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tv   Velikaya  1TV  February 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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and this, and the money must be directed to some other goals, but if we want russia to be russia, to develop, to have a future, to stand firmly on its own two feet, of course, of course, we must support fundamental science, without which there is no future for applied science, and applied research, and we will definitely do this, happy holiday, congratulations on the third anniversary of the academy of sciences. anastasia kobuzeva, artyom tikhonov. support for scientists was discussed today at a government meeting, as mikhail mishustin said, the cabinet of ministers will continue create conditions for breakthrough solutions. special attention to talented youth. however, the range of issues discussed was much wider. anna kurbatova with details. just recently we talked about achieving technological sovereignty. now, thanks to our scientists, we are talking about it more and more often. strengthening, despite unprecedented
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external pressure, russia step by step continues to confirm its status as a world scientific power; impressive results and ambitious plans were discussed today at a government meeting. in the coming years we we have to intensively increase the creation of our own critical developments in industry, in the information technology sector, in agriculture, in medicine, and for this we have a big foundation, strong schools, now here... these are unique scientific developments in heavy-duty equipment in dubna, moscow region, for example , the russian niko collider should be launched this year. here, scientists will be able to recreate the conditions that existed in our universe just 10 microseconds after the big bang. and near st. petersburg in gadchin it is already working the world's most powerful flux-generating peak reactor. for example, in the aviation industry,
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thanks to neutron research, scientists have proven that part of the joint in the fuselage of an aircraft, previously made with rivets, can be replaced with a weld. according to the scientific community, there are no analogues of the peak installation in the world, and these are just some of our global achievements. today , the competitiveness of our companies and economic sectors as a whole directly depends on the level of our technological development. it’s also very important science in russia is getting younger , world-class campuses are being created at universities, these are like student towns, in soviet times only adjusted for today’s times, all research sites are equipped with the latest equipment, advanced engineering schools are opening, which already have something to be proud of, this is the future of the whole agricultural industries. students together with experienced mentors came up with a talk about a domestic breakthrough in breeding at tomsk state university.
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the amount of assistance is 10,000 rubles monthly. previously , such help could only be counted on stay-at-home moms and dads. well, today we spoke separately about additional support for our four new regions, where they continue to restore the destroyed infrastructure. 5 billion rubles we will direct it to improve the situation in the housing and communal services sector, including supplying citizens with water and heat. as reported in the cabinet of ministers, financial.
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agricultural producers in donbass, kherson region and zaporozhye will also receive support. anna kurbatova, sergey shatila, channel one. from the kostroma region to the special operation zone. the next batch of equipment needed for advanced equipment has been sent , the keys to pickups, atvs, trailers were handed over to the military by the secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak: today 30 pieces of equipment are being sent , these are pickups, these are atvs, these are trailers, this is not the first shipment, in this regard i wanted i would like to say words of sincere gratitude from all of us to the fund: we are proud of you, i want to say that in the kostroma region assistance to the front has been provided since the first days of the start of the special... operation and the kostroma regional branch of the united russia party this is no exception, hundreds of tons of humanitarian cargo were sent to our newly unified regions during this time, assistance was provided to civilians, also, together with the minister of health mikhail murashko,
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andrei turchak visited wounded soldiers, a rehabilitation department recently appeared in the kostrod hospital for war veterans, the most modern equipment. and in the leningrad region, a unique multidisciplinary medical complex beloostrov opened, on an area of ​​30 hectares, a real city of high technologies, innovations and advanced treatment protocols, many of which are ours, russian, and available through insurance. yulia anishchenko was convinced at the opening that medicine there is simply space. in the newest operating room, everything is as if by notes, the surgeon conducts it, reality, what else, augmented. everything happens with the help of vr technologies, each patient has his own anatomical features and... examination, for example, as a result of a computed tomography scan, we download this image and transfer it here to the operating room, and as a result of some additional methods
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the surgeon during the operation can request this image, then it will be augmented reality, from the outside the newest center is more like a spaceship, inside there is ultra-modern equipment,
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on medicine, on humans, not only modern operating rooms, here there are also diagnostics at the highest level, mri, ct machines the latest generation, as well as extensive laboratory tests, any analysis in a matter of minutes thanks to the pneumatic mail, this is a special delivery system for biological samples that penetrates all departments of the clinic, and this reduces the time for making decisions to save the patient’s life. well, you see the size of this building, it is undoubtedly impressive, but without a person, without a soul, it... does not work, it seemed to us extremely important to assemble a team of doctors, ensuring not only the quality, but also the continuity of medical care, provided here and department of medical rehabilitation, robotic technologies, they are
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already presented on the intensive care bed, there is a load on the lower limbs, on the upper shoulder girdle, the device also allows you to start training walking, in fact... the technology , the faster you use it, the more chances the patient has to get back on his feet, emergency patients will be examined without delay according to the traffic light principle, the heaviest will be sent to the red zone, where there is a small operating room and the device, with bruises and fractures, for example, in the yellow or green zone. to build such a medical center in modern conditions is akin to a feat, here is an emergency room, an emergency department, where there are operating rooms, then there is if a person comes. who urgently needs an operation, he will not lose a minute, they will save him here. there is only one task: preserving the health of the residents of the leningrad region, st. petersburg itself and the entire north-west. special attention to cancer patients. individual approach to everyone, comfortable conditions for outpatient and inpatient treatment. safe radiotherapy using
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the latest linear accelerator. a special beam of waves hits cancer cells without damaging healthy ones. in total, the center has dozens of specialties, including pediatrics and high technological assistance free of charge at the pole. residents of not only the leningrad region, but also other regions of russia will be able to receive ms. yulia anishchenko, natalya labanova, fedor yurasov, channel one. that's all, but straightforward. now is the era of catherine, a time of great achievements, a great, golden age.
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petition, petition, petition. but if it weren’t for this breakthrough of petitions, i wouldn’t even know
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what’s going on in russia, your majesty, annushka. well, what's going on in the palace? there's so much in the palace that i don't even know where to start, with the heir start. pavel petrovich is becoming more and more interested in fencing, and wants to challenge grigory grigorievich to a duel. and what about count orlov himself? on the third day i organized a competition among the guards. officers, whoever doesn’t hit the crow on the cross, but promised the
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winner a golden snuffbox, don’t be afraid , he got it himself, won the snuffbox for himself, and then got drunk in joy, how do you know , krishkina skoda’s wisdom is not great in figuring out what’s next, count, i tried to put the palace office in order. like hercules of augiva's stable. for this purpose, i myself am nikita ivanovich blessed. it is necessary to establish procedures for the production and circulation of papers. we will send the will to the secretarial office. which secretariat? there are two flights of stairs up here. sorry, mr. sub-lieutenant, but this is the order now. no paper, i'm from europe with an important message, what's going on here? poporochek
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potemkin, if i’m not mistaken, on the personal order of the empress, a reform was carried out to streamline the work of the imperial chancellery of the secretariat, if you please, follow it, if you please, skip it. what else? the count is in pain, they say his chest pain has gotten worse, fever began. did he have any lake doctors? there were, ekaterina alekseevna, they say, not a brute. your majesty, you have a letter from second lieutenant potemkin.
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well, congratulations, the polish throne is ours, order to prepare a ceremonial reception. gentlemen, i want to drink to the new ally of russia on the western borders of the polish king stanislav august panitovsky.
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well, gentlemen, we have achieved our goal, despite this. to the fact that the swedes, and the germans, and the austrians, and even the british tried to interfere with us, and these, where, where are they, where is poland, they definitely need their nose everywhere i'm afraid that soon the english nose will stick out of every keyhole, just like the guns of the english frigates. bestuzhev was not mistaken about you, grigorsan. i can really rely on you, my merit here is small, ekaterina alekseevna, most of the matter was decided by this, you did a great job, don’t let the modesty of the gift
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bother you, it means much more than formal gratitude for a fulfilled request. grigory alexandrovich, it turns out you’re a hero, come on, modesty adorns only chaste girls, worthy of a young man officer, i think. however, the main merit here is not his, whose merit do you see in this, mikhailovich, i believed that the key role in this game was played by your previous close relationship with pan poniatowski, this is what your majesty says at court about your
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relationship. forgive me if i allowed myself to be insolent, this is not true. the truth is, mr. chancellor, that grigory alexandrovich showed diplomatic talent, the court should talk about this. nikita ivanovich, will you partner with me? i consider it an honor for catherine.
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greshenko, how was ekaterina alekseevna asking about me, her majesty is fine. got up at dawn, as usual, ordered her to make stronger coffee and went to the library, asked not to disturb her until lunch, but wait, wait, give her this, and this, say that it’s a symbol, say that i’m waiting for her ,
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got it, got it. is this a symbol, a symbol, is he now beckoning himself as a serpentine tempter? take it, anna, wait and order that they bring me more coffee, but let it be made stronger, this
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will only make me sleepy, okay, your majesty. we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterno music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task, to take the public out of a state of comfort, this is not comfort, what we are looking for is how... can it be comfortable when you always want to create new and new, new and new, in general mortier is not the one who created brilliant performances, what he
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did, he opened these boundaries, gerard marchier, a legendary figure, i think who played a huge role in your professional life, 15 minutes i talked to him, he wrote text messages, maybe he played pac-man, so you understand what? you're a fashionable conductor - what to do so that they understand everything, they feel that they are smart, i'm in the hall for some wonderful concert and my phone rings, i don't know how to turn it off, it's like a nightmare, some kind of spanish shame, podcast lab is on first tomorrow, some say that the architecture of shanghai will not surprise you, just wait. in the evening and you will think that you are in the city of the future, who is in charge in the chinese family, many of us are raised by powerful women,
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so we end up finding a copy of our mother who controls us, how young people in china have fun, we can go to the movies, stand-up comedy, or we can just stay at home, cook food, watch a movie, it’s a pity, my girlfriend doesn’t loves video games, so he doesn’t allow me to play them, i said everything correctly, my love, junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich,
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what’s his name? doomed, is this a robber in chechen? hello, abrek, i want you to bring the doomed to battle. where did you get it from? instead they gave it away for a long time. i won't participate in this. they say your wife is sick. where can you get the money, rita, what do you think, i’m a good person, why are you asking, something happened, i love you, and i love you, come back, abrek, the premiere is on sunday at...
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can i give you something? i don’t need any gifts, it’s a sin, as long as you’re by my side. yes, i’m not
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talking about you, i’m talking to ekaterina alekseevna, that she loves, if you love me even a little, but don’t tell her, listen, well, where is love and where is politics, you need to understand, honey. you are the maid of honor, you should know that ekaterina alekseevna loves, but what? coffee in the morning, french books and stones, stones, semi-precious stones, she plays cards on them with naryshkin and the austrian envoy.
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exactly, exactly, stones, i love you, i would love you, i wouldn’t leave. do you want fruit juice, thank your highness, tell me, i can trust you, i have never betrayed anyone, and you know how to keep secrets,
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i think so. “i hate him, whom orlova, and my mother, i hate him too, they killed my father, it’s not true, it’s true, that’s what evil tongues say, our empress is not a murderer, and how are you you can believe this, she’s your mother, okay, she’s a mother, but her eagles are nobody to me. do you know who this is? soldier, this is the standard bearer of my father's army, and he was left alone. ah... where
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is everyone else, the whole daddy's army was stolen by the eagles, you know that you and i will liberate daddy 's army, your testimony, chin, a little higher, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and the pen, the pen, here , this one is more free, yes, this is your majesty. poses, i want
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to show the resemblance to the roman caesar, like this, no, like this, go to hell, my neck is about to boil, it’s already three o’clock i’m sticking out where you are, your excellency, where i am, there, to the potty, and you go, he has already poured out a whole decanter of wine, your excellency, well, that ’s not possible, your excellency. leave me alone and don’t follow me, i’ll figure it out myself, where is my hand, and where, where is what? your excellency, well, this is a process!
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what, he’s looking, i don’t like it when under... thief, you’re still here, i told you, cut yourself off. mister general yutan, grigory grigorievich, in order to complete the portrait by the deadline appointed by the empress, we need to meet every day, for at least 3 hours, which is a no-brainer.
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grigory grigoryevich, you need to immediately report to the empress, vandals, they must be punished, executed, this is a crime, well, what a crime is this, mr. artist, this is just childish pranks, who will execute for this, well, now, and now you take a new canvas you will start all over again and report to no one. you won’t, but for this i will be at your disposal not for three but for 5 hours, but not only today, all week, but prohar, bring
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the wine, yesterday, when i was re-reading the work of mr. plutarch, i paid attention to then how decisive...
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in english, the parliament will rule, and it will be headed by a person whose intelligence and knowledge are not in doubt among his contemporaries. who? what a cunning intrigue, vous savez, vous êtes une des femmes. truly one of the most educated women. the plan is good, it remains to be seen when soon. when i appeared, there were a lot for a lot against. i really wanted to dance
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anegin, they did everything on purpose so that i wouldn’t do it. he was assigned to dance not the prince in lubedinoe lake, but the evil genius, who managed to do so unfold yours... you’re worth it, they wanted to get a bow from me, they can kill me, well, it’s unlikely they ’ll succeed, for nikolai tsyskaridze’s anniversary on saturday on the first. my train always goes forward towards
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happiness towards the light. hello lyuba, i'm back. and kenti and maktunovskaya said that his genius was on the verge of madness, to be or not to be? that is the question. the famous hamlet in life was a principled, intractable person and had a complex character. i turned the whole theater against me, everything. he wanted less attention, less of this glory, he didn’t need it, he probably had to somehow abstract himself from it , anyway, he couldn’t play like his dad. who did the famous surname help, and who? ruined. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on
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saturday on the first. there is a self-portrait of the artist of this station. this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself. for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar where everything was laid out on the floor, the mass of students. there is something very rustic and childish about it, he was like a river, a happy,
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sparkling river, and they have great sensations in us they get there by accident, let’s not pass by so that i can stay, ivan lubennikov, life goes on, premiere on saturday on the first. your majesty, yes, the field marshal , count bestuzhev, has come, he has recovered, no, your majesty is sick, but an audience awaits , come on, ask, of course, ask, alexey petrovich, how glad i am to see you, what a fine fellow you are, what a well done to you, but why did you get up,
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go home to bed to rest, and we will call the servants, listen, listen, sovereign, in the end, i want to serve your majesty and the power, for i believe that it was not in vain that everything was in the good hands of russia, that the lady is alive, call people, don’t need people, wait, listen, “the dog who barks is not the one who is faithful, the one who
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bites thieves. alexey petrovich, god of god , i ask you, sit down, the masons need a leader in russia who can be manipulated, for this sake they will release this shlisselburg prisoner, you suspect someone, a conspiracy, i’m afraid. god bless you, alexey petrovich, help, help, alexey petrovich, alexey petrovich, i, i, i suffered for just an hour, alexey petrovichna, how can this be, well...
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well, ufa, modern medical science is unable to help his excellency, that is, i used all possible methods to... cleanse the count’s body of the disease, they became laxatives, emetics and released the excess blood, but nothing helped, just like it didn’t help. perhaps his time has simply come. the lord is merciful. we are all just guests on this earth. medicine started playing bagpipes, ditches,
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they will infect a person. their bushes. we wondered what your lordship would like, vodka, vodka, i blinked, but this one got it wrong, he’ll die, he’ll die,
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“neither the menshikovs, nor the repnyans, nor the bruces , in a straight line, let ’s change it, he was a mighty man, god rest the soul of your servant, petrovich, bull, bull, bull, bull, rests against the horns and presses, presses, presses, until through and through he’ll screw it up, he’s always having betrayals , then conspiracies, okay, about the dead, it’s either good
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or nothing, god, forgive me, a sinner, apparently alexey petrovich lost his mind at the end of his life, he always imagined himself as a mason, but what does that mean? well, why? sneak up? i didn’t sneak up, you were just very keen on drawing, we didn’t notice how i came in, well, next time you come in louder, so what the hell is this? “this is not a figure , an all-seeing eye, a sign, a symbol of great power, a great architect, who is this architect, god? i myself still don’t really know, the count promised to tell me everything tomorrow, i am in danger, what
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danger, no.” i can’t to tell you this, it’s a state secret. well, if you can’t talk, don’t talk, no, i’ll tell you, you can, just swear by the gray eye of the great architect, i swear, in shisselburg, in kazimat, there is one person imprisoned, he’s sitting there emperor of russia, john. where is your mommy? i am the emperor, i command you, how is his health, the physical condition of this
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famous prisoner. sleep child.
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let's go for air karl-franz, okay, for mom, for mom. “call me, call me, well , what do i look like, lord, in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down, i ’m glad to see you, i didn’t look like an artist, of course, now i’m very similar, the company services, payment through the company , stood out." artist, i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i’ll say, i’m in a bad mood i’m in a good mood, i’m already starting to cheer myself up, for
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irina muravyova’s anniversary, i bought a hood, put on a cuckoo hood, like a hood with a flap, carnival, that’s the kind of girl i am, on saturday. at the first for the anniversary of nikolai eremenko, lotus reports, a client with a load of opium is heading to vladivostok, the first soviet militant, a man overboard, on the left on the course 30, full back, record holder for the number of spectators. well done, baby. what are we going to do, ivan ilyevich, fight. a real
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blockbuster. the forwarder is in our hands. russian captain. you talk as if you have choice. there is always a choice. for example, to die with honor, and at the same time end your life. pirates of the 20th century. on sunday. on the first. what i want to tell you about is that from what i experienced, it deserves attention, among the many joys, pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness, in the tiny village of mala, i lived with the blacksmith, i help him in the forge to forge horseshoes, i held hot pincers in my hands... i finished off the iron, and he hit it with his ringing hammer. i ask myself, who am i? what force brought me out
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my moscow apartment, forced me to cross my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities, through wars, through conspiracies, through revolutions, threw me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures that moved me, who i was, who i became. khanov's confession from the prime minister from february 12 on the first, where does this door lead? in the most important room in the palace, if you please.
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the design is simple, sound-amplifying voices are laid in the walls, their ends are connected to copper tubes called ambishurs, thus one person, not being present anywhere, he can know everything that is happening in the palace, if you please.
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what an abomination. and that the whole palace is like this, the whole, that’s all, even the people’s kitchens, and the sovereigns know, for mercy’s sake, as much as possible, the late alexey petrovich used to say that the monarchs never stopped being distracted by such insignificant trifles, good trifles, walls with ears, how many trouble? it was possible to forestall the russian state thanks to this room, but why did you call me here? alexey petrovich, you personally were bequeathed a secret, the paper is available, 3 days before his death, it was written if you please key to a special room, hand over
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potemkin's vice with proper oral explanations, signature. and a personal seal, you are inviting me to eavesdrop, i am a nobleman, and so am i, but for the good of the state and the honor of the nobility one can sacrifice, count bestuzhev was also not found in a mushroom pit, but he used a special room more than once. gentlemen, as master of the south star lodge and keeper of the keys and rings, i ask you to take seriously what i am about to tell you, i remind you that you have all undergone the rite of initiation, at one time you took an oath
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loyalty to our brotherhood. the time has come, gentlemen. everything must be done secretly and quickly. second lieutenant mirovich, second lieutenant kraevsky, you serve in the fortress and can easily get inside. you must free emperor john. we will do everything, master. just enter the time. tomorrow night, the remaining armed brothers will seize the senate and the guard barracks. bless the abbot. anyway, charge it. volley. and yet the danger is great. i
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would recommend guards at the house of princess dashkova, and that unnecessary gossip, gossip, slander, at least about strengthening the security schlifelburg fortress, you can give orders, bring me some vodka, what am i not going to the government with, where is the evidence, the testimony of the conspirators, where are the documents, how is it, what am i with... just now, you will, no, to hell with you, you need to rest are you
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tired after poland? there’s no point in waiting for the morning, maybe then we’ll get ready to meet them, learn patience, gentlemen, as soon as the emperor arrives, give a sign, i’ll open the door and let you in, what do you think, breed, our service in this
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post has a temporary limit, but ? ha, that's the limitation is related to the prisoner's lifespan, captain. yes, i think we will sit here for at least 15 years. eat.
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brothers, do you know that in the lower tier chamber is our true all-russian emperor ioan antonovich, on the throne of a usurper impostor. rootless, i invite everyone who is loyal to the russian throne to follow me and free tsar ioan, in st. petersburg, those loyal to the throne are already waiting for us, officers and soldiers from the regiments, ready to swear
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allegiance to the emperor, this is treason, gentlemen, this is treason, take them, you heard, no, i obeyed, your move, captain, follow me, unlock the cell, little guy, little guy, hurry up, who are you, i didn’t call you, go away, little guy, shoot! jumps, jumps onto the fence , sits on it all day, shoot these guys, wait, like god, you can’t do that, gentlemen, this is ridiculous, i’m your emperor,
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lieutenant, shoot, damn it, i can’t, he’s not crazy , help, help, that's it. sleep, vanyusha, fall asleep, caresses, strong, because i, lord! what have you done? fulfilled the order. name the great russian commander who did not lose a single game.


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