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tv   Pole chudes  1TV  February 9, 2024 7:45pm-9:00pm MSK

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and continued the dialogue with me, so they found out what banks i use, what data, maybe i also provided, so, well, then we just had a dialogue, uh, in fact it was, they were stalling for time, fooling for 2 hours head, otherwise he would have noticed that the phone was constantly beeping, during this time the government services office, the bank where he kept his money was hacked, they took out a loan, lost a lot, about 2 million, then we will go to the police, go to the courts, yes, by the way, here’s another magic phrase, service bank security, scammers like to scare you that you have a debt, if you hear it, hang up too , don’t be afraid, real specialists will find you if necessary, show you the documents, i had a client contact me, he answers, he knows that there is a debt ...
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some services, from government services, from some kind of financial control, and...
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it all ended with some fsb officer, a major. scammers have targeted you, your data is in the wrong place, the guard is on fire. the most unusual thing is that the fsb major even went out with him to video communication, a man in a suit, a table with a green lamp, our service is dangerously difficult. he took some kind of oath from me orally, and not divulging, naturally, what would happen between us, had a nice conversation, in general, asked me to follow all the methodological instructions. in such surroundings it would not have been a sin to rip off three skins, but they only tore off one. i lost over 400 thousand. well, there were some similar calls before, but compared to him, this is a kindergarten, this is downright real. seriously, people know so much about me that i know about myself i don’t know such things myself. what did they know about you? well, all the ins and outs of credit, from beginning to end, even down to, yes, right down to the card that i got here.
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some kind of instinct of interest triggered, how far can i go, a creature or an object or have the right, if i remember dostoevsky, but i learned the limit of my idiocy. nikolai anatolyevich, our hard worker, is clearly not laughing today, that’s who lost big. his salary is small. 15,500 is his pension and now, even if he is fired, they will give him is he getting a normal pension? this also interests me, he’s not registered anywhere, we ’re afraid to register him here, they’ll take away the apartment for debts. works two shifts,
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pays all his salary for debts, he has 3,300,000 of them, this is what a dead end looks like, you can’t do anything with yourself, because, because my relatives will all be responsible for me, i won’t be able to lie down normally in the next world this, probably with this thought, if he is that color, and how can i help him? it’s unclear whether the inventor of the telephone would have known what terrible thing he came up with, so we urge you again and again, strangers are calling, no matter who they say they are, don’t be afraid to hang up, this is your life, your money, take care of it, take care of yourself. so, scammers have found a way to bypass the security system.
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in public services - this is a fact, what this threatens is clear to all of us, so we officially appeal to the responsible government departments, you simply must urgently put in place a system for changing passwords and phones linked to our accounts in public services. after all, how many people have already lost their hard -earned money because of this, if anyone thinks that will resolve itself, then we are not, the man of law was on the air, in the studio alexey pimanov, we will see you as usual on channel one on friday in the same studio.
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more, more, more
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than giving gifts, but better. her old people are not hemmed, my mother doesn’t let me go for a walk with my sweetheart, she’s in no hurry to hem the felt boots, but she’s not in a hurry to hem the felt boots, tomorrow vanechka is going to go buy new ones, good evening, hello!
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dear ladies and gentlemen, friday, the capital show field of miracles is on air, according to the good old tradition, to the applause of the audience, i invite the first three players to the studio, the first three to the studio, so behind the reel there is a field of miracles for the first three.
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here is the task for the first round, what was the name of the secret writing system in which, instead of a whole letter, its characteristic part was written, and the signs were reversed. sector of the key on the drum, if you want to try, they will bring out several keys, take one, open the door, the car is yours, come on, the keys to the studio,
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well, it doesn’t fit, stop, go to pavel, show him. what key did you use to open the door? check if such a key was there? well, look, there was one after all, come on, cossack, where is this village, kursk region? many people traveling on vacation to the south, probably along the moscow-crimea highway, pass through this village, i work at the center of folk art, i sing in... a free group, why then are you still
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here and not there? yes, i didn’t come alone, i came with the freemen, so the freemen went to the studio, a small alley, guys or a dock, and played an accordion. marosenka in singing, oh yes, oh dana, oh, yes, oh, naana , playing the accordion, singing frost, oh, yes, oh, na-na-na, oh, yes, oh, what are they playing, drizzle in the sea, marusya , little marosenka, short figure, oh, who will love you when i stopped, oh,
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woe, oh woe, i’m sad, oh , why did i fall in love with a danish cossack, oh woe, a blocky rope will help me, oh yes, oh yes -nana, oh yes, oh yes, only stupid melancholy will help me, oh
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, ay, bravo, two words, if it seems incorrect, you don’t have to answer, family, children, what’s at home, and today i came with my daughter, she me supports, where the daughter is, there is the daughter. what is your name? maria alexandrovna. very nice, leonid arkadyevich. father is amazing sings in the choir. do you sing in a choir? i used to go to music school, but now i graduated with a certificate. let's sing something so that the whole hall will pick up some song from earlier. oh, any, go ahead. the apple trees and apple trees blossomed, floated into the fogs above the river,
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katsyusha went ashore, onto a high bank on a steep bank, katyusha went ashore, onto a high bank, onto a steep bank, went out, started a song, and started the news about the one she loved, about that , i really took care of the letters, about the one... whom i loved, about the one whose letters i took care of, podar, kubanki, podar, sector plus on the drum, you can open any letter in this
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word, which one, the first one will probably be trivial, maybe let’s go for the second, open the second letter, gifts, my god, that’s what he said, my heart went out , the fact is that yes, i did not come empty-handed and according to tradition, i would like to give you gifts , please, gifts to the studio, dear man, we have a tradition that has existed for 33 years, like something tasty, so to the children in the hall, yes, of course, you did everything you could, you received all the applause that could, zero, the move goes to you, i'm happy to see you, hello! “hello , leonet arkadyevich, you are novotroitsk, i know where, what you do, i work in a kindergarten, you are in a kindergarten, you’ve been a cook all your life, you’ve been retired for 14 years, i still work, the smallest ones, the smallest ones, it’s hard, feed, feed, 600 points on the reel
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, letter a, let's probably start, open it, and i would like to give you the gifts that i brought, nika, i promised you hello, here is your woman in the field of miracles, also irina, my sister, son slava. gifts to the studio, yes with pleasure, cedar drink, also pine coffee, altai everything from altai, altai honey , wait, my marushka, what is cedar coffee, i don’t understand, so you try it from pine nuts, well, there are not only pine nuts, there is also an added composition, yes, yes
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, what do you work with, i've been writing music since i was seven years old and i... prepared a musical gift for you, love winked at me and quickly turned the corner, i'll run to search the world, now i know all the... honeys in love, all life is transformed, the soul blooms and awakens, whoever has not fallen in love, let tries, everything just begins with love, but he doesn’t love, that means he’s struggling, love each other, let him try, love
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is the whole point, love is beautiful. love , beauty, love, beauty, love will not play with you, she will stay the whole world in you, she sits and waits on the side, in the look there is a similarity in the child, in love transform your whole life. the soul blooms and awakens, whoever hasn’t fallen in love, let him try, everything just begins with love, whoever doesn’t love means toil, love each other, let him try, love is the whole point, love
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beautiful, love, 750 points, letter s, open, i also wanted to, there is still one person waiting for me, alexei babakanov, so i said hello to you too, who is he? babakanov, this is from barnaul, he directly asked very strongly, yes, he says: otherwise i won’t watch this on the program if you don’t say hello, comrade babakanov, we just urgently demand, you watched this program, hello to you, from the field miracles, prize sector on the reel, decision, if you want a prize,
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if you want, let's continue playing, 2.0 points right away, yes, i think, continue playing, 2,000 points, and the right to name the letter, well, open it, it’s very. i have to tell you an interesting word, this is a very interesting cryptography system, 550 points, the letter k, the cossack is now on a dashing horse, remind me of the task, there was a cryptography system, instead of whole letters they wrote, some and some, or they wrote the other way around, by the way i would concentrate your attention on this, only i would slightly change what you... 600 points, a letter, let it be the letter p, open it, 500 points, so the letter c,
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open it, funny, a little naive, of course, but at that time, of course, it caused some confusion, 450 points, y... open, three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes to the studio. spin, spin. this means the task is simple, you need to guess the box in which the money lies. which box do we choose? show me. come on, come on, show me, open it, take it, carry it back. well done, don’t let you be, you won, here’s the first money you earned, honestly, 600 points, well, let’s go to, what’s to,
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victor, open up, the whole word, a half-word, and before us is the first finalist, captain of the field of miracles show, from the capital of the field of miracles show, from channel one, gifts.
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yat was pronounced exactly the same as e, but difficulties arose when writing, for example, the word wind had to be written with e, the word wind
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- with yat. in tsarist russia, students called the letter yat what? 750 points, letter a. open. so tell me, ustlabinsk? uslabinsk. where is? is this the most? the heart of kuban, so we, of course, came to you with a huge number of gifts, we have a lot of interesting things for you, and firstly, i am very i’m glad that you invited us, thank you very much, we are glad to meet you, hello everyone, and i came not alone, with my support group, but with my dear friends and my beloved niece ulyana, she would really like to say hello to you, if permission, ulyanochka, run quickly! what is your name? ulyana alexandrovna. it’s very nice,
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leonida arkadeevich, why are you coming to us, ulyana aleksanovna? vavolechka, dad and mom, and uncle misha and my friend angelina, i say hello to you, gifts to the studio, these were given to you gifts from our district head, stanislav aleksandrovich gonnyuchenko, the head of the city , dmitry nikolaevich smirnov, our respected, beloved director of the cultural center natalya viktorovna gudina, the atomman of our city. and we would like you to feel, so to speak, the cossack free spirit, put on our wonderful cloak, a real boot, take the nut and mace in your hands, as a symbol of strength and courage, help, beauty, oops, you. beauty,
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it suits you very well, three times, and of course, what is a cossack without a real cossack folk song? ensemble khmel in the studio! and oh in the town of kali it is necessary oh on the hill kalinada oh on the hill young karinada oh on the hill silver karinada i kalinoladaya karinula is young i kalino young lamalada i sarino serebenkilada.
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packs of clear, packs , knitted yes, daddies, young ones unknitted, populochki, silvers, verkhnova and the edge of the path, sweet vada, edge of the path, folded, edge of the path, young ones, folded, edge of the path, silver, folded yes, dear, from the yard, yes honey is coming. from the yard, yes, the great one is cute, the young one from the yard, yes, the silver one from the yard, yes, take it with you yes, take it, dear, with yourself, yes, take it, dear, young with you, take it with you.
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oh on the hill kalinada, oh on the hill kalinada, oh on the hill young kalina on oh nagorskiy kalina. some people say that the architecture of shanghai will not surprise you. just wait until evening and you will think that you are in the city of the future. who is in charge in a chinese family? many of us are raised by powerful women. so we end up finding a copy of our mother who controls us. how
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young people in china have fun, we can go to the cinema, stand-up, or we can just stay at home, cook food , watch a movie, it’s a pity, my girlfriend doesn’t like video games, so she doesn’t let me play them, i said everything correctly, my love, don’t let him play, well done, how are you living in retirement, my best time, if you want so that you , too, at 72 years old, do not have any pain, dance in the park every morning, others. premiere on sunday on the first. i wanted to call him sergei. and the eldest objected, if she fell in love with nikolai, here is the son, let him be nikolai. he told some stories, memories from childhood associated with his father, and he always felt great reverence for this , both as a person, and as a father, and as an actor, he
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was the life of the party, but he was very... bought himself a mobile phone, asked me to fill out a notebook, he dictated seven phone numbers to me, this was his entire written notebook, he was hiding his second life. there was a very strong romance, very beautiful, two decent people met, who did not suffer themselves, tormented each other, he was very kind to his wife, to his loved ones, and did not want to offend or hurt anyone, so he in general i couldn’t stand the situation for nikolai eremenko’s anniversary, what are we going to do, ivan ilyevich, fight, the legendary film pirates of the 20th century. superman with soft skin. this is definitely about koli. on sunday on the first. who did you come to us with today? tell? with tomato. is this
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a tomato? we immediately put perlite there. this is perlite. does mom know that you know these words? you yourself really teach people vocals. grol retle is belting, well, show me belting, hey, hey, hey, give me the money, hey , like that, yes, yes, how old are you, six, and you, six years old, to me, and the cockroach without wings, you are so cute, he licked my finger, come here my cuties, best of all, new season. on sunday on the first. she and chamberlain potemkin are constantly talking about something. she began to invite him to all councils and holidays. potemkin, you saw potemkin crooked, askew. slutki all this. my ugliness
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offends your beauty. wounds received for the fatherland should not be ashamed. but i love you. this is you from the big one. out of love for me, my friends were torn, i would not have looked at anyone in my life if you had not been cold to me, adjutant general grigory grigoryevich orlov should immediately leave for moscow to eradicate the plague epidemic occurring there. yes, grisha, look how you have risen above your comrade in arms, get ready. empresses of gresha, much is given, but not much is allowed. what should i do?
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for your museum, i would like to donate several copies of books written by our kuban pre-revolutionary author nikolai konevetsky, this book was published with the support of the volnaya foundation...
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we also invite all viewers, of course, sector prize on the reel, prize, you can refuse, it's 2,000 points, 2.0 points, let's play, 2.0 points, letter o, no, i applaud you, but thank you very much, come on vladimirovich, who do you work for, i'm a teacher-organizer, i organizing. what kind of activities for children? different, well, all the holidays, firstly, that there are, also folk holidays according to the calendar, because i graduated from college, i graduated from the folklore ethnographic department, so we
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study with them all the russian culture that we had and still have, this is for younger, older, for everyone, but then two words, how are things at home, wife, five children, what not, mom has five children. i’m the first, here, but i don’t have one yet, like no, you, you’re a married man, no, why, and i haven’t found it yet, but where are you looking? everywhere and i didn’t find it, somehow i didn’t have to, look there , head a little to the right, more, now to the left, more , wait, thank you, prize sector on the drum, no, no, no, no, no, yes i won’t i ’ll choose a prize, we’ll continue to play, we’ll continue to play, 2.0 points, wait, leonid arkach, yes please, i didn’t come alone, but i’m here
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what does it have to do with it? so i want to tell you that i came with my dad, oh, with my dad? so dad and i brought you a musical gift, dad was in the studio, vanka sadubovsky was driving, vanka was driving from dubovka, drilling the frets. i chura yury nightingale tyus-tyut tyut i sodubovki on a three-legged mare on a three-legged mare frets bura lady chura-yura nightingale tyus-tyus tyutya tyutya a little mare on a straw salamena.
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shame, sit down, nastya, don’t sway, frets, drills, ladya, chur-yur, salavya, tut-tut-tut, i don’t swing, there’s no one you fall in love with, there’s no one you fall in love with, vlady, drills, frets, i, chura, yura, nightingale, just a little bit, don’t fall in love, i fell in love, the flood
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fell apart, frets of the storm, rook, chura, yury, nightingale, tyut, tyut, tyut, i fell apart, 2.0 points, r, i i think open it, i think. i thought it was good to spin the drum, of course, but
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my friends and acquaintances would be watching me , but i never told them anything, my mother is sitting behind the screen now, and i have to tell her, mom, mommy, hello, my whole family, hello everyone, also to all my teachers who taught me, oh, thank you very much, now i’m here, i also want to convey a huge message to all my colleagues at work. i’m in my seventh grade, they made you a small gift with their own hands, so gifts for the studio, oh my god, they made it themselves, yes, they drew it themselves, they really like yours. phrase, okay, so here, like this
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, this is a flagpole, there is the flag of russia, the novosibirsk region and my school where i work, yes, there is a doll next to it, this mother made it with my sisters, as a gift to you, thank you, 350 points , hello, hello, i was in yadrina, we are very glad that yakubovich visited us not once or twice, but only three times, each time to himself. left a big, huge mark, in the center of the city the plane is parked with us , it always reminds us of leonid arkadyevich, because he took part there by helicopter , brought it, the second time laying flowers near the plane, the third time he came and even planted potatoes for us in the national economy,
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planted more before this, an apple tree, and this this apple tree bears fruit, so we invite you, guests, harvesting, and who do you work for? i i work as a store manager, i have a new store, 500 points, name the letter, letter t, open, gifts for the studio, in this photo you are planting an apple tree, in our yadrinsky district, the museum of natural economy. graphies: every year on august 12, we aviators who served in aviation gather under the plane every time we remember you, so join us. thank you, i want to say to the head of the municipal district, trofimov, stanislav, the
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wood carving master, nikolai petrovich petrov, yes, the craftsmen tried very well to convey this magic. listen, how can i get you to this idea, you have to cram, and if you answer poorly, you’ll get a rose, 400 points, letter, i’m completely
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confused now, i tried to untangle you, well, b... uh, well, if, if it’s not clear, then this evokes what feeling, if it’s not clear , it’s fear, it evokes, 750 points, letter, first you can say hello, please, dear mother, i came here in the first place, first of all i say hello to you, excuse me, but you’re in chuvash you say?
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i phenomenally bow to you, to everyone, thank you, thank you, 750 points, letter , letter e, open, to colleagues, with whom i served, far east, hello, magdagachi, medium white, torzhok, st. petersburg, 600 points, letter n, n, n, here we are kazhaks, that means there is wind. and there is an evening, one mistake, it can lead to this, what am i saying, and the students are small, in fact, that i’m climbing into the forest, i’m always climbing across fate, when it’s absolutely not necessary, and you don’t stop, and so i can talk endlessly, there is a
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prize sector on the reel, and i’m already spinning again, no, no matter what you choose, 2,000 points, another 2.0 points, letter: and my beloved husband awarded me the magnificent surname chasovskaya, and i ’ll take a chance, letter h, well, a little bit, come on, sir, teacher, yes, apparently not that’s the kind of teacher i am, the wind, the wind, one mistake, one mistake, but i’m already scared, what are you talking about? plus sector on the drum. open the fifth letter for you, open the fifth letter, i thought so, four more letters, what
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a word, there is no explanation, then they replaced the letter yat, threw out 400 points, you can say the word, first check yourself, now name the letter and open it. this is 800 points, a monster, and before us is the second finalist, the capital of the show is a field of miracles from our program, from the first channel, gifts from the second three players to the studio, these mugs for you girls, leonid arkadyevich, well, you and i kissed three times. but they didn’t hug , for the sake of my mom it was possible, it was very unexpected, of course
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, to get to the finals, but i didn’t expect it myself, when i was driving, i thought, well, maybe a couple of letters, but i still have a sector plus, prize, prize, plus, again, soon , very fun, that's probably the most important thing was that it was fun. all decisions were on the brink it basically turned out impossible, although there were, of course, a couple of missteps, there were a lot of skeptical assessments about whether we could hold such an olympics, and somewhere only on the second or third day the skeptical assessments changed to the exact opposite, it’s unrealistic a super sports festival , everything else, which olympic games have i been to, they are not close, this miracle happened and we are...
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you, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is knee-deep limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal. and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from
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magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18. on the first. my advice: don't sit close to screens, it might get too hot. meet us in the steel capital of russia. and again on air the capital show collet chines, the third three. anna evgenievna maslennikova, moscow. vitaly viktorovich odentsov, city of berezovsky, sverdlovsk region, tatyana viktorovna flotnikova, village of khovutovo, irkutsk region. well, vitaly, be kind. well, a compliment for the ladies. thank you. thank you. here is the task for the third round. modern soft sign in the old church slavonic alphabet. denoted by the word er, it had several meanings: this is a heresy, a heretic, an enemy, a sorcerer, who else? 800
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points? letter a, we need to start with a man. in fact, i did not come empty-handed, with a broad ural soul, with a song. if you allow, a song in the studio. under the wide window. he’ll look out the window, he’ll look out the window,
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but he won’t see anything in the shade. will step aside asks about the girl, comes back to the cherry again, goes aside, asks about the girl, comes back to the cherry again, what kind of cherry is this, what kind of hut is this, what kind of girl is this at the window, what is this, there is no peace in the heart, and lies dearer . i’ll pick a frame, sit down and guess, you say frame, not that one, you say frame, does natasha love, does the good may love, hey,
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you say frame, does natasha love... where is this sweet man from? dear man from the svredlovsk region, how are things at home? great, my family supports me, she is here in the studio, he is also my daughter, vasilisa is here too, but who do you work for? i work as a system administrator, if you know, but in russian,
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and this is the administrator of all sorts of complex and incomprehensible systems. 800 points, letter, letter e, oh, yes, this is my daughter, well, go stand next to dad, you will help, 800 points on the reel, letter, letter e, open, this is not 800 points, this is 2400 points, as far as i can judge, one, two, three, give - well, a very good gift to the studio. the ural land is famous for iron, where do so many screws from the urals come from, do you work there? no, but the earth famous, well, well, the prize sector on the reel,
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the decision or will we go for the victory? far from irkutsk, no, 15 km from irkutsk, we are located near lake baikal, everyone knew that you were coming here, everyone knew that we were coming here, they saw us off, and my daughter came with me, she wants to tell you something, daughter ekaterina , what is your name? ekaterina aleksandrovna. very nice. well, what did mother say, do you want to tell us? i’m straight from the pearls of siberia, from lake baikal, father, i tried to get to you, but i, of course, am not alone, my mother is with me, we’ve long dreamed of visiting this wonderful field, everyone we, the words came together, a wonderful verse, and dear uncle lenya
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, actually not in a dream, on eve. it was called er, so, that’s all, yes, and what you need to guess is, what word they just
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said, 500 points on the reel, the letter t, open, you see, the thing is that it’s a whole series of words, and heretic and heresy. there was one more word 450 points letter o open heresy heretic sorcerer for normal people in general this is some kind of synonym here would be to find 400 points letter but you can think about giving you gifts first tell the letter then give gifts good letter p p no letter. you yourself, do you want it to be or not to be? so i’m asking you directly, do you want her to be there? of course, i want, say, the letter p, no , tell me, open, please open
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the letter p, three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes for the studio, one contains money in one kiss, open any one. and so, looking at the scoreboard, in complete silence, we decide to either spin the reel or name the word, i want to say hello first, then drum, then the word, can i try to guess, from the chips, and before us is the third
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finalist of the capital show field of miracles, from our program, from the first channel gifts, the third three players in the studio. what did you want to say? i want to say hello to my entire family , my beloved, everyone who is watching me, everyone who saw me, a big, big hello, and a huge, big hello to my beloved friendly team of radiation diagnostics, they are all watching and rooting for me, that’s the main thing, that pavel igorech, hello, my beloved manager, everything was great, wonderful. everyone thank you to those who supported me, we continue in the same spirit, we are all cheering, we will see you in the final , we will win, the capital show field
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of miracles is on air again, the final, please, here is the task for the final round. the old church slavonic alphabet is divided into two parts, higher and lower. the lower part begins with letters. its negative meaning is expressed by such words as trash, liar, nonentity, some people were called shabala, what does this word mean? but you have time to think, zero on the reel, please, what does the word shabala mean, what kind of word is it, 800 points, letter a. ask! oh i'm begging ask me. the solemn moment arrives. we promised on new year's eve, and we
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will fulfill this promise today, that one of the letters we deliver will contain a request for a car. here is the letter that the boy pulled out, and now i have the right to see who this person is. hello, dear leonid arkadyevich, i congratulate you on the new year. but actually, why am i reading this letter, let the one who sent it read this letter. i ask you to come to the studio! sorry, this is your letter, what is written here, please read it, hello, dear leonid arkadyevich, i congratulate you on the new year, i wish all your wishes come true, you give people joy, strength and health, my name is oksana, i have loved the field of miracles since childhood.
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i watched with my parents, now with my children , like in a fairy tale, i have three sons, the eldest arthur turned 23 on november 22, artyom turned 12 on december 4, and this one turned five on december 25, since our birthdays smoothly transition into new ones year, i asked you to congratulate my boys on this magical holiday, we will be glad to receive any congratulations. there is only one congratulation: this is the same person who, according to our promise, won a car, keys to the studio, plus a certificate for 100 liters of gasoline.
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thank you, come on in, fill it out, i wanted to tell you a poem, go ahead and say it. hello, leonid arkadyevich, today we were in a hurry to come to you so that you would hand over the car to us, we wish you many years, so that there are no troubles in life, so that there are joyful days, the most interesting dreams. and now i want to say hello to my family, teachers, and friends. friends, i thank you for everything, health, happiness to you, i am everything, we will talk with our guest, the founder and artistic director of eterna music, the outstanding conductor teodor kurendis. what is the task, to bring the public out of... a state
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of comfort, this is not comfort, what we are looking for, but how can it be comfortable when you always want to create new, new and new, new, in general mortier is not the one creator of brilliant performances, what he did, he opened boundaries with it, gerard martier, a legendary figure, i think who played a huge role in your professional life, 15 minutes i spoke to him, he wrote sms.
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well, can you see the primorsky region? gorgeous! how do you say i love to travel in korean? so long, so write it down! we have two types of soup, one spicy, one mild. if anything, the firefighters have already left. the wind above is not important at all, even if it blows 80 km/h. it’s okay, let’s hold on, hold on, both of us, there is, that was a good blow, oh, oh , we’ll be quiet, let’s go, the premiere, tomorrow at the first one, for the anniversary of irina muravyova, what an artist you are, what artists they are, beautiful, thin, you're my size forty-eight you wear it, because somewhere there is life.
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turn around, the empress orders you, my ugliness. insults your beauty. all-russian emperor peter ii died from otsp at the age of 14. i don’t want a similar fate for my children or their children’s children. moreover, there are weapons against this evil. vaccination. you know that out of twelve people who make
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a variation, three die. great, golden age. big premiere from monday on the first. 500 points on the reel, letter in cossacks, cossacks can help out, let's remember again, so here's a row, liar, nonentity, shabala, shabala, sector plus on the drum, you can open any letter in this word, which one, so the third one, open the third letter, i want to say hello and words of gratitude.
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from us from everyone, god give you many years of life, the plus sector on the reel, what other letter to open, so let’s be the first, open the first letter, 350 points, the letter, well , let it be o, open the letter o, and the hall froze for some reason, i think that half the people already know the word. 400 points, letter, well, let it be me, open it, i want to pass it on hello, for the urals to your relatives , uncle misha, kulibin to you, a special hello, i hope that you and your friend will finally finish your plane, finally you will fly
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to me on a site, nice, he’s a big kulibin, nice 600 points, f, what f, why did you get so excited? well, why don't you use your imagination? 500 points on the reel, letter t. open your imagination. i don't know where you 're looking, everyone. look into the distance, there is a plus, there is a plus. which letter should you open? plus sector on the reel? the penultimate one, the penultimate one. well, stop shouting, i like to play, 550 points, letter u, open, well, in the entire russian language, i believe there is no other word, no matter what letter you put in, i can’t even
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imagine what could be put in there at all, i i can’t either, it’s obvious, zero, well... and before us is the winner! and you scored 1,750 points, a music synthesizer, and a thermal blanket, why not? and a tea set, all in the studio! make up your mind, but if you want to leave it!
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who, according to legend, came up with the first seven letters of the greek alphabet while watching a flight cranes. i give you permission to open any. five letters, name them, the letter o, o, the letter g, g, a
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, the letter p, mm, a, a, t, t, please open the letters, if they are anywhere, i’m ready to give you a minute a reflection, if you will. i think i know the main word, but i’m not sure about the rest, can i try to name it? about the main word, heterography, right away.
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and also a computer, well, according to tradition , the winner’s cup of the field of miracles, and also take my book as a souvenir, i want it to give you pleasure, they say it’s funny, we say goodbye to you for exactly one week, good luck to you in these short 7 days, god bless you. i dedicate my victory to all those who were rooting for me, to everyone who was worried, who
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watched me on tv, thank you very much to everyone, i am very glad that i came here, that it is so great here, everyone, everyone, thank you very much for your applause that everyone was with me, thank you everyone. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. 2 hours one-on -one interview with vladimir putin to tucker carlson in the top world news. the first channel showed everything how.


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