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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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well, finally, you know, the americans, of course , are a great power, but it would be better if they really took care of their internal affairs, you see, america is now so floating, it cannot help its allies, cannot intimidate its opponents, and is crumbling inside, we show this , it’s not just some exclusive footage, we’re looking for something, it’s actually a lot more crashes. much more, well , our cause is certainly right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00, no miss, hello, on the first channel there is a news release in the studio:
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maxim sharafuddinov at the beginning of vladimir putin’s meeting with permanent participants of the russian security council, the president conducted it via video link from the kremlin. dear colleagues, good afternoon. you and i have already discussed the falsehoods that some figures in the west are making about our supposed plans to deploy nuclear weapons in outer space. i say allegedly because, as i already said, as we well know, we do not have such plans, but still a question. space, question neutralizing the threats that may arise for us in the space sector should always be in the sphere of our attention, let's talk about it today. now the news that came shortly before our release, a transcript of a conversation appeared in which the german military discusses plans to attack the crimean bridge, it was published by the editor-in-chief of the russia today media group and the rt television channel margarita simonyan, earlier she reported to her: a conversation
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of high-ranking officers of the budesphere came across , audio promises to be published later, that’s it text, whole negotiations, the head of the exercise operations department of the vbs command graefe, luftwaffe inspector gerharts, employees of the air operations center of the space command of the german armed forces, fenske and frostette are taking part, discussing the sending of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine and the attack on the crimean bridge, and we are talking about , in order to strike at the crossing and at the same time... not to expose chancellor olaf scholz. i would like to say one more thing about the destruction of the bridge. we have been intensively studying this issue. and unfortunately, we came to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size, is similar to a runway . therefore, it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. there is an opinion that the taurus will succeed if it uses the french dasau rafal fighter. they will only be able to make a hole and damage the bridge. i 'm not pushing bridge ideas, i'm pragmatically wanting to understand what they want and what we need to teach them. therefore, it turns out that we will need... when planning these
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operations, indicate the main points in the images, they will have goals, but here we should take into account that when working on small goals, we need more plan scrupulously and not analyze pictures on the computer; in the case of confirmed goals, it’s easier to plan and it will take less time. we all know that they want to destroy the bridge, what this ultimately means, how they protect it, not only because it has important military-strategic, but also political significance. the published data deserves the most serious attention and reaction. emphasizes in the state duma: according to speaker vyacheslav volodin, deputies at the next meeting will consider the issue of call on colleagues in germany to conduct an investigation. the information that has emerged with recordings of discussions by high-ranking german officers about plans to strike the crimean bridge on the territory of the russian federation, as well as how to do this so that german chancellor scholz does not fall under suspicion, deserves the most serious discussion and response, and therefore, after the return of deputies from the regions, where they are until march 11. we will hear this question at a meeting
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of the state duma, i also think it’s correct request the bundestag to conduct an investigation. well, in our foreign ministry they asked the question: will the german media pay attention to the information that has appeared, as the official representative of the ministry maria zakharovo noted, journalists have a good reason to prove their independence. our press will contact the german embassy in moscow for comment. it also did not escape zakharov’s attention that the german leadership during the negotiations referred to the experience of the third reich. now about how special operations are going, data from the ministry of defense. behind in a week, our armed forces carried out 23 group strikes with high-precision weapons, multiple launch rocket systems , and drones against objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, and an arsenal of fuel depots. all objects were hit. in addition, our fighters occupied more advantageous positions and improved the position along the front line in the kupinsky, donetsk, south donetsk and kherson directions. on ovdeevsky they liberated three settlements and continued.
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aircraft, missile forces and artillery of military groups, per week the p-18 radio station, two radars and a launcher for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system, a norwegian-made nasamts anti-aircraft missile system combat vehicle, as well as five bukovel-ad electronic warfare stations were destroyed. meanwhile, a ukrainian militant, whom our military captured while trying to land in the tendra kasa area. said that 25 of his comrades died for the sake of a demonstrative action of the kiev regime, they literally sent people to certain death, hoping to destroy the ukrainian flag with all firepower defeat, it turns out that those two retreated, well, these two boats came under fire, almost immediately the machine gunner who was on the bow began
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to move back, there were screams i 300, what can i say about this, they threw the group to slaughter and wrote off for heroically like they were killed for what? exclusively radio media. say, initiatives that concern everyone in the regions are discussing proposals that vladimir putin voiced in his address to the federal assembly: new national projects, key priorities for the next 6 years: support for families with children, education, development of culture and tourism, specific tasks in each direction. anna kurbatova will continue the topic. there will be people, there will be a country. the more people, the stronger the country. i want us to be proud. the president, caring for the people , was touched, these are the responses of people who listened to the president’s messages, and vladimir putin immediately made it clear that special attention will be paid to social policy, support, improving the quality of life of the family, will be discussed in almost every section of the message,
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everything that happened before is important, but now the most important thing begins, support for families with children will become even more systematic , a new national project will appear, which... this is the name of the family, regions in which the birth rate is lower than the russian average, this is especially true for central russia and the northwestern part of the country, will soon receive additional funding, at least 75 billion rubles, in order to implement our support measures along with federal programs. doubled to 2800 rub. per month the tax deduction will be increased for the second child and to six for the third and subsequent. another decision concerns maternity capital. and even now, at the birth of a third child, the state repays part of the mortgage loan for the family, 450,000 rubles. i also propose to extend
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this rule until 2030. this year it will take almost 50 billion rubles for this , then more and more, but there is money for this. this decision made a mother of five children from the vladimir region very happy; there are three girls and two boys in the family, the youngest of whom is five. yulia maksimova gladysheva says: we’ve been thinking about it for a long time my husband and i were expanding our living space, saving money, and this is such good news. we kept thinking that this program would suddenly close or cease to exist, when we were afraid. expansion, mortgage , buying a home, for us, for a large family, this is always a pressing problem, now, of course, it will be possible to really think about it and make some decision, and i think that we will succeed, i’m enjoying myself because i have five children,
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the demographic situation is the most important area of ​​work, the president especially emphasized that a large large family in russia should become the norm, and in the next 6 years it is necessary to achieve a sustainable increase in births. the message paid a lot of attention to another topic: education and the conditions for children’s education. 18,500 schools in the country require major repairs and by 2030, the president noted, the regions will help completely solve this problem. more and more schoolchildren study in the second, and in some cases even in the third shift. at the expense of federal resources, putin said, at least 150 additional schools and more than 100 kindergartens will be built in the country. growing role mentors in educational institutions, even a position.
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houses of culture need directors of public
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events, there is a need for specialists in museum affairs, library science, and of course there is a need for teachers in children's art schools. we very much hope that this program will attract highly qualified personnel to the primorsky territory and will bring our region to a new level of culture and a new level of education. this. was the longest message in history, the president spoke for more than 2 hours, in detail about everything that concerns the lives of our citizens, in order to achieve their goals, vladimir putin noted, there are resources and enormous opportunities, everything to make the lives of russians change for the better. anna kurbatova, larisa nikitina, alina sanueva, igor agafonov, channel one. early voting has started abroad for the russian presidential elections; it will take place in 45 countries. and will affect, in particular, our fellow citizens who are in remote places, at construction sites, military
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units, mining, for example, russians working at the akkuyu nuclear power plant in turkey and the tianwai power plant in china will be able to fill out the ballots. early voting will also take place in algeria, bahrain, kuwait, libya, the czech republic and sri lanka. let me remind you that in remote areas of russia early voting started on february 25, and the main voting will take place from march 15 to 17. now. middle east situation in the gas sector the media reports a new israeli strike: a refugee camp was shelled, there were casualties. in addition, palestinian diplomats note that an idf unit had previously opened a sighting firing on civilians in gaza while they were waiting for humanitarian aid. dozens of dead showed signs of head wounds, which does not in any way correspond to the version of official tel aviv. there he states that there was a stampede at food trucks and the israeli military tried to ensure order and quote. they carefully dispersed the crowd by firing warning shots into the air. according to doctors , 112 people died, and the total number of victims in the enclave since the beginning of the exacerbation exceeded 30
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thousand. hamas emphasizes that the israeli attack in gaza will not go unanswered. a solemn ceremony in st. petersburg raised the state flag on a large freezer trawler, captain martynov. one of the most modern, this vessel is designed for fishing in the bering and okhotsk seas, as well as in adjacent areas of the eastern coast of russia. can work in any. imported equipment from unfriendly states, but again, on instructions from the president, funds were allocated to
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replace critical ship equipment, and in the shortest possible time, most of this equipment is specifically intended for fishing fleet, we will do all this, the vessels are currently being redesigned, and all our shipyards are ready to fulfill their obligations to customers in the shortest possible time. on baikal, a russian record was set for under-ice freediving, diving without special equipment, solely by... holding your breath: maria alshevskaya sank to a depth of 40 m, this is the height of a ten-story building. on baikal now the frost is -20, and the water temperature is only 2°. according to maria, everything went perfectly, even at such a depth there was good visibility, thanks to pure water and clear ice. and with this our episode is completed, now on the first channel there is a program, let's get married.
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scored his fifth goal in the last six games, hitting the edmonton goal. after that , the bluesmen made it 2:0, but could not maintain the advantage. edmonton.
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