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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 6, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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kusites, preliminary analysis showed that this happened in the southern part of the red sea, which is under the jurisdiction of yemen. according to others, communications could have been cut off by anchors dropped from ships. experts assure that if the damage continues, traffic will have to be sent over backup lines, and internet speed may drop noticeably. the police detained false gas workers who were operating in the moscow region. fraudsters knocked on apartments, pretended to be gas service workers, and convinced residents that it was time to change their equipment. everything is supposedly within the limits state programs, and many , instead of simply not opening the door, agreed, they were not scared even by the inflated prices, the guests with the money they received were hiding, that this is here, in the city of st. petersburg and the moscow region, police officers with the help of the national guard detained 15 suspects, the police conducted more than twenty searches in offices at their residential addresses, during which work clothes and fake ids were seized, as well as information about the work performed,
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as well as various items of evidentiary value. nine the defendants were taken into custody, four are under a written undertaking not to leave in accordance with proper behavior. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. good afternoon, greetings, dear viewers of the first channel, this is a stream of the popular front, on the first line-up, are you? you know, i’ll introduce the guests now, let’s go, so, alexander yuryevich kazakov and valery anatolyevich rukobratsky are with us today, we have a lot to talk about, in the end.
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there is still some possibility of avoiding big war, but now let’s go from here, we’ve already started talking about the inevitability, or sometimes you read, you know the news from the public life there in europe, and of course i understand that before you would have just been taken away from the psychiatric hospital if you had seen something like that , i heard, it’s just like that, now it’s normal, it’s like it ’s trying to become the norm, look, in the netherlands, in the netherlands, sales have started from... sorry, for god’s sake, everyone who has to hear this, well, it’s just really interesting, after all, that means selling sex dolls for dogs, dogs, yes, yes, so you understand, it means that anyone can buy a doll like this, which means about 25,000 rubles, in short, such a cutie costs, but these are minor things, really, because the same manufacturer released, well , to cut it short, why are you looking at it from such angles , guys, it means that he released a sale about...
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some other persecution, why are we savoring all this? they will tell us, well, someone there will tell you, listen, well, you never know what kind of psychopaths there are, there are freaks, i don’t know what kind of cringe there is, sorry, that means in europe there are different things, they can afford them freedom, etc., but it’s simply accepted, as we see it all, we understand it, and we say, yes, look, this is a fall, and we assume that with the fall of morals, of course, comes the fall , and so to speak, yes, but no, well, not , maybe yes.
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let's talk about this, but first let's take a call , i think andrey called us, please, hello , yes, hello, bugakov, lipetsk city, great, very nice, please, andrey, mutual, i have a question, well in fact, such a painful one, at least personal for me, it worries me greatly, so i ask you to give me the opportunity to speak out too after i ask it, here in our country it’s strange.
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they have been joking for a long time about the so-called oppressive west, the hosts and guests there in various programs laugh a lot at what is happening there, this is understandable, as if there is something to worry about, but... no less, now a new topic for discussion is the words of tucker carlson, he compares america with the roman empire before its fall, and elon musk states that america will fall if it tries to absorb all world. so the question is, do you also think that america can take a hand, or is this still some kind of game? now, wait, did you want to speak out on this topic, or did you perhaps let our, our experts, speak out, and then you, as convenient for you, yes, but...
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so to speak, synchronized with the stacker carlson from there new york, because he actually asks the same question, well, okay, do you have an answer, andrey? yes, come on, well, then i would like to start with what naryshkin said after macron’s statement about nato soldiers in ukraine, that is, he said that the west is moving the world to the brink of nuclear war. and in fact, it’s not funny to me after such statements, all these words from carlson and...
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well, they have long shown us maps of the destruction of russia, maps, i’ll also show you a few maps, no problem, wait, not now, that’s it - this is your interpretation, they
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are directly preparing for a full-fledged real war, i understood you correctly, no, they will never fight with russia, they don’t need it, they already know how to do it very well. in order to how to use it, use it citizens of russia, the fact that they are politically inactive at the moment, because most people believe that everything, through them, through a revolution, through some kind of civil war, but now we have a civil war with ukraine, then if they are under the guise of refugees, the same ones can easily bring militants to set up here, the question is. here andrey, what do you think, let’s say there is some kind of, well, it doesn’t matter, let’s say, let’s take the same conventional western society, yes, but it’s somehow divided, then there are some - these are these morons who are like engaged in pedophilia, these plastic dogs are raped, who all walk around in
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multi-colored, i don’t know the clothes of their lgbt people there, and are so relaxed , everything is fine with them, but there is some other part that like he’s directly at war with the whole world in the abstract, very concentrated, steely. only intends to destroy russia, that is, in your opinion, these are some two different parts of the west, well, we are not talking about citizens, there are ordinary people, we say, they are doing their own thing, and that is, the elites are very concentrated with us they’re fighting, it’s like their entire population is this kind of bullshit, like it’s lgbt, so what? no, they also have very different populations, and thank you very much andrey for the call, it doesn’t seem to me, well, listen, here we are with the population, sorry. we’re talking here, they’re calling us, well, people think this way, and some think that way , and some think across, and those perpendicular, and those in parallel, well, yes, what’s the difference, they have a consensus, here we are about the democrats and republicans, remember for some reason, recently it has disappeared from the vocabulary of our political science, there is a bipartisan
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consensus, but it is not only bipartisan, it is a general western consensus, it is clear that in the consensus they will not ask the postman there or a worker from the volkswagen plant there, this is an elite consensus, how they will fight people who rape children, dogs, and for them this is the norm, who can be sold with a photograph of a child, why not wait, well, you too, how will they get together with me.
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and it’s just that now it’s gone so crazy and we it’s great that we talked about it, that sooner and sooner or later they, with the help of these overtones, they will make pedophilia acceptable, of course they will do it, don’t listen , it’s easy, well, listen, they have taken the path of maximum, as it were , liberation, and not even good in the bad sense of this word, of course, these are all facets of liberation.
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this is a tool for restraining our animal instincts, in theory
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these same prohibitions are embedded in the cultural code, based on religious grounds and among our traditional our religions have the same codes, that is, orthodoxy, islam, judaism, buddhism, christianity in a broader sense, well , in our case, our ideology is more complex, it is restrained, it is a culture as a whole, as it were...
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in syria, because we came, they said, then the hymerses come, if not hidden, yes , then yes, if a war starts, the hymerses come, but in fact, look, here we are, not very correct, but you can say, here ideology of a special military operation, it also evolved, that’s how long it took months after february 24, 2 years... no need to tell the pictures, show me, this is satanism, that is, our confrontation also has a religious dimension, everyone is afraid of it, because religious wars are the worst, but it exists because they they carry out total de-christianization before christian civilizations, they drive them out of paganism, although even the pagans had
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prohibitions, and for them, in general, all this is just for the sake of control in reality.
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here are the star-struck ones, they also have this dictatorship there, they really force people to accept this is true, well, answering the viewer’s question, yes, he said, if he says, they rot, so to speak, when they already rot, because i went to school, i went to school in 1976, but wait, in seventy in seventy-five year, at lenin’s anniversary, i spoke in the garden, so to speak, well , not just with information and the current times, but
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well, yes, but the rotting west rushed around in the seventies, and then came out, rotting beautifully. and the other, but, but if, if directly specific terms, it is clear that especially carlson, yes, i compared it with the roman empire, it was rotting there for how many, several centuries, somehow, actually three, yes , yes, now, now time has been compressed, now time has been compressed, now everything is faster, i give, to give the truth, so i ’ll take it directly, yes, these are your bets, decades two decades, this is optimistic,
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it tells me, optimistic, for them, well, what are your versions, dear friends? less, less, less, not 2 years, of course, if we take the same roman empire, it’s just our classic of russian philosophy alekserovich losev wrote about his time a brilliant work of roman linearist aesthetics, where he proved with his fingers that it was the moral decay of the elite of the roman empire that led to the end, and, moreover, they perceive themselves the same way. then barel and they have a garden, and we are barbarians, yeah, that is, they have a roman garden, and we are barbarians, barbaric, but rome, rome did not actually fall under the blows of the barbarians, it collapsed from the inside, including carson, everything- still a historian, i would add to this the eastern roman empire, then, well, if that, which remains, is our viewer here
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might actually be right, because he said they look like old biden is rotting.
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is rotting, that is why it will defend itself so furiously, so fiercely, it will defend itself, the backlog is huge, which means it is not in vain that the states, i will often quote this
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american scientist to you, who said:
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there is no line, we will shoot them down, and if they fly from the airfield in poland or romania, we will strike at the airfields of poland and romania, yes, this absolutely cannot be a nuclear war, that is, well, they said that this is still a conventional war, well, yes, if they, well, turkey changes its mind here and opens the straits into the black sea , it won’t go in, well, neither the first nor the second could come unglued from the pier. overestimating the enemy and instilling horrors and fears, this is also not a wrong strategy , it is necessary to evaluate it objectively, regarding mobilization they write this about themselves, themselves, not us, in this there is no reverse propaganda, they have a crisis realistically, they can fix this, now they will gather for decades, you know, like a generation
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here. we need a generation just like that you can’t fix this administratively, of course, let’s excuse us now, i apologize to vasily semenovich mora, he is in direct contact with us and has been listening to us for quite a long time, i hope this was not, so to speak, quite interesting , retired ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia vasily semenovich is huge thank you for being with us, well, you heard, probably yes, what we were talking about, this is a very interesting comment from your perspective from an experienced, experienced diplomat, that’s because... i don’t know some statements there from macron or the flight or f- 35 there and so on, we have our own perspective and our own interpretation, that’s how you evaluate it , you understand, it’s very interesting, please, the whole point is that any problem, crisis conditions, it begins to unfold in the media, take any question, well, including about these
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nato planes and there are 35 there. how long has it been chewed in the media, for a long time, how much has it been pumped up, that’s the question, perhaps there will be a war with russia, russia will attack, there is a pumping of military hysteria in europe in order to distract the european man in the street, well, including, of course, the american one, now i agree with my colleague that...
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regarding the fact that this is the goal, the goal, the goal of our armed forces, no matter where this goal, as they say, flies, no matter how far away , it still has to be hit, even on the territory. i repeat once again that this issue is very sensitive, they will naturally negotiate through the channel, well, let us remember this case when ukraine together with poland shouted, yes, that a fragment of a russian missile fell on the territory of poland, yes, right there okrek from washington, no, this is a ukrainian missile, fragments of a ukrainian missile, you see, here it is...
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time to stop being cowards, that's how you are, just imagine that you are here now , let's assume, so to speak, in status, so to speak , an active member of the ministry at the forefront, you hear these words from macron, how would you perceive them as a real threat, as bravado, as vomit, as intention? well, i already said at the beginning of my speech that in the information war the question is being promoted: to the limit, in this in this case, there is also a pumping up of the threat of war from the outside - russia, that is, towards europe for the average person, but the question is being prepared, i emphasized
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everything, i understood that we will remember that it was scholz who was the first to announce the creation of a european army, somewhere, probably, a year and a half ago, that’s it, the question died down, now macron is talking about it. but he went further, that he came up with it himself, or something, or he doesn’t look back at the united states of america, of course , he looks back, but there is war hysteria, pumping up and promotion of this issue, the american, the british are not interested in nuclear a world war, it is not beneficial in europe, but it is beneficial for them to hype and promote the issue of a local war. in europe, eastern -western, which can gradually unwind, you know, but it can come, and i want to note that the americans will again shout at the same possible
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provocation from poland or the baltic states, but what do you know, we will not interfere , these are your issues with russia, there is a very delicate game at play here, and we must not forget that all this is controlled, albeit externally. position, they are not interested in shouting means to act, yes, yes, we will continue , of course, to discuss this is the most important topic, remember, yes, where we started there, we enlightened tucker carlosn, who likened the states
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to the roman empire, history, everything in history, in fact, all the answers themselves in fact , you can find it there, here on channel one the special television version of the historical drama union of salvation continues to be shown, this is a picture about the uprising... of the decembrists of 1825, be sure to watch it, you won’t regret it, it wouldn’t hurt to see once again how cyclically instructive any story is, but for us ours naturally, it is important, the main thing, i will not tire of reminding you of this, is to draw the right conclusions from it. thank you for your attention, friends, see you soon on air. the largest youth event in the world, more than 20 thousand bright and talented young people from... all over the planet, building the future together, world youth festival 2024, closing ceremony, live broadcast, today on the first, i will
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reign or perish, foreigner, not who had legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks. relying on male help, the final
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the empress always reserved decisions for herself. empire of catherine ii. premiere on march 8, on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. the brightest and most extraordinary event of the season. a battle of generations, great champions of the past and current athletes, on equal terms on the same ice, a unique competition as a declaration of love for one’s country, the russian challenge, a tournament of the strongest skaters, live broadcast on march 9 on the first a. three of them in masks broke into the bank, started beating,
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shoot, it was very scary , a private bank was robbed in donetsk, your cells were cleaned out, viktor fedorich, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the major league, lieutenant colonel igor melnik, now they are engaged in the donetsk case, they should not get too far, are you going to, i will not give such a command, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere is from march 11
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on the first. there is information that they want to liquidate you. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient is the chinese, and china has almost always been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco paul. the italian merchant described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochrome painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, china, of course , was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries. after the end of the second world war , the soviet union immediately took patronage over china, more than 10,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of pin's first decisions, after he became the leader of china,
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was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that in china there is a sinicized model of nepa, the premiere of civilization, the film the seventh china, next wednesday on the first. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. russian products are environmentally friendly, which is important, available in the stavropol territory, a great conversation with the president, which lasted until late in the evening. our country not only provides itself, but supplies agricultural products to 150 countries. last year, vladimir putin emphasized, income.
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credit history and so on, yes, yes, yes , absolutely right, and at the same time, a credit history for 2-3 years, our enterprise, like other enterprises in new territories , was registered only... a year and a half ago, some kind of state guarantees, well , in short, this is the central bank, the ministry of finance, together with commercial banks we must work on this system, i agree with you, it is very important now to establish normal life, it cannot but be connected with labor activity, and this is
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the agricultural sector in these territories, one of the key ones, this is quite obvious, sales on world markets of russian grain are growing, every fourth... ton is ours, and there is competition and speculation here can't be avoided. prices on exchanges are regulated by countries that are not the main suppliers. they do not take into account the real cost of production. a proposal to create a grain exchange within the framework of brix was discussed. vladimir putin said that the idea is good and will definitely happen worked out with partners. the russian army launched a series of attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets. explosions were reported at a military airfield in starokonstantinov, khmelnitsky region. there is information that in lvov the target could be a vehicle fleet with a fuel storage facility, and also in the odessa and kiev regions, such footage is posted on the internet, as users of telegram channels write, these are air defense systems that are actively working. and news from the front line: our artillery destroyed the command post of the ukrainian armed forces near avdievka, and a nona mortar was involved. yuzhno-donetsk
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direction, anti-aircraft gunners using pysyrka igla shot down enemy drones. donetsk. life imprisonment in a special regime colony. the court handed down such a sentence to two ukrainian militants for the murder of five civilians in mariupol in the spring of twenty-two . the criminals were in combat positions on the territory of the azov-mash plant, opening fire on everyone who was nearby.
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cooperation between russia and azerbaijan, large-scale joint projects have great prospects. mikhail mishustin is negotiating with the president at these moments in baku ilham aliyev. this is the second day of our prime minister's visit to the country. in the morning , a wreath-laying ceremony took place at the grave of the national leader of azerbaijan, heydar aliyev, and at the monument to fallen heroes. the interaction between moscow and yerevan within the framework of common integration associations was discussed by telephone between sergei lavrov and armenian foreign minister arorrat mirzayan. this was reported by the russian foreign ministry. they also talked about building a dialogue between baku and yerevan. in tuvei today we stewed shaganar
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tets. there was an explosion there in the morning, then the boiler room was engulfed in flames. the fire area was 50 km. open burning. has already been eliminated, 23 people were injured , the majority required hospitalization, six are in serious condition, after the accident at tets, about 400 people were temporarily left without heat, the causes of the emergency are still unknown, a criminal case was opened under the article of negligence. trump's triumph, the former us president has a landslide victory in the republican primaries. on super tuesday, when a dozen and a half states voted at once, he, one might say, hit the jackpot already threatens resignations and investigation. ladies and gentlemen, meet the next
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president of the united states, donald. is trump such an unconditional advantage that maralaga began to be celebrated at his residence long before the results of party voting in 15 states were announced. they don't call it super tuesday for nothing, it's a big win. i was told that there had never been such an obvious outcome, it was great. despite trump’s crushing success, however, intrigue remains regarding his only intra-party opponent, us expost representative at. it's hard to turn away from a dream; ego and self-respect make anyone dedicated to a hopeless cause flee. in such a situation, it is easy
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to believe that a coalition of outcasts is forming around you and that the political establishment will appreciate your ambitions and find a use for your tenacity. the press writes that haley can run as an independent candidate in order to take away from trump the votes of those conservatives who do not personally like him. this, of course, plays into biden's hands. however, the ratings of the american leader are flying down so quickly that it's big. i, i'm perplexed, maybe they show him surveys that are intended only for him? it is significant that lies from the mouth of the first
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person are discussed with smiles, a trend throughout the entire election year. joe biden is no longer so much criticized as ridiculed, even on liberal platforms. there is no need to deny your age, just admit it, so say: yes, i confuse names and, like a baby, i walk around with a full diaper. you are so old that your obnoxious drug addict son... is 54 years old, there are no alternatives, and super tuesday is for biden was an empty formality, the democratic party is raising the stakes, emphasizing that kanu itself is american democracy, and there is no point in finding fault with the shortcomings of the one who will save it. joe biden star, so we have a race in which one candidate is old, but effective in his job and does not threaten our democracy, the second is old, talking nonsense, dangerously threatening our democracy. just a year ago, trumpists were in the minority in the republican party. but now trump’s opponents either support him or remain silent. washington swamp in waiting for the storm. trump actually threatened resignations and investigations, both
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to fellow party members who are conservatives in words only to the entire biden family, and to prominent functionaries of the presidential administration. the worse the forecast for biden, the darker the clouds gathering over his team, and in general it seems that trump’s dominance in the primary has already launched tectonic processes that are changing the political landscape. on retire. according to polls, the anti-russian pathos, inflated by the white house, is finding less and less support among the electorate, which is much larger concerned about economic problems and a porous
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border. is this why john bas was appointed as victoria's replacement? the head of ukraine in the state department was a diplomat who, as ambassador in kabul, prepared the way for the americans to leave afghanistan. georgy lisashvili, pavel nesterov, anastasia slobodenyuk, ruslan bashko, channel one usa. today is valentina terezhkova's birthday. the world's first female cosmonaut, the legendary seagull, who flew around the earth on the vostok 6 spacecraft, she became the only representative of the fair sex to make a solo space flight. vladimir putin called valentina terezhkova to congratulate her on her birthday personally, but earlier the head of state sent a telegram in which he noted valentina vladimirovna’s active civic position and her enormous contribution to the development of astronautics. chagall's flight of fancy, secrets of mastery. altman’s unique style, this and not only at the new exhibition in moscow, which opened at the jewish museum and tolerance center. a unique opportunity
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to trace the evolution of the avant-garde in our country, and a huge role here for jewish artists, whose source of inspiration was the national culture of tradition. kristina levieva has already looked. a symbol of a bygone era, the most mysterious artist of the early 20th century. muted palette, twilight colors, thick brushstrokes, robert falk could breathe in the soul. along with the largest avant-garde artists of the 20th century of jewish origin, he was part of the cultural league association. the artists of this organization are the subject of a large part of the new
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exhibition at the jewish museum and tolerance center, more... graphic works from the main russian museums and private collections. it was interesting for us to show the russian avant-garde in this phenomenon, but a separate page that took only a few decades and which was created by artists not because they simply had jewish roots and were jews by their nationality, but because they professed a very interesting theory, they were engaged in rethinking their cultural code, it is no secret that many artists. here altman, and chagall, and rabak, they traveled, made sketches of synagogues, sketches of tombstones, sketches of synagogue objects, and then, as a certain touch, they added genre scenes, some individual elements, to their work. an entire building was erected in the exhibition space; this is the first floor of a house that belonged to the kulturliga artists’ association. in 1922
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, this house hosted the largest exhibition of three representatives of the jewish avant-garde... by that time he had already used elements of cubism in his works. marc chagall, here is his legendary introduction to the jewish theater, this is, of course, a projection, the original is kept in the tretyakov gallery, here you can see solomon mikhoils in a blue shirt and cap, and marc chagall himself in an ocher suit. and there is a third room where seven still lifes by david sterrenberg were collected. the master of plastic experiments , sterrenberg, was asked to return to moscow from paris by lunacharsky himself for... enlightenment. shterenberg plays with forms. his still lifes seem flat, flattened under the pressure of something heavy. and the landscapes seem to be filled with fresh air. this is the artist who found his own language, his own style of innovation, let’s say, in these experiments with texture, with space, yes, with the way he denotes this life of objects, i would
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say, the metaphysical life of objects. alexander tyshler tried to depict a state of tension using form and color. el lissitzky was fond of book design, and isaac rabinovich could turn even the scenery for a performance at the state jewish theater into a suprematist composition. but all these artists had one thing in common. inspiration they drew from their own culture, from the traditions and objects that surrounded them in childhood, because most of them were born in small jewish towns, and even when they became famous masters, they kept memories of home in their hearts. kristina levieva, ivan strukov, tatyana bakulina and enesa mezhevalova. first channel. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments of the event. the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues, this program, time will tell, we are working live. army russia is moving towards the city of chasov yaar, a major defense hub of the ukrainian armed forces. meanwhile, we are already
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there. on the way to the slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration and battles are now taking place on the outskirts of the city, from this direction the military correspondent of the popular front vladimir razin directly communicates with us. vladimir, hello, how is the situation, how far are we from the city of chasyar or are there already battles on the outskirts? there’s more to say about the battles directly within the city limits of chasyar. early our progress is underway, it did not stop for two main reasons directions, this is ivanovskaya and this is bogdanovka, in ivanovsky there is progress, we have advanced literally a few streets, the advance is not going at such a fast pace, but all this depends on how strongly the enemy is pushing, and he is indeed accumulating very large reserves there, constantly transfers them there,
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we are also moving north of bogdanovka along... heights along forest belts, in bogdanovka itself, we have reduced the gray zone from which the enemy was previously knocked out, in the populated area itself, it is literally growing every day the number of strikes from our aviation, again , i repeat, due to the fact that the enemy is transferring reserves, almost the entire city is clogged with enemy equipment and personnel, so our aviation strikes against these concentrations, also... in the literal sense, the hunt has opened for all kinds of communication centers, repeaters, cameras that the enemy uses to improve the quality of their defense, we, in turn, destroy them, every day more and more disorganization is introduced into the ranks of the enemy’s defense. why is direction now strategically important ?
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this is because, as i understand it, they beat me there. and again, after the settlement of chasovyar, there are big doubts and there is data from our intelligence that the line of defense further in the konstantinovka area is not so
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fortified and now they are definitely trying to organize it there, but again, our all kinds of fire weapons are for this i’m interfering with the matter, and therefore they will literally fight for the clock to the last. a lot of reserves are being transferred there, again, this is a desired development in which it is more convenient to hold the defense, yes, but our aviation is at in a recent example, avdeevka showed that even if an aerial bomb hits the neighboring house where your brothers-in-arms are located, then you are no longer in the mood to hold the defense in the house in which it has not yet hit. thank you very much, the war correspondent of the popular front, vladimir razin, was in direct contact with us, and now more and more people are coming to the front. samples of the latest technology, by and large even unseen before, some copters, drones, what are they worth, but there is also artificial intelligence about how it is possible to combine artificial intelligence to control drones, experts discussed in
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the popular front stream, let's see, our landset drones have learned to independently aim at targets with the help of artificial intelligence and hit them, i have a question, has this already been used at the front, if so, what are the results, such the kind of systems that allow... to capture a target and, accordingly, guide it until it is directly used by an aircraft, in this case a lancet, has been known for quite a long time, that is, in principle, now we have each of us in our phone, even in a regular phone, has systems that recognize smiles, and that recognize faces , and so on, that is, the software and elemental base were created quite a long time ago, and also various types of weapons, such as aircraft missiles, have existed for quite a long time , which work with the aircraft on the ground, and which point... at the television picture that it receives on board, which means the lanset is relatively cheap for this kind of product, now it naturally has a system installed on it that allows
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do not lead the ammunition directly to the target and accompany it, because anything can happen, loss of communication, but fix it at a high altitude, there at the flight altitude, respectively, at some target, make a capture, the dialing system itself can even recognize it. specific, that this is an armored personnel carrier, or there may be some piece of support that needs to be reached, and after the pilot, in this case, it is the pilot who presses the button, he, accordingly, thereby allows further input of control already in automatic mode and ammunition, respectively, hits the target without beloto control. no matter how smart and developed artificial intelligence is, there is nowhere without a person, especially in the fight against these very...
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today zelensky claims that 16 billion in aid collected in 2022 for ukraine were never received, 16 billion were missing, disappeared in one of the most corrupt countries in the world,
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in short, look where our money goes, they will then tell us that there is no more money for farmers in hospitals, that’s enough, well, it’s not surprising that germany is in no hurry to allocate ukraine long-range tauris missile, against this background, despite... discussion continues of the audio recording provided by russia of the conversation between inspector general luft wafa ingagers and three other german officers. accusations against chancellor schulz are growing louder, but defense minister boris pistorius has warned against jumping to conclusions, arguing that such actions would lead to a split in european society, which would benefit russia. the leaked material revealed confidential information about taurasphere's reserves. discussed
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questions about how ukraine could use the taurus without german soldiers, but scholz, in turn, justified his disagreement with the supply of taurus, the need to use german soldiers to control the missiles, and now criticism of the chancellor is growing, and the position requires clear and honest statements. we don’t understand why the federal chancellor is using false information, i don’t want to say that he is lying and i don’t want to say that he is deliberately telling lies, perhaps he is consulting. either from he has a special agreement with the kremlin, which is why he is so cautious when talking about using taurus strikes on crimea, because the peninsula is of great importance for russia, that is, for ukrainians around the world , scholz says that whoever wants to liberate crimea can do it, but doesn't use taurus rockets for this? does ukraine still hope that scholz will approve the transfer of taurus missiles? is it true that the leak will influence the chancellor's decision? will stick to his guns and, after
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the leak, will never approve the delivery of taurus to kiev. berlin is still pondering sender of the taurus missile to the ukrainians, does this leak show that from a political point of view. at the moment, scholz is separated from the bundeswehr command, given that the generals are independently talking about this and discussing the possibility of using missiles in ukraine. and yet, at the moment, the government seems quite adamant that they are not collecting. frankly, i think germany is quite hesitant to support ukraine, and frankly speaking, germany needs to step up to prove that it really wants help ukrainians. after this leak , schultz should finally hand over the taurus missiles. and here are the european hawks, although what hawks they are, judging by macron’s latest statements, can be called. sweet fighting
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european roosters, and so they are trying to reunite the european defense industry, or rather restore it, so as not to depend on individual countries in terms of money in terms of restoring this very defense industry, but bloomberg writes that with money everything is very, very tight . the european commission will present a large-scale stimulus plan the bloc's defense industry, but unless it can find enough funds, the initiative risks failing. in accordance with this strategy. the eu will increase weapons production and allocate money to joint military projects, including missile defense, but given the already agreed budget, the eu will only be able to allocate a maximum of several hundred million euros a year to defense. alexander gernich, tell us what kind of difficulties they have, why they are trying to leave, well , apparently, depending on the usa, olesya and i give discussed the fact that in general we can understand whether the europeans can be independent from the defense industry at all?
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europeans have even less, not only that, but we are also talking about the generation of weapons, that is, the generation of weapons that europe is now using is already yesterday for us , and even when we talk about american f-35 class fighters, we must not forget that the f-35 has more than 80 shortcomings from the point of view of congress and the united states, incompatible with '.
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there is a certain belief that they deceived themselves, and that the first type of weapon is a type ideological, according to the nato classification and that russia is on the verge of collapse, like the soviet union all the time, their job will be to collect bananas, that is, to go through a country devastated by civil war, little
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by little taking over some regions, first ukraine, then kuban, then the north caucasus , then rostov, then preferably dnepropetrovsk, and so on from different dnepropetrovsks, naturally, i don’t mean dnepropetrovsk, but... it’s already, unfortunately, under their control, the north is already and so on, that is their thought was simple, that we are the one, as hitler said, a colossus of clay, but the feeling that this game can be played from different sides, and that they have now become a colossus of clay, they are about to collapse in the european union, which i honestly wish for them from the bottom of my heart, in fact america, perhaps, is in a somewhat difficult situation; it would be one thing if this multi-billion dollar aid to ukraine were agreed upon. then, well, i would understand that the americans really want such an industrial collapse in the same europe, now it turns out, what does it mean, with one on the other hand, america, but with its policy of atlanticism, it really dreams that europe will suffocate during this conflict,
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on the other hand, they want europe to help with weapons, because the americans themselves cannot give them to ukraine, so i’m wondering, americans? there was some semblance of harmony, president biden put together this anti-russian coalition, europe entered it, right now, and america, which acted as the locomotive or locomotive of this whole thing, so to speak, of the euro-atlantic composition, and is moving rapidly, is already
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heading towards the presidential elections, you know the results of super tuesday, you know who is actually replacing this president who created this coalition and... it turns out that the locomotive or the entire train may be about to go downhill, hence , in fact, this nervousness, this hysteria, confusion in european defense foreign policy, in fact, this german scandal is just the tip of the iceberg, if we look at the news of today, yesterday this week there is a certain common denominator, it is that europe is disoriented
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about being a military expert, to be clear, in order to create new enterprises, this cannot be done on your knees, this cannot be done with the snap of a finger, the autopilot has turned off, they have taken over manual control , many questions arise, firstly, where to find resources, where to find investments, and then again, inside this euro-atlantic cauldron there are
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american weapons, the american military-industrial complex, also what to do with it, there are a lot of questions, it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines, they crowed about it, and then to implement it is a completely different story. well, in ukraine , too, you know, not everything is so smooth , well calm, they are looking for the culprit there for all the failures, for what is happening at the front, and of course, they remember zaluzhny, and now many believe that it was zaluzhny’s resignation that led to now to all the problems, square, and now ukrainian telegram channels write that zaluzhny’s resignation has also become a factor of instability within kiev. mode. there were rumors on the sidelines that what the more problems there will be at the front, the more the opposition will attack the case of zaluzhny’s resignation as a catalyst for the beginning of all problems at the front. well, now the office of the ukrainian president is trying to somehow
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extinguish this unrest within the ukrainian elite, but of course, by force, otherwise they cannot, that’s what the ukrainian channel “resident” writes. our sources in the presidential office said that the sbu is working with politicians and public opinion leaders along the legitimacy vacuum track in order to stop any information activity. bankovaya set the task for the security forces to work out all the opposition. in the first round 41%. zelensky - 23.7, poroshenko - 6.4%. razunkov - 5.6%. all this
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, of course, is not just like that, and we reasoned in this studio, when there were still rumors about zaluzhny’s resignation, that perhaps he was being taken out for a reason at the most crucial, important moment before the liberation of our avdiivka, and indeed, he was taken out , it turns out, from under attack, if now... somehow, look, in social, sociological surveys, he is brought to the first place place, with the question, if there were presidential elections now, it turns out that they are betting on it, will the west be able to start everything from scratch with zaluzhny and restart this project? alesya, about six months ago you and i considered the scenario of further, further extremization of the regime of the kiev junta, that is , bringing this to a state...
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based on this, based on the fact that you need further mobilization of the economy, if this economy remains at all , just the figure of such a dictator... and i would also noted one thing that zaluzhny did not speak at press conferences, in general his speeches were never published until the end of december, on december 23 or 24 he himself spoke on ukrainian television, gave the first press conference, that’s what he said the first press conference, because he had never given one before, and he tried to say something like that, that is, based on this, i feel that they are really trying to make something out of him. the question is how possible is this really, because i don’t think
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that he himself has some political potential, and there is also the issue of getting along with agut, because, as far as i know, with anthony agut everything was very, very bad, thank god, the american general, who is now holed up in kiev and is actually trying to command everything , it seems to me that this figure, speaking about zaluzhny, can be brought out as ultima ratio regis, the king’s last argument. but i just can’t understand where the ukrainian army gets the feeling that zaluzhny is not like that. zaluzhny was absolutely
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responsible for all of syrsky's steps as commander-in-chief. he was still responsible for the entire front. and the losses that occurred during the summer-autumn campaign are the army’s regular losses. and i was surprised, because it turns out that sergei kuzhugetovich turned out to be more merciful, so to speak, in quotes, of the ukrainian army than zaluzhny himself, who , according to some cosmic data, presented a report on the loss. more than 900 thousand fighters, but the truth is only two hundred thousand, while sergei kuzhugech spoke about a figure of about 460 thousand ukrainians, who were already in the cemetery, that is , this same man actually killed his own army and there is no point in writing everything off as nasyr, they did it together. sergei ladlyanovich, after all, there is a zaluzhny factor or we are trying to find a black cat somewhere in a certain room, it is not there. yes , a very interesting question, look, and of course the zaluzhny factor, i would say so, even the zaluzhny card exists, it’s stupid to deny it, you saw the ratings, but
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the intrigue is whether this card will be played and if so? then by whom, when and at under what circumstances, why? what are the possible scenarios here? well, the first scenario is really, if this ukrainian project, headed by zelensky, really falls apart, there will be a need to create some kind of ukrainian project 2.0, which will also be anti-russian, but will not have this negative trail, which is directly related to everything less popular, then the tinned one is used, especially since...
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a certain person who will completely relay and carry out the will washington opcon, if zaluzhny agrees to this role, why not, then everything works out, so he is completely loyal to the american, which he will not agree, but you remember how zelensky also tried to play somehow obstinately, you remember how he
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even tried to blackmail the biden administration, that you are giving little, he was blackmailed, because as far as i understand, his... our women are not only the most beautiful, but also the strongest and the bravest, these are not empty words, now a large-scale military war is going on in our cinemas drama air alexey herman the younger, which shows the feat of our russian girls, you can probably call them that, our beloved, amazing pilots, who just yesterday were schoolgirls, when it became necessary for their homeland, they sat at the helm and turned into real aces.
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turning pale. gritting your teeth until you crunch, alone from your own cop, you must tear yourself away from the parapet, slip through under fire, you must, you must , even if you hardly come back, don’t you dare, the battalion commander repeats, even the tanks, they stood three steps away, otherwise they’ll burn, you must, because you can’t pretend to yourself that you don’t you hear in the night how almost hopeless it is, sister. someone there under fire is shouting, happy holiday, dear women, since march 8 , the air is still in the cinema, see you, next, advertising on the first, i made a mistake,
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a terrible mistake, you did everything right, i know, i love you. the case is over, we are solved, i won, nikolai semyonovich, that i changed russia forever, i... we don’t need forgiveness, and if i don’t want to live, you don’t want to, you won’t, lieutenant colonel of the ant apostle, you want to arrest, it won’t work, union of salvation, big premiere, watch after the program time, and what’s interesting is that there is a meat and dairy industry, we see it , we smell it, we smell it, we were probably friends, i tell him: everything is fair, what i like , what i don’t like, every time i honestly said that he has no equal, you stop , and he is about you, he is on you, and you are styopa, gurzin is on you, and who is styopa?
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raikin sent a theater bus for zhvanetsky, so what, you want to leave the theater without a repertoire, why don’t you write, you fired me, so what? on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine took away the glory of a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country
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and, like peter i, received the epithet great. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34. she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere, march 8, on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. with a glance those present.
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“you can kiss, no, no, i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you are a genius, he simply told me, yes, clark, i know, i’m confused, this march marks the 90th anniversary of mikhail’s birth zhvanetsky , i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, recorded zhivanetsky, and at the age of 11 i could not understand what this man was saying, in the hall the people were happy, in my house they were happy, this is not prose, this is poetry, zhvanetsky’s dictionary - this is the country’s dictionary, our exclusive today": exclusive from
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dmitry borisov premiered on march 10 at the first. mitya, i made you a man, but you can’t find me in my eye. there 's £50 million at stake, come on. you will be a wolf , we will have a home, i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come to the arena tomorrow at 10 am with a wolf, why do you need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all troubles, 5 , 6, 7, 8, stop, doomed, final episode, on sunday on the first,
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from march 11 on the first, you throw all your people to help me, and if not, then what you will perish in a cage, difficult choice, viktor fedorovich. residents of the liberated avdiivka tell terrible things, terrible stories, seemingly familiar to us from mariupol, from artyomovsk, but nevertheless they terrify us to this day, and so, people were not allowed to move towards russian positions under threat of execution,
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those who... managed to survive were forced to spend all their time in cold basements, people could not even light the stove, because they targeted those houses from which smoke rose, about how in avdeevka we met the liberators in the project we are alive. we are in the city of voensko slava ilovaisk, which in 1414 took the brunt of the ukrainian group’s attack, when the militias on these very streets cut off the road to donetsk for the ukrainian armed forces and national battalions.
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10 years have passed, but still not everything has been rebuilt, now you can find evidence of battles, which is probably why the people of ilovaisk understand very well what the people who are being brought here today to temporary accommodation centers have gone through. they took us out of the liberated village, so there was a lot of fighting, we my son only got two passports, nothing else, we weren’t even allowed to go back home to change clothes, they didn’t give us anything because
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shelling had just started coming in that direction. my husband stayed at home, and i don’t know what to think, they said , we’ll move on, we’ll take him out, from there, like we were evacuated, there are, well, five, six, well , seven houses, but the thing is , that when shells were already flying there in this direction from the factory, the desiccants were bombing us. there are no words, to be honest, let this zelensky burn like hell, well, i don’t know, i just spat on my face, i said , i wish he could have been in our shoes, these ones, so that he would sit like an infection, at least next to someone, the walls kept getting hit, everything got hit, at first they cleaned it up somehow, and then how these rockets started flying violently, 17 to 18 pieces each, i was cooking on the stove, i just disturbed my son
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, my mother screamed, into the corridor, boom, that’s it, let’s clean it up again, so, in short, we made a profit, we went through a lot, you’re already used to the silence, oh, you know, the helicopter is flying, i’m already twitching, here the helicopter is flying, i still can’t get used to it, you go out on the street, the car is honking, that’s it, i’m already me, well, imagine if behind our house, well, about a kilometer and a half away, rockets were exploding, it turns out that most of them have separated, but you still... no, why should we, i don’t have anyone in ukraine, i’m donbass, i was born on donba in donetsk, why do i need ukraine, we came here, we all got very sick, very sick, because we were sitting there in the basements, we have drafts, windows there was no door, there were no dogs
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hugging us, we had to leave. cats, dogs, it’s a pity, it hurts , and it was more pity, of course, for my children, i have two sons, anyway in ukraine they took them into the army, but i say, i don’t want to go there, i’m just afraid for my children, i’m very afraid, i don’t want to, it’s not necessary for them to be forced to shoot at whom, they’ll shoot at us, you just couldn’t get there for a long time, you arrived under these shells. vdeevka and i are nowhere, we just understand, i have two brothers buried there, my dad is there, my mother, of course, was buried in petrovsk, that
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’s it, grandmothers, there, aunts, uncles, well , where do we go from here, we’re just all relatives, there it's very difficult to leave there. what do you think then, when we want to return to ovgeevka, we want to rebuild back, well, they say, we need to clear the mines, we were already getting ready, we were already getting ready to plant seeds, to plant tomatoes, well, just like planting, but we’ll be in a tent, just a little... when it gets a little warmer, we’ll be in a tent, no, at the neighbors’, maybe we’ll cover something there. we’ll somehow get through this, i walked through with this handbag,
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i had nothing, well, nothing, we’ll get through it, tell me, since 1914, being in avdeevka, did you somehow feel closeness donetsk, after all, you are essentially part of... donetsk, how many children died, people, how many colleagues were left, how hard it is to survive, of course, donetsk got it, we believe, but we avdeevsk residents also got it, we are now homeless in avdeevka, we have been making money for years, we wanted it to be good, we bought something, some rag, some dishes, some everything, and nothing, it can’t, well, nothing, we don’t give up on the sheep, we’re strong. donbass does not give up, and ovdeevtse does not give up, ovdeevka is donbass, well, yes, this is donbass,
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we had 13 people in department stores, in basement, outside rostov, what a village, but you don’t know your daughter at the factory? i haven’t forgotten, i don’t know, but she works as a doctor, where she works there, i don’t know in what area, she has two grandchildren there, she wanted to find out everything, a good woman,
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everything was burned, everything was burned, where we went with him, to the seventh school in... the basement of the seventh school, i knew that there were people there, well, that’s it, we came , they said, we can come to you, they said, well, it’s possible, i’m here from the ambran region, i lived in zhukovka , my brother lived in avdeik, come, come, it’s hard for no one, so i came already, you see, this is all this war, in the brensky region, the sister was there, she died, he stayed there, well... here is your relative, if you want to find him, somehow contact him in turn, then write to we are alive, and we are organizing the program,
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tell me, what did you and the cat do , yes, there are two of them. in the twenty-first year, in the twenty -second, the svo began, so they were with us for 2 years, they thought it would be quick... wait 2 years, remember that
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day, that moment, second, i don’t know, when you first saw a russian soldier in avdeevka, well, it was february 17th, i came out of the basement, well, they saw the military on the street, well , it’s a green uniform, like those who looked, and when they looked, they already had red bands on their sleeves, they came up. hello, hello, now we understand that everything is yours.
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you know, of course, yours, yours, but it can’t be any other way, they survived, which means they will live. news on the first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. vladimir putin today warmly congratulated the world’s first female cosmonaut, hero of the soviet union, on her birthday, valentin terezhkov. the president did this in person by calling her on the phone. his press secretary dmitry peskov spoke about this. previously. putin sent a congratulatory telegram to valentina terezhkova, noting her
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services to the country and her belonging to the illustrious galaxy of brave, strong -willed people devoted to their homeland. the legendary feat, according to putin, is inscribed in history and serves as a worthy example for young people. valentina tereshkova with the call sign chaika flew in the summer of sixty-three and spent time in space for almost three days, she is the first holder of the order of gagarin, established by the president last year. at night, our army launched a massive attack on the ukrainian military rear, several powerful explosions occurred in odessa, what exactly was hit is not reported, but industrial and logistics facilities where weapons are repaired and assembled, as well as places of deployment of nationalist mercenaries, are often targeted there. in addition, arrivals were noted in the port of izmail. in ternopil, an explosion occurred on the territory of a railway mechanical repair shop. plant, where they restore nato equipment damaged on the battlefield. there is more information. about attacks on the kiev and lviv regions, explosions thundered in summy and chuguev,
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in the khmelnytsky region, our target was the military airfield in starokonstantinov. and the footage that arrived during the day. an explosion occurred in havana odessa. eyewitnesses report that air raid alarms are sounding in the city, but without further details. news from the front line. our units are gradually moving west of avdeevka. 11 oporniks were destroyed by artillery fire ukrainian. aviation is working in places where enemy armored vehicles are concentrated, intense battles are now in the seversk area, where our artillerymen are destroying enemy fortifications, teams are operating with unmanned reconnaissance, from receiving target coordinates to striking in a matter of seconds, with an advanced report by oleg shishkin. the acacia self-propelled gun camouflaged in the forest is difficult to distinguish even at close range. with 152 mm shells, the guys smash even the enemy’s reinforced concrete fortifications into dust, clearing the way for our assault troops. artillerymen of the seventh brigade are working in
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the northern direction, dismantling enemy strongholds and fortifications in the belogorovka area. the self-propelled gaubis is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 20 km, the powerful recoil from the shot significantly rocks the twenty-eight-ton vehicle, from receiving the target coordinates to the start of shooting in no more than one and a half minutes. artillery works in close conjunction with aerial reconnaissance, our drones hover over the enemy around the clock. plus observation posts on the front line, the guys are sitting, not sleeping. are on duty, detecting movement, they take coordinates , transmit them here, they calculate them for us and we work on them, this is what this work looks like in objective control footage, ukrainian militants have equipped firing points in the basements of dilapidated buildings on the outskirts of the village, an accurate hit and in the place of the support man there is a pile of concrete rubble , for the victory for the boys, the d-20 howitzer, simple, reliable, real...
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accordingly, the shot takes no more than one minute, well, if it’s one minute, they scold us for it, up to the minute, up to the minute, the front line is on in this direction is gradually shifting to the west, the enemy is losing ground, when it is necessary to deliver a massive strike over a large area , hail rocket launchers of 411 seven shells in a salvo of 300 30
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come into play, from the air it is clearly visible how one after another the missiles explode, covering a square of area 14, 5 hectares , recently they hit a bull warehouse, a sighting shot with the remainder, everything was burning, blazing there, they don’t have a bull anyway, and they also took what they had, any artillery installation is a priority target for the enemy, now the shots attracted the attention of an enemy reconnaissance drone, circling above for... about 20 minutes, the uninvited guest disappeared as suddenly as he appeared, and what was that? wing, unmanned detailing apparatus. the enemy is constantly trying to track down our guns in firing positions, but thanks to competent camouflage and skillful crew actions, the artillerymen manage to lead the enemy for us. oleg shishkin, vladimir grenevich, andrey
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stoyko, channel one, lugansk people's republic. two more ukrainian militants received life sentences. the verdict was handed down by the supreme court. relations between moscow and baku have reached a qualitatively
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new level, this was discussed at the meeting of mikhail mishustin with the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev. today is the second day of our prime minister’s visit to the republic. trade turnover. all the efforts and achievements that are being made in your country under your leadership, and of course, i would like to take this opportunity to convey the best wishes of the president of russia vladimirovich putin, absolutely all the decisions that are between the leaders
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of our states are under constant control, on the implementation of our governments, there are more and more projects in industry, we are also thinking about a joint... and a project in the field of transport engineering, there are also promising areas of mutual technological, large, large innovative projects, we are working on agriculture, we also have a number of issues on pharmaceuticals and yesterday we agreed to intensify work here, i would also like to say that the transport capacity at our checkpoints has increased five times,
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all the good things that united our peoples on over decades, and regardless of the socio-political formation in which we interacted, connections between our peoples have always been the foundation of interstate relations. before meeting with the president, mikhail mishustin laid wreaths at the grave of the national leader of the republic , heydar aliyev, and at the monument to fallen heroes. the head of government also walked along the alley of honor at the cemetery in the mountainous part of baku. russia is closing its part of the barin sea to british fishermen. council of the federation. denounced the agreement, which for almost 70 years the british allowed the british to fish in our waters, they fished for free in huge quantities and provided themselves with the same
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cod, but for an unfriendly country all this should remain in the past, and the senators are ready to move on. valentina matvienko believes that it is necessary to review other agreements with states that have imposed sanctions against us. it is necessary, together with the ministry of foreign affairs, to once again carefully analyze everyone. agreements that were signed by some khrushchev, some other person, i won’t name names that today do not meet our national interests, agreements that give unilateral privileges and advantages to hostile, not to mention unfriendly , simply hostile countries, do such a calm, thorough audit and prepare another package,
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people, rostechnadzor specialists are already working on finding out the reasons. our ministry of defense showed how early voting for the russian presidential elections is taking place in the special operation zone, one of the polling stations was deployed in the positions of the southern group of troops, your choice this was done, among other things, by the guards soldiers. and then a video from the location of the 150th motorized rifle division in the donetsk
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direction. there, voting was organized in the dugout in compliance with security requirements. well, some footage from the other end of the country, the arctic zone. election commission employees travel to hard-to-reach places on ships and helicopters of the northern fleet. mi-8 landed on the coast of the kola peninsula. in total, 30 regions of the far north, barintsevo island and the white sea will be covered; military personnel, personnel of communication observation points, crews working at lighthouses. the us is summing up the results of super tuesday. donald trump, according to the results of the republican primary, has almost secured his participation in the presidential elections this coming fall. party voting took place in 15 states at once, trump was supported everywhere except vermont. there the primary was won by his rival niki halley. but taking into account the colossal gap in the number of votes. her chances of becoming a presidential candidate are almost zero. according to cnn , haley may announce her retirement today. race. trump is celebrating his victory, making
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plans and threatening resignations to democratic officials, while the biden family is promised high-profile investigations. by the way, for the current owner of the white house, super tuesday was an empty formality. he won the primer of the sd-dem party due to the lack of an alternative, but his ability to participate in the presidential elections raises more and more doubts among americans. and biden himself gave another reason for this, after a meeting in the white house, he suddenly refused to talk to the press, the president seemed to freeze, here journalists noticed the absence of cards with tips that biden and his aides usually provide in such cases. you have so many questions, it’s better for me not to answer the questions, otherwise i will get into trouble. britain reported another attack on its ship near yemen's adana. it all happened 54 miles southwest of the city.
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other sailors are advised to proceed with caution in this area. meanwhile , it became known that the cause of a large-scale internet outage around the world was damage to four cables in the red sea. communications connected asia, europe and africa. the situation ultimately affected 25% of the traffic. interruptions occurred, including on... the largest sites. according to some sources, the lines were deliberately damaged by the houthis; preliminary analysis showed that this happened in the southern part of the red sea, which is under the jurisdiction of yemen; according to others, the communications could have been interrupted . police officers in st. petersburg in the moscow region, scammers came knocking , detained false government officials who were operating in apartments, posing as employees gas services convinced residents that it was time to change the equipment, all supposedly within the framework of the state program, and many, instead of simply not opening the door, agreed, not
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even inflated prices scared. in the city of st. petersburg and the moscow region, police officers with the help of the national guard detained 15 suspects. police conducted over twenty searches in offices at their residential addresses, during which they seized protective clothing and fake ids, certificates of work performed, as well as various items of evidentiary evidence. meaning. nine defendants are in custody. into custody, four are under a written undertaking not to leave the country due to proper behavior. that ’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, “big game” is on air. this evening , vladimir putin will meet with participants in the world festival “youth in sochi” and will speak at its closing ceremony, and will also
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receive the general director of magathe, rafael grossi, who is also here today. not in sochi and holding negotiations with the head of rosatom alexey likhachev, of course, on the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which kiev troops continue to fire at. meanwhile, russian prime minister mikhail mishustin has already held talks today with azerbaijani president ilham aliyev, and russian foreign minister sergei lavrov with his counterpart from nigeria. let me remind you that nigeria is a very important and large african country. today it is the largest african economy by value. domestic product is a very important player in the global oil market, and also a very indicative statistics are coming these days from ukraine, their center for social and marketing research sotses published the results of a survey according to which if the presidential elections were held in ukraine right now, then former commander-in-chief zaluzhny would win in both rounds with a two-fold lead, a two-fold lead over zelensky , in the first round he
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would have received 41.5% of the votes against zelensky’s twenty-three. in the second round, 67.5% of the votes against zelensky’s 32, it’s clear why the head of the kiev junta, whose constitutional term expires in may, we are categorically against the presidential elections in ukraine, this is what democracy is like there, so to speak, and this is another evidence that we need to continue our special operation until the set goals are fully achieved, including the denazification of ukraine, how it is developing. let’s ask our traditional military observer yuri podalyaki about what’s happening at the fronts. yuri ivanovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours. good afternoon, yes, indeed the special operation is developing, in principle, developing as and the previous week, we are putting pressure on the enemy in almost all directions, where he manages to concentrate his reserves to resist our offensive, naturally, he can still restrain him there,
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but other breakthrough points immediately appear where our troops are trying to realize their advantage. and this, as i understand it, will be for now, well, it’s not yet clear what other options there may be, but for example, in the avdeevsky sector there have been very serious oncoming battles for about a week now, the enemy has transferred several fresh brigades there, now we are talking about about seven brigades that are working at the extreme; subunits of seven brigades were seen in the area from berdychi to tonenko . there is a very intense oncoming battle, an equally powerful battle for the chasvyar, here , despite desperate resistance , up to ten enemy brigades were also seen here. but, but we are moving in ivanovsky, in bogdanovka, a very serious battle is now going on behind the hill, north of ivanovsk, respectively, south of bogdanovka, so a strategically important hill, if we take it, the enemy will immediately the situation will worsen, so while these two battles are going on, accordingly, to the north in the liman direction, ours are moving towards the thorns, but there is evidence that they have already reached the outlying villages, and there is good information , the assault is underway, krasnogorka, we are doing pretty well
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we entered this settlement, it’s a town. large near donetsk, they took several streets from the southern part, there is an attack on the city from the eastern part, and accordingly, here the enemy is doing very very badly, that is, what we constantly talked about in our broadcasts, that the enemy does not have enough reserves and, accordingly, where he will be thin there and tear, this is , in fact, what we see on the line of combat contact, again this is very clearly visible on novomikhailovka, where our troops yesterday set up their flag, in the center of a populated area, the village council there is pushing the seventy-ninth brigade there, well, that is , strictly speaking, this is how it all happens. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, keep us informed, indeed russia is moving forward everywhere, and how the western countries respond mainstream media, one of the new and interesting ones. elements and features of russian military operations today is a more active, large-scale , bold, compared to the previous stages of the northern military district, the use of combat aircraft, and in
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the immediate vicinity of the contact line, primarily this is due to the use of guided aerial bombs in fabi, but in general russia is making greater use of aviation on the front line. let's listen to what the new york times writes about this. for how the russian army continues to advance in the east, russia's air force is playing an increasingly important role in the conflict. military analysts say the russians are increasingly using warplanes to drop powerful guided bombs on ukrainian positions, clearing the way for their infantry. experts say the tactics, used primarily in avdeevka, a strategic city in the east that was captured by russian forces last month, have produced good results. andrey fransorovich, it seems to me that... then this indicates that russia is really resolutely aimed at advancing forward, but what do you think? of course, in fact, here you need to understand that taking into account avdievka, this
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breakthrough that we made, we were able to break through the echeloned, buried deep, deep under concrete enemy defenses, thanks to this continuous conveyor belt, delivering high-precision strikes. this became possible due to several factors, the first being military-industrial. operation of the communication system, reconnaissance from the moment detection of the enemy before the strike took place in a matter of minutes, saying that target designations, pilots and bombs that were flying there were received in the air, this is
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a completely different level of planning, striking, the most important thing is that we will continue to do this in the future, i absolutely agree, russia is actively advancing in the donbass in the avdeevka direction to the west of avdeevka, but in addition to this, russia is advancing in other... directions, including in the zaporozhye direction, where last year the main direction of attack was within the failed ukrainian counter-offensive, and today russia is moving forward quite dynamically, including in the village of rabotina, the alleged taking of which became the apogee of this ukrainian counter-offensive last year. let's ask war correspondent arti, stanislav obishchenko, about what is happening in the zaporozhye direction now. stanislav andreevich, good afternoon, the floor to you, good afternoon, yes, back to work, what are we doing now, our troops have stopped storming the city head-on, the fact is that there is a line of defense
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is also well built on the ukrainian side, now they are actually bypassing it from the eastern side for us, this bypass is now being done on such a wide front between the works on the verbovy, and in fact... now rabotina is in such a semi-encirclement, when our troops are on three sides from the city, the ukrainians no longer go to the southern part at all, they are located near the post office, where their extreme firing point is located, well , again, of course, our aerospace forces, our planes are working, i want to say that not only high-power aerial bombs are falling, but also air bombs that cover a large area, which are used directly against infantry here in the zaporozhye direction. and what the ukrainians are resisting , they are resisting, the fact is that we now have a lot of mobile rap systems, and the guys, and in fact drones, most are now falling there 100, 150 m from them,
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the ukrainians came up with the next thing, they started stuff the drones with charapnel, blow them up just 100-150 m from the target, and a non-lethal thing, but very unpleasant, of course takes out the fighter out of action, takes it out of the battle, and while the mass... is not used, now, of course, our engineers already have several such shells that did not explode, several drones that have already been transferred to the rear, are now most likely already on their way to scientific institutes will be studied, in fact, we will try to understand how to fight this new invention of the ukrainian military, and i want to say that, of course , not only will advancement be found at work, we are also now trying to go about such a large, broad front. shcherbakov - from small shcherbakov in fact, we are pushing all the way to vasilyevka , the fact is that our artillery is now working, well, very tightly, of course there are plenty of shells and... the guys are already saying that
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they haven’t worked so hard for about five months, when you have to carry ethylograms around the clock 152mm shells. the situation is like this in a studio. thank you very much, stanislav andreevich, very encouraging news, what you said about both aviation and artillery just proves russia’s intention to steadily move forward without removing tempo of offensive operations. thanks again, take care.
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shortage, with a shortage of manpower, yes, the west cannot do anything yet, unless , of course, it decides to send its own soldiers to the territory of ukraine, which macron is now talking about, and not only, but the problem is really very serious, here what the washington post writes about this. despite promising international partners that ukraine would solve its problems on the battlefield if it was provided with the necessary weapons and other support, president volodymyr zelensky. leadership of the armed forces of ukraine
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have still not been able to develop a clear plan to recruit thousands of recruits who are desperately needed for defense. as a result, military commissars conduct indiscriminate recruitment, spreading panic among men of military age, some of whom are hiding, fearing that they will be drafted into a poorly equipped army and sent to certain death. the lack of a clear mobilization strategy and even an understanding of how many more troops ukraine needs was one of the reasons for zelensky’s dismissal of the appointed commander-in-chief in february, but also the new commander-in-chief.
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and if i don’t want to live, you don’t want to, you won’t , you want a lieutenant colonel of the ant apostle, it won’t work out, the union of salvation, the big premiere, watch the time after the program, a declaration of love. festive concert in the kremlin, premiere
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on march 8, on the first. vodka. veta, a product of the stellar group. mitya, i made you a man, but you can’t find me, there’s 50 million pounds at stake, put it on, you’ll be a wolf, we’ll have a home, i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come to me tomorrow 10am to the arena along with the wolves, why do you need a wolf, if you are afraid of me, shoot. you are the culprit of all the troubles 5 6 7 8 doomed the final episode on sunday on the first,
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they broke into the bank, three of them in masks, started beating, shooting, it was very scary, they robbed a private bank in donetsk. cleaned out your cells , viktor fedorich, find it, you will take this case for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the major league, lieutenant colonel igor melnik, is now involved in the donetsk case, they should not get too far, the main intrigue is whether ukraine will sign an association agreement with the eu ? we do everything everything will be fine. are you now offering me to distribute power with my own hands? a real crisis on the maidan will allow you to retain power, and what do you need from me , we need you, tymoshenko is the only man in ukrainian politics, the americans are bringing a lot of weapons here from poland, we are going with torches to the maidan, you are going to water the peaceful people, i will not
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give this one up team, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere is from march 11 on the first, there is information. that they want to eliminate you, of all civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient chinese, almost always china was the most populated country, and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant, who described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 12th century, the famous monochronic painting, and chinese poetry. literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries. after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese
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economy. one of denciopin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that the sinicized model of nep operates in china. premiere. civilizations. movie. seventh. china. next wednesday. on the first. the largest youth event in the world. more than 20,000 bright and talented young people from all over the planet. let's build the future together. world youth festival 2024. closing ceremony. live broadcast today on the first. there's a big game on the air. the biden administration's strategy regarding the ukrainian conflict has reached a very deep impasse.
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it is quite obvious that it was not possible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in any aspect, neither military, nor economic, nor in foreign policy. and at least hold out for ukraine. before the presidential elections in the united states in november and we see that it is also impossible to prevent its military defeat before that time and many, even at the official level in the united states, say that ukraine could suffer a military defeat this summer, and thus the biden administration has driven itself into a situation where it is faced with a dilemma, either admit the shameful defeat, and thereby admit the strategic defeat of itself united.
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11 years, at least since the end of the thirteenth year, this is senior deputy secretary of state for political affairs victoria, resigning. please note, ivan anseevich, in 10 months next january. year in in any case, there will be a shake-up of the state department , even if biden is re-elected next year, because key figures always change during the second administration, nuland did not wait, she left in advance, but she left in advance in this situation of a fundamental impasse, and it seems to me that this is absolutely not by chance, and well, i’ll assume that this may be due to two reasons that do not necessarily contradict each other: first, her departure is a recognition... of the failure of the current policy of the united states, well , they are unhappy with her appointment, they are angry with her, and her
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they are trying to make him a scapegoat, and thereby leading him out. the second reason is that there may be some changes in the american course regarding the ukrainian conflict, of which victoria was and continues to be a categorical opponent, well, well, for example, the same negotiations on a freeze, another thing is that they are not for russia either...
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cardinal changes in the general course, but one can expect because of this change for some time it is obvious that in the united states there are some painful reflections that do next, situation. which they always stopped at, now they have already approached such a deadlock
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situation three or four times and they always had a way out: oh, that means escalation, now they are already afraid of escalation, and the world community, the world majority does not support escalation, and therefore options really arise, but how to start talking, but i would like to emphasize that we are not only talking about options for freezing the conflict, we are also talking about maintaining... at least the neutrality of the world majority on this issue, because that over time, negativity towards what the americans are doing accumulates, and if indeed most countries took a neutral position, then behind the scenes they, of course , said, tell us all the time, that well, we understand everything about the americans, but we don’t speak out openly we will, but the americans are already taking such steps that, in general, the world majority may not be able to stand it. inuland is of course an absolutely unsuitable figure to
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continue, at least maintain the neutrality of the world majority, which the americans they are trying to interpret in their favor, which is completely untrue, so this is an indirect admission of their failure in this, in this direction and an attempt to expand the tools of the state department, so that somehow in this situation, i don’t even know what exactly to do, but...
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the only one the state where niki halley won by a very small margin is vermont, which is an extremely liberal state in new england, where everyone will vote democratic in november anyway, so that's why it's really once again, like the district of columbia - that exception that proves the rule. so, the picture is clear, yes, the picture is already absolutely clear, trump should become the nominee, there should be a rematch this november. between biden and trump, as the wall street journal writes in its editorial, this is an indicator of a very deep crisis in american domestic politics. let's listen. it's hard to believe, but the two main parties are putting forward perhaps the only candidates who can lose to each other. this is a contest for the most unpopular candidate in america.
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mr. biden's approval rating is on par with jimi carter's. 3/4 of the country's population believes he is too old to run for a second term. most voters are dissatisfied with the results of his policies on the economy, foreign policy, immigration and virtually every other area. community groups that supported biden in 2020, latinos, blacks, youth and independent voters, are turning away from him. republicans nominate a candidate they don't like most americans, judging by their words. throughout his presidency, trump has never reached 50% approval on gallop's issues. today only his rating can compete with his negative rating. mr. biden 57% to 59% in a recent fox news poll , well, alexander viktorovich, we see that the elections really are who is worse not who is better and who is worse in november the americans will decide, but so far all public opinion polls show that biden is worse and trump holds steady lead over biden
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including the latest new york times college polls - confirmed by at least five percentage points for the country as a whole, and it seems to me that the democrats will not be able to eliminate this gap, change the situation only through democratic means, what do you think, well, of course now helly come out with theses that both candidates are worse because they are old, the majority of americans are essentially decided by the democratic possibilities of choosing between normal political figures who... in fact, would be different domestic politics, internal problems would look at the future of americans, and not abroad, and recently biden’s biographer still clarified the question with his counterpart about why he was choosing, because he is 81 years old, he recently refused to participate in
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famous speech at the super bowl, although it could be well used for the primaries, one could already... die, to which he said that since obama, when he was vice president, his merits have been underestimated by american society, and accordingly , he now wants to go out a new rematch, this same rematch with american society, not so much with global players, but simply to somehow harm the average american. trump has problems related to his criminal cases, and it is unknown how the judicial system will turn out next. for or against him, when he reaches the finish line in november, it all ends with kamala haris, who, through her friends-congressmen, is trying to throw into american society the story of the twenty- fifth amendment, which removes the president from governing the country because of his incapacity, this is what american society is like today, well, really
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because of the criminal cases that are unfolding in relation to trump and not only because. it is still quite difficult to predict the outcome of the november elections, but what can be said for sure is that trump is the undisputed leader of the republican party, and many are talking about how decisively and fundamentally he is changing this party and changing it for himself, as cnn actually writes that donald trump is the third major turn in the history of the republican party since world war ii, level. trump's legacy will define the republican party for years to come. let's listen. trump has turned the republicans into a populist
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, scrappy, blue-collar party focused less on ronald reagan-era priorities, deregulation, and active global leadership, and more on an ephemeral mix of resentment against elites and grievances about cultural and racial issues. changes. the most significant shift is noticeable in foreign policy when the internationalist. esenhower beat out isocillionist robert taft for the republican nomination in 1952, marking a lasting shift in the party's balance of power. over the next 60 years, under every republican president, the course was set by internationalists who supported american leadership in the world. since his election in 2016, trump has moved away from this course, but republicans have become internationalists in congress in his own administration. countered many of his... attempts to downplay the importance of existing alliances or even withdraw from them. now this resistance is weakening both among the party elite and among ordinary members. the chicago
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council on global affairs found last year that for the first time in half a century, a majority of republicans now say the united states is better off staying out of international affairs. this view is especially strong among republicans who sympathize with trump. alexandrevich, you agree that such a fundamental turn in the most.
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and the democrats essentially cannot come to an agreement with their own electorate with the same migrants to whom they promised very serious things during the first campaign of biden and hamal and haris, as a result, they were sitting in prisons after the blm rallies, so it’s time for the republicans, i think , it comes, i partially agree with this statement, ivan alseevich, if i can very, very briefly, on the one hand, yes, trump is a figure, yes, and maybe he really is a figure on the level of reagan and... eisenhow, his legacy will be just as much long-term, but on the other hand, we see that a group of people is forming around trump who, well, are not entirely neo-isolationists, as cnn portrays, for example, the same senator
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linzgrem, now one of trump’s closest supporters, alin seagram has always been a generally younger friend and partner of john mccain, not only is russouf, he is also a neoconservative, the same goes for senator mark rubio and so on, is it correct to say that under trump the republican... party will become so nationalistically neo-isolationist, and not become at all isolationist, but still the element that it will become will try to be a great power with global interests, and not just a hegemon who is trying to remake everyone for himself, there is a possibility for this, that is, some normalization of america as great powers, but if allow me, i want to say that cnn is still distorting, because
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trump is simply consistently responding to the demand that exists in society, so it’s not a matter of what he changes to suit himself as
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a person. he is much more consistent everyone was speculating on this, but he really listened to the average american, well, actually, cnn didn’t completely lie, because they showed a poll that was conducted by the chicago council on foreign relations that yes, the majority of republicans are in favor of more limited participation of the united states in world affairs, and indeed, here is another expression you formulated, which i really liked, trump as the normalization of america, yes.
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or i'll die. a foreigner who had no legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine gained fame as a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great, received the epithet “great”. she waged victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire , wrote laws and carried out reforms, he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the final decisions of the empress always left behind. empire, catherine ii.
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premiere on march 8 on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. to the ninetieth birthday of yuri gagarin. two weeks after his space flight, yuri gagarin received invitations from 80 countries. in rio de janeiro, the car of the first cosmonaut was lifted and carried in their arms, interesting, really nikolaich, such a performance of children, sports performances of children, very interesting dances, they flew to havana in a wild tropical downpour, so we drove in open cars with fidel, through crowds of people flooded with water. gagarin saw
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elephants bathing in the lake, and he became uneasy. observer, active participant in the process. the queen invited yuri alekseevich to take a photo as a souvenir, although this is not provided for by etiquette, she explained: “i took a photo with an unearthly man, gagarin, a man who came down from heaven.” premiere on march 9, on the first. the brightest and most extraordinary event of the season. battle of generations. and past champions and current athletes, on equal terms, on the same ice, a unique competition, like a declaration of love for your country. russian challenge, tournament of the strongest skaters, live broadcast, march 9 on the first. what it is? love every second.
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day after day, i am not everything, i don’t want to settle down like everyone else, when men leave, a woman remains to wait, when men fight, a woman can only hope, you are my victory, the only one, when men betray, you don’t deserve lariche in the current army, a woman can only forgive when men. a woman remains a woman. bless the woman. march 10, on the first. you have one right: to be loved. we had it with us. the lines of his monologues became aphorisms. never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies or the loyalty of your friends. yes, well said. it’s simply amazing to be friends with him, because he’s smart, brilliant,
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he commented on everything, he spent the day. he came out educated, you can kiss him, no, no , i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you are a genius, he simply told me, yes, clark, i know, i’m confused, this march turns 90 years old. since the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, recorded zhvanetsky, and at the age of 11 i could not understand what this man was saying, in the hall the people were happy, in my house they were happy, this is not prose, this is poetry, zhvanetsky’s dictionary - this is the country's dictionary, our exclusive today is the wife, son and friends of the satirist about his work and her last conversation with him: the main advice that my dad gave me, he told me, have a conscience and do what you want, and... exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on march 10 on the first, could you from time to time shout out demands for release , she is now a heroine for everyone with regmatism, alina
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began to openly play against me, and because you yourself tore a piece out of her mouth, unfortunately, the head of your administration is playing some kind of game of his own, translate it through. .. the premiere was given on march 11 on the first , you throw all your people to help me, and if not, then you will perish in a cage, a difficult choice, viktor fedorovich, there is a big game on the air, we talked about the fact that the united states policy in regarding the ukrainian conflict on...
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to be discussed and, moreover, is gaining his supporters, now macron is visiting prague, and there he again made a number of sharp statements, including that there is no need to be cowards, in general it’s great, yes, no need be cowards, let's listen, we are approaching a point in european history when it will be appropriate not to be cowards, no one wants to see the drama coming, no one wants to see what is happening, i believe that our two countries understand exactly what is at stake europe map.
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"i am in favor of looking for new ways, including continuation of the discussion about a possible presence in ukraine. let's not limit ourselves where we shouldn't. we decide for ourselves what form of help we choose. for example, training ukrainian soldiers on their own territory. what would russia's reaction be to this? now this is happening on the territory of other countries, but ukraine is a sovereign state and such assistance does not contradict any international norms. we are not talking about sending combat troops to ukraine, we are talking about support." andrei frantsyvich, in general, a dangerous trend, not only macron, peter paul actually agreed with him. you know, it feels like some kind of fear has been taken away from them, you noted correctly, and most importantly, they have been mistaken more than once about russia’s decisiveness. twenty
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-first year, december, when we clearly outlined our red lines, that it was impossible to go further, that this would lead to a military solution to the issue, this was said in plain text, they did not react. now they do not respond to the words of our supreme chief. commander, that gentlemen from nato, you have a billion, you have a military-industrial complex, another, although we are now ahead of him in terms of speed and armed forces, we will not fight with you with machine guns and in the trenches, this will be the use of unconventional means. it seems that the americans, managing their politicians in states, dragging them into this conflict, want to test in practice the theory of a limited nuclear war, this is when the countries of the european, nato, and russian blocs exchange. with a tactical nuclear strike, but this will not lead to global strikes and, let’s say, the collapse of humanity, this is precisely the territory they were considering eastern europe , where these combat operations will be carried out, by the way, we practiced at the tots training ground, commanded these beetle exercises, when we launched a real tactical
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nuclear strike, then our units passed through this vitrified sand and overcame the chaotic defense of nato troops precisely in this area showed it very effectively, they don’t believe it , they... now they are starting to drag in what we see from the point of view of the information space of changes in consciousness, as they do, at first some information is in state is unthinkable, then it seems radical, then acceptable, and then normal. this is the political mechanism for pushing through social phenomena, which was invented by joseph, which means overton, the so-called averton window, there is a feeling that the americans are preparing the socio-political consciousness of the europeans, that soon they will need to fight in the east, well, they will not even be expendable material, and lest they become truly radioactive ash in the implementation of this american policy, but in the united states everyone is saying that ukraine does not need nato troops, they need... nato weapons, ammunition, and
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what do you think, the same macron still opposes purchasing ammunition and ammunition for ukraine on the territory of third countries at a systemic level, with money from the european union , well, for example, in south korea. it was believed that during this visit to prague he would support the czech initiative to purchase at least 800 thousand shells outside of europe. union, no, france still opposes this, and just the day before the european commission presented the so-called european defense industry strategy, a european defense and investment program in the amount of one and a half billion euros, and these one and a half billion euros are expected to be invested in defense industry programs from the general eu budget for a period of 3 years, the political publication writes about the features of the program. let's hear it: the european union is no more. just a peaceful project, instead of a multinational army, which
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was supposed to be created in the early years of the cold war, this time we are talking about a single military-industrial complex, as well as reducing dependence on american weapons. the european commission's strategy breaks a taboo. while brussels previously agreed to use the eu budget to produce ammunition and stimulate joint procurement only in emergency situations, the commission now wants to consolidate this principle in the long term. some of the proposals have far-reaching implications, in particular. wants to borrow from washington the model of military sales abroad in order to increase its own weapons stockpiles simplify their implementation. in addition, the proposals include the right to convert civilian enterprises to produce defense products in the event of an emergency, as well as financial incentives to increase joint arms purchases. well, in fact , the european commission wants to remove the competence of the heads of the member countries of the european union to manage the military-industrial complex. and from brussels herself to lead the general. military-industrial complex of the european union, what do you think? you know,
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this question, the creation of some kind of common defense strategy and policy of the european union, it has been going on for a very long time, decades and it has always been considered as part of a greater subjectivization, yes, that is, the european union should have a more independent political position, it should accordingly they are now trying to include military resources for this purpose. to pretend that this context supposedly continues, in fact we see the militarization of the european union with the leading role of the united states, and with in this case, the militarization of the european union is incompatible with their socio-economic model, they are not able to spend as much on defense as they should spend if they were truly sovereign, so this is an attempt by the americans ... to squeeze out not only economic juices from europe, but
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now there is still everything that is possible in military terms, it is coming, but it is covered up with rhetoric that it is supposedly strategic autonomy, but from my point of view, this is fundamentally not so, i completely agree, especially european the commission, just as we know, is now , using the example of urtsu fondel, only subordinate to the united states, and not to the citizens of the european union, so it is another step away from desovereignization. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. the output of products required for air defense systems has been doubled. this is the result of the work of the avangard plant, which is part of the almas antey concern. and today. inspected the avant-garde workshops for the minister of defense.


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