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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 16, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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afghanistan veterans. those same battles for nameless heights in 1988 are a subject for study by historians and filmmakers. our paratroopers held the line for 12 hours against superior enemy forces. the victory made it possible to unblock the road to the city of khos and resume supply to the soviet troops. colonel general valery vastrotin will be buried at the memorial cemetery in mytishchi. and finally, shots from the fsb border control officers. in the krasnoyarsk territory, a gang of poachers was identified on the territory of the taimyr dolgan district. more than 8.5 tons of illegally caught fish, omul, smelt, grayling and other species were seized from four russians. according to preliminary data, damage to water resources was caused to almost 500 million rubles. and that ’s all for now, time will tell the program right now. good day everyone, information channel on the first. continues its work, its
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broadcasting, our special project is on air, time to remember, anatoly kuzichev studios, and today we remember this, or this is who, this week the results of the presidential elections were announced in finland, alexander won stub, the politician is famous, we heard him even before, so to speak, these elections, we heard and saw him many times, he is famous for his russophobic, i’m not afraid of his words , statements, and some kind of acute love for the current kiev.
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i don’t know if they tell him that geography is actually a curse, sometimes a blessing, sometimes a curse, he won’t get away from russia in this sense. so , finland, which borders us, has actually become, well, has already become a member of nato, every day our relations are becoming more and more tense, the current government is finnish or the finnish one consistently follows , so to speak, its anti-russian course, in what way this is expressed, well, except for rhetoric , some statements, except for the fact that this is such a paradox, remember, we even discussed this many times, i repeat once again, this is downright amazing funny and cheerful, that means now he says, we are joining nato, we will be much safer, so here comes the presentation of a new bomb shelter with a basketball court, with all the things to do, with all the pies, with training classes, this is how you imagine security, so to say, now it has reached a new level, we have to dig a bomb shelter, well, okay, so besides all this, such statements, finland is ready...
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helsinki and washington are discussing an agreement on joint defense cooperation, which , if implemented, will make it possible the us military to use finnish soil and bases to store military equipment and conduct exercises. most importantly, the agreement ensures unhindered cooperation between the states. security situations, as well as in a short time, it will allow troops to enter the country, remain on its territory, store materials, and invest in infrastructure using funds provided by the us congress to the pentagon. well, okay, well, let’s remember, after all, we, i repeat my simple thought about geography, have a rather large, so to speak, history of relationships, they were not always simple, but somehow we still managed to do it all this time interact in one way or another. cooperate, mutually,
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excuse me, please, mutually beneficial somehow it was possible to cooperate, let’s take a look in our short story, let’s take a quick look, so to speak. just on the main milestones of russian-finnish relations, please, 1809, following the results of the russian-swedish war, finland moved from sweden to russia, in one minute, turning from a provincial swedish province into a rapidly developing region. the finns received broad autonomy, and the proximity of the imperial capital of st. petersburg had a favorable effect on the finnish economy; it was russia that actually built the capital from scratch. in finland helsinki. already in 1869, emperor alexander ii granted finland its own constitution and broad powers in internal affairs. by the grace of god, we are alexander ii. emperor and autocrat of all russia. the great tsar of poland, the prince of finland, and so on and so forth, we declare
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through this. we recognized for the good in the manner below, the highest approval, adopted at the last sejm by the zemstvo officials of finland, the seimas charter. after the russian revolution of 1917 , the finnish government declared the country's independence, a new country in the world they were in no hurry to admit it, everyone was waiting for what the russian authorities would say; here finland received a truly royal gift from the bolsheviks. the soviet government, led by lenin , willingly agreed to independence in finland, and delegations of the finnish government received written recognition of independence. vladimir lenin personally took the text of the signed decree to... independent finland quickly forgot the gift of the bolsheviks, the finns almost immediately put forward a claim to karelia and committed a massacre of russians on their territory. young soviet state was busy with its own problems and was unable to intervene in what was happening, but mutual
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territorial claims accumulated. in november 1939, the soviet finnish war began. many western countries, including england and nazi germany, took the side of the finns. despite... despite this, as a result of the war, finland ceded about 10% of its territory to the soviet union and harbored a serious grudge against the ussr. during world war ii, the finnish army took an active part in the siege of leningrad and this was not just a way to get even for the recent defeat. the germans promised the finns vast territories of russia to create greater finland. finland was liberated by german soldiers and is almost the only country that has not forgotten this. we must honestly admit what the finns were trying to express to us. this gratitude. finnish poets expressed their sympathies for germany in beautiful poetry. now we must carve out state formations from the vast territory of the soviet union and direct them against moscow, thereby freeing the german empire from the eastern threat for future centuries. one of such entities that will protect
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us and at the same time advance our interests to the east of europe will be greater finland. when the scales in world war ii swung towards the soviet union, and the german army became. rapidly retreating along the entire front, finland quickly realized that their bet on germany did not work; instead of greater finland, they could get the complete destruction of the state. the finns broke all ties with the nazis and declared war on germany. the soviet government decided to make a bet for peaceful relations with the country bordering us. the participation of the finns in the war, the concentration camps they created, and the cleansing of russian settlements were forgotten. the time for cooperation has begun. for many years, the finnish economy flourished due to profitable ones. with the soviet union, finnish shipyards built ships for us, our factories produced trains for finland, all this allowed the small northern country to quickly restore its economy and move into an era of prosperity. cooperation continued even when the soviet union disappeared, however now the finnish authorities follow
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washington in everything, which, like hitler’s germany once, promises the finns a new bright future. support for anti-russian sanctions completely destroyed economic ties between helsinki and moscow and led to a crisis in the finnish one.
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you see, it was johan who said this, amazing, thank you very much, johan , please tell me, this is what we just saw and what we just heard from alexander stubb, this is russophobia, these are you know, these old ones, so say, all the secret dirty, you know, fantasies they came out to the surface, because they always were, or something else happened, or well, because there in the plot, remember, there was such a moment when the finns, realizing that this meant that the bet did not work, declared war on germany immediately, before that’s why they actually took part in the siege of leningrad a little, and so they declared war on germany, we generally say there have always been anti-fascists, now it turns out they felt a different wind and russia, well, not that they declared war, but declared an enemy, at least what? you know, this is of course all very sad,
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because finland , where i gave birth, was born, where i worked, studied, no longer exists, that is, this is a new regime, this is an american regime, a pro-american regime, by the way, alexander stoop is a person who even went to school in the usa, he studied at a university in the usa, that is, he is completely the creation of the american authorities. he doesn’t even hide the fact that what cia curators he communicated with, that is , his professor bill lavory at furman university said that bill lavory, the entry learned everything he knows about russia, that is, he is a famous cia agent, cia expert, so the situation is sad, but alexander shtup, he’s not, not finnish, he’s a swede, just like minergame, manergame. shtup
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has us citizenship, because firstly no one asked, that is, it is prohibited, ask him about us citizenship, why is it prohibited? well, no one asks in finland, we have censorship, we have military censorship in the european union in finland, that is , no one asked such a question, he, who studied at school, at a us university, lived in the usa for years, let us ask. let's ask again first, friends, let's find out alexander, we are directly officially contacting you, do you have american citizenship, taking into account your rich, long, systemic experience of finding and learning to interact with the united states of america, please answer, thank you, yes, continue, and accordingly, well, if if i i understood your idea correctly, his whole policy further, well, this is stub, and the rest is finland, so to speak, well, he’s finnish, okay, he’s a swede. this happens to people, what about athens? how do they feel about all this? yes, that is
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, indeed, this is the new regime of finland, now no one needs the opinion of the people , yes, that is, you remember , there was no referendum on nato, we didn’t even have any normal debates, what is happening in eastern finland, in fact eastern finland is starving there, that is, these are ghost towns there already, there is no tourism, there are russians in eastern finland, so this is also the situation. in the fall in a place called reipina, wonderful , absolutely fantastic, it used to be called kookkola, you know, if that’s what i mean, well, you can master it like that, i’m not advocating for anything, well just, well, if it’s true, if the finn says we don’t need these lands, no, we don’t call, but they offer, they...
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which resumed the work of the seimas, there was a constitution, its own customs, its own police, the troops did not take the russian army , but the finnish, by the way, volunteer battalion, the life guards, the finnish battalion, participated in many battles waged by the russian empire, by the way, the suppression of the polish uprising, the russian military historical society recently handed over to the finnish ambassador - a standard, that is, an image of this standard for the suppression of the polish uprising by the finns, valiantly. fought, will not say anything , in fact, because what is happening today,
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today is a story about the winter soviet-finnish war, because then, and even today, we are afraid that the territory of finland, it will be used by third countries, then it could be germany or england, against russia then the soviet union, today and nuclear weapons, as stoop says, perhaps they will also be deployed there, the border between. nato and russia increased by 1200 km. you know, that's the question about what finnish society is like, so you asked a question, was it really that kind of... initially russophobic, well, i know, if the word russophobia is transformed, translated, it means in the literal sense fear of russians, but it’s obviously like- then among the depths of finnish society there was, but in any case, trade relations , look, already in the twenty-first year, back in the twenty-first year, we had a trade turnover of more than 13 billion dollars, which now
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just collapsed there for a month, that is, completely gasoline , yes, the finns made it from russian. including to the ordinary finnish population, guys, we will cure you, we will cure you, in the end, this is exactly the message, breaking
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the information blockade, well, what are they listening to the finns at home, it’s clear. it’s just an information war, an information war, of course, you know, this and of course , an information war is all that is happening , an information war, but the problem is that maybe we could somehow survive it, it’s clear that the information war is needed for something , for preparation, as a rule, but why else is information war needed, for preparation some other kind of war, not informational, really, look, let’s listen to one more statement from alexander stub, this is this week’s statement, here it is, how he assesses the historical experience of relations between our countries, please. i agree with the nato secretary general that the path to peace lies through the battlefield. i think that now ukraine needs finances, they need weapons and ammunition. we have a lot of skirmishes with russia in our historical memory, so we have a very similar experience with the ukrainians. we can identify with the tragedy that happening right now. this is why most finns support ukraine.
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wow. please, maxim anatolyevich, how are you doing all this? it seems to me that you should n’t indulge yourself with illusions, to think that... in fact , the majority of the finnish population does not support this course, they support, support, this is what we are trying to highlight, that he is a swede, that menergey is a swede, 6% of swedes , but the swedes are the same part of the finnish population, in my opinion, our dear friend also has a swedish surname, we do not separate the swedes from the finnish population, unfortunately, wait, i’m sorry, then i’ll tell you the same thing, of course we don’t single out the swedes, and i was in finland, by the way, on that very one.
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through compromises will point to the finnish example, which means that finland really lived well economically, thanks to cooperation with the soviet union, thanks to this pragmatism, there was never love for us, it’s just this dislike, this fear, it was frozen somewhere in the depths of the finnish souls, after february 24, all this was unfrozen, everything became possible, even what previously seemed indecent, so the finns, certainly. have risen, in terms of what we like to call russophobia, to the level of the baltic states, to my great regret and disappointment, but this is so, we need to get used to it, there will be no old finland... never again, someday here, i i hope, well, at least 50% of the relations that were with the french, with the spaniards, with the italians will be restored, 30 percent
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will be restored with the germans, i’m also giving an optimistic scenario, it won’t be restored with the finns, it’s all over, they’re northern people there , in fact, you'll turn it over toggle switch they then travel along this track for a long, long time, they flew for about 60 years.
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bankrupt, break it into pieces , so that other businessmen would take it piece by piece, demolish it, build shopping centers and so on, whose task was to kill this asset, this is over with us, and so now the americans do this to countries, they perceive them as an asset , which can be torn into pieces, the poorer this country is, the easier it is. they will govern, the easier it will be to send troops there to american soldiers’ bases, they will pray, it’s money, the soldiers will spend, these are the new tourists who live there, let me remind you how the poles
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are happy about this, that this is us, we so dream that an american base will appear, because they will spend money, well , they need to turn to the japanese and ask what happens with rapes by japanese girls, these drunken brawlers, soldiers , they are nobody, they are not subject to jurisdiction , the military police come to them, take them somewhere, they suffer some kind of punishment.
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imagine that the germans were going on vacation and there was no point in us doing this, you can to the northern, that is, finnish lakes, but they would never go there in their life, only russians went there, st. petersburg was considered a dacha, relatively speaking, that is, there was such a strong cultural exchange between all of them , culturally and economically, that it’s just crazy, which they are now.
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now the chamber of commerce and industry in finland has calculated what losses there were due to companies leaving the russian market, so approximately, so interestingly, there are 5 billion euros, they just calculated it offhand, but how many bankrupt enterprises, how many, how many losses of others we described in the business and tourism sector, it’s important here you know that look, so to speak, the finns themselves are the masters of their own destiny, even if they themselves, but if they wanted to do it like this, well, listen, you never know what kind of fantasies they have who cares, i'm interested in our fate, i...
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they still drive like that, and if you look at the photos of finland recovering after the war of the fifties, you know what the main car that is on the streets there, you think some kind of sisu, gas 51, gas 51 has recovered, i mean, that’s just it well, okay, let god judge them. okay, but this has some kind of continuation, and here’s the continuation, johan, before the broadcast you told us, i repeat the attitude in this, well, listen, but i’m still talking about pragmatics, before the broadcast you told us that in finland there is a certain plan, supposedly still, not just until now, now, on the contrary, it has become especially relevant, the return of karelia, which experts have worked on, think about it, experts from the finnish foreign ministry and the finnish
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armed forces, as far as we... i i understand, there is this plan, this book , yes, just like that, return of karelia , the return is not really a reform, the return of karelia, that’s how it’s translated, listen, what is this, this is a guide to action, or again something like that, so to say, dirty fantasies, but - the peculiarity of this plan really is that the creators, experts, experts, creators of this material are finnish officers, including generals, stunned,
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a very interesting plan, you see, these thoughts about greater finland have been around for a long time , they were in the forties and even before the soviet-finnish war, that's when there was a war , monarchy, together with finland, attacked the soviet union from germany, because greater finland was cunningly done, that is, it had to run along the borders from the white sea all the way to the urals, then along lake anege, olonetskaya, that is , most of the finnish border should be eastern.
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here is this thought about the great finland, because what will happen will be approximately what happened in 41-4, when finland captured petrozavodsk, captured karelia. and the finno-ugric population, well, basically, how today in petroza they say, life was good , look, it doesn’t matter, it’s very important , i mean, i’m still very interested in the implementation of this plan and whether it’s even a plan or, well, you never know, listen, we have circles , this is of course a plan and he hasn’t gone anywhere he was then he remains only with the help of someone then with the help of greater germany today we are discussing this in all seriousness how they will tear away karilia from us... we are discussing, we are discussing a book published in 2000, they in the forties on phil paper, which means in the forties, something changed, well, can i finish, this means that our country has
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nuclear weapons, the country can disintegrate only in the event of military defeat, a nuclear power, by definition, cannot suffer military defeat, so no one will divide us. no one will come to karelia , at least 3000 people will be drafted, at least 6000 into the army, but there is no need to scare our viewers, this will never happen, thank god, we have a nuclear missile shield, the point when you thought germany would not attack the soviet , today it will also be american on finnish territory, and so people sometimes watch tv and then take sedatives, i would like you.
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“we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans are preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s confectionery are ready. six umbrellas meant six paratroopers . are they germans or not? and then i saw an army boot. they don’t wear those in iran. i’ve been working for four years now. during this time, i haven’t asked you for anything, we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take them, drink some water , comrade stalin grinned at the six germans we found, hurray, for the centenary of
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georg vartanyan, tomorrow on the first, and 64 years later, after the tehran events came to moscow. cherchel’s granddaughter, she thanked me for saving her grandfather’s life; in our studio there are stars, their brothers and sisters. i have always been a little jealous of my younger brother, we are dealing with a very interesting person, dad is an actor, mom is an actress, i tried to avoid i made the most of this achievement, but it didn’t work out, the retreating enemy, the enemy, but now i don’t envy you, i’m just happy. talk to me, we are not only brother and sister, we are great friends, sometimes i forget that she is already a mother, an adult, she is still my little sister, in your profession it is impossible not to be friends,
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because otherwise they will immediately devour us, we are stale , we should be with the tigers, the main event of the olympics, basically here they are, our sisters, when we were just starting our careers they tested us, they thought that this was the one a person does it twice, give me strength. mom and dad divorced, zhora stayed with his father, i left with my mother, thank god, we all talked together, i will never get tired of saying thank you, because it was zhora who taught me to play the guitar, this is kirill bordachev, anton bordachev, everyone says, that we are similar and that we are twins , no, not so scientifically, but we are twins, i wish everyone to have a brother and sister, this is very cool, tomorrow after the program time, this city is a real record holder, the smartest here.
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try to write a grain on the surface, at least something, for the first time it’s good, you’re lying clumsily, ready, always ready, fly, live. their premiere, on sunday on the first, attention, the train will not go further, please free the carriage, fresh, help , to be honest, i’m dying, save me, this is serious, give me a ruble, listen, young, smart, educated, if you decided to get carried away with me, first of all, you must find something good in me, appreciate it , start admiring it, i felt there would be one
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they said, but i hate it since childhood, but the main thing is to take care of my figure, what kind of gait is that, where you have talya, thank you, well, the fact that the madhouse is crying for her is clear, but first you still have to cling to something, primitive, cuttlefish, loser, it’s the crazy library that is leading you astray, you fell in love there, yes to oleg yankovsky's eightieth birthday. of his own free will, on sunday on the first, look why you did it, just junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich , sapper, i have a pulse, there is a pulse, but weak, whose path you crossed, i stood up for the girl, he will now look for me. what's happened? i
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need a dog, a fighting monster, for everyone won. it's not necessary. you don’t approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator. help him. this is him, who is he? the one who saved me. this is chechnya. we can't do that. if i see this again, you won't be here. abrek, the premiere of the serial film, on sunday at the first, i want you to bring the doomed to battle. maxim is right, the forties have passed a long time ago, of course, it’s 2020, but the memory of them remains, and most importantly, the lessons remain, and most importantly, the stories. reproduced and we are now like 80 years old
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back, we again defend our interests on the battlefields. a new large-scale military drama by alexei german the younger air is now in cinemas, about exactly those very events, about how we defended our interests then, how yesterday’s schoolgirls during the great patriotic war went to the front and how they turned into aces. we will learn about how this film was created today from an interview with the director of the film, alexei german the younger, and our colleague, ekaterina strizhena. watch the fragment. for which many people scold me, yes, especially, well say, those who left for, firstly, the word homeland, someone writes what kind of word homeland is, it’s not a word at all, i don’t use it at all, but many do, it’s okay, i don’t see homeland, for the phrase , what is a person or a homeland, which are equally important, without a homeland we already...
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after the news, and then we will discuss this interview with you, do not switch, hello, there is a news release on the first channel, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov, those on duty air defense systems intercepted a ukrainian drone over the belgorod region, about this was reported to the ministry of defense, and four more copters were destroyed. and the black sea to the situation on the front line. the krasno-limansk
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direction destroyed a disguised militant stronghold. an army aviation strike group operated k-52 aligator, mi-35 and mi-8 helicopters. the targets were hit from the closest possible distance. and in the area of ​​the serebryansky forestry, our fighters destroyed an enemy drone control center. the movement of ukrainian militants was detected from the air by orlan 10's crew, and the coordinates were immediately passed on to the artillerymen. a series followed. said sergei lavrov, he takes part in the euromaidan conference, the lost decade of ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs noted that ukraine has become the poorest state in europe, it is being used to restrain russia in the issue of dialogue with kiev, lavrov added, the ball is also not in moscow’s court, first zelensky needs to cancel the decree prohibiting negotiations.
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the west is using ukraine in every sense, in order to restrain russia, so that, as they now say: four people were injured in ukrainian shelling nationalists of the shopping center in belgorod, two of whom children were taken for treatment to the federal clinic of the russian ministry of health in moscow, these are the
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priorov department of orthopedics and the russian children's clinical hospital. doctors assess the condition of two adults and one child as serious, the second child is in a moderately serious condition. all patients endured the journey normally, doctors have already begun diagnostic treatment measures, in total 19 people were injured as a result of the shelling, seven residents, including a one-year-old child, died. at the shopping center, which was one of the targets of ukrainian militants , people carry flowers and candles in memory of the victims of a spontaneous memorial. the consequences of the strike are being eliminated around the clock, the heat supply to the houses has been restored, repair work is underway in the damaged apartments, residential buildings, a store, and a pharmacy. school stadium, the kiev regime deliberately attacked civilian infrastructure. our air defense systems shot down 14 rockets over belgorod, it was established that the ukrainian armed forces used the vampire multiple launch rocket system. a criminal case regarding the shooting was initiated under the article of an act of terrorism. investigators and criminologists from the central office of the investigative committee are working on the scene of the tragedy. the partisan successfully
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took to the skies, and the first test flight of the new russian transport vehicle took place in novosibirsk. it has two modes. an unmanned, controlled partisan does not need an equipped airfield; almost all of its components are domestic. about the advanced development of russian designers tatyana kozlova. takeoff of the partizan aircraft they wait with bated breath, then the plane taxis onto the runway, another moment and the car soars into the sky almost without acceleration. even though the partizan is called unmanned, it also has manual control. first stage of testing. still walks under the close attention of the test pilot. the aircraft remains in flight for just over 15 minutes. he makes several circles over the airfield of the siberian aviation research institute and lands safely on the ground, he is greeted with applause. went great without accidents, the plane is intact, the pilots are alive, so
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everything is fine. this is a new aircraft, it was created for the first time, therefore, after the first flights , improvements are carried out, for example, at low flight speeds of this aircraft , today we identified the weak effectiveness of roll control, while the pilot was testing the new aircraft in turns, flight data was received by engineers, based on them, new programs will be written for training the unmanned system. as a result of flight tests, we obtain certain values ​​of control deflection, which are taken into account and registered in the posting, and then training takes place . this means writing a program, well , in fact, training this artificial pilot. now, for now, the bare minimum is horizontal flight, this means making some turns, gaining altitude, decreasing altitude. the development of a new aircraft began in 2019 , commissioned by the advanced research foundation; it is almost entirely a domestic
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development. the maneuverable partisan can reach speeds of up to 300 km/h, lift cargo weighing up to a ton and covering a distance of 1. kilometers, but most importantly, it has the unique characteristics of an ultra-short takeoff and landing. experts say there are no analogues to this development in the world. the partisan has eight electric motors, four on each wing. the engines are equipped with small diameter propellers. now they are not in working position. during takeoff and landing, the blades extend, intense airflow occurs on the wing, which helps the machine take off even from a small area. that it can become indispensable when extinguishing forest fires, in the work of the air ambulance service and the transportation of passengers to remote villages, soon specialists will begin the second stage of testing, the partisans will take to the skies unmanned.
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representatives, but they consider the document impassable. in addition, parliamentarians went on a two-week break. resonant news it still has to be supported by the chamber from greece, where they adopted a bill legalizing same-sex marriage.
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“i’m glad that we have moved our interaction to a technical level, we will develop interaction between sanitary services, and we will smooth out the roughness that inevitably arises in such matters thanks to our direct and friendly dialogue. russia intends to increase supplies of bananas from other countries, for example, from india, which is the world's largest producer. how to provide qualified personnel to the labor market is being discussed today at the forum of national achievements, it is being held." vdnkh as part of the russian exhibition, according to the minister of labor anton kotyakov , 1,500 professional standards have been developed in russia, they cover the majority of workers. knowledge
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employee skills become especially valuable in the context of import substitution. personnel policy for the modern labor market is inextricably linked with the national goal of ensuring sustainable growth in the incomes of our citizens. it is labor income that is the basis for the formation of russian families. from quality. employment and the availability of qualified specialists depend on such strategic tasks as import substitution and ensuring the technological sovereignty of our country. by decision of president vladimir vladimirovich putin, reboot the state system of employment promotion became part of the national demography project. in baikalsk, this is the irkutsk region, through the court they are trying to return utility networks to the balance of the city, most of them belong to them. to a private owner, and he, as residents say, does not monitor the state of the infrastructure, as a result, utility failures occur regularly, people are left without
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heat, there are problems with the sewage system. alina sanueva, with details. a utility accident, a pipe burst, desks everywhere, soaring, everything, running, for a long time already like this often it’s already been six months, it’s been half a month, it’s been floating like this for half a month. for more than 10 days , local residents called the management company. but the workers arrived to fix the breakthrough only today, i’m going to work, and someday i’ll go into this boiling water, they said, don’t fail, they hung up, but they don’t want to work, they don’t want to, then there’s no one, then they can’t come, or else something, but what do they want in the end, money so that we pay everything, for almost half a century the city-forming enterprises of baikalsk were a pulp and paper mill, utilities the networks had been in his department for many years, but... several years before the closure , the enterprise began to get rid of so-called non-core assets, the networks were first transferred to the district property committee, where in
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turn they were transferred to the municipal housing and communal services enterprise. it went bankrupt, now city networks have become the subject of bidding at auction, so they fell into private hands, namely into the hands of entrepreneur ilgar salaev, today he came to the scene of the accident, he says, this happens, but not often, it doesn’t happen often, well this is once a week, i don’t know, it won’t be winter, well , it will be once a month, it won’t be everything , we don’t have such a situation that the house would be stopped, that there would be any problems, this has never happened, but today the accident happened, how does it somehow affect the residents, we now want it to not affect them...
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to keep the networks in technically sound condition, does not fulfill their duties, the networks are running, well, before the accident rate , up to 80, then 100% wear and tear. and the sad thing is that at any moment some microdistrict of the city may freeze. on camera there is no cover, and the chamber is all silted, the thermal insulation is torn, the shut-off valves are rusty, there is water in the chamber. it can be noted here that... no technical content is being done, and is this the situation throughout the city, or are these some isolated points? the technical content of thermal cameras is similar throughout the city, i know only the only camera that is in normal technical condition, the problem in baikalsk is not only with the heating and water supply networks, but with the sewerage ones, the residents of these two apartment buildings we are forced to call a sewage disposal machine and
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pump out the sewage twice a week, we pump out four barrels on monday, four barrels on friday, if we don’t pump out, our sewers overflow , it smells like sewage, in a word, there is a backup in the evening, the pipe is clogged, it no one cleans it, no one needs it, so that water goes into the collector from here, all these communal problems against the backdrop of a unique nature, the city stands on the shores of lake baikal, the largest, freshwater and deepest lake in the world, for its conservation under the federal program almost 10 years ago, two sewerage pumping stations were built, millions of rubles of public funds were spent, modern pumps, the power of each pump, the productivity of 410 cubic meters per hour, what does this mean? well, this is enough, in principle, to completely supply our city with sewage pumping. everything is ready for operation, but over all these years it has not been possible to connect the stations to city networks, the owner’s permission is needed, but he does not make contact, the authorities are afraid of a repeat
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of 1971, then baikalsk was strong. in as a result of the flood, pumping station number one is the main pumping station; it was flooded; all sewage from the city of baikalsko went in good faith into lake baikal. and this already smacks of an environmental disaster. the court will decide how this story ends. a year ago, the administration filed a lawsuit against the owner of the utility networks, demanding that they be returned to the city’s balance sheet. the next court hearing is finally scheduled for february. alena sanueva, sergei burkeev, vyacheslav sakov, ekaterina koryaka, larisa nikitina, first channel. baikalsk. and that's all for now. the broadcast on the first will continue with the section “it’s about time.” visiting ekaterina strezhenova, director of the film air. alexey german, junior. listen, what about living people like us? they were nervous before the flights, they lived very hard, very hard, they doubted,
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but nevertheless, they got up, boarded the wooden plane and flew. what made marilyn monroe stand out from the crowd of starlets and photo models, what made the whole nation, and the whole world, unanimously proclaim her theirs goddess. director billy wilder said she was monstrous. i had to take different pieces and put together scenes from 12 takes to get something valuable, but the result was
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magic. when you get married, miss mandro, sometime between now and the future. it is known that the germans motadorbai normadzhin are on the first today. the palm is open; under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid opening a second front only if we decapitate him with one blow the leadership of countries hostile to us. they are preparing for a large-scale project.
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which we found, hurray, for the centenary of gevork vartanyan, tomorrow at the first, and 64 years after the tehran events , selya sandes, churchill’s granddaughter, came to moscow, she thanked me for saving her grandfather’s life, fire and ice, 200. cue at the junction of which is born real, great art. emotions are running high, the atmosphere is tense to the limit, but to win it is important to maintain
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icy calm. the splashes of ice from under the skates are like sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel. hot ice. spartakiad of the strongest, live broadcast from magnitogorsk, tomorrow on the first. this city is a real record holder. here is the smartest street, the longest bridge in the world, the longest bridge in the world, the largest theater in russia. we are in novosibirsk, friends. why is it necessary to build such a huge huge device. imagine that two people are standing at a distance of 100 m and shooting with sewing needles. we need a very high-precision installation so that they collide at the point we set, groin, here i am, i’m very cold, here’s a real siberian, try it
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write a grain on the surface , at least something, for the first time it’s good, you’re lying clumsily, ready, always ready, flew, life of your own, premiere, on sunday, on the first, imagine that you are calmly flying on a plane, with a woman , who is sitting next to you, labor begins, what to do, about this, about many other things in the program, live healthy, on monday, on the first, what happened is not my fault. yes, and it’s my fault, but you and i are not to blame for the fact that
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we aroused dreams in some sensitive natures, but by serving the truth, not to people, you are my friend, maybe the last, i would not want to lose a friend. look, no one can know tomorrow for sure. we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who plays it. you said you love me, and you? i believed it. i want to take this disgusting, deceitful, lazy, stupid, crazy empire by the throat. it so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but
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a beginning will be made, just hurry up, if the gentlemen would like to wait for the beginning, do you think they might start an indignation, i would start. gentlemen, a big premiere, time of anger, what are you whispering about, we are preparing a coup, take me, soon at the first, alexey german, junior, director, son of alexey germann. the eldest grandson
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of the legendary screenwriter and writer yuri german. almost every film by alexei german the younger has received international awards. at the berlin film festival, films under electric clouds and dovlatov received a silver bear for outstanding contribution to art. at the venice film festival , alexey german received a silver lion for the film paper soldier. the latest work is the film up in the air. about girls.
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took place at an international festival in tokyo, which is important, precisely today, when they are trying to replace our truth about the great patriotic war or completely cancel it. the screening of this film in japan can generally be called unprecedented, given the role of this country in the second world war. the japanese cried, where the russians cried, everything was very emotional perceived. the film premiered widely in russia. it is still unknown whether there will be screenings in other countries. there are artists in our film. for example, those who are under sanctions , we stayed here, we did not leave, we have many sanctioned partners, and accordingly, the chance that we will enter europe, america, australia, new zealand and so on tends to zero. alexey, this is the second film about the war in your filmography, the first was the last train. why after
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so many years? well, you know, it seemed to me this is somehow very emotionally important to me. i am organically structured in such a way that i worry very much, when i think about the blockade , when i think about the victims, when i think about the feats that were performed, it really touches me, and it somehow lives inside me , it is always inside me has always lived in our family, i...
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what is more important? homeland or person? homeland, is it not so with you? what is homeland for you? well, this, this is everything, these are the streets we walk along, these are friends, this is the janitor on the street. these are st. petersburg gateways, school, these are memories about traveling around the country, these are the graves of my ancestors, and this is literature, this is art, this is poetry, this is what makes me me, in fact, and i can’t get away from it and don’t want to go anywhere, so to speak, from it, yes, that’s why i, you know, i... you are here,
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i never had any desire to leave, i just can’t imagine myself anywhere else, that’s when the special operation began, you asked yourself this question, leave or stay, yes no , you see, it seems to me that if i leave, then i lose some very an important part of myself, that’s it... i absolutely do not condemn and have never condemned those who left, it seems to me that this is generally the personal choice of each person, someone, someone stayed, someone left, yes, but.. .and it would be strange for me to leave, and then say that it’s conditional, how tolstoy is to blame because he is too imperial a writer, or what mistakes tchaikovsky made and so on, i didn’t want to, but you know, it seems to me that this
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feeling of being with the country at different moments in difficult moments, and not only leaves me as myself, yes, but also gives... me some kind of thought, some kind of power to create, well, well , in fact, for which many people scold me, yes, especially, well, so to speak, those who left, for, firstly, the word homeland, someone writes, what, what kind of word is homeland, it’s not a word at all, i don’t use it at all, but many do, and it’s okay, i don’t see homeland at all. for the phrase , what, what is a person or a homeland, which are equally important, without a homeland we are no longer us, and without us there is no homeland, well, that’s how it is, it is, because it’s synergy, because the country is us, we are a country, we can be
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agree with your country, you can disagree with your country, you can be for it, you can be against it, but you have to somehow feel it, understand it and... so to speak, feel it, about this, as if about this, about this film, because here is my homeland, of course , an incredible, incredible kind of hatred fell upon me, senseless, rather stupid, but nevertheless, here, but listen, but the film, and that is, we tried to make a film about living people, we tried to make a film about people who also suffer, somewhere we are sure, but somewhere we are not sure. understand the danger, but they get up, get on the plane, and take off, please, my little one, please
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, please, my little one, please, my good one, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, little airplane, fly, please, little one, here's your film, it's patriotic. cinema , did you set yourself the goal of making a patriotic movie , or what goal did you set for yourself when you shot this picture, which they started filming in 1918, it came out in 23, the country has changed, well, of course the country has changed, yes, you know, i set myself a goal initially and always said about this, that this is a film about the price of victory, about what innumerable trials... suffering, what feat a huge number of people went through, how we overcame the retreat, how we defended leningrad, although, although it seemed that a little more - a little bit, and the germans will take the city, such
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courage, those people had incredible, i could not have done that, because it seems to me that i am much more cowardly and weaker, probably in many ways, you know, we need to bring out the war, unfortunately, a lot of things was, we need to study the war,
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from ideological disputes, to what extent it perhaps let's talk about something, let 's agree on something, because everyone contradicts each other, everyone contradicts each other, yes, just imagine girls pilots, guys... flew , say, yaks, yes, yak-1 , it is half wooden, plywood, in fact, partly percalive, fabric, uh, until 1943 there were problems with glass, that is, with plexiglass, it was not always transparent, there were difficulties with the engines, then over time our planes they became better, then when there, but there were problems, with the planes there was varnish problems, yes, they not only fought on these... partially wooden planes, but they also shot them down, although they suffered huge losses. well, let's remember this, let's remember what...
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let's be honest, we lost the cold war economically, well, it's true, that's true, yes, but
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there is another answer, which is more important to me, but could anyone - still to restore the country after the fact that half of it is actually gone, i may be more, maybe more than half in terms of population, or how could you ever have even to imagine that the world will doubt that this was our victory, i think that the victory is always ours, has always been a very unpleasant, unpleasant fact for many, and i think that when the opportunity arose, so to speak, to legalize , this story, that others won, then... in fact, they happily began to legalize it and rewrite it, rewrite
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history, but the opportunity arose, why, did we give up the slack or what? i think there is some kind of intentional erasure here is happening to us and history, so we probably didn’t respond to this at the right time, but on the other hand , how to answer, here’s how... to answer, you know, there is hollywood with its huge machine, with films that seem to be watched by the whole world, there is media, yes, but there are historians, as it were, how to answer this, but there weren’t enough films, it seems to me that your film came out on time, yes, our film probably came out on time, but we didn’t have many films that and there are those who have generally broken through - beyond the cis, that is. that's why that's why you know, like soviet cinema on average
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, yes it was there, we like it, some people don’t like it, but it was better, it was, it was more talented, it was, it was more interesting and it had more dialogue with the world than ours, we to unfortunately, they themselves have raised the viewer over many years with these films, which, in my opinion, are not always, unfortunately, talented. when that's all, when the war and the conversation about war in general turned into a variety show, when everything is simple, everything is easy, everything, everything, everything is clean, the tents are clean, uh, that means the equipment is clean, the teeth are white, everyone, actresses had pouty lips, it was hard to find actresses whose lips weren’t pouty and their teeth weren’t false, it’s hard, but with us, we have a lot of not only actresses, yes, we had a lot of cadets from the academy filming. we had a lot of non-artists, yes, because we wanted to return, by the way, we are often
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criticized for this now, but it seems to me that this is not wrong and not scary, we wanted to return, but that feeling of overcoming the incredible, through the mud, slush , blood, yes, yours is still beautiful, such planes against the backdrop of the bay, that’s all it’s in a beautiful haze, well, yes, well, listen, it’s still a movie. aren’t you afraid that you’re... romanticizing the war? you know, here ’s the thing: someone reproaches me for being too beautiful, someone reproaches me for being too harsh, too detailed, and so on. in fact, to tell the truth, the film is toned down in many ways, because we ignore the fact that there were fewer radio stations on airplanes than shown in the films, and often there were none at all at the beginning of the war, well, your father was often scolded for it just shows the inside out. well listen, when the film came out, my friend ivan lobshin, it means there were bags of letters
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, denunciations and complaints came to the film studio, that... in the thirties it was not the way we imagine, not so, yes, not the way they were, everything our specialists are historians, my dad filmed astrakhan, i was in astrakhan on the same streets in 2008, and so they generally haven’t changed since eighty, in my opinion , the second year my dad filmed, that’s why yes, that’s why yes, dad, dad was punished for not posting, so what? it’s as if time has subsided, all the reproaches have subsided, subsided denunciations, but the films remained. what, ivan mikhailovich, did you dream something,
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what? plane, are you on this plane, you were flying, yes, your mix, come on, why don’t you really show the germans, by the way, in the film, we realized at some point, firstly, it was a caricature, but -secondly, during the editing, we realized that you rarely see germans, unless you go one-on-one with them in...
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someone or someone doesn’t like the culture of documentary, that’s the culture, the culture of chasing documentary , not in the plot, in image, we wanted to make photorealistic air battles, not computer ones, we wanted neither computer effects nor conventional animation to be visible, and we spent several years on this developing technology, developing - rather heavy, multi-ton devices that created gravity in the cabins and so on, but does this make sense in today’s world? firstly, i am deeply convinced that in a different reality, yes, if we, well, how would our lives have turned out differently, then the film, i just know, would have been released quite widely in the world, because we have already pre-sold the international rights for a lot of money, unfortunately, this money cannot be returned, but nevertheless, well, not entirely, but it would have been released, it
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would have been released in the world, it would have been released in different countries, which means why did we... do it , firstly, and we believe and believe now that when we come out with films where there is a lot of computer graphics, this computer graphics is visible and so on, it looks in my opinion, well, no, well , not very good, because it should not be visible, in fact, it should be hidden, which we showed that it is possible to do so , what can be done so that it is not visible, we developed technologies, with a large team, with different companies, which have now become very active in our cinema, that is, we were technological pioneers, first of all, and we showed that it is possible to make a film that is quite detailed, that does not isolate
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reality, which, let’s say, is quite tough, and at the same time our s...
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that his fate beat him, well, when life beat you like that, you, you i didn’t think so, that’s it, i’ll close it picture, well, that means it’s not fate, or what did you tell yourself no? no, i never think so , my dad taught me to bring everything to the end with my mother, and no matter what, to put the finishing touches, and there lena okopnaya and i, the artist of the film, my wife, means that it’s all from the group that we put the finishing touches, and you – you just say that some of your artists are under sanctions, that you had, well, without hands they are under sanctions, of course, here he is under european sanctions.
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but you were in tokyo with this picture, how was it received there and how did the audience look? japanese they watched very well, when there were questions and answers, then after the screenings, then 70, 80% of the halls remained, and this is actually a colossal number, because usually people all come out, they somehow watched, worried, cried, laughed, listen, it turns out our soft power, you talked about our country there, i think that the people who looked at the picture, they came out a little different, well, i think that they really
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came out different, because the girls arrived, the actresses will play tarasova, elena lyadova and nastya tolyzina approached them, they took pictures, asked something, there was even such a queue, i can’t say that it was some kind of huge queue halfway through tokyo, no, of course not, but it was. was, but how do you generally feel about criticism? i have a normal attitude towards criticism, i have a bad attitude towards planned campaigns and bullying , which means that today it is very easy to arrange some yes, some of my colleagues who left, it means they made a film, because he, because you can’t film about the war, because that i stayed because i, because i said that the russian abolition culture is stupid, it’s impossible, and so on, that’s when... when a series of posts are published there, and so on, which have approximately an understandable narrative at the same time at the same time by bloggers who
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have tens of thousands of them , and i understand how it all works and so on, well, to hell with it, i treat this with disgust, just with disgust, when i understand that, well, it’s like there is an order, okay, well, let it be, even if it was, even if it was my friends who lied to me, well... i was very worried, i just didn’t think that this is possible between close people, but now that some time has passed, i understand that this is probably some kind of ending
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to that, to some extent, romantic life, the life that we lived there for many, many years, how does patriotism manifest itself? it seems that this is right, because now everything is very nervous and very difficult, culture must conduct a dialogue, culture must
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find some common contacts in beauty, in destinies, in meanings, because in many ways, paradoxically, culture has kept humanity from making many mistakes , which is why i don’t like it when this... here comes cancelation, cancel culture, yes, because the cancellation of our culture is an attempt to dehumanize us, in fact, and i don’t think that anyone or the world needs to be dehumanized. it seems to me that all nationalities are human, in each, in every nation there is a beautiful, terrible thing, so do your own thing, do your thing, do your thing, and so to speak, develop meanings, culture, and harmony here, and try to talk, that’s how it seems to me, it's time to say the most important things
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words. “it seems to me that we should not forget what incredible trials we went through, and these girls and boys who fought went through, and we should always put ourselves in their place, whether we could or not, when i read, watch the chronicle, about how hard it was, what kind of victims there were at the beginning of the war, then i often..."
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probably, someday we need to talk, you know, i don’t think that you should close doors, i think that you should always leave the door ajar for conversation, repentance, repentance, important, of course questions and a lot the director of the film air raised questions in the interview, i’m afraid that... historical memory and the need to fight for it, for this very historical memory and about the abolition of russian culture, remember it was also at the beginning of the interview, yes, such a question is asked by the hero of the film air the question of what is more important, the homeland or the person, such a question
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, i think that for people who were brought up and grew up in the thirties, this was a rather exotic question, in fact, but for us now it is not so exotic, nikit, well, i repeat, it is very complicated, i even i don’t know, i don’t know if it makes sense for us to try to answer it, because it’s half an hour - to give the minimum, the question is exorbitant, and even more so it’s relevant against the backdrop of a special military operation, i’ll start with what you said exactly anatoly sanchich about the thirties, forties, then there was no question either...
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in the ninety-first year, indeed, our state, society helped in this, and in many ways the state shaped society, built, well, roughly speaking, an order based on the individual, his personal interests, his personal goals, many covered it up with rights, freedoms and so on, it turned out that at the moment when the state, when this society needs support, needs help, those people who were. brought up on this maximum freedom of individualism, and the state encouraged this, at some point they said: no, what kind of homeland, what kind of society, what kind of comrades are i, i went to armenia, i went there to georgia, i generally went to the united states of america will be grist to the mill of its enemies and so on. the second point is very important, yes, here we have always a starting point, and this is correct , this is february 22, 2022, in the twenty-first year
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, probably the most important economic forum in our country, the st. petersburg economic forum, danya milokhin speaks , who from this platform shows that he is the one who you need to navigate, he is an example to follow, there is no word for homeland, there is no word for public interests, there is one word: hype, grandma’s personal benefits, the last thing, a special military operation is already underway, we have our wonderful domestic social network, which we should be proud of. called vkontakte and at a music festival called vkfest margenstern performs already in the status of a foreign agent, i have a question: on the one hand, we really all... must understand that in an era of threats and challenges we must all be united, we must to consolidate around our memory, history, ancestors, and ultimately around the president, because otherwise they will simply tear us apart, and at the same time the same ones remain
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structures in our state that say: yes, well, my god, now we need to consolidate, now there are interests of the homeland, and then we can return the margensternagent, and milokhin again to call on everyone... and this is the same thing, this is what he is, the same question, but it sounds a little different, yes, andrey, i fully understand what we realized at the age of 13, when i became a suvorov soldier, when i joined the ranks, when we started walking, already being a cadet, when i
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took part in the parade on red square, i i was surprised to see when they started handing out tubes of ammonia to us, every third, fifth person in the ranks, before that we trained for 3 months, there was no such need to go, they gave it to red square, and as they explained to us, they say, will you experience it? such a unity of the collective that many can’t stand it, lose consciousness, this nashatri is needed to bring him to his senses, i remember when this huge mass of people stood and these shouts of hurray, diverging, you merge with this collective, you just have starts from within everything there was shaking , indeed many could not stand it, here we are, which arises, this feeling of a huge homeland that you relate to, this is an incommensurable feeling, therefore a feat, a war, moving forward is possible. only in a team , because you are eroding yourself into a common goal, to commit an unprecedented act, personally a machine gun , to protect your people, this can only be done in a state of us, this is what the west is doing now, the west is eroding this state, it
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will make an individual personality that sits alone at home, wears glasses, they are easy to manage, erode the state, so that there are no united groups of people, so that there are separate individuals, of course we are more dangerous in any case, he had this experience of unity with the collective, thank god in our army, our military intelligence services for 30 years of propaganda of individualism this has not been lost, but i have a logical question: and for those who were not so lucky, who existed in a completely different public space, social being determines consciousness socially, i don’t even tell you i will answer.
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there’s a lump in my throat, and well, reconsider if you want, it was a very powerful story, so he talked about the feat , it was difficult for him to tell it, he had these, our guys, whom he personally saw not there, not from newspaper publications, and so on further, he... told , i repeat, it was difficult for him to speak, but he spoke, and i sat and thought, asked him this question, i said, listen, where did these nineteen-year-old boys come from, who are already in the eighties, when everything had already begun , but they already started us then in the mid-eighties they began to tell us what kind of scoops we are, how pathetic, unhappy, insignificant we are, pay repentance and so on, if they drank bavarian, where did they get it, what kind of gene is this, where does it come from the movies? which now we also discussed movies about the war from books, from tradition, where does it come from, well, where did it come from, but where does it come from, i repeat, nineteen-year-old soviet boys during the periods of collapse, where does this feat come from, the memory of generations, it is passed on,
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the courage of the ancestors, which was accomplished, it in fact, it is passed on, and several generations move forward, we russians are sometimes called gloomy, we in the west don’t smile as much as they do, because... we have experienced a huge number of difficulties, we look at the world sternly, that’s enough, we smile only then, when a person smiles sincerely, and not just to show off, so this is the memory of our generations that goes on, now at the front our guys are proving that they are worthy of their grandfathers, who fought in these same places, dug trenches and courageously we went forward, a civilian cannot understand the feeling when you have to stand up in a team and go forward to die, this is this. you will understand, that’s why the afghans were then , relatively speaking, the elite who returned to
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the country, it’s clear, it’s clear, so now there will be a stake on a special military operation, i ’ll be very brief, let the experts forgive me, you know, like when breeds are bred on purpose they cut off the dog's tail and sooner or later, puppies will be produced that already have a shorter, shorter tail, and then there will be no tail at all, and he said correctly andrey, thank god, this memory is there, but i , as a person who taught there some time ago, now ask the schoolchildren who the sailors are, who is this? kosmodemyanskaya, who is gastello? thank god, if one out of ten, i’m now talking about the senior classes, yes, and not about the junior bench, you will say something that this is connected with the great patriotic war, so thank god that we have this memory, but if this state institutions do not try to preserve the memory inside and do not try to be ashamed of it, sooner or later we will lose it, when we lose this, god forbid, please tell me, what then is the demand from people who have nothing else?
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thank you for your attention, see you soon. hello, news time is first. we will tell you about the most important events right now. the capital's doctors are providing all the necessary assistance to those injured as a result of the barbaric attack by kiev terrorists on belgorod. according to the data. four wounded were delivered,
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doctors assess the condition of two adults and one child as serious, another child is of moderate severity, everyone survived the journey well, the patients were placed for treatment in leading metropolitan clinics, at the priorov orthopedics center and the russian children's clinical hospital. the day before , militants attacked a shopping center and a school stadium with czech heavy missiles, seven people, including a one-year-old child, were killed, 19 residents were injured, near that same shopping center, residents organized a spontaneous memorial, carrying flowers and... cannons lighting candles. the investigative committee qualified the attack as a terrorist attack, and a criminal case was opened, according to the news agency. with reference to security forces, the shelling of belgorod was carried out from the village of liptsy in the kharkov region, from where an il-76 transport plane with ukrainian prisoners of war had previously been shot down. the russian armed forces are attacking major military installations of the ukrainian armed forces. that night, explosions were heard in the poltava and kharkov regions in the special operation zone in the kupinsky direction in the area of ​​​​the serebryansky forestry by our artillery. in the artyomovsk
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direction, tula paratroopers identified a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry, with the help of fpvidrons the positions of the militants were dealt a precise blow. in the krasnolimansk sector, an army aviation group hit fortified areas of militants, firing unguided missiles from as close as possible in difficult weather conditions. the hit was recorded by drones. manage. drone operators near donetsk are now being taught various types of drones in the 132nd brigade’s own school. before starting training on the training ground , fighters carefully study the design of copters, including the weak points of enemy equipment, and also repair damaged birds of their own trophy dmitry tolmachev will continue. the carrying capacity of such a bird is approximately 1.5 kg. while some are studying the tactical and technical characteristics of all kinds of drones, others are using simulators to map out turns. for 2 hours you can’t even get into the window, well, over time you learn,
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first on one simulator, then on this one, this one close to him is harder, more close to the real thing, the third one gets acquainted with the enemy’s ground equipment, even though there are no american khabars on the battlefield yet i haven’t seen it, let’s say the tank has vulnerable ones there places from above from the stern, that is, the tank must be hit from the stern, the same some kind of bmp or bradley, it must be hit there from a certain side, for example , it must be hit on the starboard side, studying from morning to evening. the 132nd brigade near donetsk began thinking about the need for its own flight school a year ago; now a separate company is training drone operators. with the help of, for example, such a mavic 3 drone, yes, it can conduct reconnaissance, that is, look for the enemy, that is, look for its concentration, equipment, etc., with the help. it's being carried out adjustment of the firelight, with its help
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you can, well, fly to start groups, simply warn groups about the danger, there is no shortage of visual materials of downed ukrainian quadcopters. already hundreds, and here is, one might even say, the heart of the unmanned aerial aviation company, a workshop where they assemble and repair all kinds of drones that can only be found at the front, including captured ones, such as this one, nicknamed baba-ega. an industrial drone with many propellers has been in the ukrainian armed forces for a long time adapted for military needs. he can easily carry about 30 kilograms, that is, three shells of 10 kg each. here the trophies are studied, all information about the launch site is removed from them, restored and sent back. the same spare parts, screws please, he will continue to carry out his combat missions, but on our side. in addition, they also bring their damaged birds back to life. at this stage i am currently repairing the mavic 3t. thermal is a very popular unmanned aerial vehicle; it has a thermal camera
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and helps carry out reconnaissance at night. this comprehensive approach makes it possible to effectively combat enemy drones. this guy, for example. it is so plastic , it is basically a difficult target to destroy, but today it is no longer a problem for us against unmanned aircraft in service with not only anti-drone guns, but also a mobile electronic warfare system that covers the unit, like an umbrella, a portable machine in a backpack, it works 2.5 km , covers the dome, and saves from large drones an ordinary machine gun equipped a thermal imager against small nimble fpvs , an ordinary hunting shotgun, with a shotgun , let’s say, it can be hit due to the accuracy of the shot, sometimes the sigla man-portable anti-aircraft missile system with automatic target acquisition saves, in extreme cases the boom crew is always on duty, any large object they strike even on approach, there is my dear, dmitry
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tolmachev, igor kritskov, dmitry kucheryavets, the first channel donetsk. drones on... the front line is now one of the main tools for our fighters, with their help they conduct reconnaissance, correct strikes and destroy the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. a new batch of quadcopters was brought to the front line by channel one military correspondent alexey kruchinin. the units will be given several dozen drone detectors, bulat, a device that helps detect enemy birds, as well as jammers, that is, devices that jam the signal of enemy drones and thermal imaging sights. our colleague personally delivered the goods, purchased from a fundraiser organized with the support of the popular front under the motto. everything for victory, caring people translated 26.5 million rubles this is not the first time that alexey kruchinin has taken part in the action. in connection with the realities on the battlefield, the guys notice what needs to be added and convey these wishes to the manufacturer, sometimes directly, sometimes through military officers, sometimes through the popular front, well, through various
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channels, the manufacturer refines electronic warfare equipment taking into account these wishes, appear new spectra, new opportunities to... jam, suppress enemy drones, battle tactics have changed, all this is very important for in order to save your substances, first of all , inflict fire damage. everyone can contribute to the victory, now there is an assembly from a non-defender of the fatherland, to participate, just point your phone at the qr code that you see on the screen and transfer any amount, the money collected will buy everything necessary for our fighters, congress sees you the united states went on vacation until the spring without making a decision on helping ukraine. joe biden continues to stubbornly insist on a new tranche of $60 billion for the kiev regime. he tried to push through the bill several times, but to no avail. congressmen, unlike the head of the white house, understand how inappropriate it is to spend money on kiev when
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there are a lot of unresolved problems in their own country. vladimir putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the elected president of indonesia, probova subiyanta. who previously served as minister of defense, as noted on the kremlin website, relations between our countries are based on the good traditions of friendship and mutual respect and are successfully developing in various directions. vladimir putin expressed confidence that the work of the new leader will contribute to the further expansion of the entire range of russian-indonesian cooperation. from st. petersburg to moscow in 2:15 minutes via high-speed rail . this is only part of the large-scale project that was discussed at the meeting, which vladimir putin carried out during his visit to the ural locomotives plant in the sverdlovsk region. about when new lines will appear that will help significantly increase capacity, which cities they will connect with the capital and what the trains look like of the future in a report by dmitry kochitkov. this is a new finnix train, which is produced instead of a swallow, all its components
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are domestic, the train can now accelerate faster, the location of the seats has become more comfortable, and there are more seats. the air conditioning system with air disinfection is now regulated in each car, lifts for the disabled have appeared, and the driver’s workplace has become more comfortable. we started its development in may twenty-two, that is, in less than a year, the lead sample appeared, passed certification, and at the same time, without stopping, we made almost 40 trains , we will do the same approach for a high-speed train, that is, we have a lot of groundwork, this is a very big backlog, finist will have several modifications for the suburbs and for long-distance travel, in a couple of years it will launch production and an unmanned version, and this is a cargo mainline. new generation locomotive malachite, heavy-duty, reliable, economical, it can drive trains weighing over 7,000 tons
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and lengths up to 1 km. each locomotive is decorated with a lizard with a crown, the mistress of the copper mountain collection of fairy tales by pavel bazhev malachite box. why did you decide to release a new locomotive? technology is moving forward, electronics are moving forward from the pantograph to the wheel. this is a domestic production, respectively. this, in my opinion, is wonderful, the weight will increase to 7,100 tons, the speed of cargo delivery and the throughput of highways will increase. this is what the metalworking process looks like in a special chamber using a computer-controlled machine. in general, the ural locomotives plant is a unique production site, one of the most modern enterprises in europe for the production of red trains. work goes on around the clock. in three shifts, here the president sat behind the wheel of an electric bus, the latest development of the sinara holding, and late in the evening the head
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of state held a meeting on the project for the construction of a high-speed railway from moscow to st. petersburg. the very readiness to take on such complex projects, the ability to implement them, is a kind of integral indicator of our increased technological, scientific. also the capital of belarus and minsk is quite natural, quite feasible,
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as for minsk , we discussed this issue with president of belarus lukashenko, he also supports, dedicated high-speed routes will help to significantly increase the capacity of railways, will relieve congestion at airports, and will promote growth. provides for two construction sections, as well as the purchase of rolling stock. the first section is the section from st. petersburg to zelenograd, the second section is construction of exits from moscow, i note that russian railways has already invested about 40 billion rubles in its development. in terms of purchasing rolling stock , 148 billion rubles are required for the first batch .
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effect, social effect, political, people are getting closer, they feel that they are at the epicenter of life, cultural,
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political, economic, this is a very important project, what the domestic high-speed train will look like is already known, it will have eight cars and four classes, it is planned that between moscow and st. petersburg 44 such trains will run with a frequency of 10-15 minutes: dmitry kochitkov, yuri sholmov, andrey. that same famous ninth company. valery alexandrovich, a legend of the airborne troops of the ussr and russia, a true hero and patriot of his country. the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu and the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, representatives of the leadership of the armed forces, comrades in arms, and veterans of afghanistan came to the central house of the russian army to say goodbye. those same battles for nameless heights in '88 are a subject for study by historians and filmmakers. our paratroopers
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held the line for 12 hours against superior enemy forces. victory made it possible. unblock the road to the city of khost, resume supplies to soviet troops, and bury colonel general valery vastrotin at the memorial cemetery in mytishchi. with this , i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia, right now, to the “great game” program. good afternoon, “big game” and i, vyacheslav nikonov, are live. today the president of russia is vladimir. a really important conference that was organized on the initiative of the united russia party and attracted representatives of more than 55 countries who took part in this forum, which is now taking place in the column
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hall of the house of unions, we are waiting for sergei viktorovich lavrov to speak soon. our president emphasized that neocolonialism is a shameful legacy of the centuries-old era of robbery, exploitation of peoples, aggressive manifestations we see today in the attempts of the collective west to maintain its dominance and dominance by any means, to economically subjugate other countries, lose them sovereignty, to impose foreign values ​​and cultural traditions, well, we saw this in ukraine, where... in fact, this neo-colonial policy was fully embodied in this nazi kiev regime, well, our armed forces, in spite of everything, continued to break this regime and quite successfully , today there is a lot of news from avdeevka, where ours are conducting an active offensive. yuri ivanovich podalyaka, our military expert, is closely monitoring what
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is happening there, as on other fronts. yuri ivanovich, you have the floor. yes, good afternoon, there’s really a lot of news , not only today, there was already a lot of news yesterday, our troops were able to undermine the enemy’s defenses in avdeeka, in fact it had already crumbled, everyone on the other side, well, they admit that at most, this again was a confession yesterday , the maximum that remains for the avdeevka group is no more than two days, after which its fate will be completely sealed, well, our soldiers decided to shorten this period too, so yesterday they attacked from the north very intensively and knocked them out. enemy from one of two paths, which they started to use it, even if it was all covered in mud, there it was, well, it was hard for them to move, nevertheless they physically cut it off yesterday, there was only one small path left that runs along the line of combat contact, it is, in fact, under fire even small arms, last night the enemy tried to partially withdraw troops with it, but there were heavy losses, that is, our
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artillery was on alert, aviation was working, ... an infantry unit was working, judging by the cries that were in the ukrainian public pages in the morning , this is nothing good it worked out, they just suffered heavy losses , now those, those soldiers who remained inside, there are about several thousand of them, began to think about their fate, and it is very noteworthy that the mini-evacuation took place just yesterday night, last night it was carried out from such a place their area was fortified by zenit, a former air defense base, there were up to a hundred ukrainian soldiers there, they too... tried to break through, they couldn’t break through normally, they fell under the dagger fire of our soldiers, and accordingly, most of them died, and many were taken yesterday in captivity, the moreover, they simply abandoned the wounded, because well, they said, we simply cannot take the wounded with us, but they were lucky, they were simply taken prisoner, well, now there is the same alternative in front of a large part of the ukrainian group, because they are gradually pulling back from distant positions, they simply abandon them
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, gather closer to the city center, this was already noticed yesterday, it was noticed today, but despite this, our troops understand that now there is a chance to put the squeeze on the enemy and inflict maximum defeat on him, because if we will release these soldiers from the cauldron, they will come back tomorrow, especially since some of these soldiers are azovites, very motivated nazis, who of course it would be desirable not to be released under any circumstances, and accordingly, now our troops want to finish them off, also yesterday there was a successful offensive operation and to the north on avdeevsky as sakhim, our troops expanded control towards the plant, moreover , they entered its territory as a whole, already from the southern part of the plant, fighting began on the territory of the plant, this is also a very important situation, because yes, the south is clear there, everyone has already been sentenced, but the enemy has very high hopes in... entering the territory of the plant to hold the action is already a very big sign, because now you no longer need to overcome such a dead zone to get to it , and, accordingly, it will be easier for us to conduct urban battles, especially since, more precisely
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, battles at the plant, especially since yesterday, just overnight, according to the ukrainian side, 60 large land mines were dropped on the territory of the plant, that is, our troops are grinding there everything is in concrete and crushed stone, in order to thus minimize our losses and break the will of the enemy to resist, that is, there... critical: the russians continue to press on ukrainian positions every single day. there is a big risk that avdiivka will fall under russian control, in large part because ukrainian soldiers at the front are running out of ammunition. russia is attacking ukrainian positions
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in wave after wave, and since congress has not yet passed a bill, we cannot provide ukraine with the ammunition it desperately needs. needed to repel these russian attacks. russian forces are already reaching the ukrainian trenches, specifically in avdiivka they are beginning to suppress the ukrainian defense. the cost of inaction. which led to the inevitable, but one of the main factors is, of course, the high professionalism of our military personnel, who have already liberated such fortified areas, this
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is the work of our troops, it is agreed that these are the same one and a half ton land mines that bring the strongest demoralizing mood in the ukrainian, among ukrainian military, among which, as a result... i admit, turned out to be those who survived the meat grinder in bakhmut or the meat assaults in robotino, because leaving the position is not at the command of syrsky or his entourage, it is arbitrary, they just understand that they will become like this the two hundredth, like the other forts that ukraine tried to hold on to, is also affected by the shortage of shells and the impossibility of rotation, so they sat down.
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specialists, yesterday, yesterday he reported that more than 90% of the small plant, which is located near belogorovka, respectively, came under our control, that is, gradually , gradually they took away these concrete hangars, at the moment, 20 out of 23 buildings are, are under our control, it is also worth saying that at the very very edge of this small plant there is a quarry and next to this quarry it dominates ... will allow,
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this will allow our guys to control belogorovka with fire damage and the following grigorovka, no one is storming belogorovka head-on now, in fact , we already talked once, i said that in previous, previous battles that took place a long time ago during the second world war, it was also not possible to dismantle it with a barrel gun, we had to surround it, and now we are also occupying a row nearby...
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i made recommendations for ukraine, which proceed from the fact that by the methods with which now ukraine is at war, it won’t be possible to win , and ukraine will lose, so we need to rely on transferring even more long-range weapons to ukraine so that they reach the heart of russia, as the european union describes it, and thereby, again, means sowing confusion, panic.
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will not defeat russia, but only in such a way as not to be drawn into this matter, and only in such a way that it does not fly over your head. the point is that ukraine cannot defeat russia by any means, that’s the point. and in principle, i think, so to speak, it is historically impossible to defeat russia, which, in fact, is what vladimir putin said, and it seems to me that this is so. another question is what to contain this thought, especially in a situation when, after the ninety-first year, it seemed to them that with russia is finished, they can’t, well , it’s just internal things, so to speak, internal devils.
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do not allow them to admit the idea that what is needed here , a compromise is needed, or they are losing in any case, so let’s work to aggravate, i don’t know, so to speak, these recommendations will work there, they won’t work, but in fact, during the pre-election period, i suspect that they will try to do the maximum possible in terms of, so to speak, striking our cities, regions, and so on further and so on, because for them , spoiling the situation before the elections is also, well, from a political point of view, important for us. there is already a message that the rszz crew that yesterday struck belgorod, causing great destruction to the victim, has already been destroyed by our high-precision systems, it has been identified and destroyed, and it will continue to do so.
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zelensky signed a decree on the legalization of cannabis, so now, i think, everyone will be happy. well, in the united states and ukraine, what remains? in america, the most intense struggle over aid to ukraine ended with the house of representatives going on recess, and the white house threatening america with space wars, so now they are giving the opposite after advertising. you see how happy i am, because i finally have time for myself, a super breakthrough idea, because no one in the world has done this, to create an online cosmetics designer, i feel like a sorceress who creates an incredible elixir of youth, most of our formulas are unique and effective, yeah, so we create our own a unique product, in 2013 we... launched the first snowmobile of our production,
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after that we began to expand our model range, starting from small cubic 100 cc ones to 800 cc ones. in the production of our snowmobiles, we try to localize russian production as much as possible. you have a very large assortment of snowmobiles, but this is of course for girls, our everything, premiere, tomorrow, on the first, romcastro product of the stellor group, fire and ice, two elements at the junction of which give birth. real, great art, emotions are off the charts, the atmosphere is knee-deep to the limit, but for victory it is important to maintain icy calm, the spray from under the skates is like
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sparks of hot metal, and the ice melts like steel, hot ice, a sports competition for the strongest. live broadcast from magnitogorsk, tomorrow on the first. my advice: don't sit close to the screen, it might get too hot. meet us in the steel capital of russia. this city is a real record holder. here is the smartest street, the longest metro bridge in the world, the largest theater in russia. we are in novosibirsk, friends. why you need to build such a huge, huge device. those two people standing at a distance of 100 m and shooting sewing needles, we need a very high-precision installation so that they collide at the point we set, hey, here i am, i’m very cold, here’s a real siberian, try
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to write a grain on the surface, at least something, for the first time it’s good, but you’re lying incompetently, ready, always ready, let’s fly. the life of our own. premiere. on sunday on the first. we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a huge, mysterious, hidden outside our cities, russian history. i collected huge, multi-colored boulders lying along the shores of the pskov lakes, which reirich loved to draw so much. i'm a star.
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confession on monday first. in the west they like to talk about themselves as the heir of ancient greece and ancient rome. in fact , europeans discovered antiquity only a thousand years after the fall of the western roman empire. western europeans, compared to the inhabitants of constantinople, but it was remote, dirty and absolutely undeveloped province. europe itself is very poor in terms of such and such resources; without colonial oppression, modern western europe simply would not exist.
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the big game is live, here on the media the united states has dispersed the topic of the russian threat from space, dispersed it so much that the entire american society came into a state of panic, because what about russian space nuclear.
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however, we are closely monitoring these russian activities and will continue to take them very seriously. president biden was fully informed and regularly holds meetings with his national security team. he led a series of initial actions, including additional briefings to congressional leaders, direct diplomatic engagement with russia, our allies and partners, and. is presented as an ally of russia, naturally, since he
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allegedly compromises those secret sources of information that are in the united states, among recruited russian spies, so the situation really takes on some kind of phasmatogogorical character, but the point, in my opinion, is only one: to push congress to give money to ukraine, right? of course, this is one of the main reasons, in general, a lot of what is being done between the biden administration and, on the other hand, the senate and congress has to do with monetary issues, here is the pentagon with a constant demand to increase its budgets. congressman turner generally deals with military issues, but he has never touched on weapons before; his favorite topic is the problem of abortion. in the army and leave for women in this regard, that is, pay for them or not, it would be better if he continued
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to pursue this topic, but the american administration is now really playing back a little, because they understand that they have gone too far, they are already explaining that this is not so much about nuclear weapons in space, but about bantisatite systems , but there are a lot of inconsistencies here, one of the inconsistencies is leaks from... the administration that russia and china have been allegedly working on these systems since 2007, if since 2007, so why have you been silent until now, the second is very strong the problem is related to negotiation process in this regard, all experts know that moscow and beijing have also repeatedly initiated the topic of reaching agreements on restrictions on the arms race in space, a refusal exclusively on the part of the united states of america, and of others. moment about how scared the american public is or not, judging by the reaction of american reporters,
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they are not so scared, because they understand this whole game of the biden administration, now jokes in general in america have gone to everything, they are into everything, they say, what the administration is promoting topics like star wars in soviet times or from the bandiana of the golden eye, remember, one of the series, they laugh about this, well, some laugh, but american society. actually came into a state of shock, but ordinary people, at the same time, really don’t ask themselves the obvious questions, because if we are talking about introducing nuclear weapons there, then the question is why, we already have the potential, well, at least tenfold destruction of the united states without of every cosmos, and if we are talking about anti-satellite systems, then most of them were developed back in the days of lioniyavich brezhny, so they somehow realized it too late, in my opinion, besides, i apologize for literally one remark: if this is so, it might be better to come to an agreement with russia , if it is really so terrible, and not help
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ukraine, because helping ukraine, it will radicalize russia’s position, and the leadership of everything else, well, that is, quite strange, let’s russia can destroy us from space, so we need to give 60 billion ukraine, so what are we talking about, they have always rejected these proposals, well, there is also a valid treaty, let me remind you, in 1967, not the placement of weapons in space, it is valid, but the truth is that the americans always do not want it in any way. to modify or supplement something, that’s another story, but of course, the americans needed to interrupt information with something, including putin’s interview, so they tried to make such a very clumsy attempt, scaring themselves. but we have a theme on fridays, as eternal as the united states of america, this is the theme associated with american railway transport. let me remind you that yesterday putin held a meeting in... in upper pyshma on the construction of a high-speed
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railway between moscow and st. petersburg, let me remind you what the president said: this work will be the first should be the first starting stage in the development of high-speed rail traffic in russia , this is, of course, a fundamentally different level of technology for transport services, modern workplaces. and advanced competencies, new opportunities for citizens our regions. i will add that in itself the willingness to take on such complex tasks. projects and the ability to implement them is a kind of integral indicator of our increased technological, scientific, personnel, industrial potential, well, these are new competencies and, apparently, we have come to the point of implementing them. well, as you know, president biden also announced the start of a new industrialization and the creation of a high-speed highway from las vegas to
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las vegas for $7 billion. but for now... in in america everything is as usual, the city of cairo is not egypt, it is the state of nebraska, three locomotives and 57 train cars with coal came off the rails, 57 cars with coal, something else didn’t come off there, but it’s clear there’s simply nothing from the railway there left, barber county, kansas 17 freight train cars, no injuries, but cause of exodus.
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were adopted by the pentagon back in 2010, that is, since 2010 they have been systematically moving towards placing space weapons in orbit. darpa and rand corporation described these systems, they said that there there will be space lasers, 20 platforms that will control all outer space, megawatt
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nuclear-pumped lasers that will destroy all our ballistic missiles, hypersonic systems, and also from... cities from orbit, here are kinetic weapons that were supposed to intercept our ballistic missiles and kinetic strikes to destroy populated areas, the effect is the same as nuclear bombs, but there is no contamination of the area, that is, there are huge plans and money was allocated for these, i think this is the hysteria that happened, she was just talking about the fact that money is still allocated for space weapons, but you can come to an agreement with the lobbyists who are pushing these and say: guys, this is in the package... against the backdrop of this panic, don’t forget to also include ukraine , there could well have been such agreements, but when this hysteria went beyond the bounds, as they say , the decency of common sense was given back, well , i think it will look for more, but all these delights are mainly about money, when we say that the advanced a power must demonstrate its superiority in any technologies, we see that america
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is getting worse and worse every time, well, we switched to coal, yes.
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although it must be said that here, too , here we are, we are some kind of optimists, or, so to speak, incredible pessimists, i remember in december, when they blocked this decision, they said, well, now after the new year they will definitely allow it, well, in january they won’t
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allow it in february, they’ll allow it, so they’ve already gone on vacation until the end of february, so far they’ve held out for three months, but for biden it’s like, yes, these are parts that are ticking in the opposite direction, of course side, without any doubt, will end in failure in ukraine, but this is generally a powerful blow to the democratic party, plus everything against the backdrop of their accusations against trump that he is an absolute loser. they don’t understand anything about foreign policy, but you understand, biden, he started with afghanistan, ended with ukraine, and if you add to this the failure in the middle east, more on that after the advertisement, in voronezh we have the admiralty embankment, there is a ship there, the goths destination.
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what happened is my fault, no, it is. and
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it’s my fault, but you and i are not to blame by the fact that they aroused dreams in some sensitive natures, and by the fact that they served the truth, not people, you are my friend, maybe the last one, i would not like to lose a friend. listen, tomorrow, no one can know , for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, you said that you love me, and i believed you, i want to take this disgusting, filthy, stupefied, stupid woman by the throat, swaggering empire, shake it so that it reaches the outskirts, so that it reaches the farthest corners. can you imagine what
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a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i i’ll retreat, but a start will be made, just hurry up, will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait? do you think they might start an indignation, i'm pac. big premiere, time of anger, why are you whispering, we are preparing a coup, take me,
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soon! on the first. big game on first. in moscow, as i already said, the founding meeting of the forum of supporters of the fight against modern practices of neo-colonialism for the freedom of nations is taking place. and prominent public figures from around the world speak at the forum, this is what the secretary general of the african national said. central to the fight against colonialism for the sake of freedom for nations around the world. russia also made a key contribution among the allied countries in the victory over nazism. we have gathered here to unite the world around noble values, which, unfortunately, have been violated with impunity over the past decades. today's forum should become the core of peace, which is provided for by
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the un charter. we are gathered here because the values ​​of the won charter have been undermined and violated with impunity. genocide is unfolding around the world, while humane and the democratic world is watching. well, i must say that indeed, humanitarian disasters are now happening, humanitarian interventions are supposedly happening everywhere. and gas is, of course, the most obvious example, now statistics have appeared that last year 99 journalists died on planet earth, of which 77. the united states of america, and it is no coincidence, yesterday the protesters brought, well, about one and a half tons, actual excrement under the house of neonsipilosi, who is one of the main sponsors.
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states clearly dooms them to loneliness in the states of america are problems not only in the modern world. the loneliness of the united states of america, unfortunately, they now continue to monopolize all possible negotiation formats and are pushing back. they are at least trying to push many other mediators away from the middle east settlement, including russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, who has said more than once in recent days that these attempts by the united states of america to monopolize the processes will lead to a dead end they have already led everyone into a dead end, they are very dangerous,
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but... other mediators continue their activity, and russia too, yesterday i had a very long conversation with the palestinian minister of social development who is in moscow. he is also a member of the executive committee of the palestine liberation organization, ahmed majalani , today he has a meeting with minister lavrov, and he told me that the arabs are drawn to moscow, of course, and expect initiatives from it, and i invite many to pay attention, i invite many to pay attention to the minister's words lavov that an inter-palestinian meeting in moscow could be useful, perhaps including with the participation of radical organizations. of course, if such a meeting is to be held, then it must be done in the near future, at least within a month, and work, as far as i know, is underway on this, so no matter how hard the americans try to push everyone away, it will not work, but as for reports of the death
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of journalists, it was stated not just by someone, but by the international organization for the protection of journalists, they calculated that 75% of those killed correspondents are... canada, australia and new zealand. this is a state allied with israel, which is generally concerned about the message that
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israel is planning a ground offensive in rafah, where there are 1.5 million refugees, and where the situation is really dire right now, people there are fighting for any food, in general, what already there is a military operation there, but... netanyahu is categorically against recognizing the rights of the palestinians, and even more so their right to self-determination. this is what netanyahu said. let's listen. according to israeli officials, netanyahu raised the possibility of acknowledging polestiny during his meeting with blinken, where i expressed concern that the united states was, in principle, considering such an option. netanyahu has made it clear that such a move would be an own goal and would harm any efforts by the biden administration to normalize the situation in the region. this will be a reward for the palestinians for what they did on october 7,” netanyahu said. this issue was raised during a meeting between national security adviser tsakhi hanegbi and palestinian minister hussein al-sheikh, who is one of president mahmoud abas' closest confidants.
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hanegbi explained to al-sheikh that there was no chance that this war would end in a two-state solution. but in fact, the two-state solution is enshrined in all the resolutions themselves. security council of the united nations, i have a feeling that the whole world, even the united states, is already saying that this needs to be implemented, can israel resist everything, i don’t know, israel is opposed in america so far by a very serious pro-israeli lobby, for it is important for biden that this pro-israel lobby, which means supports him in these elections, so no matter what biden’s advisers say, i honestly don’t believe that america can influence today’s israel in such a way as to take it there and stop the war, of course it was great for biden would. to pretend to be some kind of success and for the elections, but i have the impression that this is impossible, that is, these situations really come to a dead end, one means that they will become famous for the other, then the other for the third, and so on and so on, that is, friendship with israel does not give the opportunity, does not give
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the opportunity to find a peaceful solution, but the fact that america itself is a permanent member of the security council, so to speak, yes, the fact that it itself put its signature at one time on all decisions on the creation of two states, jewish and arabic, it’s as if it simply doesn’t exist anymore. for her the whole world is like a golf course, she can do everything , no one is doing it, after the collapse of the soviet union - this is the main problem, plus the dollar monopoly, so to speak, no one is doing it, but they they are concerned about the situation in the middle east, yes, they are concerned that something is not
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working out for them, but in principle for them these are acceptable costs, well, they kill people there, well , they explode there, it ’s not theirs, until the countries of the world mature to the point that they must actually coordinate efforts with each other, as they would say here, the americans are trying to monopolize the process, the americans must be squeezed out of these processes, otherwise, otherwise nothing will work out, otherwise they will remain out of their own, so to speak, their own offices to observe all this as if movie, there will be more and more victims. and they will, so to speak, shift the pieces of paper and say: well, of course, it would be better if it were a success, but if it is not a success, well, to hell with them, so to speak, let’s turn the page. the un security council considered the issue of an american military operation against yemen, and members of the security council in particular, russia and china , argue that the united states do not have the slightest right to strike at yemen, but yemen, of course, and ansar allah, who is there operates from the territory.
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was prepared by the intelligence services, the united states was left to rest on its laurels, believing that it is still a regulator of the events that take place in the middle east; if previously they managed to do this and bring bad peaces that were unprofitable for the parties to the conflict, for many countries, then with this somehow they agreed, as if they were patient, but they agreed, but now the united states, having started these conflicts in the middle east, does not have an ultimate goal, it always asks ...
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the autonomous region, that this is the message that today in penal colony number 7, convict navalny felt unwell after the walk, almost immediately lost consciousness and when medical workers arrived at the institution , an ambulance team was called, all necessary resuscitation measures were carried out, which did not give positive results, emergency doctors confirmed the death of the convict. the causes of death are being established, here is another message: emergency medical doctors, based on preliminary information, determined that the cause of death was a detached trumpet, and the federal service sends a commission to the colony in yanau, where navalny died, due to his sudden death, the territorial bodies of the institution, in accordance with the established procedure, send a commission from among the managers: employees of the operational and medical units of the central apparatus of
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the russian federation. in any case , the most thorough investigation will be carried out. well, as for the state of the world, it is now obvious that the ukrainian defense in ovdiivka is not only crumbling, but western influence is crumbling. a this means that our cause is just, victory will be ours. we'll hand over to the news and see you again at 5:00 p.m. do not miss. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov, at the beginning of chelyabinsk, where vladimir putin arrived today on a working trip. the first point in the program was a plant where it produces industrial robots. it was created on the basis of the chelyabinsk forging and press plant, president.


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