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tv   Vremya  1TV  February 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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listen to your puppeteer, then they say everything , they promise, everything will be fine, don’t believe it, trust the facts, always turn to the light, maria butina, the heir tuti doll, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics. innovations in healthcare, how they help prolong life. vladimir's big talk. and moscow’s experience, how everything is organized in
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the center for diagnostics and telemedicine, it is the first in russia and one of the largest in the world. the mayor of the capital showed it to the president. possibilities impressive. chrysanthemum, dzhegit, willow, weapons that our defenders need. sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order at a plant in the moscow region. surprise and excellent training. our attack aircraft are beating the enemy in the donetsk people's republic with artillery support. report from the front line. golden hands and an incredibly kind heart. let's talk about a grandmother from crimea who knits for our soldiers and sends parcels to the front line. each one contains a piece of her soul. this is sabotage, explosions, fire on the main gas pipeline of iran would become a flame. behind
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several kilometers. what are the consequences? about the multipolar world, us attempts to further shake up the middle east, and the negotiating potential of moscow and kiev. the main statements of sergei lavrov during the government hour in the state duma. industry day at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. what the regions are proud of and how the authorities support business. the salaries of all doctors who work in public clinics should be increased from april 1. a month earlier, from march 1, additional payments to doctors and paramedical staff in small localities will increase. vladimir putin announced this today at the forum of future technologies, which this year is dedicated to healthcare. the president noted that what previously seemed fantastic is now becoming a reality. for example, russian scientists are close to creating a vaccine against cancer. what else?
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olga knyazeva knows what tasks the president has set. today our country is one of the leaders in the supply of isotopes; drugs based on them fight malignant tumors, even in the case of the rare and expensive actinium 225. we we are closing half of the market, the second is shared by germany and america, it is not produced anywhere else. isoto pactini 225 is the future attraction of oncology, such a targeted and powerful effect. if you ensure the delivery of one atom of this isotope to a cancer cell, then one single atom can do this...
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more than 500 outpatient cancer care centers, and at the same time high standards of diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation are set, and throughout the country. as a result, now more than half of oncological diseases are detected at the initial stage, when the prognosis treatment is as favorable as possible. nowadays medicine has robots, surgeons and artificial intelligence in its service, but the pandemic has once again reminded how much depends on the work on...
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supporting emergency medical clinics, medical outpatient clinics, and other primary care organizations in small settlements, in this regard, i draw the attention of the heads of regions , these funds, first of all... should be directed to the salaries of medical workers in rural areas. last year , we introduced monthly payments for primary care medical workers. and that's what we're talking about yesterday evening we agreed with the government. i propose to increase their size for specialists who work in small towns, regional centers and villages from march 1 of this year. at the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the support of doctors in... the most popular areas, as well as employees of regional district hospitals. in cities where from 50 thousand to 100,000 people live, doctors will receive an additional 29,000 rubles, in addition to the basic salary.
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nursing staff - 13,000 rubles. and in settlements where less than 50,000 people live person, such special payments will be significantly higher. another decision that concerns all doctors and health workers in a large country. from april 1, regions must increase the salary portion of their wages to 50%, while maintaining additional payments. we always say that the fixed part should be provided, of course, for these additional payments. is also important, but medical workers are interested, of course, in the main part of the salary, it should be higher, in turn, the government should prepare similar decisions regarding medical employees of federal organizations working in the compulsory health insurance system. for
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people to be healthy, they should have the opportunity to play sports, so that children, for example, do not have to take classes to a neighboring city and pay a lot of money for these activities. we plan to significantly expand the program for the construction of physical education and health facilities. complexes in our cities and towns, and to make physical education a sport, we need to do it accessible to citizens, to rid our system of physical culture and sports from excessive commercialization. the ministry of sports should take this seriously and bring order here. the forum contains the most advanced achievements of our specialists. for example, this device works using technology that russian scientists have recently invented; it produces nitric oxide from the air, so that such a device can be placed at each bed and... in the operating room at the table and treat the patient. 20% of those who need heart surgery, these operations are not performed on them, because they have too high a level of pressure in the pulmonary circulation, and this person is likely
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to remain on the table after the operation. so, if you use this device to lower his blood pressure, this person has a chance, then god gives this patient, who is 5 years old, and who is 25 years old. the americans have only announced that they will conduct clinical trials of their device in 2025, they don’t have it yet, our devices will begin to be produced this year, the president told how they will now support those who are moving forward our medicine. i believe that when transferring intellectual rights to manufacturers, that is, commercializing breakthrough scientific solutions, research teams should receive a decent remuneration, the so-called royalty amount. such payments should be calculated according to clear rules and a unified methodology; more often, of course, it happens the other way around; putin is asked questions, but as a participant in a plenary meeting dedicated to the medicine of the future, the president decided that it would be different: where did viruses come from, came from space, and in space too, yes, yes in
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in space there is a colossal problem with the iss, because it is full of microorganisms, because where there is a person, there are microorganisms, and these microorganisms destroy the structural elements of the station, cause... allergies in astronauts, in general, a huge problem, and we are now also studying these microorganisms that were delivered to us from the iss, and we find out that they become even more antibiotic-resistant there, although there is a radiation background 100 times greater than on earth, but nevertheless this does not affect them at all, they only are becoming even stronger, now we are finding out what are the reasons for this process and how we can fight it, because this is a real problem, one can say infinite, just like space is infinite. putin asked the heads of the country’s most important federal medical centers and institutes what myths about our medicine are high time to dispel? as a clinician and as a doctor, how will you answer this question: the effectiveness of domestic drugs and imported
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drugs. you know, yes, that many patients, and i get questions like this, they they believe that imported drugs are still more effective. they are more suitable, so in general, you could answer as objectively as possible to those who ask these questions, these are the drugs today. which are used in our country, are introduced into the market in oncology practice, they work absolutely well and have a minimum of side effects, not exceeding the side effects of western analogues. the most modern approach to medicine today is personalized, when each person is treated taking into account individual factors, from habits to genetics, but the president spoke about another approach that should not be forgotten. of course, we have a lot of unresolved questions, a lot of problems, but still everything can be learned by comparison. and you know, this is an achievement even of your colleagues in foreign countries, there
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is expensive paid medicine overseas, yes it is good, the level is good, but there a person on the threshold, on the threshold of a medical institution can die, and no one will take him into the walls of the medical institution , since he does not have insurance, you and i know this, and such cases the main ones have happened, but nothing like this should ever happen here. many things we inherited from earlier times, from soviet times, we certainly must build our work on these moral and moral principles of attention to people, so human-centeredness should be at the forefront of all our work. after the plenary session, the president met with scientists: in various fields of medicine, we are working with what only recently seemed to be the future. modern technologies help our surgeons simulate the most important operations and take them to a new level.
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studies carried out in moscow clinics are delivered here to a single 24-hour reference center, well, for example, in this office mammography images, computed tomography results are analyzed together by doctors and artificial intelligence, what does it show you? when the doctor just begins to study the image,
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accents are already placed on it with a digital doctor’s color, like green, what’s highlighted? green is the area of ​​compaction of the lung tissue; computer vision sometimes sees even more. 5 years ago i i couldn’t imagine that modern technology would put so much emphasis on such details. before 2020, such technologies were something of a fantasy. today, neural networks help find signs of cancer in images. storage, a simple model worked: one device, one doctor who could describe images for more than a day, that’s what we
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had before in moscow, when everyone sat differently, there was a 27-hour description period, thanks to the fact that we all sit here 24:7, thanks for being here today. we are constantly, the description period was reduced to 1:44 minutes, and it was 27 hours, yes, this became possible thanks to a large-scale update of the entire moscow healthcare system, almost 1,500 of the latest digital ... mris were purchased from the capital’s clinics, all images began to be uploaded into a single digital storage, and of course, no doctor will be able to keep in mind the course of each patient’s illness over many years, but now from any computer you can view the history of research digitally. diagnostic accuracy using artificial intelligence is 95%. however, he can also miscalculate. vladimir putin today noticed an error in the processing of an mri image. he couldn't stand it, he miscalculated. it happens. unfortunately, this is correct, yes , we are working on exactly this, constant control and monitoring,
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we look at the quality of the services, if we seem to be paying attention to this, definitely, yes, artificial intelligence is also eye to eye, so it is still artificial, doctors have a special button for this case to agree or disagree with the digital assistant, but in general this is one of the world's largest clinical trials of artificial intelligence in radiology diagnostics and the first project in the country that is being implemented on such a stream. you read about artificial intelligence, about the big data that is processed, it says that they created a service based on 2 thousand data, 1000 data, maximum 2000,
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10 million. this is an approach to work when diagnostics can be carried out in a clinic. laboratory assistant, highly qualified radiologists in one place describe the performed research, helped increase the number of these same studies. we look at it this way, this equipment is loaded into the clinics as a result of the volume of research in the clinic with the same equipment, essentially three times. what the load was like at that very moment was shown to vladimir putin online. this is your equipment loading, this is equipment loading today, look, there are 48 here, around. 1989, of course, because because the system is designed in such a way that there is data that is constantly collected from us, it can be a pediatric x-ray machine, as an example, pediatric x-ray machines will never be 100% occupied. 100% is not, not always the goal, what is important is the efficiency of use so that there is no
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queue here. by the way, the doctors who work here previously worked in moscow clinics. formerly a ringologist. sat alone at the machine, in general, who to ask, ask on the phone, call someone, this is not very effective, today doctors sit here, they can ask each other, ask a question, say that how are you think that this is a permanent permanent consultation, labor productivity has increased by 320%. now it is difficult to imagine a medical organization in the capital where there would be no artificial intelligence. moscow is the only metropolis in the world that has completely switched to digital technology in the pathomorphological diagnosis of cancer. data from laboratories of five leading oncology clinics is now also digital , a platform for this has been created by russian developers. in the clinics, according to the mayor , they have completely abandoned paperwork, and the clinics themselves are now unrecognizable, this is a new moscow standard, in accordance with which half of the buildings were repaired and sometimes rebuilt. in 2026, this is what everyone will look like. you can make an appointment with a doctor online,
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a medical card contains electronic test results done in hospitals, and the patient immediately sees it on his smartphone. access this. information can now be given to relatives, here’s what else sergei sobyanin told the president today: artificial intelligence today , a special service gives options for a preliminary diagnosis from an uluch doctor, so we have already delivered 13 million diagnoses. however, the digital diagnosis claims that it is still a real doctor. now this is just an ongoing part of our work. and here, perhaps, is the main result of the enormous work done in the moscow healthcare system over the past 14 years.
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defense enterprises mechanical engineering design bureau in kolomna near moscow. i checked how the state defense order for the production of missile systems and weapons modernization is being fulfilled. the minister was shown ready-made samples of a powerful anti-tank missile system chryzonthema c, jigitt support-launchers with verbo manpads missiles and the arena m active tank protection complex. sergei shaigu instructed to speed up the development of products, taking into account the experience of combat use in the northern military district zone. done.
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everything we need today to combat unmanned aerial vehicles. and now a report from the front line. our film crew bukobak with the military in the artyomovsk direction. units of the 85th motorized rifle brigade of the southern military district operate there. this is a real military brotherhood, where each other understands each other perfectly, that’s why work so effectively. the enemy considers their bmp-3 to be elusive. oleg shishkin. talked to our soldiers. the combat crew of the grad missile launcher moves to an angry position in the dead of night. the dimensions of the car can barely be guessed from the red dimensions. it is believed that this color is the least. having fired back,
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the crew leaves the position in a matter of minutes. if, let’s say, in the summer there were a lot of forts, now it’s like, well, mostly they ’re working with drones, we’re also making progress, there’s an offensive going on all along the entire front line, we are recapturing the positions, it has become easier, artillery. support our assault units , destroying the fortifications of the enemy’s oporniks, in one room you can see two or three are directly hit, straight and flashes then the bc says, there were even some, somehow they successfully hit directly, great, if we destroyed the opornik, destroyed their forward positions , the infantry immediately goes there with the least losses, we leave with a force of, say, three people, and there could be 200, 300, 1,500 people, if you don’t cover them, then they can... die, it depends very much on you a lot, this is artillery, a side of war, it was not me who invented this and it was not me who said this, if the hail hits so hard that the dawn reaches the horizon, then the bp-3 fires from a hundred-millimeter cannon, as if
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a match flares up in the dark and immediately goes out, and this is the peculiarity of this weapons in the hands of our motorized riflemen, there is no flash, even if the enemy has a bird hanging somewhere, the glow is no longer visible, the ice is glass, one goes, one goes, flight at 15, after the bmp-3 has worked on the enemy, everyone must what - time to be in cover to make sure that the firing position did not exist for enemy aerial reconnaissance and the so-called response would not fly here, this infantry fighting vehicle has a reputation for being elusive, the enemy has been hunting for it for several months, but... the guys manage to evade enemy drones every time, we have a good mechanical driver, nimble, fast, drives quickly, but we don’t stay long
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, we arrived, worked, left, here is the result of this work: a drone with a thermal imager recorded an accurate hit in an ammunition depot, here is your gap, here it is, there something jumped, rose up , now watch, now it’s going to be tough, here it is, it ’s an explosion, just a huge mushroom in the air, after that it started... they worked on the adjustments, great, great, we got to the right place, thanks from the neighbors for how they received me , we accept, accepted you, accepted , we continue the work, soldiers of the eighty-fifth motorized rifle brigade, who are part of the southern military group, are confronting the enemy in the artyomovsk direction, dismantling dugouts from anti-tank guided systems, the heat has set in, and are cutting off reserves enemy on the outskirts of the front line, the mortar crew is preparing for battle, you can clearly hear how... our guns are working nearby, oh, good, yes, back there the guys on the tanks are helping, handsome guys, the gunner is literally asking the loader to act as carefully as possible, if move the mortar
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even a millimeter, all his work will go to waste. please, don’t belittle me, there’s such a precise adjustment, don’t bother, don’t shake it, don’t shake it, valley and push, let’s go, the soldiers heard a characteristic sound above them: “ air, guys, boys, bird, let’s go there, the arrival of us, as received, included a brigade and assault units, here is a shot of one of the daring attacks, the fighters got almost close to the enemy, we are all in positions, working, smashing everything that is possible, and now, brotherly, we are all retreating, so the fighters are distracting themselves to the attention of the enemy, at a time when other assault groups are approaching the enemy from the flanks, where they are not expected. surprise, pressure and excellent training are the trump cards of stormtroopers, they use them to the fullest. olek shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoika, svetlana vidyashkina, channel one donetsk people's republic. and a daily
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report from the ministry of defense. our troops have improved the situation in three directions: krasno-limansk, donetsk and south donetsk. the enemy lost more than 800 militants there in one day, a large amount of equipment. in the donetsk sector of the front alone, six tanks, five infantry fighting vehicles, four warehouses with... our air defense effectively protects the sky in the northern military district zone; a ukrainian mi-24 helicopter was shot down in the rabotin area. in addition, the air defense accounted for almost a hundred enemy drones. and new names of heroes special operations. guard sergeant shamil alkhasov, the gun commander, hit the ukrainian armed forces observation post with precise fire and destroyed a large number of militants. thus, he ensured the advancement of our motorized rifles to enemy positions. lance sergeant. alexey lyubimov saved the lives of his comrades when the commander of the unit, kontuzila , took command, organized the evacuation of the wounded, provided competent cover for it, and
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then brought it out from under fire without losses. group. all these strong and brave guys who defend their homeland, the heroine of our next the reportage affectionately calls him dear boys. svetlana donetskaya from crimea will never see their faces again. she is visually impaired, but she gives a piece of her soul every day. she doesn’t let go of the knitting needles and passes on to the front what she knitted herself, when there, in the trenches , they receive parcels from her, as if it really becomes like home.
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american experimental insulin, which causes retinal detachment, they did an experiment on you, well , the americans were waiting, the ukrainians did ours, they did it, the most important thing, says svetlana donetsk, she managed to see the crimean spring, you should have seen what happened, now i ’m going to cry again. at every step people brought out tablecloths, tables, accordions, guitars, sang, danced, i remembered my grandmother, she said the biggest, biggest holiday, she considered easter and victory day, so this is the
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same thing. then i saw old people whom i hadn’t seen for probably 10 years, they didn’t leave the house at all, they were about 90 years old, can you imagine, they went to vote with sticks, this is a very big holiday, knit svetlana adolfovna she started a long time ago because of arthritis, so her fingers hurt less when working, when the special operation began, she decided that she could support with such warmth,
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popular on social networks, there was a tenth person who wrote, he said, grandma, well done, not like this one with a sock, you know , i won’t decipher it, well, in general , these are the comments and there was one comment, one of them is, we call such grandmothers grandmothers from knitting needles naza, that is, knitting needles, from the word knitting needles, we knit with knitting needles spoke us, so. that i'm from the special forces, she continues to knit knitting, knowing how a piece of this home warmth is now important for our soldiers, on the front line, i love you all so much, boys, my dears, like mother, come home, quickly, we love you all, all of you, and the fact that you will win, that's for sure.
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rescued during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, the results of the work of the ministry of emergency situations over the past year, the data was presented to the extended board of the ministry, its head alexander kurenkov. the work of rescuers both in our country and abroad was highly appreciated by the president. in his video message, vladimir putin emphasized: the ministry of emergency situations is a well-coordinated, technically equipped structure, whose employees... are courageous and reliable people; the head of state separately focused on the work of the department in new regions. it is necessary to make full use of the experience gained during the special military operation, and pay special attention to improving all elements of civil defense in
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regions that are located in close proximity to the combat line and are subject to terrorist attacks by neo-nazis. this applies to operational assistance to citizens who. in the security of the country, in particular for the fakes of the russian army, the other will allow owners of emergency housing to receive new priority under a social rental agreement. another document prohibits the dismissal of single parents and children under 16 years of age, and not under 14, as required by the previous law. and
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one more innovation - regional authorities will be able to prohibit the retail sale of beer and other low-alcohol drinks, the so-called nalevayki. the potential of moscow and kiev, the illusory attempts of the united states to maintain its role hegemon, the formation of a new multipolar world, including with the help of the brix countries. these are just some of the topics that were the focus of our foreign minister's attention today . sergei lavrov spoke at the state duma during the government hour. the political situation in the world is becoming more and more turbulent, so the speech of the head of our foreign ministry is an opportunity to hear all the most important things about russia’s foreign policy work. the main statement was collected by anastasia kobuzeva.
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something of the realities that have developed over many years and which have now led to the current situation, however, in the absence of serious proposals from those who declared war on us, their unwillingness to take into account neither our interests nor the realities on earth, to agree, of course, at the negotiating table, until we succeed, such options are not visible, and we proceed from the fact that the security of russia , including its residents...
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the essence does not change. and to remain a hegemon, the united states destabilizes region after region. and as the minister put it, they are trying to manage the chaos. an example from the middle east. many years of attempts to monopolize mediation efforts in the middle east
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settlement led to the situation getting out of control, which we can now observe, to a sharp escalation of the israeli conflict between palestine and a real humanitarian catastrophe in the gaza strip. these principles are shared by india and china. moscow and beijing are working to strengthen their partnership and, as sergei lavrov noted, relations between the two countries are at the highest level in their entire history. this year, russia and china will celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. russia and china are closely cooperate within the framework of brix, countries support the idea of ​​​​expanding the union. russia will preside over brix in 2024. egypt,
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ethiopia, iran, united arab emirates and saudi arabia. today, brix is ​​one of the groaning ridges, as they say, of the emerging multipolar world, and we are doing everything possible so that after the expansion , brix continues to strengthen its position as a reliable, effective conductor of the interests of the world majority. there is a consensus to consider recommendations on unified payment platforms, this process is not to stop, it comes in the context of de-dolarization and in the context of developing mechanisms that will not depend on the whims, on the unilateral neocolonial plans of our american colleagues, this is unambiguous. another question: how to help our compatriots return to their homeland, one of the reasons why they no longer want to live. evacuated from conflict zones,
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if necessary, moscow is ready to continue this work, anastasia kobazeva, marat khabibulin, svetlana vidyashkina, sergei nashchokin, channel one. made in russia, these words should become a sign of quality, convenience and reliability, said mikhail mishustin at a meeting with the head of rosakreditatsiya nazariy skripnik. the federal service provides expert assessments to a variety of products and helps our companies with both export and import, which is especially important under western sanctions. the head of government paid special attention to joint work with business and the government. almost all federal executive authorities, companies, and importers interact with accreditation. and in the spring of 2022 it was a decision was made to simplify the declaration of goods, which allowed us to quickly adapt to the new. conditions on the market , i want you to tell
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us how effective this mechanism turned out to be, grew accreditation is a key supplier of data for the federal customs service, not a single product can enter russia without a valid certificate, developed by the ministry of economic development, together with rosakkreditatsiya simplified declaration mechanism, and if in june of twenty-two i reported to you about 3,000 declarations, our system has now recorded more than 140 thousand such declarations. and what is important is that they are largely used by representatives of small medium-sized businesses. in anapa , the causes of a large fire in a residential high-rise building that broke out the night before are being investigated. rescuers managed to control the fire only in the morning. it was necessary to attract additional forces from neighboring settlements. two criminal cases have been initiated. an eleven-story building with a squatter construction was confirmed. how is this possible? alexey ivanov understood the scheme. here's to the neighbors. completely burned down and i completely burned down behind them, two apartments on two floors,
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on two floors, the tenth, eleventh floors. anna, a mother of six children, after a fire in this eleven-story building in anaba was left without housing, both of her apartments, like 30 others, burned to the ground, she invested her maternal capital here, during the transaction anna was convinced that everything was in order with the house, there were minor shortcomings, which they promise to eliminate, i found out that this is a squatter construction when i moved here with my children, when i bought the apartment, it was considered clean. everything, it was legalized, the house was put into operation, everything, everything is fine, that is , you can’t find fault with the documents, developer, private person, former deputy of the local duma vladimir blokha. the history of this unauthorized construction stretches back to 2007, when, according to the city administration, the developer was given permission to build not a residential building at all, but a service station, no more than two floors high. as a result , in 2011 , such an apartment building grew up on this plot of land, de...
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although the fire did not reach their home, inside now everything is flooded with water, which poured from the upper floors while the fire was being extinguished. there is no fire system at all, no fire system at all, no ladder.
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all wooden, it shouldn’t be wooden, you must agree , we bought it honestly, we wanted it and we just weren’t... the system of self-construction, that there is no management, there is no warning about this, then we already found out that the management house, the management house is suing each other, there is still no expert opinion on compliance with the norms and requirements of the self-construction, and the necessary communications, electricity, water supply and sewerage, the house was also connected through the court. in subsequent years, violations of urban planning and fire safety standards were also revealed, and the city mayor's office and the anapa interdistrict prosecutor's office repeatedly went to court against... the construction manager of the management company with a demand to bring everything into compliance with the standards. experts say that living in such a house is like sitting on a powder keg; with such a self-construction, anything can happen . any multi-apartment building, initially, when it is designed, it undergoes an examination, and experts can assess whether this house can be built or not.
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when a house is built in an unauthorized manner , no one checks its technical safety, what the developer put in there, how he saved, what materials, that is, they don’t have... in recent years, residents of the anapa house say, in addition to the lack of elevators and gas promised by the developer, steel power outages occur, the voltage was 180 instead of 220 v. so, if i turn on the microwave, my tv already turns off, it’s already spinning like this, it ends microwave, that's it, the tv started working, we found another similar self-built building from the same developer just 200 meters from the house where there was a fire the day before. you don’t even need to be an expert to see that this seven-story building was built almost right next to the neighboring house, and this is also a violation of fire regulations. in this six-story hotel, which at one time belonged to the same developer, there was a fire 11 years ago, and the attic also burned, about 80 people had to be evacuated, when they began to look into it, it turned out that according to the documents this was not at all
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hotel, but a small private house, a scheme according to which such self-constructions through the court became completely legal houses, was widespread in kuban 6 years ago. in krasnodar, with the help of such a legal trick, almost an entire microdistrict was built. houses there burned repeatedly, and it was the wooden attic floors that flared up first. as for yesterday's anapa fire, an investigation has now begun there. documentation on the house has already been seized and is being studied by the prosecutor's office. the annaba interdistrict prosecutor's office organized an inspection compliance with legal requirements during the construction, commissioning and direct operation of an apartment building, based on the results of which the necessary assessment will be given.
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if you don’t attack in time, you can lose your winning position, princess tarakanova, i want to know who she is, the great, golden age, big premiere, watch after the program time,
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veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. burbon steersman is a product of steller group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. monteshocca cognac. product of steller group. rom kastro. product of steller group. attention, the train will not go any further. free the weather, ver, help me, to be honest, i’m dying, save me, this is serious, give me a ruble, listen, i’m young, i’m smart, i’m educated. “if you decide to become interested in me, first of all you must find something good in me, appreciate it, start
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admiring it, i felt there would be one they said, i hate it since childhood, but the main thing is to get in shape, what kind of hike is this, where did you get, thank you, well, what a madhouse for her cries, that’s clear, but first you still have to cling to something, primitive, cuttlefish, loser, librarian, beats you, you fell in love there, and for oleg yankovsky’s eightieth birthday, in love of his own free will , on sunday at the first, look why you did it, just junior lieutenant ignatius vladimir ivanovich, sapper. i have a pulse, but it’s weak, who did you cross the path of, i stood up for the girl, now he’ll look for me, what
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happened, i need a dog, a fighting monster, to defeat everyone, it’s not necessary, you don’t approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, this is him, who is he, volodya, who saved me, you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, we can’t do this, i’ll see this again, you will not be here, but brek, the premiere of the serial film, on sunday on the first, i want abrek to be identified for battle, we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious, lurking beyond.
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a stork descended from the sky, a bird of prophecy. premiere. alexander prokhanov. confession. in monday, on the first. this is the program time and we continue. a series of explosions and a strong fire in iran on the main gas pipeline line that runs from the southwest to the north of the country. a pillar of flame can be seen behind. several kilometers from the scene of the emergency, as rescuers say, the fire will rage until all the fuel remaining in the pipe burns out.
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there were no casualties, but gas supply was cut off in several areas. according to the iranian government , the fire main was sabotaged. time to find out what that day was like at the russia exhibition. vdnkh today is the territory where discuss the key indicators of our industry, how to stimulate technological development, how to grow invaluable. leading policy experts are looking for answers. our correspondent maria saushkina has all the details. industry day at vdnkh begins with the final meeting of the ministry of industry and trade immediately with numbers that force a new look at the policy of sanctions pressure of the collective west. of the 500 large european companies, only officially left.
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owners of enterprises who are ready to come from abroad and create here. in the moscow region began to create five industrial parks of a new format; governor andrei vorobyov spoke about the results of recent years and plans for the future in the industry of the moscow region at the plenary session. in contrast to previous experience, having studied the successful practices of both china and moscow, important changes have occurred.
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sanctions, for example, have become the driving force behind the development of electronic engineering. this industry in the country has actually begun to be formed anew. production in the field of small medium-volume chemicals has been increased. these are polycarbonates, plastics used in construction, components for polymer synthesis. when you are cut off from oxygen, all at the same time, we have to move on something, fly, move. that's why.
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the ansat medical helicopter, produced at the kazan aviation plant, is supplied to dozens of countries in the top 10 regions of industrial leaders, today we were surprised at the russia forum exhibition, the industrial electronics plant presented an ultra-thin domestic laptop, thin, comfortable, light, our lightest laptop 930 g per month, if you remove the label, you will not be able to distinguish it from the most branded models, our the equipment is no worse than western analogues, in some ways even better, the nizhny novgorod region was also in the top 10 at the exhibition and demonstrated mass production of russian-belarusian trams under the minin brand. the chelyabinsk region
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is traditionally strong in production. technicians, the famous urals can work in harsh arctic conditions. in addition, a new automated system for takeoff and landing on aircraft carriers is being developed in chelyabinsk. as part of the business program of the russia forum exhibition , guests got acquainted with new developments in the domestic industry, learned about prospects for career growth in the technology sector and government support measures for the industry. maria saushkina, dmitry kachurin, andrey kolobaev, larisa nikitina, channel one. well! communication with voters, many of them intend to make their choice remotely, as the central election commission noted today more actively the closer it is to voting. yuri lepatov with details. the electoral commission center is operating as planned, said ella ponfilova. accepting applications for participation in remote electronic voting
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will last until march 11, here are the results today. which we have already submitted 2.175. this is for remote electronic voting from 28 regions, i emphasize, because in the twenty-ninth moscow there is no need to submit applications in advance, then there is already its own report, and 740,000 have already gone, but such dynamics are good, this is voting by location, that is, the use of our wonderful... mobile voter mechanism, and i ask our colleagues to continue promoting this form, so that everyone who wants to vote, but who has problems or other difficulties, they could , having familiarized themselves in detail with this mechanism, secure the opportunity to vote; there is also plenty of work in the headquarters of presidential candidates ; co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, vladimir mashkov, came to
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sevastopol to meet with united russia activists. and children from the public organization special youth. a personal meeting with a popular actor and director, who is convinced that right now creative people should take an active public position, a great event for those who shares this opinion. all regional headquarters collected signatures in support of our candidate vladimir vladimirovich putin, and sevastopol is in the lead in this sense, you carried out this very serious, attentive work, vladimir vladimirovich, i could have gone too. party, but for him it was fundamentally important to go as a self-nominated candidate in order to see the desire and support of the broadest masses, regardless of political preferences. russian presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov flew to the urals to meet with his supporters. the program of this visit includes a visit to the pioneer museum raise bonfires, laying flowers at the foot of the stella city of labor valor in the center of yekaterinburg,
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transferring cargo to soldiers participating in the special military. this will already be the 122nd convoy, thousands of tons have been sent, many delegations have arrived from the federal ural district, enough from the ural federal district, many representatives of labor collectives, our leaders and representatives of regional party organizations. leonid slutsky, candidate presidents from the ldpr, at the headquarters of his party , assessed the interim results of an all-russian survey of citizens called “tell sludsky the truth.” let me remind you that it is going on in all subjects of the federation, without exception. many officials turn a blind eye to problems with migrants, problems with car recycling fees, problems with healthcare, we will sort it out. the survey
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will run until march 17, and 23,000 people have taken part to date. opinions on appeals are collected on several websites owned by the ldpr, in mobile reception areas propaganda buses, at meetings with trusted officials. yuri lepatov, olga gerosimenko, ilya zhuravlev, channel one. ceremony in baku: ilham aliyev, elected for his fifth presidential term, took office. the leader of azerbaijan took the oath of office on the constitution of the republic and swore to remain faithful to centuries-old national values ​​and traditions. in the extra-regular elections on february 7 , more than 92% of voters voted for the current head of state. ilham aliyev has led the country since 2003. for that time azerbaijan has achieved noticeable success in economic development in... that's all, thank you for being with us, now on the first channel it's movie time, the great, the golden age, a new series!
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allow me to report, report, why are you looking like this, did you carry out reconnaissance, pre-cognisance, this is terrain orientation, strange, did you get your bearings?


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