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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  February 26, 2024 10:55pm-11:59pm MSK

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that they are convincing themselves that ukraine can win, that just a little more and russia will collapse, a little more sanctions, so to speak, will work in full, in reality, well, roughly speaking, the opposite is happening, and then, what gates says, by the way, he is not alone, many experts are already expressing doubts about ukraine’s ability to resist for a long time, i once again... repeat my position that i don’t yet feel what this is, you know, a decisive offensive, so far within the framework of active defense, our troops, in fact, as the ukrainians themselves say, from kupinsk to takmak in six operational directions, concentrating in each direction, a group there, an operational group by force... slowly but surely,
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they are pressing, pushing through the front, occupying small villages, villages there, but so far in the same donetsk direction we are ahead there, well, i ’ll say four such fairly large, large cities, konstantinovka, kramatorsk, slavensk, druzhgovka, especially kramatorsk with its very...
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until all these shells, weapon systems are manufactured, delivered, i think, if our command, i am sure that our command takes this into account, this temporary gap of several months, i think, will be used to the fullest in order to improve our position on the line of combat contact, if possible, then solve the problems of the first stage, you know, general? “i have known you for many years, and i am increasingly amazed at the accuracy of your assessments, and not only in content, but in tone, when there were, let’s say, difficult days, after what happened near kharkov, you confidently said that these were ukrainian offensive, ukrainian success would not last long, and there was talk of russian superiority.
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i want to repeat again, i have already said this, in principle we are at war with the mirror, we are at war with ourselves, because ukrainians fight desperately, you see, it’s just like a russian soldier, we have a common past, a civil war, i always cite example, you understand, it would never occur to an american or european soldier to blow himself up, but not surrender, well, they don’t have such a thing... they will calmly surrender, knowing that,
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so to speak, they will be exchanged, what if there and there will be some kind of bullying, then it’s still better than death, and even the russian one, i’m not even taking the great patriotic war, i’m taking syria now, our pilot, so to speak, could well surrender, and he would be exchanged, but he prefers , so to speak, blow yourself up with grenades and take them with you into the world.
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plans for 2024, but new surprises await enemies. i would not recommend that civilians heard in the kremlin, i will not disclose our population to use the so-called crimean bridge. that is, threats to use long-range weapons in territories that
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ukraine may consider it its own, but these are territories that are part of russia and that are controlled by russia, and at the same time they are talking about sending regular nato units. how do you react to this? look, you know that in recent weeks bilateral agreements have been signed between ukraine, germany, france, great britain, and even belgium, about providing assistance, support, most likely we are talking about these countries, but there is one nuance here, how only the armed forces of at least one of these countries will be on the territory of ukraine. will fight with us, this automatically makes them participants in hostilities, that is, they are in a state of war with the russian federation, it is necessary that they have no illusions that the fifth article of the well-known nato charter will work, it will not work, because no
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other country will want to sacrifice its soldiers in the name of the ideas of ukraine. i think that we are talking about these people, but most likely this is rashchi’s bluff.
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the third approach is already about the european army, here are two, they, uh, the swing was very big, and then they were blown away, why, right, neither one country, even germany at that time it was.
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turkey, we will take part in all your operations, in planning, so to speak, the europeans say, but what do you have to do with it? well then, without nato. and that’s where it all ended, this was before erdogan. let's talk to andronik before we close this topic. about the american elections, let me ask you about two, it seems to me, contradictory statements, one is a statement from germany that they will not supply long-range missiles, and the other is statement from washington, let's listen, we have never removed the issue of atacoms supplies from the agenda, these ammunition are still an integral part of the discussion that we are having with ukraine. well, i’ll add that this is a long-range weapon. yes, but you understand, atakoms is crimea, and tauras is, so
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to speak, central russia, so scholz understands perfectly well that this will already be that red line, after which we will have every reason to also withdraw from ourselves all these obligations talk that we are there we only hit civilian targets there, but even crimea, even crimea, if... the americans install atacoms, i think they too , i think we should cross the line too, then, this is my personal opinion, the line, start shooting them down drones that fly over the black sea, possibly reconnaissance planes that guide ukrainian missiles to the target, then let mr. biden and his team think about whether it’s worth starting, so to speak, full-scale...
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thank you, we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes let's talk about american elections, the one-legged man made himself a birch prosthesis, misled kiev propaganda, the mess that is going on in the heads of our so -called ukrainian colleagues continues to touch us, they ridicule us, but at the same time they have a natural problem with this, no, i didn’t make a protest with my own hands, i made a joke, supposedly the air force used fpv for the first time with uranium ammunition, the ammunition weighs 7-8 kg, an ordinary fivedron carries somewhere up to 3 kg about how a little girl helps soldiers on the front line. antifake, premiere, tomorrow first, what happened is not my fault,
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it is, and it is my fault, but you and i are not to blame for the fact that we aroused dreams in some sensitive people. but by serving the truth, not to people, you are my friend, maybe my last, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will he fulfill it? you said that you love me, and you believed me, i
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want to take this disgusting lying, licked, stupid, snotty empire by the throat, shake it so that it’s to the brim, so that to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat to... i understand, gentlemen, we are left behind,
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a big premiere, a union of salvation, and what are you whispering? we are preparing a coup , take me, tomorrow is after the program, i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than they need me, because i am independent and i can say what i think, i’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me that they are very natural and natural processes take place in russia, because what i... do and how i live is important, this is ultimately the criterion, not what i say? i am often asked, you are now forever, that forever, nothing is forever in this life, we are opposition from each other, i am mikhalkov, he is konchalovsky, life is so short that everyone must try to make all the mistakes possible before it ends, general plan , you
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can show, look there, look here, look wherever you want, everywhere everything is in pure butter. don’t stop the cameras, now we’ll edit it all, matodor, brothers, on friday on the first, it doesn’t happen that there was a person in your life, now he disappears , even if he dies, this girl is almost unrecognizable to the child who 5 years ago lost the most precious thing, his mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a lot of memories, but this my mother, yulia nachalova, died very young, at 38, leaving her beloved daughter, vera, to her parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you, that mom is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, this is a great responsibility, tell your child that his mother died. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after
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her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, then... our exclusive 5 years of the adult life of a girl who decided , no matter what, to become a star in memory of to the famous mother, when you appeared in the world, my life changed, i will always be by your side, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. there's a big game on the air. on saturday in the united states in the state south carolina held its primary elections. this election was significant because it was in the state of south carolina that trump's main challenger, niki halley, was hoping, if
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you will, to demonstrate her vitality. and she had known for it. grounds, she was twice elected governor of this state as a republican. well, now trump won by a margin of 20%. the victory, let’s say, well, in general, is very convincing, so trump and his team quite deservedly say that this is a success, and that in general hayley has nothing further to do in this election, that she even has.
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as public opinion polls show, because in these elections in south carolina , democrats had the right to vote, yes , votes, and these 10% were democratic votes, these are democratic votes, and this naturally says two things: first, that trump in general, unless something extraordinary happens, this is a completely reliable path. for the republican nomination, but that he might have a much harder time in the general election, and just so you know, i want to show you how much more difficult it is.
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they are democratic, this is chicago, this is new york, this is los angeles, well, everywhere is francisco himself, yes in san francisco, and even in texas, yes, and even in texas, what’s more, they are therefore, why actually in in texas , the republicans were so excited because they understood that there was a population shift, the more illegal immigrants there were in texas. and if they take texas, then that’s it, the republicans have nothing else to do, based on the number of electors, they will automatically lose all the elections, so i
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i think that this is a common national problem, why the republicans themselves today put the border problem, the problem of illegal migration, in the first place, and not only trump, but all the media that support the republicans.
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here is super tuesday, when there will be elections, if i’m not mistaken, in 16 states, yes, also according to all forecasts, trump wins. by the way, it’s very
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important, maybe, i think so, they can make some amendments to their charter in order to prohibit, at least in newhamshire this happened, now in south carolina, when democrats can go to participate in primaris, they distort the picture, in general, to prohibit it, so that it is not the republicans. would not have the right to participate in the primaries to spoil the overall picture, because in this way they create a false picture or psychologically try to break a candidate who, in general, is a clear favorite. not only that, for example, of course, laura ingram is one of the most serious presenters, fox news, after
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the first...
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trump has every reason to say, now, and republican supporters say that nicky haley is the democratic candidate, she 's a spoiler, she just gets a lot of money from financial circles, from those circles that finance the democratic party, from the military-industrial complex, because she's...
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obviously very powerful trump's positions in the republican nomination do not automatically mean that trump will have an easy time in the national elections, where he will face much greater challenges, but while we are talking about the elections in the united states, let's think about the elections in russia, this is where we are promised some
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trouble. putin is only afraid of strength, he cannot show weakness , so you need to be strong on the battlefield to prevent him from seizing new territories, this is the first, second, his position will weaken when the number of victims increases, the russians will see these deaths and oppose the war, a wave protests are what we need.
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this is to create opposition to the authorities in russia, you see, so that ukraine’s patrons in washington have such opportunities, i think. that there is no such possibility, and it’s not we are talking about some kind of pressure on the opposition, about the persecution of dissidents, absolutely calmly, everyone can express their thoughts, the main thing is that they do not affect our army, armed forces, special military operation, the law applies there. i think zelensky is wrong, as usual, because it seems to me that the spirit of the russian people is now immeasurably stronger than it was even 2 years ago. we went through a serious one. tests, the country mobilized, look how they greeted the president in chuvash at night, this is generally, you know, look at how the people, well i just admired my president and wished
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him, most importantly, health, success, good luck, i think putin’s authority is stronger than ever, and as for the opposition, i just don’t really see it now, if there are any attacks like recruited terrorists. volunteers who signed a contract last year, dmitry anatonyevich medvedev, who is responsible within the security council for replenishing the contingent of our armed forces, named a figure of up to
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half a million, in my opinion, up to half a million, contract soldiers who are volunteering, no one is catching them, no one is forcing them , there is no need to carry out any additional mobilization, so counting on the current need to have mobilization in the near future, no, no, yes, yes, not even in the near future, the ministry of defense is already saying , that for now there is not even such a need in the future, there is no such need, because there is too, well, let’s say, a large influx of volunteers, contract soldiers who are working with us. well, of course, i don’t know the exact numbers, but it feels like we have about 2000 in reserve, which the reserve is used for rotation partly, and partly i think that this is
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, so to speak, a reserve for future offensive actions, offensive operations, so if zelensky consoles himself with some hopes that he is here... i think that this is so divorced from the offensive that will come and everything will collapse, i ’m in reality that it’s not even worth talking about, thank you, we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, in voronezh at an aircraft factory i saw how it’s born soviet supersonic superliner tu-144, it was taken to... and it rang, hummed, trembled, soared into the sky, and like a huge deity disappeared into the blue. but at the coal mine, black magma flowed along the conveyor, filling the bodies of huge
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dump trucks, and the combine, like a monstrous dinosaur, stepped with its iron paws and cut into the coal seam, 3-2 start, and lifted it up. becomes porous and fragile, about ostauporosis about many other things in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, unknown predictions vange, for the first time, all the secret
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prophecies from the old notebook, recorded from the words of a bulgarian seer 30 years ago, will be announced, what is starting to come true in our notebook, will this coincide with the forecasts of astrologers for 2024, the year of the death of the old world, but this... the world will want to take revenge, the current will no longer be needed , people will cut off the wires, artificial intelligence will take over us and rattle on, this will happen and somewhere in early october, anan a boy from india says that: there will be some kind of terrible epidemic again, she will be develop according to the scenario of total intimidation, i am always waiting about aliens, information calls that will be in early june, they can be prohibitive, people want specifics that can be easily verified, firstly, then the assassination attempt on trump somewhere around october 6, after all this happens, it will be clear how the world works, who rules it and what to do about it, special issue tomorrow on the first, you mean will there be a military global conflict, are you talking about this? maybe she's our new vanga, i
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served in the us marine corps for 10 years, i wanted to come help ukraine get rid of the russians, a frank interview with mercenaries who are fighting on the side of kiev, they will tell us the whole truth, the payment is shocking, we never received the full amount, we had to buy all our equipment , this is a typical good luck soldier , he goes there to earn money, he doesn’t know how to do anything else well, the chief of staff... i don’t think he even knew where we were operating, it’s beneficial for the ukrainian command to send all mercenaries to hotter spots, so that they don’t have to pay them later either, because in the end they will end up with two hundred anyway, there were often cia operatives or special forces soldiers here, the cia is present there, this is a surprise for you, no, the biggest problem is the ukrainian command, weapons are often hidden and disappears, i met officers selling new weapons, the problem is the president of ukraine. are you ready to stay with me as we
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fight the zelensky administration? yes, sir, it is safer to overthrow zelensky than to fight the russians. show vavan and lexus, premiere on wednesday, on the first. white snow. never give up. elena gamber flies into the stadium. on saturday, on the first. we don't have much time left, but nevertheless, i simply feel obligated to touch upon such an important and fascinating topic as the cia. the new york times published a large , very informatively rich article that talks about the video. in ukraine, and what ’s interesting is that this article is clearly, this
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article was clearly written in collaboration with the executive branch, with the cia, and i know from at least, well, one of the authors of this article, he tried to expose me for a certain time, very energetically, he did not fully succeed, but i know that this is a person who does not want to accuse anyone, has no... evidence, let's say so, he has great sources in the intelligence services, let 's listen to what these two influential authors say in their article: the role of the cia in ukraine. now in the third year of the war, the intelligence partnership between washington and kiev is key to ukraine's ability to defend itself. cia and other american intelligence agencies provide intelligence for missile strikes and track the movements of russian troops. help maintain spy networks. over the past 8
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years, the cia has helped build 12 secret military bases along the russian border. today , this has turned ukraine, whose intelligence services were long considered completely compromised by russia, into one of washington's most important intelligence partners in the fight against the kremlin. these intelligence networks are now more important than ever as russia goes on the offensive and ukraine increasingly relies on sabotage, long-range missile strikes that require the presence of spies far into... the enemy. and further. as partnerships have expanded since 2016, ukrainians have become intolerant of what they consider to be excessive caution from washington. they began organizing assassinations and other similar sting operations, which violated the terms that the white house believed they had agreed to. angry us officials threatened to withdraw support, but never did. relationships are getting bigger strengthened. both sides saw that this was in their interests. the us embassy in kiev and our station became the best source of information.
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in words they tell ukraine, as they say, behave carefully, in practice, when ukrainians do not behave carefully and organize terrorist acts.
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union, there are about twenty-odd radio intelligence centers there that carried out interceptions and received a lot of information, the same thing in ukraine. as for the cia, i repeat once again, this is most likely an intelligence agency intelligence, taking into account the fact that, well, for objective reasons, this concerns us, ukrainians, a base
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of possible, so to speak, sympathizers, a recruiting base. it is quite wide, many ukrainians live on our territory , including those who were, are here, either as refugees, or received our citizenship, the same is true on the territory of ukraine, we also have no less opportunities, if not more , so all this is natural, and i think that our services, the federal security service, the svr are also about this... they know, they work, they regularly expose ukrainian agents, so i believe that they take this for granted, without exaggerating the danger, but without reducing it either. well, danik masyasovich, you know cia director william burns, i just wanted to refer to his article, and many
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people in our profession knew well about moscow when he was an ambassador and, frankly, a good ambassador. well-informed and pragmatic, there seem to be quite a few idiots in the white house, there is presidential assistant for national security jake salevan, whom, it seems to me, a very erroneous globalist ideology, but who was also considered, in principle, a reasonable person, not without caution. i have a direct question for you: don’t they understand what kind of fire they are playing with?
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this is bilber, he writes in this article , i hope, i was surprised that i didn’t have a chance to refer to this, he makes an absolutely erroneous analysis, he says: the russian economy is in a deplorable state, the authorities have made a number of erroneous decisions on such, such, such questions, society is located.
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would, but on the other hand, you want them to have sufficient information and a sufficient
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sense of responsibility, so that they tell the leadership of their country what road, a terribly dangerous road, this leadership is taking, so i have a feeling that the american intelligence services, that’s how andronik said, they fit into the new political correctness, so, but...
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has a slightly different history of relations with russia than the united states, the united states had, let's say, good and different, with
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great britain, always bad, only hostile, almost always, with rare exceptions, when britain had no other choice hostile, and antipathy towards russia is much more widespread in my opinion in england than in america, it was a big game, we will meet with... president's message russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live stream. on thursday at 12:00 moscow time. considering myself a statesman, nevertheless, in
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my youth i paid tribute to dissent, first church, for father lev was a dissident and distributed orthodox publications banned by the authorities printed on tissue paper, he met clergymen of the catacomb church, whom the authorities smoked out of their mountain... caves with the help of helicopters and shepherd dogs, and he saw kgb informers everywhere who sniffed out his illegal connections. other dissidents were moscow artists, writers, musicians, dreamers , psychopaths, freaks, crazy people, all those who could fall under the article about tuniadism and go to prison or end up in a settlement, and so that... this did not happen, many of them feigned madness and were registered in psychiatric hospitals; once in their
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midst, in complete peace i could feel and understand: what are the possessed? they went into ecstasy, sang, chattered, kissed, tore off each other’s clothes, or sat down silently, like a roosting hen, and seriously took out the reader, who rustled his covered pages and read his story about the third segetar of the regional committee, who cohabited with a dead cat.
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diplomatic offices, and today, with careful and close attention, peering in the face of some infernal blogger, i try to guess in him a future deputy or minister or public figure. well , again an accident happened that broke the branch on which my young
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inquisitive curiosity had planted me. i published. several essays about russian folk toys, about songs, about fairs, they were written in a bright colorful language, reminiscent of toys painted by the masters of the pokhlov maidan, or snow-white towels, sewn with silk, a marvelous russian pattern, these essays were noticed editor of a literary newspaper, and invited me to his place in this high-brow
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newspaper, flew to the scene of the fight. suri was huge, white and blue, icy, humming with an undercurrent. there were bloody patches on the ice where the wounded and killed border guards lay. there was a dead chinese man, his shaggy dog ​​hat fell to the side, a hole in the field was removed from his forehead, a star was blushing in the middle of his hat. i was amazed that here... on damansky one red star was shooting at another, i remember the young border guard babansky, who had just returned from battle, his young dark face covered with blush, his huge eyes, the war was raging in these eyes, for everyone around was talking in whispers about the possibility of a big war with china, tanks were being pulled up to the borders,
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border airfields were being built, a tank with the head of the outpost. colonel leonov, went to the middle of usturi, was hit, and then fell through the ice at the bottom of the river. chinese divers pulled the tank from the bottom of usuri on a cable and brought it to beijing, to tian anmen square, where it stood like their war trophy. the border guards were killed and lay in confusion knocked together, coffins covered with red, in a huge headquarters... tent, with frozen white foreheads and pointed noses, their beaten , scratched hands were folded on their chests and tied with braid twisted from gauze. helicopters brought the fathers and mothers of the dead to the outpost, and they ran to the tents, blinded by the sun, they flew into the tent
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where the coffins stood, they began to rush about, looked for their son, found them, fell on the chest of the murdered soldier, began to lament: “kolya, little knee, my son, why don’t you meet your mommy, what kind of person are you?” became big, you can’t even fit into a coffin, everyone says, peace, peace, but we have a war here, our neighbor is very small, melela bows to you, and our bug dog gave birth to six puppies, and kolya, my dear, i no longer have the strength, she she fell unconscious to the ground, the soldier scooped ice water from a bucket with a mug and poured it into her mouth, she came to her senses, stood up and... began to sob again, and there in the tent, i heard mothers from russian villages sobbing and lamenting , i i suddenly realized that
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russian mothers have also given birth in all centuries, in all russian military fields, and the history that i dreamed of looking for in the past, it has not gone away , continues here, in the present, in its formidable... and terrible fiery power, and i, who considered myself a historical writer, was looking for for my books, the disappeared, blessed past, i suddenly felt like a witness to the formidable present, which was given to me as a great burden, as a great blessing and as a great creative test, it was then on damansky that i became a singer of martial arts... forester. i witnessed the second military clash soviet and chinese border guards , in kazakhstan, in the town of zhala nashkol, that
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at the dzungarian gate, in the steppe zhala nashkol, a company of chinese soldiers crossed the border and perched on a stone slab, digging a shallow trench in the stones. at dawn, soviet armored personnel carriers approached a large hill... they cut off its top with caliber machine guns, and a day later i was at the top of this hill, trying to reproduce the picture of the battle. on the slope of the hill facing china, the dead chinese soldiers lay, they were terribly swollen by the sun, turned into huge giants, they the flesh boiled and tore their military uniforms, they were all covered with huge green flies. crows flew from the steppe to the control strip. having gathered in a small flock, they rose, flew to the hill and sat on the dead bodies, began to feast on them, and pecked at them with their
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beaks. they scared away a swarm of flies, which flew to the edge of the hill, flew at me , hit my face, my chest, my hands. i was afraid to drive the fly off my face because i was scared that the fly would burst. a drop of poisonous juice will spill from it onto my face, and so it began my insight into modernity, i have matured, i tried to overtake it, to describe it, so i became a hunter of current history, i rushed to understand the grandiose civilization of the soviets, i sought to understand the technosphere of the soviet union, i wanted to portray it as something new and unprecedented. literary aesthetics, the grandiose soviet mega-machine. in voronezh, at an aircraft factory, i saw the birth of the soviet supersonic superliner tu-144. on the staple
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in the chaotic workshop, the plane, snow-white, with spread wings, an astronomy nose like a crane, was filled with many instruments, control systems, radars, antennas, computer. it came to life, began to breathe, slowly left the slipway , the huge gates opened, the workshop and the plane, on a wheeled tractor, the sun rolled out into the open sky , the plane came to life, fluttered, tried to take off, they took it to the airfield and it rang, hummed, fluttered, washed out into the sky, and how a huge deity disappeared into the blue, on a hebastuse in a coal mine... walking excavators were working, their rotors reminiscent of dump trucks, and the combine, like a monstrous dinosaur, stepped with its iron paws with victorious slashes he cut into the coal seam.
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at the heating station in ermak, the first generator was launched, the turbine room began to tremble, hum, rumble, many dials overpowered, and signal indicators lit up. in tobolsk, for an ancient city made of darkened wood, with white, marvelous churches of the siberian borocco, and a huge kremlin, and the irtysh, through which at one time a boat with the emperor’s family sailed and walked in the grasses under the protection of barbels.
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sparkles like a huge diamond among the forests in kazakhstan on the virgin lands among the vast i was at the harvest of grain, self-propelled combines were approaching the ripe grain, red, like ships, combine operators, solemn in fresh shirts. the shaven ones sat at
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the helm, they were escorted by pioneers , they gave salutes, they were honored, they sang songs, they were escorted to the harvest. the first combines, having spun their reels , touched the grain field, and from these first blows a golden wave ran across the entire field, glass ears rustled, flew under the knives of the combines, the first golden... summer grain flowed in the back of the trucks, a week passed, another, a month, the warmth ended, low temperatures came clouds, rain fell, snow began to fall, frost began, combine...


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