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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  March 7, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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russia and i want to know what to help , just tell me, but you can somehow distinguish by age, for example, younger residents of ukraine know geography worse, older people, for example, remember the borders of europe faster, it’s very difficult to say, because i take them everywhere only stubborn ones, i’ll give you one example, i recently talked with a man from ukraine, he’s somewhere around 40-45 years old, his mother lives in russia, where the kaluga region is, even i can do this. says, and he lives in western ukraine, he said that he is with his mother doesn’t talk, he thinks his mother, in his words, are complete racists, to his mother, he says, let’s make his own mother die, that was the very bottom that i saw, i can’t see anywhere else yet, i don’t even know, and why are they like this, as you think , i think, for the last 30 years they have been brainless, but we think that they really have started.
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you speak russian well, you have already improved your language, as far as i understand, and when communicating with ukrainians, in fact, the ukrainian language, well, studying the ukrainian language a little is very strong it helps, because i often pretend that i am an american who is in kiev, and then i know from them the harsh reality, for example, a girl told me that his dad was suffering from a brain tumor, his dads also took military examinations, but...
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and you know, this is a half-joking , but very symptomatic, well, a joke, the globe of ukraine, yes, you probably remember this, it appeared not in the fourteenth year, but much earlier, it was all nurtured, it was crushed by the burden of normal education, higher secondary, interethnic culture friendship within one large soviet country, and general equality, and , of course, history together with russia, there since the time of the moscow prince.
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the russian empire, the ussr, inseparable, and then that’s all , this one, how can i say, they thought that their hands were unchained, in fact they took off the straitjacket and away we go, the guy is right about that and the guy is great, i really liked him, just handsome, it’s nice to meet such people on our side, well , i just remembered that 30 years ago, in fact, all this was much longer, 75 here, even he mentioned here, remember, right in this place where i’m sitting now there was an assistant to the head of the dpr and he talked about those books, that is, they were in the process of how the task was set, analysis of schools, libraries and the like, they found books of the fifty-sixth year about bandera, published in canada in russian, that is, it was already coming here then , that is, how it got there is unclear, but the most important thing is that the books were from the soviet period and it was still going on then, now the main question is how to deal with it, in fact , you can only fight with one thing, this is this
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fundamental education, family, school, institute, if we have now seen an example that it is possible to convince such a stubborn ukrainian, then let’s hope that not everything is lost for them, thank you very much for coming to us, and i will remind the audience , that all the news that you have doubts, you can send to our editorial office, there are also reasons for pride, all the best to you, channel one presents: 10 commandments for women's health, a holiday for all mothers, a holiday for all women, special women's edition in the program live great.
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we didn’t have time to notice how it all went, we didn’t save our love from trouble, like two candles, from the fire of love, ours. we couldn’t save paradise with winter, thank you, thank you, for the fairy tale that
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you gave, thank you, thank you. well, these wonderful georgians started our special holiday edition of the program, they came to our studio with a bucket of ros, they didn’t even give everything away, although our men tried
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to help, guys, firstly, thank you for coming, secondly, special thanks, for that the entire female part of your family has come, today your whole family. 10 commandments, 10 commandments for women's health, and i don’t know whether you know it or not, 10 commandments by memory, i know them by memory, but we put the tablets in the studio, remember, i am the lord your god, do not create an idol for yourself,
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do not take the name of the lord in vain, keep the sabbath day to keep it holy, honor your father and mother, almost no one knows that this is the fifth commandment, therefore... you cannot make claims against your parents, do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not pronounce false testimony, do not covet what your neighbor has, do not envy, these commandments apply to our whole lives, but for us doctors it is especially important to remember them when it comes to health, having read these commandments again for the thousandth, millionth time , we thought, but this is ideal.
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the first commandment is: i am the lord your god, there shall be no other gods before me. so we thought that we could say this: i am your health, and you will have no other, take care of me, you, woman, woman, the fruit of the family, the head wanted to say, but with a georgian, is it possible? you might say this, but the birth of a family is exactly what you have to do in your family from a health point of view? and i try to organize everyone as much as possible so that we spend time outside more often, be sure to go for walks with the whole family, and our
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generator is great about this, no matter where it is in any weather, it always sends the whole family out for a walk in the air, i see, i’m subscribed on their social networks,
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they say that god has no hands except our own, doctors are first after god,
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so you have to trust doctors, sit down, my dear, and we are calling the eldest daughter to us, the eldest daughter is coming to us, come to us, eldest daughter, look what the divine commandment is, honor your father and your mother, we also ... decided to read it in our own way, know about your heredity, what kind of heredity you have, how healthy your parents are, because this will be directly related to your life, do you know anything about the health of your family, my dear, beautiful girls suck, well, oh, in general, everyone is trying to maintain their health, no one is particularly sick, thank god, than you are now you are studying. tell me, how old are you and what are you doing now? oh, yes
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, i’m already 19 years old, here i am, she said that, yes, i’m 19 years old already, life is already over, over, there’s nothing to count on, absolutely, so, i, unlike my sister and my father and my brother, she went into drawing, not singing, well, what can i do, my god, the child apologizes all the time, she’s a talented girl, she draws great, she’s only 19’.
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family, which is passed on to children, increases women's health, the presence of these genes in the chance of developing breast cancer and cancer ovary, that is, if a woman has them, she should be under constant supervision. specialists, that’s what it means to honor your father and mother, respecting them, firstly, and secondly , of course, knowing your heredity, that’s it, my little cat, you’re great, what are you drawing, stop apologizing, why did the family persecute the child , if he doesn’t sing, no , no, no, no, we are proud of her, i agree, i agree, sit down, my dear, and we will now show you the results of the study, if a girl has these genes, then unfortunately there are risks of cancer hers increases fivefold. cancer breast and ovarian cancer. a blood test
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is a very simple test. a blood test is taken for this gene; we know what the girl’s prognosis is. therefore, please, mothers and girls, be aware of this and check yourself. and we have one more daughter. come here, daughter, we have a women's theme. what are you? yes, of course, i’m 15 years old, i’m in the ninth grade, that is, you’re the youngest, all the attention is a teenager, look at her, it ’s clear that she’s a teenager, small, wearing makeup, so funny, a girl is looking for herself, she’s already found it, you write your own music, yes, what? says dad, dad is very glad that he says
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lebanon, even more times, even more times, well , these are such wonderful girls, today we are with this... and we will cook georgian food, of course, because this is an amazing cuisine, we will do everything absolutely do, but for now, sit down , my little berry, i love you all, please sit down , let’s take a short break and then continue, a dish for the whole family, mom, thank you for teaching me from my very childhood to greens, i love i'm 60 this year, i don't know what glasses are, we're setting a special table in it's a holiday.
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and you decided my fate, and now i’m yours, and they inflicted 14 wounds, lieutenant colonel goebbel 14, with every minute we multiply our guilt and the guilt of the soldiers, i was on my way to you, but you’re not here, so why don’t we take the shit out of you? you’re really afraid to tell the soldiers, because you know that they won’t follow you. what about our dream? union of salvation, final episode, watch after the program time. what it is? love every second, day after day? i'm not everything, i don't
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want to settle down like everyone else, when the men leave, the woman stays to wait when men. they are fighting, a woman can only hope, you are my victory, the only one, when men betray, you do not deserve laricha in the active army, a woman can only forgive, when men love, a woman remains a woman, bless a woman on march 10th on the first, you... to the right, to be loved, you know, oddly enough, in our kitchen today there will also be commandments, because in fact the commandments are divine, they permeate a person’s whole life, really, it’s so so, so we want to invite the male part of the family here, to the kitchen - female part
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family, because the female part of the family prepared everything in order to set a luxurious... georgian table, girls, cook, women to the kitchen, women to the kitchen, heard the georgian shouting to the women in the kitchen, how well he did it, well , i now want to tell you the divine commandment, here is the last commandment, i interpret it as do not envy, mikhail yegorovich, do not covet anything that your neighbor has, remember, neither his wife, nor his donkey, nor his house, and so on, so i believe, that don’t envy others, envy destroys from within, i agree, so don’t envy others, take care of your own health, health care lies on the shoulders of this women’s company, they will now bring into our studio everything that decorates and is the essence of georgian cuisine, please bring
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all this into our studio. well, look, your girls live in russia, they grew up in russia, even though they are georgians, the boy still lived in georgia for some time, right? 15 years, 15 years, now let us tell you the products, and you tell us whether georgians eat them or not, so i want to start with pepper, there is pepper in georgian cuisine, of course, we eat everything with pepper? everything with pepper, i still eat it with pepper, everything, because my mother taught me so, she is an imeretian, and to die is probably a burden in every corner. agree that the most incredible table is the american one, and pepper directly dominates there, pepper, well, of course we don’t kill anyone, if
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someone doesn’t want to, we can make less pepper, but everyone is killed there, all the same, but from childhood we teach that the body, because peppers contain a lot of useful things, like and like greens, which of the doctors will cover the topic of pepper, go straight to the layouts, pepper - which helps us overcome pain , stop pain, look, if something is sick, a signal of pain is sent, in this case
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, then this signal is painful enters the brain, which is what copsaicin does, this is the substance pi, it blocks this signal, in this case, look, the signal did not reach, and the pain center did not receive a signal that there is pain, copsaicin really helps the substance.
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another unique product that we all we know well, these are what we call bell peppers in georgian cuisine , sea peppers, this kind of sweet, if i may say so, pepper, what it is famous for in vessels, germanic, here they are, our bell peppers contain a large amount of vitamin c, vitamin c is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels , in addition, blood vessels dilate, narrow if there is vitamin c, champion bell pepper, not
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citra, no, bell pepper, yes, well, this one, it can be called bell or sweet pepper, 3 and a half daily requirements , in lemon only one, three times more here , together with red beans, which also lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, this combination simply prevents the development of atherosclerosis, look, ulen vasilyevna’s vessel, one is normal, the second with bubbles, it means who eats georgian food, yes.
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well, what can i tell you, you noticed that the women have disappeared from the kitchen, because the dishes for the georgian feast are ready, from all that we tried to quickly tell you about, they will now bring us a dish of georgian cuisine, girls, dear, women's half soso pavleashvili, we are waiting for you in the studio, come out! so bring
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it, bring it, let's come here, let's come here, in our challah, we have kharcho soup with pepper, my love, pepper, lobio, and by the way, the girls brought us pkhali with beets, and about beets, you german sheich, you they didn’t say, of course, but there is a donor called oxide nitrogen, which... dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and, most importantly, improves male strength. so much for the georgian feast, so much for taking care of women and men, just like that, thank you girls for such a table, i want to say that grub soup is generally my favorite soup, i don’t have a favorite soup, i buy it wherever i see it,
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this is all, friends, about food for us. it's time to talk about medicine, you can't live without women , there are flowers for all the women in the studio, thank you, i like it march 8th, i congratulate all the girls on international day, smile, what do you want, explain to me 100 thousand, what a field of miracles, festive issue, today on the first: love, flowers, happy march 8th to all of you, our dears, our loved ones, on your ninetieth birthday yuri gagarin, i would love to visit everywhere, but i’m afraid that there won’t be enough time to visit everywhere. kagarin was a flash, a smile, communication; it was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. simplicity, relationships, sincerity. this
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is the most important thing - sincerity, he really wanted him to be godfather, he bought me around , it’s about these neptunes, and yuri alekseevich was the king of the seas of the oceans, it all happened very funny, he kept a boat on the bear khazyura, kobzon came, yura drove the boat, we swam out onto the lake, kobzon sang songs, and we were delighted, i am an ordinary russian person, just like dozens. a star named gagarin, premiere on march 9 on the first. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese. china has almost always been the most populated country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco paul, the italian merchant described with great amazement the power
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and level of economic development. after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of ping's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that the chineseized model of nepa operates in china. premiere, civilization. the seventh film. china. on wednesday. for the first, well, dear friends, i returned to these commandments again, because i love them very much, by the way, i know all 10 by heart, which is what i wish for all of you, there is this one here
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commandment: do not take the name of the lord in vain , you know, when people don’t take care of themselves, we say, why didn’t you do the tests, why do we all walk under god, god will judge, this is wrong, but... well, first of all, there is a saying about god, i hope i’m not making a mistake myself , and secondly, god has no hands other than ours, so only we can be examined, and of course, in the program about women’s health we have three mandatory tests for women’s health, an examination is already underway at our medical site, we are taking blood test, in fact, we have already talked about one test, this is a test...
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which leads to the development of dementia and immunodeficiency. because of which children can die from pneumonia, today everything is done in the maternity hospital and the mother needs to make sure that when she receives an extract, it should say neonatal screening taken,
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because then the child is protected from these deadly serious diseases, neonatal screening is taken again , so the child was given this heel test. this test takes time because it is a genetic test, how long will it take for the results to appear, within two weeks the result will be, and if no one called you or contacted you, then everything is fine, but if there is a problem, they must contact you within the first two weeks and confirm the diagnosis in another week, and you will be safe and the child will be taken under special control. observations, i want to directly emphasize that in russia this test is free for all newborn children, we have the largest test in the world, especially for immunodeficiencies, that’s right,
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it’s absolutely true , no one in the world does tests like ours, because our state is for it, but because they still don’t know how, by the way, yes, our test for immunodeficiency is the best in the world, this is one of its creators, he’s scared. all diseases are detected, all diseases can be treated, all this is in our country, let’s return once again to women and girls, every 17 minutes one of the women is diagnosed with cervical cancer, every 17 minutes, i remind you again, today there is a vaccine against cervical cancer , responsible mothers, bring your girls, otherwise there will be trouble, a virus.
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attacks atypical cells, when this is detected at an early stage, your survival is guaranteed, and if you received the vaccination that we talked about a few minutes ago, then the chances of developing this cancer are significantly reduced, they simply won’t exist. so what is a pub test? all gynecologists do it, these are the most free screening tests, it’s just taken with a brush from the scope onto a glass slide. to the laboratory to see if all the cells are normal or if there are
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so-called atypical or cancer cells. and now i want to show you statistics on the vaccine against cervical cancer, we are returning to this again, because every 17 minutes someone in our country is diagnosed with this and someone’s life stops. today there is a vaccine that prevents this. vaccination began a very long time ago. we have been monitoring these children for decades, initially vaccination was done from 9 to 12 years old, we looked at it for 20 years, what changed, it turned out that the incidence of cervical cancer dropped by almost half, by almost 90%. it fell, that is, it is a super effective vaccine, and we, of course, are for everyone, all, all of our girls to live their lives and never encounter...
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such wonderful tests today have become the responsibility of women, and women, dear , do it for christ's sake. let's take a short break and then continue. we arrived in havana in a wild tropical
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downpour, so we drove in open cars with fidel through crowds of people flooded with water. gagarin saw elephants being bathed in the lake, and he became not just an observer, but an active participant in the process. queen invited yuri alekseevich to take a photo as a souvenir, although this is not provided for by etiquette, she explained: “i took a photo with an unearthly man. garin, the man who came down from heaven, premiered on march 9, on the first. the brightest and most extraordinary event of the season. battle of generations. great champions of the past and current athletes. on equal terms, on the same ice. a unique competition, as a declaration of love for one’s country. russian challenge. tournament of the strongest skaters, live broadcast on march 9 on
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the first. no need to read 200 volumes about russia, attend one concert of the berezka ensemble. the audience keeps saying, well, this is how they are, they don’t walk, they float, it’s always a mystery. and this is your secret, and this secret is not revealed, a folk-characteristic dance in a form in which we are not taught anywhere in the world. this is how you sometimes have to work , it’s dancing for the audience, it’s smiles, nadezhdina finds out that the ring romance, prima birch and the soloist of moiseevsky, and naturally, it’s a scandal , it’s a nightmare, it’s screams, now i’m getting goosebumps after
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remembering, and of course , i said yes, beauty in russian, premiere of the documentary film on march 10 at the first. this program is "live healthy", a special women's issue, 10 commandments for women's health. we read these real divine commandments, carved on tablets, there is so much truth in them that their...
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mucous membrane, that's right, andrey this moment petrovich's immunity changes in 30 minutes, this is enteroglobulin a, immunoglobulin a is produced, but you can come to us, we won’t bite you, man, when we are actively on the street, working with our hands, we breathe actively. the cells of the mucous immune system are strengthened, and this is the entrance gate of infection, and accordingly our body is better protected. moreover, especially for your family, i want to tell you what singing does to the immune system, it turns out that if a person sings while doing this, then his immunity begins to be even more active, and
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his protective forces also increase , his antibodies improve, it’s clear, therefore, what you walk, what you sing is direct.
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a care procedure that combines, firstly, deep cleansing, and secondly, there is stimulation and massage, and as if we are working on skin tone, i really want to let irishka down, irish, you see, the skin turns red, redness of the skin after the procedure or during the procedure, this is a sign that the blood flow is activated here, and cells, special macrophages, exit from blood vessels.
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in solutions a complex of various acids and there was even a large study conducted in 2017, which proved that it affects keratinocytes on the surface layer of the skin, that is, a very strong effect, on the one hand , mechanically, can i directly take your this your this manible, hold it straight like this, you see, we see mechanically on the one hand, on the other hand there are acids that acidically destroy the surface. thickens, because if babies can easily exfoliate the surface layers, babies have such
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pink, wonderful skin, but if you remember the girls when they were little, yes, they were actually pink baby dolls, that’s right, our skin is changing, so i want us to see now in the picture, how a child's face turns into an adult face, the skin thickens and becomes porous, so these... exfoliated layers we have to exfoliate either with the help of acids, or with the help of anything, but we have to dissolve them like this, remove them, you see, they dissolve before our eyes, now they are dissolved mechanically they’re filming, you know, i want to show this thing , it’s invisible to the eye, you can take your hand with me like this and run it over it just like that, and now we’ll enlarge this image, here we are now... involuntarily it’s dust, well, it's not dust, it's ours, we have it the surface layer of the epidermis, these are dead skin flakes, just our dust at home consists
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, as it turned out, mainly of the epidermis of our skin, absolutely right, it is from the epidermis, the epidermis is the top layer of keratinized dead flakes, so we seem to have done nonsense, yes, but at least they exfoliated something, so exfoliation is procedure number one, peeling, procedure number one, let’s go here, here’s another one, this is also ours. favorite layout, these are the layers of skin, this is the speed of exfoliation for a child, this is it, we have it’s getting worse and worse, you see, the machine, it’s stuck, and that’s exactly what it’s stuck, over the years it’s stuck, the machine doesn’t work, nothing peels off, everything grows, pores appear, so peeling in the morning with gloves, what do you want professional peeling once a month?
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that's what our program is about. there is one more commandment that we have not said anywhere. who can say which one? do not commit adultery. do not commit adultery. we didn’t know how to illustrate it, so let’s just remind you that this is also a commandment, this is 10 commandments, carved tablets. and since the lord god has carved them out, they are worth observing, it seems to me that the commandment shocked me most of all a long time ago. “honor your father and mother, so when i listen to people who say: it’s my mother’s fault, she didn’t give me something and my dad didn’t give me something, i think how
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ugly it is, how ugly it is , by the way, you are saying the right thing, it seems to me that many people, when they go to a psychologist, they receive the same answers to simple questions that are contained precisely in these commandments, when you are looking for someone to blame for your childhood in the person of your mother, remember the commandment, honor your father and mother.” so don’t delve into yourself, you know, i don’t like psychologists at all, you started and i responsibly declare to you, yes, which is better to follow god's commandments than like this, finally i found support in a psychologist, well, men , dear girls, dear ones, come out here, you all were our guests today with the whole family, hello to you too, well, our women's company too i got everything, girls, do you deserve it too?


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