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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  February 13, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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well, mother, you won’t please me, how can i drag him if he doesn’t want to go, grisha, i’m sorry, grisha, it’s his own fault, but you, dear sir, how can you explain your refusal to appear at my request, i’m sick. you stay on your feet cheerfully, turn around, the empress orders you, and what do the doctors say? damage
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to the eyeball and eyelid, the eye survived, but will never see, my ugliness offends your beauty, farewell your majesty, stop. grigory alexandrovich, you are a hero, you should not be ashamed of the wounds received for your fatherland, sometimes they are more valuable than any order. and he answers him: i can tell you a reliable way out, after all, i was also accused of bribes, but as soon as i stopped taking them, the slander against me immediately stopped, and if the aisle.
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then ekaterina romanovna will give all the other anecdotes a head start, they say that the bookish dasha is very angry lately, just like a she-wolf, because of what, from female melancholy, they say, she had an arab, but he died, since then she has been angry, because that arab, that's the cross. "i heard it myself, so others bookish men are not interesting , but the arab died from something, from smallpox."
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smallpox has returned to vienna. i was informed that another daughter of maria theresa had died. yes, smallpox is a terrible disease. in europe they say millions have died. no one is protected. neither king, nor commoner. however, this does not mean that smallpox should not be fought. i invited the english doctor, thomas dimmesdale. he told me about the variation. i think it would be a shame for me to start with myself. believe me, i must set an example to your subjects and pretenders.this is very dangerous. the all-russian emperor died from otspa at the age of 14. “i don’t want a similar fate for either my
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children or their children’s children, especially since there are weapons and vaccinations against this evil, your majesty, friend, believe me, i have studied this issue well, before you, gentlemen, is a christian youth, seven years old named alexander, son of danilov, a native of the solonets province, his whole family died of smallpox, their..."
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her majesty is waiting for you, how is she? yesterday evening and at night there was a slight fever, chills in the throat, but today, thank god, it seems it would be better. please, gentlemen. your majesty, how are you
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feeling, your majesty, everything is fine, i hope that in the future my example will help save. well, why are you silent? after all, you so persistently sought this audience not only to inquire about my health? what's happened? your leadership happened, a message arrived that the russian ambassador obrazka was arrested in istanbul along with the entire embassy and imprisoned in a seven-tower castle. and what does this mean? war, your majesty, excellent blow, your majesty,
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thank you, sir charles, we have had different and complex relationships with previous envoys to great britain. i hope that with you they will develop in a more favorable way for our countries, with your intelligence and talent for conducting politics, i do not doubt this for a single moment, my king george is very interested in friendship with such an influential strong power as your majesty’s empire, just assurances there is little in friendship, i am impressed by your pragmatic approach, your majesty, you certainly do.
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would like to receive something in return. tell us we we can count on support from the country of russia against america.
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tell king george that russia will first of all fight our common enemies on our own doorstep, and only then anywhere else. i will compose a letter for his majesty the king. org and i will pass it on to you, your majesty, continue, gentlemen, continue, it is impossible to continue, you have finished the game, your majesty,
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i have been looking for you all over europe. i have a great offer for you. i'm no longer interested in good deals. i am marrying the count of limburg. the crown that i i want to offer you the count's weight. don't speak in riddles obbat. well, if you please, if catherine is placed on the throne by a new sovereign, then everything will start from the beginning. we must eradicate the infection once and for all.
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from here you will go to venice, my people are waiting for you there, the wills of the russian monarchs have already been prepared, catherine i peter elizaveta petrovna, according to the latter, you are her daughter from alexei razumovsky, and so you will be the legal heir, do you understand? damn, damn it, i was always fascinated by your scope, so from now on you are elizaveta vladimirskaya. great russian princess, heir to the throne, learn the russian language, master manners, don’t forget that
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russians cross themselves with three fingers, that’s all. by the way, under what reason are you marrying this limburg front? i am a persian princess, you are a bear, the elector of zabrander, as far as i remember, you went out like a mamluk princess. it was a long time ago. i will probably have expenses. the path to venice is not close. wait. when they take the vow, then the appetite will appear. your majesty, do you want to go to war
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with the ottomans? tell me, grigory alexandrovich, what will happen if we help the greeks return them to the old lands taken by the turks? being fellow believers and allies, the greeks provide an excellent shield from the muslim world, right? do you know, your majesties, there is such a thing: a buffer state? yes, i know, but for this we need.
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how can you not see that she doesn’t need you? she brings others closer to you. sometimes he persecutes you , sometimes he favors you, how long you will endure , but it’s all nonsense, oh, who else, on... he constantly talks with chamberlain potemkin about something, at all his advice and holidays she became call, potemkin, you saw potemkin, crooked , askew, all these rumors, and i made him chamberlain because he is a hero, because he
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revealed the conspiracy. and my dear, well, we can’t get married, you’re in the service , i’m in the service, we don’t belong to ourselves, that ’s it, get dressed, philemon, prepare a bath, take a bath, i’ll be in the study, i’ll have breakfast, you’re getting heavy, at court everyone
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’s courting you a little medical students with diplomas. and as a roasted rooster pecks, so damn, the skoda alcoves didn’t end the way you wanted, take the old sin on your soul, i’ll sin on you i didn’t ask to take your soul, so i should pray for the health of your child, you came to ask me about this, if you decide to remove the fruit, add five drops to the drink, just don’t delay this matter, in a week it will be too late. yes, don’t pour more than five drops, otherwise you’ll die, and that ’s beside the point, so now the seedlings
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are a scissor, and i asked for flowers. forgive your majesty. now we need to water it. anna, what's wrong with you? okay, let's take a break. you haven’t seen your face for several days now, they greeted you, it’s great, thank god.
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well, the eyes are wet, the sympathy is not reciprocated, so you guessed right, come on, sit down. and he? he's free? well then you better forget him. a married man, it’s like someone else’s dress, it
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looks beautiful, but you can’t wear it to the ball. you see how happy i am, because i finally have time for myself, a super equal idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product; in 2013 , we released the first sekhod of our production. after that, we began to expand our model range, starting from white-cubic cc ones and ending with 800 cc ones. in the production of our snowmobiles, we try to localize russian production as much as possible. you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but of course this is for girls, our everything, the premiere is on saturday, on the first. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your
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life, then he disappears, even if he dies, you can hardly recognize that in this girl a child who 5 years ago lost his most precious thing, his mother. i don’t think that i am without her, i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young at 30 , leaving her beloved daughter vera to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that mom is no longer with us. what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows. it is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss? what path did she take after her mother's death? i'm somehow really, really mega strong. it was somehow like this that i took it all. in your hands , that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother, when you came into the world, my life
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changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov , premiering saturday on the first.
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gentlemen, you shoot like a girl, quit! know, there is such a sin, then maybe you can give some advice? dare to notice, in recently you have rejected all my advice, well, of course, our support in poland happened
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precisely thanks to your advice, yet i offered to support a slightly different side, if you had listened to me, we would have had friends in europe, nikita ivanovich, russia has no friends in europe, and never will, where does such confidence come from, and you forget where i am... i ordered the preparation of an order appointing you to senior members of the foreign board, i hope that now we will see each other more often, thank you your majesty, decide start hunting your person. god bless you, gentlemen, prepare the dogs,
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sound the hunt, let's go, let's go!
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she carried it there, and where were you looking, oryasina, she went, she carried it towards the rooms, blow the trumpet, fight, stop! calm down, calm down, stop!
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chancellor galitsin gave me the recording before knowledge. during interrogation, you testified that you entered into a criminal conspiracy to kill the royal person. also, did you confirm that you were involved in the masonic society? yes, that yes. “there are no names of the conspirators here, you could n’t name a single name, i don’t know the names, you don’t know because you’re hiding it, or is there another reason, as it pleases your majesty, it will please me to know the truth." this leped
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may suit alexander mikhailovich, but not me. i am guilty, your majesty. i am ready to be punished. guilty? and what kind of punishment do you need? monastery, ostrog, fool, you, anna gavrilovna, must not fully realize what you have done, a person who raised his hand against god’s anointed is guilty of death, as well as all the people involved in this
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crime. now, this inconspicuous little thing was with you, how can i explain? or maybe the owner of this the handkerchief is the very freemason with whom you are in cahoots, no, it has nothing to do with it, i am the only one to blame, there was no collusion, i shot out of emotion,
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my head was all fuzzy, i can’t... without him, we have a child it will be like a baby. what have you done? what have you done? your majesty, you feel bad,
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your majesty, mr. ro will be waiting for you there. say, you don’t have to say hello , no, ask, uh-huh, get up, get up, wait there, close the doors. your majesty,
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i am glad to see you, in good health, general felsa and them together. something happened? in care about my closest subjects and great mercy, i have decided to worry about your future. get ready for the wedding, grigory grigorievich. katya, i appoint my maid of honor, bosargina, anna gavrilovna as your bride. will be paid from the treasury determined by me personally in accordance with your position, why are you doing this? based on common sense, i believe that
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you and bosorgina are perfect for each other, by the way, especially since, thanks to your efforts, she has not been abandoned for a long time. katya, forgive me, i do whatever you want, just don’t force me, i confess, it’s my fault, i love you, it’s you out of great love for me, you bullied me, i wouldn’t have looked at anyone in my life if you weren’t cold towards me, i need her, you’re a fool...
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call a doctor, she’s fainting, a doctor, she’s not breathing.
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it’s completely impossible to play with you, nikita ivanovich, it seems that you see right through the cards, i’m just good at it. what happened to this skill of yours when it came to victory in the political game, and why do you read us in the ranks of the vanquished, my appointment does not change anything, goletin has become is acceptable only because vorontsov made a mistake regarding your appointment, nikita ivanovich, i believe that catherine was guided by the well-known principle
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of keeping enemies even closer than friends, you are too suspicious, alexander mikhailovich, enemies are not allowed to manage foreign policy, catherine trusts us, we we can celebrate the victory with you, well, judge for yourself, without pushing, we are in favor, and tell me, vice-chancellor, you see. there is at least one orlov on the throne.
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grigory alexandrovich, i have a gift for you. your majesty, i am white and gold, these are the colors of triumph, thank you, your majesty.
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grigory alexandrovich, what kind of serious face do you have? please start with the good news. there is little good news, that is, they seem
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insignificant in comparison with the bad news, say, there is a plague in moscow. plague, god's punishment, and what do you think i can do, how can i help, really? then go there and share the fate of the unfortunate,
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there is panic in moscow, tough, firm leadership is needed there, the introduction of quarantine, send me there, no, grigory alexandrovich, you i need it here, i need a reliable solution there. how easy it is for a person to send a reliable person to certain death. gentlemen, i was informed that the appointed commission is going to present me with a certain title. is that so, mr. vice-chancellor? yes, your majesty. the commission presented you with the title of the great and wise mother of the fatherland. well,
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what else can we do? the established commission, your majesty, on other issues there is no consensus yet, but the commission is working. you sat for more than a year, and that's all you can tell me, during the turkish war.
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have a seat, gentlemen. forgive your majesty, but is it worth making such decisions in the heat of the moment? and there is no fever here, nikita ivanovich. we have war and plague. both require money. and we spend it on maintaining 573 idle people. the great mogul, the great mogul, is that him? yes,
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alehand, it took me 3 years and incredible efforts to find him in europe. who did you buy it from? the armenian has one, how much did you give? this is the biggest diamond on earth, alehan, it has no price. the price is everything, grisha, how much did you pay? promised 400 thousand. why are you frozen, terente? grey, grigory aleksandrovich potemkin is coming to you, ask, hello, grigory grigorievich,
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hello, and why so early, here is the decree of the sovereign. and the empress, adjutant general grigory grigorievich arlov should immediately leave for moscow with the necessary powers to eradicate the plague epidemic occurring there. tell me, i... i can talk to her, i’m afraid it ’s impossible now, yes, grisha, look how you have risen above your comrade in arms, get ready, you need to go
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immediately, the carriage is already waiting. so what she found in him, a crooked, side-footed cyclops, give it to your mother, with mercy. don't be afraid, no, alikhan, my time is over, diamonds. you can’t buy love, pack your things, we are going, where
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are we going, your excellency, to the war, good morning, dear friends, wake up soon on the calendar... we also have plans to admire the roses that have already bloomed in crimea, we will clean them according to all the rules household appliances, whatever
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we can find, let’s take a look at the russian forum exhibition, every day there’s something new, something interesting, but first, first, what we'll have to do exercises, all of us, well , we can just watch, no, let 's all have tea together right now, put aside the coffee, put aside the sandwich, get up and do it. good morning. do you want your arms to be toned and sculpted? strengthen your triceps. by the way, they are also responsible for extending the elbows, which means they protect the joints. now i’ll show you how to work these muscles: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body. we raise the upper part of the body, do not throw our head back, look ahead, this way we will avoid unnecessary tension in the cervical department of the spine. we perform short pulses. ready to increase the load? i’ll show you
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an option for endurance athletes. we lift our feet off the floor and continue to practice. this exercise will help strengthen not only your arms, but also your upper back. and if you do the difficult version, then the whole body is equal. let's continue, if you want to see something very interesting, visit a stunning place, meet amazing people, then this is, of course, vdnkh and the russia forum exhibition, a unique event, tens of thousands of people visit it every day, and you too join us, but the exhibition is so large that it is absolutely impossible to get around it in one day, so many people come again and visit again, because every day there is something new, something interesting. come and see for yourself, a little less than a month until spring,
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and for the kalmyks it has already arrived. tsagansar is a spring holiday, also known as new year according to the lunar calendar, celebrated all week. for the celebration, we prepare a favorite delicacy of the kolmyks, called bortsiki. anyone can make their own wrestler, all shapes have a special meaning. this is not a braid, a kalmyk knot. that is, it means. just for family, family, family should always be, but it should be strong, and family should always have such a strong knot, from the plans for the week , national embroidery zeg, painting of ribbons of good wishes, game, rollers, and how do you like this decoration made of fish skin , this is an unsalted skin, this is already dressed, this is how to spin it, but it is already more or less soft, the nivkhs, a small people of the north, even sew clothes from fish skin. or maybe there are pictures like this, next to the national musical log father chharsh. in general, behind
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everything unusual, the stand of the sakhalin region , by the way, has been completely renovated; golf will be taught in the fifty-seventh pavilion; a mini-course has been deployed here. our right hand is below, the index finger is pointing down, the distance from the ball to the club is approximately 1 cm. we take a small swing. and accordingly, as if pushing, but we hit. a couple of tries and the ball is in the hole. in addition to golf, every half hour there are games, master classes, lectures, scientific laboratory competitions. if you have any strength left, about 15 minutes on foot, and we are in pavilion 36, it's all about cinema. if we go up to the third floor, we will find ourselves in the unique museum apartment of sergei mikhailovich with einstein, a world-famous director, the author of such films as darkness rushing from a wheelbarrow , authentic exhibits from his moscow apartment, part of the bedroom, a library with his favorite books, an office, a number the details
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are impressive, i want to look at everything, for example, here... russia is a big country in which we, the people, live, we are strong, powerful, i really want to visit kamchatka, probably the kuril islands, these are some kind of fabulous places, for some reason in my imagination, a birch grove,
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the first one will bloom, and the flower, people are looking for, what is happiness? in my opinion, being a father and husband is cool, and we wish everyone love, happiness, harmony, so that love only becomes stronger over the years, health to my family, my family, my loved ones, be sure to make wishes at any age, they really do come true, be happy with what we do with you, that's the very first thing when we wake up, we grab onto... of course, we grab your phone or tablet , whatever you have, look on the internet , what interesting things happened, what cool things to see there, and you go find it on the internet yourself, and we have already done this work for you, we have found the coolest, most touching ones commercials, so, solemn fanfare and in front of you is the first hero, a cat named goodwin, look how neat he is, my god, what a pussy i am, elegant, graceful, there is a piece of
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white, white, the freshest. on the contrary, the poor dog is suffering, everything was fine until the owner started singing, that’s what i’m talking about he said , this walrus discovered an unusual talent in himself, he saw a zoo employee playing the trumpet and thought, i want it too, i have a wider mouth and more teeth than this one, as you can see, the margin turns out great , all that’s left is to rehearse a little and perform as part of some ensemble, well, here’s another
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transformation: an arangutan is trying to become a human at the toronto zoo. he cleans his enclosure himself, maybe all the employees there were fired, and he is forced to restore order, he read darwin, he read it and went work, it never happens in one generation, he apparently doesn’t know about it and tries his best, but then he doesn’t have to be paid a salary, he’s an orangutan, he works for food, today i’ll remind you february 13th, that means it’s already until spring it’s a stone’s throw, well, it’s a leap year, 29 days in february, that’s okay, but it’s a calendar year, and it’s still a long way from a climate change.
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this is a fact, first of all, because of the darkness , it gets dark early, and it’s so difficult to get yourself out of bed, you say, and it’s not necessary if it’s already spring at home, what kind of it specialist anton is, this is mine salad, dessert, these are officio salads, here we grow a small wood sorrel so that i don’t have grayness, i’ve made an installation at home so that i can have summer all year round, the light has a great influence, at 6 am the alarm clock lights up, it’s bright for us and, accordingly, our mood is immediately better , the homeowners, of course, have already appreciated this mini- greenhouse with appetite, the most important thing, because it turns out to be a very tasty salad, and for us, for women, just fresh greens, preparation for spring, well, it’s just pure joy , it ’s always a bonus to have greens in your plates, you probably have them bright colors, like curtains, and even that
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bright scarf you already bought, but you didn’t notice that co... this is already warming up, a signal to unpack your spring wardrobe, a warm sweater or vest under your coat, layering is our everything, it’s still in trend, but what about the colors? the brightest color trend is red, if the color reminds you of a scoop of ice cream, then this color will be in trend now, even the most boring look can be diluted with the help of bright socks, for example, which will repeat, maybe some accessory or element in image. equipment ready, and since it’s still officially winter, we have time to make our winter dreams come true. julia finally got on her skis. at the first training session, i probably set a record at the shaft. 30, first of all, you get adrenaline , because once you fail, twice you fail, your excitement awakens, and then, when you drive, and you also drive in such a beautiful environment, forest, snow, sun,
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if you’re lucky, then it’s energizing, and now this is love, probably for life, you still have time to skate, take beautiful snow photos, listen to the crunch of snow, no, not just on the street, in the forest. well, after that you can start planning your summer vacation , it’s time, we are planning, we have already chosen a trip, bought swimsuits, the thought of a vacation warms you up , planning your summer weekends, it helps a lot, relaxes, relieves tension, it’s simple and not only muscle, but also thought processes, especially since the daylight hours are getting longer, which means spring is just around the corner, maria nikolaeva, mikhail volkov, victor namunka, yulia bykova first. we remind you of the channel on the calendar on february 13, spring is coming, it’s only a matter of time only 17 days, they calculated correctly, correctly , there are 17 days left until march, but in some of our regions, spring has already arrived, so
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we are going there now, this is crimea, and roses are already blooming there, fontaine, alushta, crimean spring, nikitsky the bodsad in the middle of winter is dressed in roses, it’s a very beautiful time, you can come by... valentina walks here every day, such a gift to herself, for no reason, the southern coast of crimea, from snow and frost, the bodsad is protected by the mountains, so it’s spring here even in winter, i woke up from hibernation and sochi, and as if just the other day on march 8 , tulips bloomed, bright yellow flowers, more than four dozen of them have now bloomed here, of course they are a surprise, even for us, because tulips usually don’t bloom before march, the first flowers. mozy pleased the sochens back in january. the locals were even worried: would the flowering remain in the spring? even the flowers have bloomed, you see that there are still buds, until the end of march - everyone will be able to enjoy the flowering of this
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beautiful plant. it seems that spring has come to the bitch, no matter how it is, scarlet quince, japanese, somewhat reminiscent of sakara, it blooms only in the cold season, even before the first leaves, and even it is not the main sign of winter. viburnum laurel, all green, white buds, here it is, a real winter sochi greeting, it blooms so profusely only at this time of year, and when it starts to turn red, you know that spring is on the doorstep, anna gazhala, irina safonova, channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. on the donetsk sector of the front , russian pilots destroyed strongholds and... and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. mi-28 helicopter crews supported the combat work of the infantry. according to the coordinates of the aircraft gunner, the vehicles approached the target, delivered precise strikes and disappeared from the visibility zone of the enemy air defense. after
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receiving the direct combat mission, the mixed tactical group took off and entered the target area in the north donetsk tactical direction. according to the reports of the aircraft gunner , an area target, namely the platoon support one, was hit and destroyed. enemy point. and in the kupinsky direction, crews of the tornado-ge rszzo disrupted the rotation of units enemy. the crew works in conjunction with drone operators. they help correct the aiming. but at the same time , the machine itself is equipped with an automated guidance and aiming system. all this allows you to deliver high-precision strikes. the attack occurs quickly: a few seconds to configure the systems, then launch. and before the enemy has time to track down the location of the crew, the tornado leaves at maximum speed. new examples of courage and dedication of our soldiers, major andrei podverbny discovered the advance at night enemy assault groups, transmitted their coordinates to the artillery, and himself moved to the front edge of the position to adjust the fire.
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as a result, about 40 militants were eliminated, and two armored vehicles were also destroyed. sergeant viktor pyatkov, during our offensive in the area of ​​one of the settlements occupied by the enemy, he destroyed two from an infantry fighting vehicle. with russia to the last drop of ukrainian blood, while understanding that the conflict will not end in favor of the kiev regime. this opinion was expressed by the american senator from the state of agaya james david vance in an interview with journalist tucker carlson. the congressman noted that the current confrontation is not at all in the interests of ukraine. it benefits only defense concerns and those who believe that america's main task is to defeat the russians, the senator said. he also called the idea that the entire population is ridiculous and absurd.
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ukraine will not be able to win the conflict with russia; the ukrainian military will not be able to oust the russian army from the regions even with western support of hundreds of billions of dollars.
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albanians, as well as a number of national minorities. the rally participants called for intervention in europe and the united nations. the progress cargo ship ms-24 undocked a few minutes ago. people's space station, it will soon be sunk in the pacific ocean. earlier, russian cosmonauts prepared the spacecraft for undocking; after about 3 hours, the engines will be turned on for braking to deorbit. progress ms-24 was launched into space six months ago; it brought 2.5 tons of cargo to the station. also, during the months of its operation, the ship performed eight corrections of the iss orbit, including once helped avoid a possible collision with space debris. ship location. at the station
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, the progress of ms-26, which is scheduled to launch from baikanur , is scheduled to take place the day after tomorrow. a magnetic storm is approaching the earth, it was immediately provoked by two powerful solar flares that occurred last night. according to experts, geomagnetic disturbances on our planet will last almost two days, but as calculations have shown, they will be insignificant, but they can cause bright northern lights in the arctic. channel one will continue to broadcast program. good morning! good morning dear friends! it’s great that we are celebrating this day, this tuesday, together: sergey babaev, svetlana zeynalova and february 13th. so what do people do in the morning? even before washing your face, before brushing your teeth, before taking a shower , you grab, well, yes, if you have one, but as a rule, you grab your smartphone, of course, a smartphone is our everything, it’s part of our life, but what would we do without it? -that? well, one way or another, we pass the time. on social networks and
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check how many likes we have there, how many comments, subscriptions, on all sorts of marketplaces and online platforms, too, we regularly wander around there , all sorts of unpleasant amounts accrue, some unexpected ones are written off, written off, especially when we forget, somewhere we registered something there, we haven’t been there for a long time, and the money is going away, have you ever considered how much we spend on subscriptions every month? i spend about 3,000 a month, but that’s 36 a year. the amount is impressive , we’ll check what we spend on together with cybersecurity expert alexey kurochkin. let's figure it out right away: basically all smartphones work on two operating systems, the one with the fruit on the logo will be the first one. number, but what about the robot number two? first, we look at the list of subscriptions on the phone under the first number, to do this we go to the settings, then you go, click on your account, here you see what subscriptions you are charged monthly, here you can also unsubscribe from them, yes, of course, all subscriptions controlled through your main
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account, the list includes two subscriptions to two cloud storages, but every month cards they also charge you for a gym membership, it’s also a subscription service, well, apparently somehow they made their subscription through their own, that is... service, that is, through their own application, there are only a few such applications, but they are not in the general list of subscriptions are displayed , so it is important to check the application on your phone at least once a month, especially for owners of smartphones number two, they do not have a general list of subscriptions at all, here each application has its own, that is, a subscription system, you can immediately see what account, date, that is, the writing of funds, and what card is linked, then here you can turn it off, this is not particularly convenient, because it’s very...
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marketplay had a glitch, everyone bought it all, but before linking a new card , the old one needs to be untied - says andrey panov, he has been selling goods on the marketplace for 2 years. marketplaces, and their contract states that if you have ever used a card, but then deleted it, exchanged it for a new one, the new one does not have enough money to write off for the purchase, then they has the right to write off from an old card that has already been deleted - your funds, the data is stored in them. to unlink the old card, write a message to support with a request to revoke consent to data processing. another option is to pay for goods using a qr code through sbp or regularly transferring money to the internal account of the marketplace. virtual cards are available on almost all platforms. marina vakhrushov, dmitry roshkov, alexander aleksenko, channel one.
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maintenance of living quarters. you've probably seen a line like this in a payment for services. housing and communal services are payment for services that we use together, for example, cleaning the entrance, yes. yes, well, the entrance is our joint , of course, there is some kind of place here, because it happens that the entrance is dirty, there is garbage in the elevator, the windows haven’t been washed for a whole year, the water coming out of the tap is so-so too, and we pay for it every month , is it possible to get a recalculation from the management company, i was looking into the abandoned one. moscow is a polar street, the residents of this building are having their entrances cleaned out of schedule due to numerous complaints, we ask that they they came later and said thank you, i wrote. around december 6, they cleaned the entire entrance, but since then the entrance above the first floor has not been cleaned even once, they show under the stairs and rubbish, there is dust on the mailboxes and windows, please, let's start with the sills, you see what layer, the
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condition of the elevator too questions, all smeared, all dirty, it seems that the mirror has not been washed for a very long time, maybe for about six months, probably yes, the payments for these services are always clear: every month you pay 1,685 rubles for the maintenance of the living space. yes, they collect well money, just every month nothing more. but if the service is of poor quality, residents have the right to ask for a recalculation. call the control room and tell him what the reason is why he is dissatisfied with this or that service. the dispatcher must accept this call and assign it an incoming number. and agree with the owner on the date and time when the employee. the management company will definitely come for an inspection together with the person who complained; based on the results , a document must be drawn up recording the violations, but it is not a fact that the parties will agree, then the state housing inspectorate can be involved in the dispute, which, in principle, also comes out, acts and puts
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an end to this dispute, there was a remark or there wasn’t, but only when you have an act of recording the violation, it is possible to achieve a reduction in payment for the maintenance of the house, although in practice to obtain... this document is very difficult, this is how the management company greets us, the windows are already closing, the door has already closed, this is the attitude towards us, the attitude towards the residents, it’s a working day, it’s not a good day for you, that’s why your doors are closed, well , there’s no chief engineer, the engineers went to talk to you, unfortunately there’s no one here, in this case the owner has the right to draw up an inspection document himself. if the criminal code has not arrived by the time specified, which you stipulated, then you draw up an act with the participation of two neighbors there, plus , according to the law, already in court, there is an opportunity to prove your case not only. one act of inspection, more photos and videos and testimony of witnesses, and
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we also remember that the management company can be changed at a meeting of owners by a majority vote, simply refuse the low-quality services of the existing organization. anna obrosmova, dmitry roshkov, channel one. there are seemingly very simple problems that we know how to solve, but it is quite possible that we are doing it, well, not quite correctly, well, we have no experience or knowledge, we are talking about household appliances. when we bring it from the store, it all sparkles, shines, so beautiful, but we start using it, we get dirty, it gets dirty, covered with some kind of greasy coating, how to remove all this and restore our favorite household appliances in their original form. cleaning household appliances. daria uses all available means to wash off the stains. i take the glass cleaner and wash the shiny surfaces on the toaster. and a brilliant one does the job, a windshield wiper, daria assures, but a chemist. nikolay kuznetsov studied its composition , does not recommend it, if it remains on the surface of the toaster, when heated, all
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the components will begin to decompose and will end up on your toast, on bread, and this is quite harmful, there may be free radicals and toxic substances. and daria's inner part it cleans the toaster, but there is grease there, the housewife's powdered household cleaner is also bad for it, firstly, it scratches the surface, and secondly, in hard-to-reach places it will not be possible to wash it off efficiently, active chlorine is enough. toxic for us , by the way, it’s better not to put a drop of water in the toaster at all , it will break, but you can’t not clean it, carbon overheating of the spiral can cause the crumbs to ignite, lifehack: use a dry toothbrush carefully, then turn it over, shake it out and don’t forget about the tray in the toaster, pull it out and wash inside ovens or microwaves are also better without chemicals with fat, alcohol does the job, in a coffee maker, kettle, washing machine you need to get rid of scale, it slows down the work. now about computers: if daria wiped the toaster with a glass cleaner, then i have
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a laptop screen, not all of it, stubborn stains, and yes, on the internet they advise that, why not, says the repairman, vladislav. abrasive substances are used here, which will negatively affect the matrix. compositions with acetone and alcohol can also damage the protective coating or leave indelible spots. the keyboard should not be wet; we turn it over, shake out the debris and clean out any remaining residue. with a brush, but in order for the computer to work longer, it needs to be cleaned inside, and specifically just these openings, which are very dusty, they become clogged because the cooler takes air with dust and pushes it through the radiator, but instead of blowing out hot air, the air starts getting hotter circulate through the motherboard, therefore overheating everything. the system unit of the computer also needs to be cleaned, or rather, it is better to vacuum it. cleaning area - also coolers, that is. a fan with a radiator , the more dust there is on them , the less aerodynamic properties they use
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, therefore it is more difficult for them to spin there, as a result the compressor overheats, see for yourself how much dust is on the speakers, but you can’t vacuum them, if you have a powerful vacuum cleaner, it can tear off or damage some elements inside the speaker, and wiping with a damp cloth can also damage the speakers, anna brusimova, ilya ridkozubov, channel one. what do you think about potatoes? i love it, it 's a potato, it's our mother, well, yes, with the beginning of the 19th century , so to speak, did not exist before, but the fact is that we know that potatoes can be boiled and frying, one is better to boil, the other to fry, but now we will tell you how to choose the right one so that the potatoes are cooked correctly , fried, there are only two clues: the first is the size of the tubers, explains doctor of agricultural sciences, stanislav maltsev. so that they are of medium size, too small, they have little dry matter, large, overripe. in average , the optimal amount of useful elements, appearance without cracks, cuts and rot, without
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greens, and this is harmful salanine, this is the main color of the peel, the second hint, potatoes will appear in a frying pan, crispy, elegant, so we take for frying with red or pink peel, there is a low starch content , the tubers should keep their shape well, and the tall ones with white skin will be ideal for mashing. for cooking with puree, it is desirable that the starch content in the tubers be in the region... for frying , the starch content can be lower, for example 15-16%. to see clearly, just cut it, the more the halves stick to each other, the more starch, it is visible that they are more mealy, that is, this effect is the same as sprinkled with flour, let's check it in the kitchen, and we will separate, christina and her daughter will cook the one that for cooking he will fry the one for frying, my colleague will do the opposite, in the women's kitchen everything is according to the rules, 30 minutes for... 25 for frying, but for men things do not go so smoothly. why these potatoes are needed for
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boiling and not for frying, you begin to understand when actually, when you fry it, it is very watery, water. stands out, reacts with boiling oil , it’s not very pleasant , it splashes quite a lot, and most importantly, the circles stick together, you have to constantly separate them, otherwise you won’t fry them, while potatoes, which are meant for frying, but are boiled, have been doing this for 35 minutes already, wow, christina’s daughter started making mashed potatoes a long time ago, it was overcooked, you see, it’s so crumbly, we cut it, with the red skin it didn’t disappoint when fried, the slices were whole and crispy, but how are things going in the men’s kitchen, the mashed potatoes from boiled tubers didn’t work out too dense , but darkened in color, you can eat it, it’s a turn of fried potatoes, they weren’t cooked through, although i kept them longer than expected, well, you can really feel it, which means the rules really work, for cooking with white skin and high starch, for frying
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redder ones with a low starch content, and if you don’t want to bother, you can just take medium-starchy varieties, they are universal. for example, gala and linevsky are yellowish in color. legia belyanska, alexander zheleznov, dmitry likhachev, konstantin leonov, channel one. here's an unexpected question: why does a dog need a vest? is this a vest? this is a vest, well, i don’t, i didn’t mean you, okay, the dog needs a tie, but does he need a hat? sometimes this happens, we see, maybe it’s too much, but the dog’s vest is simply necessary, so says veterinarian irina denisyuk. dog owners usually walk their pets early in the morning or late in the evening, so that in the dark the dog is not accidentally hit by a car, i suggest sewing a reflective vest for him. to create a pattern, i measure the circumference of my neck, i have 36 cm. my waist is 43, as well as the length of my torso between
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with these dots it turned out to be 35 cm. i took the measurements on a bright fabric, it turned out to be a trapezoid, i cut it out , glue reflective tape along the contour on three sides, to the narrow part with allowances of 2 cm. i attach velcro to the ends of the tape, and i also attach velcro to the lower corners of the trapezoid . you can decorate the back with ribbon. the tail iron with reflective elements is ready, with such a new thing you will not lose sight of the dog on a walk, and if the pet accidentally jumps out onto the road in the dark, it will be noticeable by a motorist, this will help to avoid troubles, but from childhood we know what
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a healthy person’s temperature is: 36.6, i once warmed up a battery thermometer in the nurse’s office at school. 42 showed, yes, but at the same time i had 36.6, well, in fact, everything is not so simple, here i am, when the children appeared, i learned that 37 is sometimes also normal, and 35.5 is also normal, and 36.8, this is not such an elevated temperature, word, medical professionals, doctors especially look at our elevated temperature, there are a lot of all sorts of subtleties, nuances, 36.6 is considered ideal, but there is a small percentage of those whose temperature has not reached since childhood, even... an individual peculiarity of thermoregulation, among the disadvantages, such people are constantly cold, among the advantages, scientists have a version that they age more slowly, but if the temperature drops below 35 ,5 suddenly, the cause may be overwork, stress, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance or a virus, continues to decrease, you need to consult a doctor. they also live with elevated temperatures; normal
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temperatures are considered to be up to 37.5. if you feel well, of course, permanently. basis, if it rises and stays just above 37 for longer than two weeks, this may be the body’s reaction to an allergy, prolonged inflammation, a virus, and much more. doctors call a temperature up to 38 subfibrile, it is considered not life-threatening, and does not require antipyretics. cytkins are one of the substances that directly stimulate the thermoregulatory center, causing it to increase the temperature level in order to create unfavorable ones. conditions for infectious agents, but at the same time it is important for us to maintain the temperature that does not destroy the body, for of different ages it is from 38 to 39, fibrile, puts a strain on all systems and organs, especially the cardiovascular. usually we do not recommend lowering the temperature to 38.5
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for adults; more often we still ask children not to lower the temperature to 38°. because then complications from the highest temperature are possible, for example, children may develop fibril convulsions, convulsions as a result of an increase in temperature, from 39 to 41 ° doctors call the temperature pyretic, for most it is life-threatening if it lasts longer an hour and a half, in this case it is necessary to call an ambulance, because with each degree of temperature increase, the pulse increases by 10 heartbeats. it is especially dangerous, and the temperature is high , for young children, who have not yet established the process of thermoregulation, and for older people, who already have disorders of the functioning of organ systems and... and with any colds accompanied by fever , decompensation of the functioning of these organs occurs, higher forty-one hyperperetic
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temperature is considered fatal because protein denaturation occurs, this is how it looks like in the example of chicken: in water it is 42°, it slowly turns white, the structure is destroyed, the protein coagulates, the process is irreversible. it turns out that for accurate measurements, mercury or alcohol thermometers should be held correctly. under the arm for at least 7 minutes. anna soldatova, vasily valetov, igor kostyukov, yulia bykova, channel one. well, now there is news for the most passionate fans at the all-russian spartakiad of the strongest in tyumen, skiers competed for medals in the men's and women's races 10 km. details from victor gusev. the king of skis continues his incredible winning streak. three-time olympic champion alexander bolshunov in the current one.
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to the equator by a distance, she managed to reduce tepanova, of course, and did not think of giving up, the gap from kuleshova, and now the gap was only 2.3 seconds, at around 6.2 km, stepanova, having made a powerful breakthrough, completely took the intermediate first place , although with a minimal advantage, but still, the final segment of the distance showed kulishova’s advantage, both in tactics. so in physical fitness, having noticeably increased at the finish line, she confidently outstripped stepanova, taking revenge from veronica for her defeat two days ago in the skiathlon, but
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today the skiers will compete for spartakiad medals in the men's and women's relay races. so, dear friends, don’t miss the continuation of the historical drama the great golden age on channel one today. catherine ii, of course, had a kingdom.
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death, but did such an episode really happen? daughter of elizabeth i and her favorite alexei razumovsky, born in st. petersburg, was exiled by peter ii to siberia, from there she fled to europe, this is how one great society told about herself. “i saw portraits of empress elizabeth, you don’t look like her, i was told from childhood that i look like my father.” padres. the newly-crowned princess assures that she is romanova, which means she has more rights to the throne than catherine, who has not yet handed over the crown to her son. madam, it seems to me that you could give me something more significant. for example, my father's crown. the impostor receives the support of the top officials of europe and the pope himself. faithful people report that she entered into correspondence with frederick the great. european monarchs have a general clouding
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of their minds. who she really was, historians still argue; the adventurer had many names. under what circumstances are you marrying this frant limburg? i am a persian princess, elector of zabranderburg, as far as i remember, you went out as a mamluk princess. it was a long time ago. did elizaveta petrovna and alexei razumovsky really have a daughter? according to one version, the reclusive and righteous dosithea could well be that same heiress. as for the throne, i i specifically accepted the postrick in order to avoid this very power, as a temptation from the devil. how the life of the false princess ended is again a mystery. by order of catherine, the impostor was kidnapped from the italian city of livorna and imprisoned in the peter and paul fortress. it is believed that tarakanova died in captivity from tuberculosis. there is another more tragic version, she drowned in a cell during a flood.
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it was this legend that he depicted. in his famous canvas, konstantin flovitsky is so deeply rooted in our memory. let's unravel the tangle of intrigue around the russian crown together. great golden age. continuation today on channel one. natalya leonova, alexey nikozakov. first channel. tuesday morning the news will continue. a word from colleagues from the channel one information service. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. the platoon stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, along with the militants holed up there, was destroyed near artyomovsk. it was discovered by reconnaissance using a drone. a group of infantry in an infantry fighting vehicle moved forward to clear the area. the enemy fortifications were hit by direct fire. where it is difficult to get through, even with armored vehicles, attack drones operate. they
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act practically. silently attack and suddenly inflict huge damage on the enemy. workshops for the repair and production of components for drones are deployed right on the line of combat contact. some parts are made right here on 3d printers, others are extracted from damaged copters. if it is possible to repair a drone at all, well, on average, in about four to five hours you can make the necessary spare parts available. we have real superiority over our enemy in terms of drones. yet again.
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on the street they rushed to catch up with the man who was trying to run away from them, who overtook him first and began to beat the fugitive, including kicking him, then a second man in uniform joined in. it is unknown how this attempt to put the poor fellow under arms ended, as the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine said the day before, ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices are now working around the clock so that people can be brought there even at night, including those whom the police detain on the streets for checks
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documents. fsb officers detained a man involved in the arson of an electrical substation in the tula region. he turned out to be a citizen of belarus. he acted on the orders of his handlers in the ukrainian special services. at the beginning of february, he arrived in the tula region, made a homemade incendiary device, created sabotage, and then went to vorone to do the same thing there, but did not have time. now the suspect faces up to 20 years in prison. joe biden. unable to perform duties due to age head of state for another term, such statements are increasingly heard openly in the united states, in particular, a prominent representative of the republican party insists on this. party, former chairman of its national convention, jim gilmer. he called the publication of the us special prosecutor’s report a terrible blow to biden’s reputation, after which they began to speak more and more boldly about the cognitive abilities of the head of state, because in this official document he was called
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an elderly man with poor memory. the white house is desperately trying to prove otherwise. spokeswoman karine jeanpierre told reporters. she believes the president has a sharp mind and is in control of the situation. opinion polls have shown that 80% of americans disagree with this. vice president kamala haris, meanwhile, in an interview with oll journal, said that she is ready, if necessary, to take on the heavy burden of leadership. the owner of the white house himself, having previously reacted angrily to the special prosecutor's report, again found himself in a curious situation. at a meeting with the king of jordan in washington, he did not immediately find the place where, according to protocol, he should stand during the joint statements. at least 12 people were injured in a fire at sweden's largest amusement park in gothenburg. a fire occurred in the aqua complex at one of the water attractions, and thick black smoke poured out. then the fire spread to
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the adjacent building, several explosions occurred, and debris scattered hundreds of meters. employees, nearby offices and hotel guests were evacuated. as a result of the fire , the plastic structures of the attraction were completely burned out. it was supposed to be part of the general water complex to open only this summer, swedish media report, and note that the construction of this separation park cost $1 billion 200 million. the freezing rain that hit several regions of central russia at once will continue today. due to bad weather, the airport in saratov is temporarily closed, and several flights are delayed, including to moscow and st. petersburg. restrictions have been introduced on federal highways for trucks and route vehicles. in the region, after freezing rain, almost 150,000 residents were left without electricity. restoration work went on all night. the energy sector in other regions is also preparing for the impending bad weather. sleet, rain and wind are expected today in the vladimir, smolensk, kaluga and tula regions.
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it’s not nastya who will be staying in moscow. yesterday literally the entire city was covered in ice. roads and sidewalks have turned into a skating rink. but as always , there were those who saw this as an opportunity to skate around the yard. and yet, for most citizens, this weather has become a real problem; some drivers were unable to free their cars from the ice sheet. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning, dear friends, wake up quickly, a new day has come, it will definitely be very interesting, very useful for you and for your health. tuesday, february 13th on the calendar. i wish you all a great mood and beautiful weather, right now a topic that is of great interest to all parents, it is discussed all the time on social networks, here’s how to motivate a child to get good grades, so that he understands, that grades are important, or for him to help
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clean the house, he thinks that it’s really good to vacuum with his mother, maybe commodity-money relations will translate all this, as i’m always against, but i’m serious, i think that the child himself should want , he should appreciate, an a is not what mom or anyone needs, it’s... your assessment, how well you understood the topic, not you as a person, exactly how much you understood the topic, well, i don’t know, but - it varies, otherwise you may not come to dinner, 40% of parents paid at least once for children for good grades, data from an online survey, well, if we say 100 points, but it’s an a, then 200 rubles, for an a 500 rubles, but there are penalties, but for...
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relaxing with friends, going for a walk, but it turns out like this , that no, it’s better to do your homework and then buy yourself something interesting, this is motivation, because the child was given money, a gift, he understands that next time, most likely, he will also be given money or a gift, which is interesting, for those parents who pay their children for grades, there was nothing like this in their childhood it was, no, of course, for me, there were some other times altogether. yes, those who prefer not to pay more than 44%. our mother, in principle , believes that grades are not the main thing, the main thing is that what kind of knowledge you have in your head, they don’t give you, of course, i would like money. they only paid in a positive way, there they got an a, or they got a d,
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so they wouldn’t take it away, psychologists say that if there is any benefit from monetization, it ’s short-lived for the student, he will look for different ways to get this money, for example, cheating, skipping lessons, uh , for which he is not well prepared, and the fines here are even worse than just paying, if fear appears, then this is paralysis of the will and blocking... some creative things, and studying is always creativity , and some people practice other methods when something goes wrong with us, and we try to talk it through, and that is, the only motivation is support, i am very much against the idea of ​​a child going to class, afraid as if not five, then there, suddenly i don’t get five. children resemble experts, and they are inquisitive by nature; if you have problems, it is better to talk to a psychologist or tutor. ideal motivation, good mood, sometimes it’s enough just to be together, have a party with a piraga.
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good morning, if you want your arms to be toned and sculpted, strengthen your triceps, by the way, they are also responsible for extending the elbows, which means they protect the joints. now i’ll show you how to work these muscles: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body. we raise the upper part of the body, do not throw our head back, look ahead, this way we will avoid unnecessary tension in the cervical spine, we perform short pulsating movements with our hands up and down, as if we were flapping our wings. ready to increase the load? i’ll show you an option for endurance athletes. we lift our feet off the floor and continue to practice. the exercise will help
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strengthen not only your arms, but also your upper back, and if you perform a complex version, your whole body at once. let's continue. the other day, the amazing artist anton khabarov, who plays count grigory orlov, came to visit us at the studio on red square. yulia zemnaya and i we were just working and talked with anton, a very interesting person and his character is amazing. anton, hello, good morning , good, thank you for coming, count orlov, one of the most famous favorites of catherine, but he is a dashing man, a military man, he is probably more comfortable on the battlefield than at court with these endless intrigues conspiracies and so on, yes, he is very comfortable, there is a scene in the first episode when we are going to the coronation with catherine and orlovs.
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loved science, he loved physics, loved chemistry, in
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general, uniquely the abyss above and the abyss the same negative qualities below, about which negative ones, they say that he was half drunk all the time, well, not all the time, but he loved, he loved revelry, he loved a lot, but how could he do this, how could your character afford it, excuse me, his mistress is the empress herself, and he looks at other women, goes on a spree, and i think that a man has so many women,
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well, they say that he also repaid her, because the most famous diamond in the diamond fund is this just a brilliant orlov, well, there is another option, that he herself she made this gift, he did so , she paid almost 200 carats herself , but you can’t buy that with an officer’s salary, but he also left behind debts, unfortunately a lot after his death, she and catherine also gave them, despite the fact that she herself gave this marble palace , then she also bought him out of kozeno’s money. well , tell me about the company, about the costumes, because the approach was grandiose, and from the costume designers, what i liked most was the aesthetics and in general the standards of beauty of that century, these are the most beautiful men - these are the men who are now behind the camera, the audience doesn’t see them, so what is the standard of a handsome man, this little
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belly is a must, because if guys, just if, if you’re thin, then you’re either sick or very poor, and this... means there was no stubble at all, it was etched out with a brush, it was so, well, a wig, a wig was always a must, well, men wore make-up, it was hot in the wig in the summer, you know, it’s like wearing a medical cap, then there is, yes it is so mesh, it is so light, it wasn’t, well, the ladies understand, yes, that these dresses, corsets, everything was very good, the men had suits that were comfortable or not practical, well , the heels, which were uncomfortable for me, they were such a small cab a little, something was tucked in, and the legs were tucked in, but overall. in general it’s fine, well, i don’t wear stockings either, you see, there is a place where count orlov still has some kind of weakness, yes, we will definitely take a break for a while and continue very soon, yes, wait, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real,
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great art is born, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but for... victory, it is important to remain icy calm. ice splashes from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal. and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest. live broadcasts from magnitogorsk, february 17 and 18. on the first. my advice: don't sit close to screens, it might get too hot.
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go to him, retreat, invite him to attack, he ’s a predator, help him, it’s him, who is he? volodya, the one who saved me, you are nothing to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see this again, you won’t be here. doomed the premiere of a multi-part film is on sunday at the first, i want you to bring the doomed to battle.
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filmed, that is, i took advantage of the experience of others and what they told you, what was so important for this role, well , what i already told you was that he was a very multi-faceted person, he was not just some kind of person one color, not just a favorite, that is, but tell us about all sorts of physical nuances, you were gaining weight, you said that you ate like crazy to match this beauty, but the standard one, came up to the editing area and said: anton, listen, everything is fine, but you have such a small tummy of some kind. a sign, a sign, on the contrary, of wealth and a sign to stop eating, but in fact it was that orlov could not be thin, he could not, well, we only have portraits, she was not photographed often for obvious reasons, but the woman was not to say that beautiful , but by modern standards, what attracted men was the male mind, charisma,
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probably this, yeah, this is enough, it seems to me, for a woman, that is, they understood. there are a lot of interesting and authentic things on the set, it’s not just the costumes, what else was there that corresponded to that era? but there was no need to fic. i had to sit in the saddle, so i had to gallop myself, chase myself and gallop, well, thank god, i was already ready, and i learned to sit in the saddle in the zhivag doctor when i was filming, and they gave me an old horse, so as not to risk it, so as not to take risks, but which group protects the artists of the hunting scene, i wasn’t hunting with greyhounds, but there it was so recreated that it was easy surprisingly, what is the purpose of this series to awaken interest in that era? to some outstanding personalities of the past that they wanted to do this to show, this is certainly to show that the relationships of people, whether they are kings or
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not, do not change, the relationship between a man and a woman, and the problems are the same as those of ekaterina orlova, so you, dear friends, everything is the same, nothing changes, uh-huh, what do they say in your circle, how do they like this film, well, colleagues rarely watch the movie. the premiere was successful, in my opinion, like, according to the reviews of my friends, well, for me, i looked under the remark, i always look like that, i look there, what worked, what didn’t, but i liked it more, it’s such a rarity, yes, when you look at yourself, at we’ll definitely see what you participated in today, the great golden age, the residents of one perm apartment felt a little like... wizards, because a dog knocked on their window to visit them. i’m wondering if there was a letter from griffenddorg,
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they noticed from hogurds, right? the bird sat calmly on window, didn’t pay any attention to anyone, only occasionally turned her head , that’s how she spent time in a beautiful big city, probably returned to the forest, let’s hope, and didn’t bring a letter, she didn’t bring it, well, daylight is harmful. so, good morning continues, why don’t we ask knowledgeable people, but... for example , astrologers, what the coming day has in store for us? sveta hints at the horoscope. february 13, the fourth lunar day meets the fifth, the thirtieth day of the sun, very powerful, energetic, strong-willed, aimed at success, when you have enough strength for everything , difficult things get off the ground, a second wind comes and your head works well, and if you need to achieve something from your superiors, push through some idea of ​​yours, or just do something to...
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you need to lead be careful with yourself, there is a risk for gemini to spend too much with purchases and with money in general, make a bad investment or run into a scammer; after lunch, some kind of awkward situation is possible. cancers generally have a good day, although you may be puzzled by someone you know well
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people, and the technology may be a little capricious, but it’s all so, the little things in life, the evening will definitely please you and have some fun. it’s just a wonderful day for leos, work, career, home, family affairs, good luck in everything in your country, and the lioness today is simply irresistible, you really may be a little confused about something, but here turn to the virgos. they will unravel everything for you and solve all the problems, the main thing is to leave the girls alone at least for a while and let them think. and the stars are also hinting at something romantic, but this is closer to evening. libra may have some difficult conversations, maybe with the authorities, let’s calm down, otherwise it’s a great day when you gain more confidence and strength and begin to stand more firmly on the ground. dual day for scorpios. in the professional sphere , everything seems to be in order, but on the personal front it’s possible, like... this is nonsense, mutual reproach of resentment from scratch. however, the evening will settle everything and make peace for everyone. sagittarius, be careful,
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some shady personalities are looming on your horizon. be extremely meticulous when approaching new acquaintances and do not scatter your personal data anywhere. in the evening they may guests to see. capricorns may have some problems at work, not very serious, but they can fray their nerves. advice from the luminaries. monitor everything you are responsible for carefully. rely on others; as a bonus, the opposite sex is not indifferent to you. something like a new romance can happen for aquarius, but the stars won’t give any advice here, except for the business sphere. they will hint at something: now your successes directly depend on how things are going with your colleagues and partners, draw your conclusions! for pisces, the day may start somewhat nervously, your family or neighbors will worry about something early in the morning, there is also a risk of being late somewhere, missing an important call or messages, by lunch everything will go back to normal, and in the evening you will forget about all this nonsense. good luck to you! let’s take a couple of minutes
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to devote to our health, this is very important. so, an endocrinologist named ilya magerya will tell you right now what to do if you notice that your face is swelling. if you notice that your face has begun to swell, go to an endocrinologist, check your thyroid gland, and to remove excess fluid, i i advise my patients to self-massage, mentally dividing the face into two parts, tapping the fingers from the middle of the forehead. to the temples, from the nose to the ears, from the chin to the earlobes, self-massage will disperse lymph stagnation and help remove swelling. there is one more trick: whenever possible, we pronounce a long sound “it creates vibrations in the thyroid gland and improves metabolism
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in its tissues.” we lean on the liver of cod and... or mackerel, fish oil promotes the production of thyroid hormones, helps you warm up, you can’t freeze, but this does not mean that in the cold you need to give up walking, fresh air is simply necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland, just do not forget about precautions, while walking we protect our neck with a scarf, wear warm shoes and gloves, a thermos with warm tea will help you warm up, i brewed rosehip and lemon. this drink contains a lot of ascorbic acid , it is beneficial for the thyroid gland, and in the evening before bed, eat two walnuts or pistachios, these products contain glycine, the substance calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep, this is very important. during a night's rest adjusts the functioning of the hormonal system,
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including the thyroid gland. take care of yourself! today i’ll remind you that it’s february 13th, which means that spring is just around the corner, well, it’s a leap year, there are 29 days in february, that’s okay, but it’s up to the calendar, and it’s still a long way from the climate change, and why is it so cold then, just like that, if spring is coming, already giving winter to the strip, it’s also a winter month, end as soon as possible, well, to be honest, this is how the new year goes, well, there are still a couple of weeks after the new year, i can have enough snow take it away, and you need to somehow bring spring closer by all available means, well, maybe somehow cast a spell or something? long, endless winter, although there are some delights in winter , you still get tired of it, yes, we are all a little tired of it, this is a fact, first of all, because of the darkness, it gets dark early, and it’s so difficult to get yourself out of bed , you will say, and it’s not necessary, if it’s already spring at home, what kind of it guy anton
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is, this is my salad, dessert, these are officio salads, here... we have a small sorrel growing so that i don’t have dullness, i made it at home installation so that i have summer all year round, the light has a great influence, at 6 am the alarm clock lights up the lamps, it’s light here, and accordingly our mood is immediately better, of course the family has already appreciated such a mini-greenhouse, with an appetite, most importantly, because it turns out that we need very tasty salads, but for us, for women, it’s just fresh greens, preparing for spring, it’s just pure joy, as a bonus there’s always greens in plates, you probably have them in bright colors, like the curtains, and even that bright scarf you already bought it and you didn’t notice that the sun is already warming up, a signal to unpack your spring wardrobe, a warm sweater or vest under your coat, layering is everything, it’s still in trend, but what about colors? the brightest trend in color is
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red, if the color reminds you of a scoop of ice cream, then this color will now be in trend, even the most boring image can be diluted with the help of bright socks, for example, which will repeat - maybe some kind of accessory or element in the image. the equipment is ready, and since it’s still officially winter, we have time to make our winter dreams come true. julia, i finally got on my skis. at the first training session, i probably set a record, i fell 30 times, you get, firstly, adrenaline, because you fail once in a while. two things don’t work out, your excitement awakens, and then, when you drive, and also drive in such a beautiful environment, forest, snow, sun, if you’re lucky, it charges you. and now this is love, probably for life, you still have time to skate, take beautiful snow photos, listen to the crunch of snow, no, not just on the street, in the forest, but then you can start
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planning a summer vacation, it’s time , we’re planning, we’ve already chosen a trip, bought swimsuits, the thought of a vacation warms us up, planning our summer weekends, it helps a lot, relaxes, relieves tension, it’s simple and not only muscular... but also the daylight hours are all longer, which means spring is just around the corner. maria nikolaeva, thought processes, especially since mikhail volkov, victor namunka, yulia bykova, channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. a platoon stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine along with those holed up. destroyed under artyomovsky, he was discovered by reconnaissance using a drone. a group of infantry in an infantry fighting vehicle moved forward to clear the area. the enemy fortifications were hit by direct fire. where it is difficult to get through, even with armored vehicles,
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attack drones operate and operate almost silently. on the donetsk sector of the front, russian pilots destroyed strongholds of armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine. according to the coordinates of the ovet scientific department, the vehicles approached the target, delivered precise strikes and disappeared from the zone visibility of enemy air defense. drone operator training also takes place at combat conditions, this unit mainly uses fpv drones, with the help of which they conduct terrain reconnaissance, adjust artillery fire, and also destroy concentrations of infantry and equipment. and in the kupinsky direction , crews of the rszz tornado-ge disrupted the rotation of units of the armed forces of ukraine. russian crews work in conjunction with drone operators, they help correct the aiming. new examples of the courage and dedication of our soldiers. major andrei podverbny discovered the advance of enemy assault groups at night, transmitted their coordinates to the artillery, he himself moved to the front edge of the position to
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adjust the fire. as a result, about forty militants were eliminated, and two armored vehicles were also destroyed. sergeant viktor petko, during our offensive in the area of ​​one of the settlements occupied by the enemy from an infantry fighting vehicle, destroyed two machine-gun crews against. which allowed russian assault groups to advance to advantageous positions without loss and drive ukrainian formations out of their strongholds. the united states wants to fight russia to the last drop of ukrainian blood, while realizing that the conflict will not end in favor of the kiev regime. this opinion was expressed by american senator from the state of agaya james david vance in an interview with journalist tucker carlson. the congressman noted that the current confrontation is not at all in the interests of ukraine, it is beneficial.
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will not be able to win the conflict with russia. the ukrainian military will not be able, even with western support of hundreds of billions of dollars, to oust the russian army from the regions of eastern ukraine. ukraine has no industrial potential, just as neither nato nor the united states have it. in the usa rapidly the number of those who are already openly declaring that joe biden is unfit for a second presidential term due to his age is growing. in particular , a prominent representative of the republican party, its former chairman, insists on this. at the national convention, jim gilmar, he called the publication of the us special prosecutor’s report a terrible blow to biden’s reputation, after which they began to speak more and more boldly about the cognitive abilities of the head of state, because in
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this official document he was called an elderly man with poor memory. the white house is desperately trying to prove otherwise. spokeswoman karine jeanpierre told reporters she believed the president had a sharp mind and was in control of the situation, although polls showed 80% disagreed. a protest rally was staged by serbs in the center of the city of kosovska mitrovica in northern kosovo, people gathered to point out the inadmissibility of the intention of the self-proclaimed pristina authorities to ban the circulation of the serbian din.
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russian cosmonauts have prepared the spacecraft for undocking; in about 2 hours the engines will be turned on to brake for convergence from orbit. progress ms-24 was launched into space six months ago; it brought 2.5 tons of cargo to the station. also, over the months of its operation, the ship made eight corrections to the iss orbit, including once helping to avoid a possible collision with space debris. the place of the ship at the station will be taken by the progress ms-26, the launch of which is planned from baikanur after. a magnetic storm is approaching
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the earth, it was immediately provoked by two powerful solar flares that occurred last night. according to experts, geomagnetic disturbances on our planet will last almost two days, but as calculations have shown, they will be insignificant, but they can cause bright northern lights in the arctic. that 's all for now, stay with us, the program will continue to air on channel one, good morning. we are glad to welcome everyone on this wonderful winter morning. meets you in warm company with the first channel, tuesday came on february 13, svetlana zennalova is with you, and sergey babaev, the famous cheese maker, this is the only way i will introduce you from now on. so, by the way, if you want to see something very interesting, to visit a stunning place , to meet amazing people, then this, of course, is vdnh and the russia forum exhibition, a unique event, tens of thousands of people visit it every day, and you too join, but the exhibition is... so big that
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you can get around it in one day it is absolutely unrealistic, so many come again and visit again, because every day there is something new, something interesting, go and see for yourself, a little less than a month until spring, and among the kalmyks it has already arrived, tsagansar is a spring holiday, he the new year according to the lunar calendar is celebrated all week, and for the celebration and holiday we prepare our favorite delicacy. it’s called wrestlers, everyone can make their own wrestler , all forms have a special meaning, it’s not a braid , it’s a kalmyk knot, that is, it just means family, family, family should always be strong, and there should always be a strong knot like this in the family, among the plans for the week is national embroidery zeg, painting ribbons of good wishes, playing rollers, and how do you like this decoration made of fish skin? this is it unselected skin, this is already...
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dressed, now it’s like a gag, yes, it’s already more or less soft. nivkhs, a small people of the north, even sew clothes from fish skin, or maybe pictures like this, next to the national musical log, father chharsh. in general, behind all the unusual walls of the sakhalin region, by the way, it was completely updated. the game of golf will be taught in the fifty-seventh pavilion; a mini-course has been set up here. our right hand is below, the index finger is looking down, the distance from the ball to the club is approximately 1 cm, we take a small swing, and accordingly, as if pushing, but we hit, a couple of attempts and the ball in the hole, except golf every half hour, games, master classes, lectures, scientific laboratory competitions, if we have enough strength, walk 15 minutes, and we in pavilion 36, everything is here...
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this is from our house to space, i am russian, you mean that i am russian, i am bashkir, i am chechen, i am ingush, it’s all in one thing from the beginning. from the altai mountains and so it happened that we migrated, migrated, migrated, now we are in the republic of kalmykia, happiness means to me when you can call your mom to say hello, because family is your home , all your loved ones, all your relatives, loved ones, our children, grandchildren - this is what we live for, i dream that i had four children, two boys and two girls, happiness, love, love our... wonderful country that we are waking up, of course, we grab the phone , do the very first thing with you, when or whatever tablet you have, we look on the internet, what interesting things happened, what’s there there’s something cool to watch, but you go and find it on
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the internet yourself, and we’ve already done this work for you, we’ve found the coolest, most touching videos, so, solemn fanfare and before you the first hero cat... look what he’s like neat , my god, what a kitty, elegant, graceful, there is a piece of white, white, fresh bread that the hostess gave, look, well, my children don’t eat as neatly as this cat, but cats can have bread at all, it seems to me cruel treatment , exactly the same cat in terms of color my sister, how will the dogs respond, meet me, this is a dog named bruno, everything in his life is, in principle, not bad, but for complete happiness there is always something very missing. the owner loves to sing, the dog tries to sleep while listening to this, to relax, but it doesn’t work, he endures, endures with all his might, under the delight of three million users worldwide, the poor dog suffers, everything was fine until the owner began to sing, that’s what i’m talking about, an unusual talent , discovered this morsh in himself, he saw a
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zoo employee playing the trumpet and thought, me too i want, i have a wider mouth and more teeth than this one, as you can see, it turns out that the march remains excellent. in the apartment, it doesn’t matter, from time to time we add some paint, paint the ceiling , and the walls, the roof, all these are different materials, and maybe metal, wood, concrete, and different paints for everything, but why, tell me , why can’t you buy one such big jug, it will turn out ugly, why paint, but it’s economical,
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paint everything from this jug from small to large, what will happen, our correspondent experimented anastasia novokhatnyaya, paint for metal, wood. for the walls of the floors, which does not exist, the task, at most for me as a blonde, is to figure out how they differ from each other? so my main question is why, for example, you can’t use wood paint for metal, or use wall paint for floors, that’s why each paint has its own composition, it’s logical, for example, wood is porous, metal has a smooth shiny surface , when developing the recipe this is taken into account, wood is susceptible to rotting, and metal is susceptible to corrosion, so of course it’s better to choose paint for its intended purpose. it’s not for nothing that they make it differently, but professionals assure that it can be painted with any paint, on any surface, the main thing is to prime it. remember, primer is the basis of all paints on all surfaces, it is necessary to prime, let’s conduct an experiment, paint a wooden surface with
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wall paint, one half of the board is primed, the other is not. surprisingly, where there was primer, the paint applied well; where there was none, the only visible nuances were not so saturated. color, that is, you need to get to this color, you still need to paint, paint more , that is, there is an overconsumption of the paint itself , now let’s try to rub it with sandpaper, look , where the paint with the primer peels off less, it holds stronger, but how long the wall paint that was applied to wood will last can only be verified by time , and how will a metal surface behave without a primer if it is coated with paint for wood and metal, that is, in principle, it should be suitable for metal, but it is without a primer. it can also hold up poorly, it turns out, yes, it won’t practically stick, but mine will, and yours won’t, you need to apply primer everywhere so that there is adhesion, yeah, in short, i understand that all the happiness is in the primer, pay attention, paint for metal is much thicker than for wood, this is because it contains anti-corrosion pigments and water-repellent
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fillers, otherwise the metal surface will quickly begin to corrode, you will have to frequently renew it, paint for wood went bald on metal, for metal. it turns out better if we primed the metal with metal paint, then it if we could remove them, and of course they would create a film in two layers, we covered them. but here it’s useless, it would be, and it doesn’t hold up. there is only one conclusion: all surfaces need to be primed before painting; after all, it is better to select the paint for its intended purpose and not experiment. anastasia novakhatnya ilyazubov and maxim tkachenko, channel one. we remind you on the calendar of february 13th. spring is coming, only 17 days left. did you calculate correctly? that's right, there are 17 days left until march. but in some places, some of our regions, spring has already come, right now...
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mountains, so it’s spring here even in winter, sochi also woke up from hibernation, as if at the bottom... on march 8, tulips bloomed, bright yellow flowers, more than four dozen of them have now bloomed here, they, of course, are a surprise even for ourselves, because tulips usually don’t bloom before march. the first mimosa flowers pleased the sochens back in january. the locals were even worried: would the flowering remain in the spring? even the flowers have bloomed, you see that there are still buds, until the end of march - everyone will be able to enjoy the flowering of this beautiful plants.
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to the ford, carnegie and rockseller foundations. we are determined to play our part in building a better world. how large american funds are trying to seize control over the whole world. they train a lot of people who then end up in the white house managing everything. a fund of 11 billion passes through itself up to one and a half trillion. you can't just have the cia give you money. maposition is russian interference in internal affairs. a gasket, an intermediary who provides services to the intelligence officer. form a society where they they come in, they didn’t manage to do this in russia, but let’s say they succeeded in ukraine. the carnegie foundation,
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which operated in moscow, was declared an agent and ceased its activities. their main task, after all, is to move on to global depopulation. and this is precisely work with public consciousness, the transgender agenda, the creation of genetically modified nutrition. golden rice was supposed to feed everyone, but now it turns out that they are laying off everyone. they imagine themselves as celestials, and this makes them dangerous. the funds are the real masters of the west. dolls of the heir tutti are on the first page today. old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. it doesn't happen that a person was in your life. dies, in this girl she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing,
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her mother. i don’t think that i am without her, i have a lot of memories, well, this is my mother. yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows, it’s big. responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided , come what may, to become a star in memory of the famous mom. when you appeared, my life changed. i'll always be there for you you. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first.
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absolutely magnificent chicken fillet, ready in a matter of minutes, the main thing is not to dry it out. it sounds like an advertising campaign for chicken fillet , yes, that’s what it is, of course, many people end up with it, well, a little dry, it happens, yes, but catering technologist olga teplova knows how to make it juicy and beautiful. how to fry chicken fillet so that it turns out aromatic, tender, juicy? i’ll share a proven recipe: i blot the fillet with a paper towel so that remove excess. salt on both sides , add a pinch of seasoning for chicken, i will cook the fillet in melted butter , it’s tastier, so that the meat turns out aromatic, put a sprig of thyme, bay leaf, stewed pepper, lightly crushed garlic clove in the frying pan, fry the fillet for 2 minutes on each side , like this, until a light
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golden brown crust appears, so that the fillet is ready, i wrap it in parchment paper. and then in foil, after 5 minutes i unwrap it, thanks to this technique the fillet turned out tender and juicy for a delicious burger just in time for breakfast. i assemble the appetizer in layers, grease the bun with mayonnaise, cover with a leaf of lettuce, lay out the fried fillet, on top of it in layers of pickled onions, chopped tomato, pickled cucumber, the second half of the bun. a delicious burger with tender chicken fillet is ready, enjoy your breakfast! here’s an unexpected question: why does a dog need a vest? why why? is this a vest? vest, this is a vest, well, i don’t, i didn’t mean you, okay, the dog needs a tie, but does he need a hat? sometimes this happens, we can be this it’s too much, but a dog’s vest is simply necessary,
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says veterinarian irina denisyuk. dog owners usually walk their pets early in the morning or late in the evening, so that in the dark the dog is not accidentally hit by a car, i suggest sewing a reflective vest for him. to create a pattern, i measure the circumference of the neck, i have 36 cm. my waist is 43, as well as the length of the torso between these points, it turned out to be 35 cm. i transfer the measurements to... the fabric. the result is a trapezoid. i cut it out. i glue it along the contour on three sides with reflective tape. and to the narrow parts with allowances of 2 cm. i attach velcro to the ends of the tape. i also attach velcro to the lower corners of the trapezoid. you can
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decorate the back with ribbon. the tail gland with reflective elements is ready, with such a new thing you will not lose sight of the dog on a walk, and if the pet accidentally jumps out onto the road in the dark, it will be visible to the motorist, this will help to avoid troubles. we hope that you slept well , joined us in a good mood, but even if you didn’t get enough sleep because your neighbor was drilling, drilling, drilling all night drilled, we still wish you the best. perhaps this neighbor's name is stanislav sokolov, he drilled all night, his drills became dull, and he will tell you how to sharpen them in order to work the next night. your drills are dull, throwing them away is wasteful, let's sharpen them, take the drill out of the drill and inspect the electric sandpaper, there should be a so-called tool rest on it, this will be a support for the drill, it
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needs to be sharpened at an angle of 30°. in principle , you can work on a sharpener without... sparks from the abrasive circles are not scary, so we put on glasses, the abrasive can damage your eyes. now let’s talk about how to hold the drill: put it on your fingers , lean on the tool rest, fix the drill on top with your thumb, bring the edge to the abrasive wheel, lightly press it and make these smooth movements. we also sharpen the second cutting edge. done, we apply the sharpened drill to the new one, they are almost identical, which means the job was done efficiently. let’s spend a couple of minutes on our health, this is very important, we’ll spend a couple of minutes on our whole life, but in this case a couple. so, an endocrinologist named ilya
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magerya will tell you right now what to do if you notice that your face is swelling. if you notice that your face has begun to swell , go to an endocrinologist, check your thyroid gland, and to remove excess fluid, i advise my patients to self-massage, mentally dividing the face into two parts: we tap our fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the nose to the ears, from the chin to earlobes, self-massage will disperse lymph stagnation and help remove. there is one more trick: whenever possible we say long sound “it creates vibrations in the thyroid gland” and improves metabolism. substances in its tissues, we lean on the liver of cod or mackerel, fish oil promotes the production of thyroid hormones, helps
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keep you warm, you can’t freeze, but this doesn’t mean that in the cold you need to give up walking, fresh air is simply necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland, just not we forget about precautions, while walking we protect our necks with a scarf, wear warm shoes and gloves. a thermos with warm tea will also help you warm up. i brewed rosehip and lemon. in such a drink a lot of ascorbic acid. it is beneficial for the thyroid gland. and in the evening before going to bed , eat two walnuts or pistachios. these products contain glycine. the substance calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep. it is very important. during the night's rest , the functioning of the hormonal system is adjusted. thyroid gland, including, take care of yourself. let's talk about retirement, it seems that it is very far away, in fact it is quite close, and it is better, of course,
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to take care of it in advance in any case, yes, that's how much you will receive on this pension, you thought about it, it depends on the ipc, you are like this now, why, the individual pension coefficient, what is it, we’ll tell you, three conditions. to retire, the experience is at least 15 years, the pension coefficient, the so-called ipc, this year is at least 28.2, when the transition period ends, it will be 30, age. in the twenty-fourth year , women who turn 58 will retire, men who turn 63, the next age 59 to 64, respectively, and then everyone who is younger will retire at 60 to 65, respectively. with age. this data is available on the individual personal account; fis employees
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recommend checking it regularly; you can order an extract through government services. please pay attention immediately to the second column, is this amount similar to what you received for the year, if it is clearly less than what you received for the year, then something is wrong, and then the coefficient will be... less, it’s better to deal with the shortage right away, we ask the coder to submit an application for adjustment to the social fund, and if you are your own employer , an individual entrepreneur or self-employed, from an individual entrepreneur's payment is fixed, this year 49,500 rubles. the ipc will be 89. a self -employed person, by law, may not pay anything at all to the sfr, or can pay the amount in the twenty-fourth year, which he will choose to pay attention to in the proposed spread of contributions of 50. the ipc will see equal to one, a self-employed person who paid 400,000 to the social fund, will see ipk8 on your personal account. the ipc affects not
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only when we retire, but its size. determined by formula. the sums of all individual pension coefficients, which the citizen has earned, we multiply by the cost of one pension coefficient and add a fixed payment. at the moment, the cost of one individual. pension coefficient 133 rubles 5 kopecks. the fixed payment amount is 8,134 rubles 88 kopecks. with a minimum coefficient of 28.2, the pension will be almost 12,000. those who worked from 2002 to 2014 have a savings portion that can be invested. if you want to transfer your savings portion to a non-state pension fund, you go to this non-state pension fund, you write. i ask you to transfer my savings portion to a non-state pension fund and invest it further when you retire; it will be divided over
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the expected payment period of 264 months; it will be issued in installments; those whose savings do not exceed 5% of the basic pension will be given the entire amount at once. alena ostrakhantseva, dmitry porfenov, victor namunka, channel one. we briefly give the floor to our colleagues from the information service of channel one to find out. what's new in the country and in the world by this hour. on air episode news, we will see you very soon. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. the platoon stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, along with the militants who settled there, was destroyed near artyomovsk. it was discovered by reconnaissance using a drone. a group of infantry in an infantry fighting vehicle moved forward to clean up the fortification with direct fire.
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deployed near the line of combat contact, some spare parts are made right here on 3d printers, others are extracted from damaged copters in the production of components for drones. if it's possible to repair a drone at all, well on average it takes about four hours; it can be done in five if you have the appropriate spare parts. we have a real superiority over our enemy in terms of drones; again , we have made very serious strides in terms of drone firmware, which accordingly allows us to fly. in those places where we could not fly, fly into the territory where the enemy’s rap was operating. drone operators are also trained in combat conditions; this unit mainly uses fpv drones, with the help of which they conduct terrain reconnaissance and adjust fire artillery also destroy concentrations of infantry and equipment. training is carried out according to a special program under the guidance of experienced instructors. to make training as effective as possible, training is first carried out on
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a simulator. and then the fighters go to the training ground, this is where they perfect the dropping of ammunition on enemy targets. every day there is new visual evidence that violent mobilization is being carried out in ukraine. people do not want to voluntarily expose themselves to the risk of dying for the kiev regime. this time they came video footage from an external surveillance camera from kharkov. employees of the military registration and enlistment office on the street rushed to catch up with the man who was trying to run away from them. the one who attacked him was the first to start beating him. the fugitive, including with his feet, then a second man in uniform joined in. it is unknown how this attempt to put the poor fellow under arms ended. as the leadership of the ukrainian armed forces stated yesterday, ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices are now working around the clock so that people can be brought there even at night, including those whom the police detain at streets to check documents. fsb officers detained a man involved in the arson of an electrical substation in the tula region. he
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turned out to be a citizen. he acted on the orders of his handlers in the ukrainian special services. at the beginning of february, he arrived in the tula region, made a homemade incendiary device and carried out sabotage, and then went to voronezh to do the same thing there, but did not have time. now the suspect faces up to 20 years in prison. joe biden , due to his age, is not able to serve as head of state for another one term. such statements are increasingly being made openly. usa. in particular , a prominent representative of the republican party, former chairman of its national convention, jim gilmer, insists on this. he called the publication of the us special prosecutor’s report a terrible blow to biden’s reputation, after which they began to speak more and more boldly about the cognitive abilities of the head of state, because in this official document he was called an elderly man with poor memory. the white house is desperately trying to prove otherwise. spokeswoman karine jeanpierre said journalists. she believes the president has
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a sharp mind. controls the situation, although, as opinion polls have shown, 80% of americans disagree with this. vice president kamala haris, meanwhile, said in an interview with all street journal that she is ready to shoulder the heavy burden of leadership if necessary. the owner of the white house himself, having previously reacted angrily to the special prosecutor's report, again found himself in a curious situation. when meeting with the king of jordan in washington, he did not immediately find the place where, according to protocol, he should stand during the joint statement.
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design of the attraction, it was supposed to open only this summer as part of the general water complex, swedish media report, and note that the construction of this amusement park cost $1,200 million. the freezing rain that hit several regions of central russia will continue today, and the airport in saratov has been closed due to bad weather. several flights were delayed, including to moscow and st. petersburg. restrictions have been introduced on federal highways for... and route transport. in the rostov region, after freezing rain , almost 150,000 residents were left without electricity. restoration work went on all night. the energy sector in other regions is also preparing for the impending bad weather. wet snow, rain and wind are expected today in the vladimir, voronezh, smolensk, kaluga and tula regions. it’s not nastya who will be staying in moscow. yesterday literally the entire city was covered in ice. roads and sidewalks turned into a skating rink, but as always there were those
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who saw it. the opportunity to skate around the yard, still for most for the townspeople, this weather became a real problem; some drivers were unable to free their cars from the ice shell. that's all for now, stay with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the good morning program. good morning, dear friends, how great it is that we are celebrating this day, this tuesday, together. sergey bobaev, svetlana zeynalova and february 13. well, what do people do in the morning, even before washing their face, before brushing their teeth, before taking a shower, they grab, well, yes, if it is there, but as a rule, they grab smartphone. a smartphone is our everything, it’s part of our life, but what would we do without it? well, one way or another, we spend time on social networks and check how many likes we have there, how many comments, subscriptions, on all sorts of marketplaces and online platforms, we also wander there regularly,
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all sorts of unpleasant amounts accrue, some unexpected ones are written off, written off, especially when we forget, somewhere we registered for something, we haven’t been there for a long time, and the money is gone, have you ever calculated how much we spend on subscriptions every month, here i... spend about 3,000 a month, but a year it’s 36,000, an impressive amount , we’ll check what we’re spending on together with cybersecurity expert alexey kurochkin. let's figure it out right away: basically all smartphones work on two operating systems, the one with the fruit on the logo will be number one, and what with the robot will be number two? first, we look at the list of subscriptions on the phone under the first number, to do this we go to settings, then you go, click on your account, here you see what subscriptions they are writing from you. monthly, here you can also unsubscribe from them, yes, of course, all subscriptions are controlled through your main account, the list includes two subscriptions for two cloud storages, but every month the cards are also charged for the gym membership, which is also a subscription, well, here it seems like -they made their subscription through their own
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service, that is, through their own application, and there are only a few such applications, but they are not displayed in the general list of subscriptions, so it is important to check the application on your phone at least once a month, this is especially true for: owners of smartphones number two, they don’t have a general list of subscriptions at all, here each application itself, that is, a subscription system, here you can immediately see what account, date, that is , the funds were entered and what card is linked, then here you you can turn it off, well , it’s not particularly convenient, because there are so many applications, you just don’t even have time to remember where there is a subscription, but unfortunately it is, but i just always give everyone one piece of advice for such subscriptions, create a separate card. we top up this card only when paying for subscriptions, understand that don’t use applications, unsubscribe, don’t waste money , it’s convenient, we’ll get a separate card to pay for purchases on marketplaces, millions of people on the marketplace put all the goods in the cart, linked their main card, the marketplace
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had an issue glitch, everyone bought it all, but before you link a new card, you need to unlink the old one, says andrey panov, he has been selling goods on the marketplace for 2 years, marketplaces from... the contract states that if you have ever used any -that card, but then they deleted it, exchanged it for a new one, the new one does not have enough money to write off for the purchase, then they have the right to write off from the old card that has already been deleted - your funds, data are stored in their database, to unlink the old card, write a message to support with a request withdraw consent to data processing, another option is to pay for goods using a qr code through sbp or regularly transferring money to the internal account of the marketplace. virtual cards are available on almost all platforms. marina vakhrusheva, dmitry roshkov, alexander aleksenko, channel one. content living space. you've probably seen such a line in the payment for housing and communal services, this is payment for services that we use together,
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for example, cleaning the entrance, or the stairs. well, the entrance is our joint , of course, some kind of place here, because it happens that the entrance is dirty, there is garbage in the left, the windows haven’t been washed for a whole year, the water coming out of the tap is so-so, too, and we pay for it every month, you can . obtain a recalculation from the management company. anna brosimova figured it out. moscow is a polar street. the residents of this house are in a boil cleaning of entrances not according to schedule, due to numerous complaints. we ask them to come, and then we say thank you. i wrote somewhere on december 6, the entire entrance was removed, but since then the entrance above the first floor has never been removed . they show garbage under the stairs, dust on the mailboxes and windows. please, where? let's start, you see, what layer , there are also questions about the condition of the elevator, it's all smeared, you 're dirty, it seems that the mirror hasn't been washed for a very long time, maybe six months ago, probably yes, the payments for these services
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are always clear, every month 1.685 rub you pay for the maintenance of the living space, yes , they collect money well, just every month nothing else, but if the service is of poor quality, do residents have the right? ask for a recalculation, call the dispatcher to say what is the reason why he is dissatisfied with this or that service, the dispatcher must accept this call, assign it: an incoming number , agree with the owner on the date and time when an employee of the management company will come for an inspection, necessarily together with the one who complained , based on the results , a document must be drawn up that records violations, but not the fact, that the parties agree, then the state housing inspectorate can be involved in the dispute, which, in principle, also comes out and finally puts an end to this dispute, whether there was a remark or not, but only when there is an act of recording the violation.
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in this case, the owner has the right to draw up the inspection document himself. if the decree has not arrived by the time specified, which you agreed upon, then you draw up an act with the participation of two neighbors there. plus, according to the law, already in court, you have the opportunity to prove your case not only with one inspection report, but also with photos and videos. and testimony of witnesses. well , we also remember that the management company can be changed at a meeting of owners by a majority vote. the other day
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, the amazing artist anton khabarov, who plays count grigory orlov, came to visit us at our studio on red square. yuliy zema and i were just working, we talked with anton, he’s a very interesting person and his character is amazing. anton, hello, good morning, good morning, thank you for coming, count orlov, one of the most famous favorites of catherine ii, but he is a dashing man, a military man, in his field battle, probably more comfortable than at court with these endless intrigues, some kind of conspiracies and so on, yes, he is very comfortable, there is a scene in the first episode when we are going to the coronation with catherine, and orlov is sleeping in the carriage and smiling, she asks what you dreamed about, he says, i dreamed that i was in battle and i was very much in battle... well, yeah, during the battle in zorndorf he received three wounds
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on the battlefield, three one after the other, remained on the battlefield , also supported his comrades, yeah, this is a unique person, such people, and his grandfather was a simple soldier who was almost executed by peter i. you, yes, are a unique person, and the image of orlov, many of the actors have already played, tell me how your orlov differs from all the other orlovs, and what are the fundamental features, well, it seems to me, well... he saved moscow, russia, and maybe europe from the plague, he conducted experiments in permafrost to build a foundation, he loved science, he loved physics, loved chemistry, in general, he was unique , an abyss at the top of the abyss of such or deny.
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entered into with them, so it seems to me like this, but still, it wasn’t just that there was a lover and a mistress, but they had a son, they had a son and they shared a relationship for 12 years, she and ekaterina, of course, she was just tired, it seems to me, she was tired of this relationship, she left for a calmer one to a man, she was tired beautifully, yes, but at the same time she left beautifully, yes, she gave her favorite grigory orlov a marble palace, a marble palace, it’s very beautiful, so incredible, it’s still a branch of the russian museum, in my opinion , but unfortunately even. didn't see him because that he fell into childhood, went crazy, the terrible
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story of his ending, uh-huh, horror, horror, but they say that he also repaid her, because the most famous diamond in the diamond fund is just the alma diamond of the eagles, well, there is more one option is that he herself gave him this gift, he did so, she paid almost 200 carats herself, but you can’t buy that with an officer’s salary, but he also left, unfortunately, a lot of debts, after his death, she still has them. .. and catherine, despite the fact that she herself gave this marble palace, later bought it back it came from money, government money from the descendants of count orlov, so tell us about the company, about the costumes, because the approach was grandiose, right? you know, what i liked most is the aesthetics and in general the standards of beauty of that century, these are the most beautiful men, these are the men who are now behind the camera, the audience does not see them, so what is the standard of a handsome man, this is a small belly, necessarily, because if you, what if you are thin, then you are
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either sick or very poor, and this means there was no stubble at all, it was etched out with a mouse, it was so well done , the wig is always uh-huh. of course, well, the men wore make-up, it was hot in the wig in the summer , you know, it’s like wearing a medical cap, that is, yes, it’s so thin, it’s so light , it wasn’t, well, the ladies understood, yes, that these dresses , corsets, everything was very, the men, what kind of suits they had, comfortable or not, practical, well , the heels, which was uncomfortable for me, it was so small, something tucked in, the legs got tucked in, but in general, on the whole it’s normal, well i don’t wear stockings either, you see, there is a place where count orlov still has some kind of... product of stellar group, cognac, monte chococa, product of stellar group. good morning, we remind you that our
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guest is the performer of the role of count grigory arlov in the serial film the great golden age, anton khabarov, good morning again. i was sitting in this place the day before.
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i didn’t have to, i had to sit in the saddle , so i had to gallop myself, chase myself and gallop, well, thank god, i was already ready, and i learned how to sit in the saddle at the chewing doctor when i was filming and they gave me a horse, an old one, so as not to take risks
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, so as not to take risks, you can clearly see which group is taking care of the artistic and stage shooting, i wasn’t on a hunt with greyhounds, and there it was so recreated that it was simply surprising in general, what kind of task is this? series, to awaken interest in that era , in some outstanding personalities of the past, who wanted to show this, of course , to show that the relationship of people to kings , whether they are kings or not, does not change, the relationship between a man and a woman, and the problems are the same , as with ekaterina orlova, so with you, dear friends, everything is the same, nothing changes, uh-huh, what do people around you say, how do they feel? the film, well, my colleagues rarely watch it, the premiere was held at the film search , in my opinion it was successful, just like in the reviews of my friends, well, i myself looked under the remark, i always look like that, look there, what worked, what didn’t, well , i liked it more than i did, yes, when you look at yourself, at what you participated in, but today we will definitely look, the great
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golden age, there is. seemingly very simple problems that we know how to solve, but it’s quite possible that we’re not doing it quite right, well, experience isn’t that knowledge, we’re talking about household appliances, when we bring them from the store, they all sparkle, shine, so beautiful, but we start using them, we get dirty, they get dirty, covered with something - with a greasy coating, how to eliminate all this and bring our favorite household appliances back to their original form, cleaning household appliances, daria uses all the means at hand to wash off the stains, i take a glass cleaner and wash the shiny surfaces on the toaster and the shiny one copes the glass cleaner assures daria, but chemist nikolai kuznetsov studied its composition, does not recommend it, if it... remains on the surface of the toaster, when heated, all components will begin to decompose, they will end up on your toast, on bread, and this is quite
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harmful, there may be free radicals , toxic substances, adarya washes the inside of the toaster, but there is grease there, the housewife’s powdered household cleaner is also bad for it, firstly, it scratches the surface, and secondly, in hard-to-reach places it will not be possible to wash it off efficiently, active chlorine quite toxic for us, by the way, it’s generally better in a toaster. drops of water will break, but you can’t not clean it, carbon overheating of the coil can cause crumbs to ignite , life hack: carefully use a dry toothbrush, then turn it over, shake it out and don’t forget about the tray in the toaster, take it out and wash it, inside the oven or microwave is also better without chemicals alcohol gets rid of grease, you need to get rid of scale in coffee makers, kettles, washing machines, it slows down the work, now about computers, if daria wiped them. loster glass cleaner, then i have a laptop screen, not all of it, stubborn stains, and yes, on the internet they advise that, why not, says the
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repairman, vladislav, here they use abrasive substances that will negatively affect the matrix. compositions with acetone and alcohol can also damage the protective coating or leave permanent stains. you can’t get the keyboard wet, turn it over, shake out the debris and clean out the residue with an ordinary brush, but in order for the computer... to work longer, you need to clean it inside, and specifically these openings are very dusty, they they become clogged because the cooler takes air with dust and pushes it through the radiator, but instead of blowing out hot air, the air begins to circulate hotly throughout the motherboard, consequently overheating everything. the system unit of the computer also needs to be cleaned, or rather, it is better to vacuum it. the cleaning area also includes coolers, that is, a fan with a radiator. the more dust there is on them , the less aerodynamic properties they use, therefore it is more difficult for them to spin there, as a result the compressor overheats, see for yourself how much dust and
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on the speakers, but you can’t vacuum them; if you use a powerful vacuum cleaner, it can damage some elements inside the speaker, and wiping them with a damp cloth can also damage the speakers. anna obrosimova, ilya ridkazubov, channel one. what do you think about potatoes, huh? i love it, it’s a potato, it’s our mother! well, yes, since the beginning of the 19th century, so to speak, it hasn’t happened before, but the fact is that we know that potatoes can be boiled and fryed, one is better to boil, the other to fry. now we’ll tell you how to choose the right one. to potatoes cooked correctly, fried, there are only two clues. the first is the size of the tubers, explains doctor of agricultural sciences, stanislav maltsev. to be medium sized, too small, they have little dry matter. large, overripe, medium with the optimal amount of useful elements. appearance. without cracks, cuts and rot, without greenery - this is harmful solanine. but the main color of the peel is the second clue. in a
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frying pan, it becomes crispy and elegant, so we use red or pink for frying. peel. here, the low starch content of the tubers should keep their shape well, and the high ones in those with white skin will be cooked perfectly for puree. for mashed potatoes, it is desirable that the starch content in the tubers is around 16-17-18%. you can have a lower starch content, for example 15-16%. to see clearly, just cut it, the more the halves stick to each other, the more starch, it is visible that they are more mealy, that is, this effect is the same as sprinkled with flour, let’s check it in the kitchen, and let's split up, christina and her daughter will cook the one for boiling and fry the one for frying, my colleague will do the opposite, in the women's kitchen everything is according to the rules, 30 minutes for cooking, 25 for frying, but for men things are not going so smoothly. why these potatoes are needed for boiling and not frying, you begin to understand when you actually fry them, they are very watery,
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water is released, reacts with boiling oil, it is not very pleasant, it splashes quite a lot, and most importantly, the circles stick together, you have to constantly separate, otherwise fry, and the potatoes, which are meant to be fried, but are boiled, have been doing this for 35 minutes, christina’s daughter started mashing a long time ago, they were boiled, you see, they are so crumbly. we cut it, the red skin didn’t disappoint when fried, the slices were whole and crispy, but how are things going in the men’s kitchen? the mashed potatoes from the boiled tubers didn’t come out, they were too dense and darkened in color, here you can, turn the fried potatoes, they weren’t cooked through, although i kept them longer than expected, you can really feel it, which means the rules really work for cooking shot down. peel and high starch, for frying redder with a low starch content, and if you don’t want to bother, you can just take medium-starchy varieties, they are universal,
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for example, gala or neva yellowish in color for...
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avoid this very power, like the temptation of the devil, how the life of the false princess ended, again only mysteries; on the orders of catherine, the impostor was kidnapped from the italian city of levorna and imprisoned in the peter and paul fortress. it is believed that tarakanova died in captivity from tuberculosis. there is another more tragic version: drowned in a cell during a flood. it was this legend that
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konstantin flovitsky, so mifroch, depicted on his famous canvas. rooted in our memory, let's unravel the tangle of intrigue around the russian crown together, the great golden age, continued today on channel one. natalya leonova, alexey nikozakov, channel one. tuesday morning the news will continue. a word from colleagues from the information service of channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. russian pilots in the donetsk sector of the front they destroyed strongholds of armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine. the crews of mi-28 helicopters supported the combat work of the infantry. according to the coordinates of the aircraft gunner, the vehicles approached the target, delivered precise strikes and disappeared from the visibility zone of the enemy air defense. after receiving a direct combat mission, the mixed
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tactical group took off and entered the area. target, in the north donetsk tactical direction, according to the report of the aircraft gunner , an area target was destroyed, namely the enemy’s platoon stronghold. and on in the kupin direction, crews of the tornado-ge rszzo disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces unit. russian crews work in conjunction with drone operators. they help correct aiming, but at the same time , the vehicle itself is equipped with an automated guidance and aiming system. all this allows. deliver precision strikes. the attack occurs quickly, a few seconds to set up the systems, then launch, before the enemy has time to track down the location of the crew, the tornado leaves the dangerous area at maximum speed. new examples of courage and the dedication of our soldiers, major andrei podverbny discovered the advance of enemy assault groups at night. he transmitted their coordinates to the artillery and moved to the front edge of the position to adjust the fire.
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as a result, about 40 militants were eliminated. two units of armored vehicles were also destroyed. sergeant viktor petkov, during our offensive in the area of ​​one of the settlements occupied by the enemy, destroyed two enemy machine-gun crews from an infantry fighting vehicle. which allowed russian assault groups without losses advance to advantageous positions and knock out ukrainian formations from their strongholds. a mined cache with firearms and secret sbu documents was discovered by operatives in mariupol. everything was hidden in an abandoned house. the seized grenade launcher, machine gun, machine gun and papers will be sent for examination. additional checks have already been ordered to identify those who may be connected with what was found. the us wants to fight. with russia until the last drop of ukrainian blood, while understanding that the conflict will not end in favor of the kiev regime, this opinion was expressed by the american senator from the state of agaya james david vance in an interview with journalist tucker carlson.
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the congressman noted that the current confrontation is not at all in the interests of ukraine. it benefits only defense concerns and those who believe that america's main task is to defeat the russians, the senator said. he also called the idea that the entire population of ukraine is tuned in to... the economy, the united states, and especially germany, ridiculous and absurd. ukraine will not be able to win the conflict with russia. ukrainian the military will not be able, even with western support of hundreds of billions of dollars, to oust the russian army from the regions of eastern ukraine. mental potential, just as neither nato nor the united states have it. in the united states , the number of those who openly declare that joe biden is not fit for a second presidential term due to his age is growing rapidly. in
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particular, a prominent representative of the republican party, former chairman of its national convention, jim gilmer, insists on this. he called the publication of the us special counsel's report a terrible blow to biden's reputation. after which they began to talk more and more boldly about the cognitive abilities of the head of state. after all, in this official document he was called an elderly man with poor memory. the white house is desperately trying to prove otherwise. spokeswoman karine jeanpierre told reporters. she believes the president has a sharp mind and is in control of the situation. although, as pollsters showed, 80% of americans disagree with this. vice president kamala haris, meanwhile, in an interview with all street journal, said that she was ready, if necessary, to bear the heavy burden of leadership. thousands of people rally. serbs staged a protest in the center of the city of kosovska mitrovica in northern kosovo. people gathered to point out the unacceptability of the intentions of the self-proclaimed pristina authorities to ban the circulation of the serbian dinar and switch to the use
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of a single european currency. this will lead to the fact that local residents employed in the public sector who receive money from belgrade will be left without salaries, pensions and benefits. this will also affect some albanians, as well as a number of national minorities. the rally participants called for intervention in europe and... the united nations. the cargo ship progress ms-24 undocked from the international space station. soon it will be sunk in the pacific ocean. earlier , russian cosmonauts prepared the ship for undocking; in about an hour , the engines will be turned on for braking to deorbit. progress ms-24 was launched into space six months ago. he brought 2.5 tons of cargo to the station. during the months of its operation, the spacecraft also made eight corrections to the iss orbit. in number one. helped to avoid a possible collision with space debris, the place of the ship at the station will be taken by the progress of ms-26, the launch of which is planned from baikanur the day after tomorrow. a magnetic storm is approaching
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the earth, it was immediately provoked by two powerful solar flares that occurred last night. according to experts, geomagnetic disturbances on our planet will last almost two days, but as calculations have shown, they will be insignificant, but they can cause ... good morning, dear friends, wake up quickly, a new day has come, it will definitely be very interesting, very useful for you and for your health, tuesday february 13th on the calendar, sergey babaev and svetlana zenalova, have a great mood and beautiful weather everyone. right now , this is a topic that is of great interest to all parents; it is discussed all the time.
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it happens, otherwise you don’t have to come to dinner. 40% of parents have at least once paid their children for good grades, according to an online survey, if we say... 100 points, but this is an a, then 200 rubles, for an a 500 rubles. are there any penalties there? yes, for a three they can take me 100 rubles, but for a bad grade they will cancel everything i earned in a week, someone pays not only for lessons, for vacuuming, tidying up, it’s just that a child should respect money from a very early age, respect work, such a way to teach financial literacy, he can somehow... already at the age of 11 earn his own
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pocket money on his wishlist, and what helps? yes, sometimes very much, sometimes you want to relax with friends, go for a walk, but it turns out that no, it’s better to do your homework, and then buying something interesting for yourself is motivation, because the child was given money, a gift, he understands that next time, most likely, he will also be given money or a gift. what’s interesting is that those parents who pay their children for grades had nothing like this in their childhood, no, of course i didn’t get paid , there were times when it really sucked, and those who prefer not to pay more than 44%. our mother, in principle, believes that grades are not the main thing, the main thing is that they don’t give you what knowledge you have in your head, of course i would like to, so that the money is paid only in a positive way, where you get an a or a d, so that they don’t take it away, psychologists say, if there’s any sense in... he will
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look for different ways to get this money, for example, write off, skip classes, etc. for which he is not well prepared, and the fines here are even worse than just paying, if fear appears, then this is paralysis of the will and blocking of some creative things, and studying is always creativity, and someone practices other methods when we something is sagging. a we try to talk it through and that is , the only motivation is support, i am very much against the child going to class, afraid that he won’t get a high five, that is, suddenly i won’t get a high five. children resemble experts and are naturally inquisitive: if there are problems, it is better to talk to a psychologist or tutor. ideal motivation, good mood, sometimes it’s enough just to be together, have a party with cakes or go to the cinema. dmitry kuzmin, mikhail chetveryakov, evgenia smirnov, channel one. residents of one.
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should we not ask knowledgeable people, well, for example, astrologers, what does the coming day have in store for us? sveta hints at the horoscope. february 13, the fourth lunar day meets the fifth, the thirtieth day of the sun, very powerful, energetic, strong-willed, aimed at success, when you have enough strength for everything, difficult things get off the ground, a second wind comes and your head works well, and if you need to achieve something from your superiors, to push through some... your idea, or simply
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to do something that you didn’t know how to approach, contact him, he will help, of course, he also has plenty of shortcomings, he impatient, can be risky at times , doesn’t like to be reprimanded or criticized, the mood often changes on such days, we get excited, all sorts of raised conversations arise, aries, keep this in mind, try not to get involved in arguments, it won’t do any good anyway , dear ladies, if your stronger half is aries, you need to load it up with some homework...
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there may be some kind of awkward situation, treat it with humor, but take it more seriously when driving. cancers generally have a good day, however, you may be puzzled by someone you know well people, and the technology may be a little capricious, but it’s all so, the little things in life, and in the evening you will definitely be pleased and have some fun. it’s just a wonderful day for leos, work, career, home, family affairs, luck is on your side in everything, and the lionesses are simply irresistible today, although you may get a little confused about something. but then turn to the virgins, they will unravel everything for you and solve all the problems, the main thing is to leave the virgins alone at least for a while and let them think, the stars are also hinting at something romantic, but this is closer to... evening, libra may have some kind of... that a difficult conversation, perhaps with your superiors, let’s calm down, otherwise it’s a great day when you gain more confidence and strength and begin to stand firmer on the ground. dual day for scorpios. in the professional sphere, everything seems to be in order, but on the personal front there may be
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some nonsense, mutual reproaches, grievances out of nowhere. however, the evening will settle everything and make peace for everyone. sagittarius, be careful, some troubles are looming on your horizon. personalities, be extremely scrupulous in approaching new acquaintances and do not scatter them anywhere your personal data. guests may come over in the evening. capricorns may have some problems at work, not very serious, but they can fray their nerves. advice from the luminaries. carefully control everything you are responsible for, do not rely on others. as a bonus , the opposite sex is not indifferent to you. something like a new romance can happen for aquarius, i don’t advise the stars here. they won’t, but they’ll hint something about the business sphere: now your successes directly depend on how things are going with your colleagues and partners, draw conclusions, fish the day may start somewhat nervously, your family or neighbors will start something early in the morning , there is also a risk of being late somewhere, missing
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an important call or message, by lunch everything will go back to normal, and in the evening you will forget about all this nonsense, good luck to you, you see how happy i am, because i finally have time for myself, a super great idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas unique and effective, so we create our own unique product. in 2013 , we released the first sedan of our production, after which we began to expand our model range, from 100 cc ones to 800 cc ones, in the production of our...
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rum, castro, a product of the stellor group, veda vodka. what do you have, look on the internet, what interesting things happened, what cool things are there to see, and you go find the landing party on the internet, and we have already done this work for you, we have found the coolest, most touching commercials, so, solemn fanfare and before you the first hero is a cat named goodwin, look what he is like...
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of the ensemble. well, here’s another transformation: an arangutan is trying to become a human at the toronto zoo, he cleans up his enclosure by himself, maybe all the employees there were fired, and he is forced to clean up the mess, he read darwin , read it and went to work, it’s just that this never happens in one generation, he apparently doesn’t know about this and is trying his best, but
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then he doesn’t have to be paid a salary, he’s an orangutan, he works for food, let’s have a couple let’s take a minute to devote to our health, this is very important. to the temples, from the nose to the ears, from the chin to the earlobes, self-massage will disperse lymph stagnation and help remove. swelling , there is one more trick: whenever possible we pronounce
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a long sound, “it creates vibrations in the thyroid gland” and improves metabolism in its tissues, we lean on cod liver or mackerel, fish oil promotes the production of thyroid hormones, helps you warm up and freeze it’s not possible, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessary in the cold. from walking, fresh air is simply necessary for work thyroid glands, just don’t forget about precautions, while walking we protect our necks with a scarf, wear warm shoes and gloves, a thermos with warm tea will help you warm up, i brewed rose hips and lemon. this drink contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which is good for the thyroid gland. and in the evening before going to bed , eat two walnuts. or pistachios, these products contain glycine, the substance calms the nervous system and normalizes
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sleep, this is very important, during a night’s rest the functioning of the hormonal system, the thyroid gland, including, is adjusted myself. we hope you slept well and joined us in a good mood, but even if you didn't get enough sleep because your neighbor was drilling and drilling and drilling all night, we still wish you a wonderful day. perhaps this neighbor with... there must be a so-called wastefulness, we will sharpen it, take the drill out of the drill, inspect the electric sandpaper, you have dull drills on it, throw it away - this is a tool, it will be a support for the drill, you need to sharpen it at an angle of 30°. in principle, you can work on a sharpener without gloves, sparks from... the circle are not scary, so we put on glasses, the abrasive can damage
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your eyes, now let’s talk about how to hold the drill, put it on your fingers, lean on the tool rest, fix the drill on top with your thumb , bring the edge to the abrasive wheel, press it lightly and make these smooth movements, we also sharpen the second cutting edge . done, we apply the sharpened drill to the new one, they are almost identical, which means the job was done efficiently. maintenance of residential premises, you probably saw such a line in the payment for housing and communal services, this is payment for the services that we we use it together, well, for example, cleaning the entrance, yes, or the stairs, well, the entrance is our joint, of course, some kind of place, because it happens that the entrance is dirty, there is garbage in the elevator, the windows haven’t been washed for a year, water it goes like this... to ourselves from the tap too, and we pay for it monthly, is it possible to get the management company to recalculate it? anna
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brosimova figured it out. moscow is a polar street, the residents of this building are having their entrances cleaned out of schedule, due to numerous complaints. we ask them to come and then we say thank you. i wrote somewhere on december 6th, the entire entrance was removed, but since then the entrance above the first floor has never been removed . they show garbage under the stairs for... nothing, but if the service is of poor quality, residents have the right to ask for a recalculation, call
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the control room and say what the reason is why he is dissatisfied with this or that service. the dispatcher must receive this call, assign it an incoming number, agree with the owner on the date and time when an employee of the management company will come for inspection, necessarily together with the person who complained, the results should be a document has been drawn up recording violations, but it’s not a fact that the parties will agree on an opinion, then the state housing inspectorate can be involved in the dispute, which in principle also comes out, they act and put an end to this dispute definitively, there was a remark or there wasn’t, but only when we will have an act of recording the violation in our hands, it is possible to achieve a reduction in payment for the maintenance of the house, however, in practice it is very difficult to obtain this document, this is how the management company greets us, the windows are already closing, the door has already closed too - that’s it attitude towards us, attitude towards residents, it’s
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a working day for you, we don’t have enough money today, that’s why your doors are closed, well, there’s no chief engineer. in this case, the owner has the right to draw up the inspection document himself. if the decree has not arrived by the time specified, which you agreed upon, then you draw up an act with the participation of two neighbors there. plus , according to the law, already in court, you have the opportunity to prove your case not only with one inspection report, but also with photos and videos and testimony of witnesses. well, about the fact that the management company can be changed. same we remember that at the meeting of owners , by a majority vote, simply refuse the low-quality services of the existing organization, according to dmitry roshkov, channel one. so, imagine, joint shopping is a fairly popular way to buy something cheaper than in a store. people unite together, buy one large package, and then, as they say, tear it into
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several parts. well, no, not much experience, it’s really good, and thus, many order goods not only within the country, but from abroad. it turns out it’s really more profitable, why argue, but there are, of course, some nuances, all sorts of pitfalls. let’s imagine that a group of people combines their orders of goods from a foreign website into one delivery, the result is a joint purchase, it can really be profitable. a brand that many girls dream of, huddy, the cost in russia is 44,900 abroad, the approximate cost excluding delivery is 20,000 rubles. plus seasonal discounts, again the price is for several. things can immediately be wholesale. bayer svetlana mirashnichenko helps clients order the goods and arrange delivery. you need lipstick. carriers charge terification for 1 kg. that is, it doesn’t matter that your lipstick weighs 200 g, it will still be counted as 1 kg. for this purpose , joint procurements are being organized. they place an order and split the shipping costs. participants also share the costs
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of all customs duties. usually there is an agreement with a logistics company, which is already itself.
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people, because individuals are legally participants, then foreign ones can usually receive up to three from abroad names of the same model, size and color, with the exception of consumables, for example, household chemicals. this is a normal import that comes with all the necessary documents and all the necessary customs procedures. delivery of large quantities. there are companies on the internet that deal with large purchases, but more often you can find private traders on social networks who help with small orders. it’s important, scammers also operate, full prepayment is what they take advantage of, it’s better to participate in such
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purchases on someone’s recommendations or very carefully study reviews. yuri nesterov, nikita kulakov, channel one. today i’ll remind you that it’s february 13th, which means that spring is just around the corner, well, it’s a leap year, there are 29 days in february, that’s okay, but it’s up to the calendar, and it’s still a long way from the climatic one, and why is it so cold then, but just like that, if spring is already close, giving us a streak that will also end as soon as possible, well, to be honest, this is how the new year is going, well , there are still a couple of weeks after the new year, i have enough snow to take away and i need to somehow bring spring closer with all available ways, well, maybe somehow bewitch something? a long, endless winter, although there are some delights in winter, you still get tired of it. yes, we are all a little tired of it , this is a fact, first of all, because of the darkness, it gets dark early, and it’s so difficult to get yourself out of bed, you say, and it’s not necessary if it’s already
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spring at home, what kind of it specialist anton is, this is mine salad, dessert, these are official salads, here. we have a small wood chaff growing so that i don’t have grayness, i just made an installation at home so that i have summer all year round, it’s light it has a great influence, at 6 am the alarm clock lights up the lamps. it’s light here and, accordingly, our mood is immediately better , of course, the family has already appreciated such a mini- greenhouse with an appetite, the most important thing is, because it turns out, well, very tasty salads, and for us, for women, just fresh greens, preparation for spring, well, just one joy, as a bonus there is always greenery in the plates, you probably have them in bright colors, like the curtains, and even that bright scarf you already bought, but you didn’t notice that the sun is here... already warming up, a signal to unpack your spring wardrobe, a warm sweater or a vest under a coat, layering is everything, it’s still in trend, but what about
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colors? the brightest color trend is red, if the color reminds you of a scoop of ice cream, then this color will be in trend now, even the most boring look can be diluted with the help of bright socks, for example, which will repeat - maybe some kind of accessory or element in image. the equipment is ready and since it’s still officially winter, we have time to make our winter dreams come true. julia finally got on her skis. at the first training session i probably set a record shaft 30 times. you get, firstly, adrenaline, because once you fail, twice you fail, excitement wakes up, and then, when you drive, and you drive from such a beautiful setting, forest, snow, sun, if you're lucky, it charges. and now this love will probably last a lifetime. and you still have time to go on skates, take beautiful snow photos, listen to the crunch of the snow, no, not just on the street, in the forest, but
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after that you can start planning your summer vacation, it’s time, we are planning, we have already chosen voucher, bought swimsuits, the thought of a vacation warms you up, you plan your summer weekends, it helps a lot, relaxes, relieves tension, simply and not only muscularly. but also thought processes, especially since the daylight hours are getting longer, which means spring is just around the corner. maria nikolaeva, mikhail volkov, victor namunka, yulia bykova, channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. a platoon stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces along with the militants holed up there. destroyed near artyomovsko, it was discovered by reconnaissance using a drone. to clean up a group of infantry advanced in an infantry fighting vehicle. the enemy fortifications were hit by direct fire.
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where it is difficult to get through, even with armored vehicles, attack drones operate. they act almost silently, attack suddenly and cause enormous damage to the enemy. workshops for the repair and production of components for drones are located near the line of combat contact. some parts are made right here on 3d printers. and are removed from damaged copters, if it is possible to repair the drone at all, well, on average, an hour four, in five can be done if the corresponding spare parts are available, we have a real superiority over our enemy in terms of drones, again we have taken very serious steps in terms of drone firmware, which accordingly allows us to fly in those places where we could not fly, to fly into the territory , where the enemy's rap operates. drone operators also experience combat conditions. this unit mainly uses fpv drones, with the help of which they conduct terrain reconnaissance, adjust artillery fire, and also destroy clusters
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infantry and equipment. training is carried out according to a special program under the guidance of experienced instructors. to make the training as effective as possible, training first takes place on simulators, and then the fighters go to the training ground. it is here that they perfect the dropping of ammunition on enemy targets. every day there is new visual evidence that violent mobilization is being carried out in ukraine. people do not want to voluntarily expose themselves to the risk of dying for the kiev regime. this time video footage came from an outdoor camera observations from kharkov. employees of the military registration and enlistment office on the street rushed to catch up with the man who was trying to run away from them. the one who caught him first began to beat the fugitive, including kicking him. then a second man in uniform joined in. how did this attempt to put the poor fellow under arms end? it is unknown, as the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine said the day before, ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices are now working around the clock so that people can be brought there even at night, including those whom
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the police detain on the streets to check documents. fsb officers detained a man involved in the arson of an electrical substation in the tula region, he turned out to be a citizen of belarus, acting on the orders of his curators in the ukrainian special services. at the beginning of february, he came to the tula region, made a homemade incendiary device and carried it out. version, and then went to voronezh to do the same thing there, but did not have time, now the suspect faces up to 20 years in prison. joe biden, due to his age , is not able to serve as head of state for another term; such statements are increasingly being made openly in the united states. in in particular, a prominent representative of the republican party, former chairman of its national convention, jim gilmer, insists on this. he called the publication of the us special prosecutor’s report a terrible blow to biden’s reputation, after which they began to speak more and more boldly about the cognitive abilities of the head of state,
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because he was named in this official document. in a curious situation at a meeting with the king of jordan in washington, he did not immediately find the place where, according to protocol, he should stand during the joint statement. at least 12 people were injured in a fire in sweden's largest amusement park in gothenburg. a fire occurred in the aqua complex at one of the water attractions, and thick black smoke poured out. the fire then spread to an adjacent building, causing several
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explosions and debris. scattered hundreds of meters, employees, nearby offices and hotels were evacuated. as a result of the fire , the plastic structures of the attraction were completely burned out. it was supposed to be part of the general water complex to open only this summer - swedish media report, and note that the construction of this amusement park cost $1,200 million. the freezing rain that hit several regions of central russia at once will continue today. he already left. more than 100,000 people are without electricity. due to bad weather , the airport in saratov was closed for several hours. flights were delayed, including to moscow and st. petersburg. there were restrictions for trucks and route vehicles on federal highways. in the coming hours wet snow, rain and wind also occur in the vladimir, voronezh, smolensk, kaluga and tula regions. bad weather will linger in moscow. yesterday, literally the entire city was covered with an ice crust.
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roads and sidewalks turned into a skating rink. well, as always, there were those who saw this as an opportunity to skate around the yard, but for most townspeople this weather became a real problem; some drivers were unable to free their cars from the ice shell. that's all for now, stay with us. broadcast of the first the channel will continue the good morning program. we are glad to welcome everyone on this wonderful winter morning.
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the nifkhs, a small people of the north , even sew clothes from fish skin, or maybe pictures like these: next to the national musical log, father chharsh. in general, behind all the unusual walls of the sakhalin region, by the way, it was completely updated. the game of golf will be taught in the fifty-seventh pavilion; a mini-course has been set up here. we have it below, the index finger is looking down, the distance from the ball to the club is about 1 cm, we take a small swing and accordingly, as if pushing. but we hit a couple of attempts and the ball is in the hole, except for golf , every half hour there are games, master classes, lectures, competitions, scientific laboratories, if we have any strength left, about 15 minutes on foot, and we are in pavilion 36,
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it’s all about cinema, if we go up to the third floor, then we will find ourselves in the unique museum apartment of sergei mikhailov senstein, a world-famous director, author of such films as the strike, battleship potemkin, original exhibits from... a moscow apartment, part of the bedroom, a library with favorite books, an office, the number of details it’s impressive, i want to look at everything, for example, here is the autograph of walt disney, where it is written to my friend sergei zenshtein, or for example, the autograph of charlie chaplin, who was a big fan of the work of this great director. in the same pavilion there are three cinema halls, this week there is a sports film festival and a retrospective of paintings by leonid gaidai. schedule on the website, admission is free.
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ask more questions, look for more answers, all the greats were also once students, schoolchildren and just children. no matter how old you are, you need to dream and just do, take and do. it's better to regret what you did than what you didn't do. i am grateful to my father for giving me such motivation to play football. the kindest, most beautiful and future for our russia. we are proud of our country. russia forward, let's talk about retirement, it seems that it is very far away, in fact it is quite close, and it is better, of course, to take care of it in advance in any case, yes, how much you will receive in this
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pension, you thought, depends on ipk, you such now, what, the individual pension coefficient, what is it, we’ll tell you three conditions to retire, no less length of service. years, the pension coefficient, the so-called ipc, this year is at least 28.2, when the transition period ends, it will be 30, age. in the twenty-fourth year , women who turn 58 will go into retirement, men who turn 63, the next age will be 59 to 64 years old, respectively, and then everyone who is younger will retire at 60 to 65 years old, respectively, with age and experience okay, about the coefficient in detail.
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it’s better to immediately ask the coder to submit an application for adjustment to the social fund, and if you are your own employer, an individual entrepreneur or self-employed, an individual entrepreneur has a fixed payment, this year 49,500 rubles. the ipc will be 809. according to the law, a self-employed person may not pay anything at all to the sfr, or he can pay the amount in the twenty-fourth year, which he chooses himself in the proposed spread; from contributions of 50,000 he will see the ipc equal to one. a self-employed person who paid 400,000 to the social fund will see in his personal account ipc 8. the ipc affects not only when we retire, but its size. determined by formula. we multiply the sum of all individual pension coefficients
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that a citizen has earned by the cost of one pension coefficient and add a fixed payment. at the moment, the cost of one individual pension coefficient is 130 rubles, 5 kopecks. the fixed payment amount is 8,134 rubles, 88 kopecks. with a minimum coefficient of 28.2, the pension will be almost 12,000. those who worked from 2002 to 2014 have a savings portion that can be invested. if you want to transfer your savings portion to a non-state pension fund, you go to this non-state pension fund, write an application. i ask you to transfer my... accumulative part to your non-state pension fund and further invest it. upon retirement, it will be divided into the period of expected payment - 264 months will be issued. in installments, those whose savings do not exceed 5% of the basic pension will be given
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the entire amount at once. alena astrakhantseva, dmitry parfenov, victor namunka, channel one. good morning, dear friends, how great it is that we celebrate this day, this tuesday, together with you, sergey bobaev, svetlana zennalova and february 13th. well, what do people do in the morning, even before washing their face, before brushing their teeth, before taking a shower, they grab, well, yes. if it is there, then, as a rule, they grab a smartphone, of course, a smartphone is our everything, it is part of our life, but what would we do without it? well , one way or another, we spend time on social networks and check how many likes we have there, how many comments, subscriptions, on all sorts of marketplaces and online platforms, we also wander there regularly, all sorts of unpleasant amounts accrue, some unexpected ones are written off, written off, especially when we forget, somewhere we registered something there, it’s been there for a long time we don’t come, but the money goes away... have you ever calculated how much we spend on subscriptions every month?
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i spend about 3,000 a month, but it’s 36,000 a year, an impressive amount , we’ll check what we spend on together with cybersecurity expert alexey kurochkin, let's figure it out right away: basically all smartphones work on two operating systems: the one with the fruit on the logo will be number one, and the one with the robot will be number two. first, look at the list of subscriptions on the phone under the first number. to do this, go to settings. then you go in, click on your account, here you see what subscriptions you are charged monthly, here you can also unsubscribe from them, yes, of course, all subscriptions are controlled through your main account, in the list there are two subscriptions for two cloud storage, but every month the cards are also charged for a gym membership, it is also a subscription, well, here apparently they somehow made their subscription through their own service, that is, through their own application, there are only a few such applications, but they exist in general the list of subscriptions is not displayed , therefore... once a month it is important to check the application on the phone, especially
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for owners of smartphones number two, they do not have a general list of subscriptions at all, here each application has its own, that is, a subscription system, you can immediately see that there is an account, a date, that is , where funds were entered, and which card is linked, then here you can disable it, well, this is not particularly convenient, because there are a lot of applications, you just don’t have time to remember even where there is a subscription, so unfortunately so , but i just, that is... i always give everyone one piece of advice, for such subscriptions, get a separate card, we top up this card only when paying for subscriptions, understand that do not use applications, unsubscribe, do not waste money , convenient, separate card we also set up to pay for purchases on marketplaces, millions of people on the marketplace added goods to their cart, linked their main card, the market had a glitch, everyone bought it all, well, before you link a new card, you need to unlink the old one, says andrey. he has been selling goods on the marketplace
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for 2 years, marketplaces, and their contract stipulates that if you have ever used a card, but then deleted it, exchanged it for a new one, the new one does not have enough money to write off for the purchase, then they have the right write off from old already deleted card, and your funds and data are stored in their database, in order to unlink the old card, write a message to support asking to revoke consent to data processing, another option is to pay for goods using a qr code through sbp or regularly transferring money to the internal account of the marketplace . virtual cards are available on almost all platforms. alexander aleksenko, channel one. here's an unexpected question: why does a dog need a vest? are you talking about me now? why? is this a vest? i didn't mean you, oh well, the dog needs a tie, but do you need a hat? sometimes this happens, maybe it’s too much, but the dog’s vest is simply necessary, he thinks so. dog owners
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usually walk their pets early in the morning or late in the evening, so that in the dark the dog is not accidentally hit by a car, i suggest sewing a reflective vest for him, to create a pattern, i measure the circumference of the neck, mine is 36 cm, my waist is 43, as well as the length of the body between these points according... it turned out to be 35 cm. i transfer the measurements to bright fabric. the result is a trapezoid. i cut it out. i glue it along the contour on three sides with reflective tape to the narrow parts with allowances of 2 cm. i attach velcro to the ends of the tape. i also attach velcro to the lower corners of the trapezoid. you can decorate the back with ribbon, the signal vest
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with reflective elements is ready. in such a new thing you will not lose your dog. out of sight while walking, and if a pet accidentally jumps out onto the road in the dark, it will be noticed by a motorist, this will help to avoid trouble. the other day , the amazing artist anton khabarov, who plays count grigory orlov, came to visit us at our studio on red square. yulia zemnaya and i are just worked, talked with anton, a very interesting person and his character is amazing. anton, hello, good morning , welcome, thank you for coming, count orlov, one of the most famous favorites of catherine ii, but he is a dashing man, a military man, he is probably more comfortable on the battlefield than at court with these endless intrigues. some conspiracies and so on. yes, he is very comfortable, there is
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a scene in the first episode when we are going to the coronation with catherine, and orlov is sleeping in the carriage and smiling, she asks, what do you want? i dreamed, he says, i dreamed that i was in battle and i feel very good in battle, uh-huh, during the battle in zormdorf he received three wounds on the battlefield, three one after the other, remained on the painfield, still supported his comrades, uh-huh, this is a unique person, such people he was a simple soldier , who was almost executed by peter i, yes, he is a unique person, and many actors have already played the image of orlov, tell me, how does your orlov differ from all other orlovs, and what are the most important features? yes, but it seems to me, well, don’t offend others, it’s just my opinion that there’s more to the script, probably orlov was always shown on the one hand, he is a unique person, he discovered fonvizin, he patronized lomanosov , he even wrote an ode to lomanosov, he saved moscow, russia, and
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maybe europe from the plague, he conducted experiments in the eternal merslot to build a foundation, he he loved science, he loved physics, he loved chemistry.
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not very much after his death, she also - catherine, despite the fact that she herself gave this marble palace, then also bought it out of money, government money from the descendants of count orlov, so tell me about the company, about costumes, because the approach was grandiose , and on the part of the artists, you know, what i liked most was the aesthetics and in general the standards of beauty of that century, these are the most
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beautiful men, these are the men who are now behind the camera, the audience does not see them, so what is the standard of a handsome man, is it small? there was no stubble at all, it was etched out with a mouse , it was such bad manners, a wig was always a must, well , men wore makeup, it was hot in a wig in the summer, you know, it’s like in a medical hat, that is, it’s so mesh, it ’s so light, well, it’s clear for the ladies that these dresses, corsets, everything are very much what kind of suits did the men have? here are the heels , which were uncomfortable for me, they are such a small heel, i don’t know , something was twisting, yes, my legs were twisting, but in general, on the whole it’s normal, well, i don’t wear stockings either, you see, there is a place where the count orlova still has some weakness, well, we’ll definitely take a break for a while and continue very soon, yes, wait,
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imagine that someone is sick at home, this is how viruses begin to spread around the house, what should i do? if someone in the house is sick, it is very important for you to be healthy, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, today on the first. oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group. bourbon stirsman is a product of stellar group. the potagonian fjords of chile have hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds. we can be transported to another time, feel the genius of greatness. real american cultures that were destroyed europeans, from all points of view, the incas and ostecs were head and shoulders above in a cultural and
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civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century; it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesto chilivara. ringing above the planet, cuba, my love. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premiere, film four. latin america, on thursday, on the first. good morning, we remind you that our guest is the performer of the role of the count. grigory orlov in the serial film "the great golden age" anton khabarov. good morning again. the day before, lis boyars sat in this place and said that she
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had read a lot, a lot of things. how did you prepare for your role? gregory. i went to your neighbors at the state historical museum and found two wonderful people: anton makhnyrev and ira kondrashkin. hello to all of you. they were with me 24:7 on the phone, prompting, telling, explaining, that is, i took advantage of the experience of others and... what , what did i already say that he was a very multifaceted person, he was not the person fundamentally for this role? well, just one color, not just a favorite, that is, but tell us about all sorts of physical nuances, you’re getting fatter, you said that you ate like crazy to match this beauty, pasha’s editor on the landing he came up and said: anton, listen, everything is fine, but you have such a small tummy, something like the second largest, stop eating, but in fact it was a sign. a sign, on the contrary, of wealth and a sign that orlov could not be thin, he could not, well, we only have portraits of whom
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she was not photographed often for obvious reasons, but the woman was not to say that she was beautiful, but by modern standards, she attracted men, male intelligence, charisma, probably this, this is enough, it seems to me for a woman, well, that is, they understood each other, yes they are, yeah. there are a lot of interesting and authentic things on the set , it’s not just the costumes, what else was there that corresponded to that era, you didn’t have to show off, you had to sit in the saddle , so you yourself could ride the chase yourself and gallop, well, thank god, i was already i’m ready, yes, i learned to sit in the saddle in doctor zhivag when i was filming and they gave me an old horse, so as not to take risks, so as not to take risks, you can clearly see which group hires artists.
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dear friends, everything is the same, nothing is changing. yeah, what do people around you say, how do they like this film? well, colleagues rarely watch, the premiere was successful at the film search, in my opinion, just like in the reviews of my friends, well, i watched it myself, under remark, i always look like that, i look at what was successful, what was not successful, but i liked it more, such a rarity, yes, when you look at yourself, at what you participated in, today we will definitely look, the great golden age. dear friends, sergey
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babaev and svetlana zeynalova celebrated this wonderful day with you, we wish everyone have a great, successful day, good weather, great mood, please stay with us on channel one, be healthy, more good news for you, we'll definitely see you soon, see you soon. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio of maxim shrefuddinov and briefly about the main thing. it’s hard to train, practicing
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the skills of an engineering company at a distance close to the enemy and know-how from belgorod. our plans, and what has already been built, the city is like one big skating rink, the consequences of the freezing rain in moscow, it did not stop all night, difficult and drivers and pedestrians, what about the weather next? the theater world remembers the founders of the chekhov festival, valery shadrin, who would have turned 85 the day before . he collected performances all over the world to show the russian audience only special works, his business.


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