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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 7, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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a huge number of different peoples, everyone somehow lives together, sculpture, i’m talking about critical mass, so i’m talking about the majority, let’s look at another fragment from the song, an intriguer, a wandering musician in the bustle, jurassic, emigrant. recognized talent, everyone dances, everyone dances , i like chanson, as the main style of russian music, so my question became, which side did the street choose, the basota, which side did the ordinary people choose, these, and i look at it, what in the modern world they choose...
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they will watch this program, whoever is there, well, yes, how they watch all our programs, yes, what would you say now, russia and the russian state supported me, because they told me where you are going, you are nobody there, well, in principle it is, but i have a name as a person, an activist there is culture and show business, but by and large my feelings are everything, that’s my intuition, it didn’t let me down, it led me there and... and i told my wife: everything will be
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fine, don’t worry about anything, i know for sure , what i do, my nature guides me, so that i can say that ukraine needs surrender, this the only way to save relatives from future deaths, because we already see everything in europe, so the ukrainians are ending, the poles are beginning, well, they are directly preparing it, because there are children now in line, they are preparing new hundreds of thousands of mobilizations there.
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we always look forward to all the best to you, in voronezh we have the admiralty embankment, there is a ship pridestination benefit, this is a wonderful place to take a walk in both winter and summer. i love all the people who live in russia. so i want to hug them tightly, once judged in the winter i went outside, it was severely frosty, it was climbing slowly up the mountain, the horse was carrying the milkweed to the east, the main thing is to do sports, the more you move, the longer you live. i would like a large table tennis center to finally appear in our city, and i would really like to become a sportswoman, i can travel to different countries and cities, for my own health. the first channel presents
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unexpected ways to lower cholesterol, special poses and food. food chemistry, flabonoids, what are they? you will come to us in pain and leave without pain, our pain service works, the program to live healthy, helps everyone. unexpected ways, dear friends, to lower cholesterol, that’s the topic of our program today. the doctors stand in a pose, i don’t know
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what a human pose is like with them, and let’s turn to our viewers. so, dear viewers, what ways do you know to reduce cholesterol? ready to tell us, please , well, i completely changed my diet, i use only olive oil, got rid of all kinds of sandwiches and buns, if i want a snack, i’ll have a snack, for example nuts, i bought myself an air fryer , i cook everything in it, in fact, i practically don’t use it, an air fryer means without oil, and without fat, and without oil, and, accordingly, the composition of salt, and this helps a lot and mobility in life as- then i move more, in general. excellent advice, excellent advice , small, small, but the most important agenda, no matter how we reduce cholesterol in food, the main supplier of cholesterol in the body is the liver, it produces 85% of cholesterol, this also needs to be understood,
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that’s why you told us about healthy nutrition, we support, but unfortunately, you may not achieve results if your liver is bombed. loading, these are postures and isometric muscle tension, how do we generally form plaques in blood vessels, this is cholesterol, yes herman shaich, and cholesterol is a machine, a machine that actually transports fats, roughly speaking, and if the driver is bad or
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lipoproteins are low density, what happens to these fats, we... drive into a vessel, leave our fats there, they form a plaque, the fewer truck drivers, the there is less chance of developing these plaques, of course, cholesterol is alcohol, it is not fat, it is a machine, a vehicle for transporting fats, cholesterol can introduce fat into or out of a vessel, if you... low- density lipoproteins, then cholesterol is fatly loaded into vessel. we always say that it’s easy to remember, ldl is low -density lipoprotein, short people, bad people, so ldl is the driver that drags cholesterol with fat inside the vessel. when
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practicing yoga, cholesterol also decreases, which means there are few cars for transportation. and quantity these are bad fats or bad ones.
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no more, less worse more is also worse, it has been proven that people who sleep at least eight hours have lower cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. so, here is our sleep model: first, a person
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closes his eyes, second, he produces melatonin, it is produced, and here is our brain. caught fire, melatonin was produced, and the person fell asleep, it is sleep that lowers cholesterol, good sleep is the most important thing, the most important thing in fate. man, let's listen to our viewers, we listen to you, but it’s very useful in the morning, for example, morning sex, this is a very accessible, universal tool for developing a good mood, and accordingly regulating cholesterol, i recommend it, like this for us, how old are you, my dear friend, 56, 56 , available sex in the morning, andrey petrovich, appreciate the advice, german shaevich, well, i would say.
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this does not mean that your cholesterol will be reduced, but there is one interesting thing, andrei petrovich, indeed, proper nutrition, which includes, here look, wheat germ makes it possible to replace, that is, in fact, displace cholesterol, look what is contained there, it contains phytosterols or phytosterols, that is, molecules very similar to cholesterol, for reasons unknown to the world we...
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are absorbed, of course, that is, it simply moves out these little collars and prevents cholesterol from being absorbed; phytosterol is absorbed, and so, less cholesterol enters the blood, that’s the point; in such an unexpected reaction to your sexy morning topic, we depicted cholesterol molecules, of course, instead of dangerous cholesterol , phytosterol, which is safe, will be used.
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this is a smart remark, because 85% of cholesterol is formed in the liver,
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however, cholesterol does not rise immediately and not everyone’s cholesterol increases, so sleeping from 6 to 8 hours is good, but not more. including wheat germ and wheat germ oil in food is good and yoga. and our wonderful doctor gandelman in his unforgettable pose, these are unexpected ways to lower cholesterol ; after all, we are also achieving results. let's take a short break and then continue. flavonoids, how they fight cancer cells and which foods contain the most of these substances. there are techniques against pain.
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no one can help you, we will act, the characteristics of female hunting, short distance, touching the hand, some kind of flirting, this is a marker of a quick, short relationship, flirting according to science and forecasts for marriage. we celebrate the day of hunting men for mike pompeo, the ex-head of the cia and us secretary of state during the trump era,
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destroying the spiritual bonds of the foundations, the koch brothers, they are considered the main puppeteers of pompeo, the largest one, which supplies most of the weapons to ukraine, the attitude of the kochs, as well as pompeo, towards the ukrainians as insignificant natives, which is why he winces so much when he talks about ukraine, mike’s diet or pompeo’s last chance, dolls of the heir tutti , today on... premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first. i wanted to call him sergei, but the eldest objected, if i fell in love with nikolai, here is my son, let him be nikolai, he told some
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stories, memories from childhood associated with his father, and he always felt for this is big.
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where did they give it to you instead of a debt , i won’t participate in this, they say your wife is sick, where can you get the money, rita, what do you think, i’m a good person, why are you asking, something happened, i love you, and i you, come on, owl, that union, frenzy,
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doom, premiere from february 11 to sundays on the first. so, dear friends, in our kitchen, a chemical laboratory, color changes, smoke changes, but the most amazing laboratory is, of course, the human body. there's no smoke coming out of our ears, that's all. compact, everything is thought out, and at the same time millions of reactions every second. this is how we always start our laboratory topic, which is called the chemistry of food, in which we analyze the components of food. today there is a component of food called flavonoids. special
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substances that are extremely beneficial for our health. and right now to our studio. carry foods rich in flavonoids, bring them into the studio, please, here they are flavonoids, and i want one of the doctors to explain what flavonoids are? flavonoids are biologically active substances that fight cancer. which are antioxidants, which are useful for various types of diabetes, which improve the condition of all organs, including...
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microbes, so they dive and act, what do flavonoids give? flavonoids nourish, feed and activate our healthy microorganisms, and healthy microorganisms train our immunity, participate in digestion, protect us from harmful microbes, help us remove these toxins that sometimes enter our gastrointestinal tract. this means, so, flavonoids are involved in intestinal immunity, and intestinal immunity takes up 50% of our immune fight, this
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is the first thing, so we eat flavonoids, increase immunity, second, momanoids are a powerful antioxidant, they fight free radicals, they reduce the amount of c-reactive protein, this is a protein that is in inflammation. andrei petrovich really likes to talk about coarse fiber, this tough, solid, indigestible part of plant food.
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flavonoids are also plant fibers, but soluble soluble soluble, but they are also not absorbed often and are not digested, but dissolve. both of them are food for good microbes, so in some ways flavonoids are similar to rough insoluble ones. fibers, they are fibers, but soluble, but also not absorbed, they swell, microbes eat them, gain strength, and we increase our immunity. now the question is how many flavonoids should be contained in your diet per day in order for you to be active, healthy and resist infections. we return to the kitchen, i remind you that we have three sources flavonoids are fresh. this is blueberry and this is raspberry, when we talk about substances inside food, we always calculate the daily value,
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the daily requirement. so, our need for flavonoids is 200-odd milligrams per day, 250 mg per day, that is , you need to get 250 mg of flavonoids from anything. in parsley, how much per diem? this is half the daily requirement of 100 g, that is , take 200 g of raspberries or 200 g of blueberries, whatever you want, you
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must have these fibers, our molecular gastronomy chef, vladislav eblonsky, prepared something amazing for us in his molecular cuisine, the dose is small, the price is high, only ours is free, today i used products that contain flavonoids from... the anthacyanin, rutin, polyphenol group, here i have parsley spaghetti and extracts from basil , i also made a sorbet with green tea and parsley, there is also green tea, by the way, flovano, i sprinkled all this with dehydrated raspberries, which contain the maximum amount of flavonoids in its composition, i want it, because the water was removed, only left i’ll leave only the most necessary things, he didn’t do much, he doesn’t even have anything to treat him to, look at one for three. this is the dose he suggests for three people. in general, a person has a conscience and how many such doses does a daily dose need? 10 no 70 so that you need to eat 50 grams of parsley here
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. this is the maximum benefit, this is both a dessert and not a dessert, both food and not food, without sugar , sweet, if you didn’t add sweet, then good, well , well, there are also gomphrey flowers, they also give a little sweetness, gamfen flowers, they also contain ancacyans, which are flavonoids, so flavonoids are definitely useful substances found in plant products, champions are parsley, blueberries and...
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i’ll go through all this, it’s time for us to talk about medicine. so, dear friends, the spine again attracts our attention. we have a pain service in our studio. let me remind you, every second person who comes to the clinic comes because he has pain in his lower back, or knees, or hip joints. so that's tragic. statistics is that 80% of people leaving hospital clinics leave them with the same the pain they came with. the reason is simple: there is no way we can have a pain service in the country, and we are fans of it appearing in the country. now dr. kang works in our studio, his peculiarity is that he is a neurologist and chiropractor with russian diplomas, in addition, he...
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received all korean and chinese diplomas as a specialist in returning people to a normal lifestyle. while dr. kahn works with the patient, helping him get rid of pain. i will remind you that our pain service receives a video message from you on the health program website. i want to show you one of these video messages right now. hello, my name is dmitry. i’m 52 years old, in my younger years i often had to deal with carrying heavy loads, and now my back has been hurting for many years, sometimes it even happens that i fall out of normal life, for two to three days, i can’t do anything at all, to be honest , tired of such a life, well , this is the treatment we received from a young man, i must say that our doctors
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helped him, now... you will see how it works the person we call the master of pain is dr. golperin, he not only runs the pain service, but he trains russian doctors, anesthesiologists, with this most modern method of interventional pain relief, which outwardly looks like banal injections, but this is a very serious procedure that proceeds strictly under x-ray control. so it hurts like this, sit down, that means the problem is here, it doesn’t go to your legs, that’s right, no, there is a small herniated disc, here it is, but the problem is not there, the problem is these, the problem is here in these joints, here, here , here it is, these are the so-called facet joints
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and... and this makes them hurt, so here he goes, look, he’s a relatively young man, his back hurts, it hurts in the morning, in the morning, sometimes it’s especially so that it’s impossible to get up , you just lie there, that’s how patients come to us with pain and first of all we do magnetic resonance imaging for them, as a rule, most of them are treated many times, but... completely unsuccessfully, treat pain is possible only after an mri and strictly under control x-ray, so here are the needles, now i will inject the medicine, so here is a syringe, the solution is white, why is it white, because it is a suspension of a steroid-containing drug
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called kenolog. here are 2 millimeters, that is, a total of 40 mg. and everything else is supplemented with local anesthetic, which... really, well, that’s it, at least in the same place, that the nose outweighs, back, well, clearly not 20°, however, i just got up on the bridge, i
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got up, thank you very much, wizard, but no, not a wizard, dmitry valerievich, today us in the studio, dmitry valerievich, come to us, please, i liked how... he danced in the finale, because after all, at 53 years old, this is a young age, a man should have mobility, i repeat once again, dmitry valerievich , i’ll take a pointer from here that dmitry valerievich’s problem was here, in these joints, they are now many times enlarged, dmitry valerievich, these are facet joints, the trouble is that there are many of them, each vertebra has four, that is, there are two knee joints , here at each vertebra.
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there wasn’t any, i’m so delighted after the procedure, i’m very happy, i want to show these joints, in general, you should understand that our musculoskeletal system is designed to last about 40 years, and we have begun to live longer, the average age before life was earlier i was 40 years old, now the average in russia is 72, and my mother, for example, is 90, so the joints wear out, these are the facet joints. look: 1, 2, 3, 4, this is a good vertebra, here changes have already begun, and here look, already in the facet joints themselves there is solid trouble, this happened
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quite early for you, and when seeing off our patients, we definitely advise them on exercises and physical education, and dr. kahn generally deals with the rehabilitation of such people, so i want our dr. kahn now. so, we sit on our knees, tv viewers, you can repeat what we are doing, we put our hands back, as if on fists, because it will hurt on our fingers, and we bend,
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we stick our stomach out, as high as possible, and we hold our heads, counting to ten, in unison, back, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, all, what is happening, what do we want to achieve, our quadratus dorsi muscles are tense, because of the pain, because we are stretching, protruding our stomach, we are stretching these muscles, they then relax, how many times? we need to repeat this exercise, well, for starters, whoever starts for the first time, this is three times, and then of course you can increase it, so one more time, bend over, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
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let's pause for a while, and then continue, no relax, i'm not the emperor's widow. "i am not the mother of the emperor, and i am not the regent for the minor emperor, i am the empress, and i am in legal right." you argued that catherine is a temporary phenomenon, innate forces have become active in europe, interested in overthrowing the currently reigning person, i hate him, whom, orlov, and my mother, i also hate, they killed my father, to you will go with her, she doesn’t love you, grisha , we need to overthrow this german adventuress and establish a legitimate heir on the russian throne. i am being defeated, the hour has come,
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gentlemen, brothers, on the usurper’s throne is an impostor, a rootless german woman, i had no illusions, i knew, what power is, i knew that i was going, but i was sure that i could stop the intrigues and carry my cross with dignity, the great, golden... age, big premiere, look after the program time, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, so he disappears, even if he is dying, in this girl he almost does not recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing - his mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter to her parents and ex-husband, veru, i said that unfortunately... i have very difficult news for you that my mother
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is no longer with us, that’s what i experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child, that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i had everything and so i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star. in memory of to the famous mother, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. there is a self-portrait of the artist here. this station , this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself
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, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, we just met here recently, acquaintances, and ivan lyanevich is beautiful groomed, no, but i immediately agreed, lubenikov writes characters who are around us, so he understandable to a wide audience; a huge number of press representatives came to each exhibition of his works. it was a resounding success, no one knew about it, and popularity came so quickly. chicken ryaba is quite funny to see in paris. it’s so russian, there’s something very rustic and childish about it. he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river. great sensations, they don’t hit us by chance, it’s important not to pass by in order to lose the meat. ivan lubennikov, life goes on. on saturday on the first. so,
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dear friends, these two charming figures stand in our studio. today is february 7, this, by the way, is a holiday , a holiday, you will now be speechless, invented in russia, the day of hunting for men, so today we have to grab someone, grab someone in the end, i must say. rysyeva, and of course, the epitome of all this
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is a spider who, after intimacy with a spider , devours it as unnecessary, there will be spiders, why did this spider give up already, these scenes, first of love, and then of tragedy. so the day hunting for men, in russia there are more women than... men and the situation, dear ladies, is extremely, extremely serious. we have guests, come to us one at a time. how old are you? i'm 25. still young by modern standards. and in our youth, it was considered that if you didn’t get married before you graduated from medical school by the age of 23, that’s it. your song is done, you don’t have to
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try anymore. and i already considered her to be an old-timer. and since i was 27 years old. by the way, this was correct, because changes are happening, we will tell you about them. well, which ones? well look, what all women should understand is that the female age of love sexuality for your favorite morning sex, it is radically different from the male one. german shaich, take a girl and show her what the difference is, the difference is significant. women and men, look, that is, we, in principle, differ in hormones, women have female sex hormones, estrogens, and men have testosterone, look what is happening, light, this is fullness, this is the degree of fullness
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of sex hormones, in this in this case , estrogens are red in women, and in men - testosterone, please note that... it peaks at about 20-30 years old; in wives there is a decrease, a decrease in the male hormone, it is very slow, slow, a man always has enough testosterone, even at 80 he has half, even at 90 he still has testosterone, a woman starting from 50, almost 70 and almost 80 has no testosterone, maximum. this is 30 years old, so a woman must capture a man until she is 30 years old in order to spend an active sexual life with him, but that’s not all, our women, as they say, against, where can we get these men,
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there is one more very important thing that all young women should know about, this is the number of eggs that are released to them at... the number of eggs, by puberty a small part remains, after thirty look at them , at birth there is a huge amount even less, almost no crust remains, that is, the limit is approximately 37 years old, after 30 and 37.5 years this is. only sporadic pregnancy or with the help of ivf. there is one more thing: after 35 years, the number of defects in children. well, we kind of told you the physiology, because the social conditions of life have changed, girls themselves now don’t
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want to get married before the age of 30, but the physiology has remained the same, we are the same animals that we just saw on the screen. therefore, as much as... you can say, i will make a career, and then i will have something, physiologically, if you didn’t make it on time, then it will be worse, you need to understand this, just understand it in general, so although until you start a family, freeze it eggs, so that it doesn’t turn out that when you finally decide by the age of 40 or decide to give birth on your own, so that at least you have these eggs with you, this is the first piece of advice of the day. hunting for men, please sit down, now we continue, we still have one guest, come to us, where to look for a man for a modern girl, how old are you, i’m 31, so, actually, i have
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the same question, and for the most part even his look for where exactly to find the one, because i would happily start a family. yes, those it’s already such an age, and while you still find it, while you get to know each other, this time will also pass, where to look for it? you know that in the first place is work, then the internet, then a university or institute, then some educational courses, if you take english and so on, in fourth place is meeting people on the street. so naturally people work and university statistics, now we’ll pick up where we met our husbands and wives at work, right? absolutely so, who do you work for?
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a manager in a hotel, well, we mostly have all women, what kind of manager, why vouchers to a hotel, vouchers to a hotel, well , some traveler still has some chances for these, now what does a man evaluate in a woman, let’s look at what is called the pyramid of attraction.
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you should laugh at his jokes , chuckle, it increases self-esteem, and you should be funny, he should laugh too, if you sit and hum, no one will appreciate it, it should be calm, easy and fun with you, this is it fundamental question, time to kiss. i love to tell you, kissing is just , yes, it’s just a matter of shorter availability, and you will see, you should
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notice when a man has shown interest, then when he is really ready to share his experiences with you, when he is ready talk about his inner experiences, when he is ready to spend time with you, when he is ready to take on himself and financial and... human responsibility for you, this is really what sets you up for the fact that he is ready for a long-term family in relationships, i remind you that logic is almost absent in men, logic is present in women, so what else do you need to know, don’t immediately rush and caress him with all passion, because a short distance, touching a hand, some kind of flirting is... a marker quick, short relationship, when we met, they hugged, stroked the back, the most important thing
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is to stroke the back to say, oh, how i love you, no...


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