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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  March 4, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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poroshenko rewarded syrsky and promoted him to lieutenant general, significantly underestimating the official figure of ukrainian losses. by the way, in 10 years , not everyone will be lucky enough to rise from lieutenant of a commander to kamdiv, general. when the head of state hides the loss of the battle, he praises it, and a high place is reserved. sirsky had no successful operations; no matter where he was, he always suffered defeat. the last one is the defense of bakhmut, where he put the most personnel . according to some reports, in artyomovsky the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 70 thousand personnel . on the first day of his appointment, military registration and enlistment offices switched to round-the-clock operation. this fits well with the forecasts that he will ensure the defense of the armed forces of ukraine in the usual ways, and will fill the ranks with inexperienced masses. the ukrainian military gave syrsky a terrible nickname - the butcher. it caught on, as did general 200 with its reference to cargo 200, which means those killed on the battlefield. first of all , i arranged a personnel rotation of the military elite among
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the guys, however, military analysts do not understand how can a change in commander-in-chief improve the overall situation at the front, especially when the weapons are virtually stuck somewhere between the american senate and congress, quite realistically, blocked by farmers on the polish border, a lone abrams in sticky soil will not solve the problems in yirsky, there’s also his russian roots, which have to be fought at the highest ukrainian level. the russians are trying to impose on syrsky the image of a soviet and russian person; for this they are looking for his relatives in russia and friends. the main goal of this company is to discredit commander-in-chief and a decrease in confidence in the armed forces of ukraine. alexander syrsky was born in the village of navinka , vladimir region in sixty-five. he graduated from high school in kharkov, his father, now a retired colonel, was transferred there. after the collapse of the union, parents stanislav and lyudmila, as well as brother oleg, chose russia as their place of residence. alexander remained to pursue a career in ukraine, while his neighbors claim that at different times they often heard him speak unflatteringly about his ukrainian colleagues. once
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i came here, he said: we are working with ukrainians, we sit in the same headquarters, and we hate them all, as evidenced by the footage from the celebration of russia day in 2013, where the cake was decorated with ukrainian and russian flags, then in the thirteenth year he was already a major general in the position of chief for cooperation with nato to brussels, where, together with the high command of the north atlantic alliance , he developed the bringing of the armed forces of ukraine to european standards. discussing the military tactics of general syrsky, western analysts are inclined to believe that... that in building defense he rather, he uses the knowledge acquired back in soviet times, when he studied at the higher command combined arms school. in the ranks of which he actually marched in the parade along red square in 1983. the west really hopes that the skills that were taught to him at nato headquarters will work. at least in an interview with the british communist tsirsky a year ago , he said that he was a staunch supporter of pre-centralized command, detailed planning, as well as deceiving the enemy and using the surprise factor. well
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the sudden rumor about the next spring counter-offensive has already been disseminated in detail by syrsky’s pre-centralized subordinates, how much blood he will cost in ukraine they already know how he fights, we have all already seen, it’s a pity that there are few military men left who know about this. so, zelensky exchanges nasyrsky for luzhny and goes to munich, that’s why? let's get a look. this was the right decision, in order not to be surrounded, the decision was made to withdraw to other lines. this is how he justifies the complete failure of the counterattack and the need to urgently flee with battlefield, but it’s true that he was also offered to turn to the americans and say what he still wanted. what would you say to your fellow republicans in the united states of america?
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to the obviously swollen whites of a drug addict, this is a person who constantly uses, not case by case, not from time to time, he does it constantly, but also to say, just what kind of rhetoric is this, that is, is it confusion, is it panic, or is this systemic behavior a person who is simply addicted to psychotropic drugs, he it’s scary, he can’t go anywhere , there’s nowhere to run,
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what can he do ? here are the truly dramatic events from the outside. lobbyists, as we know, have now come up with a new strategy, but they won’t take us to the west, they won’t take us into nato or the european union, so let us conclude such stupid letters, yes, agreements, joint security, first with britain, the british are working most actively in ukraine, then with the french and germans , in principle, to nothing, of course,
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these security agreements do not oblige anyone, but in this way we show that the west is with us, while, of course, the task is to knock out new ones tranches, but here is the problem, yes, the americans cannot agree on them yet. let's see, maybe in the future they will agree, we have to organize such a fight in europe, it’s really a stalemate, i absolutely agree, zelensky understands that he is at a dead end, this is a hopeless situation, no one will let him resign from the post of president, he already understands perfectly well, his hands are covered in blood and the prospects are the most unfavorable, you know, what’s strange is , against the backdrop of what is happening, the sympathy of the western press, westerners in general, is on the side of zaluzhny, they write about him, interview him, that is , in fact, at this moment...
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syrsky, you will remember the summer campaigns to discredit the military commissars, they were subordinate to syrsky, that’s corruption, everyone was imprisoned and despite all the negatives, syrsky was appointed, so i i think that everything here is, let’s say, the way the beginning of a chess game should be, interesting, you know, my version is the following, biden said a very funny thing: a country that doesn’t hold elections is an autocracy. now let’s look at the eternal competition between the americans and the british, who is cooler? some say we have installed our own commander-in-chief, speaking about zaluzhny, for example, zaluzhny is being brought into the shadows, but the most amazing scenario is that now the figure of syrsky does not belong to either the british or the americans, because this figure is in any case the signing is underway, and neither the british nor
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the americans want to take these sins on themselves, they don’t want to lose, because zaluzhny initially came through the british, the british, of course, will push for zaluzhny to exist now.
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at the end of zelensky’s term in the verkhovna rada , a new coalition will be created in parliament, they say that now there are 80-90, maybe more servants of the people, they write for... about non-factional deputies, a number of other groups, they say that they are leaving the coalition , poroshenko, tymoshenko are joining them, gain 226 votes, according to the ukrainian constitution, and the servant-of-the-people coalition ceases its activities, a new coalition appears, the ministers are nominated for the right one, and zelensky practically becomes, well, a wedding general, there is no need to hold elections, that is, this is practically a one-step combination, the right one becomes prime minister a minister with broad powers, which are spelled out in the constitution of the urai.
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detrimental effect on the battlefield. ukrainian military personnel believe that syrsky will simply obey zelensky’s instructions and not will defend military interests. we may be surprised by some of the actions of the current ukrainian government if we perceive them as players, but they are pawns, really. if we look from the point of view of real players, then in my opinion everything falls into place. in ukraine, there is a certain contradiction between two global centers of influence, between london and washington. both london and washington have their own... group that realizes their interests, perhaps, yes, the british actually brought zaluzhny first, but there is clearly enough
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distribution: the office of the president under the british, gur under the british, zaluzhny was under the americans, the sbu under the cia, from this point of view we see that the interests of london and washington are being realized, they coincide in many ways, but they have a difference, london needs war, london wants a fire from the black sea to the baltic. why did they remove it and actually put in syrsky? syrsky, by the way, is a long-time friend
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of the british intelligence services; he has been traveling to britain for a long time. both he and the air force commander are british clients. and this is what it is now there is a certain hindrance in the allocation of funds for the war, failures begin in usa, this is also pushing quite serious forces in america, he says, comrades, today we will fix the line of military conflict, because as best as possible, they are convinced that the ukrainian armed forces will not advance further. commercial break and then we will continue, we have a very interesting studio guest who knows
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a lot about syrsky and his family. according to the will, the russian throne is not inherited, who was waiting for such a gift, i’m glad that i have to kill him, great for you guys! konstantin pavlovich, write a renunciation, this is shish, i am a sovereign, an all-russian emperor, well, come on?
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fire, before everything is on fire, what will happen now, katya, what about our dream, cruelty, they can forgive me, wait, weakness will never be forgiven, union of salvation, big premiere, watch after the program time, cognac, editing, shoca product stellor group rom castro product stellar group vodka veda product stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group bourbon steersman product stellar group russian fairy tales and what a fake about
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they were invented very often in russian fairy tales - this is murder, death, violence. the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming second, pushing aside the united states, this is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind, the main engine of the indian economy is now information technology, india exports its software products to more than 90 countries
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of the world , this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day, people fight in the street over some trifle. now in bollywood produces about 2.0 films a year, which is an absolute record. hindus and russians, they are brother, brother. we helped india create the most modern education and healthcare systems. this in sanskrit means one land, one family, one future. premiere, civilization. film six. india. tomorrow on the first day, they broke into the bank, three of them in masks, started beating, shooting , it was very scary, they robbed a private bank in donetsk, cleaned out your cells, victor fedor, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance,
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you will move to the big leagues, lieutenant colonel igor miller is working now. from poland, we are going with torches to the maidan , you are going to fire at the peaceful people, i will not give such a command, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere, soon, at the first, there is information that they want to liquidate you, there is a new
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appointment in ukraine, the superpo is changing. with the symbols of ukrainian nationalists in the account name. the ukrainian command kept troops in avdiivka until the last moment, although the situation for the ukrainian armed forces was critical. it was. survival is stupid, the road to avdeevka is sown with our corpses. in the dialogue on the radio, the commander said: “there will be no evacuation, leave three hundredths, burn everything. leave three hundredths -
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means leaving all the wounded and running, whoever can, on whatever he can. don’t wait for help, but in order to avoid open confirmation of his rnm as a butcher, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky talks about some kind of organized withdrawal of forces, he also called the withdrawal from debaltsevo in february 2015. more like a stampede. then the ukrainians planned to seize this important railway junction in order to cut off communication between lugansk and donetsk, but the donbass militia surrounded the dry land. up to 3,500 ukrainian militants died in the cauldron. almost all artillery and armored vehicles were lost. with the lives of soldiers, sirsky held his position because of the political order of the west; during the days of clashes , a meeting of the leaders of the normandy four was held in the capital of belarus. agreements were reached.
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bakhmud in military terms does not have such great strategic significance; it has greater psychological significance, or rather political. syrsky followed the lead of zelensky, who made the fight for the city a bargaining chip in bargaining with the west for new supplies of weapons, even cia intelligence telegraphed to the general staff. su, that quote: ukrainian forces will likely be in danger of encirclement if they do not withdraw troops, the washington post wrote about this, citing secret documents. but before the russian side captured the city in may 2023, 224 days after the start of the operation, no order to retreat was received from the then commander of the ground forces, syrsky. political will turned out to be higher than military logic, among those in the ranks, ferment against the commander in chief. tsirsky.
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thousands of unfortunate people who will be drafted from ukraine and sent to the front. from the point of view of the fact that today the soldiers of ukraine are minced meat in syrsky’s career ambitions, there is no doubt about it. he will not take into account the losses, the next 5,000 killed - this will be his personal contribution to his own political career, if earlier he is not simply liquidated by certain groups in... his parents, by the way, are absolutely pro-russian people, for obvious reasons, i i absolutely understand them, they try to refrain from comments, because, well, a person who
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betrayed his homeland, god forbid, will raise his hand against his parents, and he has two sons, yes, one pasonok, one son, both live in australia, one of the young people, who, in fact, pasonok, speaks on pro-russian positions and repeatedly. condemned his father, this is the first family he abandoned, let's see, i just know this syursky personally, because i have his last name, he is my father, his parents live in vladimir, this interview with ivan syursky was recorded in 2021, in he has an adopted son the commander-in-chief of the ssu emotionally admits that at that time the commander of the ground forces of ukraine was syrsky, his father, but when all this crap started, damn it, they just say something like this is the policy. in short, that ’s how it should be, that’s how it should be, well, go to hell, that’s how it should be, idiot , well, idiot, scoundrel, for ivan, this man is a scoundrel in all respects, that he was on
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the wrong side, that he betrayed. to excuse the newly appointed commander for his past sins. ivan sirsky, who became the hero of russian videos, is not the son of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. he is the son of his ex-wife alexander syrsky from her other marriage. alexander sirsky did not adopt ivan; he separated from his mother back in 2009. but that’s why ivan suddenly didn’t come up with the surname syrsky. all attempts to blame everything on counter-propaganda also do not stand up to criticism.
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ivan lives in australia all his own. officer's life, but she herself married an australian and took the children away 14 years ago, why did my mother and i split up? because he was the head of the dinner operational command, that is, he was still responsible for all relations with nato, back and forth he rode around abroad, in short , with a translator, he decided to get involved with one of the translators, he married her, he married her, he had a child, in general, they rarely saw syrsky at home, he kept driving around, receiving instructions, and at the same time spoke with the translator in russian language, she apparently translated so well that the general forgot about his family, perhaps he considered her as more suitable for a future career in the armed forces of ukraine, he tried to erase his past life from the official biography, now he is not an exemplary family member and husband, everything that was former, including his father’s family and mother, they turned out to be erased from all resources, in this declaration they simply write everywhere that syrovsky has one wife, one child, that’s all, not about other marriages.
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nor about other children, there is nothing, but my brother , he turns out, well, he’s his own, so my brother doesn’t communicate with him, he never called both sons, ivan and anton, didn’t send money, didn’t help with advice, he doesn’t care and to his grandchildren, in photographs on social networks , ivan with his child does not hide his relationship, although he is ashamed, wearing a t-shirt with a cossack hat against the backdrop of russian symbols, ivan sends a clear message with by whom. on the territory of russia, in the building of the consulate general in sidnaya, syrsky’s son congratulates the russians on the capture of mavdeevka, the same one that his adoptive father used as a springboard for the bombing of donetsk for almost 10 years. ivan has already participated in actions in support of donbass since 2014, now he is also a cossack, always with russia in his heart. all that remains is to get a passport, then your nickname on social networks, being russian, can be replaced with i am russian.
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ivan, will you take russian citizenship? i'm planning. if you like your job, even those you overcome minor difficulties that arise with pleasure. we ourselves are responsible for our lives, and we ourselves must. and decide what our life will be like, how wonderful we are, not only women, but all people, how wonderful our country is, together we can do a lot. many people go in for sports, and this makes me very happy, so i would like to urge all russians to support this path. i believe that the main quality that my grandchildren should have is to grow up to be good, kind, decent people. i believe that the key role is
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to cultivate patriotism. in the world, in people, to sow goodness and light, and so that no one gets sick, decembrists, who are they, traitors or heroes? hurray, konstantin, first of all, they were traitors, they were bright, kind people who loved their country, they were inspired by new ideas, by their youth, how wonderfully we will die, everything was not like that.
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big history, the decembrists, the union of salvation, today, tomorrow, on the first, is it easy to be recognized as a genius during your lifetime? if i answer this question seriously, i will look like an idiot. we decided to record the memories of zhvanetsky’s friends, you were on friendly terms with mikhail mikhailovich, we were on friendly terms , yes, in the company, i noticed this two or three times, if he was not in the spotlight, he is a pussy. the main testing ground for misha’s humor was himself. one mind is good, but two are not necessary, maybe . he dressed very well, i think. in general, in order to feel himself, he did most of his actions for the sake of women, i think that for the sake of women, he became famous, well, when i dealt with women professionally, he had complexes, tall, young, i’m elderly
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, small, fat, bald, maybe i’m wrong, it’s quite possible , but what, what’s up, i’m definitely wrong, an elderly woman stands up and says, i didn’t understand in the auditorium, he’s going to read it like that piece of paper, won't he sing? during the 34 years of her reign, catherine gained fame as a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great, received the epithet
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great. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he's 34. she looks 10. more years, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere, march 8, on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. she appeared to the eyes of those present. sevastopol harbor, the second son has only photographs, but they are strikingly different from the first son, the second son anton, yes, he is a very wealthy young
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man, he posts a large amount photographs on - here at parties everywhere in a row, which means, accordingly, there is a contrast, a romance, and if you compare zaluzhny and syrsky, you will probably agree with this, yes, because...
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he won’t think about the hundreds of dead, about anything else, about anyone else, tomorrow they will tell him zelensky is an extra patron , he will say, do something with him, he will think my career, he will immediately strangle zelensky, nothing will flinch , he is an absolute karelian, you understand, he has always been like this, why does he strive , what does a career mean, this is what is here at a minimum there were two versions, there was a political version and there was a version in general, he does not strive for politics, look here. to call him , his slogan would be the following: and you know, here he would even be so ignorant, he rolls his eyes, he makes his neck a little like this, without me nothing would
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stand here, it’s very important for him him, so that he would be perceived as an important, decisive person, without whom nothing would happen here, a career in the absolute, a person who is ready to do anything for the sake of a career. but just imagine, now the army is coming to us medical, everyone is like, what a nightmare, now they’ll put us all in, now they’ll put us all in, that is, the emotional state of the troops under the command of syrsky, it’s just something with something, and also, it means that here... i’ll even add, people afraid, 100%, no friends, and never had, often very, you know, the blanket drags itself, whether in conversation with someone, communicating with someone, work or something else, if you need to continue to grow, then it will go over the corpses , those who work with him are such a person, as roman promised, adding semyon boykov to our conversation directly from australia, a person, who fights for russian culture, a cossack.
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career, so the russians will come and he will switch to work for us, i am sure of this, no matter what kind of power, he has an important career. tell me, please, is there any participation of this or that son in pro-russian events? i first saw ivan syrsky 10 years ago, in 2014, during the russian spring, when we held a military-patriotic rally with dpr flags in the city of sydney. russia and so on, and ivan tsirsky participated with us,
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why i remember him, because on his car sticker of novorossiya , a kalashnikov machine gun, and he is an absolutely russian person, and he voluntarily took part in this event dedicated to victory day, which means that since then, well, i noticed that he posts pro-russian things on social networks -posts, is a member of a group there in russia. forward and so on, but we invited him to an event, we had a sydney event near the walls of the russian consulate general, where i am - a patriotic event dedicated to the presidential elections, he promised to come, but in the last minutes he also refused for security reasons, because a whole battalion arrived at our pro-russian rally, such a combined battalion of banderaites, all taken together, they came, yelled, shouted, wanted to lay flowers here... contulsta, but our guys, our cossacks, defended the honor and dignity
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of the russian consulate did not allow them to break through, by the way, we had a malebin for the victory of russia and they even tried to kill the malebin, but volebne participated, semyon, you don’t have this serious battle there, thank you very much for your protection, you know what it’s interesting, because despite the fact that the two sons are parentally different, the second one didn’t actually go against russia, he took a kind of neutral position. position, the parents live in russia and in the vladimir region, and feel great, the only thing, apparently, with a knife to the heart, is what happened to syrsky himself. elen, help us understand this intricacy, because it’s impossible to understand a person without a family, is this really what happens? the fact is that traitors are not born, they become traitors, he very respected parents, this is true, a real soviet colonel, stanislav syrsky, raised him as a future hero. one might say russia, and
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what was his surprise when his son began to pursue a completely different policy, and that is, he rushed, one might say, about somewhere in 2013, he was still eating a cake with russian-ukrainian flags, suddenly, completely unexpectedly, he switches on the other side, well , most likely he was used to selling himself, the fact is that there is information about how he studied at the kharkov school, he tried somehow... that's what roman says, don't get on camera, that is, be so inconspicuous, but he was like, you know, he would egg someone on, and other teenagers, in fact, would do something, but he didn't seem to destiny, in general , no, no, but here is a different situation, what i would like to say, because he has very great grandfathers, look, his maternal grandfather, ivan andreevich kurkin, died defending his colleagues, he literally blew himself up, yes, and gave his colleagues the opportunity to simply escape alive, another cheese parcopy... awards ussr, including the order of the red star,
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what i mean is that he was not raised as a traitor, well, of course you remember arkady gaidar, where there was a bad boy and a bad boy, and so he became that same bad boy who sold his homeland , this is the most interesting thing, so everyone’s broken, and vselensky’s grandfather is not a war veteran, who everyone’s broken there, they sold for money, moreover, i want to say that there is a photograph, you of it... by the way, showed where these two comrades, zelensky and isyrsky, they smile very sweetly, they stand so happy, their shiny face, you just feel like, excuse me, they took it well on your chest, because well, they really stand there.
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in the war in chechnya, he refused, for a military man, well, he, he exchanged russia for his own skin, continued there, and since it happened, then that’s it now, yes, thank you, i have another version, i can argue, i am sure that those who watch us, who knew him in childhood, will confirm this, he had the following moments, i know. 100% that this guy was very diligent, and he studied well, i know for sure that he had a fad, he really liked it when he was awarded in front of everyone, it’s 200% that this is the type of person who loves medals, certificates, the main thing is that her singled out from everyone around him, look at the old man, he’s walking, he’s small there, so to speak, not a big
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boy, but he’s a junior sergeant and right-flank, this is something, i’ll tell you at the parade, it’s not just like that, then further along ... about being scared, not scared, so i look at him too, and i remember the general vlasov, if you allow me to make this comparison, here is general vlasov, before the war he was stalin’s favorite, he conducted excellent training, he was praised, he had orders, medals and so on, but you know, he betrayed in forty-two, 4 was enough for him years , so that in this status, as if to show off, to stay for 4 years, i don’t know how long it will be enough for him, but he has already screwed himself up with... serious consequences, now let’s take a short commercial break and continue all the most interesting things right after the short break: by will the throne
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russian is not inherited, who was waiting for such a gift, i'm glad that i have to kill him, great, guys! konstantin pavlovich , write a renunciation, this is shisha, i am the sovereign , the emperor of all russia, what do you think, disturbances can begin, i would start, the time is right, i ask for the hand of your daughter, what did she say, she blessed us, we are with you service people and our duty. serve the sovereign and russia, thought the senate would not interfere, wanted to see a revolution? yes, you are a coward, you are crazy, kondraty fedorovich, put out the fire before there was no flame all around, what would happen now, katya, what about our dream, they
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can forgive me for cruelty, wait, they will never forgive me for weakness. union of salvation, big premiere, watch after the program time, mancacher whiskey, stellar group product, сnop gin, stellor group product, monteshoka cognac, stellar group product, rom kastro, product.
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from an aircraft carrier, soggy paper, bottles, some boxes, they hoped, among this rubbish, to find precious information, on a dim cloudy day i put on my orders, it was my parade, i was alone in the drizzling rained across red square, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, today at the first, mitya. “i made you a man, but you can’t find me a wolf, i’ve got 50 million pounds, put it on, you’ll be a wolf, we’ll have a house.” “i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come to the arena tomorrow at 10 am
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with a wolf, why do you need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all troubles, 5, 6, 7, 8, doomed, the final episode on sunday on the first, he will bring a flash drive, an electronic key, and money can be sent remotely, i understand, well, you schipalina are generally magicians who grabbed onto other people’s money and are dividing it, i took a share for my services, he took his, i didn’t understand, corruption in english, bribery, corruption, decay, oh, i feel it, money, they are sharing.
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evgeniy, hello, hello, and you were in the town where syrsky was born, conducted your own investigation, complete our
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picture, the residents of the small military town of kosterev still remember the syrsky family, treat them with great respect, this is his home, that’s right, this is home his grandmother, apparently he was registered in the early years, because that’s how it usually happened, because his mother was registered there, these are military cities where... what’s also surprising is that they remembered him, this is syrsky’s brother, this is syrsky’s brother, yes, he was a little sick since childhood, he lives
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together with his family, with his parents in vladimir , but as for little syrsky , people who remember him, yes, speak of him as very, and rightly so, roman duch said here, very closed, very closed, and this has been since childhood , he wasn’t friends with anyone, he was going with a mansion, that’s it, but as for that such... a moment may be important for our general discussion, then of course his father always said, and my sashka wants to become a general and he was inconspicuous, so they characterize him, but he ran around in a gray coat, with a cap, then a cap in his hand, then on the head, this is, you understand, being a general in a small country, but it’s a little easier than winning in a big one, and respect, having gone through chechnya, as they already said, and so on, it seems to me that here is this desire ... and this unrealized children's story, she, she, she is important here. yeah, thank you very much. thank
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you, listen, maybe everything is actually even more interesting, because at the same time, when zelensky replaces zaluzhny with nasyrsky, financial scandals begin to arise, suddenly it turns out that humanitarian aid was stolen, this cannot happen at all, and then- maybe there is not enough ammunition. it turns out that syrsky himself was in the business, and for a long time. yuri, please help us, what kind of diagram is there, the head of the presidential office andrey ermak and two curators from the ministry of defense, this is already ex-deputies shapovalov and mironyuk, they came up with a scheme in the countries of eastern europe, these are slovenia, romania, the czech republic, a number of companies in croatia, where large reserves of weapons, soviet-style weapons were still preserved, already existing companies that were created were bought. no later than the nineteenth year, they wanted to remove the terms of zelensky’s tenure, that is, the eighteenth, seventeenth and below, these companies purchased weapons there, for example
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, yes, well, shells for the rszzo grad there are 900 euros there, and the cost was already in ukraine 2,200, but there was another interesting thing that in these companies, when they purchased weapons, the volume on paper was one, the volume received in ukraine was divided by two, that is, it turned out to be twice as high and the price was half as much. everything to ukraine.
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yes, two howitzers arrived, according to the documents , four howitzers arrived, and why is he surprised that he doesn’t have enough weapons? syrsky calmly accepted that four howitzers came to him, but two howitzers came, this is the scheme that allowed them to earn billions of dollars, they were in this whole story, i learned this information, so to speak, from reliable sources, zaluzhny knew about this information, he knew about these schemes, but either he did not want at that moment... to enter into an open conflict with zelensky, then was he simply afraid that otherwise his schemes would be revealed, because he also had schemes of this kind, only with foreign companies, with the american military-industrial complex, that’s the story, the ideal candidate, because a person who has somewhere else -these are corruption threads, and it can be picked up and they are very puppeteer competently, firstly, it must be clearly
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said that for ukraine arms deals... have always served as a source of enrichment for specific individuals in power ministries and departments, because at the time of the collapse of the soviet union in ukraine there were three first-class military districts: kiev, odessa, carpathian , there were huge warehouses with weapons that were intended for mobilization deployment in the event of a major war with nato, in fact, it was then that all these weapons schemes began to be implemented. therefore what syrsky, in by virtue of his official powers , was built into the subsequent chain, having profited from arms deals, this is absolutely normal in the conditions of ukraine, i would even say so, it is clear that a roof is always needed, it is important that on paper these deals always exist, as debit and credit would converge, but according to estimates
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that exist, up to 10, from 10 to 15%. will go over the heads, in our case already over the corpses of hundreds of thousands of killed ukrainian soldiers, this is also normal, so to speak , from the point of view of the goals that he sets in front of him, money is power, these are the true motives that he was guided by and continues to be guided by in his life attitudes, that is, it turns out that in addition to some career prospects, well
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, the position is much more financial. there are weapons , where they are going, let’s say, two out of ten are given out, but the warehouse is sent or they are preparing, let’s say, for defense, the weapons warehouses are full, but they give them out , that’s also a question, you know, maybe this will be a subsequent sale, and we understand with you, if they didn’t issue weapons, that means was covered with corpses, that is , they could not even defend themselves, one thing is the economy and corruption, and another thing is mass murder, so this is what we are talking about here, in general it is still believed that everything that is
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happening is nothing more than financial redistribution let's listen. i think that general syrsky has already begun to ask the same questions that general zaluzhny asked. where are the people, where is the equipment, where is the ammunition, and count on the fact that a miracle can happen, if this is not financially ensured, then the miracle will not happen. modern war is not a war of personal courage and head-on bayonet attacks. modern war is the ability of the economies of the warring states to meet the needs of the armed forces. please tell us that from the arrival of general syrsky the next day is with us. some strange story, it turns out that syrsky is asking for more weapons, before that zaluzhny asked for more weapons, the weapons seem to be there,
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lying somewhere in warehouses, but for some reason people don’t give them, but send them almost to the bayonet, but they understand that no matter how they are now losing the war, they now find themselves in in an extremely uncomfortable position they are asked for all these financial crimes, but where is the logic? but there should already be, roman, at least a sense of self-preservation in these people, it’s missing, or what? as i understand it, they accept what will happen to them next, but there is no other option, at least with this option they want to gain something and maybe dissolve, disappear, something like this, dissolve in acid, yes , maybe so, i’m just sitting around zelensky, you know, i ’m looking, looking, looking, i understand that he has there is no other way out, he is in shock, his wife, they understand everything perfectly, but they are forced to suppress themselves with drugs. they are jamming, jamming , killing themselves, but the fact that this side cannot win is a priori, but there are certain people who believe in something about the prospect of syrsky, because look, well, i’ll say right away, he started badly, that is we took
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avdeevka, he started out badly, also because he then went to justify it, he said: listen, well, this is how it happened, in general this was our secret plan, we are the ones who will take care of people, yeah, general 200, okay, that is, some incomprehensible combination was played, what are his prospects? i think this is the phrase: the moor has done his job, the moor must die, but what is his business? the point is to prolong the agony of ukraine and its armed forces in the hope that military supplies from the united states and germany will still take place. in conditions where ukraine cannot achieve real military victories by failing a counteroffensive, i think they will rely on terrorist attacks using long-range weapons. the goal is the task of president zelensky when he went to munich, precisely to extract, in conditions of uncertainty, american military assistance, the supply of long-range weapons systems. yes, well, this is what they call politically correct,
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asymmetrical warfare, de facto state terrorism. it is clear that gur and budanov are doing this in the first place, but if we are talking specifically about the armed forces of ukraine, yes, somehow they will launch the same long-range missiles and will use them. now, as for the warehouses there, which are full or incomplete, well, i think that... there in different sectors of the front the situation is absolutely different, where i really think that they can steal, and we know, for example, there are already facts about how the same ukrainian weapons ended up in the gas sector, and not so long ago there was a scandal that there was something like that in myanmar found out where the civil war is going on, that is, it is slowly spreading according to the measure, here i think that the american civil war communities are participating in this, and of course the ukrainians themselves also earn money from this, but plus it’s like they can’t do all the weapons what they have left right now should be spent on...
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international relations and published that at the moment, in particular, the level of trust in zaluzhny is approximately 90%, 94% , the level of trust in syrsky is 40%, yes, that is, more than two times lower, and at the same time the level of trust has also fallen to zelensky after the resignation of zaluzhny and after leaving avdiivka, retreating to the sso, by about 13%, that is , this is like a really serious political problem for zelensky’s office, which they will somehow further deal with, how it is not clear, that’s certainly from zaluzhny. and syrsky will be used in these intra-ukrainian games, yes, the boss , of course, they are pumping gunpowder, shaking the situation around zelensky, syrsky is needed as a certain lightning rod for iermak, for zelensky, for everyone else, will he be
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effective as a lightning rod, to be honest, for me there are big doubts, yes, because everyone understands perfectly well that syrsky is a creature of zelensky’s office, yes, i think that syrsky, most likely, is really such a consumable item, by the end of the year in ukraine, most likely some other head will appear, but... let's look from the point of view of the players, no one cares what the ukrainian population will think there and what, how the verkhovna rada will react there, as they say, so they will react, that the population can go out to protests, but i can’t do that, i should go out, they come out, listen, but all these exits today, they are provided, let’s say, by people who are untouchable, the same poroshenko can afford to bring out the crowd , which from a crowd of two people will shout: screw everything,
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all these protests, they were staged, brought out, brought in, received, paid for, everything, it will be necessary to organize a small coup, but the population is really being recycled, we look from the point of view of the economy, for a deindustrialized country, territory , this is no longer a country, this is a territory under external control, such a number of population is not needed, even taking into account the fact that there are 18-19 million left in the territory of ukraine controlled by kiev, these are extra people, they are simply there. who could, who found a place for themselves the sun in europe, they left, whoever stayed , they will throw away the extra ones like this , they will now cut pensions, cut salaries, look, what is this, this is an organized exit, oh well, i beg you, in better times they paid more, they left better, the crowd was more interesting, now the pictures are enough, the population is being disposed of , that’s all, but what about the soul, people went out to protest, they are throwing themselves at us, it seems to me,
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the current one... for every wrong act, for every word, just at the moment people forget about this, but it would be worth remembering, in the meantime, as they say, for the edification of others, and for those who are now watching our program, just to know the truth, because knowledge, as you know, is power, maria butina, the doll heir of atuti, was with you, now is the time for the program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. abrams couldn't handle a real fight. another american tank.


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