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tv   Pust govoryat  1TV  February 26, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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patronymic, such things as a general epidemic of an incurable serious illness may occur. no one believed it then, just as no one believed the indian boy, fourteen-year-old abegiond, who predicted covid-19 and the coming earthquakes with amazing accuracy. these predictions are remembered only when trouble comes. just a few days ago, anand again declared the threat of a new dangerous epidemic, and the skeptics again. they say that this is all nonsense, the boy is just attracting attention, today in a special issue, let them say: should we believe the prophecies or not, is it true that vange’s notes contain encrypted information about an event that threatens all of humanity, we have been waiting for this day, sergei kostarnoy has been preparing us for a long time for the fact that he will finally be ready to voice vange’s secret prophecies, and this day has come . good
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evening, hello, i'm glad to see you all, good health to everyone. sergey, are you sure that the predictions that will be discussed today concern specifically 2024. yes, there is a certain understanding for this.
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but as soon as they begin to come true, here people are starting to understand that this is still true, before i answer your question, i’ll quickly remind you of what happened and you already showed in the preview how it happened with this story with covid, when we were here in the studio for the first time in world, yes, on december 24 there was a recording of the program here on december 29, 1919. it was aired on channel one, where it was said that humanity was facing a terrible disease, which was later called the covid virus, which would infect millions of people around the world, and that humanity was waiting for there’s a huge pandemic, i was just there in 1919 , we were all colleagues together, we were on a program next door, then there was no covid yet, and there really was such a prediction then, and i heard sergei, here’s a colleague.
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let's put an end to the program now, such a bold one: kostarnoy interprets vanga to the extent of understanding, analyzes her predictions, because even if they are conveyed verbatim, no one will understand anything. this is the same thing that happened with vladimir volshevich zhirinovsky, when i told him all this he told, he took, interpreted and presented in the proper form, and he told me, well , who cares...
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this story until the last days, i would like the twenty-second year to be a year of peace, but i love the truth, i’ve been talking for 75 years the truth, it will be... the biggest blow will be dealt to ukraine, they are already preparing there, this is the kosovo option, nato has no other plans other than waging war, and the main goal is a war with russia, and nato will burst, germany can no longer stand it, therefore you have a bad future, i don’t want this, but russia together with china with india is not afraid of anyone, and you they will destroy you, i tell you this... i’m telling you, both poland and ukraine, because you are geographically, between brussels, moscow and beijing, that’s all, that ’s what the world will be like in 30 years, you are if you don’t want to understand today, i’ll wait. anastasia in our studio, i know that there is also a family history connected with vanga, i will say that
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this story with vanga is not connected with me personally, my dad came to see her, i was still graduating from the vaganova academy of russian ballet at that time, and invited my dad. how since vladimir volfovich zhirinovsky , with whom they were friends, and vladimir volfovich, by the way , he was also her godfather, so he was a frequent guest of ivangia and once invited my dad, and my dad loves me as much as he does now, but just you understand, now i can only tell everything from his words, but from his words fifteen years ago, because now my dad is disabled, he doesn’t say anything, well, wow, yesterday we talked on the phone, and this is always very big trauma, oh my god, these are such shots at all. well, this is just fresh footage, let’s take a look so that everyone simply understands what we’re talking about. dad, i love you very much, very much, i want to tell you that you are the best person on this earth, all the best qualities that i have in my life, in my soul, i inherited from you. listen, are you
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okay here, dad, tell me, dad, everything will be great, everything will be fine. if you can move the table here and there, well, you deserve it, dad, you know, that ’s for sure, but you will be very comfortable here, i’m sincerely glad, thank you, you have it. the thing is, that dad, when he went with vladim volfovich to vanga, he told me, when he could still talk about 17 years ago, while he was still in good health, that vladimir volfovich was in vanga for a very long time, when he came out, he came out so inspired, told dad the words
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that vanga told him, that you and i are the same, we have one gift between us, and that we will be able to predict the future even in difficult times and... dad told me only the best things that vanga said about me, when dad had already come to her: your daughter is very beautiful, and this is her big drawback, because she will be surrounded on the one hand by the love of men and spectators, but she will be surrounded by a lot of envious women, and that’s how it is in principle, and a lot of people who will wish her harm, but you know, dad didn’t tell me another , what vladimir volfevich zhirinovsky told me, completely by accident, we naturally knew each other before, but we met... on the train, how interesting, in one st., so you can imagine, we had, we were traveling from st. petersburg to moscow, i already see the headlines tomorrow prez, well, naturally, prechkova in one checkpoint zherenovsky adopted the gift of foresight , i don’t need the gift of foresight,
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i’m okay with it, i’m not a nostradamos, that’s it, but the fact is that we started talking, and vladimir volfevich said, nastya, and you know what vanga told me that your dad will have... a ballet school, i had no physical skills at all, stretching, splits, this was not even discussed, and i worked every single day, the astrologer predicted for me what i had for 4 years, the injury will be very serious, and you can imagine what it was like for me, i’ll say, probably about 14 years old, and i’ve been here for 4 years, i
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walked into the ballet hall with fear, i approached the sick barre with fear, i think that now something will happen to my legs, to my back, as a result of this.. ... a decent act , then these stars will turn against us, and vange’s predictions, after all, many can be witnesses to the fact that she still said very necessary things, she was a very devoted person, not just a devoted person who loves russia, by the way, vladimir volfevich always said that she said that russia would never kneel, russia will always be a great strong power, and so it is, in difficult times we must all unite and know, not believe, but know that really a lot depends on our faith, on the strength of our spirit. russia is everything, how many times did it liberate us in 1944, when
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the russians came, as katyusha came and helped the partisans, only russia won, no, no, russia is russia, if i felt good, then i would take a walk around the streets of moscow, but i can’t, my leg hurts, russia helps us in everything, more everyone.
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they, people are looking for some kind of basis so as not to simply go crazy, they find this basis in the predictions of, for example, vange, unfortunately, there is a lot of speculation in this matter, those who use the internet, i say again, 98% of those the predictions that are on the internet, on behalf of vanga, are all complete nonsense, don’t believe any of it, vanga said he didn’t give birth. this is a person on earth who is able to predict this is a great sin, but why
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then vanga, her prediction is a small sin, yes, because she doesn’t tell fortunes with cards, tarologists, numerologists, astrologers are all wonderful, but no one is given the ability to know the future, she knew this only because she had the unique ability to relay information from space, where all the information is contained. they said there was a change of leaders in a number of countries , as soon as they said merkel left, but
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it can’t be any other way, a change of leaders began in other countries, the division of the icy lands of the arctic, then, now we have with you that the special services are russian , i won’t say which ones are now in the arctic, and does not allow any division of the arctic, the riches of all this, what? even then it was predicted a long time ago, and it was said about this, that in the decade of these five twos, these five twos, they generally became a meme, yes, once upon a time there were five twos, once upon a time six twos, in these 10 years, special events will occur for the history of the earth, you and i are observing them, you know what is happening in the neighboring country, what events are taking place, sorry, remember, she also predicted, you and i together, that there will be a comet, there is a big one, it really is all
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it happened, we just didn’t follow it, we managed to simply change the trajectory, then a great physicist was sitting with us, what happened then, comets fly on their own, but no, not by themselves, there is a very large celestial one, well, thank god, so far these all the predictions that the meteorite will collide with the earth, but because it was taken away, and because it was taken away, there is everyone who could take it away, what are you talking about, i don’t want to. this is to answer, because a lot of things are now attributed to me, and why should i even open social networks, where they pour me out with just the latest slop, and why do i need this, you remember on one of the programs? it all brought me to tears, when my son simply died, i paid for all this at this price, that i have some benefit from this, that i am trying to bring you the truth, i am trying to bring you kindness, to say that this is the main thing, according to vange, what can save us is kindness and
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love, this is manipulation, the ability to respect other people’s opinions, to forgive, this is the most important quality of the human soul, christ, without going to the cross, forgave everyone, what kind of people are we with you if we continue we continue to eat each other, so to speak, to oppress, to chase after money, what will happen to the planet , look what is happening to the west , vanga predicted this, and i have said this many times, the european union will collapse in the next two, 3 years, it will not exist, america will either crumble into states, or the worst thing awaits it. .. these are the coming years, you say, and the most interesting thing is that in 2024, according to vanga’s followers, what the fortuneteller herself told them to convey to all of us this year, after a short advertisement, let them say, stay with the first channel, what
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happened from my fault... no, it is, and mine there is guilt, only you and i are to blame not for the fact that we aroused dreams, some have sensitive natures, but for the fact that we served the truth not to people. “you’re my friend , maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play, you said that you love me, but you, i believed, i
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want to take this disgusting puddle by the throat, licked from the..." singing swaggering empire, shake it so that it reaches the outskirts, so that it reaches the farthest corners. can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a start will be made, just hurry up, will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait? you think there might be an uproar. i would like to leave it alone for the night, gentlemen, there
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is a big premiere, the union of salvation. what are you talking about? are we preparing a coup? take me. look after the program for the time. stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, stella product. cognac monte shococa, product of stellar group, rum, castro, product of stellar group, in voronezh, at an aircraft factory, i saw how the soviet superliner supersonic tu-144 was born, it was taken to the airfield and it rang, hummed, fluttered, washed into
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the sky, and how a huge deity disappeared into the blue. they rushed to hug each other and shouted: “hurray!” premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, today on the first. the one-legged man made a protest to himself. how a carpenter from the russian hinterland misled kiev propaganda, continues to touch the takash that is happening in the heads of our so-called colleagues
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ukrainian, they make fun of us, but at the same time they have a natural problem with this, no, i didn’t do it with my own hands, i made a joke, supposedly the ukrainian armed forces were the first to use an fpv drone with uranium ammunition, the ammunition weighs 7-8 kg, ordinary phypivedron carries somewhere up to 3 kg about how small it is. girl helps soldiers on the front line anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, don’t happen that a person was in your life, now he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost the most dear mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories, but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband.
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i wouldn’t have become a star in memory of the famous mother, when you appeared in the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, starting. kvn, major league, new season, on saturday, on the first. on the air, let them say me, dmitry
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borisov, once again, good evening to everyone. secret wange's prophecy. what awaits humanity in 2024? vanga's godfather, journalist sergei kostarnoy, is in our studio. for 30 years he was silent about what he was ordered to convey to us by the soothsayers. sergei kostarnoy broke the silence.
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a general epidemic of an incurable serious illness, this could be an unexpected war. almost 30 years ago, an illiterate bulgarian woman was able to predict the scientific discovery of our days, for example, that a person will learn to control technical devices by the power of thought, what other predictions did vanga make, what technologies that are hard to believe will soon enter our daily lives, what awaits humanity and is there a scientific explanation for this great gift, the ability to see into the future?
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tell me about the twenty-fourth year, this story, well, what, it’s 30 years ago, this is the ninety-fourth year, i graduated from the second year of the chukinsky higher theater school, summer, beautiful weather, 20 years old, not enough money, i wanted to go to the sea, and my friend kostya says: listen, let’s go to bulgaria, i’m further in the baltics in general in my life i hadn’t gone anywhere yet, so at first i was kind of put off, somehow i thought about going to my place, so let’s go, his dad is there, he’s there
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and what did we forget there? well , he says, it’s just a long drive there, he’s bored alone, there’s a woman there, they’re glad they called her, she ’s pregnant there, he wanted to find out something, something else, but again it’s funny to me, i think, well, by car, why if it were summer with a breeze , kilometers, well, somewhere we drove for 2 hours somewhere, in general we arrive there, it’s a good village, beautiful, the street is quite deserted, but here i see near her house somewhere, well, there’s a crowd somewhere, well... 30, maybe 40, a line , well a line, yes, everyone is there, that means the town of petrich, no, this village was, rupit, i have a very bad memory of them, but this village rupit, well, the woman is happy about it, she stood in line, and we were like, dad went shopping somewhere, and we think, now we need to sit down somewhere, we’re standing, smoking, there’s such a noise here - in the crowd, a woman fell, well
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, the heat, the heat, but there i must say older women, well, men too, as if there weren’t such young people, but the woman is quite such a thing in the body, and we are such two athletes , well, we volunteered to help , so just take her into the house, so what to do next , they quickly asked us from there, then the women there were fussing about something, we went out, went there to a cafe, we were thinking of going , as soon as we set off, a middle-aged woman comes running after us and says, let’s go, she shows us somewhere, then they translate for us:
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she tells her something about us, the translator translates, like, young people, go for a walk, look, you’ll be walking for a long time, all your life take a walk, well, well, we’re a little grandma and humor is good, so she mutters something to her again, and then says: you’re not coming to me, but why did you come? well, we’re like that too, with a sense of humor, but we’re on the way grandma, she just took off her smile and shows me to come over , it translates: she brings me a little closer to her, and she asked my friend to leave, she looked at me like that, i the clairvoyant also thought, no balls, there ’s nothing there, no buboes, nothing there, nothing lights up, she looks at me a little , i learned about adult life early, that’s later translates, i’m still a child, and i see the child in my arms, i think, wow, grandma, i’m so a little interested, you’ll be a lot...
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you feel uneasy, she continues further, the marriage won’t last long in an unhappy way, i think where he knows about it, there’s a little something here , well, thank you, damn it, the relationship is already complicated, here’s the story, okay, he says, but you remember the betrayal, you don’t trust women, i think, who? of the normal men at my age , he believes them, he says, you’ll look for a long time for something, but you’ll find it, you’ll call him your wife, i’m like that a little bit, well, somehow i decided to get out of this trance, i say, when they find my grandmother, and she just a little bit like that with a grin until the end of the century , the translation was hers until the end of the century, then some kind of nonsense began, you will suffer for a long time, children it won’t, and then a little bit , he takes his eyes off me altogether...
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a kaleidoscope, faces, events, something else, everything, that’s how it was, until the end of the century you had this kaleidoscope, i still remember , mechurinsky avenue, around 5:00 pm. a girl in such a short skirt votes, they were still voting then, i’m on the brakes a lawsuit from under the wheels, and i invite her to the theater, word for word, the last saturday, sunday of november, 1999, right here, just like what a grandmother, so many years have passed, i didn’t even think about it then, here the end of the lek, now i kind of remember it, it was just another girl, well... i met her there, well, for 5 minutes, she was with me for a day or two, and that’s all, but it turned out , somehow not for a day or two, but somehow time goes by and years pass, i’m already thinking about a child, she doesn’t want a child in general, then it was like that
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, and in the end she became a wife now, she is becoming, but they just signed, as it were, well, without a wedding, without anything, it was just necessary there for real estate, all that stuff, but the years pass, we got used to it, we we’ve been living with... somewhere for about eight years now, i say, somehow this is the same, somehow it’s time, dear, to have children, but it doesn’t work out, they come out, we already need to move to iko, because the years are running out , either you have to do something somehow, or you don’t need to do something at all anymore, and that is, i understand from you, that is, as vanga said eco, here well, i don’t really care about this at all then, as if she was saying yes... i didn’t really like it at all, but what should i do when she pushed it in, it was already kind of pinned down, but i still kind of resisted , she has already somehow calmed down on eco, and they even received a quota, and before that i say, so, you have to do everything, do everything on yourself first of all, depending on not doing
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and that means a diet, no cigarettes, no alcohol, a course of treatment to the doctor, if he sees me now, i thank him, i haven’t even taken the course yet finished and... a week later, he says , i’m pregnant, everything is rational , easily explained, you were there for a while, there are people around vanga who warn about the newly-survived, this means that you are student actors, she could very well have time to say, but we shouldn’t have gotten to her, that’s what’s the matter, then everything, wait, we can agree, then everything is obvious. accuse me of lying, that the people sitting there told me, they told her, my grandmother, grandfather, aunt, all the aunts, all the relatives were with her, they were there, the special services told them, for my sake unfortunate grandmother, what will happen, are you
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talking nonsense, simple, simple people, simple my parents, relatives, everyone and others, and no one will deal with the special services, talk about my grandmother, that in advance, so that she can guess the babavangu, you are talking nonsense of the sown mare
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for 10. “daughter, you’re worrying in vain, in 5 years you’ll give birth to a girl, but for some reason i see another girl with you, well , she looks about seven or eight years old with two pigtails, who do you want?” "
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especially since i'm 20 years old, it's nice to me, well, how i want to believe or i want to say that we sergei was told then and before that we meet and communicate periodically, but i had this feeling that... music killed you, but music resurrected you, for me it was scary, why? because in fact , as you remember, we filmed the program, i never told this to anyone, i was electrocuted on stage, and the guys are using it, the clinical death says, dear, it was almost a split second, but it was true, well, because there were musicians, one of them with medical education and he knew how to act broke i'm all over the ribs, i started the engine. artificial
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respiration, he told everyone that they should do a massage on the heart, a proper massage on the heart, the website of the first channel, the section let them say, you are finishing off the search for a cute novel and clinical death, a whole program about this, and a whole program, and that’s why for me it was shocking, but it was already a passing option, and then you will meet a sinner with the face of a madonna, i didn’t know what it was at all... i thought, you know, since i’m a believer, i told sergei, i thought what it was will be, but it turned out that we a friend of mine went to milan and while walking through the streets , we just went into a boutique , the door closed behind us, there was also some kind of bustle, some noise, so i didn’t think about it either and didn’t remember, but i started trying on glasses, i i remember this so well, there was a small woman standing next to me, trying on glasses, i think she was some kind of friend, and she spoke in a familiar way, well, in english, well... kind of like a singer, i turn around and look at her, she’s so small, and this is
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the singer madonna, then i ’m shocked again, what did she say, you’ll meet a sinner with this name ilik madonna, well , that’s how it can be, but her name is madonna, her face is not madonna’s, she took the face of madonna, called herself madonna, i thought this something would come to me in a dream and i ... i’ll know something, but it wasn’t worth looking there, because i wasn’t ready for such, well , news, shocks, it was unexpected for me, but sometimes it’s interesting to find out later, relatively speaking, whether it came true or not , sometimes it’s better to hear everything without beauty. sergei kostarnoy is ready to announce vanga’s forecast for 2024 immediately after the short advertising, let them say, stay with us.
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what happened is not my fault, it is, and it is my fault, only you and i are guilty not because we aroused dreams in some sensitive natures, but because we served the truth. people, you are my friend, peter , maybe fatter, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will be in the hut, you said that love me, and you? i believed, i want to take this disgusting,
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lying, licked, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat shake it so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made. big premiere, union of salvation, what
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are you talking about, we are preparing a coup, take me, watch the time after the program. beto vodka, a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac. a product of the stellar group bourbon stirsman a product of the stellar group whiskey mancacher a product of the stellar group. gin cnop is a product of the stellar group, this is bone, this is how osteoporosis is formed, the bone loses calcium, the bone loses cells from dense to becoming porous and brittle, about osteoporosis about many other things, living
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healthy in the program, tomorrow on the first, i will serve in... the us marine corps for 10 years, i wanted to come to help ukraine get rid of the russians, a frank interview with mercenaries who are fighting on the side of kiev, they will tell us the whole truth, the payment is shocking, we never received the full amount, we had to buy all our equipment, this is a typical soldier of fortune, he goes there to earn money, nothing else he doesn’t do well, chief of staff, i don’t think he even knew where we were operating, the ukrainian command benefits everyone at...
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very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that my mother is no longer with us, what i experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it is a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother has passed away. . how did
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yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she go through? after mom's death? i’m just somehow very mega-strong, somehow everything was all right for me. just like that, i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, no matter what, to become a star in memory of her famous mother, when you came into the world, my life changed, i will always be there for you you, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, team! tournament of the best figure skaters of russia tenki, cup of the first channel, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first. good evening everyone again, i'm dmitry borisov, on the air let them talk. vange's predictions for 2024
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. in the fall of 2023, journalist sergei kostarnoy made a sensational case in kumwange. we didn’t just take you at your word , we let them say it back on the air so that you can tell us all about it now, bravo, thank you, this is very important for me, it was always important for vanga, because what i’m talking about constantly, this is a kind of spiritual testament of hers,
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first i would like to ask whether we are having a serious conversation or a talk show, as always, we have both. some things can be stated lightly, yes, oh, something can be promised, but there is, besides all the good, everything is mixed up , life, it follows the good with bad, there would be no good if there weren’t bad, difficult things, that’s why vanga never told people about that terrible and serious bad news, because the person involuntarily lost energy and kept getting into this situation, as if on purpose.
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which will begin to affect people all over the world, it will begin again in southeast asia, to only now it is already fungus, mold, fortunately russia already has some experience in combating this and we have it will touch, but not in the same way, but it was worth it.
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these are three, those who worked on covid, who adapted the flu to mammals to the marten then to humans, but
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what did the americans do, the ship got sick, it was in the press that the ford detrix military ship got sick, a large biological base since the time of hitler there, they they sent the whole ship to the goodwill games in wuhan and blamed everything on china, naturally they got sick there, it had absolutely nothing to do with it in china, because one scientist worked there who said that i the third form... we can’t work to protect the laboratory, but as always merikos, shitty everything, i apologize, as always, well , what can we do, they cooked everything, china was absolutely not to blame, now there will be a more dangerous infection, like this as you have a heated discussion about diseases, well , about disease x, i can say one thing that under the name of disease x they will most likely mask either monkeypox or it will be a hantavirus. but all this will be launched as artificially as they launched covid, in order to hide the consequences of this vaccination, to me
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i don’t like that you have a consensus here that the reasons are okay , what will it be, that’s all, no one said that no, it won’t, we will be safe, it will be, unfortunately, as long as the world economic forum is working , we will not be safe, but you are the one who says that you are waiting as a specialist, a candidate of biological sciences, for an infection, he told you that it is a fungus, it is a fungus, she said, it is mold, he, do not get carried away with yeast products, she at such a primitive level, eat less pies, here everyone, so she’s just for it, it’s still close, you know, this is 30 years ago, we make the standard survivor’s mistake, during the second world war planes arrived with broken wings and other things and they began to repair the wings, but the engines needed to be repaired.
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there is nothing strange in this, i believe anastasia, i believe, i believe the doctors , everyone, everything is fine, but there are still thousands of people who have nothing, says just a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, for whom nothing matches, well, let’s just give my example. , everyone brings their examples, i’m a vse student , the metropolis is coming, a gypsy catches me, let me tell my fortune, she tears off a hair, the pen is as it should be, everything is as it should be, and i say, i’ve gone to hell, is she sending me a farewell wish?
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is happening to us now , it was laid yesterday, today i did something nasty, tomorrow it will be bad, because today they did it, they planted a mine in the past, tomorrow it will explode, remember, pride went before a person, tomorrow shame and ruin will follow him, our dozens of those people, who are now criticizing russia, paid because of pride, because of greed, please, use their example to see how you should love your homeland, why you... loved russia, because she said that here is the center of spiritual power, that it is under the forge of the mother of god. a few years ago, suddenly the face of christ appeared on the mountains, and what mountain, sofia, where in kracharova circassia suddenly, the archish icon of the face of christ, why is this suddenly? one of the people, a photographer, made a wonderful icon on this basis, an original one,
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brought me home, i have it now... icons, and a miraculous icon given to me vanga, right next to him, which means he ’s hanging where everyone else is hanging , he says that we couldn’t understand what we were talking about, why the face of christ appeared here, in one of the mental communications, you can laugh, but i’m with vanga is on a constant energy boost, i was thinking about something, at night i dreamed of the answer, it appears, vanga, this is what, she says, this means that christ came to russia. here is now the place of spiritual power, everything around is collapsing, and from here the cleansing of the whole world will begin, everything that is happening now in russia will cleanse the whole the world, and that europe that is rotten, where there are same-sex marriages, where children are not born , where the church is persecuted, where there is complete chaos, and the same america, which will now come to a civil war and will fight whether it will happen
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or not, all this in the world angry
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, to allow them to be comprehensively studied, i am not against the scientific, i am for the scientific approach, but it turned out to be inapplicable, i once crossed paths with eduard konstantinovich naumov, who studied people with phenomenal abilities, you are now discussing this, including ability see the future, he he studied a lot of material, these people exist , everyone knows that they exist, well, why argue, is it true?
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some predominance of analysis, i must say , the synthesis is rather weak, that is, we can introduce eight factors, synthesize, determine the trend, and thus make a forecast: there is the theory of relativity, but you throw a coin, if you throw it for a long time, then it will be 50/50, in some then you might have 10 hits. on the other hand there was a mathematician at the same time a monk, baes, who said: the theory of relativity is 50/50, but if your forecast came true or something turned out well, then the probability
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that the next one will be just as positive is much greater than 50/50, and i want to say, each of us wants to hear positive forecasts, even the viewer reacts with applause , when he promises that everything will be fine, that’s why we live in... by the way, in the soviet union, in the soviet times, educate yourself, as they did,
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times, educate yourself, well, a scientific way of thinking, and this starts from school , from preschool age, so that children learn, so that they study the same mathematics from azov, they get an idea of ​​​​what the correct predictive power of mathematics is. mathematics as a science, not our life experience, then it will really be good for all of us, then i can already predict for you what will happen, our behavior, our psyche is not exhausted by scientific acts of consciousness, and life is not described in concepts. the second is a self-fulfilling prediction, the tomos theorem, an american sociologist, if people think of something as real, it is real in its consequences, like this.
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“no, it’s possible, i say, i know how to do it, because i was trained, yes, i study trends, i say, it will probably be like this, and i often get it, sometimes i’m wrong, but i don’t make predictions, i really predict, because that i understand how the scenario develops, but that..." there are people who possess this, i know for sure. well , i’m twofold, on the one hand i’m a mathematician by training at moscow state university, differential geometry, the second is naturally an astrologer, 50 years of experience, i turned it this year, so that means, well, what can i do? to say, i very often have to listen to such refutations, i came to the conclusion... that when a physicist, for example, leaves his office, he locks his scientific thinking in a cell so as not to be stolen and in his thinking becomes the most ordinary man in the street, because that i have not seen a single truly serious study
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of astrology, everything is far-fetched, and now regarding psychics and clairvoyance, since i entered this business in the seventies, then the circle of people who went beyond ordinary thinking was not large , i was familiar. with very many, and i must say that a very real thing, for example , healing, is the same real thing, yes, non-standard methods of treatment, which in the seventies it was generally ridiculous to speak against, we only had that reality that you can knock on with your fist , didn’t even imagine that there was some kind of reality besides the physical, which means i remember a wonderful episode when i first learned to heal... relieve a headache with my hands, oh, also this, it means it was in the company of friends, two people sitting, girl she says her head hurts, i say, let me cure it now, and this was somewhere around seventy
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-two, seventy-three, something like that, seventy-three, here, she looks skeptically, then i stood behind her, then my friends they say you should have seen how her expression changed, instantly turning from skepticism to surprise, this is exactly what she can do, teach how to relieve a headache. perhaps, if not every second, then every fifth for sure, these are completely obvious things, there are a huge number of phenomena that we simply do not pay attention to attention. elementary telepathy, when two people take it at the same time , has never been scientifically proven in a scientific laboratory, science cannot prove it, because science is limited in principle, it has limited itself, forecasting is possible, now we can find out what to predict, i do it myself i’ve been forecasting all my life and i can say that yes, it’s possible, of course not 100%, what awaits us in twenty years, what awaits humanity, 8 billion humanity, each to their own, i can say what awaits our country, firstly,
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such an america now they say there will not be, i don’t believe in it, i believe that america now is from last year, i gave a report about this for the first time, more than 10 years ago, at an astrological conference everything was recorded that from the twenty-third year america is entering a systemic crisis, which will continue until the forty-second year on an increasing scale, this does not mean that it will collapse financially, but will last for some time, it is now entering a global political crisis, and somewhere in the middle thirties... she will have to go,
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quietly, crawl away from the world stage. yes, indeed, i completely agree with what vanga says, based on my own research, which, by the way, i regularly publish in the astrological community at conferences, and i explain this mechanism further, but biden understands that this is the end of his political career, comes when they have elections there, in everything else nato will really end, but not in the coming years, i think until the mid-thirties, with diseases? tell me, that means i think that as long as things last, there will be an epidemic regular, well, let's wish all of us that good predictions will definitely come true, then on the first program time, immediately after the big premiere , the serial film union of salvation will begin, and we will return to the air tomorrow to find out new unknown predictions of vanga, secret prophecies will be announced for the first time from an old notebook, which were filled out with the words of a bulgarian soothsayer from... 30 years ago,
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tomorrow, let them say, i am dmitry borisov, do not miss our next special issue. message from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live stream. on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. success in the avdeevsky direction, our defenders freed lastochkin and personnel from the front line destroyed the first american abrams tank.


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