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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  February 27, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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let's think about what the french president said, he actually said that no, the decision to send nato troops has not yet been made, but russia cannot be allowed to win, in other words, if russia wins, then sending nato troops could become a reality. let's listen to how the press secretary of the russian president reacted to this. trepestkov. if nato troops appear on ukrainian territory, how do you assess the risks of escalation? what is the likelihood of a direct conflict between nato and russia in this case, according to the kremlin? in this case we need to talk not about probability, but inevitability. this is how we evaluate it. well, it seems to me that it is impossible to say more definitely. exactly. andrey ivanovich denisov, senator, former ambassador to china and ambassador. assessment of what macron said, how
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the president’s press secretary responded to him, and most importantly your opinion, will peskov be heard in paris and most importantly washington, you know , i admit that i literally have an epigram of the 19th century spinning in my head, all in belligerent excitement in him...
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including claiming some kind of leadership in europe, all this together probably prompted a respected president or a non-respected one, in this case the president of the french republic, to make such, frankly, a lightweight statement, but there are two points that really require a serious attitude: military,
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is present somewhere in in the rear, as instructors, as some kind of support personnel, and so on, this is the first, second, here i would just focus on the seriousness of what macron said, this was at the very beginning, remember, he developed his idea, because they once talked about the unacceptability of the supply of tanks, they once talked about the unacceptability of the supply
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of long-range artillery and missile weapons, but then they came to the idea that this is probably the most alarming thing, one way or another, escalation, escalation it’s not that it can’t be ruled out, escalation on the other side , deliberate escalation with the aim of prolonging the conflict, in general, unfortunately, is quite possible, we’ll talk about this in a minute, but actually, i asked you first of all about your... the application is not assessed macron, and peskov, because this statement , in its, if you like, simplicity and clarity, made a great impression on me, it made an impression on everyone, the aphorism inherent in the presidential press secretary played a role in this case, it seems to me that i really can’t add , in washington , you know, they can’t help but hear, it’s another matter how they show their reaction, but what they hear, but for sure... it seems to me that this is very
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, very important, because every time they say in congress, and of course, in biden administration and in the press.
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not satisfied, macron appears, who says that if ukraine is defeated or continues to suffer defeat, then the direct entry of nato troops into its territory is not excluded, which is called the choice is yours, but it seems to me that to a large extent this is the logic now we are being offered from the west, i agree, but again here is my question regarding peskov’s statement, because it seems to me that in order to maintain peace for...
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no one, in principle, supported macron, more besides, he himself started somehow or someone from his entourage began to act out, they say , we don’t mean combat units, not combat personnel, auxiliary there, and so on, but a stone was thrown into the water, circle- then they walked on water, which means that on the other side
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they are accustoming or are beginning to accustom themselves to such a thought, on our part it is very important to give a sober and tough answer from the very beginning, because we too... but before him, the prime minister of slovakia said this , and he said this completely without enthusiasm, quite the contrary, but he clearly said that such a possibility exists, such a possibility is being considered, and it seems to me that it is very important that
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everything possible is done so that the white house understands the seriousness of russian warnings, i, at least, have absolutely no doubt that ... if you look not only at the russian president, but at the entire russian foreign policy defense elite, there really is virtually no one who would not agree completely. with peskov’s warning, absolutely true, well, i take macron’s statement very seriously, because this was not his only statement, he also stated that they were creating some kind of coalition to provide ukraine with weapons, missiles, medium, i repeat, long, long range, let’s listen to what macron said. on this occasion. today we are not negotiating about mirages, but we are training
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pilots. we are exploring a number of possibilities that could be useful in the future. we have agreements within the existing coalitions. this evening we added the coalition to supply long-range missiles actions. there are aviation coalitions, for example, the f-16 coalition. france does not have f-16 aircraft. we have our own planes. we are just studying our own capabilities in the context of whether they will be useful. to protect ukraine, within the framework of the existing coalition, we will continue to train pilots. dmitry vitalievich drozdenko, leading military expert, what did macron mean when he talked about long-range missiles? well, a medium -range missile has already been delivered, both by the french and the british, this is storm shadow and scalp, the range of these missiles has been tested to be more than 500 km, then there is a modification of the same scalp, which has a range. has a range of about 1.00 km, well, for now, as far as i know, this is a modification for them either for the sea or for land,
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which, in principle, doesn’t change much, in general, these missiles are already being supplied, another thing is that who programs these missiles, as i have already said many times, launches are carried out from ukrainian aircraft, this suggests that the programming of the missile head takes place on the ground, the aircraft simply performs work as a launch platform, then there is no way he can do this in the air, well, the reason is simple, just like the voltage in the usa, for example, we have different inch threads from metric ones, that is , the architecture of the aircraft will not allow such equipment to be fully placed, but on their own macron’s statements are not isolated and those of the slovak prime minister and many other chief generals, who, in principle, have long been hinting at this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdeploying a contingent, or rather not even deploying.
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peskova, well, they will probably hear, but sooner in all, they will not be afraid of it, because for america, in my opinion, this does not pose any threat, because if a european coalition is created, it begins some actions in ukraine, then the situation will be like with poland, as they said, but if poland enters ukraine, but america has nothing to do with it, nato has nothing to do with it, fight as much as you want, in principle, in this situation america will not care about anything, america can only care about one path, which was described by comrade karaganov. in his sss on nuclear escalation, last year, here this may worry them, everything else for
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america is a way to make a profit. then, just now, they showed an interesting moment, when the same storm shadow missiles were in certain containers, they have developed a system for launching cruise missiles not from combat aircraft, but from transport aircraft, that is, an ordinary cargo transport aircraft. a plane, i don’t know, an an-12 flies, drops a container and these missiles open, that is , in fact, ordinary transport aircraft of ukraine can become a platform for launching missiles, well, there’s already quite a range big, american and european, so the way to interrupt this escalation, it seems to me, is only a big escalation, creating precisely well zones of danger for the enemy, you know, i , of course, if...
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i was talking about the fact that the conflict, if it reaches such level, potential for escalation and in terms of what weapons are used, where these...
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long-range types of weapons so that they reach deep into the territory of the russian federation, which in itself is already suicidal, if all this is confirmed, in addition to this, he said, yes, we're taking a long time discussed the sending of troops, ground forces to the territory of ukraine , there is no consensus yet, but...
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look at the admission of finland and sweden to nato, instead of somehow saying, yes, of course, we joined the north atlantic alliance, in the event sweden, this procedure is not yet fully completed, but this does not mean that we have hostile intentions towards russia, we belong to europe and so on and so on and so on, to somehow try to relieve the tension. but they say exactly the opposite, exactly the opposite, look what the new york times writes about this. once sweden and finland join nato, it will be much easier to contain the russian surface fleet in the baltic sea and control the far north. on the kola peninsula , 2/3 of russian nuclear
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weapons are still located, intended for a retaliatory strike, a massive retaliatory strike against the aggressor. this way new members will help. research, that is, dmitry vyacheslavovich, they are just entering the north atlantic alliance, instead of to somehow reassure russia, they are already talking about how they will change the military balance, they will create a threat not only to the baltic sea, but to the kola peninsula, not weakly. well , this does not come as any surprise to me, because finland and sweden are joining nato, in the context of the hybrid war that nato is waging against russia, so it seems to me that there cannot be any, you know, halftones, yes, and they are also joining fully to this hybrid war, joining the north atlantic alliance, and alternatives
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it simply cannot be, they enter there for this purpose, they become, at will , another expendable material. in united states politics. as for the kola peninsula, i very much doubt that the entry of sweden and finland into nato can change any military situation there. let me remind you that norway, a nato member, since its founding in 1949, it is norway that neighbors the barints sea, and not sweden and finland, so everything that could be established there has already been established, and the intensity of the finnish-nato, especially swedish-nato cooperation.
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there are no aggressive plans against estonia, latvia and lithuania, and that russia has absolutely no interest in making them again. to return under the wing of the russian empire, this was said more than once, when i talk with the military in moscow,
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i also heard from them that there are absolutely no interests in the field of any aggressive operations there, but this is what our, so to speak, former partners from nato refuse to take into account that...
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the state of military conflict with russia, then in in general, i don’t know anyone, including nato , who believes that they will hold out for a long time, it is very difficult for me to imagine that the garrison of the island of gotland, that this garrison is also located on its own initiative , will be able to resist the russian armed forces, so if finland together with... sweden and the baltic states, on their own initiative , started a military conflict or allowed washington to drag them into a military conflict, then
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i think that they could find a completely different situation when finland and sweden are largely denied access to baltic sea. i believe that such a situation would be extremely dangerous, and i have no doubt at all that... provocative actions against russia, because russia has every opportunity to respond to these actions, and it is the responsibility of the russian leadership if the russian country
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faces such challenges , it is natural to find a worthy answer to them: what do you think, dmitry, is the elite in general, the european military-foreign political elite, are they still capable of thinking in these terms or no longer? well, as i showed. macron's statement you quoted, by the way, there was a similar statement by the new prime minister of france attal, the european one has extremely degraded in terms of strategic thinking. let me give you another example, the former prime minister of great britain said that she would not hesitate to press the nuclear button, if, so to speak, if someone advised her to press it, indeed degradation, degradation of the elites is one of the main problems...
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because that he considered biden incompetent, and this is written in black and white in this document, well, when really climate change and nuclear war, and
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global nuclear war. are put on the same level, i agree with similar conclusions of mr. hur, and this is very scary, this is very scary, because they are still a military force, they are expanding to our borders, they are militarizing europe, including the baltic sea region, but of course we have something to answer, and once again i want to emphasize the significance of the statement that dmitry peskov made, we need to make similar statements literally every day in order reached the spinal cord and... use existing contacts between people in the russian government, the american government use these contacts , so that even biden does not have the slightest doubt that when peskov said what he said, that this is really very serious, and that he said this on behalf of the president, but what if there are any reasonable
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voices in the world. then one of them is the un secretary general, who warned about growing tensions, even the growing nuclear threat, does anyone even pay attention to this? is it attention, or has he in this sense lost all moral authority? you know, the capacity of the un, with all due respect to this organization, i worked in it for some time, you were a bit of a russian ambassador, yes, but not for long, but be that as it may, with all due respect. it has somehow started to become interested in this organization lately for a very obvious reason, which we have already talked about here, uh, all its effectiveness in those cases when it was not always, but manifested itself, it was always based on the possibility that -that an agreement, some kind of understanding between the main players, the permanent members of the security council. now, unfortunately, this opportunity, as we
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see... on key, cardinal issues, has been practically lost, perhaps, when we are talking about extending the mandate of some peacekeeping operation, somewhere in africa, then in the quiet of the council consultation room security council members still come out with somehow agreed upon decisions, especially since there are africans among the non-permanent members of the security council states that lobby for these kinds of issues and simply demand to reach agreement, but how...
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as the ancient greeks said, when the gods want to destroy someone, they first deprive them of their minds, and uh in diplomacy, in military diplomacy, especially, it was considered that it goes without saying that, uh, no matter what ambitious plans you have, you cannot afford to have a conflict with the west and east of europe at the same time in europe. there were two people who violated these plans, one was, of course, napoleon, the other was, of course, hitler, and, as they say, we saw what happened to them. henry kissinger, who recently died, repeatedly warned the united states against simultaneous conflict with russia and china. and now it seems that, like napoleon and hitler,
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in general, the american administration, and more broadly, the american foreign policy elite, believe that it is possible to simultaneously enter into confrontation with beijing and moscow. we will talk to you, andrey ivanovich, about this , right after the advertisement, we will come back literally in a few minutes. others, the investigation continues into the crash of the private falcon 10 plane flying from thailand to moscow, we spent one and a half acres in the cold, we didn’t understand why they didn’t look for us for so long, there’s a whole range of violations, there should be an emergency beacon, 5 hours of wind in the snow, if i wouldn’t have dared to go through the village , they would have saved you, i initially just climbed the slope to see the situation, an evacuation ambulance flight was ordered by a businessman from volgodonsk for himself and his wife, but
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only them were on the list of survivors... there is my fault, too, only you and i are to blame not for the fact that we aroused dreams in some sensitive natures, but for the fact that
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we served the truth, not people, you’re my friend, “maybe the last one, i wouldn’t want to lose a friend, listen , tomorrow no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, you said that you love me, and you believed me, i want to take over the throaty, courageous, bleached, stupid, swaggering empire, it so that to the outskirts, so that to the farthest corners, imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made, just
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hurry up, will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait, they believe these may start disturbances, i have not started yet. gentlemen, big premiere, union of salvation, what are you whispering? we’re preparing a coup, take me, tomorrow after the program, there’s a big
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game on the air, let’s now talk about china, more specifically about american policy towards china, let’s hear what’s on this matter. says the united states ambassador to china, nicholas burns. our interests collide, maintaining a balance between them is the reality of relations between the united states and china. of course, we will compete, and responsibly, in order to maintain peace between our countries, but we must compete. i think beijing ultimately wants to dominate the world and surpass the united states. and we don't want this to happen. we don't want to live in a world dominated by china.
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relations with china are the most important, competitive and dangerous for the united states, i think they will remain so for the next decade, no less. china is our most serious rival, but at the same time it is our third largest trading partner. 750,000 american jobs are at stake. speaking of agriculture, china is the largest market for american agricultural products, sending a fifth of all us agricultural exports there. last year the volume amounted to 40 billion
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in beijing, but it would be strange if, speaking on american television, he would tear opportunities for cooperation with china, we must give him his due, he is. does not, but at the same time, well, absolutely, at least, it was obvious to me that the ambassador clearly formulates that... if not an enemy, then an adversary, and that it is only a matter of time until these complex and contradictory relations with china , so that they move into the form of a more severe confrontation, that is, in these words, if it were possible to win a strategic victory over russia, then it would be china’s turn. first, do you agree with this interpretation?
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on the part of china, there follows a statement that china does not claim any dominance in the world, and moreover, the chinese leadership and individuals put forward all sorts of concepts, which, of course, need explanation, some kind of collective elaboration, and so on, i mean the well-known idea of ​​the common destinies of mankind, well, in any case, it sounds beautiful and correct and pure with...
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but still, on the other hand, the latter, because
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the americans, with their characteristic, as they say, primacy, i don’t know, why do they do this, but in fact, they directly tell china that you must take the right place in history, the right side, condemn russia for its aggression there, and so on, so that we can fall on russia and bring the matter to its defeat, in order to concentrate forces on the fight against you , well... he will like it, well, how can it be perceived in china, well, of course negatively, it cannot be said that china’s policy towards the united states is black and white, it is not so, it cannot be when trade turnover is somewhere- then last year there was about 700 billion dollars, and before that there was 760, when there were large investments , when interests were intertwined, politics cannot be black and white, and china is really trying quite sincerely, but... to save something in relations with the united states,
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at least in the part that is mutually beneficial, but the impression is that this bolshevism in quotation marks, as i call it, has so taken over the thinking in the west and in europe, in the united states of america, that elementary issues of economic, commercial benefit fade into the background, that is, you know, the only thing that should probably please the americans in this regard is that this is, you know, a refutation... and what another william behrens, director of the russian cia, says , where, by the way, he was also an ambassador, because actually, in in principle, as you rightly said, these are reasonable, experienced people, and professional diplomats who do not seek to escalate the situation and
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offend anyone, we could have made much more extreme statements, there are enough urban crazy people in washington. friend, the need for confrontation with china, the need for a long-term struggle with china is one of the few such issues, in this the united states behaves precisely like a rabid sect that believed in its chosenness by god, in its exclusivity, in the fact that the end of history had once come, but then there was someone it is spoiled and naturally
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by russia and china, but it is necessary to restore it, and the united states has a divine mission, as bush sr. said, with god's help... is already a big threat, so they constantly say that china seeks to change the international order, how to change, to make sure that the united states ceases to be a hegemon, so that a multipolar world emerges, where great powers and not only, even a polycentric world , participate on equal terms in global governance, for
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the united states this, unfortunately , unfortunately, is unacceptable, why they really pushed and continue to push, do not push, bring russia and china closer to each other, they once again had the illusion that they would be able to quickly inflict a strategic defeat on russia, after which it would be taken out of the spawn and it would be possible to threw all their strength into the fight against china, but something went wrong, by the way, here they are a little reminiscent of napoleon and hitler, they had, they also had the right impression, okay, we... we talk a lot about economic capabilities of china , that’s understandable, well, give us a brief assessment of china’s military capabilities, thank you, i would like to add, andrei ivanovich , among other things, this is not a bolshevik sect, these are trotskyists, and such, of course, in
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quotes, of course, which really they think that for some reason someone told them that they were god’s chosen ones, but they were lied to, i think. secondly, they proceed from the fact that, like real tratzkyites, that if someone somewhere does not live as they recommend, then america is in danger, for sure, that’s what concerns the military, in general military power of china, but here you go, a recent event , that is, china, of course, is interested in a multipolar world, because it is, well, probably the most powerful manufacturing power on the planet, where almost the entire spectrum has been mastered.
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united states for one class of ships, these are aircraft carriers. the question of whether the future belongs to aircraft carriers or to other ships of a different type is a big question. is building up its nuclear arsenal, taking into account that it is not included in the reduction agreements, that is, it does not provide any information about what is happening, and the fact that it is building it up is, in principle, well understood. everyone knows everything and this is reasonable, because well, only the threat of gelatine can deter sectarians, china accordingly creates
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the same conditions, and china has achieved quite great success in this area, let me remind you, that only we have operational hypersonic weapons, for example , china, even if there is some balance of forces between the united states and china, you know, it is difficult to compare the fact that these are forces of different kinds... china is the continental armed forces themselves in itself, although they are beginning to develop their expeditionary character, the american armed forces are expeditionary forces, that is, the task of which, roughly speaking, is to restore order throughout the world, therefore even the ratio in transport aircraft and the number of bases is strikingly, but again, these armed forces face completely different tasks, that is, beijing’s task is to defend this. their interests in china and, let’s say , along their trade routes, but this is like the future. america’s task is a task
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that has now become more messianic than pragmatic, and although there is also quite enough pragmatism, that is, where there is a smell of money, this is about biden’s words that now we are afraid of nuclear war, but we are thinking about the climate, well sorry, climate and the green agenda are not about the planet, it’s about money, that is, it is money, it is huge money. thank you, we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes. i served in
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the us marine corps for 10 years. i wanted to come to help ukraine, to get rid of the russians. a frank interview with mercenaries who fight on the side of kiev. they will tell us the whole truth. the payments are shocking. we never received the full amount. we had to buy all our own equipment.
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queue, what if he gives in? give them a chance to save jobs. i put up a terminator, you win, the plant is yours. volcharu his you’ll bring me to the fight, and i ’ll pay your rita’s punishment. are you not capable of this? i love her more than life itself, but if they tear her into pieces, ritna will never forgive me for this. we accept the fight. doomed. premiere of a serial film. on sunday on the first,
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the big game is on the air, senator, did you want to add anything? you know, i wanted to say, not as a military specialist, i am not one, but as a person who has observed with my own eyes... they are being implemented not without problems, as saturated with electronics, large amounts are allocated always in such a large-scale matter, but military
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service in china is very...
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i agree, it is completely impossible to answer this question now, the united states and china, but the dynamics are completely obvious: china has industrial potential, china has become the workshop of the world, the factory of the world, and the united states is no longer able to compete with it in this area ; the biden administration has taken a systematic course towards reindustrialization, including by squeezing the juice out of its allies, but it still fails, let alone
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catch up, but reduce the rate of lag behind. .. china in terms of industrial production , including military-industrial production, and we have unique experience, so the partnership between russia and china, this tandem cannot be defeated, and if i may, there is a fly in the ointment, but it seems to me that we are now getting closer in our relations with the west is at a very dangerous moment, this moment is that ukraine is being defeated, and initially the west wanted to defeat us, it didn’t work out, as i understand it... plan b was to at least hold out the situation without defeat ukraine before the presidential elections in the united states in november. this doesn't work either. we see that congress still cannot approve the decision on arms supplies to ukraine and so on. ukraine is losing village after village, city after city, and the dynamics are obvious. in the united states they are already writing that
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a frontal collapse may occur in march, april, and may. what to do in this situation? they cannot enter into... serious negotiations with russia, they have ruled out this possibility for themselves in europe in the united states, a freeze that some say, you know, they gradually propose, they do not fundamentally suit russia, because they ignore our demands for demilitarization, neutral status, denazification of ukraine, now the issue of escalation appears on the official agenda, but we can of course say that macron is a little bit of that, you know or fantamas went wild, but the fact... that the issue of sending nato troops to the territory of ukraine appeared on the official agenda of meetings of heads of state and foreign ministers of nato countries is a very serious issue, and this once again brings me back to what dmitry peskov said today is very important. eh, dmitry, you said a fly in the ointment, i’ll now add even more tar. they are not offering
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russia a freeze. they don't really offer it. freezing. dmitry vitalievich, well, yes, the conflict in ukraine, of course, they will support, but just as at the beginning of the program it was said about swedish delights in the area that we will provide additional security, please note that the words were said that we will ensure control above weapons of retaliation, but weapons of retaliation, that is, our nuclear weapons, which are located in the northern fleet, they do not threaten either sweden
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or finland, they simply cannot physically reach there, they fly. to washington, to new york, to dallas, that is, for their masters they will actually be watchdogs on our border, respectively, in a situation that arises.
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it’s very typical how these tank races happen, that is, at first the advantage of the russian teams in belarus and kazakhstan was simply indisputable, ours won with a huge gap there in minutes... but the chinese comrades on their tanks analogues of our t-72 took pictures of everything, how they once measured cars with tape measures, now we drive in the chinese automobile industry, we understand that let's say a chinese electric car and tesla, well tesla even the designer didn’t come close compared to the chinese, the same thing happened there, they took pictures, measured with stopwatches, and year after year the chinese got closer, closer, closer, now they are taking over.
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i think it's only china, that's all the rest are partners for him, but it seems to me that he will always treat his partners from the point of view of pragmatism, balance and benefit, and not emotion. in any case, well, i haven’t really noticed emotions there over the last decade; in principle, they cannot exist, that is, based simply on their, let’s say, world order. explain what is happening with chinese banks and more specifically what some of them are refusing to accept. payments from russia, allegedly under american pressure, this is not supposedly, it is quite obvious that this is american pressure, it the fallout will come, in general, from the very beginning of the special military operation and even earlier,
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one should not be surprised at this, just now my respected colleague dmitry vitalievich said that definitely no one can cure the charity of china, and it’s the same here, but they were pinned down, they have a lot of... money, they get our money, they can’t get it, of course, of course, so here it’s not a one-sided game, it ’s the street, so to speak.


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