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tv   Pust govoryat  1TV  February 28, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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from the other world of our relatives, we didn’t sleep at night , we were getting ready, we couldn’t sleep, neither i nor my wife, i’m already more worried about the first pilot, whom, it turns out, they sawed out of this piece of metal, that’s why he has legs - they were frostbitten, they took a long time to get them out, thanks to their skill lives were saved, thank you, god, thank you, god, well, this is a miracle not only of god, but it’s a miracle. everyone was interested in what happened on board in the last seconds of the fall, who was to blame for the death of two people, what was the emergency situation, engine failure, lack of fuel or something else? and finally, what is the mysterious story with the millions who were supposedly on board and disappeared, well, literally in a couple of seconds it became clear that we would make an emergency landing, the floor mountain was at an altitude of 11 feet.
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kilometers along the slope, our plane jumped out and stopped, but there was a technical malfunction, apparently a problem with the fuel due to the presence of ice, well , we spent one and a half acres in the cold, of course, we were there - well, it got to the point that we even had to burn the laces to warm ourselves up when i was flying, i turned please note that there are trees on our left, i remembered it, so the landmark was where to go, we knew approximately, there was a big problem, why they weren’t looking for us when the nurse... igor syvorotkin went in search of the nearest village, no one was sure, what will it get, mountains, snow, -15, unfamiliar terrain, one-way path, but he got there , called rescuers, they took us out from a height of 400 m in deep snow, just like that we fell through, everyone walked and walked, but so far about 5 hours , anna yavsyakova, who should have brought alive to moscow, she did not survive this disaster; the body of her husband, a well-known businessman in volgodonsk, who accompanied her, was discovered only the next morning.
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it was immediately clear to the patient that she had visible injuries incompatible with life, her husband had already been found in the morning, he was thrown out, it turns out that the plane had broken down and he ended up under the wing. was the risk that the pilots took in landing the plane to save their lives justified, was there another option at their disposal? upon the crash of falcon 10, the investigative committee opened a criminal case, violation of the rules safety, traffic, operation of air transport. the investigation is considering this as a priority version of the disaster. engine failure, but the investigation step by step reveals new shocking facts that indicate that not everything is clean in this case, they are again informed that they should not operate commercial flights, the question is, but i don’t know, a commercial flight, or he, maybe they asked him urgently arkash to come and bring his family, we will send gasoline there, now the father of the pilot gorachev is justifying his surviving son, he is... a hero for him, but how can one explain to the children
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of the dead evsyakovs why they suddenly lost both their father and mother? avenadzor uncovered the fact that both pilots falsified documents confirming that they had completed training on the falcon 10 at the flight safety international aviation training center in the usa in may of the twenty-third year. rosaviation canceled the certificates of private pilots and crew members. what else is known about this disaster? let them talk about this today in a special issue. well, actually, the relatives of those who were on board were sure for several hours that no one survived, because the first reports were terrible, that supposedly an explosion occurred after the disaster, which means that there could be no survivors. then it turned out that the first footage, supposedly from the scene of the disaster in afghanistan, was an illustration from a local agency, it was not real footage. at this time, igor syvorotkin, one of those who was on board. the brother
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walked through the snow for several hours in search of help and reached it, and thanks to him, all the survivors were eventually saved. we meet igor syvorotkin here in our studio today. good evening. igor, how are you now? the feeling has already passed for a considerable time, more than a month , everything is fine, because at first there was a feeling in the first days there that on some kind of adrenaline you got there and saved everyone, only then i don’t know, the realization usually comes that what really happened there , when all this happened, there was some kind of adrenaline, this is a natural phenomenon, but after, when i had already arrived in the village, i somehow calmed down and, well, from the moment i was in the village, it was as if... i realized what
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had happened, how far away a kilometer to the village, it’s difficult to measure this in kilometers, probably, i walked somewhere around 8 to 9 km for about a little over an hour and 5 hours in the snow. to the village , but in an incomprehensible direction, which, either she is there, or she is not there, succeeded, the passengers who were taken out on this sanitary evacuation flight from thailand are a married couple, the husband, healthy, the wife, unconscious, on the device artificial, what was known in the press, i can’t say anything about the patient’s condition, as if she were a patient, in all likelihood they could have passed out. device immediately after hard landing, and apparently that’s why anna didn’t survive, but is it true that for a long time they couldn’t figure out where her husband was? yes, this is true , because when the disaster occurred , it was already dark on the street, it was not possible to find him right away, and so
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to speak, the body was only discovered the next morning, when the sun rose and it became clear, plus or minus, where we were, that’s what ...
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after just a day and a half, that is, a day and a half , in these conditions there, in general , most of your friends and relatives were sure that you were no longer alive. right now wasting this whole situation with novo, do you understand that if you had not decided to go to
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the village, they would have saved you? i don’t know, i honestly can’t answer this question, because they were already looking for us in the morning when i... went, there was already a search, the question is how long it would take, and how it would seem to us, that’s already a question , we all really admire your actions, of course, but you are still a doctor, look how many questions, even the simplest ones, at first glance, you flew from a warm country, how you were dressed, how you got there, electricity, apparently there was no interior inside, the tail fell off, what it was like, what the plane looked like, let’s show it just in case.
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left, but please tell me, you set off literally right away, understanding that you had to get there, no, initially i just went up the slope to see the situation, because when we were flying, there had already been a disaster, the pilots said that somewhere-
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that is, a village, well, in my understanding, if there is a village behind the slope, then at least, why do we need to sit on a plane if we cross the mountain and there is already some kind of life there, well... when i got up, i discovered that there were still many mountains of snow there, and somehow i had to walk a little further to make sure if there was something there, here is a very striking example of our russian one. of our russian psychology, a man went out into the mountains, which he had never been , looked that in fact the village was not visible, it was still far away, there was still a lot of snow, i think that it’s just not just a lot of snow, there was as much snow there as there was snow , waist-deep snow, not waist-deep snow, such examples should educate our youth, this is a very correct example, and of course, tell me honestly, was it very scary or was that what drove you, because again you could see, get scared, turn around and say, no, i’d rather sit.
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i’ll get there and something will happen to me here , how would it be, well, let’s just say, well, it’s stupid after that, well, there were thoughts that if i’m now not the way we fell on the plane, if i survived the plane crash, then i’ll die somewhere... then in the snow - this is somehow a russian character, do you even care about this?
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up the mountain as a doctor with climbers and i can say that this is really an active position, it’s always winning, always winning, well
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here in this photo, where you are already sitting on the rescue plane all together, the guys, the pilots have injuries on their faces, and you had something the same or you just walked around without scratches, well, there are severe abrasions on your legs, and so on. abrasions, with scratches , that’s all, that is, it wasn’t scary that someone might be there, i don’t know, well, how... the rescuer had no time for that, no, it wasn’t before that, not before, how did they manage explain this to the local population, as i understand it, there were problems there before communication, clearly there were, obviously there, probably, not everyone understood russian, or perhaps no one understood russian , how did you explain yourself to them, how did you try to actually explain to them who you are in the literal sense of the word, where you fell from the sky? well, initially he explained himself with gestures, then after some time english-speaking people appeared there, with them it would have been... no less explained what happened, they kindly received you somehow with human understanding, yes, yes, there is very
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nice moment that igor told us that he showed - a photograph of his colleagues, so that they would know for sure that the right people would be saved, yes, when they were about to go on a search to bring my colleagues to the village where i was, i showed a photo on my phone of who to look for, they took a photo of me to explain, that they came from me, only then they left.
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text message, because there was no communication, there was nothing, although our emergency radio mayak even worked, why they didn’t signal is also unclear, so he says, climb a high mountain, maybe we’ll try a text message, but she may, well, within an hour she may somehow leave. by chance, if our igor hadn’t come out to the village, i think everything would have ended much sadder, how they chose who would go, how they sent you the youngest or yourself, well, it wasn’t a choice of who would go, we just sort of decided after consulting , that we will spend another day there, if no one finds us, then we will all get together and go to this
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supposed village, but i just went up the slope to reconnoiter the situation, what is already happening. i came in, well, i walked a little further, i saw a village and decided that i needed to go there after all. but, by the way, the question is, how did you get on this expedition? well, i work in an organization that transports patients. from the hospital , they contacted the organization that transports you and they offered you to participate, of course. well, here’s the usual story of igor going on a business trip, this is how it happens, here’s a photo, actually from one of these flights, we ’ll stop. briefly, immediately after a short advertisement, whom children, relatives, friends, anna and the anatolyakovs are blamed for the tragedy, how the operation to rescue the volgodonsk market king turned into a detective story, and where did the press come from the version that the evsyukovs were overtaken by retribution for sins committed in the past, we’ll be back soon, then let them say, stay with the first channel, i served in
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the naval us infantry for 10 years, i wanted to come to help ukraine from... were there often cia operatives or special forces soldiers here? is the cia present there? is this a surprise for you? no. the biggest problem is ukrainian command. weapons are often hidden and lost. i've met officers selling new weapons. the problem is the president of ukraine. agree. are you ready to stay with me as
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we fight the zelensky administration. yes, sir. it is more, safer to overthrow zelensky. than to fight with the russians, the vanavan and lexus show, premiere, today on the first, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, vodka. veta product of stellor group cognac old barrel product of stellor group. gentarnaya the room supposedly belongs to ukraine. ukraine wants to have what was stolen from the soviet union. so this looks like buying up krazinoy. germany must look for the amber room. it has certainly been preserved, but in what form
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is the question. how the cia carried out total surveillance of the entire world. you need to understand that in general, everything that ends up on the internet stays there for all to use. yes, an exclusive video from our colleagues on the information front, which is integrated with the drill, was the end of the software, they do not hide the fact that they they work for the intelligence services of america, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, i don’t need anything, the authorities need me more than they need me, because i am independent and i can say what i think. i’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me that very natural and natural processes are taking place in russia, after all, what i do and how i live is important, this is ultimately the criterion, and not what i say? i am often asked: you are now forever, what is forever, nothing is forever in this life, we are in opposition to each other, i am mikhalkov, he is konchalovsky, life
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is so short that everyone must try to make all possible mistakes before it ends, general plan? you can show, look there, look here , look where you want, everywhere, everything is in pure butter, don’t stop the cameras, now we will edit it all, matodor, brothers, on friday on the first, with every butterfly i have a military episode associated, either a political character or a conflict that is now remembered in moscow. when i look at my collection, scouts on a boat were following on the heels of this aircraft carrier, they they scooped up any rubbish that fell from the sea. owl onos , soaked paper, bottles, some boxes, they hoped to find precious information among this rubbish, on a dim cloudy
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day i put on my orders, it was my parade, i walked alone in the drizzling rain along red square, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession on monday on the first. if you like your job, you will overcome even the small difficulties that arise with pleasure. we ourselves are responsible for our lives, and we ourselves must decide what our life will be like. what wonderful people we have, not only women, but all people, what a wonderful country we have, together we can do a lot.
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there's a special episode on the air, let them say, i'm dmitry borisov, once again, good evening everyone, the operation to save the wife of the volgodonsk market king turned into a detective story, why only pilots and doctors survived, where did the press come from with the version that the evsyakovs were overtaken by retribution for a fatal mistake from the past, i think the patient’s death was immediately clear, she had visible injuries incompatible with life, that's it... and my husband was already found in the morning, he was thrown out of a broken plane and he ended up under the wing, well , we are now calling the prosecutor's office, i think now the investigation of the actions will begin and
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it will be clear there, even for ourselves i wonder what was happening, well, our legs are frostbitten, i’ll be honest, yes there is, there is damage, so one leg will now heal, this is how we said goodbye to the evsyakovs in our native volgodonsk, they were the best, kind, easy-going, we were raised well, so that we too worthy people, not only my soul and heart sank, but also the souls of many townspeople, he learned to take good photographs, then he became one of the best photographers, he was invited everywhere, he was invited everywhere, kindergartens, schools, then the nineties began, he realized that ... he was lucky in trade and somehow saved up there, took out a loan, built the first mashenka market, our market, the avant-garde - this is his second brainchild, he loved
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his children very much, very much his children, grandchildren, his wife, he was a good family man in general, they loved to vacation together in thailand and took with them beloved daughter masha, son vitaly and son dmitry, but this time the holiday was overshadowed by the strange illness of anna evsyukova, the woman fell into a coma. local doctors shrugged, there was no chance, then her husband decided to hire a plane to transport her to moscow, their children flew on a regular flight and survived. they called from the representative office and said that two people died, four remained alive, they did not name anyone specifically. the plane was supposed to fly with stops for refueling. the plane was performing a medical flight to russia. doctors botkin hospital. promised to save anna, when this tragedy happened, no one believed that he could have died. anatoly vsyakov
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told his friends that he dreamed of dying with his beloved wife anna on the same day, and it happened. and now the vsekovs’ relatives are imagining what could have happened. probably, the businessman who hired the plane to transport his dying wife was dissatisfied that the pilots deviated from the course while rescuing his wife. less and less, this is just one of the versions of the evsyakovs’ friends and relatives, this is the shortest flight they had, they didn’t make it, it doesn’t happen that two engines, one after the other, one after the other, the engines stalled, both engines stalled and the plane fell and the tail broke off. falcon 10 stopped communicating in the province of budakhshan. the next day it became known about his crash in the mountains. and later it became clear that doctors igor syvorotkin and pavel popov survived the crash, as well as first pilot dmitry belyakov, who landed the plane and co-pilot arkady grachev. the
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evsyukov spouses died. social networks are now raging passion, is it evil fate or karma? another survivor of this plane crash, resuscitator pavel popov, joins our conversation, let them talk in the studio today. hello, pavel, good evening, good evening, something to you. changed in our last meeting, beard, probably, probably yes, glasses, now you look so absolutely impenetrable, but i know that on board there, you almost cried after igor when he set off, eyewitnesses told us, tears of joy appeared when we found out he was alive because he wasn't there 8 hours, and accordingly, i understand that these are mountains, that he could fall somewhere, an abyss, and
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we simply understood that... even if we go there at night to look for him, it is not an option that we will find him, even if we will find him , that we will help him with something, so, of course , when we saw, when we found out that he was alive, naturally there were tears of joy, when it became clear, you understood that your patient died, according to her it was immediately clear, because she was nearby, in the end the night could not, you did not see yes, anatoly, when realized that he... was no longer alive, who discovered him? or was it already done by the rescuers who arrived at the scene? igor had already discovered him, but it was closer to the clock, probably there by 7-8:00 in the morning, that is, more than 14 hours later, he was there, it was necessary to first go up the mountain to get around the entire destroyed plane, then go further only, well, that is, he was on the other side of the fault, as it turned out, that’s why we didn’t find him at night, are you now involved in some kind of investigative
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actions, have you been interrogated? investigators somehow this story continues in your life or not, naturally the investigation continues and its results will already be announced , it just doesn’t happen so quickly, it happens in a year, in two, in three, it’s the investigation, it’s being thoroughly sorted out, and it’s being sorted out thoroughly there, and on all points, what is it like, the questions that are mainly asked are addressed to the pilots, and what is interesting. passengers, because a commercial flight, on the one hand, they say whether there was a license for such transportation, this is what yuri grachev , the pilot’s father, told us, excuse me, the plane is private, they didn’t have permission, okay, but what is this, this is the administrative code, this is a criminal article, well, yes, well, yes, but this is not capital murder, after all, they were transporting a seriously
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ill woman, right? i know what they bought for someone, because what is an airplane? the plane is expensive, generally expensive, very expensive, they buy it so you know, people add up everything for 12, and you know how it is registered, like a house, like a plot, and also shares, like real estate, not like a car, so they buy it together, maybe there’s a part there, i don’t know, i won’t lie here, to whom, from volgodonsk? dmitry gavrilin, a local journalist, came to our studio, we meet him here today. good evening, hello. dmitry, well, you talked to everyone, including your relatives, anatoly and anna. eh, what are they saying now, who do they blame for what happened? there is
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basically no one to blame, as they say. yes, but they want to know the truth, the most important thing, that is the main goal of the children now is to find , as they say, who was guilty of this, alexander sadovnikov, an investigative journalist in our studio, hello, you were an expert, a member of the expert group of the state duma, and just on civil aviation, yes, and you in this matter also interested in what you found out , look, there are two points that interested me very much, the first is that the owner , according to the documents of the federal air transport agency, firstly bought the plane, it was a pig in a poke, that is, two were missed, plus they are very important a twenty-month maintenance cycle was missed pipelines, including the valves of the fuel system, but didn’t it just happen during the flight that the valve opened, did not close enough and there was a fuel leak, perhaps, as if the pilots had nothing to do with it, not counting their training, but training is another very similar
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a moment that has repeatedly happened... there were , in my opinion, five or seven in the country, there was only one left, the ulyanovsk higher school, in the years at the beginning of the 2000s it trained 25 pilots for the whole country, as companies came out, they were looking for a pilot, helicopter pilots, and some others there in order to retrain for large airliners, but these are large companies, they seem to have a plus, they have the opportunity to train pilots for themselves, and what we see in terms of training for these private pilots, well, actually, at the entrance you can open a sign and get some kind of mi.
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.. well, here’s the owner, and look, what is the problem with training in private schools: if large companies train their pilots in emergency situations, it’s very good to prepare for many months, here, well, listen, something caught fire there, turn it on here, turn it off here, everything is fine, even seasoned pilots in some they get lost in situations, the eighteenth year an an-148 crashed in the moscow region, 5 minutes after takeoff, why did it fall, and the speed sensors froze, the pilots were confused, the co- pilot... there was a flight attendant who just retrained as a pilot, oh my god, we have airplanes have always been flown by people, you are depriving people of a second chance to choose a profession, how many people are being changed
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, by the government, i remember that you spoke to us in great detail about the quality of pilot training, in general about their guilt in this disaster, which means - now we analyzed this flight, igor, we analyzed his truly heroic act, that he saved, he just saved the surviving people, we remembered life safety here at school, but aviation doesn’t work like that, aviation doesn’t work in life safety, there are emergency rescue procedures, these all crews and flight attendants and all pilots must undergo procedures. so while we were preparing for this program, i was purely professionally interested in knowing one question, i asked igor, tell me, there were attempts to contact, some kind of emergency station should be on this plane, there should be
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an emergency beacon, that’s why the pilot says, we say, we don’t understand why they weren’t looking for us, the beacon could have been damaged during the disaster, i admit this, but... there should also be an emergency station , all the crews that fly, they must listen to the emergency signal, all the time online, so why is this done, just for such cases, if the plane is in distress, so that any plane can hear it on this frequency, any plane and hand it over coordinate, and you guys ask if they did it, i mean, i asked, they did it, they say, they found this walkie-talkie there, which... this one is kind of old, that is , the plane didn’t have an emergency radio, they didn’t even try to contact any aircraft that would hear them in an emergency, so there’s a whole range of violations in
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pilot training, everything else, pilot training is multi-level training system, this includes meteorological training, this is emergency rescue training, this is technical training and i won't say much.
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they pay for everything, they pay for fuel, if they process the inoculation systems they pay, then for some reason they also pay to go through them, and something very terrible happens, that’s comrade. when there’s a lot of this, i don’t know, you investigated, when they often want to go into
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a cabin, for example, they want to put some children there, some thieves , they want to put someone there, terrible things, so here definitely, definitely we need to go through, we need to find out the reason why, well, you’re hinting that something could have happened to the passenger also with the customer of the flight on board, but we heard an exclusive in the program - the father of the pilot grachev, from yuri grachev, that there was something there, but referring to the secret investigation, the investigation, of course, he did not say what, but in principle a lot is already clear there , let’s take a look, i want to say that my son told me very interesting details about the passenger, so we will learn a lot of interesting things from the investigation, believe me, i just don’t want to now, well, there was no fight on board, as they wrote at first.
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in which he was spinning, that is, perhaps there was some kind of situation where he already realized that everything, the end, was possible, and he was trying to somehow coordinate so that they could fly faster and faster, that is, panic, fear, fear for his wife, yes, hot-tempered, perhaps, but no one in such a situation is not insured, it arose again, or it’s just psychology that in the end the person paid a lot of money, bring it to you.
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and our companies strictly observe, neither we nor relatives approach the pilots with phrases like “let’s hurry up, someone is dying here,” anatoly behaved calmly, true, he interfered with the pilots, he did not interfere , i say again, no one could interfere with the pilots, the pilots , because this is prohibited, the pilots are doing their work, antoliy behaved calmly, please tell me, this is still important, everyone is really interested in this, when was it is clear that, unfortunately, there will be a hard landing, he behaved calmly, with dignity, and sat courageously. but when asked if he could interfere with the pilots
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or demand something from them or somehow reproach them for deviating from the route, i say this could be impossible, it was somehow i i don’t know about the brawl on board, that is, we shouldn’t have just put an end to it, we forgot in this situation, but in this situation, according to all the instructions of the emergency rescue passengers, the survivors are even written in the instructions of the dead. to the left, survivors to the right, sort and do not leave the plane, but for this there must be an emergency station, you must transmit a distress signal and wait for help, if they had landed right away in the evening they had such an emergency radio, maybe they would have been found in the morning, maybe they showed us here, show us the fragment again, that there was some there was an accident, and the local media immediately started writing about it in public pages.
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i came in back in 2006, if yes it’s not clear , but you know, i have an indian friend, they have the same philosophy, don’t even kill cockroaches, he says, there’s a cobra living in my house in the basement, i say, and that’s okay, we we don’t go there, she doesn’t crawl towards us, but i say, but you can’t kill , you can’t, it will be punishment, but we still live in the 21st century and from the mystical there was
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an accident, well, tragic, well, here we have already come to the most important thing , the root cause, the first reason is it necessary? there was no need to lead this patient, that’s the main question, that’s the main question, salvation is a big question, it’s always there, so that’s the question, we need to understand what happened to her and whether it was possible to cure her on the spot, or was it necessary news about her illness , what has been published says that it is a severe infection, from which our great figure skater almost died, but that means the singer died, it’s just...
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history, there’s a different story, maybe positionally, this is the plan, they lived in thailand, were on vacation, yes, what about the medical insurance, let's talk about this in more detail, we need to talk about it, it's important, let's check for advertising, right after, what kind of mysterious illness did anna evsyakova have, and what kind of terrible, absolutely comments that began to appear on social networks, and which outraged her sister anatoly evsyakova, after the advertisement, let them say, what happened to me is not my fault, it is, and my fault is,
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only you and i are to blame not for the fact that we aroused dreams, some have sensitive natures, but for the fact that... we served the truth, not people, you’re my friend, peter, maybe the last one, i wouldn’t like to lose a friend, listen, tomorrow, no one can know, for sure, we have the same goal, what difference does it make, what role, who will play it, did you say you love me? and you? i believed, i want to take this disgusting , manly, bleached, stupid, arrogant empire by the throat, shake it so that to the outskirts, to the farthest corners, imagine
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what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but there will be a beginning it's supposed to. big premiere. union of salvation. about what are you moving? we are preparing a coup. take me. watch the time after the program.
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stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. his canopy bed, desk, bookcase, etc., etc., poetic disorder everywhere. and when, for example, you go out in this look, do you receive compliments? you definitely collect, but at least views for sure, and why are these snails introduced
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here, on pskov soil, because they are patriots, that’s right, behind the icon of the virgin mary there is a new brotherly cemetery, the monks are there have been lying for several hundred years, here, behind this door, on which the icon of the mother of god is written, now we will open it. let's go, premiere. on saturday at the first , girls, forward, to victory, we have the olympic games ahead, we don’t have time for any nonsense, i love you, you can’t let the team down like that, you were counting on you, no one, believe me, no one recruited previous physical form, stand your ground and never give up,
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the story of the best skier of the twentieth. to my parents and ex-husband, beloved daughter, vera, i said that, unfortunately, i have it’s very difficult news for you that mom
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is no longer with us, what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility, telling your child that his mother passed away, just like yulia’s only daughter survived this loss , what path she went through after the death of her mother, i was somehow very mega-strong, somehow i felt like i pulled myself together, that is... our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, in come what may, become a star in memory of the famous mother. when you appeared the light, my life has changed. i will always be with you. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. the final start of the season. command! tournament of the best figure skaters of russia. we support the whole country. because
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figure skating is more than a sport. this is the beauty that saves the world. this is success that blurs boundaries. these are achievements that one cannot help but admire. this is the pride and pride of the whole country. for their country tenkov, the cup of the first channel, live broadcasts on the weekend on the first, a special episode is on the air, let them say, i’m dmitry borisov, good evening to everyone again, an evil fate for some, a miracle for others, surviving doctors from the same falcon 10 that crashed in afghanistan in our studio today.
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or maybe we survived thanks to this tragedy, a holy place is never empty, and the reviews are unflattering and the bacillus is also deadly, but what kind of bacillus? there may be a conversation when there should be an infectious disease unit, where they lived in thailand, in a hut or something, in a hotel somewhere, probably an infectious patient
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appears at the hotel, the whole hotel is closed. but what kind of illness is it, anna herself called from thailand and told me that with her , attention, for the first time on the screen, on december 16 she called me, wished me a happy birthday, and on the seventeenth she went to ibl, the only thing she said was that she was sick, i say what it is, and that’s how as if a tractor or kamaz drove over me, she tells me, that’s how everything hurts, every cell... it hurts and he started saving her there, they were together, they weren’t together, and as i understand it, they didn’t let me out, they didn’t allow me to go , she was not ready for this, they prepared her there for a very long time, he could not to find a way out, how to travel , he contacted the insurance company, she advised him on this particular plane, it is reliable, it is essentially all wealthy people there use these very planes, but
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the symptoms described - apparently, dengue fever, there i just needed accurate information, i listened in horror to this story about anna evsyukova’s illness, irina bezrukova, our famous actress, she is in our studio today, who in thailand herself contracted dengue fever some time ago, the symptoms were very similar, i meet.
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the first time, in my opinion, it was 38.2 and it so happened that the battery ran out, it was an electronic thermometer, i was sad for a day until my friends found me another one, well, this all happened in thailand too, yes, i arrived to thailand, i lived alone in a house that i rented, and somewhere one of my friends lived two houses away, other guys there came on bikes a little further, well, in general, as soon as i got sick, they got me a thermometer. and i saw a temperature of 39.5, the condition is not easy, it is quite serious, but i have been i was resting and was in very good shape , vegetarian diet, but how did i get infected then, it was mosquitoes, that is, i had several bites, but this is a common story, because it was the rainy season, that is, in november it was and it was very there were a lot of mosquitoes, i actually couldn’t eat, i could only drink
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one or three sips of either water or...
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we had a big company, everything just like that , just 25 people each started getting sick, sick, sick, and we got sick already, actually, when we were flying on the plane, i didn’t understand this, i didn’t have a thermometer with me, it was in suitcase, something simply terrible began to happen to my child, he screamed for almost 5 hours, he felt very bad, in moscow we had a very high temperature, then , thank god, i have good doctors who diagnosed us with some kind of they said don’t be alarmed , there will be a rash in a day, and there was just a terrible rash under... honestly, i don’t want to scare anyone, i love thailand very much, but this is the whole story, what is really unsanitary, how everything happens there, despite the fact that we were in a good hotel, we tried not to go anywhere, who cares bitten, where did you bite yourself, taste it, it’s really scary, yes, and i mean that
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people over 60 and young people get sick too. the story of geratim grigoriev, a thirty-two-year-old resident of barnaul, was on vacation in phuket, contracted dengue fever again from an overseas mosquito bite, insurance was not available in time.
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firstly, he’s already been sick once , it’s so complicated, but there are four types of these mosquitoes, and four types of viruses, if you even produce antibodies for one, then you can be bitten by a different type of mosquito, plus he had a congenital threshold with kidneys, plus not there was insurance, there was some kind of terrible story about him, correct me, let me remind you that they even refused to hand over his body for some time, well, there it was. a big debt , they kept their passport as collateral, this is really true, they got the same body as collateral, i will now offer a version of where the mosquito outbreak came from, because dng, it even appeared in spain, in italy
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, last year in the summer, never no, these mosquitoes appeared in hungary, but these mosquitoes are cultivated in american biological laboratories, in thailand, attention, the largest american military biological laboratory , located in thailand, they work on mosquitoes there, bill gates last year released 2
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enhancement of the immune response, which means that as for mosquitoes, they tried to make them infertile, so that they would spread this infertility to all other mosquitoes and so that everyone the mosquitoes were infertile and then the virus would die there along with them, but the specialists, i was one of them, said that you know, suddenly this gene for this infertility, well, will be passed on to people, you understand what will happen, therefore, thank god now, but not at all less these works are transferred, it was done for zika, that’s when
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it was for the patient, because well , first of all, we survived what happened to the patients and therefore our deepest condolences go out to the relatives who actually lost them at these moments you begin to evaluate these first risks about whether it will be better in russia, whether you will be able to fly, the second, second you begin to evaluate the risk about what type of transport and most importantly you explain what the risks are, and we have already been in business for 15 years.
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proved that from vladivostok to moscow it’s better and safer to fly in 8 hours on a direct flight, on a regular large regular plane, for example, on a regular regular plane, than to fly even with installed medical modules on a superjet, when it will be two or three additional landings, that is, if we take exactly the concept of aviation medicine, then here you need to understand how this is related to the number of takeoffs and landings, each takeoff and landing, and at mountain airfields, this is a big risk, well, plus the load. and for the patient, too, firstly, it further prolongs time, distance, plus many air ambulance flights fly at a speed of 500 km/h, but doctors in many foreign countries no one talks about this, they will never give permission for a regulatory flight until the insurance is spent, in this , in this they are you and in this in this as well, but uh if we take thailand accordingly, then the airport there won’t let uh, won’t allow... the release of the patient onto the plane until
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there is permission signed from the hospital, we we're actually working on this it has long been a question that in all the countries where he flies, well, there are a lot of tourists, where there is a large flow of tourists, that these documents should be allowed to be issued by russian doctors, even if these are not all companies, but without this there is no way, we had three cases last year , when the patients were not allowed out and thereby harmed the patients, although they could have flown on regular planes, you guys are amazing, after all that you... it was not destined for the guys, if pavel igor died in this plane crash, here they are apparently survived they are destined to save more than one life of their patients, we are waiting for the results of the investigation, the results of this day are in the program right after the continuation of the serial film union of salvation, i am dmitry borisov, see you at
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the first. message from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, to the federal assembly. live stream. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. tomorrow at noon moscow time, final preparations for the president's message federal assembly. live broadcast.


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