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tv   Pirati Kh Kh veka  1TV  February 11, 2024 3:15pm-4:56pm MSK

3:15 pm
yes, yes, yes, yes, well, because he knew that his father had already had two heart attacks, concentration camps are not in vain, he came out of the concentration camps covered in scars, he saw it, he knows it, that’s it, he he spared him, that’s why he did a lot, that’s probably why he didn’t tell him a lot, and if it weren’t for you, i might have gotten wound up. an affair, but his mother knew nothing about her, he was absolutely a man, he was very kind to his wife, to his loved ones, and did not want to offend or hurt anyone, so in general he could not stand this situation, that he behaved like a real man who understood that such things are something to discuss, you need to either make one decision or another, soon tatyana and nikolai had a girl , brought home, i tell sasha that what kind of sasha is this?
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the birth of a girl was such a surprise for nikolai that he didn’t even know what to name her, for a boy the name had been ready a long time ago, but for a girl it was easier to name her by her mother’s name, choose other names, he had neither the strength nor the desire to tell his parents eremenko did not dare about the appearance of a second granddaughter, although once he almost let it slip that his mother hinted that she should give birth to a second child, and nikolai muttered sullenly in response: yes , i only have girls.
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he was silent for so many years, nikolai loved his girls madly, but the dream of a son did not leave him, something amazing happened for us, we should get into the book of genesis, in general, we have three people's artists in the family and all from different states, and i am from the soviet union, our mother is a people's artist of belarus, and nikolai is a people's artist of russia, you know, it turned out that what kind of knots did we impose, how did we... how did we break it, but so what is it
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here’s another curious situation : i would inherit a grandson, a grandson, and a grandson , so that the people’s artist of the cis would also join, i dreamed of a son and we complained all the time that we don’t have a son, that i have only daughters, but in our understanding that a son is this is a heritage, this is so traditional, that the son continues the family line, he continues the family line. i also, i think so, we understood this, we understood each other in this, rather, why do we need a son, this beast is for you, this is also for you, and this is for the future, thank you, and the actor cannot stand it, he violates the main father's commandment he’s breaking up with his wife, by the way, i’m 45 years old, i’m a healthy, normal man, if...
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the so-called marital relationship with you has disappeared somewhere, then i’m sorry, i have every moral right. after almost 25 years of marriage, nikolai eremenko files for divorce. she decided everything herself. she is not happy with such a husband. why? i don't know how to wear a tie. by that time, he had parted with his second family, the actor was already approaching 50. there is no son, now there is no family either, this is not at all what he was striving for, certainly not what his father was waiting for, relationships with women, with a wife with a young woman, and so on , and so on, well, that is, but still, cinema is cinema, and life is life, you can escape from cinema, but you cannot escape from life, it reminds too clearly of himself every day, every minute, every week and... at the same time, no one knew it, no one
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really noticed it, he didn’t advertise it in any way, it wasn’t visible anywhere, the party was a good company, but he was very lonely, i i think so, he bought himself a mobile phone, asked him to fill out a notebook, because that i somehow don’t know how to handle this, there ’s already an option there for speed dialing. some buttons, i say: which ones do you need for speed dialing? yes, that’s all, i say like everyone else, there are only nine of them, he designed seven phones for me, an earring, so,
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friends, this is my wife, whom i really love, well, grandson, boy, in 2001 nikolai eremenko played in dmitry ostrakhan's film "give me moonlight !" this was his first dramatic role in many years. the on-screen hero’s experiences coincided with his personal ones. where are you getting off? in the editing room was. what business do you have with me? well, i’m thinking, do i have anything to do with you or not? when such a 100% hero suddenly appears in him, this kind of confusion, this drama, this misunderstanding in life.
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in my opinion, we should go there, yeah, there , she plays andreichenko beautifully there, and when he picks her up in this hospital, this final passage, it’s very piercing, absolutely, this is it, now, here’s the volume , he did it very well, i saw that he could play such tragic role, and it was valuable, i ask you, please, let me pass, please let me pass, i said, let me pass, don’t touch her, i won’t give her away, however, the father will never see this role of his son, nikolai eremenko the elder passed away six months before the premiere, but several years
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before his father passed away, elyumenko jr. managed to give him an interesting role, on business or on a visit... i miss you, something new. in the nineties, the elder eremenko lost interest in work. he was already 70 years old and had two heart attacks. much is not suited him in public life. and then eremenko jr. offered him a role in the film “son for father.” and he himself became a director and performer of one of the main roles. i make the decision. well, naturally, i’ll just go and talk with them, and you’ll make the decision. for many years, for one reason or another , i avoided acting with my father, i think, no, no, we definitely need to fill this blank spot, since they will not forgive us for the fact that we have never acted together in our lives, but still, well, two nikolai , even nikolaevich, well now you understand everything, not yet, nikolai nikolaevich
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made this film in honor of his father, i think that it was such a definite tribute to dad, that kolya made this film - it was some kind of definite respect, respect for dad. nikolai nikolayevich the elder really liked this work, it was about him , about his condition, it was so kolya guessed right with the material, and this work was very dear to the elder, very dear, he was very into it, he wanted so that it is at a very good level, i can go. new york, london, paris, are you invited there? not yet in paris, they are inviting me to israel. the first picture, and even with my father, he and i need to overcome all this. i am in charge, no one interferes in my work, not even you. i will return the money you give.
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naturally, the son is for the father, this, and he, at the anniversary, nikolai nikolaevich in the theater handed him this cassette, the first. filmed the tape, it was happiness for kolya, it really was an act of a very high person. still ready for battle, but not as cannon fodder, and the youngest has undergone changes in
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personal life, on the set , he met assistant director lyudmila, new hopes for a happy life, at a certain age, it seems to me that men experience some changes in something, when such changes are needed, i don’t know, we lived without this , you will explain, by the way, i
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really liked this girl too, and i started approaching her during the filming, as if i was parading around her there, she is very beautiful , so interesting, well then i see, she already next to kolya, i realized that i was late, how come they say, naturally i didn’t fight with... for this i realized that kolya won. he had already proposed to his beloved, was looking for a new apartment, and was going to start the family he had long dreamed of. they lived with the dream that they would buy an apartment and live together, finally, yes, not just visiting each other, but constantly. but in 2000, eremenok sr. had a heart attack again. this time it's the last one. father was such a stronghold
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of reliability. and suddenly he was gone. it was a terrible, terrible blow for him, after all that everything that seemed reliable was gone. then, preparing for the wedding of eremenka jr., for the first time he spoke about his own death and asked to be buried in minsk. near my father, he said how tired i was, if you knew how incredibly tired i was, it scared me, because in 20 years kolya had never complained about anything, he wasn’t tired, he didn’t hurt, or anything, what well, no, he always managed everything on his own, he wants to be with me one on one, but i don’t want to. well done, he understands, i tried
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to talk to him, but he turned all this through our communication into this, yes, what are you, guest, guest, okay, well, that’s how he is, how can i say, he was, he pushed everything away from himself, so... “he didn’t communicate with anyone, he was, he was in some kind of twilight state of mind, or i was sleeping “, everyone thought that it was just stress, you just need to pull yourself together , show willpower, everything will pass, but instead, he went on a binge, how can you live like this when it hurts all the time, i can’t live like this, it was frivolity” in him, which was not in his father, and this in the end, you understand, ruined him, because he died early, and died from
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alcohol, from excessive contact with him with alcohol, he was in some kind of stubborn doom, he was going towards this, maybe he... internally agreed, i don’t want to say that he wanted death or was waiting, nor in in any case, he wanted to live, but subconsciously, there, when a person loses his meaning, something on... probably turns on, but he disposed of his life this way, he had the right to this, this is his life, everyone is used to seeing him a winner, a hero, he could not relax even for a minute, even in friendly company, to show that he was weak, that he was worried, that not everything in this life is up to him, but eremenko jr. and superman were only on
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the screen, in life he was sensitive and easily vulnerable. a man, a superman with delicate skin, that’s for sure, that’s exactly about kolya, and this is what the red black nikolai eremenko wrote, she calls him completely skinless, he says he had no skin at all, he had such sensitivity, that’s it he felt everything around him like that. i don’t even know why this is so, well, god made it this way, of course, the kulya kept his mark, kept his face, yes, he complied, that’s it, but what what was going on inside, it’s hard to imagine in reality, sasha, i have one request for you,
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i’m listening, don’t kill anyone when he was filming me. on may 27, 2001, nikolai eremenko died of a stroke in the botkin hospital in moscow. i couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that if he couldn’t cope, if he couldn’t help but cope, because he was strong, resilient, and he always managed. the stroke was so extensive that it affected almost, well, 90% of the brain, which is why, as the doctors explained to me, there was no chance, all that
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it was possible to do, they did, i found out that he... “it killed me, it wasn’t even that word that killed me, it was some kind of hell, yes, it’s true, we are used to seeing him as a brutal man with an iron will, but no one knew that at the same time he loved silence, read pushkin and at heart was a very lonely person, he hid this side of his nature even from his family, nikolai.” eremenko seemed to be constantly in search of his happiness, in search of an ideal, which, as we know, is unattainable, and this can make even real supermen’s hearts break.
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lekas masing-masing di tempat kempung mobil kembung mobil ayo lekas ayo ikut hati-hati kepala angkut kontainer beri jalan barang kilat ke angkat kelima hati kepada angkut kantena dari jalan perang gilat ke angkat kelima
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would be a very profitable sadness for japan.
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man overboard on the left at heading 30. the crew of the rescue boat to the lifeboat, boat number one to the launch. stop, cars!
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well, how is he, who didn’t say, but the devil knows, the sky is mute in russian, he forgot to introduce himself to you, but you can say he was preparing to talk with god, out of fear
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suffered enough. apparently the akolas are full, though, yur, but mikosha is never, marconi, the head of the radio station is looking for you, well, i ’ll go, you were thinking about what, about the head of the radio station. you think, salya, salya, gosh, salya, hello, hello, thank you, sit, sit,
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thank you. well, how is our swimmer, he seems to have recovered, is now having lunch, then let him come to me, okay, what's the name of your ship?
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there was a fire, there was panic, they were fighting for the rescue . in the holds, cotton caught fire on the steamer , circles began, for a place in the boat, when it happened? yesterday after sunset
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i was floundering for about 20 hours. do you think anyone else besides you was saved? if you provide approximate coordinates, we will contact the ships in this area, comrade captain, a ship has been detected directly ahead, the distance is 40 cables, i’m walking now, there’s no one on the decks, no one on the navigation bridge either. lightly,
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there is no noticeable damage, and there is no flag, what can you say, pompolit, it looks like the crew abandoned the ship. but they say that the flying dutchmen are only in fairy tales, yeah, don’t feed yourself bread, just to talk about various devilish things in the morning, now let's figure out what kind of dutchman this is.
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small forward, there is a small forward, for some reason the guys are not visible on the deck, it looks like they decided to play a prank on us, well, just a bermuda triangle.
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radio operator, to the bridge, quickly.
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full back, it’s obvious , war has been declared on me, the only thing i don’t know yet is who commands the enemy army, i know that you promised me a trom on the day i came of age, i can’t... i can’t live without it, we have a child there will be, get ready for the wedding, grigory grigorievich, there is a plague in moscow, no one will leave the city until the infection is destroyed, but what the strange thing is that i call
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you, i ask you to come, but you don’t come, what’s the reason, i don’t want to be next, the second lieutenant is sick, there’s something behind his head, he raised his hand to the queen, to god’s anointed, auntie, so i killed the self-deceiver, if only i was sure that she was a self-deception, let's talk like a man, great, golden age, big premiere, tomorrow after the program time, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born, emotions go off scale , the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but to win it is important to maintain an icy calmness, splashes of ice from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts
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like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18, on the first.
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forward, the car to the bridge, guys!
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well done, baby! have you calculated everything correctly, master? i knew they would pick you up. the russians are resting, master, we locked them in their cabins. speed ​​up the unloading, schweigert. eat. i think they are needed. i’m thinking here, baby,
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it’s not a pity, after all, they saved you, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, i don’t like jokes, master?
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hurry up boys, huh?
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carry it carefully, be careful with the detonator, otherwise we’ll go to the bottom with the russians, explosives in the engine room. enough, enough, let's hurry up!
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3:58 pm
come on, live, on the polish deck, on the polish deck, do you hear, come on, ivan ilyevich, ivan ilyevich, he found the women, they were locked in the libraries, oh, damn it, in the boat, live!
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4:00 pm
i'm afraid, i'm afraid, i'll help you along the corridor.
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everyone who is alive is myna. hold on, ivan ilyach, hand, hand, come on!
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now he will attack the bottom and the pirates will see us, what will we do, ivan ilyevich, what will we do, swim in diesel fuel, how much of it leaked out. false, it's time to get away, master, full speed ahead, full speed ahead.
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there are few of us, it is unlikely that we will be able to row against the current. yes, we are being driven more and more to the southeast, in which case we are further and further from the caravan routes.
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junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, what is his name? doomed, is this a robber in chechen? hello, abrek. i want you to take the doomed man out to battle, where did you get it from,
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instead of giving it away for a long time, i won’t participate in this, they say. watch after the program time what i want to tell you that from what i experienced deserves attention, among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness, in the crumbling village of mala, i lived with a blacksmith, helping him forge horseshoes in the forge with long tongs i held
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a white-hot iron in my hands, and he beat... him with his ringing hammer, i ask myself who i am, what force revealed me from my moscow apartment, forced me to cross my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities, across to warriors, according to conspiracies, according to revolutions, plunged me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures, what moved me, who i was, who i became, alexander prokhanov, confession, premiere. tomorrow on the first, emergency, to all soviet ships located
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in the area with coordinates, 8° north latitude. 138° east longitude, approximately 20 moskovsky, during the last 24 hours communication with the ship nezhin has ceased, please follow this area and begin searching for the ship and crew.
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earth, earth, island.
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pirates, machine gun!
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now if only you could kill the worm, let my worm shut up, he's terrorized the caboose enough.
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you won't kiss noah.
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that means where we got to, what are we going to do, ivan ilyich, fight, what, and this and that, yeah, you can’t fight much against machine guns, you can’t fight much with rocket launchers.
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i repeat the question, how many people are left on the ship? i'll give you a minute!
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did you save him? you're our friend, right? what is your name? ma, and i'm sergei. why did you kill him? when the pirates came to the island, our tribe lived here, a small tribe of zhemchik hunters. they killed men, raped women, and this one, he shot my father, you didn't do you know how many of them there are, girl, now there are 15. in the morning they will start searching
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the island, the ship needs to be taken tonight, we need to remove the machine gun, otherwise we won’t get out of the bay, i’ll do it, captain, take whoever you want, will you come with me? you’re afraid, understandably, matveyevich, take me with you, do you know what we’re going to do? i know, if we decide, the women and klyuev will remain in the grotto. but you can’t walk from here, they won’t
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see you from the shore, the grotto is only visible from the water, the pirates won’t be on the island forever, someday they will leave, and then you too leave here, deep islands, there is water and life ivan ilic. don't disgrace me, ivan ilyevich, okay. will you come with us? eat. for now, everyone, rest. noah, noah, where are you? noah! the last time i was
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here was 10 years ago, they said, you... sochi is something that will go down in the history not only of our olympics, but in the history of the olympic movement in general. the idea of ​​russia as magical lands in the sky, russia as a floating vision in the clouds. of course, there were a lot of dramatic pages along the way, it was real. in russia something is possible that in another country is not even subject to discussion, such the scale and level of the opening ceremony , at least there will be no more at the olympic games, we won this competition by knockout, i worked as a guide at the 80 olympics, and
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sitting at the closing ceremony, i thought, let’s do something like this, be afraid of your own desires. 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi, today at the first one, with whom you came to us today, tell me, with a tomato, this is a tomato, we immediately put perlite there, here is perlite, and your mother knows that you know such words, you you really teach people yourself. grol, rettle, there is belting, well, show me belting, hey, hey, hey, give me the money, hey, like that, yes, yes, yes, and how old are you, six, and you, six years old, to me, and the cockroach without wings, you're so cute, he licked my
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finger, come here my cuties, best of all, new season, watch after the evening news. emergency. three days have passed since the loss of contact with the ship nezhin. all soviet vessels expand the search area with coordinates.
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wait, who's coming, who's who? stetsenko, igor mikhailovich, de. year of birth, russian sailor, to visit you, prepare a treat, i have an appetite, it's time, i think i'm really going to love beauty like that, somehow you make me won, i love you.
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quickly to the radio room.
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wait, did you hear someone is here?
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alive captain, yeah, i understand, i want to talk to the captain. i’m having breakfast, they didn’t tell me to disturb you, you serve
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lead peas for breakfast, maybe. well, how is ivan ilyich? the bastard is shooting, he has enough cartridges for a year. continue tidying? nice meeting, captain. let's save the pleasantries for better times. i have a proposal for you. do you see? wilbot, he is yours, i give you gasoline, a compass, a map, get the hell out of here, my people are dear to me, there are not many of them left, even less than you think, ivan ilyevich, ready, born, it seems
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the time when conditions dictated, you passed, now the walkie-talkie is in ours. i wouldn’t like to upset you, captain, but you don’t have a radio, it’s from there, and not everything is fine with the ship. parvator, i know, i’m alone, and to admit, i have no desire to hire you as a pilot, finally. as you understand, the second lady is also with us, how pleasant will their stay be, depends on you, so think about my proposal, i give you until midnight,
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forward, full speed ahead, selezha, selezha, we need to find forvator, sergey.
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well, solid stones. it’s not even clear how they got here, oh damn, in 2 hours the tide will start, maybe we can take advantage of this, and the women, no one is going to leave them, let’s get out , an extra trump card in the negotiations will appear from the bay, you can’t agree to their terms, they won’t they’ll let us go to
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hell, we know a lot, but they don’t need witnesses. ready. measure the depth at the anchorage, yes,
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looks like the captain's personal file. saleh, aka liguan, he is zhenguen cho, connections in hong kong, macau, singapore, three ships in total, professional terrorist. wanted by interpol in connection with the hijacking of a boeing 747 and the destruction of passengers. escape from a saigon prison with the murder of a guard, strangled, insensitive to pain, drinks a lot, does not get drunk, obvious sadistic tendencies, weaknesses, women, drugs, dangerous, waiting for an opportunity to take matters into his own hands, serious. schweigert, joachim and ohanes, aka rolf schneider, aka kurt winner, punitive operations in south africa, operations
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in angola, sniper, excellent use of a knife, exceptional intuition in choosing a strong side, pathologically deceitful, stingy to the point of greed, hardy, undemanding to housing and food, weakness, sentimental. on occasion , let's complain to the old lady, comrade captain, 9 m. 9 m is 31 feet, southwest 100 m, 28 feet, this is a depth chart, the forwarder is in our hands.
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i don't like this. something is too quiet, 8 m. 7, left stop, right small back, 10 m. look, matveich, mina, stop, full back, no
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shoot, the wave from the explosion will throw us onto the rocks, basman! they will agree to our conditions, they will let us know, we still don’t know anything about them, but we have their women, i understand you, master, let
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her know, i don’t beat women, i have a different approach to them, a different approach here look, look, look, look, look, if you want to achieve something, kill your feelings, spread out like a snake, work to be more talkative, and i’ll go talk to the other one,
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and you saw it all yourself, girl, that means both are alive, statsenko, yes, gather everyone quickly, there is ivan ilyich, are you going to talk? i don’t understand what’s bothering you about plumb lines. this is a good idea, don’t you understand english or french, maybe talk to her in german, but that’s something they taught you at school. you were a little girl, weren’t
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you, however, now we’ll check it out, however, it looks like you didn’t take this science at school, hey, khadya, i like it, salekh, russian captain.
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i still. i propose to return your women in exchange for my people and a whaleboat with a full tank of gasoline, but i can’t give you a weapon, conditions became tougher, you couldn’t go out into the ocean, the ship, because my guys are there, that’s why i ’m offering a wheelboat, otherwise what kind of negotiations could there be, and if i tell you...
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whoever will be left alive will wait for her, you’re a business man, captain , i will try to strengthen you in this confidence, understand, this opium is our prey. “drug dealers will pay us well, but i offer you a payment that is immeasurably greater, life, an unarmed whaleboat costs nothing to catch up with and crush under its hull, you reason as if you have a choice, there is always a choice, for example, to die with honor, and at the same time put an end to you, let’s not
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get excited." captain, you’re an experienced sailor, judge for yourself, the speed of the filbot is slightly less than that of the ship, but you will have a decent head start in time, while i’m choosing an anchor, while i’m getting out with such a fairway, you finally know that the exit from the bay is mined, and demining takes time, you will have at least an hour to go out into the ocean, then you will change course, even if i try, i won’t be able to catch up with you, so we decide, let's think about it.
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so, first check the engines vilbota, availability of water and food, try them with your people, everyone should be without weapons, these are the conditions for the exchange of people, the main thing for me is the cargo, we will finish everything by 6 am.
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full speed ahead!
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okada, they know their stuff. knock, we're coming back, let them prepare the meeting, okay,
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from the captain, yeah.
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you again, what do you want? don't kill me, i'll be useful to you, that's all.
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quickly, okay, okay, just don’t kill me, i’ll do anything, ask who, ask who, who’s there, salesman, captain? now our coordinates, coordinates, i’ll speed up, i’m going, i’m going, i open it for him, he’ll shoot, that’s it, now stand up,
4:55 pm
what the hell?


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