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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 11, 2024 2:55am-3:41am MSK

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there was also, so to speak, such an illegitimate child, who after his death was brought up in the family of the merchant startseva, therefore he had the surname startsev, which means the child’s name was alexey dmitrievich startsev, and he was a russian merchant, the first of the guild, then he became, therefore, an industrialist, commercial advisor, owner of the parokhodov newspaper factories, including putyatin islands in the far east, and so he is always, according to legend, according to recollections, on the little finger. on his right hand he wore his father’s ring from scandals, and we, in fact, can see, which means we can also look at it ring, um, but, there are rings, to our joy, we always say, which, in fact , have been preserved, preserved, not lost, and one of them, in general, is kept by you, sergei mikhailovich, in the funds of your museum, a ring our first friend. pushchina
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ivan ivanovich, this is the ring. yes, this ring, moreover, the date is indicated there, it corresponds to his birthday, so this is especially interesting for us. it is known that ivan ivanovich pushchin was really the closest friend of alexander sergeevich pushkin, and pushkin’s poems are my first friend, my priceless friend, and i blessed fate when my yard, secluded, covered with sad snow, your bell rang. here is the story that ivan ivanovich described in detail in his memoirs, when in the winter of 225, at the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, he visited pushkin in the village of mikhailovskoye, they spent two wonderful days, he brought two bottles of french champagne, which, three bottles of french champagne , and the clicco they drank, first two, and then one more, this last one... as he writes, he drank sadly,
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because it was as if we felt that we were drinking for eternal separation, then an absolutely amazing phrase from ivan ivanovich pushchin: pushkin was the first who met me in siberia, and it was really so, because on the very day when he arrived in siberia, alexandra grigoriev muravyova, nee grafenya chernyshova, alexander sergeevich pushkin’s fourth cousin, just brought him the poem “my first friend, my friend.” priceless, and it was truly a priceless gift for ivan ivanovich pushchin, but to me, for example, i really like the story connected with december of the twenty-fifth year and connected with ivan ivanovich with aleksan mikhailovich gorchakov, they were classmates, this is a fantastic story, of course, the fact is that prince alexander mikhailovich grichakov decided to pursue a more career from his youth. moreover
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, he set the highest goals for himself, they say that he even carried poison with him constantly in his youth, i believe that if some kind of failure occurs somewhere and he cannot take the position for which he expected, then he will simply leave life, here such was the highest measure of his ambition, and an absolutely fantastic story happened, prince alexander mikhailovich gorchakov, who very strictly himself...
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was connected by an amazing relationship of some kind of closeness, kinship, uh, and even pushkin, dying in his last minutes, said what a pity that no, this is not a forest here. not malinovsky, it would be easier for me to die, he repeated, ask for danzas, for his second, he is my brother, this is an extremely important circumstance, we continue our story about the decembrists, and today ekaterina varkan and sergei are with you nekrasov, director of the all-russian pushkin museum, the historical museum houses the ring of prince alexander ivanovich adoevsky, even two rings. shackled, here they are, and this is also, in general, such an amazing person, which means he was a fairly wealthy young man, and he lived on the corner of st. isaac's square and pochtamskaya street in st. petersburg, and everyone lived with him, kachelbecker, and bestuzhev, and griboyedov,
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in general, so to speak, they read poetry there, drank and lived very well, and across the square there was a russian-american company, where... actually served, and there were famous breakfasts at releigh’s with vodka and sauerkraut, which began at 14 o’clock, so they all lived there somehow amicably, and alexander ivanovich also took part in this performance, then he did such a cunning thing, such a disguise, he that means he was on the shore of ekateringovka, that means he imitated his heating near the ice hole, that means his sword, cloak, hat, his servants remained there, everyone admitted it. these things and he was recognized, so to speak, dead, committed suicide, well , probably something like that, but his uncle the vigilant gave him away, so vasily sergeevich lonskoy, well, he gave him away, in general, if it weren’t for this, that means, his uncle’s speech, then
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our prince would be sitting drinking champagne on the banks of the seine, somehow so khitrovan, but pushkin wrote that he tried to leave for st. petersburg. and as you know, it was precisely in december that he wanted to return to st. petersburg from mikhailovsky without permission, and since he did not know where to go, he would have gone to kvartirev and would have ended up on that very day, on that very night, and as pushkin wrote, i wouldn’t be sitting here with you, my dears, but pushkin, we know, sent a message to siberia in the depths of the siberian ores, it was prince alexander imanovich adovevsky, then no longer a prince, who answered him, and that was enough. he said shockingly, but i’ll just read three small lines to make it clear: in chains of our fate, we are proud behind the prison gates, in our souls we laugh at the kings, from a spark a flame will ignite, and we know that in the thirty-seventh year he was brought to the caucasus a private, and there
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was such an option to curry favor with some, so to speak, lower rank officer and ask for resignation and live, so to speak, as ordinary people somewhere. they were not allowed to curry favor for some strange reasons, but there he met mikhailomyevich lermantov, became very friendly with him, this is surprising for lermontov, because he was a very complex person, and did not get along very well with the decembrists, so to speak, and here suddenly such an extraordinary friendship and love was born, they walked there, walked, read poetry, in the thirty- ninth year private prince odoevsky died of... and lermontov was so shocked that wrote a poem in memory of adoevsky , you can also read a fragment now , try it: there is a quiet flame in it, the feeling has not died out, he retained the sparkle of his azure eyes, and the sonorous laughter of children, his lively speech, and
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his proud faith in people and life, and then in irkutsk he we have the balkonsky rings, and sergei grigorievich and... i am not in joyful peace at the throne of the eternal creator, with a smile he looks into earthly exile, blesses his mother and prays for his father, well, in general, they started making rings, then they started, i have a feeling, started doing it in some on an industrial scale, because it was necessary
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to send to relatives, friends, so to remind, they made a necklace, made a necklace, poured out crosses, so we have one such lady’s ring, let’s show it, it means it’s stunningly beautiful, so i would get one for myself, well i’m passing siberia, of course, because these are two diamonds, a ruby, these are already fashionable ladies’ jewelry that might have been worn in siberia. or maybe they were already sent , so to speak, to the middle zone in moscow-petersburg and of course it would be chic to wear such a wonderful ring. can i i’ll add one very interesting thing: the thing is that we have already mentioned that some rings were made from shackles, this is true, but in our museum there is a gift from the benkendor family, and this is a very interesting gift, this is a tray, a small tray you ... if we look at it, it means
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from the back side, we will see that it says greetings from the decembrists from siberia, and the date is 1856, that is, this is the year of the amnesty of alexander i, the return of the decembrists, and although this is not a jewel, but in its own way this is a very valuable exhibit not only for... do we remember who benkendor is? alexander kristoforovich benkendor, a brave general in 1812, he had a great friend sergei grigorievich volkonsky, prince volkonsky, then, of course, they were separated in 1825, because sergei grigorievich volkonsky was one of the leaders of the decembrist uprising, alexander kristoforovich benkendor, the closest one. ally of emperor nicholas i actively participated in the trial of the decembrists and then
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headed the third department, which should it was necessary to monitor, strictly monitor dissent, so that any introduced rules were not violated, and so on and so forth. this is such an amazing combination of destinies, and we even created an exhibition called two generals, where we told: about general volkonsky, about general benckendorff, vich, well, we continue, which means we are again returning to nikolai aleksandrovich bestuzhev, whom for that, that so to speak, he forged the rings, these are truly amazing things, memory is a reason to remember, to talk, we are still grateful to him for portrait gallery that he created, he was a very good artist, he took lessons, and he sketched
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prohibited people there, well, like state criminals, and many of their admirers did not even know them by sight, for example, alexander ivanovich hertsson, who published a magazine in 755 polar star, calling it in memory of the first magazine polar star, the authors of which were rayleigh and bestuzhev, so he did not know his idols by sight, he put a lot of work into getting their memories, letters, some... works, poems, he is everything published actively, didn’t know it in person, here
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we have a cover, yes, on which we see five profiles, here are five executed decembrists, but so that the audience understands, yes, this has nothing to do with them, this is just a fantasy, rather conventional image, a conventional image, as well as a wonderful story that also happened at that time with a collection of 100 russian writers, which was published by the publisher smerdin, quite famous.
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we have photographs of the decembrists in siberia, and the story of it all is this: i came from france, a certain alexander devenion, some lithographer or
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i don’t know, but there is no such photograph, so we found it, look, i noticed at podzhu near pushchin, they have chibouks, they have chibouks, this is such a separate chic, in general, then time, as far as i understood, studying a large amount of material, it seemed to me, at least, that smoking tobacco was considered some kind of sign
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of liberality, something like that, our friend prince pyotr andreevich vyazimsky even has...
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watercolors, the courtyard of petrovskaya prison with a vegetable garden, perhaps that means this in fact, we have a vegetable garden, and sergei grigorievich is depicted, most likely, but there is more, which means, in addition to the vegetable garden, we can look into the cells of some, here is sergei volkonsky with his wife, but this is the most modest cell, nikolai panov, nikolai’s cell ponova, and mikhail bestuzhev’s camera, here it is, look there.
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such a suspicion, again, having studied a certain amount of materials, that a certain number of, well, nobles, who later began to be called decembrists, before the december
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speech they were in some kind of strange exaltation, griboedov calls it the exaltation of the twenty-fifth year, but exaltations of love, they had some very crazy experiences, some kind of love passions, and maybe they were also subject to this kind of romantic impulse . i wonder from which he benefited like coal, it would also be funny for me to know , in any case, it was the era of romanticism, so there was a lot of romanticism in human relationships, in love
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relationships, and to be honest, in politics too, oh how nice we are we're going to die, what's this? exclamation from one of the ideologists and leaders of the movement, you see, so of course, of course it was. no one will believe it, rayleev kondraty fedorovich , and now we will not name the lady’s surname, although in principle it can be read, so to speak, but in order not to cause big scientific
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discussions, here, but she looked like this, everyone who recognizes her in context is magnificent pole, clever in connection with the russian government, in principle rayleigh, he’s an average poet, but we had one, he was more of a citizen, suddenly i don’t believe my people at all eyes. when i open love lyrics, just from that time, twenty -fourth or twenty-fifth year, dedicated to this woman of the elements, without trying to write that these poems are dedicated to her, i’m just a small piece, which means i’ll read it, i can’t, with my kindness, dangerous, magical with the sweetness of your speeches, you are a distant land, a beautiful land , you reminded my soul, and also, i am carried away by my fate, i myself am running towards destruction, i am afraid to meet you, and i can’t not meet you , but he is completely different...
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everything is fine, arsenia, the only thing missing is umbrella, he wrote very tender letters to his sister, he was interested in natalya pototskaya, how she was, that she died in the thirties, he didn’t know about it, after that he still wrote, which means he wrote and was sad, that’s the story, with this is why he began to write anti-government treatises and believed that he would not be sent further than siberia, but it was possible to deport him in 1941
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. one of our absolutely wonderful people, the decembrists, zvalishin, dmitry irenarkhovich, whom few people know anything at all, just if you go over it briefly, for example, in the nineteenth year at the age of 13, he was already released from the naval cadet corps, at the age of 17 he was a teacher of astronomy and higher mathematics and mechanics at the age of 18-21, twenty- second to twenty-fifth, traveled around the world. then the commander of the cruiser was mikhail lazarev, later an admiral, in general he was such a very strange person, he was very short and behaved very strangely, very strange reviews from him, he walked around in strange capes, in some kind of caps with veils, in general he made some strange remarks, well , what can you do, during the events when they took place on senate square, he was not
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in st. petersburg, so. .. but he somehow came under attack and was released, because he didn’t, well, he only knew releyev, because during his trip around the world, one of the tasks there was, that means, working in a russian american company , where ereleev also worked, he was released, but he ensured that arrested for the second time and wanted to be in the center of events, the participant, he is 21 years old, is generally crazy about the site, we are very grateful to him for the fact that he left vast memories, absolutely amazing memories. he left , it’s amazing to read, i just advise everyone , a lot, even a lot of hard-hitting stuff about our friends the decembrists, a lot of funny stuff, but he scolded them for not taking care of the soldiers, then he noticed that in general the serfs who came with their wives, no one exiled them to siberia, so let’s say, yes, he told how the decembrists went to work, it means that everyone took out the samovar, played lotto , whoever wanted, that means, with a shovel, if
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that... well, this is for maintaining physical fitness, some wonderful party was described, when everyone was in tuxedos and also a string orchestra played a string quartet, because already at the settlement everyone was playing music well, in fact, as a result, when in the fifty-sixth year everyone was released , the majority returned and returned to russia, he remained there and continued his educational activities, in general he fought with the authorities all the time. wrote treatises, the authorities considered his stay in transbaikalia dangerous, they sent him to moscow for bad behavior in 1863, no one had ever heard or seen anything like this, for bad behavior in siberia he was sent to moscow in the sixty- third year, we have just photographs, he was already in adulthood age, so he got married and after 75 years had two children, so
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he lived and died a long time. yes, he is 88 years old, in the ninety-second year, here we remember pushkin, again, which of us, in our old age , will have to celebrate the day of the lyceum alone, in in general, the last of the lyceum students was his serene highness prince alexander mikhailovich gorchakov, and the last of the decembrists to leave was dmitry irenarkovich zavalishin, that’s the story, and i’ll tell you that , well, here are the shackle rings, yes, we said today, yes, they became a symbol of faith, faith in your freedom. a symbol of fidelity, loyalty to each other , loyalty to their women, and women to their men, and the guys were brave, they came out with open faces, they did not sit with a fig in their pocket, and why, in general, the history of the decembrists has always been for us forever will remain the most romantic story, it was a podcast of precious stories,
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ekaterina varkan was with you. and sergei nikrasov. i don’t like a fatal outcome, i never get tired of life, i don’t like any time, any year when they are gone. i don’t sing, i don’t like
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cold cynicism, i don’t believe in enthusiasm and yet. when strangers read my letters, looking over my shoulder, looking over my shoulder, i don’t like it when it’s halfway.
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i hate gossip, sabotage, worms, doubts, sometimes the needle, or when everything is against the grain or when iron is on glass, i i don’t like confidently with a well-fed one, it’s better if the brakes fail, i’m annoyed if the word honor is written down, if it’s slander behind the eyes, it’s annoying to me if the word honor is washed down, if it’s in honor, slander is behind the eyes. like yes,
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broken wings, there is no complaint in me and no harm. i don’t love the people without strength, it’s just the sting of the crucified christ, i don’t love myself, like... i’ll destroy it, but i’m the only one when they drink innocent people, i don’t like it when they get into my soul, especially when they get into it they spit, i don’t like arenas and arenas,
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millions are exchanged for rubles in them, let it be ahead big changes, i... will never like it. hello, dear tv viewers, the melody of my life podcast is on the air, i’m its host valery syutkin, and today my guest is the singer who opened today’s program with her song, this is meggie gagetidze. hello. and the son of vladimir semenovich vysotsky, the keeper. these are the traditions of their seven parent-heritages, the track of memory of vladimir vysotsky, nikita vysotsky. hello, hello, friends, i would like to first of all, probably magi, start with you,
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a song was played, this is your music, yes, tell me, what does vysotsky mean to you? first of all, i want to say that i accept it in every manifestation of it in creativity, i cannot somehow separate it. there is poetry, music, theater, for me it’s all a whole, and as for this song in childhood, my father, may he rest in heaven, he is not alive now, but was given to me to listen to the song, horses and i don’t like, i heard, that’s it i don’t love, it was all for me, i accepted it all, for an eight-year-old child, this is such a very complex...
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which for a long time was spinning in my head in its own way, in some verses in a feminine way, some verses are absolutely in their energy, i don’t know, somehow i felt it the way it was heard now, those who perform vysotsky sometimes don’t work out, but i know for sure, you can’t help but take on the legacy of vladimir semenovich , not loving this life. loving our country , because this is a tuning fork of sincerity, honesty,
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they say, in order to raise a son, the son must simply see the conscience of his father, and i now turn to nikita and tell a little about this tradition in tyumen in norilsk , monuments to vysotsky appeared there in in kaliningrad, the vysotsky library there were many festivals, many concerts, exhibitions, this is of course a declaration of love for him, and it is very important to me that what meggie said now and how... how she said it and how she sings, a declaration of love, in respect , creative sossky - these are songs for children, songs about friendship, songs about the homeland, sports songs, we always open the podcast of the melody of my life with a song from childhood, it seems to me that these are the most prominent representatives here in vysotsky’s repertoire - this is a conversation at the tv when a married couple looks circus on television, morning exercises. let's listen together and watch morning
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gymnastics performed by vladimir vasovsky , who is deep, arms wider, do not rush three or four, the vigor of two with the play of plastic, general strengthening, sobering in the morning, if you are still alive, gymnastics, if you are in your apartment, lie down on the floor three four. question to nikita, what song is probably associated with your childhood, i’ll tell you this, well, it’s clear, i’ve been here for as long as i can remember, that’s how i began to realize myself there, i knew that i have a father who sings songs , no matter what they are, i liked some, i didn’t like something, somewhere it seemed to me that
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it was too loud or or incomprehensible, but this is my first impression, i have i have an older brother, thank god, here we were, we had a plush giraffe, which was given to us, his name was zhora, guess where i am, the stumpy one, well, yes, we had a giraffe, and oh, here’s a song in yellow hot africa, which it’s called the heat in... shoy the hole is clearer, so what if it’s in trouble,
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the giraffe shouted lovingly, now in our fauna everyone is equal on par, if all my relatives are not happy with her, don’t blame me, i’ll leave the herd, there was a lot of barking and barking, only an old parrot shouted loudly from the witches, big yesterday, the hole is clearer, because here we are with my brother my arkady, this is him, this is arkady , and that is, we were jumping on the big bed, throwing this giraffe at the ceiling, my father was playing, we were, that is, we were absolutely happy, that’s why, probably this is what it ’s like, but in reality i heard other things, i repeat, and somehow it was, it was not and in general, i took it calmly, you know, when a big person is seen from a distance and his face. you can’t see your face and uh, well, he’s singing, he’s singing, that’s right, i saw
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that people love it, that even as a child they asked me to be a nanny in kindergarten , sing something like that, they wanted something like that, but i ’m me and suddenly i heard some songs in the pioneer camp, i was probably eight years old there, and i said, dad, you wrote this, he said what i said, ships came into our harbor, and you’re talking to out of my mind this is a classic, you should be driving, that means oseva abdulov is sitting in the back, his comrade, playing the guitar, he’s driving, he’s driving, that means the car is singing to me by the sea of ​​these songs, here’s the sea, he knew them all, these yard servants are like that songs from which yours grew.
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i came to his songs later, that’s when i realized what it was, how serious it was, these are probably the strongest ones for me, i already understood, sorry, after his death. vladimir vysotsky, a ballad about love, i am the field, i lay the bed for lovers, let them sing in their sleep and on eve, i breathe, and that means i love. "i love, and that means i live , and there will be many wanderings and wanderings, the land of love is a great country, from its knights for testing,
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it will ask more and more, it will demand favors and distance, it will deprive..." in peace of rest, sleep, but you can’t turn madmen back to sleep, they already agree to pay at any cost, and would risk their lives in order not to let it break, in order to preserve the magical invisible thread, which is the highest self-sufficient... creativity, look, everything is real, every breath, every note, every word, and even when vysotsky later released songs arranged orchestra, i think this is already in some french period, when he was already together with marina, for example, the orchestra
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annoys me a little, even, he somehow tries to make the sound more fashionable, but nothing is needed, even a guitar as a comp. like a separate planet, you see, this type of creativity cannot be said, song, poetry, vysovsky, it ’s called, the planet was highly told by nikolai rastorguev, you said about the guitar, they worked in yaroslavl, he worked in a group that worked in a big concert, where , which vysotsky was closing, and he said, we hear an out-of-tune guitar, someone came in. one of the musicians, just to help, and he had a guitar lying there, a general rattle, and they tightened the string, tuned it normally so that it sounded, and he says, he came out, which means he was announced, he came out, struck a chord, such a pause began to let everything go, dismissed all the strings, which means then, when he has worked, he says who , who took it, it’s his, he says, i play like this,
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i need it like this, and the song, of course, is probably one of his best songs, and... i think, that songs live when you want to sing them, many people cover them and, in my opinion , they do the right thing, when they put on the performer, you can feel it, yes, it’s not like vysotsky’s, it’s different, because everyone has their own love, my idea of ​​how this song should be sung, i want to say that all the people who compose must have their own attitude towards vysovsky, everyone, anyone, when he creates something, because he is so bright and... he left after such a bright heritage, all the people, be it the christov brothers, zomuturman, dmitry there kharatyan, all the people who are trying to compose what purports to be the name of poetry, not the lyrics of a song, like your humble servant, i cannot call myself a student.


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