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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 9, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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the real sryatinsky boulevard is blooming with the station - this is essentially a monument to all the monuments that are located on the boulevard ring. this is not an easel thing that can be hidden in the workshop, but still , a work of art imposes a huge responsibility on the author, because it would be a work, in any case , a work of permanent presentation. the responsibility there increases a thousand times. in the film we will see his stained glass for the parisian metro and the work that...
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a single ukrainian, a country artificially stitched together, that there is no such thing as a ukrainian, putin talked about this a lot, populated by both russian people and anti-russians, it just so happened, that is, there is only a formal one.
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now they’ll just think about how to turn it the other way, we’re not refusing, yes, well , it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, so this is the endless mobilization in ukraine, the hysteria there, internal problems.
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there is a clash of battles, a concrete example, just a second, a concrete example, uh, ukrainian, ukrainian soldiers got surrounded, that's for sure. everyone thinks that in the west they think that the fighting has forever taken away one part of the russian people, the other, no, reunification will happen, it won’t be done anywhere, why are the ukrainian authorities taking away
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the russian orthodox church, because it unites not territory, but soul . and no one will be able to divide it, since carlson asked vladimir putin about who will be able to make a decision on negotiations, negotiations on this crisis in ukraine from the kiev side, a good question, interesting, that’s what he answered our president: do you think that zelensky has the freedom to negotiate a resolution to this conflict? i don't know. of course, it’s difficult for me to judge the details, but i think that there is, at least it was, my father already fought against the nazis during the second world war, i once talked to him about this, i said, volodya, what are you doing , why do you support neo-nazis in ukraine today, when your father fought against fascism,
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he is a front-line soldier, i won’t say what he answered, this is a separate issue, i think this is incorrect, but, but as for freedom of choice in... why not, he came to power on the expectations of the ukrainian population that he would lead ukraine to peace, he talked about this, due to this he won the election with a huge advantage , well, then kolasti came, in my opinion, i realized two things: firstly, it’s better not to quarrel with neo-nazi nationalists, because they are aggressive, very active, you can expect anything from them , and secondly...
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europe and practically the rest of the world, why not, he can, we were negotiating with ukraine in istanbul, they agreed, he knew about it, moreover, the head of the negotiating group, mr. arakhamia, in my opinion, is his last name, he still heads the faction, the ruling party,
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the ruling party, the party of the president in the rada, he he still heads the presidential faction in the rada in the country’s parliament. he is still sitting there, he even put his preliminary signature on this document that i am telling you about, but then he publicly announced to the whole world: we were ready to sign this document, but mr. johnson arrived, then the british prime minister dissuaded us from this, said that it was better to fight with russia, they will give us everything so that we can return what we have lost, during the battle of the clash with russia, and we said, he agreed with...
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well, well, let him change his decree and enter into negotiations, we never refused, but that they submitted to the demands or persuasion of the former prime minister of great britain, mr. johnson. well , it seems to me that this is very absurd, well, how can i say, sad, because, as i said mr. arakhami, a year and a half ago we could have stopped these hostilities, stopped this war, but the british persuaded us and we refused this, where is mr. johnson now, the war continues? there was an illusion that russia could be defeated
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; for some reason, everyone on the battlefield had a common attitude, from arrogance, and from a small mind, from a pure heart, but not from a great mind. well, now you know how to answer the question, where is johnson? this time, the second time, i thought, of course, for an interview. he considers himself the head of state, in this time the white house, well, not even at this time , it’s even more interesting here, the day before the white house was called by the american, that is, there was no interview yet, but the white house already knew everything, called on the americans not to believe anything that vladimir putin says in an interview with tucker carlson. that's what john
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kirby, coordinator of strategic communications at the us national security council, said. let's listen to him. i'm asking not just about congress, but about the american people, many of whom watch tucker carlson's show and are already inclined to be skeptical about american support for ukraine. could putin's direct speech undermine this mood further? the american people understand what ukraine is fighting for. and all they ask for is our help. soldier, i don’t think that the americans will be convinced by one single interview, i think that anyone who watches this interview, again i didn’t see what it says, should be convinced of this. here’s alexandrevich, a question for you, one of the main, it seems to me, key messages of this interview is that russia, unlike the way they paint it there in the west , they try to imagine that it is not just ready for negotiations, it demands peace, wants to achieve it, and so on, but judging by these...
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this is a defeat for the west, well, it’s not the clearest prospect and joyful, that’s why i’ve been talking about this for a year now, and glimpses of this are starting to appear, they should be for themselves, not us and putin. helps, they must formulate for themselves an acceptable image of defeat, which will not be catastrophic, well, at least for voters, they are doing this, but very slowly, and vladimir for the first time, by the way, vladimirovich said, in this interview, not everyone paid attention, he said that you need to save face, your problems, and before that the most striking episode was 80808 in september there was also a big interview, this is our main information weapons vladimir vladimirovich, on the contrary, putin
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helped save face for the west when it got into yet another adventure, and today he says: herself, herself, herself, yeah, that ’s it, that is, he doesn’t make this task easier for them, but he’s talking, this , it’s kind of like that a double blow, yes, he is talking here mainly not with the elites, with people, with people, this is interesting, yes, he is talking with people and people, well... who, who, so to speak, who will hear, who will want to hear , yes, they will need to do something, which means, with the narrative on the one hand, with their own, so to speak, they want war, russian, a terrible aggressor and so on, here is your answer, direct, immediate, without any interpretation president of russia, who ask and demand peace, negotiations, by the way, on this topic, another fragment of this interview, the president spoke in great detail about how many times we made it clear to the west that... we are ready for rapprochement and how many times the west not only pushed us away, but also, so
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to speak, deceived us, let's listen, yes, but you won’t talk to the ukrainian president, you will talk to the american president, when was the last time you talked to joe biden, well, i don’t remember when i talked to him, i don’t remember, you can look there, you don’t remember , no, what do i owe everything remember, i have a lot of things to do. we have an internal political one, yes, but he is financing the war that you are waging, well, yes, he is financing, but when i talked to him, it was before... the start of a special military operation, but of course, and by the way, i told him then, i won’t go into detail, i never do this, but i told him then, i believe that you are making a huge mistake of historical proportions by supporting everything that is happening there in ukraine and pushing away russia, i told him, i said it repeatedly, by the way, here i think it would be correct,
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i’ll leave it at that, but what did he say, can you see him, please? please ask him, it’s easy for you, you are a citizen of the united states, go and ask, it’s inappropriate for me to comment on our conversations, but since then you haven’t talked to him after february of twenty-two, no, we haven’t talked, but we have certain contacts are different, by the way, remember, i told you about my proposal to work together in the missile defense system, clearly, yes, that’s possible ask everyone, they are all, thank god , alive and well, and - that means the former president, candalisa is alive and well, in my opinion, mr. gates, and today, today’s director of central intelligence, intelligence management, mr. burns, he was then ambassador to russia,
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well, in my opinion, he was a very successful ambassador, they are all witnesses to these conversations, ask them. the same thing here, if you are interested in what mr. biden answered me, then president biden, well, ask him. i understand this perfectly, but from the outside, for the outside it may seem to an observer that all this could lead to a situation where the whole world would be on the brink of war, perhaps even nuclear strikes. inflicted, why don’t you call biden, say, let ’s somehow solve this issue, let’s solve this issue, but why solve it, everything is very, everything is very simple, uh, we, i repeat, have contacts through various departments there, and uh, i’ll tell you what we say on this matter, and what we convey to the us leadership, if you really want
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to stop hostilities, you need stop arms supplies, everything will end there within a few weeks.
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of course , it’s quite difficult for the american administration to predict the actions for which you are fighting, but nevertheless, let’s try, i think that biden and his administration are at a dead end, so they understand that either they
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will tolerate defeat in ukraine, or they admit defeat in ukraine in one form or another. fear for their safety, he says: we were ready now we are ready to build a system security, you push your power, the entrance in this case is behind them, for example. for europeans it will not be a very clear story with the threat of nato expansion, they say, well, human life is most important, but for americans it is clear that when cuba , an independent state, asked its
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allied soviet union for missiles, america was ready not only to sacrifice lives there , overthrow civilization, and listen , it seems to me that the right calculation is to ask your leadership a question, how can this happen, wait a minute, wait, you said so, that they are threats, but we are the threats, we did not want dialogue. look, another fragment, it’s just very cool , very interesting, a few days ago such a small preamble became known, that sweden stopped the investigation into the explosions on the nord streams, so with what wording, that is, the famous swedish, that means investigations, but he says, we just didn’t find out, didn’t understand who it was, we were forced to stop, well, they couldn’t, well, okay, in the interview, not quite like that, they said that the swedes are not the swedes are not involved, so we are leaving. he says, there were no swedes there, so excuse me, well, to investigate, it means that carlson touched on this topic, raised it in an interview, and
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let’s listen to his question and putin’s answer, and the reaction of kars in general is good , the piece is very, very good, please, who blew up the northern stream, you, of course, i was busy here.
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the whole history, and moreover, the largest emission of co2 into the atmosphere, but taking into account the fact that you have evidence from your intelligence services, why don’t you provide such evidence and win this propaganda war, in the propaganda war it is very difficult to defeat the united states, because the united states controls all the world's media, many europeans are the ultimate beneficiary of the largest european media.
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here is the question: you worked in germany, this is well known, and the germans clearly understand that their nato partners did this, of course, this dealt a blow to the german economy, why then are the germans silent, this confuses me , why the germans didn't say anything on this issue? well that's me too it surprises me, it also surprises me, but today’s german leadership is not guided by national interests. but is guided by the interests of the collective west, otherwise it is difficult to explain the logic of their actions or inaction, because the matter is not only about nord
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stream 2, which blew up one in the nord stream, which was blown up, nord stream 2 was damaged, but one pipe is alive, healthy, along it you can supply gas to europe, but germany does not open it, we are ready, please, there is another route through the... to which the germans supply weapons and money they say that the second sponsor after the united states in terms of financial assistance to ukraine is germany.
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they took two gas routes through the territory of ukraine. let us pass gas from russia, we buy liquefied gas in europe at three times the price, this drops the level of competitiveness of our economy as a whole to zero, you want us to give you money , it’s normal for us to exist, to earn money for our economy, we’ll give you money do we give from there? no, they don't do that, why? ask them what’s here, what’s in their head, they have the same thing, there, then, you know, people are very incompetent, absolutely , incompetent, here, there are also very revealing, so to speak, questions, amazement of tucker caralson, he says, well, i don’t understand, but they still understand, they still know who i did it, i don’t understand the germans, so how
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? it seems to him that everyone else lives the same way, but this is absolutely not the case, in fact , in my opinion, this is the answer to the question about germany, this is the answer to the question about the usa, which can be made in general from all this globally big two-hour interview, this is that with...
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and we know a lot of different local examples there, like, for example, the same italy fought, for example, with the mafia, that is , with any, any phenomenon of reality you can fight, but the president right here several times, and in different passages, he said that the problem is precisely the quality of the decisions being made, because they do not come from one center, but they are dispersed among different people, who, and very often we are among them
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touch, why did we get this a negative answer, you ask your leaders, i can’t do it for them, i can only guess why the country is too big with its own opinion and so on, and the united states, well, i saw how issues are resolved in nato, i i will now give another example, concerning ukraine, the us leadership is pitiful and all nato members vote obediently, even if. what i don’t like about this, now i’ll tell you in this regard what happened with ukraine in 2008, although this is being discussed, i won’t tell you anything new here, nevertheless, it means that later after this is why we tried to build relationships in different ways, for example, events took place in the middle east, in iraq, which means that we very softly, calmly built relations with
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the states, and i repeatedly raised the question that the united states should not support separatism, terrorism in the northern caucasus, but they still continued to do it and... political support, information support, financial support, even military support came from the united states of their satellites in relation to terrorist formations in the caucasus. once with my colleague, also the president of the united states, i understood this question, he said: well, it can’t be, you have proof, i said: yes, i was ready for this conversation, and i gave him this proof, he looked, and you know what i said, but i apologize.
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in russia, we believe that this is correct, and we will continue to work with the opposition , it’s funny, okay, we realized that there would be no conversation, that’s why i said about values, in fact the main value, it turns out, remember this famous american formula, son of a bitch, but our son of a bitch, they, andrei franzi, never disdained to support any forces, any, so to speak, any level of, so to speak, disgustingness, the main thing is that it corresponds to their goals, and the goal turns out to be us. is there any chance of reversing this trend or even removing this value? yes, americans have long set themselves one global goal: global dominance. if we look at the rhetoric, they always say: our global leadership all the time, that is, there are darknesses, there are
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satellites, and before they always, and most the main thing is that they have no unavailable means, blood, children, violence, incriminating evidence, murder, anything to achieve their goal, there are a lot of books, by the way, on this subject. confession of an economic killer and so on, when they overwhelm the world with money, they simply buy the elite, then it all goes bankrupt, there are many different methods that other countries cannot use, but when we suggested that they make joint global security , cooperation with nato, they refused us, they said , we will be ourselves, you yourself, why, because they want to bite off pieces of the country from us, take them for themselves, and in general on a global scale they say: gentlemen, you supposedly didn’t... said that the dollar is the main thing, what
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has been turned into a weapon, we will bury him, so now every country has a choice, in our camp it is much more comfortable and there is a happy future, thank you, short advertisement in china we are doing this, and the president is on channel one today and we will return. all the decisions were on the verge of the impossible, mostly it worked out, although there were, of course, very surprising there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold such an olympics, somewhere only on the second or third day, the skeptical assessments changed to the exact opposite, an unrealistic super holiday of sports, everything else, which olympic games have i been to, they are not close stand, this miracle happened and at that moment we won the overall standings, we defeated everyone. staggered when they saw sochi, how amazing it is, we want to do even better, and we are inspired by this to go further. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, today on the first. now russia occupies
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a special political position in the world. i believe that people who are skeptical about russia should make a lot of effort to understand the history of the country, they didn’t want to work with me, rehearse, our exclusive children of a genius about themselves and their fate in the shadow of a great artist, we starred together in several films, my brother philip was afraid of comparisons with his father, it’s just wonderful, i wish you and your co-author creative success, he wanted
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less attention, less of this fame, he this was not necessary, probably, it was necessary to somehow abstract from this, anyway, not to play like dads, who did the famous surname help, who did it ruin? exclusive with dmitry. borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. our studio has wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. go ahead, koli his mustache. kostya raikin agreed to star in this film only because i did the voice acting, i tried to act in such a way that it would be comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, but it’s not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me , but that was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough money to call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i’m speed, children will recognize me immediately by this.
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or you will hide tonight with nikolai tseskaridze on the first. junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich. what's his name? abrek? is this the same time?
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in the writer i experienced incomparable happiness in
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the crumbling village of mala, i lived with a blacksmith, helping him in the forge to forge horseshoes with long with pincers i held a red-hot iron in my hands, and he beat it with his ringing hammer, and i ask myself who i am, what force brought me out of my moscow apartment, stopped me from crossing my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities, across warriors , according to conspiracies, according to revolutions, plunged me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures, which moved me, who i was, who i became. alexander prokhanov. confession, premiering on february 12, on the first. i want to say that it’s hardly just one interview, although it’s certainly super popular there. tens millions of views, the demand is huge, the interest
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is gigantic all over the world, it is unlikely that one interview will be able to break through this thick shell, and the information cocoon that they have erected around their citizens, but i have no doubt that it will begin to crack, and you know , why, because the main concept that the west collectively speculates on and manipulates is the concept of peace, and look, as it turned out, now they will listen to the stink, they will be surprised, and in the spring of twenty-two, was russia really ready for peace and offered it, which is true and... now we will also have to work with this somehow, we will continue to discuss it after the news on channel one. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery koravlev. so, the main global topic is the interview that vladimir putin gave to the american journalist tucker carlson. huge interest, two hours. a recording of the conversation was posted on the social network x, formerly
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twitter, 11 hours ago, the video has already been viewed 78 million times. the russian president was able to convey our position in detail and explain in detail what was happening and why. and this an opportunity for western audiences to learn the truth, which overseas, and not only there, is being carefully drowned in a stream of lies and disinformation. kirill brainin collected key statements. this. documents from the archive, copies , where there are letters, where there are letters from bohdan khmelinsky, then the man who controlled the power in this part of the russian lands, which we now call ukraine, he... to warsaw demanding respect for their rights, and after received a refusal, began to write letters to moscow with a request to take them under the strong hand of the moscow tsar. tucker's carlson will undoubtedly have a chance to work with archival documents, and the american audience will understand the essence of the conflict by listening to vladimir putin’s detailed story about the origins
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of ukrainian statehood. any high school student here knows about how, on the ruins of the empire, the bolsheviks carved out a territory that eventually broke away. with the collapse of the union in ninety-one, when ukraine, which gained independence, moved to build its own identity on principle away from moscow, reaching the point of a bloody coup in 2014, the extermination of their own citizens in the donbass in honor of the nazi regiments. the west stubbornly does not want to notice these cannibalistic manifestations; on the contrary, in the canadian parliament zelensky is shown a ukrainian ss veteran as a fighter against the hated russians. hence the questions about what kind of goal this is?
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for ordinary people in order to extract additional money from us taxpayers and european taxpayers in the confrontation with russia in the ukrainian theater of military operations. the goal is to weaken russia as much as possible. one of senior senators, chuck schumer, i think yesterday said, we need to continue.
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the answer to the question of who can, is also not at the bottom of the baltic sea, but on a completely different coast. another thing is the search for a rational explanation for europe's submission to the destruction of its own economy.
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for the american taxpayers, that is, the viewers of the interview, to think about it, it would be naive to think that they could be interested exclusively in the ukrainian
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crisis, after all, this is infinitely far away, here is the fate of a person detained in russia on suspicion of the espionage of american journalist evan gershkovich is, of course, much closer. he's been in custody for over a year now, it's a big story in the us. i want to ask you, would you be ready in quality? that we can do this with counter- movement from our partners, when i say partners i
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mean, first of all, representatives of special services.
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west in assessing the situation, perhaps it would be useful for someone in the american administration to look into the gray folder given to tucker carlson, and generally delve into the historical context to understand the connection between russia and ukraine is much deeper and stronger than the desire to break it. everyone thinks that in the west they think that the fighting has forever separated one part of the russian people, the other, no,
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reunification will take place.
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i'll be home. sergei shaigu discussed the situation on the front line at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. the minister of defense heard the reports. it is noted that our units are improving the position along the front line in several directions. shaigu thanked the commanders and personnel. head of the military department ordered to strengthen the group of troops covering the state border. meanwhile, in ukraine, recruit catchers set a record. 40 people were captured at once on the border with hungary. they tried to cross the cordons on... on two minibuses, but it didn’t work out, and judging by what they write on social networks, for this unsuccessful attempt to escape, everyone paid a round sum from 4 to 8,500 dollars, the money was wasted, they still have to fight there is no one, the british edition of the spectate writes about this. resistance to advancing russian troops is costly is very expensive, and the fighting lasts so long that the ukrainian army
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is already exhausted and squeezed like lemon, according to zelensky, a thousand-kilometer line... personnel changes, let me remind you, the poor position at the front, zelensky is dismissed, the place of commander-in-chief the armed forces of ukraine were occupied by alexander syrsky, who, by the way, has a son of military age, but is not sitting in the trenches at all, but lives in sydney. today we will talk about the harvest and products on our shelves at vdnkh. there, as part of the grand exhibition russia, opened agricultural forum. the head of the relevant ministry, dmitry patrushev, provided data that confirms this. there has been a real breakthrough in the industry. since 2000, agricultural production has increased by 87%. and the volumes of grain and meat
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doubled, the output of food products increased significantly, and fish catch increased by almost 60%. this allowed us to ensure food self-sufficiency in russia, just think about it. figure to increase our exports by 30 times; last year we again received an impressive harvests, including according to preliminary data , we have collected 147 million tons of grain and also, as for the industry, which was previously very dependent on foreign suppliers, and now relies on domestic producers, dmitry patrushev took part in the launch ceremony in mordovia of an enterprise for the production of feed for animals. and in conclusion, impressive footage from india in the mountains in the north of the country an avalanche came down, enormous speed, covers everything in its path, 1. tons of snow, the avalanche sweeps away buildings at
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the foot of the mountain, the daredevil who makes these still decides that it’s time to run, the storm overtakes him, it’s clear that people are having a hard time breathing, their eyes are blinding, fortunately everyone is alive. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments of the event. information channel. and the program will continue on the first, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues its work, time will tell this program, we are working live, anatoly kuzichev is with you, we continue to discuss vladimir putin’s big program interview with tucker carlson, and 10 years have almost passed, it’s hard to believe, only now i realized, almost 10 years have passed since crimea returned to russia. however, the americans, that is, for us this issue is completely , well, closed, so to speak, but for the americans it is not, the americans still do not understand why we decided to take this step then, why, why, this is what vladimir
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putin told tucker carlson about this about this, please, in 2008 the doors were opened - ukraine to nato, in 2014 they carried out a coup d'etat, while those who did not recognize the coup d'etat, and this is a coup d'etat, began to be persecuted. and still against the backdrop of military development this territory and opening the doors to nato. well , how can we not show concern about
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what is happening? on our part it would be criminal carelessness, that ’s what it would be, it’s just that the political leadership of the states approached a line beyond which we could no longer cross, because it... so well - it should be noted that no one was embarrassed, so to speak, and did not hide it, especially in the west, yes, because for decades the west did everything to, so to speak, this very coup by which vladimir putinich i remembered, to organize it, i won’t even bore you with pictures of victoria with cookies, it’s just, well, it’s a metaphor for the, so to speak, interest of the west in all this participation in this coup, and... they never hid their intentions and so to speak, desires to pull ukraine away from us, to tear it away from us , at the same time their special services were methodically creating the maximum permanent threat to crimea, and
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well, it is clear that it was necessary to somehow react to this, we continue this topic, we listen to vladimir putin on the topic of crimea, please , provoked the conflict; the conflict was initially provoked by the coup d'état in ukraine, by the way. representatives of three european countries, germany, poland and france, arrived and were guarantors of the signed agreement between the yanukovych government, between yanukovych and the opposition, they signed it. they put their signatures as a guarantor, despite this, the opposition carried out a coup d'etat, all these countries pretended that they don’t remember anything about the fact that they are guarantors of a peaceful settlement, they immediately threw this one into the oven, no one remembers, i don’t know, they know is there something in the usa about this agreement between the opposition and the authorities and about the guarantors, the three guarantors, who, instead of returning the whole process to the political field, no... supported the coup d'etat, although
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there would have been no point in that , no , believe me, because president yanukovych completely agreed, was ready for early elections, in which he had no chance to convince or speak honestly, there was no chance, everyone knew this, why a coup, why sacrifices, why threats for for crimea, why start - then the operations in donbass, in general , i don’t understand this, and this is the miscalculation. the cia carried out its job in carrying out the coup d'etat, and in my opinion, one of the deputy secretaries of state said that even those who spent this large amount, almost 5 billion, but it was a colossal political mistake, why did it have to be done, everything could have been done in reality the same thing, only in a legal way, without any casualties, without the start of military operations without the loss of crimea, and we would not have lifted a finger if there had not been these bloody...
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and then what to do as a trigger in recent events, well, firstly, today 's leadership of ukraine has stated that it will not implement the minsk agreements, which were signed, as you know, after the 2014 event in minsk, where a plan for a peaceful settlement in donbas was outlined, no, the leadership of today's ukraine, the minister of foreign affairs is all there. other officials, and
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then the president himself, stated that they did not like anything in these minsk agreements, in other words, they were not going to implement them, and the former leaders of germany and france directly said that they signed, already in our days there a year and a half ago, they directly said, honestly to the whole world, that yes, they signed this minsk agreement, but they were never going to implement it, they just led us around for us. it’s interesting here, well, it’s clear that the topic is absolutely clear and closed for us , yes, it’s interesting that after the interview tucker carlson recorded such a video, such, you know, a postscript to this conversation, and it’s also very interesting to listen and watch, this is his impressions of the meeting with our president, including regarding crimea, listen attentively, interestingly, putin is smart, there is no doubt about it, putin is deeply wounded, he denies it of course, but it is obvious that the rejection of russia by the west is deeply wounded. the usa
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does not like russia, the american government does not like russia. i think the main task of nato is to contain russia, and this hurts putin, it upsets him very much, his eyes sparkled. something else that was quite striking is that he wants a peace deal in ukraine. why would he say that if he doesn't think so. if you really think that to establish peace, russia agrees to cede crimea, then you are crazy. do you like it or not? putin will start a nuclear war over crimea if he has to. good question indeed. but it’s interesting, yes, whether you like it or not, if it comes, i hope it won’t be necessary. but do they understand this? will they hear? this is actually a very important moment, when i wrote one of my two texts on this interview in the morning, i listened to what carlson said, he really said the word “wounded”. in fact, with all due respect, carlson does not i’m absolutely right, if you look at putin’s awkward interview, putin is not offended, putin is disappointed, he is disappointed in those historical ones. abilities
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that the west missed then in the nineties because of its stupidity, and exactly the same, exactly the stupidity and short-sightedness of the west, to whom putin also said in this interview, knocking on the table, regarding, so to speak, the mental abilities of some comrades who are in head of the united states, this is precisely what makes us doubt that the west understands what you said, carlson said and putin gave understand that if russia is driven into a corner, this will entail very serious, dangerous consequences for the whole... world, this is precisely what, in fact, this is the biggest risk in this conflict, that the west does not sincerely understand these banal things believes that there are such characters there, not only talking with miteran. biden, but also others who sincerely believe that if, that america should just push, push, push, push, push, and sooner or later russia will cave in, and in order to defeat russia, you just need increase pressure, increase escalation , give f16, give long-range missiles
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, something else, there are such people in the biden administration and whether this is an intellectual level problem or some other problem, this is a problem of isolation from reality and unwillingness to see a new reality, you understand too , these are people who grew up in another. said, vladimir putin shared his, so to speak, reflection, his understanding of how this all works, please, people in your political elite do not understand that the world, the elite, that the world is changing according to objective circumstances, and you need
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to make the right decisions competently, on time , in a timely manner in order to maintain your level, excuse me , even if someone wants a level of dominance, such rude actions, including... will change, it’s not about the leaders, not about the individual specific person, i have a very different leader who will come and there was some kind of good relationship with, say, bush and i know him there in the states, they presented him as some kind of village guy who doesn’t understand much, i assure you that this is not so, i think , what about... he also carried out he also made a lot of mistakes, i told you about 2008 and the decision in bucharest to open the doors to nato for ukraine there and so on, but this happened under him, he put pressure on the europeans there, but in general i
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have with he had very kind, good relationships on a human level, he was no worse than any other american or russian or european politician in general, i assure you, he understood everything. what is he doing, just like others, i had such a cash relationship with trump, it’s not about the personality of the leader, it’s about sentiments of the elites, if the idea of ​​domination at any cost, and with the help of force, prevails in american society, then nothing will change, it will only get worse, and if in the end the realization comes that the world is changing due to objective circumstances and it is necessary... using those advantages that the united states still retains today, then, probably, something can change, and look, the chinese economy has become the first economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity in volume, it has overtaken the united states a long time ago, then
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usa, yes, and then india, one and a half billion people, then japan in fifth place. russia, russia over the past year has become the first economy in europe, despite all the sanctions and restrictions. this is normal, from your point of view, sanctions, restrictions, the impossibility of paying in dollars, disconnection from swift, which means sanctions against our ships carrying oil, sanctions against aircraft, sanctions in everything, everywhere, the largest number of sanctions in the world, which is used, it is used against russia, and we... are the first economy in europe during this time, the tools that the united states uses do not work, but we need to think about what to do, but if this realization comes to the ruling
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elites, then yes, then the first person of the state will act and wait for what both voters and people expect from him, who make decisions on...
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why in my opinion the relations between russia after the collapse of the soviet union were such an erroneous, rude, completely unfounded and no policy was carried out under pressure, because this is a policy of pressure, the expansion of nato, so the support of separatists in the caucasus, the creation anti-cancer defense systems, these are all elements of pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, then ukraine is being drawn into nato, this is all pressure, why i think it’s also because... relatively speaking, excess production capacity was created over
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time fight against the soviet union, there were many different centers created and specialists on the soviet union who could not do anything else, it seemed to them that they were convincing the political leadership that we must continue to hammer russia, try to completely collapse it, which means creating a this territory has several quasi- state formations, subjugate them in a divided form, and use their combined potential. for the fight, for the future fight with china, this is a mistake, including, it is connected with the excess potential of those who worked in the confrontation with the soviet union, we need to get rid of this, there must be new fresh forces, people who are watching into the future and understand what ’s happening in the world, here’s indonesia, look how it’s developing, 600 million people, that’s where, where get away from this? where we must simply proceed from the fact that indonesia will enter, it is already included in the club of the leading economies of the world, no matter
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how someone likes it or not, but we understand, we are aware of the fact that in the united states, despite for all economic problems, after all, in the states the situation is normal and the economy is growing decently 2 there, in my opinion, the percentage of gdp is growing, but but but if you ensure this...
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which has always been based on suppression, its own domination, destruction, subordination destruction of peoples, and we know a lot of examples of the same eastern slavs who were absorbed, they are simply not in sight today, and it is no coincidence that our leader began history, talking about history starting with novgorod russia, and we remember from history these crusades when... the west , dad, and dad was then the head of the western world,
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he tried to baptize russia with fire and sword, then novgorod russia, we are always told that our origins are in kievan russia, no, here is also novgorod russia, alexander yaroslavovich nevsky, this is their nature, and the nature of our russian civilization, civilization multinational, a civilization that has absorbed the cultures of the peoples of our other religions.
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and there are, of course, means of deterrence , they kept scaring us all the time, so, now, tomorrow russia will use tactical nuclear weapons, tomorrow, this will use, no, the day after tomorrow, so what, these are just horror stories for ordinary people, in order to knock out from us taxpayers, to extract additional money from european taxpayers in the confrontation with russia in the ukrainian theater of operations, the goal is to weaken russia as much as possible, i think that this is what the western press will quote as much as possible, yes, but maybe the opposite will not happen precisely because of this, these are these words, three words, this is absolutely excluded, says putin, yes, i repeat, they are cutting budgets on this , they are this feeling, here, here, here, here , here, here, here, here, they live by this, eat, what’s wrong,
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this is absolutely impossible, excuse me, please, so on, some kind of elm global war. contrary to common sense, says putin, but these are cool, very important words, i repeat, i hope that everyone will hear them, and if if they hear it, then something needs to be done about it, and i also can’t hear what putin said about the one-sided thing, remember, yes, it was there too, just to say, something is no longer interesting, you excuse everyone, they left, and so on, okay , they will hear, you know, you need to understand that just in the area of ​​​​what is called military, in the west there are still two systems that evaluate this: that is, there is this one the political system itself, which makes money from this, careers, which with all this plays, which works with the mass media, and there is a professional system, a military system, who live in a completely different, as it were, dimension and who perfectly measure balances every day, every day they calculate options on machines, maybe today a nuclear war will happen, and if
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maybe what the result will be, sometimes this is done more than once a day, i’m not making this up , it’s true. there is, by the way, just like us, in this case, of course, i do not at all, i completely agree with our president here, that there are no real reasons, firstly , real reasons for a big war on... the basics, as for the threats directly , then of course, it will continue to be sold, it is obvious that the west has now begun, as it were, to form a cloud called the cold
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war 2.0, this is a new economic structure , this is a new system of thinking, this is a new system of management, what is called the flock, that is , countries and peoples, cold war 2.0, yes, it is needed there for 20-25 years to solve their economic, political and other problems i repeat, i like the word. georgi, one word, because there is absolutely no time, you say that the western media reacted, here ’s the headline, putin said, i will not, i am not going to attack poland, the world and headed his article as follows: putin voiced the condition, with which he will invade poland, everything, skill , you know, journalistic, oh, guys, okay , uh, you know, we remember, yes, that there’s another interesting story, and for some reason it’s debatable, although it seems to me that it’s inappropriate there are discussions here, so that's it continues to claim that they never gave. promises like not to approach our borders, despite the evidence that is available. vladimir putin touched upon this topic once again, for which we thank them very much, let’s listen. the west fears
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a strong china more than a strong russia, because russia has 100 million people, china has one and a half billion. and the chinese economy is developing by leaps and bounds, more than 5 percent per year, it was even more.
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and the events in yugoslavia, immediately before this yeltsen was praised, praised as soon as the events in yugoslavia began when he raised his voice for the serbs, and we could not help but raise our voices for
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the serbs in their defense, i understand, there were complex processes there, i understand, but russia could not help but raise its head, because the serbs are also a special close to us a nation, orthodox culture and so on, well, such a long-suffering people for a generation , it doesn’t matter, what matters is that yeltsin spoke out in support, what did they do?
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russia tried to pass, moreover, i spoke about this publicly, i can repeat, at a meeting here in the kremlin, with the one leaving power beat clinton, right here. i told him and asked a question: listen, bill, what do you think, if russia raised the question of joining nato, do you think it would be possible? suddenly he said, you know, this is interesting, i think so, and in the evening, when we met with him, already for dinner, he said: you know, i talked to my team, no, no, this, this is now it’s impossible,
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maybe... to ask him, but i think he ’ll hear our interview, confirm, hear, about that he’ll confirm, i don’t know, yes, yes, that’s it interesting question, well, by the way, we’ll wait, we’ll see, he’ll confirm, he won’t , it seems to me that vladimir vladimirovich is once again, well, maybe the first time for some americans or some westerners, yes, maybe not the first time due to the fact that this is tucker carlson, they will watch and listen to all this, yes, finally he once again told what in general. it was we who used every opportunity to avoid quarreling with either the americans or europe, but to remain within european civilization, let’s just say, well, we, i guess , it’s impossible to throw us out of there, but at least according to some external, actually important political and economic signs, well , what else did you need, how did you have to get us in, and how i don't understand why we should go
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and pick it up. answer specifically, what else did they need, what else did they need to surrender, surrender, enemy, freeze and lie down, here they are, we were there then, this also neatly says, yes , we were kind at that time, maybe even that - we didn’t understand, maybe we really wanted to believe in it, that we, listen, all these entries into various unions, all sorts of wto.
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it seemed to us that they were attacking communism, but it seemed that they were attacking russia; at some point it became clear that they were attacking us, russia, and not communism at all, and that our policy on this matter had changed thanks to their reaction in to a significant extent, but maybe this is for the better, probably for the better, maybe this, or maybe this gives us new chances, and look, this 5%, it’s clear, on what we are now getting a 5% increase, yes 3.6 , well, there’s 3.7, yes, night said:
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it can resist that satanism and that the world order that is being imposed by the west, and other countries that do not want to fall under this world order, they go together with russia, it is spiritual.
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yeah, if you exclude russia in this formula, as america considered before the start of the war, as the weakest element, then in this case china has a chance, russia is such a country, you know, it doesn’t switch off. we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterno music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task, to get the public out of the state. this is not comfort comfort is what we are looking for, how can it be comfortable when you always want to create a new one, in general, mortier is not the one who created brilliant performances, what he did, he opened the boundaries of this,
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a legendary figure, i think, who played a huge role in your professional life, 15 minutes i talked to him, he wrote text messages. maybe he played pac-man, so you understand that you are a fashionable conductor - this is what to do so that they understand everything, they feel that they are smart, i am in the hall for some a wonderful concert and my phone is ringing, i don’t know how to turn it off, it’s like a nightmare, some kind of spanish shame, podcastlab was at the first one today, when i showed up, there was a lot of support,
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i was promoting all the mafia in the canteen for 2 years, there was a real gang working there , what kolya experienced as an artist is something that rarely happens to anyone on this earth, wow, it’s serious, it was clearly delivered, stand arina, they wanted to get a bow from me, they can kill me, well, it’s unlikely that they will succeed, for the anniversary of nikolai tsyskaridze, tomorrow on the first.
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here is a self-portrait of the artist station, this is actually ivan leonidovich lubennikov himself, for him it was a thrill, the scale, the hangar, where all this is laid out on the floor, a lot of students, you give them tasks, that’s just us here. he was like a river, a happy, sparkling river , with great sensations, they fall into us , don’t climb, we can’t pass by, so that i can stay poor, ivan lubennikov, life
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goes on, premiere, tomorrow on the first, today for the first time a unique spectacle awaits us , his name is obrek, i said that i would bring the best fighter. volodya ignatiev, afghan, sapper, this is such a guy, this is my money too, and i want to fight for it, well, i don’t know, some kind of premonition, girls, i deceived you, there will be no end, you promised us 40 dollars, this our girls, i ’ll put everyone here now, he’s you. well , hello, jaeger, she’s nobody to you, why did you get involved in this? it’s him, the one
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who saved me, you’re nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, tell me, soper, whose path you crossed, i can’t live without him, i’m doomed, the premiere of a serial film, on sunday on the first, come on, whatever i want with him, let me do it, move away, let me buy it from you, civilization premiere, film four. latin america on thursday on the first. i ’m looking at the statistics on this interview’s views, on all platforms collectively we have already counted about 200 million, but this is important, in fact, this is not just some kind of formal figure, this is actually the level of interest, this is the level of demand for information in general some other point of view, you know, from the kokano suddenly a hole has formed in you, you can look something into it.
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but that's why i'll say this, friends, america will be free, thanks for your attention, see you, news! hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. the main global topic today, which is being discussed everywhere, is vladimir putin’s interview with an american journalist.
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a historical excursion so that the western viewer, who was unlikely to be interested in the origins of the formation of the russian state, that is why vladimir putin began with at least some understanding of the structure of life and the processes taking place on our territory. after all, the western media frankly many events are hushed up or even distorted. for example, few people know that russia has never refused negotiations with ukraine. moreover, an agreement was reached a year and a half ago, and the fighting could have ended long ago if the west, in the person of the british prime minister, had not prohibited its kiev proteges from doing this. after which the ukrainian authorities generally legalized the refusal of any negotiations with moscow. or, for example, the issue of denazification. vladimir putin. i had to explain in detail to my interlocutor that the current ukrainian elites
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they worship hitler’s henchmen , they give a standing ovation to the nazi murderers, these are the heroes they chose for themselves in kiev, exalting fascism, in the west they condone this, and this is only a small part of what was discussed, for more than two hours, the audience waited for this interview to hear the point from vladimir putin’s point of view, the western media were waiting for him to immediately try to discredit him, but this would not work . because the conversation is available to everyone in full, without editing, the number of views is rapidly approaching 100 million. michala kinchenko monitors the reaction. the first viewers had not yet finished watching the interview with vladimir putin when journalist tucker carlson posted his own impressions of the conversation on his internet page. the emotions immediately after were recorded in the kremlin. in my hands is the same folder with historical documents that were presented by the russian president. carlson admits that the significance of the first part is unimportant. he was not able to appreciate it right away. an incredibly detailed
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excursion into history, starting with the formation of russia in the 9th century, the unification of tribes into one nation, of which ukraine was a part, this irritated me. look, i'm an american, i'm interested in certain questions and certain answers. let's start already, but he didn't give in, i put pressure on him, it annoyed him, and i was annoyed, it was like an attempt to hush up the topic, maybe somewhere it was like that, but in the end i realized, no, this was the answer , this was a preface to the answer. story. there is a huge amount of evidence confirming that a peace
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agreement was being prepared, peace negotiations were taking place settlement about a year and a half ago, they were thwarted by former british prime minister boris johnson. what then can we say about the western man in the street, who receives only the information that the western media convey to him ? they explain the need to supply weapons to ukraine and finance the kiev regime by the threat that russia poses to the rest of europe. they say that the russian army will definitely move on if it is not stopped. russia is not expansionist power. sorry, it's not even worth talking about. victoria are ideological liars in the state department. they are trying to portray putin as something like hitler or imperialist japan. the truth is that all this is false and stupid. in fact, only an idiot would think that way. russia has the largest territory in the world, where only 150 million people live, they have about 80 regions, where different nationalities, religions, and languages ​​are represented. just imagine how to manage all this, they have more there are enough natural resources, they
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just swim in them, and there are not so many people. so why would they invade poland? they just want to secure the borders, perhaps they are paranoid, they will not take sides. but the idea that they want to go to a vein or something, you have to be an idiot to think that. and the viewers who watched the interview overwhelmingly agree with tucker carlson. tucker can literally bring peace to the world with these interviews. lies breed war and slavery. the truth will set you free. tucker's interview with putin will become the most viral interview of all time because it was the interview that the pro-war people in power feared most. thank you for your courage, tuckerson. the media were in no hurry to react to the interview; they clearly thought it through. the usual labels that they have hitherto attached to russia are not suitable in this case. too many saw what the west had previously tried to hide. what can we say if even for the authors of leading publications many moments of the interview turned out to be a revelation. new york times in a caustic manner, even though he calls the conversation just
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a quote: another episode in putin’s attempts to improve relations with friendly politicians, but still forcedly notes the russian president’s desire for peace. than he usually spoke about his view on how the invasion of ukraine will end, it may not be a military victory, but an agreement with the west. at the end of the interview , putin told carlson that the time had come to negotiate an end to the war because those in power in the west realized that russia could not be defeated on the battlefield. edition wall street journal draws attention primarily to the russian president’s willingness to exchange their journalist, caught spying against our country, for a russian prisoner. at a crucial moment, with billions of dollars for ukraine stuck in a political stalemate in congress and russian forces moving forward on the battlefield, pushing back ukrainian troops facing a severe shortage of weapons and ammunition. of course,
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if only it were possible not to notice, to pretend that nothing happened and remain silent, then surely the western media would they did it in their best traditions, when too much... information simply does not reach viewers and readers, but now it’s horrible and pointedly not noticing what tens of millions have seen will clearly not be easy. mikhail akinchenko, andrey mikhailov, channel one usa. early this morning in the moscow region we met a plane with our soldiers who were returned from ukrainian captivity. 100 people, all of them were in mortal danger. negotiations on the exchange went on for a long time, with the help of intermediaries from the united arab emirates. now all the horror is over. rehabilitation lies ahead meeting with relatives, report by maria saushkina. they were transported from lvov through sums, and finally, the russian border was belgorod. we are very happy. thank you to everyone who took part in our exchange. we're going home. hooray. military transport il lands in
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the moscow region. this is the third exchange of prisoners this year, this time it took place according to the 100/100 formula, with mediation. united arab emirates. russian soldiers are finally safe, some having spent more than a year in captivity. we've been waiting for this for a long time captivity? almost 17 months. the feeling in general is now overwhelming the house. before the start of the svo, oleg klimov worked in the department of finance of the vologda region and went to the front, following his civic position. volunteer, i went to the means of desire, we need to help people, in donbass we need to help people. many of our guys who returned today are from a military dynasty and after rehabilitation they intend to return to the front. my grandfather was a military man, a major in the navy. father too, well, i decided
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to follow in the footsteps of my grandfathers and fathers. both me and as they said that i was being accused, i didn’t seem to believe me at first. it’s a miracle, when i saw the border, it just took my breath away, it was as if i had made my first parachute jump, that was the feeling, it was difficult there. uh, it’s difficult morally , it’s difficult and physically, well, we endured it, we endured it, thanks to the ministry of defense for not forgetting, my wounds were so painful, there were cluster grenades, well, yes, my health will improve everything, again again, i was returning to the front, the border is necessary bring closer to us, to russia, and the fact that donbass is being bombed right away after arriving , these russian soldiers went to hospitals and sanatoriums to improve their health, regain strength, and then go home to their loved ones. maria saushkina, andrey leonov, alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. our military is successfully advancing in
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most areas of the special military operation and occupying more advantageous positions. this was noted by sergei shaigu. the minister of defense held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of forces, listened to reports from the commanders , and thanked them for their skillful leadership. sergei shaigu also checked the control center of one from the associations of the west group and the inspector. a new russian military satellite was successfully launched into its target orbit, less than an hour ago, the ministry of defense reported, a soyuz-21v rocket with a spacecraft on board launched this morning from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. everything went as expected, the satellite has already been accepted for control of ground- based space forces, stable telemetry
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communication is maintained with it, the on-board systems are functioning, the military department said. now the footage from the kremlin that we just received vladimir putin held meetings with permanent members of the security council and this is how the president outlined the main topic. in this group we discuss various topics, but unfortunately, floods and wildfires. no one canceled it, can’t cancel it, but you and i must think about it in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences, let ’s talk about it today, the floor to alexander vyacheslavovich kurenkov, at the grandiose exhibition russia at vdnkh, today there is a sea of ​​guests again, regions brought their achievements in the field agro-industrial complex, i met with them, i got acquainted with the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev, at the stand of mordovia, he was together with the head of the republic.
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colleagues, in the russian federation as a whole we are already producing more than one million tons of such products, this allows us to gradually refuse imports, and most importantly, we have the opportunity to enter export markets, i think, taking into account the opening of this enterprise. one of the arguments is that the eighty- one-year-old us leader didn’t mean anything bad, he just always forgets everything. in conversation with
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our staff's memory was failing biden. he couldn't remember when he was vice president, he forgot when his term ended, then he forgot when his term began. we also took into account that since biden would likely appear at trial as a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory, it would be difficult to convince a jury that the former president, who is in his 80s, is guilty of a serious crime. recently, problems with the memory of the american leader have become especially acute. more than once he told stories in which, instead of current heads of state mistakenly mentioned their deceased predecessors. journalists and ordinary americans have been openly laughing at biden for a long time. he himself continues to pretend that nothing is happening. the prosecutor's wording even offended him. he began to make excuses, saying that his memory was normal, that everything was normal, to be convincing, he listed his merits, how much he had done for the country, literally putting it on its feet. he immediately named the leader of egypt the president of mexico. as you know, the mexican president was not initially
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wanted to open checkpoints to let humanitarian aid through. i was the one who persuaded him, convinced him to do it. my memory, my memory is fine, my memory, look what i've done since i became president. none of you thought i could. how did it happen? you know, i just forgot what happened. with this , i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia; the “big game” program will continue on air. good afternoon, live: the big game.
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conceivable records: american media that have already begun criticize tucker carlson, putin, well , none of them have even a two million audience, even in prime time, so we now know how world news is made and who is the main news maker, when at the beginning of the conversation putin asked tucker carlson what will happen y...
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at the very end, when putin summed up the conversation. let's listen. all the same , relations between peoples will be restored. it will take a long time, but it will recover. i’ll give you some unusual examples. here on the battlefield there is a battle, collisions. ukrainian soldiers were surrounded. this is a concrete example from the life of combat operations. our soldiers shout to them: there is no chance, give up, get out, you will be alive, give up. and suddenly from there they shout in russian, good russian: the russians are not giving up, everyone is dead. they are still russian, they feel it. in this sense, what is happening is, to a certain extent, an element
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of civil war. and everyone thinks it’s in the west. its division will be given, you see, it is said strongly, it is very strong, not only this statement, but in general the entire interview, in my opinion look, this is a historical interview, this is not the interview of the year, this is a historical interview with a national and world leader, that’s why there is such a huge interest in every word, every emotion of our president, in fact, the entire interview, the final words of vladimir vladimich, confirm his exclusively
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creative logic, creative logic both as... a national leader and as a participant in big global politics, influencing international global security processes. it was putin who became the author of the logic that we need an equal, indivisible security, about the need to confront challenges and threats together. and the statement that it is impossible to tear the soul apart, throughout the entire interview it is very detailed, detailed and respectful to the listeners, the listeners, i think, were also politicians and
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understanding of how, step by step, under the influence of the united states, european countries, nato , ukraine has lost its independence, what is modern nazism and how it was cultivated on the territory of ukraine, who are the false heroes of ukraine, and it absolutely separates it from those the deep foundations that exist, as cultural and historical foundations, that unite our people. therefore, another very important thing was said by the president about the fact that of course it is difficult to resist propaganda, but the historical significance of the interview is that the world was probably able to hear for the first time about...
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they report to congress, and goal setting is building freedom and democracies in other countries, that is, color revolutions, so the president understands this very well, but a challenge has been thrown at all logic the lies that are propagated at the level of fakes are spread by the united states, and this challenge is serious; putin, unexpectedly for many, for takir, including began with a large historical preamble. , which , well, i think for many americans was just a revelation, because they, as a rule, know nothing about history in
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principle, let's listen, soviet ukraine received a huge amount of territories that never had anything to do with it at all, first of all, during the black era they... once upon a time, when russia received as a result of the russian-turkish wars , they were called new russia, so, but this does not matter, the important thing is that lenin, the founder of the soviet state, created ukraine exactly like this, this is all for many decades within the ussr, the ukrainian ussr developed, the bolsheviks also, for some reason, reasons they were engaged in ukrainization there.
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part of the hungarian territories and part of the romanian ones, they also took part of the territories from romania from hungary, they became part of soviet ukraine and are still there, so we have every reason to say that in this sense, of course, ukraine is, in a certain sense, an artificial state created by the will of stalin, an artificial state, which, in general, is, well, only by the will of moscow.
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in a special order, this is an interview with our president, which was heard all over the world, and today is just an announcement, but there were 16 million views, what will happen next, i won’t be surprised that for now there is still a silence, but tomorrow everyone will explode and blame us in an attempt to influence - elections that will take place in the united states america. therefore, the entire historical perspective that the president spoke about and the modern one. in ukraine - this is just an attempt to reveal to the world why all this is happening and the president very clearly said, we are finishing, we are ending the war, our goal has not yet been achieved. we are ending the war, i know
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that our permanent military expert was very attentive to the president’s speech and his interview. yuri ivanovich, what did you pay attention to first? you know, exactly the same as you, yourself at the beginning of our broadcast they said that the last phrase that was said in this interview, the last answer to the question, it generally summed up everything that our president said, in general we can say that this is the political course that... the russian federation will move into the liberated territories of ukraine. i also noticed that in the morning there was no political news in the world at all. it seems that not only in russia, there in ukraine, i know that in ukraine they watched a lot of people, both in europe and in the usa, everyone is focused on the fact that they watched putin’s interview, and the discussion is going on in the world press, it’s simply enormous, and the headlines of leading foreign publications, i beg your pardon, are simply stunning.
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this airport, the first floor was taken, about twenty soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine were blocked on the second, they were the first to utter this phrase, the same incident happened in 2022, these are truly historical facts, you can’t erase them from history, well, that’s what i can probably say, igor ivanovich, well, ukraine still had important news, a change of commander-in-chief, today zaluzhny, who had already been removed from his post, was awarded a hero’s star so that he would not perform too much, but... in general
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, i have some kind of feeling that now ukraine in general is built exclusively on traitors, here historically, it was like that, yes, mazepa, bandera, shukhevych, so the whole identity is built on traitors, they found another syrsky, yes, who had already betrayed everything that was possible, including his family, father, mother, brother, there, grandfather, everyone, in general, how they select people like that, and what is it does it mean for a special military operation in general? it’s not they who select, it’s the people themselves who select themselves this way, let’s remember the great patriotic war, few people may know, but about a million citizens of the soviet union served in the wehrmacht, including former former guards officers, cossack officers and so on, the same general shkuro, yes, that is , in my opinion, they all gathered there and this is a question not only that they were selected, they selected themselves, these are what i call them degenerates, people who do not remember history, do not they remember nothing, that’s how general syrsky is right there, if you look at it.
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all the decisions were on the verge of the impossible , mostly it worked out when, of course, there were a couple of mistakes, there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold such an olympiad, somewhere only on the second or third day, the skeptical assessments changed to exactly the opposite, an unrealistic super holiday of sports, everything else, which olympic games have i been to, they are not close, this miracle happened and at that moment we won the overall classification, we all won, the world shook when they met in sochi. how amazing it is, we want to do even better, and we are inspired by this to go further. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi. today is the first one. now russia occupies a special political position in the world. i believe that people who are skeptical about russia should make a lot of effort to understand the history of the country, its mentality, its desire for integration on common grounds.
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hello lyuba, i'm back. and kenti and maktunovsky said that his genius i was on the verge of madness, to be or not to be. that is the question. the famous hamlet in life was a principled, intractable person and had a complex character. i turned the whole theater, the whole corpse, against me. nobody said hello to me anymore; they didn’t want to work with me or rehearse with me. our exclusive children of a genius talk about themselves and their fate in the shadow of a great artist. we starred in several films together, my brother philip was afraid of comparisons with his father. good luck to you tomorrow too, he wanted less attention, less of this fame, that was it for him there’s no need, i probably should have abstracted myself from it somehow, i still wouldn’t play like my dad. who did the famous surname help, who did it destroy? exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. our studio has
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wonderful artists who gave their voices to their favorite characters. go ahead, prick his mustache. raikin agreed to film. i voiced it, i tried to play it so that it was comfortable in the frame. vanya, i am yours forever, i myself didn’t know that it was me, yes, it was not me, i refused, then i realized, yes, that it was me, but that was a very, very long time ago, say something in that beautiful voice, you don’t have enough means to make a call, i voiced the cars, i gave the fans a spectacle, chow, i ’m speed, children will recognize me right away, so call me, call me s ... so many quails, but everyone knows that i just call, call me, well, because it’s brilliant, it’s simple, come to your senses after the shock, and then answer my question, well, of course, only i can do this, no one else has the route, don’t forget to give us
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rating in the app, i somehow arrived in taita, in fact, you didn’t have to do anything else, go and ask everyone if you’ve been to taita today. in the evening with nikolai siskaridze on the first, junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, what is his name? abrek, this is a robber in chechen? hello! i’m doomed, i want you to take the doom to battle, where did you get it from, give it away instead of the debt, i won’t participate in this, they say your wife is sick, where can you get the money, rita, what do you think, i’m a good
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person why are you asking something happened, i love you, and i love you , come on, especially...
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plunged me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures, what moved me, who i was, who i became, alexander prokhanov, confession of the prime minister from february 12, on the first, the big game is live. as soon as the american media space blew up tucker carlson's interview with vladimir putin, the white house immediately announced that president biden would make a special address, and
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, naturally, they were waiting for a possible reaction to putin's speech, but no, it was about something else, the speech went on to say that the special prosecutor who... was investigating president biden for leaking secret documents came to the conclusion that it would not be possible to charge biden with anything because he...
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sisi is the president of egypt, not mexico, after all, and today, of course , caricatures in big words have already appeared, but it was netanyahu, not sisi, who did not open the border, so well, as if he confirmed, absolutely confirmed that he is absolutely incompetent, after which the speaker of the house of representatives johnson spoke, let’s let's listen, evening presidential press conference.
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from the outside , it may seem to an outside observer that all this could degenerate into a situation where the whole world would be on the brink of war, perhaps there would even be nuclear strikes, why don’t you call and say, let’s somehow solve this issue, let’s resolve this issue , i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we are conveying to the us leadership, if you really want to stop hostilities, you need to stop the supply of weapons. everything will be over within a few weeks, that's all, and then you can
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agree on some conditions , before you do this and stop, what is easier, why should i call him, what to talk about, or what to beg for, are you going to put such and such a weapon on ukraine, oh-oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, please don’t tell me what to talk about, what to talk about, and with whom? i think that sometimes there are indeed some coincidences that suggest that all this is not accidental, and it is not accidental that robert goor’s report appeared on the same day or at the same moment when it became known or the american public has been brought to the attention of tucker carlson's interview with the russian president, putin. this statement, or rather gur's report, really caused this. among the democrats, they finally got their confirmation, documentary
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evidence that president biden is incapacitated, he is not capable and he is not capable of performing his presidential functions. moreover, this conclusion was made on the basis of that interview or those interviews that gur’s group conducted with biden himself, that is, he was asked questions, they tried to form their own idea of ​​the president's cognitive abilities. republicans have already started asking that it is really time to think very seriously about changing the political leadership, that today in this case it is necessary to reformat the american, today in this case the democratic party, and i think that this report will have very serious consequences with from the point of view of the course of the further election campaign, the most important thing is that everyone notes that he...
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of american problems, he is not capable represent the united states of america in the outside world, and pay attention to one very important statement by vladimir vladimirovich when trump, when... carlson asked him, when was your last conversation with biden? yes , i don’t remember, you see, i don’t remember when it took place, we need to look at it according to the protocol, i think that this is not accidental either. such a reservation, it once again perhaps emphasizes the fact that indeed, these events are clearly not accidental, and that today, perhaps in the american political class is undergoing a certain kind of progress, a certain kind of shift, carlson’s visit should be considered, perhaps in a broader, broader sense of the word, the meaning
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is that yes, we need to conduct a dialogue with russia, then conduct a dialogue with the russian... president, there is no alternative to him, and we must take this into account, it is very interesting in this regard, a public opinion poll, well , one of the influential sociological services, which was literally published today in the new york times, about the attitude americans towards vladimir vladimirovich, so in the twenty-first year before the start of a special military operation, according to this survey, 13% had a positive attitude, currently 26, and the conclusion was made: in america there is already an audience that listens to the russian president, to which the russian president can rely, and thus, this interview can really be the first factor, such as what is called breaking a hole in this wall, starting to conduct a dialogue with the american public with the american political elite. 26 - this is before the interview, and
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after the interview i, it seems to me that there is one more thing in this line that is not an accident - a logical thing, this is the supreme court, it accepted trump’s lawsuit to lift the ban on running for the office of president, well, there’s also this the story is long, there are a lot of courts there, and we still have a lot of going to court, but i just wanted to remind you of that part of the dialogue where he talks about the last time he met with biden, and what he said,
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they are accepted certain oligarchic and political circles , in fact, as the president delicately responded about “it’s difficult for us to understand your elections, when you can make any decisions there in a separate state, this is such a delicate way of highlighting the fact that big politics in the united states is not decided by the president , in this case, a series of decisions
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related to sanctions, to the financing of weapons, and then... a delicate mention of the fact that you have too many unemployed specialists who worked against the ussr, this is also an objective reality. you and i, when we conducted a parliamentary investigation into the activities of the pentagon biolaboratory in ukraine, saw that the occupation and development of the territory of ukraine, military specifically, began almost immediately after the collapse of the soviet union, that is, this is an aggressive logic, it was built from the very beginning, harmful, and the president says it was a long time ago. it’s time to change policy and take creative development as a basis, this did not happen, and we see that ukraine, having fallen under occupation, political, economic and military from of the united states, has become at the same time a testing ground, a springboard for nato, and we have convincingly proven this, so the interest in our president’s interview is also based on
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the enormous trust in his every word, you know, when the world listens to him... everyone has an understanding that not just what is russia about, and what future awaits the world, the whole logic of president putin, it is so open and creative that, of course, both for europe and for the united states, this is a question that everyone will probably ask themselves, what are the political elite of these countries talking about today , whose interests it serves, to what economic, political collapse in the security sphere, it leads them, yes, well, dialogue with the united states indeed. productive, but is dialogue with ukraine possible in this case? in order to reach an agreement , dialogue is needed, that’s what our president answered, let’s listen, will they?
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about who controls who to talk to, and this was exactly the answer to the question: if there is a change, will there be a dialogue? this is how you can conduct a dialogue when, by and large , the parties have agreed and enough specifically in specific conditions, but the arrival of one, that is, a madman under the dictation of the united states of america, simply threw all the agreements into the trash, as soon as we actually moved away from kiev, how can we negotiate with whom? you can negotiate if on the side with whom you are talking there are not just insane people, but people who are controlled by completely different states, so there can be no
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dialogue here and the president said that the goals that have been set have not yet been achieved, yes , goals have not been achieved, but they will definitely be achieved, because imagine the situation of russia’s strategic defeat, which they say in the west is simply impossible, but we will talk about this after the advertisement. we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterno music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task, to take the audience out of a state of comfort. this is not comfort, what we are looking for, how can it be comfortable when you always want to create new, new, new, new. this is not the one. the creator of brilliant performances, what he did, he opened these boundaries. gérard martier, a legendary figure who i think played a huge role in your
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professional life. i talked to him for 15 minutes, he wrote text messages. i don't know, maybe he was playing pac-man. do you understand that you are a fashionable conductor? mainstream means making sure they understand everything, they feel that they are smart. “i’m in the hall for some wonderful concert and my phone is ringing, i don’t know how to turn it off, it’s like a nightmare, some kind of spanish shame. the lab podcast is on first today, call me, call me, well, what do i look like in the morning, very charming and attractive, sit down! i’m glad to see you, i didn’t look like an artist, of course, now i’m very similar, the company provides services, payment is made through
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the company, i’ve gotten sick, i’m an artist , i’m not in a bad mood, it rarely happens, and then i ’ll say, i’m in a bad mood, i’m already starting to amuse yourself, for the anniversary of irina muravyova. the big theater is a house, this is my skin, all the horror is that you yourself must prove that you exists in this world, but the viewer does not react, i saw it a lot, and i knew for sure, i...
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grew up before my eyes and now i have turned into our major russian artist for the anniversary of nikolai tsiskaridze, tomorrow on the first. i will show you one secret place where i made a very important decision. there is a self-portrait
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of the artist of this station, this.
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at the first one, the last time i was here 10 years ago, they said you would be the main character, we didn’t believe it until we arrived in sochi. the opening ceremony in sochi is what will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the olympic movement in general. the idea of ​​russia as a magical land in the sky, russia as a floating vision. in the clouds, of course , there were a lot of dramatic pages along the way, it was a real test, in russia it is possible that in another country it is not even subject to discussion, such a scale and such a level of the opening ceremony, in any case, there will be no more at the olympic games , we won this competition by knockout, i worked as a guide at the 80 olympics and sitting... on
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closing ceremony, i thought, let me do something like this, follow my desires. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, on sunday on the first.
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to be drawn into some kind of global war, and a global war will bring all of humanity to the brink of destruction, this is obvious, and of course there are means of deterrence, we were always scared of everyone, so tomorrow russia will use tactical nuclear weapons, tomorrow it will use this, no, the day after tomorrow , so what, these are just horror stories for ordinary people in
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order to... beat taxpayers out of it the united states, to extract additional money from european taxpayers in the confrontation with russia in the ukrainian theater of military operations. the goal is to weaken russia as much as possible. absolutely, such manipulations with the consciousness and citizens of america throughout europe, they are implemented meaningfully with only one purpose, as our president correctly outlined: to mislead, these are the very oligarchic political circles that rule america today, they are the main beneficiaries. and these military orders and this military occupation, which they implement in ukraine. therefore, such an open... dialogue with our national security president of russia is generally a doctrine of world security, so for - this is, of course, actually a strategy not only for us, it is extremely important to understand that russia has reached such a level of authority
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of importance as a participant in large geopolitical processes, it was precisely thanks to president putin that the bet that was made in the nineties on the destruction of not only the countries of the former soviet union, but also russia, and only in... the year the president stepped forward step, a completely new logic was built: the return of sovereignty, strengthening of defense capability, an independent path of economic development, reliance on traditions, and we have passed this difficult path, including the fight against international terrorism, with dignity, and putin’s logic, it is precisely this, that we have our own path, we are open to everyone, but you must understand that russia has had and will have its own path of development, and if you want to conduct a dialogue with us. economic, social and military
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well-being that exists in russia, of course, cannot be defeated, but all the aggression directed against us is actually aggression that accumulates for the sake of the golden billion, all research is genetic, let's listen, in the ninety-second year, in my opinion, the share of the seven countries in the world economy was, well, 47%, so this is in
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the ninety-second year, in 2022, and it fell somewhere to - in my opinion, a little over thirty, the share of the brix countries in the ninety-second year was all... 16%, now it exceeds the level of seven, and this is not related to anything with what events in ukraine, world development trends and the world economy is as it is, as i just said, and it is inevitable, it will continue to happen as the sun rises, it is impossible to prevent it, we must adapt to it, just as the united states adapts with the help of force, sanctions, pressure, bombings.
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the president's conference, or rather his interview, is addressed, well, perhaps to the future american administration, which will come to power, say, in january of twenty-five , in this regard, experts could not help but pay attention to two points: first - this is that the president according to...
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well, if you want, this comes through in trump’s speeches, yes, that today america should, as they say, focus rather on itself, it should already decide not to be the world’s policeman, that just might be , adapt to these trends, here i need to tell you, maybe the next administration may actually be like this, but the message to all the administration operating in today’s europe was heard where putin is. said that in general russia is strategically invincible, let’s
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let's listen: don't you think that it would be too humiliating for nato to now recognize russia's control over what was ukrainian territory 2 years ago? i said that let them think about how to do it with dignity, there are options, but if there is a desire, until now... they were making noise, shouting, it is necessary to achieve the strategic defeat of russia, defeat on the battlefield, well, now, apparently, the consciousness is coming that this is not easy to do, if at all possible, in my opinion, it is impossible by definition, this is not it will never happen, we thought of it, we brought it to this situation, in which we find ourselves, it wasn’t us who brought it to this, our partners, our opponents brought it to this point, well, now they’ll think about how this is... here it’s very important to also remember one moment in
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the interview when vladimir vladimirovich returned to history, saying about the global security architecture, said: “we proposed, we are ready to join nato. let’s discuss security issues together, the united states of america, europe, russia. how did it end? and it seems to me that today this is a return to this historical perspective, message to those to the american elites, who might not even know about it, saying that this confrontation is constantly going on, and russia is ready today for some kind of military action with nato, the president says: listen, together let’s save the world, together let’s preserve the world and to develop it economically , this is inevitable, well, in my opinion, this one...
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to be in this one, because we have our own club , everyone else does it, but russia is too
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big and we are too russian for the interests that are called brix , where sovereign states are located, in nato sovereign only in the united states of america, everything else, excuse me, is tobacco, so russia will defend precisely its sovereign development on that cue, when victory is unconditionally... will be ours, since our cause is just, we give the floor to the news, see you again at 17 :00, don’t miss it, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, a conversation that is attracting attention on both sides of the atlantic, an interview with vladimir putin.


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