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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  March 5, 2024 5:00am-7:56am MSK

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not inherited, unpublished decrees, paper nikolai pavlovich, by law, russian emperor, konstantin pavlovich, your elder brother. well, if someone else wants it, then he is a usurper, why are you doing this? i help you not to make mistakes. i am with you and your family until death. here's my hand.
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you made him fall illegal. this is correct, from now on in russia the sovereign is a real soldier, a knight, and not a brigade commander, whom neither his subordinates nor his superiors can tolerate. the senate will not swear an oath, i promise you, but it is not the senate that decides, but guard. i have 60 thousand guards
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pieces here, and you have more, clean ones.
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alexander didn’t come into my room if the doors were tightly closed, now there’s no need for that. how are you feeling? i’m ashamed to admit, okay, i want to ask you, prince, to manage everything on my behalf. but i am here only as a friend of your leader. his
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late alexander. i know an outrageous investigation has been launched. alexander's body was opened. stop this, i beg you. he died a natural death. did something cause it? take it. this. used burial russian monarchs, alexander took him here , believing that i would die, i will report everything to you, there is no need, most importantly, do not do anything that alexander would not allow, but he did not leave any written orders, i will have to act according to. ..
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put it through the will, this surprises you, i won’t cry miserably for him, i was demoted for being a waste of time, but i’m praying for you, thank you for getting involved, for not disdaining, that everything
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worked out for us, now it would be start, who was waiting for such a gift? that's right, scumbag, i'm glad that i will have to kill him, and i am sorry that he will have to. your excellency, forgive me, i ask you to leave, but who are you? general chernyshov,
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i know you perfectly well, who you are, what indicates to me, in the current situation, i ordered general chernyshov to ensure order here and... by what right? according to my position? your position gives you the right to dispose of the army, there is no court here, and others decide here, not you. i have orders from her majesty elizaveta alekseevna to manage everything here on her behalf. what right do you have, gentlemen? are you lynching your own? i didn't let you go. when. you compiled an inventory of papers, did you read them? i also read sheets 71-72, danos, captain of the vyadsky infantry regiment arkady mayberda, to his majesty, read, read, and well,
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ignored it, that is, like a conspiracy in the army, and this is your part, and you pay attention to date. his majesty had enough time, but he did not deign to do anything, perhaps there were some circumstances unknown to us, or maybe he simply did not believe the denunciation, the late sovereign did not believe it, and kept it with his mother’s letters mine and my wife, i’ll draw up a report, send it to his majesty konstantin pavlovich, well, at least this way, just hurry up, it takes 8 days to get to the capital, will the gentlemen conspirators want to wait? well, what do you think, they might start an indignation? i would start, the time is right.
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general mailov, what do you say, general? i arrived on behalf of the military governor of st. petersburg, count mil radovovich, with the most humble request to immediately come to the capital to take the russian throne. the guard is with you, let's go. orlov, do you even understand what
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you are saying now? yes i want, i want to take over throat this disgusting lie. a faded, stupid, arrogant empire , shake it so that it reaches the outskirts, so that it reaches the farthest corners, and you understand that if i decide now, then the first thing... i may be the only one who loved him, and it’s scary to admit, loved and wished him death, i
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am the same as him, i do not have hatred, my dislike, the deceased alexander was right in forcing me to abdicate the throne, it would be better to brother nikolai, he is not as smart as alexander, but kinder than me. "konstantin pavlovich, write a renunciation , it will make the situation easier, here you are, only an emperor can renounce, i haven’t been one for a second, go and tell miloradovich, even though he is my friend, but let him go to hell, it’s not up to him to decide.”
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what are you like? you are interested, mr. lieutenant colonel , you won’t believe it, join us, pavel ivanovich. try your luck, you know, you can get closer, although the target is visible, you decided to use me as bait for parts of the first army and did not even announce it to me, i would agree, you you doubt it, as you guessed, it means truth.
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i will capture the headquarters and send reports to all parts of the second army, so in 3 days 40,000 bayonets are on the march, now you know everything from me, not from rubetskov, decide, decide.
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why do you think i am receiving you in this particular office? perhaps you, your compatriot, decided to interrupt the protracted uncertainty and take the russian one. and this is legal, without the abdication of your brother constantine, there is no, but i suppose you are somewhat worried about the legality of your reign, how long will the russian people recognize you as sovereign, the guard, the senate, the nobility, will they start excitement, you have to think about it, and consider it insolent, but while our people cannot... create laws through representatives, as in europe, you chose a strange time to teach me, mikhail
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mikhailovich, tell me, the senate supports me, no, not so, no, you? will you support? yes, short and clear. i also. if i am the sovereign, you will remain with me before. you can contribute to my transformation into a european, why do you always look there, forgive me, late sovereign, how you deigned to play with me right here, i will send them to you in memory of
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our benefactor. you will go to warsaw with this, give it personally into the hands of his majesty konstantin pavlovich, and get him to read it in front of you. we are talking about a conspiracy between army officers and treason against the state. yes, yes, will you go? to st. petersburg, hand over personally into the hands of his highness nikolai pavlovich, i obey, go, no matter how late it is, pravkonsky, we cannot
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know for sure whether there is a conspiracy, i know, so what, was there an investigation? no, when it was necessary to investigate, they didn’t let me, and now it’s too late, who could have banned you? commander, in russia there is only one commander, all the rest are dust, now he is gone, but there is a conspiracy, very extensive, extending to the southern army, perhaps to the caucasus, and, of course, to st. petersburg, well, what could i and... lied in the rapport , now just wait. ivan ivanovich, order an investigation to begin immediately. there are five swedish officers here who only know how to dance. i can order the cooks.
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thank you, hello, katerina ivanovna, my deepest condolences, prince, count, thank you, count, tell me, can we i’ll see you a little later, of course, i’m here, but i won’t go out. why? because these days i have turned into an old woman. zina, how can it be, why did you travel for so long? i was completely exhausted and the count was exhausted. i ask you not to look at me. hello, sergey petrovich. hello, zenatya ivanovna. i'm not
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looking. if you like, i can leave. how will you leave? and katya? “i’ll stay, yes, you should probably stay, we need to be alone, please, please, what will happen now, katya, you’re always like this.” but be careful what now you can’t cry, but you can cry, you can cry, i won’t cry, zinaida ivanovna arranged it, vladimir sometimes spent the night here when he came
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from the regiment, it doesn’t bother me, although, although it’s not appropriate. detain in st. petersburg? no, i think i'll be back soon. will you at least wait for the new sovereign? whom? konstantin pallych? this is a big question. maybe let konstantin pavich hesitate a little longer and not go to reign. and everyone will. i know that destruction awaits the one who first
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rises up against the oppressors of the people, fate has already doomed me, but where? tell me when you were without victims, freedom has been redeemed, i will die, for my native land, i feel it, i... tell him that we are ready, convince him, i will leave, obstructive words, prince,
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i greet you, sergei petrovich, that we have been back in kiev for a long time , this morning, how do you like our news, interesting, kondrat fedorovich, how many members of the society are now in st. petersburg, well, after the death of alexander pavlovich, our ranks have become somewhat thinner, many are waiting for... changes from the new tsar, but who remains ready to start, how many of us , that's all, only boys are platoon commanders, and there are company prince, and imagine if you add a sonorous name, for example, yours, to their determination, how offensive it is. such a moment and there is no one, in order to start, there are quite enough of us, prince, you didn’t pay attention, but in the hall there is also
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an apostle of ants, the brother of sergei ivanovich, the other day he is leaving for his place of service in little russia, we will send him with him a signal to southern society, let them rise up, let them support us, impossible, although tempting, no matter how sergei petrovich has to bite his elbows for the rest of his life. it was possible, but we decided which is just tempting, yes. what do they want, nothing, they are worth it, general dibich
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ordered me to conduct an investigation about a conspiracy in the army, i want to talk to you, your testimony, if you please, give it to the captain for a report. “the conspiracy matured when you commanded the army headquarters, your seed , so to speak, these are the chicks of your nest, it’s strange, you can’t answer right away, unless we have a common nest, we all have it, right, that’s just why the late sovereign did not dare to touch ". dossier, perhaps because someone close to him, a friend, was involved in the case, for example, that is, i, well, if you, then a lot
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is clear, in order to stage a military coup, i had ways for this, i did without colonel pestel, i... wanted and want russia to change in the european way, but it has changed, but i didn’t die, i didn’t convince you, even if you believe in my involvement, you won’t find evidence here, everything is from the vyatka infantry regiment, you’ll go to malarusia, i’ll go, i’ll go right now.
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recently commanded an infantry regiment, before that he served for many years at the headquarters of the second army, a regiment with considerable strength, but for success it’s not enough, i think there is a conspiracy at headquarters, if there is one, be careful, they can kill you, if they kill you, it means there is a conspiracy. what is it like, look, watch the premiere, go to warsaw again, go, konstantin i sounds better than nicholas, besides konstantin, my friend, was. he was your friend
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, yes, he betrayed both our friendship and his duty, yet he still needs to be a sovereign, he is a soldier, a soldier does not want war, nikolai pavlych, nikolai pavlych really wants to be a hero, but they are only heroes in war, and what about the war, it’s even good for you and me, but... the empire would be 20 years old without blood, nikolai pavlovich will have to win, i won’t allow it, life sometimes brings pleasant surprises, but forgive me, creator, we...
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ekaterina pavlovna, hello, ekaterina pavlovna, i ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage, what did she say?
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pavel, pavel, what's wrong with you? paul? what's wrong with you? nothing, more than a whole week, it’s because of concussions, he’ll spend it now. we will have a few days, we will notify everyone, we will warn muravyov, we will gather as many units as we can,
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we will capture the headquarters. let's begin, i led you to victory, and not a new battle, we didn’t have time, pavel, wait, something you can definitely do it, yes, of course, i’ll go to tulchin and give up, they didn’t manage to do it. to win with honor, you have to think about how to lose profitably, but if you give up, we, we will all die, who gave you the right to decide for everyone, and why did you come if i don’t have the right to decide for everyone. since now it’s even better, you
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’ll understand, later, we didn’t shed a drop of their vile blood, and even if they don’t execute us. we are martyrs for the freedom of the fatherland, we are the first victims of the great war, which means the war has begun, congratulations.
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hello, i'm sick, you see, i'm sick, let's go to. general chernyshov. built to carry out your orders. the soldier agitated, we are ready. let's take over the headquarters. judas, judas - brother, he’s just the opposite,
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come over! the staff officer is also in the conspiracy , i can’t know, it’s great, guys, leave me alone , it’s great, guys, you’re in a high city, it’s rubbish, the commander is good, who loves, for his love he’s ready to... perish, destroy you, the fate of a soldier is to die for homeland, and there is no higher honor, you and i will still have to die, they are afraid of death, to be a coward all their lives,
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a good soldier is who loves so much that he doesn’t he’s afraid at all, which means he’s free, that’s all. “sift down, pavel, what should we do? so, if i order the headquarters to be cut now, then we will become murderers, like thieves who kill just to avoid getting caught, but hurray, colonel pestal, hurray, hurray, hurray! letter from taganrog from the minister of war baron dibich
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. here is the will of the late emperor. take it to the senate. gather a council, nothing can be taken from here, give me a letter, well nastenka , daughter, i can’t, but it’s so difficult, angel, daughter, but i don’t want to, but you will be healthy kondrati drink, nastenka, it’s time to sleep, martvinov has come, how is he here, who, no one, no one, look, everything, dad everything.
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"konstantin pavlovich will not come, and he is not the sovereign, nikolai pavlovich, tomorrow morning in the senate, nikolai pavlovich ob'. well, konstantin, what? is he alive? yes, of course, calm down, everything is fine, he renounced, and not hurry up, break the oath you have given , honor me!
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a conspiracy against the foundations of the state, a conspiracy to kill the reigning family, my mother, my children, my wife, order to wait, we must act together, we must to help each other - the circle, especially since there are forces that do not want the young emperor to become king, he
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needs our support, you understand, but i don’t know about this, but we have enough strength to defend ourselves from all the encroachments of your country, as you are going to defend, but from what you don't know about? here the idiot in taganrog knows, yes, but you have the guard, the police, the gendarmes and you don’t know, petersburg is teeming with conspirators. or maybe you know too much, and
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therefore tell me to wait, yes, nikolai semyonovich, i never thought before, as much as you believe in the monarchy, i believe in the law, that’s how i see the basis. which everything can be built will stand, i ask you, you understand, the future is being decided now, i understand, the future is being decided now. heal,
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your mercy has been absent from the country for 3 weeks, there is no supreme power, i am restoring it. i am the sovereign, the emperor of all russia, now. gentlemen, why don't you get up? prince, this is an emergency, please! they
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scheduled a re-oath for tomorrow, without having a manifesto of renunciation. they are weaker than ever. we must not lose the opportunity. you need to act immediately. i am assigned to the headquarters of the second army. send a letter to the southern army with sapolite. we will perform, they will support. you know who before the squat. nicholas, with constantine alive. you can hit now. hooray. and there won’t be another chance for another 100 years, prince, you must lead the revolution, you are our dictator, in the morning i will go to the palace, nicholas.
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well, why are you standing here, come to the living room, gentlemen, katerina ivanovna, good evening, i beg your pardon generously, we just have a few words, i’ll be there soon, go, you’ll take me out tomorrow troops to the senate, without allowing them to take a new oath, go to the barracks, convince the soldier to adhere to the previous oath to constantine, promise them a reduction. terms of service , increase in salary, even the kingdom of heaven, but bring them all out, so we begin, prince, i will appear on the square myself and give the order, fine, don’t do anything without me, of course, hippolytus. “i will give
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you a letter for sergei ivanovich, wait, ipolit, we are going,
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the most important state mission, remember, peter svestunal, polit, yes, allow you wrap it up, oh, well, well, pick it up, let's go, oh, the guards will march out tomorrow, trubetskoy gave me a letter to my brother sergei. and to several other gentlemen in moscow, help me, letters, because they cannot be sent with someone, but i can immediately go to kiev to sergeyev, i wonder how sergei ivanovich will be able to help relay trubetskoy tomorrow when he is in kiev, and you will bring him a letter to zamora, in a week, pour, i repent, i brought you into
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society, it’s my fault, well, i thought you would understand, he ’s crazy, everyone knows that. olenko and marie on the sofa, move it and put sasha down. thank you, find something to cover the children with, sasha, the children fell asleep on the road, why, why
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are you here, to you, yes, well, things are not arranged here, i will arrange everything, listen, no one can know, for sure, together it’s not so scary there's nothing to be afraid of, there's nothing to be afraid of. your power. they found him arrested.
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what is this pal ivanovich? yad, you are an interesting person, and don’t have any doubts. what if you are wrong? i'm right. and there is no doubt, and you know that i am right, and there is no guilt, no, they incited me to rebellion, to treason, to regicide, and there is no guilt, the country is seriously ill with sweet pills, such diseases cannot be cured, so you are a doctor, and the patient will not be able to stretch his legs from your treatment, i was wounded, seriously. i had to die, but i wanted to live, everything that was alive and well in me won, i recovered and
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continued to fight, so russia will recover, and what kind of wound, buckshot in a bucket, and if my head had been torn off by a cannonball, they would have recovered ? take it, and when you start chatting, oh, how many you will pull with you, go,
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good morning, our earliest tv viewers, on the calendar tuesday, march 5, in the studio today i, ekaterina strizhenova , are with you, we are celebrating the first tuesday, cheerfully, brightly, the first spring tuesday, we have a lot of plans, early in the morning we will congratulate the legendary film studio len film on its birthday, we will make sure that laughter really prolongs life, we will meet. the first migratory birds, of course, let's look at the russia forum exhibition, it has been running for 4 months already, and we can
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sum up the first results, we will definitely prepare a lot of delicious things, this is not all that awaits us this morning, well, now for a warm-up, let's rather invigorate the neural connections together with neuropsychologist natalya andreeva. good morning! if you write or work at a computer for a long time, your wrist may hurt. let's stretch our hands and at the same time do some brain exercises. it is called neurogymnastics, and is useful for children and adults. we hold our hands parallel to the floor with our palms down, now we turn them up, not edgewise, not sideways, but completely, as if we are showing that we are not hiding anything in our hands. now we hold our palms vertically and turn them first towards
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ourselves, then away from ourselves, now let’s complicate the exercise: the right hand is vertical the inside of the palm facing you, the left one horizontally with the inside facing down, and now... hands with the backs, one towards you, the other down. to avoid confusion, perform the exercise slowly. we gradually speed up the pace; if we make a mistake, it’s not scary. change the position of the hands and continue. exercise. will relieve tension in the wrist joints and help the brain switch to a new task. after such a fiskult-minute
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, it will be easier to concentrate on work and study. today the film studio lin film celebrates its birthday, a significant date, 110 years, 110 years stories and great films that are included in our golden fund. i say this without any pathos. barvara fedorova invites you and me to lenfilm this morning. this is how the sun shines, attention, old film clips, the idea of ​​the leningrad costume designers. amphibian man is about ideas. and new technologies, this is what the world’s first box for underwater filming looked like , they were constantly coming up with something at linfilm, today is the film studio ’s birthday, at least a third of our favorite films were shot here, the blue bird, old man khatabych, cinderella, stand up, stand up in the fourth pavilion,
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all lenfilm people talk about this place with aspiration, this is the oldest... in 1934 chipaev came out, since then for everyone he is exactly like that, on a horse, with a saber and always in a burka, only the real chipaev never wore a burka, this the directors' idea. they dressed chepaev in a burka in order to give him masculinity when he rushes ahead of his army, of course, this... added some kind of extraordinary expression, we also know peter i from the film, alexei tolstoy himself insisted that the main role should go to nikolai simonov , there is a mask that was simply cast from the late peter i, and if we look at simonov, but they are really similar, you don’t have to understand movies to love songs from films, because even those who have never heard of the celestial slug
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, now he’ll sing along, white
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, on his native linfilm, it was a big gift, a winning lottery ticket, winning, also because after the premiere of the wedding, three at once: mikhail boyarsky, larisa lupian, nikolai karachentsev and lyudmila porgina, svetlana kryuchkova and yuri veksler, just great movie always done with love. varvara fedorova, sergei morin, sergei namunka, dmitry krivtsov, anzhelika ponkratieva, channel one st. petersburg. so professional. the doctor shows exercises for lower back pain, how to treat lower back pain and much more important for your health in the program live healthy, today on the first. our good, cheerful spring morning continues, our catcher, no, not of dreams, but of videos on the world wide web, yegor uspensky, continues
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to surprise us with the very, very best. today's video parade opens with a cat named adam. who likes to box in his spare time, admire his excellent technique. adam has already earned 5 million likes and is not going to stop there. in mexico , a mongrel learned to beg for coins from local residents in order to buy another sausage. the dog comes up to people, rubs his nose against the ashtan, and what happens next, do you see for yourself where? the next video is from china, in the south of the country, a ghostly castle with towers appeared in the sky, here it is, look, 7 million users are at a loss, some say it’s a mirage, others think everything the culprit is unknown magic, but still others are completely sure that it’s computer graphics, such a mystery, in conclusion, fresh footage from
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rubik’s cube lover tony. fisher. according to the master, he made the smallest cube in the world. the length of its edge is only 5 mm. at the same time, the design, as you can see, is quite working. true, you can collect such a tiny cube using tweezers. joy prolongs life. these are not just nice words, they are a scientific fact. let 's make our mothers, fathers, and grandmothers happy more often and grandfathers, let them smile more often. let's wish them today, early in the morning, good morning and a good day. well , visit them more often. if you're old, only. like this, the best of all, the best of all, yes , we feel great, and i’m happy, why is it important to please grandparents, all the grandchildren know,
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they always have more energy, their mood rises, from this we are charged, so that they are happy, stay cheerful and good, satisfied grandmother bakes the most delicious pies, yes, and it also prolongs their life due to genetics. only 25% depends, the rest is up to us, for example, communication with grandchildren improves brain function and memory, loneliness, on the contrary, shortens life by 5-6 years. just as our muscles atrophy if we don't move, brain cells degenerate if we don't work cognitively. therefore, if the grandchildren do not let you get bored, constantly offer some kind of games or torment you with questions, this is useful. we are very happy, so the children, grandchildren, children, daughters came, and we forgot about all the illnesses, we start running and rejoice, well, how can we not laugh, doctors even came up with a standard, we laugh
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at least once a week, and preferably more, how many years it adds to life, they are still arguing, they agreed on one thing, there are definitely benefits, when laughing, serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin are produced, it leads to normalization of work of cardio-vascular system. immune system has an anti-inflammatory effect. physical activity is also important for longevity. the rule is simple: the more we move, the slower we age. therefore, the zaipold family, as soon as they retired, went straight to the gym. and i don’t know how much weight he will gain today. he picked me up and carried me, carried me. i say, put it down already, put it down, help. they are in the gym 8 hours a week. evgenia viktorovich recalls the techniques. even in his youth he received a black belt, plus he works out on simulators , presses barbells, kuzeli anvarovna has training for flexibility and endurance, you won’t believe it, at 63 she does the splits, well, this is so cool
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, this is physical activity, and then it’s so good, it’s impossible to have a blast, and you don’t have to go to the gym, just an ordinary walk in the fresh air, yulia shevvalova, dmitry roshkov and dmitry gordienko, channel one, tuesday morning continues. now i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service of channel one, it’s time to find out about the latest events in the country in the world. news, this is the news on the first, in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the strike group of the army aviation of the aerospace forces hit the strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. in the north donetsk direction , the k-52 helicopter, the famous alligator mi-28, night hunter and multi-purpose mi-8 with fire support fighters. all targets were successfully hit, after which the crew performed an anti-missile
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maneuver using the onboard defense system and returned to their temporary location without losses. and on the ground, the artillery of the center group destroyed the armored vehicles of ukrainian militants in the vdeevsky direction; stas worked with self-propelled guns for the duty crew. only three shots were enough. objective control means confirmed that the enemy combat vehicle was hit and detonated ammunition. in the artyomovsk direction , soldiers from a mobile anti-tank group of transbaikal paratroopers are smashing the enemy. only recently they destroyed an entire unit of enemy infantry. the soldiers praise their equipment : a pickup truck with an anti-tank rifle installed on it. the most important thing is efficiency, maneuverability. great cross-country ability. plus diesel, fewer problems with fuel, well , let’s say, not in this direction, in the previous one, even when we were in the kherson region, we drove them for another kilometer from
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enemy, here are more examples of the dedication and courage of the russian military, guard and sergeant, mechanic in connection with vyacheslav bezumov, risking his life, replaced the radio station units damaged during enemy shelling, reconfigured the equipment, this allowed the command... to actively coordinate forces in battle and repel an enemy attack. the assault group of junior sergeant sergei adin broke through to the rear of the ukrainian militants and took their stronghold. the enemy fought for him for two days trying to return him. but even our fighters held their positions. and in ukraine , an operation to capture men to join the ranks of the federal security service is in full swing. military registration and enlistment office employees have stopped resorting to any tricks and camouflaging themselves with the help of ambulances, they simply grab people on the streets, in broad daylight they load them into minivans and immediately send them to the recruiting station. however, their potential victims are no longer ashamed ; they do not want to go to slaughter and are fighting for their lives as best they can. for example, in kiev, two were mobilized on the way to the shopping center. territorial
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recruitment center beat their guard, hit on the head with a brick, literally, fulfilling the call of one of the leaflets that is circulating among the people. the failure of the kiev regime's attempts to replenish the battered troops with recruits became obvious in the west; the washington post newspaper stated the inability of the ukrainian leadership to both develop an effective mobilization strategy and achieve political agreement on this issue in society and parliament. for want of it. stop the allies have lost confidence in germany and can share secret information with it, reports the german newspaper handelsblatt, that's all due to the leak of the contents of military negotiations, where they discussed the transfer of the long-range wing to the ukrainian armed forces.
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also discusses how the kiev regime prohibits a huge part of its citizens from speaking their native russian language and what consequences this leads to. the french state council said that such a ukraine has no place in the european union. the reason was an article in the mon newspaper, which told how pushkin, tolstoy, and dostoevsky were banned. their works are removed from libraries, despite protests, just like during the third reich. member of the state council france, lawyer arnaud klarsvelt recalled how... kiev glorifies fascist collaborators. ukraine erects monuments to bandera and burns books by pushkin, dostoevsky and tolstoy. such a ukraine has nothing to do in the european union. in the usa, it’s super tuesday, and a dozen and a half states and territories choose their presidential candidate. the winners will be represented by delegates at party congresses. and special attention to how texas will vote, a huge state where voices for independence are growing louder and where dissatisfaction with the situation on the border. in the states of colorado and maine, donald
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trump had to defend his right to participate in court. opposing the ex-president among republicans is former south carolina governor nikki halley. democrats are voting for the current owner of the white house, joe biden. it actually has no competitors. the us elections will be held on november 5th. that 's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who wakes up with the first channel, as well. everyone who has just opened their eyes has joined us. on calendar: march 5, tuesday, i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina strizhenova. in moscow, at vdnkh, the russia forum exhibition continues its work. and every day the exhibition is visited by tens of thousands of people. the total number of visitors is approaching 8 million. the exhibition has been running for 4 months. and we can draw some first results. let's get this straight. now we
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watched the russia exhibition from the very beginning, how they built, laid 50 km of wires for lighting, installed pavilions, our stand of the first channel, and wondered how much time it would take to see everything, to go around the entire exhibition , to look at all 89 stands you need to spend about a week, this is the largest exhibition in the history of our country and in history in general... there were more than 6.00 of them in total, the number of master classes is difficult to count, only one hour and a new piggy bank skill, but there seems to be no less of them, from kamchatka surfing to alpine skiing in virtual karachay circassia, and they steer, we have rails,
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an aerial forestry simulator, you fly right above the flames at vdnkh, and how many premiere performances there were, theaters from all over the country brought the best. hello, big greetings from tomsk! and concerts from jazz to throat singing, we celebrated here, it seems, all possible holidays, and the new year, and the white month of buryatia, and the kalmyt tsagansar, a spring holiday, by the way, come on march 8, we played 56 weddings, everything is real, they didn’t let me see the bride until the last minute, i saw her on stage seriously, almost everyone tried the national cuisine. regions look like sprats, this is not sprat, this is vendace, in the first week alone in the house of russian cuisine they ate 25,000 dishes, i stood in line for pike cutlets, but they were taken apart, apparently the most popular dish, those zhetul gingerbreads were bought in tons, the largest record-breaking gingerbread of
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200 kg was brought from vladimir, there ’s a record everywhere you look, the largest map of russia, the largest tunnel screen, the smallest paintings on ... in bucket nuts , the strongest marine bent 36 steel rods in 50 seconds, which was 10 seconds left, but the rods ran out, and how many new things we learned, that’s how many diamonds we have, at least one of our regions, for example, sokha yakuti, slightly smaller than australia. we are together with you were surprised all these 4 months, but you still didn’t find the answer to how long it takes to see the entire exhibition, 132 expositions all the time. are updating, but until july 8, it seems there is still time to embrace the immensity. natalya leonova, channel one. our next topic is cosmetics with retinol, also known as vitamin a. manufacturers and sellers praise it very much , promising an almost miraculous effect,
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but sometimes they forget to talk about contraindications, but it turns out there are some. moisturizes. renews cells, fights imperfections and age-related changes skin, all this is about retinol, but more simply about vitamin a. manufacturers call it almost the elixir of youth. the most interesting thing is that there is a lot of truth in this, but often manufacturers are silent that if used incorrectly , retinol can cause great harm. hello, come in. keep in mind that retinol is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women. also, it cannot be combined with acid peels and some antibiotics. another contraindication is active sun exposure. retinol increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and can lead to age spots. therefore, it is better to use such cosmetics in winter and early spring. but
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even at this time, i recommend applying retinol cream in the evening. before starting use, we carry out a test. we wash ourselves with warm water. we observe the sensations; there is a feeling of tightness or even tingling, which means your skin is sensitive. we start with a product with a retinol concentration of no more than 1.% and choose the so-called encapsulated retinol, it is gentler than the main form of vitamin a. apply the product to a clean, dry face in a very thin layer, avoid the area around the eyes. we gradually accustom the skin to retinol, otherwise acne and peeling may appear, the most dangerous reaction is the so-called retinoic dermatitis. in this case, the skin will have to be seriously treated. first we use retinol once a week, then
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twice, after half a month every other day, only after a month every evening. when the tube runs out, we buy a new product with a retinol content twice as high as the first time, but not more than 1%. we conduct the course once a year for 3 months. julia, you understand everything, then you will have no problems using retinol. is it easy to be recognized as a genius during your lifetime? if i answer this question seriously, i will look like an idiot. we decided to record the memories of zhvanetsky’s friends, but you were on friendly terms with mikhail mikhailovich. “we were friendly, yes, in company, i noticed it two or three times, if he wasn’t the center of attention, he’s a pussy, the main testing ground for misha’s humor was himself, one mind is good.” "and two are not necessary, maybe he dressed very well, i think, for women or in general for himself
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i feel that he did most of his actions for the sake of a woman, i think that for the sake of a woman, he became famous, well, when i dealt with women professionally, he was complex, tall, young, i’m elderly, small , fat, bald, maybe i’m wrong, it’s quite possible, yes, yes, whatever, i’m definitely wrong, an elderly woman gets up and says, i don’t understand, since the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, today on the first day, it’s fine, i say, grigory, great, make a living doing what you you really know how to love, it’s just great when at the same time there’s still someone over you and there are no bosses, and you are your own boss, this is generally a dream, the main thing is this dream.
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there are four of them from krasnodar. in the fifteenth year of the individual entrepreneur karenavan , my then girlfriend, now this wife baked the most delicious cake in my life, after which i supported her in her endeavor. we rented a workshop, purchased equipment , and produces 10 thousand per month. units of sweets, the scale of the business is different. the turnover of a self-employed person should not exceed 2.4000 rubles.
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per year, and for an individual entrepreneur , turnover is not limited by size, but limited by the limits established by the tax regime chosen by him. for example, in simplified terms it is 200 million per year. the difference in taxes, self-employed people pay once a month, no later than the twelfth day. in the amount of 4% for settlements with individuals. in the amount of 6% for settlements with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. owners of individual entrepreneurs receive simplified tax once a year, the rate is 6% of turnover or 15 of net profit. an individual entrepreneur cannot combine the self-employment regime, that is, another special tax regime. as soon as he registered as self-employed, within 30 days he must be deregistered as, for example, a payer of the tax collected in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system. another significant difference between an individual entrepreneur is a current account, a cash register, declarations, and insurance
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pension contributions. we understand that all this costs money. self-employed people make pension contributions at will, but don’t have the rest. there is a nuance with tax deductions. there are no restrictions for an individual entrepreneur. self-employed people are entitled to a deduction only if if there is another type of income from which income tax is withheld. if the business is at the initial stage, then... it makes one useful gadget for the garage, called a gurney. you need to repair your car's suspension, but lying on a cold floor is dangerous to your health. i propose to make
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a device that will avoid this. we will need plywood, two blocks of rollers like this. i have them left over from old armchairs. the size of the bed will be 60 cm wide and a meter long. this will be comfortable for me, but you choose according to your height and weight. so that the device does not bend under human weight, we make stiffening ribs from wooden blocks, fix them with self-tapping screws, attach rollers to them, three pieces at an equal distance is enough, the gurney is ready, it moves perfectly in all directions, we add one more part in a plastic bottle, we cut an oval hole in the middle along its entire length. and use self-tapping screws to fix this device on the side, put the wrenches here, everything you need, let's go under the car,
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on such a gurney it's definitely not good for your back... and it's very difficult to move around during repair work comfortable, you love to ride, you love to carry a sled, remember this proverb, the heroes of our next report do both with great pleasure, for them a sled is not just winter fun, but a real means of transportation. in the village of tumbotino, nizhny novgorod region, you won’t meet anyone on foot.
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tears, a special pride of the sleigh carriage, festive, all-wooden sleigh for the troika, and even on the move you rarely see anywhere, andrey peretyagin from the village of khoroshevskaya, arkhangelsk region, boasts that they have a history, in their time these sleighs repeatedly, together with our famous rider vasily alexievich tserkovnik, we were at the russian winter festival
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- at vdnkh in moscow, six times he was the absolute champion of the soviet union, now. they are harnessed only on special occasions, for daily driving and training there are others, modern metal ones, they were built specifically for prize riding, for fast riding, we use them only for participation in the russian troika russian championship. yamal sleds are also a kind of sleigh, they are all different, these are ordinary sleds, but these women's ones, so that the child has somewhere to sit, with a wooden box for food, and such bags for spare things.
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on sunday on the first, now great news for football fans: after the winter break the national championship has resumed, the most striking events and news of the nineteenth round of the russian football championship from my colleague, sports journalist of channel one, dmitry terikhov.
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fans of russian football have finally waited for the resumption of the championship. after a winter break that lasted almost 3 month, the teams again joined the fight. the nineteenth round turned out to be rich in unexpected results, beautiful goals and oddities. tournament leader krasnodar extended its home unbeaten streak to 10 matches, although it failed to take three points from the meeting with rubin. the hosts took the lead after allakun took advantage of yuri dupin's blunder. goalkeeper kazantsev ran far out of the goal and missed the ball, which ended up in the hands of the nigerian. hitting an open target without any problems. rubin came back at the very end. rustam ashurmatov closed his head serve from the corner of the field, 1:1. zenit, in case of victory over spartak, had the opportunity to catch up with krasnodar, but the game in st. petersburg ended in a goalless world. for the first time, the principal rivals failed to score against each other in the rpl since the fall of 2018.
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dynamo took advantage of the leaders' misfires. defeated lokomotiv in the moscow derby. the blue and white took the lead in the opening. jorge carascal left spectacularly. four opponents and shot almost from the baseline at bitello, the brazilian could only substitute his foot and build on the success, dynamo were able to the second half, the same carrascal dispersed the fast attack, konstantin tyukavin received the ball. on the penalty line, he turned and passed to denis makarov, who caught the goalkeeper on the counter move. in the remaining time, loka only reduced the gap thanks to rifatage maledinov's billiard shot. 2:1. dynamo came within four points of krasnodar and two points of zenit. in a dramatic ending, cska missed out on a home victory over orenburg. the army team picked up the keys to other people's possessions only in the eighty- first minute. anton zabolotny assisted tamerlan musaev. both, by the way, came on as substitutes. the visitors came back... the penalty kick hit right under the crossbar. igor akinfeev could not save. 1:1. well, the most beautiful goal
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of the tour was scored in grozny, where akhmat defeated ural. the author of the only goal was andrey semenov. at first he watched his teammates play a clever free-kick, but after lucas lovat's shot the ball hit the wall. the brazilian rushed for the rebound, but was ahead of him by semyonov, who fired a cannon shot from 20 meters, hitting nine. on the first channel the serial film union of salvation continues, and we continue to get acquainted with its heroes. ivan kolesnikov played one of the main roles of grand duke nikolai pavlovich, who accepted the throne. on the day that nicholas i took the oath, members of the secret society led the rebel troops to senate square. they can forgive me for cruelty, but they will never forgive me for weakness. we have the honor to introduce you to the all-russian emperor
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nicholas i. are you ready to die for me. third son of paul ii. nicholas could not claim the throne, but before his death his elder brother, alexander i bequeaths the throne to him, and not to his middle brother constantine. this news, as well as the abdication of constantine. stuns nikolai, of course, it is customary to say about them that they are all always very serious, that it is because it is politics, because it is connected with the state, but i think that one way or another they all remain people, but i can also refuse , you have one more advantage, you love me, which means you will accomplish what i failed. on the day of the oath to nicholas, december 14, 1825 , the decembrists will go to senate square, having learned about rebellion. nicholas decides to personally bring troops loyal to him to the square and will be able to suppress the uprising, later writing to his brother: “ my dear konstantin, your will is done, i am
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the emperor, but at what cost, my god, shoot, ivan kolesnikov as nicholas i in the historical drama union of salvation , today on channel 1. so, don’t miss the continuation on channel 1.” serial film union of salvation, a unique project about a turning point that changed the history of russia, complete immersion in the era and extreme accuracy in all historical details. new episode tonight, well now, let's refresh our memory of what we know, and maybe we've already forgotten about december 14 , 1825, the chronology of the decembrist uprising from anastasia savelyeva. embankment of the moika river 72 on the evening of december 13, here in reliev’s house , the decembrists gather for the last time to finally approve the plan for the uprising. this
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is how it should have been: the moscow life guards regiment goes to senate square, the grenadier life guards regiment goes to the peter and paul fortress, but most importantly the izmailovsky regiment and the naval guard crew storm the winter palace, the task is to take control of the royal family. they planned to send 200 soldiers against several hundred guards, here in... the armies they lured them to their side from the very morning, the moscow life guards regiment used to be here, 700 people came out to senate by eleven. they walked loudly, followed by
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onlookers; although this is an aristocratic part of the city, there are many artisans and merchants in the basements. about an hour later, at 12 , governor general miloradovich arrives at the square for negotiations, he is mortally wounded, then a volley from dozens of guns. the grenoder life guards regiment hears this, the same one that was supposed to occupy peter pavlovka. from here to the senate is about 6 km, there were no high-rise buildings in st. petersburg, here on the petrograd side there are still wooden houses, it’s winter, it’s windy and the neva is nearby, the sound came. rushed to help, not all of them, several hundred people went to senate, the second, the main part came out later and tried to capture the winter one, they went into the courtyard, but there were already sappers standing here, the only regiment that they completely trusted nicholas i had to retreat, there was no one to lead the naval guard crew, they didn’t go to the winter camp as planned, they also went to senate, at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon there were 300 rebels and 12 thousand government
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troops on the square. but there, too, there is a december balance of power that can change at any second and 150,000 civilians in this area were even sitting on the roofs, then, by the way, the area looked different: there were no trees in the park, but due to the construction of isaki there was less, so the distance between the troops counted 100 steps, but no one fired, our own military people are also negotiating, nicholas i is there in the square. disperse the rebels and bring the artillery. the turning point , the beginning of the fifth, it begins to get dark, nicholas i makes a decision to fire from the cannons, three volleys, the first is above their heads, hitting onlookers on the roofs, the second is the third, already in rebellion, with grapeshot, explosive shells. the crowd scatters, the soldiers run to galernaya kniva to hide on the other side on vasilievsky island, but the fire continues, the ice breaks to the other shore, not everyone makes it. accurate distribution of forces in the area, negotiations, capturing the rebels, all this is possible.
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tuesday morning continues, now i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service of channel one, it’s time to learn about the latest events in the country and the world. news. this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, units of the russian group south, with the support of aviation and artillery, advanced in the donetsk direction of the special operation in the area of ​​​​kleshcheevka, krudyumovka, georgievka and maksimilyanovka. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 360 militants, two armored personnel carriers, a jet artillery, grad, howitzers, fh7 b. in
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the north donetsk direction, a strike group. the vks army aviation hit a stronghold and enemy manpower , k-52 helicopters, the famous mi-28 alligator night hunter and the multi-purpose mi-8 with fire support fighters flew on the mission. after the strike , the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver using the onboard defense system and returned to their temporary location without losses . and on the ground, the artillery of the center group destroyed the armored vehicles of ukrainian militants in the ovdeevsky direction. worked self-propelled gun mstas, enough for the duty crew. in the artyomovsk direction , soldiers from the mobile anti-tank group of transbaikal paratroopers are smashing the enemy, only recently they destroyed entire units of enemy infantrymen. the soldiers praise their equipment, a pickup truck with an anti-tank rifle installed on it. the most important thing is efficiency, maneuverability, high maneuverability, plus
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diesel. fewer problems with fuel, well , let’s say, not in this direction, in the previous one, even when we were in the kherson region, we drove them for another kilometer from enemy. and in ukraine , an operation to capture men to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is in full swing. military registration and enlistment office employees have stopped resorting to any tricks, camouflaging themselves with the help of ambulances, they simply grab people on the streets, load them into minivans in the middle of the day and immediately send them to the recruiting station. their potential victims are no longer ashamed of this; they don’t want to go to slaughter and are fighting for their lives as best they can. for example, in kiev, two mobilized on the way to the shopping center, the territorial recruitment center, beat up their guard and hit him on the head brick, literally fulfilling the call of one of the leaflets that is circulating among the people. the failure of the kiev regime's attempts to replenish the battered troops with recruits became obvious
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in the west. the washington post said. the inability of the ukrainian leadership to both develop an effective mobilization strategy and reach political agreement on this issue in society and parliament, in the absence of a clear plan and with a shortage of thousands of qualified military personnel, the armed forces of ukraine are trying by all means to drag recruits into the army, resulting in panic among men of mobilization age, many of whom , not wanting to face certain death, simply disappeared, writes the american publication. and one more topic that is emphasized. they are driving them to kiev, they are waiting there, they can’t wait for the transfer of western military aircraft to the armed forces of ukraine, and deliveries are supposedly being postponed, although according to the head of singapore’s military defense, american fighters have already been used with might and main in ukraine, as he reports.
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and at the end of the shot from dagestan, a baby seal was thrown onto the shore of the caspian sea, he was tightly entangled in a fishing net, the baby, of course, would not have gotten out of this trap on his own; fortunately, he was noticed by an employee of the ministry of emergency situations. he cut the ill-fated nets and the cub
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was able to return to its native element. by the way, the caspian seal is listed in the red book and is on the verge of extinction. that's all, now a word of good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, on the calendar it is the fifth of march, tuesday. what day will this friday be on this calendar? did i forget something? right, march 8. you know, dear women, i even feel a little sorry. how they rack their brains, worry about giving us something like this, how can they somehow surprise us and make us happy? men, there is one win-win option, well, if you don’t know exactly what your loved one wants, it’s
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a gift card, although you also need to know how to choose these cards correctly, now we ’ll give you a whole guide on choosing gift cards. so that they don’t gather dust on the shelf, we compile a rating of certificates, most often we buy them in perfumery and cosmetics stores, we shift the flour, so to speak selecting a product to the recipient. many people are used to giving shower gel as a gift, and this is considered bad form, but if you give a gift certificate, then in fact a person can choose the same thing for himself, and there is no effect of bad taste. the top sellers are gift cards for pajamas and underwear. marketers explain that remote work is a consequence of the pandemic. of course, we began to choose home clothes more carefully. a win-win option - gift cards for household goods and appliances. perhaps not everyone is pleased to receive a gift, a frying pan, but a gift certificate is always nice.
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personal care is also third in the ranking of gift cards: massages, spas, hair styling, the main thing is that the procedure does not have an accumulative effect, otherwise you will be forced to pay on the spot for a number of more sessions for which there may not have been a budget. or a fitness club card obliges you to draw up and sign an agreement, plus an additional fee. in practice, we were given a card for 5,000 rubles. we came to the fitness club, they added this card to the total cost, let’s say 30,000 rubles for a subscription year, the remaining 25,000 you pay as part of the conclusion of this agreement. another thing is impressions and emotions, which we so often lack; extreme sports, of course, are not for everyone. but an ordinary trip to the cinema for everyone, consider a subscription. for new movies , you can purchase a card, buy tickets until the amount on the card actually goes to zero, the amount does not expire, you can use your personal account in the loyalty program, accumulate bonuses, you can’t decide on the category of the gift card, then the universal
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certificate is already gaining popularity, nuance: we buy online. refilled from 500 rub. the owner can already, according to a certain list , purchase goods and services in different stores in different companies, from different partners, and household appliances, clothing, and some accessories. important point, a gift certificate, in which case you can exchange it back for money. we write to the seller or the person who is the authorized body and responsible for the return of these funds, we give a certain period, as practice shows, this is 10 days, after 10 days we directly file a claim, and if the seller again goes to refusal, then it will go to court, but we hope it won’t come to that. anna grebenchukova, konstantin struchkov, yulia bykova, channel one. charging is needed not only for our muscles and joints, but for our brain. let's warm up the neural connections. let's start the process in the morning together with neuropsychologist natalya
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andreeva. good morning, if you write or work at the computer for a long time, your wrist may hurt. let's stretch our hands and at the same time do some brain exercises. it is called neurogymnastics, and is useful for children and adults. keep your hands parallel to the floor, palms down, now. we turn them upward, not edgewise , not sideways, but completely, as if we are showing that we are not hiding anything in our hands, now we hold our palms vertically and turn them first towards ourselves, then away from ourselves, let’s complicate the exercise: the right hand is vertical with the inner side
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of the palm towards you , the left one is horizontal with the inside side down, and now we turn our hands over, the back sides, one ourselves, the other down, so as not to get lost, we perform the exercise slowly, gradually speed up the pace, if you make a mistake, it’s not scary. we change the position of the hands and continue. exercise will relieve tension in the wrist joints and help the brain switch to a new task. after such a fiskult-minute , it will be easier to concentrate on work and study.
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i am proud that i live in russia, i will never exchange my homeland, my russia, love for the homeland is manifested as, well, kindness, cleanliness, courtship, and i think that care, we are bright, kind, sunny, russian people for me, it differs from others in that with the breadth of your soul you can take off your last shirt and give it to him. man, we have one life, it’s not that long, we want gain more knowledge, see more of everything, try. russia is the homeland. russia for me is like a second mother. i love you my family. we love our country. and we are happy. wow! on the calendar it is still tuesday, march 5th; on this day our ancestors rode with all their might. it was believed that the more fun this fun was, the more joy and luck
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the new season would bring; the luckiest one was considered to be the one that traveled the farthest. well, let’s find out from our astrologers how joyful today will be. march 5, 25 lunar, 21 sunny days, very powerful, strong, calm, self-confident, at the same time practical, sensible... the congestion is not bad, it will help to establish, arrange, improve something, many will notice clear progress in business, true , you shouldn’t expect any serious breakthroughs from him, but it will be possible to consolidate the successes achieved, strengthen something, add stability, this applies to both work and personal life, about the disadvantages, he is a little cold, not rich in emotions, sometimes he can be withdrawn , more often than usual on days like this phrases sound like you all underestimate me or you don’t understand me, and he is also, so to speak , somewhat thoughtful,
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aries may have to think about something, think about it, some of the aries may reconsider their plans or even their lives goals, but what about from time to time, it’s simply necessary, and also... all the luminaries remind us: money loves silence and does not like grand gestures. taurus people have an energetic work day. taurus people themselves are business-minded. some small overlaps and inconsistencies may try to create confusion in this mood, but this nonsense. you'll figure it out, just be careful while driving. everything should work out for the twins too, just please refrain from rash promises and harsh remarks. after lunch, friends, colleagues or relatives can do something to please them. wait in the evening. guests: it’s a windy spring day for crayfish, slightly disheveled, not very suitable for financial transactions of large purchases, but everything related to contacts will work great, and new love is already at the door. leos, get ready to roll up your sleeves, some things may come up that you don’t have to do there is no one, leo bosses can throw
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a surprise, subordinates, you don’t growl at them and be careful with alcohol, quite a good day for the virgins, however, something may delay you at... work because of this you will not have time to do something - what was promised to your loved ones, but the luminaries are sure that they will understand you, and the evening will definitely please everyone. this day will remind you of the old proverb: don’t have 100 rubles, have 100 friends. speaking of money, be very careful when buying anything online, especially pods. visa ladies, today you are simply are not relatable, get ready to listen to compliments, and maybe even a declaration of love. for scorpios, this day will help them solve some tricky problem and figure something out. to get to the bottom of the truth, a small amount of money may come, most likely for some previously completed work, or you may get a refund. sagittarius will feel the approach of change, most likely it will be something related to work, and the stars believe that these changes are for the better, so don’t get up from any offers to make money, run away. a great
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day for capricorns, things will go well for those who fixes something, builds, designs, works with equipment, and in general all professionals in their field are offended. will stay, and the evening will help you relax and maybe invite you somewhere. aquarius is also having a good day, perhaps, however, there is some kind of discord with the family, but it’s just minor things, although of course it’s better to do without it. and so, find time to get out into nature, it’s spring there, and at least go to the park. pisces may be faced with the fact that the people they were counting on will not be able to help, not out of malice, but simply due to the fault of circumstances, so rely mainly on yourself today; it’s better not to take on debt. and in the evening. you will forget even to think about all this mercantile nonsense. good luck to you! in many regions this year the winter was harsh, in some places very cold, and it was not easy for our smaller brothers. the four-legged and feathered heroes of our next story were at some point very unlucky. their fate could have been
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tragic, but fortunately they were saved by kind, caring people. this is an operation. moose rescue team recently launched at the gorky reservoir in kostroma, two moose cows fell through the ice, became so weak that they could barely move, the rescuers didn’t have time to help one of them, but they still pulled the other one to shore. the vet here is very thin, less than three cm, not even able to support a person. in general, we now need to take a closer look at the ice, there was almost a bird left in this ice floe, bear cubs are being nursed in a coastal rehabilitation center, it is unknown how they were left without their mother. we were looking for food, we went out to people, one actually climbed into a doghouse, the little bear who was the first to come to us, he is now in a half-asleep state, periodically he wakes up there, eats again, sleeps again, the second one now, well, we’ll watch, i think he, too , will now fall and get enough sleep, let’s say, they’ll get some sleep, gain weight, at the end of march
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they’ll go into the wild, how many different animals have been released from the rehabilitation center in tatarstan, already counting got lost, release of the fox cub. into the natural habitat. raccoons, owls, foxes, nurse everyone. now we have a raccoon dog in our care. our specialists went to the territory, provided her with first aid, took her away since her paw was damaged, and placed her in our rehabilitation center, she is now being monitored by veterinarians. for now, we’ll just have to live in the center, like these people in the moscow region. one got hit by a car, and the girl, who has no wing at all, she... got hit by a combine harvester, they really like to collect worms, so sometimes they go right behind the combine harvester while it’s working. in general , vasily vasechkin has a deer and a farm, but they bring foundlings from all over the area to him, like to an aibalite, he takes care of them, and keeps those who can no longer live in nature with him. kind people picked up this owl on the road,
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presumably the car was beaten up, they took it to the ruzovsky district veterinary station. the veterinarians came out. then they sent him to vasechkin’s farm, the bird doesn’t eat on its own, it won’t be able to live in the wild, but he has experience in feeding a large fawn and yulka, proof of this, i also fed him from the papilla. it’s been july for 2 weeks and then i decided that after all, the deer went to live with the deer, and styopa lived with me for up to 3 months in the room, he’s very smart, he knows how to turn on the light, where the switch is, and birds know how to turn on the water, of course, for now, it’s a little frivolous, but vasily viktorovich doesn’t give up, so you can rest assured about the foundlings, vladimir sobolev, elena savina, jan machilsky, channel one. bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, what could be better at the start of a new day? than a cup of strong, delicious aromatic coffee. no, this is not an advertisement. for all lovers of this drink, an original recipe from two-time
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russian champion polata art polina notik. she promises that it will be very tasty coffee. oriental coffee, that is, brewed in turk, especially aromatic, and if you add holva sauce to the drink, you will get a real oriental fairy tale. i grind 100 g of halva, dilute it with a glass of milk, cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, when the sauce becomes homogeneous, turn off the stove. to brew in a turk, you will need very finely ground coffee, as professionals say, ground into powder; such powder very quickly gives off its taste to the water. i pour coffee into a container and... at the rate of 10 g per 100 ml of water, add holva sauce, cook the coffee until
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the appearance of the first bubbles, i don’t bring it to a boil, i pour the drink, the coffee turns out thick, viscous, with a pronounced taste of holva, i garnish with fried seeds or pine nuts. sandwiches are not needed for such a luxurious drink. perhaps a slice of servant, its creamy and salty taste will emphasize the oriental accent of the unusual drink. march 5 on the calendar, the fifth day of spring. meteorologists, however, say that march is still a bit of a wintry month, but you can’t fool the birds, they know for sure that spring has already come, and it’s time for them to leave the warm climes go back home. birds are returning from wintering, flying home from europe, asia, africa, one of the stopping places is sevastopol, the reservoirs
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here resemble airports, who has arrived, who is departing, there are a lot of people, bustle. mute 45 , coot, quiet, quiet, quiet, now 38, ornithologists are making observations, they say that this year the flight dates have shifted slightly, for example, the white stork used to fly in mid-march. nowadays it’s already here, at the end of winter many white-fronted geese have arrived, they predict the weather, which means that the spring will be long, the spring will be cold, protracted, windy, but by summer we will see the hottest weather, at a halt in the crimea, birds from the red book, the red-breasted goose, the firebuck, the red duck, feed and rest. to make migratory birds feel comfortable, the novorossiysk guys from the ornithology club... from non-waterfowl
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, they are waiting for starlings, thrushes and rooks, red-listed birds will arrive, these are white-headed ducks, a rather rare species, every year we can fortunately see them on their migration, and we also have white-eyed black gulls, this is... a no-headed hackathon, even pelicans fly into in novorossiysk you can see 230 species of birds; some start families here. last year we had a whole event, a couple of mute swans gave birth, eight chicks, we were extremely happy, everything is clear in the south, it’s already warm there, but like in other regions, in kursk it’s minus outside, but the first migratory birds have already been spotted, the wild pigeon is clinging. starlings, wagtails, finches will soon arrive. different species arrive at different times, that is, those who eat plant
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foods, granivores, they arrive earlier, because they have something to feed on, strictly insectivores arrive later, that is, in fact, the spring arrival of birds lasts 3 months. while the birds have little food, our support is important to them. the simplest food: sunflower seeds, you can just hang a whole head like this. for tits , lard is suitable for...
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no, then you will perish in a cage, a difficult choice, viktor fedorovich, the serial film union of salvation continues on channel one, and we continue to get acquainted with its heroes. pyotr kokhovsky, a retired lieutenant during the uprising, was mortally wounded governor general of st. petersburg mikhail miloradovich.
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created, you were expelled from the guard for non-payment of money to the candy store and other indecencies, don’t remember, but you want the constitution, i don’t understand. on december 14 , 1825, on senate square, kokhovsky was the first to open fire, with a fatal shot in the back , wounding mikhail miloradovich, a fearless general, whom everyone in the army respected, including the rebels, my children, do not buy your soul. decent people don’t shake hands with you, so you want to become a hero? i may be nothing but you are worse, there will be retribution, and you will answer for everything. sergei agafonov as pyotr kokhovsky in the historical drama union of salvation, today on channel one. so, don’t miss, tonight on channel one the continuation of the large-scale historical drama union of salvation, about the decembrist uprising about who these
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people were and what they wanted to change. this is a great honest movie about a turning point in the history of our country and a complete immersion in the era, i watch it with pleasure, what it’s like, watch it, as if the magic of cinema, firstly, it’s beautiful, union of salvation, beauty in the details, count miloradovich brings a wondrous wonder to st. petersburg, a magic lantern, an optical device, the ancestor of the film projector and diode projector, now watch your majesty. he was thrilled that it was magical, that we had brought, we bought a magic lantern for the theater in holland, this is the theater. these were called foggy pictures, foggy, because the image was not projected onto a flat screen, as now, onto some kind of smoke screens, can you imagine how much this miracle cost
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the treasury, a day could feed st. petersburg drink, from the twilight of palace halls on the street of snow-covered st. petersburg, sparkling perfectly even bars of ice, why are they, the answer is prosaic, before the invention of the first refrigerator there are still 150 years ahead, in city houses, in village houses, it doesn’t matter whether there was ice, they wrapped it in hay, and it existed as if as such a permanent refrigerator. naturally, there is a refrigerator, or rather a glacier, which means there will be a dinner party, but first there will be a score, in the ball book all the moves are written down, the dance number and the gentleman, an object of pride for the girls, when they came up, i checked, yes, i’m busy, that’s good, we’ll do this dance, mr. solovyov, would you agree to dance with me, mommy
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allows you to dance with gentlemen, right? only the polka, you know, is stuck, then , then yes, we’ll talk, not that it’s stuck, no, i realized that it can’t be pulled out, it’s a prop, but the costumes are like real ones, there’s a lot of stuff there, i have a feeling that it’s everything probably weighs about 25 kilograms, well, there are also these medals, wines, that is, what’s the point, come up to me, you will see my regiment , historical drama union of salvation, three more evenings on the first channel, just hurry up, do the gentlemen conspirators want to wait, well, you think they might start disturbances, i would
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start, cheers, konstantin, inna kazanzhan, maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, dmitry roshkov, rastislav kolesnikov, channel one, tuesday morning continues, now i’m broadcasting. word to my colleagues from the information service of the first channel, it’s time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world. news: this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello! the strike group of the army aviation of the russian aerospace forces hit strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in the north donetsk direction of the special operation. the k-52 helicopters, the famous alligator mi-28, the night hunter and the multi-purpose mi-8 with fire support fighters flew on the mission. after the strike , the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver using the onboard defense system
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and returned to their temporary location without losses . and on the ground, the artillery of the center group destroyed the armored vehicles of the ukrainian militants in the ovdeevsky direction, the comstas self-propelled gun was working. only three shots were enough for the crew on duty. objective means of control confirmed the hit to the enemy. in the previous one, when we were stationed in the kherson region, we rode them even up to a kilometer from the enemy. and here are more examples of the dedication and courage of the russian military: guard sergeant mechanic signalman
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vyacheslav bezumov, risking his life, replaced the radio station units damaged during enemy shelling and reconfigured the equipment. this allowed the command quickly coordinate forces in battle to repel an enemy attack. the assault group of junior sergeant sergei adin broke through. ukrainian fighters took their stronghold behind the lines, the enemy fought for it for two days, trying to return it, but even so, our fighters held their positions. and in ukraine , an operation to capture men to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine is in full swing. employees of military registration and enlistment offices have stopped resorting to any tricks, camouflaging themselves with the help of ambulances, they simply grab people on the streets, load them into minivans in the middle of the day and immediately send them to the draft. paragraph. however, their potential victims are no longer ashamed and do not want to go to slaughter. and fights for his life as best he can. for example, in kiev, two mobilized on the way to the shopping center, the territorial recruitment center, beat their guard, hit him on the head with a brick, literally fulfilling the call of one of
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the leaflets that is circulating among the people. the failure of the kiev regime’s attempts to replenish the battered troops with recruits became obvious in the west; the washington post newspaper announced the inability of the ukrainian leadership to develop effective mobilization. strategy, and to achieve political agreement on this issue in society and parliament, in the absence of a clear plan and in the absence of thousands of qualified military personnel, the armed forces of ukraine are trying by all means to drag recruits into the army, resulting in panic among men of mobilization age, many of whom are not willing to take the right death, they simply disappeared, writes the american publication. the allies have lost confidence in germany and may stop sharing secret information with it, a german newspaper reports. handel. all because of the leak of the contents of military negotiations, where they discussed the transfer of the ukrainian armed forces, long-range taurus cruise missiles for attacks on the crimean bridge and other targets in russia. the german opposition demands an investigation. the article recalls that
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this is not the first time that classified data leaks to the media ; 6 years ago, during preparations for the construction of the nord stream 2 gas pipeline , information about the location of nato submarines leaked to the press, and the information was classified as secret on the official website of one of the departments. the president. now he claims that this will not happen in the near future, and earlier he said that he did not rule out anything. the new statements were made in an interview with the czech media after a wave of criticism that swept across europe. one after another, western countries declared that their soldiers would definitely not die in ukraine. true, in estonia they think differently. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of this country, margus tsahkna, supported macron’s words and called for the possible dispatch of troops. in paris they are now discussing how the kiev regime prohibits a huge part of its citizens from speaking their language. native russian language and...
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he actually has no competitors, the us elections will be held on november 5th. that's all for now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. on the calendar it’s tuesday, march 5th, in the studio today i’m with you, ekaterina strizhenova. today lin film celebrates its birthday. a solid 110 years, 110 years of history and great films that are included in our golden fund, i say this without any pathos. barvara fedorova invites you and me to lenfilm this morning. here the sun, the attention, the old film clips, the idea of ​​the leningrad costume designers sparkle so much. amphibian man is about ideas and new technologies. this is what the world's first box looked like... for underwater filming on linfilm
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, they were constantly coming up with something, today is the film studio's birthday, at least a third of our favorite films were shot here, the blue bird, old man khatabych, cinderella, stand up children, stand in a circle, in the fourth pavilion, all lenfilm residents talk about this place with aspiration, this is the oldest pavilion of the renfim film studio, or as many say our colleagues, mecca. chipaev came out in russian cinema in 1934, since then for everyone he is exactly like that, on a horse, with a saber and always in a burka, only the real chipaev never wore a burka, this is the idea of ​​the directors. they dressed chipaev in a burka in order to give him masculinity when he rushes ahead of his army, of course, this added some kind of extraordinary expression, we know from the film...
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under the winter cherry tree, and the movie also highlighted problems, a film of a widow, for a long time lay on the shelf until it was shown to brezhnev, and he not only approved.
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winning also because after the premiere there were three weddings at once: mikhail boyarsky, larisa lupian, nikolai karachentsev and lyudmila porgina, svetlana kryuchkova and yuri veksler, it’s just that a great movie is always made with love. varvara fedorova, sergey morin, sergey namunka, dmitry krivtsov, anzhelika ponkratieva, channel one st. petersburg. our good, cheerful, spring morning continues, our catcher, no, not dreams, but videos. sugi to box,
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just admire his excellent technique. adam has already earned 5 million likes stop at what has been achieved is not going to happen. in mexico , a mongrel learned to beg for coins from local residents in order to buy another sausage. the dog comes up to people and rubs its nose on their trouser leg. well, what happens next, you see for yourself. where did a smart dog learn this? we can only guess. the next video is from china, in the south of the country. a ghostly castle with towers has appeared in the sky, here it is, look, 7 million users are at a loss, some say it’s a mirage, others think it’s all due to unknown magic, and the third are even sure that it’s computer graphics. such a mystery.
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finally, some fresh footage from rubik's cube enthusiast tony fisher. according to the master, he made the smallest cube in the world. the length of its edge is only... 5 mm, and the design, as you can see, is quite functional, however, you can assemble such a tiny cube with tweezers, premiere of civilization, film six, india, today on the first, gin snob, product stellar group, cognac, montage. shoka productlar group romca product stellar group vodka veda product stellar group cognac old barrel productlar group mitya, i
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made you a man and you can’t find me, a wolf, put 50 million pounds on the line? you will be a wolf, we will have a home , i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come to the arena tomorrow at 10 am with a wolf, why do you need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all the troubles, 5 , 6, 7, and brek, the final episode, is on sunday on the first. our next topic is cosmetics with retinol, also known as vitamin a. manufacturers and sellers praise it very much, promising an almost miraculous effect, but at the same time, sometimes they forget to talk about
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contraindications, but it turns out that they exist. moisturizes, renews cells, fights imperfections. age-related skin changes, all this is about retinol, or more simply about vitamin a. manufacturers call it almost the elixir of youth. the most interesting thing is that there is a lot of truth in this, but often manufacturers are silent that if used incorrectly , retinol can cause great harm. hello, come in. keep in mind that retinol is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women. it also cannot be combined with acid peels. and some antibiotics. another contraindication is active sun. retinol increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and can lead to the appearance of age spots. therefore, it is better to use such cosmetics in winter and early spring. but even at this time , i recommend applying retinol cream
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in the evening. before starting use, we carry out a test and wash with warm water. we observe... there is a feeling of tightness or even tingling, which means your skin is sensitive. let's start with the product retinol concentration is not more than 1%. and we choose the so-called encapsulated retinol. it acts more mildly than the main form of vitamin a. apply the product to a clean, dry face in a very thin layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. we gradually accustom the skin to retinol. otherwise , acne and peeling may appear; the most dangerous reaction is the so-called retinoic dermatitis, in which case the skin will have to be seriously treated. at first we use retinol once a week, then twice every other day for half a month, and only after a month every evening.
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when the tube runs out, we buy a new product with a retinol content twice as high as the first time, but not more than 1%. we conduct the course once a year for 3 months. julia, do you understand everything? then you will have no problems using retinol. joy flows through life. this. not just beautiful words, this is a scientific fact, let 's please our mothers, fathers, grandparents more often, let them smile more often, let's wish them today, early in the morning, good morning and a good day, well, visit them more often, if old age, then only this, better than everyone else, better than everyone else, we feel great. and i’m happy, why is it important to please grandparents, all the grandchildren know, they always
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have more energy, their mood rises, and from this we are recharged, so that they are happy, remain cheerful and a good, satisfied grandmother bakes the most delicious pies, yes, and it also prolongs their life, only 25% depends on genetics, the rest is up to us, for example, communication with grandchildren improves brain function, memory, loneliness. on the contrary, it shortens life by 5-6 years, for sure just as our muscles atrophy if we don’t move, in the same way brain cells degenerate if we don’t work cognitively, so if our grandchildren don’t let us get bored, constantly offer some kind of games or torment us with questions, this is useful, we are very happy, so the children, grandchildren, children, daughters came, and we forgot about all the illnesses, we started running. and we rejoice, well, how can we not laugh, the doctors even set the norm, they laugh at least once
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a week, and preferably more, how many years does it add to life, they are still arguing about one thing agreed, there are definitely benefits, when laughing, it produces serotonin, endorphins, dopamine , oxytocin, leads to normalization of the cardiovascular system, immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, physical activity is also important for longevity, the rule is simple: the more we move, the slower we age , so the seipold family, as soon as they retired, went straight to the gym. and how much weight he will take today, i don’t know, he picked me up, carried me, carried me, i say, put me down already, put me down, the ambulance, they’ve been in the hall for 8 hours week, evgeniy viktorovich recalls the techniques of krate, in his youth he received a black belt, plus he works out on simulators, presses barbells, kuzeli anvarovna has training for... flexibility and endurance, you won’t believe it, at 63 he does the splits, well, that’s so cool, that’s it this is
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physical activity, and then it feels so good, it ’s impossible to tear yourself away, and you don’t have to go to the gym, just a regular walk in the fresh air. yulia shivalova, dmitry roshkov and dmitry gordienko, channel one. well, who starts this morning how, and stanislav sokolov is already working hard in his workshop, makes one useful gadget for the townspeople. gurney, you need to repair the car suspension, but lying on a cold floor is dangerous for your health, i propose to make a device that will allow you to avoid this: we will need plywood, two bars of these rollers, i have them left over from old chairs, the size of the bed will be 60 cm in width and a meter in length, this will be comfortable for me, but you select the weight according to your height. to prevent the device from bending under human weight, we make stiffening ribs
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from wooden blocks, we fix them with self-tapping screws and attach rollers to them, three pieces at an equal distance is enough. the gurney is ready, it moves perfectly in all directions, we add one more part in a plastic bottle, along its entire length in the middle. we cut out an oval hole and fix this device on the side with self-tapping screws, put all the wrenches you need here, go under the car, on such a gurney your back will definitely not freeze and it is very convenient to move during repair work. today after the program , watch the new episode on channel one historical drama union of salvation. big, spectacular, beautiful.
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honored artist of russia roman madyanov played an honest film about the decembrist uprising of the head of the office of the committee of ministers, count alexei arrakcheev. he visited on a good morning and my colleagues ulga ushakova and nikita pimenov talked to him. roman, good morning, we are always very glad to see you on the screen, but how nice it is to see you in the studio. thank you for coming, grafcheev - such a controversial figure, for some a despot, for others an exemplary performer, opinions are very different, so it was necessary... to show this ambiguous figure, a person who knows how to make a decision and be responsible for his actions and actions, and, by the way, about different opinions, even his contemporaries changed them, so we found a quote from pushkin, an epigram about borakchev wrote this: “ he’s a tormentor of governors and a teacher of council, and he’s a brotherly friend to the tsar,
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and then after his death he wrote: i regret this throughout all of russia, i’m alone, i didn’t manage to meet him and...” they say, it ’s wild from pushkin. , not all materials will help me how artist, but let’s say, this is the opinion of alexander i himself regarding arrakteev, this is valuable, what is needed, what could be very, very useful to the artist , he attributed everything bad that was done to himself, in my opinion, if not memory changes, he appropriated everything good to me, that is, the emperor.
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tactile sensation, of course, of course , a suit, when they sew it for you, they don’t find it from a selection somewhere in a warehouse, then they sew it on for you, but they sewed it specifically for me , for roman madyanov, bundir with historical accuracy, taking into account all the details, one a person’s neck is long, that’s why the stand is high, i don’t have a neck, like many officials. high-ranking people also didn’t have necks like that, they’re all so short, so where can he make such a stand, his head won’t stretch out, how to talk like that, then these guys who didn’t have a neck, slowly made a stand at the narrowing so that she didn’t stretch out enough to make it comfortable to wear
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a uniform, then, as we talked with alexander yulievich damogarov, oligo gloves. what a delight it is when you don’t wear a rag on your hands, you put on a good thin white husky , which from the warmth of your hands becomes a second skin, when the saber, if you take it in your hands, then it is taken confidently, it does not slip, when you take the reins, it takes, it grips differently, it’s like that the inner feeling of an actor, when a good suit fits... on you, it’s beautiful, because the picture is amazing, what i saw, what was done, i can’t even turn my tongue, not to call it a series, it’s a multi-part feature movie, with amazing acting, i look at my colleagues
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and i never get tired of admiring them, because i see different... we watched the material filmed before, so we internally understood, wow, what a good scene, it means you can’t make a mistake, so everyone was very collected and worked on it with great pleasure. returning to the personality of your hero, rakcheev was called an unsurpassed master of drill in russia, and
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there is even an opinion that perhaps this could somehow influence the officers, such severity and... somehow contribute to the uprising, how do you feel about this? maybe maybe we won’t go into it now, history is such an absolutely amazing science, we can now make a huge number of assumptions and so many interpretations, no matter what events, but nevertheless this uprising for many, many years, decades, centuries excited the minds , someone called them... traitors, and it was impossible to call them traitors, because they were heroes of the patriotic war of 12, there were so many contradictions that...
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you can watch this film, well, you just have to watch it though because this is a wonderful movie of ours, wonderful and on a completely different level, i watch it with enormous pleasure, if the opportunity arises, i am amazed, firstly, at the beauty and expense of the acting, and if we continue to work like this, i am absolutely for our cinema. well, honored artist of russia, roman madyanov. well, we remind you that we had a guest . so, let’s watch together the drama union of salvation on channel one. in moscow, at vdnkh
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, the russian forum exhibition continues its work , and tens of thousands of people visit the exhibition every day. total number of visitors is approaching. by 8 million, the exhibition has been running for 4 months and we can draw some first results. let's do it right now. we watched the russia exhibition from the very beginning, how our stand of the first channel was built, laid 50 km of wires for lighting, and installed pavilions. and wondered how long it would take to see everything to get around it all. position to look at all 89 stands, you need to spend about a week, this is the largest exhibition in the history of our country and in general in the history, i think of the world, that’s what it is
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it turned out, delight, delight, let's go, the number of visitors is already close to 8 million, this is generally an open century, every day there are about 300 excursions, in total there were more than 6,000, the number of master classes is difficult to count, only one hour and a new skill in the piggy bank, but there are... it seems that there are no less of them, from kamchatka surfing to alpine skiing in the virtual karachay circassia, and they were steering, we have rails, a simulator, aerial forest protection, you fly right over the flames at vdnkh. how many premiere performances were there? theaters from all over the country brought the best. hello big greetings from tomsk. and concerts from jazz to throat singing. we noted here, i think.
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dishes, stood in line for pike cutlets, but they were taken away, apparently the most popular dish, the same tula gingerbreads were bought by the ton, the largest record gingerbread of 200 kg was brought from vladimir, no matter where you look, a record, the largest map of russia , the largest tunnel crane, the smallest paintings on pine nuts, the strongest marine, bent 36 steel rods in 50 seconds, which left 10 seconds, but the rods are gone. and how many new things we learned , that’s how many diamonds we have, one, at least our region, sakha yakutia, for example, is a little smaller than australia, you and i were surprised all
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these 4 months, but we never found the answer to how long it takes to see the entire exhibition, 132 expositions are constantly updated, but until july 8, it seems, there is still time to embrace the immensity, natalya leonova, channel one, tuesday morning continues. now i give the floor to my colleagues from the information service of the first channel, it’s time to find out about latest events in the country and in the world. news! this is news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello! units of the russian group south, with the support of aviation and artillery, advanced in the donetsk direction. special operations in the area of ​​​​plecheevka, kurdyumovka, georgievka and maksimilyanovka, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 360 militants, two armored personnel carriers, a rocket artillery vehicle, hail, howitzers, fh70. tab, in
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the north donetsk direction, the strike group of the army aviation of the vks hit strong points and manpower of the enemy, took off on a mission helicopters k-52, the famous alligator, mi-28, night hunter and multi-purpose mi-8 with fire support soldiers. after the strike , the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver using the onboard defense system and returned to their temporary location without losses . and on the ground, the artillery of the center group destroyed the armored vehicles of ukrainian militants in the avdeevka direction, it was working. hitting an enemy combat vehicle and detonating its ammunition. at artyomovsky , objective control means confirmed the direction the military personnel were smashing the enemy from a mobile anti-tank group of transbaikal paratroopers. only recently they destroyed an entire unit of enemy infantry. the soldiers praise their equipment, a pickup truck with an anti-tank rifle installed on it. the most important efficiency
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is maneuverability. necessity, plus diesel , fewer problems with fuel, well, let’s say, not in this direction, in the previous one, when we were stationed in the kherson region, we drove them even up to a kilometer from the enemy, in ukraine an operation to capture men for replenishment is in full swing ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, employees military registration and enlistment offices have stopped resorting to any tricks to disguise themselves with the help of cars, they soon and simply grab people on the streets, in broad daylight, and load them into a minivan. they are immediately sent to the recruiting station, however, their potential victims are no longer ashamed, they don’t want to go to slaughter and are fighting for their lives, whoever can? for example, in kiev, two mobilized on the way to the shopping mall territorial recruitment center beat their guard, hit him on the head with a brick, literally fulfilling the call of one of the leaflets, which walks among the people. the failure of the kiev regime's attempts to replenish the battered troops
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with recruits became obvious. in the west, the washington post reported the inability of the ukrainian leadership to both develop an effective mobilization strategy and achieve political agreement on this issue in society and parliament. in the absence of a clear plan and in the absence of thousands of qualified military personnel, the armed forces of ukraine are trying by all means to drag recruits into the army, resulting in panic among men of mobilization age, many of whom not wanting to face certain death, they simply disappeared, writes the american publication. and there is another topic that is being vigorously promoted in kiev, they are waiting and cannot wait for the transfer of western military aircraft to the armed forces of ukraine, and deliveries are supposedly being postponed, although according to the head of the ministry of defense of singapore, american fighters have already been used with might and main in ukraine, as reported by the sputnik agency, quoting minister, we are talking about the f-35. it is alleged that with their help the united states tried to discover sites for launching russian air defense missiles and shared this information with nato countries. allies
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have lost trust in germany and may stop sharing secret information with it, reports the german newspaper handel's blood. all because of the leak of the contents of military negotiations, which discussed the transfer of taurus long-range cruise missiles to the ukrainian armed forces for attacks on the crimean bridge and other targets in russia. the german position requires an investigation. by the way, i remind you that this is not the first time that classified data leaks to the media; 6 years ago, during preparations for the construction of the nord stream 2 gas pipeline, information about the location of nato submarines leaked to the press, and information. emmanuel macron was forced to refute his own words about the possible sending of troops to ukraine; now he claims that this will not happen in the near future, and previously said that he did not rule out anything. the new statements were made in an interview with the czech media after a wave of criticism that swept across europe. one after another, western countries declared that their soldiers would definitely not die in ukraine,
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however, in estonia they think according to... the territory chooses its candidate on super tuesday in the usa, a dozen and a half states and presidents, the winners will be represented by delegates at party conventions, with special attention to how texas, a huge state, where voices for independence are increasingly heard, where they are dissatisfied with the situation on the border with mexico. in the states of colorado and maine, donald trump had to. in court, he defends his right to participate. the ex-president is opposed among republicans by the former governor of south carolina, nicky haley. democrats are voting for the current owner of the white house, joe biden. it actually has no competitors. elections in the usa will take place on november 5th. and finally, footage from dagestan. a baby seal was washed up on the shore of the caspian sea. he was tightly entangled in a fishing net. the baby, of course, would not have gotten out of this trap on his own. fortunately, he
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was noticed. ministry of emergency situations employee. he cut the ill-fated nets and the cub was able to return to its native element. by the way, the caspian seal is listed in the red book and is on the verge of extinction. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with channel one, i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina strizhenova on calendar march 5, tuesday, do not miss on channel one the continuation of the serial film union of salvation, a unique project about a turning point that changed the history of russia, complete immersion in the era and utmost accuracy in everything.
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chronology of the decembrist uprising from anastasia savelyeva. embankment of the moika river 72 on the evening of december 13, here in ryliev’s house, the decembrists gather for the last time to finally approve the plan for the uprising. this is how it should have been. crew storm the winter palace, the task is to take control of the royal family. they planned to send 200 soldiers against several hundred guards. here at the main entrance of the karau there are only 35 people. but everything did not go according to plan: in the morning some of the conspirators refused to storm the winter one, and they also did not agree to kill the king. meeting theaters, the very fact of the oath to the decembrists was in hand, as a reason to raise the soldiers
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to be indignant. the decembrists worked in the barracks from the very morning, lured them to their side, the moscow life guards regiment used to be here, 700 people came out to senateskaya at eleven. they walked loudly, followed by the campers, this. although the aristocratic part of the city, there are many artisans and merchants in the basements. about an hour later, at 12 , governor-general miloradovich arrives at the square for negotiations, he is mortally wounded, followed by a volley of dozens of guns. this is heard by the grenadier life guard regiment, the same one that was supposed to occupy peter and paul fortress. from here to senate is about 6 km. there were no high-rise buildings in st. petersburg; here on the petrograd side there were still wooden houses. it’s winter, windy and the neva is nearby. the sound reached us, we moved to help, not everyone, several hundred people went to senate , the second, the main part came out later and tried to capture the winter one, they went into the courtyard, but there were already sappers standing here, the only regiment that nikolai completely trusted
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first had to retreat, but there was no one to lead the naval guards crew, for the winter we didn’t go to plan, we also went to sinatskaya, at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon there were 300 rebels on the square. the turning point, the beginning of five, it begins to get dark, nicholas i decides to fire from the cannons, three volleys: the first is above their heads, hits onlookers on the roofs, the second third already hits the rebels with buckshot and explosive shells.
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the crowd scatters, the soldiers run to galernaya to the neva to hide on the other side on vasilievsky island, but the fire continues, the ice breaks, and not everyone makes it to the other bank. precise alignment of forces in the square, negotiations, capture of the insertion. all this can be seen in the new series of the union of salvation, already today on channel one. anastasia soveleva, mikhail karasev, igor kostyukov, anton tolstoludsky. angelika pankratieva, channel one, st. petersburg. this is how a professional doctor shows exercises for lower back pain, how to treat lower back pain, and much more important for your health. in the program "live healthy". today on the first bourbon stirsman is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar
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group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. cognac, monte shococa, product of stellor group. 5th of march. birds are returning from wintering, from europe, asia, africa are flying home, one of the stopping places is sevastopol, the reservoirs here resemble airports, who has arrived, who is departing, a lot of people, bustle, mute 45, coot, ornithologists are making observations, they say it’s a little light this year.
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garbage. most often , waterfowl, such as coots, fly to the lagoon, so the birds felt comfortable; the novorossiysk children from the ornithology club went out on a subbotnik, cleaning the lagoon from or diving. among non-waterfowl, starlings, thrushes and rooks are expected, and red-listed species will also arrive. these are white-headed ducks, a rather rare species; every year we are fortunate to see them on migration. and we also have a white-eyed black, from
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seagulls - this is the black-headed khakhatun, even pelicans fly in, in novorossiysk you can see 230 species of birds, some start families here. last year we had a whole event, a pair of mute swans gave birth, eight chicks, we were endlessly happy. everything is clear in the south, it’s already warm there, but like in other regions, in kursk it’s outside. minus, but the first migratory birds have already been spotted: wild pigeon, clintbird, starlings, wagtails, and finches will arrive soon. different species arrive at different times, that is, those that feed on plant foods, granivores, they arrive earlier because they have something to feed, strictly insectivores arrive later, that is, in fact , the spring arrival of birds continues for 3 months, the birds still have little food, our support is important to them. the simplest food is sunflower seeds. hang a whole head like this,
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lard will be suitable for tits, lumps of boiled oatmeal will be suitable for swans, a little more thawed spots will appear in the snow, it will become much easier for birds to get food. elena savina, channel one. the multi-part series continues on channel one film union of salvation, and we continue to get to know its characters. pyotr kokhovsky, a retired lieutenant, during the uprising mortally wounded the governor general of st. petersburg, mikhail miloradovich. did you bring us the constitution? pyotr kokhovsky, member of the northern secret society. it’s scary, not yet, but 70.00 army troops near st. petersburg? wouldn't you like it? the ranks of the decembrists of kokhovsky were brought by kandra teryleev. perhaps this was a fatal mistake. impatient, i think that everything is possible, some of my own personal problems, trying to solve this. your own created hell, you were expelled from the guard for non-payment
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of money to the candy store and other obscenities, don’t remember, but you want the constitution, i don’t understand. on december 14 , 1825, on senate square, kokhovsky was the first to open fire, with a fatal shot in the back , wounding mikhail miloradovich, a fearless general, whom everyone in the army respected, including the rebels, my children, cannot be bought. your soul, decent people don’t shake hands with you, so you want to become a hero, even if i’m a nonentity, but you are worse, there will be retribution, and you will answer for everything. sergei agafonov as peter kokhovsky in the historical drama union of salvation, today on channel one. so, don’t miss, tonight on channel one the continuation of the large-scale historical drama union of salvation, about the decembrist uprising, about who these people were and what? change this
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great honest movie about a turning point in the history of our country and complete immersion in the era, i watch with pleasure, what it’s like, watch, as if the magic of cinema, firstly, it’s beautiful, the union of salvation, beauty is in the details, count miloradovich leads in st. petersburg, a marvelous diva, magic lantern, optical device , the progenitor of the film projector and overhead projector, now look, your... what, he was thrilled that it was magical, that we brought it, we bought a magic lantern in holland for... theatre, this is the theater . it was called a foggy picture. foggy, because the image was not projected on flat screens, as now, on some kind of smoke screens. can you imagine how much this miracle cost in execution. petersburg could have been fed and fed for a day, count 2 minutes was enough. it
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was an amazing 2 minutes, i must admit. from twilight of palace halls on the street of snowy st. petersburg, sparkling perfectly smooth blocks of ice. why are they, the answer is prosaic, before the invention of the first refrigerator there are still 150 years ahead, in city houses, in village houses, it doesn’t matter if there was a lid, they wrapped it in hay, and it existed as if as such a constantly operating refrigerator, only natural, a refrigerator, or rather a glacier there is, which means there will be a dinner party, but first there is a ball, all the moves are written down in the ball book, but...
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i wish you the completion ekaterina strizhenova good morning and have a good working day. see you on channel one. hello, very soon, from march 15 to 17, 2024 , presidential elections will be held in russia. today there will be debates between candidates for the position of president of the russian federation, and people will take part in them. nikolai mikhailovich kharitonov, candidate for president of the russian federation from the communist party of the russian federation. alexander sergeevich starovoitov, confidant of the candidate for president of the russian federation from the ldpr party, leonid eduardovich slutsky. alexander alexandrovich khurudzhi,
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confidant of the presidential candidate of the russian federation from the new people party, vladislav andreevich davankov. today the first to speak will be given. living standards, this is the first topic of our debate. nikolai mikhailovich, well, as agreed, we’ll start with you. at the last debate, we discussed, remember, medicine and demographic problems, everything turned out that way every time, it depended on the income of people and or regions as a whole. as for the regions,
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it’s interesting, how to eliminate the difference between the incomes of the regions? what are you offering? yours a minute and a half, please. i must first say that... the capitalism into which russia was drawn in the early nineties gave rise to many intractable problems, everything is clearly spelled out in my program, everything is said, so in most regions the average nominal salary is at the level of 30 thousand rubles , real salaries, like 19, 20, 25 thousand, i’m not even talking about pensions, there are about 19,500 rubles, so in order to equalize, discussing the budget of the annual state duma, which means... the federal budget supports the regions for equalization regional budget, there is additional funding, but still those regions that have periodic tables. i mean the production of gas, oil , minerals, and this is what is being done today by the federal budget, when, to
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equalize regional budgets , amounts of different amounts are determined, well, for example, in the far eastern federal district, there are practically 30 billion and 35 billion, that is, there is no need to be shy, which means there must be alignment and support, well, in financial prosperity citizens living there, well, so...
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money and wants to spend it somewhere, well, where in the village can you spend money, when even the clubs, strictly speaking, do not work, and we know about this, so let's pay for
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one and a half minutes, of course, it is difficult to tell in detail how to solve this issue in general, but in order to at least equalize the salaries of state employees, so that it does not turn out that a teacher works in moscow and receives 130,000, but works in a village, receiving 30,000, it is necessary to equalize all the public sector employees who exist, be it doctors, be it... they abandoned the small towns where they were born so that the small towns themselves could develop the economy there for a minute and a half, yes, firstly,
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the disproportion between moscow and the regions is so serious that the gap between megacities is actually growing in principle, and moscow especially, because the centers are registered here payment of taxes, almost all the offices of our main state-owned companies are registered here, and let me remind you who... don’t know, we have more than 70% - today state-owned companies provide the entire gdp, our level of state-owned economy is extremely high, despite the fact that taxes in the regions are mainly paid by small-medium businesses, so the conclusion suggests itself and the answer to this question, in general, is obvious: we need to develop small-medium businesses, we need to push the regions to ensure that they it was profitable, accordingly, to leave as much money as possible in the regions themselves, but for ordinary people it is extremely important that in the region where he lives...


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