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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 11, 2024 2:10am-2:56am MSK

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the child needs to play really the right music, classical music has a beneficial effect on cognitive abilities on interneuronal connections, this is all completely proven, there is a separate, so to speak, even direction, music therapy for children specifically for children, for newborn children, for premature babies, they even do during pregnancy, but in some cases, this is also shown that... absolutely, because even while inside the womb, the child just perceives sounds, since the sound analyzer itself is more ancient than visual, i think all young mothers will agree with me that, uh, if a child, say, turns on some kind of monotonous noise, low-frequency, there is a hood, a vacuum cleaner, turn on the water, maybe the father’s voice, uh, by the way, there were also studies have been carried out that a male voice...
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has a more soothing effect on a newborn child, that is, low tones , but nevertheless, if we are talking about the noise of a waterfall, the so-called white noise, yes, all mothers know about this concept, so this is how a child hears sounds through the abdominal wall, through the wall of the uterus, when in utero, such a monotonous hum, this also calms him down, that is, in fact, all those techniques that are associated with calming the child... they are aimed, as it were, at returning the child inside the womb, simply, that is, there is a repertoire , so if we move on to practical advice, that is, there is what you need to listen to and what you don’t need, i’m afraid that there is a repertoire, it can be found on the internet, exactly what we started with when you said that there are too many sites with different information, for sure but there are recipes, yes, what you need to listen to, of course, you need to, you can combine that you need to listen to classical music, modern music, but personally i wouldn’t. play
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for my children when they were little, and now i have a granddaughter, so i tried not to play modern repertoire for her, the problem is that when they grow up and become teenagers, they still start listening to it, well, if this is a problem, it’s their choice they do their own later, well, i think that with at least a more developed brain, more, at least, well, he continues develop, he continues to develop throughout his life, but at least precisely in that rebellious...
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chief specialist in pediatrics in the administration of the president of the russian federation. once i offered my students such a task, gave them a text and asked them to determine its main feature. someone said that the text is too short and not... hello, today we are gathering our thoughts about artificial intelligence. harutyunanovich avitisyan, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of system programming, protyrey, pavel velikanov, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i’m vladimir ligoyda, you know, as a pre-question, like a warm-up, i want this from you. what would you call
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the main horror story about artificial intelligence today, which has nothing to do with reality, but what do you really have? there are a lot of horror stories, but globally, my opinion is that it is very important that our society and we understand that we are still dealing with advanced it technologies, and not artificial intelligence in the real sense of the word, but the horror stories concern basically, films are being made on this topic, mainly about the fact that artificial intelligence will get out of control, that it will become more powerful than the person himself, and it seems to me that this is very important to define here. these are, in principle, different worlds, and there is no need to be afraid of this in this sense, while the accelerated implementation of any technology, including artificial intelligence, which gives a significant increase in labor productivity, i will say this, and sometimes by tens of percent, sometimes by
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an order of magnitude , without control of mechanisms, technologies, checks for trust, and for safety in a broader sense, of course this is very, very dangerous and... sometimes they even scare me that here is public opinion, they poll public opinion and are proud that 70-80% of our population believes that artificial intelligence is not scary, it’s normal, because generally speaking, you need to be a little afraid of it, in this sense, let’s discuss the details, what the clergy will say, i think that one of the most dangerous horror stories that are very attractive to most people is in, that artificial intelligence, it will imperceptibly replace a person and with
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this... 50% of requests are addressed specifically to this area, that is, what we are talking about, that the actualization of human sinfulness is taking place, we find ourselves surrounded by such vile, very soft, very sticky pillows , from
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which much more effort is required to break away , the simplest image is an example, a person who lives or at least has experience of life in a village, he knows perfectly well that if he does not go... to the well, if he does not bring water, if will not bring firewood, will feed the cow, then he can give it as a gift, but he simply won’t survive, a person who lives in an apartment, he is guaranteed, even if he practically does not pay for utilities, he knows that he most likely will not be kicked out, it will still be warm, it will still be in the tap there will be water, anyway, he will find something somewhere for himself, scrape it up, go to the neighbors for something to eat, and he can afford the luxury of sitting in front of the tv, now... in games, on social networks and so on, this is the question of why a person is sorely lacking internal immunity in order to resist, counteract such temptations. let’s definitely talk about this, there are just a lot of questions at once , unfortunately, there isn’t much time, in
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principle the main answer has been given, but i still want to maybe explore this topic a little, but look, alan turing, a famous mathematician, in 1950 or 1951, i think. published his article asking the question, can a machine think? if i'm not mistaken, he then proposed the so-called a game of imitation, yes, that if there is a presenter, a man and a machine, then the presenter is given a task, he asks questions to these two interlocutors and must use them to determine from the answers which of them is a machine, which of them is a human. in my opinion, thuring said that if more than seventy answers are accepted as human in 5 or 10 minutes, then it means it’s a person, sort of... i read that not a single machine has yet passed this test, further with him, as i understand it, they argued with him and so on, this does not raise the question of your definition that after all, this is definitely not intelligence, you understand what the matter is, technology is not structured like that, if
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i don’t know, your diesel engine is made very well, it looks like i don’t know some other super engine, it doesn’t mean that it has ceased to be diesel , but here we have exactly the same situation, while... strong artificial intelligence in this sense is very far from my point of view, although there are enthusiasts who believe that in the next few years, maximum 10 years, it will be created, from my point of view this will not happen in my lifetime.
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writing texts, for example, that is , what i mean is that there is no need to be tempted because of this, that this is something so incredible, when i was listening to you, i also thought that when we look at a driverless car, but he doesn’t mean that he, that the program controls the same as a person, but there is a completely different principle, what is called driving, you know, this is a very good topic here, driverless cars don’t really exist, but the point is that when elon musk, for example, was asked what he said, my assistant, that is, there are... a lot of experiments with unmanned vehicles, but in the sense that an unmanned car drives wherever it wants, and it’s fine, this is not there,
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i have been speaking about this for a long time, i have been talking about this for a long time, that if there is a dedicated circuit, a special environment, whatever you want to call it, technologically, simply humanly, then yes, then an unmanned vehicle makes sense and it will drive, but if, for example, on a city scale, this is not a chess game where the computer itself can learn to play with yourself, this is not a game of go, this is an environment that. is changing, changing dynamically and unpredictably, that is, driverless cars, while this is a research project, a project, i just want to bridge the gap, that when you said about subjectivity, i remembered that in 2011, when the utson computer, in my opinion, yes , jeopardy defeated, one of the philosophers said that watson does not know that he defeated jeopardy, that’s right, so it seems to me that a very important topic is that a person in a situation where he does not have a pre-prepared algorithm, he dives to a certain depth , there is nowhere for artificial intelligence to dive, that is, there is no
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spare space there from which the necessary algorithms could be quickly pulled up to solve this issue, well, by the way, i also remembered this now, i read somewhere, that if we compare the human brain with a computer, yes, then we still proceed from the fact that a computer is a deterministic system, that is, under the same conditions, yes, we get the same result, but the human brain is not a system doter...
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of a person in the subway, well, what difference does it make, well, even if he deceives and comes in, well, let him come in , it won’t affect anything, but if he goes
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to a nuclear facility, for example, it’s probably not worth the risk there, and there must also be contours of protection to check for sure that it is he or it is not him, here it seems to me that world practice is already moving in this direction, the europeans are generally tough, they announced it in may, we discussed it at our conference, now i think they accepted that artificial intelligence is divided into three parts, one part will be simply prohibited. for example, there is the collection of biometrics in public places, social scoring, the second part will necessarily be regulatory, well, for example, in aviation, you know, there are strict rules, it’s just... unless you are developing an operating system for aviation from scratch, for example , it is impossible to certify, that is, they are quite strict, and there is no artificial intelligence there, this is ordinary software, but it is an extremely dangerous zone and , accordingly, the costs of certification for support are sometimes several times higher than for the support itself development, we are doing this, so i know it well, we are making a real time operating system ourselves, finally the third part, when you can use it as you want, it
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does not affect anything, well, for example, the entrance to the metro from my point of view can be entered into the third part, a person comes in. or there in the dining room , for example, admission, well, well, he’ll eat one more time, for which on a large scale this does not matter, this needs to be discussed somehow in our society, because now the opinion was very different, some believe, that there is no need to regulate in any way, some they think that, on the contrary, everything needs to be regulated, as it is in other countries, but what is really needed is this discussion, which we understood, and at the same time based on scientific knowledge, and not because we are afraid of it, let’s go there, if it’s because of fears move away. ah look in the opposite direction, these are the main hopes that we can place on the development of this technology, here pavel, you, well , it seems to me that the main hope is that we will have the opportunity to make such a qualitative leap in understanding the depth of formal data processing, even if we
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let's take, relatively speaking, the languages ​​there, because today we are all witnesses to how much the quality of translation has advanced not only from modern languages, but also from ancient ones, for example, i don’t speak the ancient armenian language there, but today, thanks to artificial intelligence, i can to imagine in general terms what the holy fathers talked about there, interesting for me during this period, that is, a completely new area is opening up, previously, absolutely inaccessible to me, in my status, with my level of knowledge, a sphere that i can... already use plus-minus quite adequately, i think that, of course, this is a huge help. on the other hand , remembering the story of our seminarians who tried to write a sermon, and were then very upset that, in general, not each of them could write such a sermon that it would be guaranteed to pass the test of the teacher, this is also
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great , why? because it makes you think, but... i would also add here that we do not understand how the brain works at all, despite the fact that we have advanced very much, that is, the answer is, what is the brain, and is our self-consciousness , consciousness in general as such, really, is it caused by one or another physical processes, chemical, and so on, and it was already generally forbidden to use the word consciousness, but on the other hand, for a believer , a completely different perspective opens up here. from the christian anthology we understand that a person without god, he, he is not a person, in this sense i really like the image that father sergei bulgakov uses, he says that in a person there is a hole drilled in infinity, that’s why i really like this image, but the hole doesn’t have its own nature, you know, that is, this opens up, in
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my opinion, an absolutely amazing prospect, such fearlessness, precisely in the scientific... field, academician harutyun avitesyan, proteer pavel velikanov, i’m vladimir ligoido, today we gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence, you know, i think that there is not a single sector of our life now where artificial intelligence will not be implemented, because once again, i think karmar said yes, that 100% their native capitalist will sell them profit, there is an obvious benefit from the point of view of our country, because on the one hand this is an advantage, hope, on the other hand... of course there are risks associated with the loss of jobs, this is discussed there, well, understandable, but from the point of view of our huge country, where the population is not very large , automation of this kind will help us master what is now difficult, in this sense, in a sense, it’s even easier for us, agriculture, for example, well, we need to increase its efficiency, automate, that’s all
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connected again with artificial intelligence, because in traditional ways, if you do it, it’s just very expensive. medicine, in fact, most of us simply don’t go to doctors, to be honest, well, i mean the population, and therefore what we are doing is we are trying to move in this direction and those that screening the population is constantly passive , for example, clean the devices that we carry with us, there is a single-channel now in watches, and a person should be taken to the doctor earlier, and as you know, than before diagnosis has been made, the better it can be treated, from my point of view this will not lead to the fact that doctors will not... the doctor will be able to convey his knowledge to the regions, even to villages, where sometimes there are no doctors, god forbid that there will be a filsher , that is, these are simple examples, and there are a lot of them, in fact, i
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’m not even talking about production, where methods of analyzing production flow have been used for a long time, i do n’t know, in order to reduce defects, and it seems to me that there are simply no problems here , this needs to be implemented, i’m certainly not the person who, despite the fact that he said that security, trust, who wants...
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from analog childhood, adolescence, youth, and i remember very well that if you had any problem in interacting with some different services, there was there was always
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a hotline number, you could call somewhere, and after some time you could hear the live voice of a live operator who would, in one way or another, get involved in your problem. today this option is practically absent, because in most such cases you end up switching to artificial. intellect, which asks you questions using a very strict, algorithmic method, at some point it simply throws you out and says: that’s it, my capabilities have been exhausted, it turned out that what was supposed to make it easier to solve the problem, in the end it just drives the person at a dead end, and you understand that listen, what’s the point of calling there if i still most likely won’t resolve this issue, well, this is your city’s pebble, in fact, i think these are the questions that are more or less the closest there 5- 10 years will definitely be decided, because now the translators are already appearing, you can just hang
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it in your ear and communicate with each other in different languages, i just returned from china, there was a girl in a hotel who didn’t know a word of english, she had a device on which she spoke chinese and translated in english, everything was fine, on the contrary, that is, her profession, we communicated without translators, she calmly understood everything, we did everything. that is, potentially - of course, in a mass sense, yes, but this does not mean that professional translators will not be needed for specialized stories, in this sense , well, yes, there is a social danger that some professions will be unclaimed, well, once upon a time the same thing happened to horses, but in this story, it doesn’t seem so dramatic to me, if we get it right we will manage everything, that is , especially for our country, where... we have quite large resources and a small population, we need to fight to improve the quality of this population, this is what we need to invest in: secondary education at school in first of all, in general, so that the population
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is literate, then it will be able to get involved in all these processes and use these technologies for good, so let’s talk about education, here i got to my favorite topic, you said in some interview that when magim was our round table and i think the mathematician gasnikov spoke there. that articles are written with the help of a bot, and if i understand correctly, you simply cited this as an example of such a well-correct use, and i ended up on some kind of bot, well, in general he says, we can write whatever you want, that means, please use neurosite, the demo version is free, and i entered a task on a topic that was clear to me, on the topic of my dissertation, neurosite generated a 27-page text very quickly in 3 minutes, well, part of the text was closed , because the demo version, so yes, i couldn’t... use it without paying, but i can say quite responsibly that more than half of my students will write such a text, let alone in 3 days, in 3 weeks, i’m specifically pointing out the question polemical that
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you? it’s still clear that he can order this work, but that this didn’t exist before, in all second-rate universities everywhere, there’s a whole business, well , consider that this business is going to die, because some were afraid, yes, but, but nothing more , that is, if we build the education system correctly, this will not interfere, this is again a threat, a risk, but we can manage this risk, and if we don’t have this, then of course, if the teacher himself can no longer distinguish in the sense that
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a person... cannot interview him to understand that he is not understands, well then the problem, yes, that’s a different question, that’s why, that’s why i, that’s why in elite places it doesn’t cause problems, because there you either run a hundred meters in the required number of seconds, or you don’t run, and the texts won’t help you, that’s it’s an obvious thing in my opinion, again i ’m saying this now on purpose, the problem exists, of course, it needs to be raised, it needs to be discussed, but it is not in the plane that is being discussed, how can we ensure that we have quality education?
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just like that, in one day create a new course for this topic will not work, it is necessary that our designers get involved in this, writers will use this one way or another, because at least for inspiration, for example, because you can check a thousand options, and then, like a professional, choose what you think correct, this is quite possible, but... this is a different level, and this again cannot be solved by prohibitions or restrictions, you know, i would like to pick up a little the topic of the need for elites, from what perspective, it seems to me, the active introduction of high technologies, it makes it extra spicy the need for a request for the emergence of a non-elite
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in the sense that we have it today... to engage in any professional activity, he could not earn money, but at the same time he had to be deeply immersed in many different spheres, in the military sphere, in philosophy , into languages, into culture, he should be able to draw there and dance there and so on and so forth, what is this? this is the creation of a model, not a model, the creation of a certain person
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whose main work in life is service. this is the norm, it seems to me that all this artificial intelligence, context, high technology, it simply pushes us to the point that if we do not return to the topic of service and pose it as the cornerstone topic of human life in general, then we will have nothing to oppose these technological opportunities more radically.
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why, because, well, if it turns out that i don’t know, serving the profession is contrary to serving the homeland, what then to choose, or family, for example, or friendship? that’s what’s more important, that’s in the person, that’s the struggle, probably internal to the person, and the conversation with the lord as a person whose profession is unlikely to fit, in your case there is no contradiction, yes, well , for example, very often it arises, here you are making some kind of technology, it can always be used in different ways, it’s as if this is an important question, for me it was a discovery that, relatively speaking, the professional amateurism of a knight in all matters, he... he was a guarantee, he was still a guarantee that he was not engaged in any way, by any profession, by any internal, so to speak, cultural interpretation, because
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chivalry is actually the creation of a secular culture, well, i don’t want to, it’s completely different, it’s just a step from church culture to secular culture, by the way , there was no chivalry in russian culture, and this is also an important cultural fact. academician harutyun ovetisya, proteraeus pavel velikanov, i’m vladimir ligoido, we gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence. look, yuri mikhailovich lotman, what did he say, when some kind of technological discovery appears, any, yes, some kind of revolution, a breakthrough that should to make life easier, it always first throws it back, because, as lotman said, he had, he spoke in terms of technology and culture, he said, technology has not yet become culture, then the telephone appeared, for the first time we can talk without seeing each other. and we don’t understand, like text messages, we don’t understand, the person answered us , he is upset, happy, he doesn’t care, yes, that is, time must pass, lotma says, for technology to become culture, my question is, the speed with which it is happening today
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changes, not even the speed of implementation, the speed of the appearance of something, but the implementation that you talked about, yes, doesn’t this problem make it extremely acute, can we say that there is a problem that, in lotman’s terms, technology does not have time to become. i absolutely agree, moreover, we are right here, each of us can see that throughout our lives these so-called revolutions took place several times, although from the point of view of the person who deals with it, this is simply an evolutionary development, but the world around has changed, and what is happening now on social networks is just the beginning, because that we will be immersed there more and more, there are already countries where millions of people simply do not leave their homes at all, i, as a layman, don’t see anything good. from the point of view of these people, they already live in this , it is normal for them, and this, it seems to me, is the adaptive mechanisms of a person, after all, they are not unlimited, at some point, this also changes, uh, does not allow , let’s say, a person should come to god, because there is no
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time anymore, he lives all the time in a comfortable environment, without understanding what he eats hamburger, but not eating steak, i don’t know, and he, because well, everything seems to be there, everything seems to be good, there is entertainment, and there will be digital entertainment.
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approach to the cultivation of the technology that votman spoke about, great, let’s hope so, i have one last question, if possible, in the blitz mode, yes, very briefly, today there are a lot, and... opportunities, using the program, to receive answers to some of your questions, yes, so-called chats that give you solutions, one colleague admitted to me that he says, i in general, i don’t make any decisions without consulting, because well, he just says, they understand and advise better than me, so to speak, i have a question, do you use this in your life, if so, in what cases, i use it only in case for translation, i... don’t use it, due
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to professional necessity, i of course keep my finger on the pulse, but i don’t use this kind of everyday life, and generative artificial intelligence, which will increasingly help us, has its negative sides, about which little is sometimes said, that he can generate very plausible, but untrue, well, for example, i gave an example at the academy of sciences when i spoke in november. if you read it and do what is written there, you will simply get poisoned. therefore, we argued many years ago that there should be trusted artificial intelligence, among some of the points that we must fulfill, this is related to data, for example, federated learning, but also watermarking, so that we can clearly determine, know this is generated or not, why? because from
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my point of view there is no technology that can accurately determine whether it is fake or not. literally in september 2003 , the united states government signed with its five large companies that any generated content must have watermarks so that the consumer can clearly determine whether it is generated or not, and now active work is underway in this area, i hope that for the next few years i’m sure it will be just that in essence. criminalized has such watermarks, they will be the ones who will post content that does not fall under regulation, i think that our country and everyone else will follow this path, because otherwise it will not work, why am i telling this, that this is one from examples of how society is gradually starting to do this, at least to limit not in the sense of what to prohibit, but what i, as a consumer, have the right to know, i look, it’s my neighbor who says or generated something like this. jobs will be increasingly in demand, and we are in
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in this sense, we are also not lagging behind anyone, we are developing one of the countries in the world that has the appropriate technologies, and it seems to me that this is very important, on this optimistic note, dear friends, i am extremely grateful to you, very much, it seems to me , we said something important, thank you very much again arutin mishkanovich avitisyan, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of system programming of the russian academy of sciences, proteory pavel velikanov, associate professor. moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida, we are today collected thoughts about artificial intelligence, fears and hopes about it. all the best! you are watching the precious stories podcast, we welcome you all, we are the hosts of the podcast. sergei mikhailovich nekrasov, director of the all-russian pushkin museum. ekaterina
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varkan, author of the most interesting books that i read with pleasure, including those about jewelry. before bedtime. before bedtime. today we decided to remember the decembrists. on december 14, 1925, taking advantage of the dual power, a group of nobles went to the senate square to express the government's bewilderment at the state of the empire. so to speak, to put it mildly, then they were arrested , tried, deprived of ranks, titles, demoted, exiled, in the twenty-sixth year, along the vladimirovsky highway, the first strong ones already went to siberia, and their women, wives, sisters and brides followed them, usually they only say about wives, but there were sisters as brides, this is also a very, so to speak , important point, in russia it was not customary for women to leave... their men, and there are many cases when in siberia even before
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this famous women’s campaign 26, 27 and subsequent years to siberia, there were many cases, quite interesting, for example, in the 18th century, the first beauty and the first rich woman, say, russia, natalya borisovna sheremetyeva, for her husband, ivan dolgoruky, also went to bereza in 1730, where they did not find his serene highness prince.
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guard, his sister-in-law, and this was not at all welcomed, children appeared in siberia, and despite the fact that on the way back , upon their return, when paul i had already canceled this sentence, the cruel sentence of the kinsman, on the way back, they returned to the estate radishchevskoye, then radishchey’s father, refused to even recognize children born in siberia, not from his wife, but from this... sister-in-law, who also accomplished a feat, and it was doubly difficult, because such a direct family relationship, namely the wife, is not here it was, sister-in-law, this also happened in russian history, in general, women of the twenty -sixth year were already following the path, so
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to speak, yes, and there were many examples before their eyes when women supported their men, and went into exile and lived, gave birth children, supported. well, these nobles who they turned out to be rich, they were also not idle people, quite so to speak, well, besides , they were clearly enlightened, but it turns out that they also owned a large number of all kinds of crafts, who could have imagined all this, here is one of the most, so to speak, famous people, nikolai aleksandrovich bestuzhev, who back in st. petersburg invented the bestuzhev boat, a rescue boat, he used the bestuzhev economical... stove - so that, here he is, a handsome man with sideburns, yes, in order to use less, so to speak, all sorts of firewood and coal , so, then he made some kind of clock that went there for centuries, studied astronomy,
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astrology, seismology, built an observatory, and so they were in exile and then in a settlement with their brother mikhail, the third brother. alexander was in yakutsk, and it was they who came up with the idea of ​​forging rings from shackles, this idea. mikhail remembers that when the shackles were removed by order of the emperor, they made some small gifts to the guards and soldiers, and they gave these shackles, and these two brothers, mainly nikolai, they forged, here is mikhail, here we are we see him, they forged rings. and of course , they forged the first rings for themselves, but we don’t have these rings, they are lost, but we can see the ring, because it means that there was a story that the decembrists lived in siberia and quite often got along with local women and children also appeared , bistuzhev also had,
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so to speak, such an illegitimate child, who after his death was raised in the family of the merchant startseva, and therefore had the surname startsev. so the child’s name was alexey dmitrievich startsev, and he was a russian merchant of the first guild, then he became, it means industrialist, commercial adviser , owner of the factories of the newspaper parokhodov, including putyatin islands in the far east, and so , according to legend, according to recollections, he always wore his father’s ring on the little finger of his right hand from scandals, and we can actually see, that means. also look at this ring, but there are rings, to our joy, we always say, which have actually been preserved, preserved, not lost, and one of them is in general, which is kept by you, sergei mikhailovich, in the collections of your museum, the ring of our first friend, pushchina ivana
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ivanovich, this is the ring.


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