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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  February 18, 2024 7:40am-8:10am MSK

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he was able to get this thing off the ground, this man, well, of course, had great energy, and many who are sitting at this table today and those who are not here at this table today, but we know that they are there, they are grateful to him for the fact that he took, shouldered himself, took these reins, pulled this mighty cart, moved it from a dead point, and today it is rolling at a good speed and continues to delight many, many. yes, and you understand that the task is a great responsibility on you, on all of us, on your descendants, who are great standing next to you and presenting to you their own, albeit fragile, but already powerful, such guys, young shoulder, what is most important, your warmth, mine, darkening again, crackling.
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firewood, love is alive, inspiration , let's first from the field and the river, from my native one, from the stove, the river, where the stars are through the frames of snow on the porches, let's from moman we are from god and...
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in love of my own free will, today on the first, look why you did this, just stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group, mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. v defender of the fatherland day on the first, shura , belobrov arrived, 3 months, sasha, wounded , concussion, from the propeller, the train is leaving, the third call, bam-bam-bam, the germans are on alert along all the coasts, the second was celebrated by ours, commander, the torpedo splashed down , the torpedo went, and what... marina, how
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do i know nastya, you can’t trust women, but now you see how it turned out, the semophore is open, he is my friend, he is my friend, and he loves you, according to intelligence information, he was found in the fifth square enemy submarine, belobrova's flight will go first, commander, left tank broken, just a little more, we'll check , sorry, what happened to us, sura, everyone to the bottom, everyone to the bottom, attack, attack, torpedo bombers, february 23, on the first, they started, it was, no,
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it took a thousand years to create everything, break it down anew , rebuild it, more than a thousand, no, well, in russia , it took a thousand years to do everything. trying to change in general, well, like the soul of a person, a conceivable thing, to change the soul of a person, not just a way of life, it’s generally some kind of, in my opinion, a tragedy, supernational, it’s even, it ’s impossible to even comprehend at all, what is
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to be born with it and die then suddenly say that it doesn’t exist, and didn’t exist, and didn’t exist. and that they didn’t give you socks, hurry up , i say, play, well, in the omsk region, in the city of omsk , they remember zavolokin, what can you say, as an accordion player, they remember, everyone who loves music, who loves the accordion, everyone remembers, you yourself remember , definitely, but you have something to remember, you met him , kicked around, walked a little, it happened, it happened in a good sense, it was in ninety -four in the city of petropavlovsk, northern kazakhstan, then you first came to another republic to us, and there was castrum, yes, abroad, abroad, the first cruise, cruise, cruise, this is a tour, tour, tour, was in northern kazakhstan, so, yeah, and that means what were you doing there, on they played the harmonica, yes
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, i was there, i hadn’t written my songs yet, i was just as an harmonica player, in the ensemble, there was such a club, you had a playing club there, and you practiced with everyone there, there were kazakhs there too, on dombra i was played on balaika. it was play the accordion, ring the dombra, such a friendly people’s joint and what zavolokin said, i listened to what you said ahead, dawn for the meeting, yuri sazanov, the city of omsk, where the tomsk region is the distant sadonov cradle, zavolokin was born, in the village of paroven, still a boy. he was an ardent lover of love, he was lured by the stage, he took the boyan in his hands, he was lured by the stage, he took the boyan in his hands, forward, in
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novosibirsk his talent was spread in russia , a poet and musician appeared in russia, a poet and music appeared. play the accordion, he completed the task, played the fire of love, he made the right choice, created for sure, and glorified the tv show for centuries, and glorified the tv show for centuries with love.
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the country is happy that zavolokin’s songs are heard , the program participants sing them on the set, at various concerts, especially folk ones, and sing them at simple family feasts, i think, as a composer gennady dmitrievich, this would be very pleasant. sire is very bright, next to each other forever, why are we so daring and bold, life
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sometimes separates us. why did life tear us apart so boldly? sometimes the rats worked on me and got used to the military and the planks put their hands together and let the shamu go around.
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there is ice on the streets. accordion, feeder, please the people, please, please,
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friends, fellow countryman, don't, don't, don't, spare your heels, please, please, friends, fellow countrymen, don't, don't, don't, spare your heels, hey! once, while standing at the monument to gennady zavolokin, which stands at the site of his death in the ordynsky district of the novosibirsk region, i happened to hear one conversation. a family, adult children, arrived, and the child, pointing to the monument, asked: “dad, who is this? this is my son, one very good man, a good man, perhaps this is the highest rank on earth. the kingdom of heaven is yours. our dear father, dear gennady dmitrievich, let's remember zavolokin
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on a good journey, you won't find a village where the accordion player won't play, there won't be such a harmonica player that zabolokina won't know how to flow. to the north of the lena, turned away the accordion to the people of zabolokin, somewhere summer is burning and... at dawn the accordion will cry out, it was sung long ago, but not written, that
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song is great love, and the forgotten song blows so familiarly, the one on us who are frozen ... will warm you up, and give strength to those who are tired in life,
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friends, this day is approaching, february 24, play harmony in moscow, on the main stage countries in the state kremlin palace, soon, don’t miss it, we are looking forward to meeting you, dear viewers! hello, the military information program chasovoy is on air on channel one, and i am its presenter, alexey rafaenko, watch this
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episode, not for the ministry of defense. bad weather, even in squally winds, freezing rain and fog, but this does not mean that the flight ground crew has an unscheduled day off, in fact, life is in full swing, constant combat readiness, and these machines can take off at any time, lessons of courage, how their heroes raise future defenders of their homeland, the weather is very changeable, and despite this we carry out our task on a beautiful su-25 aircraft. guardian angels, who covers the backs of our combat pilots? the guys take up firing positions, scatter, rescuers run to the discovered pilot, immediately cover him, fire contact is carried out, at the beginning of the release of
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news about the actions of the russian army in the northern military district zone. outskirts of artyomovsk, an armored group of paratroopers from buryatia received intelligence data with the coordinates of the enemy stronghold and strikes under cover of darkness. the fire is direct fire from a distance of a kilometer, the firing points of the ukrainian armed forces are suppressed, and attack aircraft take over to seize and clear the territory. combat partnership. combat brotherhood, that is , everyone is for each other, all together, everyone’s eyes are burning, to complete the task, the south donetsk direction, at the combat work, the crew of the armored personnel carrier of the vostok group, its main weapon is moral and psychological. your fathers and grandfathers did not fight the
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fascists to defend our common homeland, so that today neo-nazis have seized power in ukraine. they work close to the line of contact, since the radio broadcast of the station does not exceed 5 km, they act not only by persuasion, so-called ogit shells with instructions for surrender are also sent to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. after capturing certain strong points, dugouts, and so on, the military personnel in the armed forces of ukraine did not put up serious resistance after our work, and simply surrendered, and the guys simply took them away. think about it. each of you has a choice. kupinsky direction. jet crew the multiple launch rocket system leaves the shelter and takes a combat position. a short hurricane adjustment sends a package of rockets at fortifications in the enemy rear. uav operators report
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that there is a hit. after redeployment and respite, artillery arrived at night. hitting new targets. our film crew continues to work in the zone of a special military operation and the new report of the sentry is dedicated to those on whose fire support all fighters on the front line, without exception, count. now we are at one of our frontline airfields from which it operates. and army aviation, today, however, the weather is not flying, you can see for yourself, rain, snow, strong wind, but this does not mean that the flight ground crew has an unscheduled day off, in fact, life is in full swing, constant combat readiness, and these machines can rise into the air at any moment. we have already talked more than once about the aerial work of our military
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pilots, but now we have the opportunity to look at their everyday combat life from a different perspective. the pilot with the call sign bashkir, taking advantage of the pause in flights, is now heading to conversation with conscripts who recently joined the army upon conscription. well, now you will communicate with the guys, is there any excitement for you, is this a habitual action? well, excitement is naturally present, but this is unusual for us, because we don’t have much time for such events, but today , thank god, we had such an honor to greet. guys, a little patriotism without this, but of course you need to go nowhere without it, you need to go ahead, we’ll stand behind you. peacefully, hello, comrades, i wish you good health, comrade senior lieutenant, at ease, sit down, sit down, we are in the south of russia, here the weather
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is very changeable, and despite this we are fulfilling our task on a wonderful 125 aircraft. the flight is carried out at extremely low altitudes, bending the terrain, and then reaching the launch lines. this is all done in order not to fall into the field of view of the enemy’s air defense, then the exit to the line is narrow, we launch the maneuver, with an overload of six or seven units, then in the opposite direction, according to a ground reference, everything is just like in old fashioned, how strong is this one? overload, here 6-7, i probably can’t imagine everything, all the units, how much will you weigh alexey, i 80, 80, well, approximately multiply by six, it will be about the same. 380 kg of impact of this load on your body, and at extremely low altitudes, well, how long do you fly there? well , the extremely low height is 25-30 m, that is, it
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’s practically already belly on the ground, belly on the ground, well, there’s no other way, but what are the speeds? speed, the speed is about 800 km/h, that is, 800 km/h height 20 and you still get, yes, yes, yes, plus we are maneuvering, and this is clearly visible from the video reports of the ministry of defense. the su-25 attack aircraft, better known as grach, is an air cavalry, special military operations aircraft. the planes operate at the cutting edge, no one gets closer. donetsk direction. rooks strike at enemy positions. we received the task of defeating enemy personnel. we took off and entered the target area. launch for arcing, missile defense and landing at the departure airfield. according to reports forward ground gunner, all targets
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were hit. the picture is the same in other directions: air attack aircraft are working in the kherson region, in zaporozhye, on the donetsk front, near svatova and kremennaya. they launched unguided aircraft missiles and scraped. further. maneuvering and reaching the airfield, landing, all the shells hit the target. all these pilots have hundreds of combat missions, but perhaps the first one is remembered most vividly. so the bashkir tells the conscript guys how the air rose for the first time here in the special military operation zone. i imagined the first combat mission completely differently, when i reached the launch line, it was already somehow. the performance was completely different , i had a feeling as if either this was a dream, or maybe she was actually doing this, and then the realization only came
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a day later, that i actually did it, and it was after all, it’s not a dream, really, well, at first it was scary, but now, when such a situation is happening in the country, there is no longer any place for fear, so everyone must do my job, and i don’t encourage everyone... to go into aviation, there are many such jobs that our homeland, men, need, so we need to support the wheelmen in difficult times, how many combat missions do you have, i have 150 combat missions so far at the moment , it’s not much, well, it’s not enough yet, but there are guys who are there, i won’t even say it, it won’t be a shame, but well, how much does a combat pilot have on average now, a combat pilot now has an average of 400 500 sorties. well , thank god no, but i have these comrades who were shot down
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, but overcame this difficult path, after all, well , thank god, now it’s good, at the moment he too, despite the ejection, despite the injury, he recovered in the future and also continues this combat path together with me, this is without... the conversation lasted about an hour, the guys were called up quite recently, last fall, and for them and for us, combat pilots are real heroes, and the bashkir and i return to the airpark, the pilot introduces us to his combat friend , su-25, s i was surprised to discover that the metro in russia is supposedly only for the elite, the passenger flow of the moscow metro is about 9 million people per day, it’s good that we have elite stock, it’s many times cheaper than even... in eastern europe, plus it’s very accessible, clean. how an american journalist exposes this unexpected lie. there is a metro station where normal people get to work and home
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every day, better than. everything that is in our country, why did the footage of the air combat of our ukrainian fighters turn out to be fake, it’s clear that this is a game, well , it’s obvious, but most ordinary people don’t understand, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, snob gin, a product of the stellar group, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellor group. what happened is not my fault, it is, and it is my fault, only you and i are guilty not because we aroused dreams, in some sensitive natures, but because we served
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the truth. “i believed, i want to take this disgusting lying, licked, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat, shake it so so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made."
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big premiere. union of salvation. what are you looking for? we are preparing a coup. take me. coming soon on the first. opportunities this aircraft is very large. the range of weapons used, a very wide spectrum of action. it also already uses
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large aerial bombs. also unguided aerial weapons and also controlled ones, how do you cope, you and you fly and control and fight, we are taught this, it doesn’t come out of nowhere, please tell me, you probably watched the movie, only old men go into battle, but of course, the main thing there is also to hold on to the leader in the first battle, i remember there these were the phrases, how relevant is it now, but do planes still fly in pairs? well , it’s still relevant, not without this, because we have the most experienced pilot as the leader, and the leader is a little less experienced, the whole task is to use it and then stay behind the leader, in the future, as you gain experience, this is already a wingman pilot, he grows in progress and in the future he also becomes a leader, what place do you take in our pair, well, for now we know, for a bashkir this is the first combat mission to
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the northern military district zone. he wanted to become a pilot since childhood, although there were no pilots or military personnel in his family. for a long time, the parents could not believe that their son, without telling anyone, immediately entered the krasnodar flight school, because he had never even flown with passengers on civilian aircraft. after admission only when my first vacation given, i flew on my first vacation only then on a civilian plane, i developed a craving for the sky at a fairly early age, we had a military man. there were always planes flying around the airfield nearby, always when i went out i looked at this contrail as planes fly, after that i made a promise to myself that i should try my hand and to become a pilot, i really love my homeland, an ardent patriot, in difficult times you should always help and even...


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