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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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what do you think, if your daughter goes to court, what are the chances? in court, taking into account the fact that he himself signed the power of attorney unrecognized, there really is little chance, the only question is only taking into account this transfer of funds, these are the law enforcement agencies, because now we have all heard that no one gave the money, but they took a receipt for 2 million, again i repeat that this is deception through abuse of trust, that’s it, wolf, i didn’t offer you 2 million, i told you.
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be declared invalid due to obviously unfavorable conditions. vladimir alexandrovich, i suggest you go to the world, you need to decide on your future life, do you want to live with your daughter, do you want to live with your wife’s relative, and so on, and if i were you, i would really sell this plot and arrange that life that you want, and when selling the site, you would take into account the real and involvement of the people who helped you. close this page of your history and move on. the next one, i want to tell you too, because wait until it was beneficial for you and interesting, you didn’t persecute them, as soon as you realized that it could be different, that you could not stay in ulyanovsk, but go to sochi, this whole conflict began, the man’s word is where, they were hungry, they break the fence and go so that something could be brought out for them to eat, here they are in my dung heap. everything, but sergei
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started the farm, he can’t cope , he can’t, what is this man saying, he ’s half unlikely, but why did he put a bracelet on you, for the fact that my tractor was stolen and i was convicted on forged documents, bull welded, two cows, your cattle lives near someone else’s house, if he didn’t feed them, they would come home, the road home is not cleared, there is snow, even a horse can’t get through, what’s the problem, i can’t understand, maybe , it’s time for us to call doctors to you, we have been fighting for more than 10 years in total. mom says, you say he’s rushing after me, yes, you’re a monster, after i lost almost my whole family, and you tell us, please, what happened, good evening, there’s a big game on the air, this morning vladimir putin is at the chkalovsky airfield presented state awards military units of the aerospace forces.
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russia said that the russian army was able to achieve a turning point in the most difficult sectors of the front, including thanks to the heroism of the aerospace forces fighters, and in order to be imbued with the spirit of this heroism, i definitely recommend that those who have not yet done so watch the film air about our female pilots in the great patriotic war , and today we see a revival of this very heroism in our people, well, at the moment the president is in kazan, where an international tournament will open in about an hour games...
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with the unconditional success of the liberation of avdeevka and emphasized that leaving this city for the ssu was a real escape. secondly, vladimir putin and sergei shaigu talked about the liquidation of the ukrainian bridgehead in krynki on the left bank of the dnieper, from where the ukrainian armed forces intended to make a breakthrough to create a bridgehead for further advancement and deployment of forces, in the end they only lost 3,500 troops, well, let’s start with avdiivka, that's it, listen to what he said.
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well, here are the conclusions the new york times draws about the significance of this flight of kiev troops from ovdeevka? senior western officials and ukrainian soldiers said hundreds of fighters may have been captured or disappeared during the frantic retreat from avdiivka. this catastrophic
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loss could deal a blow to the already weakening morale of the ukrainian army. in recent days , us officials have said that morale at the ssu has already been damaged by last year's failure. the capture of hundreds of soldiers, especially those with combat experience, will exacerbate the problem of personnel shortages and complicate the recruitment of recruits, as a result the fall in the tide may be more significant than initially thought. i want to emphasize that the new york times is a liberal democratic media outlet that is close to the biden administration. so, here’s andrey fransovich, let’s compare, russia is simultaneously liberating avdiivka and eliminating the bridgehead in the krynki, and the ukrainian armed forces are demonstrating.
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which can break through, we were able to do this secretly in the conditions of dominant satellite surveillance over this territory, the minister of defense also spoke about this, this suggests that we have adapted this way called a transparent battlefield, but most importantly, and the newspapers say that it can undermine the potential of their morale in battle, it has already been undermined, the troops fled, and the elite third assault brigade, consisting of sheep, fled, and they have been winning valor for a long time... by barrages , shooting those who had to run forward, these firing squads were sent in full force to release the blockade, they trembled, everyone else ran, and this flight was shown all over the world from thermal imagers, when these columns crowds of people, without backpacks, without equipment
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, without wounded, having abandoned everything across the fields, through forests, they ran out at night and it was all under our intense attack, they lost about 800 people there just on the retreat, not to mention there, of course. relatively speaking, the food still remained, he believed that he was hot, because the unit threw everything into a hurry, realizing that they would not have time, all this happened within the framework of the munich security conference, where zelensky was supposed to shine, where zelensky, having changed his commander, could hammer it just with their bodies and hold this city in order to show that he is winning with his own... in front of the leaders of other countries, but it was even more deafening, the waves of this sound of the alarm with loud speeches to the west, to business, under the zelensky regime, we will get even further, because the west is now beginning to perceive the events taking place there in a completely different way. i completely agree, the actual pathos of the new york
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times article reflects this change and we can say that in the armed forces of ukraine, probably in the kiev regime as a whole the process of disintegration began, and the liberation of ovdeevka, liberation. krynoks simply speed up, are important catalysts for this process, well , we have already talked about the avdeevka krynoks, the main, so to speak, events on the battlefield, let’s talk about what’s happening... it will happen in other areas of the special operation and our traditional military observer boris aleksandrovich rozhen. boris aleksandrovich communications, good afternoon, the floor is yours. good afternoon, yes, against the backdrop of the victorious completion of the battle for avdievka, they are now unfolding offensive actions of our troops in a number of directions. and if you look along the front line, then in the zaporozhye direction , intensified fighting continues on the rabotinsky ledge. our troops switched to offensive operations on saturday, and the enemy has advanced over the past two days. introduced almost two reserve brigades to stabilize the front, now battles are taking place near the outskirts of rabotin to
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the north-west of verbovoy, our troops are also advancing on the vremevsky ledge, there is an advance in the novodonetsky area, also our troops are attacking to the west of staromaisky, in the ugledar direction there are serious successes of our troops, and about a third of the village of novomikhailovka is already under our control, that is... here the battles will continue for it, well, we will gradually squeeze it out of marinka, from avdeika , that is, the enemy will be squeezed out here, in the marinka area our troops today liberated the settlement of pobeda, our flag is already installed there in the center of the village, the enemy there on the outskirts is still trying to counterattack, but in fact the village is already ours, the importance of this village lies in the fact that now we will be able to more actively advance on the supply route of the konstantinovskaya ugledar ugledar group, and here we will probably see more progress in the coming weeks.
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a little more to the village, there is a little more than a kilometer left to the outskirts and there are also small advances in the tabaevka area. well, in the starch direction, that is, in general, in all directions, our troops have the operational initiative. thank you very much,
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boris alexandrovich, keep us informed, well and we see that this reality cannot but affect public sentiment in the west, i have already cited these quotes from the new york times. another interesting indicator of changes in public sentiment, the european foreign affairs council, which we all know very well, published the result of a poll according to which only 10%. john kirby said with all his might: the republicans are to blame for everything, in the house of
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representatives, of course, let's listen. ukrainian troops had to retreat from avdiivka was not due to a lack of courage, proper leadership or quality training. this did not happen due to the lack of correct tactics in the defense of the city. they were forced to retreat by congressional inaction, and we warned congressmen that if they did nothing, ukraine would suffer losses on the battlefield. and this is exactly what this weekend does. happened, just like that , it turns out that congressmen are to blame, and pentagon spokeswoman sabrina sink said that if the house of representatives does not approve the administration’s request biden 60 billion, then ukraine will have to choose in the near future which other cities to defend and which not to defend and , accordingly, surrender to russian troops, well, against this background, when the picture is absolutely clear, the direction of developments is absolutely clear, putin is almost every day, well , every week, it seems to continue to send signals that russia is ready for a serious
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dialogue, to be open to a serious political and diplomatic settlement. he recently said this in an interview with tucker carlson, the day before he said this on meeting with shaigu, yes he said again that russia is ready for a diplomatic dialogue, that it was not russia, but ukraine that interrupted the dialogue on command from london and washington, russia, this did not accept anything, did not interrupt, but as i already said for... the biden administration is doing nothing, signals are not being received, yes, as we remember, kamala haris, vice president of the united states at the munich conference said that there is no plan, there is only.
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german economy, french economy, bite everyone else, suck everything juices from their vassals, but they cannot retreat , this is a question of the american ego, at best, what can they do to retreat to what reserve positions, this is partly a position similar to that you showed in a survey, almost
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40% think that, well, in the extreme in case of compromise, it seems to them that this is a last resort. it is the territory they control, what they will be like, they are not ready for such a dialogue, the kiev regime itself, under pressure from its western masters, is also not ready for this, i would only do one completely with you i agree, just one addition: they are not ready before the presidential elections, because it seems to me that in the united states, because it seems to me, there is one thing that for the american establishment, i’m not talking
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about the deep state, but i’m talking specifically about the establishment and leadership, is more important than the fight for... migration policy, he refuses to do this, because it is painful for him, very painful from an internal political point of view, and he even, i think, believes that the loss of ukraine, the loss in ukraine is there is less izzol compared to the loss if he accepts the republican conditions on domestic policy, on the issue of migration, which is the number one issue for them.
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further, it turned out that this night at a press conference, just in the pentagon, that it turns out that they still have money so that... it turns out that 4 billion are in the cache, military aid is being provided to ukraine from warehouses, they still have the right highlight them, but don’t want to, why? because it won’t be possible to compensate, make up for these losses, let’s listen this dialogue, sabrina sink and the journalist at this press conference. i think the pentagon still has the authority to seize $4 billion, but doesn't have the money to make up for it. so why a ministry with a budget of $800 billion? can't just risk taking $4 billion from the reserves and expect to get it from congress at some point. you answered the question the way i would answer it, because it is a risk, it is an absolute risk for us. we do not have the funds necessary to replenish our own supplies, so we cannot or will not feel reasonably comfortable with
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the current or future use of the president's assistance powers.
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but on legal grounds, and if now biden falters, he understands perfectly well, you are absolutely right, impeachment is guaranteed, and yes, if he takes these 4 billion, this is not a lot of
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money and just throws them into ukraine, then this means that he thereby jeopardizing national security, here he can even be tried, and not just impeached, because it’s not easy misdemeanor, and this is a serious offense, you reduced it to a certain level. the defense capability of your country is 4 billion, whether it’s a lot or a little, when you’re sitting in the dock, it’s a lot. well, it seems to me that the house of representatives will eventually pass something, of course, not in the coming weeks, in the coming weeks they will deal with their own budget, then, well, now the house of representatives has prepared a new version of a bipartisan compromise bill , there 47 billion dollars are allocated to ukraine instead of 60. the trend is downward , well, maybe they will accept something, but most importantly, even if they accept and give, it will not fundamentally change the balance of forces in the main trends
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in the development of a special military operation, now there is a little advertising, then we will continue, for the first time in history, a new format competitions, born in russia with the support of the highest level, a combination of classic: sports, high-tech e-sports, for the first time sports and virtual disciplines are combined into a single space, thousands of the best athletes from more than 100 countries, uniting sports and technology, we unite the world, games of the future, opening ceremony, live broadcast from kazan, on the first. to the day of defender of the fatherland. 500 points on the reel. letter. let's guess. letter u. p.
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o. ha. mister captain. b. boris. you named all the letters there are. there 's still something left there. left. letter. hello. i want to convey. oh my god. field of dreams. holiday edition. tomorrow. on the first day, happy upcoming holiday to you, everyone who wore or is wearing shoulder straps, on defender of the fatherland day on the first, shura, belobrov arrived, where are you, 3 months, and sasha, wounds, concussion, from a propeller, the train is leaving, the third call, bam-bam-bam, the germans are in alarm under this coast. our second one, commander , the torpedo splashed down, the torpedo went , and what is their car, how do i know nastya, a woman
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cannot be trusted, but now you see how it happened, the semophore is open, he is my friend, he is my friend, and he loves you, according to according to reconnaissance information , an enemy submarine was discovered in the fifth square, belobrova's flight will go first, commander, the left tank is broken, a little more. more hey, sorry, what actually happened, shurchik, everyone to the bottom, everyone to the bottom, attack, attack, torpedo bombers, february 23, on the first, defender of the fatherland day, to be honest, it was unexpected for me , i called my father first, heroin. russia does not become every day and not everyone becomes. the medal, the golden star, hero of the russian federation , inherits the traditions of the golden star of the hero
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of the soviet union. when he called me one day and quietly said that i saved people today, he had already become a hero for me, even before he was given this title, the regiment commander arrived, we all lined up , they gave me the st. george cross, you can see a photograph of semyon mikhailovich vludionov with royal awards, st. george crosses and st. george medals, suvorov, kutuzov, alexander nevsky, the order named after all these people, each order has its own motto, and the motto of the order . betrayal, benefit, honor, glory. premiere, russian awards, february 24, on the first. the pillows were ordinary, and oleg ivanovich, swaying like that, loved to doze. he says: “oh, how i love to sit on the street and watch what is happening around me.” i i say, oleg, yes, i will kiss you, because this is one of my favorite states. he...
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sits down next to me and looks at me, and i am a young artist, i say: what, oleg ivanovich? he says: it’s good to be young , he was playing a dramatic scene, i said, stop, he turned to the camera, he said, so, steak or cutlets, he said, a second after the scene in which he had tears in his eyes, for the last time when he came out on stage, i remember he felt very, very bad, they already knew what was happening to him, and it was like this the number of flowers at the end...
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confession on monday on the first broadcast of a big game, today the european union approved the thirteenth package of sanctions against russia,
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which... is timed to coincide with the two-year anniversary of the beginning of the central military district, but no one doubted that he would do it, and how josep borel said in this sanctions package, it has not yet been published, but nevertheless borel said that it includes about 200 russian individuals and companies, and as for the companies, these are companies in the defense sector, maybe there are already the same ones several times or under sanctions, and companies that bypass, help to bypass restrictions, that is, apparently the european union has finally become.
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france, spain, belgium, the netherlands, greece, poland, bulgaria, romania, this is where massive farmer protests continue to this day in spain in poland. further in germany, this means that today the president of the german institute for economic research, marcel francher, said that the war in ukraine and its consequences, that is , the economic war against russia, cost germany more than 200 billion euros. 200 billion euros, these are only direct costs for... rising prices for electricity and energy in general, only direct costs. 200 billion is exactly twice as much as the fund that germany created to increase the strengthening of the bundesfer, there are 100 billion. well , bloomberg reported that france cannot yet provide ukraine with the promised assistance of 3 billion euros, there is no money, because they have reduced the gdp forecast, accordingly, they need to save 10 billion euros in the budget, and
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there is no money for ukraine anymore. this is the situation, vladimir, well, as for the new package sanctions, the calculation here is interesting, yes, this is 13 packages for 2 years, in fact, consider that at least one package was introduced every 2 months, and... the fact that companies and organizations from other countries are already included there, this already exists, it was already in the twelfth package, that is , the european union uses a certain element of secondary sanctions, it uses monitoring of the participation of various, including russian companies in the process, so to speak, of circumventing various sanctions, restrictions, and adds them there, but about the effectiveness, as you they said it right, now... it's better speak on your fingers, as they say, on facts, let’s say, just the other day the first western estimates of the export of russian oil and gas products appeared, which is interesting, it means that 50% of our lng, 50% of all
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supplies go to europe, 21% to china , china is in second place, of the 50% supplied from ng in january 24, almost all, the entire volume was purchased. france, but what is interesting is that at the same time the total volume of supplies from france through the internal gas transmission system to other european countries increased by 17%, to germany by 165%. that just imagine that france buys russian lng, regasifies it through pipes in the opposite direction and delivers it to germany, so to speak, this gas, this is absurd, because before it was the other way around, gas flowed from germany to france, this is one. example, the second example is related to the farm strikes, which means we all remember how the european union began, it began with the union of coal and steel, it was actually the industrialization of europe. now, i apologize, maybe i
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will say this very, so to speak, rudely, but now the european union has turned into a union of oranges, apples, so to speak, and other agricultural products, this is a key issue. in 2020 , a seven-year agricultural financing program was approved, with subsidies of 300, almost 390 billion euros. on energy resources, so these are the mass protests that are happening with farmers today, firstly, they are happening in the most sensitive area for the european union, because the issue of subsidizing agriculture is always the most important, so to speak, sore spot for these countries, and secondly,
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simply because there are real economic problems there, not to mention simply the fact that with every month and day there we see that, so to speak, gdp growth estimates are being revised, and we see that, so to speak, europe... is rotting, this as if, yes, europe is deindustrializing, i completely agree with you, and is ceasing to be not only a subject of world geopolitics, but an important subject even of the world economy, it was a leader, one of the leading leaders of the world economy and is degrading in this part, but nevertheless, another tool of hybrid warfare the collective west against russia is an information war, but recently the united states launched another canard, another provocation, into the information field. that russia is allegedly going to deploy nuclear weapons in space to destroy satellites. this topic was also discussed the day before during a meeting between vladimir putin and sergei shaigu. let's listen to what vladimir putin said about this and what
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the minister of defense answered him? our position is clear and transparent. we have always been categorically against the deployment of nuclear weapons. weapons in space. on the contrary, we urge not only to comply with all the agreements that exist in this area, but also proposed to greatly strengthen this joint work, but now for some reason in the west this topic is being raised again and on such a fairly high emotional note, how do you explain this? well, i want to say first, firstly, this is not... secondly, they know that we don’t have this. the reason why they made a fuss, in our opinion, is two things: the first is to scare the senators and congressmen in order to promote and
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push through the allocation of those funds that are supposedly aimed not just for ukraine, but in order to confront russia and inflict a strategic defeat. on the one hand, he calls for the strategic
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defeat of russia, on the other hand , they supposedly intend to, wants to negotiate with us on passion-stability, believing that one issue is in no way connected with the other, but this will not be possible to do, if they seek to inflict a strategic defeat on us, then we must think about what strategic stability is for our countries, it seems to me, andrei franzovich , i don’t know whether you agree with me or not, the united... states need a dialogue with russia out of fear of stability for two reasons: first, to create a false impression for their own society that nuclear risks are under control , that their hybrid war against russia does not increase the risks of a global nuclear war, although in fact it does, second, because they are monstrously lagging behind in the field of nuclear weapons and carriers, because we have hypersound, we are world leaders in this area, we have the vanguards, zircons, petrels and daggers, and the day before great britain... tried to conduct nuclear tests and almost killed its
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own defense minister. an american triiden 2 missile was fired from a nuclear submarine, it almost fell on the submarine itself, on which the minister was a few yards away, only it fell. your comment. yes, i’ll really start with the last one then. american strategic weapons have really degraded greatly. that is , you need to understand how silo missiles based in minyumen, there for more than 50 years. they are now trying to resuscitate them, they pull them out, check them, launch them, check their readiness, but during this time the missiles are very much degraded, even just in terms of materials, and the naval, naval carriers of the triden submarine, because the british are armed with american missiles , by the way, which could be reprogrammed without britain's knowledge. why is this moment so important? the fact is that all strategic stability is practically now nullified. remains only several international agreements, this... nuclear weapons are actually an issue related to
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the militarization of space, but the americans are very disingenuous, for the last 10 years the booing company has been carrying out a powerful program for the launch of the supposedly non-military manned shuttle x-37, it is so reminiscent of both the shuttle and the smaller one from which can carry a payload of about a ton, it goes into orbit, it moves, it can fly up to satellites, it can carry nuclear warheads, which can be lowered from orbit at any time to any territory and then he lands. for some reason only the military are involved in this, they say: this is our intelligence and so on. this is the purest militarization of space, which has been carried out by the americans for a long time. and most importantly, the americans have long shifted the scales of this strategic stability in their direction. let me remind you that they are practically uncontrollably deploying, well, in their concept, it’s all controlled, tactical nuclear weapons in european countries, which were not , as they say, regulated by start-3 norms. they raise questions related to anti-missile.
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the un security council, it was proposed by algeria, which called for an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector, moreover. and 13 out of 15 members of the security council voted in favor,
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great britain abstained, only the united states was against. why against? john kirby, a white house spokesman, said they vetoed it because they did not want to interfere with talks the united states is currently conducting with egypt and qatar over a temporary ceasefire in the gas sector. but there is one caveat: these most egypt and qatar, with which the united states is negotiating. egypt called this an example of double standards, and the united states also has one.
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once again, there is no reason to believe the americans, but there were those who believed that all this was just an attempt to somehow catch a situation slipping out of their hands, so everyone understands that american policy in the middle east is discredited, everyone is on the verge of take risks... a regional solution without regard for the americans, so the americans are trying to somehow collect this spreading matter this diplomatic activity, to regain some strings of managing the situation, from my point of view, this is fully confirmed during all these weeks of talk that they supposedly support
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a peaceful solution, they even said that they are now for two states, that they for the palestinian state, there are actually supplies going to israel, for sure. in fact, israel politically in the security council is covered by the united states and we have reached the decisive stage, now the operation has begun in the south of the gaza strip, rafah, rafah, a city where people have already gathered , the egyptian border is nearby, these are the last efforts to push the palestinians out of the gaza strip, then temporary accommodation, then temporary... it becomes not temporary, well, after that the political process begins, when palestinians are not on their land, outside their land, from these positions, perhaps, they will begin some kind of verbiage that will prevent their return and hinder the creation of a palestinian state, at least not only in the west bank, but in the sector in
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gas sector, so it’s an absolutely two-faced game, and it seems to me that with this vote i want to draw attention to what russian diplomacy is doing in...
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and you are no one at all, don’t you dare talk about that, sirs, we will die for our mother empress, the great golden century, big premiere, watch the time after the program, dear dear, hello, brother, did you really think that i changed my shoes, how did this happen, why did you end up there?
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not for you, i understand, why not, i just had a fight with my boyfriend and he left to fight, i really want to see him, my father is the same, he doesn’t give a damn about anything except greatness, you grew up the wrong person, 14 years old, bro, just spare the crosses and i’ll stay with you, i don’t want to be shit five hundredth, 20, 22, premiere on the first , pain by itself, to the day, defender of the fatherland, he himself surrendered, a former junior sergeant of the red army, but a man of god, covered in leather , tell me blitz, i’ve long wanted to wash myself, so what do you mean? so you are ideological, a crosser, first there, then back, your right not to believe, our right to judge you on behalf of the people who you betrayed,
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what could i do, they say: shoot, or you yourself will stand there, go where, i wasn’t the one who met you in the forest, come on, skin, a person has the right to start over once , command, i’m a jerk, i can’t take them prisoner , as i remember, he doesn’t even have a heart, i’m no fun for them... anger is, of course, good, but it’s hard to live, there’s no point in fighting, you want to be kind, it’s when the battle is death, all this is in vain, by god, in vain, nothing, the path will be proven in practice, the film by alexey german, road check, february 24, on the first, bets are no longer accepted, but it will happen. why do you need him? in a week he will fight two shepherds. you really have
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a blastoma, you need to operate urgently. man, what do you do? sapper, bombanom. will you cure your wife? this needs to be bought, and this must be destroyed, and if i refuse, i will feed you from your own dog. the plant turned out to be unique, there are billions buried here, i’m in the body, move away. this is my wolf. let me buy it from you. doomed, premiere of the serial film. on sunday on the first. lyosha, let's turn it on so that there is something, now we'll start to figure it out. so, why bother, i want to show a movie to a person. makes a movie out of thin air, and i make a movie out of myself, and you don’t have to tell me anything, i know everything, i
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know a lot of bandits, i go to the bathhouse, brother , you’re my brother, seryozha, he’s not an artist, he’s a personality, i i think that there is power in the truth, in the caucasus he ended up, in fact, because of me, maybe they filmed there, there’s no need to relax, guys, the war is going on, when seryozha left, something left me... sunday on the first, what happened, my
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fault, no, it is, and my fault is, only you and i are to blame, not because we aroused dreams, some sensitive natures, but... that they served the truth, not people, you’re my friend, peter, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have only one family, what difference does it make what role, who will play it, you said that... you are telling me, and you? i believed it, i want to take this one by the throat a disgusting living, emaciated,
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stupefied, arrogant empire, shake it so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made. big premiere, union of salvation, why
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are you whispering? the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, moving to the united states, is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main engine of the economy india is now information technology. india exports its programs.
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one family, one future. premiere of civilization. film six. india. next thursday. on the first. there's a big game on the air. today in rio deneiro the ministerial meeting of the g20 or g20 at the level of foreign ministers will begin. sergei lavrov is already there. he is already in this building, he is currently holding bilateral meetings, and a multilateral meeting will begin in the evening. let me remind you that the g20 in its current form was created in 2008 at the apogee of the global financial and economic crisis, but with the beginning of the hybrid war of the west against russia, the g20 is going through difficult times, because the west is trying to turn it into another platform for war against russia, and
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accordingly, activity is paralyzed, and accordingly the only opportunity. to preserve some kind of functionality of the g20 is to depoliticize its work and concentrate exclusively on issues of economic management. vladimir dmitrievich, in general, how do you assess the prospects, role and place of the g20 in global economic governance, especially regarding brix on one side of the g7, g7, i'm sorry, on the other side? well, indeed, when it was created, or rather, it took on its current appearance at the stage of crisis, so to speak. quite high hopes were pinned on it in connection with the creation of various supranational mechanisms, even institutions that could regulate financial stability, maintain it, ensure some kind of smooth economic existence, development, but very soon this topic was forgotten, due to the fact that countries began to emerge from the consequences of the crisis at different rates and trajectories, this economic,
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regulatory individualism, it began to dominate, therefore, with everyone , perhaps, so to speak, especially in the reform of global institutions, members of the twenty occupy completely different, different, are in different positions, if we say, developed countries, the seven and representatives of the european union, the united states of america, they see in the new developing countries those who need deprive them of various advantages as developing or newly developing countries, and they, in turn, on the contrary, want to launch
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the work of global institutions, there too. already the wto, the international monetary fund, after all , for the benefit of the development of those economic centers that are now being formed. so, therefore, of course, the interests are completely different and the departure from this topic of economic stability, it also has a very important significant point, because well, in general, today everyone understands this economic stability in their own way, today the americans or europeans are certainly not interested in ensuring economic stability in china, today , by the way, an article was published in... bloomberg with a very interesting picture, where a steam locomotive is drawn, puffing, with two carriages pulling it, china and europe, with the hope that the american economy will pull somewhere, but the article is critical, it won’t pull anyone anywhere, so this is the problem of the current twenty, its agenda, well, the united states is a destroyer, in fact, of the global economic management, the destroyer of globalization in the form in which it has existed until now, why because
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global competition, internal politics, because for the sake of trying to re-industry. but a very interesting statement was made by trump’s only remaining rival, trump is already there and making a statement, nicky haley, she was the governor at one time in south carolina, according to all opinion polls, she should lose in this state, and lose so devastatingly, equally how she's supposed to lose on super tuesday when she votes. there are many states at once, but she declares that i will not go anywhere, and even if she loses the state.
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as one more remark is being prepared , it will be difficult to remove trump now, only , probably, except for one lawsuit, the only lawsuit that cannot be somehow removed, and even trump, being president, will not be able to pardon himself, is the lawsuit of the state of new york, uh-huh, this is not a personal complaint, this is not a personal lawsuit, this is the state filing, right here, if he is found guilty in a lawsuit from the state of new york, even being president united.
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in the united states, this is further proof of the manipulative nature of american internal political processes; it has nothing to do with real democracy. and we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it. hello, on the first one.


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