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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 15, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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the life of your loved ones, this is a great idea, it is not even related to biohacking, in this sense it is so universal, i really like it, thank you very much, igor, thank you very much, konstantin, it was very pleasant. hello, my name is alexey.
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this character is cute, but then i decided for myself that my job was to carry out what was offered to me, then i felt like a professional writer for the first time, here is the hero, write about him whatever you want, i was sure that it would be such a satirical pamphlet that this will be such a session revelations, i even heard the lines of boris chichebabin, a wonderful poet, who wrote like this all the time, i feel sad for sin, i feel sorry for scoundrels like alexey tolstoy and valentin kotaev. this is such a scoundrel alexei tolstoy. and then there is an excellent one, for those who haven’t read it, i highly recommend reading the memoir of ivan alekseevich bunin, which is called the third tolstoy, it also shows my hero, well, very impartially, very ironically. and bunin himself begins with the same topic: was he count fat? and... he never
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talked about his father, for bunin it was very strange, how can a count, how can a russian aristocrat not be proud of his ancestry and not talk about his ancestors, because well, this is such an obligatory part of the biography of the history of every russian nobleman , in fact, the story of the origin of alexei tolstoy, the appearance of his light, it is worthy of a separate novel, which means his father, whose name was nikolai. tolstoy was really a count, i must say that everyone is fat, all the countess are all relatives, he was a military man, but very gambling, such hooligan behavior, who for all his tricks was expelled from the guard, was forbidden to live in st. petersburg, and he went to his homeland, that is, to the volga, to his hometown of samara, and there in samara this violent landowner met a girl whose last name was there was turgeneva , she was not in any... related
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relationship with ivan sergeevich turgenev, but nevertheless, tolstoy and turgenev, they connected, it was an explosive mixture, she was like that, not even a turgenev girl, but such a super russian idealist , which came out marrying this hooligan and brawler because she wanted to correct him, such a marriage, a noble, generous act, such a sacrifice on her part, none of this worked out, because the count continued to behave in the same scandalous way. her husband treated this arrogantly, mockingly, she did not meet any understanding in the family, then she made a dear friend, whose name was alexey appalonovich bastrom, he was one of the russified swedes, and he was not even a nobleman, he was such a landowner, a single estate, speaking in today's language... a farmer, he had
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a small farm in the volga region, but periodically he came to samara, somewhere at some literary meeting, literary seminary, which were there then, he knew him. behaved unexpectedly nobly, he took all the blame for what happened on himself, that he was such a stormy person, he only caused her suffering, and began to beg her to come back, the children were crying, he was sad without her, and he promised her
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two things, first, that he promised her that he would publish her novel restless for his money heart, second, that she would return home only as the mother of her... children, but not as the wife of her husband, she agreed with this and returned, then it turned out that the count fulfilled the first part of his promise, the novel was published and scolded by the criticism department magazine domestic notes, and as for the second part, the count could not complete it, he loved his wife very much, and what happened next, if you remember the novel the saga of the forsytes gsoors, there is a similar situation, there is such a not very nice one: the character surname soames, he has a young, beautiful wife , whose name is irene, irene also has an affair, a lover, then, at some point, soames, as they say, ugusworth, entered his wife’s bedroom and restored ownership rights to her. something similar happened in samara in
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1882, and this is how the future soviet classic was conceived, that is, the future writer was born, if... to call a spade a spade as a result of marital rape. after this, the countess left the house, left the house and discovered that she was pregnant. and she wrote bastrom, that, take me to you, if you accept, we will live together, i will be happy, if not, i will understand you. nobility competed with nobility, he accepted it, they began to live, get along, make good money, on him. boat in the volga region, where alexey nikolaevich was actually born. and the most interesting thing in the story is his childhood, his growing up, his youth, that until the age of 13-14 he knew nothing about it, that is, he simply grew up on this farm with peasant
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boys, with peasant girls. and he later said and quite rightly said that if none of this had happened, he would not have turned out to be the writer he became, and this is pure. true, but the problem was that the child did not have any documents, that is, he had a metric certificate, which was nevertheless issued after his birth, well, when he was baptized, naturally, but further in order for the noble child to go to school, to the gymnasium, he had to have a document proving membership in the nobility, which was issued by the noble assembly, and here the countess, when became preoccupied with this problem, she was faced with the insurmountable circumstance that count nikolai aleksandrovich tolstoy, her ex-husband, the father of the child, he categorically refused to admit the boy that he had no other children except those who were born before , and the situation was a dead end, the situation
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was generally unclear what to do, and alexandra leontyevna thought that then maybe her second husband would recognize the child, he was not, by the way, her legal husband, because... after the divorce she remained in eternal celibacy, such were the laws of the russian empire, this account, if spouses were divorced due to adultery, adultery, then the one of the spouses who was not guilty of adultery could get married a second time, and the one who was guilty remained in eternal celibacy, since she was guilty, it means she remained that way and her marriage with bastrom was of a purely civil nature, but she nevertheless still thought that maybe... the child would be adopted by bastrom, but bostrom was not a janitor, she despite all the democracy her convictions, she still believed that it would be better for her son to be a count and a fat count. in the end, i won’t bore you with the details, she managed to achieve this, and at the age of 17-18, alexei nikolaevich acquired a surname and
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acquired the title of count. but why am i dwelling on this story? because there was no other count in history who had a peasant childhood, who had this experience. this is the same case when a child from rags to riches, such a pawn that became a queen, he graduates from an engineering institute, i don’t remember the exact name, maybe a mining institute. in general, he graduates from some technical institute in st. petersburg, receives a respectable technical profession , and he is an engineer, but his soul does not lie in the exact sciences, his soul does not lie in technology, he fluctuates between painting and poetry, he begins as a poet, and when he shows his poems to a poet, they tell him to better paint; when he shows his paintings to artists, they send him to the poetry workshop and say: better write poetry, but... he was very persistent, he was very strong-willed, he really knew how to study
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, he gradually begins to make a literary career, which, by the way, contributes to his being very open, very sociable, and a wonderful character that allows him to make profitable acquaintances and friends in the literary environment, of course, if he had not had talent, only the ability to make friends with someone, nothing would have come of it, but nevertheless, here is that... the happiest occasion when writing talent, poetic talent, dramatic talent, he was famous for all this, rich, is complemented with this excellent knowledge of human nature, the ability to build his relationships with the outside world, and let’s say, among his friends were voloshin and gumelev, who later arranged a duel, and alexey tolstoy in this duel was a second on voloshin’s side, he saw his task. in taking long steps, that means measuring out as much distance as possible between them, so that , god forbid, they don’t hit each other, but they
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didn’t. gomeliev missed, voloshin did not shoot. but why am i still talking about this i’m telling the story, but because a few months later alexei tolstoy will be at the wedding of gumilyov and akhmatova, that is, his ability to be friends with a variety of people, this really was his enormous human talent. but - finish. i would like to be a little different, in immigration, in addition to nikita’s childhood, alexei tolstoy wrote a book , which, of course, everyone knows, which has been published more than once, a novel of walking through torture, which means there was a novel of walking through torment, has two editions, namely the first part, which is now called sisters, but originally it it was called walking torment, which means there was an emigrant part that was published in berlin and there was a part that was later republished in the soviet union, and bunin, by the way, wrote: that tolstoy is so cunning, such a dodgy opportunist, he changed it to
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please the bolsheviks. actually this is not true. budin simply did not compare these two editions. there are differences between them, including ideological differences, but they are not so great and they do not change, well, the main idea that is in this book. and the main idea in this book is that it was not for the reds and not for the whites. she was for russia. there is a very important scene there. the first part , if you remember, there are two, in general this book is remarkable because there are a lot of good characters, so if you remember, it means that at the end of the torment, the first part, telegin and roshchin are arguing about russia, the action takes place in the seventeenth year , soon after the october revolution and roshchin is horrified that the country is dying, it’s just dying, because the army is fleeing, because everything is betrayed, everything is sold, because from there is nothing left for russia, and telegin objects to him in this dispute, telegin withdraws. from the shelf of the historian klyuchevsky, he says that the russian land was devastated,
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he was sitting in the kremlin, which means, on the throne, after all these impostors, yes, there, remember, boris godunov, there, grisha katrepev and so on, the poles were just sitting in the kremlin, frankly, yes , and it seemed that there would be nothing from russia, but then the russian people began to gather russian land, they brought a new tsar, who was afraid there, the boy was trembling, but nevertheless, they gathered a militia, drove out the poles, was destroyed by some thieves. gangs, gangs that walked around moscow, borrowed money , began to raise money, took care of the faith, as he writes, because they understood that faith is the most important thing, the grandchildren of these people, these grandchildren had already beaten the swedes, and then they founded st. petersburg, and then russia became a great empire, and telegin tells roshchin, the district will remain from us, and from there the russian land will come, with this... incredible faith in russia, with this incredible confidence that russia
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is indestructible, that russia cannot be killed, russia cannot be destroyed, this is what makes alexei tolstoy remarkable, this does not negate the fact that he was a cynic, that he was a scoundrel, that he never forgot about himself, about his family, about his privileges, that he knew how to pick on, it does not cancel anything , but he was really a very complex person, this was alexei tolstoy’s podcast. and with you was the writer and rector of the literary institute alexey varlanov. thank you. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married. good afternoon. today the brides are eva, daria and another daria. and our fiance is zakhar. zakhar, 24 years old. civil marriage with a classmate turned out to be not
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childish passions for him, betrayal, beatings, as well as a damaged relationship with his mother. but he gave it. beyond the arctic circle in the city of vorkuta, he practices swimming and hand-to-hand combat, is proud of the award for assisting the ministry of internal affairs in apprehending offenders, they warn that he has a very large family. zakhar will not enter into a serious relationship with a capricious person who rolls her eyes at any reason; in the family he prefers a career and uses the services of a massage therapist.
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"well, look, you're so fashionable, so it's not married, thank you, i have a husband, no, i guessed right, how many children do you have in total? five, okay, five that you yourself gave birth to or gave birth to from one husband, in general you came with the older ones or with the youngest ones, so these are average, that is, the eldest daughter is 30
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years old, the folder is where theirs is, theirs is the folder, lives in another city "? with another woman, my mother is very extravagant, i really love such people , because i myself am probably an extraordinary person, but the groom is very good, i like it, zakhar, when he was overwhelmed by this first childhood love of almost school, and he came to you, what did he say? well, the guy fell in love, zakhar, how old were you, i was 19 years old, i returned from the army, and wow, i thought i was ten. well, i saw her , i met her, and after that it started to happen like this, we very quickly started living together, you liked her, at first glance yes, at second glance no, well, he didn’t tell,
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at second glance, it’s already there was, the second glance was when he had already begun to tell something, when i understand that something about his state was to me... that is, the most key thing was his state when he was oppressed, constantly under stress, so wound up , it was very noticeable, but this woman was destroying him, in connection with which it was, perhaps, postpartum depression or earlier it all started, from the first month together, from the very beginning, that is, the most elementary problems grew into the fact that i supposedly, there was a moment when a person calls me and asks to pick me up, let’s say, pick me up, from home, yes, i say, i can’t, i’m working, that’s it, okay, let’s go bye, that’s it, there’s a person right there, his mood disappears, due to which, i, and what will i do, due to the fact that she is very poorly brought up, very, in fact, when you are under 20 years old, you behave like this, you behave like a hysteric, but you understand or you don’t understand, then, when
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she was pregnant, it was the best period, that is, it seemed as if she had made her choice here, because before that... she was rushing about, she had just gotten out of a relationship, i immediately appeared, and it turned out that the child was born , she understands that she is pregnant from me now, but she is not, that she did not want this, she told me, yes, they checked, yes, she told me that i want a child from you, that was it, well, the moment happened, yes, she comes and says, i’m pregnant, i’m like, yeah, but in reality i can say, that i immediately rejoiced, i was never afraid of responsibility, but i had only one thing in my head, but not... filming a marriage in general , how did it happen that after six months of a relationship and a person after six months of a relationship wanted to propose to me, but i also understand , well , who am i going to propose to, i
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should feel good, but i don’t feel good at all, i wonder if he’s a boy or a girl, that’s probably also interesting about the child, because i really love children , for some reason i have it in my head that my man will already have a child, what are you talking about, yes , it doesn’t apply to me at all. yes, and you conducted an interrogation with passion, well, it wasn’t such that she came up and said: yes, it was, it was so that i pulled it out, directly pulled it out of her, but just a second, can you explain to me, something i i don’t understand
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what’s going on here, no, no, but listen, she’s nobody to you, she’s just your mother child, because she is not your wife, i understood correctly, so she has the right to sleep with anyone, what are the claims, how is their relationship, what kind of relationship do they have, he has already given birth to a child. to my partner - this is the most vile rubbish that, in principle, can happen, i wanted to propose to a person, and therefore
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at that moment, i think it was a very turning point, and for me, well, i’ll say what broke me then, very broke her a lot, they didn’t kick her out, you forgave her and continued to live together, but it happened, it really happened self-destruction, how long did this story with her last for ? 8 months, it subsided and 2 years, in general, 2 more years, my god, what was the last straw, i was very indignant at why such a person controls my emotional state and that’s just the moment when a click happened, and i came after the gym , packed my things, and you understood, yes , that it was not about her, about you, i understood that it was about me, well, of course, of course, of course, yes, absolutely only in you, it’s interesting that they love ordinary girls, normal ones less, than hysterics, for some reason hysterics... they go straight into the hearts of the boys, i don’t understand why this happens, but this is not the first story i’ve heard, as i understand it, and that you left her the apartment, she bought it, we
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agreed on a certain amount, the minimum, you sold the car, you left the apartment to your ex, and you don’t have a damn thing, that’s all, and at the same time you’re studying, which means you can’t leave the city anywhere, your wife is coming to you, like mine distance learning, at any time if i study with you? very four or 3 years old and i i want to know why you need to get married at 24 , take a walk, you didn’t do it right after the army, now take a walk, why should you, i can’t do it, i don’t enjoy it , medelsonic, please tell me, is there some kind of statistics? age is considered reasonable for marriage, yes, you know, over the past 10 years , the average age for russians to marry for the first time has grown by more than half, men get married on average at 25.5, and women at about 23, although according to
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unofficial statistics, some men conscious marriage does not happen at 70 years old, of course, i can only tell you one thing, of course, you are not ready for marriage, but you seem to have a habit of being with someone, the only thing i wanted to tell you is as a matchmaker , it shouldn’t be fun or boring with your wife, your wife should be warm, reliably calm, that’s it, meet the first bride, come on in. zakhar, hello, my name is eva, and i have prepared a creative gift for you, this is
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a nail and... perhaps it will become the first nail in our house, great, thank you very much, we are here, eva, 20 years, she used to teach music in a secondary school, now she is studying to become a psychologist at two universities at the same time, she lives in moscow, she is proud that she was able to establish relationships with all her many relatives, she dreams of having children and raising three children in a strong marriage, she admits that... and spiritual closeness, warns that one is meticulous in everyday life. when eva invited her lover to break up, she still did not understand whether they had a relationship or not. hope that zakhar has traditional views on family. hello, hello, before we'll start, who are you? i’m her older sister, dear, yes, yes, i’m very worried about her.
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what happened between you and your relatives and what were your disagreements? and my parents divorced when i was 8 years old, and i probably experienced this divorce the hardest of all the children. as a teenager, i already decided to become a rebel, i shaved my head, i had my own bank group, but now, as you see, i'm not a punk, because punk is a state
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of mind, but i only have a haircut. from this, well, they didn’t eat from a garbage dump, in short, from a garbage dump, no, no, no, well, this is some kind of gentleman, a beseluha, no, funka is the one who destroys himself, with a good manicure, it’s not bad, there’s still a girl inside me, a gentle girl, but he’s looking for a mature lady, here, it seems to me, there’s almost a smell of maturity, she’s learning, in my opinion, to be a psychologist, but is afraid of emotional intimacy, but things are a little incompatible and it seems to me that she is such a flower, he will be very bored with her, to be honest , i skipped school, i suppose, yes, i skipped school, i generally thought that studying was not for me needed, and i started working from an early age, and my parents how they reacted to all this, and my mother trusted me very much, and what else is there about panic
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attacks, tell me now? whoever doesn’t have them, everyone, i was the only one, when i took my license and it didn’t work out for me, i called my dad, shared my grief with him, and he told me that i couldn’t do anything, and in general i’m not doing well at school, and then i was so upset and emotionally overexcited, that’s when i actually had this panic attack, and i probably expressed to my dad all my pain that i had she sat in my heart and said that first of all i needed him to just love me.
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amazing mother, this is my friend, my classmate, we have been together for many years, but my mother did not see, yes, that the child shaved his head, she trusted her with everything, yes, school, she went to school, what does he say that her daughter misses, well, no, the child was in school , so, but now she’s fantasizing, but she was a rebel, sometimes she could say, yes, that i won’t go there, i don’t want to, that is , you’re trying, she’s now fantasizing, you ’re trying make amends or what? like you contrast her information , she graduated from 11th grade, she graduated , not only graduated, as i understand it, you are now consulting, yes, that means you are teaching courses, and at the same time you are still studying , this is what i am telling you now, so listen to me carefully, my dear, that means, according to the order of the ministry of labor dated september 14, 2022 , number 537, look at the title, if you...
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do not have a higher education plus a master’s or bachelor’s degree, you do not have the legal right to advise clients, you are breaking the law, yeah, understandable, right? unclear in fact, where do these psychological riots come from to shave my head, it seems to me that my parents would have killed me, i would have shaved my head altogether, i wouldn’t even have such a thought, but with you , you get full-time education in moscow, no, not full-time education, part-time, what do you do? well, i conduct bodily practices, i really put it on the nail, medelson, tell me, what is bodily practice? well , there are a lot of different answers, but in general... a bodily psychologist helps to get rid of mental experiences of difficulties through interaction and contact with the body. tell me, do young or even older, but adult women come to you directly?
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mostly girls of my age come to me, well, adult women also come to me, in practice. i am 20 years old, i will work through all your psychological traumas on tau cards. i will work through every psychological trauma of yours, we will cry together, because i haven’t worked through it either, let’s stand on nails, i don’t even have questions, no, i have one question, only for godmother olga, i can’t take my eyes off, i’m looking at you and i admire you of course you know about yourself, yes, that you are extraordinarily beautiful, that you are very beautiful , you are married, yes, oh, what a pity for us, because i would invite you to...
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find out what an interesting family we have, you will find out surprise, that’s it, yes, we can get ready, come on, you have parents too, you know what’s to blame, that i’m so cool, yes, that you’re so cool, that everything is fine with me, how dare they raise a normal guy, eva, i can’t even believe that we’re marrying you off, yes, time flies very quickly, girls, well, don’t to be sad, well, what kind of holiday would it be without music, come on, please play for us, and this is a wedding, a wedding, the wedding sang, danced,
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the wings carried this wedding, this wedding was wide, there was little space, and there was little sky and.. .what about the relatives, come to us, what’s a wedding without relatives?
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thank you so much, you are so great , thank you, come back to your room , zakhar and his family are here, you had fun, definitely, wow, well, this is a surprise, it’s true, as larisa said, he will go down in history, yes, it seems to me , we just hit the nail on the head, yes, he danced like that too, do you know where everyone is?
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hello, zakhar, hello, my name is daria andreevna. please, please call me that way. it won't be easy. thank you. daria, 24 years old, works as a warehouse manager, lives in moscow with two cats. proud. that she supports herself, they dream of a three-room apartment, they warn that they do not
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consider a man with tattoos as a life partner, she admits that she sends screenshots of correspondence with guys to all her friends, daria’s parents saw her for the first time groom, only on the wedding day and decided to modestly remain silent, hoping that zakhara and her family will be completely delighted, hello, i’m delighted with my mother for... i just fell in love with her, well, she takes the words right out of our mouths in general, well, that’s right, you see, the right compliment towards a potential mother-in-law, well, life , as a young woman, is even hard, tired, yes, yes, i want a husband for what, for stability and at least so i can sleep, i i work a lot, i want to sleep all the time, do you work a lot? to pay for the apartment or i don’t know, they treated my mother for treatment in -
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no, no, in principle, in order to support ourselves and have a second job, my friend and i have a store, in which at the moment we are only investing, and since we are just starting out, we have not yet we get absolutely no money from it, but she is such a cheeky girl, it seems to me, next to her i imagine a bike, rock and roll and parties, why before the wedding to anyone? you didn’t show your fiancé to your relatives, did you want to make a surprise? no, they only saw him on video, i just caught him very quickly a couple of days from moscow i went to st. petersburg by taxi, and there, 3 months later, i got married right away, they came just for the wedding, i liked the groom, no, well, that is , the husband, why is it sometimes immediately clear from a person whether he will work, whether he will he helps the family, what is he like in principle, well, that is, without money or something? some kind of yes, absolute, completely, but with what, and with what did he conquer you? it was naive
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, childish stupidity at that time, well, okay, but what was wrong with life? well, as soon as i was working, a man raised his hand to me i was hysterical, these eternal emotional swings, it’s simply impossible to tolerate, well, there’s a very similar resemblance to my mother, i said that a boy can look at her, because he and his mother are so similar. type yes brightness this is you are proud of the fact that you raised two wonderful cat children, who are they? these are my cats that stayed with me, so to speak, you perceive them as children, right? how is your friendship with your cats? cats are bad, dogs are good, that's what she said, if with cats are bad, then she will choose them, she has known them longer, she also said about tattoos, which is unacceptable, by the way, and you have a lot of tattoos, one. big, why are you all, you are all painted, so you can, but
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he can’t, or what? well, i don’t like guys with tattoos , it doesn’t work the other way around, that is, he should accept your tattoos, no, well, as if i, for example, might not like guys with tattoos, but he likes girls with tattoos, this is normal, there are a lot of such couples, in fact, you like girls with tattoos, well, in this context, for me, a girl who wants to pump up her lips or change something about herself, let her do it. it’s strange that she wants a groom without tattoos, but she herself is covered in tattoos, that is, it’s unclear whether she even wants this groom or not, show me the surprise, let’s go, i ’ll show you our surprise, look, since i work in a warehouse, we’re looking now workers for myself, and i would like to test you about assembling these carabs, let's try, come on in, and god, can we have more pink? i like it i like pink better, please speak
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to a woman, and this is a warehouse, she wants it, apparently she’s going to moscow to work, she’s hinting at getting an arrangement, a thoughtful, thoughtful girl, we have a timer on the screen in a minute, we must collect as much quality as possible and as much as possible goods into these ships, forward, to the start, attention, march. let's see, look, now you get everything, then you won't be able to put it together
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, they're pissing in different directions, come on, come on, look, you have it there, but who else are you? so this is empty, what did you put here? no, well, what are you talking about, of course, here is our bride well done, this is really the only thing i don’t understand, why did you force the guy to pack, or what, are you getting ready to move, no, no, i’m looking for a worker’s warehouse, but well, of course, i’m ready, that’s, unfortunately,
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practical, get settled, in fact , it’s not a bad surprise, a man in everyday life must also fulfill his own. duties, but maybe he wanted some kind of romance, it seems to me that he is such a boy, come to us, come back, and you take your girlfriend , go to the room, thank you, irina, nazar, what do you say, a very unusual girl, here also about tattoos, it’s not very clear to me that i’m all covered in tattoos, and you shouldn’t be covered in tattoos, it seems to me that he’s a type after all... well , sit down with you first, i think he just needs more practice and maybe a little more practice, in principle everything will be fine, but this does not characterize her in any way, neither bad nor good, perhaps, but a pretty girl, a beautiful figure, well, i don’t see her next to zakhar, boy in fact
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, he's very handsome and you can't even tell that he's with trailer, he doesn’t look like that, like he’s exhausted by life, as if he’s paying child support, what do you think? i can’t say that she’s unusual, but she’s a similar type, i wasn’t interested, in fact, she likes the style of a street child, it seems to me that it’s funny and romantic and something, but dasha also missed the moment when she needs to read books, study, work on myself, i don’t even understand whether he or his mother liked me, because compared to the first girl, my appearance... leaves much to be desired, which means zakhar, of course, dasha is not for you suitable, because your model of the family, you are in charge, completely behind the storm, she is responsible for the house and for the children, of course, daria is the commander, here, well, what is life like, what kind of children, meet the third bride,
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come on in. hello, my name is daria, i really like to travel, i hope that you will travel with me, i will try, and not to arkuta, 25 years old,
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hello, why did you need this guy who limited you in everything, closed you, measured you, it was a child’s first love, this girl came alone, in short, now we are your support group , come on, how old were you 3 years old, no, it started when i was 14 years old, i then left to study, just left my parents, we were raised in such a way that if we have one husband, then once for all our years, yes, but for a very long time, well, about 2 years, he ran around after me. for a while, i thought that we were just friends, when i started to grow up, i didn’t look the same as i did when i was 14 years old, bans began, well, that is , there were bans all the time, there were threats all the time, once... i said that already i don't want to be together that i don’t see anything further, that’s it, i go out and things just fly out of the window, but
3:52 am
the bride is very beautiful, her lips, she’s generally charming, after him there was a good guy, you say, yes there was a very good guy, but i i realized that i wanted to realize my dream, that i wanted to leave, try to live abroad, and so on, he was already ready for a family, i was still well... probably not ready, and i understood that with this person but i have more of this, more friendly attitude towards him than towards a man, something family, yeah, and then you decided to travel, yes, it’s more interesting for you to live in different countries now, no longer, i just arrived, i realized that of course this is all cool, healthy and interesting, that family is important to me, and i i already want it to be more, but the birth of children is part of your plans, yes, but what do you dream of more?
3:53 am
in novosibirsk, that is, well, you will stay there or, for example, you will go to varkuta, well, if it is warmer there, then we will go, there will be no barkuti, don’t count on it, then we will go to thailand for the winter, you if you go to thailand, she will go, of course , but he will get away, and that means you will still be in charge of him, well, it seems to me that she is not trying to manage him, that’s how rosa just now noticed, a good sweet girl, me. i also really like it, and he is for patriarchy, wife, as they say, stay at home , do this, or better not work at all,
3:54 am
i read correctly, no, everything is correct, in a normal society a girl does not work, that’s normal, well, here, i’m just used to the fact that i need to work, that i need to develop, i i don’t want to work at a factory from morning to night, then go and lead dances, then have them give birth to children, please. now, if you set yourself a goal - to visit every country in the world, how much time will it take? well, look, if you live in each country for a month, and there are more than 200 countries, then this is... about 25 years of travel, just by the age of 50 it will be possible to walk the planet to the end,
3:55 am
and about dasha, i want to say, she comes to our program there are a lot of creative people, finally at least someone has come who can really do something, and you have a surprise not related to your work, what happiness? let's see, i used to work as a zumba trainer for a very long time, i hope you will keep me company, i generally can’t when a man dances great, that’s generally true, let’s learn three simple movements with you, the first movement is hand at shoulder level, moving to the right side , one and two, two steps, okay, well done, right hand in the other direction. and four and then we work with our hips, let's go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, this is very good for him.


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