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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  February 7, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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these letters are addressed to me, what do you think is in these letters? excuse me, your majesty, but how can we know what is contained in your personal correspondence? tell me, mikhail lyonovich, how much money did i ask mr. kulibin to allocate for his scientific research? it was a long time ago and i'm afraid i won't remember. your memory, mr. chancellor, is inadmissibly short; for a statesman, i have to remind you, it was about a thousand rubles, wasn’t it, mr. panin. you
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were present there, exactly like that, then why mr. kulibin received only 200 rubles. i gave alekseevna’s orders and was sure that they were carried out. your majesty, the fact is that the fact is that my orders are not being carried out.
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from now on, after carrying out any of my orders, every official is obliged to provide a paper with a personal signature, i want the name of the executor to appear on every report on any case, prepare a decree, i will ask you personally, mikhail larenovich. gentlemen, it’s late, i won’t detain you any longer, poke it cleverly, that’s what you need to do with this brother.
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i said it’s not worth throwing away such money welcome all kinds of craftsmen, this is not a state approach, you know what, mr. feltsykh, let me, i will decide what is useful for the state and what is not, don’t you dare follow me. from now on, grigory grigorievich,
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i forbid you to engage in government affairs, it’s none of your business, but what’s the business of mine? hello, lisonich, you are on time, sub-breeder, look at the beauty, wonderful aroma, you know, grigory alexandrovich, i have one young lady i know, and she fainted from this smell, sub-breeder, don’t be like that beech. you know how this plant is called
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canvas, i don’t understand how you are able to talk about such nonsense on the verge of possible death. would you talk about something serious? well, what do you think, grigory alexandrovich, how long will ekaterina alekseevna last in power in the current conditions, is this even more inappropriate, sanich? everything is appropriate for me, i’m on the threshold of possible death. now get together!
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the general is wounded, wounded, it was worth setting up a garden over such a trifle, he was killed grigory alexandrovich, you are not against our friendship, i'll be honored.
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this, nikita ivanovich, is a manifesto on the establishment of the imperial council and the division of the senate into a department, a project worthy of yours. very interesting, you have done a great job, i will carefully study your proposals, nikita ivanovich, and will definitely let you know about my impressions.
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here, where, here, in the room, now, now my bump, now, now, now, came here, oh my bump, grisha. grisha, go, i said, you, grisha, have gone crazy, and if your mother, who says, who says, who says, whoever, you’re sinning, you’re not talking about yourself
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you think, but at least think about your brothers , you will fly, we will fly everything that is not for you... everything is somehow wrong, lyoshka, somehow, somehow crooked and askew, i want to entertain her, she is angry, but - i’m trying to speak seriously, but again i don’t, thank god. with this guy, coolie, coolie, kulibin, because of him, she mixed me with dirt, with dirt, and i got 800 rubles for the treasury. i saved it, wrote her a letter, she
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didn’t even read it, it’s all wrong, rubbish. hello, count, judging by the expression on your face, the health of your heirs. everything is fine, today i have not yet seen the heir, but i think that everything is fine with him, what did you report to the empress then, like me heirs, my report to the empress concerns you no more than me, your correspondence with her, your excellency, and what?
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good afternoon, ekaterina alekseevna. what did you come with, alexey petrovich? with a little project. do you also want to reshape the foundations of the russian empire? let me be curious. this is a state matter. i'm a government man. i don't quite understand what we're talking about, o heirs of your majesty, you want
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to say that i don’t devote enough time to my son, that you, your majesty, i’m only talking about peers, your son communicates only with a mentor, who today, for example, has not even seen his pupil. tell me, why do you dislike count panin? well, what does love have to do with it, your majesty? it’s just that the count and i have different views on the future of the russian state. you wanted to ask, i
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’ll be interested to know your opinion, thank you, maybe she stopped loving me, maybe she stopped loving me, lyoshka found someone else for herself, whom ponitovsky, ponitovsky, quietly, quietly, ponitovsky writes letters to. “she answers him, i saw it myself, you don’t judge by yourself , when you sin, it’s nonsense, all this is nonsense, and the whole courtyard is gossiping about your romance with the ladies-in-waiting, is this nonsense? yes, but i may have done it on purpose, i may have done it on purpose, so that jealousy call her, but there is no jealousy." alekhan, do you know
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why? because there is no love. katerina doesn't take me seriously. i'm a joke to her. maryshkin, who is called a buffoon, is not a buffoon, but i jester i'm a joke.
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universal education is undoubtedly interesting, ekaterina alekseevna, perhaps even progressive, but i can’t judge, i haven’t seen it anywhere yet. sweet honey, and she has sweet honey lips, she has sweet honey lips , she has, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, i feel sorry for her, she has little lips , it’s a pity, it’s a pity, i feel sorry for her, she has little lips, and she has soft, downy little bitches, and her soft
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downy little tits, she has, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, i feel sorry for her, her little tits...
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pavel petrovich, i think you shouldn’t communicate with them, i didn’t even intend to, it’s all terribly boring, but that’s how my mother put it away , not myself push, this is my place, this is my place, no, i will start, pavel petrovich,
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stop, gentlemen, it is higher. what's going on here? your highness, only commoners sort things out with their fists, noble people settle disputes with the help of a sword. pavel petrovich, and these are my pages, a bunch of cabbies, your highness, you insult your subjects only because. that they don’t dare answer you, and you are insolent to the future emperor only because you are sure that i will not raise my hand against a girl who does not wield a sword, i dare to believe that i am fencing no worse than yours, give me your sword, nikita ivanovich, no, your highness, this is an order, count, your highness, give me space.
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this sword is too heavy for me, well then take mine, your tall one is not. let yourself go to their level, pavel petrovich, your highnesses, your highnesses, yakievaly, i ask you,
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your highness.
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excuse me, alexey petrovich, two days in the saddle to report. two weeks ago the abbot was in st. petersburg under the name alexandru leon dandreo. stopped in the suburbs, lived in an inn for 3 days, after which paid the owner and left. where did you go? the owner speaks in an unknown direction. but that same morning he was seen by slaghta fishermen. he sat down in...
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okay, excuse me, alexey petrovich, but i would like to receive a more precise explanation about my future service. the position of empress ekaterina alekseevna is still precarious. and the land power is still not opposed to removing her. their tune, so, sub-breed, nothing has changed in your absence yet, go, rest, you’ll need it
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, perhaps, i read it, funny tsidulka. i don't understand what kind of joke this is you saw in this serious document, remember, anna ioanovna was offered to sign such nonsense, and what anna ioanovna did, she signed, then thought she tore it up, and nikita ivanovich would do well to take care. the problems of the pupil, politics should be dealt with by politicians, i don’t understand, nikita ivanovich proposes exactly this in his project, he proposes to put
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six nobles in the head of the departments of the imperial council who will make decisions for you, these masons are focused on numerology, and what’s more here are the freemasons, that’s me, by the way... the question is more important: do you really want to rule, your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council, think about reading this opus more carefully.
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what are you doing? look at this disposition. if our generals had adhered to these tactics in that battle, ryzhov would have been alive. yes, the rest too. you just reminded me of my late husband, petra fedorovich. your parsley was a fool, but i was serious. it was necessary to march in tight formation, and not loose. scattered time is for reconnaissance only. the artillery is shifting its fire. and the cavalry appears from behind the hill. i
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’m going to bed, for god’s sake, remove this rubbish from my office, yes, we had to march in tight formation, our own losses would have been higher, who cares, if the combat mission was completed, we were offered a draft manifesto on the establishment of the imperial council. and the division of the senate into departments, we considered it and decided to abandon the idea of ​​​​creating an imperial council. the senate is divided into departments and put experienced, competent and dedicated people at the head of departments. the manifesto
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will be finally adopted after completion. are you afraid of me? yes, your excellency, excuse me, i have to go, who do you owe it to? come on, come on, look at me.
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when i reflect on the revolution on the events of that day, the glorious reforms carried out without a plan, without sufficient means, moreover, by people of different convictions, we should not belittle the will of conduct that guided our shaky and pathetic aspirations.
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in the evening, like the empress, come to my chambers, without bottom.
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is your majesty upset for some reason? no, no, it seemed to you. have you seen grigory grigorievich? no, but i am sure that the count’s absence is due to some good reason. in any case, this is not a reason for the empress to be sad. so, smile, they are looking at you. you do not intend to give gossipers a reason for their idle conversations. you guessed it,
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liv alexandrovich. not intentionally, then it’s worth remembering the old fairy tale about the forest that i wanted. beckon the whole world. i remember this fairy tale very well, but what about it? and what's in yours surrounded by a fox? what fox? very active and extremely talkative. as for me, i say this with my hand on my heart. that i played one of the main roles in not overthrowing an incapable monarch, excuse me, after all, the main role belonged to the empress, isn’t it, of course, although
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in fairness it is worth noting that at the most crucial moment ekaterina alekseevna fell into some confusion. and, to be completely frank, i understand that you are discussing the events that preceded my ascent to... want to know who got what role? so, the role of princess dashkova in this event is as follows: she is the elder sister of the mistress
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of emperor peter ii, follow me. well, how do you want to understand this, although i didn’t say anything bad, and i didn’t say anything
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but the truth, you won’t judge a person by deeds who have proven his devotion, remember, i was always there. for the sake of our common cause, i sacrificed relationships with all my relatives, i was not afraid of punishment for participating, it’s not about what you was guided then, but what are you driven by today, and i’m not talking about katya’s words, but about where, when and why you say them, to my great. lately in your behavior i see only exorbitant ambitions and desires for power. princess dashkova ekaterina
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romanovna, you are no longer welcome at court, please leave. it’s so good, krisha, that’s it, it’s time for you, where is the time, it’s night outside, i ’m a statesman, i have business, you’ll go to her,
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she doesn’t love you, grisha, and isn’t waiting, it’s none of your business , go.
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sober, i didn’t expect it forgive me, don't be angry. if i get angry at anyone now, it’s only myself. i had no illusions, i knew what power was, i knew what i was doing, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry my cross with dignity. what instead?
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there are more and more intrigues, and i always find myself in the center of them, i am tied hand and foot, i want to do something important in the present, i have to waste time on this nonsense, i drove dashkova away. "i found someone to cry about, it was a long time ago that we were driven away by this talkative fool, talkative, yes, but she is not a fool, and the reason for her resignation is not the point, she was right , i was scared then."
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they defeat me, i am weak, no, katya, you are strong, you are an empress, you are on the throne. and you have the right, thank you. oh, how i am, great,
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the night was beautiful, katya. don't ruin the day , grisha. rest assured, he will ruin it, your majesty. i'm coming to you with a report, ekaterina alekseevna. i ask you. the court is worried about...
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no one will tolerate it on the russian throne, it's not me i say, these are the words of grafapanin, this is the rare case when i have to agree with him. thank you for your frankness for the participation of alexei petrovich, but i do not intend to discuss personal issues with anyone, one more thing, remember and tell everyone who
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has to put up with me, i am not the widow of the emperor, i am not the mother of the emperor. and i am not a regent for a minor emperor, i am an empress, and i am legally right. good morning, our earliest tv viewers, on the calendar it is wednesday february 7th, in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, a very busy morning awaits us, we will visit sochi, where the winter olympic games opened exactly 10 years ago, we will banish hibernation,
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we will find out the whole truth about garlic, we will deal with temperature swings, but what else can people talk about in the morning if not... the weather, of course, we will prepare something tasty and healthy, well, and this is only a small part of what we awaits ahead, well, now it’s morning exercises, not even like that, neurogymnastics, and take the children with you too, good morning, if you want your children to grow up dexterous, smart and quick-witted, develop fine motor skills of the hands, it affects thought processes. today i will show you exercises from neurogymnastics, this is what they call exercise for the brain. and my daughter varya and our new friend katya will help me. she is 5 years old. we take a ball or any small object and throw it from one hand to
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the other. girls, let's get together. making the movement more difficult. we catch the ball. with our right hand we simultaneously clasp the thumb of the left hand into a ring, throw the projectile back and forth, and make a ring with the fingers of our free hand. so, girls? well done, if it’s difficult for a child, we don’t criticize or retrain. in any case, the exercise will be beneficial. it can make movement more difficult, we connect our fingers one by one, first with the large index finger, on the second approach with the large middle finger, and so gradually we get to the little finger, we return in the reverse order, the exercise develops
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the connection between the hemispheres of the brain, as well as coordination, which is especially useful for people. working at a computer, as this is also an excellent workout for the fingers. let's continue! on the calendar february 7th is wednesday, february weather, a capricious young lady. again everyone is talking about temperature swings, and atmospheric pressure is jumping, people weather-dependent people are not very happy about this, what is happening with the weather and how to cope with the ailment, right? let's figure it out right now. in novosibirsk -1 during the day and only -4 at night, everything is plowed without hats. however, now in most regions the temperature is not february. now the temperature throughout russia is either near normal or above the climate norm. and the especially high temperature for february
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in the siberian region is 10-12° above the climate norm. there are no such terrible frosts. in yakutia the temperature is true there it drops to -40-45°, but this is still 8-10° above the climate norm, but in the near future it will become sharply colder, not only in siberia, in the central part of the country. usually temperature fluctuations are 5-6 units; from thursday to friday the temperature can drop by 10-12° at night, that is, if on thursday it is -9-14° during the day, then on friday night. -23-16°, and already at the beginning of next week there will be a sharp jump again, around zero temperatures. in general, there will be a lot of temperature swings in the near future. and this due to the fact that our air spreads from west to east, mainly in the middle latitudes, but it happens that the air
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spreads in the meridional direction, that is, from north to south, or from south to north, this air flow is just and gives sharp jumps in temperature due to the fact that the cyclone moves in a vertical rather than horizontal direction, it is also called diving, it comes quickly from the south, brings warmth, cold from the north, so it turns out that we don’t monitor the weather... we notice who someone bundled up in the thaw, someone without a hat in the cold, in the end we get sick, not just a cold, then a headache, then it stops hurting, that is, do you think it’s the weather’s fault, yes, the weather, yes, with temperature swings and pressure surges , many people feel this on themselves? it is noted that during the year, on average, the pressure of hypertensive patients is slightly higher in winter and slightly lower in summer, while atmospheric pressure , on the contrary, is slightly higher in summer and slightly lower in winter. in the central part of the country, atmospheric pressure will drop today to almost record values ​​in moscow to 714 mm hg.
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if you have sensitive joints, you may feel it with joint pain, if you are hypertensive, your hypertension may get out of control, if you suffer from migraines, you may get a headache, that is, your weather trigger may be realized. doctors recommend surviving sharp temperature fluctuations, that’s right, banal advice: get enough sleep, move, take a walk. are required, as are vitamins, fruits, vegetables, nuts. anna obrosimova, dmitry parfenov, channel one. our good, cheerful, winter, february morning continues, our catcher, no, not dreams, but videos from the world wide web, yegor uspensky, continues to surprise us with his best finds. a cat named louis got lost in beenos aires. this happens to cats. louis went for a walk. the owner posted an announcement about the disappearance of her pet, they looked for luis everywhere and he was found at one of the advertisements, lying and waiting
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for him to be taken home, so the dog named jack does not run away anywhere, he helps his owner remove the snow, takes a shovel with his teeth work. the quality, however, still leaves much to be desired, but this does not at all prevent jack from earning thousands of likes on the internet. very iconic. bad deer live in the japanese city of nara, they politely bow to anyone who wants to treat them with a tasty treat. look at it. it’s no surprise that the videos get an incredible number of views. the count of this video is 5 million. in conclusion, about art, the artist, known on the internet under the nickname “embrick,” creates paintings from parts of a children's construction set. his latest creation is a noture depicting a clock. on this the master spent almost a week on the work, but the video has already earned 3 million likes and continues
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to earn more and more hearts. today is february 7th - the birthday of the fire extinguisher; it was patented on this very day, in 1863. nowadays, there are many different types of fire extinguishers, one might say, for all occasions, for home, for office, for car. yulia shuval. now it will help you understand all this diversity. which fire extinguisher is better for the home and which for the car? we are looking into it together with the emergency situations ministry employees. we have four fire extinguishers: air-emulsion, powder, carbon dioxide air-foam. first of all , we look at the pressure gauge. an arrow in the green zone tells us that the fire extinguisher is in good condition; if it is in the red zone, then naturally the fire extinguisher requires recharging. in the green zone, it means we can safely use it. we extinguish four fires, the powder fire extinguisher did not extinguish the flame, because it is not intended for wood, paper, textiles
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, plastic, this is indicated on the label, but with other fire ranks, flammable liquids, gases, electrical equipment under voltage, it copes well, however, there is a significant drawback, you can extinguish cars with this fire extinguisher, but difficulties may arise when removing the fire extinguishing agent powder itself, the following: the extinguisher is carbon dioxide, we use it with gloves. carbon dioxide passes through the tube and the temperature drops to -70°. you may get frostbite. even before use , hold your breath to avoid carbon dioxide poisoning. a jet of gas instantly knocks out the flame. further air-emulsion, the main component of the pina former. creates an impenetrable film and effectively extinguishes fire; it is considered the most innovative. although it costs more than carbon dioxide, it is harmless to humans because it does not emit chemicals and is practically harmless to the environment. and
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we have the last air-foam fire extinguisher. in aerosol format, it will help to extinguish a frying pan fire in the kitchen, but in case of a serious fire it will not help due to the weak jet and small volume. air foam a fire extinguisher of 5 liters will quickly deal with the fire. foam, it covers the entire volume of combustion, does not allow oxygen to penetrate into the combustion chamber. to summarize: carbon dioxide or air-emulsion fire extinguishers are better for the home; they will not damage furniture and equipment. air-foam is an ideal option for a car, it will extinguish it faster than others in... for example, a trash can, why does it need an infrared sensor or an air damper? i don’t even know what it is, honestly, but they
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are sold and bought by someone. and for a lot of money. is it worth paying extra for all sorts of bells and whistles, if you can get by with just a bucket? let's find out. it would seem that it would be easier to buy a trash can, but there are many models that are not available in stores. let's go through the main ones. the most expensive ones are touch ones. the area of ​​effect is located on top, when you pass by, it does not open spontaneously, only when brought directly into the area of ​​effect. there are also completely silent ones, due to the air damper. like a vacuum shock absorber on a car, which prevents it from collapsing quickly, preventing it from closing quickly. only one minus: price, 20 thousand. our heroes, vladimir and natalya , say it’s a little expensive, design engineer miraz kastanov shows cheaper sensor buckets, although they can be unpredictable, for example, for 3,500 sometimes he lives his own life. the infrared sensor gets dirty and does not
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always work, it needs to be done constantly. plus there may be problems with the material itself, hips made of ordinary steel are mostly subject to corrosion, even if the steel is stainless, and it will corrode in the joints where rivets or welded joints will go. details weaken over time fall off, enameled steel is more reliable, it is from this material that it is better to take pedal buckets, let’s move on to them, there is a simple, but mechanism, so ideally all parts of the device, including... inside, should be steel, not plastic, so that nothing is broken, there will be wear and tear due to the fact that our mechanism consists of two parts: one is made of plastic, one is made of metal, the plastic will wear out and you will soon get rid of it. well, the cheapest models have no special effects at all - the good old classics, and for they still haven’t come up with anything better than plastic, there’s nothing to break. on the one
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hand, the bucket is simple, on the other hand, it is the most reliable and durable.
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as an actor, he was the life of the party, but he was very lonely, he bought himself a mobile phone , asked him to fill out a notebook for me, he designed seven phones for me, that was his entire notebook, he was hiding his second life, it was a very strong novel, very beautiful , two decent people met, who did not suffer themselves, they tortured each other, he was very kind to his wife, to his loved ones, and did not want to offend or injure anyone, so in general the situation was not... brought to the anniversary of nikolai eremenko, what are we going to do, ivan ilyevich, fight, seryozha, the legendary film pirates of the 20th century, a superman with delicate skin, this is definitely pierced , on sunday on the first.
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the russia forum exhibition continues to operate at vdnkh in moscow. let me remind you that she works every day except monday and every day there. a large, rich, interesting program, including everyone who came there, has the opportunity to meet famous and interesting people whom you just don’t meet in life, famous artists, performers, athletes, astronauts, such a chance cannot be given away. russia exhibition, space pavilion, waiting room. we came from another region, especially to meet an amazing man, a space conqueror, because, probably, not everyone in life. so lucky to meet a person who was so close to the stars. on stage andrei borisenko, cosmonaut pilot, hero of the russian federation, absolutely everyone can ask everything he is curious about. it’s interesting to see
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how interest is growing among young guys, i really want to hope that in 30-40 years some of them will also perform on stage as an astronaut, maybe they will remember this meeting, which may provide a starting point in their future career. one candidate cosmonaut has already been found, it helped me determine that this is exactly mine, because they told me how it feels, how it ’s all done, i’ve always been drawn to space since kindergarten, in the pavilion health inspires a sports career, a medalist olympic games subjudo dmitry nosov proves that nothing is impossible, few people know that when i was 15 years old, i was bedridden and it was then...
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they tell their stories, they see and their eyes glow, but we get it, we are athletes much more more from them, believe me, we are looking forward to this meeting, just like them. it’s easy to meet a famous artist, director or actor, attend his master class and, of course, take a photo. in the photo is sergei selin, a charismatic actor, a childhood hero, such a kind character, a prototype of whoever i wanted to become since childhood. yes they are in contact. they walk very easily, i come up myself, say , yes, of course, with you, hug me, then i also took pictures from ivanysheki with the redhead, he actually called me brother,
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it’s simply impossible to list all the interesting people who are easy to meet at the russia exhibition, in order to be sure to get to their events and master classes, register on the website maria kuskova, alena krylova, nikita kulakov, channel one. wednesday morning continues, right now. i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service first channel, it's time to find out about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour, this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the crew of the anti-tank complex carnet of the transbaikal paratroopers destroyed a group of enemy infantry and disrupted it. its loss
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was up to twenty militants, the crews of the 120-mm mortars of the southern group of troops worked perfectly there, they hit from the shortest distance, no more than one and a half kilometers, it was impossible to miss, a real barrage of fire was unleashed in the krasno-liman direction against the enemy, the crew of the rszzo grad, on kupinsky... the crews of the t-80 tanks of the west group of forces razed the fortifications and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. the fact that the murder of former verkhovna rada deputy ilya kiev and military commander vladlen tatarsky, as well as the assassination attempt on ukrainian and russian politicians and public figures, was organized by the ukrainian security service was confirmed in kiev itself. material from a local news agency, based on sources in this department, states that special operations.
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that moscow had previously sent to nato countries note due to arms supplies to kyiv. the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, noted that any cargo that contains weapons for ukraine will become a legitimate target for russia. the west cynically turns a blind eye to the fact that the weapons it supplies to ukraine are used to exterminate the civilian population, russia’s post-pretentious vasily nebenzya stated this at a meeting of the un security council, which our country convened after the attack on lysychansk, where 28 were killed
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. a patriot air defense system was shot down . russia is ready to inform about the progress of its investigation any international organizations, but they don’t want to make this truth public. those who support ukrainian militants feel complete impunity. now , without exaggeration, the central topic for the world media, included in the top news on the planet, the most famous american journalist tucker carlson published a four-minute preview of his interview with vladimir putin. video of a journalist who came to russia standing. against
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the backdrop of the kremlin and the cathedral of christ the savior appeared the night before and in the first hours alone received more than 40 million views, heating up the degree of interest of the audience on both sides of the ocean to the limit. tucker carlson promises to post the full version of the conversation without cuts or editing on his website. carson explained: in moscow, as an independent journalist, he paid for this trip himself; the american administration had already tried more than once to prevent him from talking with the russian leader. carlson did not rule out that the western government. they will probably try to censor this video, however, the hope is that people will receive the most objective information possible, after all there is. elon musk, this is his great merit, promised not to put pressure and not to block this interview after it was posted on the ex platform and we are grateful to him for this. western governments, on the other hand, will probably go out of their way to censor this video on other less principled platforms, because they are used to doing so. they are afraid of information they cannot.
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manage about 3 years ago, the biden administration illegally spied on our communications then leaked them to the media to journalists who serve them. they did this is to prevent the interview with putin that we were planning. last month, we are quite sure of this, they did the same thing again, but now we still came to moscow. and lastly , a pod of red list killer whales fell into an ice trap off the coast of japan. almost 15 rare whales were stuck among the thick layers. it is necessary to cut a track. experts say you have about a day to do this, after which the animal will die from lack of oxygen. our rescuers are ready to move to the place, but in order to enter the territorial japan waters need tokyo's permit. if it is not received, then the only hope is a strong wind that will disperse the drifting ice floes. concerned environmental activists have already appealed to the japanese authorities for...
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tokyo has ships of minimum ice class that could rescue animals from captivity. i assured ecologists in the absence of help that that’s all for now, now i say good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. i, ekaterina strizhenova, meet you at the studio exactly 10 years ago, on february 7th. 2014 in sochi the twenty-second winter olympic games opened, it was amazing, remember? of course, remember how this can be forgotten, especially since everything that was built and done for the olympics remains with us. dmitry kuzmin is inviting us to sochi right now. let's fly quickly! that's why it's better to take a seat from the porthole, sochi and sirius are in full view. first. the question
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is where to live: hotel occupancy is 75%. for the winter games, 70 hotels were built from scratch or renovated here. you can accommodate the whole of pskov (200,000 guests), it’s cheaper in the off-season. three-room apartments apartments at summer standard prices. three-room apartments, a suite with a kitchen, a room for children, a room for parents and even grandparents can be taken. this complex is like 35 football fields. it was here that canadian fans staged a swim in full gear in the fourteenth. olympic. a city where even in the middle of winter you can plunge into summer. poda +28. since then, carps have been measuring time; fruit was launched immediately after the olympics. look at the hogs. edible, yes, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, yes, it’s prohibited, but what about the roads of 360 olympic kilometers, how from moscow to orel intact with tunnels and bridges, among which is the cable-stayed skyscraper in the mountains, 810 m long and 86 m high, it’s the only one with two turns, why was it necessary
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to fence off these two turns, it’s difficult to fit in , in order to preserve the ecology as much as possible, the most convenient place for such a wide road in the gorge, and that is, this bridge... was built along the river, and not across a water barrier, and there is fish there, yes, there are actually fish there, to the mountains more economically on a swallow nine trains a day at speed 140 half an hour from the sea, but you need to dress warmly, after the cable-stayed bridge, summer is ending, it’s as if we are entering a fairy tale, that is, snow, temperature, contrast, everything is different, as if we are moving in time, it feels like i saw a bear.. .. as i came down from the slope, due to which everything works, four power plants, this one was built in an open field on gas does not smoke, dry fan gradations allow you not to throw water into the source, use it, this is a big saving of water, you
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can’t give up on permanent residence in such beauty i thought only liney, the population has grown by 3000, now this school has 10 classes in parallel, here is the exercise of fifth graders, we have a fifth k, a fifth i, in total there are 2,700 children in the school, today we are the largest school in the city of sochi. it’s time to expand again; in 5 years there will already be 10 million tourists a year. thomas aleksandrovich laid the olympic routes in the mountains, now he is leading the reconstruction of the oldest hotel in the center. the magnolia tree in the yard is intact, a modern building grows nearby. it’s difficult, but whatever we can do, we’ll do it. the central embankment will soon also be updated, the beaches will become. first channel sochi. do you know that on february 7th
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in russia they celebrate business education day. an important date, by the way, modern business is a complex thing, without special education it will not work. it’s not without reason that they say that from an idea to its implementation there is a long, difficult path, although, of course, a good business idea is also worth a lot, victoria bought a subscription to movies and food for clothes, that’s worse, 1999 rubles per month, basic things that are always needed, delivered to home or work, the idea came to sergei kovelenov from st. petersburg 4 years ago, he already had a production of things, he was thinking about how to expand the business. there was a subscription on the car, and i thought it would be cool if people had a clothing subscription. it turned out that there are a lot of people who are tired of going to the store, sitting in marketplaces and choosing something. but everyone is familiar with the lack of time for a snack. semyon frolov from kazan invented a vending machine with dumplings. since childhood, i
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love dumplings very much, uh, i knew - there are a lot of recipes with dumplings, salads with dumplings, soups with dumplings. here, i ate the most. i wanted my own dumplings; i didn’t like the catering, so i came up with it. machine: 80 cups of ready-made lunch are loaded here, in general it can be any dish, from idea to implementation , it takes 5 years, the machines are already in voronezh, this one is in tyumen, tasty, fresh, a little bit of herbs , a little spice, and so on a delicious quick snack to create a business, you don’t even need to take any courses, you just need to get angry once, that’s what happened with ksenia and dmitry from nizhny, after renovation they collected old things. they took it to the dacha and destroyed everything, there was a misunderstanding in the family, we decided to try this way, yes, why not, when we saw that it really helped us, relief, so we came up with a rage room, a place where you can destroy everything, things are found at flea markets, various sites, there is
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plenty of inventory , after they take out the landfill, schoolboy vyacheslav chertan from kemerovo decided to help look for animals, he came up with a special application, if the owner lost his pet, he uses our application... presses the button that the pet is lost, scans the person who found it pet, and actually gives the pet to the owner, that is, initially these pets must be entered into this application, plus a few photos, now vyacheslav is finalizing the program for this year’s release. the cat marcel from st. petersburg has never been lost in every sense, now he is a businessman, offers services for new residents, he immediately enters a new apartment, and then he must examine the premises. for those who believe in omens, marcel is ready to be the first to enter a new apartment for 300 rubles, he is about to become a realtor, all new buildings are his. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, nazirana gumanov, channel one. good morning to everyone who joined us, good
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health to you! february is the month of colds , take care of yourself, don’t get sick, and for those who have had a cold, but can’t get rid of residual symptoms, cough or sore throat, bathhouse attendant viktor zakomaldin recommends taking a steam bath in a bathhouse, unless, of course, there are contraindications for this, cold passed, the temperature subsided. the weakness and cough remain, a bath will help you finally recover. if there is no allergy, hang it next to hot stones, bunch, wormwood, sweet clover or currant leaves. we fill the steam room with healing aromas. herbal remedies have anti-cold and anti-inflammatory effects. we go over the body with oak brooms. lubricate the back with honey and steam it thoroughly. we turn over, apply honey to the décolleté and neck, press the brooms to
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the body, warm up the bronchopulmonary system, and at this time the honey improves photo-separation and helps draw out the remnants of the cold. now lie down on your side, right shoulder up, put your hand behind your head, treat with hot brooms on the side. we drive away congestion in the lungs , turn over to the other side, walk with oak brooms on the left side, and now you can rest a little, but before that, cover your mouth and nose with a fir broom, breathe in the pine aroma, it will help cleanse the respiratory system, to... strengthen the effect after baths, wrap ourselves up warm, drink linden tea
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with honey, follow my recommendations, in the morning there will be no trace of the cold left, seven rabbits, a nubian goat and a javanese monkey, all of them appeared quite recently in different zoos in our country, now you and i are going to visit them, i warn you, this is a very cute video. there is a bustle in the novosibirsk zoo, all the diana monkeys are busy with only one thing, a newborn baby. the baby is not even a month old, his birthday is january 21, his mother does not leave him for a minute. when he was born, everyone became interested, they came up to him, sniffed him, some tried to take him, but the dachshund’s name is gavi, she didn’t give it, she turned away, squeezed him, hid him. you can't even tell what sex the newborn is for the sake of this news. wait another year for the baby when he grows up he will be ready to break away from his mother.
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the barnaul zoo also has a new addition of monkeys, more precisely the ivan macaque. mom, who's there, who's there? mom and baby were moved to separate apartments here, and here they have a whole kingdom of tenderness. the cameroonian goats also gave the zoo staff a new year's gift, and these two brothers appeared. this is the kind of fighting guy who asks his mother to come to him because... little brother ran away, tell me they left one, but these comrades no longer give rest to the entire enclosure, they run around, make noise and bully each other, in a couple of months they will both look almost like adults, don’t believe it, here ’s a two-month-old cub of the nubian breed of scythe, a very important comrade, and the most restless ones in the barnaul zoo are baby rabbits , you can’t even pick them up, not a minute of rest, seven cubs, three... four girls, not equal in activity to the alpaca from
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the glinzhik safari park, there is peace and tranquility here , as you may have noticed, this is generally an unusual family, a llama and an alpaca live together, well , they look after each other, and what’s interesting is that the leader in this flock is our beautiful bead redhead, she's the leader here, she's checking all newly arrived valiers, checks all the food, she is always the first at the table and the first on the way to danger, alpaca bead a... special poses and food, food chemistry, flavonoids, what
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is it, you will come to us with pain, but you will leave no pain on. our service is working better , the program is to live healthy, it helps everyone , today at the first, there is a self-portrait of the artist of this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubednik himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor.
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this is so russian, there is something very rustic and childish, he was like a river, a happy, sparkling earring, great sensations, they get into us no matter what, it’s important not to pass by so as not to be left poor, ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premiere on saturday on the first. the era of so- called gray sim cards is becoming a thing of the past. roskomnadzor is now conducting a large-scale audit of these sim cards and checking who they are registered to. why is this done, how does it happen, why are gray sim cards generally dangerous? let's find out right now. gray sim cards are illegal. roskomnadzor is conducting
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large-scale audit. over six months, 9 million sim cards with unknown owners were discovered. why are they blocking? roskomnadzor sends the mobile operator a list of numbers with outdated data. the operator contacts the subscriber, if the number is not registered on his passport, the sim card is blocked. we introduce the right in this situation because we provide communication services to identified users. at the same time, we make a fairly large amount of effort to contact our subscriber. we warn several times, we send text messages, we really do. but pay attention, a cellular operator over the phone will never ask you to dictate your passport data or codes from messages, these are definitely scammers, hang up immediately, we do not call from numbers that are not identified, second, you can log into your personal account, mobile application and look at your personal passport details yourself, if you need to make changes there, or come
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to the cellular communication office and confirm that this number is yours, for those who have several sim cards, you need to register yourself, if, for example, there is a gray card in the tablet, then sooner or later it may simply be blocked. why are gray sim cards dangerous? have you ever wondered why they are given out for free on the street, what is the benefit? it’s simple, these sim cards, as a rule, already have an owner, he can earn money from you, he can write off the money with which you replenished this number, he can transfer this money, and let’s say, every day one ruble is written off from each account, no one will notice, but... on the part of the distributor of such sim cards, there is already a noticeable benefit every day and you will not be able to make a claim, this is not your sim card, in fact, you were given someone else’s card on which you voluntarily put your money, moreover, the real owner sees everything that you see , you need to register somewhere, and either some social network asks you to confirm your number,
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sends you an sms code, or most often it is used as two-factor authorization. the second step, but a large number of services work precisely with the help identity verification via phone. again, the owner of these sim cards will have access to this sms code. it is even more dangerous to link such a number to a mobile bank. there is a risk that the data will be lost to scammers; again, it will be impossible to complain or return the stolen money, because you are not the owner of the number. yes, today sim cards are an identity identifier and a means of payment, the owner’s name is attached to them.
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and we must always be queens to the tips of our nails, what to do with these tips, tatyana koshlyaeva will tell you, let's let's see if it might come in handy. when painted nails grow out, the manicure looks untidy, and you don’t have time to do a new one. i'll show you how to hide a grown-out manicure. i cover my nails with transparent varnish, without waiting for it to dry, i lay out the application diagonally, slightly extending over the colored coating and overgrown nail. it can be rhinestones, sparkles. i have holographic foil, look, it shimmers in different colors. i wait for the decor to dry, fix it with a finishing coat, and decorate the rest of the nails in the same way. look how original it is
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the design worked out, you can pretend that it was intended this way, no one will understand that you are using foil to hide your overgrown manicure. next you will find sports news, we will talk about football, or more precisely about european football clubs, ratings and financial up... after 5 successful football clubs in terms of revenue for the summer real returned to the top of the list of the most season. the spanish grant earned 831 million euros in the 2022-23 season, beating the previous ranking leader and reigning champions league winner manchester city by 5 million. psg entered the top three for the first time revenue amounted to 802 million euros. in total , the first 20 teams, eight from england, four from italy, autry from spain and germany, two from france, received a profit of 10.5 billion euros per season, which is a record figure.
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compared to last year, it was 14% higher. the investigation takes into account cash receipts, which are divided into three categories: commercial benefit, sale of rights to television broadcasts and the so-called match day. this includes sales of tickets to home games and revenue from fan attendance. shops and restaurants at the stadium. the first category averages 42% of the total, the second - 40, the third - 18. at the same time, commercial revenue of 4.400 million euros became the largest source of income for clubs for the first time in 8 years, and 17 teams from the top 20 reported record earnings in match day, which was facilitated by the lifting of all coronavirus restrictions. each individual category turned out to have its own winner, with the best commercial revenue coming from munich, which ranks sixth in the ranking. and bavaria 419 million euros. most on sale manchester city earned television rights - 344 million euros. well,
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barcelona, ​​located in fourth place, can boast the highest income on match days, 166 million euros. napoli, which occupied the nineteenth position, became a newcomer to the list. the reigning champion of italy showed the biggest increase over the season - 71%. the neapolitans earned 268 million euros, including thanks to their successful performance in the che league. where we reached the quarterfinals. analysts believe that based on the results of the current season, growth income will continue, but will be insignificant: a sharp rise is expected for the 2024-25 season due to the reform of european cups and an increase in prize money from uefa. let us add that despite the loud statements of officials regarding the course towards gender equality in football, there remains a significant gap between the earnings of men and women; for comparison, the most successful women's team is barcelona, ​​where the best football player in the world, aitana, plays. last season received an income of 13,4000 euros, that is, 62 times less than the men's football club real. on the first
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the channel continues the multi-part historical drama "the great golden age". the reign of empress catherine, catherine ii was marked by grandiose transformations, and not only in the field of government . it was under catherine the great that the hermitage became a museum. the mariinsky theater appeared, this is...
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a secluded corner, in these halls the great woman took a break from state worries, culture and from french the hermitage is translated as art for catherine - this is her...
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russia, this was an event and what does mr. plato write? yes, more and more about management by the state. under catherine, the russian theater school flourished. folk comedies, where laziness, stupidity, and envy were ridiculed, were very popular. fonvizin wrote his famous subsoil. i found a pose in the 18th century, how they read poetry, that is, they were completely different poses. by decree of the empress , the theater, the future mariinsky, was founded. you won't be my partner. we would consider it an honor to have an evening in the company of one of the most brilliant women in world
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history. continuation of the great historical drama, the golden age, today on the first channel. thank you, maria, rossoda, we will read later. asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, anna vashuk, svetlana neimanis, channel one. wednesday morning continues, right now i’m giving the floor to my colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. the west is cynically turning a blind eye to the fact that the weapons it supplies to ukraine are used to exterminate the civilian population, russia is insisting on this, vasily nebenzya said at the un security council meeting, which our country convened after the attack on lesichansk, where 28 people and civilians died
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. he preliminarily coordinates with washington, and this is the fourth such terrorist attack against civilians in a month and a half after the attack in belgorod and two strikes on donetsk. vasily nebelzya also stated that the united states is a direct accomplice in another crime, when a russian il-76 plane carrying ukrainian prisoners of war was shot down by a patriot air defense system. russia is ready to inform.
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how to get to the truth through censorship and propaganda is, without exaggeration, the central theme for world media, included in the top news on the planet. the most famous american journalist tucker carlson published a four-minute preview of his interview with vladimir putin, a video where the journalist who arrived in russia stands against the backdrop of the kremlin and the cathedral of christ the savior appeared the night before and in the first hours alone gained 45 million views, heating up the audience’s interest to the limit on both sides of the ocean. full version of the conversation without.
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enemy infantry west of artyomovsk disrupted the rotation of enemy personnel, the position for the strike had to be prepared; the missile's guidance was hampered by a wall, which had been blown up by an overhead charge. the next shot hits the enemy, causing the loss of up to twenty militants. the crews of the 120-mm mortars of the southern group of troops worked perfectly there, firing from the shortest distance of no more than one and a half kilometers, it was impossible to miss. in the krasnoliman direction, a real firestorm was unleashed on the enemy by crews. rszzo grad, on kupinsky, the crew of t-80 tanks, the west troops groupings razed to the ground, fortifications and armored vehicles bsu. the capital will be swept away by olga, the name of the cyclone that formed in the north sea
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and which will bring heavy snowfall to moscow today. about 10 mm of precipitation is forecast, a quarter of the monthly norm. at the same time, the wind will rise, and the temperature will begin to drop rapidly on thursday -10, on friday -14 in the afternoon. good morning, good morning to everyone who greets this for now, now a word to colleagues on a new day together with the first channel, on the calendar february 7, wednesday in the studio with you i, ekaterina strizhenova, from 75 to 195 days, this is how long hibernation lasts. bears, i know someone who would be happy to follow their example, and in general in the winter you often catch yourself feeling like they woke you up in the morning , but they forgot to wake you up, down with hibernation, that’s it, we wake up, our correspondents
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found out , what you need to do in order not to nod off all day, three alarm clocks in the morning to wake up, and then you still fall asleep during the day, people call it the syndrome... hibernation, there is not enough sun, so the body wants to sleep, doctors confirm : short light day, which means our hormone of darkness, melatonin is not completely destroyed during the day , it circulates in our blood, causing a feeling of drowsiness, this is the first, second, we have an internal biological clock, these are the cells in the brain that think that the sun is constantly setting , which means we need to get ready for bed, they also make us yawn in cloudy weather. everyone knows this feeling, but sometimes drowsiness is a symptom of some disease, how to understand, take the test, it can be found on the internet, the epfort test, there are only eight questions, and you must answer them in points from zero to three, what is the probability that you will fall asleep while reading
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a book, and if you are at a meeting, add up all the numbers, four. this is a very good indicator; it is believed that up to seven is an absence. drowsiness is acceptable, it is normal , not pathological, but for you, i got 11, 11, this is no longer normal, you need to see a samnologist, the reason was immediately found out, i am a light sleeper, that is, i sleep with anxiety, i can wake up during the night several times, winter has nothing to do with it, you need to establish a sleep pattern in order to maintain vigor during the day, somnologists recommend artificially prolonging the day, supplementing it with fluorescent lamps or special glasses. you can continue to work at the computer, or just close your eyes, dream for 10-15 minutes after lunch, for example, melatonin is destroyed, drowsiness goes away, go outside and at least. looking at the sky, even if it is cloudy, the ultraviolet will still
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penetrate and hit the retina of the eye, which means we will receive such a small therapeutic effect. solar vitamin d, fruits, and the usual morning meal also help. charger. therapist ekaterina kandakova conducted an experiment. i started doing exercises regularly in the morning, this means getting up 10 minutes early, turning on some positive music, you just stretch your joints, stretch them. your body , there is more strength to do more things, and feels cheerful, but if you really want to take a nap during the day, and there is such an opportunity for health, but no more than 45 minutes, otherwise melatonin will no longer be stopped and drowsiness will remain for the whole day. anastasia, sergey abramov sotnik, denis zharov and natalya kaldaeva, channel one. good
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morning, if you want your children to grow up dexterous, smart and quick-witted, develop fine motor skills of the hands, it affects thought processes. today i will show you exercises from neurogymnastics, that’s what they call exercises for the brain, and my daughter varya will help me, our new friend katya, she is 5 years old. take a ball or any small one. object and throw it from one hand to the other, girls, let's work together, complicate the movement, catch the ball with your right hand, at the same time interlock the thumb of your left hand into a ring, throw the projectile back and forth, using the fingers of your free hand to make a ring. so, girls? well done, if
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it’s difficult for a child, we don’t criticize or retrain. in any case, the exercise will be beneficial. for adults, you can complicate the movement by connecting your fingers one by one: first the large index finger, on the second approach the large middle finger, and so gradually we get to the little finger. we return in reverse order. the exercise develops communication between the hemispheres of the brain, as well as coordination. and it is especially useful for people who work at a computer, since it is also great workout for your fingers. we continue: garlic is our favorite superfood, well, without garlic, borscht or, for example, cutlets. they also say that garlic can protect. the body from harmful bacteria, because phytoncides.
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now we’ll check all this, and at the same time we’ll learn how to choose garlic. garlic in jellied meat, otzhiki on sandwiches, this is the only way for chernyshovs. what without garlic? in winter, when there are viruses, when there is the flu, they not only eat, they make beads for colds and put them on at night, folk inhalation. i am a teacher myself, i worked in a kindergarten garden, brought a bucket of garlic, we will peel it. with a nanny, they placed window sills, the children come, they play and breathe all day long, they don’t infect each other at all. does it really work? let's check the antibacterial properties in the laboratory, collect microorganisms that are found in a regular office, fill it with a nutrient medium, grated garlic, for comparison , add onions, garlic and an apple, results in 48 hours. here we see that the petri has grown very well throughout the entire dish. bacteria around the garlic hole is the largest
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sterile zone, allicin and other essential oils that are present, they have a negative effect on microorganisms, the recognizable aroma of garlic is precisely due to the same allicin, this is a volatile compound, when it gets into the air, there is a certain effect, not as strong as when consumed internally , garlic contains potassium, manganese, phosphorus and a whole set of b vitamins, and they... improve metabolism , affect the immunity necessary for the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system. heat-treated garlic is also very healthy, and for those who cannot consume it raw, consuming it thermally is much better than not consuming it at all. in any case, it is important to choose the right one at the counter. to begin with, don’t buy into very large garlic , the so-called elephant garlic, elephant garlic is not really garlic at all, it’s more like, uh, it’s... onions are close to leeks, there’s nothing bad about them, well, it has a
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garlicky taste there will be practically no more, we continue to touch it, closer to spring the garlic begins to dry out and crumble. it’s better not to take this one, if it already has green feathers, that’s it, this garlic is not tasty, most likely it will quickly spoil. the maximum benefit of taste is in dense garlic, it’s good if it gives off a light aroma, but of course, it will reveal itself to its maximum only during cooking, and so as not to scare away others with your breath after eating, we remember a life hack. the simplest thing, the most that everyone has on hand is just a glass of milk. we drink everything; the garlic smell is also neutralized by parsley, sour apples and green tea with lemon. ksenia loginova, dmitry roshkov, ilierkazubov, channel one. you have a package, but you didn’t order it, a rather strange situation, however, this happens and is not so rare.
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who sends out such packages and why? security expert alexey serenko will tell you. hello, yes, i am waiting for a parcel. please tell me the tracking number of the shipment. that's right, bring it. i ordered international delivery, the courier will arrive now. do you think why i checked the departure track with him, to make sure that i ordered this parcel correctly? but the fact is that a new semi-criminal scheme has emerged. imagine, just like me, the courier calls you now, everything is paid for, including delivery, but you, unlike me, didn’t order anything, it’s very surprising, what could it be? there are several options: in china , for example, the rating is extremely important for a store, however, like here, new sellers are trying to raise it as quickly as possible, and
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they do it like this: fake buyers order goods, addresses are written on the map, countries choose different ones, and then... then the seller sends parcels with some nonsense like a fan, there may be disposable masks, expired seeds, on the forums they write that someone was even sent dirty socks, the fake buyer receives the track number of the parcel when it arrives, writes a positive review for you, like this the store creates a rating, it turns out that it is an enviable supplier to all countries of the world, and for you and me this is still the most harmless scheme, at least... it’s never necessary, but there are still real scams. for example, an online store sends you an unwanted product for a small amount, hoping that you often order online and automatically pay for the purchase to the courier, and after delivery you will understand that you were simply deceived, sorry,
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this is not my thing, how not to fall into such a trap, we write out the tracks of all the parcels that we are waiting for so that they exist. at hand when the courier calls, we check what exactly he is carrying, and if they try to sell you something that you did not order, we simply refuse delivery, be careful, and no one will be able to deceive you, all decisions were on the verge of the impossible, mostly it worked out when there were, of course, a couple of students , there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold such an olympics, somewhere only on the second or third day, the skeptical assessments changed to... exactly the opposite, an unrealistic super holiday of sports, that’s it, that the rest, which olympic games i was at, they are not next to each other, this miracle happened, and at that moment we won the overall competition, we defeated everyone, the world shook when they saw sochi, how amazing it is, we want to do even better, and we are inspired by this to go further, 10
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years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, today on the first, now... occupies a special political position in the world. i believe that people who are skeptical about russia should make a lot of effort to understand the history of the country, its mentality, its desire for integration on common grounds. well, now on our air there is an astrological forecast for today, wednesday, february 7th. february 7. the turning point is 26 and 27 lunar days. 24th day of the sun. cheerful, cheerful, self-confident, very sociable, and not bad diplomat. if you need to establish a good relationship with someone, attract someone's attention, or what is called affection, this is your day. and he is also a keen connoisseur
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of beauty, which is why he often spends money on all sorts of beautiful things. however, he rarely regrets it, well, falling in love today is easier than ever. of the minuses, the main thing. he is sensitive, has a lot of flair, loves to give in to his whims, and sometimes laziness overwhelms him. on such days we are often late for something, we can let some things take their course. aries, this is completely contraindicated for you. your motto today is accounting and control and don’t lie even about small things, otherwise it’s a successful day, among other things, it will help you buy or sell something profitably, aries men, listen today to what women advise. taurus has a good day for difficult tasks and hard work that requires full dedication, just be careful with equipment and all sorts of sharp tools, in the evening there may be a pleasant meeting, or maybe a date? for twins, things may not go well in the morning until lunchtime. everything will speed up more or less, but still something happens from time to time will interfere and distract you, so you may get very tired, but the evening will help you
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rest. a great day for cancers, there will be an opportunity to enlist someone’s support, find new like-minded people, get something moving, and they may also thank you for something. lonely cancers, you have a chance this evening. leos may have an argument or a raised conversation , and this is the case when everyone is right in their own way. the stars hint: sometimes you have to give in on the small things in order to win on the main things. after lunch, get ready to do some housework. to put something in order, to fight everyday life with a word. virgos are simply having a good, smooth day, when everything is going in the right direction and on the whole is working out, just be more careful while driving, especially when overtaking, try not to give advice when you are not asked for it. libra has a wonderful day to agree on something with someone, convince someone of something, promote some of their ideas. some people may come... sagittarius may be slightly spoiled
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by someone's harsh criticism, or maybe you are just taking everything too personally today to your heart, be that as it may, there is someone next to you who will always understand you, and take care of yours... feel free to make a date for the evening. for aquarius , this day will help them understand something, see something in an unexpected new light, and discover something for themselves. as for money, in principle, everything is fine with it, however, there is a risk of overpaying for something or buying a fake. and you know what, take some fish with you when you go shopping, they should be in a good mood today in this regard, however, they may not be in the mood for that, they have this
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poetic, romantic mood, of course, spring is coming, well, good luck to you, today is february 7th, the birthday of the fire extinguisher, it was patented on this day in 1863, nowadays there are a lot of different types of fire extinguishers, one might say for all occasions, for the home, for the office, for car. yulia shuvalova will now help you understand all this diversity. which fire extinguisher is better for the home and which for the car? we are looking into it together with the emergency situations ministry employees. we have four fire extinguishers: air-emulsion, powder, carbon dioxide air-foam. first of all, we look at the pressure gauge. an arrow in the green zone tells us that the fire extinguisher is in good condition. if in the red zone, then naturally a fire extinguisher is required. recharging, in the green zone, which means we can safely use it and put out four fires. the powder
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extinguisher did not extinguish the flame because it is not intended for wood, paper, textiles, plastics. this is indicated on the label, but it copes well with other fire ranks, flammable liquids, gases and live electrical equipment. is it true, there is a significant drawback. you can extinguish cars with this fire extinguisher, but removal may be difficult. the most fire extinguishing agent is ash. the next fire extinguisher is carbon dioxide, we use it with gloves. carbon dioxide passes through the tube and the temperature drops to -70°. you may get frostbite. even before use , hold your breath to avoid carbon dioxide poisoning. a jet of gas instantly knocks out the flame. next is an air-emulsion knitting agent. the main component in the composition is a foaming agent. creates impenetrable film. effectively eliminates fire, is considered the most innovative, although it costs more than the same carbon dioxide, it is harmless to humans
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because it does not emit chemicals and is practically harmless to the environment. and the last air-foam fire extinguisher, in aerosol format, will help put out a frying pan that caught fire in the kitchen; in case of a strong fire, it will not save due to the weak jet and small volume. an air-foam fire extinguisher of 5 liters will quickly cope with the fire. foam. it closes the entire volume of combustion and gives oxygen to penetrate into the combustion chamber. to summarize: carbon dioxide or air enamel fire extinguishers are better for the home; they will not damage furniture and appliances. airy foam. an ideal option for the car, it will extinguish a flared engine faster than others. yulia shivalova, mikhail karasev and ksenia maklyak, channel one. seven rabbits, a nubian goat and a javan monkey. all of them appeared quite recently, in different zoos in our country, now we are going to visit them. i warn you, this is a very cute video.
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the novosibirsk zoo is bustling. all the monkeys diana is busy with only one thing. newborn baby. the baby is not even a month old, his birthday is january 21, his mother does not leave him for a minute. when he was born, everyone became interested, they came up to him, sniffed him, some tried to take him, but the dachshund’s name is gavi, she didn’t give it, she turned away, squeezed him, hid him. you can't even tell what gender the newborn is. for the sake of this news, we will have to wait another year, when the baby will grow up and be ready to break away from his mother. in zoo. barnaul also has a new addition of monkeys, more precisely from the ivan macaque. mother, who's there, who's there? mom and baby were moved to separate apartments here, and here they have a whole kingdom of tenderness. the cameroonian goats also gave the zoo staff a new year's gift, and these two brothers appeared. this kind of fighting guy asks to see his mother, because his little brother ran away, tell him
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they left him alone, right? these comrades no longer give rest to the entire enclosure, they run around, make noise and bully each other, in a couple of months both will look almost like adults, don’t believe it, here is a two-month-old cub of the nubian breed kos, a very important comrade. and the most restless ones in the barnaul zoo are the baby rabbits, you can’t even hold them in your arms, not a minute of peace, seven cubs, three boys, four girls. there is no comparison in activity with... there is peace and tranquility here, as you may have noticed, this is generally an unusual family , a llama and an alpaca live together, well, they all look after each other, and what’s interesting is that the leader in this flock, our beautiful red beady, she here is the leader, she checks all newcomers to the enclosure, checks all the food, she is always the first at the table and the first on the way to danger, bead alpaca, this beautiful
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llama nona, there has been a baby boom in the family over the last 3 months, the eldest from... from the younger teenagers does not leave her parents, just like the llama cub, was born only a month only in size, but even a trio three months ago, he was glued everywhere with her, and despite the impudent glances, alpaca and llamas are very cute and funny, but you yourself know that, elena savina, evgeniy andreev, channel one. today medicine allows us to successfully fight diseases that are still recently considered incurable, fight successfully, win, and what's special? more and more medical centers are opening where you can get effective treatment, including cancer. after the doctor's appointment, plans. 5 years ago natalya was diagnosed with cancer, she had to constantly travel to the regional oncology center of chelyabinsk, there and back, it’s about 200 km
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, but a few months ago they opened an outpatient cancer care center in... now we are generally very good, there is no need to leave kyshtyma, we have an mri here, ct scan is basically no problem. since the beginning of the implementation of the national healthcare project , 510 such centers have been opened in the country, the task is to provide comprehensive diagnostics in the regions, to examine at the slightest suspicion of a disease, and once diagnosed, to do everything to defeat oncology. she's sleeping with me, everything's fine. the emphasis on equipping centers is a new trend across the country.
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the next stage of referring the patient to the oncology clinic of the region, which we have also equipped within the framework of the federal project over these 5 years; today all conditions for high-quality specialized care in all main areas - surgical care, radiation therapy and anti-drug therapy. disease prevention is also part of the work of the national health care project. the campaign cancer fears the brave is taking place across the country. first of all, this is a health check. main indicators. an important part of the campaign is master classes on cancer self-diagnosis. byosh korole, this was carried out by students of a medical university. simple steps to make sure everything is fine. where do we start? visual inspection, visual inspection, what we are looking at, symmetry, symmetry, symmetry, that’s right , self-diagnosis, as it turned out, is not at all difficult to carry out, i tried it on a mannequin , i tried it, sometimes you just need a theory, what
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cancer is, symptoms, stages of development, let’s talk about complex things in quiz format, participants, schoolchildren and students, future doctors, anyone should know about such basic important things, all these measures give results, in three out of five cases the disease is detected early...
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its losses are up to twenty militants. ibid. the crews of the 120-mm mortars of the southern group of troops worked perfectly, they fired from the shortest distance of no more than one and a half kilometers, it was impossible to miss. in the krasno-liman direction, a real firestorm was unleashed on the enemy by the rszz crew. grad, on the kupinsky crew of t-80 tanks , groups of western troops razed the fortification and armored vehicles of the bsu to the ground. in ukraine , there is new evidence of lawlessness during the capture of conscripts. another raid was caught on camera in odessa. noteworthy is how the representatives of the military registration and enlistment office dressed themselves before meetings with those who are going to be sent to slaughter. they approached the bus wearing helmets and bulletproof vests. the man who was caught was tried to be beaten off by his girlfriend. at the same time he told me.
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former deputy of the verkhovna rada ilya kiev and military commander vladlen tatarsky, as well as an attempt on the lives of a number of ukrainian and russian politicians and public figures, were organized by the security service of ukraine, confirmed in kiev itself. the material of a local news agency, based on sources in this department, states that special operations to eliminate the so-called enemies of ukraine, are now one of the areas of work of the sbu, well, who is behind this, it becomes clear from the washington post newspaper, it quotes the words of ukrainian and...
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vladimir putin. a video of a journalist visiting russia standing against the backdrop of the kremlin and the cathedral of christ the savior appeared the night before. and in the first hours alone, it received more than 45 million views, raising the level of interest among audiences on both sides of the ocean to the limit.
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tucker carlson promises to post the full version of the conversation without cuts and editing on his website. website. carlson explained that in moscow, he, as an independent journalist, paid for this trip himself. the american administration has repeatedly tried to prevent him from talking with the russians.
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and lastly , a pod of red list killer whales fell into an ice trap off the coast of japan. nearly 15 rare whales are stuck among thick layers of ice in the nemours strait, which separates hakaida from russia's khunashir. the life of mammals is under threat, they cannot get out without human help, they need to cut a rut. experts say this: there is about a day after, the animals will die from lack of oxygen. our rescuers are ready to move to the site, but to enter japanese territorial waters, permission from tokyo is required.
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zakharova, she reproached western ecologists; the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria , assured the lack of help that tokyo has ships of a minimum ice class that could rescue animals from captivity. that 's all for now, now i say kind words to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who woke up, turned on the first channel, said how good, what good morning today. i meet you in the studio, ekaterina strizhenova, on the calendar february 7 is wednesday. the russia forum exhibition continues to operate at vdnkh in moscow. let me remind you that it works every day except monday and every day there is a big, rich, interesting program. including everyone who came there has the opportunity to meet famous and interesting people, like...
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whom you just don’t meet in life, famous artists, performers, athletes, cosmonauts, such a chance should not be missed, russia exhibition, cosmos pavilion , hall in in anticipation, we came from another region specifically to meet an amazing person, a space conqueror, because probably not everyone in life will be so lucky to meet a person who was so close to the stars, the stage andrei borisenko, pilot-cosmonaut, hero of the russian federation. absolutely everyone can ask everything they are curious about, it is interesting to watch how interest grows among young guys, and i really want to hope that in 30-40 years one of them will also perform on stage, being an astronaut, maybe they will remember this meeting, which may provide a starting point in their future career. one candidate for cosmonaut has already been found, this helped me determine that this was mine, because they told me. how
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it feels, how it’s all done, i’ve always been drawn to space since kindergarten. in the pavilion, health inspires sports careers. olympic medalist dmitry nosov proves that nothing is impossible. few people know that when i was 15 years old, i was bedridden and it was then that i set myself the goal of winning olympic games, i started training 7 hours a day, so i can say from my own example that... that boundaries do not exist, boundaries are only in the head. there is an opportunity to start training right at the exhibition, try to score a goal against six-time paralympic champion sergei shilov, and throw the ball into the hoop with olympic medalist yana botyrshina. these classes are for children with special needs. it would seem that we should motivate them, charge them, and tell them our stories, they see and their eyes light up, but we get it, we are athletes much more from them. believe us, we are waiting.
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like them. it’s easy to meet a famous artist, director or actor, attend his master class and, of course, take a photo. in the photo is sergei selin, a charismatic actor, a childhood hero, such a kind character, the prototype of who i would like to become since childhood. they make contact very easily , i’ll tell you myself, i’ll say: hello, we’ve taken a photo, yes, with you, of course, you can hug me, and then i took a photo from ivanysheki, with a redhead, he actually called me brother. it is simply impossible to list all the interesting people who are easy to meet at the russia exhibition; to be sure to get to their events and master classes, register on the website maria kuskova, alena krylova, nikita kulakov, channel one.
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the most pleasant thing is to do what you love, to do what you like, i am a hereditary teacher, my mother and my aunt, our total experience is already 75 years, people. countries from neighboring countries come and try what i have prepared, i really like it, how beautiful kazan is, what is its history, shouldn’t we move to totar, well, everything is done, people who start playing the guitar there, for example, never leave this business as you started, do it until the end, russia summer ladder lace, close to the heart , folk songs , cherish, store. and develop our russia, our most beloved, best country. good morning to everyone who joined us, good health to you. february is the month of colds, take care of yourself, don’t get sick, and for those who have had a cold but can’t
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get rid of residual symptoms, if you have a cough or sore throat, bathhouse attendant viktor zakomaldin recommends taking a steam bath in a bathhouse, unless, of course, that’s what you need. contraindications: the cold has passed, the temperature has subsided, the weakness and cough remain, a bath will help you finally recover. if there is no allergy, we hang a bunch of wormwood, sweet clover or currant leaves next to the hot stones. we fill the steam room with healing aromas. herbal remedies have anti-cold and anti-inflammatory effects. we go over the body with oak brooms. lubricate the back with honey, steam it well, turn over, apply honey to the décolleté and neck, press the brooms to the body, warm up the bronchopulmonary system, and
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honey at this time improves photo-separation , helps draw out the remnants of the cold, now we lie down on our side, right shoulder up, put our hand behind our head, treat with hot brooms side, we disperse congestion in the lungs, turn over to the other side, walk with oak brooms on the left side, and now you can rest a little, but before that, cover your mouth and nose with a fir broom. breathe in the pine aroma, it will help cleanse respiratory system. to consolidate the effect, after the bath we wrap ourselves warmly and drink linden tea with honey. follow my recommendations: in the morning there will be no trace of a cold left. you know, that's
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what i noticed, in our high-tech times, even the simplest thing can turn into a gadget. here, for example, is a trash can. well, why does it need an infrared sensor or an air damper? i don’t even know what it is, honestly, but they are sold and bought by someone, and for a lot of money. is it worth overpaying for all sorts of bells and whistles, if you can get by with just a bucket? let's find out: it would seem that it would be easier to buy a trash can, but in stores what models are not available, let's go through...
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the connections. parts weaken and fall off over time. enameled steel is more reliable. it is from this material that it is better to take pedal buckets. let's move on to them. there is a simple mechanism here. therefore , ideally, all parts of the device, including the inside, should be steel and not plastic, so that nothing
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breaks. there will be wear and tear due to the fact that our mechanism consists of two parts, one made of plastic, one made of metal. the plastic will wear out and you will soon. get rid of it, but the cheapest models without any special effects at all are the good old classics, and for it they still haven’t come up with anything better than plastic, there’s nothing to break, the bucket on the one hand is simple, on the other hand... the most reliable, durable of course, plus it couldn’t be easier to care for, after all , moisture often accumulates in trash cans, in this case it’s enough just to rinse, medium thickness is about 2-3 mm, yes, too thin plastic can fail, pay attention to the lid too, such a rotating one, for example, eats up space. when the bucket is filled, it’s essentially 2/3 or 3/4, then you have to throw out the trash, because the lid will get in the way...
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i’m not the widow of the emperor, i’m not the mother of the emperor, and i’m not the regent for the minor emperor, i the empress and i are in legal right. that catherine is a temporary phenomenon, innate forces interested in overthrowing have become more active in europe, now the reigning persons, i hate him, who , orlova, and my mother, i also hate, they killed my father, you’ll go to her, she doesn’t love you, grisha, you can overthrow this german adventuress and establish a legitimate heir on the russian throne. they are defeating me.
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look after the program for the time. some say that your shanghai architecture will not surprise you. just wait until evening and you will think that you are in the city of the future. who is in charge in a chinese family? many of us are raised by powerful women. so we end up finding a copy of our mother, who we manages. how do young people in china have fun? we can go to the cinema. stand-up, or we can just stay at home, cook food , watch a movie, it’s a pity, my girlfriend doesn’t like video games,
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so she doesn’t allow me to play them, i said everything correctly, my love, you don’t allow him to play, well done, how are you living in retirement, my the best time, if you want you , too, to not have any pain at 72 , dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, the premiere on sunday, on the first, leaderbur, junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, what’s his name name? abrek, this is a robber in chechen? hello, abrek, i want. so that you bring out the doomed man to fight, from
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where he was given to you instead of a debt, i will not participate in this , they say your wife is sick, where will you get the money, rita, what do you think, i’m a good person, why are you asking, something it happened, i love you, and i love you , only three ingredients, and so many delicious dishes can be made, here is one of the options:
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i chop the peeled potatoes on a grater, add finely chopped ham and spices, break the egg, separate the whites and add them to potatoes, and for now i put the yolk aside, mix the dough thoroughly, put it in well-heated vegetable oil, and shape it. three holes to make a ring, fry for 5 minutes on one side and the other, put the yolk in the middle, cook for another 3 minutes. i decorate with grated cheese , look, what a delicious potato nest we got, crispy, very tasty, please bring it to the table, on the calendar february 7 is wednesday, february weather, the capricious young lady, again everyone is talking about
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temperature swings, and atmospheric pressure jumps, people who are weather dependent are not very happy... what is happening with the weather and how to cope with the ailment, let's figure it out right now. in novosibirsk -1 during the day and only -4 at night, everything is plowed without hats. however, this is the case now in most regions, the temperature is not february. now the temperature throughout russia is either near normal or above the climate norm. and the temperature in the area is especially high for february. the pir region is 10-12° above the climatic norm, there are no such terrible frosts in yakutia, the temperature there drops to -40-45°, but this is still 8-10° above the climate norm, but in the near future it will become sharply colder, not only in siberia, in the central part of the country. normal temperature fluctuations are 5-6
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units, on thursday to friday, the temperature can drop at night by 10-12°, that is... if on thursday during the day it will be -9 -14°, then on friday night -23- 16°. and already at the beginning of next week there will be a sharp jump again, near zero temperatures, in general, in the near future there will be a lot of temperature swings in the future, and this is due to the fact that our air spreads from west to east, mainly in the middle latitudes, but it happens that the air spreads in the meridional direction, that is, from north to south or from... south to north, it is this air flow that gives sharp jumps in temperature, due to the fact that the cyclone moves in a vertical rather than horizontal direction, it is also called diving, it comes from the south quickly, brings warmth, cold from the north, so it turns out that you don't have time to monitor the weather, we notice someone vottipel bundled up, someone without a hat in the cold,
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we end up getting sick, not just a cold, then a headache, then it stops hurting, that is , do you think it’s the weather’s fault? yes, with temperature swings there are also pressure surges, many feel this themselves. it is noted that throughout the year, on average, the pressure of hypertensive patients is slightly higher in winter and slightly lower in summer, while atmospheric pressure is the opposite, slightly higher in summer, slightly lower in winter. in the central part of the country, atmospheric pressure will drop today to almost record levels values ​​in moscow up to 714 mmhg. if you have sensitive joints, you may feel it. with joint pain, if you are hypertensive, your hypertension may get out of control, if you suffer from migraines, you may get a headache, that is, your weather trigger may be realized. doctors recommend surviving sharp temperature fluctuations correctly, banal advice, getting enough sleep, moving, walks are required, as are vitamins, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. anna obrosmova, dmitry parfenov, channel one.
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the era of so-called gray sim cards is becoming a thing of the past. roskomnadzor. is now conducting a large-scale audit of these sim cards and checking who they are registered to, why this is being done, how this happens, why gray sim cards are generally dangerous, let's find out right now. gray sim cards are illegal. roskomnadzor is conducting a large-scale audit. over six months , 9 million sim cards with unknown owners were discovered, of which 600,000 numbers were blocked. why are they blocking? roskomnadzor. sends a list of numbers with outdated data to the mobile operator, the operator contacts the subscriber, if the number is not registered on his passport, the sim card is blocked, we enter the right in this situation, because we provide communication services to an identified user, while we make a fairly large amount of effort to contact our subscriber, we warn several times, we send text messages, we actually make a call
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to the subscriber, but attention, the cellular operator over the phone will never ask you to dictate your passport number. data or codes from messages are definitely scammers, hang up immediately. we we do not call from numbers that are not identified, second, you can log into your personal account, mobile application and see your personal passport data yourself, if you need to make changes there, or come to the cellular communication office and confirm that this is your number, here those who have several sim cards need to register themselves all. if, for example, there is a gray card in the tablet, then sooner or later it may simply be blocked. why are gray sim cards dangerous? have you ever wondered why they are given out for free on the street, why benefit? it’s simple: these sim cards, as a rule, already have an owner and he can make money from you. he can write off the money with which you topped up this number, he can transfer this money somewhere and, let’s say , one ruble is debited from each account every day, no one will notice, on the side
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of the distributor of such sim cards there is already a noticeable benefit every day, and present you will not be able to make a claim, this is not your sim card, in fact , you were given someone else’s card, on which you voluntarily put your money, moreover, the real owner sees everything that you see, you need to register somewhere. the second step, but a large number of services work precisely with the help of identity verification via telephone. again, the owner of these sim cards will have access to this via sms code. it is even more dangerous to link such a number to a mobile bank. there is a risk that the data will go to scammers, again , complain or...
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now we’ll check all this, and at the same time we’ll learn about the poor bacteria, because phytoncides, here we choose garlic, garlic in jellied meat, adjika on sandwiches, with chernyshovs this is the only way, like without garlic, in winter, when there are viruses, when there is flu, they only eat, for colds they make beads, put on at night, folk inhalation, i myself am a teacher, i worked in a kindergarten, i brought a bucket of garlic, we will peel it with the nanny, we placed it on the windowsills, the children come, they play all day, they breathe, they are each other they don’t infect at all, but does it really work
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, let’s check the antibacterial properties in the laboratory, collect microorganisms that are in a regular office, fill it with a nutrient medium, add grated garlic, for comparison we’ll add onions, garlic and an apple, results in 48 hours. here we see that bacteria have grown very well throughout the petri dish. around the hole with garlic is the largest sterile zone, allicin and other essential oils that are present, they have a negative effect on microorganisms, the recognizable aroma of garlic is precisely due to the same alecin. this is a volatile compound, when it gets into the air, there is a certain effect, not as strong as when consumed internally, garlic contains potassium, manganese, phosphorus and a whole set of b vitamins, and they improve the exchange of things.
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it goes with leeks, there is nothing bad in it, well, there will be practically no garlic taste, then we touch it, closer to spring, the garlic begins to dry out and crumble, it’s better not to take this one if it already has green feathers, let’s go, that’s it, this garlic and tasteless, and most likely it will spoil quickly, the maximum benefit of flavors is in dense garlic, it’s good if it gives off a light aroma, but of course, it will reveal itself to its maximum only during... preparation, and so that after eating you don’t scare off others with your breath, remember the life hack. the simplest thing, the very thing that everyone has on hand, is just a glass
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of milk, we drink everything, and parsley, sour apples and green tea with lemon also neutralize the garlic smell. ksenia loginova, dmitry roshkov, ilyarit kozubov, channel one. wednesday morning continues, right now i’m giving the floor to my colleagues from the information department. services of the first channel, it’s time to find out about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour, this is the news on the first in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the west is cynically turning a blind eye to the fact that weapons, which he supplies to ukraine is used to exterminate the civilian population, vasily ne reports this to russia.
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the united states is a direct accomplice in another crime, when a russian il-76 plane carrying ukrainian prisoners of war was shot down by a patriot air defense system. russia is ready to inform any international ones about the progress of its investigation.
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the whole truth about the atrocities of kiev will reach and i would like to hope that ordinary citizens of the united states of the european union, living under conditions of severe censorship and propaganda, will understand their government’s complicity in them. they have to know that lethal weapons regularly sent to ukraine are used to commit terrorist acts against civilians.
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the most famous american journalist tucker carlson published a four-minute preview of his interview with vladimir putin; a video where the journalist who arrived in russia stands against the backdrop of the kremlin and the cathedral of christ the savior appeared the night before and in the first hours alone gained 48 million views , raising the level of audience interest to the limit . both sides of the ocean. full version tucker carlson promises a conversation without cuts and editing. post it on your website. carlson explained: in moscow, as an independent journalist, he paid for this trip himself. the american administration has repeatedly tried to prevent him from talking with the russian leader. carlson did not rule out that western governments will certainly do everything possible to censor this video. but elon musk, the owner of the platform where the interview will also be posted, promised not to block it. everything in order to convey to people the most objective information.
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americans are not told about the war that has been changing the world for 2 years now, they have no idea what is happening in this region, here in russia and 600 miles away in ukraine, but they should know, they are paying a lot for it, although not always understand , most americans have no idea why putin invaded ukraine, and what his goals are now, they have never heard his voice, this is wrong, we are not here because we love vladimir putin, we are here because we love the united states and we want them to stay. we don't force you agree with what putin may say in this interview, but we urge you to watch it, you should know as much as possible, and then, as a free citizen, and not as a slave, decide for yourself the situation in the nwo zone. the crews of k-52m combat helicopters carried out
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uncontrolled attacks. missiles at the positions of ukrainian armed formations, destroying the control center of armored vehicles on the ground, the crew of the anti-tank complex carnet of transbaikal paratroopers eliminated a group of enemy infantry west of artyomovsk, disrupted the rotation of personnel the enemy, the strike position had to be prepared, the missile's aiming was hampered by a wall that was blown up by an overhead charge, the next shot hit the enemy, his loss was up to twenty militants, the crews of the 120-mm mortars of the southern group of troops worked perfectly there... without the shortest distance, no more one and a half kilometers, it’s impossible to miss. in the krasnoliman direction, a real barrage of fire was unleashed on the enemy by the rszz ugrad crew; on the kupinsky crew of t-80 tanks, the west group of forces razed fortifications and armored vehicles to the ground bsu. the capital will be swept away by olga, the name of the cyclone that formed in the north sea and which will bring heavy snowfall to moscow today. it's forecast to fall around ten.
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precipitation is a quarter of the monthly norm, while the wind will rise and the temperature will begin to drop rapidly, already on thursday -10, on friday -14 during the day, and at night up to -24, this is... 10° below normal, but it will be sunny, those frosty sunshine, wonderful day. and that 's all for now. and now a word of good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who wakes up with i meet you on the first channel of the studio, ekaterina strizhenova. exactly 10 years ago, on february 7, 2014, the twenty- second winter olympic games opened in sochi. it was amazing, remember? remember how you can forget this, especially since everything that was built and done for the olympics remains with us, in sochi, right now dmitry kuzmin is inviting us, let’s fly quickly, that’s why
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it’s better to take a seat from the window, sochi and sirius are like palms, the first question is where to live, hotel occupancy is 75%. built here for the winter games from scratch or renovated 70 hotels, you can accommodate them all. with a kitchen, a room for children, a room for parents, and even grandparents can be taken, this complex is like 35 football fields, it was here that canadian fans in the fourteenth staged a swim in full equipment, an olympic city where even in the middle of winter you can plunge into summer, below +28, since then carps have been measuring time for...
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a convenient place for such a wide road is a gorge, and that is, this bridge was built along the river, and not across a water barrier, and there are fish there, yes there are fish there in fact, there are nine trains a day to the mountains saving on the swallow at a speed of 140 half an hour from the sea, but you need to dress warmly, after the cable-stayed bridge the summer ends , it’s like we’re entering a fairy tale, that is, snow, temperature, contrast, everything is different , as if... we are moving in time, it feels like a bear saw a bear cub, how it came down from the slope, due to which everything works, four power plants, this one was built in an open field, does not smoke on gas, dry fan cooling towers allow you not to throw
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water into source, using it is great savings in water, only the lazy would not think of giving up permanent residence in such beauty, the population has grown by 3000, now in this school... there are 10 classes in parallel, that’s exercise for fifth graders. we have a fifth k, a fifth i. there are 2,700 children in the school. today we are the largest school in the city of sochi. it's time to expand again. in 5 years, there will already be 10 million tourists a year. thomas aleksandrovich laid the olympic routes in the mountains, now he is leading the reconstruction of the oldest hotel in the center. the magnolia in the yard is intact. a modern building is growing nearby. it's difficult, but what to do? we are this. let's do it the central embankment will soon be updated too, the beaches will become wider, the view will be prettier , the groins will be dismantled, the breakwaters will be located further into the sea, they will not block the view of the horizon, the best at sunset, dmitry kuzmin,
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denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, dmitry krivtsov and ksenia maklyak, first channel of sochi. do you know that on february 7 in russia they celebrate business education day, an important date, by the way, for modern business. it’s a complicated thing, you won’t be able to do it without special education. no wonder they say that from an idea to its incarnation is a long, difficult path. although, of course, a good business idea is also worth a lot. victoria issued a subscription to movies and food for clothes. this is worse. 1999 rubles per month and the basic things you need are always delivered to your home or work. the idea came to sergei kovelenov from st. petersburg when he was 4 years old. ago he already had the production of things, he was thinking about how to expand the business, a subscription appeared on the car, and i thought that it would be cool if people had a subscription for clothes. it turned out that people who were tired of shopping, sitting in marketplaces and there is a lot to choose from, but
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everyone is familiar with the lack of time for a snack. semyon frolov from kazan came up with a vending machine with dumplings. since childhood, i have loved dumplings very much, so i knew a lot of recipes with dumplings, salads with dumplings, soups with dumplings. i ate more than anyone else, i wanted my own dumpling catering service, i didn’t like it, i came up with a machine, 80 cups of ready-made lunch are loaded here, in general it can be any dish, from idea to implementation, it takes 5 years, the machines are already in voronezh, this is... in tyumen tasty, fresh, not a little green enough, a little bit of spices, and a delicious quick snack to create a business , you don’t even need to take any courses, you just need to get angry once, that’s what happened with ksenia and dmitry from nizhny, after renovation they collected old things, took them to the dacha and destroyed everything , there was a misunderstanding in the family, we decided to try this way, yes, why not, but... yes we saw that it really helped us, relief, so we came up with a
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rage room, a place where you can destroy everything, things are found at flea markets, different sites, there is plenty of inventory, then the dump is removed, here, schoolboy vyacheslav chertan from kemerovo decided to help look for animals, came up with a special application, if the owner has lost his pet, he is our application, they press the button that the pet is lost, the person who finds it scans the pet, and actually gives the pet to the owner. that is, initially these pets must be entered into this application, plus a few photos. now vyacheslav is finalizing the program for this year’s release. the cat marcel from st. petersburg has never been lost in every sense. now he is a businessman, offering services for new residents. he immediately enters a new apartment, and then he must inspect the premises. for those who believe in omens, marseille for 300 rubles. ready to be the first to enter the new apartment. it’s time for him to become a realtor, all the new buildings are his. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, nazirana gumanov channel one. there's a package for you,
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but you didn't order it. a rather strange situation, however, this happens and is not so rare. who sends such packages and why? - security expert alexey sirenko will tell you. hello. yes i'm waiting parcel. please name it. the departure number, everything is correct, bring it, i ordered international delivery , the courier is about to arrive , why do you think i checked the departure track with him to make sure that i actually ordered this parcel, but the fact is that a new semi-criminal scheme has appeared, just imagine , just like me now, the courier calls you and says everything has been paid for, including delivery, but you, unlike me, have not ordered anything. very surprising, what could it be? there are
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several options: in china, for example, for the store's rating is extremely important, however, like ours, new sellers are trying to raise it as quickly as possible, and they do it like this: fake buyers order goods, write addresses on the map, choose different countries, and then the seller sends parcels with a fan of some nonsense, maybe disposable masks. expired seeds. on the forums they write that someone was even sent dirty socks. the fake buyer receives the tracking number of the parcel, when it arrives, he writes a positive review for you. this is how a store creates a rating. it turns out, that he is an enviable supplier to all countries of the world. and for you and me, this is still the most harmless scheme. at least you don't have to pay for anything. but there are still real setups. for example, an online store. you need an unnecessary product for a small amount, hoping that you
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often order online and automatically pay for the purchase to the courier, and after delivery you will understand that you were simply deceived, sorry, this is not mine, how can you avoid falling into such a trap? we write out the tracks of all the parcels that we are waiting for so that they are at hand, when the courier calls, we check what exactly he is carrying, and if they try to sell you something that you did not order, we simply refuse delivery, be careful, and no one will be able to deceive you, behind mike pompeo, the former head of the cia and the us secretary of state at the time trump, the nickname mike wolk stuck. you should know that the ukrainian armed forces were trained in the united states for a very long time, when i was still the head of the cia, i visited the southeast of ukraine several times, here he appears again in ukraine, becomes a member of the board of directors of kyivstar, kyivstar - he is the main persecutor of the russian
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orthodox church, an attempt to crush the spiritual bonds of the foundations, the koch brothers, they are considered the main puppeteers of pompeo, the largest one, who supplies most of the weapons to ukraine, the attitude towards kukhov is the same as pompeo, towards the ukrainians, like to the insignificant natives, that's why. he winces so much when he talks about ukraine, mike’s diet or the last chance of pompeo, the doll of tutti’s heir, is on the first page today. civilization premiere, film third islamic world, tomorrow on the first, there is a self-portrait of the artist
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this station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubeinikov himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on... it’s so russian, there’s something very rustic and childish about it, he was like a river, happy, sparkling sirka, great sensations, they get into us no matter what, it’s important not to pass by so that i can stay with the naughty. ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premieres on
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saturday on the first. in moscow, at vdnkh , the exhibition forum russia continues to work, let me remind you that it is open every day, except monday, every day there is a big one, a rich, interesting program, including everyone who came there, has the opportunity to meet famous and interesting people whom you just don’t meet in life, famous artists, performers, athletes, cosmonauts, such a chance cannot be given away, the russia pavilion exhibition. space, waiting room. we came from another region, especially to meet an amazing man, a space conqueror, because probably not everyone in life will be so lucky to meet a person who was so close to the stars. on stage andrey borisenko, pilot cosmonaut, hero of the russian federation, absolutely anyone can ask anything they are
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curious about. it’s interesting to see how interest is growing among young guys, i really hope that some of them will come through. was bedridden and it was then that i few people know that when i was 15 years old, i set myself the goal of winning the olympic games, began training 7 hours a day, so i can say from my own example that there are no boundaries, only boundaries in
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my head. you can start training right at the exhibition and try to score a goal six-time paralympic champion sergei shilov, throw the ball into the hoop c'. childhood hero, such a kind character , a prototype of who i would like to become since childhood, they make contact very easily, i’ll give you a hint, he says: hello, photo, yes, with you, of course, you can hug me, and then he took photos from ivanyshek with the redhead, with the redhead, he actually called me brother,
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it’s simply impossible to list all the interesting people who are easy to meet at the russia exhibition, in order to be sure to get to their events and master classes, register on... on the website maria kuskova, alena krylova, nikita kulakov. first channel. seven rabbits, a nubian goat and a javan monkey. all of them appeared quite recently, in different zoos in our country. and now we are going to visit them. i warn you, this is a very cute video. the novosibirsk zoo is bustling. all diana's monkeys are busy with only one thing, the newborn baby. the baby is not even a month old, his birthday is january 21, his mother does not leave him for a minute. when he was born, everyone became interested, they approached him, they sniffed and tried to take some.
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cameroonian goats also made for the park , these two brothers appeared, such a fighting guy asks to see his mother, because his little brother ran away, tell me, they left one, but these comrades no longer give rest to the entire enclosure , they run around, bully each other with noise, through for a couple of months both will look almost like adults, don’t believe it, here’s a two-month-old cub of the nubian braid breed. very important comrade. and the most restless ones in the barnaul zoo are baby rabbits, you can’t even hold them in your arms, not a minute of peace: seven cubs,
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three boys, four girls. you can't compare in terms of activity with alpaca and safari park of gelendzhik. there is peace and tranquility here. as you may have noticed, this is generally an unusual family; a llama and an alpaca live together. well, they all take care of each other. and what’s interesting is that the leader of this pack is our beautiful busya. redhead, she is the leader here, she checks everyone new to the enclosure, checks all the food, she is always the first at the table and the first on the way to danger. alpaca bead, this beautiful lama nona. in the family for the last 3 months a baby boom happened, the older ones differ from the younger ones only in size, but even the trio of three-month-old teenagers do not leave their parents, just like the baby llama, born just a month ago, he is glued to her everywhere, and despite the impudent looks, alpaca and llamas are very cute with... today medicine makes it possible to successfully fight
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diseases that until recently were considered incurable, to fight successfully and win, and what is especially pleasing is that more and more medical centers are opening where you can get effective treatment, including oncological diseases. after the doctor's appointment, plans. 5 years ago natalya was diagnosed with cancer, she had to constantly travel to the regional oncology center of chelyabinsk, back and forth, it’s about 200 km, but a few months ago they opened an outpatient cancer care center in kyshtym, now we are generally doing very well, no need to leave kyshtym , we have mri, ct here, basically, no problem. since the beginning of the national healthcare project , 510 such centers have been opened in the country, diagnostics are challenging in the regions, get examined at the slightest suspicion of a disease, and once diagnosed , do everything to defeat oncology. she's
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sleeping with me, everything's fine. emphasis on equipping centers. there is new equipment throughout the country, more than 13 thousand devices for diagnostics and treatment. the old analog device carried a high radiation dose for the patient. new devices have low-dose radiation, which is a big plus for the patient’s health. center. in kyshtym has just started its work, but there are already plans to open a day hospital, now the hall is being prepared for chemotherapy. the hall is designed for 20 beds, here our patients will receive therapy according to certain schemes, but sometimes this is not enough. the next stage is to refer the patient to the oncology clinic in the region, which we have also equipped within the framework of the federal project over these 5 years. today, oncology clinics have all the conditions for high-quality specialized care. for all main blocks - this is surgical care, radiation therapy and anti-drug therapy. disease prevention is also part of the work of the national project
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healthcare. the campaign cancer fears the brave is taking place across the country. first of all, this is a health check, screening of basic indicators. an important part of the campaign is master classes on cancer self-diagnosis. this was conducted by students of a medical university. simple steps to make sure everything is fine. we start with what, visual inspection, visual inspection. that we look at symmetry, symmetry, symmetry, that’s right, self-diagnosis, as it turned out, is not at all difficult to carry out, i tried it on a mannequin, i tried it, sometimes you just need theory, what cancer is, symptoms, stages of development, we first talked about complex things in a quiz format, participants, schoolchildren and students, future doctors, anyone should know about such basic important things, all these measures give results, in three cases out of five the disease detected in the early stages. anna popova, victoria shcherbakova. first channel. the multi-part historical drama “the great
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golden age” continues on channel one. reign of empress catherine. catherine was marked by grandiose transformations and not only in area of ​​government, it was under catherine the great that the hermitage became a museum, the mariinsky theater appeared, this is not all that she did for russian culture, that this is a ceremonial portrait, you are so corpulent and beautiful here. when catherine the great saw this portrait, she was terribly offended by the artist. i'm 20 years older here, it looks like a swedish pastry chef. what is this portrait doing here? excuse me, your majesty. his highness pavel petrovich gave orders. take off. during her reign , the empress acquired 4,000 paintings, which became an invaluable collection of the hermitage. the hermitage is, probably, one of catherine’s apotheoses, when in a half-empty room
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she decided to collect certain collections, and there were many of them. and of course, watch. a sculpture on a painting as a museum object, and not in a noble nest, this is of course a little different, where you can come and see, thus the culture of the museum, the culture of the museum viewer begins to take shape, in french the hermitage is translated as a secluded corner, in these halls the great rested from the state worries, culture art for catherine is everything to her; she actually came from reading books. ekaterina was the author and publisher of the first satirical magazine in russia, all sorts of things, well, of course, you can’t call it a modern women’s magazine, but it’s about everything, fashion, about events, what’s happening in europe, ekaterina is both an editor and a journalist rolled into one , for, of course, 16th century
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russia, this was an event, and what does he write? mister plato? yes, more and more about government. under catherine , the russian theater school flourished. big folk comedies were popular, where laziness, stupidity, and envy were ridiculed. fonvizin wrote his famous undergrowth. i found a pose of the 16th century actors as they read poetry, that is, they were completely different poses. venus of the sweet cupids, the formidable mother, by decree of the empress the theater, the future mariinsky, was founded. won't you partner with me? we consider it an honor to have an evening in the company of one of the most brilliant women in
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world history. the continuation of the great historical drama, the golden age. today on the first channel. thank you, maria. we'll read rossod later. asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, anna vashuk, svetlana neimanis. first channel. wednesday morning continues, right now i’m giving the floor to my colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. the crew of the anti-tank complex of the carnet-trans-baikal paratroopers destroyed a group of enemy infantry and disrupted the rotation of enemy personnel to the west of artyomovsk in the area of ​​operation of the northern military district. the position for the strike had to be prepared; the missile's guidance was hampered by a wall that had been blown up by an overhead charge. the next shot hits the enemy,
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causing the loss of up to twenty militants. the calculations worked perfectly there.
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ukraine was confirmed in kyiv itself. the material of a local news agency, based on sources in this department , states that special operations to eliminate the so-called enemies of ukraine are now one of the areas of work of the sbu. well , who is behind this becomes clear from the newspaper the washington post quotes ukrainian american officials as saying that... since 2015, the cia has spent tens of millions of dollars to turn ukrainian intelligence agencies into an ally against russia. in the meantime, in ukraine they plan to maximally increase
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the production of weapons; a well-known turkish company that assembles drones expects to soon complete the construction of a plant near kiev. according to the reitor agency, about five thousand people will work there, while they plan to produce only 120 units per year. year this year... in connection, let me remind you that moscow had previously sent a note to nato countries regarding arms supplies to kiev. the head of our foreign ministry , sergei lavrov, noted that any cargo that contains weapons for ukraine will become a legitimate target for russia. now, without exaggeration, it is a central topic for the world media, included in the top news on the planet. the most famous american journalist tucker carlson published a four-minute preview of his interview with vladimir putin, a video where he arrived in russia... full version
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conversation without cuts and editing, tucker carlson promises to post on his website. kharson explained that in moscow, as an independent journalist, he himself paid for this trip. the american administration has repeatedly tried to prevent him from talking with the russian leader. carlson did not rule out that the western government will probably do so. is trying to censor this video, however, there is still hope that people will receive the most objective information possible. elon musk, this is his great merit, promised not to put pressure and not to block it interview after it was posted on the ex platform, and we are grateful to him for it. western governments, on the contrary, will probably try their best to censor this video on other less principled platforms, because they are used to doing so, they are afraid of the information that... they did this to prevent the interview with putin that we
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were planning. last month, we are quite sure of this, they did the same thing again, but now we still came to moscow. and now the reaction from american congressmen, representatives of the republican party, legislators, for example, on their pages.
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who could rescue animals from captivity. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with channel one. on the calendar , february 7, wednesday, i am in the studio with you, ekaterina strizhenova. the hibernation of brown bears lasts from 75 to 195 days. i know someone who would love to follow their example. in general, in winter you often catch yourself feeling like they woke you up in the morning, but they forgot to wake you up, away with hibernation, that’s it, we wake up, our correspondents have found out
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what needs to be done so as not to nod off all day . three alarms in the morning to wake up, and then during the day it still makes me sleepy. people call it hibernation syndrome , there is not enough sun, so the body wants to sleep, doctors confirm. short. day , which means that our hormone of darkness, melatonin , is not completely destroyed during the day ; it circulates in our blood, causing a feeling of drowsiness, this is the first, second, we have in... an internal biological clock, these are cells in the brain, they think what the sun is constantly setting, which means we need to get ready for bed, they force us to sow in cloudy weather, everyone knows this feeling, but sometimes drowsiness is a symptom of some disease, how to understand, take a test, it can be found on the internet, the epfort test, there there are only eight questions, and you must answer them with a score of zero to three. what is the probability that you will fall asleep while reading a book? and if you are at a meeting, add up all
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the numbers, four, this is a very good indicator, it is believed that before seven this is a lack of drowsiness, drowsiness is acceptable, it normal, not pathological, but for you, i got 11, 11, this is no longer normal, you need to see a samnologist, the reason was immediately found out, i’m a light sleeper, that is, i sleep with anxiety, i can wake up during the night not... several since winter has nothing to do with it, you need to establish a sleep schedule in order to maintain vigor during the day, samnologists recommend artificially prolonging the day, supplementing the daylight with fluorescent lamps or special glasses, you can continue to work at the computer, or just close your eyes and daydream for 10-15 minutes after lunch, for example, melatonin is destroyed, drowsiness goes away , go outside and look at the sky for at least 10 minutes, even if it is cloudy, ultraviolet light will still penetrate through... give
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the eyes a cut, which means we will receive such a small therapeutic effect. solar vitamin d, fruits, and regular morning exercises also help. therapist ekaterina kandakova conducted an experiment. i started doing exercises regularly in the morning, well, get up 10 minutes early, turn on some positive music, you just warm up there joints, stretch your body, you have more strength to do more things. and feels cheerful, but if you really want to take a nap during the day, and there is such an opportunity for health, but no more than 45 minutes, otherwise melatonin cannot be stopped and drowsiness will remain throughout the day. anastasia, sergey abramov sotnik, denis zharov and natalya kaldaeva, channel one. well, now on our air there is an astrological forecast for today , wednesday, february 7th. february 7. the turning point is 26 and 27 lunar days.
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gives laziness: on such days we often go somewhere we are late, we can let some things take their course. aries, this is completely contraindicated for you. your motto today is accounting and control and don’t lie even about the little things. and so the day is successful, among other things, it will help you buy or sell something profitably. aries men, listen today to what women advise. taurus has a good day for difficult tasks and hard work that requires full dedication. just be careful with equipment and any sharp instruments.
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in the evening, perhaps a pleasant meeting, or maybe a date? things can go wrong for the twins in the morning neither shaky nor shaky, by lunchtime everything will more or less speed up, but still something will interfere and distract you from time to time, so you can get very tired, but the evening will help you rest. a great day for cancers, there will be an opportunity to enlist someone’s support, find new like-minded people, get something moving, and they may also thank you for something. you have lonely crayfish this evening. there is a chance. leos may have an argument or a raised voice , and this is the case when everyone is right in their own way. the stars hint: sometimes it is necessary give in the small things to win the big things. after lunch, get ready to bustle around the house, put things in order, and, in short, struggle with everyday life. virgos are simply having a good, smooth day, when everything is going in the right direction and on the whole is working out, just be more careful while driving, especially when overtaking, try not to give advice when you are not asked for it.
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it’s a wonderful day for libra to agree on something, with someone, to convince someone of something, to promote some of your ideas. some unexpected news may come, double check take good care of their wallet. for scorpios , they promise success in business, small profits, attention from the opposite sex, some equipment may become capricious because of something unpleasant, be careful with it and don’t get carried away with alcohol. sagittarius may be slightly spoiled by someone's harsh criticism, or maybe you... be right with people you don't know, the stars hint to capricorn ladies: best girlfriends can sometimes be very talkative, otherwise it's a good, eventful, fruitful day, feel free to make a date for the evening, something will help aquarius this day to understand, to see
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something for yourself in an unexpected new light, to discover something for yourself, as for money, in principle, everything is fine with it, although there is a risk of overpaying for something or buying a fake, but you know what, take fish with you when shopping, they today in this regard. today is february 7th, the birthday of the fire extinguisher; it was patented on this very day, in 1863. nowadays, there are many different types of fire extinguishers, one might say, for all occasions, for home, for office, for car. now it will help. climb in all this diversity. which fire extinguisher is best for at home, and which one for the car? we are looking into it together with the emergency situations ministry employees. we have four fire extinguishers: air-emulsion, powder, carbon dioxide air-foam. first of all, we look at the pressure gauge. an arrow in
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the green zone tells us that the fire extinguisher is in good condition; if it is in the red zone, then naturally the fire extinguisher requires recharging. in the green zone, which means we can safely use it, put out four. fire. the powder fire extinguisher did not extinguish the flame because it is not intended for wood, paper, textiles plastics. this is indicated on the label. but it copes well with other types of fire, flammable liquids, gases and energized electrical equipment. true, there is a significant drawback. you can extinguish cars with this fire extinguisher, but it may be difficult to remove the extinguishing powder itself. the next fire extinguisher is carbon dioxide. dense, we use it with gloves, carbon dioxide passes through the tube, and the temperature drops to minus 70°, you can get frostbite, even before using it we hold our breath so as not to get carbon dioxide poisoning, a jet of gas instantly knocks out the flame, then
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an air-emulsion fire extinguisher, the main component in the composition is a foaming agent, creates an impenetrable film and effectively eliminates fire, is considered the most innovative, however... more expensive than the same carbon dioxide, harmless to humans, because it does not emit chemicals and is practically harmless to the environment. and the last air-foam fire extinguisher, in aerosol format, will help extinguish a frying pan fire in the kitchen, with a strong combustion will not be saved due to the weak jet and small volume. an air-foam fire extinguisher of 5 liters will quickly cope with the fire. foam, it covers the entire volume of combustion and allows oxygen to penetrate into the combustion chamber. to summarize: for the home, carbon dioxide or air-emulsion fire extinguishers are better; they will not damage furniture and appliances; air-foam fire extinguishers are ideal for a car; they will extinguish a flaming engine faster than others. yulia shivalova, mikhail karasev and ksenia maklyak, channel one.
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all decisions were on the verge of the impossible, mostly it worked out, although there were, of course, a couple of punches. there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could... hold such an olympics, somewhere only on the second or third day, the skeptical assessments changed to the exact opposite, it’s unrealistic a super holiday of sports, everything else, which olympic games have i been to? , they are not standing next to each other, this miracle happened and at that moment we won the overall classification, we defeated everyone, the world shook when they saw sochi, how amazing it is, we want to do even better, and we are inspired by this to go further, 10 years since opening olympic games. in sochi, today on the first. now russia occupies a special political position in the world. i believe that people who are skeptical about russia should make a lot of effort to understand the history of the country, its mentality, its desire for integration on common grounds.
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call me, call. well, lord, what do i look like in the morning? “very charming and attractive, sit down, i ’m glad to see you, i didn’t look like an artist, of course, now it’s very similar, the company serves, payment is made through the company, i’m special, artist, i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i’ll say, i’m in a bad mood, i’m already starting to cheer myself up. for irina muravyova's anniversary, the little cuckoo bought a hood, put on the hood, as if in the hood he laughed, carnival! this is the kind of girl i am, on saturday at the first one, the last time i
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was here was 10 years ago, they said you would be the main character, we didn’t believe it until we arrived in sochi. the opening ceremony in sochi is something that will go down in history not only of our olympics, but in history in general olympic movement. i worked as a guide at the 1980 olympics and while sitting at
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the closing ceremony i thought, let me do something like this, indulge my desires. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, on sunday on the first. good morning to everyone who joined us, wish you all the best. health, february is the month of colds , take care of yourself, don’t get sick, and for those who have had a cold, but can’t get rid of residual symptoms, cough or sore throat, bathhouse attendant viktor zakomaldin recommends taking a steam bath in the bathhouse if, of course, there are no contraindications for this, the cold has passed, the temperature has subsided, the weakness and cough remain, a bath will help you finally recover. if there is no allergy, we hang a bunch of wormwood, sweet clover
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or currant leaves next to the hot stones. we fill the steam room with healing aromas. herbal remedies have anti-cold and anti-inflammatory effects. we go over the body with oak brooms. lubricate the back with honey and steam it thoroughly. turn over and apply honey to the décolleté area. and neck, press the brooms to body, warm up the bronchopulmonary system, and honey at this time improves photo-separation , helps draw out the remnants of a cold, now we lie down on our side, right shoulder up, put our hand behind our head, treat our side with hot brooms, disperse congestion in the lungs, turn over to the other side. we place oak brooms on the left side, and now
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you can rest a little, but before that , cover your mouth and nose with a fir broom, breathe in the pine aroma, it will help cleanse the respiratory system, to consolidate the effect after the bath , wrap yourself warmly, drink linden tea with... follow my recommendations, in the morning there will be no trace of your cold left. what can be prepared quickly with just three ingredients and it will turn out beautiful. the cook with the beautiful name roza davidova knows just such a recipe. and now he will tell you and me everything. potatoes, boiled egg. just three ingredients and you can make so much. delicious dishes, here is one of the options: i chop the peeled potatoes,
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add finely chopped ham and spices, break the egg, separate the white and add it to the potatoes, and for now put the yolk in side, mix the dough thoroughly, place it in well-heated vegetable oil, form a hole inside to make a ring. fry for 5 minutes on one side on the other, put the yolk in the middle, cook for another 3 minutes, decorate with grated cheese, look what a delicious potato nest we got, crispy, hearty , very tasty, please bring it to the table, you know, that’s what i noticed in our high-tech time, even the simplest thing, so... for example, a trash can, why does it need
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an infrared sensor or an air damper, i don't even know what this is. this is fair, but they are sold and bought by someone, and for a lot of money, is it worth overpaying for all sorts of bells and whistles if you can get by with just a bucket? let's find out: it would seem that it would be easier to buy a trash can, but there are no models in stores, let's go through the main ones, the most expensive ones are touch- sensitive, the area of ​​​​action is at the top, when you pass by, it does not open spontaneously, only when... presented directly into the action area, there are also completely silent ones, due to air a damper, like a vacuum shock absorber on a car, which prevents it from collapsing quickly, preventing it from closing quickly. there is only one minus: the price is 20,000. our heroes, vladimir and natalya , say it’s a little expensive. design engineer miraz kastanov shows cheaper sensor buckets, although they can be unpredictable,
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for example, for 3,500 sometimes they live their own lives. the infrared sensor gets dirty and does not always work; it must be constantly wiped, plus there may be problems with the material itself. the thighs are made of ordinary steel, mostly are subject to corrosion, even if the steel is stainless, and it will be subject to corrosion in the joints where rivets or welded joints will go. parts weaken and fall off over time, enameled steel is more reliable, and it is better to use this material for pedal buckets. let's move on to... there is not a tricky mechanism here, but ideally all parts of the device, including the inside, should be steel, not plastic, so that nothing breaks, wear will occur due to the fact that us mechanism consists of two parts, one of plastic, one made of metal, the plastic will wear out and you will soon get rid of it, but the cheapest models have no
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special effects at all, the good old classics, and for it they still haven’t come up with anything better than plastic, there’s nothing like a simple bucket on one side, on the other hand, it’s the most reliable , durable, understandable, plus it couldn’t be easier to care for, after all , moisture often accumulates in trash cans, in this case it’s enough just to rinse, the average thickness is about 2-3 mm, yes, too thin plastic can fail, please pay attention on the lid too, such a rotating one, for example, eats up space, when the bucket is filled, essentially 2/3 or 3/4 further... you already have to throw out the garbage, because the lid will interfere and touch the garbage. it’s more convenient to have a regular one or without it at all, plus don’t forget about the volume per family, definitely not less than 35 liters. anastasia telya, nikolay krysanov, channel one. the era of so-called gray sim cards is becoming a thing of the past. roskomnadzor is now conducting a large-scale audit of these sim cards and
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checking to whom they are registered, why this is done, how it happens, how generally dangerous. gray sim cards. let's find out right now. gray sim cards are illegal. roskomnadzor is conducting a large-scale audit. over six months, 9 million sim cards with unknown owners were discovered, of which 600,000 numbers were blocked. why are they blocking? roskomnadzor sends the mobile operator a list of numbers with outdated data. the operator contacts the subscriber, if the number is not registered on his passport, the sim card is blocked. we enter in this situation. right, because we provide communication services to identified users. at the same time, we make a fairly large amount of effort to contact our subscribers, we warn several times, we send text messages, we actually make a call to the subscriber. but pay attention, the cellular operator will never ask you to dictate your passport data or codes from messages over the phone. these are definitely scammers. hang up immediately. we do not call
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from numbers that are not identified, second, you can log into your personal account, mobile. application and see your personal passport data yourself, if you need to make changes there, or come to the cellular office and confirm that this is your number, those who have several sim cards need to register themselves, if, for example, there is a gray card in the tablet, then sooner or later they might just block you. why are gray sim cards dangerous? have you ever wondered why they are given out for free on the street, what is the benefit? it's simple: these sim cards, as a rule, already have an owner. he can earn money from you, he can write off the money with which you topped up this number, he can transfer to where, and let’s say he debits one ruble from each account every day, no one will notice, on the side of the distributor of such sim cards there is already a noticeable benefit every day, and you will not be able to make a claim, this is not your sim card, in fact they gave you someone else’s
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a card on which you voluntarily put your money; moreover, the real owner sees everything that you see. somewhere you need to register and either some social network asks you to confirm your number, sends you an sms code, or most often this is used as a two-factor. the second step, but a large number of services work precisely with the help of identity confirmation via phone, again the owner of these sim cards will have access to this via sms code, it is even more dangerous to link such a number to a mobile bank, there is a risk that the data will go to scammers, again complain or it will be impossible to return the stolen money, because you are not the owner of the number. yes, today sim cards are a personal identifier, a means of payment, the owner is attached to them and he is responsible for it, that’s all the nameless ones will be blocked sooner or later. sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia, genizharov, pernokanal. dear
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women, the next 2 minutes are just for you. a manicure that needs updating from time to time. and, excuse the tautology, there is not always enough time for this. if something breaks or comes loose somewhere, it needs to be fixed urgently. and we should be queens. always have the tips of your nails , tatyana koshlyaeva will tell you what to do with these tips, let's see, maybe it will be useful for someone when painted nails grow back, the manicure looks untidy , and you don’t have time to do a new one, i’ll show you how to hide an overgrown manicure: i cover my nails with transparent varnish, without waiting for it to dry, i lay out the applique diagonally, going a little over the color... coating and an overgrown nail, it can be rhinestones, sparkles, i have holographic foil, look, it shimmers in different colors, i wait for
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the decor to dry, i fix it with the finishing coat, we decorate the rest of the nails in the same way, look what an original design we have, you can pretend that it’s like this intended, no one will understand that with the help of foil you are hiding from... next on our broadcast on channel one is a news release. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. the crew of the anti-tank complex carnet of transbaikal paratroopers destroyed a group of enemy infantry and disrupted the rotation of enemy personnel west of artyomovsk in the action zone. since the position for the strike had to be prepared, the missile's guidance was hampered by a wall that had been blown up by an overhead charge. the next shot hits the enemy, causing the loss of up to twenty militants.
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the crews of the 120-mm mortars from the southern group of troops worked perfectly there, firing from the shortest distance, no more than one and a half kilometers, it was impossible to miss. in the krasnolimansk direction, a real fire of fire was unleashed on the enemy by the crew of the rszzo grad, in the kupinskoe direction the crew of the t-80 tanks of the group of troops. the west was razed to the ground by the fortifications and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. in ukraine , there is new evidence of lawlessness during the capture of conscripts; another raid was caught on camera in odessa. noteworthy is how the representatives of the military registration and enlistment office dressed up meetings with those who are going to be sent to slaughter. they approached the bus wearing helmets and bulletproof vests. the man who was caught tried to fight off his girlfriend. at the same time , she told me what kind of bribes they take at military registration and enlistment offices. leave the guy alone.
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to turn the ukrainian intelligence services into an ally against russia. in ukraine , meanwhile, plans to maximize the production of weapons; a well-known
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turkish company that assembles drones expects to soon complete the construction of a plant near kiev. according to reitor agencies will work there about five thousand people, while they plan to produce only 120 units per year. in this regard, let me remind you that moscow has previously sent a note to nato countries. for the supply of weapons to kiev, the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, noted that any cargo that contains weapons for ukraine will become a legitimate target for russia. increase is a central topic for the world media, included in the top news on the planet. the most famous american journalist tucker carlson published a four-minute announcement of his interview with vladimir putin. the video, where the journalist who arrived in russia stands against the backdrop of the kremlin and the cathedral of christ the savior, appeared the night before and in the first hours alone received 50 million views, heating up the degree of interest of the audience on both sides of the ocean to the limit. tucker carlson promises
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to post the full version of the conversation without cuts or editing. the american administration has repeatedly tried to prevent him from talking with the russian leader. carlson did not rule out that the western government would probably try to censor this video. however, there is still hope that people will receive the most objective information possible. elon musk, this is his great merit, promised not to put pressure and not to block this interview. after it was posted on the ex platform and we are grateful to him for that. western governments, on the other hand, will probably go out of their way to censor this video on other less principled platforms, because they are used to doing so. they are afraid of information they cannot control. about 3 years ago, the biden administration illegally spied on our the messages were then leaked to the media, to the journalists who serve them. they did this to prevent the interview with putin that we were planning. last month, we
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are quite sure of this, they did the same with and lastly , a pod of red list killer whales fell into an ice trap on the coast of japan, almost 15 rare whales were stuck among the thick words in the strait. nemura, which separates hakaida from the russian kunashir. the lives of mammals are under threat, they cannot get out without human help, they need to cut a rut, they say specialists, there are about a day, after which the animals will die from lack of oxygen. our rescuers are ready to move to the site, but to enter japanese territorial waters we need permission from tokyo. if it is not received, then the only hope is a strong wind that will disperse the drifting ice floes. concerned environmental activists have already contacted the
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japanese authorities and launched it. on the calendar, february 7 is wednesday, february weather, the capricious young lady, everyone started talking again. what happens to the weather and how to cope with the malaise? let's figure it out right now. in novosibirsk -1 during the day and only -4 at night, everything is plowed without hats. however, now in most regions the temperature is not february. now the temperature throughout russia is either
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near normal. would be higher than the climatic norm, and the especially high temperature for february in the siberian region is 10-12° above the climatic norm, there are no such terrible frosts in yakutia, the temperature there, however, drops to -40-45°, but this is still 8 -10° above the climate norm, but in in the near future it will become sharply cold not only in siberia, in the central part of the country. typically temperature fluctuations are 5-6. units from thursday to friday the temperature may drop at night by 10-12°, that is, if on thursday during the day it will be -9 -14°, then on the night of friday -23-16°, and already at the beginning of next week there will be a sharp jump again , near zero temperatures, in general, in the near future there will be a lot of temperature swings, and this is due to the fact that our
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air is spreading from west to east, mainly in the middle... latitudes, but it happens that the air spreads in the meridional direction, that is, from north to south, or from south to north. it is this flow of air that gives sharp jumps in temperature, due to the fact that the cyclone moves in a vertical, not horizontal direction, it is also called diving, it comes quickly from the south, brings warmth, cold from the north, so it turns out that this is the weather you don’t have time to keep track, we notice that someone is bundled up in the thaw, someone without a hat in the cold, in the end... we get sick not only with a cold, then we have a headache, then it stops hurting, that is, you do you think it’s the weather’s fault, yes, the weather, yes, with temperature swings there are also pressure surges, many feel this... it is noted to themselves that during the year, on average , the pressure of hypertensive patients is slightly higher in winter and slightly lower in summer, while atmospheric pressure on the contrary, in the summer a little higher, in the winter a little lower, in the central part of the country the atmospheric pressure will drop today to
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almost record values ​​in moscow to 714 mm of mercury. if you have sensitive joints, you may experience this with joint pain. if you are hypertensive, you may your hypertension gets out of control. if you suffer from migraines, you may get a headache, that is, your weather trigger may be realized. doctors recommend experiencing sharp temperature fluctuations, that’s right, banal advice: get enough sleep, move, walks are required, as are vitamins, fruits, vegetables, nuts. anna obrosimova, dmitry parfenov, channel one. you have a package, but you didn’t order it, a rather strange situation, however, this happens and is not so rare. who are the parcels?
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a new semi-criminal scheme, imagine yourself , the courier calls you, just like me now, and says everything has been paid for , including delivery, but you, unlike me, didn’t order anything, it’s very surprising that this could be, there are several options, in china , for example, the rating is extremely important for a store, however, like ours, and new sellers try to raise it as quickly as possible, and they do it like this: input buyers order goods, write addresses on the map, choose different countries, and then the seller fan sends parcels with some kind of nonsense, maybe disposable masks, expired seeds, on the forums they write
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that someone was even sent dirty socks, the fake buyer receives the track number of the package when it arrives, writes a positive review for you, this is how the store creates a rating. it is read that he is an enviable supplier to all countries of the world, and for you and me, this is still the most harmless scheme, at least you don’t need to pay for anything, but there are still real scams. for example, an online store sends you unnecessary goods for a small amount, hoping that you will often you order online and automatically pay for the purchase to the courier, and after delivery you will realize that you were simply deceived. sorry, it's not mine. how to avoid falling into such a trap? we write out the tracks of all the parcels that we are waiting for so that they are at hand when the courier calls, we check what exactly he is carrying, and if they try to sell you something that you did not order, we simply refuse delivery,
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be careful and no one will be able to help you deceive. russia is a big country in which we, the people, live, we are strong, powerful, i really want to visit kamchatka, probably the kuril islands are some kind of fabulous places, for some reason in my imagination, the first spring flower will bloom in a birch grove, people are looking for what happiness is? being a father and husband is cool, we wish everyone love, happiness, harmony , so that love only becomes stronger over the years, health to my family, my family, my loved ones, be sure to make wishes at any age, they really
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do come true, be happy, continues in moscow at vdnkh work exhibition forum in russia, let me remind you that it is open every day, except monday and every day there is a big... rich, interesting program, including everyone who came there has the opportunity to meet famous and interesting people whom you just don’t meet in life, famous artists, performers, athletes, astronauts, you can’t miss such a chance, russia exhibition, space pavilion, waiting room, we came from another region especially to meet an amazing person, a space explorer, because probably not everyone will be so lucky in life. meet a man who was so close to the stars. on stage is andrei borisenko, cosmonaut pilot, hero of the russian federation. absolutely anyone can ask anything they are curious about. it’s interesting to watch, just...
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since kindergarten. in the pavilion, health inspires sports careers. olympic medalist in judo dmitry nosov proves that nothing is impossible. few people know that when i was 15 years old, i was bedridden and it was then that i set myself a goal to win the olympic games. and i started training 7 hours a day. and that's why i from my own example, i can say that boundaries do not exist. the boundaries are only in the head. there is an opportunity to start training. right at the exhibition, try to score a goal against six-time
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paralympic champion sergei shilov, throw the ball into a hoop with olympic medalist yana botyrshina, these activities are for children with special needs. it would seem that we should motivate them, charge them, and tell them our stories, they see and their eyes light up, but we get, we are athletes , much more from them, believe me, we are waiting this meeting, like them. meet a famous artist. it is simply impossible to meet at the russia exhibition; to be sure to get to their
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events and master classes, register on the website maria kuskova, alena krylova, nikita kulakov, channel one. unexpected ways to lower cholesterol. special poses and food. food chemistry, flavonoids, what are they? you will come to us with pain, but you will leave without pain. our service. works better, the program lives healthy, helps everyone, today is the first one, i wanted to call it sergei, and the eldest objected, if she fell in love with nikolai, here is the son, come on, let him be nikolai, he told some stories, memories from childhood associated with his father, and he always felt great reverence for this both as a person and as father, and as an actor. he was the life of the party, but he was very lonely, he bought himself a mobile phone
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, asked me to fill out a notebook, he dictated seven phone numbers to me, that was his entire notebook, he was hiding a second life, there was a very strong romance, very beautiful, two decent people met people who they didn’t suffer themselves, they tortured each other, he was very kind to his wife, to his loved ones, and did not want to offend or hurt anyone, so in general he could not stand this situation. anniversary of nikolai eremenko, what to do about it, ivan ilyevich, fight, seryozha, the legendary film pirates of the 20th century, a superman with delicate skin, this is exactly what it’s about, on sunday on the first, today for the first time on... this is a unique spectacle, his
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name is doomed, i said that i would bring the best fighter, volodya ignatiev, afghan, sapper, that ’s the guy, this is my money too, and i want fight for them, rit, what are you talking about , i don’t know, some kind of premonition, girls, i ’ll deceive you, there won’t be a concert, you promised us 40 dollars each, these are our girls. “i ’ll put everyone here now, he’ll kill you, well, hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this, it’s him, the one who saved me, you’re nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, well, tell me , sopon, who did you cross the path of, i can’t live without him, you idiot.” premiere of the serial film from february 11 to
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sunday on the first. this is mine, what i want with do it to him, go away. let me buy it from you. good morning to everyone who wakes up with the first channel of the studio, i meet you, ekaterina strizhenova, exactly 10 years ago, on february 7, 2014, the twenty -second winter olympic games opened in sochi, it was amazing, remember? of course, remember how you can forget this, especially since everything that was built for the olympics has remained with us, in sochi, right now dmitry kuzmin is inviting us, fly! quicker! that's why it's better to take a seat from the window: sochi and sirius is in full view. the first question is where to live? hotel occupancy is 75%. for the winter games , 70 hotels were built from scratch or renovated here. you can accommodate the whole of pskov (2000 guests) cheaper in the off-season. three-room
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apartments at a summer standard price. three-room apartments, a suite with a kitchen, a room for children, a room for parents.
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in fact, there are, it’s more economical to go to the mountains for swallows, nine trains a day at a speed of 140 half an hour from the sea, but you need to dress warmly, after the cable-stayed bridge, summer ends, we’re visiting like a fairy tale, that is snow, temperature, contrast, everything is different , as if we are moving in time, it’s a feeling, i saw a bear - a bear cub, how it came down from the slope, due to which everything works, four power plants, this one was built in an open field on gas. dry fan ironing systems allow you not to throw water into the source, use it, this is a great saving of water, only the lazy would not think of giving up permanent residence in such beauty , the population has grown by 300,000, now this school has 10 classes in parallel, here is exercise
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for fifth graders, we have there is a fifth k, fifth in total there are 2700 children in the school, today we are the largest... school in the city of sochi. it's time to expand again. in 5 years, there will already be 10 million tourists a year. thomas aleksandrovich laid out olympic routes in the mountains. now he is leading the reconstruction of the oldest hotel in the center. the magnolia in the yard is intact. a modern building is growing nearby. it's difficult, but what to do? we'll do it. the central embankment will soon also be renovated, the beaches will become wider, the view will be prettier. the groins will be dismantled and the breakwaters will be located further out to sea. they won't close. and they also say that garlic can protect the body from harmful bacteria, because
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phytoncides, now we’ll check all this, and at the same time we’ll learn how to choose garlic, garlic in aspic, extracts for... properties in the laboratory: we collect microorganisms that are in in a regular office, fill it with nutrient medium and add grated garlic. for comparison, let's add onions, river and apple, results after 48 hours. here we see that bacteria have grown very well throughout the petri dish. around the hole with garlic - this is the largest
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sterile area, allicin and other essential oils that are present, they have a negative effect on microorganisms. the recognizable aroma of garlic is precisely due to the same alecin, this is a volatile compound, when it gets into the air, there is a certain effect, not as strong as when consumed externally. garlic contains potassium, manganese, phosphorus and a whole set of b vitamins, and they improve metabolism, affect the immune system, and are necessary for brain function and the cardiovascular system. heat-treated garlic is also very healthy, and for those who cannot consume it raw, consuming it thermally is much better than not consuming it at all. in any case, it is important to choose the right one at the counter. to begin with, don’t buy into very large garlic , the so-called elephant garlic, garlic is not really garlic at all, it’s more like an onion, it’s close to an onion,
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there’s nothing bad in it, well, there will be practically no garlic taste, then we touch , closer to spring, the garlic begins to dry out and crumble, it’s better not to take this kind if it’s already got green feathers, that’s it, this garlic is not tasty, and most likely it will spoil quickly, the maximum benefit of flavors... dense garlic, it’s good if it gives off a light aroma, but of course, it will reveal itself to its maximum only during cooking, and so that after eating you don’t scare away others with your breath, let’s remember a life hack. the simplest thing, the very thing that everyone has on hand, is just a glass of milk, we drink everything, and parsley, sour apples and green tea with lemon also neutralize the garlic smell. ksenia loginova, dmitry roshkov, iliarkozubov, channel one. the multi-part historical drama “the great golden age” continues on channel one. the reign of empress catherine, catherine ii
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was marked by grandiose transformations and not only in the field of government, it was under catherine the great that the hermitage became a museum, the mariinsky theater appeared, and this is not all that she did for russian culture. what is this? a ceremonial portrait, such a body here. when catherine the great saw this portrait, she was terribly offended by artist. i'm 20 years older here and look like a swedish pastry chef. what is this portrait doing here? excuse me, your majesty. his highness pavel petrovich gave orders. take off. during her reign, the empress acquired 400 paintings, which became an invaluable collection of the hermitage. the hermitage is probably one of those appaphioses.
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culture and art for catherine are everything to her, she actually came out of reading books, enlightenment, diderot, walter, with whom she actually corresponded. catherine was the author and publisher of the first satirical magazine in russia, all sorts of things. well, of course, you can’t call it a modern women’s magazine, but that’s about it. fashion, events, what's happening in europe. ekaterina is both an editor and a journalist. in one person, of course, for the 16th century russia, this was an event. and what does mr. plato write? yes, more and
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more about government. under catherine, the russian theater school flourished. folk comedies, where laziness, stupidity, and envy were ridiculed, were very popular. fonvizin wrote his famous undergrowth. i found a passage of the 16th century actors, as they read poetry, that is.
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this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio in this episode. at a meeting of the un security council they see nothing and hear nothing. western countries are pointedly ignoring evidence of the involvement of ukrainian security forces in terrorist attacks. how does moscow respond? they feel the unconditional
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support of washington, london and brussels, who do not care about... the murder of civilians, guilty on all counts, the ukrainian state news agency citing kiev special services report who is behind the murders of ilya kieva, vladlin tatarsky and other high-profile crimes. information bomb on a global scale. vladimir putin will give an interview to tucker carlson, the announcement of this conversation alone already has tens of millions of views. we do not force you to agree with what may be said. election day in azerbaijan for the first time throughout the country, including karabakh, among the candidates for the current president ilham aliyev.


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