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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  February 13, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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and will give - that means - this is an insult to russian assets, well, in general, something interesting is happening there in their heads, but here we have even more interesting things happening not in our heads, on the screens is the program of the heir tutti, on channel one, watch , pay attention, see you tomorrow. three fat hamsters, the ford, carnegie and rockefeller foundations, are not only examples of unlimited greed for the money of power, but they want more, went further, a new goal, the minds and hearts of people around the world, new morality, new rules for the life of all humanity, how large american funds trying to take control of the whole world?
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who are the puppets and who are the real puppeteers? let's figure it out together, this is the heir doll tootie, i am with you, maria butina, we take off our masks, we begin: bill gates, warren buffett, mark zuckerberg, these people are united not only by a multi-billion dollar fortune, they all have an oath of giving. in 2010, a new society for the rich appeared, the conditions of membership are to give at least 50% of the income of your enterprise, officially to charity, in fact, the fate of... dollars, can be traced around the world here and there where either color revolutions are taking place, or there is some kind of protest against the current government, in order to be among the elected, the person who wishes must convince the other members by writing them a letter with his motives; in total, there are more than 200 signatories of the secret slander, among them the founder of the us news agency, michael bloomberg , ebay creator pierre amediar, film director george lucas, ukrainian oligarch victor pinchuk, the restless representative. third generation
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of the richest family, david rockefeller, as well as the ex-wife of amazon founder jeff bezes mackenzie scott. what attracts them? the idea is to buy yourself membership in some kind of super-society , to become a factory of thought, which already includes top managers of the financial and corporate sectors, intelligence services, media moguls, top functionaries of international organizations, lured by the scientific elite, such as the wto, imf, wos, etc. at the beginning of the 20th century, american multimillionaire andrew carnigi made a donation. dollars for the construction of a peace palace in the hague, this became the starting point for the creation of a fund in his name, which the entrepreneur established it on his 75th birthday, november 25, 1910, and called charity for world peace his priority. we are determined to play our part in building a better world. the charitable foundation was not subject to taxes and this life hack attracted the attention of millionaire john rockefeller. both funds appeared exactly on the eve of the first world war.
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a us house of representatives panel later proved that they were directly invested in starting wars rather than preventing them. in the thirties of the last century they financed germany's study of eugenics, the development of an ideal human race. within the framework of this program, both doctor death and joseph mengele, who conducted medical experiments in svenets, worked. the third largest american foundation was created by henry ford's son to avoid his father's huge inheritance tax. it was the big three that sawed up the world to promote their interests. so is the karna foundation. took up the opposition in any of its manifestations. the recklers promoted sterilization and abortion, and ford promoted the unconventional ride. works using a simple example, this is like this: every owner of any ford car purchased at a dealership anywhere in the world contributes at least 5% of its cost to the rainbow. this is the trick. sometimes the interests of three funds come into contact, and then the victim state has a very hard time. when foreigners tell you: “you know, no, we don’t finance protests.” "we
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are funding some kind of social activity, when rockefeller gives money to the organizer of protests in serbia, manojlovic, he claims: “i didn’t tell him that it was for protests, on the contrary, are for social activities." foundations, as supranational structures, first subjugated the us government, and then, through american hegemony, impose their influence anywhere on the planet, achieving their absolute power there, for example, the open society foundation of george soros. when soviet. first in hungary in 1984, then in poland and china in 1987, so the soros empire replaced the soviet one. they do not hide their commitment to liberal fascism, which implies absolute dictatorship and totalitarianism liberal order. to understand the scale of this octopus, almost 2 million ngos are officially registered with the us tax administration, and almost 7 million more operate without registration. their
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share is at least 8% of gdp, while all financial flows are exempt from taxation. one large foundation can support several tens of thousands of ngos in different countries of the world, for example, in the american state of tenos there is a church of satan, it is not officially registered, but this does not prevent it from opening satan clubs in schools after school, using funds from the foundations. gates provides 10% of the world health organization's spending, it is in second place after america as a country, which provides another 13%. the foundations' total assets are estimated at $2 trillion, with total annual income of $350 billion, plus at least $100 billion in endowments. the foundations' daughters were pierced and licked. or american society itself, local clubs, leagues, associations, federations, trade unions, for example, the so-called southern poverty law center, created in the seventies. main areas of work: combating terrorism, extremism and groups hatred, children's rights , economic justice, protection of low-income migrants
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, voting rights and the like, it would seem there is nothing to complain about, but since the eighties, the center has been maintaining a list of so -called hate groups, in which there are 773 organizations, emigrant... muslim, musical, male superiority, neo-confederates, radical traditional catholicism, etc., the list includes 135 prominent american figures by name, something like enemies of the people. an extensive network of propaganda of one’s own values, a formation service public opinion, traditional media , think tanks, social and neural networks, scientific departments, the educational process, the film industry and mass culture, even artificial intelligence, and this is only one organization, and such only in the united states is an american topic, under the so-called gafan gang: google, amazon, facebook, apple and microsoft, calling itself a super society. trump once said: “i will end this festering, rotten, corrupt deep state.” well, somehow it hasn’t worked out very well yet. so the three oldest
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american foundation, here are their founders: carnegie, rockefeller and ford. these three funds, in fact, there are already more of them now. 11, but the three most important ones lay claim to world leadership. what's interesting is how widespread the network of financial frauds through these funds is. let's see one example. so, we have before us organizations that are financed by the big three us foundations. institutions such as the brookings institution, the center for strategic and international studies, the council on inclusive capitalism, and the council on foreign relations. how is it all works inside and how the so-called gray money is disguised, in general, in the vocabulary of the united states there is such a concept as dark money, gray money, yes, gray or dark money, it is believed that when they discuss their internal agenda, that in
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order to finance election campaigns beneficial politicians, they use the so-called foundation or foundations, but they have introduced exactly the same algorithm all over the world. because pay attention, around president biden, how those people who are involved now or have worked are gathered ever in these very organizations financed by the big three, they are called the big three. so, here we have joe biden in the center, the council on foreign relations - the blue sector, the carnegie endowment - the red sector, the center for strategic and international studies, the yellow sector, and, accordingly, the green sector. one more piece of advice, in general, how do they end up around biden, how does this happen? let's start with how this entire management mechanism is structured, what role do funds play in the management system of the united states? the united states convinces other countries that they are a democracy; in fact, they
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are a very complex oligarchic republic, in which the republican part, the governing part, is only a little on the surface, then there are funds, and there are various other structures. now, if we talk about foundations, then they form personnel, form a political line, form an ideological agenda in general, they turn out to be more influential than political parties, political parties are rather a public mechanism, and foundations a real mechanism, hidden from the public, and at the same time having enormous funds, because these funds allow you to evade taxes, use a lot of money in order to then receive large profits outside the united states within the united states, that is, this is such ...
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money as no matter what, they seem to be doing charity work, in fact they are training a lot of people, who then end up in the white house managing everything, well, not only in the white house, in other governments around the world. understands that intelligence is about including misinforming the enemy, that is, they, with the help of proxy intelligence, with the help of their non -state intelligence actors, try to misinform the society they enter, they segment this society quite clearly, that is, it can be a crowd, yes, it can be expert communities , academic communities, scientific circles including decision makers, the capital capacity of this industry is hundreds of billions of dollars, and here such non-profit foundations and non-profit organizations allow entry to the desired country, you can’t go to the cia. the ansa or the state debt are open and they come under the roof of non-profit organization funds and begin
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to operate within the country, in fact a huge number of them are still operating even in russia, despite our law on foreign agents, nevertheless , it is necessary to identify all of them, and more moreover, they also actively work with our partners, which is why some partners are gradually turning away from us, because the same multi-species actors also operate there in the form of foundations, in the form of non-profit organizing some educational initiatives, that is, there are actually a huge number of them. let 's turn a little to the chemistry, you won't believe it, the chemistry of money, how does it even happen that money is laundered at the expense of these funds, look, we take, for example, a certain amount of 10 million, say from the cia, we need to get it out to another country, so that no one would guess that it is from the cia, well, because there is targeted funding, suddenly it is announced there, then it happens through a whole group of these funds, group a receives...
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the us national security council, that is , an official, becomes president of the ford foundation. next is ulam burns. was the president of the carnegie foundation and becomes the director
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of the cia, you won’t believe it, that is, you understand, these are people who go from one to two, it’s like neighboring offices, they come out of another, why can’t the cia just take and give money there to yugoslavia, serbia, there opposition, but this will be interference in internal affairs, well , what about this other state, their body gives some money, so this is needed a layer in the form of a fund and simply not one. fund, because these funds, they are also, these big three are the main distributor, that is, they are those who issue appointments, who resolve strategic issues and so on, after them 10 small ones arise, then another hundred small ones and so on, in in the end there are thousands of them, because the main principle of their work is the so-called mashkara principle, the principle of a cloud of mosquitoes, just imagine, a knight comes out to fight with someone in the field.... with a sword, armor, chained, yes, waiting for another knight, instead of him, a cloud of midges
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is approaching, it attacks, this knight can wave his sword as much as he likes, but the state is helpless in front of this, because these midges crawl into all the cracks and eat this knight from the inside, only the stingy armor remains , that’s all, that’s small - small grants , to a large number of activist groups, so we in the commission in the state duma are busy calculating: these are all the funds, ngos, so-called, which are financed by these big three, we recognize them as agents. a few points: firstly, this scheme can rather tell us how it is not the flow of money from the us central intelligence agency to the foundations that works, but vice versa. remember the kiev maidan, how it was organized, two main cash flows. the white work is done by european union and american funds. foundations , they prepare activists, they teach them, yes, that is , all this is done legally, and there is
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a cash flow that comes from nowhere, cash dollars that go there to bribe participants in the action, to bribe politicians, that is, they are used in this way, here is the injection of money into this black treasury of the cia or some american agents, it can be made from foundations, under this scheme, it is beneficial for the foundations themselves to be clean, they seem to be studying democracy, promote it. they encourage art, they try to improve capitalism in poor countries, that is, they have so many good people, sterilize people, for example, yes, they have so many good things like these, well, these illusory ones. look here what is important, this scheme works both in one way and in the other aside, for example, in the twenty-first year, based on the results of the twentieth, they calculated the volumes in the united states, there are still those people who are trying to fight this so-called gray money, the amount of money in the trump and biden election campaign is precisely based on gray money, joe biden has six times more
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money was invested through all these schemes that we are now considering, that is, they do it themselves and scale it up. i would like to add regarding personnel policy, in fact, the transition from the civil service to the fund is a characteristic feature of the foundations of think tanks, and what is interesting is that all american researchers and textbooks evaluate this. as an unconditional strong quality of democracy, because we have a researcher who goes into the civil service, gains experience there and returns with a change of political party, these are the most revolving doors, but in my opinion, as a researcher, this is where the huge risks of being
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biased come, and naturally you don’t... you only carry experience from working with this or that president, you carry his interests, his programs in this research activity, and a striking example of such a career trajectory is a christian personality like kissinger, kandaliza, using their examples we can look at current examples, here we have three politicians who are now, right now working in the administration. biden. burns, look, here he was, the us deputy secretary of state, went to the president of the carnaghi foundation and the head of the cia. next we look at loy tostin, he was the head of the central command of the us armed forces, he became a member of the board of directors of a defense company, then once again the minister of defense. blinken, our beloved, deputy secretary of state of the united states, goes to ex-secretary, by the way, like
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a huge part of president obama’s advisers, and now becomes secretary of state. simply put, a person is never allowed out of the system, because he knows a lot. yes, i would focus attention, first of all, on the designated periods of stay of these persons from biden’s organizational team, if i can, so to speak, single out, it turns out, during the period trump's presidency, so to speak, they were in some way on hold, outside the government sector and... it was precisely there that they had by no means a sinecure, by no means some kind of inactivity in anticipation of the coming of the president from the democrats, because the main goals of their activities in these non-governmental institutions are, first of all , to contribute both administratively and directly to the formation of public opinion, and through the tools that
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these organizations have, second send certain messages on behalf of those , consider this overexposure, so to speak, in retrospect, then we will find that many of these individuals, many of these individuals, they have been since the time of bill clinton’s team and , in fact, accompanying it, caring for it already in the 2000s anthony podesta, so to speak, coexist in the us political class, and how we look at it, if at the second stage
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of anthony blinken, that is, in addition to what can be achieved in the non-governmental sector, in addition to what can be achieved... carnegie, rockefeller and ford, what tasks they face and what road they have already covered in more than a hundred years. there was a change of power, orlov was sent to moscow to certain death, there was a riot in moscow, archbishop
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ambrosi was killed, if i had received a husband from a young age whom i could love, i would not have changed for him. a certain person appeared in europe calling herself princess vladimir, the daughter of the late sovereign. big premiere, watch the time after the program, mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, cognac. monte chococa - product of stellar group. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar
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group. everyone celebrates valentine's day on february 14th. and progressive doctors - world impotence day. how to overcome this disease? about this about many other things. in a programme. great! tomorrow on the first! in the potagonian fjords of chile there are hundreds of kilometers of coastline where no human has ever set foot. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds. we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of real american cultures that were destroyed europeans. from all points of view, imki and otstek were head and shoulders above. in a cultural, civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is
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one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries led by fidel castro and ernesto chegivara. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order. is there a separate latin american civilization? some think no, others are sure there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premiere, film four, latin america, on thursday, on the first. you see how happy i am because i finally have time for myself. a super innovative idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer. i feel myself. a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective, so we create our own unique product. in 2013
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, we released the first snowmobile of our production, after that, we began to expand our model range, starting from small 100 cc ones to 800 cc ones. in the production of our snowmobiles, we try to localize russian production as much as possible. you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls. our everything, premieres on saturday on the first. fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born. emotions are running high, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but to win it is important to remain icy. calmness, ice splashes from under the skates, like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel, hot
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ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk on february 17 and 18, on the first. my advice, don't sit close to the screen, it might be too hot, meet me in the steel capital of russia. experienced the moment that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away, how did her only daughter, yuli, survive this loss, what path did she go after her mother’s death? i'm
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somehow really, really mega strong, me somehow everything was like that, she pulled herself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided, at all costs, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. maria butina is with you again, this is the heir doll of a tootie, we continue to study the big three, the three oldest funds that, as they say, rule the world, we find out. the big three, they divided the world, they divided the world clearly, absolutely into zones of influence. the rockefeller foundation took over the usa, europe, asia, africa, carnage, western
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europe, china, india, africa, usa. and russia , the ford foundation oversees the post-soviet space, the cis countries, latin america, asia, africa and the usa, that is, at some points they intersect, you see, we have zones of mixed colors, and so they are distributed according to direction. when we talk about the big three, pay attention, here is orkfer’s first fund, and he is rumored, we all know him, but what do they do in general, yes, this is a global laundry, yes, this is the movement of money in two directions. as you said it, but by and large the main goal that they stated was the study of human nature. i propose to go directly to each of them in detail, but it would probably be logical to start with the oldest. let's start with the carnegie foundation. so, the trustees of the carnegie foundation. who is probably the most significant and important here, who needs to be emphasized? jonathan oppenheimer, probably as a representative of one of the richest american families, and the presence of such a person in this system -
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this is oversight of what is happening. because there must be absolutely reliable people, funds do not exist in isolation from those who created them, from those circles, they are rather a new level of use of the huge money that was collected at the previous stage, and then it is not surprising that he has a diamond mining company, and where are the interests of the carnaghi foundation? in africa, in africa, well, look, that is, you still need to emphasize the fact that their sponsors are constantly changing, and these funds have existed for a large number of years, now, if we... billions of dollars annually, then they can easily do without any kind of shadow financing, because it is quite open, they have a lot of money, a huge number of people pour their money into it, simply because this is again an opportunity
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there or some. it’s true, they are the oldest , they have the most connections, they most actively influence politics, well, for example, if we take one of the melinda and bill gates foundations, yes, it surpasses all three of these in its assets, yes he has 50 billion there, and these three fund, well, in my opinion, rockefeller’s is something like 12 billion, carnegie’s is 6, ford’s is 3-4 billion, that is, their money is actually not that big on a global scale, but i think that of course they are the big three precisely in terms of output and how these
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investments are repaid, because they really pour a lot of money into politics, and it’s not just that they give money to some candidate in the elections, that would be okay, yes, they are engaged in the formation public agenda, so actually, let's see what is engaged, since we began to consider the kardagi fund, it makes sense to touch upon its executive director, yes, because as a rule, such people, although they are puppets, usually, i don’t know whether this is the case or not, but nevertheless here... this board of trustees gives them the right to sign, that is, to speak on behalf of the fund. let's watch a short video. how globalist is the current biden administration? here i may sound like jen psaki, who once worked at the carnegie endowment. most likely, the biden administration will say that they primarily defend the interests of the american society of the american middle class, but that in order to solve this problem it is necessary to establish cooperation and
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partnerships. this involves finding common ground around the world in responding to tragic events such as russia's unprovoked invasion of ukraine during the biden administration .
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human rights league, memorial society, independent legal review board, not the state committee for human rights and many, well, there are dozens, hundreds, in fact , that’s all, that’s all they financed, all of them are also our agents now, and it’s natural that this global structure, it actually does that , what promotes these very interests, somewhere successful, somewhere unsuccessful, in russia it...
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they gave them a lot of money, allocated grants, and as they taught, as they went through the tutoring system, a person applies for a grant, receives money, then they tell him, listen, let's let's consider what the role of the soviet union was in the second world war, asks a simple question, could the soviet union have won without our money, without allies, the man says, student, of course, wait, wait, they convincingly begin to explain that your country is worth nothing, you don’t win without us, and yes, it’s very important that they only dealt with graduating students. so that they go on to graduate school, they help them go to this graduate school, they support them with money, only in one case, that you must definitely go to practice in the united states of america, as soon as they come to the states, they are processed there and either they return or they don’t, the carnige foundation, it
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has always been focused on getting people to return, creating a base here for the fifth column, yes, and money, for example, sponsors funds, there is, for example, an indian corporation that deals with cement, you know... the information of everyone who gives them money, and why do they have such a right? but because they are the ones who take money from drugs, from prostitution, from any illegal actions, and most importantly , they work as a fantastic laundry, in reality, look, this entire fund
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is only 11 billion, but this fund of 11 billion passes through itself up to one and a half trillion, this does not surprise anyone, you know, what else surprises me is this the goals that they set for themselves are unique in our hands... video of one special representative, there was a special commission in the us congress. norman dot, the chief investigator of this commission, was conducting an investigation, and one day his interview was accidentally leaked online. it was 1900 i think 82 year, if i'm not mistaken, we have a fragment where he talks about what the carnegie foundation actually did in its very, very infancy. let's see. regarding the investigation.
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came to the conclusion that there was no more effective means, then in 1909 they raised the second question: how do we bring the united states into the war? in the end they decide we need control. over the state department, the question naturally arises: how to achieve this? they respond to it this way: we must take control of the diplomatic apparatus of the country. time passes, we eventually find ourselves drawn into the first world war, at which time, in one of their minutes, they record a shocking report according to which they sent a telegram to president wilson warning him against ending the war too quickly, against , in order to... end the war too quickly
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, you practically won’t find such videos on the internet, it was said here, it sounded great, that mr. burns was replaced by cueller in his post, he has a wife, lucy koch, this is koch, not that koch, and this koh is just a korean, so the funny thing about her is that she is a judge, and you know, judges, if you know, district judges, appellate judges, are appointed by the president or. they do this, but it turned out a little funny that obama appointed her, trump removed her, and biden appointed her again, that is , i understand that this is some kind of trusted person. further, regarding mr. quayler, regarding his psychotype, he is an absolutely loyal person at everyone, in all echelons of power. then let's look at the next fund and also, by the way, its head, but let's start with rockefeller foundation board of trustees. well, let's see. i don't know what starbucks is doing here to be honest. but it’s quite interesting that we see the african
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development bank, we see morgan stanley - it ’s still a huge financial giant, uniliver is considered black rock, it’s the world’s largest investment corporation, amazon, and the supreme commander of the allied armed forces of nato for 4 years, an interesting, diverse composition, but in both cases, as with the advice of a trustee. rakfer fund, and the previous one fund, in this kind of fund the trustees have a specific interest, as a rule, if we consider in this case its members, either commercially, or this is an interest in promoting some kind of narratives, which can already be classified as geopolitical, if we take the same amazon, thanks to its cloud services, it is already becoming an intersectoral integrator of various sectors of the economy, right? uniliver, a british multinational
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corporation, one of the world's largest manufacturers of consumer goods , that is, what we use every day we use, and accordingly, what we cannot do without, from food products to personal hygiene products. uni ilever are interested in the market for these goods being formed in their interests, controlled by them, and accordingly, through such... to receive a tool for forming this market, for maintaining it in a form that is beneficial to them, by influencing political figures, due to the impact on social groups, and in the end just on the buyer, you remember that the fund rockefeller is focused primarily on india, and now, if we draw parallels among ourselves and connect the dots... look what we will see, here is the interview
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with the director of this fund, rajiv shah, you don’t need to go far, you will immediately understand where geographically targets the rockefeller foundation. thanks to the very first investments , the foundations of modern science-based medicine and healthcare systems were laid, not only in the united states, but in other countries around the world. many decades later, the same principle was applied to agriculture, agricultural science. which helped relieve more than a billion people from hunger thanks to the so -called green revolution program, for its participation in which the foundation was awarded the nobel peace prize. nowadays , overpopulation is becoming the main cause of the problem of mass hunger. fortunately, there is a solution, and that solution is the nertus project. it involves providing housing, access to medical services and clean drinking water to families who agree to voluntary sterilization.
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eugenics would be parlor talk if not extensive funding from corporate philanthropies, particularly the carnegie institute and the rockefeller foundation. they were in league with some. america's most respected scientists, coming from such prestigious universities as stanford, yale, harvard and princeton. the rockefeller foundation helped found the german eugenics program and even funded the program in which josef mengele worked before he went to auschwitz. america didn't just provide the scientific roadmap, it funded
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by 1926 , rockefeller had donated about $410,000 to the eugenics institutes in germany, almost $4 million. that it is necessary to promote healthcare, but this is the basis of the work of this foundation, we are talking about look how they are divided, one part of the foundation deals with nutrition problems, this is precisely the creation of genetically modified nutrition for the whole world, besides this, when they went to the third reich , what were they doing? they created a superman, they really liked nichan’s idea of ​​such a zrotusty, how to make sure that a person does not sleep, does not get tired, it turns out that that there is a huge base on which this can be done, the base is people, and by the way, they were very interested in how much the soul of, for example, a person weighs, if you kill it with the help of various drugs in x-rays, this is also
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a fund rockfiller, but it’s not customary to talk about this, then look at how tied they are with pharmaceutical corporations, with the largest ones, because if we look... africa, after all, africa is their domain, where they constantly conduct experiments, how to do this to duration life was no more than 56 years for men, of course, we must understand, change a little the quality of water, the filters that will be supplied there, and thereby destroy the entire continent, you asked what, for example, the lady from starbucks is doing here, and she is directly interested in what kind of coffee, but very simple, not only coffee - this is on the surface, because through their penetration, through this coffee bean, when they entered africa. this allowed them to conduct a huge number of experiments on synthetic drinks, so these synthetic drinks that make a person thirsty, he drank a glass, but for some reason he wants to drink, the person ate some food, was not full, still needs to eat, so hobson, she was the person who financed these studies, how to do so that
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a person becomes addicted to these industrial drugs, drugs that are actually added to the food that everyone eats, and yes, it is she, ms. hob... the governing humanitarian council of the golden rice project provides strategic guidance for the development of effective technologies for developing countries in solving the problem of micronutrient deficiencies for the poor in their daily diet. vitamin a deficiency. they want to use the philippines as a springboard to legalize gmos, not only for this country, but for the rest of southeast asia. do you know what motivates them? this is a market of 600 million people, known as what. everything is brilliantly simple, the most popular food crop and,
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accordingly, access to the largest possible number of people. they eat it. it's genetically modified, you have a path to, so to speak. the impact on the human body, what is all this for, and genetic modification, it’s about, well, essentially the path of genetic engineering, and certain technologies of eugenics, yes, but what we see from social selection, and another such important point, on which this foundation specializes in is the development of technology of social control or methods of social control, put it all together, and we get... from eugenics of social control and genetic engineering a certain new biology person, and again, now we ask the question, for what? again, we have an understanding that here we are talking more about attempts to promote some kind
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of anthropological transition, those who can provide themselves with elites, they will be healthy, they will be able to eat healthy food and there will be...
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absolute closure of all borders, national world leaders will strengthen their authority with laws, rules and restrictions, from mandatory wearing of medical masks to temperature checks at the entrances to stations, on planes and buildings, but that’s not all, since according to the scenario, a total lockdown is still ahead, even after the end of the pandemic, the researchers write, authoritarian control and surveillance of citizens and their activities will continue.
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we look at the same list of trustees, yes, that is, firstly, you need to understand that it changes every year, all these characters are constantly shuffled there, this is the case, and secondly, if you know, it’s somehow random scatter those who usually visit the development forum, there are several thousand companies from all over world, their representatives constantly hang out from one fund to another and so on, that’s why you shouldn’t pay attention to specific personalities, but rather to the general trend, it’s definitely such that yes, these are either representatives of big business, or that most often representatives large financial structures, well, plus a certain... sponsors of nato, the european union and so on, and of course, the american administration. so, as for all these programs that fon is involved in, yes, of course, there in due time
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they openly supported eugenics, yes , they did not hide it, john rockefeller was a fan of eugenics, henry ford, by the way, was also a big fan of many programs that were carried out in nazi germany, but after the war they gradually began to curtail this topic directly, yes, because it’s already a new era, it all doesn’t look progressive at all, well, a certain trend has been preserved anyway, yes. this is actually one of the main aspects of the work of all these funds, yes, that is, yes, this is not sponsoring specific politicians, it’s even not lobbying interests, because there are a huge number of structures that lobby for certain interests, maybe...
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right after a short advertisement, let’s sort everything out and figure out where the dolls are and where the puppeteers are?
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watch after the program time cognac old barrel product of the lar group bourbon сtirsman product of the stellar group, whiskey mancacher, product of the stellar group. сnop gin is a product of the stellar group, monte chococa cognac is a product of
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the stellar group.
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under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist; the only place where a pistol can be left hand under a napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans. they are preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran , dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s confectionery are ready, six umbrellas meant six paratroopers, whether they were germans or not, then i saw an army boot , they don’t wear those in iran, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i did not ask you for anything, and we found these six germans, natives, and someone else will take them, drink some water
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, comrade stalin grinned, on saturday at the first, and 64 years after the tehran events, selya sandes, churchill’s granddaughter, came to moscow, she thanked me for saving her grandfather’s life, the attention of the train. it won’t work, please free freedom, faith, help , to be honest, i’m dying, save me, this is serious, give me a ruble, listen, young, is smart, educated, if you decide to leave with me, first of all, you have to find there is something good in me, appreciate it , start admiring it, i felt there would be one they said i’ve hated it since childhood, but the main thing
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is to get in shape, what kind of hike is this, where is your waist? thank you, well, the fact that the madhouse is crying for her is clear, but first you still need to cling to something, a primitive, a cuttlefish, a loser, this is a crazy librarian, what leads you astray, you fell in love there, yes, on your eightieth birthday oleg yankovsky, in love of his own free will, on sunday on the first, look. why did you do this, just junior lieutenant ignatius vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but weak. who cares for you moved? i stood up for the girl. he will look for me now. what's happened? i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone
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can win. that’s not the way it should be, don’t approach him , but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator , help him, that’s who he is, volodya, the one who saved me, you’re nothing to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that , i’ll see this again, you won’t be here, doomed, the premiere of the serial film, on sunday on the first, i want... we bring the doomed to battle. three largest, oldest foundations in the united states, the carnegie, ford and rockefeller, divided the world into zones of influence and topics that they deal with, but they also have something in common, which we will find out right now. and
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here is the third one, then the fund is from a large one. this is the ford foundation, who are the trustees to begin with, so everything here is generally very interesting, here from coca-cola, apple, xerox and very large systems. for example, in the management of telecommunications, well , tucked in somewhere here, by the way, is the only fund where there is still a descendant, strictly speaking, of its founder, although the founder himself spoke completely differently about the creation of his fund, generally speaking, he evaded inheritance taxes, which amount to up to 70% of the united states, created a fund and transferred all the assets there, and then something went wrong, my biggest mistake... my big mistake was giving up control over the ford foundation . i should never have done this. why? because from my point of view, the foundation failed from the very first day, and it got out of control and fell under
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the control of many liberals. i tried several times to destroy the foundation, but to no avail. at that stage i did not have enough confidence in themselves to push, scream and tell them to go to hell. do you understand what i had to do? so now, attention, chapter of this. and the current head of the fund, daren walker, with his confession. my name is darin walker. i'm african american and i'm gay. i can't share the dramatic story of the harrowing or the moment when the heavens suddenly opened up and i was able to announce publicly that i was queer. but it seems to me that most of those who encountered me felt that i was a queer boy, and that one day i will grow up and become a gay adult man.
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they were terribly concerned that there were too many people on the planet, that they needed to be cut down as quickly as possible, that they needed to implement programs that would reduce the birth rate and generally eliminate all reproduction from those who agreed
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to fall under these programs and work with them, then the economic crisis began growth they said, to hell with you, multiply there in the third world, we will sell you genetically modified products, we will make money on this, now there is a new situation, a new the situation is that they are afraid that... they will not have enough resources, that resources will be very expensive, that countries in which the population has grown quite large, like india and china, will seize economic leadership, they will seize economic leadership , working in an organized manner with this mass of people, they create vast stable markets, in this situation it is necessary to stop as quickly as possible and as many people as possible in their desire to reproduce, but look, they have reached latin america, perhaps australia, south africa.
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in africa, and they are implementing a sterilization program there; the ford foundation is working on exactly the same program, but in india. so let's listen to what they actually do. douglas an sminger, a ford foundation fellow, created the infrastructure for large-scale sterilization programs in india, where millions of men, whether living in cities or rural areas, could have vasectomies in hopes of combating the threat of overpopulation. in 1970, world bank president robert mcnamara declared: finally india has begun to effectively address its
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demographic problem. well, just about the connections between the ford foundation and the intelligence services. already from the very formation of the central intelligence agency, it was preceded by such an organization as the office of strategic services. the ford foundation was, well, on... the socialist camp there was special attention, but first of all, the cia and the united states as a whole were interested in maximum containment in the countries of western europe, leftist sentiments or pro-soviet sentiments as such, because the country was the winner in the second world war, she has enormous authority and respect in western europe, leftist sentiment is on the rise, for the american presence in western europe at that time.
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history, look, kennedy, a descendant , naturally, of president kennedy, here kennedy exposes the foundations, he mentions another interesting foundation, which we did not touch upon in our program today, but it is quite obvious that he will become, so to speak, an anti-hero, naturally, of ours programs, this is the national endowment for democracy, which once worked in russia, but first let’s listen, what did kennedy say? “we overthrew
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the democratically elected government of viktor yanukovych in 2014, spending $5 billion on it through the cia, usaid and the national endowment for democracy, spent $5 billion to violently overthrow a government that was democratically elected, so we destroyed democracy and set up our own government. we installed a new government, which immediately unleashes a civil war against the russian population."
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forget and forgive, it’s not normal to drive them away it is necessary in the neck, which is what we are actually doing, and the transfer of the doll-heir tuti, and maria butina, who was with you this evening, helps to bring them all to clean water, now is the time for the program. hello, the vremya program is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics. 419 terrorist attacks have been prevented in russia since the beginning of the northern military district, according to a statement by the national anti-terrorism committee.


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