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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  February 14, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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we knit spetsnaz with knits, so i’m from spitsnaz, she continues to knit, knitting, knowing how important a piece of this home warmth is now for our soldiers on the front line, i love you all so much, my dear boys, like mother, come back home, quickly, we we love you all, all of you, and what you are for
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this is an anti-fake program and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation. in mariupol, the komsomol was revived in order to allegedly incite young people against ukraine and break their psyche. back in the ussr, the komsomol movement appeared in mariupol. the russians are apparently trying to impose soviet traditions and ideas on ukrainian children. in this way, they capture not only territories, but the consciousness of people who are incited against ukraine and russia. propaganda poisons children, breaking them psychologically, the city mayor of mariupol, vadim boychenko, the so-called mayor of mariupol, vadim boychenko still considers himself a mayor, and purely symbolically, because there were amazing cases, yes, when the local administration headed by bochenko, yes , they held tenders for the purchase of dental medical goods for 6 million hryvnia, that is , they simply unfastened the money, purely symbolically, just this, in fact, they are...
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a union and a good initiative to put the city in order, this news was screenshotted by mr. andryushchenko, in on his channel andryushchenko time, let me just read, yes, the bottom of the bottom in mariupol was restored by the komsomol, really, without exaggeration , the censorship comments are over , this publication was made at 9:40, andryushchenko received 2200 views, a little later at 12:48 this is picked up here tariupolskaya
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now in ukraine there is practically no damage control, that is, they have a certain informational damage from the fact that there is such a concept of damage control, that is , it is done to improve the well-being of the people, that is, even in kiev they cannot maintain the metro properly in working order , so they need to somehow control this damage, this damage, by the very fact that they show, they have it even worse, sergei aleksandrovich zakharchenko, adviser to the head of the dpr on youth policy, first secretary of the komsomol organization, is in touch with us dpr, and alexander... you are a savvy person, what did komsomol do in the ussr and what is it doing now in russia, the komsomol organization in the ussr was the largest youth organization, in soviet times it was the first youth organization, naturally they covered a wide range various events, including social and political ones, now i can.
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after this tragedy, isn’t it scary to engage in social activities, that’s why this work is important to you now, namely working with young people, there was no fear never, of course, there were difficulties, it was hard to realize that you had lost a loved one, but... i always thought that if we want to change something in the country, change for the better, striving for justice, as my father taught me, and we must start with the younger generation, that’s why i started getting involved in youth policy, what specific activities is the komsomol involved in, we can, by the way,
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ask alexander, yes, alexander, we are glad to welcome you, what has the mariupol komsomol done recently, what you can be proud of your achievements in this five-year plan, and why did you anger the fake makers so much? with a range of volunteer, sporting and educational events, of course. on november 7 , we held a literary evening dedicated to the october revolution, and we also hold discos in the soviet style, there are simply youth gatherings, the same subbotnik where we raised the flag that caused all this furor, was raised by the komsomol member mikhail and the komsomol member maxim, also we save soviet paraphernalia, that is, burned down... schools here recently, a couple of months ago, we took out about 50 volumes of lenin, four huge portraits of lenin, and a rare soviet record, there are theoretically marxist circles, you can join the komsomol from 14 years old to 30 years old,
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we have big plans for the next month, this is a sports the olympiad, we have an educational circle for all young people in philosophy, this is... now we talk a lot about organizations where there are a huge number of people, where the organization is capable of doing great things, but sometimes one person motivates people to do great things or some absolutely seemingly small thing or a small letter, this is what military serviceman and volunteer anatoly kiryanov would like to talk about, being on the front line just...
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difficult moments, and a seemingly simple letter. anatoly kiryanov, a combat veteran, call sign kotlin, is now in contact with us. we are glad to welcome you, remember the moment when you received this letter, you opened it, what especially touched you, in these first minutes, i received the letter in the trenches, at that moment the weather was very difficult conditions, we lived in a damp basement, every
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second person was sick, the temperature was below 40, pneumonia, pneumonia, there was no connection with family, naturally. not a phone , it was very difficult morally, and when this letter fell into my hands, literally from the first lines, i seemed to have found a second wind, but there were very strongly chosen words, there were prayers that my mother read to me as a child, and i felt maternal warmth, the image of my family’s mother appeared before my eyes, and the realization came that we were here for a reason, but that we were loved. houses are waiting for us, and that we are heroes for the inhabitants of our country, that we are warriors of light in the fight against darkness, and this letter greatly motivated and gave strength. why did you decide to find the author of the letter and how did you manage to find it? those people come into our lives
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for a reason, in this case the almighty helped me, gave me this person, gave me this letter, so i felt obligated to find him. this woman and personally thank her, and to see her, perhaps thanks to this letter, i returned home safe and sound, i went to the internet i recorded a video message, so it found me... the popular front movement of the trans-baikal territory, they helped find this woman, arranged a video call with her, that’s where we were able to communicate with her. her name is marina anatolyevna, but please tell us more about her, what you know, so that our viewers will also learn more about her. as far as i know, this is a woman from the trans-baikal territory, from the city of shilka, this is a small town, and she was a primary teacher. classes, all day long and in the evenings they gather somewhere in
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basement, in some room they weave camouflage nets, make trench candles , write letters, that is, for them it is very important, it is very valuable to support the boys there in the north military district zone, please tell me, this is your path to the north military district, i know that it was quite complicated why he decided to go at all, and how he ended up being included in the number. my father is a military man, captain of the first rank, older brother, captain of the second rank, followed in his footsteps, both graduated from the same school, i wanted to continue the family business, but at the age of 17 i received a back injury and, accordingly, a military id with category b is limited, so they both served in the mf, i always dreamed of being in the special forces, but due to health reasons, unfortunately, i could not go to either the army or the school. military when mobilization began - i realized that this was my chance
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to repay my debt to my homeland, to prove to my father that i was a man, so i began to wait for the summons, the summons did not come, so i decided to go myself, came to the military registration and enlistment office, said that i was ready, here i am they refused that, unfortunately, you were unfit for health, they said, stay at home, wait, they will come for you when you need it, i sat for a week, waited, no one came for me, i started looking on the internet... volunteer groups where i could go, well, as a matter of fact, i found a team that happily took me on to yourself. how did your parents, family, relatives, friends, acquaintances react to this in general? mom was very worried, because we had three children in the family, the parents of two were buried, i was the only one left, and of course it was hard for her to let me go, but i betrayed her confidence, i said, no matter what said...
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one letter a week, maybe two a month, but almost every day i received such a stack, no joke , of these letters and i remember, i read them, when people write that we remember, we appreciate, we we know , we’re not in vain, we’ll get it out, because you can’t help with money there, there, well, buy some chocolates in the store, that’s all... language, she wrote something to me in a personal message, she says, here we are we write letters, but somehow
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they don’t arrive or they don’t answer, maybe somehow to you, but it just so happened that, well, probably i either know or helped every second military pilot in russia, so i say, let me send you as a pilot, that’s cool, come on, i’m with the humanitarian parcels that i send there every week, there are 3, 5, 6 million rubles there we send all sorts of things only to the pilots... and here i started sending these letters and the pilots, i didn’t even think about it, they started writing to me, and more letters came, that is , well, of course, humanitarian aid also came there, that’s clear to everyone something is needed there and... i didn’t send it, they are dispersed according to our army and not only army, even strategic aviation, then 22 also
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received letters, so they flew to combat, these are the guys, the fire group. to all those people who help the front , even in a word, well, who is always on the side of lies are the agents, this time they accused russia of allegedly involving children in election campaigning, and we will prove the effectiveness of this statement after a short pause, everyone
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celebrates february 14th lovers, and progressive doctors, world day... chile has hundreds of kilometers of coastline, where up to no human foot has ever set foot before. machu picchu is a city floating above the clouds, we can be transported to another time, feel the genius, the greatness of real american cultures. which were destroyed by europeans, from all points of view the incas and otecs were head and shoulders above in a cultural and civilizational sense. today, every brazilian is a little indian, a little european and a little african, and this is what enriches our people. the cuban revolution is one of the most important events of the 20th century, it was led by a group of revolutionaries, led by
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fidel castro, ernesto chagevaara. latin america is one of the advantages of the modern and future world order; is there a separate latin american civilization? some believe that no, others are sure that there is a latin american civilization, here it is. civilization premiere, film four, latin america, tomorrow on the first. you see how happy i am because i finally have time for myself.
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localize russian production, you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything, premiere in saturday on the first, don’t let that person be in your life, so he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his dearest mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my... mother, yulia nachalova, died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment that evening, he knows only he, it is a big responsibility, to tell his child that his mother
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passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i'm somehow just very somehow. mega-strong, i felt somehow everything , so i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of her famous mother, when you appeared in the world, my life has changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, we, contemporaries of the red era... suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious russian history lurking outside our cities, i gathered lying along the banks.
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i cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch mountain, hot with self-lights, i remember how this crucifix, erected on an armored personnel carrier, moved through the whole of pskov, a stork, a thing-like bird, descended from the sky onto the crucifix. premiere. alexander prokhanov. confession. on monday on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we continue. in russia, they are allegedly engaged in illegal recruitment children for election campaigning. we will deal with this fake now. i'll read it out. at a meeting of the public chamber of the russian federation, head. openly stated that he is involved in involving children in the election campaign, in particular using the example of the kherson region, as part of the young voter school project. in
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the kherson region, a project called the school of young voters is being implemented, and this is of great interest; guys who are about to become voters, some, well, really gather they won't be able to vote this year, but they will say so. they look into the distance there in the twenty -sixth year, this is interesting to everyone, the first persons of the region speak, of course, the heads of election commissions, well, in particular, marina zakharova, the head of the electoral commission of the kherson region, spoke at this school, and this is what is in demand and is really strongly confirmed the fact that ukrainian chicks are going crazy and publishing countless materials, which means...
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where children are walking around with posters, and what, what’s wrong with that, it’s normal that such a thing is to understand how the electoral system works in general , right, who is in it, who the candidates are, on what basis they are selected, it seems to me, well , you need to be familiar with this, so that you can draw conclusions when you choose, put your signature correctly, let's read, the school of a young voter, the voter is campaigning, no, the voter is voting, we talked about the school, at my school they played such a role-playing game in social studies lessons , we really chose the class president, we also held pre-election games, in general
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, so that our school children would develop an understanding of what elections are, how they work, why they are needed, and so on, this is a useful skill, students, applicants, high school students, whom i often see, with pleasure to participate, for example in debates, they love to speak, and one of the topics that is not so long ago. from childhood. alexander aleksandrovich malkevich is in touch with us, co-chairman of the coordination council for the integration of new constituent entities of russia at the public chamber russian federation, journalist and friend of our
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program. san sanych, the author of this fake writes that you are allegedly involved in involving children in election campaigning. what is your reaction to this? i am on kherson land, where i am helping colleagues in ensuring public surveillance. monitoring the progress of the election campaign, and at the same time i am engaged in the implementation of educational projects. the young voter school project has been implemented in the kherson region for several months; it is political education, and not only the youth who will go to the polls, not only those who are going to vote, but also those who feel like young voters, and... we tell them what active and passive suffrage is, which means, in principle , yes , the electoral system, election
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campaigns, restrictions are being built. pre-election campaigning in the media, when it starts, tell us in more detail what the school for young voters is, what goals are set, this is an educational course that consists of a series of lectures in full-time correspondence classes, based on the results a reference book for young voters will appear, a brochure with information about the main aspects of the socio-political life of our country and the kherson region. why are the fakedels so frightened by what they tell children in russia, well, in an accessible form, yes, about socio-political life? we will have presidential elections, but not in ukraine, although according to the law , the powers of gelensky, the so-called president of ukraine, should expire, and then the deputies of the verkhovna rada will expire in the fall. but
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for some reason there will be no elections, so we we are preparing voters by telling them. the most important thing here that can be used to refute this statement is that in russia there is a special law prohibiting the use of children to campaign for any candidate, and i am here as an employee of the institute of law and national security, presidential academy, of course... i open the federal law prohibiting campaigning for children, this is the law on the elections of the president of the russian federation with amendments, additions, and we see what is written there: direct or indirect involvement in election campaigning of persons under 18 years of age on voting day, including the use of images and statements of such persons in campaign materials. this year , lessons on russian statehood appeared; an excellent course
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is taught to people in many universities in russia. it talks about how our state is structured, what the functions of the president are, and so on, is this election campaigning? no, this is the same educational program, yes, which is necessary, otherwise, well, you just turn out to be a poorly educated person, you are already studying at a university and you don’t understand how life works in the country in which you live, these are different things, but there is no talk of any election campaign involving children from the kherson region, the author of the fake took as a basis the news that that the first book for future voters will appear in russia, it will tell about the structure of socio-political life, there will be no calls to vote for someone specific in this book, we have exposed this fake, let’s move on, my god, krisha, what what happened to you, forgive me, i’m a soldier.
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ekaterina alekseevna is my empress only. are you afraid of an impostor? but let's just say, i'm afraid. any delay is like death. if you don't attack in time, you can lose your winning position. princess tarakanova. i want to know who she is. golden age. big premiere. watch the time after the program. the palm is open; under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there can be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid opening a second front only if we decapitate him with one blow the leadership of countries hostile to us. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. all six umbrellas you ordered for your father's bakery are ready. whether they are germans or not, then i saw
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an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran , i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, and we found these six german radio operators, and the brothers will be someone else , drink some water, comrade stalin grinned, six germans were brought into the hall, whom we found, hurray, for the centenary of georg vartanyan on saturday. on the first, and after 64 years after the tehran events , sella sandis, churchill’s granddaughter, came to moscow, she thanked me for saving my grandfather’s life, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which real, great art is born,
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emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is knee-deep to the limit, but for victory it is important to preserve icy calm, splashes of ice from under the skates, as well as... sparks of hot metal and the ice melts like steel, hot ice, spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcasts from magnitogorsk, on the weekend, on the first. my advice: don't sit close to screens, maybe it's too hot, meet me in the steel capital of russia. attention, the train will not go further, please vacate. calmly, vera, help me, to be honest, i’m dying, save me, this is serious, give me a ruble, listen, young lady, she ’s at least smart, educated, if you decide to get carried away with me, first of all, you have to find
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something in me good, appreciate it, start admiring it, i felt there would be one they said, i hate it since childhood, but the main thing is to get in shape, what kind of campaign is this, where is talya with you, thank you, well, what a fool for no reason, junior lieutenant ignatius vladimir ivanovich, sapper, there is a pulse, but weak, who did you cross the path of, i
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stood up for the girl, he will now look for me, what happened, i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win, not like that. it is necessary , you do not approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he is a predator, help him, this is him, who is he, volodya, the one who saved me, you are nothing to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do that, yet if i see this, you won’t be here, abrek, the premiere of the serial film is on sunday on the first, i want you they brought doom to battle. this is an anti-fake program and we continue: the outstanding teacher and writer anton makarenko was allegedly ukrainian
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and all his achievements are supposedly the property of ukraine. let's look at this statement. 135 years since the birth of anton semenovich makarenko, an outstanding ukrainian teacher, innovator, and writer. like the sciences of anton semenovich makarenko. dmitry, what contribution did he make to the science of anton semyonovich? well , to make it easier to remember, i generally always associate makalenko with fet’s camera. this is one of the best soviet cameras. yes, it was copied by the german leika, but nevertheless they did it, by the way, here are makarenko’s students. whose students he is from street children, of whom there were an incredible number in soviet russia, in general there were simply millions on the territory of the soviet empire after the civil war, i must say that well then this issue was probably
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easier to resolve, that is, well, as it should be through the penitentiary system, makarenko approached in a different way , came to the conclusion that work ennobles a person, it was necessary somehow yes to give to these children, because... they are used to not bothering to steal and even kill, but nevertheless, this is the feat as a teacher, to turn this consciousness around and educate them into those who will eventually do the most difficult things , because we understand that a camera is a complex mechanical product, it is no coincidence that the personality of anton semenovich makarenko was chosen, his works are widely known abroad, and you know, now mothers are all talking about montesora, and we have ours...
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uh, makarenko himself, when he wrote - a letter to gorky, and one more: i’m tired of ukraine, because i’ve always been just a russian person, but i love moscow. in the end, i moved to moscow, after i finished working in the communes, in addition to work, education, everyone lived in the commune, everyone bore the same responsibility, everyone looked out for each other, everyone helped each other and this brought the team together, moreover, these communes, some of them became self-sufficient, some even had their own production facilities, so the ukrainians say, makarenko is ours, but what did they demolish in kharkov then? the monument to makarenko, which was erected
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just in the soviet years by the workers of the kharkov plant, in the end this monument was demolished, it was saved again by the workers of the kharkov plant, well, ukrainians in our time, and this monument was moved to the territory of the kharkov plant in a closed area so that no one simply abuses him, here the story is even more interesting, about makarenko, when the ukrainians write there, they say he was persecuted by the evil nkvd, the cheka, yeah, but nothing. that he himself was, as it were, in the structure of the ogpu, then the gpu, then the nkvd, moreover, he he had a rank, he had a service weapon with him, he himself was from this structure, because excuse me, but these orphanages, it all belonged to the structure of the gpu, ogpu, then the nkvd, that is, it must be emphasized that makarenko- then he didn’t catch bandits who were enemies of the people; he himself was a security officer, and at the same time a security officer-teacher, his work is actively studied, actively studied abroad, and, by the way. germans distinguished themselves in this, and i
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’ll just quote exactly what you were talking about, although makarenko spent most of his life in ukraine, he always felt russian and felt a spiritual attraction to russia and moscow. in his parents’ house there was even a certain anti-ukrainian attitude, makarenko conducted his pedagogical literary texts, as well as correspondence in russian, he also gave speeches and lectures in russian, that’s exactly what you said, this is an excerpt from the research of a leading researcher pedagogical. i would like to quote you, but first
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of all show you one interesting book, it is called i am a writer makarenko, these words he said, when, well, actually a minute after that, he died when he was entering the train at the golitsin station, and the rector of the kharkov pedagogical university, mikhail fedosevich getmanets, wrote a book in 2011. which explores the writing side of anton semenovich’s activity, in particular, he gives the following questionnaire: what nationality are you, ukrainian, what language do you consider your native, russian, what foreign languages ​​do you speak, german ukrainian, but certainly anton semenovich makarenko believed being a subject first of the russian empire, and then of the ussr, and this cannot happen in any way. in another way, he has notebooks there,
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and various texts in which he says, but what do you actually have, it’s like he’s arguing with ukrainians, you have nothing except grushevsky and taras shevchenko, thank you very much, everything best wishes to you, makarenko has a very paradoxical and interesting idea, he says that normal children or children brought to a normal state are the most difficult object of education, they have a subtler nature, more complex requests, deeper than culture.


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