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tv   Novosti  1TV  February 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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solidarity, he’s right, valerievich , i’ll quote, he said that we are all one family, and of course, this fills such a special feeling, i don’t know, soul and heart and head, it’s important to say, we are many, we discussed it here, not everything and a little bit at all, but it is important to say that everything that putin says is not just a declaration, it is not just so to speak, a description of our shining, bright, normal future, friends, an increasingly big, huge task , a huge job for all of us, this is how we will do it to implement, i think, in the next part, in an hour we will discuss, now we will discuss the news on channel one, hello, news is being released on channel one. vladimir putin announced his annual
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message to the federal assembly, essentially outlining the vector of the country’s development for the next 6 years and the future. in many ways, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov noted, this is the program with which vladimir putin will go as a candidate for the elections. strategic objectives, priority areas of domestic foreign policy, the performance lasted more than 2 hours and became a record in duration. the new initiatives that were voiced were the proposals of the citizens themselves. specific measures were largely formed during trips to the regions and direct conversations with workers, engineers, civilian defense plants, teachers, scientists, volunteer doctors, entrepreneurs, large families and the military. in gostiny dvor, the president’s speech was listened to by senators, deputies, members of the government, the state council, the public chamber, as well as governors and representatives confessions, journalists, special guests, participants in a special military operation.
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who goes through the crucible of military trials, risks his life every day, the whole people bows to your feat, mourns the dead, and russia will always remember its fallen heroes. a minute of silence is announced. our armed forces have gained. colossal
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combat experience, this applies to the interaction of all types and branches of troops, modern tactics and operational art, a whole galaxy of talented commanders has grown and been trained, who take care of people, competently perform their tasks, use new equipment , successfully solve the tasks assigned to them, and i want to say that this is at all levels, from the platoon and the operational level... to the highest echelon of management, we see where and what problems we have, they , of course, there is, we understand, along with what needs to be done, and such work is carried out continuously, at the front, in the rear, it is aimed at increasing the striking power of the naval army, their technology and efficiency, the combat capabilities of the armed forces have increased many times, our units firmly in control initiative, on a number of operational...
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we did not start this war in donbass, but as i have said more than once, we will do everything to end it, eradicate nazism, solve all the tasks of the special military operation, protect the sovereignty and security of our citizens. and nuclear forces are in full readiness, hypersonic dagger missiles, which the president spoke about in his address to the federal assembly in 208 , are already being used during the northern military district, the sea- based zircon complex, which was not even discussed 6 years ago, is also being used on combat duty and hypersonic vanguards and laser complexes peresvet, tests of the brevesnik unlimited-range cruise missile and the poshiidon unmanned underwater vehicle are being completed, the troops have already received sarmat heavy ballistic missiles. as if not understanding how
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a conflict with a nuclear power could end. vladimir putin emphasized that such irresponsible behavior threatens the complete destruction of civilization. our country is forced to respond to threats, including the new expansion of nato to the east, the involvement of sweden and finland in the alliance, and only a security system that is equal and indivisible for everyone can ensure long-term peace. the west provoked conflict in ukraine, the middle east, and other regions of the world.
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contingents, but we remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic. indeed, russophobia, like the other ideology of racism, national superiority and exclusivity, it blinds and deprives one of reason. us actions satellites were actually brought in. to dismantling the european security system, this creates risks for everyone. it is obvious that it is necessary to work to form a new contour of equal and indivisible security in eurasia in the foreseeable future. we are ready for a substantive conversation on
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this topic with all interested countries and associations. at the same time, i would like to emphasize again that i think this is important for everyone today. without a sovereign, strong russia. no lasting world order is possible. one aspect of such a global security system is the treaty o not placing nuclear weapons in space. vladimir putin recalled that russia’s proposal on this issue has been on the americans’ table for more than 15 years. still no reaction. at the same time, the west makes unfounded accusations against our country. according to the president, this is another ploy to draw us into negotiations exclusively on terms favorable to the united states. russia strives to unite the world majority to respond to global challenges, the president emphasized. our country is ready to build a new a global financial architecture free from political interference. and an example of successful cooperation, which is based on equal respect for each other’s interests, the work of euroses, sco, brix.
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more and more states are seeking to join these associations. the chinese one belt, one road initiative has enormous prospects. the russia-ocean dialogue is developing, as well as contacts with african and arab latin countries. according to the president, today russia is europe's largest economy, fifth in the world. in the near future we will be able to do it. immediately another step forward is the actions of the united states and dear colleagues, last year the russian economy grew at a rate higher than the world’s. in this indicator, we are ahead of not only the leading countries of the european union, but all the states of the so -called big seven. but what do i want
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to note in this regard? i would like to point out that the fundamental margin of safety that was made played a huge role in this. over the past decades, today the share of non-resource industries in the growth structure confidently exceeds 90%, that is, the economy is becoming more complex, technologically advanced, and means much more sustainable. today russia is europe's largest economy in terms of gross domestic product at purchasing power parity and the fifth largest in the world. the pace and, most importantly, the quality of growth allow us to hope and even assert that in the near future, we will be able to take another step forward, we will become one of the four largest economic powers in the world, but such development should directly
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be converted into an increase in the income of the families of our citizens in the next 6 years the share of wages in the country's gdp should increase. empathy for inflation and the growth rate of average wages in the economy , we index the minimum wage, starting from 2020, the wage has increased one and a half times from 12 to...
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in the next 6 years, we must achieve a sustainable increase in the birth rate, i propose to further help the subjects of the federation, where the birth rate below. average russian, this is especially important for central russia and the north-west. in 2022, in 39 regions the total fertility rate was below the russian average; by the end of the thirtieth year we will send to such regions at least 75 billion rubles so that they can increase their family support programs. funds will begin to arrive. next year. last year, over 110 million square meters of housing were built in russia. over
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the past 6 years, millions of russian families have improved their living conditions, including more than 900,000 with the help of family mortgages. and this program started in 2018, let me remind you. we have constantly improved its availability. at first , it could be used by families with two or more children, then families with one child. program. family mortgages are valid until july of this year, i propose to extend it until 2030, maintaining the basic basic parameters, paying special attention to families with children under 6 years old, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same - 6%. and now, at the birth of a third child, the state pays off part of the mortgage loan for the family, 450,000 rubles. i also propose to extend the validity of this norm until 2030; this year almost
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50 billion rubles will be required for this, then on an increasing basis more and more, but there is money for it. another important decision by vladimir was to extend the preferential family mortgage program until the thirtieth year; it ended in july, while the rate.
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as for the unified state exam, vladimir putin proposed allowing graduates to retake one unified state exam of their choice immediately, while admissions companies are still underway at universities. it is important, the president also noted, that today’s teenagers become professionals in their field, ready to work in the economy of the 21st century, this will be aimed at. according to president, it is the successes of the younger generation that will determine the future of the country - this is a guarantee of sovereignty, the future of russia and teachers bear a special responsibility for education. the head of state noted the need to increase salaries in the field of education and create conditions for young teachers to come to schools. the president also proposed expanding the program.
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and that’s all for now about the developments in the evening news, now the big game is on first. good afternoon everyone, the big game is live. less than an hour ago, vladimir putin spoke with message to the federal assembly. this
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year it is special because it is not only annual.


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