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tv   Vibori-2024  1TV  February 27, 2024 7:45am-9:01am MSK

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kondratleev, poet of the decembrist movement, his heat, his emotions, his pulse. when he came across his favorite topic, love for his homeland, his eyes lit up with some unnatural brilliance, the director and i decided that i would play him with lenses, we need to hit him now, russia won’t have another chance for years 100, the prince, collects in rayleev’s apartment.
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a romantic, convinced of his rightness to the end, this is how he will ascend to the gallows, the prison is in my honor, not a decree, for a just cause, i am in it, and should i be ashamed of these chains, if i wear them for the fatherland, the union of salvation, gentlemen , anton shagin in the role of kondraty rayleev, the union of salvation, today on channel one, on the calendar february 27, they waited, the grandiose... premiere, multi-part historical drama union of salvation, about the uprising, started on channel one decembrists, about who these people were and what they wanted to change, complete immersion in the era, large-scale geography of filming, stunning costumes and scenery, colossal work of so many people, cheers, konstantin, horse racing, battles,
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filming the union of salvation, fascinating adventure immersion in a wonderful era , 4 years have passed since the release of the full-length film, the group met again on the set to film completely new episodes for the television version, and you return to your family, yes, you took a walk, walked for 2 years, you return to your old jackets, in a renewed union of salvation.
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i had to ride horses a lot, not everyone turned out to be dashing riders, i jumped on the horse and pulled it out, took it to the front and rode, in general, of course, this horse is not my thing, the devil knows what comes into her head, i honestly speaking, i don’t really trust it, but it’s big, my vehicle, the large-scale geography of filming, st. petersburg, moscow, pushkin mountains. rostov, belgorod. what these places looked like in the 19th century can only be shown today using computer graphics. union of salvation is a large-scale historical canvas, where the events of two hundred years ago are depicted with amazing accuracy and attention to detail. for us, the union of salvation is over. hooray! hooray! and for channel one viewers everything is just beginning. watch the continuation of the historical drama union of salvation today on channel one.
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i have a hard time keeping them one step away from victory and it’s not about numbers, it’s about will. hurray, brothers, ekaterina lepskaya, vladimir popov, joseph kobrin, maria bronzova, anastasia savelyeva, channel one. with this our program has come to an end, i am ekaterina strizhenova, i wish you good morning and a successful working day. see you on channel one. hello, in a few weeks from march 15 to 17 , presidential elections will be held in russia, today there will be a debate of candidates for the post of president of the russian federations will also take part in them. alexander sergeevich storovoytov, confidant of the candidate for president of the russian federation from the ldpr party, leonid. eduardovich
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slutsky. vladislav andreevich davankov, candidate for president of the russian federation from the new people party. hello. and nikolai mikhailovich kharitonov, candidate for president of the russian federation from the party. communist party of the russian federation, hello, answer questions, candidates will be in the order in which they were registered with the central election commission, the first to speak will be given alexander sergeevich storovoytov, authorized representative of candidate leonid eduardovich slutsky. further questions will be addressed to vladislav andreevich dovankov and nikolai mikhailovich kharitonov. each candidate is given the same time to answer, which is one and a half minutes. so, today we have three topics, and the first of them is family and demographic problems. alexander sergeevich, over the past few years, the number of newborns has been declining, the trend has been continuing for
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several years, according to experts, it will continue for the coming years. it's an echo demographic hole of the nineties, but in order for the population not to decline, no less is necessary. chechnya and the altai republic, what opportunities do you think women need so that they can work and create large families? your one and a half minutes, please. hello, dear voters, dear anatoly kuzichev, and not very dear, but nevertheless no less respected opponents. the question is posed very correctly. i can even say that we have a population shortage of 4,000 each year, and i don’t really understand why the question asks what conditions must be set for women , because we, people who talk about traditional values ​​and never tire of talking about it, must understand that one of our main values ​​is the family, so when we
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talk about the birth rate, about increasing the birth rate, we must not forget that in addition to mothers there are also fathers, we every time refer to the demographic hole of the nineties, listen to me...
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and according to rosstat, the average age of a woman at the birth of her first child is now almost 27 years old, this indicator it is only growing, moreover, residents of large cities give birth to their first child at about 35 years of age, but in this case there is a high probability that everything will be limited, naturally, to one child. what measures do you think will allow women to go on their first maternity leave earlier, without losing educational and career opportunities? your time please. hello. dear tv viewers, my name is vladislav davankov, i am a candidate from the new people party, and number one on the ballot and the issue of demography is certainly very important, today we are already at on another channel we discussed issues of education , but the issue of democracy, demography, it is extremely,
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extremely important, it’s just that if we don’t deal with it, then in 30 years there will be 30 million fewer of us and much fewer children will be born, and here i certainly agree first of all , this... there are a lot of studies that women simply have no faith in the future today, women are not sure whether a man will stay with them or not, you know, we are now in russia, unfortunately, in ranking of countries by number of divorces, was before the fourth , became the third, 70% of marriages break up , of course, in such a situation it is impossible to plan the future, so for a woman , first of all, and for a young family, first of all, the most important... the question is the question of where they are will live, not have children, people who plan to live with their parents or plan to live in rented housing, i know this from myself, that’s why in my program, which has 170 points, 10 of which relate to demography, it is precisely written that first of all material
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capital for the first child is one million, for the second one and a half, for the third one and a half million rubles, this is the first thing that needs to be done in order to improve the demographic situation. thank you very much, nikolai mikhailovich, i have a question for you on the same topic. over the past 10 years, the number of large families in russia has doubled and is now about 2.3 million. but mostly these are families with three children, and given the number of families with one child, this is understandable, but the demographics are not yet corrected. do you think it is possible to stimulate fertility? only material benefits, and if not, what other help or what other measures can you offer, first of all, good morning , dear, dear voters, first of all, it is necessary to help the family in the family in which children are born, and then from these... children, a husband and wife appear, if a normal family, children are born
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, this family lives in good conditions, a little time passes, young people go to school, get an education, enter secondary, primary, higher educational institutions, and there everything happens acquaintance, i already said and said, in khabarovsk i said, then, when we met with young people, for a young family for the first 20 years you need an interest-free loan for... an apartment and not some kind of studio, but there must be a full-fledged, good an apartment , two or three rooms, so that young people would immediately have the desire and prospect of having as many children as possible, and recently there has been a decline in the population and a million of 500 thousand each need to return that soviet kind attention of the state to the family and that was the respect then, when it means weddings and the birth of a child , neighbors. rejoiced, helped, at the moment a young family needs a job,
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a good salary, a future, a kindergarten, a school, then with pleasure this coefficient is not good 1.4, born in russia, it will turn into two to three to four children, i am sure my program has all this, i need to read it, of course, thank you very much, but let’s continue, the same topic, family, demography,
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give a woman the opportunity to try to find a job if she has been refused from several places, then she can apply to local government bodies, where she will receive the average salary in the economy from the municipal budget, most likely the municipal budget will not be able to meet this, so it is necessary to work out a federal program for this topic, where the federation, within the framework of a national project , will allocate money depending on the amount for women who need this funding in the region, the region will distribute it among municipalities, perhaps this. one of the main questions, well again, anatoly, the second question came from you, every time we focus on mothers
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, this is wonderful, mother is sacred, but with all this, i emphasize once again that our family consists of a mother and a father, we have a huge number fathers who raise children without mothers, therefore maternal capital should not be maternal capital, but parental capital, the ldpr or the aluts have repeatedly talked about this, and we will continue to talk about it, for this it is necessary to develop. thank you very much, alexander sergeevich, so what? as for my accents, they are incorrect, friends, you have the opportunity to straighten them out, so to speak, within a minute and a half. vladislav andreevich, after all, since we started talking about discrimination, let’s continue, discrimination often concerns childless women, since the employer is afraid that they will go on maternity leave, and we hope that he is afraid, so to speak, rightly so, whether this is so or not , this is another question, so he is afraid that he will have to pay, keep his job,
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this is unprofitable, and so on, and you propose to fight such discrimination, including, if i quote correctly, introducing a hotline for complaints, increasing the responsibility of business, i wonder how you will persuade business to agree to this, because benefits, benefits for employers will not appear as a result of all these implementations of all these plans, so the responsibility will only increase. well, first of all, i want to say, i repeat, i will repeat this every time, that all this is written in my program, 170 points, unlike my colleagues in the ldpr, i know only 11 points. programs are not a word there about demography, nikolai mikhailovich, i hope, will also share his program with me, because we could not find it on the internet, but they say that they exist somewhere, but no one has seen this program yet. so what do i want to say about employers? i can say from my own example, when i was in business, all the companies that i managed had children's rooms.
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moreover, this is a very common example, now we need to show good examples of how this can be implemented, literally. the day before yesterday oxentiva was in a technology park in the city of st. petersburg, where she demonstrates how to treat women who work and combine this with raising children, but it certainly needs to be said that men should support the woman in the family, and a separate point my program says that women and men should receive equal salaries, why do women go first of all... because men usually have higher salaries, even working in the same jobs, men and women receive different salaries, this kind of discrimination, including, i insist that it is necessary to clean up, and this can be done, there is the experience of many countries that have already implemented this, thank you very much, interesting, nikolai
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mikhailovich, a question for you, what if a woman does not wants to work, doesn’t want to work, is it necessary to stimulate such decisions or is it better , more correct to keep women in the economy, your minute and a half, it means that we must take into account the wishes of the woman, but provided that the state creates the conditions, today if she is a woman, she should be happy , if really the woman stated that she wants to give birth in a legal marriage, in a legal marriage, she needs it. i must be sure that maternal capital, support, after birth, before birth, say, one and a half to three years, there is a kindergarten with an affordable price, there is an opportunity to literally give birth again in 2-3 years, by the way, our program allows it, which means maternal means we withdraw practically from
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many families with dfl do not pay; a family will allow more than three children, so i repeat again. is clearly stated in our program, it will will be published soon, it is registered with the central election commission, a woman should be supported in every possible way, rejoice if a woman says, i will give birth to children, this is very serious work, this is very hard work, but at the same time a woman should know that she will give birth to a child tomorrow , but she herself will not be hungry and the child will not be hungry , in my program, in our program, all this is clearly spelled out, the state must take care and... go on maternity leave in a timely manner, and maternity leave is received in a timely manner, and after birth the child and mother must be surrounded attention so that he can give birth to his second, third and subsequent children. great, thank you very much. we continue: alexander sergeevich, in accordance with your wishes, i have shifted the emphasis. according to surveys, only half of fathers pay
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enough attention to their children. this trend can be reversed if it can be reversed somehow.
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only when a man who works in such a mode and at such a rhythm can devote time to raising a child. i’ll tell you honestly, hand on heart, i’m probably not the best father, i have two children, but since my work was combined with a huge number of business trips, my children grew up, one might say, in such a paternal vacuum, not receiving the proper approach that i should have given as a father, because i placed all the emphasis on work processes, because... what i made it easier for my children so that they wouldn’t have to deal with the difficulties that i had to deal with, starting from soviet times during the period of modern russia. thank you. vladislav andreevich, let’s see what you’re talking about they said, let’s go a little deeper into it, well, within a minute and a half, in many countries , you also said about this, you
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mentioned it in passing, there already exists the concept of compulsory maternity leave for fathers, the question is, do we need this, we really do, you everyone is right, almost all incentive measures are aimed at mothers, is it really necessary to somehow encourage men to become fathers of many children, a minute and a half. in general, becoming mother and father of many children is, of course, a great joy, and of course it is necessary, but in everyone’s life father still needs to find time to communicate with children, pass on his experience to them, i’ll tell you a story just about fathers, of course, the answer is yes, it is necessary to provide such an opportunity, but i ’ll tell you another story, here’s my son at the previous school they decided to make it father's day , which means they invited all the fathers, in the end about 30% of the class's fathers came, when everyone looked, where are the fathers, and the fathers are either there on
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business trips, at worst, that's thank god, otherwise - this is generally a scam, either someone got drunk, or someone died, in the end, when two or three class understand that they are raised only by mothers, this, this is truly scary, we need to talk about this, that fathers abandon their children and... don’t care about them at all, children don’t see them for months, and then often several stories like the ones i see at meetings with voters are that fathers do not take any part in the life of the child, so it would be better if we introduced an alimony fund as a state so that women do not chase after men in search of the money they owe pay by making a decision that they want to become fathers, this, in my opinion, is more important. for families , i understand, thank you, nikolai mikhailovich, in continuation , that’s it, that’s it, let’s talk about fathers, here’s how to stimulate, your version, how
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to stimulate fathers, pay more attention to families, yes, that’s still it a very important factor, is it possible to somehow control it and , so to speak, stimulate it through the state , is a state approach possible here, yes, for example, in soviet times, the ethics of family life, i myself took this course, we these people taught psychology, so is it worth returning to this practice or some other government practices? your one and a half minutes, please. i am a father of many children , no one stimulated me, i was stimulated by respect for the older generation, for fathers, grandfathers, great -grandfathers, in rural areas, we all lived and worked together, relatives gathered, he says today that in... school it is necessary to introduce a subject, a subject to agitate a young boy, guy, yes, the educational process must be carried out for the younger generation,
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it is imperative to talk about the family, but it is necessary to tell about the family correctly, in doses , at the same time, if we see, we know, especially in rural areas, there are dysfunctional families, on the contrary, they give birth to many children, a social problem is created, so it is necessary to address them in a timely manner soviet times... there were women's councils, trade union councils, which means public councils, always under the radar, under the eyes were those families that were not received, but gave birth to many children, so it is necessary to engage in education with school family and children, boys , including girls, say: family is when there is love, but love is not when they look at each other, adults, i mean adults, when a guy and a girl, who have become husband and wife, look ... in one direction, then, when there is love between them, there will definitely be good, beautiful, hardworking children, looking at our family, father and mother, so we were not
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afraid and did not hesitate to fight, we knew that we would not be lost in soviet times , especially, thank you, yes, we continue the same topic, uh, let me remind you of her, family and problems, demographics, statistics, again, according to statistics for the last 10 years, russians. i have a question for you, the number of divorces itself, we already talked about this, you know, but people began to get married less often, while this studio has become almost a record, on average in recent years we have raised these statistics, for every 10 weddings there were seven divorces, what support measures needed by a woman with children after a divorce, of which we now see a lot, unfortunately, for a minute and a half, i can’t help but touch on and remember the last block, in which my opponent... vladislav davankov remembered a wonderful thing that is necessary, vladislav andreevich, as you formulated, it is necessary
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to stimulate. fathers, i forgot your catchphrase, but i am very glad that you have become familiar with the ldpr program, which does not consist of eleven points, the ldpr program as a whole is much, much larger, and i am glad that, in principle, all candidates are familiar with it we turned on our programs, so, as for supporting women who are left with children after divorces, alas, we can do as much as we want, being here in the studio of channel one, speak beautiful words. about some kind of ideology , again about family values, but the most basic reason for all divorces is financial problems, when the husband comes home from work, his wife nags him, you didn’t bring money, you came late, it’s unclear where you were delayed somewhere, the man starts drink , constant conflicts arise, from these conflicts hatred towards each other grows and families fall apart, children can remain with either their mother or their father, what kind of support should there be, i’ll remember
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what you talked about, slav andreevich, you said, that... it is necessary for the state to seek alimony, and not the woman herself , not the mother herself, to run after alimony, this is in one of the ldpr programs that we talked about, and vladimir volfech repeatedly voiced, so the state should be engaged in running around for alimony, i understand , got it, let's continue, i just want to draw your attention, look, each candidate, each of our today's debate participants has a strictly defined time, it is equal for everyone, why i asked, so to speak, you can answer in any way... it seems appropriate expressions, so to speak, to your opponent, but in due time, okay, i ask you, ask a question or will you ask, okay, in fact, we are talking about the state, about state policy, are there such techniques in the arsenal of the state, state social politics , to influence the number of divorces, to reduce them, one and a half minutes, please, yes...
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“let’s be honest, this is not a question of the state, this is a question of education, a question of upbringing, in what kind of family the child grew up, full-time or incomplete, but in order to the family was complete, first of all, of course , these are financial issues, if there is very little money, swearing always arises, if you live in an apartment with mom and dad, and not in your own home, and also a child, then of course a huge amount of disagreement arises, divorces, and we see the statistics that exist now, so i repeat once again, in order for families not to break up in the first place, they must have their own housing, not rented, not just some kind, just their own, so we need to take radical measures, i will repeat once again, these are not just problems, they are demographic collapse, when we have only 1.4 children born out of two, we are just with you in 30 years, you and i will probably be the last who, well, is the last
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generation. therefore, maternity capital is a million rubles for the first child , one and a half for the second, one and a half for the third for subsequent ones, because with 1 million at least you can take a down payment on an apartment, which you can then get with a mortgage and then buy it out accordingly, this is the key and solution to the problem of divorces , it’s not just me who says this, they say this many studies, including those we respect in general, thank you. in general, the topic is of course very different on the air, so to speak, touch on it, and it’s very complex and of course it makes sense for us to discuss the big important nikolai mikhailovich , in fact, colleagues quite rightly suggested what is the main or most common cause of divorce in russia, we looked, there are studies in zioma on this topic according to the opinion based on the answers of respondents
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in zioma. in the first place were financial factors, poverty and inability to feed family, this is the answer of 33% of respondents, this is what you think, what specific financial support will help reduce the number of divorces due to what, most importantly, this support can and should be financed, we must admit frankly, vulgar capitalism in russia has given rise to many insoluble problems, we are talking about these problems , our faction of the communist party of the russian federation, the party led by gennady andrevich zyuganov, the factions constantly talked about it, only now the servants have started talking about it, only now they are starting to hear us, so a return to socialist system of being, i’m not even talking about what values ​​began in the nineties after the collapse of the soviet union, so it’s no coincidence that my program is called played
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in... and that’s enough, that’s why today a man sometimes rushes about, there’s no work at his place of residence, no salary, the north is rushing, a family with children is left alone, 65 years today we have lost that generation of grandparents who initially helped at the birth of the first and second child, so i repeat, we played at capitalism and that’s enough, that’s all in the program, this is the answer, thank you thank you very much, the next set of questions on
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the same topic, alexander sergeevich, we continue to quote this fciom survey, here on the issue in tsiom, approximately 55% of russian young families... who want to improve their living conditions cannot do this, but we exist, in fact, there are many measures to support young families, including assistance in purchasing housing, but people consider this assistance insufficient, what additional conditions for improving housing should be offered to young families, please, i like the questions that are asked today will formulate were formulated on this broadcast, because each block of questions implies disputes and discussions that can include many hours, my colleagues and i... now my colleagues and i are trying to cram into almost one and a half minutes something that is impossible to cram, we already said today about support measures, regarding the increase in the amount of parental capital, i will not call it maternity capital, parental capital, which can be used for
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the down payment, because if we really make maternity capital a million or one and a half, it will be enough to make a down payment to pay the bulk of the mortgage, this is probably one of the main tools, but we discussed the same topic in the past issue the day before. question, but i can’t help but note some points that have just been made by my opponent nikolai kharitonov, who calls for a return to the socialist past, i’ll tell you honestly, i loved the socialist past, i loved and love the soviet union with all my soul, i was in october, i was a pioneer, i even headed a komsomol cell, but who took my beloved country from me, who missed out on my beloved country, the same colleagues from the communist party of the russian federation who said that we are not guilty of anything because they squeezed in with us there are traitors in our ranks, who subsequently, after... the collapse of the soviet union, headed the gubernatorial corps, who did this criminal privatization, all those who carried the cpsu party card. well, let's face it, so when we call on the past, let's not just remember the seventies and the eighties were stable, let’s still talk about the early nineties, when
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all this theft took place. what do you tell me that nikolai mikhailovich will not need my question when we get to it? wait, wait, vladislav andreevich, excuse me, nikolai mikhailovich, mikhail, you will have a minute and a half to answer properly. i won’t tire of talking about housing, because, for example, the program is to make sure that people can get a preferential mortgage even before the birth of their first child, further to receive a preferential rate of 4%, and then 2%
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, for the second for the third child, according to our calculations, yes, it would cost about 2 trillion rubles, but i will not tire of saying that in general the issue of demography is not, in my opinion, this is the most important issue now and... we need to deal with it, i repeat again, we won’t deal with it in the next few years, we will see how women who live with us longer will marry migrants, marry migrants, this is the future that awaits us if we do not take radical measures, well, there is a lot you can talk, argue about whether men are doing the right thing or the men are doing the wrong thing, but it’s important not to leave a woman, and i’ve met many times with many children, not to leave a woman if her husband has left her, but rather to herself, here is the state should help in everything , for example, in order to collect certificates, you need to offend the whole city, that proving that you are a mother of many children, i myself encountered this,
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that is, digitalization has not arrived there, so we need to look at all the problems that our mothers of many children have and and quickly with them to engage, not to declare, but to engage , of course, nikolai mikhailovich, well , by the way, we are all talking about large families, completely fair, and we need it, and we want it, but help in improving living conditions should be provided specifically to large families and only for large families or in general? families with children, i ask one and a half, i repeated and repeat again, a young family, in order for them to feel motivation in their heads, we must motivate even the birth of the first child, but where on the street, in soviet times we gave birth in the hostel as students, we knew after graduating from higher education, secondary specialized education, we were specifically assigned to work, we came there, i experienced this myself, we came, there was an apartment and it was quiet... we lived, worked, gave birth to children, so i repeat again
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, there should be a young family, which today, therefore, considers linking their destiny with a girl with a guy, must understand, interest-free court, the first 20 years for the first apartment, they should have the right, they should have the right, not some kind of studio there two or three room apartment, at least with the expectation that grandparents will help, so motivation. the state should have what was in soviet times, what was in soviet times, they understood perfectly well that kindergarten there is literally free, preschool is free, which means pioneer camps, health camps, absolutely free, public consumption funds, mom and dad could for 10% go to any sanatorium, improve your health, wasn’t that the incentive, so i repeat again, i’m tired of repeating, vulgar capitalism has created a problem in russia.
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what exactly needs to be changed, i’ll tell you everything that sounds from me on this air today, it’s not me voicing it, it’s not even being voiced by leonid slutsky, it’s being voiced by those people with whom our candidate leonid slutsky is meeting, talking about his painful problem , speaking about what worries them, healthcare, i can say that when i was even a member of the state duma, 60-70% of those people who came to see me and raised healthcare issues
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had to stand in line for a month and a half, excuse me, after a month and a half man just will play into the box, i already call a spade a spade, we have a program, there is a zemsky doctor, as it is also called, where we are thinking through some incentive measures to attract doctors to the villages, where ambulances there take 3, 5 hours each goes, what needs to be done, but you just need to determine that working in a village for a year is 700,000 to your account or a million to your account, you worked for 5 years, here’s the amount for you, worked for 10 years, here’s 10 million for you, then, believe me, from of commercial medicine , people will be happy to go to work in the villages, because... there is a need to increase
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medical costs or is it possible to somehow distribute the available funding in a different way for a minute and a half please, yes , thank you for this question, i think many tv viewers don’t know this, but for the last 2 years i’ve been doing this the fact that i oversee healthcare, legislation in the field of healthcare in the state duma, so i know first-hand about the problems that exist now and that remain to be solved, i absolutely agree here that there are many problems, there are there are also other statistics, for example, that 33% of people do not use the services of free medical care at all, they do whatever they want, use recipes from the internet, ask their neighbors, in the best case, if these people are wealthy, they go to a
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private medicine, and this suggests that a third of people simply do not just distrust and are dissatisfied, but do not use free medicine at all, this, of course, in a sense, is also a diagnosis, there are many problems, of course, yes, the doctor is now overworked, a huge number reporting and, it seems, healthcare is undergoing digitalization across the country, from filling out paperwork, it’s constant, there is a shortage of specialists, i didn’t... i was just at a medical university, and there people simply don’t want to stay in their city, they want to work in moscow , because salaries are higher, so my main thesis, and it is in the program, well...
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stop providing paid services, i work as the director of a state farm in the novosibirsk region, four departments in soviet times, in each of the four departments there is a medical assistant and obstetrician point, primary control, soviet times , medical supervision, before the summer harvesting period, chief of livestock breeders, clinical monitoring , almost mobile fluorography came, they looked, looked at machine operators, tractor drivers, that is, today my colleagues say, there is no normal funding, there is not enough personnel shortage today russia, 5000 doctors, 1000 nurses are not enough, today it is necessary to increase funding over the last 20 years from almost 4%, this is not funding,
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so my program, our party, our faction, we constantly during the approval of the budget for the current year... preventive medicine, that is , a healthcare concept that focuses on preventing diseases and maintaining health instead of focusing on treating, so to speak, emerging diseases, how do you feel about this and what
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do you think, what part of the funding, if necessary, should be directed in this direction, please, i’ll start with the fact that... look, what a wonderful model of medicine we have in the city of moscow, and even in within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, you enter the clinic , you see how they smile at you, with what kindness they greet you, they are ready to conduct complete studies of your body, everything is of the highest quality, the wonderful mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin was able to organize this, look at the vice-mayors in charge of the areas there , for example, maxim leksutov, who oversees the road and transport infrastructure, look at how moscow has developed from this point of view, but what does all this boil down to again? comes down to money, firstly, we are not cloning either sobyanin or leksutov, nor other vice-measures who work in these areas, yes, secondly, we will never find funds that are physically simply not there to give to the region, we are holding, for example, the year of youth, the year of culture, the year this year, let's spend the year of medicine, when there is a huge
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money machine, and we have a huge amount of money in our country now, we will simply turn it on and send it to the regions to buy all this. equipment necessary to provide primarily primary medical care, when we don’t have a shortage of medicines, my mother, unfortunately, died of cancer, sometimes to get these medicines you just had to call and say: where are the medicines that are prescribed for cancer patients? is the issue resolved in this way? no, it is not resolved. look at the queues and people who went to china, do you know why? because they treat the causes, and not the effect that we are trying to fight, which means that this is a progressive way, but people.
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another thing, i came across this, indeed, because the issue of health care is closely related with the issue of demography, for example, part of demography is the high mortality rate in men, especially after 40 years, simply because, for me, too, i turned 40 yesterday, so this is also a risk zone, and so men 40 plus often do not undergo diagnostics of their body, but this needs to be done annually, i say this. not just words, i introduced a bill stating that for people who want to undergo diagnostics, employers should allocate an additional working day, because this is beneficial for people, since they will be... healthy and will find out about their illness earlier, god forbid, and employers who will employ healthy people, the question is
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to improve the quality of diagnostics, it is closely related to what we have already talked about, with funding in first of all in the regions, because it’s difficult to get through the endless queues, and there’s simply often a shortage of specialists in one area or another, if therapists are simply overloaded, they’re actually...
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four phases worked, clinical examination, initial examination, and what my colleagues are talking about they say, if there are any doubts about your health , go to the regional hospital, if the problem was identified in the regional hospital, a complex regional hospital, today this is not the case, you can go from the countryside to laugh, you can smile, blood test, urine test (15-200), and you also need to go by bus, and you also need to sign up for kracha, you can ask in the countryside. you need to sign up for the kracha one and a half or two weeks in advance, so the state needs to be interested in the organization
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of health care on a national scale and not only like in moscow today, where financial opportunities are great, the state is responsible for education and healthcare, this should all practically be at the same level, if the state moves away from healthcare once and for all, but then what generation, who will protect us in 20 years, therefore here... the plowed field and what we lost after the collapse of the soviet union, it is necessary to restore the primary medical examination of attention, but in relation to free, free access, at least to healthcare, the state is obliged provide free healthcare. thank you very much, nikolai mikhailovich. the next set of questions, alexander sergeevich, should private medicine receive support? well, i think that such a segment as private medicine, after all. it has developed and a huge number of medical workers are involved there, i believe that let it develop in the same direction as it develops, but today we touched on this
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topic, what needs to be done so that people, having graduated from a higher medical education, or even if they are finishing medical colleges, in the future they want to work as low-level, low-level medical workers, nurses, but what needs to be done in order to stimulate not leaving for commerce, but going directly to our free medicine, only material stimulation, only by and large... the answer to all questions, here is any block that you do not ask, you can echo all the candidates and answer the same thing, give money, then these issues will be resolved, but there is no other scenario, we can say it again here, i can tell you any kind of phantasmogoria, but the simplest solution is, let’s find incentive processes, i say again, there is a huge amount of money in the country, and you know, there is such a good saying among the people, all diseases are from nerves, but there is a certain list of diseases from love, and so if we... force us to make life such that people are less nervous, believe me, and there will be much less illness, because
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all these diseases can be taken as a joke with this saying, but in fact, all diseases are from nerves and from stress, cancer is a disease from stress, colds, illness from stress, any illness from stress, if the population has no stress, it means less illness, but support, financial support for our medical workers is the fundamental key solution, thank you. andreevich, is it worth subsidizing visits to private clinics under the compulsory medical insurance policy? please. good question, thank you very much. moreover, i have already introduced such a bill, the state duma is waiting for its consideration. it was private medicine, well, first of all, how did private medicine help during those many sanctions that have been imposed against our country, private medicine can bypass all these sanctions and deliver the necessary equipment. therefore, in my opinion, the current solution to the problem with private medicine is that compulsory medical insurance money can and should
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be used in private clinics, if not. assistance was provided properly in a public clinic, just a simple example: if the queue to see a specialist is more than 2 weeks, you can go to the nearest one, look at the list at the nearest private clinic and solve your problem there, but first of all of course, you need to think about that part of healthcare, namely in public healthcare, and there the question is always extremely important, my program says the federal salary is 75,000 rubles, we are all...
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benefit or harm for the healthcare system and for people’s health ? i repeat, primary healthcare should be provided by the state, just like the problem with drug supply, today, if you delve into this problem, drug supply is disgusting, private medicine has the right to live, but someone wants you are welcome to have super teeth, but if you go to the dentist, the tooth will almost always be soro. and 70 and 100,000, where a simple peasant, a farmer, a worker, a livestock breeder, has such money when he receives a pension of 14-17,000, so i insist, it is written in my program, our party defends all the time, and more than 40 trillion rubles could have been envisaged in the budget for the twenty-fourth year, so i believed that primary healthcare should
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be absolutely accessible, to the person whose wallet... allows, maybe go to a private owner, if the private owner certainly has authority, respect, this quickly spreads, if in fact a specialist came and opened a private corner there, but for health, let him, so to speak, have the opportunity to compare, but i repeat again, primary health care must be ensured state, dispensation by the state, and primary, i repeat once again, if there is high quality, well , usually... today people say there is a problem with teeth, but please, whoever has a wallet allows it, but the state should ensure, thank you very much , alexander sergeevich, i understand everything about money , let’s put it out of the equation, but how else can we encourage young doctors to go to the periphery after all, tol, you are simply brilliant, i understand everything about money, but nevertheless, how to stimulate, tol, to stimulate with money, well, to stimulate with money, well, tol, well,
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i’ll say it again, every question you have can be answered, give me money. then all the issues will be resolved, but i just want to comment a little on what my colleague says in one bill introduced, about another bill introduced, we are currently having presidential elections, the president , of course, has the right to introduce a legislative initiative, but nevertheless , today we must talk about the fact that you, as president, and given the specifics of our russian federation, we have a strong central power, in fact, all power primarily belongs to the president, and until the president says that certain decisions need to be made, unfortunately, it is not the government, even with the most competent mikhail mishustin, who built a most ingenious system, a fiscal system for checking vat, and it is impossible now to release money, what has been done for many years by various entrepreneurs, we will not do anything until there is this will, but the will of the president will appear when the president sees real numbers in front of him , after all, when many people report that we have raised
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the salaries of state employees, and this also applies to teachers, to the periphery, and so that they remain there. ask. well, here's a simple example, just a week ago i met with students medical university in the city of voronezh, i asked them, how many of you will stay in the big city, in the big city of voronezh, and how many will leave? about 40 percent said that they would stay even in a big city, the rest plan to either switch to private
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medicine or move to another city, most likely it’s either... that’s why i think that the first thing we should do is fix the federal salary for a doctor, as well as a middle and junior. much less money if the average salary in the region is for example, in kurgan, much less, so people will stop leaving only when they feel that they are getting decent money in this region, and not being told that this is your calling, so why do you need money, second, i have a whole a big block, it... concerns just housing, because the question for a young specialist, where he will live, is also extremely important, so preferential housing, if you have lived for a certain period of time in your region,
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you receive it from the state as gratitude because you work there where, in the city where it is necessary, of course , thank you very much, well, you see, not everything is really about money, mikhailovich, for example, how do you... is it worth returning to the system of personnel distribution, which was very common at one time, in fact, she was in the soviet union. ask. we met in khabarovsk with students of the medical university. so. i also asked which of you will go, where did you come to study from? about 30 percent raised their hands. why don't we go home where we came from? yes, that’s where the apartment and salaries are, fifth, tenth. you need to work with the student from the first year. then when he undergoes training, this should be, if we talk about regional policy and federal policy, we must monitor how many medical
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workers we need in all regions, i said that today there are 50,000 doctors short of 100 nurses, the state should deal with the distribution and by and large, in the second or third year, i remember when i graduated from college, in the fourth year, buyers, so to speak, came, we talked, got acquainted, collective farms, state farms, districts, so in general , the minister of health throughout the country, regional ministers must clearly know the shortage of personnel, attend medical institutes, third, fourth year, speak, go on practice, at the same time when a student graduates from a medical institute, he clearly say: the apartment is free, it’s affordable for you, you meet no taxes, i met four fap, an apartment, what kind of support?
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sixth year, the figure was only 11%, please take a minute and a half, well, in any survey it all depends on how you formulated this question, yes, i don’t know how the whole or who conducted these studies posed the questions, which, which focus groups, i also answer in clever words, which focus groups answered it, that is, these are students, this school students there, yes, these are graduates of some universities and so on and so forth, there will never be a prestigious profession as long as a doctor in moscow receives, for example, well, depending on qualifications, an average of 100 thousand rubles there, yes, in the region, a doctor who performs no less workload receives 30,000 rubles. doctor what, it’s his fault that in this village in which he works there are only 100
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people living, therefore, based on this workload, based on how much he works, yes, well, probably someone, someone this is why they pay him a salary of 40,000 rubles, in moscow 100,000 rubles. as long as this model works in our country, i am not against people in moscow receiving 100,000 or even 200,000 rubles. and 300,000 rubles from... qualified doctors in state medicine, but i don’t understand that doctors in other regions are made of some other test, why is the approach of our federal model so heterogeneous and so non-obvious? i believe that as far as the public sector is concerned, if we have all the experience of moscow in terms of salary levels, they should not go down, but simply spread to all regions, that’s when we have a salary in the region and in the village for an ordinary nurse.
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heroes, and in order for this profession to become prestigious, a lot needs to be done, not even talking about the financial, financial component, we talk about it a lot today they said, i’m now healthcare workers, but there’s a lot that needs to be done, for example, the amount of reporting, they didn’t let me bring an order here to the studio, how many reports do doctors have to deal with at their place of work, believe me, these are hundreds of different reports that need to be filled out, they need to be filled out at the time of the patient’s appointment, at the end of the day, then there are also constant requests from the regional ministries of health. and that’s all, a person
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comes home, tired, angry, this always causes this, you know, like sometimes a doctor can take it out on a patient and this , of course, does not add any such prestige to the profession, therefore the doctor must receive decent money, i repeat once again, the federal salary is at least 75 thousand rubles, and he must understand that... he is a real hero and lives with dignity, and does not work according to his calling and some promises. thank you very much, nikolai mikhailovich, finally, the last question on this topic, the topic of healthcare, this is prestige, if we used this word after vtsiom, the prestige of this profession, the profession of a doctor, this is exceptional are you just considering the issue of money and its quantity, or maybe there is some other issue there, for example, i don’t know, education, minutes please.
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himself after graduating from high school in 1966, three friends in the direction of the district committee went to enter the novosibirsk medical institute at the medical faculty of the direction of the party troika there was a guy from odessa living with us , four guys we lived in the same room, a guy from odessa entered, we went home, to whom we at that time there were eight people per place, why did i go there, my older brother with a school medal, he graduated from medical school with honors, two nieces graduated. prestige, remember, a teacher, especially in rural areas and a medical worker, but these were respected people, they were the intelligentsia, people have a special attitude towards them, but probably won over many decades, in soviet times, which means in later times, then , when the union broke up, there was a special attitude, so respect must be returned, and respect must be returned when a person has graduated from a metallurgical institute or...
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another secondary specialized education, it means the institution went and worked , the state’s attitude towards it was decent, decent salary, decent attention, first of all, provision of everything necessary at the place of work, then this profession will be at the forefront, we need to raise children, 20-30 years will pass, oh what my comrades say, who will defend the homeland, so government earnings on healthcare, distribution and assignment to... that’s it, thank you very much, the final topic for today is interesting, this is a topic related to the first, probably, with the second in some way, protection of traditional values. accordingly, alexander sergeevich, your first question is whether it is necessary to introduce some kind of global censorship in culture in order to protect our values, or, on the contrary, it is better to engage in their propaganda, then you will not have to, so to speak, prohibit the opposite point of view or approaches, your one and a half . i ask, in order to
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protect our traditional values, we need to formulate them honestly, probably, opponents will agree with me that the main traditional values ​​in our country are the concept of homeland, the concept of family, the concept of a friend, the concept of fidelity , but you can talk about this, and i have already touched on this topic today , talk as much as you like, but when from morning to evening both the wife and husband are busy making money, so as not to think about tomorrow, unfortunately, you need to think about tomorrow every time, because you want to go to the refrigerator in the morning and see that there is food there, and not just that it is covered with mold, you want to go into the apartment, into your apartment, and not into a rented apartment, you want understand that tomorrow your child will not stand in line to to get to this kindergarten, you will want your child to go to the nearest school, to which you don’t have to first walk 500 meters along the federal highway, because everything is covered with snow, everything around is littered.
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snow, and then you will have to drive a few more kilometers to school, we want the word optimization to disappear from our vocabulary and from the vocabulary of our government, because behind optimization, behind this word there are dry statistics numbers, there is no soul in them , and behind all these things there are human lives, that's when we we will resolve all these issues, when we finally decide, as a colleague said today about capitalism, after all, we are a socially oriented state or state with wild capitalism. then, probably, traditional values ​​will come first. as for traditional values, vladislav andreevich, is it necessary to protect them through legislative prohibitions or are there some other ways, please. god, to be honest, for my generation there are traditional values, many people have them, i can say about mine the values ​​of a simple guy from smolensk, for example, underbear , protect women, support those older than you, really think about your family, and
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as soon as legislators i hear that they say the word traditional values, my generation immediately knows that they will most likely now, for example, ban abortion. i was the only one who actually said in the state duma that this kind of lawlessness was stopped, which was said already when they climb into the beds of families, when they tell everyone how to live, this is always the same question, this is a question of non-production value, therefore, the more people talk about them, we see that the number of divorces is growing every year, so we need to deal primarily with non-traditional values, and there is no need to regulate them in any way. we need to deal with the most pressing issues, solve the issues of young families, support those families who are in difficult situations, we have 15% of families below the poverty line, so every time they talk about traditional values, i believe that we need to deal with completely different issues , then these
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we will have traditional values, a normal, healthy society, that’s it in a nutshell, thank you. in my understanding, the west, then, when we were growing up, we were young people, we had no understanding, we knew, i am the son of a military father, grandfather and great-grandfather, we knew that the hated west, which was raised by adolf hitler, went to the soviet union, our grandfathers defeated because
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they believed, hoped and knew, we are winning, they are waiting for us at home, so what values ​​have we had lately, well, starting, let’s say, the borders have tried us since the nineties impose. a big mistake, a colossal mistake, a value was imposed on us, we were dragged into this vulgar capitalism, i already said at the beginning of our conversation, it is capitalism, we see what is happening in capitalist countries, it is capitalism that has given rise to the problems that we are faced with today, therefore we need a return to socialism, state care, social support, to create all conditions for life, for work, with a decent salary, here in russia. the entire periodic table, we must live together, be a powerful country, with a powerful economy, then all problems will be solved, the state should be the originator of all good decisions, in my program, all this is said about this, thank you very much, so friends,
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the debate has come to an end, now each of you has one minute to summarize our today’s conversation, alexander sergeevich, let’s start with you, please, dear voters, as the practice of recent years shows. fundamental issues, but the state can live and feel completely safe when every citizen who lives in the territory is happy of our state, what we need for happiness, i am talking about this today, our candidate for the president of the russian federation , the strength of our state is one of leonid eduardovich slutsky, he speaks about this at every meeting with you: the people must be confident in the future. medicine, transport, housing and communal services - that's all. that it is necessary to take under state control, we are developing some things in terms of social orientation, some things, unfortunately, are following the path of wild capitalism, which we have repeatedly recalled today. no need to return to the soviet the old past, which my opponents, who have already ruled the country, are talking about today,
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unfortunately showed themselves: we need to create a socially oriented state with a high level of confidence in the future, this is vote for slutsky, this is the state, thank you, all these are already thoughts that we we've been hearing for 35 years. my program is an alternative for russia, a real presidential program that can be implemented, for which there are understanding resources.
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candidates for the post, the high post of president, here my colleagues are trying to kick the soviet power, the communist party of the soviet union, under many leaders in the history of our state, russia, there were many recessions, collapses, changes of leaders, we will be in front of you many more times, believe me, if you find this program, you will read it carefully, an hour and a half , we talked in detail about our programs for a minute and a half, but believe me, if you
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get acquainted with my program, you will immediately decide that a turning point is needed, a turning point is precisely to move away from this capitalism, which caused the problems, very difficult, and the sooner we decide on this program, support my candidacy, the faster we will go along a different path, thank you very much, thank you very much to everyone, see you soon! hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. a fighting brotherhood of polite people. today in russia is special operations forces day
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, the president addressed the personnel and veterans. two missiles per second. the remainder of the fire was on the target t-21. a hail of blows to the militants holed up in kleshcheevka destroyed the splat ammunition fortifications and the work of our paratroopers against the enemy on the right bank.


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