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tv   PODKAST  1TV  February 22, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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nurturing a harmoniously developed personality who will have those behavioral patterns that will allow this person to become successful in our world, here, now, and e-sports, it does not oppose itself to traditional sports, on the contrary, it says, we must go hand in hand, there is traditional sports, there is computer sports, and it is precisely when a person does one other thing that he becomes harmoniously developed. and there are already coaches in esports who say, now i’ll teach you, you’ll make millions from this to earn money, well, there are coaches who do not work in this way, they are like a ghostly sixth player, that is, in the team where i play there are five players, and accordingly , most often in the organization there is a coach who, after you have played the games, he starts watching all your games, all your replays, every action and then with... dear friends,
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we continue the conversation about e-sports, our guests are dmitry smith and evgeny pogrebeshny. what is the life cycle of an esports player, how many years has he been active after that? either comes to coaching or somehow joins this business. here it partly depends on the discipline, but in the absolute majority it is still a sport of young people, that is, at the age of 24 , athletic old age begins to set in, that is, i myself lived this story, and i felt when my head understands what needs to be done, and the hands no longer have time, and of course this is very unpleasant, so in general, somewhere around 24-25 is a certain limit beyond which one goes, there is...
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a technical simulator, for example, one of disciplines we have - this is the control of virtual space with drones, that is , there is a whole program when a person undergoes training to control a drone, and the trick is that when controlling it in the virtual world, a person uses the same manipulator, he develops mechanical control skills , after a person has been actively studying there, for example, for six months or a year, he actually acquires a profession.
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uh, fundamentally important moments, that’s when i was brought up, yes, i was brought up under the soviet union, and for me we were bigger than me, and for me at one time there was also a question, should i leave or stay here, from my school, but i was in such a very strong physics and mathematics class at mipt, most of my guys, they went to live abroad, i stayed. why? well , because i wanted it to be good here, and it didn’t matter to me how much money they would be willing to pay, but for younger people, money is a much more important motivation for them, so here the question arises, how could
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in general, our state is there to solve this issue exclusively with money, in my understanding, no, and not because we are not saudi arabia or something else, but because... in principle, it’s wrong, money is a motivator, it’s important, but it’s far from the only one , so here, first of all, yes, it’s a question of goal setting, motivation, and subsequent education, so let’s break the question into two parts: how to keep those who are now, adults and adults, and those who are still growing up, those who are growing up, it is necessary just raise them correctly so that they have values.
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i have a certain income, and i don’t really need money, then first of all now i look at the players with whom i will play, that is, for me first of all, since i am aiming at the highest niche in e-sports, i also want to play in major tournaments, then when i am called to a team, the first question for me is who i will play with, then the next question is whether i will play there from home or they will introduce us to goo. or provided there whether it’s the salary, but often the players, if there are four strong players, those are some rising stars or they have a fairly high rating, then most often the players agree to play even without a salary, and what is the average income now, it’s possible
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somehow call it or is it all very much the scene is divided into 3 levels, it’s called. the scene is just the top tournaments, where there are 44 million dollars for first place, tier 2 is the nearest tournaments, the prize money there is also big, but not so huge, tier 3 is where i’m playing now, i’m trying to get into tier-2, well, the salaries in tier-2 teams are somewhere around $2.0, plus or minus. a thousand depending on the player’s media status, this is for one participation, well , in the sense of one victory or something, that is , when you are on a contract with a team, you are paid a certain amount per month for just playing in the team and completely, you can say you give yourself to the team, in addition
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to this you play tournaments, and if you win a tournament, the team takes a certain percentage of the winnings, it’s there small, but still picks up accordingly. you have a salary in the team, and you also have money from tournaments, which you earn by taking certain prizes. there is some fundamental difference where your body is physically located when playing, well, i mean in our country, somewhere in australia, i don’t know, anywhere, when there was coronavirus, tournaments were played online, and after this has led to such a trend that there are tournaments that are played from home online, and there are tournaments that are held in person, this... it's called a lan tournament, so here are the russian tournaments that are held, they come, well, you have to come, the tournament lasts several days, continuous play, there is preparation for opponents, it all happens in person, that is, we pick up our keyboards there, mice to make it more convenient for us
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to play, computers are provided there, that’s basically how the tournament is held, and there is a tournament where you can just play online from home, a computer game. this is a very complex structure, it is a center of creative industries, i would say yes, it is software part, this is design, this is music, this is, well, there’s a lot of things there. it is clear that if we say, let us make a game that will pay for itself and
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at the same time be of high quality, but only at the russian level, this is technically impossible, the game must be world famous and in demand, and here it is both good and bad, bad, because you you compete with the whole world and naturally, for your product to be competitive, it must be very , very interesting, attractive, profitable and... and so on, but the good thing is that it is becomes an excellent tool for soft power, conveying our ideology, our culture, our values ​​throughout peaceful history. there are quite a large number of russian games that are popular, yes, god, the same tetris, take it, it was also created by a russian, which game should i start becoming an e-sportsman with, and you better come to our competitions as a spectator and go through.
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hold as many tournaments as possible, but unfortunately we have a small list of our rivals, belarus and kazakhstan, but they participate in youth games, in women's competitions, russia 25 we have this team that year. this is a hockey podcast, not football , my name is denis kazansky, our guest is vladislav tretyak himself, the president of the russian hockey federation
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and three-time olympic champion, a huge number of questions and many thanks for the time you came to us, let's summarize how hockey is developing in our country, what appeared in it, well, stadiums appeared, so yes, we didn’t have that many stadiums before, now there are already more than 700 in ufa a good stadium opened in the city of oktyabrsky, stadiums are being built in novosibirsk , a stadium opened in omsk, that too. it is very important to create conditions for hockey players , you see, there are a lot of skating rinks being built in tatarstan, moscow, yekaterinburg, so the opportunity to see new stars and hold more competitions, of course there is, this is the first, here is the second, of course, we are trying to win the first cup channel, which has traditionally been going on since 1969, you know, it was still there, it’s very important that it goes on, why, because we are putting together a national team, well, we lost for 2 years in a row, well, here is the russian team. 25 - won this cup and a lot of people came, everyone remembered this new year's tournament,
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so many fans come to root for russia, we were in moscow for the last 2 years, now in st. petersburg, and we will continue to expand, naturally, the geography of the cup first channel to popularize our hockey throughout the country. do you mean that the match is not only in moscow in st. petersburg, but we can hold it in other countries, because there are wonderful skating rinks in omsk, in novosibirsk, now we have agreed with... with omsk that russia 25 will go there in may, will hold a match against belarus, so we are in tula, so we have agreed, well now in other cities let's agree, because... we need people to see the national team, to see new stars, this is very important so that even young hockey players feel that they can get into the national team, that they are being watched, so that they do not go abroad, why, because the majority in the nhl want to play, and of course, if we don’t keep an eye on them here, we don’t give them the opportunity, they still want to try there, russia 25, you have already emphasized this several times, boris
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petrovich mikhailov, who came to us on air for the first time during the channel one cup , too i said this is not a national team. this is russia 25, yes, and we also talked about this on air, well, partly after all, because people somehow need to understand, russia 25, this is one of the national teams, here is one of the elected ones, but before there was always a national team soviet union, one second fee is always there were two teams, and as a rule, the second team is younger hockey players, but there are older ones, well, because excuse me, the opponent is also belarus, this is kazakhstan, they are the first, the first teams, national teams they are... not young teams , these are real teams that would play for the world cup, so it’s also impossible to lose, so a number of senior hockey players were taken there so that we could really show the result, and another team that took part in this tournament, stars and vhl what was the idea behind creating the idea of ​​​​creation, because the chinese were supposed to play with us, unfortunately they refused at
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the last moment and we still did the right thing, that well, you know, the hockey federation is holding a major league championship. and we thought that let's gather good players, stars of the major league, for the first time we collected them, i think this experiment was very successful, because they showed good hockey, and thereby we supported the major league that they reached such a level , this is very important for hockey players, that this is who played, i talked to them, this is for them celebration, because they have never participated in such high competitions, and i think this is very cool, you already mentioned that there are options for continuations of the match series. against the belarusians this season, yes, of course, we have very good contacts with the belarusian team, i want to say that the belarusian team is getting better and better every year, because we really play at the youth level, at the youth level, at the women’s level, at the national level national team, so the games are very serious, they showed it, i went there, i watched, the people really liked everything, because the game was really beautiful,
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interesting, and the belarusians won, and we won, we won more, but the games were still interesting. but this shows that belarusian hockey has grown so much, or our hockey has grown so much, well, one can say both, because we also had talented guys playing, but the belarusians, of course, are improving every time, this is noticeable, not far off olympics, vladislavich, what news are we hearing, we just watch everything from the newspapers, something is happening, well, of course it’s very it’s unpleasant that everything violates the charter and double standards, well, i think that of course every athlete wants...
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to play, and then foreigners, especially people like yagor, please, we don’t mind, three is enough, three good players than we will now bring five, it’s unclear which players, that’s why the finns won’t come, the swedes won’t come, they’re not allowed to play, but what happened before, the teams have five, five finns, world champions, they score, they’re our leaders, and then they say, look, the finns score the most goals, so they don’t leave the court, in most of them play on the court for 20 minutes, of course they score, but ovechkin scores, why?
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where are our players? they all run away, there will be others, they will go to kazakhstan, to belarus, who is the best, they will go to the nhl, but they must play for their country, and we give them the opportunity, and we give them the opportunity, just as we gave the goalkeepers the opportunity, you remember that this happened in 2000, when i came, only foreigners played goalkeepers, only foreigners, when at the world cup and the president sets you the task of winning the world cup, who will you be? to win, uh-huh, we are barely on the side - that means we prayed to god that of course we are not doing well, forgive me, wife.
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no one kicks them out of there and no one speaks out against them, they are in business, our 50 players, when i tell our international federation i say, wait, how can
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this be, you don’t allow us to play youth, youth for the world cup, say security, in america 50 play and double standards, you can play there, nothing, although international politics are the same everywhere, in my opinion, that’s right, they play with them, no one it doesn’t touch it, and you don’t let us play anything. now the shift of the gagarin cup final is not april 30, we will finish at the end of may, we will finish in mid-may, this is a hint that there will be nothing for now, nothing for now, for now yes, we if the world cup
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were still anyway, with all due respect to the national hockey league for our hockey , preparation for the world championship and the olympics is still the main thing, well, this is natural, so everything should go towards this - the championship, well, not yet today, you can play like this, absolutely recently visiting us... we also have a dialogue, there is, but it’s very similar, how to say, we don’t go there, we only participate online, yeah, well, that is, well, for now there is a dialogue, there is a dialogue, but there is a dialogue, but very... small, one might say , why, because we don’t participate in decision-making, well, voting, and we don’t talk about why such a conference, let’s say, is there - you go into live contact with
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people, you know, exchange opinions and so on and so forth, there is no such thing here, a very important moment was at the beginning of this season, this the return of ivan fedototov, now is a difficult period for him, of course, he hasn’t played for a year, hasn’t played for a year, he’s only played one game, as a goalkeeper is assessed by stability, unfortunately, he’s a good goalkeeper, but he plays unstable. that’s natural, he hasn’t yet reached the peak of his form, that’s what we wanted to wish him, of course, because he ’s going through a difficult moment after all, he hasn’t played for a year like this, he was at the top of his peak and he hasn’t played for a year , this is of course difficult for a goalkeeper and also one big return of ilya kovalchuk in spartak , how amazing is this story for you? it turns out that we see that these two years outside the game , in fact, did not exist. well, i want to say that they will still have an effect, because after all, not playing for 2 years, it takes its toll, of course, she has her own skill and he, he is like a dad in the team, this is very important, this
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already plays a big role role, because everyone is looking at him, god forbid that he has enough strength for the playoffs, because after all , the playoffs are very difficult, there are games in a row , the games will be very equal teams, that’s it here something else you can relax, take a break, then - so i think he can handle it, he is a great master and... and of course a talented hockey player and i think he will help the team. torpeda nizhegorodskaya is now considered a team where they trust the youth the most, they play very brightly, do you like larionov’s hockey? yes, i like it, i really like it, he plays soviet hockey. and what is it? explain, but soviet hockey is an entry into the combination zone, which means that when one enters, which means the second, as you know, the leader on the plane goes, he resets here he is, passing the ball like makarov played, larionov krutov, and fetisov. they had the whole movement, it is ilorion that promotes this kind of hockey, it does not have such special masters, but they play very well, they still lack skill, because
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there are no such special stars. and the team is not highly paid, but there is a result, and there is the most important beautiful hockey that i like, it differs a little from others, because some clubs play only defensively, and he plays like that in the soviet interesting hockey that people like , and i like everyone plays like that , why are there such traditions, because because traditions the coach still sets the tone of the game and he sets the task of how to play, everyone, every, every coach has -plays his own game, looking at both his own and his own. yours , what you have in your team, you know, what kind of players you have, and what do you think, this is now a trend of more such gaming teams, looking at what is happening, i think there will be more, why, because what if he will have a result and he will prove that this hockey is correct, which was in the soviet union, and he promotes, i think, his coaches will take the tactics to their expression, in your opinion, now in our league there are those goalkeepers who, well, really they may well lay claim to being the best
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in the world; it’s clear that bobrovsky is there. i really like isaev, he plays very clearly, i watched him, how he played in russia 25, very, very clearly, plays very well, we also have young goalkeepers, and ivanov is there, and there are young goalkeepers. nabokov is also appearing in magnitka now, at the channel one cup we talked about children ’s hockey, about the fact that there is a red car program that helps schools in our country develop methodologically, and somehow we were going to continue this conversation, let’s just do it let's continue, in your opinion, at what age should a child start playing hockey? well, now we’re not going anywhere, i would like him to be older , so it turns out that today at 4 years old a boy should already be skating, at 5 years old he’s already coming
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to the team. additional education , so to speak, these are the teams five-year -olds are already putting together, they are already being taught something to skate, handle a stick, and so on and so forth, but now from the age of 5, it’s good, well, how can i say it, but nothing can be done , if you come at seven, they won’t take you , that’s good or bad, i started at 11, well, the most important thing is not to kill the hunt, but it depends a lot on the coach, you know, i think that at 5, 6, you just need 7 years to have children. they didn’t play to the fullest, they didn’t play across, you know, so that they get more pleasure from hockey, up to what period of time they played, well, i think up to eleven there up to 10 years old they should half-sweat until they must play until they are 8 years old, and then look already then the skills of others go there from five until seven one, and then from seven there are other tasks, such as formation, the first is just so that he has a stick at all, then tactical work is already underway for about 8 9 10 years already.
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you see, i would especially like it when the little ones play, well, we talked then, so that without results, because, uh, when a coach demands results, it means that he is already recruiting the best, and at this time not everyone reveals their talents, you know, because one develops there for 10 years, another there for 12-13 years, you know, according to - a boy’s talent is revealed in different ways, so give him the opportunity, and if the coach plays only for the result, whether he’s there for 5-6 years or at 7-8 years old, he will only put the best, the second - these excuses will sit longer, especially the third fourth apologies, this is true, and at the same time an even better player will leave to a big team, of course, there are some ideas about this, so that, well, really, so that children there at the age of eleven are not taken to big academies, so that this will help develop, help the coach himself, and the team, to grow behind a big player , well, this is difficult to do, because now everything depends on the conditions, now in omsk, in chelyabinsk, in yaroslavl there are academies, that
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means there is a hotel there, two hockey fields, of course, everything is in villages, and where far away, they are from center where hockey is developing, it is difficult develop, they don’t have competitions, but here they bring them, they live there , they study there, it’s like a boarding school, they develop there, so from other teams, they send them there, because the best coaches are there, and a person grows there, we it’s also necessary to raise hockey, so the golden puck is decided by our own people.
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now, well, there is a feeling that parents, firstly, compensate for some of their shortcomings by sending their children to school early, and you yourself say that from the age of 5, tricks begin. but it really harms both the child and , well, maybe even the game, just what to do about it, because you can’t do anything, because anyway the ban is not a ban, everything will be bypassed, they will still bring you to five, because if you bring your the child is seven, and i am my child at five, well, my child at the age of 5 will beat yours, because you are even 2 years older, but you don’t skate like that anymore, this is a boy who already knows how to master the skating, has some skills , if it’s all from five, then it’s all over the world.
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of course, the more schools there are, the more hockey we will develop, this is natural. this is a hockey podcast, not football, our first guest is vladislav tretyak. let's continue talking about children's hockey. hockey is a very expensive sport. and now this is felt more than ever,
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it seems to me, because sports brands have left our country. yes, there is a replacement, and still don’t you think that this is also somehow discouraging children from hockey? well, of course, not every family can afford it, but then look. you probably never thought that this is a 5 year old boy, can he put on skates? no, of course not, at the age of 11 i could put on skates, i had to, i could come home from uniform at the age of 11 on a trolleybus, on a bus around moscow, today he is 5-6 years old, you won’t let him go anywhere, that means in the family or his wife , which should not work, yes, but today mom and dad work, money needs to be earned for the family, which means either the grandmother or someone has to take the child to poloskva so that there are 6-7. in the morning to put on his skates, then put on his whole uniform, then stand for an hour and a half with this one at the stadium, not the conditions are always cold, yes, then come to the locker room to undress him, then take him home, and so on a week, every five times,
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the uniform is still expensive, and the boy is growing, he needs to be changed all the time, so of course it is an expensive sport, but popular, anyway , everything is full here, all our schools are full, try to get into cska, dynamo, everything is full, it’s interesting to explain, look at the fact that... there really is such a big problem, and you’re absolutely right that big academies not getting there, it means people want to spend money and think about the future, which all the ovechkins will be, everyone wants the ovechkins to be bobrov’s, why not, well , everyone has desires, everyone really wants that this is hockey, he will feed you later, naturally, what do you think, they want hockey or they want to make money from hockey more, i think understand that if you earn money, you will never be a hockey player, if you only think about money, it is impossible. you have to love if, well, like me in front of you, i played for 21 years, and i washed my face with blood afterwards, you know, because you love your profession, you love hockey, you don’t think about hockey, yes , you want to be a world champion, you want to get into the team, but this is your goal, and if you worry about
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money and don’t train anything , nothing will work out, without love it’s impossible to achieve anything, i’m with i absolutely agree with you, it’s just that, again, my generation is there and we were sent to hockey or any sports section so that we wouldn’t hang out in the yards. where the situation was quite difficult, now in my opinion, yes, we often see parents who compensate for their own the problems, again, are in this, including seeing such a very serious social lift in sports: my child will study, by the way, as you say, ovechkin or malkin or kucherov, there is also why he will help me, that is, sort of there’s no talk about hockey now, well, it won’t all be little sheep, it’s only 1%, if you want to get there, they’ll get into the nhl, it’s very difficult to get into, it’s very difficult to get into the khl, there are millions of boys, but... they don’t reach that level, the most important thing is that today hockey, today it still has a social load, they educate young people , look, sometimes your child doesn’t always listen, you spoil him in the family or there,
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not always, the coach will listen, you know why, because he loves hockey and he wants to play, and he wants to play in the first substitution and in the second, and not have to sit on the bench, and he will do everything that the coach says, complete all the exercises, firstly, hockey allows you to fall, you know how to stand up for yourself ...the uniforms were hung up for the cska players wet, until you hang it up, you won’t go home , and it’s as if now they travel there on airplanes, they have all the servants, but before we did everything ourselves, young people looked after their elders all the time, that’s how it was, and it’s the same today, so hockey, today in general, sport plays a very important role in the education of a person , we need people who are, you know, strong , courageous, who know how to stand up, who know about themselves, you know, you live in life, you don’t know how you are, what you..
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.sport kills a person, especially for a boy, yeah, back to today days, do you see a problem with hockey equipment in our country? well, it’s still being decided , there are, of course, but we already have domestic ones, but you see, they don’t always want to, they always consider only the canadian one to be the best, there is a chinese one, so, but still professional hockey players, they are still through agents, through something... then they order, they are all dressed in professional hockey uniforms, but we also produce them and we will still produce them, maybe they won’t be of the same quality as there, but they still exist. we also have good ears, do you think we can even
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compensate for this? well, why not, we can do anything if we want, and not so long ago the president of the rfu, alexander dyukov, made such a popular expression: in russia there is no school of coaches, russian coaches, in hockey there is a russian school of coaches? well, we have a moscow institute, an omsk institute, that means there are departments of football and hockey that produce, we cooperate with them, we, firstly, we have accreditations, 1,500 coaches, we have through the hockey federation, we pass seminars, accreditation of trainers, we are engaged in this matter of the federation. well, like the concept of russian hockey, that’s what it is now, you’re talking about how you played as the national team of the soviet union, when we were talking about alorionov just now, it’s clear, that’s the style, the russian style of hockey, is there such a concept now or not? ? well, now he, he ’s all gone crazy after ’72, the canadians took it from us, we took it from them, we took the hard game from them, i’m speaking on the heel, they took it from us. technical to the player, disciplined to the player,
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playing more passing, and so on and so forth, hockey has changed, it has changed due to technology , due, firstly, to materials, but if earlier the speed of the puck was 90 km/h, today it’s under 180, can you imagine what it’s like, the goalkeeper doesn’t even have time to react, which means stopping the puck from half the zone , that means he just has to choose the right position with his body and the stick now weighs 200 g, and i have a wooden shaft, i could barely lift it, you know? now this puck comes out like a bow, then the rules changed, you see, before it was only possible to pass through through one zone, now through two, the middle zone they pass through two zones at what speeds, imagine, hockey is changing, changing, the shape is different, the players have completely different goalkeepers, look at their shapes, these are the buckets, instead of a trap, if i had such a bucket like this, i probably caught more, they have damn right here, look for yourself, they all stand like they’re inflated, because... they don’t have time, they don’t have enough reaction, they need to somehow stop the pucks, they’re at the expense of
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their form, increase their body area, everything changes, and the game changes, naturally, speed, flights , pucks, speed and other rules, different, and hockey is changing , but it’s automatic, you like it, the fact that the area has been reduced, the fact that now there really is no concept of a red line, you like it, you like it when i like there to be more chances, i don’t like finnish hockey, in what way, i don’t want to knock, but they play defensively all the time, it’s not interesting. here is canada, russia, yes, we play open hockey, it’s interesting, beautiful, for the audience, for ourselves, but here in defense, they play all the time in defense, on the counterattack scored two goals and won 2:1, that’s all, but hockey is ugly, uninteresting, yes, i’m not saying that they work, of course, but they, they play like that, they have such tactics and they bring success, olympic champion, world champion , like it, he doesn’t want it, but he’s not very handsome, the canadians play beautifully, the americans , we play a completely different hockey, he’s beautiful, and people come to look not at the defense, at... more, but what to do in such a situation, because on the one hand you are absolutely right
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there is a style, a concept, well, really some development of the game and the attractiveness of the game, but there is a result, which , in fact, is probably the main criterion, you need to combine both, you need to be able to play in defense and attack. do you watch every match of your grandson? well, yes, every time i discuss it with him on tv, i don’t watch all the matches, but i watch all the goals and we discuss them after every match - and which goals he misses, what situation he is in all the time today, do you call him or does he call you calling? both me and him, but he is more he, after games conversation, just wondering how it is, how it works, we talk all the time, we talk all the time. what is happening, how the team plays and so on, what feelings it has, what is what, constantly. and you have already said that this season there is no favorite in the continental hockey league, but if you outline the circle of teams, how likely is it that torpedo spartak can play each other in the final? two playing teams,
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these are the teams that you are talking about style, they have a specific style, that alexey zhamnov did it, that he played reons, yes, we know exactly what these teams would have taken. there is no need to discount it, although they are currently playing unevenly, but they are also a locomotive, we have a lot of contenders for first place, a lot, well, this is great, not like cska ska, or cska magnitka every time or kazan, well, why is this interesting? well, yes, i do this for the fans, yes, but for general hockey, understand, and for me, as the president of the hockey federation, the most important thing is that there should be as many teams as possible, why? because when there are such uh competitions between teams are equal, stars are born, professionals are born, who can
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then be taken to the national team and win the world championship, you know, because this is when you, you know, you have me as the first goalkeeper, i have a second goalkeeper, when he doesn’t push at all me, you are relaxing, naturally, for what? they also hire young people in the team, so that they push the old people, because if they don’t push, the old people will be inferior in their skill, but the pike is needed so that the crucian carp doesn’t go to waste, that’s right, that’s right, that’s it yes, but it's true, true, that's why the young people who come, they want to take first place, and this pushes the veterans to work, although he is an olympic champion, a world champion, but he will work, because if he doesn't work, his tomorrow they will be transferred to the third link, it is very important that young people... come when more teams are playing at a high level and the ending is unpredictable, well, it’s interesting, people come to hockey to gain interest, so that goalkeepers work harder, so that there were more moments, well, it’s not interesting if it will be 0:0 to play hockey, well, people won’t pay, they won’t come to the championship to watch the championship, but here today it’s very
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interesting, i’m just watching wonderful games, interesting, we have an absolutely unique history, because new ones have appeared this season rules. you couldn’t go behind the goal at all, but then there would be more interest, more chances , you know, the goalkeeper’s form would be limited there, everything should be done to attract the fans, so that there would be more chances, more goals, yeah, then there would be even more popularity, you know, if you had the opportunity to change something in hockey, what would you do? well, in my opinion, now in my opinion there is no need
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to change, for now let it all stabilize, in my opinion there is interest, i like overtime, this is it, i like it, i know what’s here... goalkeeper, how is it it was hard when mikhailov, kharlamov and petrov played against me, they always played against me in cska, we always had a 3:3 score, it was something, it was like that, it was for me, i was in the soap simply because there every second you had to hit the puck, and can you imagine against such players, so there is interest, beautiful interest, there is an experiment, you see, fedorov, he is an experiment, four players come out there, well, it doesn’t always work out, but there is also something of interest, that’s why the shootouts, you know, for the fans, you came, well 0:0, 2:0, 2:1 won. well, when it’s 2:2, and then there are a lot of overtime moments and that also means shootouts, it was not in vain that i bought tickets and watched a lot of interesting how the goalies play, it’s interesting, you know, we still work for the people, for the fans i’m looping the topic national team, and we have russia 25, the main one coach roman ortenberg, right?


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