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tv   Pole chudes  1TV  March 1, 2024 7:45pm-9:00pm MSK

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now the funny thing is that two weeks before this, galina also received calls from scammers, exactly the same girl also screamed into the phone, ah-ah-ah, mom, help me, i just, well , i don’t have an adult daughter 100%, and that’s what i ’m saying , girl, you got to the wrong place, but she still cries, screams, i’m still thinking , lord, what happened, i say, girl, you got to the wrong place, i’m not your mother 100%, and she just hung up on me . there are positives to be found in every situation. galina, for example, with all her mother’s calmness, was convinced that she was for her still very worried. it is then that the realization comes that your mother really loves you. well, we need to think about how to escape. it specialists are developing more and more means of protection against high-tech scammers. for example, online banking is increasingly asking people to take a selfie before transferring some large amount of money, while
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banking applications, as a rule, refuse to work when there is administrative access to the phone, and to replace, as if, well, get into the communication channel and replace , well, to embed a debfake, attackers do not have the opportunity, then they resort to a biometric attack, that is, they physically try to replace, as it were , the image of a face, in this case the swindler has a minimum of difficulties, stealing it. phone , put on a rubber mask that imitates the owner, opened the banking program, pumped out money, something like this, but here the protection developed by the guys gets in his way, we try to find a profile, and he says, it was not possible to pass the test for a living person, that is, the system worked, the algorithm, yes, the protection worked, it understands that they are trying to hack it. the program has already been written
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trained on hundreds of the same masks using an artificial neural network, but what about substituting a voice or, god forbid, an image, this is where the it people throw up their hands, there are practically no methods yet, save yourself. there is a version that everything is going in a spiral, and soon we will be walking to the bank again to take some action. and thank you, good people. well, then we’ll share our homemade recipes. the main thing that saved irina olegovna from her false daughter was that she remembered how they advised on the internet, they say, if you’re not sure, you need to ask a security question, i asked a question related to my personal life, which i know for sure, should know us, it’s unlikely that anyone else knows, well, naturally, i got the wrong answer, i said goodbye , you are not my daughter, irina olegovna is a star, do everything like irina olegovna.
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they gave me whatsapp or called me back , i couldn’t believe it or not, since i usually address them as you, here you, mashun, vikus, yulyok, that’s all, but tomorrow everything may change not in her favor, experts according to artificial intelligence, they admit that deepfake technology is increasingly in demand by scammers and in the next 5-10 years we will see a wave of calls from false relatives: mom, give me some money,
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so be a little more careful, ignore calls from unfamiliar numbers, try to visit the bank in person and yourself more often call your family. so, now it’s not so difficult to fake a person’s voice with the help of artificial intelligence, so if, for example, your daughter calls you or your son says: mom, dad, i hit, i hit a person, don’t rush, they beg you to immediately transfer the money , call back, talk, check, everything will immediately fall into place, the people of the law were on the air, in the studio alexey pimanov, i’ll see you, i draw your attention next thursday on channel one in the same studio.
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once the weather was nice, his face flushed, he lured him in with his gait, alarming the young man, and play and play. myanets, play on my face, i fell in love with a girl, hey, please don’t let me, i’ll put on makeup, i’ll go through the village, it will be hot for all the guys, but it’s fun for me, why did you lure me in, if you don’t like me, you would
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the pine tree said, i wouldn’t go here, the whole village would settle in the clearing. why is the accordion playing, why is it already good, you play, play pocket, you play, don’t get tired, on a fun, outing, hey, play, play, play, you, play, playing, pocket, you, play, don’t get tired, have fun, go out, oh, play. play, play! the kids were sleeping in the village , he started playing pocket, they got up, got up, woke up, the windows opened, what a good accordion player, your heart is worried, let the accordion get to know you, allow your arms , legs, don’t feel sorry for the kodluk, ruin everything
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anxiety, grow on your eyelids, bleach your hands, but... good evening, hello, dear ladies and gentlemen, friday, the capital show field of miracles is on air according to the good old tradition, to the applause of the audience, i invite the first three players to the studio, the first three to the studio! behind the drum is a field of miracles of the first three evgenia alesanovna kozlovskaya village obdon boshkortastan andrey denis meshkov donskoye village lipetsk region and yulia vladimirovna
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lukashevich, the city of prokopyevsk, kemerovo region. come on andrey denisovich, start. beautiful ladies, beautiful bouquets. thank you! well, the first day of spring, march 1st. let's talk, that's what. about this most wonderful event, which always makes us so happy. spring is outside. the maslenitsa holiday is a cheerful farewell to winter. waiting for the coming warmth and spring renewal of nature. in modern russia, by the way, it had a completely different name. what was the name of maslenitsa? in ancient russia, that's what we have to guess, by the way, the word is famous, very 350 points on the reel, the letter is traditionally the letter a, open, that means, as far as i know, you graduated from the university, yes, in what specialty, organization management, oh,
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god, god, management, what do you work for, i work as a railway worker, and what do you do on the railway, on the railway i went through a bunch of professions, at the moment i am in charge of environmental issues, yeah, i started, i started from the railway station, i worked at the ufa railway station, i worked with passengers, the duty room, dear friend, how are things at home, tell me, judging by the ring on finger, i have the right to ask you about your family, everything is fine at home, i have a husband, two children, a dog, a cat, my cup is full, you are a happy person, quite, a thousand points on the reel, letter e, open, i came to you from the hospitable republic of bashkartastan, she didn’t come alone, she came with her graceful, elegant friend, who wants to give you a national bashkir dance, let’s invite her to the studio, a musical gift to
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the studio, come on!
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350 points on the reel, letter o, open, three correctly guessed letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes for the studio, but forward, the right one, open it, take it, well, happiness into the house. listen, you probably have a happy husband, right? very. who does he work for? he
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works in security. who chose whom, you him or he you? i chose him. you made him a happy person. generally speaking, luck is simply an amazing thing, no one knows how it is formed. prize sector on the reel. prize, prize to the studio. this is such a game, you know, the devil knows what they put here, and to amuse the people, secondly, to save as much as possible, so i suggest you think , i won’t bargain with you, this is excluded by women, especially on march 1, who bargains with women on march 1, a week before the eighth, choose, i’ll take the prize, i ’m sure yes,
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apartment, apartment, big, yes, three-room, yeah, and you need this, i’ll give it to you, and ask you, apartment or house? i will be happy with everything. yes, you promise, yes, a prize for the studio, thank you, thank you, gifts for the studio, leonid arkadyevich, i work on the railway, tough men work for us, here men, hard workers, men, to whom, to whom, to whom are you telling this, well, even more so. great, they asked, they
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will be in a good mood for the rest of their lives, and the flags are where, the pipe is where, these are the railway workers, and we are the ss, okay, the ss, but here, the nose, andrei denisovich, forgive me, what are you i graduated from, just finishing, pedagogical college, six months left until i graduate in my specialty. specialty: special education primary school teacher, uh-huh , english subject teacher, yeah, how are things at home, are you married, do you have three children? no, not married, no children, but everything is fine at home, how old are you, i’m 22, why aren’t you still married? but because first you need to get a job in order to provide for yourself, and then you can. starting a family, a serious approach , what did you want to say, my friend, i, leonid arkadyevich,
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wanted to tell you that i did not come alone, yeah, with a team, with a vocal studio , time that is waiting, can’t wait to please you with my performance, musical a gift for the studio, our people have onohoshiroki, holy-lyon hoshi. the dicks are wide there was a fagot, a loli, a loly, a loly, a fagot, a fagot, and the pedoras got it. lyoli-lyoli with podventsev poneva, with podventsev poneva , the blush itself sang, oli-lyoli lyoli, the rouge itself is white, the blush itself is white, full of eyes, oli-lyoli-lyoli, full of analechics, full of analechics, and black with eyes, oli-lyoli-lyoli , and with
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black eyes, and with black-black-black eyes, eyebrows, ori-leri-leri. black-black eyebrows. at our gates it is wide. oli-liyoli-lilyol he was melting on his wide dicks. loli-lyoly-lyoly fidura melted. fedora melted spadventsam paneva. olli-lyoli-lyoli, with panev’s podventsam. decline through the eyes of black-black-black-browed. ori-leri-leri black-black. ay, well done, a thousand points on the reel, the letter is the letter c. well, i don’t know, but just for the sake of the fact that you brought this team here, open the letter c. apparently, you know the word or something? i have this feeling. i also have this feeling. when you spin the drum, you will name the word right away.
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oh, let's try rotating the drum. in the meantime , the drum is spinning, gifts. to the studio, okay, in the city of zadonsk there is a monastery, tikhon zadonsky, where this icon was brought to you from, you know that, i understand, i appreciated it, with your permission we will transfer this to the temple, i give permission, thank you, the post is submitted, the post is accepted, 850 points, you said that you...
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well, 450 points, letter d, open it, say the word right away.
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miner's, yes, our town is a miner , this is a noble gift, we are passing on an old lamp to a miner's lamp, and in our town there is also a popular young artist damir khusamov, he painted your portrait, thank you. you tell him a huge thank you, i would i wanted to thank the leaders of our organization, andrey aleksandrovich salamatov and alexander ivanovich salamatov for their material support, and also thank the administration of the city of prokopyevsk in the person of maxim aleksandrovich shkorabeinikov, they gave you the prokopyevsk berst panel and
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the statue of our heavenly patron saint procopius, and as we say, let him keep saint procopius to you. from the capital show field of miracles, from channel one gifts for the first three players to the studio. i would like to say leonid arkadyevich, i’m still a rich woman, i have two more grandmothers, nina alekseevna and taisti sergeevna, and i think that for another 20 years i will be tied up with twisted jam, if you support me and say hello to them too. sergeevna, from everyone who sits in this studio, many years of life to you, from us, from everyone, thank you, the impressions from the game are only positive, leonid arkadyevich. the most charismatic man of the first channel and the ladies of the three players, you just can’t take your eyes off. and
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again the capital show field of miracles, the second three, is on air. elizaveta andreevna kazenets, city novosibirs, andrey yuryevich pashin, city of furmanov, ivanovo region. raskopova, omsk. since there is such a tradition, lady, flowers, thank you very much, thank you very much, here is the task for the second round, as in the 19th century in the tver province they called the period of spring rains and mud, 750 points, letter, letter o, open the letter o. nastya, you came from novosibirsk, yes, and, of course, i was pleased, with your permission, to start our game with a song that i wrote myself. come on,
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you don’t have enough sun and warmth, because she said so herself, it’s better than a spotlight stage, only about this. there i dreamed in your head, everything is so simple, confident, you are 100% in your business and i need you brakes, reach your dream with your hand, the whole world is open for you , your day will definitely come soon, just sing, reach your dream with your hand, the whole world is open for you , soon your day will definitely come, just sing, sing-sing, sing-sing, just sing, sing, sing, sing-sing, just sing, just fight, just fight,
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just fight, fight, fight, fight, fight , the long way is already behind us, so many words have been said, strange thoughts, let go, don’t start over, give up on problems, negative people, avoid them. oh, and do what your soul asks, reach out to your dream, the whole world is open to you, your day will definitely come soon, just sing, reach out to your dream, reach out with your hand, the whole world is open to you, your day will definitely come soon, just sing, sing-sing, sing-sing, just sing, sing-sing, sing. sing, just fight, just fight, just fight, just fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!
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thank you, where did you study, soul? the fact is that my parents are quite musical people, my dad played the guitar for half his life, my mother writes poetry for me, and - even today i have prepared wonderful gifts for you, or maybe gifts for the studio, baba valentina, a big hello to you, in general to my whole family, my two sisters, sonya and katya, mom, dad, i love you very much i love you, dear mother, today i decided to feed you a little, but i’ll start with a small one -
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a creative gift, you robbed the bun, as i already put it, my mother writes poetry, she really asked me to give you her collection, which came out literally last year, she asked you to kiss her on the cheek. thank you very much, and from my dad, i would like to shake your hand, thank you, and - my grandfather and father worked in the distant nineties at a plant that made, ground flour, and from this flour - all over siberia they prepared one of the most delicious breads here such a wonderful basket with a touch of siberian soul, and the pine cones are like bucket nuts, please help yourself, try, break off, let people try, a piece, just a piece,
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why not, come on, come on? and you say not by bread alone, bon appetit, bravo, well done, and may i, may i give me the last gift, so to speak , to fulfill my childhood dream, and now don’t be surprised, but can i give you... a festive cap, now you will understand everything, simple, just believe that this is necessary, oh, thank you very much to yourself, the fact is that i had a dream as a child, for some reason i wanted to congratulate you on your birthday and blow, so to speak, please, i even my... nosir
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friend, novosibirsk friend baked a cake on your birthday with her own hands, i know that it is in the summer, literally right after your birthday, mine too, i decided that today, since we are on the field of miracles, even the strangest dreams will come true, so imagine that today we are celebrating your day 3:4, thank you very much and bon appetit. happy birthday, happy birthday , happy birthday, i don’t need anything , the authorities need me more than they need me, because i’m independent, i can say what i think, i’m generally a cautious optimist, it seems to me
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that i’m very naturally. is the criterion, not what am i saying? i am often asked: are you forever now, what is forever, nothing forever in this life , we are in opposition to each other, i am mikhalkov, he is konchalovsky, life is so short that everyone should try to make all possible mistakes before it ends, general plan, you can show, look there, look here, look where ...
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stellar group. gin сnop product of stellar group, montechoca cognac, product of stellor group, rum, castro, product of stellor group, girls, forward to victory, we have the olympic games ahead, we don’t have time for any nonsense, i love you, you can’t do this let down. team, we were counting on you , no one, believe me, no one has regained their previous physical shape, stand your ground and never give up, the world championships are in norway, the norgs will vomit, because of simple muscle pain they will bury their talent, they put up a dubendal against you , you have to defeat this skier, i’ve already done it, come
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on, well done, “that’s enough, i decided to give up, the story of the best skier of the 20th century, white snow, tomorrow on the first day, i’m happy, you’re here, i think we should break up, this is it there is a queue for surgery, talk to someone in the queue, suddenly gives in." give me a chance to save jobs, i’m putting up a terminator, you win, the plant is yours, you’ll take your wolf to battle, and i’ll pay for your radio for the walkie-talkie, you’re not capable of this, i love her, more than life, but if i’m doomed to the pieces will be torn, ritan will never forgive me for this, we accept the battle, doomed, the premiere of the serial film, on
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sunday, on the first, with every butterfly i... is associated with a military episode, or a political character, or a collision that is now remembered in moscow , when i look at my collection, the scouts are on the boats were following on the heels of this aircraft carrier, they were scooping out from the sea all the rubbish that was falling from the aircraft carrier, soggy paper, bottles, some boxes, they hoped among this rubbish. find precious information, on a dull cloudy day i put on my orders, it was my parade, i walked alone in the drizzling rain along red square, premiere, alexander prokhanov,
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confession on monday at the first, i have never celebrated this before, 600 points for drum, let it be... come on, which one, cool it, dear friend drums, gifts for the studio, and what gifts, at least tell me, you , where are you from, now you will understand everything, i’m from the city of furnoy, van region, my gifts are connected with the fact that this is a textile region, so i want to give bed linen, and also meat products from our local producer, this is a separate topic. the fact is that i work in a textile warehouse, and my boss and i and others play football in our free time, by the way, they came to support me today, here they are sitting, and this ball, and they bought mine
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boss, therefore, vladimir pavlovich, whatever you want, i give it to leonid arkadyevich, why take it away from the boss? ball, it’s unpromising for him to buy a new one, otherwise it’s all worn out , return it, you’re a married man, you have a married man, i’ll say hello to my beloved wife, my mom, dad, brother anton, who is now serving in the army, brother, you’re easy services, i have two women left at home, so i would also like to say hello to them. baba galya, baba valya, big greetings to you, straight from the first channel, please put the pies on, bake, and while i was standing here, i had already lost weight from excitement, and i, too, got 750 points, k, open
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the letter k, because in addition to textiles, i have also been a member of the team for more than 15 years, and today they also came to support me with a musical picture. the team is called freckles of the furvan municipal district freckles in the studio, these are freckles, these are freckles, however.
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little hands, oh well done, there is a hut on the mountain , anointed with clay, my girlfriend lives there , tied by the tongue, my dear little one says , he probably loves me, he probably loves me, guy, sutarina, barvinya, barvinya, barvinya, sutarina, barvinya. why are you girls standing there, why aren’t you laughing , you probably want to trawl like me
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, we are fighting girls, we won’t get lost anywhere, if necessary we will dance, if necessary we will sing, barnya-barnya, old lady-barnya, barrynya , lady, madam, lady. dear viewers, we didn’t offend you, because you’ve never seen anyone like us, we played the thorn, we played the katyanuk quickly, feet to hands, varynya, lady, madam, varynya, varynya, sustarynya, varynya, varynya, varynya , old lady varya varya. wonderful freckles
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, wonderful, prize sector on the reel, decision, you can refuse, this is 2.0 points, we ’ll take the prize and probably bargain, yes, but since this is a textile warehouse, this is a sales area, and i’m also in this area, prize , exactly, we are sure. a prize in the studio, oh, if only you could go behind the scenes now, the commission there is stingy and monstrous, i understand, they count every penny, i understand, they can arrange something like this for a person, it’s just happiness, i don’t even want to open it, what can you offer, i am yes i’m asking you, what do you want, you want a prize, i’ll give it to you, but what else? it’s possible, but you’re married , yes, yes, for a long time, uh, 4 years, 4 years, you need
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to give your wife something, yes, yes, let me give you 30,000, you give something to your wife, give me 50 and we won’t let’s discover, the fact is that she, a musician, really wants a piano , and this is her long-standing dream, but for 50,000 you can buy a piano, well, modest, budget, but very good, specially weighted, if i give you 50,000, you give up what is in this box, so, so, nastya, this is all for you, this is all for you, you wanted it, i will do everything for you, i will already have great memories of this program, and what memories will i have if i give you 50,000, you yourself you can’t imagine, maybe 60, how much, 60, maybe, maybe 60. excuse me, who did you come with? i came from a support group
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, well, let them add, add, let’s do this , i’ll take a look, i’m ready, please, no problem, i’m thinking what to do, for the first time in 33 years , i, perhaps, on occasion, if you agree, i i'll change it. 60, that’s 60, but i can’t hear well , you know, age is already, just age, but it seemed to me 50, there’s a number six, but that’s how it was 60, 60, yes, and they already gave ten, well, yes, and that’ll be 70 , that 70, and that they gave so little, i once again invite you to think , i am hinting that i am ready to change the conditions, for the first time... in 33 years, i think it’s better to have a hay in your hands than a pie in the sky,
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okay, 60,000 to the studio, as long as she brings money, you can change your mind, okay, come down, come down, everything is for you, my beloved wife, anastasia, this is just for the sake of you, i'm taking this money, and i won't be upset no matter what is there. i’m taking it away, you see, in any case i’m obliged to show what was here, i said that for the first time in 33 years, having heard what you said, i’m ready to change a certain parameter, which means there was a freeze bark here, but i wanted instead , lara, give your wife a piano as a prize.
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everything is fine at home, everything is fine, son is 35, husband, hello, alexander, beauty, you are a happy person, happy person, very good, 450 points letter. so the letter m.m. open. i didn’t come alone today, a young man came with me, maybe he’ll come out and tell you the poem. well, really, what a waste of time. oh, he's the one,
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yes. the name of? kirill dmitrievich. very nice. what can you do? fun everywhere, excitement and smiles, the flooded field of miracles is a fairy-tale forest, there is joy, laughter, spin, drum, you are bolder, uncle lenya, and you are a very important tuchin, you are the most important in this forest, thank you for your laughter, for your humor what you give to people. i send greetings to montenegro, omsk, tashken, st. petersburg, to my mother with dad, nikita hello, maxim and katya class and tatyana lvovna, my teacher, and you are aunt lena, don’t be afraid to play, spin the drum , strive to win, leni torkadovich, and can you
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also give me some gifts to the studio, from omsk land, i still recommend you... remember the task, at least approximately, what we are talking about on march 1st, is this the beginning of what? spring, here is the letter r. 600 points on the reel, open the letter r, leonitevich, i brought sweets, i would like you to treat me to the studio, they, and i’ll try, they carried it away, there is also very good lard delicious, salty, this is from evgenia vladimirovna shevyreva, yes. while i was transporting the whole plane , i was drooling, i also brought spring water, this spring water was made by my housekeeper, i understand, i understand, the housekeeper is my mother, mommy, hello, valentina
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nikolaevna, leonida arkadyevich, please tell her hello, she is 83 years old , valentina nikolaevna, my dear, the lard is amazing, but... next time, make something other than spring water, 600 points on drums, letter t. every time i look with with surprise, you name letters that are not there, we are solving what, and we are solving a question, we are solving a word, what task, which i cannot name in its entirety, you intrigue me, i asked. about the tasks puddles, rain, and for the sake of, excuse me, please, i got involved in our conversation at the wrong time, and you have a plus sector on the reel, you can open any letter in this word, sixth, sixth, please open, yes, i have there are many listeners
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who live in different parts of russia and i want to thank you very much for listen to my music, support me, i love you very much. 450 points, letter e, well , now you spin the reel, listen , i can’t imagine what you are guessing after what is written here, march 1st, this is the day of what, the beginning of what, 400 points, letter d, what, open, oh my god , will this ever end, but... points the letter and open it, now it’s just a word, it’s not such a simple word, that means we will probably have 600 points, if we don’t collect the letter, which letter is a, well, try to open it, three is correct guessed
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letters give you the right to two boxes, two boxes per studio, take your pick. can my young man choose, young man, kiryusha, come here here, open, 350 points, letter c, open the word, the whole word, and the second finalist is in front of us, capital show, field of miracles. from our program from the first channel, gifts for the second three players to the studio! thank you, i’m already in the finals, i guessed the word, cheer for
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me, i hope that i will win the main prize, i wish everyone to come here to this program, this program, it’s like this the atmosphere is just fabulous. team tournament of the best figure skaters of russia tenkov, channel one cup, live broadcast, tomorrow on the first, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, bourbon stirs. product of steller group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group.
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сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life and then he disappears, even if he dies. in this girl, she almost doesn’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost her most precious thing, her mother. i don't think that me without her. i have a lot of memories, but this is my mother. yulia nachalova died completely. young at 38, leaving his beloved daughter, vera, to his parents and ex-husband. i said that, unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that mom is no longer with us. that’s what he experienced at that moment, that evening, only he knows, it’s a big responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i'm really very somehow mega-strong, i felt like everything was like that. pulled herself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided , at all costs, to become a star in memory
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of her famous mother. when you appeared, my life changed, i will always be by your side. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. in the 17th century , voronezh was as long as 500 days. was the capital of the russian state, why? yes , because peter i built his fleet here, you are a test pilot, yes, what is the difference from an ordinary pilot? the aircraft was just iron, after the test pilot lifted it into the sky, it already becomes an airplane. after so many years of communicating with beavers, have you learned at least a little of their language? a dissatisfied beaver, as it sounds, we are cooking cheese. we make rekota, mozzarella, he says this, when we didn’t have a machine with a drill, we beat the butter, i’m always shocked in our country,
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because people here invent everything they want, the lives of their own, the premiere, sunday on the first, according to the will , the russian throne is not inherited, who was waiting for such a gift, i’m glad, that you don't have to kill him?
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weakness will never be forgiven. union of salvation. big premiere. from monday on the first. and again the capital show pole cheles is on air. third three. vera sergeevna schoolboy, moscow. konstantin alexander skorovarov, orenburg. and nina ilinichna botalovo, village of yusva, perm territory. konstantin aleksandrovich, beautiful ladies, flowers, thank you, oh, thank you, here is the task for
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the third round, april 23. the slavs celebrated the holiday of erila, spring. the first spring weddings begin on this day. slavs believed that on this day god irilo carried out a process of what with the earth? sector key on the drum. want to try? i'll try. keys to the studio. suit. nothing, try, but how to try, alas, come up,
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they will show you what key was used to open the door, come up, take the key. try to open the door, otherwise it starts, there was no such key, come here, young man, what’s your name, mitya, a grown man, what’s mitya, dad, what’s your name, dad, kostya, that means you, dmitry konstantinovich, mitya, mitya, ok, anyway. give me what you can do? uncle lenya, dear, hello to you , i brought a big one, i thought for a long time and wondered what kind of wonderful things you did, here they dance, sing, give out gifts, i wish everyone good luck on the wonderful program. tell me, who are you?
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mitya's dad from orenburg, that's enough, i work as a truck driver, we deliver building materials, we help build houses, mom, yours, mom, we have it in our studio as support, come here, you won't get lost, take it, go. b 550 points, letter m, m, open the letter m. leonit arkadyevich, i take this opportunity to bring you goodies, you can go to the studio, of course, you can do anything
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, our whole family goes to the bathhouse, we love it, as they say, it’s healthy and... a bath set for you, also homemade pickles, thank you, my dear, 500 points on the drum, letter, open 850 points, letter c, yes, let's talk to you, where is nina ilynichnaya, this village is located, in my native language it means.
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now i’m not going to bargain with you, i don’t bargain with women at all, especially on march 1st, it’s spring here, choose a prize, are you sure you need it, i’ll give it to you, no question, please, money, okay, let me... 10,000 rubles. does it suit you? no, that means a prize, money, let’s give 60,000, how much? 60, are you bargaining with yourself now? i'm ready to give you 20,000 rubles. and you refuse the prize. prize, prize, that is, you refuse the 30,000 rubles that i
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offered you? no, what not? a prize, that is, you refuse the 40,000 rubles that i offered you, you are suffering for some reason, you say yes or no, it’s so simple, what difference does it make, what lies here, a prize, a prize, that is, you... you refuse, money, money , we’ll wait here until march 8, yes, well, give it away, money, that is, you refuse this, yes, are you sure, yes, 40,000 to the studio, while it’s on , you can change your mind, money , yes, please, please go, as soon as you touch the money, the prize will remain with us. i’ll take the money , take it, i ask you to take out the prize that was in this box, a prize for the studio, that would be
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yours, i want to give you gifts from our district, we made wicker baskets there , thank you very much, i ask you, that's how it should be i understand that you’ve probably been retired for a long time, yes, but what did you work for? i worked as a music director in a kindergarten, well, i must tell you, fate, fate knows what it’s doing, the plus sector on the drum, you can open any letter in this word, which one, the second, open the second letter?
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summer and winter, repeat after me, karki higher to the sky, and it’s so nice to let a bunny fly, boys and girls sing and dance to a new song, everything is clear, the harmony of sounds , verses and choruses, you can’t stand still, la-la-la -la-la, la, la, la-la-la, in the summer and in winter, repeat after me, how short the crab towers are and how a bunny jumps in the fall in the spring on the spot, don’t stand there
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, let’s sit together and dance together, and if we spin around, it will be more fun. so funny , let's clap, smile at each other, so that we feel warmer, summer and winter, repeat after me, short mouse to the sky and jump like a bunny, in the fall in the spring, don't stand still, we'll be the whole country together, it's hard to dance , from the speakers our track will be for absolutely everyone. dance together, come on together, fish weight, summer and winter , repeat after me, on fishermen, higher to the sky, and like a bunny jump, in the fall in the spring, don’t stand still, we’ll be a network of a country,
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dance this tarik together, 850 points, letter , let's try and open it, and i want to give a short explanation, the fact is that this holiday is april 23, with which the first spring weddings began, it is, as it were, the release of the first dew, which was considered strong and was used during rituals...
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in another hello from the field of miracles, which box do you choose? well i won't go out from the game, if i choose a box, you will leave the game with money on occasion, but... close, empty, close, it’s unlikely that anyone will judge me, which box are you choosing, i didn’t notice, i chose this one, what, what, what, what, what box do you choose, well, let’s do it, there’s probably something there, i guessed it, but it’s not enough, the plus sector is on the drum, you can open any letter in this word, which one?
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500 points, letter, letter, letter v, victor, victor, please, it means that this is happening to the earth, sector. i'm sorry, you
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bankrupt, spin the drum again, well , the letter n, the letter n, n, n, open the letter n, well, look carefully what the word is, i can’t imagine any other word other than this, they applaud you as if you are already a winner, let's try the letter r, which r. extinction, no, well, my friend, will you spin the drum? leonid arkadyevich, on occasion, we convey our warm greetings to our parents, mother, father, beloved mother-in-law, all distant relatives, the city of orsk, the city of samara, yekaterinburg, the city of orenburg, all relatives, health, good luck to everyone and up to a new 600 points, the letter vladimir is, as i said, this is.
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laundering, heal the drum, it doesn’t matter , you said, he likes the letter v, but brothers, look at the scoreboard, what’s happening to the earth, the month of march, spring, winter is over, the hall froze in horror, 500 points, letter, letter k, open the whole word. washing off. and before us is the third finalist. capital of the show field of miracles. from our program, from the first channel, gifts for the third three players. to the studio. mommy, hello. i love you. i say hello to everyone.
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imagine, they come to our enterprise wagons with metal, and a whole warship comes out , which can provide the main defense of our country itself, we are sailing to a bright future, yes, yes, our everything, premiere, tomorrow on the first, hello, my name is ksyusha, i am 27 years old, i am his i’m just now starting to somehow arrange my apartment, the fact is that 2 years ago i lost my husband, after. long-term illnesses, what kind of feeling do you want from the space, so that it fills you with light and such energy of life, i found a beautiful, natural one. cambric cambric our door is a barn and it would seem that a barn door is something so heavy and rough, but no, one space becomes multifunctional, but at the same time unified, with the fact that you came into my life, here is the film crew, bringing
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me back back to myself, thank you very much, about the comfort, the premiere, tomorrow at... oh, oh, doctor, we have a call again, hello, so, hello, how to explain dr. alim? this is to look at the mouth, doctor, tell us what you are doing, look at the mouth, it’s magic, the ribbon ties itself into a knot, they give penalties for this points for the performance, yes, a deduction, but i thought i would have given bonus points, do you have an idol? sports, dad, dad, it’s probably him for training, dad didn’t want to go, he just wanted to practice calmly, no, he, he just wanted to sit quietly on his tablet, you’re a motorcyclist, paratrooper and rock musician, you’re
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6 years old for sure, yes, the song is not for us the rock of the cosmodrome, the best, new season, on sunday on the first. the country's first population. the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, pushing back united states. this is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology. india has been exporting its software products since more than the nineties. countries of the world, this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight in the street over some trifle. now about 2,000 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record. hindus and russians, they are brother, brother. we helped india
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create the most modern system education, healthcare. you have a maiden kutumbak. this in sanskrit means one land, one family, one future. premiere of civilization. film six. india, on tuesday, on the first. and again the capital show pole chelest is on air. the final. here are the tasks for the final round. the swallow winters in africa and tropical asia. and in the spring he returns to europe. how? in this regard, among the people?
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open, third, third letter, 550 points, plus sector on the reel, which letter is your letter, letter e, forward, leonida arkadyevich, i didn’t give you another gift. you they said that they had already been in the city of omsk 100 times, well, not 100, but there were, and from a simple omsk pensioner, this is my mother, third husband, you once came and took a photo with him there, and he left you just from himself i can give you an autograph in the field of miracles, let it be a souvenir, his name is
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vladimir pavelich, please say hello to you too, thank you very much, vladimir pavlovich, i received it, she brought it, very touching, so. discover a bird that, like many migratory birds, flies to warm regions for the winter and then returns back, function, why 500 points, letter k, open, and everyone already knows what we’re talking about, a thousand points on the reel, letter, letter c, please, look at the scoreboard. you look at the scoreboard, 400 points, letter, letter ш, but in principle. this word can be written like that, if you don’t have, say, a couple of teeth, then in
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principle you can write it like that, and you, what are you spinning, my friend, thousands of points on the reel, letter, letter i, open, well, 600 glasses, the letter r, you are doing this on purpose, no, look at the toblo, the swallow has flown away, the famous a poem, we taught it to school, a swallow flies towards us with spring in the hay, as i remember now, 500 points, letter c, open, well, i know the word, but i want to check one more letter, 850 points, letter h, open , oh, housekeeper, and before us is the winner, we scored
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5,300 points, and there is a laptop, yes, girls, a laptop, a smartphone, oh, light in the windows, robot power, light in the windows. why is there a light in the window, a robot washing the windows, which is all in the studio, well, lenit ardovich, i got so many emotions, i got so much charge, thank you very much, that you invited me to this studio, i won’t play a super game, so... that’s it , thank you, it’s your right, here’s the winner’s cup, the capital of the show, the field of miracles, we
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say goodbye to you, spring is on the street, spring mood to you , god bless you, believe in your dream, participate, play in the field of miracles, thank you very much to my support group, come here, play, win. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day.


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