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tv   Novosti  1TV  February 12, 2024 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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night work of paratroopers near artyomovsk and solntsepper in the kherson region, new footage from the front line. from the crimean bridge to alushta the new route bypassing simferopol is 2 hours faster, what will it be like when the builders promise to complete the first stage? a flight of fancy from a mountain half a kilometer long, as a fireball, everything your heart desires from an airplane to a military bathhouse. not like in a tank, i said, like in a spaceship, in the unknown. in tatarstan, the traditional sanifest and the february swing in the central region died down, today there is a thaw, and then frosts and record high pressure. forecasters compare the feeling to descending into a deep mine. and at the beginning of the special operation in the southern donetsk direction, our fighters thwarted five attempts in the ssu to carry out a rotation. near artyomovsk , the paratroopers smashed enemy dugouts and operated successfully at night in the donetsk sector.
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tank crews worked on the s-25 crews at kupinsky, and in the kremennaya area anti-aircraft gunners shot down the militants’ drones, with the help of which they were conducting reconnaissance of our positions. the strela-10 complex is on guard, more about the situation in the svo zone, evgeniy lyamin. the tree seemed to have been cut off by a shell fragment in this area of ​​our artillerymen’s position. the forest is under flint, the enemy is constantly attacking. we were walking towards one of the guns when we heard machine gun fire. there can't be a shooting fight here. far from the line of combat contact , most likely they are shooting at the drone , movement is prohibited, everyone is hiding behind the trees, there she is hanging, there, there, there, she ’s just behind a tree, we can’t see her, she’s hanging, it’s a fury, a fury, a fury, i don’t know now, the drone is frozen, it seems, fury and from all positions they are firing machine guns at it, the black wing of the light gray sky is clearly visible, upon closer examination it turns out that most likely... this is another
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drone, not a fury, but a valkyrie, both are reconnaissance, they do not carry ammunition for dropping, they are equipped with cameras, the operator can adjust artillery fire in real time or conduct reconnaissance in search of the position of our crews. a few minutes later, shooting begins on the other side, and a second drone is reported. you see her, so the fox thundered 10 minutes later, his shooting is completely gone from us. then, following the drone , the valkyries flew away, but this does not mean at all that everything is over, according to the radio, our calculations in this area are transmitting to everyone in this area, there may be an artillery strike , it is difficult to shoot down a reconnaissance drone with small arms, even if you hit it, the bullet can pierce the wing and it will continue to fly, but the strela 10 anti-aircraft missile system will not escape, the anti-aircraft gunners of the southern group of forces shoot down an enemy drone, this complex is capable of hitting low-flying targets, airplanes, helicopters and drones, eight shells.
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four on the installation and four in the ammunition rack, you’re landing, you find the target, that’s it, report, we left, we worked, the most important task is to prevent the enemy from suddenly approaching, and also to reveal his arrangements for rotation, the supply of materiel, and this is the night work of a paratrooper near artyomovsk, the enemy tries to move in the dark, hoping to remain unnoticed, but our scouts... conduct surveillance day and night, control the enemy’s approach to their own advanced positions. in these frames, the crew of the karnet anti-tank missile system destroys a group of infantry. northern 200, watch, when ready, open fire. and this is a shot of the work of paratroopers of the dnepr group. lancet loitering ammunition destroys enemy crews with a mine. here the work is already on large areas, so to speak, in the sweeping handwriting of the sea of ​​fire, it is clear that it hits.
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santsepek heavy flamethrower system. 24 thermoboric rockets, they are capable of covering an area of ​​up to 4.m. fortified areas, command posts, and mass accumulation of infantry. our motorized riflemen are supported from the air on the front line. a pair of su-25 attack aircraft strike with unguided aircraft missiles at enemy equipment in the donetsk direction. one shell fire. tankers , motorized riflemen, artillerymen habitually call their work here combat duty, they replace each other every day, risking their lives, moving to firing positions, identifying the enemy, delivering strikes, many of them are volunteers of different ages, vasily, actually the crew number of the multiple launch rocket system hurricane, but while the chef is on vacation, he replaces him in the kitchen. how old are you? it’s inconvenient to say, but i’ve been preparing for 65 years, well, i’ve been preparing.
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specifically, the desire, of course, to be there, to beat the enemy , to receive baptism of fire, after a baptism of fire in life - says the unit commander, a lot changes, you begin to look at everything differently, here in their positions in ... there is a church, the soldiers themselves did it , its doors are always open, we got this church from the tankers, the central military district, they erected it here, illuminated it, we have a lot of military personnel today, who have already been baptized here, they have already realized that they need to be closer to god, people come to this, consciously come, evgeny lyamin, sergey shili, niki sebastyanov, dmitry litenenko, channel one, an attempt to mobilize in the odessa region ended in a mass fight, personnel . social networks, people in uniform rushed into one of the villages for the next group of recruits, they received a harsh rebuff, pensioners and women stood up for their own, no one wanted to send the men of their fellow villagers to the probable death, and such a case is not an isolated one, before this against violent during the mobilization, residents of the village of kosmach in the ivano-frankivsk region rebelled, where
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uniformed officers tried to seize the father and son. destroyed. the incident was widely discussed on the internet, the former commander of the aidar organization banned in russia did not remain in the country, he threatened the village residents with a purge, allegedly the ukrainian army would restore order there, if necessary, although order needs to be restored in the army itself. earlier it became known that a fighter died at the training center of the armed forces of ukraine in ternopil, after just weeks of training at the training ground, of acute heart failure, like this the kiev regime is trying to make up for losses, send even seriously ill people to the front, and the rules of mobilization will be tightened even more, last week the supreme council. nevertheless, she adopted the scandalous bill in the first reading. starting today, polish farmers will begin to block two more checkpoints on the border with ukraine, this is what is happening at the rest. the farmer does not simply block the road for trucks from a neighboring country, open them and pour grain onto the roadway. they also
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bring tires to the checkpoints, build barricades from them, and in some places even burn them. poles they demand the abolition of benefits for transport companies from ukraine, as well as the return of customs duties for agricultural products . because of these measures, european markets are literally flooded with cheap grain from ukraine, local farmers are suffering colossal losses, and many decisions of the european union have generally put them on the brink of survival, but in brussels farmers' complaints are turned a deaf ear. now the middle east, new israeli attacks on the gas strip under fire from the south enclave, about a hundred dead in the city of rafah alone, data is provided by the arab media. information, most victims are women and children more than 230 more people were injured. in addition to residential buildings, mosques were bombed. many are now sheltering residents who fled south from the northern regions. official tel aviv called for this. at the same time , israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu continues to insist: the idf unit
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eliminates more camas militants in the gas sector than civilians die. and the operation will continue until israel completely eliminates the threat. regarding the peace agreement. with the palestinians it is still a long way off. the new president of finland will be alexander stup, a former prime minister, an active supporter of the anti-russian course. in the second round of elections he received more than 51% of the votes. his attitude towards our country has recently changed dramatically. previously working in the government, the politician advocated a visa-free regime with russia, supported the construction of nord stream, and rosatom's participation in the construction of a local nuclear power plant. now stup wants to break off full-fledged relations with moscow and calls for russia to be deprived of its place in the security council. the construction of a high-speed bypass of simphepol is underway ahead of schedule, most of the new route promises to be completed in the summer, the road
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will reduce the travel time from the crimean bridge to the resorts on the southern coast of crimea by a couple of hours, valery kuznetsov observed the progress of work, which even the weather cannot interfere with. or even two in city traffic jams just to turn around towards the southern coast of crimea, people are waiting for the bypass road to open, if you drive from the bridge, if i want to get to yalta, let’s say, then i have to drive for about 4 hours, this is for a very long time, we hope they will build it soon, it will be it’s convenient to drive, and we’ll drive on the new road in a good way, construction. an alternative route in the direction of kalushki , bypassing simferopol, began in may twenty-two, now the workers have already installed lighting and the fence, the second layer of asphalt is being laid, there will be three of them, the canvas was designed taking into account the climatic characteristics of the peninsula, it will not tolerate even forty-degree heat. the road is being built
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as a four-lane road towards the southern coast of crimea; it will be possible to travel along it at a speed of 90 km/h. this road will allow you to remove the transit completely. perevalnoye is a little more than 25 km. construction is taking place in two stages: the first from the tavrido highway near the village of donskoy almost to the village of zarechnoye, almost 16 km. this area is already 80% ready. they promise to deliver it in the summer. the second stage of construction of a 9.4 km section to perevalnoye. now excavation work is underway here, three transport interchanges, new overpasses and bridges will provide residents of nearby villages with quick and convenient access to the bypass route. the second phase of construction will be completed in february 2025. works are ahead of schedule, despite
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the weather conditions. we see the so-called greenhouse, which allows us to take care of the concrete. concrete gains its strength in certain conditions, that is, in negative temperatures or in the rain it will not gain its required strength. teplyak allows us to achieve exactly the required characteristics of concrete. construction of a road bypass also continues in crimea. city ​​of alushta, it is 20% ready. all work is carried out within the framework of the federal target program socio-economic development of the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol. by the end of 2025, thanks to new roads, travel time from the crimean bridge to yalta should be reduced by about 2 hours. valery kuznetsov, nikolay maloshenko, islam ustarkhanov and irina chuchuy. first channel crimea. super high pressure in moscow is a weather anomaly in other regions. details a few minutes after the ad. switch, she and chamberlain
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potemkin are constantly talking about something, she began to invite him to all councils and holidays, patemkin, you saw patemkin, crooked, askew, slut all this, my ugliness offends your beauty, the wounds received for the fatherland should not be ashamed, i love you, stand up, it’s you out of great love for me, my f orlov should immediately leave for moscow to eradicate the plague epidemic occurring there. yes, grisha. look how you have risen above your comrade in arms. get ready. empress grisha. much is given, but little is allowed. what should i do if i love you? golden age, big premiere, watch after the program
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time, what i want to tell you about is that of what i experienced deserves attention, among the many joys and pleasures that accompany youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness in the round village of mala, i lived with a blacksmith, i help him in forging horseshoes in a forge, with long tongs and... alexander prokhanov. confession. premiere. today is the first one. it doesn't happen that a person was
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in your life. well, he disappears. even if he dies. in this girl she almost doesn’t recognize the child she lost 5 years ago my dearest mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories. but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that’s what he experienced at that moment that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone how did your only daughter, yulia, survive this loss? what path did she take after death? moms? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided , whatever happens, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared, my
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life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday, on the first. fire and ice. two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born. “emotions are running high, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but to win it is important to maintain an icy calmness, gilda, from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk, february 17 and 18, on the first. my advice: don't sit close to screens, it might get too hot.
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meet us in the steel capital of russia. this is the news on the first and we continue: russia will experience a sharp cold snap; according to forecasts, by the end of the week in most parts of the country the temperature will be below the climate norm, and in siberia the thermometers will rise will immediately drop by 25°, and such a jump is very dangerous, there may be icy conditions; in the european part of russia it is still warm without precipitation, but in a number of regions it promises freezing rain and sleet. and in moscow on friday the borichic hill awaits. the pressure will rise to record values ​​of 769 mm of mercury - this is significantly higher than normal, it feels as if we are going down into a mine to a depth of 200 m. and more footage from nizhny novgorod, a rare phenomenon, the boiling volga. due to the temperature difference , a thick fog rose over the river and enveloped coastal area. fans of winter extreme
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sports from all over russia this weekend went to... the city of momadysh in tatarstan, there was a festival of creative sleds, this is when from a huge mountain, instead of the same ice sheets , everything your heart desires rolls down, structures in the form of airplanes, huts and cars, the main thing is that you finish quickly, cheerfully and preferably at the end of the descent, and not at the very beginning. svetlana kostina is a witness, serious speeds, sharp turns and inevitable falls, participants of the sunni fest festival rush from a huge mountain in search of bright impressions. we've arrived.
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model from the future we have helmsmen, as if helmsmen, we will be this one, but there are no wings , they are just for decoration, mostly like flags , the sleigh is going, a fabulous van , an airplane, a sleigh, a bicycle, every year the sleigh is becoming more and more diverse, but it’s not just about the sleigh, it’s also about the personalities. for example, vladimir lenin will travel this year, hello comrades, and this is your armored car. the armored car, the armored car reached the end, however, with the help of young pioneers, come on, quietly, quietly, come on, the height of the ice slide is 3.5 m, the length of the descent is half a kilometer, sometimes during the descent an unexpected situation happens, for example, you can lose your head, the one who gets to the end of the descent the fastest wins, it also
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takes into account how far the sled has gone, even if you stopped on the track, you still need to get there. through the air, we fell beautifully, but this time the balloon did not burst. this family is participating in the festival for the fifth time, the base of the sleigh and runner is unchanged, but the design is new every year. we're going to the chris bridge! the ride is reliable, fast, convenient, convenient. the annual festival attracts thousands of spectators from
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tatarstan and neighboring regions, maybe some of them will make their own sleds for next year. i remember vanya the most. oceanada immersed sports fans of our country in the atmosphere of competitions of the highest level, almost of an olympic scale. the focus is mainly on the heroes of the 2022 winter games. the king of skis, alexander bolshunov, continues to collect all possible trophies. he is in the russian cup.


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