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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  February 19, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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satisfaction from the results of one’s work is the main parameter, the basis for any person, well, well, of course, all this should be connected with personal life, it should be connected with self-realization in the family, all this cannot develop sustainably without that foundation, which was built by our predecessors, our ancestors. this was discussed in more detail at the meeting on industrial development; the state will continue to finance mechanisms for...
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the fastest way to not only acquire, but most importantly increase these capacities. putin, in turn, called for what is called looking beyond the horizon. we need to have our own technological keys in areas critical to the security of the country and to improve the quality of life of citizens, and we will definitely do this. by 2030 , investments in russian projects for the production of priority industrial products. plant from the city center beyond its borders, but the development of not only the regional center is important; a little earlier, a student from mias asked the president to support the development of small industrial towns, because i don’t want it’s only interesting to work, but... to really
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live in such cities? meat deserves no less attention. we have a program for the development of small medium-sized cities. we will replicate this program, this is 100%. and the name, of course, must be included in it. similar programs have been running since 2013, for example in nizhny tagen, and the city has changed greatly. a year and a half ago, for the three-hundredth anniversary, the embankment here was landscaped, the city center and tagil in general were made more comfortable for life, so to the question. maxim trubnikov, anastasia berestenko and evgeny kuznetsov, channel one. what was the reason for the start of a special military operation in ukraine? in vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson, the british prime minister and the german chancellor for some reason heard: the threat of a nato attack on russia. the fact is that. this is how
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the question of the american journalist was formulated, but the answer was different, but in the west they once again preferred, as vladimir putin put it, to distort the map. firstly, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say, if today, for some reason related to them, we don’t if we manage to conduct a direct dialogue, then we should be grateful to mr. carlson for the fact that we...
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the answers to many questions, perhaps, will come again and listen more carefully, there is an awareness there in the west of how deeply they are mistaken, the integrity of russia - guarantee of the existence of our state. the president, in
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a conversation with an american journalist, recalled the events of the 13th century, when the fragmented russian state became easy prey for the empire that chingez khan created. in russia, the orcs of history remember. yes, in the west they always understood that we as a single country could not be defeated , therefore they never gave up trying to weaken or destroy russia at any cost; here in the kremlin, during the fight against the soviet union , many different centers were created and specialists on the soviet union who could not do anything else, it seemed to them that they convinced the political leadership that we must continue to hammer russia, try to further collapse it, which means creating several quasi-state entities on this territory. already subjugate them in a divided form, use their combined potential for future struggle with china. they tried, and are trying, to ruin it, including destabilization within the country, including with the help of paid agents of influence. on friday, alexey navalny died in the colony;
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he lost consciousness while walking. doctors came to help immediately, but they could not save him. the cause of death is being clarified, but even before the investigation begins, western leaders, for example, german chancellor olaf scholz and the head. the european council charles michel has already identified the culprits, the russian authorities. here is the investigation into the terrorist attacks on nord streams for it’s been a year and a half since the culprits were found, here you go. vladimir putin warned about what double standards could lead to in a unipolar world back in 2007 at the munich security conference, apparently they didn’t hear or didn’t want to hear, now the whole world is getting closer to the dangerous line, and they keep pushing and pushing . ivan blagoy will continue. us president biden in a prison uniform with a number, followed by german chancellor scholz in shackles, german foreign minister berback and vice-chancellor habeck - warmongers, like they think here that the anti-war demonstration in munich just sounded from the stage, ukraine has already lost, there is no arms bid
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for kiev. we germans, unfortunately, send quite a lot of weapons, but in general we were supposed to bring peace. it was sickening, what can you say about the situation in avdeevka? the minister of foreign affairs of latvia chose to avoid answering naked, and now his colleague from london is scaring those gathered. think about what will happen if we lose. think what will happen if putin wins. head of the british mid-camera,
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with his obsessive requests to the americans to support ukraine, he has already received a harsh beating in the us congress. david cameron needs to worry about his country. the conflict in ukraine demonstrated that we have serious problems, we have modern systems, but we need spare parts, maintenance, ammunition, we have exhausted reserves, now their numbers are quite low, all this after so many years of narcissism, a sense of superiority.
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it is not and cannot be based on the moral and ethical basis of modern civilization, the moral basis under the idea of ​​western dominance all these years they were just trying to plant bombs for the sake of the triumph of democracy and regime change, so it’s all for the good putin spoke about the disadvantages of this approach back in 2007. today we are seeing
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an almost unrestrained, hypertrophied use of force in international affairs, military power, the forces plunging the world into putin.
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what was that all about? zelensky in munich again with the already famous runny nose, cocaine, as he was nicknamed on social networks, specific movements, grimaces, sharp alternating periods of overexcitement and apathy, zelensky has been repeatedly noticed before, conversations about his drug addiction have been going on for a long time, of course, zelensky’s quirks were treated with understanding in munich, they shook his hands, smiled at a meeting with american senators, it was even said, we are decisive with you, however , how fragile everything could be judged by
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there is only plan a, which is for ukraine to receive the coveted 60 billion. but if the government changes, this is what really scares the europeans now, what if the white trump will return home and, out of principle, will begin to cut the spider webs that biden’s people have woven. american support is not just a money weapon, which to some extent european countries can try to compensate for. something that europe is unable to do for ukraine, because it itself depends on the united states. they quickly provide the ukrainian armed forces with intelligence information and target designation data. they also play a crucial role in planning military operations. all this is carried out, by the way, also from the main headquarters for the war in ukraine, which was created in isbadan. yes, this is germany. the speech was apparently made to the command center for support of ukraine at the european headquarters of the us army in wiesbadan.
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like this, that is, a wounded soldier of the ukrainian armed forces, got through to his relatives, they simply left him to die, everyone left, everyone retreated, they told us that the car would take us away, both my legs were broken, there was a shrapnel in my back, i can’t do anything at all, you there is one person there, no, there are six of us, well, how could they leave you, could zelensky not realize, what is really happening on earth when in paris he staged a daddy tug show with macron. the so-called agreements on security guarantees for ukraine
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provide for consultations, but not the dispatch of troops. this is not an analogue of nato's article 5: moral support, weapons, money - everything. but zelensky talks about a powerful document, apparently trying to divert attention from what is happening on the contact line. cynical, of course, but what about negotiations, a ceasefire? i don’t see a realistic peaceful situation at all at the moment. decisions before the us presidential elections. after all, it’s not about the usa, about ukraine, but apparently, in a world based on their rules, this is the share of the supposedly sovereign country of washington’s ally. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, dmitry malyshev, pavel evdokimenko, channel one. the west, let me remind you, in its desire to defeat russia, set fire to the maidan in kiev. today is exactly 10 years since much blood was shed there. more on this a little later in the program. well, as for the events of our days, the ukrainian military will not even be able to. at western support of hundreds of billions of dollars to oust the russian army from the regions of eastern ukraine. these are the words of tucker carlson.
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the interview of an american journalist with our president continues to break viewing records. there are already more than 200 million of them in the x network alone. well, carlson himself continues to share his impressions of his trip. in short, i liked it. very nice, clean, excellent metro. kievskaya station was absolutely amazing. this kind of symbolism is special. you think, and most importantly everything is absolutely sincere, about the adventures of americans in moscow mikhail okinchenko. the long green one with a yellow stripe smells like sausage. it is unlikely that tucker carlson, who lived his entire life in america, would ever be able to solve this riddle from the times of the general soviet deficit. what can we say about the grocery shelves in the provinces, if even in the capital there was sometimes far from abundance, shots that western tv channels savored with special taste at the end of the ussr. the most enduring image of western propaganda during the cold war is the soviet grocery store. no
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products, assortment, low-quality items, and this was not propaganda at all. all this was in fact, in this tucker carlol also relied on his most trusted source of information, his own father, who in those years headed the voice of america radio station and visited moscow for work, more than three decades later his son followed the same path, unexpected discoveries were already waiting at the beginning of the journey. the escalator for the grocery cart is made, as i understand it, so that the wheels do not move, they are blocked on the escalator, look, i let go of my hands, a miracle, but only... in fact, in america, in a country where it is customary to be proud of the level of service, for some reason no one thought of such a detail, although the main thing is what is inside, and there was also something pleasantly surprising there. russia is famous for its bread, and i'm the guy who can appreciate it. a low-carb lifestyle is not about russia. look, it's also fresh. and the smell, oh
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well, look. did the film crew have it in advance? the prepared shopping list is now unrecognizable, but soon their appetite clearly cleared up, some russian wheat cookies, well, then milk, cereal, smoked chicken and of course a bottle of wine for evening gatherings in the hotel room. this is a russian wine from crimea, in whose warm waters not only is a naval base located, but also where grapes grow, from which good wine is apparently made.
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how much people spend here, our american leaders are beginning to cause indignation, that’s how i feel now, i’m indignant and it’s hard to say, the emotions are stronger when, upon arrival from america, you go into a russian store, or when, on the contrary, having arrived from russia, you go into an american one also by it’s your habit to convert dollars into rubles. in this chain store, it is customary to purchase for the whole family, so all the packages are only large in size, one person does not need that much, but... this small experience allows you to save a lot of money. standard set for a family of four, the same bread, milk, fruits, vegetables, meat, no crimean wine, let's take local, californian, inexpensive. and here, by the way, are eggs in the usa, their prices have been jumping all over the past year. now a dozen costs almost 8 dollars, which is about
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four times more expensive than 2 years ago. 8 bucks for eggs? did these eggs come from ukraine? $8 a pack? are you crazy? what’s disturbing is not only the prices, but also the rather meager assortment in comparison with russian stores, however, where to go, you take what they give, you pay, whatever you say. 351 dollars or at the current exchange rate, something around 32,000 rubles. there is this food basket, a quarter of which is actually occupied by drinking water. it’s no wonder that there is so much theft here, so there is a mandatory control point at the exit, so... unusual for us, the positions on the check must be checked against what is in the cart, and higher salaries than in russia no longer look so convincing; according to american official statistics, about 38 million people live below the poverty line in the country today, more than 11, 5% of the population, despite the fact that the united states
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still ranks first in the world in terms of gdp. sometimes, in the united states, you wonder why people face such problems while we ourselves boast of being a superpower, that we are the richest. a question that is avoided with a direct answer not only in america, but in other western countries they most often turn the arrows from an uncomfortable topic to russia, they even came up with a term, putin’s inflation, but they immediately reassure them that life in russia is even worse. there are no more semiconductors, russian industry is torn to shreds. the ruble has lost value, reflecting the fact that
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the sanctions we imposed along with our allies have devastated the russian economy. western journalists working in moscow, keeping in line with official propaganda is not easy; in search of suitable material they have to leave the capital, but even there the picture is not very pleasing to them, so they explain in words: don’t believe your eyes. and here i am in the orekhova zueva supermarket, and as you can see, even after 2 years of sanctions, the shelves are still crowded, but russians are worried about inflation, there is no doubt about it. it’s as if steve’s fellow countrymen living in the uk aren’t worried about inflation at all, but the more horrors they tell about russia, the stronger the curiosity, what’s it like there? in fact, the research of analytical agencies differs radically from political rhetoric. western politicians see sanctions as a cornerstone, but if you look at some aspects of the russian economy, such as the value of the ruble or the savings of citizens, you will not see the pain of sanctions.
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it is incomprehensible how the russian economy not only survived, but even thrived in all this chaos. analysts are supplemented , although not as numerous as before by western tourists, by the popular genre of video blogs, but what about them, that is, with us? i was able to bypass iconic places for americans, stopped at the former mcdonald's, got cheeseburgers, fries and cola with cake. well, are you ready? excellent
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, still the same, smells great , i don't mean to say one is better than the other, we just want you to know what life is like under the sun when tony blinken has scooped you out of everything civilized... interesting to do this, they also took chips out of washing machines, these are chips from microwaves, how many microwaves do you think went into this? 5400, it
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’s written here, absolutely unrealistic, incredible, a bunch of microwaves and washing machines and a collapsed economy, in fact, it is written about the number of courtyard areas landscaped in recent years throughout russia, but for those who did not understand the sarcasm, the irishman continues to break the mold in his account on the x platform. an absolutely incredible part of moscow, the financial and business center is an incredible country. it's difficult to describe the scale of this place. in london and new york, of course, there are such centers, but this one was built over the last 10-15 years, a truly powerful breakthrough in the russian economy. reasons for amazement there are more than enough foreigners who came to russia, but tucker carlson was impressed by his trip to the subway. accidentally or on purpose. but rather the second one went down to kievskoye station. shots with magnificent interiors were accompanied by music by alexander glazunov from the ballet raymond, which, by the way, is being performed this season at the mariinsky theater in st. petersburg on
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the stage of the ukrainian national opera in kiev. it is unlikely, of course, that the average viewer in the united states knows such subtleties, but certainly the residents of american cities, in features of new york, which are slightly inferior. that ordinary people use to commute to and from work looks better than anything in our country. under this video, which has received about 20 million views on platform x, hundreds of comments, someone is
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scolding. for pro-russian propaganda and lack of american patriotism, but the majority are clearly impressed by what they saw. remember the times when russia hid everything american from the russians because it didn't want them to be disappointed in their own country. it looks like that's it now vice versa. it looks like america is actually a third world country. to me, this is what a civilized society looks like. critics cried out, saying that moscow is not all of russia in the outback, far from the capital's splendor, but then. usa, this is sunday time, this is what will happen next in our program. it’s been 10 years since the maidan, the bloody coup in kiev, what is becoming clear now? to take away from our own people and
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give... to ukraine the economic know-how of european leaders, the old world has faded. breakthrough developments in medicine, successes in economics, there is something to be proud of and something to strive for. they are preparing a plan b. they are calling bloggers and a singer to help biden. election roller coaster. we continue. for the first time in history, a new competition format, born in russia with the support of the highest level, a combination of classic sports and high -tech e-sports, for the first time sports and virtual disciplines are combined into a single space, thousands of the best athletes from
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more than... 100 countries, combining sports and technology, we unite the world, games of the future, opening ceremony, live broadcast from kazan, february 21, on the first, kostya, dear , hello, brother, did you really think that i changed my shoes, how did this happen, why did you end up there, brother, i can’t, it’s not my thing, this, i’m very afraid to stay now alone, you are the closest. man, in short , i'll see you soon, i'm on my way to you, battle, myself, the warrior has already bought clothes, or something, the lunacy is deposited right on the face, little one, come on quickly, what's the big deal, sasha, how's sasha, what's up, sasha, she same with you, artyom, these are my guys, aha, we are going to pull them out, and why did you lower your eyes, assault is not for you, i understand, why not
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, i just had a fight with my boyfriend, he left to fight, i really want to see him, my father is like that, he doesn’t care about anything except greatness, you’ve grown into the wrong person, 14th year, bro, only crosses from the armor, and i’ll stay with you, i don’t want to be a piece of shit five hundred, 20:22, premiere on the first, be afraid of yourself. it's sunday time and we continue. week date. february 18 , 1914. the world is watching our winter olympics with delight. but the program time begins that day with news not from sochi. in kiev - a big bloody clash - a point of no return. after it - a bloody coup d'etat. 10 years later , it is clear what the nationalists, or rather their western
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masters, had. a betrayal that brought ukraine to a place from which there is no good way out. yuri lepatov will continue the topic. what happened on the streets of kiev 10 years ago was not at all a revolution of dignity, that is, of dignity. this should now be perceived as the tenth anniversary of the loss of national dignity. executions on the maidan began on the 18th, when the so -called peaceful march was organized. the so-called, i repeat, peaceful march was organized on instytutska street to the verkhovna rada, they began to destroy buildings, offices, shops, pharmacies and attack internal troops, they were thrown with stones and molotov cocktails, after which they went to libskaya street, the radicals staged a a pogrom that resulted in deaths and seven injuries. they shoot
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at protesters, at berkut fighters, at soldiers of internal troops. to whom the commanders the distribution of weapons was prohibited in order to avoid massacres. snipers shoot from the ukraine hotel building, captured by maidan leaders. did you hear kulyami? careful, come on! still wounded! the answer to the question of who benefited from this was given from the podium on the maidan by those who were actually tasked with shedding blood. let's go to! together forward, if there is a bullet in the forehead, it means a bullet in the forehead, but honestly, fairly, fairly boldly, arseniy yatsenyuk did not expose his forehead to a bullet, on the contrary, he, as part of the maidan leaders, shook
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hands with viktor yanukovych in the presidential residence and agreed to end the violence on the streets, western diplomats from the usa, germany, france and poland vouched for the behavior of these sacks head-on, persuading them to remove the security forces away from the camp.
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for an early election, in which he had no chance of winning, to be honest, there was no chance, everyone knew that, why a coup d'etat, why sacrifices, why threats to crimea, why the start of an operation in donbass? the escalation could have been stopped on the streets of kiev, but the main task for those who ordered the coup was to complete the transformation of ukraine into anti-russia, for this the civil conflict had to be constantly promoted, raising the stakes, shedding blood. in the spring of 2014
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, what happened under kuchma in 2001-2002, the linguistic maidan, the tax maidan, which they tried to shake up, then there was an action called in ukrainian povstan ukraine, in russian it is rise ukraine. these events were organized by oppositionists and were organized throughout ukraine, especially in its western regions and were involved there, among others.
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the cia was supposed to provide intelligence the us government, on the other hand, the cia had to overthrow the enemy, that is, the one whom the president or the cia identified as the enemy, using a wide range of measures: assassinations, coups, staged riots, arming insurgents and other means.
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the cia continues to perform this role today. essentially, the cia is the us secret army, capable of creating chaos around the world, without any accountability. russia intercepted victoria's call. us ambassador geoffrey paeth, who is now assistant secretary of state. they discussed who will lead the government after yanukovych, and how will president biden, who was then vice president? this is one of the important events that dragged ukraine into a war that has lasted for 10 years, costing hundreds of thousands of lives, hundreds of billions of dollars. there is a lot of evidence about how exactly this biden deal was prepared. most western media, however, prefer to keep them silent. although there is direct evidence from the very snipers who
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shot people in february of the fourteenth on the streets of kiev. we were ordered to shoot at police and demonstrators indiscriminately. we had no choice, everyone was ordered to shoot at the berkut, at the protesters, without making any distinction. this evidence of mercenaries was shown in his 2017 film by italian documentarian gian mecalicin. snipers and former members of the georgian security service lived in tents on the maidan along with those who were later targeted. is this how they carry him out of the hotel under the guise of musical instruments, where the shooting was coming from? but about who organized the murder, which ultimately ended in the collapse of the state ukraine was well known in the west already in 2014 . a telephone conversation between catherine ashton, the european union's high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, and urmas poet, then serving. minister of foreign affairs of estonia. the estonian
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refers to the information of the euromaidan doctor, olga bogomolets. olga, whom i already mentioned, told me that according to the collected evidence, those killed on the maidan on both sides, both policemen and people on the street, that they were killed by the same snipers. these were the same snipers who shot at those in others. she showed me the photos and said that.
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fuck! what will the people who became victims of all the events that followed in ukraine say to the leaders of the current kiev regime? yuri lipatov, natalya litovka, andrey lisnykh, arseny baibulov, channel one. the seed of discord, cheap food from ukraine is costing europe dearly. polish farmers are again blocking border checkpoints. ukrainian grain is simply poured out, tires are burned and barricades are built from agricultural machinery. protests are not limited to poland.
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our village is the same as my tractor, old tired. in madrid, agrarians rally at the ministry of agriculture. in andalusia, columns of barely crawling tractors block traffic on the highway, in barcelona, ​​the scene of a food market where imported products arrive.
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ukrainian wheat was poured onto the road, the warm friendship of warsaw and kiev does not extend to the supply of agricultural products, but in france, in a dispute with european bureaucrats, tried and tested means are used. the doors of a bank in the commune of agen were blocked with manure. if we are not heard, we will continue to strike. we'll go on monday to our prefect, and if they don’t hear there, then we’ll come to the agricultural exhibition. the international agricultural exhibition starts in paris in a few days, but for now milk producers are rallying in the capital. the police may
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have wanted to fine the participants in the procession, but they diligently stopped the tractor with the figure of a cow in the colors of the national flag. nowhere, macron, your farmers are dying. there are also protests on the other side of the lomanche. britain left the european union, but could not escape from pan-european problems, although this has its own specifics. news of the week, after the economy contracted for two quarters in a row, britain has officially
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entered a recession. the figures for the economic decline are not that high, but the very fact of the onset of a recession looks symptomatic. the british feel the economic problems... in their own wallets, so the installation in this window is very indicative, especially with the inscription on the sign, a representative of the middle class in a democratic society. the owner of the pharmacy describes the symptoms of the disease with the consciousness of the matter, because this picture is about him. this is the situation now for the entire middle class, it pays all taxes, works a lot, but achieves nothing, he is battered by life. in addition, one can also doubt the official data that the depth of the fall is insignificant. brexit ideologist nigel farage.
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what happened to the german economy is no secret to anyone, as well as why german business moved to the usa, there is cheap energy, in germany, after the break with russia,
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the undermining of the northern flows, there is no energy left, and although the residents of the country are on the list of the main threats they put russia only in seventh place, official berlin is true to itself. for help berlin is spending the very money in kiev that it wants to take from its farmers, this economic know-how is being adopted by the entire european union, and although in rome protesters are already openly writing on posters, stop wasting money on the war with russia, such calls are being made by european leaders sudden attacks of deafness. zaitsev, channel one, london. this week has been rich in events related to healthcare. the topic is important for everyone, one point is fundamental here: in matters related to health, a person should always be on first place. unlike america, where
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clinics can be turned around simply because there is no insurance, in our country the humanistic guideline has not lost its significance and will not lose it. about it. all this exists and i would like to tell the guys who are waiting on the list that everything will be fine, everything
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will work out, that is, in good, kind, reliable hands, but everything has its time and wait for a miracle , your miracle. nikolai waited for his miracle, he underwent a lung transplant, only thanks to this dome the transplant has taken root, according to the doctors, there are no problems now, similar things are on the way at the shumakov institute... all these directions are now just gaining strength, but are expected to make a real revolution in
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medicine in the near future. the regeneration technologies that the president is talking about are a current trend in many branches of medicine. scientists are trying to create artificial lungs, kidneys and hearts. obrosatom is already growing vessels of the desired shape from the patient’s own cells in a special bioreactor and will not stop there are going. today we are faced with the task of creating complex, branching systems that take us one step further. approximately the creation of entire organs, such as the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, etc. restoring damaged brain functions is also a reality today; for example, special neuroimplants have been developed for people who have lost their vision; they are implanted into the cerebral cortex . a pair for restoring vision, when a chip is implanted on the floor of the brain allows you to restore contour vision, about the same thing that a mask does, yes, it’s a little the other direction, the mask sets the conductivity. there we will also show a series of electrodes, and this direction concerns specifically the restoration of vision, we have hearing prosthetics, artificial intelligence,
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real help, accurate diagnosis before the development of new drugs and rehabilitation programs. these days, the mayor of the capital, sergei sobyanin, showed vladimir putin the world’s largest diagnostic and telemedicine center, where research data from all moscow clinics flows. based on a huge flow of data and knowledge, they arrived. they are processed using computer vision, like 10 million images, and 10 million images are received per year, this is a huge scale, and it is on this basis that the artificial one is trained. neural networks help radiologists find signs of lung cancer, pneumonia, aneurysm, aorta, coronary heart disease and even multiple sclerosis in images, a total of 37 different pathologies, diagnostic accuracy is 95%. but the machine can also miscalculate; vladimir putin noticed an error in processing the mri image. he couldn’t resist, he miscalculated, unfortunately, this happens too
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that’s right, yes, we are working on exactly this, constant control and monitoring, we are looking at the quality of the services, if we see these, you will definitely pay attention. on behalf of vladimir putin, moscow has already opened access to computer vision technologies for all regions. moscow will share computer vision technologies and open access to the best services in the capital for free for all medical professionals. organizations and regions of the country. however, digital technologies, robots, surgeons are only tools behind which the work of doctors is always worthwhile. whatever we say about it, about artificial intelligence, about robots, this is important, they are undoubtedly a faithful, reliable assistant to a person, and how we will develop and introduce such advanced technologies, but they will never replace the sensitivity of the participation of medical workers in the fate of a person. the same quality treatment should be available both in big cities and in small towns. last year we
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introduced monthly payments for primary care health workers, this is what we agreed on with the government last night, i propose, from march 1 of this year, to increase their size for specialists who work in small towns, regional centers and villages, while special attention must be paid to supporting doctors. in the most popular areas, as well as employees of regional district hospitals. in cities where from 50 thousand to 100,000 people live, doctors will receive an additional 29,000 rubles, in addition to the basic salary. nursing staff - 13,000 rubles. and in settlements where less than 50,000 people live, such special payments will be significantly higher. and one more decision that
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concerns all doctors. from april 1, regions must increase the salary portion of their wages to 50%, while maintaining additional payments. we always say that the fixed part must be provided, of course. but these additional payments are also important, but medical workers are of course interested in the main part of the salary being higher. in turn, the government should prepare similar decisions regarding medical employees. federal organizations working in the compulsory health insurance system. people’s health depends on many factors, including accessible sports and regular medical examinations, as well as the prevention of serious diseases. prevention and early detection of diseases should come to the fore. to do this, we are constantly expanding the opportunities to regularly undergo desmancerization and preventive examinations,
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including additional research tests. i'll add. that such examinations can be completed during working hours, and with maintaining wages. the most commonly diagnosed diseases are still cardiovascular pathology, diseases of the digestive system and diabetes mellitus. diagnosis of oncology in the early stages was almost 60%. and the treatment here is the most modern. radiation therapy, surgery, including low-traumatic surgery, and radiopharmaceuticals, and russia is one of the leaders today in the production of isotopes. we completely cover our needs, the power of rusato. one of the means of treating liver cancer has no analogues in the world. another the innovative method significantly increases the chances of winning the fight against severe joint diseases. specialists at the petrovsky center have developed a drug based on the patient’s fat cells. the personal
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medicine has already put oksana back on her feet. with strength, without pain, without anything, without tears, as they say, i could return to my old life again, climb mountains, reach waterfalls at the same level. the cause of many diseases is poor heredity; almost every one of us is a carrier of a chromosomal defect. for a year now in russia all newborns have been given expanded non-natal screening. babies are not tested for five rare diseases right in the maternity hospital, as before, but for 36. it is also important that a genetic test can now be performed free of charge in the early stages of pregnancy. today. it is possible to repair dna using microscopic tools contained in unique drugs, including those for spinal muscular atrophy, dwarfism and retinal dystrophy. work on these drugs and other treatment methods is actively underway in our country. we're close approached the creation of so-called onco-vaccines, vaccines against cancer and immunomodulatory drugs of a new generation. and i hope that soon they will be effectively
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used as methods of individual therapy. of course, now there are many, many bright discoveries, and we are waiting for such discoveries in the future. in total, in 2023 alone , 530 russian medicines were registered , thanks to the developments of leading scientists, doctors, specialists, the production of many types of domestic equipment for cardiovascular diseases began for the first time surgery, as well as for resuscitation, rehabilitation, diagnostics of genetic... the president instructed the government of the country to launch a new national project by the end of this year to develop technologies to preserve public health, this will further expand the network of national medical centers and update all the necessary equipment. yulia anishchenko, olga knyazyeva, mikhail kunitsin, nika vishnikova, channel one. our economy is growing better than forecast and faster than expected. this was recognized even in the west
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and at the same time they admitted their insolvency sanctions policy. it is important that the most noticeable growth is in manufacturing, not in primary industries. in the same microelectronics, where we were far behind yesterday, today there are the latest domestic developments. pavel pchelkin was convinced. we check the wi-fi capability, check the microphones. let's look at the characteristics. product testing is one of the final stages of touch screen production. before shipping to the consumer, they produce interactive school boards with a huge number of possibilities for teaching equipment for video conferencing and transparent displays and children's play tables. a total of 45 types of electronic devices for schools, universities, situation centers, banks, transport, and so on. the demand is huge, and the company recently invested in a project to produce its own lcd matrices. this will make it possible
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to replace quite a large part already this year. if we need to expand this line, we will be able to add diagonals there, including for laptops and other devices. the demand for domestic lcd screens is growing, take this company, which, like many of our other computer manufacturers are actively winning back domestic consumers. here we have already achieved minimal dependence on parallel imports: our own research center, our own production, as well as government commercial customers, the circle of which is expanding all the time. nowadays they produce not only here.
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the periphery in russia as a whole grew by almost 33% in the twenty-third year. double- digit growth in the production of vehicles, aircraft and shipbuilding - 25.5%. furniture production - growth more than by 20%. leather and leather products more than 12%, vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers more than 13%. all this affects economic growth indicators, which in 2023 turned out to be higher than expected. russia's gdp has increased, that's what we are.
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publication of the council for science and education emphasized that the priorities of scientific and technological development should be closely related to all key challenges in the economy, in the social sphere in the field of security, and of course, aimed entirely
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at achieving sovereignty in all areas. it is from such approaches that we must proceed when implementing government initiatives. our successes are noted by the international monetary fund. in january, the russian economy was forecast to grow by 1.5% this year. higher than predicted last october. overall growth is expected to be 2.6%. let us recall that in terms of purchasing power parity, the russian economy is recognized as the first in europe, fifth in the world after china, the usa, india and japan. russian budget revenues from non-resource sectors are growing faster than expected. the budget deficit is correspondingly reduced. january the federal budget deficit amounted to 308 billion rubles. anton.
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the more we decide, the more horizons open up for people, and well, there’s nothing bad here, i also literally want more, because other needs appear, and this is absolutely normal. this aspect was taken into account when working on the government’s socio-economic action plan for the next 6 years. other priorities are ensuring technological sovereignty, updating and building infrastructure and comprehensive development of human settlements. one more task - curbing inflation. at the end of january it was 7.2. percent in annual
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terms, but of course, we know that at the end of last year, consumer prices increased by 7.4% , that is, there has been a decrease in inflation, here i will note the joint actions of the government and the bank of russia, there is something to work on, the key rate was raised by the central bank to curb inflation, loans for the financial sector and loans for the population will become more expensive, but there is confidence that the economy will also cope with this problem. when implementing all of the planned plans, it is important to maintain the stability of public finances, to adhere to the same principles of ensuring macroeconomic stability as in past years, which, in fact, allowed us to pass today's tests with such dignity. pavel pchelkin, ekaterina koryaka, sergey klishin, channel one. election chronicle. the day before, campaigning for presidential candidates began in the media. it will end on
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the night of march 15th. the candidates themselves and their proxies continue to communicate directly with voters. nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation, at a meeting with employees of a machine tool plant in yekaterinburg , spoke about measures to support domestic production. vladislav davankov from the new people party presented his 170-point election program. ldpr candidate leonid slutsky held a round table in the state duma. the topic is the social status of russian writers and state policy in the field of culture. now about the american election race: it is clear how physically difficult it is for the current resident of the white house to maintain its pace: age, illness, confused thoughts and speeches, loss of orientation in space, sometimes it’s awkward for biden, and sometimes just scary, there’s a nuclear button in his hands. however, vladimir putin, assessing
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the form of his american colleague, was very restrained and diplomatic. why then in america they started talking about russian intervention again? i deal with cybersecurity formally through electronic intelligence methods, but it’s like espionage, all sorts of spy games that intelligence agencies play. you're just james bond. that's right, oh yeah, my grandma likes to say, he's a spy, he's a spy, and my parents her, don't say that, don't tell anyone about this, but i'm not a spy, i just work for the white house. for a spy, charlie kryger, who came on what he thought was a date, turned out to be unusually talkative. the conversation was recorded by a hidden camera, with independent journalist james okiv playing the role of the curious gentleman. will biden be the democratic nominee? yes, and kamala harris will go as vice president. but
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does he have dementia? yes, i understand, let's say biden is definitely slowing down. they understand that he has a problem with this. i guess so polls say so. the polls don't even say it, they've been shouting about it for a long time. the news is that now biden’s age problems are not hidden even by the pro-democracy media. according to the poll, which was conducted on february 9 and 10, that is, several days after special counsel robert gur's report, which described biden as well-intentioned. an elderly man with poor memory. 86% of americans believe the president is too old to serve another term. like a man who doesn't remember how old he is authorities, maybe the president? at a white house briefing, reporters wait for joe biden's personal physician. when will we be able to talk to the president's doctor? why hasn't he been asked to speak to us yet after the special counsel's report, which mentions the president's health problems? so
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, look, you see, speaking about the report of the special prosecutor, and in short, the special prosecutor, as far as i understand, is obviously a republican, he is a lawyer, not a doctor, he is not a doctor, it is not for him to speak out on these topics, it is simply not for him, after publication special counsel robert hur's report, and biden's illegal possession of secret documents, in which the us president was described as a handsome elderly man. a man with a bad memory, the white house urgently organized biden’s address to the nation in order to save his face, but it was not possible to save him. you haven't noticed that your memory has deteriorated, mr. president. my memory is not, my memory is fine, my memory, look what i've done since i became president, how it happened, you know, i probably just forgot what happened, however , not a week goes by without the president giving occasion talk about your health, at a meeting with the king of jordan, biden again got lost in
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three pines, mr. president, i will stand on the other side, yes. the publication, which is considered the mouthpiece of the democratic party, describes in detail the measures taken by the white house to protect the president. in addition to memory problems, the constant threat comes from the airplane ramp. after biden's last public fall, security protocols had to be changed. the president began to climb the short ladder that leads to the lower deck of the plane. while getting off the plane there is now always a secret service agent at the foot of the ramp. the ex-white house doctor directly stated that... apparently, joe biden does not make decisions himself; there are radical extremists in the white house who promote the climate agenda, globalists who make many decisions. these decisions do not come from president biden. they come
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from people in the white house who have different agendas, and none of those agendas put america first. if this is true, then the democrats must have a plan b, again pro-democratic if you believe it. biden may say he remains committed to serving another term, but accepts public concerns that he will turn 86 in four years. he can remind voters that he has always spoken of his role as a bridge between two generations of democratic leaders. the economy is on the right track, he defeated trump, he protected american democracy, he did his duty. originally a successor. it's time to do what we keep doing and that
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time every day, every day for us is a time when we have to accept that there are things and tools available to us to slow down.
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republican leaders are banning books, making it harder to vote, limiting free speech in schools. the problem is that california has long ceased to be the premier successful state. large cities are filled with an army of homeless people, drugs are openly sold on the streets, in the middle of the day, a store is being cleared right under the noses of the police. according to polls,
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the democratic electorate trusts the former first lena the most. i remember this. promoted in loyal media the thesis that while biden is not the best option, his competitor is not ideal either.
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nothing will change if you don't change anything. you choose between two older people whose best years are behind them. the eighty- year-old president was given an account on youth tiktok, and to promote it, they even ordered a video from a popular blogger. i'm sorry, you're a couple, right? yes, can you tell me how you met? it was a blind date arranged by my little brother. now, if you believe the leaks, biden's imisars are negotiating with tellar's entourage. the popularity of this singer in america is comparable to bethlehemia; in the states they are seriously talking about the fact that her fan base can decide the outcome of the elections. taylor swift is very popular among all voters, her approval rating is 70%. in a recent poll, 18% of voters said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate they supported. but there is also the good old option of mobilizing the electorate in the face of an external threat: the white
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house demanded that moscow stay away from the american elections, after which it would be completely a neutral statement from vladimir putin. for us, who is better, biden or trump? biden, he is a more experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation, but we will work with any us leader who... the likelihood that the russian card will be played again is growing rapidly. russian nuclear weapons in space. multiple sources told cnn today that the united states has new intelligence that russia is attempting to deploy nuclear anti-satellite weapons in space. this is a sudden message thrown by cnn, apparently at the instigation of the democrats , so excited the americans that the state debate and the white house immediately rushed to calm the population. according to house intelligence representatives, we were told that this is not a threat right now, this could be a threat in
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the medium to long term, when we talk about such distant threats, can americans not worry about this kind of information, and what time do we have left? are we talking about these threats? i hope you understand that i will not go into details and go beyond the existing information, once again, it’s not about the fact that the means posing a threat are located at... in fact, under reagan, it was the americans who launched the star wars program with similar goals; even then it was clear that nuclear weapons in space were of little use. at the end of the eighties, in the united states, this program began to be curtailed. we understood perfectly well that an orbital nuclear explosion could lead to an irreparable environmental disaster and would cause great harm to all living things on earth in the world’s oceans. also an orbital nuclear explosion is not.
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good morning, dear tv viewers, timur solovyov and daria shulik are with you, today is february 19, monday, thank you for celebrating this morning with us, we are sure you will not regret it, today we will go to visit the whales and find out what what are antioxidants and do we need them ? we’ll figure out the levels of weather danger, find out what a snow hole is, finally find out what... what women hide on the first date and what or who, and that’s not all that awaits us,
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well let's start, according to tradition, with invigorating gymnastics, good morning, i can stretch 30 times in a row , would you like to also, let's strengthen the arm muscles, you can do this even at home, instead... take a towel and roll it up, grab the ends with a reverse grip, hold it in front of you, forcefully pull the fabric in different directions we strain our arm muscles, now we lift the chest towel like a barbell, we continue to exercise, we don’t spread our elbows to the sides, we keep them close to the body, and now we’ll complicate the exercise, we sit down: on the floor and pass the towel under the knee, we pull our arms up and our legs down, creating resistance,
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the greater the tension, the more actively the muscles work. the exercise will help strengthen your arms, and in a more complicated version you will also strengthen your thighs. exercise every day, at least a little, and it will be easier for you to do pull-ups. green, yellow, orange, red. no, this is not about new traffic lights. these are four weather danger levels. what is characteristic of each of them, why are they? generally multi-colored and how you can find out about these same levels not only right now. avalanche. two weeks ago we found ourselves covered in snow in the mountains of sochi six skiers. they were saved. the day before, warnings were sent to everyone in the region. such messages from the ministry of emergency situations are
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based on short-term forecasts of the hydrometeorological center. every day, weather forecasters in the regions fill out data on their subject. the collection map is controlled by the weather forecaster on duty in moscow. this system informs the population, as well as other interested organizations, about the occurrence or forecast of hazardous phenomena. there are four weather levels: green, yellow, orange, red. green - the weather is safe, yellow - dangerous potentially, as now in central russia, after the thaw there will be frost again, sleet and snowfall. the orange level is... natural disasters, as was the case in sochi. red and completely disasters, fires, hurricanes. in 2023 , about 900 hazardous weather phenomena were observed in russia, and about 2.0 storm warnings were issued. you can find out the level of weather danger without waiting for an sms to be sent on the website the map is updated twice a day. even
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the color yellow is a reason to be more careful on the street, in first of all, motorists. do not park your car under trees near. with buildings, yes, because snow can fall, icicles can fall, then snow, then rain, and uh, the trees begin to become overgrown with ice and at some point a branch may break off and simply fall on your car, it’s parked in a safe place, auto experts urge to think about whether there is any point in driving it out at all, after all , we did, it’s better to change the usual driving style, firstly, no sharp maneuvers, the grip on the road will be limited by the slushy snow it could get worse, how does the car behave? when we sharply press the gas pedal, we are dizzy, and of course, this cannot be done, secondly, the distance, it should be, look, we press the brake pedal, and the car continues to drive , it works to brake faster, it must be done quickly, quickly hit the brake pedal, in any case, the braking distance of the car in such weather increases,
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pedestrians also need to remember this, cross the road as carefully as possible, especially the elderly. our good morning continues, we move on let's dive into the world wide web, our columnist yegor uspensky just has another selection of fresh videos ready. our little video parade opens with a cat named tom, perhaps the first representative of the cat family in the world who masters the pottery craft, you can see for yourself how he does it, we’ll just add that this hobby has already brought tom 3 million views, after all, cats are always in the top, i watched the films ghost, i think patrickisy and demi more are very beautiful, the hero of our next video is called max, he is a dog, although he
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is offended when they call him that, he is a big dog fan of board games, max is together with his owner. plays monopoly, max is also now mastering preference poker, a very smart dog. a few days ago we talked about a mouse that cleans up the garage, but in this story it’s the other way around. a liverpool man discovered that someone was making a mess in his kitchen at night. he stopped the camera, video surveillance and the secret was revealed under the cover of darkness. this wild raccoon climbed into the house through the cat door, and... was in charge of the kitchen. i sinned on my wife in the end about beauty, these are the miniatures in walnut shells created by the japanese craftswoman mommo and tssumi. according to her, the work is very painstaking, sometimes it takes up to two weeks to make one such miniature, but it is worth it, every video that moma posts on the internet brings her millions of views.
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in general, i don’t want you and i to quarrel over this topic. i’ll go to copper anyway, let’s go, it’s uncomfortable, but don’t drag me anywhere. and a traitor, everyone here is a traitor, people who they are drowning for the greatness of the motherland, this is a special contingent, i don’t want to lose them for this crap, my brother was wounded yesterday, i ’d rather not go to the police, i’ll give them straight away , they don’t look at their appearance, sometimes a person stretches 40 times, but he might shit himself , but what if. we thought you would help us find him, but how can you find him here? i will have a child from him , help me find him, please, my daughter
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is being held hostage at school, they promised to let go, as many faces as i can hear, it’s clear that for you the homeland is running, for me the homeland is a plunder. i can't live, 20:22, premiere on the first. 19 february on the calendar. friends, spring is getting closer, just 11 days away, you must admit, it would be a shame to catch some kind of cold on the eve of spring. yes, but bacteria and viruses, unfortunately, have not gone away, they are all around us, here’s what to do if someone is sick at home, a doctor of the highest category, sergei arsenin, will tell you. we need to isolate the sick person in a separate room. we do not allow children and elderly people to visit him, they have a higher risk of catching an infection, when we enter this room, we put on a mask ourselves,
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after communication we will have to throw it away, we provide the patient with disposable handkerchiefs, adapt a bag in which he will throw them away after use, also allocate individual dishes and ask for movement. wear a mask around the apartment, ventilate each room in the apartment as often as possible and carry out wet cleaning daily, wipe switches and door handles, treat the sink with chlorine-containing products, remember about personal hygiene, wash your hands with soap and wash your face at least twice a day as often as possible and cook. another preventive measure: pour half a glass of vegetable oil into a bowl and add 25 g of propolis tincture,
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cook in a water bath for 5 minutes, cool, dip a cotton swab in the oil, and gently lubricate the inside of the nostrils. the product has antibacterial and antiviral effects. for prevention, i have one more secret. we pierce the oranges with cloves, like this. we put these hedgehogs in every room. viruses are afraid of clove and citrus scents. take care of yourself and your family, and be healthy. we remind you that the calendar shows february 19 and today. peace day for the protection of the sea mammals on this day in 1986 , a moratorium on whaling came into force and the commercial production of cetaceans ceased
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. yes, this date is most directly related to us, because our seas are home to several dozen species of whales, dolphins, seals and other marine mammals, many of them are endangered, they really need to be protected, but the largest marine mammal and , in general, the largest animal on our planet is the whale and now everything you wanted to know about them, and even more. in the world's oceans 94 species of cetaceans live, some of them, about twenty, can be found off our shores. humpback whales have now arrived on teriberka. today the sea is very fresh, the sea on gregory has been taking tourists to see the beautiful whales for several years now, and every time it takes even his breath away. he looks at us, and we look at him, this. reminiscent of interaction with some kind of cosmic beings. whales like to talk, and those that filter the water, for example, these bowheads,
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talk at low frequencies. they they can literally be there for tens of hundreds of kilometers, as if communicating with each other or hearing in any case. but toothed whales are not like that, because they have a higher frequency, a higher frequency travels worse through the water. this means that toothed predators, killer whales, for example, communicate over short distances. by the way, china. understand each other or pretend, say, a gray whale, he begins to speak there, conventionally with the sounds or words of a humpback whale, yes, that is, they can imitate each other for... the marten has been in love with whales since childhood, studies them professionally already 6 years. my main point of research for cetaceans is sakhalin, the coast of sakhalin , a group of gray whales comes there , this is just a feeding area for them, mothers with cubs come there, teach their cubs to feed, by the way, they are born with their tails first, the first
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moments after. and then he also teaches how to breathe, and then everything else. there is another interesting fact: whales, or rather dolphins, never completely fall asleep. their hemispheres sleep in turns in order to control their position in space, then then this unihemispheric sleep was discovered in other species of mammals, including tulips. among birds, including, it turns out, the skill is quite common, that’s what’s really amazing - regeneration, the skin of dolphins changes every 2-3 hours, so they just love it when their belly is scratched, their sides or belly are exposed there to be scratched, in in nature, with the help of speeds , with the help of wave speed, they itch like this, that’s why they always accompany boats, they love to ride, that’s who are really vulnerable, dolphins, mothers remember their whole life
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offspring, in captivity tethered. our program continues now, we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of channel one, we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. there's a newscast on the air, we'll see you in just a few minutes. this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning there are new shots from the ministry of defense, they show the weapons of the armed forces of ukraine abandoned in ovdeevka, filmed from a drone, armored vehicles and more are clearly visible, many have been hit. we've shown before how messy the militants were fleeing, here is another video evidence, the enemies are being driven away with artillery fire, hitting strongholds, separate scattered
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formations, often fleeing. half-wounded, they are left without any help, judging by the videos that the ukrainian military themselves post on the internet, all the last days they were forced to sit in underground shelters under continuous fire, many, as they themselves say, received shell shock, now our soldiers , occupying positions in the city, carry out cleaning and demining, pushing back the enemy and in other directions of the northern military district, so in the yuzhnodonetsk unit of the vostok group of forces was disrupted. in the kupinsky direction, the crew of sud-34, the russian aerospace forces, attacked the command post from
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the enemy’s cluster and equipment, using high-explosive aircraft. bombs with a universal planning and correction module, worked on a tip from scouts, struck with pinpoint accuracy, without entering the enemy air defense zone. a real firestorm was unleashed on the positions and warehouses of the enemy and the crews of our self-propelled howitzers mstas, the first guards tank army of the west group of troops, tried not to waste shells in vain, one shot was a sighting shot, the next one, for sure, we are working on the accumulation of enemy manpower. on armored vehicles, we can work on a strong point, we will destroy it, a day or two later the same target comes again, that is, accordingly, they constantly drive people there for slaughter, not sparing their personnel, even heroes of the special operation, senior lieutenant dmitry voronin, during reconnaissance , identified the enemy concentration area, who was preparing an attack on the positions of our units, transmitted the coordinates, adjusted the fire of the russian artillery, and
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as a result, the enemy was seriously inflicted. his attack was thwarted. another intelligence officer, sergeant andrei novak, secretly approached the enemy’s location using a drone, clarified the coordinates of the target, passed them on to our artillerymen, the loss of up to ten militants and heavy weapons. us republican senator linsey graham, who was among the most staunch supporters of aid to ukraine, suddenly changed his mind and convinced him donald trump. point of view that he voted against new aid to kiev for 60 billion dollars, as for what ukraine will have to pay, out of 32 million hectares of arable land of that same black soil, 17 million no longer belong to kiev, they are owned directly or through
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intermediaries by the largest western corporations, permanent representative vasily nebinzya presented such data to the un last week. our cosmonauts and the crew of the international space station have begun unloading. transport ship progress has already opened the hatch into the cargo compartment. the successful docking took place on february 17. we moored to the zvezda module. more than 2.5 tons of various cargo were delivered into orbit, including fuel, drinking water, compressed nitrogen, as well as various equipment and food products, clothing, and materials for scientific experiments. there is severe ice in moscow today; there have been huge snowdrifts in february. on sunday all this snow began to melt, but at night... it froze, so there is now a skating rink on the roads, tuesday is forecast to be the coldest day in the short working period week, it will get warmer for the long weekend, on friday afternoon in the range from 0 to +5°, february 23 in moscow, march mild weather, it will continue on saturday.
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the games of the future competition begins in kazan; these are unique competitions at the intersection of sports, science and technology. no one in the world has ever done this before. today is the first tournament. that is, it combines classical sports and e-sports, for example, at the kazan ice arena: the group stage of the tournament in hockey will be held, each match will have two parts, digital teams will play on simulator, in the real one they will reveal the strongest on the ice in the format.
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store. where is it more profitable to shop, the same ones that we regularly leave in the hypermarket or in? shops within walking distance, on the one hand in the hypermarket , well, there seems to be more choice, and there are discounts, it should be cheaper, yes, but you still have to get there, and sellers’ pricing often changes, now we’ll conduct an experiment and calculate everything, hypermarket versus store ,
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which is more profitable? over the past 10 years, the economics of shopping have changed dramatically, according to our estimates, on average, a person now spends about twice as much money in a store as before, this 12,000 is now the average cart for a family where... there is a husband, wife and a child or two. and, of course, i want to save money. daria, for example, goes to the grocery store, the one near the house, a few meters on foot on the spot. if you order a car and go, for example, for amkat, then it will be about, well, probably 2-3. rub. additionally. but tatyana , on the contrary, believes that going to a hypermarket is more profitable, there are discounts there, and let the road long, travels by public transport so as not to overpay. i've been driving for about 30-40 minutes. if you have a lot of shopping, you can go back by taxi. what about products, where are they cheaper? we buy according to the list. cucumbers cost 209 rubles. and now it’s 179 rubles. it turns out a discount of more than 10%. let's take it. and here is a promotion: two packs of buckwheat for
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one price. but the store near the house did not disappoint either. buckwheat on sale 94 rub. and chicken turned out to be cheaper here. look, it's the same manufacturer. now prices in stores. to save money, you need to calculate everything in detail. in small shops, often
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there are small producers on the shelves, prices are not inflated, and this can be more profitable than the same promotions in a hypermarket. everything is individual here. the main thing to remember is that in pursuit of saving 50 rubles. sometimes you have to overpay the whole 500. anastasia zavileva, sergey morin, channel one. once again, good morning to everyone who has joined us, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast, and i think i will not be mistaken if i assume that many people have yogurt or yogurt for breakfast. yoghurt product, there is a difference, what is it, what does it mean? anna grebenchukova found out the meaning for us as buyers. we are conducting an experiment: we treat employees of a small dairy production with yogurt and a yogurt product, all with strawberry flavor. will they notice the difference and distinguish one from the other? in this jar the yogurt looks more like a natural product, the taste is more classic, i’m almost sure that this is a yogurt product, it’s very strong with strawberries... it gives something better here, yogurt always has a milky taste,
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here unfortunately, this taste is not available. 100% hit, everyone guessed right, there really are differences in taste, it’s a matter of different composition, the basis of the correct yogurt is milk, whole or low-fat starter, starter of lactic acid bacteria, microorganisms, they are activated - and, as it were, ferment our product, and the yogurt becomes thick dense, it contains thermophilic... streptocus and there is also a bulgarian stick. the ingredients are thoroughly mixed in the thermostat. the thermostat maintains the temperature we need, about 40-45°. and at this temperature, our starter multiplies and makes thick yogurt from milk. after 6 hours, the product is ready. if the manufacturer decides to save raw materials, he adds stabilizers and preservatives. why is this being done? in order for the product to have a shelf life... and
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in order to hide the fact that there is little milk, thickeners are added to make the structure dense, so we check the list of ingredients to make sure there is nothing unnecessary, the shorter the better, in shelf life up to 7 days, yogurt product is much longer up to six months, precisely because the composition contains a lot of additives, although, of course, there is milk too; as a rule, low-fat milk should be at least 50%. this is an economical product, water. stabilizers are added, flavors are added, the yoghurt product can be additionally thermally processed so that the thickeners begin their work, to combine all the components of this yoghurt, and this, of course, affects the benefits, there is less milk, plus when heated, some of the vitamins and other valuable substances is destroyed, and what about fruit and berry additives, they are definitely natural, made from fresh... fruits or berries, they are immediately processed with arbic acid,
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no more than 2% of the volume, this processed product is frozen, but in budget options instead of natural product flavors, reference point, the price is too low should alert you. anna gribenshchikova, sergey falendysh, alexander aleksenko, tatyana yus, channel one. we continue, a dog’s hearing is much sharper than a human’s, and the range is also wider. everyone knows this. dog lovers, like what the dog is afraid of loud sounds, and we’re not just talking about all sorts of firecrackers and fireworks. well , yes, the noise of a vacuum cleaner, the roar of a motor can also frighten a dog. asya titova and her dog cinnamon will now tell us what to do about it. cinnamon does not like the roar of a motorcycle and the sound of a tractor clearing snow. she pulls on the leash, presses her ears, in general, she’s nervous, she’s not the only one. it turns out that every second dog is afraid of loud noises, so that this fear does not interfere with living with it. i need to work, arizona really doesn't like it when the vacuum cleaner makes noise,
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on her black list is cleaning snow from the roof, she is very afraid when she cleans the roof, and here we are on the fifth floor, it is especially audible, that is, this sound of a shovel, she is really very afraid, she usually runs into the bathtub and maybe there hiding, sitting there trembling in the bathroom, it all started in childhood, little arizona on... what to do, dog handler ekaterina avdeeva will tell you. fear of a particular sound is likely to spread to other sounds, including over time or with age. that is a dog will be afraid more, more, more. yes, most likely yes. it is necessary to increase tolerance to noise, to treat like with like, that is, noisy games. the first game. lay foil and parchment paper on the floor. we lay out the treats and invite arizona.
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he avoids going through the foil a little, because it’s probably shinier, and if you do such exercises regularly, it will help develop the dog’s confidence. the second exercise is louder: we pour plastic lids on the opposite side and hide a treat under them so that the dog will have to make noise to get the pieces. the third game is rattle: we put dry pasta or beans into a plastic bottle and give it to the dog. please note, arizona plays and does not experience any fears, of course this is. not fireworks or a vacuum cleaner, but it all starts small, he will get used to the rattles, he will react more calmly to louder noise, and so that the dog is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner, we do this: when the sound of the vacuum cleaner turns on, we give the dog a treat, turn off the sound of the vacuum cleaner, a treat we clean it up and train it that way. notice how quickly
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orizona switched: a couple of classes and barking at the vacuum cleaner, she will stop. such games are useful for all dogs, even those who calmly react to shup, because a dog can get scared at any age, and prevention will not be superfluous here, cinnamon, catch it quickly, imagine that you are calmly flying on a plane, with a woman sitting labor begins next to you. what to do? there is much more about this in the program. live healthy, today on the first, on defender of the fatherland day on the first. you can't imagine how hard it is to wait, to wait when i don't know where you are, what's wrong with you, promise me that you will come back,
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give me your word. here they are, i see a column, a messenger on the tail, we are looking for a russian pilot, he is somewhere in this area, this life has a price, a second chance, a second life, my goal was to live to fight. my husband is a pilot, and a pilot must fly, a pilot, on february 23,
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on the first, in a bag? in the glove compartment, car , purse, whoever has it, on the desktop, in the pocket, after all, they are always with us, wet cleaning wipes, one might say, a universal remedy. on store shelves, cleaning wet wipes literally for all occasions, how do they differ in composition, is there any point in buying different ones, or can you get by with just one package,” ruslan yunyaev found out. there are cleansing wet wipes for every occasion. we took nine samples, universal, for car interiors, for headlight mirrors. for computer screens, for furniture, plastic and wooden surfaces, for cleaning stoves, for shoes, white and various leather products, hygienic. in general, take any napkin, there are surfactants everywhere, in case this is for on some glossy surfaces, isopropyl alcohol is usually added there
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to minimize the number of streaks. you will be surprised, but all our nine options were divided into four groups according to composition, resulting in peahens with alcohol. yes, peahens without alcohol, yes, peahens with caring components and peahens with wax, just for shoes, that is, this is all for monitors, for glass, for cleaning white shoes, universal, it’s all absolutely the same, but composition, according to composition, yes test, wipe the keyboard with different napkins laptop, the effect is the same on all of them, only those without alcohol kick harder, and why can’t you wipe them with hand wipes, but in general you can. there will just be streaks , go to the screen, first specialized napkins, they have a different composition of the napkin itself, lint, due to this they will not leave streaks, ordinary napkins made of non-woven fabric, here is crimped paper, the lotion contains less than 5% surfactants and up to 15% alcohol, so it doesn’t kick and
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dries instantly, the other options, as you can see, don’t suitable, not a single sample could cope with shoes with old stains, anyone can clean fresh ones. shoe wipes for various leather products contain wax to provide additional protection, how much wax is there? less than 5%, but it’s more effective, of course, to take a brush and rub it with wax, but that is the effect. practically nothing from this , visually everything worked the same, except for wipes for monitors, the lotion dries quickly, leaves a matte effect due to alcohol, it also degreases the surface, it’s better not to rub the skin with alcohol, of course, but this is alcohol, yeah, eh why is it better not to rub your skin with alcohol, well , roughly speaking, we destroy it a little each time, we go to the kitchen, these napkins promise us to cope with grease on the stove, in the oven, in the microwave, there is concentration. the pavos foam, the wipes work. and the last thing is higher than the rest, so car wipes are very strong in those for the interior
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without alcohol. it can damage the surface, in the sense that it can slightly remove the color. but you don’t have to buy special ones; any alcohol-free ones will do. in napkins for mirrors and headlights, on the contrary, it should be alcohol from stains, but for some reason the specialized ones couldn’t cope, apparently the manufacturer was greedy. screen wipes for creaked paper worked. healthy eating, well, on specialized websites, and in advertising too, for example, cosmetics manufacturers often claim that facial products contain antioxidants, so what are they, these same antioxidants, what do they fight against and what is needed, are they needed at all? us, let 's try to figure out that in order to understand how antioxidants work, you need to know what they are free radicals, they help our immune system fight foreign
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agents, plus they help us fight against cells that are not entirely correct, yes, that is, which can then become, well , bad cancer cells, but if there are a lot of them, they also harm healthy cells , everything begins in mitochondria, the respiration process in these organelles is imperfect, and partial leakage occurs. electrons that move along this respiratory chain to oxygen, and this oxygen acquires the property of free radicals. let's explain it more simply, we are made up of molecules, each surrounded by electrons, normally they have a pair, but if there is not enough of it, the molecule turns into a free radical and takes away the missing electron. it forms a free radical, it interacts with other compounds and can trigger the oxidation reaction of these compounds, but not completely, that is, they also become free radicals. mitochondria is one of the main ones. energy sources for cells. the first thing a cell does in response to stress is to divide them into small mitochondria. this is done specifically for
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so that if some mitochondria experiences serious problems, potentially dangerous for the cell, it can be easily disposed of not the entire network. if there are a lot of free radicals, the whole cell suffers, then antioxidants come to the rescue, substances that donate their electron to the radical and turn it into a normal cell. they are formed inside the body, and also come to us. with food, food itself, of course, cannot be an antioxidant, well, pepper cannot be an antioxidant, yes, the substances it contains can be antioxidants, which is this what it is? these are vitamins , most often these are vitamins of groups a, e, c, this is beta-carotene, these are some microelements, for example, selenium, all this is in vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, fish, tea, in general, everything that is recommended for a healthy diet , it is believed that by consuming five types of such products a day, we get the required amount of antioxidants, but attention, you shouldn’t oversaturate etzion with them either, it’s simply useless. if a person,
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let's say, lived in the same regime for 50 years, yes, he harmed himself as much as he could, then suddenly he decided to take on himself in 10 years he wants to restore himself, but it is not a fact that this will work out, antioxidants will not make a person younger, and they will not delay the aging process, they will make it normal for his age, of course.
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we love each other, we love to smile and bring happiness and goodness to this world. and now sports news in magnitogorsk , the framed figure skating competition has ended. sports competitions of the strongest, get details from channel one sports journalist maria bas. this is exactly what the spartakiad of the strongest skaters should be like, as magnitogorsk saw it, bright, emotional, beautiful, and of course, with a new record. the winner of the men's tournament , evgeniy semenenko, scored 304.40 hundredths of points in the sum of two programs. this
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has never happened before at russian competitions. alexandra stepanova and ivan bukin reached the hearts of every spectator, their free dance left no doubt about their confident victory. without such support, without such love for figure skating, for each athlete, we would probably not be able to give 200%. and here it’s always something incredible, so thank you to the viewers. the grand prix final was attended by a total of more than 30,000 people. and the atmosphere in the stands was extremely warm and homely. like this. the hockey city of magnitogorsk has turned into another point on the map of our country, where people fell in love with figure skating. we saw how your little ice hockey players help drag toys off the ice. what do you think, if you yourself and the adult cast came out to help, it seems to me that it would completely blow up the audience. would you agree? i would, i would ask the question why no, why weren’t we invited, we would have been
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happy to help. an incredible free skate was shown to anastasia. tamara nikolaevna moskvina immediately hugged her players tightly, and the stands gave a standing ovation to the winner in pairs skating. in the women's competition, the audience remembered not only the bright performances, but the original flash mob and successful ideas from ksenia sinitsina. can i ask you again, beautiful sunglasses, fiddle around like that, super. free program. a well-deserved reward for great work, done in training. adelia petrosyan’s magnificent victory with such a set of complex elements could not have happened any other way; the audience was also on top, charging the incredibly talented figure skater with their energy. ahead of us is the exciting cup of the first channel in
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figure skating, a colorful tournament of show programs russian challenge. the competition will be held in st. petersburg and we are looking forward to meeting you in the northern capital. the multi-part historical drama “the great golden age” continues on channel one. catherine ii reigned for 34 long years and went down in history as a truly great transformer. under her , our two capitals changed a lot: st. petersburg and moscow. well, northern palmyra, glad to see you. st. petersburg will either sink or burn. such prophecies frightened the great... catherine did her best to combat floods, strengthened the embankments, lined the embankments so that the city would be less exposed to floods, and built stone houses so that the city would not be subject to fire. the beginning has already been made. i even think that on this occasion it is possible to arrange a reception with the invitation of foreign ambassadors. a commission on the stone construction
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of st. petersburg and moscow was established in the senate. leading european architects are invited, attracting. there is another road to st. petersburg. in 1775 , a plan for the development of moscow was approved. according to him, a system of squares appeared around the kremlin; instead of fortifications , the empress ordered the construction of boulevards. i want to hear in detail about all the events in moscow. during her time, only tverskoy boulevard was completed, but it is still the most attractive in the boulevard ring. and the palace in tsaritsena was completed already in the 20th century, during soviet
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times. initially, vasily bozhenov was assigned. tense. the empress's provincial reform changed cities throughout the country. even small villages could receive the status of a county town and this gave impetus to the development of infrastructure. there was a city planning plan. made in more than 200 cities, where a mandatory center with a three-beam divergence from the center - these are shopping arcades, a center, public places where power is located, a fire column, were laid when
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catherine. the great transformer, reigns on the screen for several more evenings. the historical drama great, the golden age, continues on channel one. you and i still have so much to do, life is not enough. natalya leonova, anna vashuri. zubov, konstantin struchkov, channel one. monday morning the news will continue. it's time to find out what's new in the country and in the world up to this hour. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. at the beginning, new personnel of the nuclear defense, they are equipped with weapons and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. not only, many hit. we have already shown how the militants fled randomly. here's more video evidence. the enemies are driven by artillery fire, hit at strong points
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, in separate scattered formations , often fleeing half-wounded, they are left without any help, judging by the videos that the ukrainian military themselves post on the internet, all the last days they have been forced to sit in underground shelters under continuous shelling. many, as they themselves say, received shell shock. now our fighters occupying positions in the city are carrying out cleaning and exchange. they are also pushing back the enemy in other directions of the northern military district, the crew of the sud-34 of the russian aerospace forces destroyed the command posts of the enemy’s equipment accumulation in the kupinsky direction, used high-explosive bombs with a universal planning and correction module, worked on a tip from reconnaissance officers, and struck with pinpoint accuracy. without entering the enemy's zone of action, on the ground a real fire barrage was unleashed on enemy positions and warehouses by the crews of our self-propelled howitzers, the first guards tank the armies of the western troop grouping
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, we tried not to waste shells in vain, one sighting shot is already the next for sure , we are working on the accumulation of enemy manpower, on armored vehicles, we can work it out, on a strong point we will destroy it, in a day, in two, the same one comes again. concentration of militants preparing an attack on the positions of our units, transmitted coordinates, adjusted russian artillery fire, as a result , serious damage was inflicted on the enemy, and his attack was thwarted. another
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intelligence officer, sergeant andrei novak secretly got close to the enemy's location with the help of a drone, clarified the coordinates of the target, transferred them to our artillerymen, losses in the ssu were up to ten military personnel and heavy weapons. american. republican senator linsey graham, who was among the most staunch supporters of aid to ukraine, was suddenly convinced by donald trump to change his mind. airing on cbs. grem said that kiev should be given money, but not for free, on loan. there is something to pay - the senator argued. ukraine has mineral resources, and washington has government debt - 34 trillion dollars. graham changed his point of view so much that he voted against the new $60 billion aid to kiev. as for what ukraine will have to pay, out of 32 million hectares of arable land, 17 million of that same black soil no longer belong to kiev, they are owned directly or through
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intermediaries by the largest western corporations, such data was presented to the un last week by permanent representative vasily nebenzya. polish farmers are trying to close any loopholes for ukrainian grain, they have begun to block trains of agricultural products on the railway. protests have been ongoing since november and exports through poland have already halved. the ukrainian budget is suffering huge losses. now protesters are even blocking the passage of passenger buses at the border. the poles were joined by farmers from germany, belgium, the netherlands and france. starting february 20 , protesters plan to stop traffic at all border crossings. today the czech republic is joining the protest. the participants are going to come to prague on tractors for negotiations with the government. prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu is against recognizing a palestinian state and made this statement at a meeting with representatives of american jewish organizations.
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the israeli army is storming cities on the west bank of the jordan river, and fierce fighting is taking place in the vicinity of jerusalem and hebron. our cosmonauts, the crew of the international space station, began unloading the progress transport ship, already opened the hatch to the cargo compartment, a successful docking took place on february 17, and moored to the zvezda module. more than 2.5 tons of various materials were delivered into orbit cargo. including fuel, drinking water,
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compressed nitrogen. there is severe ice in moscow today, huge snowdrifts have accumulated in february, on sunday all this snow began to melt, but it froze at night, so there is now a skating rink on the roads. tuesday is forecast to be the coldest day during the short work week, but it will warm up over the long weekend. on friday afternoon in the range from 0 to +5°. february 23 in moscow, march weather, it will continue on saturday. that's all, now say good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who meets this day together with the first channel, timur solovyov and daria shulik are with you, today is february 19, monday, on which we congratulate you, well , congratulations on the fact that spring is getting closer , it’s only about 11 days away, i’m reading today, and the closer spring is, the more there is at least something new, you want some changes, romance, by the way, oh, you want romance, yes, but oh, this is unknown from the first date, when you still don’t know anything about the person, and he you must agree, we all want to appear at such a meeting. time is better than we are
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in fact, well, especially women, although why especially a woman, everyone wants, in short , what women hide on the first date, we’ll get to men too, i think, focus group of men and women of different ages, the topic, what the fair half is silent about on the first date, top -three women's secrets, according to statistics, the most innocent ladies hide the features of their appearance. girls, if you did this, raise your hearts, men also vote if you noticed. at least a covered pimple, but besides foundation powder we have a lot of tricks, we’ll tint our lips, easy styling, a certain devilry in the look, well, the job is done, you can do some kind of mask in the morning before a date , underwear, he’s not so pleased with us now, yes , you can’t fool the stronger sex, they know how we tweak the basic settings, the same ones posharpi, naturalness completely kill, but add spectacularity to the girl.
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push-ups, shapewear, again, why does it turn out to be a lie, then it will open up, why is all this, they seem to be for naturalness, but then this is what they say, all men love first with their eyes, and then with their soul, and until that moment, how chemistry didn’t happen, only the image, in general you won’t understand them, ladies we do what we feel comfortable with, this is the advice of psychologists, let’s move on to the second women’s secret, not everyone is ready to talk about the number of partners, i didn’t hide it, i was just politely silent. for some it really makes a difference. if i understand that the girl is such a fidgety girl , then i will understand that most likely she went out with vasya yesterday and i will decide in the future whether i will go on a next date with her? she will not be pleased with the fact that she i’ve seen a lot of different things, and of course, this man will be sad. but psychologists have divided opinions. if i can talk about it, then i talk about it, how he will perceive it, that is, he has his own container, if he does not display the information that i tell him, then... he needs to go on
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a date with another woman, he doesn’t take me out, which means it’s advisable not to give out all the information just like that, look, his head is torn, as they say, yes or not, but in measured doses, carefully observe, see how the person perceives, but everyone clearly agrees that you shouldn’t remain silent about children, and many women do this on the first date. i believe that hiding about children is disrespectful to your children and to... yourself, this is such an important part of life that , well, it’s probably impossible to go around it so easily, they’re just afraid that this information might immediately scare off the partner, well, of course, because you want your own, but sooner or later you’ll still have to introduce them to the children and it’s not them who will scare off, but the fact that they initially hidden. if he has there are quite serious plans for this lady, then of course it will be unpleasant for him, because if she is deceiving at this stage, he will understand that... probably,
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he is not on the same path with this lady, and what is not agreed upon on the first date men, we’ll discuss it tomorrow. alena astrakhansova, pavel ivanov, victor namunka, yulia bykova, channel one. personal data, here it is! it seems like our personal ones, but in fact we leave them where we don’t try, for example, when we make purchases on the internet, order a taxi, register delivery, well , it’s almost impossible to do without it in our information world, or it’s possible, well, probably possible, the main thing is that this data does not fall into the hands of any crooks, what can you find out about a person on the internet? in 5 minutes, it specialist alexey drost found my phone number, residential address and even my bank card number. in one of the social networks you... wrote about yourself and also indicated your email for communication, this email served as a starting point, with the help of the mailbox you were able to further go through various bots, services that were even willing to share any information for free, for example,
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in a search for you, i also found data on dances for... which championship you received a medal. it turns out that we ourselves post all this information, sometimes we check the boxes in various online agreements without even reading them, for example, when we order food at home, and then these databases leak into the network. that is, parcels are mainly ordered to pick-up points, food is ordered almost directly to bed, so it’s dangerous, but there are well-known cases when a person is persecuted for some purpose, to intimidate or just like that. i liked that the admirer decided to wait at the entrance and personally hand over flowers and do something else, but if you don’t indicate the address, you will be left without delivery, what can you do, can you clean up your information? is it possible to delete this somehow, is it my residential address or my bank card?
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it cannot be deleted, this is probably the main disappointment for those who were waiting for a good ending, but life is such that... what has already leaked somewhere, it remains there forever. moreover, there are dozens of sites that duplicate and store all this data, essentially making copies. even if you file a complaint, for example, against a search engine, they will delete this information from themselves, but on the sites it will live forever. that is, the information does not physically disappear, it remains the same as it was on some website. but all is not lost, it specialists remind us that digital hygiene is everything. you can start your online life from scratch. the simplest thing is to create a separate email and virtual card for online purchases and registrations, link everything to your new virtual name. now this is your avatar on the internet. he does not have a passport or other documents that you have. if they ask you to tie them somewhere, think 100 times. and in delivery applications, you can indicate an incomplete
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address only when communicating with the courier in person by phone to clarify the entrance number, apartment floor. if this all seems too complicated, then at least get an online wallet or a separate card for internet use. in general, try to separate your virtual self from the real one, then there will be fewer leaks, yes it’s easier for you to control everything that goes online. anastasia, sergey abramov sotnik, dmitry likhachov, channel one. this seems to be a common situation: you receive a message by email that you need to pay some fine or debt. and it seems the sender is the official federal bailiff service. details in the attached file. and here's the attention. before opening this file, listen to what our expert lawyer maxim andreev has to say. where does your morning begin, mine starts with a cup coffee, viewing email news, that we have 11 new letters, five of them are advertisements, we delete them, and there is another
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suspicious message, the subject of the letter is a debt notification, there is also a file attached, apparently, i can find details in it, who is the sender? supposedly the federal bailiff service, there is even a coat of arms, but we will not open the file, i warn you, a virus may be downloaded to the computer along with it. but what to do if you are frightened by information about debt, you just need to check everything, find the official one on the internet website of the bailiff service, enter your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth in this column, please. nothing was found for your request, that’s it, now you can be absolutely calm, you have no debt, which means we send spam to the scammer’s address and delete the letter he sent, don’t believe everything that comes to your mail, scammers will not
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deceive you . chicken fillet is an ideal option when you need to cook something quick and simple. well, it’s true that many people find it a little dry, but the chef stepan olekhin knows how to do it. juicy delicious, write down the recipe. chicken fillet often turns out bland and dry after frying, but i know how to make the meat tender, juicy and spicy. finely chop the onion. i add pieces of ginger, garlic, hot pepper, fry the mixture in vegetable oil until the onion turns golden, add chopped chicken fillet, cook over high heat for another 5 minutes so that the pieces brown, sprinkle the meat with spicy seasonings, i have curry, turmeric, pour in coconut milk , regular cream will do, you just need it heat to room temperature or they will curdle. salt, pepper, squeeze out lime juice , cook the fillet over medium heat for 5 minutes, the spicy,
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juicy, tender chicken is ready, the dish goes well with rice, try cooking this too, bon appetit, german chancellor olaf scholz went to washington, if the situation worsens in result of russia's war against ukraine. we will have to answer. germany agreed to increase military tranches to ukraine. the americans are creating rapid reaction troops, and the germans will be there main impact frame. they want to pit germany and russia against each other. all of germany is on ears. it's not just farmers. criminal, traitor to the motherland. mercedes leaves germany. the americans are eating up the german economy with a crunch. his whole appearance suggests that this man has long been accustomed to groveling. scholz is germany's chief undertaker.
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veda vodka is a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac is a product of the stellor group, this is our apartment, we will live here, i love you very much, alice comes to see me, yes normal if the guy were normal, he wouldn’t take her away like that, baby, listen, i don’t want you and i to quarrel over this topic, i’m already an adult.
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i can stretch 30 times in a row , do you want to also, let's strengthen the muscles of the arms, this can
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be done even at home, instead of a simulator, take a towel and roll it up, grab the ends with a reverse grip, hold it in front of you, forcefully pull the fabric in different directions, strain the muscles of the arms, now we lift the chest towel like a barbell and continue to exercise, do not spread our elbows to the sides, keep them near the body. and now let's complicate the exercise, sit on the floor and thread a towel under the knee, pull your arms up and your leg down, create resistance, the more tension, the more actively the muscles work. exercise will help. drink your hands, in a more complicated version also press your thighs. exercise every day, at least a little,
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and it will be easier for you to do pull-ups. sochi ski slopes, as it turns out, attract not only people, but also geese. this feathered couple was filmed on a mobile phone by eyewitnesses. the birds made loud noises and behaved quite impressively, in a businesslike manner, so it is not reported how they got on the ski track, but what about the ski pass, but how was everything? well, let’s find out what astrologers have prepared for us for this day right now. february 19. the turning point of the tenth-eleventh lunar days, the sixth day of the sun. good -natured, balanced, calmly reacts to minor troubles , knows how to maintain a normal work rhythm and is usually in a good mood, he will help bosses remember that they are not managing robots, but real people, very good, this is a day for all kinds of negotiations and meetings interviews, and in general today we will feel better about understanding others, the other
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side of the same coin is increased vulnerability and touchiness, in addition, on days like these we, as they would say, live on our own. we lack the flexibility to quickly respond to a situation. because of this, aries may miss some favorable opportunity. on the other hand, a talik of healthy conservatism will not hurt today; you will still have opportunities. otherwise, the day is very positive, when everything goes easier than it seemed, and you can also fall in love. taurus will have a chance to demonstrate their professional talents, strengthen their authority, what is called establishing themselves, they may need someone’s help or advice. perhaps this will concern some important papers. make sure this consultant is not a charlatan or a scammer. the luminary advises gemini to listen more than talk. learn a lot of interesting things, and some of this may later be useful. gemini ladies, dedicate less to your girlfriends and your personal affairs. not a bad day for crayfish, perhaps, however, some inconsistencies
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overlays, but keep it small. after lunch, perhaps some useful meeting, and in the evening another, just pleasant one. and they can also thank you for something, it’s a good day for leo, when in the personal and business spheres everything goes as it should, but this day is not very suitable for a career breakthrough, but you crack all current affairs like nuts, be careful while driving, in the virgins everything is also not bad, you may receive an interesting business proposal, perhaps from old partners or friends, but this is more likely for the future, virgin ladies, get ready to listen to compliments and declarations of love, something romantic , lights and weights? but this will be in the evening, during the day you will have to roll up your sleeves, there will be a lot to do, you may have to take on someone else’s work, but they will be grateful to you, and you can earn extra money. scorpios will have a chance to restore something, fix something, and establish relationships with someone. very good, this day is for everyone who can call themselves a master of their craft. expect some good news in the evening. a romantic day for sagittarius,
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the stars promise attention from the opposite sex, new acquaintances, well and... there’s no way to sleep without them, and it’s possible that there’s something like an outburst of jealousy. in general, see for yourself. capricorns may be drawn into some kind of dispute or conflict. it is unlikely that they will bring you any benefit; it is better to do without all this. after lunch, get ready to help someone. perhaps deal with the problems of children or younger relatives. but the evening is yours, and it will definitely be pleasant. aquarius luminaries advise you to carefully monitor time and make a list of important things to do or, for example, shopping ahead of time. otherwise the day was quite successful. you they may even praise you for something or make a note in some way, everything should work out for the fish, if the fish do not forget about accuracy, attention to detail, this applies to both work and money, appearance, today you will be greeted by your clothes and safety precautions , don't forget, good luck to you! we remind you that on the calendar february 19, today is world day
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for the protection of marine mammals, on this day in 1986 a moratorium on whaling and whaling came into force... yes, this date is most directly related to us, because our seas are inhabited by several dozen whale species, dolphins, seals and other marine mammals, many of them are endangered, they really need to be protected, but the largest marine mammal and in general the largest animal on our planet is the whale, right now everything you wanted to know about them, and even more. the world's oceans are home to 94 species of cetaceans. some of them, about twenty, can be found off our shores; humpback whales have now come to teriberka. today the sea is very fresh, sea, gregory has been taking tourists to see the beautiful whales for several years now, every time it takes even his breath away. he looks at us, and we look at him, this reminds me of interaction with some kind of
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cosmic beings. whales love to talk. i have been in love with whales since childhood, and have been studying them professionally for 6 years. my main point of research for cetaceans is sakhalin, the coast of sakhalin, a group of gray whales comes there
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, this is just a feeding area for them, mothers come there with their cubs, teach their cubs to feed, by the way, they give birth with the whales and tails first, the first moments after after birth, it is important for the baby to be lifted up by the mother, because she still has a lung without air, it is still negatively buoyant, so she... helps it rise to the surface, take a breath, then teaches it to breathe, and then everything else. there is another interesting fact: whales, or rather dolphins , never completely fall asleep. their hemispheres sleep in turns in order to control their position in space, then this unihemispheric sleep was discovered in other species of mammals, including seals and birds as well. it turns out that skiz is quite common, but what really amazes us is the regeneration. the skin of dolphins is mine...
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mothers remember their offspring all their lives, in captivity they become attached to trainers, and most importantly , dolphins distinguish between people, there is a version that they feel the mood, but this has not yet been proven. elizabeth. what location were they in, others are checking camera traps, there are 14 of them throughout the reserve, this is a wolf, here in the
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foreground is the first individual, in the background is the second individual. the camera trap captures such interesting moments, both day and night, that’s a lot animals that we don’t notice at all during the day, and these are parsuks that lead a nocturnal lifestyle, these are foxes. who also behave actively at night, steppe cats. all photographs of the inspector are regularly examined in order to stop cases of poaching in a timely manner. the territory of the reserve is home to red book species of animals, for example, the saiga antelope of the northwestern caspian region. if 10 years ago there were 2,500 animals in the population, now there are more than 26 thousand. the reserve is divided into two zones: a reproduction zone, where 5400 hectares. only saigas, except inspectors no one comes into this territory anymore, and the same area is where farming is prohibited, so there is plenty of food
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here, and the inspectors of the orlovskoye polesie national park take care of the bisons; in a few years their number has increased 8 and a half times. we keep records using several methods. the first is visual accounting. secondly, we have a certain number of camera traps installed throughout the national park. this is both at feeding sites and just in the forest, the third with the help of a quadcopter. in the territory the park has 27 feeding areas, anyone can come and sign up for an excursion to watch the animals in their natural environment. saiga antelopes and teeth are on the list of thirteen priority species protected by the national ecology project. for this purpose , special strategies are being created, and the number of national parks and reserves is growing. and so that schoolchildren know as much as possible about the animals listed in the red book. holds the all-russian olympiad on the environment and ecology on the platform. the olympiad had varied tasks, both theoretical and practical ones, for example, how to behave in
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a specific situation, or general questions on the topic of ecology. schoolchildren from first to ninth grades can join the testing online on the olympiad website. it will last until march 4. marina vakhrusheva, nadezhda zybkina, channel one. monday morning the news will continue. it's time to find out what 's new in the country and in the world up to this hour. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. at the beginning, the footage that we received from the ministry of defense shows that the most coke-chemical. here in avdeevka, which was taken under full control by a group of russian troops, the center, filmed from a drone, now there are russian flags on administrative buildings, units of the armed forces of ukraine
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are running randomly, throwing away their weapons. equipment, the enemy is driven by artillery fire, they hit strong points, individual scattered formations, often fleeing half-wounded, they are left without any help, judging by the videos that the ukrainian military themselves have been posting on the internet in recent days, they have been forced to sit in underground shelters under continuous fire, many, as they themselves say, received shell shock. our soldiers occupying positions in the city are clearing and clearing mines. they are also pushing back the enemy in other directions of the northern military district. thus, in the southern donetsk region, a subdivision of the vostok group of forces thwarted eight attempts to rotate the armed forces of ukraine, destroyed 14 temporary deployment points, four control points for unmanned aircraft and two field ammunition depots on krasnolimansky, with the forces of our center group, shot down 23 ukrainian drones, the enemy lost up to 100 militants, tank, three combat, armored vehicles, four vehicles, in the kupinsky direction the crew of
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a su-30. four russian aerospace forces attacked the command posts of enemy equipment accumulations, used high-explosive aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module, worked on a tip from reconnaissance officers, and delivered a strike with pinpoint accuracy, without entering the range of enemy air defense. a real barrage of fire was unleashed on the positions and warehouses of the enemy and the crews of our self-propelled gaobitsamst s, the first guards tank army of the west group of forces. shells we tried not to waste it, one shot. we are working on the accumulation of enemy manpower, on armored vehicles, we can work it out , on a strong point we will destroy it, a day or two later the same target comes again, that is, accordingly, they constantly drive people there for slaughter, not sparing their personnel , and more about the heroes of the special operation, senior lieutenant dmitry voronin, during reconnaissance , identified the area of ​​concentration of the enemy,
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who was preparing an attack on the position. passed on the coordinates of our units, adjusted the russian artillery fire, as a result, serious damage was inflicted on the enemy, and his attack was thwarted. another intelligence officer, sergeant andrei novak, secretly approached the enemy’s location with the help of a drone, clarified the coordinates of the targets, handed them over to our artillerymen, the loss of the ukrainian armed forces up to ten militants and heavy weapons. us republican senator linsey graham, who was among the most staunch supporters of the aid. donald trump suddenly convinced him to change his mind. on cbs, graham said that kyiv it is necessary to provide money, but not free of charge, on loan. there is something to pay - the senator argued. ukraine has mineral resources, and washington has a national debt of $34 trillion. graham changed his mind so much that he voted against kiev's new $60 billion aid, which concerns what ukraine will have to pay out of 32 million hectares.
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17 million of arable lands of that same black soil no longer belong to kiev, they are owned directly or through intermediaries by the largest western corporations. this data was presented to the un last week post from now on vasily nebendya. our cosmonauts, the crew of the international space station , have begun unloading the progress transport ship and have already opened the hatch to the cargo compartment. a successful docking took place on february 17, moored to the zvezda module. more than 2.5 tons of various cargo were delivered into orbit, including fuel, drinking water, compressed nitrogen, as well as various equipment and food, clothing and materials for scientific experiments. there is severe ice in moscow today; there was a huge snowfall in february. snowdrifts, on sunday all this snow began to melt, but it froze at night, so there is now a skating rink on the roads. tuesday is forecast to be the coldest day of the short work week, but for the long weekend it will warm up on
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friday during the day. from zero to +5°. on february 23, moscow will experience mild march weather, which will continue on saturday. the competition of the games of the future begins in kazan. these are unique competitions at the intersection of sports, science and technology. no one in the world has ever done this before. today is the first tournament, and we are waiting for the official opening ceremony on the 21st february. 500 athletes from different countries have already gathered in the capital of tatarstan; in total, about 2.0 of them are expected. they will take part. in twenty-one disciplines, each of which combines the concept of figital, that is , it combines classical sports and e-sports , for example, the group stage of the fidget hockey tournament will be held at the kazan ice arena, each match will have two parts, digital teams will play on in the simulator, in the real one they will reveal the strongest on the ice in a 3:3 format. goals scored in each game are added up, we came in the summer, i was in
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delighted, now it's x10. and much more, where the virtual world will meet the real one, and the grand tournament will end on march 3, that’s all for now, good morning to everyone who just joined us, timur soloviev is with you today. february 19 monday. antioxidants, you often hear or read about them on all sorts of internet forums dedicated to healthy eating, well, on specialized websites, and in advertising too. for example, cosmetics manufacturers often claim that
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their facial products contain antioxidants. so, what are these antioxidants, what do they fight against and what is needed, do we even need them? let's try to figure it out. to understand how antioxidants work, you need to know what freedom is. radicals, they help our immune system fight foreign agents, plus they help us fight against cells that are not entirely correct, yes, that is, which can then become, well, bad cancer cells, but if there are a lot of them, they also harm healthy cells, everything begins in the mitochondria, the process of respiration in these organelles, it is imperfect, and there is a partial leakage of electrons that move along this respiratory chain to... and this oxygen acquires the property of free radicals. let's explain it more simply: we consist of molecules, each surrounded by electrons, normally they have a pair, but if there is not enough of it, the molecule turns into a free radical and takes away the missing electron. forms a free radical, it interacts with
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other compounds, and can trigger the oxidation reaction of these compounds, but not to end, that is, they also become free radicals. mitochondria are one of the main sources of energy for cells. the first thing a cell does in response to... stress. this splits them into small mitochondria. this is done specifically so that if any mitochondria experiences serious problems that are potentially dangerous for the cell, it can be easily disposed of. not the entire network. if there are a lot of free radicals, the whole cell suffers. this is where antioxidants come to the rescue, substances that donate their electrons radical and transform it into a normal cell. they are formed inside the body, and also come to us with food. food itself, of course, cannot be an antioxidant. well , pepper cannot be an antioxidant, but the substances it contains can be antioxidants. what it is? these are vitamins , most often these are vitamins of groups a, e, c, this is betacorotene, these are some microelements,
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for example, strong, all this is in vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, fish, tea, in general, everything that is recommended for a healthy diet . it is believed that by consuming five types of such products per day, we get the required amount of antioxidants, but attention , it’s not worth saturating the diet with them either, it ’s simply useless if a person lived in the same regime for 50 years, yes, he harmed himself as best he could, then suddenly he decided to take care of himself 10 years old wants to restore himself, but it is not a fact that this will work, antioxidants will not make a person younger, and they will not delay the aging process, they will make it normal for his age, of course, taking into account genetics. alexander zheleznov, dmitry parfenov, first! channel. snowy notch. no, we're not talking about drivers trying to dig out their car after a long weekend. this is the name of the snowball throwing tournament in yekaterinburg. and it takes place according to special rules, believe me, this is a very serious matter. 240 people play snowballs
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like adults. this is a snow fight tournament in yekaterinburg. it’s not good to simply bombard your opponents; you need a strategy. guys! the two of you better not run behind one barricade, because it’s easier to knock you out, there are barricades on the field, you can hide behind them, the goal is to knock out all opponents and capture their flag, three periods each 3 minutes, passions are running high, they ’ve run out of snowballs, it’s an offensive, snow shells are prepared in advance, of course, it’s easier to sculpt by hand, but when you’re competing here , you need all the snowballs to be the same size, the same density, so that each team is on an equal footing conditions, in one such box there are 90 snowballs, it takes up to thirty boxes to play, so that the shells are denser, they add water, such a snowball hits noticeably, but this will not intimidate the players,
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we have special barricades in the dormitory gym, which we made homemade snowballs from plywood they made plastic, stuffed it with paper, tied it with tape, and this is how training is conducted here, like this, there is also serious preparation, this unusual... the format of snowball fights came to us from japan. first it was mastered in murmansk, and a little later in yekaterinburg. previously , students played, now people of different ages and professions played. on the field, participants from. in the friendship team there are players from egypt, sri lanka, pakistan, libya, kazakhstan, in the family of the egyptian, hatem salam, the snowball game is considered very extreme, my mother was like very shocked, she said, you you'll break your head, you'll break your leg, it's cold outside, but my dear, or you don't need to play this, i'll say, well, this is a game, i'll try everything once, okay. they say that those who have tried it certainly want to repeat it, and
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the spectators are eager to fight. semyon, he even found a hole in the fence, dad didn’t have time to blink, and he was already on the field. first you need to give me a helmet, only blue, i have to throw snowballs. true, semyon was never given a helmet, the age limit was 14 years old, such a child’s game with adult rules. elena savina, marina guseinova, channel one. our good morning continues, we move on. let's dive into the world wide web, our columnist yegor uspensky just has another selection of fresh videos ready. our little video parade is opened by a cat named tom. perhaps the first representative of the cat family in the world to master the craft of pottery. you can see for yourself how he does it. we’ll just add that this hobby has already brought tom 3 million views. after all , cats are always at the top. i've seen enough of the movie ghost, i think patrick swayze and dammy more is very beautiful. the heroes of our next video. his name is max, he is a dog, although he gets offended
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when they call him that, he is a dog and a big fan of board games. max plays monopoly with his owner. max is also now learning preference poker, he is a very smart dog. a few days ago we talked about a mouse that cleans up the garage, but in this story it’s the other way around. a liverpool man discovered that someone was making a mess in his kitchen at night. he stopped the cctv camera and... secretly revealed under the cover of darkness, this wild raccoon climbed into the house through the cat door, well , he ruled the kitchen, and he sinned against his wife, in conclusion about the beautiful, these are the miniatures in walnut shells created by the japanese craftswoman momo and tsumi, in her words, the work is very painstaking, sometimes it takes up to two weeks to create one such miniature, but it ’s worth it, every video that mom puts on the internet brings her millions of views. premiere of civilization, film five, west,
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tomorrow on the first. bourbon steersman product steller group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. this seems to be a common situation. you will receive a message via email stating that you need to pay something. fine or debt like the sender is the official federal bailiff service, details are in the attached file, attention here, before opening this file, listen to what our legal expert maxim andreev has to say. how does your morning begin, mine starts with a cup of coffee, checking the news by email. what do we have here? 11 new letters, of which five is advertising. we delete it. and there is more.
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please, at your request , do not bailiffs, enter in this column your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, found, everything, now you can absolutely find the official website of the service on the internet , calm down, you have no debt, which means we send in the scammer's spam address, we delete the letter that he sent, do not believe everything that scammers send to your mail.
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after all, they are always with us, wet cleansing wipes are, one might say, a universal remedy. on the shelves who has it on their desk in their pocket, in stores there are cleansing wet wipes for literally all occasions, how they differ in composition, is there any point in buying different ones, or can you get by with just one package - ruslan yunyaev found out. there are cleansing wet wipes for all occasions, we took them. samples, universal for car interiors, for headlight mirrors, for computer screens, for furniture, plastic and wooden surfaces, for cleaning stoves, for shoes, white and various leather products, hygienic. in general, here's any napkin take it, there are surfactants everywhere, if this is for some kind of glossy surfaces, isopropyl alcohol is also usually added to minimize the number of stains. you will be surprised, but all our nine options turned out to be divided into four groups according to composition, we get peahens with
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alcohols, yes, peahens without alcohols, yes, peahens with caring components and peahens with wax, with wax for... that is, that’s all for monitors, for glass, for cleaning white shoes, universal, it’s all absolutely the same and the same, in terms of composition, in terms of composition, yes, test , we wipe the laptop keyboard with different napkins, the effect is the same for all, only those that kick harder without alcohol , why can’t you wipe with hand wipes, yes you can, in general it’s just stains there will be, let's move on to the screen, first there are specialized napkins, they have a different composition of the napkin itself, due to the lint ... and it dries instantly, the other options, as you can see, are not suitable, not a single sample can handle shoes with old stains, anyone can clean fresh ones , composed of
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shoe wipes for various leather products , wax for additional protection, how much wax is there - less than 5%, but more effective, well, that is, there is practically no effect from this wax, visually they all worked the same, except for wipes for monitors, the lotion dries quickly, leaves the matte effect is due to alcohol, it also degreases the surface, of course it’s better not to rub the skin with alcohol, but this is alcohol, yeah, why is it better not to rub the skin with alcohol, well , roughly speaking, we destroy it a little each time, let’s go to the kitchen, these napkins they promise us to cope with fat. on the stove, in the oven, in the microwave, here the concentration of pavo is higher than in others, so they foam a lot, napkins work. and lastly, car wipes that are alcohol-free for the interior. it can damage the surface, in the sense that it can remove a little, uh, color. but you don’t
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have to buy special ones; any alcohol-free ones will do. on the contrary, wipes for mirrors and headlights should contain alcohol to prevent stains, but for some reason the specialized ones couldn’t cope. apparently the manufacturer got greedy. the napkins worked for creaked paper monitors. ruslan yunyaev, elnurovali akhmetov, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. in all russian schools , a special lesson begins on channel one. conversations about important things. today's topic is defender of the fatherland day. our interlocutor, hero of the russian federation, andrei nikolaevich solovyov. today we are talking about important things with the hero of the russian federation, andrei nikolaevich. i was fucked, this is my home school, i studied here for 11 grades, i spent the best moments of my life here, but when i was at school, i didn’t i was wondering when is graduation , when are we going to graduate from this school, i got tired of it, got tired of studying, and then the military academy began, this is a course for a young fighter, the first forced march, a steel
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helmet, property, two bags of sand, 9 kg for each item, and i for... i wanted to go back to school, so enjoy it, guys, while you can. do you remember your first teacher? yes, this is nina nikolaevna, a good teacher, she had to tinker with me , because my behavior was sometimes lame, despite the fact that my father was a former military man, and he had discipline very tough, he didn’t scold me for getting bad grades, but he always followed discipline , so i got it from him, well... kids in 2001, i graduated from primary school, she no longer worked, i’m very glad to see you, i tell you
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i’m glad, after so many years, we haven’t seen each other for 24 years, i always remembered you, i got on so many nerves, no, what does it mean to defend the fatherland? i believe that even a teacher protects the fatherland when he prepares the future generation, teaches them, gives some parting words, all the professions that doctors, teachers, police, all of them work in the good of the fatherland. why do some people devote their lives to defending their fatherland? for some this is an interest, for me it is hereditary, brother, father, we are all graduates of the military academy of chemical defense, this is our path. the military path for me, one might say, began in the tenth grade, when my dad asked how i was doing with chemistry, but i had
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problems with chemistry, so we studied hard, went to a tutor, and i passed the unified state exam very well and entered the military academy of rcb protection, but what is rcb protection, is it traditional chemical, biological protection, also the father senior lieutenant was a liquidator of the consequences at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. what qualities should a real man have? it is not words that make a man beautiful, but rather his actions. must have such qualities, as he said, he did. there is no need for empty words to be thrown into the wind, the quality that you need to develop in yourself is diligence and a diligent person will achieve success in 99 out of 100 cases. what subjects are important in school? what matters now is the story. knowing. history, we will have all the answers, why did you decide to become a military man, what new medals did you get? all
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important subjects, one about history , another about mathematics, the other about literature, aren’t you easy in mathematics, physics, what i had to count, you need to achieve success in everything in all subjects, you can’t separate what is necessary and what is unnecessary, everything is necessary, which one you are a vivid impression from school, perhaps? it was graduation, when we were awarded certificates, we were so happy that we had finally graduated from school, but we were mistaken, probably the brightest moment, and every day was varied, sometimes we played catch, sometimes we played football, that well, they were mischievous, roughly speaking, but in any case, i remember schools very well very often, all your letters, all your drawings, this is very serious support, i have a large stack. these letters, and i will keep them, thank you, goodbye, we
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continue, dog words are much sharper than human ones, and the range is also wider, all dog lovers know this, as well as the fact that a dog is afraid of loud sounds and we are not just talking about all sorts of firecrackers and fireworks, well, yes, the noise of a vacuum cleaner, the roar of an engine can also scare. and now asya will tell us what to do about it titova and her dog cinnamon. cinnamon does not like the roar of a motorcycle or the sound of a tractor clearing snow. she pulls on the leash, presses her ears, in general, she’s nervous, she’s not the only one. it turns out that every second dog is afraid of loud noises, but in order for this fear not to interfere with life, you need to work with it. arizona really doesn't like it when the vacuum cleaner makes noise. on her black list is cleaning snow from the roof, she is very afraid when she cleans the roof, and here we are on the fifth floor, it is especially audible,
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that is, this sound of a shovel, she is really very afraid, she usually runs into the bathtub and can hide there, sit there trembling in the bathroom , it all started in childhood, little arizona was scared by fireworks, off we go, dog handler ekaterina avdeeva will tell you what to do, fear of a certain sound will most likely spread to... other sounds, including over time or with age, that is, the dog will be more, more, more afraid, yes, most likely yes, it is necessary to increase tolerance to noise, treat like with like, that is, noisy games. first game: lay foil and parchment paper on the floor, lay out the treat and we invite arizona to take a walk, avoid the foil a little, because it’s probably shinier, and if you do such exercises regularly, it will help. develop your dog's confidence. the second exercise is louder: we put
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plastic lids on the opposite side and hide the treat under them; the dog will have to make noise to get the pieces out. the third game is rattle: we put dry pasta or beans into a plastic bottle and give it to the dog. notice arizona is playing. and does not experience any fears, of course, these are not fireworks and not vacuum cleaner, but it all starts small , he will get used to the rattles, he will react more calmly to louder noise, and so that the dog is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner, we do this: when the sound of the vacuum cleaner turns on, we give the dog a treat, turn off the sound of the vacuum cleaner, choose a treat and train it like this , notice how quickly arizona switched, a couple of activities and she barked at the vacuum cleaner... such games are useful for all dogs, even those who
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calmly react to noise, because a dog can get scared at any age, and prevention. no, this is not about new signals traffic lights, these are four levels of weather danger. what is characteristic of each of them, why are they multi-colored at all, and how can you find out about these same levels not only right now. avalanche. two weeks ago in the mountains of sochi in a dream.
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as now in central russia, after the thaw, there are frosts again, ice and snowfalls, and the lower level is the likelihood of natural disasters, as was the case in sochi, the red level is catastrophes, fires, hurricanes. in 2023, about 900 hazardous weather phenomena were observed in russia; about 200. you can find out the level of weather danger without waiting for an sms to be sent on the website the map is updated twice a day. even the color yellow is a reason to be more careful on the street, especially for motorists. do not park your car under trees, next to buildings , yes, because snow may fall, icicles may fall, then snow, then rain, and uh, the trees begin to become overgrown with ice and at some point
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a branch may break off and just fall on your car . costs. in a safe place , auto experts urge you to think about whether there is there’s no point in driving it out at all, after all, you’ve left, it’s better to change your usual driving style: firstly, no sharp maneuvers, because of the snow slush, the grip on the road can become worse, this is how the car behaves when you sharply press the gas pedal, now we are spinning, and of course , this cannot be done, secondly, the distance, it must be, look, we press the brake pedal, and the car continues to drive , the abs is activated, in order to brake faster, you need to quickly, quickly hit the brake pedal, in in any case, the braking distance of the car in such weather it increases, pedestrians also need to remember this, cross the road as carefully as possible, especially for elderly people and mothers with children. snowfalls don’t really affect such gusts of wind, we stay at home, the weather is bad, grandma stays at home,
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doesn’t go out, and of course, everyone who is weather sensitive, saw the yellow color on the map. temperature changes are possible, which means pressure surges. natalya kovaleva, ilya ridkazubov, oleg soshin, channel one. our program continues, now we give the floor to our colleagues from the information service first channel, we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. there's a newscast on the air, we'll see you in just a few minutes. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. at the beginning of the frame that we received from the ministry of defense, they show the same coke-chemical plant in avdeevka, which the center group of russian troops took full control of, filmed from a drone. now there are russian flags on administrative buildings, units of the ukrainian armed forces are running randomly, abandoning their weapons and equipment. the enemy is driven by fire
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artillery hits strong points in separate scattered formations. often they are left running half-wounded without any help, judging by the videos that the ukrainian military themselves post on the internet, in recent days they have been forced to sit in underground shelters under continuous fire, many, as they themselves say, received shell shock. our soldiers occupying positions in the city are clearing and clearing mines. the enemy is also being squeezed in other directions of the northern military district, the crew of the su-34 of the russian aerospace forces was destroyed. the command post for the accumulation of enemy equipment in the kupinsky direction used high-explosive bombs with a universal planning and correction module. he worked on a tip from scouts. the strike was delivered with pinpoint accuracy, without entering the enemy’s air defense coverage area. and on the ground, a real firestorm brought down enemy warehouses on the positions. the crews of our mstas self-propelled howitzers, the first guards tank army of the
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west army group, tried not to waste shells. one sighting shot. the next one, for sure, we are working on the accumulation of manpower we can work out the enemy with armored vehicles, with a strong point we will destroy him, he will arrive in a day or two. reconnaissance identified the enemy concentration area, which was preparing an attack on the positions of our units, transmitted the coordinates, adjusted the russian artillery fire, as a result , serious damage was inflicted on the enemy, and his attack was thwarted.
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another reconnaissance officer, sergeant andrei novak , secretly approached the enemy's location using a drone, clarified the coordinates of the target, passed them on to our artillerymen, the loss of the ukrainian armed forces to 10 militants and heavy weapons. american. grem said that kiev should be given money, but not for free, on loan. there is something to pay, the senator argued. ukraine has mineral resources, and washington has a national debt of $34 trillion. graham changed his mind so much that he voted against the new $60 billion aid to kiev. as for that. ukraine will have to pay, of the 32 million hectares of arable land of that same black soil, 17 million no longer belong to kiev, they are owned directly or through intermediaries largest western corporations. this data
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was presented to the un last week by permanent representative vasily nebendia. polish farmers are trying to close any loopholes for ukrainian grain; they have begun to block trains of agricultural products on the railway. protests have been ongoing since november and... farmers from germany, belgium, the netherlands and france. starting february 20, protesters plan to stop traffic at all border crossings. today the czech republic is joining the protest. the participants are going to come to prague on tractors for negotiations with the government.
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for the implementation of un resolutions, since only this will resolve the situation in the middle east. now there continues to be bloodshed in the gas sector, aircraft are hitting the gas sector, the number of victims there since the beginning of the escalation has exceeded 28 thousand. the israeli army is storming cities on the west bank of the jordan river, and fierce fighting is taking place in the vicinity of jerusalem and hebron. our cosmonauts, the crew of the international space station, have begun unloading the progress transport ship and have already opened the hatch. into the cargo bay, successful docking took place on february 17, moored to the zvezda module. more than 2.5 tons of various cargo were delivered into orbit, including fuel, drinking water, and compressed nitrogen.
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there is severe ice in moscow today, huge snowdrifts have accumulated in february, on sunday all this snow began to melt, and then it froze at night, so there is now a skating rink on the roads. tuesday is forecast to be the coldest day of the short work week, but for the long weekend it will warm up on friday afternoon in the range. from zero to +5° on february 23 in moscow. march soft weather, it will continue on saturday. that 's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning, dear tv viewers, timur solovyov and daria shulik are with you on the calendar on february 19, monday. right this morning, let's talk about money, about the same money that we regularly leave in the store. where is it more profitable to shop in a hypermarket or in a convenience store ? on the one hand, in a hypermarket, well, sort of. that there is more choice, and there are discounts, it should be cheaper, yes, but you still have to get there, and the pricing is set by the sellers changes often, now let’s conduct an experiment and calculate everything, hypermarket versus store,
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which is more profitable? over the past 10 years , the economics of shopping has changed a lot, according to our estimates, the average person now spends about twice as much money in a store as before, this 12.00 is now the average cart for a family with a husband, wife and a child or two , and of course, i want to save money. tatyana, on the contrary, thinks that going to a hypermarket is more profitable, there are discounts there, and even if the road is long, she goes by public transport, so as not to overpay, the journey is already about 30-40 minutes, back, if there is a lot of shopping, already by taxi, but what about products, where is cheaper, we buy according to the list, cucumbers cost 209 rubles, now 179 rubles, it turns out a discount of more than 10% , we take it, and here is a promotion of 2
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packs of buckwheat for one price, but the store near the house did not disappoint either. buckwheat on sale 94 rub. and the kulitsa turned out to be cheaper here. look, it's the same manufacturer. now the prices in stores of various hypermarkets, and at home, they are approximately the same, that is, in the current in the conditions of such large hypermarkets as this one, they essentially do not have any such economic advantage. demand is falling, we switched to delivery, prices are the same as on the shelves. so you don’t need to spend money on travel, it’s convenient, but this is only in large cities, in smaller settlements, differently, a store near your home is not always a big brand, that’s why there is less choice, in the regions there are such large centers, they are like a center culture, that’s how there used to be such a cultural center, a cultural center, yes, that’s the same thing, stores have just this function they do, delivery is not so developed there, so they retain their leadership there, and in order to save here, you need to calculate everything in detail, in small shops there are often small manufacturers on the shelves, prices are not
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inflated, and this can be more profitable than the same promotions in a hypermarket, everything is individual here, the main thing to remember is that in pursuit of saving 50 rubles, sometimes you have to overpay the whole 500. anastasia soveleva, sergey morin, channel one. once again, good morning to everyone who joined us, bon appetit to everyone who eats breakfast, and i think i won’t be mistaken if i assume that many people have yogurt or a yogurt product for breakfast, so there is a difference, what is it, what is it? matters for us as buyers, anna grebenchukova found out. we are conducting an experiment, treating employees of a small dairy production plant to yogurt and yogurt products, all with strawberry flavor. will they see the difference and distinguish one from the other? here in this jar there is yogurt, more like a natural product, the taste is more classic. i'm almost sure this is it a yoghurt product, it’s very good with strawberries, but here it’s somehow better. yogurt always has a milky taste.
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here this taste, unfortunately, is not present, one hundred percent hit, everyone guessed right, there really are differences in taste, the point is in the different composition at the heart of the correct yogurt, milk, whole or low-fat, and a starter, a starter of lactic acid bacteria, microorganisms, they are activated and, as it were, ferment our product , yes, the yogurt becomes dense, it contains thermophilic streptocide and there are also bulgarian stick ingredients. stir into the thermostat. the thermostat maintains the temperature we need , about 40-45°, and at this temperature our starter multiplies and makes thick yogurt from milk. after 6 hours the product is ready. if the manufacturer decides to save raw materials, he adds stabilizers and preservatives. why is this being done? to ensure that the product has a longer shelf life. and in order to hide the fact that... there is not enough milk,
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thickeners are added to make the structure is dense, so we check the list of ingredients to make sure there is nothing unnecessary , the shorter the better, the shelf life is up to 7 days, for a yogurt product it is much longer, up to six months, precisely because it contains a lot of additives, although, of course, there is milk too , as a rule, low-fat, it should be at least 50%. this is an economical product, water is added, stabilizers are added, flavoring is added. the yoghurt product can be additionally thermally treated so that the thickeners begin their work to connect all the components of this yogurt, and this, of course, affects the benefits, there is less milk, plus when heated , some of the vitamins and other valuable substances are destroyed, but what about fruit and berry additives, are they really natural? are made from fresh fruits or berries, they are immediately processed with...
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in voronezh we have the admiralty embankment, there is a ship there, the benefit of the destination, this is a wonderful place to take a walk in both winter and summer, i love all the people who live. will be in russia, so i want to hug them tightly, one day the destined winter season i embroidered the front, there was a strong frost , it climbs slowly up the mountain, a horse carrying brushwood, the main thing is to play sports, the more you move, the longer you live, i
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would like a large table tennis center to finally appear in our city, i would really like to become a flight attendant, you can travel to different countries and... for example, when we make purchases on the internet, order a taxi, arrange delivery, well , it’s almost impossible to do without this in our information world, well, or it’s possible, well, probably, it’s possible, the main thing is that this data is not fell into the hands of all sorts of crooks that can be found out. person on the network in 5 minutes , it specialist alexey drost found my phone number, residential address and even my bank card number. in one of the social networks you wrote about yourself and also indicated your email for contact. this mail served as a starting point,
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with the help of the mailbox we were able to go further to various bots and services that were even willing to share some information for free, for example. in the search for you, i also found data on dances, for which championship you received a medal , it turns out that we post all this information ourselves, sometimes we check the boxes in various online agreements without even reading them, for example, when we order food at home, and then these databases leak into the network, that is, parcels mostly they order at pick-up points, but they order food: to intimidate or just like it so much that the admirer decided to lie in wait at the entrance and personally hand over flowers and do something else, but
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if you don’t indicate the address, you will be left without delivery, what can you do? is it possible to clean up information about myself, can i somehow delete this, my residential address or my bank? the card cannot be deleted, this is probably the main disappointment for those who were waiting for a good ending, but life is such that what has already leaked somewhere, it remains there forever. moreover, there are dozens of sites that duplicate and store all this data, in fact, making copies. even if you file a complaint, for example, against a search engine, they will delete this information from themselves, but on the sites it will live forever. that is, physically. information does not disappear, it is like i was on some site, it remains that way, but not all is lost, it specialists remind us that digital hygiene is everything, you can start your online life from scratch, the simplest thing is to create a separate email and virtual card for online purchases and registration, link everything to your new virtual name
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, now this is your avatar on the internet, it does not have a passport and other documents that you have, if somewhere they ask you to link them, think 100 times, in delivery applications you can indicate an incomplete address only when ... personal communication with the courier by phone to clarify the entrance number, floor of the apartment. if this all seems too complicated, then at least get an online wallet or a separate card for online purchases. in general, try to separate your virtual self from your real one, then there will be fewer leaks, and it’s easier for you to control everything that gets into the network. anastasia, sergey abramov sotnik, dmitry likhachev, channel one. we, contemporaries of the red era, suddenly felt like russians, heirs of a huge one. mysterious, lurking outside our cities russian history, i collected the huge multi-colored boulders lying along the shores of the pskov lakes, which reirich loved to draw so much, i brought them to a single place to the pechersk road
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, where a mountain, hot with gems, was cut down from a huge siberian larch, i remember how this crucifix, hoisted on an armored personnel carrier, moved... all of pskov , a stork descended from the sky onto the crucifix, a prophetic bird, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession today on the first floor, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group. as it turns out, ski slopes attract not only people, but also geese. this feathered couple was filmed on a mobile phone by eyewitnesses. the birds made loud noises and behaved quite impressively, in a businesslike manner. it’s not known how they got on the ski track, but what else is possible for us as a skipass, but what
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the astrologers have prepared for us for this day, we’ll find out right now. february 19, the turning point of the tenth and eleventh lunar days. sixth day of the sun, cheerful, good-natured, balanced, calmly reacts to minor troubles, they know how to maintain a normal working rhythm, he is usually in a good mood, he will help the boss with remembering that they are not managing robots, but real people, this day is very good for all kinds of negotiations, meetings and interviews, and in general we will be better today feel understand others: the other side of the same coin is increased vulnerability and touchiness. in addition, on such days, as they would say, we live by our own habits. we lack the flexibility to react quickly to a situation. aries because of this may miss some favorable opportunity. on the other hand, there is a talik of healthy conservatism. but today will not hurt, you will still have opportunities , otherwise the day is very positive, when
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everything goes easier than it seemed, and you can also fall in love, taurus will get a chance to show their professional talents, strengthen their authority , what is called establishing themselves, you may need someone -some help or advice, perhaps it will concern some important papers, make sure that this consultant is not a charlatan and a non-swindler, the twins were shining advises to listen more than to talk , it’s not a bad day for crayfish, perhaps there are some inconsistencies, but it’s just small things, after lunch, perhaps some useful meeting, and in the evening another, just pleasant, and they can also pay you for something to thank. it’s a good day for leo, when everything goes as it should in the personal and business spheres, but this day is not very suitable for a career breakthrough, but for everyone. things are going well, you are cracking like nuts, be careful while driving, the girls are doing well too, you may receive
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an interesting business offer, perhaps from old partners or friends, but this is more for the future, virgo ladies get ready to listen to compliments and declarations of love, something romantic is shining for libra, but this will be in the evening , during the day you will have to roll up your sleeves, there will be a lot of things to do, you may have to take on someone else’s work, but they will be grateful to you, and you will be able to earn extra money, they will get a chance to restore, fix something, and establish relationships with someone. this day is very good for everyone who can call themselves a master of their craft. expect some good news in the evening. a romantic day for sagittarius, the stars promise attention from the opposite sex, new acquaintances, well, a gossip, where would we be without them, and something like an outburst of jealousy is possible. in general, see for yourself. capricorns can be drawn into some kind of dispute or conflict, they are unlikely to bring you any benefit, it’s better without everything. if you can’t get by with this, after dinner get ready to help someone, perhaps deal with the problems of children or younger relatives,
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but the evening is yours and it will definitely be pleasant. the luminaries advise aquarius to closely monitor over time and make a list of important things, such as shopping, ahead of time. otherwise, the day is quite successful, you may even be praised for something or noted in some way. and everything should work out for the fish if the fish do not forget about careful attention to detail. this applies to both work and appearance money. today you will be greeted by your clothes, and don’t forget about safety precautions. good luck to you! february 19 on the calendar. friends, spring is getting closer, just 11 days away, you must admit, it will be a shame to pick up and pick up on the eve of spring some kind of cold. yes, but bacteria and viruses, unfortunately, have not gone away, they are all around us, a doctor of the highest category will tell you what to do if someone is sick at home. sergey arsenin. we need to isolate the sick person in a separate room. we do not allow children and elderly people to visit him; they have a higher risk of contracting an infection. when
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we enter this room, we put on a mask ourselves. after communication, it will need to be thrown away. we provide the patient with disposable handkerchiefs and adapt a bag in which he will throw them away after use. more we provide individual dishes, please ask in advance. wear a mask around the apartment, ventilate each room in the apartment as often as possible and carry out wet cleaning daily, wipe switches and door handles, treat the sink with chlorine-containing products, remember personal hygiene, wash your hands with soap and wash your face at least twice a day as often as possible and prepare: another preventive remedy. pour half a glass of vegetable
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oil into a bowl and add 25 g of propolis tincture. cook in a water bath for 5 minutes, cool, dip a cotton swab into the oil, gently we lubricate the nostrils from the inside, the product has an antibacterial and antiviral effect, for prevention i have one more secret: we pierce the oranges with cloves , like this. we put these hedgehogs in every room, viruses are afraid of the aromas of cloves and citrus fruits, take care of yourself and your family and be healthy. our good and cheerful morning is in full swing and our colleague alla amelyuta continues to challenge various celebrities. today
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, irina zorina, a participant in the show, the voice of the twelfth convocation, is taking her. two blondes run at speed imagine, in ski boots. this must be seen, winning a tv show is like running with obstacles, but the participant of the show, the voice of the twelfth season, and i are determined, irina zorina is my guest, kharina, good morning, good morning, hello, hello, what a beauty, thank you.
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i didn’t have to choose, that is , everything happened on its own, and for me it was a big plus, because i really, i don’t know who i would choose honestly, i suggest we warm you up a little, i suggest you go for dress me, okay, irina, have a seat, these are snowboard boots, a very important thing in equipment, in fact you need to fasten them well from the inside, fasten them well from the outside, this allows you to avoid injury, it’s beautiful. yes, it’s almost beautiful , by the way, i’m doing this for the first time, have you already tried snowboarding once, no, but no, i haven’t tried snowboarding, but now such a fantasy has arisen in my head , some numbers, maybe for a performance, something like that, cool, you have to try and walk through it, oops, this is another story, here’s ours, wait for me,
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alla, my god, what a magnificent little girl, our task is to reach the finish line, first, attention, on the last turn today i managed to snatch victory and reach the finish line first. irina, from the good morning program from the delegation of channel one , wear a medal that confirms that you are not weak. what, what, i’m definitely not weak. wish something for our viewers to charge them with your energy of victory. take risks, and set
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yourself the most, i don’t know, seems unrealistic goals, achieve them, go ahead, i promise you. everything will work out, and now i’m the first, the multi-part historical drama the great golden age continues on channel one. catherine ii reigned for 34 long years and went down in history as a truly great transformer. under her , our two capitals, st. petersburg and moscow, changed a lot. well, northern palmyra, glad to see you. st. petersburg will either sink or burn. the great empress was frightened by such prophecies. catherine fought the floods in every possible way. strengthened the embankments, dressed embankments along the border so that the city would be less exposed to floods, and they also built stone houses so that the city would not be subject to fire. a start has already been made, i even think that on this occasion it is possible to organize a reception with the invitation of foreign ambassadors. a commission on the stone construction of st. petersburg and moscow was established in the senate. leading
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architects of europe are invited, the best architects of russia are attracted. so in the northern capital. the forged fence of the summer garden and the noble facades of the small hermitage of the academy of arts appear. petersburg is the capital, petersburg is peter's legacy, the connection of all, all heirs. to be in moscow. during her time , only tverskoy boulevard was completed, but it is still the most attractive in the boulevard ring. and the palace in tsaritsina was completed already in the 20th century
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during soviet times. initially, vasily bozhenov was tasked with creating catherine’s moscow residence. vasily bazhenov was such a passionate architect that he invested his money, even selling his collection of paintings, into his house in order to pay his workers their salaries. but ekaterina’s map is a bit of a mess. according to one version, catherine curtailed construction because money was urgently needed for the war with turkey. just yesterday, i received a letter from which it follows that the situation in the theater of military operations is extremely tense. the empress's provincial reform changed cities throughout the country, even small villages could receive the status of a county town, and this gave impetus to the development of infrastructure. urban planning has been done for more than 200 cities, where it is mandatory. a center with a three-beam divergence from the center, these are shopping arcades, the center, public places, where the power is located, fire towers were founded under catherine. the great
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transformer, reigns on the screen for several more evenings. the historical drama the great golden age continues on channel one. you and i still have so much to do, life is not enough. natalya leonova, anna vashuk, ilyaritka zubov, konstantin struchkov, channel one. monday morning the news will continue. it's time to find out what's new in the country and in the world up to this hour. this is the news on the first, in the studio of maria vasilyeva. hello. at first the footage that we received from the ministry of defense shows the same coke-chemical plant in avdievka, which we took over. control, grouping of russian troops, center, filmed from a drone. now there are russian flags on administrative buildings, units of the ukrainian armed forces are running randomly, abandoning their weapons and
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equipment. they drive the enemy with artillery fire, hit strong points, separate scattered formations, often fleeing half-wounded, they are left without any help, judging by the videos that are posted on the internet, the ukrainian military themselves, all the last days they were forced to sit in underground shelters under no...
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we are working on the accumulation of enemy manpower using armored vehicles, we can work on the strong point, we will destroy it in a day or two, it comes again.
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his attack was thwarted. another intelligence officer , sergeant andrei novak , secretly approached the enemy’s location using a drone, clarified the coordinates of the target, and passed them on to our artillerymen. losses of the ukrainian armed forces, up to ten militants and heavy weapons. american. there is something to pay, the senator argued. u ukraine has mineral resources, and washington has a national debt of $34 trillion. graham changed his mind so much that he voted against the new $60 billion aid to kiev, which concerns what ukraine will have to pay. of the 32 million hectares of arable land, that same black soil, 17 million no longer belong to kiev, they are owned directly or through intermediaries
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by the largest western ones. polish farmers are trying to close any loopholes for ukrainian grain; they have begun to block trains of agricultural products on the railway, protests have been ongoing since november, and exports through poland have already been halved, the ukrainian budget is suffering huge losses, now protesters are even slowing down the passage of passenger buses at the border, farmers from germany have joined the poles.
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the israeli army is storming cities on the west bank of the jordan river, and fierce fighting is taking place in the vicinity of jerusalem and hebron. our cosmonauts and the crew of the international space station have begun unloading the progress transport ship, have already opened the hatch to the cargo compartment, and a successful docking has taken place for another 17 february, moored to the zvezda module. more than 2.5 tons of various cargo were delivered into orbit, including fuel, drinking water, and
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compressed nitrogen. there is heavy ice in moscow today, huge snowdrifts have accumulated in february , on sunday all this snow began to melt, then it froze at night, so there is now a skating rink on the roads, tuesday, according to the forecast, is the coldest day of the short working week, but it will get warmer on the long weekend, in friday afternoon in the range from zero to +5° on february 23 in moscow. march mild weather will continue into saturday. that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who is meeting.
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yes, well, especially women, although why especially women, everyone wants it. in short, what women hide on the first date , we’ll also get to men, i think, focus group: men and women of different ages, the topic, what the fair half is silent about on the first date, top three women’s secrets, according to statistics, the most innocent ladies hide features of your appearance. girls, if you have done this, raise your hearts. men they also vote if they notice even a covered pimple. yes, you can’t fool the stronger sex, they know how we tweak the basic settings, the same push-ups, naturalness completely kills, but adds glamor to the girl, push
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-ups shapewear, again, why? if i understand that the girl is so fidgety, conventionally, then i will understand that most likely she went out with vasya yesterday, and in the future i will make a decision whether i will go on the next date with her, it will not please me. the fact that she won different things and a lot, and of course, it is the man who will become sad, and psychologists opinions are divided, if i can talk about it, then i talk about it, how he will perceive it, that is, he has his own container, if he does not display the information that i tell him, then he needs to go on
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a date with another woman, he doesn’t take me out, which means it’s advisable not to give out all the information just like that, look, his head is torn, as they say, or it’s not torn, but in doses, carefully. you will have to introduce them and it will not be them who will scare you away, but the fact that they were initially hidden. if he has serious enough goals, plans for this lady, then of course it will be unpleasant for him, because if she is deceiving at this stage, he will understand that, probably,
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this lady is not on his way. we’ll discuss what men don’t say on the first date tomorrow. alena astrakhanseva, pavel ivanov, victor namunka, yulia bykova, channel one. snowy notch. no, we are not talking about drivers who are trying to dig out their car. after a long weekend, that ’s the name of the snowball throwing tournament in yekaterinburg, and it takes place according to special rules, believe me, this thing is quite serious. 240 people are playing snowballs like adults, this is the snezhnaya zaruba tournament in yekaterinburg, it’s not good to just throw your opponents at them, you need a strategy. guys, you two better not run behind the same barricade, because it’s easier to knock you out. there is a barricade on the field. you can hide behind them, the goal is to knock out all your opponents and capture their flag, three periods of 3 minutes each, passions are running high, they’ve run out, they’ve run out, go ahead, snow shells are prepared in advance, of course, it’s easier to sculpt with your hands, but
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when you’re competing here, you need to all the snowballs were the same size, of the same density, so that each team is on equal terms, there are 90 snowballs in one such box. the game takes up to thirty boxes to make the shells denser, add water, such a snowball hits noticeably, but this does not intimidate the players, in our dorm gym we have special barricades that we made from plywood, homemade joints , made plastic, filled with paper, tied with tape and this is how training is conducted here, like this, there is also serious preparation, this unusual format of playing snowballs came to us from japan, it was first mastered in murmansk, a little later, on the field there are participants from different cities and even countries. friendship. the team has friendship among players from egypt, sri lanka,
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pakistan, libya, kazakhstan in the egyptian family, hatem, salam, and the game of snowballs is considered very extreme. my mom was kind of very white-faced. she said: you will break your head, break your leg, it’s cold outside somewhere. “my dear, you don’t need to play this, i’ll say, well, this is a game, try everything once, oh well, do what you want, they say whoever tried it certainly wants to repeat it, and the audience is eager to fight, semyon, i even found a hole in the fence, dad didn’t have time to blink, but he was already on the field, first you need to give me a helmet, only blue, i have to throw shots, although semyon was never given a helmet, the age limit is 14 years old, that’s it children's game on..." olympiad on the environment and ecology for schoolchildren from the first to the ninth grade, anyone can take part in it for free. the main task is for students to learn as many
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interesting facts as possible about the red book animals of russia. astrakhan region - stepnoy state nature reserve. while some inspectors are driving around the territory, we have now met a group of saiga antelopes, about 70 animals. we write down the coordinates, in what, well, location they were. others are checking camera traps, there are 14 of them throughout the reserve. this is a wolf, here in the foreground is the first individual, in the background is the second individual. the camera trap captures such interesting moments, both day and night. there are a lot of animals that we don’t even notice during the day, and these are parsuks that are nocturnal, this... foxes, which are also active, are at night, steppe cats. all images of the inspector are regularly reviewed in order to stop the case in time.
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therefore, there is plenty of food here, and the inspectors of the orlovskoye polesie national park protect the bison; in a few years their number has increased 8 and a half times. we will introduce accounting using several methods. the first is a visual count, the second is that we have a certain number of camera traps installed throughout the territory of the national park , both at feeding sites and just in forest. and thirdly, using a quadcopter. there are 27 feeding sites in the park, anyone can come. sign up for an excursion to observe animals in their natural environment. saiga antelopes and bison are included in
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the list of thirteen priority species protected by the national ecology project. for this purpose , special strategies are being created, and the number of national parks and reserves is growing. and so that children know as much about the red book animals as possible, an all-russian environmental olympiad is being held for schoolchildren on the platform. at the olympics there were varied tasks, both theoretical and practical. for example, how to behave in a specific situation, or general questions on the topic of ecology. schoolchildren from first to ninth grades can join the testing online on the olympiad website. it will last until march 4. marina vakharsheva, nadezhda zybkina, channel one. imagine that you are calmly flying on an airplane. and the woman who sits next to you begins. what to do about this about much
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more in the program live healthy today on the first vodka veeta product of the stellar group old barrel cognac product of stellar group on defender of the fatherland day on the first. can you imagine how difficult it is to wait, to wait when i don’t know where you are and what’s wrong with you, promise me that you will return, give me some hearing, here they are, i see a column, a messer on the tail, we are looking for a russian pilot, he’s somewhere- then in
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this area. this life has a price. second chance, second life. my goal was to live to fight. my husband is a hatchet. and the pilot must fly, the pilot february 23, on the first, good morning, dear tv viewers, timur solovyov and daria shulik are with you, today is 19 february, monday, wake up, green, yellow, orange, red, no, this is not about new traffic lights, these are four levels
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of weather danger, and what is characteristic of each of them, why are they multi-colored at all and how can you find out about these same levels not just right now. avalanche. two weeks ago, six skiers were caught in the snow in the mountains of sochi; they were rescued; a day before, warnings were sent to everyone in the region. such messages from... every day, weather forecasters in the regions fill out data on to its subject, the collection map is controlled by the weather forecaster on duty in moscow. this system informs the population, as well as other interested organizations, about the occurrence or forecast of hazardous phenomena. there are four weather levels: green, yellow, orange, red. green - the weather is safe, yellow - potentially dangerous. now in central russia, after the thaw, there are again frosts, ice and
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snowfalls. orange level - there is a possibility of natural disasters, as was the case in sochi. red and even disasters, fires, hurricanes. in 2023 , about 900 hazardous weather phenomena were observed in russia, and about 200 storm warnings were issued. you can find out the level of weather danger without waiting for an sms to be sent on the website. the map is updated twice a day. even the color yellow is a reason to be more careful on the street, especially for motorists. do not park your car under trees, next to buildings, yes, because snow may fall, icicles may fall, then snow, then rain and... the trees begin to become overgrown with ice and at some point it may a branch breaks off and just falls on your car. it is parked in a safe place, and auto experts urge you to think about whether there is any point in driving it at all. after all, we left, it’s better to change our usual driving style. firstly, no sharp maneuvers, because the snow slush
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can make your grip on the road worse. how does the car behave when you sharply press the gas pedal? so we started spinning and of course this. you can’t do that, secondly, there must be a distance, look, we press the brake pedal, and the car continues to drive abs is activated, in order to brake faster, you need to hit the brake pedal quickly, quickly, in any case, the braking distance of the car in such weather increases, pedestrians also need to remember this, cross the road as carefully as possible, especially for elderly people and mothers with children, snowfalls do not such gusts of wind especially affect us, we stay at home... bad weather, that’s it, grandma sits at home and doesn’t go out. and, of course, for everyone who is weather sensitive, we saw a yellow color on the map, possible temperature changes, which means pressure surges. natalya kovaleva, ilya ridkazubov, oleg soshin, channel one. we remind you on the calendar that february 19 is world marine mammal day.
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on this day in 1986 , a moratorium on whaling came into force and commercial production of cetaceans ceased. yes, we have this date. the most direct relation, because our seas are home to several dozen species of whales, dolphins, seals and other marine mammals, many of them are endangered, they really need to be protected, but most importantly a large marine mammal and, in general , the largest animal on our planet is a whale, right now everything you wanted to know about them and even more. the world's oceans are home to 94 species of cetaceans, some of them, about twenty, can be found off our shores on... it takes our breath away, it looks at us, and every time we look at the handsome whales, even we look at it, it reminds me of interaction with some kind of space
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creatures, whales like to talk, baleen whales and those that filter water, for example, these greenlandic, speak in low voices. marten has been in love with whales since childhood and has been studying them professionally for 6 years. my main point of research for cetaceans is sakhalin, the coast of sakhalin , a group of gray whales comes there, this is just
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a feeding area for them, mothers with cubs come there, teach their cubs to feed, by the way, whales are born with their tails first, the first moments after. there, among birds, it turns out, the skill is quite common, that’s what really amazes - regeneration, the skin of dolphins changes every 2-3 hours, so they just love it when their belly is scratched, they expose their sides or belly there to be scratched, in nature they, with the help of speeds, with the help of wave speed, itch like this,
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that’s why they always accompany boats, they love to go for a ride, that’s who are really vulnerable, dolphins, mothers remember their offspring all their lives, they become attached to them... they become attached to the trainers and most importantly, dolphins distinguish between people. there is a theory that they feel the mood, but this has not yet been proven. zavidova, channel one. here seems to be usual. situation: you receive a message by email that you need to pay some fine or debt, like the sender is the official federal bailiff service, details are in the attached file, and you should pay attention, before opening this file, listen to what ours has to say expert lawyer maxim andreev. how does your morning begin, mine starts with a cup of coffee, checking the news by email, what do we have here? 11 new letters and... five of them are advertisements. we delete it. and there is another suspicious message. letter subject -
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debt notification. another file is attached. apparently i can find details there. who is the sender? allegedly the federal bailiff service. there's even a coat of arms here. but we won't open the file. i warn you, a virus may be loaded onto your computer with it. but what to do if you are frightened by information about debt? you just need to check everything, find the official website of the bailiff service on the internet, enter your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth in this column, please, according to your request nothing was found, that’s it, now you can be absolutely calm, you don’t have a long time, which means we send the scammer’s address to spam, delete the letter,
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34 years old and went down in history as a truly great transformer, under her two of our capitals, st. st. petersburg and moscow. well, northern polmira, glad to see you. st. petersburg will either drown or burn, they were scared with such prophecies. great empress. catherine fought floods in every possible way, strengthened the embankments, and lined the embankments with borders to make the city smaller was subject to floods, so she built stone houses so that the city would not be subject to fire. a start has already been made, i even think that on this occasion it is possible to organize a reception with the invitation of foreign ambassadors. a commission on the stone construction of st. petersburg and moscow was established in the senate. leading architects from europe are invited. attract the best architects of russia, so the forged fence of the summer garden and the noble facades of the small hermitage of the academy of arts appear in the northern capital.
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petersburg is the capital, petersburg is the legacy of peter, the connection of everyone, all heirs peter and peter were always specially emphasized; it was not for nothing that catherine ordered falconet’s monument to peter i, yes, peter the great, from catherine the second it is written there in latin. we're going, petersburg, there's a different road. in 1775 , a plan for the development of moscow was approved. according to him, a system of squares appeared around the kremlin; instead of fortifications , the empress ordered the construction of boulevards. i want to hear in detail about all the events in moscow. during her time, only tver boulevard was completed, but it is still the most attractive in the boulevard ring. and the palace in tsaritsina was completed already in the 20th century, during soviet times. initially, vasily bozheno. commissioned to create catherine's moscow residence, vasily bazhenov was such a passionate architect that he invests his money,
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even sells his collection of paintings, his house in order to pay the workers their salaries, but catherine's map is from parachlation, sometimes the money comes in, sometimes it doesn't, according to one of versions , catherine curtailed construction because she urgently needed money for the war with turkey. just yesterday, i received a letter from which it follows that the situation at the theater military. district city, and this gave impetus to the development of infrastructure. the urban planning plan was made for more than 200 cities, where a mandatory center with a three-ray divergence from the center, these are shopping arcades, a center, public places where power is located, a fire column were laid under catherine. great transformer, a few more evenings of kings. on the screen. the historical drama great, golden age continues on channel one. you and i still have so much to do. life is not
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enough. natalya leonova, anna vashuk, ilyazubov, konstantin struchkov. first channel. it’s a beautiful monday morning, timur solovyov and the beautiful daria shulik greeted you. we wish you good health , remember that the day is just beginning. bye. this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue. step by step, the territory of the coke and chemical plant in ovdeevka has been completely liberated. and a continuous minefield, a lot of work for the sappers. what do our soldiers find in abandoned arsenals? there are grenades, cumulative and
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starting engines. there is something to explore, weapons and documents. criminal family contract , father, mother, son, gunners, through whose fault dozens of civilians died, a special operation in the lnpr, testimony immediately after the arrest that they were no good, germany supplied kiev with armored personnel carriers unsuitable for military operations, and berlin itself bought these american vehicles for the price is three times higher than the market price. tests in february, cats on the streets, temperature swings. this week , new weather anomalies and surprises are being brought to central russia by a cyclone from the atlantic. not only a sports tournament, also a championship hospitality, as participants in the games of the future are greeted in kazan. it's like the olympic games, amazing. the opening ceremony is on wednesday, but the competition is already starting.


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