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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 19, 2024 2:30am-3:21am MSK

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umbilical cord blood appears , there is the idea of ​​biobanking, storing blood stem cells, if god forbid with the child, even when he has already grown up, he has already become, maybe his parents are no longer there, but this is something that will help him when replacing some organs , maybe even transplants, well, this is, let’s say, the distant future, but nevertheless there are a number of conditions when it can be used...
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storage also costs some money, fencing costs some money, well, accordingly , the next question is whether it will be useful or not, to what extent it was kept in good faith and taken away, it will need to be protected throughout the life of the current child, that is, he will grow up, then age all this time, this emergency reserve is stored somewhere, and yes, and he is paid accordingly for each day of storage and for.. this is the future, do you
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think that in 10 years or someday this will be the case for all newborn children? well , i think it will be, if not for everyone, then at least the possibilities will be wider in this sense, for sure we will be able to use this material again for more pathologies. and returning to the fact that you need to trust the doctor, well, i ’ll tell you more than that, of course, you see, the difference between the concept of our slavic doctor and the latin doctor, yes, that is, accordingly, a doctor is a turn off, yes, apparently, a doctor is turn it away, but lie does not mean to deceive, to mislead, from the original meaning, that is, when to talk, to persuade, including talking about pain, so in this sense, when we go to the doctor... first of all,
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it is important to establish with him contact so you can tell him trusted, and on the part of the doctor - he must win your trust, precisely by talking, most of the problems, especially among young mothers, are resolved through a conversation between the doctor and the mother, when we answer her questions, even if some seem stupid questions , there are no stupid questions to the minds, they are all smart, there are stupid doctors who refuse to answer them. konstantin, you are absolutely right, you are pressing on a sore spot, but nevertheless, i am using, so to speak, publicity, i want to appeal, now about the educational service, the president said that this is already, this is no longer a service, well , i really want...
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now doctors or physicians in this dichotomy that you said, here it is necessary who, who will talk to people, these are tens of thousands of people , but they must be prepared, of course, but we must learn from our teachers, and there is a certain, of course , age-related gap, and especially which occurs in these difficult nineties, two thousand years, when, unfortunately, even talents...
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doctors and scientists left various fields, including medicine, but i hope that today we have already been able to fill it, including the basis... including young doctors who will be able to treat patients, not provide medical services. but personalized medicine, a very fashionable term, yes, in my opinion, comes just from the west, is this communication with the patient, looking into his eyes, or is it something else? apparently, what we have always had, in the west they suddenly saw the light and decided that medicine should be personalized, we always knew about this and always talked about it, that this is exactly how it should be, that it is the communication of the patient
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with the doctor that gives a better result than a machine filling out all the cells and making a diagnosis, you are not against instrumental methods, all these high technologies , which... allow, well, in particular in pediatrics before, to more effectively identify some conditions for which some measures need to be taken, it can’t all end in conspiracies, but right? definitely not and i am precisely for a reasonable combination of machine intelligence and the intelligence of a doctor. to what extent is this feasible at all, do you believe that this can be put into practice in our lifetime, in general, well, people in the population have complaints, well, not... complaints, well, probably some complaints, in particular about doctors , doctors are people too, they are all different, well, doctors are ordinary people, and i generally think that the percentage of stupid people, unfortunately, in the medical profession is exactly the same as among biologists or among
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chemists or janitors, by and large we we are also a cross-section of society, in connection with this there are all the problems, what should we do to ban the stupid? doctors are gradually coming up with methods for uh , let’s say, passing certain certifications, and to wash away such unmedical things. it seems to me that we are deviating from pediatrics, but it seems to me, doctor, as a kind of function, well, which is checked against some tables, textbooks, etc. , makes a decision based on objective indicators, this is exactly the way to fight a fool, well, because you bring out the personal part. probably the best doctors are not can show everything they could, but those who are fools probably have more to give, they will work at least at the level, in this sense, you provide the same quality of medicine for everyone, you are absolutely right, for this purpose
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there are certain standards for diseases and this is even called protection from the doctor’s genius, yes, because genius can also do harm, absolutely, so for everyone...
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in the maternity hospital they take certain screenings, that is, blood is taken there on a special test piece of paper and sent to special a center where genetic analysis is carried out, including the maximum amount, and this is just a medical service, you don’t look anyone in the eye, they just give you something - no less, here in general this is done for everyone, it’s like any screening, yes you know, that is, when coverage occurs. maximum, and if suddenly there is some deviation, then they call the patient , look him in the eye, of course, either for a repeat analysis, or they are already starting to study in more depth, vaccine, genetics, and umbilical cord blood, most likely yes, if
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it’s possible, and maybe it would even be worth expanding at some point, well, in the end, yes, well, and by doing so we ensured that our children will be as healthy as possible, and... smart, is there some kind of golden key, we all want children to be smart, talented, well, first of all, here genetics also comes first, which is not worth doing, which cannot be done. unfortunately, or fortunately, we cannot intervene in this process on a global level, in particular , the original intellectual abilities are given to us, but of course, in in our power, to improve something, to develop something that will have a positive impact on intellectual abilities, it’s like talent, yes, which can be buried in the ground, and which can be allowed to grow, well, kids, when if we’re talking about small children, it’s too early for them...
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fortunately, the child has a certain structure in the brain, the so-called reticular formation, which simply filters out all transcendental potentials, what does this mean in russian, for example, that a newborn child can to wake up from the voice of the mother, quiet, gentle, which...
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is like another legend on the topic of how a child cannot see at birth, when they confuse him with blind puppies and kittens, in my opinion, i remember, they do not focus, it feels like they are not focusing. this is 30-40 cm, and these 30-40 cm because the mother’s face when feeding georgia is exactly at approximately this distance, they do not need to look at lighthouses on the open sea, so in fact they do not need to have such farsightedness, then theater, theatrical... performance for him meaningless, because it is somewhere far away, simple. well, firstly, uh, well, they don’t
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focus, and secondly, they simply don’t understand the meaning among this flickering. the best thing for a child is a focus on some contrasting images, studies were carried out on the face of the mother and all newborns, again, well, they distinguish, well, actually schematic images of the human face, the so-called emoticons, yes, that is, smiles, a dissatisfied expression on their face, this is what they understand, they react to this vegetatively, essentially in a child everything is aimed specifically at survival, so the child can move a little, the smallest one, a newborn, along the mother’s breast in order to reach, accordingly, the source of milk, by and large , everything develops in the child as it should, not to speed it up, well unfortunately
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, you see, specially theatrical performances may not make sense,
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you need to communicate with the child, you need to talk to the child, the child needs to put on really the right music, classical music has a beneficial effect on cognitive abilities for interneuronal connections, this is all completely proven, there is a separate, so to speak, even direction, music therapy for children specifically for newborns. the child just perceives sounds, since the sound analyzer itself is more ancient than the visual one, i think all young mothers will agree with me that if the child, for example, turns on some kind of monotonous noise, low frequency, there is a hood, a vacuum cleaner, turn on the water, maybe the father's voice, by the way,
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studies have also been carried out that the male voice on a newborn baby produces more sedative. actions, that is, low tones , but nevertheless, if we are talking there about the noise of a waterfall, the so-called white noise, yes, all mothers know about this concept, and so, in this way, the child hears sounds through the abdominal wall, through the wall of the uterus , when he is in the womb, there is such a monotonous hum, this also calms him down, that is, in fact, all those techniques that are associated with calming the child, they are aimed, as it were, at returning inside... the womb, simply, that is, there is repertoire, if we move on to practical advice, that is, there is what you need to listen to and what you don’t need, i’m afraid that there is a repertoire, it can be found on the internet, exactly what we started with when you said , that there are too many sites with different information, there are certainly recipes , yes, what you need to listen to, of course, well, you can combine what
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you need to listen to classical music into modern music, but personally, i wouldn’t play it for my children when they were little , here i have a granddaughter, here i am for her i tried not to stage contemporary repertoire. the problem is that when they grow up and become teenagers, they still start listening to it, well, if this is a problem, they make their choice later, well, i think that by at least a more developed brain is more, at least, well, he continues to develop, he continues to develop throughout his life, but at least in that rebellious stage, it’s probably just normal, so that later he can return to
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no, if you see in this, it seems to me that this is exactly the mission, but because after all, information from the car, if you need doctors you can trust, then you need to see these doctors and talk to them and hear them, yes, otherwise you will listen to something else, because a holy place is never empty, but it would be wonderful, thank you very much, thank you, this is the baden baden podcast, today we talked about pediatrics with andrei alekseevich
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stepanov, the chief specialist in pediatrics. administration of the president of the russian federation. you are watching the precious stories podcast. we we welcome you all. we are the hosts of the podcast. sergei mikhailovich nikrasov, director of the all-russian pushkin museum. ekaterina varkan. the author of the most interesting books that i read with pleasure, including about jewelry, before going to bed, today we decided to remember the decembrists. on december 14 , 1925, taking advantage of the dual power, a group of nobles went to senate square to express the government’s bewilderment at the state of the empire, to put it
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mildly. then they were arrested, tried, deprived of... uh titles, demoted exiled, in the twenty-sixth year, along the vladimirovsky tract, the first sons already went to siberia, and their women, wives, sisters and brides followed them, usually they only talk about wives, but there were brides and sisters, this is also very, so to speak, important moment, in russia it was not customary for women to leave their men, and there were quite a lot of cases when in siberia, even before this famous... women's campaign of 26-27 and subsequent years in siberia, there were quite a lot of cases, quite interesting, for example, in the 18th century, the first beauty and the first...
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there were other fairly well-known stories to sergei mikhailovich, of course, yes, if we remember the end of the 18th century and alexander nikolaevich radishchev, who was convicted and sent to siberia for a ten-year hopeless stay there, then it was not his wife who went after him, his wife by that time unfortunately , she had already died, and his wife’s sister, his sister-in-law, went , and this was not at all welcomed
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, crafts appeared in siberia, who could have predicted all this, here is one of the most, so to speak, famous people, nikolai alexandrovich bestuzhev, who, back in st. petersburg, invented the bestuzhev rescue boat, he used the bestuzhev economical stove so that, here he is, then he made some kind of clock that went there for centuries, studied astronomy, astrology, seismology, built an observatory, so they were in later in exile in the settlement with his brother mikhail, the third brother alexander was in yakutsk, it was they who came up with the idea... to forge rings from shackles, this idea mikhail remembers that when the dales were removed by order of the emperor,
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they made some small present the guards, the soldiers, were given these kadals to go, these two brothers, mostly nikolai, did not forge them, here is mikhail, here we see him, they forged the rings, and of course, they forged the first rings for themselves, but we don’t have them. of these rings they are lost, but we can see the ring, because it means that there was a story that the decembrists lived in siberia, and quite often got along with local women and children also appeared, bistuzhev also had, so to speak, such an illegitimate child , who after his death was raised in the family the merchant startseva, therefore had the surname startsev, which means the child’s name was alexey dmitrievich startsev, and he is a russian merchant.
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actually preserved, preserved, to our joy we always say that they are not lost, and one of them is in general, which is kept by you, sergei mikhailovich, in the funds of your museum, the ring of our first friend, ivan ivanovich pushchin, well, here it is ring, yes, this is the ring, moreover, the date is indicated there; it corresponds to the day of his birth, so for us this is especially interesting, it is known that ivan ivanovich was really the closest. my first friend , my priceless friend, and i blessed fate, when my secluded yard,
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covered with sad snow, your bell rang, pushkin recalls here the story that ivan ivanovich pushkin described in detail in his memoirs, when in the winter of the twenty-fifth year he at the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, he visited pushkin in the village of mikhailovskoye, they spent two wonderful days: uh, he brought two bottles of french champagne, which, three bottles of french champagne, and clicquot, which they drank, first two, and then another .
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decided to make a career, moreover, he set the highest goals for himself, they say that he even carried poison with him constantly in his youth, i believe that if some kind of failure occurs somewhere, and he cannot take the position for which he counted, he would simply die, this was the highest measure of his ambition, and an absolutely fantastic story happened, prince alexander mikhailovich gorchakov, who
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behaved very... strictly, doing everything necessary things to make this career, suddenly he commits an act that, of course, could put an end to his entire career, having learned about the events of december 14, he comes to fushchin on the morning of december 15, brings him a foreign passport, all this is him did literally at night, so that he could go abroad and... thereby escape from some inevitable, which means, here repressions, punishments, but pu, as you know, answered that he had other ideas, that he did not may leave his comrades, he must share their fate, these friends, honor, to honor, pushchina, yes, and this is an honor, but by the way, it’s easy, honor is more valuable than life, that was their
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idea, which they followed. this is, in fact, the general principle of the russian nobility, but we can easily imagine what would have happened to the career of prince gorchakov, that is, later to his serene highness, and to himself, if at that moment people had come to arrest him when he was there with a false passport, that state crime and assistance in courage, so he was not afraid alone of the few, again in mikhailovsky to meet with yes, and this of course suggests that the lyceum brotherhood is not empty words, they were really connected by an amazing relationship of some kind of closeness, kinship, and even pushkin, dying in his last minutes, said: what a pity , that neither pushchin nor malinovsky are here, it would be easier for me to die, he repeated, ask for danzas, for his second, he is my brother, this is an extremely important circumstance. we
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continue ours. and everyone lived with him, kachelbecker and bestuzhev and griboedov, in general, so to speak, they read there elements, drank and lived very well, and across the square there was a russian-american company, where the uralevs actually served and there were the famous uraleev breakfasts with vodka and sauerkraut, which began at 14 o’clock, so they all somehow lived there amicably, and alexander ivanovich also participated in this speech, then
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he... such a cunning thing, such a disguise, he means, on the shore of ekateringovka, it means he imitated his drowning near an ice hole, it means that a sword, a cloak, a hat remained there. his servants, everyone recognized these things and he was recognized, so to speak, dead, finished himself, well, probably something like that, but his uncle, vigilant, betrayed him, vasily sergeevich lonskoy, well, betrayed him, in general, if it were n’t for this, that means, his uncle’s speech, then our prince would have been sitting there drinking champagne on the banks of the seine, in some tovan way, but pushkin wrote that he tried. to leave for st. petersburg , and as you know, it was in december that he wanted to return from mikhailovsky to st. petersburg without permission, and since he did not know where to go, he would have gone to ruleev’s apartment and would have landed on that very day, that very night, and how
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wrote pushkin, i wouldn’t be sitting here with you, my dears, and we know pushkin too, sent a message to siberia in the depths of the siberian ores, it was prince alexander ivanovich adovevsky, then no longer a prince, who answered him. and quite , i would say, outrageous, but i’ll just read three small lines to make it clear: we are proud of our fate in chains behind the prison gates, in our souls we laugh at the kings, from a spark a flame will ignite, and we know that in 37 he was transferred to the caucasus as a private, and there was an option to curry favor in some way so to speak, a low-ranking officer to ask for his resignation and to live as usual, so to speak.
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prince odoevsky died of malaria and lermontov was so shocked that he wrote a poem of teodoevsky's poems, you can also read a fragment now, try it, there is a quiet flame in it, the feeling has not died out, he has preserved the sparkle of his azure eyes, and the sonorous laughter of children, the speech is alive, and proud faith in people and life, then in irkutsk we have balcony rings, yes...
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in radiance and joyful peace at the throne of the eternal creator, with a smile he looks into exile earthly, blesses the mother and prays for the father , well, in general, they started making rings, then they started, i feel like they started making them on some kind of industrial scale, because they had to send to relatives, friends, which means, to remind, they made a necklace, made a necklace, crosses were poured out, here we have... we have one such ladies' ring , we will show, that means, stunning beauty, so i would get one for myself, well, bypassing siberia, of course, because it is two diamonds, a ruby, these are already fashionable ladies' ones decorations that can maybe they were worn in siberia, or maybe
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they were already sent, so to speak, to the middle zone in moscow and st. petersburg, and of course it would be chic to wear such a wonderful ring, but can i add one very interesting thing, the thing is that... we we have already mentioned that some rings were made from shackles, this is indeed so, but in our museum there is a gift from the benkendor family, and this is a very interesting gift, this is a tray, a small tray forged from shackles, there in siberia, and if we are there there is an underglaze painting, and if we let's look, then, from the back side, we will see that it says greetings from... kabrists from siberia and the date is 1856, that is, this is the year of the amnesty of alexander i, the return of the decembrists, and although this is not a treasure, it is - for ours, this is a very valuable exhibit, not only ours, we remember who such a lord, alexandrovich benkendor
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, the brave general of 1812, he had a great friend sergei grigorievich volkonsky, prince volkonsky, then about them. already, of course, divided the year 1825, because sergei grigorievich volkonsky is one of the leaders decembrist uprising, alexander khristoforovich benkendor, closest. here, a comrade-in-arms of emperor nicholas i actively participated in the trial of the decembrists, then headed the third department, which was supposed to strictly monitor dissent, to ensure that any introduced rules were not violated, and so on and so forth, this is such an amazing combination of destinies, and we even created an exhibition called: well
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, we return to nikolai alexandrovich , here we continue, which means we are again bestuzhev, who, so to speak, he forged rings, these are truly amazing things, memory is a reason to remember, to talk, we are also grateful to him for the portrait gallery that he created, he was a very good artist, he took lessons. and he sketched the decembrists there, and also sketched the surroundings where they lived, so now we can see all these portraits, there are more, more than 100 portraits, well, firstly, his self-portrait, which at the very beginning we could here see, they just showed, a portrait of his brother, portraits of other decembrists, but this an interesting story is that at that time the portrait... well, as state
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criminals and many of their admirers did not even know them by sight, for example alexander ivanovich hertsin, who in 755 published the magazine polar star, calling it in memory of the first magazine polar star , the authors of which were rayleigh and bestuzhev, so he did not know his idols by sight, he put a lot of work into obtaining their memories.
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to be honest, i don’t know either, but we have
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photographs of the decembrists in siberia, and the story of all this is this: someone came from france alexander devenion, some kind of lithographer or i don’t know, an entrepreneur, who was he in forty-three 843, and somehow quickly established a business in st. petersburg in moscow, opened an atelier and his services enjoyed great success, for some reason in forty-five he went to siberia, which means they suspected, apparently the authorities, that he wanted a deck. uh, in this way, it means that all these
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dogerotypes were confiscated and done correctly, but if the detective service had not become interested in this, then they would have sunk into oblivion somewhere, and so, it means they lay in the archives of the special services until a certain time, then they opened, they ended up in different museums, now they are kept in good hands, now we will show a few photographs that we have, this is nikolai panov, uh, sergei mikhailovich. good, yes, panov, who, the most interesting thing, could arrest the imperial family in general, because - under his command, there were quite a lot. man, they literally entered the territory of the royal palace, of course, it was absolutely amazing, and then they didn’t do that, they went out into the square, look at what an expressive face, what a great photograph, and then we have joseph poggio, also, so to speak
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, such a poggio, he was a wonderful man, of course, then we have a photograph of our favorite pushchin ivan iva, we have several photographs in the museum, but there is no such photograph, so we found , look, i’ll put it down, i noticed they have chibouks, they have chibuks, it’s such a separate chic, in general, at that time, as far as i understood, studying a large amount of material, it seemed to me so, at least, that smoking , tobacco was considered some kind of sign of liberality, something like that, like ours friend
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- i was worried about this strange passion, this feeling, apparently comparing it with myself, because from such a feeling i burned out like coal, wrote griboedov, so i was worried, well, what kind of novel griboedov had was not interesting, from which he burned out like coal, too it would be funny for me to know, in any case, it was the era of romanticism, so there was a lot of romanticism in human relationships in love relationships and... to be honest, in politics too, oh, how gloriously we will die, well , what is this exclamation from one of ideologists and leaders of the movement, you see, so of course.
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i absolutely can’t believe my eyes when i open the love lyrics from just that time, twenty-fourth to twenty-fifth year, dedicated to this woman of the elements.
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bestuzhev writes that these poems are dedicated to her, i ’m just a small piece, which means i can’t read it, with my kindness, dangerous, magical sweetness of speeches, you are a distant land, a beautiful land, you reminded my soul, and yet, i am carried away by my fate, i i’m running to destruction myself, i’m afraid to meet you, but not to meet i can not.
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year, he didn’t know about it, after that he still wrote, which means he wrote and was sad, that’s the story, at the same time he began to write anti-government treatises, he believed that he would not be sent further to siberia, but it was possible to deport him at forty the first year they sent me away. and this was not considered murder, because the blood was not shed in the east according to eastern concepts, so we have someone who was exiled further than siberia, and there is also someone who was expelled from siberia, well, let’s put it briefly, one of our absolutely wonderful people, decembrists, zvalishin dmitry irenarkhovich, to whom few people know anything at all, just if you take a short look, for example, in the nineteenth year. at the age of 13, he was already released from the naval cadet corps, at the age of 17 he was a teacher of higher astronomy.


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