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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 4, 2024 3:35am-4:21am MSK

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in our country somewhere in australia, i don’t know, anywhere, when there was coronavirus, tournaments were played online, and after that there was a trend that there are tournaments that are played from home online, and there are tournaments that are held in person, this is called a lan tournament, respectively, here are the russian tournaments that are held, they come, well, you need to come, the tournament lasts several days, continuous. the game, there is preparation for opponents, this all happens in person, that is, we take our keyboards and mice there to make it more convenient for us to play, computers are provided there , this is basically how the tournament is held, and there is a tournament where you can just play online from home, a computer game is a very complex structure, it is a concentration of creative industries, i would say, yes, this is the software part , this is design, this is music, this is, well, there ’s a lot there. all in all, the fact that these are mostly
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western games in general, this means what, and will we play our games someday, when there are not very few russian games on the market, but the fact is that in general, when anyone on planet earth is going to make a game, he understands how much it costs, and it’s not cheap, then the question arises, how will he actually earn this money, return the investment and... then it becomes clear that if we say , let us make a game that will pay for itself and at the same time be of high quality, but only at the russian level, this is technically impossible, the game must be world famous and in demand, and here it is both good and bad, bad, because you are competing with the whole world and naturally, for your product to be competitive, it must be very , very interesting, attractive,
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again, as i say, know what russian, russian literature is, yes, platonov is ideological, but his ideologicalness is very natural when he writes about ideology , you believe him, well, i agree, and you know , in fact, for me it was probably even when i was preparing for the program, i think, what a cruel man german is, how cruel he is, he forced me to read this because what... i knew better platonov to the military, that’s when you read exactly these military topics, although they seem washed out, such templates, that is, the great patriotic war, for us, you know, it consists of so many films, texts, associations, some
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parades, that it is very difficult to perceive this topic freshly, but when i read platonov, specifically about the war, my heart was simply torn, that is, this... he finds such an unexpected way to the heart, he is so truly alive, sincere, that it’s as if you ’re taking it all in for the first time, and you feel the pain and passions of all that period , all the problems, and it was hard for me, that is , it was very, you know, close to the heart, very close to the nerves, yes, this is very scary prose, in some places it’s well...
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european in the first 2 years, with the help, well , through heroism, feats of self-sacrifice , we crushed this army in 2 years, we destroyed it, this is the secret of the victories of the subsequent red army, because then in front of us
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the burghers were already hastily gathered, there were some after mobilization they came, those who no longer had that experience of victory, yes, the feelings of victors, they all lay down.
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questions, and he turns out, asks this german soldier: why did you come, what do you want, what do you believe in? and this german soldier answers him that so, the fuhrer said so, i’m acting, there, if this... the fuhrer said, this cannot be untrue, that is , he shows himself a little like a zombie, and the russian soldier says to him: well if you yourself don’t know what you are doing, but just listen to the fuhrer, then how can you believe in what you are doing, but why does he tell you to live then, why then you, that is, this is, in general, a philosophical conversation they are having, yes, it is a very philosophical, very ideological conversation, but the ideology is given there in such a way that you have no objections, in platonov it is very clear that we... stand for life, yeah, we stand for life , for our land, for our homeland, he
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also says in another story, it seems, that well , he says, well, it’s okay if we die, nothing like that, yes, new people will be born, no worse than us, the main thing , so that the homeland remains, the place that gives birth to new people, and it shows, yes, that we are not the same, we are not, we are not equal, we are fighting on the side, on the side of the light, we are fighting on the side of good, behind us says: yes, this is the communist ideology, which for platonov was an unconditional faith, that is, we are fighting not only platonov was actually an ardent communist, not only for their own good , for the good of all humanity, these nazis, he shows, these are just really zombified people, they followed their tyrant, they submitted to the will of their tyrant, they really don’t know why they came here, they really don’t know why do they kill, die, so...
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and platonov - he didn’t even immediately become a military correspondent, he was in the forty-first year, already in the forty-first year, in august he volunteered as a private to the front, but the soviet government was smart enough that well, as if there is no need to throw around platonov, throw around platonov, yes, we don’t have that many of them, so they pulled him out, reformatted him a little, gave him an officer’s rank.
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well, you are behind enemy lines in a partisan detachment, he was even in a partisan detachment, at the front he was constantly on the front line, then military officers, they didn’t wear this kind of armor, they didn’t have that blue bullet-proof vest with the inscription like a press saying that you can’t shoot at us, he was in uniform, he was an officer, but he ended the war, he was a major, a major, that is he fought and he fought, including with weapons in his hands, he...
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the plot there is that our officers are trying to storm a german city, and there is an underground labyrinth, but the officers do not immediately guess about this labyrinth, they first understand that these pillboxes, that is, firing points, as i understand it, they are all the time are changing and the officers cannot understand how this is happening, the firing point, well, when
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the officer begins to read information about this city, he... understands that the foundation of the house cannot be larger than the house itself and therefore it is apparently wide, the volume of these storage facilities for cheese and butter, that is, it was some kind of city in which cheese and butter were made, so these products were stored in these underground labyrinths, and when the officer tries to do all this... to plan, to understand what is felt behind it this is precisely the engineering acumen, that is, it becomes it’s clear that this is being thought by a person who understands very well how buildings are built, how they generally work, as you put it, yes, the mechanics of combat, yes, that is, that’s all, suddenly we are shown this behind the scenes in this story, and it makes an impression, even for me,
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a woman, i understand little about the art of war, but this story, it really explains a lot, in platonov’s stories there is always a lot of texture, a lot of truth about the work of mechanisms, about the work of people, and direct combat impressions there same there is, there - people shoot, of course, they die, of course, they kill, of course, one of his heroes comes under fire, he is thrown up there by an explosion, but does not die, this is from his personal biography too, yes, he came under fire, he was thrown back, hit a... and a tree with his head then he had there, there were headaches that had never happened before, but he wrote to his wife about this, he writes to his wife about this, that well, it’s not so easy to kill me, i need direct hit in the head to kill me, and writes it in approximately the same words hero, this podcast is a must-read, i ’m agla ibatnikova, my guest is the writer
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german sadulayev, and we’re discussing the war stories of andrei platonov, you know, this image of a flower, which - it appears several times in several stories, the image of a flower that grows from rocky or sandy soil, and platonov writes that this flower, which grows from this poor soil, is like a person who transforms evil into good within himself, this is also something buddhist, very optimistic platonov’s philosophical concept, he often says: again, directly about the substance of life or about living substance, which we must preserve and increase, and for the sake of this everything, but what am i in myself? i am a small particle of this living matter, if i die, well, that means i will die, if - on me and by me, but on me life ends
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, other living matter will grow, if i contribute to its preservation and increase, then all this happened . not in vain, this is a very optimistic, very bright russian philosophy, which is embodied in his texts. more platonov was probably happy with his personal life, he had one wife all his life , whom he loved very much, in general, such a monogamous union is rare for a russian writer, and i know that you recently wrote a very hype post about the fact that akhmatova ruined gumilyov with her frivolous...
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maybe yes, that is, ultimately yes, ultimately his wife maria, she was his secretary, she became his custodian of his legacy, but we in the writing community joke about the fact that his wife the writer must prepare to become the writer's widow, that is, this is her main role, in fact, this is her main role, her goal.
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but not by its evil nature, due to some kind of weakness, vulnerability, weakness, vulnerability, due to the fact that a woman is also a person, yes, the hardships of life, because life
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is generally hard work, well, yes, it is doubly difficult for a woman, because she is raising children, yes, she still has to take care of others, so he, that is, here is not only a hero, that is, here it is like platonov, he forgives the woman in advance. because, well, he generally forgives all people, except the germans, except, and the woman he understands and forgives, so his women cheat, but they do not do it out of darkness of soul, that is, this is some imperfection of human nature, and of life in general, and the imperfection of life in general, but because of which you can’t break, you can’t destroy, you know , i didn’t expect to hear this from you
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, i was able to overcome this craving for new love with some new feelings, this is also all understandable, this is also all very human, but his stories, such as the return, they are a little different, for me they are a little other than the innermost man, than the labyrinth, what is plato’s innermost man, what is he like, what is this, what is this character, right?
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how he can cut sausage on his wife’s coffin is incomprehensible, if we look at a person simply from the point of view of his individuality, his destiny, that is , platos is anti-indi. how he lives, you don’t understand why where he grows, if you don’t take into account this root system of his. yes, herman, it was a very interesting conversation, thank you
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very much, thank you very much, it was a podcast a must read, i’m aglayan batnikova, my guest was the writer german sadulaev, we talked about andrei platonov’s prose. there are even more stories about writers and their books on the website of the first channel hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. development strategy of russia, message from the president to the federal assembly. we are one big family, we are together and therefore we will do everything
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as we plan and want to do as we dream, five new national projects for everyone and for everyone, time for heroes, low bow to you guys, the main thing for the week about the special operation, liberated settlements and damaged abrams, american tanks are burning perfectly. valuable personnel. such people, who think about the country and live by its destiny, can be passed on in the future and entrusted to russia. an educational project for the country's real elite. leaks in the bundeswehr scholz is in favor of the military, who discussed the strike with long-range taurus on the crimean bridge. we also have
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weapons that can...
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russia, long active life, personnel, data economics. in fact, the head of state outlined an action plan for the next 6 years and longer term. the president's address to the nation aroused enormous interest, as confirmed by a survey conducted by the russian center for public opinion research. the message was followed by the vast majority of russians, 86%. 85% of those who followed the message say that vladimir putin has a strategy for the development of the country for the coming years, they are confident that the president will be able to implement it; one of the important topics of the message was the personnel program for participants in a special military operation, it’s time for heroes, about it a little later on our broadcast, but for now about what’s happening on the front line,
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our troops have occupied. with their help they even take prisoners, as sergei ponomarev will tell you exactly. we hovered over him, well, we simulated a reset, he fell face down, then he realized that they would not leave him, he raised his head, knelt down, waved and we led him away. the end of this small special operation was caught on video; they forgot
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to turn on the recording in time. we always try to make it clear that we don't want to kill them, that let them unfortunately, not everyone gives up. such work, according to the uav operator with the call sign timakh, is more expensive than any accurate hits by a kamikaze drone, and effectively, everyone is intact. timakha, a volunteer, remained in the krasnodar region. family and a chain of restaurants for a year and a half since artyomovsk became his second home, well, you are terrifying strangers, your own, with your appearance, right? well, yes, a lot of questions immediately arise, whose bird is in the sky, especially from ours, when our positions fly over, sometimes you need to explain to the same person 10 times that it is ours, in the roar of the front bursts in with the piercing roar of propellers, this sound, as they say here, is sometimes worse than artillery in the night, you can’t understand your
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drone or... someone else’s, if not a komikaze, then it’s a fan, and you can be clearly seen, the night is cold, you can, i think for well, for a kilometer and a half, notice the warmth of a person, a car is even further away, respectively. even three or four kilometers can be safely seen under their round-the-clock surveillance, the surroundings of artyomovskaya and the nearest villages are clearing the enemy’s defense lines there , the 102nd regiment of the 150th division is advancing towards the hour yar, each the maneuver on the ground is verified from the air, the video signal from the drones comes directly to the command post. we are slowly moving forward online, we can watch the work of our units, how they move, where they are, we can see everything and give advice.
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guys appeared, completely cleared this support tower, the enemy has a lot of quadcopters, but the 102nd regiment has already learned to deal with them not only with the help of anti-drone guns and a rap station, they take them to ram. you need, so to speak, to hit any screw with your belly, it is blocked, the bird automatically gives an error that the propeller is blocked, when you turn off the engine it crashes. at night , their main job is to designate targets for artillery so that the enemy cannot raise his head, our mortars do not stop talking. 700. 0.4 04:95 0.495 visit report that mortar crews have a lot of work both day and night in the dark, as a rule, they take place during the main assault operations, and you can also catch the enemy in rotation, when the enemy has come out of
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cover, to the trenches. drill down more 3 km, so only take small flashlights with you to not to give away the position, when we shoot one or two at a time, they leave and as if the cassettes are already flying here. i’m this one , one in 10 minutes, one in two in 10 minutes, he doesn’t report to them what the target is, only the coordinates, but judging by the range, the enemy continues to retreat, so the guys are preparing to change positions after the infantry, he will go with them and the entire arsenal, our kids, a gunner with the call sign border served as an urgent sniper, he himself asked the commander, as he says, to try something new for himself, the ability to use a sight was useful in artillery, well now i don’t regret that i ended up here, no, sometimes i even think what i’ll do at home after all this, seriously, yes, when it’s all over, yes, they made a deal with the guys, and this despite the fact that every exit from the shelter means exposing themselves to enemy shells, they have already calculated on average, before
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the response flies, they will have time to fire up to 9 minutes, sometimes they cover earlier, i was lucky, i stitched through a sweatshirt, slowed down the speed a little , just went under the skin, as if i didn’t feel anything, well, how as if a stone had flown over, back to the front line, that’s how it’s done here, not sometimes it is not necessary to abandon your own people; a well-coordinated crew with precise coordinates sometimes does not need to take aim, as in these frames taken with a thermal imager, the very first 120-mm shell hit an entire enemy squad. the work of mortarmen is difficult not only technically, but also physically. the weight of one such projectile is about 16 kg, and you still need to be able to run with it, and fast at that. it's a matter of habit, they say. to be honest, i don’t like small calibers, yes, why? well, this... it will give so much heat, this time three shells were enough, the command was given to stop, they managed to cover it, they say, they will clarify later, before new targets are transmitted over the radio, it is better not to waste time and prepare mines. sergey panomariov, roman
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serebrennikov and pavel evdokimov, channel one. people who can be entrusted with the country, the president said in his message to the federal assembly about our front-line soldiers, so that they have the opportunity to take their rightful place in peaceful life. on march 1, a new personnel program was launched in... the project of applications is being implemented, and alexey kruchinin will tell the russian academy of national economy and public administration about this at the workshop management of senizh, the official website of vremyaheroev.rf became available on friday evening, in two days almost 21.00 more were received. before the start of the svo, the definition of the elite in the public consciousness of russians was blurred. often it was used to describe people of dubious moral qualities, many of whom , moreover, had a purely consumerist attitude towards their homeland, and as soon as this pseudo-elite smelled the gunpowder, it immediately became uncomfortable, because they feel good only where it is warm, financial and safe , and from them themselves neither sweeping actions, nor even greater feats are required. the special operation puts everything in its place; in his address to the federal assembly, vladimir putin consolidated a new
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understanding, much more in line with the national spirit, who is now the real elite? well, you know that the word elta has largely discredited itself by those who, having no merit to society, consider themselves some kind of caste with special rights and privileges, especially... i mean those who, in previous years, lined their pockets for considering all the processes in the economy of the nineties, here... they are definitely not the elite, i repeat, the true, real elite is everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable , proven, proven by deeds, who have proven their loyalty to russia, worthy people, you know, i look at these courageous people, sometimes very young guys, so... without any attraction , i can say, my heart
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is filled with pride for our people, for our people, for these particular people, such people will certainly not retreat, will not let you down or betray them, such people who think about the country, live by its destiny, can be passed on in the future and entrusted to russia , we are talking primarily about the military, who listened to the president's message in gostiny dvor and their comrades on the front line in the special operation zone, in general, those who irrefutably prove their love for their homeland by risking their lives every day. the support of russia and the salt of the earth. according to the president, it is they who must now emerge as the leaders of the country, occupy leading positions in all key areas, from the education system and youth upbringing to large business and government administration. in the future, these are the people who will really lead our country, these are the future governor, these are the future chairman of the people's people's council, these are the future directors.
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or another russian hero, maxim sholomov, who was very pleased to hear the president’s words; this is also a big reward, in addition. those that are already shining on the chest. it was said that the elite is precisely a soldier who is ready to give his life for the lives of other people. the truth is behind us, glory to the russian soldier, god bless us. those who now have a special role are entitled to special support. the president recalled that svo participants have a priority right to receive education in the country's leading universities. in addition, families of fighters from the far east from the arctic, as well as, of course, donbass and novorossia, can... receive a preferential mortgage at a rate of 2%. for
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danil stepankov, a demobilized student from lugansk, this is very important; there is a new addition to his young family. it was nice to hear that for young families, sco participants, there will be a 2% mortgage on new entities, because we do not have our own housing, we rent an apartment, and we would like to see our own housing appear, where we will directly invest our efforts, energy and for the child to live in comfort and joy. their time is coming, the time of heroes. this is the name of the new large-scale personnel program announced by vladimir putin. on the basis of the public administration workshop, seniz vranhiks, the military will train highly qualified specialists who in the future will be able to work in government agencies and state-owned companies. applications are accepted from unconvicted fighters with higher education and management experience, and current ranks and positions do not matter. the main thing is that these must be people who have shown their best qualities, showed that they know how to lead their comrades. will begin in the coming months, the mentors
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for the first participants of the program will be the heads of the government, the presidential administration, federal ministries, departments, and heads of regions of our largest companies. in the future, we will expand such personnel programs, launch management courses at the russian academy of national economy and public services, and i consider it necessary to legislatively increase the status of the academy. i ask the ministry of defense, commanders of combat units, support the desire of fighting officers to try their hand at a new personnel program, provide for them the opportunity to apply for participation, and go to full-time classes. i would like to note that the participants in the special military operation, both privates, sergeants , and combat officers, already today form the backbone of our armed forces; of course, as i already said, those who intend... to continue their military career will receive priority
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promotions upon admission for command courses, schools and military academies, this is the most important task that she is now being decided, and naturally, taking into account what the president just said, of course, it will become overgrown with specifics, specific tasks, because these are different professions, different specialties, those who would like to continue their military career, separate opportunities will be presented for them . there are nuances: first of all, how to be an active military man who has everything to get an education except the main time. the main format of the program is online classes, but fighters will be able to count on trips to moscow. we are now discussing with the ministry of defense how this can be organized. these will be short business trips for training, but the ministry of defense understands the importance of this educational program, and i think that the participants will be sufficiently motivated.
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registration takes place on the timeheroes website. rf. application, contact details, testing a little later, then the actual selection. veteran from kusbas. savin was a senior reconnaissance machine gunner; soon he would have at his disposal weapons more powerful than machine gun, professional skills of a manager and a team of comrades and like-minded people. first of all, from the program, we expect the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge that will later be useful to us, and then it’s natural to realize ourselves, because this is a huge responsibility, well, without knowledge , we can’t go anywhere, and even more so the trust that ours has now placed in us.. president, but we can never let you down. many regions are already using the enormous potential of northern military district veterans. sergey efremov, in in the recent past, commander of the tiger volunteer battalion, appointed vice-governor of primorye. in the time of heroes project, he will be one of the mentors. i am sure that military experience will help guys learn new specialties more easily, because, for example,
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battalion management is the most effective school of management. the decision has to be made in a matter of seconds under enemy fire. in general, i spent almost 2 years at the front, so... and i want to say that i saw a lot of competent, decent people who, in principle, by and large, returned from front, to return to peaceful life, this is not a regular military man, this is among the mobilized, this is among volunteers, they will be able to provide enormous assistance specifically in public administration. the mayor of nevinnomysk, hero of russia mikhail minenkov adds, real front-line commanders know better than anyone what it’s like when there is no room for error, quality. very carefully, for this you need to carry out a lot of activities, because at the beginning of human life this actually helps in civilian life, if we are now coping on the front line, then here
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they can handle it better, they have confidence in their abilities, which the special military operation gave them. all of russia is helping the guys on the front line; warm clothes and camouflage nets are pouring into the north military district zone. the popular front is donating ammunition, copters and drone jammers purchased with donations from russians, the bill is already worth tens of billions of rubles. of course, when they return home and get a job, yesterday’s fighters will also enjoy the support of the population, ” says novosibirsk deputy andrei panferov. an experienced military man, he began combat service back in afghanistan, in the northern military district he was a special forces commander. and the trend in how people began to relate to the army is clearly visible. this is the connection between the army and the people. it has always existed, especially now, and i think that this trust in the military man, which was 80 years ago when the victory was won, is being revived right now. they have a lot to do for the country, but for now the main task is there, in the trenches under mines and bullets, the movement
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forward that the president talked so much about depends on its solution in his message: the implementation of all planned plans today directly depends on our... soldiers, officers, volunteers, all military personnel who are now fighting at the front, on the courage, on the courage and determination of our comrades in arms who defend their homeland, rise to the attack, they move forward under fire, sacrifice themselves for us, for the sake of the fatherland. it is they, our soldiers, who are creating today the absolutely necessary conditions for the future of the country and for its development. low bow to you guys. what is this if not the highest trust that the guys brilliantly justify at the front ? and without...


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