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tv   Luchshe vsekh Novii sezon  1TV  February 18, 2024 7:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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usa. but not only the mental health of the american president. another headache for the white house is tucker carlson. a popular journalist, he literally blew up social networks with his impressions of our country. tucker was pleased with the trip. the moscow metro and grocery stores generally delighted the reporter. and it must be said that in the western media he is not the only one with the same opinion about russia.
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the ussr. the most enduring image of western propaganda during the cold war is the soviet grocery store. no products, no assortment, poor quality items. and it was this is not propaganda, it all really happened . in this, tucker carlson also relied on his most trusted source of information , his own father, who in those years headed the voice of america radio station and was in moscow for work. more than three decades later, the son followed the same path, unexpectedly.
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shopping for the whole family, so out of habit you also convert all packages from dollars into rubles. in this chain store, it’s customary from russia to go into american ones and definitely only in large sizes, one can’t do that much it is necessary, but such small experience allows you to save a lot of money. standard set for a family of four, the same bread, milk, fruits, vegetables, meat, no crimean wine, let's take local, californian, inexpensive. by the way, here are the prices for eggs in the usa. all last year, now a dozen costs
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almost 8 dollars, which is about four times more expensive than 2 years ago. 8 bucks for eggs, those eggs that came from ukraine? 8 dollars a pack, are you crazy? it ’s not only the prices that cause dismay, but also the rather meager assortment compared to russian ones shops, however, where to go, you take what they give you pay what they say. 351 dollars or at the current exchange rate, something like 32 rubles , this food basket costs, a quarter of which is actually taken up by drinking water, it is not surprising that so much steals here, so at the exit there is a mandatory control point, so unusual for us, positions in the receipt is necessarily checked against what is in the cart, and salaries no longer look higher than in russia.
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sometimes, when you are in the united states, you wonder why people clash with such problems while we ourselves boast that we are a superpower, that we are the richest? the question of a direct answer , which is avoided not only in america, but in other western countries, from an inconvenient topic they most often turn the arrows to russia, they even came up with a term, putin’s inflation, but they immediately reassure them that life in russia is even worse. the russian economy has become a barely surviving isolated backwater. russian military removes chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to repair technology because they don't have any more semiconductors. russian industry
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is torn to shreds. the ruble has lost value, reflecting the fact that the sanctions we imposed along with our allies have depleted the russian economy. but the more horrors they tell about russia, the stronger the curiosity, what is it really like there? research by analytical agencies differs radically from political rhetoric. western politicians see sanctions as a cornerstone, but if you look at some aspects of the russian economy, such as the cost ruble or the savings of citizens, then you will not see the pain of sanctions. it’s incomprehensible how the russian economy not only survived, but even flourished
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, why are people watching there, who is more interested here, carlson added to the impression of going to the metro, by accident or on purpose, but rather the second one went down to kievskoye station, magnificent interiors accompanied by music by alexander glazunov from the ballet raimondo, which, by the way, is being performed this season at the marininsky theater in st. petersburg on the stage of the ukrainian national opera in kyiv. hardly, of course, for the average viewer. we know such subtleties, but certainly, residents of american megacities, especially new york, which is slightly inferior to moscow in terms of population, were able to appreciate the stunning contrast between the two subways. what we saw shocked us. there is no graffiti, no dirt, the smell
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of infrequencies, aggressive individuals, those who are just waiting to push you on the way to kill you. no, it's perfectly clean and organized here. and how can all this be explained? why in russia, a country we call a gas station with nuclear weapons, the metro stations that ordinary people use to commute to work and home look better than anything in our country. under this video, which has received about 20 million views on the platform x hundreds of comments, someone scolds carlson for pro-russian propaganda and lack of american patriotism, but the majority are clearly impressed by what they saw. remember the times when russia hid everything american from the russians? because i didn't want them to were disappointed in their own country, it seems that now everything is the other way around, it seems that in fact this is america, a third world country, as for me, this is what a civilized society looks like, critics cried out that moscow is not all of russia, in the outback it is far from metropolitan splendor, but
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new york is also far from metropolitan splendor, so what can we say about the rest of america. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, maria martanova, arseny baibulov, channel one usa. and with this our episode is completed, the broadcast will continue with the program best of all, new season. romcastra product lar group vodka veda product stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group bourbon сtirsman product stellar group whiskey mankatcher product stellar group. l
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y ye yeah. best of all on the first channel, what a hell, i ’m selling to a vnyuk without friends, that’s why i’m running along the road, with a magic pattiphone, in my cart, under sadness. under the cheerful growls, friendly zhannie, a light is born, a big
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secret for a small, for a small company, for a modest company, such a huge secret, if only it were with someone, and there would be only someone to talk to, and there would be only someone to talk to, and there would be b something, and there would be you, and there would be you, and there would be only someone to talk to. hello everyone, welcome to the best! today we have an unusual release, it will contain so much cuteness that you have never seen before, because not only cool kids, but also small animals, that is, children of people and children of animals, will come to our sofa, and these are not all the surprises, we we are starting the biggest show about the little ones, the best! our next participant has a unique
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talent, at the age of nine she can fly several aircraft at once, the best pigeon trainer at the show is alisa mikhalevskaya, well , you’re young, well, you’re young, well, you’re young, let’s be young, let’s be young, let’s be young , let's go young. hello, hello, alice, is it you who you came with today? i came with a dove, his name is tom, it’s like he’s not real, he ’s so beautiful, he has this tail like a peacock, this is such a breed, peacock pigeons, they have long been used as decoration in castles, of course, he really is like a decoration, let's say, how long have you been working with pigeons? i’ve been working with pigeons for a year, my mom and
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dad gave me the first pigeon on the advice of my coach, and what kind of circus coach do you have, in the circus studio, yes, yes, in the circus studio, and so you were training there, the coach brought a pigeon, and pigeons he brought it, brought props and gave it to me, well, i was new then and let the new ones try it, i asked my mother for a very long time once... i come home from school and see in the hallway there is a cage with two pigeons, i kissed mom and dad so much, you just couldn’t believe your eyes, and do pigeons live in your apartment? no, we live in a private house, we have a two-story cage on the street, yeah, we call it apartments, how many pigeons do you have in total, i only have five pigeons, yeah, but they have different characters, anyone? harmful, some have very different characters, so he likes to hug, kiss, others are
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pigeons who don’t like, don’t like, don’t touch me, don’t come near me, but how do they listen to your commands then if you took a pigeon , here just, you first need to tame him to yourself, and then start practicing with him, repeat one trick several times, if you want, i ’ll teach you the simplest trick, give me one hand, can i move away, i’m doing something like this, yes i hand, i’ll leave your hand alone, no, that’s how it’s needed, exactly, maybe, maybe a compliment first, still, okay, eh... this is a trick already, i already think, he’s touching his hand, why is he moving towards me, oh, he does this to me, it’s very ticklish, i can’t do anything, give me your second hand, no, yes, your second hand, you sit down, alice, what are you you want, what are you doing, my god, he dug his claws into me, that you slightly
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straighten this hand, straighten it, where? well, just a little more and as a spare , pay attention to me, i can already go to a new job and get a job, look at what wounds i have left on my arm. so they scratch, but we trim their nails, well, you don’t trim them too much, he’s all wounded, that ’s how it should be so that he doesn’t fall, but it happens that a pigeon doesn’t listen to you, yes, let’s say , if you perform, then the pigeon may refuse to perform, i don’t want to, yes, and you and there's nothing you can do about it, maybe he needs a bigger fee, more okay, gifts,
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well, no, but what do you pay, maybe they... they need some kind of tasty food, which is a delicacy for them, maybe they have some gourmet rolls, but what do they like, he likes rice, he likes corn, they all eat different things or what? yes, can you feed pigeons with bread? no, you can’t feed them bread, well, just as you can’t feed them bread, if all over the world pigeons are given bread, it’s impossible, because the bread clogs them.
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there are two pigeons in the house, did you pick it up on the street or how did this happen? no, we bought them, but that day my dad’s heart just melted and he couldn’t resist anymore, so we went and bought her pigeons. are you happy with your daughter’s hobby? she’s very happy with it, because well , first of all, it distracts her from gadgets, it takes up all her free time, so we really like it, she has a lot of friends, she has a very...
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do you want to be when you grow up? i want to be a circus performer, but even when i was little, i wanted to be a veterinarian, a trainer, i wanted to go to the theater to dance, i wanted to be a policeman, a fireman, i wanted to open my own manicure salon, because i painted my nails perfectly with a felt-tip pen, that is, now she’s crying for...
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alisochka - it was fantastic, it was a very gentle romantic number, introduce me. with his artistic wings, this is fashion , this is tom, i call him hysterical, why is he hysterical, because we bought diapers for
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pigeons, so, we put them on, so everything, everything is fine, everyone felt fine, and he fainted, that there are diapers for pigeons, yes, there is also a bicycle for pigeons, well, a bicycle, okay, at the circus i saw, so, the third one, this is max, his first performance somewhere on the road, max, with your debut, and this is fenya, fenichka, hello, dear, why does mot have a red ring ? we were given mota and lisa, this is his wife, to distinguish where the boy is, where the girl is, and you can distinguish by the rings, yes, well, i can easily distinguish, and mom, yes, it turns out, married pigeons also need to wear rings, they are awarded a medal from our show .
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alisochka and of course a backpack with sweets , this bunny is for good luck, he’s the same white, like your pigeons, right now we want to tell you that you, alice, are the best . junior lieutenant ignatia vladimir ivanovich, sapper. there is a pulse, but it’s weak, it crossed someone’s path. i stood up for the girl. he will look for me now. what's happened? i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win. it's not necessary. you don’t approach him,
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but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator. help him. this is him, who is he? volodya, the one who saved me, you are nothing to each other. this is chechnya, we can’t do that. i'll see this one again you won't be here. i was surprised to discover that the metro in russia is supposedly only for the elite, the flow of the moscow metro is about 9 million people per day, it’s good that we have it, it’s many times
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cheaper than even... eastern europe, plus a journalist, there is a metro station , in which it is very accessible, pure, how this unexpected lie is exposed by the american normal people get to work and home every day, better than everything that is in our country, why the footage of the air battle of our ukrainian fighters turned out to be a fake, it’s clear that this is a game, well, it’s obvious , but most ordinary people, well, don’t understand, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, lesha, let’s turn it on so that there is something, let’s start to figure it out, so what’s there to figure out? i want to show a movie to a person. there are people who make movies out of thin air, and i make them out of myself. and you don’t have to tell me anything , i know everything, i know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse, brother, you are my brother, seryozha, he is not an artist, he is a personality, i think that strength is in truth, like the caucasus. he got it, actually
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speaking, because of me, we were filming there , there is no need to relax, guys, the war is going on, when seryozha left, something left my world, but it just became more difficult for me, because my friend died, there is such a person , forced me to carry a cross on easter, i almost fell, it’s heavy, wooden, a huge cross, so i’m waiting for someone to support me, because i might fall, and a crowd of people is following me, and i’m basically like this ...
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where is that beautiful one, whose name i’m afraid to say happy angel day, close your eyes and wait, i arrived on behalf of count miloradovich, the humblest with a request to take the russian throne, if i decide now, then first of all i will punish miloradovich and you, constantine i sounds better than nicholas, constantine was already a friend to me, a big premiere, an alliance. the senate will not swear an oath, i promise you, and it is not the senate that decides, but the guard, i have 60 thousand guards bayonets here, and you, soon at the first, when we came up with an unusual issue, we understood that without his blessing...
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fortunately, he agreed, wonderful, incredible, unique, beloved nikolai nikolaevich by all of us drosdov, hello, hello, dear friends, i love you too, this year there are two big events, they happened quite recently, firstly, the moscow zoo turned 160 years old. bravo! and just recently it was the birthday of our wonderful scientist, vitaly bianchi. yes, the question that worries all viewers: how to achieve unity with nature if you live in a metropolis, what to do? leave the metropolis as far as possible. animals always look like their owners, is that true?
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depends on how... the owner chooses a dog, it’s not that it becomes like her, such a big, healthy man, he’ll take a bulldog, because it’s disgusting to walk with such a small dog, i have three dogs , they all look like my huge husband, they are so shaggy and my husband is the same , they look like , no one looks like me at all, so isn’t this similar, it’s not mine yet, but i think soon maybe it will be mine, there will be a fourth, we want...
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for the special issue, we invited not only children. now an unusual guest will appear in the studio. meet! squirrel! hello squirrel, my dear little white goat , you know that goats have a good memory, yeah, in general, you heard, she says, yes, yes, that’s right, i’ll try to communicate with the squirrel in their language, she turned away, that means it’s not the same, but she answers, this is a reversal, you see, oh, i already
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understand the goat’s language, how old are you, a week and a half, my god, and she’s already making such talented marks, oh, what a great fellow you are, what do you want to tell our viewers, no, no , here, here, over there, over there, say, oh, it’s you who’s eating my hair, uh-huh, uh-huh, this is the first one in history goat-stylist, so to speak, now my hairdresser took hold of his hair and pulled out the last one, because he understands that he has competition, i said, the squirrel goat is the best, about lucky people, they say, he was born in a shirt, our the next participant was born
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right in the saddle, the most courageous rider, milena chernyaskaya. attention to the screen.
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come on, the way is young, come on the way is young, come on the way is young, come on the way is young, come on the way is young, come on the way is young, come on the way are young, come on the way are young, come on the way are young, come on the way are young, come on
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well done, give way well done, well done, give way well done, give way well done, give way well done, wait, where did you take the horse, i had so many questions for her. oh, milena, hello, sit down , milena, your appearance was incredible, it ’s just amazing, thank you, how old are you, i’m 7 years old, you have such a cute curl here, it doesn’t bother you, no, that’s beauty, 7 years old and you you’re already riding a horse, at what age did you first ride a horse, well, in general, i’m in the saddle. one year you sat on a horse at the age of 1, children at this age only begin to sit normally, well, at the age of 2 i was already participating in competitions, well, it’s true i was still on
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a small pony, but then yes, you yourself were like this at one year, when i grew up and turned 5 years old, yeah, my mother transferred me to a big horse, and i ’ve been doing jigeto for the third year now. dzhegitovka is some kind of cooking, something from cooking, no, these are tricks on a big horse, how big does a horse have to be for... tricks on it to be considered as dzhegitovka, you can do it on a pony jacket? no, why? at any age you can only ride a horse, so that it is of any height, but the main thing is that it is not a pony, otherwise your hands will get in the way, but tell me, are you never scared, but this is such a big lie, you are so small , are you not afraid of heights at all? i’m not afraid of heights at all, i’ve already flown. on an airplane, i also flew
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on an airplane, i would be afraid to ride a horse, to be honest? no, i'm not scared, i 've been thrown off 100 times by ponies, wow, i heard, by the way, that horses are very shy, what could scare her, tell me, loud sounds, that is, you can’t sing, yes, well, yes, you can’t run in front of horses, because they can stand up. from fright or to lie down or lie down, but that’s when they stand on their hind hooves , and this is called a candle, yes, yeah, you take part in some competitions, yes, i have more than thirty awards, the most important award in the championship in the moscow region horse riding championship is this there were your peers or older guys, well, the older ones were 9-8 years old. already adults, that is, you were the smallest
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defeated everyone? yes, well done! i heard that you act in films and play in the theater? yes, but should you have cried or laughed there? dance? what about dancing? do you also dance? yes, but what’s scarier, riding a horse or dancing in the theater? on stage in front of an audience? i'm not scared, are you at all? don't you ever worry? what a brave girl you are! who did you come with? of course, i took with me my favorite coach from the jacket training center alexandra kalinina, godmother anya and mummy vera. alexandra, hello! hello! tell me, here they brought you a one-year-old child. what to do with him? actually, she came. came to me when she was 5 years old, yes, yes, that is, she already rode
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a horse, she knew how to gallop, this is our most important requirement, since stunts are still such a dangerous thing, one might say, this is an extreme sport, yes, it’s a sport , my little one is my youngest, she was scared to do even the simplest elements, now she does fearlessly, even the most difficult ones, mom vera, can i talk to you, did you put a one-year-old child on a horse? the fact is that i am also a coach, only a dressage coach is a completely different discipline of equestrian sport, she really liked horses from birth, but i couldn’t just forbid her, i could only support her, but this is a rather dangerous sport, you are you worried about milena? i’m worried, of course, i’m worried sometimes, but looking at how my child rushes to training with such zeal, how much she likes it all, how much it is... i can’t refuse her, but i hope that right now, you
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’ll still show me how to sit on horse, and some cool, well, or not so cool tricks, we can do it, yes, let's go to the stable of the best of all, let's go, of course , let's go, come on, tired of being small, tired of being small, so, well, mylene, i'm completely i’m ready for horse riding, that is, i’ve already found dzhigit’s costume. where do we start? we start with the aspiration stance, this is the easiest element. come on, easy, i love it. we move the leg. cheli saddle. let me repeat. horses, it’s easy, we raise our hands,
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we’ve already been through this, i’m already a professional juggernaut, we lower our hands, we lower the leg like this, rearrange the leg , so, yes, the next element is more difficult, come on, finally, come on, swallow, we raise the leg, my favorite since childhood, and so, we stretch it out, that is, when i stop the minibus, i do a jigetovka too, wait, wait, you know, it’s gone , the next element is even more difficult, oh, come on , we throw our leg over, stretch out the other and stretch out our arm, this, this is when i ’ve been catching a taxi for a very long time, we lower our arm, oh, and i’m ready, the next element, we will lie down, lie down - i’m generally a pro, but we won’t rest it will turn out, like this, we move our leg
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and lie down on our back, like this, like this, well, listen, while it looks like something, there is a risk that i won’t get up from this trick, we put our hand back, and has it ever happened that you got enough sleep on a horse? no, but i can break, it sounds dangerous , we fasten the leg, the hand on the back hand, “well, i can only do this on the sofa, i ’m sorry, i have my own bigger horse, oh, the wig has fallen off, now we put the hand where the hand is on the back , where, to the back, we return, oh, it was similar, a little bit, the next
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element, the stand, let's jump in, well done, you in general, you just surprise me, how many years have you studied this? third year, and is it normal that i did it in 3 minutes? or is it just easier without a horse? it’s easier without a horse, of course, then i’ll also try on a horse, bring my white pegasus, that’s what it means. here is the button, what the hell is going on, please, but mine has already rolled, catch up, please , lord, how to stop this, but in general it’s normal, you will do tricks, so look, i’m already sitting down, so the first trick, riding
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with one hand, give me some kind of assessment, i’ll wait now, just like that, i pulled out my toes, well, it’s normal for the first time, melena , please, how to sit with your back, so first , oh, oops, oops, opana, look what grace is, oh, lord, listen, i i can break a horse right now, opana, one arm, take back, vasrat, wow, let's go like this, maybe it's okay too, oops, vasrat can get it, you 're great, dear, so, wait, where are you,
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uh, where is the mane , mane, here it is, oh, sunk, where is it, so, oh, my, my dear, oh, oh, it’s so hot, so let’s take a sha, a saber, a saber, let’s take it, ah, ah, ah, melena, she’ll abandon me , it’s been a long time, milena, i haven’t been to the sea for a long time, we forgot the test, s’mores, how our hearts are bored, and we have no peace, but live on. velena, we, we have arrived, stop me
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, opana, i got off the horse, i’m still shaking, i will never forget this walk, and you will never forget, i’m never, of course, tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being , a medal from our show is added to milena chernyavskaya’s huge collection of medals! a backpack with sweets, of course, for you, this beautiful one, bunny, as a keepsake for you for good luck, thank you, milena! chernyavskaya, she is the best today.
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german chancellor olaf scholz traveled to washington. if the situation worsens as a result of russia's war against ukraine, we will have to answer. germany agreed. increase military tranches in ukraine, the americans are creating rapid reaction troops, and the germans there will form the main strike force, they want to push germany and russia out, all of germany is on the alert, it’s not just farmers, a criminal, a traitor to the motherland, mercedes is leaving germany, the americans with they are eating up the german economy with a crunch; his whole appearance suggests that this man has long been accustomed to groveling. scholz is germany's chief undertaker. he doesn’t want to stop the conflict and he can’t; he’s already in the blood of his hands. he understands that this is the end of his career. germany, which has reduced almost all of its social programs, has earmarked 100 billion euros for re-armament, must increase its armed
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forces so that they are equal to russia, you can imagine, that is, they are at full capacity they are seriously preparing for world war iii. abandoned germany or olaf scholz, who forgot god. dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. in the west they like to talk. as the heirs of ancient greece and ancient rome. in fact, europeans discovered antiquity only a thousand years after the fall of the western roman empire. western europeans, compared to the inhabitants of constantinople, but it was a remote, dirty and completely undeveloped province. europe itself is very poor in terms of such and such resources, without colonialism modern western europe simply would not exist . western wars were more destructive than wars. which were carried out by other civilizations. the philosophy of america, we , is the highest achievement of
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statecraft. we manage you because it is in your best interests. if you do not admit this, you represent a universal evil that must be eradicated. premiere of civilization. film five. west. on tuesday, on the first. for the first time in history. new. and the competition format, born in russia with the support of the highest level, a combination classical sports , high-tech e-sports, for the first time sports and virtual disciplines are combined into a single space, thousands of the best athletes from more than 100 countries, combining sports and technology, we unite: games of the future, opening ceremony, live broadcast from kazan,
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february 21, at the first , on defender of the fatherland day, on the first day, you can’t imagine how difficult it is to wait, to wait when i don’t know where you are, what’s wrong with you. promise me that you will return, give me your word. here they are, i see a column, the gentleman is on the tail, we are looking for a russian pilot, he is somewhere in this area, this life has a price, a second chance. second life , my goal was to live to fight, my husband
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is a pilot, and a pilot must fly, pilot 23. on the first, now there is an unusual participant in our studio, losing weight is not a problem for him, in extreme cases he just throws his tail , meet eblifar with the romantic name eboprofen, the road is young, the road is young, the road is young, let’s be young. i
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will call you ebu for short, you have very beautiful ears and a gorgeous tail. eublifara - unique animals, they can blink, make faces, wink and even smile. you see what a wonderful smile he has, and eblifars smile when they feel good or when... they are still tickled, now i will try to show this to you, if, if i haven’t crushed him, and in general, if he is still here, motherfucker, oh, what, he's covered in goosebumps, it means he's pleased, i hope where you are , since i'm a brave tv presenter, crawl towards me,
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come on, crawl onto my hand, ay-ay-ay-ay, in the wrong place, ugh, god, i, i also got goosebumps from no, no, don't go, don't go , please, please, i can't have you leave, no , i can't have you leave, boom, we need to move to the center of the sofa, i'm begging you, oh, god, oh, i was told , you will host this program with cute children, it will be very fun and interesting for you, and bubochka, please, can i take it like this? quickly, look, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, center, yeah, that's it, in general, leopard geckos are unique in that they have a gorgeous smile, so bufen, the best of all, is in our next participant's pocket always
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there will be a handful of grains, no, y... he is not a young agronomist, it’s just that his tailed companions really like to chew on something, meet, little lover of, as he calls them, rats, timur vlasov, young for the road, well, young for the road, come on, you're young, let's be young, come on, you're young, let's be young , let's be young, hello, hello, timurochka, introduce me to your companion, i 'm sick of fear, you know, this happens , she stabbed me once, this is phoebe, she is one year and 6 months old, is she an adult or something else? young, adult, by human standards she is already 45, my age, where is she, where is she,
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timur, timur, where is she, oh god. how did you become interested in rats? well, rats, they are very cute, kind, how is the kindness of rats expressed? they lick, forget, do you have? yes, well, do they know that you are their master? do they mistake a person for a pack, anyone, or just the owner? can they accept me? i don’t even know, me too, but i doubt it to myself. she stuck her tail in your mouth, nothing, nothing, this happens, hold her, god, ugh, what are they eating, i remember from the cartoon, they eat cheese, they love it, yes , that’s cheese, no, they can’t have cheese, then their stomach hurts, yes, but what do they need to eat, or food, maybe a banana, salted and fried foods
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are not allowed, that is, what - well... well, some skrysks look after their own, hold, hold, hold, hold, i beg you, hold, timur, and if they don’t listen to you, you can somehow punish them, well, you can just show it like this, and that well, they are becoming more obedient, phoebe, phoebe, well, at least she would at least turn her face, maybe we should make some specific proposal to her please contact me, phoebe, would you like a massage? they love to have their back scratched, can i scratch them? well, well, no, no, you hold her, i’m just scratching her, but how did you understand that she likes it when her back is scratched, well, they, they generally close their eyes, well, for some reason she doesn’t close them, wait, eh how many rats do you have, in total, well, three, and where are the rest of your friends, they’re all there somewhere , so bring us all, the family, to the studio, i
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’ll hide somewhere, dear mom, what’s... what’s the name of simurochka, tell me, here this is savannah, who is savannah, yes, the second one is with yum, they are girlfriends, these are all girls, yes, why did you take her? i just asked, can she now run somewhere alone, no, then you won’t catch her in the studio, i’m only worried because of this, the third, look, the third is also coming to you, you see, timur, do you want to pet her? i have a suggestion for you, you heard that when people take pictures, they are asked to uh smile and say cheese, cheese, right? but for rats you said it is very harmful, right, so i suggest choosing another word for the smile in the photographs, i pull out the card, say the word, and you will be with it
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in a word, smile in the photo, so, rat, so , now you take a picture of me, and i choose a word, but even if you take a beautiful picture of me, then as soon as he takes a picture of me, there’s one not completely there, no, well, it’s beautiful, she opened her mouth, you’re fine, well, here i didn’t do a very good job, so, the next word to you, trackits, smile, smile, well done, oh, i have a great word, what a diva. but it seems to me that cheese is the best, honestly, even by the time you smile, you’ll already be tired, you need to go to rest, now let's look at the photos and choose a word
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that everyone will use instead of the word cheese, where in the cut we smile the most here, probably on a rat, of course, i 'm sorry, but it seems to me that zhanna, let's choose applause for zhanna? great, now applause for rat! the rat unexpectedly won for me, now everyone is at peace, instead of cheese they use the word rat to smile! by the way, are your parents interested in the life of rats? yes, i'll introduce you then.
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and a snake, i won’t come to you, look how they hugged, they always sleep like that, seriously, they say that rats are very smart, it’s true , yes, i propose to find out once and for all who
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is smarter, people or rats, for this i have prepared for you a special rat quest, which a great friend of our show, a theater and film actor, will help you complete, kirill koganovich, let's go meet him. it seems to me that he likes mozart the most , absolutely right, the rats like mozart and now you need to determine where exactly mozart is, it clearly looks like mozart, what do you
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think, no, the next track. this is not a classic at all, kind of boring, yes, zephyr, the same music is playing on the waiting line on the phone, right? next track: so what, marshmallow, what do you think, mozart, mozart, our answer, the third track, you won, marshmallow, well done, you are real rats, you guessed mozart’s music, and you really like it, i prefer it, of course, to my taste sunmonaco, but if we talk about... our
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rat mouth, then yes, that's right, i say, this means that you are ready to cross the next station, when dragging chicken eggs, rats use interesting tactics, tell me, timur, what kind of tactics are they ? one the rat lies down and turns white, and the other one pulls it by the tail, lie down on your back, and i will drag you by the tail, now hold the egg, it will fall and break, hold it! oh, this is very heavy, is it the egg that is so heavy, or you? thank you zephyr, your work is done, then i will do it myself, this logo says that rats have a very well developed memory, we will have to test this, you will name each other your favorite treats and at the same time repeat the previous ones. come on, you start, corn,
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corn, then i have cheesecakes, corn, condensed milk cheesecakes, corn, condensed milk cheesecakes, what i love more we have these seeds , corn, sylniki, condensed milk, seeds, cucumbers , it’s not easy, now i, corn, cheesecakes, condensed milk, seeds, now it’s your turn, corn, tires, goose, seeds, cucumber, lasagna, potatoes fries, french fries, i love it, so, corn, cheesecakes, condensed milk , sunflower seeds, cucumbers, lasagna, french fries and mm, then...
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now it’s your turn, corn, silniky , condensed milk, sunflower seeds, cucumbers, lasagna, potatoes, sirloin , cottage cheese, burger, it seems to me that you and i are creating a menu for some cafe, i i heard something that this, oh my god, this is a move, timur, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, we need where...
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rat lover timur vlasov, the best! timur, i congratulate you, friend, cool rat, are you happy? our next participant doesn't like it when people call her in the morning, even if this call concerns the most delicious mice in the world, meet the owl! dusya, come on, you’re young, come on, you’re young, come on , you’re young, let’s be young, on the road , young, on the road, young on the road. darling, hello, where did you come to us from? and dusya flew to us from the coniferous forests, she usually hunts, sitting on low trees,
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turning her head from side to side, listening to where the prey is hiding, she is the best at this , well, as you understand? yes , i’m talking about you, right now, before your eyes, dusya will teach me to turn my head 360° , we just turn everything to the right, and mom, ah, oh my god, dusya clicked, dusya at the doctors, it was an owl, dusya, she’s the best today. i am not a mother, not a wife, i am the all-russian autocrat, what is this title to the people, you are
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nobody here, just my mother’s toy, there have already been a lot of people like you and there will be more, as soon as you get bored, get out, you don’t want to. escort me to europe, as a result of our conversation, i will have money, an honest name and freedom of movement, you are afraid of infidelity, next to you, i am not afraid of anything, you are people or animals, the empire needs an heir, nikita ivanovich and i have chosen your bride, let go me to the front, don’t leave me, i’m not ordering, please, great, golden age, great premiere. tomorrow after the program time. imagine that you are calmly flying on a plane with a woman sitting next to you. you, labor begins. what to do? about this about many other things in the program to live great.
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tomorrow on the first. we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a great era. a mountain, hot with self-lights, cut down a crucifix from a huge siberian larch, i remember how this crucifix, erected on an armored personnel carrier, moved through the west. a stork descended from the sky into shackles on the crucifixion, a thing bird, premiere alexander prokhanov, confession, tomorrow on the first, on the day of defender of the fatherland on the first.
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shura, belobrov, where are you going, 3 months, huh sasha, wounded, concussed. the screw train is leaving, the third call, bam-bam-bam , the germans are in alarm all along the coast, the second one is our commander, the torpedo splashed down, the torpedo went, and what is their car, how do i know nastya, you can’t trust a woman, but now you see, as it happened, the semophore is open, he is my friend, he is my friend, and he loves you, according to intelligence information , an enemy submarine was discovered in the fifth square, belobrov’s unit will go first, commander, the left tank is broken, a little more, even more to the right, sorry what actually happened, shurochka, everyone bottom, everyone to the bottom, attack, attack, torpedo bombers
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, february 23, on the first, the pads are ordinary and so... oleg ivanovich, swaying like that, loved to doze, he says, oh, how i love to sit on the street and watch what is happening around. i say: oleg, let me kiss you, because this is one of my favorite states. he sits down next to me and looks at me, and i’m a young artist, i say: what, oleg ivanovich? he says it's good to be young, he was playing a dramatic scene. said stop, he turned to the camera, said, yes, steak or cutlets, he said, a second after the scene in which he had tears in his eyes, the last time he came out of the scene, i remember he felt very... very, very bad, they already knew what was happening to him , and there were so many flowers at the end of the performance,
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it felt like people were saying goodbye to him, i love this photo, but i don’t know what it is, for oleg yankovsky’s eightieth birthday on february 24, the first, when nature distributed speed to various creatures, the snails did not managed to crawl, but our next participant - i'm equally crazy about them mia sklyarova on the road you're young on the road you're young come on the road you're young come on the road you're young on the road you're young on the road you're young on the road you're on the road come on darling hello you brought me something to snack what is it these are snails they're alive yes ? why are you walking around with a tray of snails? they have ears, horns, what is it? this is their shell
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, shell, these are the eyes, there, this is the nose , you see, there are two noses, i see, no, one, but for each eye there is one nose, that’s right, well, like ours, we have two nozdars, come on yes, i didn’t think about it, such bulging nostrils, yes, i have never seen such huge snails. what are their names? okhotiny. okhotinka, hello. they don’t hear you because they are generally deaf, they don’t have old ones anymore? no, they don't have ears. now, if you thought, what is this ear? i thought it was an ear. this is not an ear. this is the organ through which they give birth to babies. well, that is, small snails. like some kind of lure. are small snails born with a shell and a house? yes, how is it? there are eggs inside,
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but they are very small at first, like this? no, well, this is how they are born, but what are the names of these beauties? this is alice, this is katya, and by the way, this is for you, oh, thank you, i hope this is not a snail? no, can i open it? yeah, oh, oh, what is it? this is made of clay, such a snail, i wish for you that you come to us in sochi and be able to relax at sea, thank you, you are the best person on earth who wants me to relax and not work, by the way, you are right, now i thought that on vacation i move exactly like a snail, i’m just pure. thank you, oh please, ah are you a lot of snails? yes, i have seven of them, and
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how long do snails live, and if you take good care of them, they can live 15 or 20 years. and it happens that she’s gone, she’s all crawled into the house, of course, it happens that she’s encapsulated because she wants to eat, or because she’s just dry. what does dry mean, she needs moisture, yes, but of course she needs to be wetted with water, she also likes to drink, but in no case should she be completely submerged under water, yes, she will suffocate, she will choke, they can be take your hands, yes, of course, well, take it, i’m still afraid, you won’t regret it, because they have such mucus mucin and if... you scare them, shake them like that, they create such mucus,
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you’re just in time for me she said, and you put them on your skin, it will be younger , my skin will become younger, maybe i should do it right away, maybe i should put it here somewhere, well, i’m looking good on the palm of my hand, but maybe you’re already old 80, what about you? you look like this, since you are with the streets all the time, i need to rejuvenate my left or right, now, wait, which one is it? it seems, well, it seems, don’t shake, wait, i beg you, wait, lord, lord, come on, i ’m already rejuvenated, you should have shouted younger. everyone, so now i have too much , what to do with it, just coat it
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like this, so that yes, yes, oh, pay attention, look, you, show me, yours, look, there is no difference at all, i even have the line of life has lengthened, now, with whom you crawled to us , you arrived, i came with my mother and my sister, what is my mother’s name, anastasia, and my sister, margot, you probably don’t have creams, i think, in general, you they are not needed, as i understand it, yes, you don’t go to a cosmetologist, no? well , we didn’t take them with us to moscow, because we took snails , that’s what i’m talking about, but when mia became interested in snails, she constantly brought them everywhere, wherever we rested, wherever we walked, she somewhere- then she finds them, she picks them up, carries them home, hides them from me, and how can you hide a snail from your mother at home,
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or something, put their boxes under the bed, and that is, you decided that... the child would no longer carry anything from the street, you decided once and for all make pet snails, yes, that’s what happened , so that she would stop picking up snails and not drag them home, but it didn’t help, she still brings them, yes, you told us a lot about snails, but in order to thoroughly understand, i suggest you move into theirs right now world, tired of being small. in the world of snails , time flows completely differently, it’s so great, there’s no rush, there are no problems in life, i’m something, i’m something, i
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feel something. i have a sense of smell, no hearing, but i have a sense of smell, sausage, coffee, for how many meters can i smell food, a snail , 5 meters away, someone i feel that someone brought sandwiches, filming, i’ll find you now, and you smell something, i smell my take. and hello brothers and sisters, you can talk to them, yes, i am, they are deaf, so i am deaf, we have a mental connection with them, hello, zhorik, uh-huh, he, you see, right away, you see, he turned his nostrils , greets
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me, hello, hello, what’s wrong with okhatina’s teeth? that one snail has 25,000 teeth, yes, so they can bite off my finger, nope, they only eat old skin, how do they sleep, they crawl into the shell and sleep when they sleep, in winter, in summer, at night, in winter, they hibernate, yes, but what do hunters eat? under no circumstances should they be given anything that is made by man, just all sorts of vegetables, fruits and berries. oh, it’s a wonderful diet they have, i ’m just hungry, do you mind having a snack? no, i’ll open the snail app and order us some food. poke-poke-poke,
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poke-poke, vegetables and fruits. poke-poke. here we are having a picnic. so what do you want? carrots? cucumber? take the cucumber! ochatina most of all i love cucumbers, especially mine. i have some kind of bad desire, i want carrots! let's share some food with our brothers? let's! let's treat you! in a week you will crawl and eat, there will be a holiday on your street! crawled, we must dance carefully so that the house does not
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crush our heads! wow, how nice it is to return to the world of people, everything here is so fast, dynamic, hello, dears, it’s still great to be human, and you know. what's the biggest plus? which? only in human form can we give you a medal better than anyone else. gold medal for the best girls, here it is. well here there is also such a backpack. with sweets, a rabbit in your right hand, from our program we give you more snails, thank you, our
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guest is a gifted milk specialist from sochi, miya sklyarova, she is the best today! for the first time, especially royal blood has come to our show, so let's give her a worthy welcome and applaud twice as loud, royal snake izzy, welcome, well, you're young, well, you're young, well, you're young, let's be young, well the road.
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guys, i'm sorry, i didn't sign up for this, that's it, i can't, oh, let's breathe, breathe, if you don't against your majesty, i will tell you about you from here, this striped string, uh, more precisely, the king snake izi, is a unique animal, other types of snakes often become its prey, even the poisonous poet. look, it seems to me that she is starting to integrate into our sofa , filling the cracks like construction foam,
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just stay like that, now i’ll call the children, in our studio we had a striped stick, the king snake izy, the first dance for many children is the dance of little ducklings , the next heroine is not going to mark time and came up with her version of the famous dance: professional dancer and big animal lover marusya aksyonova. and you are young for the road, and you are young for the road, well you are young for the road, you are young for the road, you are young for the road, and you are young for the road, well done for the road, well done for the road. those, hello, beautiful, how cool you are, thank you, you too , thank you, you came out so great, absolutely
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incredible, well, let me teach you a couple of moves, come on, just remember that the woman is not young, not bending to this, this it’s okay, in heels, that’s already scary, well, it’s okay, it’s okay, yes, let’s go with the left leg, so the left one, where is our left one? that's it, let's turn it with the heel, oh , good, well done, i lift the right one, like that, yeah, and now we connect it, throw it up , now you just put the right one on your toe like that, and turn the left one, something happens, wait, you know, this is some old charles groan. and ha, of course, the youth are all tired, let’s sit down already, yes, come on, actually, fashion is cyclical, even for dancing, my legs
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think that she came up with everything, ha, herself how long did you study to learn this, 6 years, so what do you want me to teach you ? i want to teach you, how old are you? 10, did you start dancing at the age of four? yes, have you taken part in any competitions? there are many of them, too many to name. bring medals to marusya. these are not medals. well , let's see, i don't understand what it is. that is, wait, marusya, are you really fighting for cardboard boxes? i thought there were some medals, no, this is part of my life, let ’s start with this one, this is the first place in moscow, so on, this is arttory, my last award, this also comes with it such a cup, this is the most beautiful cup so far, it’s heavy, this is the first place, because of this first place i went to moscow, but of course i didn’t win anything, oh well, it’s
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an experience. use it in the kitchen like a board , by the way, no, under no circumstances, and this is also first place, there was no kds nomination, that is, children, and we tried a little older ones, yeah, so i won first place there too , somehow by chance, that is, you were the youngest, uh-huh, seriously, i’m 10, and they’re about 14-15, you’re on talent, he calls it, and not by chance, but we had street battles and i also won first place there. marusya, i propose to move from words to action, and i challenge you to a dance battle, you and i will not just fight according to your rules, but so that i also have at least a little bit of a chance, that is , none, so how brave are you, wait, we
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’ll take turns. we will watch videos of bird dances accompanied by music, the video will end, and we will have to continue the dance of this bird to the same music, i don’t i know that they are, they are here, come on! cool , marusya, you're cool, you're so cool, that's it, now i'll smash you, just know, that's it, sweeties, carefully, now break the stage, don't worry about the stage, worry about me,
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you can still... , so wait, well, not at your age, before we continue, show me what deep is, me too, just don’t wheeze already, come on, not young, come on, ten-year old lady, what is this, this is deep, so what, and you lie down, and where is the dip, and here you need to raise your leg, align your toe, put your arms, head like this. marusya, you what do you think surprised me now, look , deep, i’m not afraid of this word, the right leg is broken, further, but the left toe is stretched out, arms, arms, arms here, head, head, like on a bridge, like on a bridge, and we raise the leg , and
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we straighten out the leg. i'm in the deep end, okay, that's it, there are no more questions, let's continue the battle, come on, your head is separate from your body, no. and it just happened, give me a video of which one, but you need to wok dance, wok, why are you showing me all the cool
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moves after that? didn't you ask? not, pens, pens should be, yes, this is all mine, well done, well done, well done, i had the feeling that when we were fighting, i laid an egg, repeated the bird. now is the time to find out which of us won for the start of the ovation, for the unique, super-graceful one. vadueva, i heard, you are still mine, you understand, yes, what it smells like, second, it doesn’t smell like anything, it smells like second place, marusya, yes, from you, we’ll find out now, and now
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applause for the most talented ten-year-old from novosibirsk, marusya aksemnaya, eh! this it smells, this smells, okay, so be it, marusya aksyonova wins this most difficult battle, who did you come with, and dad vova, and mom katya, and hello, choreographer vasya, hello, tell me, do you have a lot of such gifted girls ? , like marusya, i don’t work with children at all, but there’s only one who is able to work? yes, very, hardworking, yes , very, mom, katya, well, it’s clear that hip-hop is your everything, well, i actually remember once i tried to go dance too, well, marusya was training, and i was sitting and i'm waiting, thinking, so what?
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i don’t have time to waste, i’ll also go to some style, that’s right, well, i went three times, i probably got some handros there, i decided, i’d better wait in the corridor. dad can deep, he can do it on the sofa, on the sofa, yes , a professional dipper, your dad, yes, this is all very cool, yes, but we want to see you in all your glory, you are ready to show us your talent in full force, ready, what kind of dance will this be, the dance of the little ones at the theater, let's go ahead, let's go to the stage, best of all, maruza!
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yes, too, a hippopotamus, and in the corner the hippopotamus does not lag behind for a moment, swearing, childhood come back, we are now on the move and it’s such a wonderful time to live in the world.
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marusya aksyonova and a new interpretation of the dances of little ducklings as well. guys, the only 3dg show project in russia. well, it's time to reward the most talented dancer from novosibirsk, marusya oksyonova. tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being small, this is a real medal, otherwise all you have are cardboard boxes. and of course, a backpack with sweets is also for you, and this bunny is a souvenir for you for good luck from us, all of novosibirs will be proud you!
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hello susel and alisa, which one of you is susel? most likely you, yes, grunted, don’t grunt, i was told as a child. this is indecent, oh
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, even your little snout is furry, and you, uh, whoever you are, susel or alisa, alisa is my friend’s name, how pretty you are, so, well, guys, tell us who you came to us with, they came with me , hello, jean, hello, hello, piggy, hello, hello, zhanna, glad to see you, and i, to see you all, these pigs, mini-pigs, are very unusual, scientists have proven that mini-pigs can dream, they also easily learn by observing each other, as well as the behavior of the owner. if you run the program for a long time, they will also learn, and sooner or later they will take your place. be careful. thank you!
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who did you cross? i stood up for the girl, he will now look for me, what happened? i need a dog, a fighting monster, so that everyone can win, it’s not necessary, don’t approach him, but retreat, invite him to attack, he’s a predator, help him, it’s him, who is he? volodya, the one who saved me. you are nobody to each other, this is chechnya, that’s how it is here
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i can’t, i’ll see this again, you won’t be here, doomed, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, i want you to identify the doomed to fight, i don’t want you and i to quarrel over this topic, i’ll go to the wash anyway , who are you for? let's go, it's uncomfortable, but there's no need to drag me anywhere, a traitor, everyone here is a traitor, people who trample for the greatness of their homeland, this is a special contingent, i don't want to lose it because of this crap, my brother was wounded yesterday, i 'd rather not i'll give it to the police right away based on appearance he’s not looking here, uh-huh, when a person stretches 40 times, he can shit himself, but
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... our friend volunteered, we thought you’d help us find him, but how can you find him here, i ’m going to have a child from him, help me find him, please, my daughter is being held hostage at school, they promised to let her go, how many faces? what is homeland for you, running, for me homeland is something i can’t live without, 20:22, premiere on the first, lyosha, let’s turn it on so that there is something, now we’ll start to figure it out, so what to figure it out - then, i want to show a movie to a person. there are people who make films out of thin air, and i make them out of myself. and you don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything, i
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know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse, brother, you are my brother, seryozha, he is not an artist, he is personal. i can fall, but people are following me, and in general i somehow went through this, on the sixty-fifth anniversary of the birth of alexei balabanov, the premiere was on february 25 at the first,
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what happened is not my fault, it is. and my fault is there, only you and i are to blame not for the fact that we aroused dreams in some sensitive natures, but for the fact that we served true, not to people, but my friend, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend. listen, tomorrow, no one can know , for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, you said that you love me, and i believed you, i want to take this disgusting lying,
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licked, stupid, by the throat, shake the swaggering empire so that it reaches the outskirts, so that it reaches the farthest corners. can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a start will be made, just hurry up, will the gentlemen conspirators want wait, you think, they might start an indignation, i'm at night. gentlemen, big premiere, union of salvation, what
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are you whispering about, we are preparing a coup, take me. coming soon on the first one. sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice: diet or chocolate, sleep or favorite tv series. our next guest had to decide: dogs or poetry, but she didn’t have to choose for long. meet the girl who combined her love for dogs and her love for poetry. lyuba, friends. come on, young people are on their way. come on, young people, come on, come on. hi lady, hi, you came straight to us from the salon cute mi-mi-mi, i came from the booth, from the booth,
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and what were you doing there in the booth? ate, and then took a bath the second time? the floor went up, there is a big booth on a small booth, what a spacious booth, we people just call it an apartment, but do you have a live dog yourself? and there is, her name is izzeus, zeus, yes, labrador, and labrador, and you go for a walk with her, or she goes for a walk with you, and she walks with me, that’s how i go, i go. are you sure you have a dog or not a pony? no, just a dog, how old are you , 12 years old, 1, 2, 3, 4, i’m 4 years old, 4 years old, and in what do you like to play? mom actually plays a witch, and i’m rude, but tell me how
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mom plays a witch, the evil witch runs after the blue puppy, right? oh, the witch grabs the blue puppy and then what? and the pirate saves her, good pirate. and a pirate is, wait, dad, do i understand correctly? yes, mom is a witch and dad is a pirate. like this? i see, introduce me to the witch with the pirate, what ’s your mother’s name, katya, katya, hello, and dad, and dad, seryozha, hello, katya, seryozha, well , you have such a beautiful mother, she doesn’t look like a witch at all, well, show me, but it looks like a little bit, yes, yes, i hate good deeds, i hate good deeds, if i come at you from the corner, you won’t be able to climb the bolts. but it seems to me that dad is not a very kind pirate, either, but can i kiss mom, of course, you need to kiss
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mom, i love you, my street, i’m too small for you too, can i kiss you, this is so cute, bye stage, well done, love! guess what's in my pocket, candy, no, dog food, no, collar, leash, no, i give up, just say it yourself, well, necklace, necklace, necklace, my god, what a beauty, for the first time, they gave me a necklace so that i wouldn’t get lost, yes, you see, i’m walking around, uh, it ’s ringing, bubintsy, bubintsy, do you teach dogs
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some commands? yes, what, sit, so , serve, serve, lie, lie, the best team, dine, oh, dine, gorgeous team, and what do you want to become when you grow up, huh? what, who will you work with, work with a dog, we have prepared a surprise for you, today we invited all your favorite viewers to our show, now we will put on a performance for them, the stage is the best, a theater for dogs, and its main actress, love, friends, welcome the prime minister in the best way possible! dear friends, welcome to
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the world’s first theater for dogs, the first bell has sounded, this means that we are ready to receive spectators in the hall, come in, dear spectators! present your ticket, you can’t do it without a ticket, you can’t do it without a ticket, wait, give the ticket, here , there, well done, take a seat, everything is great, the first row is great, come in, show us your tickets, tickets, no way without tickets, well done, have a seat, dear spectators, i remind you that toys should be left in the wardrobe if if you took binoculars, you will receive them without a queue. i ask everyone who is late to hurry up and hand over the ticket, well done, can
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i please take a ticket from you, i understand that you have a vip seat, but nevertheless the tickets must be returned, dear spectators, we present to your attention a theatrical production with a tailed story , on stage, the honored artist of our theater, lyubov, friend. meet. act one. agnia barto, watchman. i'm tired of sitting, my paws are sore. i would really like to go stand up for. there is a notice hanging near our swamps. the dog needs to be starved. you know me, i'm a weak puppy. i tied the window, i will sweep her off her feet. i can yelp, i know how to yelp. i can do it from my own. i can't tell the difference, the kittens are afraid of me like fire, tell me honestly , they will accept me, bravo, bravo, look, lyuba, how
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the audience liked it, we move on to the second act, agnia barto, he was all alone, one puppy, he was lonely, he was going crazy he’s restless, the puppy has finally arrived, i’ll find myself an owner. sutla dogs of all kinds, they come out of the swamps with people, i want to be with people, why do i need loneliness in some empty twosome? since childhood, i began to dream of the puppy about how he would wag his owner’s tail, greeting him, so the puppy set off, running after passers-by, well, at least someone would ask, why are you so worried, no people have their own business, where- then a schoolgirl has passed, two long solderings have passed, no one looks
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at the puppy and... deeply concerned , he runs along the side of the road, the baby is rolling in a stroller , the baby is crying furiously, he will probably take the puppy, no, he has gone to bed for now, the girl is running, she’s eating something, the puppy is behind her, she’s in the entrance, melancholy has attacked the puppy, he’s caught up grandfather is a flock, well, grandfather has a lot to do, he didn’t look at the puppy. the puppy cried so loudly that he even washed himself desperately, i’m alone, i’m alone, i’m finding the owner, when suddenly they saw the puppy, two girls, two katyas, they are calling him from afar, come here, little shaggy one, she scurries, tearing up her hand, i need you like if you're like that , you've just lashed out at him, let
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me take you, you're shaggy, shaggy, katya's little girls are caressing him, the puppy sniffed at the girls, he desperately got stuck, he couldn't hold back his sweetness, suddenly there were two hoslains at once, bravo, bravo, act three, musical , a dog can be a biter, a dog can be a biter, just dog-like from life, a dog can be a biter , the dog grabs the heel with its teeth , the dog eats the ironing horse, the ironing is with it, when the dog puts it down, not in the kennel, when it forgets in the hearts, bravo, bravo , bravo, dear, it was great, love, friend, star of our dog theater, well
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, now, according to tradition, we go into the hall to communicate with the audience, what breed is this spectator, a boodle, a tsulkova dog, she is smart, very he can’t stand being alone, oh, where are you going, he has to go, he is late for the next performance, let's go to the next spectator, what breed is this dog, this is a kolgi, how beautiful she is, how beautiful she is, this... this golden retriever, what can you tell us about the retriever, what do they do? they work in the rescue service, what are you saying, they are guides, sometimes, does this mean that they lead someone? people, people, yes, well, help to cross the road, help to cross the road, swim and
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dive well, yes, just like that, right there. the next guy is a fascist, and he - what can he do? it also works in services salvation, what are you doing? he is brave and active, has intelligence, who is this? this is, uh-huh, a flirt, a duck hunter, that is, you know all your viewers, jack class, he himself is the jumping dog in the world . for 2 m, the chihuahua is the smallest dog, weighs only 2 kg, and what is it needed for, not for anything, just for love, but for love, like most dogs, and what breed of dog are you, dalmatian, exactly, but what do you know about dalmatians, he is very beautiful, fast, a royal dog, he calls it,
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the royal dog, yes, any dog... knows that for such a huge job there is a reward, and what kind of reward is there for me, this is a medal, a medal, best of all, tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being small, my love, this your medal, my girl, this is a wonderful backpack with sweets for you too, this wonderful white bunny will bring you good luck and make you happy any day, this is yours, thank you, four-year-old dog lover.
9:00 pm
hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, we let's talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. avdeevka is ours.


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