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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 8, 2024 4:05am-4:58am MSK

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for retraining, we have developed a separate standard of assistance to veterans of special military operations; last year , 13,500 veterans and family members of fallen heroes were employed in this area. the way transport communications are organized in the country is an indicator of the health of the entire economy, putin emphasized. in russia, with its vast territory, the topic of air transportation and the formation of a fleet of aircraft, moreover, made in our country, is always relevant. i would like to dwell separately on the cost of air tickets. let me emphasize that it is important not to allow excessive increase in ticket prices while unconditionally ensuring the quality of passenger service and flight safety. these issues should be a priority for both carriers, the ministry of transport, and other relevant departments. only a few countries in the world are capable of producing a line of modern aircraft, and russia is among them. we have drawn up large-scale plans in this area. russian aircraft must meet all requirements. the transfer to the airlines must
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take place within the agreed time frame without any delays. the discussion of air transportation took place without presence of the press. based on its results, the head of the ministry of transport is optimistic. demand is growing, which means there will be money for the development of the industry. we made a unique decision, we allocated 174 billion rubles in subsidies in 2000, of which 110 were for transportation, the tourist flow is growing, we see our passengers in certain regions, they are starting to fly, these flights are becoming more frequent , for example gorny altaisk, yes we see we see a resort in kusbas that exists, and we see interest in other areas, and i think that’s all contributes to the fact that ours, our population, our russians want to fly. already felt from
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traffic flows redirected to the east, the implementation of the eastern railway range project affects the lives of people in eight regions: kusbass, khakassia, buryat, transbaikalia, khabarovsk and krasnoyarsk territories, irkutsk region in primorye. rosseti electrified 2,700 km of railways, built powerful transformer substations and tets. these are new jobs and additional tax revenues. oil pipeline eastern siberia pacific ocean, kavyktinsko. our work took place in difficult conditions, often in extreme temperatures, the temperature reached -60°, that’s all, all construction took place far from populated areas, from roads, when crossing rivers, supports with a height of 90 m were used, if you compare, they you... practically the size of
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a thirty-story building, more than 90% of the equipment and materials used were produced in our country. i congratulate you to all the specialists who worked and continue to work on this site. work done allows you to increase, significantly increase capacity and improve the reliability of power supply to populated areas in all these regions. what is your temperature now? what is the weather like there? well, in the morning it was -20, now it seems warmer, but -15 , probably somewhere like that, well, yes, and well, i understand that people worked in difficult conditions all the time, so many thanks to them and all the best, success . transportation to the far east along the baikal-amur and trans-siberian railways is growing at a record pace; in 2024 it will reach 180 million tons. cargo, by 2030 will increase to 210 million. two
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rocket attacks on belgorod by ukrainian militants in the same pattern as before the new year holidays, from a vampire multiple launch rocket system, which the kiev regime received from the czech republic. a total of 12 shells were intercepted by our air defense, but there were casualties. one of the combat units exploded right in front of the truck, the driver is in the hospital with a shrapnel wound. the other man was treated at the scene. and a few hours before these cynical attacks, our troops struck with precision weapons ukrainian military rear. irina kuksenkova has all the details. the exact defeats of the enemy’s military-industrial complex from the sea from the air, which were reported in the morning, were confirmed by our ministry of defense. dry in a military way. the target of the strike was achieved, all objects were hit. the russian armed forces launched a high-precision group strike. long-range,
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air- and sea-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles at enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce unmanned boats, coastal missile complexes. missiles to multiple launch rocket systems for explosives. we are talking , among other things, about getting into the workshops of the nikolaev shipbuilding plant okean, where, as telegram channels note, surface drones were produced. and in kharkov , a high-precision strike hit the malyshev plant, where heavy equipment of the armed forces of ukraine is being repaired. these shots are already from the sumy region, as they write, hits in the hangars of a military warehouse. the high-precision missiles also reached their targets in the khmelnitsky and ivano-frankivsk regions, and hit the lviv region. and confirmed local authorities, information appeared on the network , it was about an airfield where they planned to receive f-16 fighters, strategic objects in kiev were hit, in attempts to shoot down our missiles , the ukrainian air defense again distinguished itself, fragments of an anti-missile missile hit a residential building, in that
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the air defense of ukraine poses a threat to its own civilian facilities has long been no secret, even representatives of the ukrainian armed forces, in particular air force speaker ignat, stated that their air defense is vulnerable. there are not enough calculations, and those that exist have to be placed near residential areas, that is, next to houses, hospitals, schools, and it is obvious that if a ballistic missile hit a high-rise building, the building would be destroyed almost to the ground. the russian army continues to operate successfully in all directions; in donetsk and kupinsk, our military occupied advantageous positions and inflicted maximum defeat on the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. in the kupinsky direction , the enemy lost up to 275 military personnel, nine vehicles, an american-made 155mm m-777 howitzer, two 122mm self-propelled artillery gvozdik installations and a 122mm howitzer d-30. the enemy suffers colossal losses along
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the entire front line every day. over the past 24 hours, according to the ministry of defense, the figure is significant: 980 killed and wounded, they continue to grind ours. military and nato equipment, in the same kupinsky direction, our tank crews destroyed another leopard, they say it burns well, it was difficult to hit it and worked from semi -direct fire, but it stood in such a place that only the cut of the turret was visible, but it stung it specifically , that is, it flew off from him there sufficient in quantity that the enemy, for his part, did not even bother to take it, and our military also shot down a ukrainian one. along the entire front line, hundreds of fvedrons are constantly in the air, darkness is not a hindrance, attacks on heavy equipment, enemy assault groups that are trying to gain a foothold in the trenches, jewelry hits even in small holes where they are hiding, here is a shot from a combat
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exit of a drone operator from the bars detachment in the yuzhnodonetsk direction, works secretly and quickly, the eyes of artillerymen, that’s right ok, here is the award ceremony near the front line, 19 bars fighters were awarded orders of courage and medals for bravery. irina kuksenkova, vladimir zalutsky and fyodor yurasov, channel one. several dozen ukrainian military personnel received serious sentences ranging from 27 to 29 years in a maximum security colony. the supreme court of the dpr agreed with the prosecution formula in the case of shelling of several villages. based on the materials of the criminal case of the investigative committee, the court passed a verdict. and three ukrainian servicemen from the thirty- sixth separate marine brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and seventeenth separate tank brigade. in 2022, ukrainian military personnel from their combat positions fired at least 15 shots of high-explosive fragmentation shells at
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residential buildings in the settlements of sartana, sakhanka, talakovka and stary krym, donetsk people's republic. as a result , a minor civilian died, seriously. meanwhile, in kiev today the rules of mobilization have been tightened, while in the first reading, and no less than the voting result itself , for the sake of wondering who came there, and especially who did not come, but should have? anton vernitsky, more details. borel, an eu official inspecting a training center for ukrainian security forces in kiev. his arrival here practically coincided with his acceptance. spanish gendarmes are training
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ukrainian police officers on how to make proper arrests. we are training more than 150 national police officers who will become trainers of their other comrades in order to later teach thousands of ukrainian. the fact that if a new law on mobilization is adopted, many security forces will be needed to catch those who do not want to die at the front, it is clear, just as it is clear that the european union is doing everything so that hostilities continue as long as possible, so... so that wages are paid, pensions are paid, so that you can win both the war and the peace at the same time, in the meantime, to win
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the peace, as barel put it, ukraine is trying to capture men en masse , suitable for conscription age, here is forced mobilization in the volyn region, local publics write that the father whose son is already at the front is so harshly drafted into the army, that’s right, the situation in ukraine is so tense that in the ivano-frankivsk region residents of one.
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a mantra about further famine of ukrainians who refuse to go to war, designed for young people who know nothing about life in the once prosperous ukrainian ssr. it is clear that the bill adopted today, which introduces strict standards for all persons of military age, only increases dissatisfaction, although when there is more, a revealing reaction to the appearance of military registration and enlistment office employees on the bus, and this happens, we repeat, all over ukraine, shame, god , shame, just shame. the mobilization bill is not easy electronic summonses are introduced, which will not even be served, a message on
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a computer is enough, but the bank accounts of draft dodgers are blocked, they are denied consular services abroad without providing a military id, but how else can those who escaped from the war be returned abroad, footage of the beautiful life of compatriots who managed to escape they irritate some and force them to come up with more and more new ways to cross the border, here is an example of another unsuccessful attempt: i didn’t dare, as they say in ukraine, to turn back before me...
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the irony is that its full name is the territorial center for recruitment and social support. it remains to add that in december last year, zelensky spoke about the request of the military command, about additional replenishment of the armed forces by another 500,000 people, who are being caught in ukraine every day. the picture of the ukrainian crisis for foreign viewers will certainly be enriched very soon when it is friday night in moscow, the world will see vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson. the fact of the conversation was confirmed by the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, calling the position of the american journalist contrasting with traditional anglo-saxon media. karls's on-air fate is indeed difficult. they know about her. not only in russia, there are already more than 83 million views per day, almost thousands per second,
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for just one short announcement of an interview posted on the social network x, formerly twitter. mikhail akinchenko will start with this video. this evening we are in moscow, we are here to record an interview with russian president vladimir putin. kremlin walls and christ cathedral savior, the appearance against this background of perhaps the most famous journalist in america, tucker carlson, caused quite a stir. almost 3 years ago. we did the same thing again, but this time we still came to moscow. elon musk, to his great credit, promised not to put pressure on him not to block this interview after it was posted on the x platform, and we are grateful to him for that. western governments, on the other hand, will likely struggle to censor this video on other less principled platforms. because they are used to doing this, they are afraid of information that they cannot control.
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by the way, they are so afraid that the publication, with reference to members of the european parliament, reported the possible inclusion of tucker carlson in the list banning him from entering eu countries. they haven’t seen the interview in general yet, but they are already condemning it in every possible way. this news caused indignation among elon musk. if this is true, it is truly alarming. you can agree or disagree with tucker, but he is a prominent journalist and such a step is really profound would offend the american public. elon musk himself was not afraid that threats against the journalist could affect him; on the contrary, the billionaire himself actively participated in the promotion of announcements of an interview with the russian president, and posted it on his page. also a huge amount.
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carlson noted that many trade and military alliances are now being redrawn, the consequences are being felt by the entire global economy, and the entire world order, established after the second world war, is changing. the system that ensured the prosperity of the west quickly is falling apart, the american dollar is losing its influence, sanctions are powerless. by the way, the american tv presenter was personally convinced of this. in moscow, he stopped by a former
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mcdonald's, where he appreciated the range and quality of the products. i was not too lazy to go to one of the large grocery supermarkets. according to an eyewitness. i took a lot of photographs of shelves with goods that, according to western propaganda, should not be in russia due to sanctions. and yet the majority of the population of english-speaking countries seems unaware of the changes; they think that nothing really matters. has changed, and they think so because no one tells them the truth, their media is corrupt, they lie to their readers and viewers. these same media that son mentioned are, it should be noted, following the journalist’s trip to moscow with great concern. obviously it's good there.
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republicans donald trump, tucker carlson, he's in moscow for an interview with putin , definitely kind of a celebrity who supports putin. british independent regarding tucker carlson's trip to moscow, suggests following its logic. russian state propaganda actively used carlson to push russia's distorted view of the conflict, which was started under the baseless pretext that ukraine was led by neo-nazis. an outrageous statement, since the president of ukraine... a jew lost relatives during the holocaust, as if one fact in itself cancels the other, the jew zelensky runs a state with nazi ideology, where they carry out real persecution of...
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states - this is not a traditional interview, these are sessions of sycophancy, they are conducted in order to force the united states to agree with zelensky’s demand as deeply as possible. the security council of the organization, according to
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antony guterres, was led to a dead end by geopolitical disagreements, behind the wording, but the severity of real contradictions is hidden; they appeared again just the day before. georgiy alisashvili, witness. moscow classifies the attack on a cafe and bakery in lesichansk as a terrorist attack against civilians .
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i will say more, they feel unconditional support from washington, london and brussels, who do not care about the killing of civilians,
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broken families and crippled lives of people. britain delegated to the meeting not a permanent representative, but a political coordinator, that is, a diplomat of a significantly lower rank. however, hardly due to inexperience, speaking with the usual set of accusations, the representative of london forgot about the role of his country in the conflict. nebende had to again. let me remind you that no amount of disinformation will hide the fact that it was russia that invaded the territory of ukraine for no reason, clearly violating un charter and is waging a war that president putin refuses to end. to my british colleague, i would like to say that it was your former prime minister, boris johnson, who rushed to kiev in april 2022 at a time when the agreement between russia and ukraine was almost ready. it only remained to be finalized; he arrived in kiev and ordered his kiev puppets to continue the war against russia. thus, your former
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prime minister, boris johnson, is an accomplice in the crimes of the kiev regime. similar dialogue took place with the french permanent representative, who for some reason suddenly decided to speak from a position of moral superiority. russia strikes at the civilian infrastructure of ukraine, convening a meeting of the security council, it insults. admitted that the minsk agreements were not intended for implementation, but for respite and rearmament of kiev. french leaders cynically prefer to turn a blind eye to the fact that the weapons they supply are intended to be used by the kiev regime to kill civilians in russian cities. moreover, in paris they even tried justify such atrocities by the right to self-defense, essentially justifying acts of terrorism. in turn, moscow, as nebe assured, is working to ensure that
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those involved. all such attacks were identified and punished. georgy lisashvili, victor averin, ruslan bashko, channel one. let me fill it out, russia is conducting its own investigation into the terrorist attack on the nord streams, especially since in the west today muddied things have been added to this matter. sweden has stopped clarifying the circumstances of the unprecedented sabotage, about which a lot has been written and told. how to understand the decision, the main thing is what next? ivan blagoy understood. it was published on the website of the swedish prosecutor's office today. a scan of the resolution, which dryly states that the investigation into undermining the northern flows has been discontinued. reason: there are no grounds to complete the preliminary investigation. there is no jurisdiction of the kingdom, the swedes came to this conclusion 499 days after the destruction of the northern streams. the suspects have not been identified. anyway, end of story. official representative of the russian midmaria zakharov said sweden's decision to stop the investigation may be due to fear of revealing the truth. and here is how news from
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stockholm is commented on in the kremlin. the decision is remarkable and it is noteworthy that it was stopped in this way, now - it will be necessary to see how germany itself reacts to this, because the country has lost a lot in connection with this terrorist attack, german firms and companies are suffering, losing their competitiveness, losing their profitability without this gas. just today the german magazine der spiegel reported continued decline in industrial production in germany. energy-intensive industries, which previously relied heavily on gases, are the first to suffer.
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has already been received by the german investigative authorities, that’s all, only from the media materials it can be understood that the germans also expect to receive fragments of the corpse that the swedish military managed to raise from the bottom. tomorrow , german chancellor scholz is flying to washington to meet with us president joe biden. at one time , it was biden, in the presence of scholz, who directly stated that the united states would find way and there will be no nord stream 2. february 8 marks exactly one year since pulitzer winner hirsch published his investigation into the nord stream explosions. journalist. continues to assert that the white house and biden personally are behind the terrorist attacks. the charge was placed on the hersch by american military divers under the cover of nato exercises in the baltic, and their partners from norway helped them. the terrorist attacks were carried out in the exclusive economic zones of sweden and denmark, and this is how a journalist assesses the events taking place now. failure to two countries to complete the investigation may be because, as i was told by some senior officials in both countries, they were well aware of what was happening. nord streams were destroyed
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on september 26.
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left data from surveillance cameras to berlin, while in kolobrzyg andrameda’s team was subjected to verification. german journalists found out some details: it was said that our american friends were there with us, which means american agents. what kind of check was it with representatives of a foreign intelligence agencies, whether the americans communicated with the team members in private. what was this crew's mission really? these are all unanswered questions . sweden closed the case. the danish investigation has not yet been officially completed, but the copenhagen police are announcing a
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statement. in the near future. ivan blagov, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, dalia serzhidinova, stanislav opletin, channel one. the swedes do not know who blew up the nord streams, but the head of the international atomic energy agency, rafael. again i didn’t notice who was standing behind the shelling of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the largest in europe, it was repeatedly attacked from the other side of the dnieper. and last summer, ukrainian formations blew up the dam of the kokhovskoe reservoir; in order to avoid a disaster due to insufficient cooling of the nuclear power plant, our specialists drilled new wells. the station is under the control and protection of russia. grosini is visiting the facility for the first time, the condition of which he assessed today in a conversation with my colleague vitaly katchinko.
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our activities would be simple impossible, if i had to give this all a rating, it would be very good. nuclear news from another part of the world: the level of radiation in the water that leaked from the japanese fukushima plant is 14 million times higher than normal. 5.5 tons leaked into the soil. let me remind you that fukushima has been in disrepair since march 2011 after the tsunami. water is poured into the destroyed reactors and contaminated water flows out. it has accumulated over a million. as the water is purified, by decision of the japanese government, it is discharged into the ocean with the consent of agate, but with the dissatisfaction of a number of countries, first all over china. election chronicle in russia. parties that have nominated a candidate for the position of president must publish a program no
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later than march 6. the central election commission reported this today. they also recalled that the program is the most important element of pre-election campaigning. the latest news from dmitry kochitkov. the presidential candidate can communicate with voters, but his confidants, co-chairman of vladimir putin’s headquarters artyom zhogo in the stavropol territory, met with students and visited the regional election headquarters. support our the president is really huge , the most important task is to ensure a large turnout to show that society is really active, society is ready to vote, because many european countries, our partners, claim that we do not have -
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the candidate talked to parents of students in one of the local schools, among other things , the issues of teaching migrant children who do not always speak russian were discussed. admission to school for children and migrants must be based on an interview. interviews, the purpose of which is.
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to separately deal with this building and several others that are right in this area, because the area is good, it is right in the very center of the city, the city of khabarovsk, but the problem needs to be solved systematically, i will raise this issue at the highest level throughout the year, and this is part according to my program, voting in the presidential elections will be possible from abroad in russian embassies, as the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova said, at foreign polling stations the likelihood of provocations increases many times over. unfortunately, until now it's not all yet. partners in european and american countries responded to our requests, they were issued in the form of notes with a request to ensure security here on election day at polling stations, we will do everything possible to ensure normal,
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normal free will statements of our citizens abroad. diplomats are waiting for a response from the authorities of western countries, but for now they are carefully checking voter lists. 269 ​​sites have already been created abroad. 2 to 94%, judging by exit polls from polling stations. at the nearest six rivals approximately 2%. the final turnout according to the central election commission of the republic is almost 77%. report by anatoly lazarev. the polling stations hadn't even opened yet, and people were already standing outside the doors. azerbaijan traditionally has a high turnout. in the last three presidential elections in a row , it was more than 70%. i'm already 70. i participated in all elections.
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to daughters arzu and leila. when they approached the table to receive their ballots, voters were already there, a line had formed, and the head of state was waiting patiently at the end of it. the president of azerbaijan voting in karabakh is a clear sign of the beginning of a new page in the history of the country. after the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, our president, one of the candidates in the current elections, set a new strategic course. we will vote. in order to enter a new stage of development
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of their country. for the first time in the history of modern azerbaijan, voting is taking place throughout the entire country; for us this is a source of pride and an important symbol. there are seven candidates for the post of head of state on the ballot. five candidates from political parties, including the current president ilham aliyev, and two self-propelled candidates. these elections are very important for the country, and therefore for me. we choose the head of state, choose the course we will take next. i support.
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the counting continues, but the overall picture is obvious: spontaneous festivities immediately began on the streets of baku and many other cities, people with flags are dancing, hugging, cars are honking incessantly, so they only rejoice at big and common victories. anatoly lazarev, alexander isaev, mikhail kunitsin, anastasy slabodenyuk, sergey prokofiev, first channel
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azerbaijan. the strongest north atlantic cyclone olga covered almost all of central russia today. in the capital region. poor visibility on the roads caused the snowdrift to grow by about 10 cm. drifts resulted in several serious accidents. almost 30 cars collided on the m4 highway near stupino. one person died and several were injured. the traffic jam in both directions stretched for several kilometers. major accidents with casualties in yaroslavka. more than twenty cars collided not far from pushkin. by according to weather forecasters, it will snow intermittently until the middle of the night. breakthrough ideas that form the basis of scientific discoveries, the winners of the 2023 presidential science and innovation award for young scientists have been announced. artificial intelligence, viruses against insect pests and methods of searching for minerals. any filippova found out what developments have already begun to be implemented. the human brain is the most powerful
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computer in the world, the principle of its operation is repeated by this neural network. essentially endless code from letters and numbers, it was created by nizhny novgorod. scientists to understand, if you assemble a supercomputer comparable to our brain, you will get a machine the size of a twenty-story building, and it will consume 15 gigawatts of electricity, which is comparable to the power of several large hydroelectric power plants, while our brain consumes 10-20 watts, like a light bulb. that is why scientists from all over the world are struggling to create neuromorphic, that is, brain-like artificial intelligence. susana gardleyeva was nominated for an award for her discovery.
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security smart cameras, application of such artificial intelligence can be found everywhere, with neuromorphic processors it will be possible to create equipment that will not blindly execute pre-programmed algorithms, but act on its own, analyzing the situation around it. how will this work? we can dream up. well, for example, a smart home assistant will not only prepare dinner for you, but will also analyze what foods are in the refrigerator and at what time of the day, what is preferable to eat? or based on? online stores, focusing on your sizes, taste preferences, and will also take into account your wardrobe will select clothes according to weather conditions. the team of the lovachevsky university of nizhny novgorod is working together with the national center for physics and mathematics, which appeared recently and united the scientific community of the entire country. presidential prize of 5 million rubles.
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scientists no older than 35 years old receive , there are more and more candidates every year, about 230 works were selected in this year, all ... sheets are recognized both in russia and abroad, in general, each of them did a unique work, the number of works on medicine, that it’s nice that there was no work on agriculture for a very long time, but in recent years such work has appeared, this is what forest plantations look like after the invasion of the gypsy moth, and not only deciduous trees have switched to coniferous trees, every year this insect pest moves 40 km per .. ..
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formulas, there is even a place for romance, very complex chemistry, it’s interesting, well, much like he says to look for a treasure behind endless chemicals, treasures, where they are hidden, it’s intriguing. tomorrow , the president will personally congratulate the young scientists at the award ceremony. lyubov filipova, nikita alekseev, zulfiya khakimova, ekaterina koryaka. 17 days that shocked the world, today is exactly 10 years since the opening of the winter olympics in sochi. vladimir putin noted in his congratulations: “the games have become real.”
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and today you and i will participate here in an amazing ceremony, laying down messages to our descendants, who will also set new records here in this sports cluster. the first object, i am very glad, is that it will be a figure skating and hockey academy. hot, winter, yours in this the slogan is living energy, concentration, strength, joy and pride for the country. our great
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history is time forward, a soaring steam locomotive, the olympic rings, even they began to play in a new, exciting way, but what emotions, all this was at the fisht stadium at the opening ceremony of the games. and fire, a symbol of sporting unity. russia has once again proven the strength of its traditions and spirit. spirit, win. let's live these emotions again, 10 years somehow flew by so quickly and unnoticed, i was the happiest person in the world, i enjoyed the opening because it was amazing, fireworks, yes, how it all happened added even more positive things. we wanted to remind the world what russia is today. it was a triumph for us,
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our country, our sport, our culture. for 10 years, like one day, like yesterday, we all looked forward to russia’s grandiose sincere declaration of love, it exceeded all our expectations, along with us the delight of tears.
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i told my whole group: don’t be afraid, nothing else will break. the lord loves russia. and he helped us. an inexhaustible
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sense of humor also helped, and this was noted all over the world. the russians outplayed everyone this time too, which was worth one t-shirt - konstantin ernst, with an unopened ring. everyone was immediately captivated by this self-irony, but the most witty move was prepared for the closing ceremony. i came out specifically to listen. fisht's spectators rejoiced every time the space between earth and sky was filled as if by magic. unique suspension
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system, revolutionary technology, this has never been done before. especially when the flashlights came on, that is , you don’t see faces, but you see a presence the energy at that time, of course, was powerful, these people were powered by light. i was struck by three more talismans, i look at them, i think how they are controlled, and i caught myself several times thinking that these are not toys, these are living animals. her dream is to enter the stadium as part of the russian national team.


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