations against the russian army, military bases and lines. that if we now gain the right inertia, then they will not be able to resist us, although they are really building, they are becoming the main concept today, this is the creation of fortified
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areas that the wehrmacht created at one time during the retreat, including along the dnieper line, we remember yes, including, the second is the use of various types of drones to destroy in depth our logistics facilities, our refineries and... strategic enterprises, and zaluzhny wrote an article about this, despite the fact that they are having a very serious confrontation with zelensky, he continues to make program speeches, and in one of his program speeches he said that we must reach the urals, produce up to a million unmanned aerial vehicles, which is why i say that today we are focusing our efforts on creating a powerful rr and rep system, and i think that the enemy, taking into account what types of weapons are coming to the line today... the enemy will have no chance as long as we observe resistance, you just know why, there is a moment of inertia in any events,
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it is due to this inertia that they are holding on for now , and it seems to me that the significance of this article, for all its seeming madness, is that they write in plain text: the only way for ukraine not to lose is a monstrous escalation on the part of the west, and this is quite dangerous , because it can really lead. the third world war, and it seems to me that the authors of the american elite should understand that in this case russia, as if without hesitation , will strike where anyone will fly from supply these weapons for attacks on the western regions of the russian federation, as stephen hadley and matthew krennic propose. now a little advertising, then we’ll talk about the middle east. you
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and... “there are practically no friends next to the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup , it will be me who will become the new empress, lord , help me, lord, who, wait, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i'm your emperor." i'm a woman, you don't need to love, it's parsley, it was all the same, with whom you are a checker artist, i won’t tolerate this , i understand, let you say, do you really want to rule, your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, russia has no friends in europe, and never will , where does such confidence come from, and you forget?" "where was i
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born? you and i still have so much to do, life is not enough, great, golden age, big premiere, look after the program time, all decisions were on the verge of the impossible, mostly it worked out, when there were, of course, a couple of students , there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold such an olympics, somewhere only on... the second or third day , the skeptical assessments changed to the exact opposite, it’s unrealistic a super holiday of sports, everything that the rest of the olympic games i was at, they are not close , this miracle happened and at that moment we won the overall competition, we defeated everyone, the world shook when they saw sochi, how amazing it is, we want to do even better and we are inspired by this to go further, 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi,
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on friday on the first, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, so he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother, i don’t think that i’m without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mothers are no longer with us no, that’s what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i'm somehow really
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, really mega strong. an exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered on saturday on the first. today awaits us for the first time.
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“i’ll put everyone here now, he’ll kill you, well , hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you.” there's a big game on the air. this night a meeting convened at the initiative of russia took place
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un security council regarding the recent strikes, in fact, the aggression of the united states on iraq and syria in response to a drone attack on a military base, when three american servicemen were killed, well, in response, the united states launched strikes allegedly on pro-iranian proxies in iraq and syria, hit 85 targets, as stated by the central military command of the united states, killed, in iraq alone 16 people and wounded 25, and the iraqi government then called the actions of the united states states is undisguised aggression, and the presence of american troops on its territory is a threat. for the national security of iraq, and the united states continues to be present there in this context, let’s listen to what our permanent representative vasily nebentse said at the security council meeting. airstrikes by the us air force,
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which killed civilians and military personnel, destroyed dozens of facilities and damaged them. once again demonstrated to the whole world. united states in the middle east and washington’s complete disregard for international law. it is obvious that american airstrikes are specifically designed to further inflame the conflict. ivanovich, well, indeed, the united states is occupying part of syrian territory. the united states is present in iraq, despite the fact that the government and parliament of iraq say: go out. no, they don’t go anywhere, they maintain their presence. does the united states really expect further inflammation?
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again to help them with something, i am in this i mean, i want to remind you of the quote with which you started the program, which said that it turns out that everyone should help this liberal american
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public, and everyone should help their dead-end policies, so the americans are trying to shift their problems to the rest to do it through escalation, that is, well, this is actually the same thing as... i don’t know, there are gangster practices of the nineties, there is an attack, a rollback, an attack, a rollback, an attack, and that means racketeering based on this attack, so they escalate in order to impose their conditions on regional partners, that’s it, when everyone says, well, you’ll have to deal, you’ll have to deal with the americans, but i want, i apologize, to note, after all, how subtly russian diplomacy works, because before many of these actions that are now considered almost every week by the sovbiz. would not have reached the point of consideration by the security council, everyone would have connived with the americans, now russian diplomacy is very clear, nothing will be left unattended, you will be precisely responsible for everything, and we see that
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every time the american lies come across worse and worse at such meetings, because the russian representatives very clearly put everything into order, the americans can only fuss, but in principle the world majority is good. i just wanted to say that this is connected precisely with the formation of a world majority, which does not allow the united states to continue its lies, and the united states steps on the same rake, constantly, they really want to escalate, but to control. long pause in hostilities and the release of some 130 hostages still
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held in gaza would be a crucial step towards achieving more ambitious goals, experts say washington is calling for a solution to the middle east dilemma by focusing on the palestinian issue amid the rising death toll in gaza. the idea of ​​creating a palestinian state and its promotion have become a necessary condition for the normalization of israeli-saudi relations and give hope for the formation of a broad anti-iranian coalition in the region. for a diplomatic breakthrough it is necessary ensure cooperation with israel, whose prime minister benjamin nitayahu opposed the creation of a palestinian state. i would like to draw attention even to the formulation of the question. the united states is talking about creating a palestinian state not because it is necessary, but because it is, well, a necessary condition, the arabs are stubborn to create an anti-iranian coalition, which is what the united states is trying to create. but whether it will work or not is unclear. yes, because on the one hand they were accused, they exchanged artillery fire in
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at the beginning of blinken's visit , the united states leaked information to the media that biden was using obscene language against netanyahu and said that this comrade would drag the united states into a big war in the middle east, which netanyahu himself is not going to accept terms of the truce, let's hear what he said ahead of blinken's visit to the middle east. "we will not stop the war until we achieve all the goals, the elimination of hamas, the return of all hostages and guarantees that there will be no more gas pose a threat to israel, i emphasized in the cabinet of ministers, we will not agree to any agreement, no matter what the cost. this is the rhetoric, sergei sergeevich , something will work out for the americans, the fifth visit, i don’t think it will be happy or successful for blinkin, if we look carefully, the concept of controlled chaos has not worked for many years, it’s some kind of myth that we can..." wreak havoc and manage it israel, israel today has set
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for itself a very tough goal, in fact the expulsion of all of palestine, that's where they are very would like to expel them to egypt, make sure that egypt accepts them all, as many as 2 million people, these are not two people, they want to expel 2 million, the united states of america is trying to change this rhetoric to create the conditions that are needed anyway, no, not the palestinians, no one talks about the palestinians, no one says what is the amount of damage that was done to the palestinians, how much? humanitarian aid is needed, how much money is needed to create a state, in my opinion, it is logical to discuss how much the world community needs allocate money , how much cities need to be restored, how much is needed for there to be real life, but they are talking about something else, everything needs to be done so that israel becomes the center of some kind of coalition, so that israel becomes obedient, but alas, it doesn’t work, the leadership israel understands that it is already dead, it has nothing to fear, so the united states of america can say anything it wants, israel has now come to an era of not... i agree, well, netanyahu, i think,
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understands perfectly well that stopping the war, especially indefinitely, for him this is really, at least politically, a death sentence, but the united states has once again driven itself into a dead end, yes, they are unable to achieve a long-term truce in the gas sector, they are unable to control the escalation with iran , we see that its creeping escalation is constantly happening, in the near future it will certainly reach... a new level, and it’s the united states that has driven itself there, and russian diplomacy really shows another example of effectiveness. now we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00 don’t miss it. this is news first. hello! in the studio of valery korablev. the use of digital
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technologies in working with the judicial system. this topic is discussed today in the kremlin.


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