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tv   Zdorove  1TV  February 11, 2024 8:10am-9:20am MSK

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platoon working on a large-caliber gun mstab and for whom, based on his life experience, the call sign experienced would be more suitable ; this is not the native gun of the paratroopers, because the paratroopers have a d30 cannon that can be airborne, this one cannot be airborne, it is large, 7.5 tons, yes, but the paratroopers are different in that , that they are dragging her in their arms, the fighter with the call sign khatabych is more than 60 years old, and he is in the ranks along with everyone else, this is the nickname they gave him imported...
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god, homeland, mother, children, there are no others, our family, we grew up like that, if something is touched, you take a gun, you go, i’m friends, you take a stick, come on, i’m the heir of the boat, i went to fight on purpose, as it turns out , artillerymen have their own traditions, they choose the call signs for the names of rivers, and... in these frames , the artillery destroyed a bridge behind enemy lines with one blow, sending high-precision ammunition there krasnopol, this is not just an armor-piercing projectile, but a smart weapon. this type of ammunition is used, as a rule, against standing, non-moving targets, that is, some serious fortifications that need to be destroyed and... destroyed with precise fire, if
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you hear the call sign pechora, angara, aka, neva , know, this is our artillery working, pechora , i’m the third, we’re working with sixty-fourth full, shot, third shot, third on target, stop writing down, accepted, our flamethrower units, like the artillerymen, are also there . in close proximity to the enemy. here, in this deep forest , a very formidable beast is hiding, as the troops call the heavy flamethrower system tos-1a sontsepek. working from the forefront, they can literally bring down the enemy is a sea of ​​fire, so the enemy is on a real hunt for their crews. the platoon commander, a young lieutenant with the call sign heat characteristic of the sun, but not yes. from the school, introduces us
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to the crew, the crew consists of the commander of the vehicle, call sign aslan, the gunner-operator, call sign bakh, and the driver, call sign shiga, hello, crew, as much as the enemy doesn’t like this tank, he really doesn’t like it, yeah , they track us down everywhere, they work on us everywhere, sometimes we don’t even have time to do our own work, they’re already flying in for us. in reverse side, that is, all the forces at once to suppress, all the forces at once to suppress the thos, guys, how do you feel, well, i’m personally scared, even standing here already, but how do you cope with this excitement, fear, considering, that almost all the artillery immediately begins to work for you, we are in a tank, that they are afraid of us, there is a charge, a blast , i ran around getting ready, the commander of the mortar battery is wild, we didn’t even ask the history of the appearance of his call sign, everything is already clear,
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with us here is a shot, this cadet of the military school of copters urgently served in air defense, then in his native yekaterinburg he worked at a factory on a drilling machine, hence the call, drill, he was called up to the northern military district for mobilization into the infantry, how many have already been here, today is a year, exactly a year. of
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course it was not easy, some moments were just joyful moments, there were bad moments that i don’t really want to remember, but i signed up for the assault voluntarily, went home when i was injured, well... i’ve been through a lot this year, any experience is useful, bad he is either good, but from an infantryman, this veteran fighter retrained as a pilot, it turned out that combat work in the sky was his calling. a mechanic with the call sign teacher came to the north military district zone as volunteers, in civilian life he taught in elementary grades, after the start of the special operation he followed the example of his father and two younger brothers, and went to the front. when did the mtr start? i still decided that i would not stand aside from these events and would also make every effort to help my people, my country, and this decision was made not only by me in my family, but also by my brothers and my father, this also became a very motivating moment, sixth star,
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the sixth at the reception, the chief of equipment with the call sign asterisk is recognized by the fighters by her voice, the girl has been taking part in hostilities in the donbass from the first days of the special operation. during the deployment of communications equipment as part of the crew, she came under mortar fire, but continued to transfer classified information between the command and units. during the explosion, i had to ensure continuous communication, transfer of information, according to my instructions, orders, the most important thing is not to lose in any situation self-control, confidence. we had the opportunity to communicate with hermes from the black sea fleet. the marine has already been awarded a medal for courage and the order of courage. the native sevastopol himself is a hereditary military man. my father served in the marine corps. my grandfather was also a sailor in
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the black sea fleet. during the great patriotic war, my great-grandfather landed in novorossiysk, liberated novorossiysk together with the naval forces and always wanted to. to enjoy this taste of life, let’s say, on the other hand, he chose medicine for himself, this is very important, a real doctor, he is still is in the place where a person is most at risk, one must have character, perseverance and courage not to stop , not to give in, as they say, but in pachan style, work, work, work, work, we work, tankman , hero of russia, ruslan kurbanov is a real god of war with the call sign arrest. we met him in the wave and took a ride to the location of the tankers of the fortieth brigade and the marines of the pacific fleet. then, roughly speaking, when we called at the kiev direction, the call sign was different, i then called with the standard call sign of our company is steel 90. and the situation was such that when
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the enemy begins to fear you, you, roughly speaking, manage to destroy en masse equipment, people, the enemy, the person begins. well, to feel such fearlessness, directly , well, in reality, fear is completely lost, uh-huh, that ’s when i started already, then i also remembered the words of the head of our kazan tank school, that whatever posture the officer chooses for himself, so he will begin to fight, well, then i already began to think about winter that will be regarding the names of the gods, he is 27, but he already has a lot of battles, in one of which he was wounded after ramming barricades and... knocking out three tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, and a mortar battery. i refused all rehabilitation measures, i found it already back, already in early may, already with a new call sign, here is an arrest, call sign arrest, just like the tank has the
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same name, my system is such that the name of the tank is the call sign commander. tricalor on the trunk of the hero of russia tank is a business card. his units, his far away they see both their own and their enemies, who once again try to hide further away if kurbanov’s tankers enter the battlefield. and this is the combat work of assault groups; attack aircraft are a special type of modern infantry; they bear the brunt of combat work in capturing enemy trenches of strong points. what's your call sign? my call sign is pilot, why is this? well, in civilian life, did the metal pour aluminum? the work is more interesting, well, the same, that is, with a twist, what is there, what is here and the steel is a flame, the flame is not steel, that is, the same thing, pilot - one of the fighters of the assault platoon, whom we met at the training ground,
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the guys from the ags are working, the shooter is covering, they quickly made an injection. leave, quickly return to the vehicle and leave the position before the enemy has time to come to his senses to return fire, well, it’s clear that if this were really happening, we... you weren’t here, however, a little luck wouldn’t hurt anyone on the front line, because during an assault , machine gunners are usually the first to go into action, in our case one of them with a first-class call sign, not to allow the enemy to stick his head out, that is , in essence, he invites fire on himself, well, yes, well, they hide when hit by a machine gun, assault. it’s easier, easier to go to them, but they’re probably trying to hit the machine gunner with everything they can right away,
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well, to do this they need to find him, yeah, identify him, the bullet gunner needs to practice changing his position, in one of the reports we talked about the artillery battalion, who is fighting in the kremena area in the lugansk people's republic, we are met by the commander of the battalion of self-propelled howitzers geotsint with cat call sign. ocelot and his faithful dog battalion commander, well, i am a battalion commander, and he is a battalion commander, my dog. ocelot jokes, we live like a cat and a dog, but we are attached to each other. the dog is a battalion commander, he knows his service , he follows orders, but he also loves his master’s affection, well, he’s already a combat dog, too , this shrapnel wound is shrapnel, this is true, he’s also saved many times here for reconstruction, we go somewhere for a stretcher.
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we close the distance at the command of the commander. and
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with the battery commander with the call sign ocelot, we go to the geocinth howitzer position. you what's the call sign? hare. hare, why did you choose this? and it was very scary. i think the hare is a coward, so i was very scared. well , this is some very brave and cheerful hare. well, i try, i try. don’t let down your family or commanders. not his own crew, he became an artilleryman even without having a registered military specialty, he was a loader, then as a gunner, within a year he became a gun commander , our gun is wonderful , it’s called a geocinth, it works amazingly, we hit enemy equipment, strong points, we work in general, this is where we met with professional artilleryman with the call sign academician, he received his call sign not by chance, at one time...
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my agenda, in principle, i don’t regret anything, so let’s say on the contrary, my life is a waste, the military registration and enlistment office came to find out for itself where experience now helps in to restore this sector of the front and equipment, and to train personnel in the same way to lead combat operations at their level. follow orders, perform service, this is ours, everything is fine, my headphones sound different, here comes our aviation, by the characteristic sound you can to determine that they are going towards the front, yes, yes, now they will work out, literally 2 minutes will go back, this is not the first approach today, yeah, we are working in parallel with them, it was a small technical problem, but... call signs of the fighters - this is not only the safety of communication on the front line, it’s like a middle name, and
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for some a talisman for good luck in battle, a little time will pass and the svo fighters will reveal their faces, and we will call each of them by name, you watched the program from the sentry, see you in a week. favorite folk tale, of course, i'll tell you about baba egu, and also a bun, because he traveled a lot, devoted the winter holidays to traveling with children to the glorious city of st. petersburg. baikal is pride, it is strength, your cheeks are red, your nose is red, but you look and admire it, all the way i walk and take pictures of our wonderful park in a tiny, small, small town. homeland is
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the energy that feeds you to achieve some goals. yes, financially this is good. well, it doesn’t matter, love, attention, a child’s smile is much, much more valuable, the salary should be excellent, roads, so much great health, siberian health, success, well, dear friends, this is... i start next to the dragons, here on the street, and the dragon is in my hands, why? because today has finally arrived, the year of the dragon 2024 according to all calendars, according to the eastern calendar too, they say that this will be the best year, the year of the dragon, the best in the twelve-year cycle, and the dragon itself, in eastern mythology
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a wise, kind animal , giving rain to rice fields. important words, i won’t reveal the intrigue to you, i’ll just say that i also prepared the younger ones, they bow to the elders and say all sorts of traditions, when the new year is celebrated, an unusual gift, in general, this morning is dedicated to korean culture, korean medicine, korean food, which is incredibly good for health, with
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this dragon and this secret red envelope we are going to visit the horse. new year according to the eastern calendar is the most important holiday of the year; it occurs at different times according to the lunar calendar. 2024 year of the dragon occurred on the night of february 9-10. it is celebrated for 3 days and today is the third day of the holiday, this new year is called salal. on this day , all koreans gather with their families, and the younger ones always show great respect to the elders. “i must greet you correctly, because the korean new year is, first of all, honoring the elders, the parents in the family, and children always do this, they sit down, i wanted to say, you are my cat, and bow, seriously, but i was prepared and i know what do adults do, adults give an envelope
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with money, that’s right, what a nice favor , i prepared a special coin for you, like this”: it’s me who wishes you blessings, oh, give it to you, right today i have the feeling that you are my daughter, i’m the mother of two sons, like you , korean daughter , let me speak korean at the table, look how beautiful you are, you are wearing socks, i will also take off my shoes, you and i must sit on the floor, yes, please come here, i will sit here, we will put a dragon, everything, in everything in the world, korean food is considered a model of proper nutrition; it does not contain gluten, since there is no wheat, it is fat-free, as the fat is rendered from the meat or allowed to drip off on the grill. this food contains a lot of vegetables, herbs and fruits. well, now we ’ll take a break for a while, because later we
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will have a whole series of traditions, there will be korean gymnastics. watch our program to the end. while the health program begins, while endless passions are boiling in this harsh life, waking up healthy in the morning, even if real happiness, we need to sail through the stormy oxen, take care of both strength and nerves, if they give us. put everything in its place, health will come first, health is with you again, dears! dear friends, good morning! well, according to all calendars and according to our official world calendar, the new year has arrived, according to
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the chinese, korean, and asian calendars, the year of the dragon has also arrived, it began just the previous night, so that’s it, now we live in the new year 2024, in the year of the dragon, at the very end of the program we will tell you what benefits... you can get from this year of the dragon, so wait until the end of the program, otherwise this program almost new year's, because russia is in eurasia, a huge part of our territory is in asia, i, as a person born in siberia, am in some sense asian, despite my european appearance, but this is all talk, at the end of the program there will be specific advice , what benefits can be derived from the coming year of the dragon, but for now our program... learning
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to read tests, what is creatinine? i took tests, and the doctors told me that my level was elevated. why do you need to urgently check your kidneys if your readings are poor? defenseless, from why do children get sick? how to understand that a child has an immunodeficiency, and what will save him? a disease that is diagnosed first by parents. what to do if the child does not have the strength to walk? secrets of duchenne's disease. we celebrate the new year according to the eastern calendar. we are visiting anita tsoi. necessarily. fruits are placed on the table, this indicates that it is a new year and thus wishes for fertility next year. secrets of health in the year of the dragon. well,
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friends, let's start by reading the blood tests that you all take, and you read everything and think, here's my creatinine, it's elevated, oh what does this mean, does anyone know?
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kidney function, we have many methods, ranging from ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging,
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and ending with special studies of kidney function. now what is the norm of creatinine, it is different for men and women, now you will understand why. let's first look at the numbers and norms. so, normal creatinine. ours looks like this: men are up to almost 120, women are up to what, let’s see, so men are up to 120, and women are up to about 90 to 92, what’s the difference? now here’s a story about where creatinine is formed, it is formed in the muscles, so men have higher muscle mass, which means their creatinine rate is higher. that is, if for a woman 120 creatinine is not normal, then for a man it is almost normal, of course, women have less muscle, and since creatinine is formed in
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muscles, then creatinine is normal. less, now this word muscle is the second word you need to hear in the story about creatinine. creatinine is associated with muscle, so if our diet is rich in muscle protein, and what is muscle protein, beautiful lady in a gray jacket, muscle protein - what is this, what kind of food is this? these are eggs, for example, you need to eat, no, muscle protein, of course, meat. i see, yes, now yes, thank you, red meat, if a person eats a lot of red meat, his creatinine may also increase, i see, yes, yes, thank you, but be that as it may, whatever the reasons, of course, we will talk to you about nutrition, we are doctors, we will find out whether you eat
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meat or not. so the question is, testing our knowledge, you know, like in school, the teacher is everything she told me, now we check, so, what does increased creatinine mean? about the fact that i have a problem with my kidneys, that’s right, but what else? about eating red meat? no, he doesn’t talk about this, you see, how interesting it is, when we scold children, why don’t you know anything, you need to remember to yourself, because you say, you say, excess meat increases creatinine,
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you need to eat. no need, that is, you need to eat meat, but not in excess, it’s clear, yes, yes, that’s it, a c plus, because i remembered the main thing, i need to check my kidneys, about creatinine, that’s it, let’s pause for a while and then continue, defenseless, what makes children sick, the most severe was sepsis, when pseudomonas aeruginosa got into the blood and the child was in a coma, how can you tell what the child has? immunodeficiency, and what will save it? a disease that parents are the first to diagnose, what to do if a child does not have the strength to walk, the secrets of duchenne's disease. we are celebrating the new year according to the eastern calendar, we are visiting anita tsoi. fruits must be placed on the table. this indicates that it is a new year and thus wishes for fertility in the coming year.
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secrets of health in the year of the dragon. tver is a small town in st. petersburg. i propose to take photographs using the ancient technology of 1842. these are pirski kokorki with green onions. what are kokorki? kokorki is an old potato dish made in the form of flatbreads. the whole secret of pozharsky cutlets is that chicken flour is not used here.
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send messages, a poodle is running near the metro, but he needs to be rescued urgently, you immediately really want to take care of animals, your heart immediately opens and you realize that you are not you can do a bad thing, how do you feel about going to the show, i dream of seeing even igor nikolaev and dmitry kharatyan there, today igor nikolaev came to our studio especially for you, we saw the video, watch with us, the premiere is on the first today. i'm in the car everywhere, i'll go in my heart, you're mine, it's beautiful, health is with you again , dear friends, our program continues, and we continue a whole series of programs dedicated to immunity and immunodeficiency, a condition when the immune system for some
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reason... .not working, i want to show you real footage from real life, how immune cells protect us, one of the main ones is called macrophages, these are leukocytes...
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when, having eaten someone else's, he takes a piece, this macrophage, shows on its surface, lymphocytes join it, which begin learn, share, create entire colonies of lymphocytes that will remember this enemy, and if they meet him again, they will immediately kill him. here we show how ours works. the lymphatic system, this is a lymphocyte called t-lymphocyte, their several varieties, there are t-killers , those who kill immediately, there are t-helpers that do this, look, this is a t-lymphocyte, there
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is a white ball there - this is a b-lymphocyte, here a b-lymphocyte produces antibodies, remember the era covid, we all talked about these antibodies non-stop, so this cell met a macrofax the size of a piece. the virus, i identified it and forced the lymphocyte to produce antibodies, they look like this, these are the slingshots, the antibodies attach to the virus, make it noticeable and it is eaten by the cells of the lymphatic system a virus, these are antibodies, so today we will talk about a situation when a child was born, and he...
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is sick, we started studying this topic at the age of 3, he was diagnosed with immunodeficiency, yes, but i just want to say, that starting last year,
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a special test for newborns was mandatory introduced in all maternity hospitals in russia, when your boy was born, this was not the case in pomin, one of the creators of this unique... test, and there almost 200 immunodeficiencies are diagnosed at birth, this is my friend and colleague, my co-host, program to live healthy, andrey petrovich prodeus. how does this test work? let's look at the screen. right in the maternity hospital, when the baby is born, they put him on a table like this, wipe his heel and make a tiny puncture with a small lancet. then he doesn’t suspect anything, but as they say, we ’re doing our job, they just take a special blotting pad like this and make a few prints of this drop of blood, this is a simple analysis, and
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then based on these prints, here he is crying, he ’s doing the right thing, he’s a scoundrel - i didn't expect it these prints are diagnosed with immunodeficiencies from birth, without waiting for sepsis, without waiting for pseudomonas aeruginosa. when the treatment was prescribed immediately in the saturation mode, at 3 years old, as soon as we made the diagnosis, that is, for a month without stopping, we were saturated with namenogoline. now we’ll invite andryusha to us, come in, my friend, so how old are you? 15, 15, this is absolutely the result of the work of modern medicine, he has been receiving treatment since he was three years old, before that he was fighting infections as soon as immunoglobulin was prescribed. life changed in what grade are you in, in the ninth grade, in the ninth
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, do you give yourself immunoglobulin injections, these antibodies, that is, he is injected with immunoglobulins, which he does not have, how often do you give such injections, i do them every week, once a week, on weekends once a week, well, as it turns out, most often on weekends, most often on weekends , what are you interested in, who do you want to be, i am interested in it and want to be a programmer, well, how so, medicine saves you, i would like to ,
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a manifestation of immunodeficiency, explain that
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in general, a child up to 5 years old should get sick, he is a naked mother, who is considered to be sick with every disease , starts to get sick when he goes to kindergarten , because he encounters another world of viruses and microbes, if the disease is mild, the acute respiratory disease is snotty, everything goes away, this is the norm, because that he is sick in order to form a defense against these infections, a sign for him...
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seryozha, the legendary film pirates of the 20th century, a superman with delicate skin, this is definitely punctured. today is the first one, the last time i was here was 10 years ago, they said you would be the main characters, we didn’t believe it until we arrived in sochi. the opening ceremony in sochi is something that will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history
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of the olympic movement in general. the idea of ​​russia as a magical land in the sky, russia as a floating vision. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, today at the first one with whom you
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came to us today, tell me, with a tomato, this is a tomato, we immediately put pearlite there, so... and this is perlite, and mom knows that you you know these words, you yourself really teach people vocals, grolll, there is belting, well, show me belting, hey, hey, hey, give me the money, hey , like that, yes, yes, yes, how old are you, six, and you, six years old, me, and the cockroach without wings, you're so cute, he licked me finger, come here my cuties, the best of all is the new season, watch after the evening news, health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues, and i
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want you to see this red ball flying into the sky, the same red ones the balls are held by the audience in... first, i’ll tell you what duchenne’s disease is and how it manifests itself in life. in the first months of the child’s life everything looks normal. the baby seems to be healthy, he gets up with the help of his mother, crawls and rolls over on his own. but a trained eye can discern
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muscle weakness up to 2 years. look, the baby gets up, helping himself with his hands. he walks like a duck. in the tummy, by the age of three problems begin to appear, the child cannot rise from a lying position on his own to stand up, he needs to turn on his side, lean on his hands, he will also have difficulty climbing the stairs. at 6 years old the child becomes heavier walk, an unnatural curve of the spine is noticeable. the seven-year-old boy no longer has time to run. after his peers, by the age of eight, everyday life becomes even more difficult, the child has difficulty getting up from a chair, his gait is unnatural, and due to muscle weakness it is difficult for him to stand up without support. at the age of 10, children usually lose the ability to walk and move only in
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wheelchairs, then the muscles of their arms begin to weaken, it is difficult for a child to even lift them up, in almost all of them... i want to say that in tests in maternity hospitals they didn’t even introduce a test for duchenne’s disease, although it is a very simple test, which is very cheap, because there were no drugs, but today our guests are... parents and children, children who, thanks to their heroic mothers and in general, their heroic families
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reject this verdict of fate, we have maxim sitting here, who told me not to address him, not to call him maxim, because his name is alone, gordey is sitting with us, maksimchik, well, will you come to us or you don’t want to, we're tired of you, be proud, come here! here i want you they looked at gordey, i’ve been proud for 10 years, everything we said won’t work, well, don’t come to us, we haven’t earned it yet, okay, my dear, i’ve been proud for 10 years, everything we told you about such children, as if you weren’t proud, yes, tell me, you run, jump, walk, that’s right, you look good, what grade are you in, third, how are you doing at school, okay, okay? subjects you love mathematics, mathematics, you have an a in mathematics, yes, but what kind of poetry? and also english,
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oh my god, well then, how are you? here so, you understand, comrades, and my son, when he was little, he called our friend on the phone, his dad is there, his mom is there, no, and what are you doing, i’m learning english, well then how are you, we haven’t gone through that yet, but you already know the answer, smart guy! i go for walks, i don’t do physical exercise , why don’t you like it, well, this is how life turned out , i wanted to show you this muscle, our muscle stretches like this, contracts like this, i understand, that’s why we can do these movements, i understand proud, here now i will sit you down, thank you for what you came to us.
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remember the ten-year-old boy from our short video who was wearing a seat belt, you can’t fasten it because you have to do math. olechka, in fact, i want you to tell me how this diagnosis is made, what should parents pay attention to? and this diagnosis is made.
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place, cannot climb the stairs, and if it is difficult for him to get up from the floor, and for this he needs to walk with his hands on his legs, with his hands on his legs - this is like this, so he gets up, and then leaning like this, lifts himself up like an old man, this it’s very easy to notice, ol , what did you see with gordey for the first time, you essentially diagnosed him yourself, that’s right, yes, that’s right, i read an article on the internet: an interview with a dad who raised a boy with duchenne muscular dystrophy, in this interview there was a phrase that struck me: i looked
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at his calves, they were so muscular , there was no strength in them, my son gordey’s calves were absolutely masculine, athletic, although the boy was 4 years old, it didn’t come from anywhere this relief, and nothing like that i didn’t do any sports, and of course, after that i compared all the symptoms and took it.
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and the diagnosis will be absolutely clear, the norms have been exceeded 10 times or more, i want to say again, gordy is jumping on two legs, gordyush, stand up, jump on two legs, this is an ovation for mom, this is an ovation for mom, sit down, my dear, she is not allows the achilles tendon to contract, because these children begin to walk on their toes, she works with him, she does everything. before we talk about modern treatment, it also exists, and i, not there, or rather, but appeared, here only, only, only, because all the medicines that were made for these children, they were, then 15% were suitable, then twenty, and this is nothing, when these are boys, there are many of them, today the treatment appeared, but here are the symptoms from the gordiya foundation, which olya made especially for
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mothers, this is not our video, this is all the video that makes this amazing... a woman for everyone from their website, from the website of the gordey foundation, which is absolutely charitable and helps everyone. so the first one is the govers technique and you just comment. and the little boy cannot get up from a position lying on his back, just getting up, he needs to roll over and squat down. and after that, put your feet under you. duchenne, the gowers maneuver, is very easy to identify at home, very easy, and you can handle it, and also red flags of duchenne muscular dystrophy, so that you make a diagnosis in time and figure out what to do in time. olya did this too. so, disproportionately
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large calves. hatba on... chains and hyperlarosis, this is such a miscarriage, we showed you the govers technique, the boy gets up like this, difficulty climbing stairs, falling out of the blue, inability to run or jump , these are the main symptoms, ol, and of course, what appeared, what breakthrough appeared in the treatment of these children, because you and gordey went through absolutely everything, you know, elena vasilievna, well... the first breakthrough in the treatment of our space boys appeared at the moment when the circle of goodness fund was created in russia, our boys, this is a presidential fund that provides children with everything they need for free, this is colossal, colossal there was a breakthrough in our country, right? this is true, and i want to say that thanks to the circle of good foundation, 400 children with
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duchenne muscular dystrophy are receiving the most modern pathogenetic...
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the circle of good foundation will review this drug. and those families, there are more than 100 of them, who are waiting for treatment for their boys, their hope will be fulfilled. i want to admire parents like olya, like christina, who cannot leave her maxim. our maxim is not going to come to us, because he didn’t give a damn about us, and he did the right thing, because he has his own childhood thoughts about life. but just a bow to these mothers, respect, great gratitude for these children, thank you, dear ones , please sit down, kristinochka, tell us at least two words, even though maxim didn’t let you tear yourself away from him for a second, well, what do i want to say, your hopes and your wishes, of course we hope that the drug that
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olga spoke about will soon appear in the country, unfortunately, with our mutation, none of the drugs that are already provided to the funds, they suitable, unfortunately, they are not suitable for all boys, i would like it to appear... so that we can get a chance for a normal, healthy life. you know, i don’t doubt it, because i know how the circle of good works, i know what kind of people there are, it’s literally a circle of good. let's take a short break and then continue. big premiere. the empress, grisha, has been given a lot, but i won’t allow much. what should i do, if i love you, tomorrow after the program it’s time, give it to the circle, give them your hand, give it to the circle more broadly, we inherited a russian hut
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, how can we not have a russian wedding at the same time, we’re in a mess, we’ll be drinking , i see they’ve already given the class, for our daughter-in-law, come on, this is gold embroidery, and here is the family tree depicted . and two birds symbolize our bride and groom, a velvet tablecloth, samovars, oops, it’s going to be a real merchant spree, they’ve come, so let’s come to the training, daddies, well done, one, two, three, i’m leading the young lady, our premiere, let’s play a wedding. today is the first one. some say that the architecture of your shanghai will not surprise you. just wait until evening and you will think that you are in the city of the future. who is
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in charge in a chinese family? many of us are raised by powerful women. so we end up finding a copy of our mother who controls us. how do young people in china have fun? we can go to the movies, stand-up comedy, or we can just stay. the girl doesn’t like video games, so she doesn’t allow me to play them, i said everything correctly, my love, you don’t allow him to play, at home, cook food, watch movies, it’s a pity, my good job, how are you living in retirement, my the best time, if you want you, too, to not have any pain at the age of 72, dance in the park every morning, the lives of others, the premiere, today on the first. health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues, as always, i will remind you where this
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morning began. well, dear friends, i start this morning next to the dragons, here on the street, and the dragon is in my hands, why? because today has finally arrived. year of the dragon 2024 according to all calendars and according to the eastern calendar too, they say that this will be the best year, year the dragon, the best in the twelve -year cycle, and the dragon itself, in eastern mythology, a wise, kind animal, giving rain to rice fields, protecting the home, to whom i came to celebrate, finally the new year according to the eastern calendar, to eat a special soup that ...
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just now i also prepared an unusual gift, in general, this morning is dedicated to korean culture, korean medicine, korean food, which is incredibly healthy, with this dragon with this secret red envelope, we are going to visit horse tsui. new year according to the eastern calendar is the most important holiday of the year , it comes at different times according to the lunar calendar
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, children always do this, they sit down, i wanted to say, you are my cat, and bow, seriously, but i was prepared and i know that adults do it, adults do it. gives you an envelope with money, dear girl, and i prepared a special coin for you, just like this, it’s me who wishes you blessings, oh, yes, i’m in it for you, right today i have the feeling that you are my daughter, i’m the mother of two sons, like you, korean daughter, respect for elders is the most important tradition of kkarey, in anita’s family it is the law, and anita is also hospitable from... but let’s return to our table, we are sitting
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in korean, the table is very richly filled with meanings, be sure to fruits are displayed on the table, this indicates that it is a new year and thus they wish for fertility next year, a lot of bread, you see here we have pianze, rice, starch. and there is an amazing dish, it is called tok. current is bread. korean food all over the world considered a model of proper nutrition. it is gluten-free because there is no wheat, and it is fat-free because the fat is rendered from the meat or allowed to drip off on the grill. this food contains a lot of vegetables, herbs and fruits. jampereniya, look, these are sweet flatbreads, it’s almost a dessert. here are korean salads
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, the only thing that really doesn’t exist in korea is korean carrots, it doesn’t exist in korea, it’s not a national tradition, i’m sure yes, yes, yes, but our russian koreans came up with it, because well, that’s how they adapted it russian carrots, and of course, there is always korean cabbage on the table, kimchi with red pepper, this is an example of proper nutrition, first of all , kimpchi is a fermented product, that is, cabbage contains... bacteria, and they provide intestinal immunity and protect us from all diseases . in addition, red pepper is used in kemchi, and it reduces pain. the main component of this pepper, copsoicin, has been included in all international standards for the treatment of pain. i must say that onita grows everything herself and makes it with her own hands and treats all her friends every year kimchi and others.
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but let's return to anita's new year's table, i want to draw the attention of our viewers, yours, to this corner, because in this corner there is east, and everything is concentrated here. red , we even put a red dragon here, but here, firstly, there is kimchi, the famous one, there is pepper, there is daikon, according to the eastern calendar, in the eastern corner there are red products, this is a mandatory color in the year of the dragon, this color is given to products by two natural dyes : lycapine and betocorotine. lycapine protects us from cancer, and without betacarotene we are simply blind. look, this is a man's eye. there
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is rhodopsin inside, which is what ensures the formation of vision, and rhodopsin is made from beta-carotene and we get it only with food. everything that is on this table symbolizes health, beauty, happiness, love and prosperity, so the more such snacks, the larger the table, the less space on it, the more heaven will send in the new year. is it possible?
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i’ll be happy to show you, do them together with the dress, i couldn’t show you the exercise, but i, if you’re not busy right now, dear russians, i want to show everyone the exercise that you taught me, which means that in your beautiful multi-layered national one, you sit on your knees, put your butt on your heels, then put your hands in fists, like that, wherever you can, put it there, well done, what a job, by the way this is very. this is how you need to bend over, this is the exercise you need to do, twice a day, lenochka, bravo, bravo, bravo, all the exercises in korean gymnastics are done slowly. this is a stretch, and the main thing that happens at this moment is the nutrition of the joints of the ligaments, even if you do just one exercise , your well-being will improve, but let's return to the table, the most important dish on it in the new year is soup with dumplings, takkuk is a symbol of longevity of success,
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without this soup the new year will not come, but it turned out that in order to eat this soup, i need to put on the korean national...
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while i was changing, the hostess put the main new year's dish on the table: soup, tok guk. without it, the new year does not begin. that’s it, comrades, i’m entering the frame, already quite a woman. well, this is your famous soup. now attention, without this soup the year of the dragon will not come, and there will be no good, although they say that the year of the dragon is the happiest in the twelve-year cycle. tell me what it is? soup, almost like with dumplings , yeah, it speaks of well-being, with pork, yes, yes, it is imperative that you eat everything, everything until the very end, then the year will come, then the year
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will come, and we will assume that you have a plus one year, by the way, you know, they recently changed it in korea, a presidential order was issued, but before they counted plus a year, the mother’s robe, yes, but it was believed that if a child was born and he came to the new year, then it was already plus 2 years, but the president took mercy and canceled this year so that women would feel younger, what are you talking about, so now from this year that’s all, we are all young, one year younger, well, that’s it also, by the way, it’s an amazing tradition, counting a year to an unborn baby, then... you know, this is such a tradition, it means that he needs to be saved, to go out, not to have an abortion, this is also such a tradition, good, he lives there, eats, pepper soup, the soup is delicious, it shows that the cook...


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