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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  March 6, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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colonel, don't bother.
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mister colonel, if you wouldn’t know how to drive, wait for us there, serve us some tea, but why did you want to organize a massacre here, like in st. petersburg? well, explain to me why, why? the massacre in st. petersburg, as you deigned to put it, was carried out by nikolai, who shot his guards, and you swore allegiance to him, serve, i want to ask you, why, for what?
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gentlemen, where are you going, this is my house, my company is stationed here, these gentlemen are my guests, well, what is this, tsukhinov chips? who is soloviev, i come in, what are you doing, here, sergei ivanovich, this is what you have brought to this point, who allowed you to leave your soldiers, gentlemen, return immediately to perform your direct duties, what are you standing for?
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so, so, so, well, okay, gentlemen, okay, gustanovich, your sword, yes, yes, take away his weapon, what are you doing,
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gendarme, take the lieutenant colonel home, yes. you two, help, build a company, we are leaving.
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on air, maria vladimirovna zakharova, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary, director of the department is now with us on skype information and press of the russian foreign ministry. maria, we welcome you and thank you very much for taking the time. my first question to you is the statement of the minister of foreign affairs.
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in parallel, you probably remember the forwarding made by officials of the same switzerland or, representatives of other western countries, that russia must be included in some discussions of the future, or in
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the context of the peaceful, so-called zelensky peace initiative, or even how something wider, but you saw that there were repeated direct quotes, leaks, links, and... we said that most likely this is all just another game, this is all an attempt to distract from the situation, as they formulated 2 years ago, on the battlefield, where everything should be decided, on the battlefield is all being decided against zelensky , against the collective west , which sponsors him, so they began to fuss, began to offer some kind of contacts in words, invite, call and so on, then... then i think that not without the desire to test their sincerity to show, including the world, how sincere they are with us and with other world powers, the russian ministry of foreign affairs proposed organizing such a meeting with the ambassadors
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of the countries of the european union, with the eu representative in moscow, this meeting would be at the level of the minister of foreign affairs of our country, who... periodically meets with ambassadors accredited in russia and in within the framework of regional groups or in the context of our chairmanship in some international formats, this time there was talk about the possible holding of a similar meeting with the ambassadors who represent the same the collective west, since they generally pumped up this topic so clearly in the international arena, well, in general there is something to talk about, as you understand, at least the topic of russia... they hear it every day 24 hours a day, it turned out that everything that they tried to pretend to be or present for international viewing, everything, i mean, as some kind of contacts or an opportunity to discuss the most important topics that
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are now on the agenda, all of this seemed just zilch, another staging about which such wonderful the article was written by sergeevich lavrov in the izvestia newspaper.
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life inside political life, the life of our civil experience, for some reason these same ambassadors of western countries go there, as if they just have a visiting schedule, when they must fulfill their direct duties, and this is the duty of an ambassador, and receive information that they want to bring him to light in the capital where he is accredited, they cannot do this, that is, their capitals have literally exposed them... to ridicule, i’m not sure that the ambassadors feel happy about this, but this is how they are
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hosts, you know, maria, firstly, what these ambassadors did, although of course, these are not ambassadors, their foreign ministries, because the ambassadors themselves could not resolve such an issue, but, firstly, from my point of view , this is petty rudeness, and not only and not so much... they said the intentions of their capitals, if they were interested in serious negotiations,
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this could not happen, and sometimes it seems to me that - as they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped, you agree that they actually sent you a powerful a signal that they are not ready to be serious negotiating partners. dmitriy. they brought so much grief, pain and suffering to our people , our country, and not only to our people, to our country, but also to many others, that they will not receive words of gratitude, they must repent and atone for their sins, this is, firstly, that they exposed themselves, i agree with this, in fact, this is what i was talking about, they demonstrated their inability. even one’s direct responsibilities, and what can we say about high diplomacy, where one must be able to defend
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your national interests, where you need to operate with international law, where you need to be able, by the way, including convincing your capital, not to succumb to the influence of other countries, but to follow national interests in line with national interests. now , regarding rudeness towards the russian people, well, this is not the first and i think not the last, there are more serious examples. for example, the presidential elections in the russian federation, which are to take place and which will also take place abroad, are being actively prepared by the ministry of foreign affairs together with the central election commission, you look at what these very countries, these very ministries of foreign affairs, and now the security of internal affairs of the european union countries, are saying, they are appealing to russian citizens, our compatriots, with citizenship.
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those regimes that are now in power, but the entire people, and did anyone ask the people of europe, western europe, the countries of the european union, about how their ambassadors should behave when they are invited to a meeting at such a fateful moment, of course , no one asked people, i’m sure, i follow
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polls, opinion polls, public opinion polls in western countries, i follow publications, very carefully.
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the west, in general, in such cases, these kind of negative actions, they speak louder than words, they say that no matter how moscow would like it, moscow now does not have a serious partner in the collective west, another evidence that partners literally break down before our eyes, former partners, victorialand is leaving. from a high position in the state department, i it seems to be an extremely interesting topic , look at what’s going on in the ranks of the liberal democrats in washington, listen, read, i think you’ve done it, there are all these twists and turns and it seems to me that this is very symbolic, that right now it’s literally in six months she leaves the very
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team that she personally led into this very ukrainian dead end, how is that american? how is it foreign policy for an american to do this to its closest allies? you know, that's exactly who i don't feel any sympathy for, this is for victoria, given that she was, well, one way or another the coordinator of anti-russian policy and all the horror that the united states did to ukraine and its people, but we must give credit where it’s due, she served her team, she was... with obama’s team , she was with biden, she was with clinton, she was there now, and she, in general, oversaw a large part of everything that was going on in the white house, and look how these same alignments look now: a complete failure of american policy
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in this area, in the russophobic direction, in the anti-russian direction. direction in the ukrainian direction, and to be honest , if someone’s advice was needed, then i think someone would have advised them to finish the game with at least such a face, albeit with a bad game, but to the end elections in the united states of america, but apparently the contradictions are so strong, apparently the failure and collapse is already so obvious... inside the united states and outside too, that the team, this very team, is literally disintegrating in a self-incriminating manner, you are with me.
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the episode is already quite well known, but to me... i really liked it, i really liked the reaction of the german defense minister, boris
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pistorius, when people were caught red-handed, but i won’t hope that they will apologize, but at least say something neutral, let’s say we’re not discussing problems this kind of thing, it concerns intelligence issues. it turns out that this is putin’s fault, it turns out that the hybrid war is the fault, don’t you think that this is already becoming complete chaos, and dmitry,
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this is such a tactic, they have already tried it several times, remember, for example, when pranksters talked to avan lexus talked to melanie, the prime minister of italy, who gave, well, so much... a pose, they began not to explain to people, her cabinet of ministers adopted a very interesting , in fact, their approaches and not to explain themselves to their people, but they started. they didn’t wrap up this story
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, didn’t check it out and didn’t ensure this security , as you remember, then the victim fell, in my opinion, the chief, i don’t remember, the protocol or some kind of assistant, melanie, what does he have to do with it, it’s completely unclear, but she never answered none the word that was spoken, here is the same tactic: let’s now figure it out, and the most interesting thing is that when now official berlin began to talk in every possible way about the need to urgently drop everything and conduct an investigation into how it happened that their negotiations military leaders were, so to speak, recorded, got into the network, i would like to say, is it possible with the same speed and determination to still push through the investigation into the terrorist attacks on nord stream 1,2? something is stalling, it will be soon, how many years, 2 years will be soon since the terrorist attacks, two countries have already stopped these investigations, it seems that
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berlin is still officially trying to carry out something there, something is still smoldering there, but there are no results, and no one is explaining to their people, again, no one is giving official versions , data, and so on, and one gets the feeling that in germany, too, this whole investigation will fade away, so the next time they... talk about the fact that they are conducting an investigation, how did it happen that this recording got into the network, it is necessary will remind you every time, and what about the investigations into nord streams 1 and 2. now let’s get to the substance, all they should have done is not so much to conduct official investigations, who is talking from what phones, it’s unpredictable, i’ll remind you, by the way, why it all started, remember, about five years ago it turned out that german chancellor merkel... and the americans were listening, moreover, it was not some kind of isolated interception or not some hackers, but these were american intelligence services who were at ease feel
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on the territory of germany, in my opinion, it was even named where they nest, but what ’s surprising here, if the american base on the territory of germany is 30,000, and therefore there was nothing surprising in this, they were engaged in regular wiretapping of chancellor merkel’s phone, which was then the story ended, but nothing, we asked questions publicly, this is the business of russian foreign minister sergeevich lavrov, that chancellor merkel’s reaction is somehow incomprehensible, actually not...
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one can even say that this is something absolutely familiar to them, if they didn’t say anything about the chancellor’s phone being tapped, then they told the whole world that they agree with this attitude towards themselves. all that is needed now is not to run around and look for who did this on what frequencies, what was done, what was done was done, this was done...
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how do the germans feel about the fact that germany is again waging a war against russia, how are they the germans , who have been denazified for so many years, refer to what germany wants... even the impossible, that same crimean bridge, donate and does everything possible for this and which is included in the territory of crimea in the city of kerch, and local residents generally call it kerch, the same kerch where these same predecessors of the current authorities, then representatives of the third reich carried out massacres, including children, having gathered students of the school named after korolenko and... 245 children
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died simply because the local commandant’s office promised the local residents that the school would work and they could safely bring their children there; the parents of these children brought them. on the same day the germans, yes, the nazis, then the third reich, they took the children out of the city, gave them pies and hot drinks, children. died within 10-15 minutes, not all the children had enough of these poisoned german pies, then doctors were called, i can’t say, the same killers who completed this dirty deed, they simply dripped potassium cyanide into the children’s mouths, the survivors the children also died, then there were 245 of them , they were taken out of the city on trucks, and their bodies were thrown into a ditch under kerch, where...
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there were already 700 bodies of killed local residents, this bridge, which was rebuilt later decades, and was supposed to become a symbol of a new peaceful life in crimea for them, they want to undermine this bridge, so let them ask the citizens of germany if they agree to become collective killers, do they agree? will not become dehumanized again, do they agree again, remembering the role that our country played in the unification of germany, despite the pain that germany brought us, to become murderers of our citizens again, that’s what the german government must do. maria, thank you so much, thank you for your time. thank you for the important work that you are doing, for my part, i will
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only say... history, but about the consequences to which they would expose their own people, because russia’s response in this case, i repeat, i am only saying this from own name, but with full confidence, russia’s response would be
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the most serious, so much so that it wouldn’t seem like much, thank you very much again, we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, thank you very much, maria. and what’s interesting: there is a meat and dairy industry, we can smell it we feel, we were probably friends, i told him everything honestly, what i like, what i don’t like, every time i honestly said that he has no equal, you are styopa, he is about you, he is on you, and you are styopa, gurzina you, and styopa who? raikin sent a theater bus, netsky, so you want to leave the theater without a repertoire, why don’t you write, you fired me, so what? on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvonetsky, today on the first. in the ward we have adjusted ourselves
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: a boiler, a stove, pea concentrate, it’s fine, i say, grigory, excellent, konstantin. will i reign or? perish, a foreigner who had no legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great, received the epithet “great”. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon they won’t talk about the darkness as the most
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influential person in russia. but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. march 8 on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. we had it with us. the lines of his monologues became aphorisms. never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies or the loyalty of your friends. yes, well said, it’s just amazing to be friends with him, because he’s smart, brilliant, he commented on everything, day. he came out educated, you can kiss him, no, no, i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you are a genius, he simply told me, yes, clarke, i know, i ’m confused, this march marks the 90th anniversary of birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, i remember
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how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, recorded zhivanetsky, and at the age of 11 i could not understand what this man was saying, in the hall people were happy, in my house they were happy, this is not prose, this is poetry , zhvanetsky’s dictionary is the dictionary of the country. exclusive today wife, the satirist’s son and friends about his work and his last conversation with him: the main advice that my dad gave me, he told me: “have a conscience and do what you want.” exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere. march 10, on the first. there's a big game on the air.
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nation, which, alas, in recent years has gone , well, i would say into free fall, the question is whether our relations have touched the bottom, but this is a rhetorical question, as they say in such cases, we thought that we had reached the bottom, there was a knock from below, but i’m afraid that this is roughly how we can characterize the current phase relations with the european union. and the episode that featured in the first part of your program with
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, well, i would call it a professional fiasco of 27 ambassadors, twenty-eight even taking into account the representative of the european union in moscow, this is, in general, a clear confirmation of this, well , still explain to me, i understand , that you probably haven’t talked to them, much less talked to all of them. after this episode, i’m trying to understand whether there are any precedents for this in the history of diplomacy, or whether they are already going to absolute chaos without precedents? i haven’t found any precedents of this kind, i tried to find them, but i couldn’t find them, and there are other situations when ambassadors are alone or sometimes collectively. a collective demarche, say, with a protest, comes to
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the foreign ministry of the host country, they declare on their own behalf, or on behalf of the european union, this happened, but all 27 did not come, but three , for example, came from the eu, and they declared something there, that, of course, did not have a decisive impact on the position of the russian federation. but nevertheless, as they say, they conveyed their point of view, the point of view of the european union to the attention of the host country, now we are faced with a situation that is more than strange, when they refuse to listen, but what do you think they wanted to achieve, you can at least imagine somehow, and you know, i am after those emotions. which have already been heard in your program, i can say that from
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a professional point of view, i feel sorry for them, because they have completely discredited themselves, precisely as professionals, and i can tell you that all the ambassadors of the european union countries, as well as other states, are in moscow , accredited, that is, as they say, heavyweights of their foreign policy services , for many, the post of ambassador in moscow is the final or, so to speak, apogee of their career, so how they will sleep at night now, i don’t know, that’s how they will sleep, of course it worries me, but not immeasurably, i’m interested in something else, i imagine myself as a representative of the minister of foreign affairs of those countries, which in this case are... represents, the minister of foreign affairs
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is giving instructions to his ambassador, let’s say, the german count lamsdor, we want you conveyed this important message to minister lavrov, yeah, do you think lavrov will accept it after this, i’m sure he won’t, but lamsdorf, he’s an exception in this case, he’s not a professional diplomat, i’ve known him since he was... undermined their effectiveness in the capital
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where they should work, of course, well , you know, when i hear this, what strikes me most is not even the cynicism of this, but some kind of blatant senselessness, and uh, unfortunately, senator, i very often i start to think when looking at actions. collective the west and the individual states that are part of it, i have the impression that they have generally lost, well, some kind of healthy feeling. that they are making some kind of movements , so called, to offend, to offend , absolutely not thinking that the next day they might need something from the country with which they are treating this way today, it’s absolutely true, they don’t think about
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the situation when they something may be needed from russia, for example, you never know what will happen to one of their citizens. but they don't think about how they will fulfill their diplomatic functions after this episode , by the way, i am sure that this was a collective decision not to go to lavrov, it came from brussels from the leadership of the european union, well , it’s hard for me to imagine that they would do this after that without the appropriate sanction,
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troops that could be perceived by them as a threat, there wasn’t either, they didn’t complain about anything like that, excuse my vulgar language, why the hell did they get into nato, indeed, the question is completely
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justified, i can say that, in principle , all of northern europe, although norway, for example, it... was originally a member of nato, but even norway, as a nato member, observed voluntary restrictions in relation to its northern regions, which border the russian federation, no exercises were held there, no foreign troops were present there, and so on, and sweden and finland, well, look, finland, well, the country may be large in territory, it is larger than italy, but in terms of population. 5 million people, in general, this is not the most influential country in europe, it would seem, but it played a very active role, and well, in english, i would put it above it, that is , they performed in a higher, so to speak,
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league, moreover, we were going to celebrate the anniversary in the twenty-fifth year. of the final act, which created first the meeting, then the osce organization , the helsinki 2 summit, everything, in principle , there were even preliminary developments, all this, as they say, is under the nato bus, now let’s take sweden, sweden last fought in 1814 against napoleon. together with russia, these are more than 200 years of neutrality under the same nato bus, why? and now this, no matter what they say about their strategic importance, is the backyard of nato. yes, northern europe has always been considered
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a reduced region or subregion of reduced military confrontation. moreover, in past years i myself personally cited northern europe as an example for central or southern europe, that this is how countries with different social systems, with different policies, some joined nato, some did not, some some joined the european union, some did not, but they got along peacefully, and those problems that arose, but they concerned, say... fishing or something else, but they did not, did not create critical situations, in the end now...
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this is how all this was derailed when the soviet union it disappeared when
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independent russia appeared, which did not pursue any aggressive line, and it would seem, but it would seem that partnership relations should have only become closer, but the exact opposite happened, alas, and we are not just talking about interstate relations. i represent the republic in the federation council karelia , which borders finland for quite a long distance, and moreover, ties between people, residents of karelia and finland have traditionally been quite close for decades, there are even mixed families and so on, but now finland has closed it.
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and helsinki, this is the fact that refugees from the countries of the middle east penetrate into the territory of finland through russia, well, for this it was not necessary to go to nato, nato, as you know, has not saved anyone from illegal refugees, it cannot save anyone, and therefore this is of course unconvincing argument, you still date a lot.
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to a united europe, but at least get rid of this gradually flaring up conflict. well, if we talk about europe, about the united states, i think it would probably be wrong to talk about the coming months, because everything there is determined by the pre-election situation. if we talk about europe. in the countries of the european union, i’m afraid that with the current generation
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of political elite in these countries, it would probably be impossible to count on a serious revision of relations with russia for the better naively, people came to power, yes , they are young, but it’s not even a matter of physical age, these are people who have grown up and position themselves as europeans first of all, and then there are the swedes, there are finns, greeks, italians, or whoever else, that is, the concept of ethnicity, nationality, and, accordingly , national interests is blurred among this public, i don’t want to reduce everything... to those western universities, american, first of all, or british, where they received their education, although this is probably also
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a factor, but... i can’t think of another motive for them, when i look at the united states, at american history in the last century, yeah, and there were strong isolationist sentiments, yes, when first president wilson during the first world war, when then president rooswald during the second world war, when
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they believed that america needed...
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months have shown that the military-industrial complex of europe, of course, does not live up to the ambitious plans that we hear about from the lips of leaders, including macron and others, and in fact, even those broadcast promises that are given and given and given... to kiev, they are not supported, as they say, materially. thank you very much, vladimir alekseevich, thank you for your time, thank you for your expertise, these are, of course, not very pleasant conclusions, but i believe that we, our viewers, not only have the right, but also should know them. thank you very much, thank you, we’re leaving for advertising,
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we’ll be back in just a few minutes. they gave out wishful thinking, by whose efforts st. petersburg was built and, moreover, here ukrainians and ethens after the collapse of the soviet union, this topic was dispersed among those who raised it. then , for the first time, russian soldiers also built the head of a neo-nazi, some objects were built by swedish prisoners, and also how a photo from israel appeared in a ukrainian fake about lugansk, the photo is of very poor quality, this is precisely to complicate the search for the original, they need a lie, they need the fact itself, the very opportunity to rejoice at the fact that blood is being shed, the anti-fake premiere is on the first tomorrow. three of them in masks broke into the bank and started beat, shoot, it was very scary, in donetsk they robbed a private bank, cleaned out your cells,
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viktor fedorich, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the major league, lieutenant colonel igor velnik, is now involved in the donetsk case, they should not get too involved far away, the main intrigue is whether ukraine will sign the agreement? i will not give such a command, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere is from march 11 on the first, there is information that they want to eliminate you, of
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all civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese, almost always china was the most populated country and the first economy in the world, we can recall the famous travel book of mark paul. the italian merchant described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century: the decline of monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries. after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china, more than 10,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of pin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that the sinicized model of nep operates in china, the premiere
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of civilization, the seventh film, china, next wednesday on the first. there's a big game on the air. united states, catherine moore, i heard that trump. is already very close to gaining the number of deputies that he needs in order to have a guaranteed presidential nomination.


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