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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 7, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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buys some kind of, i know, a sofa or something, yes, instead of spending this money on rented housing, no, this option is also possible, but i will still direct you to buy your own, that’s the question, look, for example, a man says, i’m getting married, but first i’ll buy an apartment with a mortgage, and we’ll pay it off for 30 years, and i’ll get married, i also don’t want to feel like i’m living with you, and you’ll marry someone so young.
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didn’t appear here, and even though i’m virtual, i’m still a man, i want to tell you all compliments. alina, you are intoxicating, warm-hearted , honeyed, carefree, elena, appetizingly delicious , skillful in love, karina, creative, enthusiastic, with a refined figure, hope, optimist, cheerful, radiating joy, you are a daring rose, funny, lively, glorious.
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likes, let’s say, to be in charge of everything herself and of course, well, let’s just say, to be like these, until these fortune tellers told us for trust what a leo should be like and what a taurus should be like, all people lived somehow, well, how - they lived, did not grieve, but until they told us when the lions were told that they were kings and a queen, they began to behave like this, you know, well, i really hope, i only wish happiness and that really and most likely grandchildren, well, i just.
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for a man who will never ask you to bring him tea again, will never say that you are so ready to marry, i won’t take you, that you don’t know how to cook deliciously, that you don’t laugh, but laugh, and what not, and in general to you you need to lose weight, that lyusya or valya will tell you a diet, that is, no comments towards yourself, why i i appreciate it very much. i sensibly assess
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my shortcomings and i’m not the kind of person who , as i said, will be like this, i can adapt to people, to the situation, i’m not such a categorical person, and you can always come to an agreement with me, you’re just not a boor in your life anymore , and he was purely boorish, that’s all, so we’ll look, yes, come on, come on in and meet the first groom. why is your son alexei ii so frivolous about marriage to women? i believe that all such problems start from childhood, my mother secretly left for another city, i didn’t know where she was i left, took my son with me, for a long time there was no news about him, he will always cheer me up, support me, invite me to a cafe, or we will discuss something interesting with him together.
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boy, i didn’t come empty-handed, our national dish is honey and chak-chak, look, he himself cooked the meat in french, it’s true, and we really love meat in french, i made you like this... an exclusive bracelet made from a simple fork, and from your life i will make just a real jewelry masterpiece with my golden hands. hello! this program time just the world youth festival has ended, we’ll talk about it later, like this. attraction map: black and azov seas, famous and new places, choice, prices, transport. meeting led by vladimir putin.
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air target, the latest developments for air defense, achievements, opportunities for growth in numbers. the execution of the order was checked by the minister of defense. it's impossible without us. nuclear energy and the safety of nuclear facilities are the subject of discussion at the highest level. the head of magatte came to russia. new steps forward. visit russian prime minister in baku. mikhail mishustin and ilham aliyev about major projects in industry and transport. not everyone made it through super tuesday. trump rejoices, haley stops the race. biden. at what point did the main one freeze again? white house egg. our chaika - valentina terezhkova's birthday. minutes of triumphant flight, a decade of service to the country. congratulations to the president. so, the south of russia is a place to live and relax.
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development of the black sea and azov territories. today is the topic of the meeting led by vladimir putin. it took place before the closing of the world youth festival. what needs to be built in these regions? and what opportunities this will open up, well, for example, trains from moscow to the black sea in 16 hours, now the best option is a day. this, of course, is not all the upcoming changes. the president is in the south, day two. the day before he was engaged in agriculture in stavropol, and today he is in sochi. from there, reporting by konstantin panyushkin. where else if not in sochi to hold a meeting on the development of the south of russia? here during the day it has already been +10 for a long time and a lot has blossomed, like, for example, this magnolia on the territory of the presidential residence bacharov ruchei, but...
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there are bottlenecks, unfortunately, first of all i’m talking about the railway, these bottlenecks should now also be in our field of vision. one idea is to split the cargo and passenger ones. travel time of passenger trains from moscow to the black sea coast. sea trade ports place a significant burden on the railway, and they themselves are approaching the limit of transshipment capabilities. port capacities have a reserve, at the moment they are 2/3 loaded, there is potential for increasing transshipment volumes. by the thirtieth year, an increase to 360 is predicted
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. hotels and beaches will develop on the shores of the black and azov seas. we need to make sure that as many of our citizens and families as possible can vacation in russia. choose a vacation to your liking, beach, ski, educational, and so on and so forth, and at affordable prices with a high level of comfort. in conditions of closed skies and high load on railways, there is a colossal load on roads. the coastal direction of dzhubga sochi, in fact serpentine has been in need of reconstruction for a long time. let's dwell on the approaches to the implementation of this complex, capital-intensive, but of course , important, in-demand project, we also discussed the topic with the prime minister, we understand what this is connected with, this is a capital-intensive project, we need to approach it very carefully, calmly, but i repeat again
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, a necessary project for people, this is a powerful project, we definitely see that without the development of this project, neither tourists nor the local residents themselves, you will not be able to go any further, because development continues, the flow is large, we see up to 10 million inflows before the thirtieth year, we will reduce travel time from 7 hours to one and a half hours. the transportation of a gdp of 2.2 trillion is ensured, which means that we have 50 million square meters of real estate in the gravity zone, which is not only housing, these are sanatoriums, these are also places of employment, and vladimirovich, another factor, we have more than 200 people die every year there are hundreds of injured people on this road, these are people's lives, they are priceless. in general, in the south of the country over the next 5 years , 460 km of federal and another 320 km will be built or reconstructed km regional. roads, a separate issue, the further development of the so-called azov ring of the road around our already
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internal azov sea, we will definitely touch on this topic, there is the length of the azov ring, maratich shvezanovich will tell you about this, how much is there for 1,400 km, yes, yes, an extension from the highway is being worked out from two to four lanes, the south of russia is already familiar.
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it’s possible to do it from moscow, probably, i would do it, it’s impossible, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, if you yourself don’t understand what ’s happening in the territories, to accept the cuts, it is impossible to make the right decisions. at a meeting today, the deputy prime minister announced the imminent restoration of three airports in new regions of russia. lugansk, mariupol and donetsk. and will it be safe? of course, as soon as the operational situation allows, as soon as the line moves further, we can get all the airports back into working order within a year. these are the burial grounds
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of the gorlovka chemical plant in the donetsk people's republic and the industrial waste landfill near volcheyarovka in lugansk. the landfill has been in operation since the late sixties of the last century; over 900 tons of various waste have accumulated on it; groundwater is contaminated with salts, chlorides and nitrogen compounds. we are making documents about this estimate document.
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this process is already underway in the government, discussions are underway, issues are being worked out, a list of instructions for messages is currently being formed, work is in full swing, and partly financing issues will be considered in the closed part of this meeting, which is normal practice, completely different financing schemes are possible.
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of a new massive strike on the ukrainian military rear, the russian ministry of defense confirmed the defeat in odessa, angara, where unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces were preparing for attacks. there were also targets in ternopil, where there was power. fire at a plant for repairing nato equipment in the kiev, lvov, sumy and kharkov regions. the military also reported the destruction of aircraft, ammunition fuel depots at the airfields of lazovatka, dnepropetrovsk region and starokonstantinov in khmelnitsky. and today we received details of the defeat of the third american abrams, which we talked about the day before. this heavy tank
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received fatal damage from the very first shot from the t-72b3. and for the first time in the report , a guided french am bomb was shot down by air defense forces. the demand for advanced air defense systems was discussed today at one of the key enterprises in the industry, the moscow avangard plant, which is part of the almasty concern. sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the defense order there. grigory emelyanov, more details. new guidance systems , a radar station for counter-battery warfare, and, of course, means of repelling the latest drone threat. almazay is a leader in the air defense weapons industry. not everything can be filmed in these workshops, but the ministry of defense is showing something. here, for example, is a perpetual motion machine that rotates a radar antenna. this, of course, is said figuratively, but compared to existing mechanical systems, it really is almost eternal. here , an antenna rotates in an electromagnetic field without mechanics. accordingly, this gives
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ability to operate without failure for up to 20,000 hours. there are 8.00 hours a year. yes.
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sergei shaigu noted that air defense and counter-battery systems are needed in the northern defense zone and to cover objects in the rear, especially in border areas that the ukrainian side is bothering with its drones, in order to fulfill the minister’s instructions, the military-industrial complex adjusted the supply of weapons, what was supposed to be produced by the end years, will be handed over to the troops in the spring and summer. grigory emelyanov, alena abdyukhanova and stanislav opletin, channel one. tragedy in
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lugansk republic in the village of donetsk near kirovsk, was blown up by a mine. passenger bus. according to authorities , eight people were traveling in the car, five of them were killed and three were injured. and in the zaporozhye region , an explosion occurred in berdyansk. a homemade bomb was planted under the belly of the car. his owner, who worked at the local election commission, died. the head of the region, evgeny balitsky, called the incident a planned terrorist attack, an attempt to intimidate residents. two militants in the ssu will be sent to serve life sentences in a special regime colony. this is the verdict.
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ukraine involved in the commission of particularly serious crimes that have no statute of limitations. the development of peaceful atoms and the safety of nuclear facilities is the main thing that vladimir is talking about today.
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dangers of nuclear facilities. russia's leadership in nuclear energy is confirmed by the construction of the second kurdish nuclear power plant with fast neutron reactors and the development of the nuclear fleet. only our country is capable of building nuclear-powered icebreakers. among the large-scale projects is a floating station in pivek, the northernmost in world. the club of owners of such technologies is very narrow, and experience is in great demand. as you know, we are doing quite a lot of work in this regard internationally. in the arena with your help and support - we are implementing numerous projects in many countries of the world, why i said again about your
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help and support, because this is very important, absolutely without any attraction on a planetary scale, meaning ensuring safety and compliance with safety standards nuclear energy around the world, we are ready for further work in all these areas. we are grateful to you for your reciprocal steps to strengthen our joint work, and we are certainly ready to discuss any issues that you consider relevant. knowing that you have issues on the agenda of our meeting today, especially sensitive and important ones, and we are, of course, ready to discuss them and do everything to ensure security at any point where we have one way or another attitude towards nuclear.
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zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the wording is again extremely careful, but however, in the current situation , it is harmful to expose the details of a substantive conversation between specialists to the public. the assessment of the head of the rosatom corporation, however, may well give an idea of ​​​​the benefits of the negotiations. traditionally. today we devoted a lot of time to discussing the state of affairs, as they say, in the moment, what is happening in nanargadar, what is happening at the zaporozhye plant, how control and supervision of safety elements are going on, what forces are involved in the physical protection of the nuclear power plant, all this in detail, in good faith , my partners and i discussed, and i i would probably say in one phrase that we... discussed these issues, speaking the same language, and we are like-minded in terms of the absolute priority of the safety
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of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. what kind of thoughts are born in the heads of politicians and military men in kiev on this matter is another question, but no matter how inflamed the ukrainian mind is, surely they too must eventually understand that provoking a serious accident at the largest nuclear power plant in europe is tantamount to suicide. kiril brainin, ekaterina koryaka, ekaterina yarovenko and andrey kirillov, channel one. british fishing in our barints sea is coming to an end. the federation council denounced an agreement that allowed english fishermen to almost 70.
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today do not meet our national interests, agreements that give unilateral privileges and advantages to hostile, not to mention not friendly, simply hostile countries, to make such a calm, thorough revision and prepare another a package of documents on the denunciation of agreements unfavorable for russia, they are everything that is possible today. responsibility will be borne by both the advertiser and the one who distributes it. relations between russia and azerbaijan have reached a qualitatively new level; their further development was discussed at a meeting in baku between mikhail mishustin and president of the republic ilham aliyev. the level of friendly relations was confirmed by the warm welcome provided by our delegation. dmitry kochitkov will confirm. the spree
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of the state residence on the abshiron peninsula. not far from the capital, the most important guests are received here, ilham aliyev meets mikhail mishustin on the porch. most recently, aliyev won the presidential elections and formed a new government of the republic. i would like to sincerely congratulate you on your convincing victory in the early presidential elections in azerbaijan on february 7, which took place and this is a high assessment of the azerbaijani people. all the efforts and achievements that are being made in your country under your leadership, and of course, i would like to take this opportunity to convey the best, good wishes of the president of russia, vladimenovich putin. azerbaijan's course towards strategic partnership with russia remains unchanged. interstate relations have reached a qualitatively new level in form and content. twenty six azerbaijani universities are highlighting teaching. 324 secondary
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schools, also teaching in russian, we have preserved everything good that has united our peoples for decades, there are more and more projects in industry, we are also thinking about a joint project in the field of transport engineering. there are also promising areas of mutual technological, large, innovative projects, and we are working on agriculture, you mentioned an addition, we also have a number of questions on pharmaceuticals, i would also like to say that the transport capacity at our checkpoints has increased five times, the key transport project is the north-south corridor, which will connect russia, azerbaijan and iran, country. which
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has access to the persian gulf, here we also see an increase in transit traffic, and bilateral university transportation, an international transport corridor, north-south, a project that unites our countries, and we are, as you know, in active interaction in terms of implementing all necessary issues. the negotiations lasted about 3 hours. thanks a lot. all the best, thank you zakhistohrenist, all the best, and in the morning mikhail mishusin laid flowers at the grave of the former president of azerbaijan heydar aliyev and his wife rest in the memorial cemetery created in the middle of the last century, then laid wine at the monument to the fallen heroes. we talked today in baku about humanitarian ties between russia and azerbaijan. the russian drama theater in baku is more than 100 years old, all these years.
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its stage was a platform for touring bands from moscow and st. petersburg. there are more than thirty productions. recently we staged the cherry orchard and the captain's daughter. this is the building that has arrived. the recession, by order of our respected president, was brought into full order, the prime minister attended a rehearsal, and on the eve of march 8 , a meeting with representatives of the fair sex, a conversation about their mission in public life, in the economy and culture. we very often meet russian theater groups from russia; all their tours take place with the same success, which we are very happy about. we also go on guest tours in russia, but much less often. will there be support for russian theaters abroad? regarding financing, there is an appropriate decision with support for the production of new performances related to russian classics, with some works that in one way or another
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represent russian culture, and this definitely includes absolutely support for your theater. the conversation was attended by diplomat, singer and composer, ambassador of azerbaijan to russia palat bulbul ogly. when...
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in azerbaijan they know how to receive guests. in last year, almost one and a half million tourists visited the republic. a third of them are russians. there's a lot to see here. the pearl of baku is the old city. the filming of the films tehran-43, amphibious man, hurts 66 took place on these colorful streets. and of course, the diamond hand. kichik-gala street or small fortress. it was here that semyon semyonovich gorbunkov slipped on a watermelon rind. the modern architecture is amazing. this is the center of gade.
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roman ivanov, kirill danilov and tatyana bakulina, channel one baku azerbaijan. russia will continue to help african countries and increase their combat effectiveness in repelling. threats - foreign minister sergei lavrov said today following negotiations with his colleague from nigeria. relations between our countries go back more than 60 years; contacts in the economy are developing in the oil and gas sector, agriculture, and political dialogue is maintained , including at the level of russia-africa summits. we confirmed our focus on promoting the formation of a more equitable world order, a polycentric world order, this is objective.
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situation in ukraine, for understanding the reasons, to our nigerian colleagues for understanding those that have developed over many years due to that policy. which was carried out by western countries, and we appreciate the balanced position that nigeria takes at the un when the ukrainian issue is brought up there once again. relations between nigeria and the russian federation have a long history; we have developed deep traditions of mutual relations. we intend to take steps to improve our trade relations in the field of military-technical cooperation.
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so now early voting is taking place at the location of the 150th motorized rifle division in the donetsk direction. one of the sites at the positions of the southern group of troops. the choice was also made by the soldiers of the lisichansk guards motorized rifle cossack brigade. with the ballot box at the ready. employees of the precinct election commission are sent to remote garrisons, lighthouses, communication and observation points in the arctic zone. others go to the shift workers in the villages farthest from big cities, in center...
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regions of russia and can cover, according to the central election commission, 38 million voters, this is a record not only for russia, but in the world. today, test electronic voting ended in 28 regions of russia, in which more than half a million russians took part. we didn't have any during testing.
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light of russia, it is dirty after the presidential elections, i have no doubt about it, our people have united, and i would say that they have made maximum use of all their huge, powerful potential that was sleeping somewhere even before this. presidential the race is in full swing, the candidates and their proxies met with voters today. co-chairman of vladimir putin's headquarters, maryana lysenko, a doctor by profession, today in bryansk, the day before.
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moscow region, trucks from other cities will join along the road. everywhere the people express their will, character, understanding of what is happening, the entire population of our vast territory of russia is waiting for this victory, and today’s convoy is another confirmation of this, so that our soldiers, officers, and our fighters can feel warm. it's light, and we're waiting for this victory we are all, ldpr candidate leonid slutsky
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met with the female part of the staff of pre-trial detention center number 6 in moscow, he brought gifts to the employees of the prison for march 8, talked about their service, and also talked without cameras with prisoners in a pre-trial detention center where only women are kept, including with children. in the year of the family, we need to think about amnesty, for those who have committed less serious crimes, for those... i thought of it for those who have minor children, our position is that a huge and comprehensive program on the federal scale for the year of the family in russia, should probably include such a humane step. the candidate from the new people and the growth party, vladislav davankov, met today with psychologists who are involved in the prevention of conflict situations in schools, and also presented his proposals for prevention. in educational institutions, first of all, it is very important that there are psychologists in the school, they are
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trained, professional psychologists, they are in every building, as they are now, with the enlargement of schools. there are 9 days left before the start of voting in the russian presidential elections, according to according to the central election commission, with all the development of remote voting capabilities, more than 80% of citizens who decide to vote intend to come to the polling stations in person. pavel pchulkin, zulfiya khakimova, alexander isaev, veronika ilvutchenkova and alexandra. first channel. a new high-tech production of engines for chinese hoval cars has been launched in the tula region. the crossovers and suvs of this brand have been assembled in the industrial... in the uzlovaya park near tula for almost 5 years, and today the level of localization of their production in russia is noticeable increased, the head of the region alexey dyumin spoke at the opening ceremony about the importance of the new industrial complex. this is a priority enterprise that fits into the development strategy of the automotive industry. our chinese colleagues, chinese friends
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are meticulously and step by step implementing all agreements, in turn, in the opposing region also step by step - all agreements are being implemented in those agreements that were signed at the very beginning of the implementation of this entire large-scale project and production. i want to congratulate all of us, our residents of the tula region, who are already working at the new enterprise, and our chinese partners, and the government of the turk region to say words of gratitude for the implementation of this project. there, vuzlov alexey dyumin inspected the new workshops of russia’s largest manufacturer of safes and metal furniture. but the enterprises do not stop there and now also produce machine tools. the world youth festival is already history. channel one broadcast the closing ceremony live. guests from many dozens of countries listened to vladimir putin's speech. someone had the opportunity to communicate with the russian leader. report by ivan prozurov.
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the russian anthem opened the festival and at closing the twelve-thousand-seat arena stood up. at the ceremony, a diary of the youth festival: vivid impressions, new knowledge and true friends, time to remember how unforgettable days passed, hug and say thank you to each other. the festival family of thousands loudly greeted the russian president. vladimir putin, dear friends, you have come to russia, you have made many friends here, i want you to know that all of russia is now your friend, our doors are always open for you, for all your noble endeavors, it was you who
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created a real city of the youth of the world here in the south of russia, thank you! dreams about the future and tribute to the common past, photographs of ancestors who fought against nazism appeared in the hands of the participants, portraits of red army soldiers and soldiers from all over the world were taken by foreign russians. a unified assessment of terrible events that should not happen again. in their we have a peaceful future in our hands, where everyone has equal opportunities. we appear equal, but the question is: do we grow, do we develop in equal conditions? the answer, unfortunately, is no, there are no equal conditions in the world for everyone,
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and this is the main injustice of the current world order in today's world. and if you ask me, is it possible to make sure that everyone is there? more stable, balanced and safer. i am sure you will have many successes. one of the slogans of today's festival: we start the future together, we will consider that the future has begun, but what it will be depends on you. the brightest point
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of an amazing journey to russia, which vladimir putin was told about by guests from different countries who study in our country. you study in russia, yes, yes, i know that in different universities, yes, in different regions of russia, i was surprised that people from very hot countries, excuse me, are studying with us somewhere in siberia, yes, you whether it’s cold or not, it’s cold, the main thing is to dress warmly, as we say strongly, so i hope that you like it in russia, and that studying is beneficial, and uh. i proceed from the fact that you liked it here at the festival too, we tried to create conditions so that young people could communicate freely with each other, could find new friends, maybe partners for some common joint activities. things to do for the future, so if we succeed, we will organize something similar in the future.
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one of the participants said that she had been living in russia since 2011 and had already become a candidate of philological sciences. i am now teaching russian to foreign students studying in ruden, and i am incredibly proud of my work, precisely because that i live and realize. myself in russia, i really like it here, thank you for this opportunity, learning a foreign language opens the door to a completely unfamiliar world, to the world, the culture of another people, and another culture is like another world, in this case read pushkin in the original or read gyotyvali, this is a completely different perception. the world in which an artist or writer lives, so i congratulate you, beautiful. in addition to the group photo, everyone, of course, wanted to take a separate photo with
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the president. on the final day of the festival the guests tried to do everything, everywhere at once. the finish line of a bright marathon lasting 5 days, a marathon of impressions and knowledge. and the final, busiest day of meeting with the best speakers. press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov spoke about a future built on mutual respect and consideration of interests. the united states travels through the territory of the russian federation. this is bad. drive up to a certain point, and then they burn, because we are destroying them, and we will destroy them further, and if
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american ones fly over our territory planes, i have no doubt that our valiant military will also make sure that these planes burn and fall. russia, however, is for peaceful dialogue; at the festival there is no division into friendly and unfriendly. we do not paint everyone with the same paint, we do not politicize humanitarian ties, we identify what really takes place, the destructive policies of certain political circles, and at the same time we say that we are always open to everyone who comes to us in peace, therefore there are youth from all continents here, youth and hero of a special military operation at a meeting with vladimir mashkov, you are our family. thank you very much. the festival is a mirror of our country. unity of individuals. it’s very pleasing that
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the guys here are incredibly sincere, open and know what their country lives for. and this world lives. and they dream here on a big cosmic scale of the show our space with the main characters of the first film in the history of mankind shot in orbit - a challenge. we are the first in space in filmmaking.
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russia loves and knows how to receive guests, well today everyone definitely had the opportunity to say, i’m russian, i’m russian, glory to the whole world.
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ivan prozurov, pavel likhaletov, victor golovin, ekaterina ovsyanikova, victor overin, anna zayakina and kirill loginov, channel one. sirius. the evening in sirius, of course, is not over, there are stills from there, and also a conversation between vladimir putin and our students. we are very glad that such a wide representation came from almost 190 countries of the world, from all continents, but i want to emphasize that we are not competing with anyone. we don't want to prove anything to anyone, we just we are glad to see our friends, and what is very important is that these are meetings like forums, they are not organized by us for some kind of, as we say, window dressing, this is not some kind of advertising event, it is substantive , the essence, and its essence is to gather
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people who think. approximately like us, well, approximately, because every person cannot think the same way, but who adhere to approximately the same principles, values ​​as we do, and who want to work together to achieve a positive result, for themselves, for our loved ones, for our countries, we are open to this work. in america, the morning after super tuesday brought changes in the company; niki haley, donald trump's republican rival, lost to him in the primary.
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did not vote for trump. everything is heading towards the race, but encourage your supporters that donald trump will be nominated as our party's nominee at the convention to be held in july. i congratulate him and wish him well, as i would anyone who will be president of the united states. now donald trump needs to win the votes of our fellow party members and in general
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everyone who did not support him before. haley refused to become trump's vice president, even though he didn't offer anything like that. her struggle to the last, apparently, was caused by the desire to gain a foothold as the main republican anti-trumpist. in a purely hypothetical case, if trump himself is suddenly not allowed to participate in the elections. by the way, haley was actively supported by democrats during the primaries, so now biden has appealed to her supporters to vote for him. the head of state, apparently, is still can read. i better not answer the questions, otherwise i'll get in trouble. as was the case the day before, when the president’s impromptu response to a question about his plummeting ratings caused bewilderment. mr. president, what do you say to democrats who are concerned about the latest polls about your rating? my
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ratings are such that according to the last five polls about which. you didn’t report, i ’m winning, five polls in a row, read, guys, the new york times, an excellent newspaper, despite the fact that the very new york times poll that biden refers to gives the lead trump, i’m perplexed, maybe he ’s being shown polls that are intended only for him, it’s indicative that lies from the mouth of the first person are discussed with smiles, the trend of the entire election year, joe biden is no longer so much criticized as ridiculed, even on liberal platforms. no need to deny your age, just admit it, say: yes, i confuse names and, like a baby, walk around with a full diaper. you are so old that your obnoxious drug addict son is 54 years old. democrats have no serious alternative to biden, but a wake-up call for the president an unusually high, nearly 20% vote against all in minnesota, similar results in
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several other swing states. this is primarily due to the consolidated position. muslim communities who are unhappy with biden's unconditional support for israel's actions in the gas sector, so the democratic party is upping the ante by emphasizing that american democracy itself and not time are at stake. to find fault with the individual shortcomings of the one who saves her. joe biden is old, so we have a race where one candidate is old, but is effective in his position and does not threaten our democracy, the second is old, talks nonsense, dangerously threatens our democracy. just a year ago, trumpists were in the minority in the republican party, but now trump’s opponents either support him or keep silent. washington swamp awaiting a storm. trump really did threaten resignations and investigations, and of one party.
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i think now it all comes down to the choice that members of the house of representatives will have to make as soon as they return from vacation, whether they want to give a gift to putin, or do they want to defend freedom and democracy not only in ukraine, but throughout the world? it turns out that in the midst of the struggle for democracy, nulant urgently got ready to retire. according to polls, the anti-russian pathos, inflated by the white house, is finding less and less support among the electorate, which is much more concerned about economic problems and a porous border. became a diplomat who, as ambassador in kabul, prepared the way for the americans to leave afghanistan. georgy lisashvili, pavel nisterov, anastasia
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slobodenyuk, dilyasya rozhedinova, channel one usa. cobblestones and tear gas in warsaw. farmers attack police outside parliament. but according to local journalists, the entire city center is becoming dangerous. it will leave up to 150 thousand people without equipment. at the entrances are unhappy with the situation into which their own government and the eu directives on climate restrictions on the industry have driven them. the action in the capital of poland is the most aggressive in years. recently , the unrest has been concentrated on the eastern border, where cars were slowed down and cars with ukrainian grain were unloaded onto the rails. it enters yes without duties. this ruins farmers, not only polish ones, but in other countries, especially those neighboring ukraine. now at the dnh , where the forum russia exhibition is taking place, today they welcomed the eight millionth visitor, he was fourteen-year-old vadim leizer from tyumen, his family recently moved from germany, a prize, tickets for a friendly match
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between the russian and serbian national teams, which will be held in moscow, were presented by famous football players alexey smertin and pavel pogrebnyak, watching football with their parents and brother, vadim will be with the best places today , the world's first woman receives congratulations on her birthday. hero of the soviet union valentina tereshkova. the warmest words from vladimir putin by phone in telegram. vladimirovna from the pliada of brave people, strong in spirit and devoted to their homeland. in the summer of sixty-three, the call sign chaika from space was recognized by the whole world. about that legendary flight alexander lyakin. valentina terezhkova's voice is barely audible through the roar of the rocket. the vostok spacecraft with serial number 6 reaches its first escape velocity, placing it into earth orbit, the first in the world. astronaut, me seagull, please tell everyone that everything is fine with me, when the ship began to rise, i couldn’t stand it and shouted: hey, space,
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hey, sky, take off your hat, space forgave her for this insolence, the flight passed without serious incidents, completely soon party secretaries and cuban revolutionaries and royalty, from queen to minister, took off their hats to her. red perekop, from the working specialty at the weaving machine at the yaroslavl factory to the very top to the stars. in my youth, in addition to work, i also studied at a technical school, i also jumped from a parachute. 90 jumps in yaroslavl oroklov, on land, and... we jumped into the volga, this hobby helped her get into the cosmonaut training center, owning a parachute was a mandatory requirement, the first soviet cosmonauts landed separately from the descent module and these landings
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were rarely soft. when, excuse me, you stand on your head a couple of times, and then they press you down to the ground, the dome is large, uncontrollable, you can’t reach it, because, uh, it’s, so to speak, a spacesuit, a power suit. the shell doesn't allow it, so here's a sawn-off shotgun helmet, my nose was hurt, i had a good, good bruise to understand the risk...


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