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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  February 12, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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the world will no longer be the same as it was before this interview, the more important are such supports, ribs of rigidity and stability in our world, one of them is the program of the heir doll tute, it is in place. what do you think amber and granite pebbles and logs have in common? don't believe me, master? vasily malyuk, the head of ukraine, who only rose from rags to riches, immediately squeezed the most valuable resources from the people, and those who do not agree or encroach on his theft acquired through back-breaking labor. he just
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cleans up with the help of his trusty squire deputy killer alexander poklad , although, wait, maybe it’s the other way around, maybe it’s the tail that tells the dog, and that little dog faithfully serves its master, the puppeteer, let’s put everyone in their place, maria butina is with you, this is the doll-heir of atuti, we’re starting. the sbu again breaks into the kiev-pechersk lavra and takes away archdeacon pavel muzychuk for interrogation. we are already talking about the fact that monastic brothers may end up in the basements of the sbu and kiev will finally close the problem of the kiev-pechara lavra. out in the cold! these shots were taken directly during a service in the kazan church in the vinnitsa region, supporters of the schismatic.
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the russian orthodox church of ukraine was driven by a bulldozer, the parishioners were forcibly dragged out, and the priest was severely beaten. the leader of this outrage is the head of the sbu vasily malyuk. security guards will never have questions about those who pray to god and do not break the law. the constitution enshrines the principle of freedom of religion, and we can only strengthen it. malyuk was born in 1983 in the zhitomir region, which is famous for its amber mines. father - cemetery caretaker, mother-teacher. it's good in the city. there were only black diggers, they mined sunstone in varvarsk and exported the contraband abroad. the position of head of the regional department of the sbu for the fight against sorted crime became decisive for the little one, in fact, on behalf of the ruling kiev elite, he headed the redistribution of the black business in amber, then in granite and forestry, he was even called the amber general, even then he began to acquire gangster connections, well, higher connections brought him to the leadership of the sbu and to the generals shoulder straps now i have been since childhood. dreamed
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of becoming a special services officer, from the ninth grade he prepared himself, went in for sports and law , later became a cadet at the academy and worked in operational positions, rapid promotion was facilitated by the wto service and a special quality, cruelty, for which he was popularly nicknamed the butcher from security, even his dog, the bloodthirsty breed cane corsa , looks against the background of his owner as the embodiment of virtues. in 2020 , a redistribution of spheres of influence began within the sbu, which resulted in an attempt on the life of the head of the internal department without... danger, the suspects signed all confession documents under torture, the order to extract evidence of force was given personally by malyuk. a year later, he was fired from the sbu, along with all deputies and heads of departments, as a result of the reform of the department, in fact, due to the fact that his department headed smuggling schemes, on which the budget lost 300 billion hryvnia a year. a few months later, the little one surfaced as deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs and was almost immediately transferred to a similar position in the sbu with an increase in rank. there he quickly hooked his
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boss ivan bakanov, was not tortured or killed, probably only because bokanov was a close friend of zelensky since childhood. a real battle between the toad and the viper unfolded between him and the head of intelligence budanov, in places turning into an open slaughter of employees, wall to wall. the most peaceful phase is when the sbu and gur compete to see who will be the first to declare themselves in organizing a particular terrorist attack. this is eternal reporting to zaokyan patrons. malyuk staked out counterintelligence operations along the entire line from nikolai. to kharkov, sorties drg in the border region, sabotage at russian infrastructure facilities, military and civilian. any clap is an absolutely logical and effective step towards the enemy. moreover, such special operations are carried out in the territorial waters of ukraine and are completely legal. malyuk personally recruited the cells, participated in the development of drones, including naval ones, and carried out orders to eliminate the russians. izbu took responsibility for the murder of iligiva, owned by tatarsky daria dugin. whose orders the little one carried out, how
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writes the washington post, citing numerous sources among high-ranking officials, the cia has been coordinating, leading, training and directing ukrainian security forces for almost 10 years. terrorist attacks. earned overseas are committed by the sbu. the missions involved elite teams of ukrainian operatives drawn from directorates that were formed, trained and equipped in close partnership with the cia, according to current and former ukrainian and u.s. officials. since 2015, the cia has spent tens of millions of dollars turning ukrainian intelligence services formed in the ussr into powerful allies against moscow. but somehow the curators are no longer satisfied with this theater of bloody absurdity, or maybe? began to get out of control, especially since some of them had long been secretly bought up by the british he6. to begin with, the americans decided to restore order in the tank forces, then through zelensky they promised a change of leadership in many departments. sources claim that nulad in kiev met not only with the former commander-in-chief to dissuade him from the military coup, but with
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direct ukrainian curators of the mulyuk for the same purpose. the leak occurred from low-level sbu employees. the ukrainian security service warned workers to be prepared. to possible unrest in kiev, some of the active battalion and brigade commanders in the armed forces of ukraine at the same time received a request from the sbu to more closely monitor the personnel so that no one leaves their positions or plans to move. the first stone hit the little guy when, immediately after leaving nuland, he was summoned to report to the rada on the case of wiretapping the agency’s journalists bigus-info, who were unearthing another corruption scheme. it would seem that where is noland and where is some bigus, but the fact is that this media was created with american money, most of the... anti-corruption publications are written in washington, at one time they were the ones who buried the presidential candidate of ukraine poroshenko, announcing the data about corruption in ukroboronprom, in order to stop the leaking of compromising evidence against himself, zelensky ordered the little guy to put him under surveillance. to start. my position is clear: actions cannot
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individual employees to cross out all the positive results that the sbu had during the war and to cast a shadow on each representative of the service. for a soros client caught using. european ambassadors and western ngos also bought drugs , and after meeting with nolat, yermak said there was another one, the public flogging continued with the dismissal of the heads of the employees of the department for the protection of national statehood of the sbu. now malyuk is nervous whether washington will leave him in a warm place or zelensky’s fear will win, the signals from the ocean sound discouraging. i am not aware of any high- level discussions between us and ukrainian officials on this issue at the preliminary stage. did we have lifter rights?
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but they say there is a wind of change, sources report that big changes await the ukrainian leadership, if we talk about the little one specifically, then i think that the sbu is still the patrimony of the americans from the united states, yes, they are interested in maximizing their the man was still in charge of the department, but he was not their man, malyuk is more of ermak’s man than... a man of the americans, well , difficult times are coming for the system of relations between ukraine and the united states or the united states of ukraine, this post needs a tougher person, or something, so the likely appointment of a deposit to this post , but it seems to be
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quite close to the truth, yeah, because biden ordered big changes to be carried out in the sbu; in my opinion, they carried out a whole cycle of reforms. generally speaking, the ability of the sbu to operate is limited, then why change the bosses, what changes are we talking about is it coming? well, look, this is the story with the reform of the sbu, it goes on in ukraine, it seems to me, endlessly, but the last cycle, from about nineteen, we are talking about the fact that, well, de facto, if we are talking specifically about the sbu, to limit the powers of many, especially in the area of ​​combating economic crimes, that is, this is the very money story for the sbu, yes, when they protect businessmen, they take away business. and so on, this is what they will try to somehow take away from them, limit, concentrate, well, how at least formally the work of the sbu in the direction of counter-terrorism and cybercrime in general is such external terrorism, that is, work on the external contour, but in principle, in fact, what ukraine is gradually moving towards now, as we see, at
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the front things are getting worse and worse for them, therefore they are waging such a literal guerrilla war, organizing sabotage, terrorist attacks, attacks on some objects on the territory of russia, and so on, in order to try to show... some kind of victory, that is, it turns out that malyuk is not suitable for this position, the americans will interject such a more loyal character who will carry out all these reforms, well, if they really lead to something, some real result, then they really probably should...
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they cannot, that is, in fact, for today the investigation and
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the sbu controls the situation in ukraine, that is, well, let’s say, but now there was a story about orthodoxy, on the one hand, these are power moments in orthodoxy, this is supposedly protecting the constitutional system, on the other hand, the economy with reznikov and kolomoisky, that is, you understand, these two are perfect incompatible things, but they combine it very effectively, so the reform now is aimed at extending the matter to american departments, for example, the dbr, this...
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i was tortured in the pre-trial detention center, in the first cell where i was sitting, they broke my rib, from the age of 13 until 7 pm the next day i was beaten and deprived of sleep, and then two thugs grabbed my head and started poking me with a toothpick in my right eye, asking: can i read if i go blind? on january 13, it became known from his father that he had died. as i understand it, this is unfortunately, this is a pattern for the sbu, because
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this is not the first murder on their account, but let’s talk about lira himself, he is an american, generally speaking, and the republicans even tried to make waves, trump spoke about him, well, yes, but there was no effect had, remember, when they arrested a drug addict, a black basketball player for russia, caught her from a drug shipment, what a fuss there was, and here a person is killed by the sbu and'. well, this is, of course , a revealing story, absolutely, yes, that is, gonzalo lera, let me remind you, he has chilean citizenship, because he was born in a family of chileans, but on the territory of the united states, so he is an american by birth, yes, he is a supporter of right-wing views, he is a supporter of donald trump, at some point he began to quite actively criticize the democrats, left america there for various reasons, and moved to ukraine , when the special military operation began, he criticized, in general, the zelensky regime, war crimes committed by the kiev regime and so on, but at the same time, yes, he is an american citizen. in theory , the state department and the embassy should have it to defend, but he is so very inconvenient, but
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for the current administration he is a character, yes, because he is a representative of legal views, and also a person who ran a very popular youtube channel, yes, where he criticized everything that is happening in ukraine, that is, he worked at all not on the agenda that is beneficial to the biden administration, he was first arrested, in my opinion, in may of twenty -two, then released when some noise arose in america, then he tried to cross the border of ukraine and hungary, he was arrested there, detained in a pre-trial detention center where according to everything, but according to the available information, they tortured, beat, he died of pneumonia some time ago, well, most likely his ribs were broken, that is, they beat him seriously, but in america this is really very big for him.
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malyuk, that means there are versions, yes, that he, vasily malyuk, budanov, have enmity or friendship, or friendship, but at the same time together they put pressure on zelensky, or he on them, i will list the versions, further, the following, and ermak is the direct curator of vasily malyuk, and this connection
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everything can be traced vertically. there is one more option, it is more complicated. that , in principle, malyuk, as he is also called the collective farmer, in other words, was an ordinary opera, from rags to riches, in general, he does not lead anything there at all, and he is led by just these two characters, alexander poklad, who is considered his deputy and a killer at the same time, and since andrei shvets is such, your versions, which one is correct, in fact, i would even say that this is not a version, this is a well-known fact, that is, if we are talking specifically about... the baby, then his is supervised by oleg tatarov, this is a person who is in the administration, well, that is, in zelensky’s office , yes, they directly supervise all law enforcement agencies, who is tatarov, and this is a person who carried out any kind of work, in truth or on paper? no, on paper this is not the case, that is, well on paper there is, on paper there is just a relationship, that is, he is ermak’s deputy, this is a gang of one, who is tatarov? this is
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a former security officer who, for example, strangled the democratic forces there, maidan activists, and so on, this is a person who... was close the grouping of such ukrainian oligarchs in the power of the klyuev brothers was largely related to everyone where there was a smell of money, you need to understand who this little guy is, then we will understand more and more, but a little guy is a person who always answers a question for money, yes, yes, there is such a popular song, zelensky seemed to perform it there and other things, vasyl is such a classic ukrainian, you know, well, i don’t want to use the word ragul, but such a kurkul, yes, that’s when there is money , everything is fine, in ukraine, the department... the department for combating organized crime in the sbu, that is , he always headed this crime, i can say this for sure when i worked in business in the media in the zaporozhye region of my native, in dnepropetrovsk in kiev, as soon as a person became the head of department k, department k, yes, i’m sorry, in the sbu, then he was a person of equal strength, and
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often equivalent to the head of the regional department of the sbu, this is the first version, this is the first. that means they remove bakanov and give, in fact, a little guy, responsibilities, and then another version arises, look, in favor of the schedule that we provided, well, look, remember this situation with the murder of kireev, yes denis kireev, he was accused, he was a member of the negotiation group, then he is accused of working for allegedly,
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that means russia is being killed, and intrigue is developing there, which means... budanov appears and pins everything on the little guy. yes. let's see. i believe that the sbu killed a ukrainian hero. kireev took part in the ceasefire negotiations that took place in belarus, but before the second round negotiations, kireev received a call from the reception office of the director of counterintelligence of the sbu, alexander poklad. after this, kireev came to kiev and warned his bodyguards and military intelligence officers who were in his group that he could be arrested. they drove up to the st. sophia cathedral, where sbu agents ran out of minibuses and ordered them to surrender their weapons. after this, kireev was taken away, and an hour and a half later his body was discovered by military intelligence officers. then podalyak gives comments, says: there was a murder, but they mixed it up, it happens that his murder is connected, he
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was related to the main intelligence directorate, and his murder was connected with internal, well, let's just say, these were the first days of the war, and this was due to the fact that at that moment there was no unified coordination between the security forces, and that is, there were certain claims on the one hand against him, yes, on the other hand these claims did not have time. and as can be seen even from their public speeches, malyuk has recently very often stated that certain high-profile sabotage or terrorist attacks that were carried out
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were the merit of the sbu, although before that, including the world media, they said that this was done by the main intelligence department, which is headed by budanov, that is, malyuk began to pull the laurels of the main terrorist, yes, who commits similar terrorist attacks and sabotage. what is the essence of the conflict? malyuk himself, he is a performer, he is about money, he is about money, he has no political ambitions, he is not going anywhere in his career, unlike budanov, just with these statements, when he is a bigot, let’s say, it interferes with budanov’s progress in his gaining of political points for further career growth, so there is no, let’s say, any interaction between them, this is an open confrontation, a little bit of catching up. correctly said about oleg tatarov , and about, oleg tatarov, in turn, is a tandem with yarmak, by and large, there is smirnov, responsible for the judicial branch of government, and tatarov, responsible for the law enforcement branch
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of government, when malyuk really, as the guys say, steals actually reputational bonuses, let’s call it that way, for the ukrainian consumer, this is not just his initiative, this is a story about yermak, who supervises, as if closing the opportunity for budanov for personal political growth and reputational growth. yes, denis said it very correctly, the sbu will now be turned into a purely counterintelligence and intelligence agency, exclusively, this is what the americans are interested in, you also need to understand that the sbu is one of the main feeding grounds for any president, given that they want to swaddle zelensky, they are the sbu, they are the americans, the americans, through the sbu, through weakening the sbu, they want to weaken zelensky, but yes, they are so ordered from an economic point of view that zelensky simply does not have the money for this , economics, interesting, now let's take a short break.
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accompanies youth, i, having become a writer, experienced incomparable happiness in a small round village, i lived with a blacksmith, helping him forge horseshoes in the forge, with long tongs i held hot iron in my hands, and he hit it with his ringing hammer, i ask myself who i am, what force brought me out of my moscow apartment, stopped me. inside my native threshold and threw me across continents, across cities, through wars, through conspiracies, through revolutions, plunged me into many adventures, into many dangerous adventures, what moved me, who i was, who
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i became, alexander prokhanov, confession, premiere, today on the first, bourbon steersman, product. stellar group. whiskey mancacher. product of steller group. gin сnop. product of steller group. cognac monte chococa. product stellar group. rom. castro. product of steller group. daggers to the heart. daggers. russians aren't very cool. how we exposed a large-scale operation. tsepso with which they wanted. russian missiles will quarrel us with china, they pass off any source on hieroglyphs as the official point of view of the communist party of china, several comments, except for klitschko, no one has intercepted the dagger yet, we are
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the only ones. the country where hypersonic weapons are in service is zircon and dagger. and how did the un have to admit that russia was right? it happened that the kiev regime is both de facto and deyura put himself in the dock. antifake premiere. tomorrow on the first. imagine that someone is sick at home and then viruses begin to spread throughout the house. what should you do if someone in the house is sick? chile has hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot before. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of real american cultures that were
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destroyed by europeans. it's a little indian, a little european and a little african, and it's something that enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century; it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesta chenivaara. america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order; is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premier. film four. latin america, on thursday, on the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this the girl almost doesn’t recognize the child
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she lost 5 years ago. my dearest mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, that’s what i experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother is gone. became. survived this loss only daughter, yuli, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i ’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with
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dmitry borisov. what happened, i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win, it’s not necessary, you don’t come. to him, retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, this is him, who is he, volodya, the one who saved me, you are nothing to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see this again, you won’t be here, doom, premiere of the multi-episode film, on sunday on the first, i want you to bring out the doomed to fight. the head of the sbu of ukraine, vasim
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lemalyuk, became famous for his murders, his corruption and his exorbitant wealth. let's show people the truth right now. let's look at the structure, generally speaking, of the sbu, so that we can figure out who is under whom walks, right? so, in fact, here we see iermak, we discussed, we have the swede. we have a position, there are deputies for the little one, and accordingly, and some whom we have not yet mentioned, such as, for example, denis, where did lyovochkin come from in this scheme? look, i would like to start by saying how oleg tatarov supervises vasily malyuk, he supervises him by virtue of his official powers, because i have operational
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information from the environment of both malyuk and... poppy how vasily malyuk was appointed before the elections poroshenko-zelensky essentially had a very tense situation and the little one was given an order.
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as for me, everyone knows that there is no point in offering me something, because i won’t take it, in the future you can get an article for this, i just feel the novel, like you, so this is a pre-interview with a polygraph examiner, like
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everything, right , well, explain to us why this is not true, he is much more cunning, he is very cunning, it’s just mr. read what you say, and how, you look at it outwardly, there is no science there, but in reality it’s not such. as it seems, this is true, further about what you said in the video, yes of course, he takes, of course, i’m talking about this, he takes, this is his life, he constantly takes them through someone, about himself, not himself, there it’s interesting, in general, when you start to study the baby, and you discover three things, granite, amber, amber and forest, everything is correct, you begin to trace, and here, in fact, amber finds that the baby has a wife, the wife has parents , here... there are such spouses, that means, fathers- in-law, anatoly and vera kosmach, and they owns a processing business , as they say in amber, you know, what’s interesting is that one of their companies is called vera ka, so that no one would guess, and now let’s dive a little deeper
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into this story in the role of vasily malyuk, in our studio andrey chuikov, until 2014, lieutenant colonel kharkov police. hello andrei! i am glad to welcome you to our studio, please tell us how this amber smuggling is organized and what does the fry have to do with it? the fact is that in western and central ukraine, where this comrade directly comes from got out, it is very difficult to find a job, if you have ever been to the city of korostyshev, then you would understand that this city is completely controlled by criminal elements from 90, mainly what they make money from is the amber trade and funeral.
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is unprofitable, completely dates back to the ukrainian budget, despite the fact that the second place in the world is occupied by the global sub-mining ukraine, ukraine produces a little less amber than the entire russian federation, this money is completely in the shadow sector, exported through front companies companies that belong to the malyuk family, such as poplar or vera kak, and thanks to this they legalize this scheme and sell the mined amber to germany, process it themselves. ukrainians are not allowed amber, the germans strictly monitor the good added value in these objects, so the semi-precious stone as a raw material goes to the west in large quantities, the amounts are colossal, like amber, about 500 million dollars a year ukraine would receive if this
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money went into the budget , but here you need to understand that malyuk, he has always been executive, but ukraine , from the word steal, to the ukrainian elite - this has always been, we have heard for decades, it’s just a national idea, when they say that ukraine doesn’t have... a pension, you have to think, you have to take a closer look, “well, you know, i have length of service , this man did a great deed for me, and moreover, from the first days of our return to our native zaporozhye region, and he is my fellow countryman from the zaporozhye region, andrey was in our group, well, that is, we worked together, we even divided one dry ration into five, yes, because what..." well, with the food, can i then ask you two one more question, here we
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had two names, the so-called brothers, one vladimir dedukh, the other boris bashmakhov, here is the muzzle and the pirate, so what is this, and what does this have to do with the little one, everyone did their own, their own amount of work, yes, for example, in the zhytomyr region there was a conflict widely known in narrow circles, i think you will confirm this, when the sbu alpha special forces put down tax officers who... came in to take a bite market and directly in these cut down forests for mining for the extraction of amber, that is, imagine, two government agencies had a shootout between themselves, four wounded, you won’t see this officially anywhere in the reports, although they were wounded by a gunshot wound, well, that is, the sbu directly won and explained whose piece is important, here we remembered directly the deputy chairman of the sbu, dimchyna, yes, who was malyuk’s roof, every week.
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for two convocations he was an assistant to the deputy of mirny, this is a deputy of the verkhovna rada, the parliament of ukraine, who belongs to the firtash group, levochkin, that is, yes, the person is highly connected to politics, considering that... the guys i said are highly connected to american politics, to american
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services, a campaign from very ancient times, a person built into this system was also raised entirely by american servicemen , and he will be a little one? no, he is no longer a sub-intelligence officer, in fact, it’s just the counterintelligence department, that is, everything that concerns the sbu as a special service, is headed primarily by the department, and there the little one is not a decree to him at all , he is more directly subordinate americans in these matters and... for vkhoz , malyuk really, they say everything correctly, he is for vkhoz, he is about money, the deposit is not about that at all, i don’t know, that’s because look, on the one hand it’s like that, maybe he looks like, i don’t know , a lumberjack there, but what’s interesting is that he is from a very worthy family, his grandparents, by the way, were awarded honorary awards for partisan service, let’s listen to him talk about this: my grandmother on my mother's side
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at one time in poland during world war ii was also in the partisan detachment, she was even awarded the golden partisan cross, this is the highest partisan award in existence. they did a lot of corresponding sabotage tasks in relation to the fascists. well, grandpa, her husband was a military man, he fought in the tank army, marshal rybalka, and collected all kinds of military awards. you know, my definite duty. and what kind of hero of the ukrainian epic is this,
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who has nothing to do with the ukrainians or the epic at all? sergey, help me, please, you know, you are very you say everything correctly when you say that this is a man with such a rather redneck appearance, he really wants to remain in history as someone who could be a real ideologist, he needs to find some kind of trick so that he will be remembered not just as a punitive and butcher because any person, then this is a so-so feature, let’s, for example, this is , in fact, this cossack mamai, he’s a hanged cossack, absolutely right, he has the same attitude towards the cossacks, probably as... as and probably the people inhabiting african continent to the cossacks, on the one hand , there are two legends that he was born in the golden horde, in a fairly high-ranking family of tatars, who tried in every possible way to show greater will in the civil strife within the golden horde, who is cooler, so his coolness was based
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on the fact that then with in the conflict with takhtamysh, he showed particular cruelty, i have... why is he a ukrainian hero, i have only one thing to do with ukraine, nothing, but the fact is that he showed his cruelty towards the novgorodians, and novgorod is russia, and accordingly, from the point of view of our superhero, his logic is not very simple, and if he just destroyed the russians, then it means he needs to be canonized, here he is almost everywhere, in every interview, talking about his super-invention.
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1380 was a complete defeat, he was disgraced within the horde, he received lifelong humiliation and deprivation of all possible ranks, this toothless beggar with a knocked out, half-knocked out eye that was crawling on his stomach, this is the hero of modern ukraine, remember, the novel i asked you question, but can should he read at all, because in general , before hanging an icon with hanged people on his back and saying, oh, this is my hero, he should have at least read a little of the textbook from... the history of gumilyov there , read a little somewhere, he didn’t can he read? malyuk is a typical opera, let’s return a little to his biography, talk now about grandmothers, about grandfathers, we all have grandparents who fought, his father was a utility worker, he was involved in
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the improvement of cemeteries, and his mother was a teacher in some then children's health camps, he grew up on the outskirts of the city in some kind of two-story or three-story barracks. and this was his personnel bridge, he had been preparing since school to actually join the security forces, and he went to the sbu for 18 years immediately after the army, then he serves as an operative and he is typical, he is not a counterintelligence officer, he is a typical operative , with this slightly cold look, a person who doesn’t just give...
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please, without principles, now let’s break for a little advertising, let’s continue the same thing and just nightmare them, kill, torture, that’s it interesting after a few minutes, she and chamberlain potemkin were constantly talking about something, she began inviting him to all councils and holidays, potemkin, have you seen potemkin with a crooked scythe? all this is rumors, my ugliness insults your beauty, wounds received for the fatherland should not be herded, i love you, get up, it’s you out of great love for me, my frills lifted up the hem, i wouldn’t look at anyone in my life if you weren’t cold towards me,
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adjutant general grigory grigoryevich orlov should immediately leave for moscow to eradicate the plague epidemic occurring there. yes, grisha, look how you have risen above your comrade in arms. get ready. empress grisha. much is given, but not much is allowed. what should i do if i love you? great, golden age. big premiere. watch the time after the program. vodka. veta, a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. bourbon steersman, a product of stellar. product of steller group gin сnop product of steller group
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civilizations premiere of the film fourth latin america on thursday at the first. palm revealed. under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there can be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. “we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow, it became known that the germans are preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran, dear georgian, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s confectionery are ready, six umbrellas meant six paratroopers , whether they are germans or not, then i saw an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran, i’m working” fourth year, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, and we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water,
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comrade stalin grinned, they brought the six germans we found into the hall, hurray, to georg vartanyan's centenary, february 17, on the first, and 64 years after the tehran events, the target came to moscow... sandis, churchel's granddaughter. she thanked me for saving her grandfather's life. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl she almost doesn’t recognize the child who was 5 years ago i lost my dearest mother. i don't think i'm without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, what
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he experienced at that moment that evening, only he knows, it is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away how did your only daughter, yulia, survive this loss? what path did she take after her death? moms? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided. by the way, i didn’t become a star in memory of my famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday, on the first. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of the heir to tuti. we continue to figure out who vasily is. malyuk, head of the sbu of ukraine, he is still a mysterious puppeteer or puppet and just a stupid performer, we’ll find out now.
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well, let’s return to our versions, but it turns out that this performer, this man, who, man, man is a wolf, it’s probably correct to say here, he has another puppeteer who would be interesting to dissect, so, colleagues say that ... he said, here is bakanov, here are the bribes, there they released information to the media that his wife owns a business in russia and so on,
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conducts all sorts of business. now let's return to kireev's situation. wall street journal named the murder of kireev, by the way, by execution. well, imagine, one of the most authoritative publications in the world. what was it, who was behind it? calls it execution. what was it? bakanov leaves ukraine to rest with his wife. at this moment, kireev is sitting in budanov’s office. and he communicates with him and acts. i will stand here, then we will protect you, that is, they, so that i understand correctly, yes, that is, they are in a bunch, budanov and malyuk, and they protect zelensky,
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so they protect him, of course, that they are ready to take him out ? budanov as, for example, the next president, quite likely , that is, budanov is serious with malyuk, these are people, such a combination, but i think that malyuk, in the event of a threat to his income or his life, without raising an eyebrow at all, will cut the throat of at least one, at least the other, there is information that at school all the time, he was a nightmare for his classmates, he was a nightmare for a parallel, there were some stories that the teacher... he stole something, that is , the meaning of this person’s life is survival and getting a piece of food for himself, he survived so well , i just got up from the usual opera, here it turns out that if you have a house of 228 m2, a plot of a thousand, another of 1,500 m2, another of 2.0 km, an apartment in kiev, which will end, 122 m2,
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a private house in kiev, which... belongs to the sbu, and two, two cars, two domestic partners, by god, also an income , please, the family receives 7.5 million a year, and well, modestly keeps 16.5 million rubles in cash, this is only what is declared, today we see that neumalyuk has a very big problem, dissatisfaction with his ambitions, he was satisfied on the right with blood, violence, murders, he amused his pride in this. but the question arises: what next? is he ready to find allies in the united kingdom, who will be ready to pull him along? well, what if he’s for power, if we’re just talking about money? no, he understands perfectly well, when we look at him just like a cattle, this is our mistake, i think we are mistaken when we paint the image of such an idiot, no, he is not an idiot, he looks perfectly plans what will happen in a year, in two,
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zelensky will be demolished, who will come to his post, he now... he’s starting to play a big card game, he’s so drawn into this power, and he understands that he can’t just go to lazurka and be a pensioner there, he needs to make a bet now, his whole task is now when he’s just splashing poison towards us, one very important task for him is to make sure that he is a sold product there, now he must do everything to ensure that at least a small bet is placed on him, but they do, well, if we talk about it. on this, so we may have disputes, yes, whose man is he, yes, he is a man of what a man needs to be at the moment, and he clearly understands several at once or not, listen, i have no doubt, when zhytomyr is liberated, his dear one, he will be the first to come out with the st. george ribbon he will say that he discredited the hut so that
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his native land could finally return to its native land, there is no doubt about it. also , you know, i look at him, i just remember well another character, his colleague, practically the former head of the sbu, who also came from from the department for combating organized crime, only the ministry of internal affairs of alexander grigorievich shmidko, but he was in the zaporozhye region, in my native one, he headed the sbu, he also tortured, drove there, quite possibly killed, i don’t know personally, but at least people went missing, that’s what he looks like same, he also communicates with women, i realized that this is some kind of nurturing from the characters, their name is legion, and it doesn’t matter what the surname is baby. from the point of view of destroying the remnants of statehood , the actions will be essentially similar from the point of view of this state russophobia, which today is cultivated correctly, if the lack of education ultimately banal knowledge leads to the fact that a person is able to live only by primitive in this
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case, i don’t know reflexes or instincts, pay attention, what is this instinct, do you understand? there is americana, yes , well, that is, in their minds, and i am more than sure that this is not just a game to reduce reputational merit, as mikhail rightly said about the same budanov, yes, and this is what the behind the scenes are doing, and the western ones are doing intelligence services, and it says yes, i will sign up for this , well, so that i can be an official terrorist, these are people who are minions, yes, who are ready to do any work for the sake of evil, such dear minions , and you know, we gave an example only about amber. but then you begin to understand how everything is organized there , you understand that we are talking about forest, about granite, cigarettes, cigarettes, construction, that is, the sbu kind of provides protection, takes away from everything, you know, even at the state level the same cigarettes have the concept of smoke, who do we have supervises the smoke, but there’s a meeting going on, the governor is gathering, the newly appointed
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governor of one of the regions controlled by the regime zelensky says? smoke, raises his hand , the head of the sbuc, says, this is our topic, says , now this will be our common one, this is about those realities, we are now sitting, making very complex ones, but here are the diagrams, these complex schemes are not there, yes, it was stolen there .
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metropolitan anna and, accordingly , had a conversation with him about what is needed for all your popes to declare that russia is the enemy, everything
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in that spirit, well, accordingly anufriy a man of principle, and yes , the previous authorities who were there already understood this, he did not agree to anything, not with poroshenko, did not fulfill any agreements, he said no, he says, this will not happen, we are ukrainian... orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate , we only recognize this church. they come to zelensky, they say: we need to make a statement, they call kachenko, he says, let’s start, there is a complete plan for repression, they have prepared it. today, malyuk states that he has personally subjected 61 clergy to repression, imprisoned prison, attributed some charges of treason. 61 clergy. how much sin has a person taken per soul? the rector of the kiev-pechersk lavra, who is now under house arrest, father pavel , this is the work of the little one personally, he did all this personally, but
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look what is happening, the fact is that these are all temples, churches, yes, there now stolen, in fact, a lot of valuable exhibits, that is, the sbu is also in the case, the sbu is in the case, they take them out right across the border, bring them, sbu, what is the sbu, yes, that is, the sbu - now let’s say all other departments can check, but the sbu checks everyone, that is, the sbu can move freely without license plates, can drive across the border, the barrier immediately opens for them, they do everything, accordingly they take these exhibits there and sell them for millions of euros, that is, if i understand correctly, then there is the sbu simply covers the entire business, that is, amber - so to speak, it turned out to be a small piece, because the wife’s relatives are there, it ’s deeper there, but in all other cases it’s superficial. well, everything is said correctly, and this episode really took place when i had a conversation with his beatitude metropolitan anufriy, the head of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and he is truly a
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tough, iron man in this sense, he stands on his own and on what our church in ukraine stands on. the question is that, unfortunately, the key provider of these new persecutions, yes, is iermak, when the question arose that... let's work on organizing the visit of his holiness patriarch kirill to ukraine, and a movement towards peace, somehow measuring, somehow lining up relationship again, he said: “why do i need this kirill?” it’s interesting to me that the pope has arrived , and what interests the vatican interests me much more. in fact , the background is very, well, so homespun, very primitive, and ermak in this matter, and ermak, as a person deeply connected with the british with the mi-6, with warsaw, including the vatican, respectively, work for one simple story. the infusion of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate into the scholastic ocu, and the scholastic ocu into in turn, has already created a commission for a potential unification with ukrainian greek catholics, that is, resubordination
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to the vatican as such, this is the tune they, excuse me, are blowing, this is the direction they are moving, this is by no means insomnia, this is by no means the stupidity of specific characters, here international, international conspiracy to destroy orthodoxy... introduced to parliament a new version of the law on the activities of constitutional organizations, which puts the matter beyond the possibility of the existence of the ukrainian orthodox church in ukraine, namely the sbu, creators and moderators of this process. ultimately, no matter how much vasily malyak, the head of the sbu of ukraine, would like to imagine himself as a super genius who invents new theories in fact in the system of ukrainian power.
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he is only an executor, an executor of secret and vile plans against the ukrainian people, against the whole world, but he is just a pawn, as it turned out, in a big game, in most cases the pawn is cut down and removed from the board, and such fate, as a rule, is waiting for performers who are just like you... well, what will happen next, naturally, we will find out in the near future, but in the meantime, maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now is the time for the program. three fat hamsters, ford, carnegie and roxeller foundations. we are determined to play our part in building a better world. like large american funds. they are trying
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to seize control over the whole world, they are training a mass of people who then end up in the white house managing everything, a fund of 11 billion is passing through itself up to one and a half trillion, it is impossible for the cia to just take and give money to the opposition russian interference in internal affairs, the laying intermediary , which provides intelligence services, are trying to misinform the society where they go, in russia they failed to do this, let’s say in ukraine they succeeded, and the carnegie foundation, which worked in moscow, was declared an agent and ceased its activities. after all , their main task is to move on to global depopulation, and this is precisely work with public consciousness, the transgender agenda, the creation of genetically modified nutrition, golden rice was supposed to feed everyone, and now it turns out that they have to reduce everyone, that they imagine themselves as inhabitants of heaven, and this is why they are dangerous, funds, the real masters of the west, dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first.


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