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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  February 26, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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on the head, that is, this is not washing the hair , it is the adsorption of fat from the surface of the skin, now the question is, is this really such a good remedy, or is it better for us to wash our hair in the shower, what does science say, are there any dangers, this does not replace washing your hair, you still need to wash your hair, because these lumps, they somehow remain on the skin at the roots of the hair, they need to be washed off, but as an emergency solution, a seven-minute one in order... to go somewhere, so that the hair and head looked fresh, this is a great solution, what does science say, germanch, science says that in principle this shampoo is not dangerous. in the twentieth year, a group of women were included in a study that studied how dry shampoo cleanses their hair, the conclusion was that it turned out that using dry shampoo actually did.
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excess sebum is said to work, another study was conducted in 2014 in korea, it was studied whether ethanol-based dry shampoo has antimicrobial activity and safety for the skin, ethanol alcohol is simple ethyl alcohol, dissolves fat, so? bad really is antibacterial it’s clear, in general , in short, we can’t say anything about dry shampoo; thanks to alcohol, it actually adsorbs sebum, and it’s also absolutely clear that you need to comb it out at some point and wash your hair, how would you i didn’t want to not wash it, but to wash it...
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it will take a few days, but it’s extremely safe and can help, that’s all we wanted to tell you today, it’s time for us to finish, and as always, in the end, only one thing: we and it was good for you, may you live well! the information channel starts broadcasting on the first, time will tell the program, we are working live, in the studio of oles losev, ruslan ostashko. it turns out that the spy war against russia has been actively waged by the americans for the last 8 years. the new york times published sensational material according to which the states have recently created 12 secret bases on the territory of ukraine for...
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against our country, this is what forced our president vladimir putin to launch a special military operation, precisely for this it was american journalists who came to the conclusion. well, as it turned out, russian spies are not asleep either. vladimir zelensky said that the plan for a counteroffensive in the ssu became known to our country even before this counteroffensive began, so now the ukrainian military is carefully hiding its plans, keeping them secret, but the ukrainian president. announced the number of ukrainians killed at the front, according to his data it is only 31 thousand people. by the way, such figures surprised even the americans, but as they say, for every zelensky there is his stanislavsky, even american, this is how the ukrainian leader is going to extricate himself from the web of his own lies, immediately after a short advertisement. message from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. federal assembly. live
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stream. on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. vangi's godfather sergei kostarnoy made a sensational statement. he reported an unknown prediction to the government. a deciphered prophecy about the future of russia throughout the world, stored on his tape for 30 years. if conveyed verbatim, nothing to anyone it won’t be clear, but as soon as they start to come true, people begin to understand that it’s true after all. i had such a feeling that... special events will occur for the history of the earth, a very serious disease is awaiting, it is still called disease x, it will be launched in the same artificial way as covid was launched. each of us wants to hear positive forecasts, i don’t want to scare you, sometimes it’s better to hear everything without being beautiful.
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let’s put an end to vange’s prophecy now, sensational, just like this, bold, special issue today on the first, the main thing in vanga’s opinion is what can save us. let them say they put it back on the air so that you can tell us all about it, what happened is not my fault, it is, and it is my fault, only you and i are to blame not because we aroused dreams, some have sensitive natures. but by serving the truth, not to people, you are my friend, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can
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know, for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will perform you said you love me, and you? i believed it i want to take this disgusting already living, emaciated, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat, shake it so that it reaches the outskirts, so that it reaches the farthest corners. imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made.
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big premiere, union of salvation, what are you whispering about, we are preparing a coup, take me, watch after the program time, in voronezh, at the aviation plant, i saw how the soviet supersonic superliner was born. they took him to the airfield and he rang, buzzed, trembled, washed into the sky, and like a huge deity disappeared into the blue. in gebastuz, at a coal mine, black magma flowed along a conveyor, filling the bodies of huge dump trucks, and the combine, like a monstrous
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dinosaur, stepped over with its iron paws and cut through the coal seam with its victorious blasts. 3, 2 launch, a rocket ascended, when this happened, all these worried, gloomy people suddenly rejoiced, rushed to hug each other, shouted: hurray, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, today on the first, this is a bone, this is how osteoporosis is formed, bone loses calcium, bone loses cells. from dense it becomes porous and brittle. about ostau poroz about many other things in the program it’s great to live. tomorrow on the first. team tournament
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of the best figure skaters of russia, tenki. channel one cup. live broadcasts on weekends. the information channel on the first continues , time will tell this program, we are working live, after the capture of vdeevka, our army is developing successes at the front, there has not been an official statement yet, but military correspondents are reporting the occupation of the village of lastochkino, which is located west of davdeevka, true, the armed forces of ukraine, as always , deny everything. retreated to the western outskirts of lastochkino in the donetsk region, fierce battles continue, the enemy is constantly using guided bombs, artillery, and fpv drones. loss always denies, because it itself is such a complete, big denial. but
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information also appeared that our troops had reached the eastern outskirts of the village of tonenkoye, to the west of odovdeevka, from where the main shelling of donetsk is now taking place. the russian operation also began. army began operations to capture the city of krasnogorovka. russian troops began to advance towards the plantations near the trudovskaya mine towards ozyory to the northwest, where some territorial gains were made as the ukrainian army retreated north. another important news: russian troops have started working, this was stated by the governor of the zaporozhye region , evgeniy baletsky, and even the german military observer bilt, julian röbki, admitted that the ssu had lost all previously occupied areas. in the summer , as part of a counteroffensive, the ukrainian armed forces captured the village rabotino, zaporozhye region, having created a protrusion
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of approximately 10 by 10 km in the middle of the russian positions, they partially overcame the first fortifications of the surovikin defensive line, including the concrete teeth of the dragon. ukrainian drone footage shows that russian forces have recaptured all previously erected sections of the surikin line that they lost during the ukrainian counter-offensive in the zaporozhye region last summer.
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information that they are very actively resisting there and are bringing up new reserves in this direction, including western equipment. yes, absolutely right, they tried to transfer reserves, as far as i know, this did not produce any results, there they were partially destroyed by our gliding bombs, the enemy is putting up fierce resistance in the rabotina area, because they understand what the loss of this settlement entails.
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now they are concentrated in the area of ​​​​rabotin and the orekhovsky direction. thank you very much, war correspondent sergei vorobyov was in direct contact with us. after a huge failure at the front, ukraine, naturally, as always trying to interrupt the agenda, pull the blankets over himself. and the day before, they organized a forum called ukraine 2024. well , it was all done in order to tell the west about the prospects in the ussr, to make new promises. for the coming year, and zelensky noted that this year will be decisive for ukraine. we had a buffet, we had
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, so to speak, a fist for a counter-offensive, i won’t say where, everyone already roughly knows the details and i won’t say how much was being prepared, so far four brigades from such a fist are naked, four brigades without the equipment that was agreed upon, signed, shook hands, did not arrive, four brigades, and so they stood and waited for the equipment, not everything goes according to plan... not everything depends on us, some things depend on us, some from our partners, so there is a delay in some processes, the main thing is to have a plan, and this plan exists, i cannot tell you the details of this plan, i will explain why, honestly, the fewer people who know the plans of the ukrainian army, the faster the victory and unexpected result will be for russians, i’ll tell you frankly, our counteroffensive plan last year was on the table in the kremlin before the start of this offensive, the point in general is worth noting that thirst...
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nine brigades in the second echelon were prepared for the counteroffensive, the first nine were absolutely fully equipped, otherwise there are 18 birgads, what does he mean, well there are four of some kind of steel, how could that be? play some role in the event of a first strike, but no, uh, it is obvious that these brigades, if it is true what he says, stood as a reserve, and they were listed, in fact, personnel, and the units were removed, taken to the front, plugged up holes , these meat assaults, they were the ones who took part in them without equipment, he should have said about this, why didn’t he continue the phrase
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that well, well, you didn’t give us equipment , and then we decided to throw our fighters a... at russian military outposts, at russian fortifications, without equipment, because the whole world watched as they went to die, for some reason he did not talk about this, in addition, it is known that zelensky in their own way, when already in december they seem to recognized what an offensive meant , the counter-offensive was over, they simply withdrew 40% of the formations from the front, leaving 60 who somehow decided to fight back during meat counterattacks, well, by the way, here is the result, please, vdeevka, yes, and not ovdeevka, i i already see that marinka is a krasnogorovka, and there the obvious result is already very close, that is, it is starting to crumble, that is, having removed these connections, they did not return them back, there is nothing to equip them with, so they had to tell the americans about this, where is your help, with december, since december americans they don’t supply anything, that is, somewhere out there these people are running around with machine guns, giving powder to
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their brothers, training, there’s nothing else, some of them are returned to the front again, some remain there, technicians. no, he doesn’t talk about this, he says that it happened once and the last time about, that is, intelligence, about the fact that the plan for a counteroffensive was on the table in the kremlin, listen, this is funny, olesya said it right, we all we remember how they screamed and shook them with cards and anything else, we’ll come now, they sincerely they think that we don’t watch their television , don’t read their newspapers, so we won’t find out about it . they think, yes, that russia is isolated, we don’t have the internet, nothing, well, you see , a lot has opened up, but what is the modus operandi modus?
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well, it will give a result in 2024, in 2024 rustem umerov already promises us a result, but in addition to vladimir zelensky and umerov, at this forum ukraine 2024 was broadcast by virtually the entire political elite of ukraine, well, in the sense of the political elite of zelensky, the main message was that without the western equipment in ukraine it will be very, very difficult, but at the same time , the ukrainian elite was frightening us with all its might with surprises in the form of terrorist attacks and sabotage. ukraine forum, year 2024. many statements, opinions, decisions, the priority is working with international partners, increasing pressure on russia for its aggressive war, and of
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course, the release of prisoners. from a military and technological point of view, we have a 10-year perspective, as far as agreements have been signed, in each agreement we see specific financial obligations for 4 years, promises from our partners, we we are deeply convinced that the united states will not leave ukraine alone in terms of financial support and armed forces, because they are united in one package, so we expect a decision from congress after a two-week break in their work. the head of the ukrainian security service also spoke about the plan in 2024. malyuk says that we have a powerful plan for 2024. he promised a lot of surprises for the russian occupiers. we have a lot of operational
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ideas for 24 years. for obvious reasons i can’t talk about this tell, because the russians, believe me, are just waiting for this, but there will be surprises. a lot, they will be in the air, they will be at sea, they will be on the territory of the russian federation and they will be in the occupied territories for a while. death awaits every scoundrel who comes to us with a sword. mr. kudanov was also here, he also talked about the fact that many special operations are being prepared to liquidate military installations of the russian federation in the temporarily occupied territory of crimea.
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work is underway, conclusions are drawn and international support is only intensifying, well, if ukraine is deceiving itself so much, it would be worth clarifying in whose favor it is doing this, aleksey alekseevich, well, zelensky said that he does not have a plan in case the united the states will stop funding, this is an interesting point, will the united states give him a chance?
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it’s such a narrow space, but he’s actively maneuvering, what will these maneuvers lead to, i don’t think that the united states will provide
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this to the extent that it did before help, firstly, because, despite the approval of some congressmen and senators, this turned out to be a very bad investment, because not a single result was achieved that was announced before, and this means a loss, which is why they are now so persistently talking about negotiations , they say that it is necessary... to look for russia, it is necessary to immobilize it, and so on, but the main burden, the main burden, will be shifted to european countries, which are now, under external coercion, concluding these enslaving agreements, as we already understood from the fact that we spoke with shadow secret protocols, where everything is spelled out, and ukrainian officials still show some optimism, this indicates... that they will receive money, the question is, where will this money go, it is unlikely that it will go in that volume with the same efficiency on the battlefield, most likely it
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will go through corrupt ways, it will be distributed further, but in order for this to continue, the appearance of the situation in the form of an armed conflict is necessary, it is necessary so that these people continue to allocate money more or less comfortably for... themselves for certain reasons, therefore these reasons will be created artificially, including, unfortunately, with the help of terrorist attacks not only in the territory of new regions, but very likely in the territory , well, the traditional territory of the russian federation, and this , unfortunately, is the reason, or rather, is the consequence of the fact that western countries actually gave carte blanche to ukraine without being responsible for these consequences, although... it is obvious that ukraine is not waging a conventional war, in a good way, she should have been brought to justice for war crimes a long time ago. sorry, i’ll continue, here is a question regarding,
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of course, this counter-offensive, because one gets the feeling that zelensky’s hope for the upcoming counter-offensive is his own hope, like survival as the president of ukraine, this is what he is ready to do to convince the west. such a discord between the top officials of the regime, let’s say, well, that is, it turns out that he sees himself continuing as president, where exactly he sees himself further and is, in his understanding and not only in
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his understanding, one of the contenders.
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some sensation, it turns out that the united states has created as many as 12 secret bases in ukraine along the russian borders, and last week the head of the cia, william brens, came to kiev on a secret visit, apparently just to reassure these ukrainian politicians who are very worried, that the american intelligence services, due to blocking assistance from the united states, will become less active in helping kiev with intelligence data.
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russia is on the offensive.
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a reconnaissance drone was spotted over the area of ​​hydraulic structures, such flights are usually accompanied by airstrikes. when a drone approached the convoy, the smartphones of the ukrainian members of the delegation triggered an alarm notification and the drivers began to try to get away from the drone, but it continued to fly behind the convoy and then changed course. after this, members of the delegation were asked to get into armored cars. you see, having arrived with the firm intention of turning life in ukraine around 360°, drones in ukraine showed bergo. what does it mean to twist head at 360, maybe she will understand what it is, but anna lena berbak, she ran away from russian drones along with security in heels, you know, in such neat shoes, she ’s great in this regard, they know how to avoid pr well , well, in addition to annylena berbak , justin trudeau from canada, the prime minister of denmark , of course ursula fondern, where would we be without her, and boris johnson decided to support ukraine, after the breakdown of peace
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negotiations, he decided to further push kiev to continue the war. western leaders arrived ukraine to mark the second anniversary of the russian invasion. president of the european commission ursula fondeen arrived in kiev on saturday morning. italian prime minister giorgia meloni is also among the leaders visiting kiev. diplomatic landing in lviv. today the president is there.
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it's the second anniversary of vladimir putin's barbaric invasion of ukraine and i'm here in kiev, although things look tough for ukraine, i have no doubt that with the right western support, ukraine can prevail. we promised that we would provide fighters ukraine together with the netherlands and the usa. we understand that you absolutely need them to defend your territory and defeat russia. this is the third year when ukraine cannot sleep peacefully; this bitter reality also overtook german foreign minister anna leno bärbock during her visit to odessa; during an air raid she was forced
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to use a bomb shelter. anna lena berbok brought with her a symbolic gift. the ministry of foreign affairs has corrected the spelling of the capital of ukraine. on at first glance, this may seem insignificant, but for ukraine it... the gesture means a lot. canadian prime minister trudeau arrived by train along with the prime ministers of belgium and italy and the president of the european commission, ursula fondelaien. their first stop was gastomel airport, which is located near kiev. and it was a very atmospheric place. exactly 2 years ago, russian troops attacked this airport north of kiev. today. against the backdrop of the wreckage of that battle, western leaders gathered to once again declare ukraine's defiance vladimir putin. the visit to ukraine by western leaders is a vital show of support after 2 years of war, but the mood
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is now darker than ever. i think that a handshake and taking photos together are of course important, but i think. behind closed doors there will be very tough discussions, again and again we heard promises, commitments, but then, for example, the eu was unable to send a million artillery shells to ukraine in a year, as promised. in the west, as we see, they do not spare any loud words for window dressing in ukraine, but here alexey alekseevich, i wonder, is this western cocktail of - hopes, is it still for passashok or again for operative? no, not on a passashok, not on an operative, the fact is that almost all of these people, when we saw this video, and especially boris johnson, i emphasize, they have a certain
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interest, there are certain projects related to the ukrainian conflict, and these people appear in ukraine precisely in order to remove certain threats to these projects, and... unfortunately, the background of their trips is precisely this is the case, there is a public part of the work, and indeed these handshakes, shoulder pats and everything else, but in reality they are solving problems with the division of the remaining ukrainian economy in the interests of their european union countries, among others. here you need to clearly understand that these people are driving for a reason, they watch, they report to them, they confirm.
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not a poor country by and large, but is ready all the time to declare a desire to help the nazi regime in kiev, here is their supply, they said 800 drones for an extremely small amount, drones are not very expensive
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, that’s it, that means we’ll take mrs. miloni, she came to power with anti-war slogans, with anti-ukrainian slogans, she deceived her people, and that this person, how can the same zelensky trust this melona? absolutely not, boris johnson, it is clear that the man is saving his career, just a political one, what kind of political career does he have, no, pay attention, he is getting fat like churchel and is behaving like churchel. he has straw on his head, apparently too, well, it’s like his problem usurat is an understandable person, this is this nazi and test because alena verbock, who tells the germans to shut up and we will help ukraine, and you will eat straw, here you go, these people, these people alexey said correctly, this is exactly what they have for each of them. their own interest, specifically , their money, and as for the european
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military-industrial complex, it is clear that there is no system for putting them on a military footing, they work on contracts, the french run as best they can, dodge, they just, and the whole of europe is watching them, the french will still succeed to deceive everyone and stop supplying them for free, does that mean ukraine needs weapons or not? the french say, everything, only according to the contract, they will put pressure on them once, they, well, okay, here are five guns for you. and then again for their own, everyone else behaves the same way, i don’t believe that europe can build a consolidated system that will provide full-scale military assistance to ukraine, especially since everyone is looking at the democrats and republicans when it all ends in usa, this is how they will build a scheme for new relations with ukraine, the same scheme europe will accept it, but they will still wait until the elections for the europeans to deliver something before the elections in the united states, i mean, because it’s still, well , more than half.’ in the elections we see that the obedevka has fallen, and we see what is happening,
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they can say whatever they want, but we are moving forward, and they are holding back, but nevertheless the cannons are firing, and no one knows what the decision will be will host the congress within the next two weeks. mikhail, this trip, it has remained, well, compared to last year’s traditional trip, it’s mild speaking, it was not noticed even in the ukrainian information space, well, they tried to say something about it, but it’s not interesting at all, in a few days they began to pump up this rather forum ukraine year 24, namely at a press conference they will explain: the ukrainian information space, this will sound a little strange, nevertheless, spoiled by the attention of these characters, they simply no longer cause any kind of vibration and reaction in society, they came and came, god bless them, as if in fact the same boris johnson, they spread his visit and drank much more, despite the fact that he almost did not participate in any official events. the point is that he really represents the conservative wing
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of the british conservative party, if you like, who are called winzers, so -called, they are still emissaries of these, emissaries of these people, they are preparing for the story that there will be a change in power in britain, but so that some kind of support remained and some projects that they had in mind, in general in europe and eastern europe, continued to work, so no, how if these guys would come, say goodbye, so to speak, they would leave, they are also working out their internal program, they are also in their own election processes. boris johnson bequeathed to him, according to his data, according to zelensky, today the losses of the ukrainian army amount to 31. 31. 31 thousand ukrainian soldiers died in this war. i won’t say how many wounded we have, because russia will know how many left the battlefield. the kiev
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thug is not going to be afraid of his armor from the field, he wants ordinary ukrainians at the front to spin around and die for him, by the way, these figures are very surprising , given that the ukrainian military themselves constantly talk about the lack of manpower and resources on the battlefield, but if the losses are not so large, then the question arises, why are there not enough people, here is one of the latest statements by the company commander of the fifty-ninth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, we have a problem with people. big problem with manpower, we just don't have enough people, people have lost the enthusiasm they had at the beginning of the full scale invasion, we need reinforcements, the weather is like this, rain, snow, rain, snow, as a result people get sick with the usual flu or sore throat, they are out of action for a while, and there is no one to replace them. the head of the kharkov regional military administration, alex sinegubov, completely revealed the terrible facts; it turns out that in battle the armed forces of ukraine only live for 2 minutes. when you talk to
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all our military units, they say: there is no point in investing millions in training a military man who will survive exactly 2 minutes on the battlefield, because he will be destroyed by a $200 drone. these two minutes of life, but just think about it, 2 minutes of life are ukrainians on the battlefield, zelensky wants to increase his years of life, so he will spin the wheel of mobilization more and more. yuri ivanovich podalyako joins our conversation, yuri ivanovich, hello, good afternoon, zelensky announced interesting numbers, 3100 dead, i read it in your telegram channel, you are detailed. laid out why this is not true, and let's explain it to our viewers, just ordinary arithmetic, well, as they say, it's like counting, yes, if, for example, you admit only 3,100 dead, then formally , according to the documents, they will have 3,100 dead, and if , for example, 50-60 thousand ukrainian families are trying to draw up documents for their soldiers,
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who are already, well, whose corpses are already in the territory controlled by zelensky, they are there for knowledge , in other procedures, which sometimes... last for months, sometimes never end, and accordingly these, in order not to pay money, but they don’t have money, they try with all their might to find any reason to deny the family that they are there native died in the war, according to ukrainian sources there are about 50-60 thousand of them, and there are also missing persons , there is no talk about these at all, that is, these are people whose fate is unknown, and here you could also add numbers, well, there’s no point in them no one knows to count, because i was recently on the line of combat contact, and the guys said, he said, in vavdievka, that is , yes, in the avdeevka area, no one had ever collected the corpses of ukrainian soldiers there, and many people were in the rear positions that there are fighters in twenty-two, twenty-three, they are still digging, sometimes the locals come
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across mass graves of soldiers just lightly covered with earth, and there are 10-15 people there, no one knows who they are. where and how the ukrainian military dug them up and abandoned them and no one knows such numbers, there are value judgments of up to 100,000 people there, and again, literally yesterday, in my opinion , dmitry lubenets, the ukrainian obbudsman from the verkhovna rada, reported that we are in captivity 28 thousand, well, i called it ukrainian citizens, so as not to say that this is military, but again these are mainly security forces, 90% are soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard, the police, by the way, a huge number of police officers now have mass videos, including how... they refuse to go to these to the line of combat contact, the police are simply taken directly by units, thrown on the front line, well, formally they are not vysushniki, but they are soldiers, they have weapons in their hands, they are also captured by us, border guards, now a lot of our drgs are working for borderland and they also take prisoners, that is, the ukrainian obbusman named the figure, this is a whole army, 28
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thousand prisoners, a huge number are surrendering, by the way, they have now turned on such an anti-crisis, but they are now starting with a fake from ours... to tell, allegedly that that we almost pay money to cut off the heads of the ukrainian military, that is , they are actually trying to intimidate, intimidate their soldiers, because back in the summer, let me remind you, the number of prisoners in our country was estimated at about 10-12 thousand people, i i talked to the guys who deal with prisoners, they say: there are about 12,000 of us in captivity, now there are 28, well , let there be a few thousand, they are considered civilians there, whom we took for terrorist attacks, they also count them here, yes, but it doesn’t matter, what is important is that the numbers are huge and this quantity. who surrendered in just six months, it is impossible not to notice how they are now actively making waves on social networks that one cannot surrender, the russians are cruel, and despite the fact that we repeatedly show footage of how prisoners of war are kept, what interviews they give in which conditions they find themselves in, and ukraine forum, i’ll tell the story again
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, you know, i posted everything on the blog, this is just the story, the guys from the seventy-sixth division told me when they were recently on the line of combat contact, an amazing story, yes, when ours.. .during the attack they took several, well, a group of ukrainian armed forces soldiers captive and two guards were assigned to them to convoy them into captivity, the military forces always try to finish off these prisoners, they , by the way, also try to finish off their prisoners with drones, airdrops, this group they too they tried to finish them off, but they made several drops , and it so happened that they wounded our escorts , so they made ukrainian prisoners, they took them in their arms and together they became prisoners, this is the situation, this is purely what the guys told me from life, how they what is now... happening at the front, of course , it must be stopped, they understand perfectly well that in captivity it is safer than there, the ukraine 2024 forum has said a lot of words by zelensky and umerov and other politicians about the counter-offensive that they are preparing, and they are preparing it right in 2024, and i understand the reaction, but nevertheless,
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why are they saying this, who is it addressed to and what are the goals? well, they already took crimea in the twenty-third year. you know, telling, this is such a good proverb, so as not to swear, but to talk without moving bags, yes, that is , you can promise, but you can do this, you promised me to marry, this does not mean to promise to marry, that is, well, they promise, because why are they doing this for some reason, yuri ivanovich, they need weapons, they need money, they’ve blocked it now supplies of weapons, money, accordingly , they need to explain why they are asking for this, that is , by any means to achieve military supplies, as well as financial ones, well, it’s obvious that in the west they react to his words in the same way as they also clearly not complete, but their figure in the summer was many times higher, that is, they seem to laugh at these figures, realizing that this is all crap. what is happening in
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the donetsk direction now, there is a lot of information about the fact that we did not stop in ovdeevka, we are moving on, and there is some progress there, not just progress, there is potential not bad, that is, in fact, we use tactics, we simply burn out the enemy’s positions, and then occupy them, but the other day they took lastochkin and took the northern one. they took and completely cleared the steppe and yesterday they went to the outskirts of orlovka, they tried to take the reeds so far unsuccessfully and they got a foothold on an extremely thin one, and according to the data that i received this morning, i haven’t posted everything on the blog yet, that is , there are now massive attacks on these enemy positions in these populated areas, including air bombs, that is, powerful preparations, it’s obvious that today we need to wait for news from this direction, but the most interesting thing is that artillery preparation is starting very quickly.
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about the successful ukrainian counter-offensive today reports that square will not be able to win this war. the captured ukrainian territories are lost and nato membership is meaningless unless the alliance is prepared to send its own troops to fight for ukraine against russia. first of all, no matter how painful a peace agreement may be today, it will be infinitely more painful if the war continues and ukraine is defeated. after avdeevka , ukraine may also lose kupinsk. and then kharkov, if, of course, it receives american money and american weapons, this was the conclusion made by people’s deputy in ukraine
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alexandra ustinova. tomorrow avdeevka. after avdeevka there will be kupinsk, unfortunately, next is kharkov. kharkov is the second largest city in ukraine, home to more than a million people, and we understand that if we lose kupinsk, which is a large railway junction, also, unfortunately , we will have a very high chance of losing kharkov, again, if there is no additional... from where now there will be preparations for assault operations directly at the position of the ukronazis, now the final
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preparations are underway, communications of all units are being checked, who will participate directly in the assault. great, work, guys, work, run , say, fly into the trench, say, garbage, let's go stormtroopers, metal mat, don't crowd, don't crowd, guys, don't crowd, group behind the trash cans, the dugout is coming in, the dugout is coming in, the group, the dugout where you worked, call sign okelo, now in charge,
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above the first dome kamikaze above the first. the stormtroopers have just reported that they eventually captured four prisoners as a result of an assault on one of the positions. all in all, a good catch. these are still the same shervodian cutlets. mikdau mikić connections. as soon as the battle approaches you, it will take hold, you move on as you accepted, plus, plus,
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plus. plus i accepted, i’m moving forward too, how did i accept? taking into account the fact that now more and more materials from the liberated avdeevka, all this appears in the telegram channel stream popular front, be sure to subscribe, we will also show, but of course we won’t have time to do everything, now - friends, we all know very well that the other day liberated... can we say that now avdievka is it already completely cleaned? well , based on the information that i have, based on the fact that a lot of objects there have already been checked, taking into account the fact that,
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well, let’s say, our units, based on that information, have moved. already further, then yes, avdeevka has been cleared, but this does not mean that cleared of mines and that there are no dangers there, unfortunately there are dangers, both in terms of unexploded ordnance and , of course, taking into account the risks, well, from the air i mean drones of various types, so of course it’s free to be there for now and it wouldn’t be safe there , but nevertheless... here’s the question, we all know perfectly well what the personal liberation of ovdeevka means for donetsk, for the residents of the city, for you, i’m wondering what feelings and emotions you experienced as soon as you entered the city? olya, well, there’s such a moment that i
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i haven’t been, well, let’s say, to my native place for more than 10 years. for myself personally in the city of avdeevka, because well, every street i passed along, well , i still have something connected with it, here i rode a bicycle, here, well, the route ran there when we went to the avdeevsky quarry, well, for us, for the residents of donetsk, makeev, yasenovato - this is one of these attractive places, this is the avdeevsky quarry, fairly clean water, everything has already been improved there in recent years, that’s why. of course we are there we often visited ogdeevka , well, it’s a familiar, well-known and beloved settlement, taking into account all the events, of course, this is an additional emotional component, of course, but it was a joy to visit this city again, especially after everything that happened , well, taking into account the fact that it is not all for donetsk, for makeyevka, for istinovatai, in terms of
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the fact that this is really a decrease, but... and the amount of ammunition that arrived at us, then of course this is even more valuable meaning, logical question, what further, civilians remained there, how many of them are there now, they were waiting for us, they are eager to receive russian passports, they openly declare this, we show this in their interviews and comments immediately after the liberation, whether avdiivka will be restored is also the most important question, because as... a suburb of the city of donetsk, this is really in demand for housing now in the donetsk people's republic, and of course it will be comparable with many other
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related issues there, regarding jobs there in general... now after it is demining has been carried out, after the rubble has been cleared, of course , an additional master plan will be drawn up, then the final decision will be made at the federal level, of course, but i can tell you that now all the prerequisites from our point of view, from my point of view including personally, of course, so that the city is restored, so that the city lives and so that it really ... and now we have once again seen what the restoration of cities is after that occupation and after what both the residents and the cities themselves suffered, in fact, after the ukrainian regime ruled there, both during the war, and in principle, these are the pre-war periods, when there was inaction on the part of the ukrainian authorities,
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well, i’m talking about our small towns, and here, if you pay attention... pay attention, i’m with the residents, it’s easy for me to explain the situation, what will happen, how it will happen and how it’s all going to happen, using the example of mariupol, well, mariupol it’s already becoming a kind of calling card for all our cities. a lot of thinking and planning, but nevertheless the prerequisites are very good. how many civilians are left in avdeevka now? have you been able to communicate with them and what questions do they ask and, in general, what do they say? yes, we were able to communicate in different
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parts of avdeevka, which means how many civilians there are, the exact number, well, we have to find out now, the corresponding instructions have already been given to start interacting with people, that is , not only the military. but some volunteer organizations, let’s say, conditionally there is a civilian, civilian sense, but according to my estimates, there it may still be subjective, that well , there are still a few hundred civilians left there, not everyone wants to leave, and some would just like to receive documents and applied precisely so that they could whether to leave, submit all the necessary documents there, submit a request there. but to apply for social benefits there for retirement, but then to return back, because well, they say, this is our home after all, and we have suffered so much here for 2 years, we will certainly wait there until you will start here actively, that
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is, to act, he says, we are we and we are ready for this, of course we outline, that is, i communicate with people, tell them that you can now go to the temporary detention center there, just exhale, just switch, just wait, for now all the services will work, because here it is necessary and... such a technical person will have to go out a lot , and i’m not saying whether you should wait in such conditions, well, some are ready to wait, and some are ready to help turn on now and are going nowhere, well, just they're asking for help documents, well, according to this, let’s say, and some are asking to be able to travel and communicate with relatives, that is, what can i say, even here...
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regarding attacks from 300 km, we understand what they are for, we are working on long-range weapons , i would answer in general, i am positive from the recent response from our partners,
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the taurus weapon is also very important for us, but the order of actions is as follows: first the united states, then germany, and so on in everything always. here is the chairman of the council of reservists of the ukrainian ground forces ivan timochka in general believes that ukraine has the right to attack. already at its own discretion in order to destroy legitimate enemy targets. where these targets are located in the occupied territory or on the territory of the occupier’s country will be decided by the ukrainian military and army.
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western powers of attorney have been living in ukraine for a long time, and what western european and american criminals do not want to do and voice, these ukrainian slaves are happy to do. alexey alekseevich, the use of western weapons on the territory of the russian federation is more political issue or military? now, this is an existential question, because if this happens, then, unfortunately, there will be consequences for nato member countries, as russian politicians and officials have warned about. as for the statements of ukrainian politicians, western politicians , in this regard, they should be taken exactly the other way around, that is, if they promise not to apply this on the territory of russia, then they will definitely apply it, then read it in reverse order, because yes, they are like would warn in this way, yes, on their part it is very serious information processing of our field, because their task is to intimidate russian civil society, and of course this must be taken seriously, and it certainly must be done. retaliatory
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strikes must be very serious so that these guys understand that not a single one of these actions will be left without consequences, but nevertheless, the same germans have long been broadcasting the weapons that we say they are supplying to ukraine no longer ours, but ukrainian, here is ivan pavlovich, here, the intimidation of strikes on our territory at the ukraine 2024 conference is connected with the supply of long-range weapons, well, he said, because zelensky interrupted the phrase, yes...
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in voronezh we have the admiralty embankment, there is a ship there, it’s a destination, it’s a wonderful place to take a walk in winter and in summer. i love all the people who live in russia and therefore i want to hug them tightly. one day during the narrowed winter season, i went out, there was a strong frost, the krizh climbs slowly up the mountain, a horse carrying a cart of quorosta, the main thing is to do sports, the more you move, the longer you live, i would like a large table tennis center to finally appear in our city, and i would really like to become a flight attendant, you can travel to different countries to cities, health is the most important thing and especially greetings to the tula region. i will die for my native land
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, i feel it, i know, and joyfully, holy father, i bless my lot, who is rayleigh, kondraty rayleigh, writer, here is our polar star, the first number, you were even allowed to dream with the permission of the deceased sovereign. a person with such convictions rule the company, where the shareholders , the entire august family, i now have connections with the people closest to the throne, i get news from there, we need to strike now, russia doesn’t have another chance, there won’t be another 100 years, prince, you are crazy, kondraty fedorovich, crazy change the world. a big premiere, a union of salvation, we are
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sergei petrovich, a match that will kindle everything and burn it out itself. watch the time after the program. in voronezh, at an aircraft factory, i saw the birth of the soviet supersonic superliner tu-144. they took him to the airfield and it rang, hummed, fluttered, washed into the sky, and like a huge deity disappeared into the blue. in the gebastuz coal mine, black magma flowed along a conveyor, filling the bodies of huge dump trucks, and the combine, like a monstrous dinosaur, stepped over with its iron paws and cut into the coal seam with its victorious fangs. 3.2 launch, the rocket ascended, when this happened, all these alarmed, gloomy people suddenly woke up... confession, today on
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the first. the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with good the prospect of becoming second, pushing aside the united states, is india. one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main driver of the indian economy now is information. technology, india exports its software products to more than 90 countries of the world, it is a country of paradoxes, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight on the...
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it never happens that a person was in your life, then he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl he will hardly recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his most precious thing, his mother, i don’t i think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, julia died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband, i said that unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, he, only he knows, is a big responsibility, telling your child that his mother is gone. how did your only daughter, yulia, survive this loss? what path did she take after her mother’s death? i'm really very somehow mega-strong, i was somehow all and then pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive
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5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of her famous mother. when you appeared light, my life. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. now in our cinemas there is a large-scale epic war drama by alexei german the younger, air, which tells how yesterday’s schoolgirls became real pilots, aces. but my pride took over me, i couldn’t breathe, even even for such silence, the flights themselves, how they are made, these turns, magnificent, how much courage these girls have, words cannot describe,
12:00 pm
i would go again, i want to tell my relatives after this film, i love you, you can see the air in cinemas in the country. more than 1,400 thousand viewers have already watched it, you will have time to watch it too, the film is worth it. now the news is on the first. message from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, to the federal assembly. live stream. thursday at 12:00 moscow time time. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. and we start with footage of the work of our military.


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