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tv   Moi drug Zhvanetskii  1TV  March 8, 2024 12:00am-1:06am MSK

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then there may be the most decisive countermeasures on russian territory, and of course on the territory of ukraine, but so far, as i understand, the presidential press secretary is not ready to go beyond the ukrainian conflict, and does not talk about the possibility of any counterattacks on the territory of those countries that , as he himself said, are actually at war with russia.
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you know, the fact that the president's press secretary did not say this is, of course, remarkable, but for me it is more important, which is probably not accidental, but you know, his boss, the president of the russian federation he said about this that we have all the means to hit targets on the territory of any state that dares, so to speak, to send troops to strike, so to speak, to start fighting against the russian armed forces.
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a thousand in order to, so to speak, cover the entire sky, the same goes for air defense systems, it is necessary to supply not 14, there are 10, in total, according to my calculations, there are somewhere around a hundred western ones, and of different types, and french, american, and german systems, all these are different systems, different spare parts, different service, and also supply it in hundreds , well, once again, i talk about this many times, separately...
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could you from time to time shout out demands for the release of yulia vladimirovna, she is now a heroine for everyone with rheumatism, alina began to play openly against me, but because you yourself tore a piece out of her mouth. unfortunately, the head of your administration is playing his own game. transfer it through the maidan, premiere on march 11. on the first,
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you throw all your people to help me, and if not, then you will perish in a cage, a difficult choice, victor fedorovich, the first question that naturally arises for most russians when they think about china is how far away?
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depends on how great the political will of russia is now to win, because china is a country that senses psychology very subtly. neighboring countries, in this sense, our success in the ukrainian direction, in almost the entire western direction, will largely determine how china will understand what kind of power it is dealing with. the thing is, china, let's be honest, doesn't care about russia, not about ukraine, not about the middle east, where, of course, china has a lot of interests, and today there are a lot of problems, it cares about its population, a country that is experiencing a number of economic and social difficulties, but which... this is in general, in my opinion, in a stable state, she cannot randomly choose partners, she must understand with whom she will set up her future, in this sense, of course, china, we see this in many chinese publications and even in conversations, i really expected would that
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the situation with ukraine will end quickly, china will subsequently resume its trade with european countries, but china was dealt a very serious blow by the cessation of trade, more than forty large ones...
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we have an absolutely common platform for moving forward, we both both countries feel that we do not occupy the place in world politics that we deserve, they are constantly trying to push us aside and solve fundamental issues without us. china is offended by this, russia is even more offended, and it seems to me that russia today took the step which china would like to make, more aggressive, more tough, but for many reasons it did not do this. china is testing , including in the russian situation, that... to be used against china, if china agrees to this, of course, we have deep military-political cooperation, we have children, this is not, again, not a figure of speech, china really hopes that the hot phase of the nwo will be established as quickly as possible,
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because it is important for china now to stabilize its economy, but i think that the parasite paradoxically, this whole very negative situation in the world has created new channels. interaction between russia and china, this is felt, and at the same time, by the way, we have seen how reliable china is, it seems to me, very reliable, but we must understand, i also made one reservation, try to look at the situation from inside china, that’s what’s happening in russia, try to look from the point of view of a chinese expert or layman, and you will understand that china also needs some kind of guarantees that there will be no obvious swinging the pendulum and russia returning again somewhere to the west, when some of ours...
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i completely agree with this, moreover, i will say that of course, when the americans and europeans say that neither china nor india will like it if russia, so to speak , will have to resort to the use of nuclear
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weapons, i agree with this, because this will mean, well, because you are generally against their use, well, this is a global collapse, i don’t believe it, i repeat again, i don’t believe it to limited use of nuclear weapons. that, so to speak, uh, it can be controlled, so, well, some say that there are so many chinese, and there are so many indians, that there are still, well, well, let there be a billion. will disappear, but 500 million will remain, and they will live happily, they will not live happily, as one of the people who believes in the possibility of selective use of tactical weapons, i know you will agree that there are many people who are not going to sacrifice millions indians and chinese, although they believe that tactical nuclear weapons can be useful in terms of deterrence. all these models and we made models, americans, no one can predict with one hundred percent certainty what
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will happen there, whether there will be a nuclear winter or a nuclear summer or something else, what will happen to the orbit of our planet if there is a simultaneous attack, what will happen with the yellowstone volcano or with the californian fault, no one, not a single model can say 100%, fortunately, we generally have a practical question about the use of nuclear weapons. not worth it, but i i want that macron, for example , too, little napoleon, it seems to me that he is haunted by laurels, not even napoleon, he is foreseeing perhaps some kind of, so to speak, you know, diplomatic solution to the conflict, and that in the end in the end, all this will end at the table , so he wants to repeat the fate of general de gaulle, you understand that when you remember how ferenmash case said, and these also defeated us, the french, with their help to ukraine, find... somewhere in twentieth place , about 4 billion euros in total were installed there, well, wheeled tanks, there
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some kind of air defense systems, something else, a lot of promises, a lot of chatter, but in fact it is somewhere in the second ten, but how many seals, how many, so to speak, no red lines, we do what we want, maybe he has a task this, well, maybe this is his task, but he looks quite funny, from my point of view.
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the united states is on the verge of a serious crisis, or maybe a crisis is already underway, it seems to us that it has not yet developed, but they are on the verge of a crisis all these elections. this whole situation, trump, biden, all these appeals on the issue of china, russia, says that the united states is weakening, weakening , weakening, their path is very similar to our path in the 80s . i agree that the united states is weakening, that this is an objective process, but it also seems to me that the united states still has great resources, and most importantly...
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that he does not see the need to change the nuclear doctrine, and the nuclear doctrine, from my point of view, allows adequately protect russia's national interests, and no one, of course, no one, at least in the russian leadership, will treat the issue of nuclear weapons lightly and think that it can be used, be it strategic or tactical, and after that everything will seem to be... and safely, but i also think that, given the enormous economic resources
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of the russian opponents, considering how many people they have and what the population of russia is, i i believe that for russia nuclear deterrence is absolutely legal and absolutely necessary, but how best to ensure it is a separate issue. and i think it would be advisable to find time on one of our programs and talk about this professionally, for now, let's let's finish. on and this is largely due to the fact that russia, not only military, but also the colossal economic and ideological offensive of the collective west, that this
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offensive is already clear, ended in failure. it was a great game, we'll see you on the air . next week, dear ladies, i am glad to congratulate you on march 8th and international women's day, i wish you what you wish for yourself, a good mood.
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this is a sign, can we finally get to you, it’s only because i’m scared that i can let you in, hello, hello, hello, scary people, come in, guys, you all know where we’re going already, settle down, how many times, yes, and do you
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remember how it is at tukhmanov’s, according to the wave of my memory, do you remember, and according to the waves of my memory? this is understandable, but to go to moscow, to the capital, without work, without housing, that’s where, for example, zhvanetsky lived, he rented an apartment at the beginning, he rented near the airport, he rented a one-room apartment, but work already appeared, so... my magazine, student meridian, and why is this, work in moscow, well then there is something for him if he didn’t have a work book,
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of course, well of course, well of course, and then. they proved to each other the entire bureaucratic chain that he was needed, in russia it is impossible to get through without connections, without the right people, the cosmonauts helped, the cosmonauts to whom he read into orbit from the mission control center, they asked, and he alone, he read to them into orbit , he saw them, they laughed in their spacesuits in their weightlessness, and they also helped, komsomol central committee, what are you saying, they were advanced there. the guys appreciated him and helped him get an apartment on the small komsomol lane, even iosif dobich kabzon helped roma kartsev and vita, in my opinion, too, the three of them were helped, everyone who loved and understood zhvanetsky helped, so those who understood zhvanetsky and appreciated, those were then, well, let’s put it this way
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, fans who already understood what zhvanetsky was, well, he was 50. already almost, well, almost, about 50, and how did he feel about the need to start everything over again, to win a place for himself in the sun of the russian passion, well, how , well, he was already known, he was already popular in people, tapes, tapes, avas was already there, he was already in the greek hall, in the greek hall, well , it’s okay, but we already knew that it was yes, the head of the transport department, it was already there, right? yes, tapes, tapes, tapes, hits, when he first appeared on television, remember? i think it was, uh, in the show around the laughter. the program that tatyana paukhova started, she was on television, an editor, she came up with this
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program, it was hosted by alexander ivanov alexander ivanov, yes, i remember, she already knew misha, she appreciated and dragged him through, it was necessary to squeeze through, or they helped you, they dragged you through, they dragged you through, ladies and girls, what is the joy and charm of meeting with... women, where are these abysses hiding? we drink, smoke, play dominoes, overeat , lie on the sofas, and then
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it’s not enough to live with them, wrinkles at 30, bags around the eyes at 35, bellies at 40, who can be happy with us, only a volunteer? they earn, of course, more than us, our women, we have already come to terms with this. they look better, we have come to terms with this too, they dress more beautifully, now we are trying to do something, jabot, lace collars, brooches on the neck, well, where, with a bald spot on the head, a brooch on the neck will not get you far, and what gaits we have from lying on sofas for a long time, sitting at work, and teeth from smoking, eating sweet, salty, bitter and disgusting, and eyes in which only the ceiling is reflected, the authorities went, well, they got used to it, gradually, they got used to it, there is such a zhvanetsk, so i’m making it up, he was in a suit, a tie in a white shirt, without a beard, which is
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the main thing, so he didn’t cause bad emotions in the authorities, so god knows, they they said the odessa tongue twister, they didn’t have time to figure it out, so quickly, quickly, the audience laughs, what did he say , what did he say, repeat what he said , they didn’t catch up, now that’s a good term, they caught up, thank god, they didn’t catch up, as i understand it , that from that moment you began to find out, he became a welcome guest in companies, he was invited often, it was, it was happiness to get zhvanetsky into the company, well, what was left of her was that he had to constantly read, read, read, no, he needed it, not so much there were concerts then, and he needed to check the works, and for this he needed an audience, he didn’t understand what to check, but he checked the texts, he wasn’t sure.
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they dragged him to all the companies and everyone probably wanted to have a drink with him, but of course, then he says, the works there were successful, that is, he liked to drink, well, this contributed
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to the perception, he liked with friends, he didn’t like to just drink, drank moderately, as he also described how he once got drunk with this odessa homemade wine there in company, and how he sat on on on... at a tram stop, and there was a roundabout in arcadia, there was a dacha, he sat in the level and saw his friends off, asking where we were, and this is a roundabout, they ’ll be back now, after all, who am i to drink, what do i need more than anyone else? i need to, don’t drink, go on a diet , do exercises, what am i doing to myself, excuse me, i can’t have alcohol, i’ll have a glass of juice, some berevodka, don’t be smart, who are you, what are you up to, look how many people are suffering, pensioners without medicine, young people without prospects, and he can’t drink alcohol, let everyone take a break, and he’ll be on skiing on whose background
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, against whose background do you want to live for a long time, what do you want, then she can tell the truth to someone, you can’t, we mean, you can, you’ve seen real generals, the figure exudes joy, the uniform bursts, the stripes go into the cheeks, a nose the color of a red flag may fall , he will never do push-ups, a traffic cop is standing at his post, regulating
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traffic, without words, thank you for your attention, in moscow he began to form a new social circle, well, he moved with the guys, and everything else was already acquired here, and from who did this circle of friends consist of, writers, artists, directors, well, who could he then call close friends of arkady arkanov?
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of course, bagema, but high-flying bagema , no, bagema is when there’s a party every day, yes, when you’re always in the light, in the lead, no, no, no, this, no, this didn’t happen, you couldn’t afford this, he had to work all the time, he had to be a working man, a proletarian, in fact, yes, and he had to write, he had to earn money, he had to perform, he had to make his way,
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that is, he still needed more solitude. noise, yes, yes, yes , yes, as he called himself, he says, to the concert, he was buzzing, i’m like a parrot, they covered me with a blanket , i’m sitting in a cage, no sound, nothing, they opened it, took off my clothes, started drinking, started talking, so, of course, of course, he needed solitude, here is the contrast, loneliness in the evening and in odessa, he worked in odessa, the boldensky autumn was in odessa.
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very difficult, when, tell me, there was an easy time, and if we had met in thirty- seven or fifty-two, so when they say that we are meeting in difficult times , the year need not be specified and the country need not be named, but today is a very difficult time, very, very, very, shops, bastards are full as never before, pharmacies are full, cars, streets are bursting, you can’t put your foot in steppe, i saw somewhere in the steppe in... we live hard, you don’t know which beggar, “i don’t solve this question, at such a time in which passage the mobile phone suddenly rings, i understand what i’m talking about, if i didn’t understand, i wish i didn’t understand, of course, naturally, this minority is fattening, but there’s an awful lot of this minority
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.” you just can’t get away with it, yes, i understand that it’s in moscow, they take you to it, but i ’ve seen this moscow before, then they took you to it, a declaration of love. love, a festive concert in the kremlin , the premiere is tomorrow on the first, tell me, zhivansky managed to fall in love with moscow when this happened, or did it remain for him only a city of great opportunities, a city, a city of life, well, he wasn’t, he was an odessa resident, he’s not, well, odessa - this is love, and moscow is the homeland, and moscow is a city for...
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in the provinces you can remain decent and live, this is the rarest case, in the capital in moscow, in moscow you are either decent or you live, i go out onto the balcony in odessa, i hear laughter, i go out at dawn or at night, i hear some kind of woman scream, no way. wow, you immediately understand what is happening there, and then suddenly there is a feast, someone is singing there, someone is turning on karaoke, some people are getting up from the restaurant and walking, you can hear everything, even if you
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are sitting, just open windows, you are everything you hear, you can imagine life in moscow by the sounds life is on the brink of survival, i don’t know about you, but on the brink, you don’t feel your apartment, you don’t feel your wife. you know what it’s like to get there, this is moscow - a city of one thing, you can get there once , get out of there once, that’s it, in moscow we are here, unfortunately, in view
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of such poisoning by people, by so many people, we already treat human suffering as war, we treat death like in war, we see so much of this all, and you remember, you once asked me a question: that someone established all diseases from loneliness, so in moscow there is this wild feeling, crowds of lonely people. was he already married at the time of the move? no, no, not yet, yes, he didn’t yet know what kind of woman he needed forever, yes , of course, my dear, first of all, what kind of woman he needed and what kind of woman he needed, he wrote, you need to marry your own. so it was, but despite this in life, he was fond of women, he loved women, so , of course, he loved, he loved women,
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female beauty, he appreciated, he even wrote, he has wonderful works about womanizers, but womanizers are not, this is not simple, this is not a walker, this is a process of conquest. depending on who you're with, no, actually, he called love, suffering, that's how, when you 're in love, you become helpless, you're waiting
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for a call, you become like this, a little inhuman, he wrote it, it's all written, he was absolutely sincerely, he wrote everything. what he felt, what he thought, everything, that is, what zhvanetsky was like in love, you saw him in such a state, cheerful, still cheerful. the fighting eye was burning, the eye was burning, yeah, of course, but if, of course, they answered him, that is, when he found his wife, yes , everything else was over, everything was over, everything was over, did he cool down, stopped being young, or did this woman give him something new, completely different, i repeat, passion gradually.
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turned into a family, somehow this is how it happened, more than 30 years, together, yes, 30 years together, this is the text of it about my wife, turned into love, love gradually he was born, what is real humor, ability see? self-examination, self-criticism, these relationships when you drive your wife to hysterics, because you are twitching, because you don’t know what will happen, success or failure, before each concert there was one phrase: tooth does not fall on tooth, and it was true, tooth does not fall on tooth, no, you... you’ll go and perform, this is my conversation with
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my wife, no, you’ll go and give a concert, no, you’ll make the audience laugh, and i said you’ll make them laugh, and i said you’ll make them laugh, i told whom, come on, come to me, i told whom, come , so listen carefully, you will immediately stop crying, stop being capricious, wash your face, put on a blue suit, read everything i wrote this summer , you hear me, just try not to make me laugh , no, to make you laugh is one thing, but to make you laugh is another, and don’t bargain with me, remember , if you fail, that’s how it will be, come home, i’ll give it to you valerienka, and not consider yourself worse than others, “you hear, don’t
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poke an engineer’s diploma in my eyes, i spit on the diploma, make me laugh , bastard, make me laugh, bastard, how many years have you poisoned everyone, i can’t, i can’t, get off stage, until they laugh, stand to death, don’t you dare run backstage, stand by the deity, let them spit, let them whistle, stand there covered in shit until they laugh!" then bow and leave with dignity, you will cry at home, i haven’t seen many of these tears, i haven’t gotten enough of your readings, i’ve been driving this whole damn life with you into your head, you ’re talented, you talent, no, i'm mediocre, that means others are even more mediocre, go to the stage, go out, drag your damn insecurity and put it in front of those who paid money for it, show them what you're really worth, if you return home, if you you will still find me if i am still able to listen to your
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sudroki, that means i really have nowhere to go, and now i’m off to my tchaikovsky hall, i can’t see how many photographs you have, i’ve been living in different companies for a long time , there are no photographs here, unfortunately, no, no, someone photographed them, photographed them together, maybe about...
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he always completed this story, he says, and i thanked her all my life for this, after all. vladimir semyonovich, of course, well, what can i say, we couldn’t help but know each other, he was very popular, and so was i, because i was already on tape, the goroguly captain arrived
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georgia, suddenly arranges a reception, which means i worked in the mezihol, and i take from the mezihol. a very beautiful actress, i just go up to her and say: do you want to have a delicious meal? then who wouldn’t want it? we ate, then sang, all of moscow was there. volodya vysotsky came with podbolotov, such a great story, podbolotov sang well, by the way, and i came with this actress, yes, the only condition, i say, you are with me, so that there are no conversations, you are really good, but you are with me . that's it, then we'll do it all, i'll let you go, everything, that means volodya sang, i read something there, it was wonderful, that means then the evening ended, everyone went down the elevator, yes, and before that in odessa, volodya and i walked around odessa, with
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vysotsky, and he tells me, for i’m a stranger’s woman to the house, i say, what are you talking about? in short, we all came down from this big ball, which means we are standing with her, which means that somewhere at the gates of this russia hotel, an absolutely luxurious green mercedes 280 sel drives up, under the leadership of vladimir semenovich vysotsky, and he says, well , he says, let's go. so that it was clear to you, here i am standing with this very briefcase, there is a snowball of smoke from a mercedes, everything that remains of what could have been, i am standing with
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a briefcase, everyone surrounded me, it means, well, who, who slid, who was on banquet. i say: misha, what are you doing, he has nothing to do with it at all, i say, of course, i immediately agreed, he says, it ’s her, i say, yes, that’s understandable , don’t worry, i say, yes, i’m not worried, even i am proud of those who stole my woman, listen, oleg. and i, remember, talked about some wonderful cassette from carnigehola, where is it? wow, this is an ordinary vhoeska, yes, my dear, where can we see it, so please. bedroom , bedroom, only there is antique equipment , come on, tell me please, and after
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perestroika you traveled a lot, traveled a lot abroad, yes, all roads opened, all roads opened, when you got to new york, may 25, 1994 year, it was misha’s sixtieth birthday, and the hall was decorated, all the diamonds of brighton were present in the hall. let's see, come on, i think i look good, even so good that i'm sometimes afraid to distract attention from the text, these 60 years that i, which i brought with me today to meet with you, ultimately passed before everyone’s eyes, everything that i did for you is not a secret, you know me better than anyone a man knows his wife, especially since i don’t know who can boast that he knows his wife well, so we have arrived, we are here, today the american administration is not...
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today there will be tears on the stage, laughter , laughter, tears, well, tears - this is our life, laughter is an escape from it, the funniest thing in this life is this is what we are counting on, the result we get is even funnier, so you are all sitting in the hall counting on something, and the result is standing in front of you. misha wrote an amazing text, yeah, but they couldn’t understand, crayfish were five, crayfish were three, the translator translated, well, there are big lobsters, no, well, there were some.
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we will translate i yesterday saw crayfish for 5 rubles, but big, and today they were three rubles , but small, those were large, but five, and these were small, but three, those were yesterday, but five, but big, and these are three, but small, but today, yesterday there were five, but very big, and these are small, but today, very small, but three, that’s it, that’s enough, translate, he says that he saw yesterday,
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well, there are such river lobsters, big, wait, are river lobsters big? well, he says that he saw big ones, their price was 5 rubles. and today he saw small river mosquitoes, 3 rubles each. so he remembers that they were 5 rubles each, because they were big, are these from yesterday? yes, but today’s ones are 3 rubles, because they were small, but so what? here you go he jokes that yesterday’s ones were sold for five because they were big, and today’s ones were for three because... or small? and what does he say that he is popular there? he says
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this, i don’t understand, is he the only one who says this or does anyone else say this? well, here’s our cultural attache, just foaming at the mouth, he recommended him. so, come on again, tell me about these amaras, just slow down, humor, uh, is untranslatable, it’s like translating from life. for life, oh, so, who is this, i think it’s vladimir vladimirovich pozner, i’ll go i’ll open it, my dear, well , well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, hello, so, well, to say that i didn’t expect it, it would be stupid, come in, i was born here, no, yes, but i think i ’ll help, come on, can you find some tea?
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with mikhail mikhailovich on you, we were on you , yes, when, when you see, i actually met him very late, that is, i knew about him, of course, who didn’t know, but i personally met in the jury of the triumph, yeah, it was an elite group of brilliant, talented people, and some were geniuses, i
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think, in particular mikhail mikhailovichenie. he was a genius, i think so, can you explain later or right away? you know, i can, a genius sees in a way that others don’t see, he sees differently, in this sense, of course, absolutely, he saw what we see, but in a completely different way, so he could express it like that, then i i’ll go a little further in this direction, here’s the first one, where was when he was the first to text you, or the first time he approached you...
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according to the picture that arose, how close were you? we weren't close, i think it's my fault because one day he told me he called and said: “listen, come to our place for cognac, i have friends here,” but i couldn’t, i said mikhail mikhailovich, i can’t, he never called me again, uh-huh, he never offered again, he was so touchy , he was a touchy person, that’s 100%, but what can geniuses do?
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i know better for a long time, keep first place and live longer, strong, elegant, beautiful, i really value this thing, but tell me, this is how a multilingual, well , multicultural person is, but in zhvanetsky’s humor he
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is only our domestic, completely incomprehensible there on the other side. no, that is, he in no way, he can’t understand in any way what the humor is, yes, what you disagreed about, i think we disagreed on the fact that i am a more categorical person than he is, if we talk about differences, he still would protest, somehow like that, yes, to oppose himself, to expose himself
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to danger, but he wouldn’t, no, he wouldn’t, yeah. there is nothing like that, that is, he was a coward, cautious, what does this mean? careful, yes, he wrote about it himself, listen, so you remember yavtushenko, but what about your neighbor? and galilee was not galilee stupider, he knew that the earth was spinning, but he had a family, after all, can you say in more detail what kind of person he was? i think that he was a reflective person, who thought a lot and was tormented about what was happening in general in particular, and... he was a very sensual person, of course, who loved and appreciated women, in this we coincided quite well , yes, but not
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boorish, not rude, completely different, beauty, yes, he really appreciated, he really appreciated beauty, he was a kind man, undoubtedly, kind, and kind - what is this, kind - this is kind, this is kind - this is a person who will help you if you... need it, who responds to some things, in general, a kind person, this was, of course, to a certain extent a narcissistic person , who understood who he was, who understood that he entered russian literature, he entered and will remain in russian literature, i think that he was not a very good parent, in the sense that he was a teacher... like that, it seems to me, he was a child himself, i mean, yes, that he has children there, a son or something like that, i have a lot of children, they say, well, maybe, i don’t know, but he doesn’t seem like such a good dad to me, i
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think he was an amazing lover, absolutely, absolutely amazing, but what kind of husband he was, it’s hard for me to say, it’s not me you should ask , he has not been with us for 2 years already, almost 2 years, is this land empty?
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it’s called, you have to be able to, you have to be able to leave a bad movie, leave a bad book, leave a bad person, there are many of them, it’s not good to leave something, even leave mediocrity, there are many of them, time is more valuable, it’s better to sleep, it’s better eat, it’s better to look at the fire, at the child, at the woman, at the water, music has become the enemy of man, music is imposed, gets into the ears, through those. through the ceiling, through the floor, you inhale the music, the beats of synthesizers , low blows in the chest, high itches under fillings, the performance is less arrogant, but you can’t leave it either, they shush you, they pull you back, the computer
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is sticky, glows like a ghost, invites you like an oriental bazaar, you dig around, you search, but you find something, you don’t adapt it, the thoughts are general, the words are general, no, life is short, only the book is delicate. took it off the shelf i looked through it, put it down, there is no arrogance in it, it doesn’t penetrate you, it stands on the shelf, is silent, waiting to be taken into warm hands, it will open up, if it were like that with people, there are many of us, you can’t look through them all, even one, even your own , even yourself, life is short, something will open itself, for which you set the rules, there is no time for the rest, there is only one law, throw, run, slam or not open, so as not to give it a moment for...
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vitsia ilchenka, roma kartsev , bulata kudzhava, bela akhmadulina, the departure of these people, loved ones.
1:03 am
hello, i'm pilot cosmonaut anton shkaplerov, this is a podcast about space stories. on march 9, yuri alekseevich gagarin would have turned 90 years old. he did what seemed impossible; with his first bold step, he literally burst in. outer space, my guest today is my old friend, my real teacher, major general, first deputy head of the zhukovsky air force engineering academy, professor, candidate of technical sciences, vyacheslav konstantinovich markov. hello. today we want to remember what gagarin was like, talk about his heroic flight, and, of course, understand why his name is forever inscribed in the history of the whole person. i know that you
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began your studies at the academy together with sagarin on september 1 , 1961, by that time he had already become famous, he had completed his space flight. please tell us about your first meeting and what it was like? yes, indeed, you are right that on september 1, 1961, yuri alekseevich and i stood in the same formation. september 1 is the general formation of all personnel . academy, in the foreground stood two cosmonauts, yuri alesevich gagarin and german stepanovich titov. this means that at first everything was mixed, but after a month and a half or two, i don’t remember exactly now, they began to not always attend classes, they were allocated to a separate group, but i must say that the program was absolutely the same, they had to get the full engineering education program. so sergei pavlovich korolev, it
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was he who recommended them to enter the shukovsky academy, to be honest, they wanted to enter the gagarin academy like everyone else pilots? well, of course, like all pilots , this is natural, but sergei pavlovich insisted that they enter the zhukovsky academy, and here i would like to especially note that the cosmonauts, of course, were exceptional people, because, you know, they were recruited from several thousand people were taken away. at first 32, then it became even less, they studied very conscientiously, it was more difficult for them to study than for us, ordinary students, well, they were in plain sight, they were ashamed to get there unprepared, get an unsatisfactory tarsus, i excellent them i understand, 100 eyes were watching them, they studied longer than us, we studied for 5 years, they studied for 7 years in order to complete the same program, it turns out they...


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