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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  February 13, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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channel one presents , imagine that someone is sick at home, and so viruses begin to spread around the house, what to do if someone in the house is sick, it is very important for you to be healthy, about this... about much more in the program live healthy, we will start this program with an absolutely phenomenal and revolutionary event that happened in medicine in general in our russian medicine, in particular, methods for treating severe tremors appeared, tremor is such a shaking of the arms and legs of the whole body, in which... the man is absolutely helpless,
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he cannot bring a glass to the court, he cannot eat on his own, he is really in a difficult situation, the diseases in which this occurs are called parkinson's disease and essential tremor, recent progress has been that surgical operations have appeared that allow these diseases to be treated, but today is a different era, today, without surgery, with... rays focused at one point, you can remove the focus of excitation from the brain and heal a person. first of all, i want to show you the procedure itself, the procedure itself, because we we filmed it on purpose, we are showing it on the big screen for the first time, and it really deserves it. here is the hand, you see, the hands, here.
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his right hand is shaking, vyacheslav has parkinson’s disease, its cause lies in the brain, in this special area, it is called the substantia nigra, as a result of damage to this substance, the transmission of nerve impulses to those parts of the brain that are responsible for movement is disrupted, so trembling occurs. more recently, a unique technology has appeared that relieves the patient from tremors. now. we see how preparations for this procedure are underway. our task now is to put on this metal frame, uh, it’s needed so that the head is fixed to the table, uh, yes, and there is no shaking, patients are placed on the table of the magnetic resonance imaging scanner, when the patient’s head enters the tomograph, on thousands of ultrasonic rays begin to act on the substantia nigra. the device contains about a thousand. a thousand sensors, from where
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a thousand waves come to one point, yes, when they intersect at points, thermal occurs effect, due to this we get the result. the patient does not feel any pain, under the influence of ultrasound rays the pathological focus heats up, at first to 45°, and then the doctors check the result, the tremor has become less, less, yeah. yeah, put it on your stomach, if the tremor has decreased, then it gives a full load. the first impact is always carried out on one side, choosing the right hand so that the tremor in it stops, because a person works with this hand, a few seconds in the device and the tremor goes away, the hand does not shake. was it scary? a little bit, yes
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were you worried? very, right? what changes do you feel? i feel changes, my hand somehow doesn’t shake at all. first of all, i want to invite here the doctors who made this miracle possible: the federal medical and biological center, the brain center, a neurologist, the head of the department, elena anatolyevna katunina, and a neurosurgeon, now a neurosurgeon.
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with my hand i push once twice or there once twice or with my foot, it all goes like this, where these disorders arise, why this path does not work, elena anatolyevna, these disorders. occurs in deep parts brain, well, just show me, well , somewhere here, yes, in the deep sections, and the process of the passage of excitation by the cortical section is disrupted, this pathological excitation that is created here is transmitted to the cortex and severe tremor develops, that is, it is pathological impulse towards the end, a desire, for example, to take a glass. or bring it to your mouth, there is no possibility due to pathological impulses, so the person behaves like this, we have two patients sitting right in the studio, now show us the state of your hands, is there a tremor or not, semyon ivanovich romanov and
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vadim gennadievich fomenko, show your hands, your hands, what happened, show me in what condition you arrived, what happened, this was how big it was. i had a small one, not amplitude for me, but for my work, i am also connected with doctors in medicine, it seemed to complicate my life, i had to go to operations with them and with such hands, as you can imagine, it
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was big the problem, well, in terms of everyday life, even bringing a spoon of soup to my mouth already felt like i was there. uncomfortable in any company, tell me, how many years did you have to live with this? 7 years old, are you? well, for me this process seemed to progress slowly, somewhere around the age of 18-20 the first manifestations appeared, yes, gradually, gradually, this is an essential tremor, yes, and here there was parkinson’s, which means two different diseases, essential tremor and parkinson’s disease, in both cases it was on the same side. from two, from two, and from both sides you held under between procedures, here again, elena anatolina, neurologist, therapeutic profession, dr. jafarov - neurosurgeon, neurosurgeons move the mouse, where the source and how these
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concentrated ultrasonic waves are supplied, we will now once again show you the helmet that is on a person’s head, all these waves are in this helmet, right? yes, that is, all of our ultrasonic sensors, they are located around the head and focus all at one point, being here and causing heating of this part of the brain, and thus these cells that regulated this tremor, their activity is suppressed, the cells die, and accordingly the tremor passes right before our eyes, this is the phenomenon of the procedure, the tremor goes away right before your eyes, you had exactly the same thing right there in the mri machine.
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the federal medical and biological agency , an amazing place, there is a question: can people from all over russia come to you, come for free, because it is absolutely understandable, technologically, this is a super expensive pleasure, can they or not, elena anatolyevna? yes, our center receives patients from all over our country, they apply under compulsory medical insurance, and first we hospitalize patients. we clarify the diagnosis, and then refer you to neurosurgeons who carry out this operation. how many patients
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have already been relieved of tremor in this way, what is your experience over these, what, 5 years, 2 years, 3 years? for 2 years we have only been performing focused ultrasound, during this time we have operated on 78 people, well, almost 80 people, a couple more whom we filmed, they have all already entered. despite the fact that neurosurgeons are offended by me, but i think, dr. jafarov, i repeat once again, this young doctor, 31 years old, is a neurosurgeon, that is, he is still a surgeon, but the era is coming when we begin to treat illnesses in the most miraculous way without a scalpel. without anesthesia, without anesthesia, which means no contraindications to the procedure, that’s right,
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because if a major neurosurgical operation requires a lot of examination, a lot of diseases have contraindications, there’s none of that here , that’s right, this generation of our children is lucky, german shaich and andrei petrovich, they entered into another medicine, we could not even dream about it, that’s right, medicine, once again, the brain center, federal medical biology. ical agency, unique technology treatment of tremor, without a scalpel , without incisions using focused beams, 10 minutes of no tremor, amazing, thank you very much , and we will take a short break and then continue, lunch on the run, shawarma, the composition is the usual classic shawarma with vegetables, additional fries are added, this is how the turks eat it in the eastern way. what do they wrap in pita bread and offer us to eat? let's talk behind the scenes.
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newly formed vessels are inferior, their vascular wall is tens of times worse than a normal vessel. keep your blood vessels healthy for good vision. for now everyone is at home. if a person is sick, dress him, cover him up, if he... how not to get infected yourself, if someone in your household is sick, i invite everyone to visit us in our protected places, taganay, zyurak. nicole, we have a lot of lakes, turgayak, the younger brother of baikal, small ponies, big ones, sat down,
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rode, just splashed out emotions after a hard week of work, wonderful, it expands your mind, your intellect, i hid my wedding ring under my wetsuit, we dived with scuba gear, i said, well , like, will you marry me, but she couldn’t nothing to answer, it was directly visible how tears were dripping under her mask, happiness, prosperity, everything... happen, make concessions and, well, don’t push your self forward, sing more songs, and louder, the best that you can with you , in the patagonian fords of chile, there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot before, machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of american culture. real ones that were destroyed by europeans, from all points from our point of view, the incas and otecs were head and shoulders above in
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a cultural and civilizational sense. today , every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesta chagevaara. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that... no, some are sure there is a latin american civilization, here she is. civilization premiere, film four, latin america, on thursday, on the first. fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great
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art is born. emotions are running high, the atmosphere is knee-deep. but to win it is important to remain icy calm. ice splashes from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal. and the ice melts like steel. hot ice. spartakiad of the strongest. live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17th and 18th. on the first. my advice: don't sit close to screens, maybe. too hot, let's meet in the steel capital of russia. junior lieutenant, ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but weak. who did you cross? i stood up for the girl. he will look for me now. what's happened? i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone
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can win. it's not necessary. you don’t approach him , but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, that’s who he is, volodya, the one who saved me, you’re nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, this again i'll see you won't be here, premiere of the series film, on sunday, on the first, i want you to bring out the doomed to fight. well, dear friends, as you understand, we have shawarma, you are all afraid of street shawarma, we are not afraid of it at all, because it is a deeply thermally processed product, first marinated meat, thermally processed, so
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you can’t get infected with anything from this, never under no circumstances, so your fears are inappropriate in eastern countries. from a camel, from a turkey, from a turkey, and so on and so forth, yes, the most important thing is that it is today, my dears, german shevich has perked up, he loves shawarma with pork, as it should be for a representative of a small but proud people, and i want to say that today is international shawarma day, and we couldn’t pass by this holiday, bring us ready-made shawarma to the studio , here is the ready-made shawarma herman shaich , treat the patients, they don’t have tremors now, guys, take the shawarma, at the same time we’ll see how our hands don’t shake, and meanwhile tatyana volunteer and i are preparing shawarma, this is how it ’s prepared, so, shawarma, from what does it consist of andrey, first of all, we call it shawarma
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, shawarma, in st. petersburg, for example, just a second, can i show you now, look, that means the first thing we did... was put some kind of sauce in which we all and vegetables, if we talk about the sanitary part of shawarma, then this thing is absolutely safe, because it is heat-treated, the temperature is above 100°. here are the vegetables, if not with such beautiful hands as our volunteer tanichka takes with gloves, but if with your own hands, with which no one knows where you climbed, then there is a chance from this get infected. well, no, tanya, but you are in sterile cleanliness, then what, we put the meat like this, oh, we put the meat fried, and what kind of meat do you have here, it’s chicken, thigh and fillet, 50.50, looks at we have chicken, he loves pork, that’s how he lives, well , nowadays it even happens with pork, there are many options,
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there is no shawarma with pork, because it’s an arabic dish, no luck. how do you wrap it correctly today, first we wrap the edges, so that it doesn’t fall apart, then we’ll as if they put in a lot, a lot, a lot, even for german , and he says, it’s not bad that it’s a lot, that’s not bad, german shaevich quietly told us, give us a knife, we’ll cut it in half like that and give one to german shech. let's give it to german shaevich, try my beloved german shaevich, the second one to andrei petrovich like shawarma, you bit differently, how is it? delicious, come on, show us that your hands don’t tremble, here they are, here they are, they gave it to the doctors too, doctors, your hand didn’t tremble
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when you were treating everyone, eat, so what are we let's say from a medical point of view about shawarma , the first thing we said is that it is safe, the flatbread itself is safe, if there are any threats, then these are the hands, we heard its name, but no one knows why, but it is needed in order for the vitamin b-12 helped the formation of this red blood cell, the erythrocyte. we
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need red blood cells in order to carry oxygen, so i brought oxygen to our respected doctors at the brain institute, and red blood cells will not form if there is no cobalt. chicken contains almost one and a half daily requirements. the next component is tomato paste, we know that tomato paste contains lecopene, which prevents the development of cancer, look, this is the prostate, and men who consume a lot of lycopene, that is , tomato paste, that is, shuarma, will not have prostate cancer , well, among other things, i take bread from herman a...
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reduces the chance of developing diabetes, if you do not eat flour products with spoons or plates, for me the main thing is that the calorie content of shawarma, if you do not put a huge amount of sauce in it, is only 170 kilocalories per 100 g, which in general is quite good for a meat and vegetable product with a small amount of flatbread, which means i also want to draw attention. that's why, i specially cut it deep, like chefs generally don't cut, yes, because you can't cut shawarma deep, you see, there is raw meat here, raw meat is already a source of threat, and
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chicken, by the way, is the highest source of threat, because salmonella lives in chicken meat, you can’t even hold your hand on this side, it can be overwhelming, because everything is very hot here, so the shawarma is cut very, very, very, very surface, the outer side was prepared. absolutely true, and you should watch what kind of meat is cut for you, usually this is done in the public domain, yes, everyone can see it, so you need to cut it finely, finely, finely, finely, they cut it like this, there is another big one, another big benefit, not even a benefit, but no harm, when you and i fry something, we form a huge amount of polyarmatic hydrocarbons, fat, fat boils, but here... all the fat drains, and accordingly, this fat does not falls into our body and these cancer-causing polyarromatic hydrogens do not enter our body.
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here i am, by the way, now, if my hands are perfectly clean, god forbid, they are perfectly clean, then that’s okay, but if my hands are not perfectly clean, now i’m demonstrating the process of infecting shawarma, so i’ll eat this shurma myself, i put yours there, obviously, yes, that’s why it’s like that. we can accept from you these microbes we know, then we put our meat, and people with increased weight can put shaarma in a plate, you can skip the pita bread, i want to say that we always make shawarma with meat, of course, yes, because we are residents of a northern country, tanyush, but in general you make different shawarma, right, what kind of shawarma do you make, sometimes you have shawarma... we drink it, it the same as in greek, gyros, there is a vegetarian novelty, very popular today, either with walafel, or it
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will only be with vegetables. sometimes it’s turkish, that is , french fries are added to the usual classic shawarma with vegetables, this is how the turks eat it in the eastern way, and sometimes classic russian shawarma, directly what you are eating now, and you also make vegetarian shawarma, shawarma cannot be russian, this is not a russian dish, our record shawarma was made in the russian federation, 17 m long, no matter how funny, the largest shawarma in the world was not made in turkey. in russia, 17 m long, this is russian hospitality, that’s why shawarma, tanya the shawarma cook, it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, three fat hamsters, the ford, carnegie and roxever foundations. we are committed to playing our part in building a better world. as large american funds try to seize control of the whole world,
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they are preparing. a mass of people who then end up in the white house managing everything, a fund of 11 billion passes through itself up to one and a half trillion, it is impossible for the cia to simply take and give money to the russian opposition, interference in internal affairs, a ploy, an intermediary that provides intelligence services, they are trying misinform the society they enter; in russia they failed to do this, but let’s say in ukraine they succeeded, and the carnaghi foundation, which worked in moscow, was declared an agent and ceased his activities, their main task is to move on to global depopulation. and this is precisely work with public consciousness, the transgender agenda, the creation of genetically modified nutrition, golden rice was supposed to feed everyone, and now it turns out that everyone has to be reduced, that they imagine themselves as celestials, and this is why they are dangerous. the funds are the real masters of the west. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. you see how happy i am because i finally have time for myself. super
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provovny idea, because. no one in the world has done this, create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product, in 2013 we released the first snowmobile of our production, after that we started to expand our model range, from small 100 cc ones to 800 cc ones, in the production of our snowmobiles we try to localize it as much as possible - russian production, you have a very large an assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything, the premiere is on saturday at the first, it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, now he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who was 5 years ago i lost the most precious thing, my mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother,
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she said goodbye very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, that at that moment, at that survived the evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, i was like... you pulled yourself together like that, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory about the famous mother: when you appeared in the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side! exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere in saturday on the first. well, dear friends, i
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’m standing next to the eye, heading to our medical point, the famous ophalmologist mikhail egorovich konavalov is working there today, as always, he has this slit lamp on his table, mikhail egorovich, and i want to ask your patient , what was the worst thing for you, this is where your nightmares began, what happened last february, this is where you need to go. everything is blurry, so i looked further and looked through the peephole in the door behind my cat, there are dark spots in the center, a dark circle.
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now let's go together with the professor to our glasses, let's go, because today we have these glasses - this is a symbol of professor kanavalov's profession, now we'll ask... our operators to show what happened to you, look, a normal picture , suddenly a person suddenly tries to put, make, insert a thread into a needle, he has a different picture, he looks, spots have appeared, some dark formations have appeared, and the whole world has changed, you see what a picture, yes it has become, yes, that’s how it was , that’s right, it’s all about a special disease, some kind of structure of our eye.
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now we’ll show you again, here we are, you saw us, saw, saw, here we stood in front of you, stood, suddenly once again, the picture of the world is completely, completely, completely changing, now you see, spots have appeared, something else has appeared , there appeared...
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injections in the eyes, let us remind you, here again, these hemorrhages that occur, they occur as a result of the fact that the blood flow in the vessels is disrupted, formed vessels begin to form, the so-called neovascularization, the fact is that they are defective, their vascular wall is tens of times worse than a normal vessel, they begin to sweat, then we have fluid. if a vessel ruptures, we get a hemorrhage, and the essence of therapy is precisely to reduce the growth of these very newly formed vessels, only this is the meaning of this therapy,
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to stop, to stop, that is, unfortunately, this treatment does not promise the epiphany of the ideal, there is no point in stopping specific therapy, but we can... control the development of this disease, why do we introduce repeatedly these drugs, because we achieve remission, but if swelling appears, we are obliged to offer therapy even further, it is clear, that is, the task of these injections in the eyes is to block the growth factor of additional vessels, because in an adult everything has already grown, other vessels we don’t need it, so this treatment is very modern, but we can give advice on how to...
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have better vision, well, in this case it’s
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a normal macula, a normal fundus, it’s a millimeter, yes, this is the so-called dry form of macular degeneration, geographical form, you see, a scar has formed here, naturally, when light is refracted and hits this point, then at this point of those cells that provide the act of vision. they simply aren’t there, i want to show you again, here we have a huge screen, this is the point of best vision, that is, we see 1 mm in the back walls of the eye, 1 mm, this is 1 mm, and of course, the drama is big when exactly at everything happened in this millimeter, so you must take care of your blood vessels, you must have normal sugar, normal cholesterol and normal blood pressure. macular
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degeneration, age and smoking , understandable, understandable, but at least you don’t smoke, my mother, when she got sick with covid, well, thank god, my mother, when she got sick with covid, i came to her in the intensive care unit, she was very seriously ill, the first time she was sick, i say, mom, you have all the risk factors, 88 years old. there is this, there is that, heart disease, in general, what not, you just don’t smoke, it’s good that you don’t smoke, i told her, it was funny, but here’s the problem, you need to look after the blood vessels, and this is in your hands, thank you very much, we are glad, that you have seen the light, because the doctor in which, i can already read normally, used to have serochka like this, which means it was possible after all, this swelling of course, this symptom of a broken line, there were such things.
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destroyed by europeans, from all points of view, the real american cultures, which were the incas and the east, were head and shoulders above in a cultural, in a civilizational sense. today , every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. cuban revolution. one of the most important events of the 20th century, its led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesto cheguevara. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilizations. premiere, film four.
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latin america, on thursday on the first. the palm is open. under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid opening a second one front, only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. germans or not, then i saw an army boot. they don’t wear these in iran, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i haven’t asked you for anything, and we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will be the brothers, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned and brought six germans into the hall , which we found, hurray, for the centenary
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of givork zartanyan, on saturday on the first, and 64 years after the tehran... event in selya sandes, churchill’s granddaughter, came to moscow and thanked me for saving her grandfather’s life. fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born. emotions are running high, the atmosphere is knee-deep. but to win... it is important to maintain icy calm, the splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18
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on the first. my advice: don't sit close to the screen, it might be too hot let's meet. steel capital of russia. this program is to live healthy, dear friends. the topic is: what to do if someone is sick at home? so, someone is sick at home. imagine one of these people gets sick. what's happening? viruses begin to circulate inside this house. therefore, if someone is sick at home, what is the first rule, mikhail egorovich? if someone is sick at home, the first rule is necessary. ventilate the room, but you need to ventilate it correctly, open the windows wide enough to create some draft in order to this concentration of viruses has decreased radically, remember, when covid started, we were told to close the windows and doors, don’t
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go out anywhere, we said even then, this is a blatant disregard for sanitary standards, the parks were also closed, the parks were closed.
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people were driven along the beaches, monstrous illiteracy and contempt for the principles of medicine, because on the seashore you can get infected with something if you hug, cuddle and kiss for 15 minutes, there are no other chances, simply no, because there are gigantic layers of air in the air and microbes no, that means the first thing is to ventilate, walk, walk and
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ventilate, to the tenth power, okay, first, we clean the air, second, we clean the surfaces, which surface is most responsible for this airborne method of infection, and these are contacts, the first thing... let's start, we need to sanitize our hands, wash our hands more often, oh my god, during the covid epidemic
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i discovered that when you wash your hands, all infections decrease. diarrhea in russia fell six times, people began to wash their hands, lo and behold, people began to wash their hands, intestinal infections, let 's have a hand-washing rule, we have all of you put alcohol-containing gels, take them, drip them thicker and ... and your palms, then you work between your fingers, no, not like that, like this,
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change your hands, naturally, and after that you scrape with bent fingers, don’t forget the gap next to it’s good to clean with your thumb, and after that you scrape your palms a little, you can limit yourself to that. finished, of course, you need to wash everything off, after that you took a disposable towel, treated your hands, closed the tap using a disposable towel and your hands are ready to operations ode, absolutely true, the dirtiest surface in the world is our hands, so if you wash your hands, the frequency of infection decreases by a wild amount, eat at home... wash your hands, then there are surfaces that you need to pay attention to and wipe them , these are surfaces for common use, because
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the person who lives in the house goes to the toilet, goes into the kitchen, therefore, now we are talking about what needs to be washed regularly, the handle of the refrigerator, the refrigerator is suitable for all family members, the same most concerning. and microwave stoves, food are heated by everything and it is necessary to treat the back side of the handle, which we usually forget to do, the handle of the stove, this is natural, then the taps, the tap that we open and close with our hands needs to be treated and preferably when a person is sick, so that he did this with a disposable paper towel, when he opens any handle, you have two options: either the person is lying in the room and you prepare everything for him yourself, or if he leaves the
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room and does something himself for some reason reasons, that is, all the hands for which the whole family is taken, you must treat it every day, what products are ideal, alcohol containing the amount of alcohol is 30%, the minimum, i remind you, russian vodka is 40%, the ideal antise. you can vaccinate everyone around you, this is called catch-up vaccination, in this case there is a chance that then...


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