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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 11, 2024 4:25am-5:06am MSK

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well, in the mountains, which are only 40 minutes away, there are unique bases for training our national teams. there is an incredible base here, everything is special here, because this is our home, this is our country. it costs a lot to build a base in the mountains out of the blue. the most important intangible heritage, the whole country felt great pride in us, in ourselves, in the results that we have achieved and the lasting legacy that is now intangible, we continue to actively continue it. use, this is our inner confidence that in russia we can handle huge, such very complex projects, but there were ideas to take the path of least resistance , a large ice palace, to turn the main media center into a circus, to make a shopping complex, and to dismantle some of the stadiums and move them to other regions, the fate of sochi was then determined by the president of russia, to create such an educational complex in order to gather children here. from all over the country to create
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, as it were, the first stage of searching for talented children , then accompanying them further up to the bond and - subsequent employment, from the rooftop the largest ice palace in the olympic park, the changes are most noticeable: a modern city that lives, develops , helps others develop, classes are held here in almost thirty sports disciplines, scientific developments are carried out in dozens of areas, and thousands... of russians received an education or were promoted here qualification. sirius has become the brightest and guiding star throughout the country, more than 100 platforms have been opened to support gifted children. no such decision has been made by any president in any country in the world. we we train personnel for the development of critical technologies in each constituent entity of the russian federation. these are investments, investments in our future, investments in new technologies that improve the quality of life and increase the connectivity of russian regions. this is footage.
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2007 on the site of stadiums and hotels, fields, greenhouses and swamps. in a normal situation , global changes would take at least half a century. in sochi they managed it in 7 years. tunnels, interchanges, sewage treatment plants, schools , hospitals, airports, train stations. then they created a new accessible urban environment. iraq zaripov helped test the first developments in sochi and suggested what to change, and then introduced a fundamentally new approach in his native bashkyrtastan. correct mistakes, and discuss infrastructure at the design stage, every object we have now in the republic of bashakhstan is directly coordinated with public organizations, with expert communities, not only for us and wheelchair users there, it is for people, these are grandmothers, mothers with strollers, with children, modern infrastructure, as well as hotels, amusement parks, new points of attraction, such as the first formula 1 track in russia, where the stages of the royal races took place, now it is. the olympic success helped change
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the attitude towards holidays in russia; the potential of domestic tourism was seen in other regions and sochi quality standards were taken as a standard. the cities began to develop, the roads between the cities are simply excellent, and kazan, kaliningrad, and sochi, aerobatics, with all the scale of incredible transformations, the organizers of the games managed to maintain the natural balance of uniqueness. region in the national park, on putin’s initiative, the only one in the country is a center for restoring the population of the central asian leopard, in 10 years 27 kittens have already been born here and some of them were released into the wild, this is umka, he was born last year. unfortunately, it will not be possible to release this baby into the wild, because he caught me, he won’t eat me, but his intelligence will help create new couples, in this sense there are high hopes for him. the leopard was one of the mascots. olympics, who
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were surrounded by mimosas by hundreds of volunteer children at the closing ceremony, among them yulia stepanova, in for 11 years she and her mother began the journey of a volunteer, they understand well how sometimes help and support is needed, after the games yulia struggled with a serious illness and defeated a brain tumor. always give others a helping hand and believe in goodness, because only goodness helps you win, this is responsiveness, caring, faith in others and yourself, a very important part. the so -called intangible heritage, which is difficult to evaluate in numbers, but can be felt with the heart. ivan prozarov, ilya maryin, ivan pokhomov, dmitry baranov, lyubov filippova, natalya litovka and kristina neznanova. first channel sochi 2014, sochi 2024 and the federal territory sirius. at vdnkh, the topic of the day: youth russia, millions of schoolchildren and students participate in federal competitions, movements, present personal projects, about the opportunities they create.
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for those in heaven, in general, they are big fans of sumptuous meals, well, on this night, the richer the table, the more successful the year will be. in russia , it is impossible to imagine a festive new year's feast without the traditional olivier salad, a variety of appetizers and ruddy boiled pork, and what it looks like in china, the main dish
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of the table: jiaudzi, chinese dumplings, marble eggs, baked fish, fried golyb. symbolically, the legs are given to the head of the family so that he can continue to climb the career ladder. wings for children for a rapid take-off in life. it's a hot time in chinese restaurants, with a series of corporate events and friendly feasts. orders for pigeons, not street pigeons, of course, but specially raised squabs, that is, young meat birds, are arriving one after another. this dish is difficult to prepare at home, so many people order it at a restaurant. as for dessert, the choice for this year is obvious: dragon beard. candies in the form of the finest bindings. thread dessert and then in flour at a temperature of 40°, a product that is even difficult to take chinese emperors, the base is maltose or malt sugar, it is heated to 128°, pulled out with threads , it is so fragile in the hands, it immediately breaks, crumbles,
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probably , there are no analogues in russian cuisine. the grandiose gola concert is another attribute of the chinese holiday; it gathers a record an audience of over a billion viewers, like our beloved new year's eve. modern numbers are intertwined with classical genres, for example, fragments of peking opera, all the beauty of such a diverse chinese culture. martial artists demonstrate style one after another. wushu, white crane fist, southern dragon kungfu. the mythical beast continually breaks into the broadcast, which was broadcast from five cities. here are the connections to the ancient capital of xi'an. and it’s as if nature itself is welcoming chhunde, the spring festival, also known as chinese new year, with trees strewn with fluffy buds and, of course, traditional red lanterns. the year of the dragon has arrived, and we will celebrate it with dragon hats. the year
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of the dragon has arrived, and this year will be especially successful. the chinese have a long-awaited vacation ahead; they are putting on performances in parks and temples throughout the next week. with dragons performed throughout the country. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey aksenov, anastasia slobodenyuk, channel one china. hello, this is the podcast of schrödinger's cat, and i am its host, grigory tarasevich, editor-in-chief of a popular science magazine, which is also called schrödinger's cat. and our guest today, andrey sebrant, one of the first figures of the runet, a scientist, the
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pushkin institute of the russian language, sent the word of the year, the word neural network. it was like a mass acquaintance, the technologies themselves, not to mention scientific developments existed many, many years ago, so well, yes, for a person who just reads the news, of course, in 1923 this word was hammered into him, in fact he was hammered into it everywhere press, from computer television screens, from mobile phone screens, yes, in this sense, yes, is it necessary explain? now to a wide audience, what is a neural network and how does it work? it seems to me that no, oddly enough,
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because we all use those same mobile phones and to begin to explain now , what is called from adam, there is such a big science, quantum solid state physics, thanks to it semiconductors arose, thanks to the advent of semiconductors the fact that previously it was possible to assemble electronics with the help of large electric lamps and radio tubes. which was placed in cabinets there, it turned out to be possible to miniaturize to the level of a device in your pocket and at the same time there can be billions of transistors, unlike lamps, well, who really cares about this, people don’t have radio waves yet radio waves, and what is wi-fi and how does it differ from gps, well, in fact, a person is not very important, a person is very important that he has some kind of device that is connected to the worldwide internet and which is so important. technical detail, it also knows where it is in space, if it didn’t know, there would be no taxi
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call, well, now this device is slowly starting to talk to him, well, well, like in fairy tales, in general, this whole story about the development of technology, this is in many ways the story of the implementation of some old, old, including russian fairy tales, well, ivanushka on furnaces drove around the village, well...
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to use a word that is also almost, well, maybe a phrase from the year twenty-three, artificial intelligence, and despite all the complaints about this word, which i can expound for a long time for the whole program, despite all the complaints there is one for this word an important thing, this is really about intelligence, it’s about the fact that we taught computers, there are smart speakers, it doesn’t matter, we taught some devices around us to solve those problems that were traditionally related to intelligence.
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characteristics of the human personality , this shift that is sometimes made, well , for example, in fiction and this is correct, the terminator is not just an intelligent, very powerful mechanical robot, he is also a very unique personality, so he wants to take revenge on someone, someone conquer, punish someone, and so on, but these are characteristics of his personality, not his intellect, but so far we have no idea whether we can even create? artificial personality , well, we don’t know how to approach it, how to create
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copies, how to create procedures that reproduce our intellectual actions, here is chess, a striking example, or there is translation from one language to another, we know this, we can do this, we can do it better every day, personality, motivation, morality, is it possible for the emergence of artificial emotional intelligence, artificial social? but i would prefer not to look simply for the reason that, despite all my gray mane, i am not yet sclerotic enough to forget what they talked about 35 years ago, just when a... the internet, the modem, my the computer is connected to some computer in another city altogether, a miracle, a miracle, at that time, of course, there were a lot of forecasts, and how many forecasts were at the turn of the century, here is the time of the year 2000, because all of humanity, here we are entering a new era, not just in the new millennium, and what it will look like, and then forecasts, forecasts, forecasts, they
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contained almost nothing of what happened, why are there good electronic translators? perhaps, yes, good translators were predicted, but in general this story , you know, there is, they were always very interestingly predicted back in the middle of the 20th century, look back, and there are analogies in the past, when the 20th century began, there were also a lot of forecasts, and people drew what life would look like in the 20th century, they drew from there here 1800 is some kind of nineties, but a lot happens.
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no less amazing, well, i think yes, maybe not in five, maybe in a few more years, we saw this again with the example of those very smartphones that we now have in every pocket, because when they just started appear, there really was such an aura, here is the reality control panel, i can do anything, i can call my grandmother from the forest, i can watch my favorite tv show on the train, and it was perceived as a miracle, but this is normal, that we stop perceiving all these things as a miracle literally after a few years, and a miracle is something new that we had not thought about before, so i think that if in the twenty-third year it was not the word of the year, then in the thirty-third, well a neural network so that they don’t see neuro-honors, well, still
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, i’m returning to the future and the world of professions, okay, we agreed that neural networks won’t kill us for now. history always follows approximately the same scenario: it is not the tools themselves that make their colleagues unemployed, but others more adaptable people.
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listen, well, we still know that there are a number of people
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all over the world who study just to get this piece of paper, they really have neither the desire nor any other motivation to pass all these things themselves work in written form, and this is a huge market that has served them all their lives, it is collapsing before our eyes, because an algorithm can now write: the same work, only for free, now an algorithm can, and a conditional taxi driver will be left without work, here’s a new one city, i don’t know, when it’s very small, new, there in enopolis, for example, in russia in enopolis there are already unmanned taxis running and actually carrying people, but it’s a tiny compact city, i don’t know, there are a dozen and a half streets, everything is relatively easy there and simply, in the city the scale is already a million.
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they launched this on the anniversary, one of the purchases . a new level of ukrainian fakes, they are the united states of america, russia allegedly stole russia, you could write anything you want, but the usa, of course, in this fake looks really good, those peoples who fell into our sphere of influence, the russian government tried to pull them into theirs. level of development in the city of shakhtersk , new buses allegedly never entered the routes, the one who formed this message did not even bother to change the region, and also how the italian
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journalist vittorio orengeloni miraculously survived after being hit by the ukrainian armed forces, anti-fake, premiered on monday on the first, what do i want to talk about, which of what i experienced deserves attention, among the many joys, pleasures that accompany...
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the creative question, for example, posed sound recording technology almost a century ago, around the thirties of the 20th century, there was such a story that finally
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normal... working sound recording and sound reproducing devices appeared with good quality, and what was much worse for musicians, a sound track appeared in films, and before that, musicians, en masse, for example, sitting in cinemas providing what we now call the soundtrack to a film, they worked with live sound, a powerful movement arose against what was called very so
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in a good evil word, only a person, well, for example, this is the simplest logical move, for example, well, if we are talking about the legal system, about the police, not only, not only, look, there are a lot of complaints, that oh, but what about with loans, more and more decisions in the financial sphere are made by complex algorithms, but this algorithm, either it is simply poorly written, or it was taught in the wrong way, it can begin, well, for example, to deprive some groups of people of these same financial benefits, those same
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loans. how to deal with this, retrain algorithm, carefully monitor each time, or, in fact, a more effective , very human way of responding, each such complaint should be considered only by a person, then suddenly it turns out that the algorithm has fulfilled its function, because in fact they begin to give more loans, these are the things where before people were kind of cautious and didn’t want to set the bank up, but somehow it suddenly turns out to be incomprehensible. a reliable borrower, so a huge number of newly approved loans will benefit the bank, these are the people who previously considered the whole stream, now they will consider the stream of those who were dissatisfied that they were not given a loan, and what will happen to teachers, they will also become an exotic and rare profession? but no, a teacher is actually about something else, a teacher is not about transferring knowledge, a teacher is about,
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if we are to transfer something, then life experience. this is, first of all, really, sorry for the big words, schools of life, here i am completely in favor of introducing stories with all sorts of algorithms as much as possible, because it sounds beautiful, that here is a teacher i have to think about each student there, and the teacher sits, fills out endless forms and checks homework, this is exactly what an algorithm can do better than a teacher, freeing him up for something much more human, more emotional,
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such lobali on the stream, they were well replaced by an algorithm, well, those, the teacher who simply tells, even convincingly, even with examples, will lose to the one who can appreciate emotions. about the very human sphere, about interpersonal relationships, what will happen to them? let's start with getting acquainted, because for many, many centuries there were whole rituals , boys meeting girls on the contrary, balls, village gatherings, discos, now everything
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will not be done by russia, speaking of disappeared professions, matchmaker, as a fairly widespread profession there 100 years ago, has basically disappeared , just disappeared in the cities , other dating channels appeared, well , dating services, well, the world network, smart ones, will be able to find me an ideal match from the 8 billion remaining people, i don’t need it, i have a wife, well listen, this will always depend on , want are you, because now there are no non-network algorithms, in general, this is a fairly massive service on the internet, but well, there are quite a few there so far, as i understand it, there are no networks, no network non-network, so far, they will appear now, but.. .people will not change because of this, someone just wants to come, i don’t know, to the same bar on friday and wait for his heart to skip a beat, looking at this other person, someone will say, well , the computer is better can do me, many people
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still think that the computer is better than me will find it, because at least he has a wider choice, then i’ll let him give me an option, then i’ll swipe there and figure out which option will be useful, but if neural network technologies develop here, is it possible that... you ivan ivanov, we have analyzed your entire past, all your thoughts, and you need jessica johnson, from such and such a state in the usa, or there will be people who will trust this, there are people, this is actually, again a story about psychology, which more important than a story about technology, maybe it's not very noticeable, but throughout the entire conversation i am trying to convey such a simple idea that psychology decides much more in all this than technology.
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you understand everything for her, the computer is some kind of higher power, higher knowledge, it’s written there, don’t tell me where you really live; everything is written on the computer, after all, about interpersonal relationships, predicting the success of a couple, how maybe just as it is now known that those people who were selected, since these services are already many years old, are a large percentage of couples among those who accessed this service. whose stability is better than the average time before divorce in the country, for example, such statistics have been there for about fifteen years already, so well, as if there is an opportunity, from personal experience, i met my wife on a creepy site, in my opinion , i don’t even remember its
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name, there was something with pink angels, we live together, but the neural network did not help me choose, once again, this means that even with those weak algorithms, there were still these algorithms, so so-called, and a bunch of such criteria really, in general , allowed many people, those who did not believe in themselves so much, but really believed that, well, the computer, it knows a lot, it is smart, it will help, find their match, and there were
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people who, knowing about the existence of these services, still searched in what seemed to them the usual, face-to-face way, so it will also continue, from the fact that you have this algorithm, which, by the way , already worked well, will work even better, who -some will apply there, some will still to believe that i’m there, i don’t know, i’ll meet my girlfriend just one day, looking at that... turn around, the empress orders you, my ugliness offends your beauty. all-russian emperor peter ii died from sleep apnea at the age of 14. “i don’t want a similar fate for my children
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or their children’s children, especially since there are weapons against this evil, vaccination, you know that out of 12 people who made the variation, three die, great, golden age, big premiere from monday on the first, palm open, fist, germans or not, then i saw an army boot. they don’t wear these in iran, i’ve been working
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for four years now, during this time i haven’t asked you for anything, and we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned and was brought into the hall six germans whom we found, hurray, for the centenary of vartanyan’s givork, february 17, on the first, and 64 years later. intelligence, be emotional, understand
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yourself, understand others, sympathize with others, be human. another human thing is truth and lies. it is clear that truth and lies you can often formalize it, like your address, for example, but other things are difficult to formalize. how can you dispel a complaint about it so that fakes can be found? well, here , by the way, it is connected with the use of all these mere networks, algorithms in jurisprudence, because there is another such concept of justice, this is the same story that is very closely and very close to the question of truth and lies, but abstract justice, it seems, is not very much exists, yet there is always justice in this particular situation and in
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technologies help this de.


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